Davis, Mike/9-11 Memorial Fundraising 12P.O. Box 1504
78 -495 CALLF TAMPICO (760) 777 -7000
LA QUINI'A, CALIFORNIA 92253 FAX (760) 777 -7101
January 30, 2012
Mr. Mike Davis
54785 Avenida Rubio
_La. Quinta,- CA 9225.3_
Re: 9/11 Memorial and Funds Collected
Dear Mr. Davis:
This letter will confirm our understanding relating to the fundraising
efforts you and your son have undertaken for the 9/11 Memorial to be
located on the Civic Center Campus.
Your son initiated the concept of the proposed 9/11 Memorial on the
Civic Center Campus. In `order to help facilitate the proposal, you and
your son have conducted fundraising efforts to obtain 'private funding to
help offset the costs associated with the 9/11 Memorial.
To date, I understand you have raised $7,000, and you plan to continue
raising funds through the construction period. The $7,000, plus any
additional funds raised prior to the commencement of construction, shall
be paid to the City upon the City's request prior to commencement of
construction._ In addition, you will transmit to the City any additional
funds raised after the commencement of construction on behalf of the
9/11 Memorial project. In undertaking the fundraising, it is important
that you not make any representations or promises on behalf of the City.
As you know, the City is relying upon the private funds raised for the
project in order to be able to proceed with its construction.
Please sign this original letter where- indicated below and return to me in
the +envelope provided. We have enclosed an extra copy-of the letter for
your records.' - . :
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�� J
Interim City Manager
I agree to and acknowledge the.above statements.
Dated: 2- 1 y/1 Z
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