316946 (SATT)C27ZEINJ MM: M.2 2=i r , 0 �r: - �'" 19 C. 7-mil'i 0:42 9099552022 BS RECORDS PAGE 02 HEADQUARTERS o%N DEPAWMAWOF BUILDING4 SAFETY coumff of NVIM106 ifl I ""m Am it, OL&ZK $ 9 41-1 --Ze JUNITs 'SO. Ft. d. YARD SPKLR SYSTEM 50. FT. moelkmmk $VC SARSINK so. FT. FOWEROWIV R" DAAir4S SQ 1R. T MINACf PIPING 19a FT. 0 DRINKING FOUNTAIN I -am FT. URINAL NVALIJAWNCAVI WATER PIPING ftK wova— SWIM Pm, PVT FLOOR DRAIN MM4ANICAL FEB $WI m PCKX' COMA wA'ER SOFTENER _Q'tVAP. QXX X"mo slom WASHERMUTO.70ftii GARBAGE 0($P'JSAL— WAU C) IPLOM 0 SLWMDM LAUNDRY TRAY CFM IDLE METER TCAEN SINK S.T,U. TEMP USE PERMIT ., VC WATER CLOSET )HP POLE, I`lw/PfRm LAVATORY PEW GRAVITY AMPERES SERV EN' &MOWER TLU. SO, FT. BATH TUB $0. FT. (3 WATER MEATER FLTLU $0. FT, MID I fit G SEWAGE DISPOSAL A SE SEWER GA5 PIPING ....... ... PERMIT FEf jPtRMIfFEE C*o FCE 'ATC T. i ea 1 tL.E smllll E E Pkv b0 0 2- . ............. �4 f Qlf v L 12 -AM s �?'/ C.P. v., .... ...... lye - C-1 k EEL- "•j'u,, _ � •i lids '�t�,A/MAI/�1� 08/06/2003 10:42 9099552022 BS RECORDS PAGE 05 -94 ;. �.I;%lXM��T -BUILDtkd Ab $ AF TY �r ,i'- :cotn."T�r OP''R'fER5iaE t NOTICE T0. APPLICANT the provisions of..$tate. of Cal.tfornia Labor Code Sec[.idn Canx :afia11 'have on .f le.•dr. file wil.:h the Riverside Cdunty ent•.oE::Builcting'And Safety a certificate an designated in Iteatis I or b ...4c::.''hill indicate Item III, IV or V, whichever is applicable..., CERTIFICATE OF APPLICANT :'-mark-'the appropriate block: , c I.:: Certificate of Consent to self -insure issued by the ..Director of Industrial Relations. Copy on file Copy s•ibmitted ct' II. Certificate of Workers' Comperisa::ion Insurance issued by ari.admitted insurer. x:• Copy m file a Copy submitted The cost of the Work to be performed is $100 or ,less. Iy: I certify that in the performance of the work for which this permit is' issued, I shall not employ any person in any' manner so as to become s,ib j ec t to the Workerz' Sy...; Compensation laws of California, I further certify that, *.>••�1�l;"�:;::.: in the event I become subject to the Workers' Compensation F,L 4•.. provisions of the Labor Code that I will comply forthwith with therow Tp+�. �:^,.,, •: p is ions of Labor Codc Section 3700, et seq. , and understand that, if I do not comply, the permit shall be deemed revoked. I certify as the owner Y (or the aFent ^f the owner) that in erf the performance of the work for which this .s• p permit is issued ,,�,'�X''•°•:::.::::::... I have engaged contractor, (Contractor must have on file, or submit certificate required by I or It above.) 'Cint's S ar e }, tate Z 1971Permit No. as and location where work is to be performed fil" 4i Rev. 6/77 OM 08/06/2003 10:42 ..90.99552022 BS RECORDS PAGE 06 •,``•L , i � •° � . ho�.,��S�tM►aM•w4l �:M4:a•vA�+�.:,�.y,,,,;..h�,MMlta�,.w/�u i 2`� r.'.y i:'. ��..G':�., ! j-._W_IDTA�l� LDING 'PERMIT iiiifom TO CpkSTRlJCT `6ii�ltyhilky­ ! ;OF CUILDINq.AHo SAF il y -COUNTY 6F llfrilt�II69: A. 44 . ;ojoA_ D, Address,---, 4ZT�l .'City- -'— bty_ CI Phone_ wI,.0d.fir r* mllicAliom And agree th.t if &�h Ar'td l5kitte s" CIC�`14d bv the COLW*V Of ANCtside the Riverside Couniv It -of 'ALAI�H-,Ol h4we 5ters mcf:'. i a," 6;1� ...;4jji, that ml "fk I% to ba, jocka wlf(.lrs lho--cc�l�ilklw Vier *i,iQi`i*d that I twat —11 net OccuPy 14ill QPOCIC"Y and wit ru)f C4,,c aid promri y !a be ";�o I j -(we) RlvmWu Of CQIIIC�niil 00ve rlino 2ald t Iry 0' TURi'OF.OWNER A 4D /OR pproval by Signature from the Following Di II)lttmenh M II * Obtained Pril t* Air 111111I Of 4 'Co"9111rioction Permit.' S P A C E'P'Q, G:+'•. SINGLE FAMDUPLEX FAMILY APARTMENTS -AGII ts COMMERCIAL INDUSTRIAL wit" ALTERATIONS ED PLANS --.--:-]USE '.OF PERMIT __DVI PACE$ REQUIRED NO. OF SUfLOINGS NOW kTGACKS, FRONT 201 IS�REAP 2I f NO LOT SIZE­ OF-.-.-... . FEET REOUIRED Dq 0 %id STREET SIGNATURE OF LAND USE OF r )CIA L . .... . 10116kilON REQUIRED: YES E: NO 0 NO. OF FEET UKII -AND GUTTER REQUIRED; YES (3 NO C STO E7 ST it :• CA4N CURB AND GUTTER FEASIBLY BE INSTALLED? Y5.-j C NC5 AN., ACCEPTABLE APPI 16 . TION BEEN MADE FOR ENCROA'04MENT PERMIT FOR- DRIVEWAY AND STREET', N OVVA .0 NO SIGNATURE or AD:PTOFF IAL VC11 PC LIC A*E DISPOSAL OLLUTON REMARKS LUT tl1c, -000 CONTROL----_ AIR POILL.UT11014 .............. Olv­ OF Hwy YOUR PROPERTY MAY BE SUBJECT TO . .. .......FLOOD. RIVERSIDE COUNTY ASSUMES '40 RESPONSIBILITY IN EVENT OF FLOOD, CANARY FILE. III APPLICANT . . . . . . ..... ...