2012 02 21 CC MinutesLA QUINTA CITY COUNCIL MINUTES FEBRUARY 21, 2012 A regular meeting of the La Quinta City Council was called to order at the hour of 4:00 p.m. by Mayor Adolph. PRESENT: Council Members Evans, Franklin, Henderson, Osborne, Mayor Adolph ABSENT: none Mayor Adolph led the audience in the Pledge of Allegiance. CLOSED SESSION — NONE PUBLIC COMMENT NONE CONFIRMATION OF AGENDA Council Members Henderson and Franklin requested that Consent Calendar Item 10 be considered separately. PRESENTATIONS — NONE ANNOUNCEMENTS AND WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS Council Member Henderson announced that she received a letter of appreciation from Ron Davis for the athletic awards event hosted by the City. APPROVAL OF MINUTES MOTION — A motion was made by Council Members Franklin /Evans to approve the minutes of the special meeting of January 24, 2012. Motion passed unanimously. MOTION — A motion was made by Council Members Evans /Franklin to approve the minutes of the regular meeting of February 7, 2012. . Motion passed 4 -0 -1 with Council Member Osborne abstaining due to his absence from that meeting. CONSENT CALENDAR 1. APPROVAL OF DEMAND REGISTER DATED FEBRUARY 21, 2012 2. RECEIVE AND FILE TREASURER'S REPORT DATED DECEMBER 31, 2011 3. RECEIVED AND FILE REVENUE AND EXPENDITURE REPORT DATED DECEMBER 31, 2011 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES 1 FEBRUARY 21, 2012 4. ITEM PULLED FROM AGENDA. 5. ACCEPTANCE OF AVENUE 50 PAVEMENT RECONSTRUCTION IMPROVEMENTS, PROJECT 2011 -11 6. APPROVAL TO EXCUSE BOARD MEMBER FRANK BLUM FROM THE FEBRUARY 8, 2012 INVESTMENT ADVISORY BOARD MEETING 7. , APPROVAL OF RIVERSIDE COUNTY TRANSPORTATION COMMISSION TRANSPORTATION DEVELOPMENT ACT ARTICLE 3 FUNDS BICYCLE AND PEDESTRIAN FACILITIES PROGRAM, FINANCIAL STATEMENTS AND SUPPLEMENTAL DATA FOR FISCAL YEAR ENDED JUNE 30, 2011 8. APPROVAL OF PLANS, SPECIFICATIONS AND ENGINEER'S ESTIMATE, AUTHORIZATION TO ADVERTISE FOR BID, AND APPROPRIATION OF FUNDING FOR THE SENIOR CENTER HVAC UPGRADE, PROJECT 2011-13 9. APPROVAL OF REQUEST TO EXTEND DEADLINE FOR COMPLETION IN AGEDA CAMARGO'S CODE COMPLIANCE CASE 10. ITEM PULLED FOR DISCUSSION.• APPROVAL OF PLANS, SPECIFICATIONS AND ENGINEER'S ESTIMATE, AUTHORIZATION TO ADVERTISE FOR BID, AND APPROPRIATION OF FUNDING FOR SECURING AND STABILIZATION CITY -OWNED PROPERTIES, PROJECT 2011 -12 11. APPROVAL OF CONTRACT CHANGE ORDER NO. 10 FOR NEW TRAFFIC SIGNAL AND STREET IMPROVEMENTS AT DUNE PALMS ROAD AND 'A' STREET, PROJECT 2009 -10 MOTION - A motion was made by Council Members Henderson /Franklin to approve the Consent Calendar as recommended, with the exception of Item 10. Motion carried unanimously. CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM #10 APPROVAL OF PLANS, SPECIFICATIONS AND ENGINEER'S ESTIMATE, AUTHORIZATION TO ADVERTISE FOR BID, AND APPROPRIATION OF FUNDING FOR SECURING AND STABILIZATION CITY PROPERTIES, PROJECT 2011 -12 Council Member Henderson explained that these dirt lots were currently being used by the public as overflow lots during events in the Old Town area. She expressed concern that folks would come to rely on these lots being available for parking. Ms. Henderson stated the need to move forward with dust stabilization of the lots because the windy season was approaching. CITY COUNCIL MINUTES 2 FEBRUARY 21, 2012 Council Member Franklin questioned the city's ability to use AB939 funds to install recycled surface material on the lots for dust control. She also asked if the bollard and cable system proposed to secure the lots would be removable, and if so, would city staff be required to lock /unlock the security system for each event. Ms. Franklin stated that these city lots should be used for special events only. Mayor Adolph stated that he was concerned about the aesthetics of the stabilization material - gravel or grass was acceptable to him but not asphalt paving. Public Works Director Jonasson stated that he would return with a report that addresses Council Members' concerns, including a recommended surface material, AB939 qualification, the specific lots involved, and the policy for special event use of the lots. MOTION - A motion was made by Council Members Henderson /Evans to approve staff's recommendation and directing staff to return to Council with a report on recommended stabilizing material, use of AB939 funding, list of the city -owned lots involved, and the policy and process for use. BUSINESS SESSION 1. CONSIDERATION OF A DESIGN, LOCATION, APPROPRIATION OF ART IN PUBLIC PLACES FUNDING, AND AN AGREEMENT FOR INSTALLATION OF THE 9/11 MEMORIAL ART AT THE CIVIC CENTER CAMPUS Community Services Director Hylton presented the staff report, and informed Council that key project volunteers were in the audience: Andrew Davis, project originator and fundraiser, Robert Radi, designer and sponsor, and Werner Boettcher, installation contractor and supervisor. Council Members Franklin and Henderson clarified that the $34,750 from city funds for this project comes from the Art -in- Public- Places account which is funded by special Developer Impact Fees. This is a dedicated account that by law cannot be used for other purposes or transferred to other funds. In response to Council Member Henderson, Director Hylton explained that the installation will include a plaque listing the donors. The language for the plaque was being drafted, and it will be manufactured once Andrew Davis completes the fundraising. Council Members will have an opportunity to view the plaque prior to its installation. CITY COUNCIL MINUTES 3 FEBRUARY 21, 2012 Council Member Evans noted the desirability of the first choice location for the art installation - its prominence and proximity to the library was appropriate. She asked for an estimate of the project costs if no donations or volunteers were involved. Director Hylton estimated that the total would be 20% to 30% higher. Mayor Adolph stated that it was important for the plaque to clearly state the source of the steel fragment and the community's purpose in recognizing it so that no one would forget the events of September 11 ". Regarding the city expenditure of $34,750, Mayor Adolph clarified that this was the maximum amount to be allocated, and that this figure would be reduced by the amount of additional donations collected by Andrew Davis. Council Members expressed their pride in Andrew Davis, commended his work for the community, and thanked Mr. Radi, Mr. Boettcher and all the volunteers and donors. Council Members also offered their congratulations on the Eagle Scout badge Andrew Davis earned as a result of this project. MOTION - A motion was made by Council Members Henderson /Franklin to approve the design depicted in the staff report, the appropriation of $34,750 from the Art in Public Places fund, installation to be situated on the vacant twenty -foot pad close to the library in the northwest corner of the civic center campus, and an agreement with Boettcher Concrete Construction for materials and equipment, and volunteer construction management. Motion carried unanimously. 2. CONSIDERATION OF A GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT, ZONE CHANGE AND /OR CODE AMENDMENT INVOLVING CERTAIN CITY -OWNED PROPERTIES LOCATED IN THE LA QUINTA VILLAGE Planning Director Johnson presented the staff report. Council Member Henderson suggested that this review process begin with examining the Specific Plan for the village area prepared many years ago because the vision for the area has not changed. She also reminded staff that an extensive parking study was done some years ago and that this, too, should be reexamined to take advantage of past hard work. Council Members Evans and Osborne stated the need for zoning that provided the city with the most flexibility and greatest number of options for future use, taking into account that the city may not retain ownership. Mayor Adolph added that the zoning should designate the property for the use envisioned for the future if possible. CITY COUNCIL MINUTES 4 FEBRUARY 21, 2012 Director Johnson explained that staff's primary objectives are to (1) merge the lots into large lot holdings, which has recently been done, (2) examine property in the proximity of municipal facilities for potential zone changes, and (3) provide for the opportunity to stimulate new development in the village. Council Member Franklin clarified her intent in requesting that this item be on the agenda. Her intent was to impose the most restrictive possible zoning as soon as possible. Ms. Franklin reasoned that if the state required the city to dispose of these lots, the zoning should make it uncomfortable for just any buyer to comply because it would have very limited uses. She continued by stating that zoning decisions were one of the few powers left to cities. City Attorney Jenson informed Council that the goal for today was to get approval to initiate the evaluation process as required by Section 9 of the Municipal Code. She noted that staff intends to protect the city's interest in the land to the maximum extent possible, while being consistent with the overall vision for the village area. City Attorney Jenson said that this process may include designating the lots adjacent to the Civic Center Campus for public facility use if appropriate. She assured Council that all options, along with staff recommendations would be brought back to Council. MOTION — A motion was made by Council Members Evans /Henderson to direct staff to initiate a General Plan amendment, zone change and /or code amendment pursuant to La Quinta Municipal Code Section 9.220.010 (C) (2) and 9.230.010 (C) (2), for the city -owned properties located within the Village Commercial zoning district and report back to the City Council. Motion passed unanimously. 3. CONSIDERATION AND APPROVAL OF RECRUITMENT BROCHURE FOR CITY MANAGER RECRUITMENT Human Resources /General Services Manager Deeringer presented the staff report. The Council requested the following changes to the brochure: • Community section — change to "PGA West is known as the western home of golf in America" not the Stadium course. • Change cover photo to either the golf course photo displayed by staff, or a civic center campus photo that shows the mountains in the background. • Under Organization, add a bullet point regarding "conservative fiscal planning." • Add the Successor Agency to the list of City Council responsibilities. • Indicate that SilverRock is a city- owned, public or public resort golf course. • Fact -check the phrase, "...brings amateurs, celebrities and professionals together in a golfing format unlike any other on the PGA tour." • In Community section, mention residents sooner in the historic component. CITY COUNCIL MINUTES 5 FEBRUARY 21, 2012 • Mention the city's 30' anniversary or add the 30 " anniversary logo. • Under compensation, strike any mention of auto allowance. The Council committed to day -long candidate interviews on Friday, May 4, 2012. MOTION — A motion was made by Council Members Henderson /Franklin to approve the brochures with recommended changes noted above. Motion carried unanimously. 4. CONSIDERATION OF MID -YEAR BUDGET Finance Director Falconer presented the staff, report, and answered Council Members' questions regarding the following: Transient Occupancy Tax income Long -term bond investments Bond debt payments due in March and September of 2012 Reserve fund policies regarding deposits and withdrawals Decrease in Motor Vehicle in -lieu fees Recognized Obligation Payment Schedule of the former RDA MOTION — A motion was made by Council Members Osborne /Evans to (1) approve a decrease in estimated revenues totaling ($304,236) in the General Fund and an increase of $208,036 from other city funds as outlined in the staff report attachments 1 through 5, (2) approve an increase in appropriations, totaling $151,799 in the General Fund and a decrease in appropriations of ($164,569) in other city funds, as outlined in attachments 1 through 5 of the staff report, and (3) receive and file the fiscal year 2011/2012 mid -year budget report. Motion carried unanimously. 5. CONSIDERATION OF A SALES TAX SHARING AGREEMENT WITH LMLQ RESTAURANT, LLC FOR A FUTURE RESTAURANT AT 47-474 WASHINGTON STREET Council Member Osborne recused himself due to a business - client relationship with LMLQ Restaurant, LLC. Council Member Evans recused herself due to the proximity of this restaurant to her residence. Economic Development / Housing Manager Powell announced that Mr. Lee Morcus, representative of the Kaiser Restaurant Group / LMLQ, LLC, contacted her just prior to the meeting and asked for this item to be pulled from the agenda because his company would like to rethink their request. CITY COUNCIL MINUTES 6 FEBRUARY 21, 2012 MOTION — A motion was made b y continue this item at an unspecified Members Evans and Osborne absent. STUDY SESSION Council Members Franklin /Henderson to date. Motion passed 3 -0 -2 with Council 1. DISCUSSION OF ANNUAL FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT REVIEW Interim City Manager Weiss presented an overview of the Annual Financial Management Review process and introduced consultant Frank Spevacek, Principal of RSG, Inc., who presented the staff report. Mr. Spevacek reviewed the financial status of the city. He outlined staff's recommendations for a multi- faceted approach, which included increasing existing fees, exploring more aggressive enforcement options, letting sales tax and transient occupancy tax reimbursement agreements expire, procuring grants, evaluating employee compensation and benefits, reorganizing operations, and service reductions. Council Member Henderson reiterated her belief that the Council must look at all options listed first before considering any tax measure this year. Council Member Evans agreed that no stone should be left unturned. Starting internally was critical, and although there is difficult work ahead, she is confident that staff will be able to think creatively to decrease expenses and increase revenues. Council Member Franklin stated it was very important to highlight the fact that the deficit was not sustainable in the long term. Council Member Osborne stated that the deficit reduction - options presented in the staff report should be prioritized in a manner that places internal reductions at the top - not service level reductions or fee increases that impact residents. Mr. Osborne also stated that any fees that were increased should be representative of the cost of providing the services because he suspects that residents' disposable income today is not much greater than it was ten years ago. Council Member Osborne expressed concern about sustaining annual increases such as that of the Sheriff's budget. He noted that it will be impossible to keep it up; yet public safety was Council's number one priority. Mr. Osborne noted his belief that it's essential to develop a new economic development plan for the future. Although it will be very different from the plan in place ten years ago, he stated that it's a critical tool in reversing the current economic difficulties, and it should be a large part of financial management. CITY COUNCIL MINUTES 7 FEBRUARY 21, 2012 Mayor Adolph stated that, based on his meetings with hotel developers, there is interest in La Quinta and in SilverRock, but they are hesitant to move forward until the economy improves. 2. DISCUSSION OF CITY COUNCIL GOALS FOR FISCAL YEARS 2011/2012 AND 2012/2013 Management Analyst Santana presented the staff report. Council Member Henderson stated that she appreciated the abbreviated list of goals, agreed that they were the big, important items, and would not be adding any more to the list. Council Member Osborne requested that three items be added to Council goals: (1) Preparation of a new economic development plan, (2) formation of a temporary ad hoc budget subcommittee consisting of two Council Members, and (3) review of signage laws for small businesses. Council Members Osborne and Evans explained that an ad hoc budget subcommittee is desirable due to the upcoming changeover of top management staff. It will be useful to have two Council Members fully versed in the details of next year's 600 to 700 -page budget when a new City Manager and new Finance Director are getting up to speed. Ms. Evans stated that the subcommittee meetings would be question & answer sessions with staff for clarity and understanding rather than reworking department budgets. Mr. Osborne said that his goal for the subcommittee could be accomplished in two meetings. Council Member Franklin stated that she supported the preparation of a new economic development plan and a review of signage laws for all businesses, not just village businesses. The Council reached a consensus to form an ad hoc budget subcommittee to be formed at the next Council meeting. Interim City Manager Weiss stated that the Council goals and objectives would be amended to add an ad hoc budget subcommittee, and a review of signage. REPORTS AND INFORMATIONAL ITEMS Coachella Valley Conservation Commission (CVCC) — Council Member Franklin, who attended the meeting for Council Member Evans, reported that CVCC extended their contract with the Coachella Valley Mountains Conservancy for a reserve management unit plan regarding multi- species habitat conservation. She CITY COUNCIL MINUTES 8 FEBRUARY 21, 2012 announced that John Purcell is the new Executive Director of the Friends of the Desert Mountains. Regarding the Whitewater pathway project (1E11 ), Ms. Franklin relayed that the County Supervisor intends for $53 million to be spent in the Coachella Valley and that CVAG will be doing a grant. She commended staff on its forethought in providing for a 12' wide undercrossing in the Adams Bridge reconstruction project. Coachella Valley Association of Governments, Homelessness Committee - Council Member Osborne reported that Roy's Shelter in North Palm Springs has a current budget of $1.4 million of which $1.2 million is from Riverside County. That county contribution will be reduced to about $120,000, so Roy's Shelter may be facing closure. Roy's Shelter is preparing an operating budget based on the reductions, and it will be discussed at the next meeting along with contribution amounts to be committed by valley cities. . Coachella Valley Association of Governments, Public Safety Committee - Council Member Henderson stated that the Committee continues to discuss the State's realignment whereby it shifts offenders with minor charges to local jails. She was informed that 263 offenders will come into the valley with La Quinta receiving 11 who committed their offense within the city. Ms. Henderson alerted Council that this was another State action that will cost cities money because safety issues will escalate, as will the need to increase police budgets to handle it. League of California Cities Board Meeting - Council Member Henderson distributed to Council a document prepared by California Forward entitled: "Revenue and Taxation Policy Committee Proposed November Ballot Measure, January 2012." Ms. Henderson summarized the proposed measure, and stated that she will be urging votes not to sign or vote for this GOVERNMENT PERFORMANCE AND ACCOUNTABILITY ACT Initiative Measure 11 -0068. She explained that although it has many positive aspects, there were far too many unanswered questions, and more demands on cities. DEPARTMENT REPORTS No additional reports from staff. MAYOR'S AND COUNCIL MEMBERS' ITEMS - NONE Council Member Evans stated that she was disappointed in the recent TV coverage regarding the sports complex fields. It implied that the city was neglecting the field which was disheartening to read, knowing the large infrastructure investment and continuing material provisions made by the city. Mayor Adolph informed Council that subsequent to the TV story, he gave a phone interview to a reporter of The Desert Sun explaining all the City's contributions, but that information was not present in the article. The Mayor reminded the audience that these fields are not CITY COUNCIL MINUTES 9 FEBRUARY 21, 2012 city property, but owned by the Desert Sands Unified School District (DSUSD) to do with as they wished. Mayor Adolph announced that the SilverRock Resort Restaurant Grill has been recognized by the Riverside County Department of Health for its outstanding food. Council Member Franklin asked La Quinta Police Chief Raymond Gregory to share his news. Chief Gregory announced that after serving 20 months as La Quinta's Police Chief, he has been promoted to Chief Deputy Sheriff beginning March 8, 2012. PUBLIC HEARINGS - NONE ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, it was moved by Council Members Evans /Henderson to adjourn at 6:35 pm. Motion carried unanimously. Respectfully submitted, S I Susan Maysels Interim City Clerk City of La Quinta, California CITY COUNCIL MINUTES 1 10 FEBRUARY 21, 2012