2012 03 06 CCCity Council agendas and staff reports are available on the City's web page: www.la-quinta.org CITY COUNCIL AGENDA CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS 78-495 Calle Tampico, La Quinta, California Regular Meeting TUESDAY, MARCH 6, 2012 at 4:00 P.M. Beginning Resolution No. 2012-004 Beginning Ordinance No. 496 CALL TO ORDER Roll Call: Council Members: Evans, Franklin, Henderson, Osborne and Mayor Adolph PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE CLOSED SESSION — NONE PUBLIC COMMENT At this time members of the public may address the City Council on any matter not listed on the agenda. Please complete a "request to speak" form and limit your comments to three minutes. CONFIRMATION OF AGENDA PRESENTATIONS 1. PRESENTATION OF A RESOLUTION FROM THE COACHELLA VALLEY MOUNTAINS CONSERVANCY HONORING STANLEY SNIFF 2. PRESENTATION OF A PROCLAMATION TO LA QUINTA POLICE CHIEF RAYMOND GREGORY CITY COUNCIL AGENDA 1 MARCH 6, 201=. 001 WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS — NONE APPROVAL OF MINUTES 1. APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF FEBRUARY 21, 2012 CONSENT CALENDAR NOTE: Consent Calendar items are routine in nature and can be approved by one motion. 1. APPROVAL OF DEMAND REGISTER DATED MARCH 6, 2012 2. ACCEPTANCE OF ONSITE IMPROVEMENTS ASSOCIATED WITH TRACT MAP 32279, PALO VERDE, STANDARD PACIFIC COACHELLA VALLEY 3. DENIAL OF CLAIM FOR DAMAGES FILED BY REX P. LOTH; DATE OF LOSS JANUARY 5, 2012 4. APPROVAL OF CITY COUNCIL GOALS FOR FISCAL YEAR 2012/2013 BUSINESS SESSION 1. CONSIDERATION OF A COST SHARING AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF LA QUINTA AND THE COACHELLA VALLEY WATER DISTRICT FOR DESIGN OF THE RECONSTRUCTION OF THE COACHELLA CANAL, A REGIONAL WATER CONVEYANCE SYSTEM WITHIN THE SILVERROCK PROPERTY, AND APPROPRIATION OF FUNDING FOR THE AGREEMENT FROM THE QUIMBY FUND 2. CONSIDERATION OF A MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING BETWEEN THE CITY OF LA QUINTA AND THE COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE REGARDING THE POTENTIAL WIDENING OF FRED WARING DRIVE, BETWEEN ADAMS STREET AND PORT MARIA ROAD 3. CONSIDERATION OF FORMATION AND APPOINTMENT OF TWO MEMBERS TO AN AD HOC COMMITTEE TO REVIEW GRANT REQUESTS 4. CONSIDERATION OF THE SELECTION OF TWO COUNCIL MEMBERS FOR THE AD HOC BUDGET SUBCOMMITTEE. 002 CITY COUNCIL AGENDA 2 MARCH 6, 2012 STUDY SESSION 1. DISCUSSION OF MANAGEMENT ALTERNATIVES FOR THE UNDEVELOPED PROPERTY AT SILVERROCK RESORT REPORTS AND INFORMATIONAL ITEMS 1. ANIMAL CAMPUS COMMISSION (FRANKLIN) 2. CITY COUNCIL AD HOC COMMITTEE REPORTS 3. CVAG COMMITTEE REPORTS 4. CHAMBER OF COMMERCE INFORMATION EXCHANGE COMMITTEE (FRANKLIN) 5. C.V. CONSERVATION COMMISSION (EVANS) 6. C.V. MOSQUITO AND VECTOR CONTROL DISTRICT (ROBERT Cox) 7. C.V. MOUNTAINS CONSERVANCY (FRANKLIN) 8. CVWD JOINT WATER POLICY COMMITTEE (ADOLPH) 9. IID ENERGY CONSUMERS' ADVISORY COMMITTEE (OSBORNE) 10. JACQUELINE COCHRAN REGIONAL AIRPORT AUTHORITY (FRANKLIN) 11. LEAGUE OF CALIFORNIA CITIES (HENDERSON) 12. PALM SPRINGS DESERT RESORT COMMUNITIES CONVENTION & VISITORS AUTHORITY (EVANS) 13. PALM SPRINGS INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT COMMISSION (ROBERT TEAL) 14. RIVERSIDE COUNTY FREE LIBRARY ADVISORY COMMITTEE (DIANE GUNN) 15. RIVERSIDE COUNTY TRANSPORTATION COMMISSION (HENDERSON) 16. SUNLINE TRANSIT AGENCY/SUNLINE SERVICES GROUP (ADOLPH) 17. INVESTMENT ADVISORY BOARD MINUTES OF JANUARY 11, 2012 DEPARTMENT REPORTS 1. CITY MANAGER A. LA QUINTA CHAMBER OF COMMERCE QUARTERLY REPORT AND ANNUAL FACILITIES REPORT 2. CITY ATTORNEY 3. CITY CLERK - NONE 4. BUILDING & SAFETY DEPARTMENT REPORT - NONE 5. COMMUNITY SERVICES DEPARTMENT REPORT A. LA QUINTA LIBRARY AND MUSEUM QUARTERLY OCTOBER THROUGH DECEMBER 2011 6. FINANCE DEPARTMENT REPORT - NONE 7. PLANNING DEPARTMENT REPORT A. INDIO POLO FIELDS GOLDENVOICE CONCERTS UPDATE B. GENERAL PLAN MONTHLY UPDATE 8. PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT REPORT - NONE 9. POLICE DEPARTMENT REPORT - NONE 10. FIRE DEPARTMENT QUARTERLY REPORT - NONE REPORT FOR 003 CITY COUNCIL AGENDA 3 MARCH 6, 2012 MAYOR'S AND COUNCIL MEMBERS' ITEMS — NONE NO PUBLIC HEARINGS ARE SCHEDULED, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL WILL ADJOURN AND NOT RECONVENE AT 7:00 P.M. UNLESS THERE ARE ITEMS FROM THE AFTERNOON SESSION THAT HAVE NOT BEEN CONSIDERED PUBLIC HEARINGS — NONE ADJOURNMENT The next regular meeting of the City Council will be held on March 20, 2012 commencing with closed session at 3:00 p.m. and open session at 4:00 p.m. in the City Council Chambers, 78-495 Calle Tampico, La Quinta, CA 92253. DECLARATION OF POSTING I, Susan Maysels, Interim City Clerk of the City of La Quinta, do hereby declare that the foregoing agenda for the La Quinta City Council meeting was posted on the outside entry to the Council Chamber at 78-495 Calle Tampico and on the bulletin boards at 51-321 Avenida Bermudas and 78-630 Highway 1 1 1, on March 2, 2012. DATED: March 2, 2012 SUSAN MAYSELS, Interim City Clerk City of La Quinta, California Public Notices • The La Quinta City Council Chamber is handicapped accessible. If special equipment is needed for the hearing impaired, please call the City Clerk's Office at 777-7103, twenty-four (24) hours in advance of the meeting and accommodations will be made. • If special electronic equipment is needed to make presentations to the City Council, arrangement should be made in advance by contacting the City Clerk's Office at 777-7103. A one (1) week notice is required. CITY COUNCIL AGENDA 4 MARCH 6, 2012 004 • If background material is to be presented to the City Council during a City Council meeting, please be advised that eight (8) copies of all documents, exhibits, etc., must be supplied to the City Clerk for distribution. It is requested that this take place prior to the beginning of the meeting. • Any writings or documents provided to a majority of the City Council regarding'any item on this agenda will be made available for public inspection at the City Clerk counter at City Hall located at 78-495 Calle Tampico, La Quinta, California, 92253, during normal business hours. 005 CITY COUNCIL AGENDA 5 MARCH 6, 2012 cejht 4 4 a" COUNCIL/SA MEETING DATE: March 6, 2012 ITEM TITLE: Approval of Demand Register Dated March 6, 2012 RECOMMENDATION: Approve Demand Register Dated March 6, 2012 BACKGROUND AND OVERVIEW: Prepaid Warrants: 95003 — 95043 } 950441 95045 — 95061 } Voids } Wire Tranfers } P/R 36577 — 36587 } P/R Tax Transfers } Payable Warrants: 95062 — 95145 } FISCAL IMPLICATIONS: AGENDA CATEGORY: BUSINESS SESSION: _ CONSENT CALENDAR: STUDY SESSION: PUBLIC HEARING: $71,606.46 $150.36 $14,153.47 $0.00 $180,627.08 $193,430.44 $52,902.57 $1,608,413.49 $2,121,283.87 Demand of Cash City $2,089,052.27 Demand of Cash -Successor Agency of RDA $32,231.60 Demand of Cash - HA $0.00 Respectfully submitted, John M. FalI, Finance Director 11 1 OC6 Approved for submission by: VLcj--r)o . Mark Weiss, Interim City Manager 007 CITY OF LA QUINTA BANK TRANSACTIONS 2/15/12 - 2/28/12 02/17/12 WIRE TRANSFER - ICMA 02/17/12 WIRE TRANSFER - LQCEA 02/21/12 WIRE TRANSFER - LANDMARK 02/22/12 WIRE TRANSFER - TASC 02/24/12 WIRE TRANSFER - PERS TOTAL WIRE TRANSFER OUT $14,836.33 $142.50 $110,953.82 $1,332.60 $53,361.83 $180,627.08- 008 r� IOO W W W w 0 Q ^q6 1 a ��z 1 LLQ 1 W S 1 1 � 1 I ' 1 O o e o 0 e w w 0 0 0 O n n em N NVOaD �1 N�tMOO P 00 O � Y o e O o e e rp Ip O O e O 10 a0 00 P wnN el[1QwMwm �? 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ON O. a" 000.•.M0 ORI On OON aaU . > � OM Oft eM OmNmNm OM ON O.y .y 0. 0. a 024 TuN °% 4a" COUNCIL/SA MEETING DATE: March 6, 2012 ITEM TITLE: Acceptance of On -Site Improvements Associated with Tract Map No. 32279, Palo Verde, Standard Pacific Coachella Valley RECOMMENDATION: AGENDA CATEGORY: BUSINESS SESSION: _ CONSENT CALENDAR: 21- 11t11 Wj&11 1-3 [#1M PUBLIC HEARING: ' Accept on -site improvements associated with Tract Map No. 32279, Palo Verde, Standard Pacific Coachella Valley and authorize staff to release the performance security; direct staff to release the labor and materials security ninety (90) days after City Council acceptance of the improvements. FISCAL IMPLICATIONS: None. No public improvements will be accepted with this action. CHARTER CITY IMPLICATIONS: None. BACKGROUND AND OVERVIEW: Tract Map No. 32279, Palo Verde, Standard Pacific Coachella Valley, is located north of Avenue 58 and approximately half a mile west of Madison Street (Attachment 1). Since July 6, 2010, the developer has completed the remainder of the on -site improvements, which include the two landscaped roundabouts, and sewer and water improvements for the Coachella Valley Water District.(CVWD). All obligations of the Subdivision Improvement Agreement (SIA) for the on -site improvements have been satisfied. 025 FINDINGS AND ALTERNATIVES: The alternatives available to the City Council include: Accept the on -site improvements associated with Tract Map No. 32279, Palo Verde, Standard Pacific Coachella Valley and authorize staff to release the performance security; direct staff to release the labor and materials security ninety (90) days after City Council acceptance of the improvements; or 2. Do not accept the on -site improvements associated with Tract Map No. 32279, Palo Verde, Standard Pacific Coachella Valley and do not authorize staff to release the performance security; do not direct staff to release the labor and materials security ninety (90) days after City Council acceptance of the improvements; or 3. Provide staff with alternative direction. Respectfully submitted, imothtRc'na on, P.E. Public Director/City Engineer Approved for submission by: Mark Weiss, Interim City Manager Attachment: 1 . Vicinity Map ATTACHMENT 1 vI TM 32279 PALO VERDE Andrews 'JJ ' Shinnecock £ p V) Hts. N T J J O p 5 � o t0.5 MILES . _ ~ Avenue 58 [NITY MA NOT TO SCALE 027 �T 04 � a�w OF COUNCIL/SA MEETING DATE: March 6, 2012 AGENDA CATEGORY: BUSINESS SESSION: ITEM TITLE: Denial of Claim for Damages Filed by: Rex P. CONSENT CALENDAR: 3 Loth; Date of Loss - January 5, 2012 1.11111]&Y*XYLei a, PUBLIC HEARING: RECOMMENDATION: Deny the Claim for Damages filed by Rex P. Loth; Date of Loss - January 5, 2012. FISCAL IMPLICATIONS: The amount of the claim was in excess of $10,000, to be determined. CHARTER CITY IMPLICATIONS: None. BACKGROUND AND OVERVIEW: A claim was filed by Rex P. Loth with a reported date of loss of January 5, 2012 (Attachment 1). It was forwarded to Carl Warren & Co., the City's claims administrator. Carl Warren & Co. has reviewed the matter and recommends that the City Council deny the claim. FINDINGS AND ALTERNATIVES: The alternatives available to the City Council include: 1. Deny the Claim for Damages filed by Rex P. Loth with a reported date of loss of January 5, 2012; or ,,,a 028 2. Accept the claim, or some portion thereof; or 3. Provide staff with alternative direction. Respectfully submitted, Terry L. Deeringer, Human Resources/ General Services Manager Approved for submission by: Mark Weiss, Interim City Manager Attachment: 1. Rex P. Loth, Claim for Damages to 029 1 2 3 4 s 6 7 1 8 9 10 11 12 13 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 4 MICHAEL A. GULLA SBN 80133 Attorney at Law 71-650 Sahara Road, Suite 2 Rancho Mirage, CA 92270 Tel. 760-773-2849 Fax 760-773-0849 Attorney for Claimants, REX PAUL LOTH In Re The Claim of REX PAUL LOTH, ) Claimant, ) ) V8. ) ) CITY OF LA QUINTA, AND DOES 1-100, INCLUSIVE. ) Respondents. ) ) ) ) RECL`I`��u Zp72 FEB � �� 1� 35 cl�rY o� Lr,k,l,ICE ATTACHM PUBLIC ENTITY CLAIM PURSUANT TO GOVERNMENT CODE, SECTION 910, ET SEQ. To: Respondents, CITY OF LA QUINTA, AND DOES 1-100, INCLUSIVE (a) The name and post office address of the claimant; REX PAUL LOTH 78150 Calle Tampico La Quinta, CA 92253 (b) The post office address to which the person presenting the claim desires notices to be sent: REX PAUL LOTH C/O MICHAEL A. GULLA Attorney at Law 71-650 Sahara Road, Suite 2 Rancho Mirage, CA 92270 i 030 1 n 2 3 4 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 (C) The date, place and other circumstances of the occurrence or transaction which gave rise to the claim asserted: On or about January 5, 2012, at approximately 9:30 pm Claimant was jogging on Auto Center Drive on the sidewalk at the turnaround when he tripped over a large metal object protruding on the sidewalk which appeared to possibly be the remains of an old bike rack. which constituted a dangerous condition (c) A general description of the indebtedness, obligation, injury, damage or loss incurred so far as it may be known at the time of presentation of the claim: As a result of the fall, Plaintiff suffered severe and debilitating personal injuries and damages, including, pain and suffering, loss of earnings, past present and future, and medical expenses to treat said condition, past, present, and future. (d) The name or names of the public employee or employees causing injury, damage, or Loss, if known: Unknown (e) The amount claimed if it totals less than ten thousand dollars($10, 000.00) as of the date of presentation of the claim, including the estimated amount of any prospective injury, damage, or loss, insofar as it may be known at the time of the presentation of the claim, together with the basis of computation of the amount claimed. if the amount claimed exceeds ten thousand dollars ($10,000.00), no dollar amount shall be included in the claim. However, it shall indicate whether the claim would be a limited civil case: Amount claimed exceeds ten thousand dollars ($10,000.00). This is not a limited civil case. It is an unlimited civil case. Dated: 2/6/12 2 031 1 2 3 4 s 6 7 9 io 11 2 13 14 1.5 16 17 16 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 2¢ MICHAEL A. GULLA, ESQ., ATTOP FOR CLAIMANT, Rex PAUL LOTH - 3 032 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 a 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 PROOF OF SERVICE BY MAIL-1013a, 2015.5 C.C.P. I am employed in the County of Riverside, State of California. I am over the age of eighteen years and not a party to the within entitled action. My business address is MICHAEL A. GULLA Attorney at Law 71-650 Sahara Road, Suite 2, Rancho Mirage, California. 92270. I am readily familiar with this firm's business practice for the collection and processing of correspondence for mailing with the United States Postal Service. Correspondence so collected and processed is deposited with the United States Postal Service that same day with postage thereon fully prepaid at Rancho Mirage, California, in the ordinary course of business. On February 6, 2012 , at my place of business at 71-650 Sahara Road, Suite 2, Rancho Mirage, CA 92270 I placed for deposit in the United States Postal Service in a sealed envelope, the enclosed PUBLIC ENTITY CLAIM PURSUANT TO GOVERNMENT CODE, SECTION 910, ET SEQ. with postage fully prepaid addressed to: 'ERONICA MONTECINO, CITY CLERK 'ITY OF LA QUINTA .O. BOX 1504 ,A QUINTA, CA 92247 I declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing is true and correct. Executed at Rancho Mirage, California, on: February 6, 2012 (Date) 033 Tedf 4 4 a" COUNCIL/SA MEETING DATE: March 6, 2012 ITEM TITLE: Approval of City Council Goals for Fiscal Year 2012/2013 RECOMMENDATION: AGENDA CATEGORY: BUSINESS SESSION: CONSENT CALENDAR: 1 STUDY SESSION: UIVI CI1:1 all1110ff Approve the City Council goals for Fiscal Year 2012/2013. FISCAL IMPLICATIONS: No direct fiscal implications will result from this item. CHARTER CITY IMPLICATIONS: None. BACKGROUND AND OVERVIEW: The City Council conducted a study session on February 21, 2012, to discuss the Fiscal Year 2012/2013 City Council Goals. Fiscal Year 2012/2013 City Council Goals are included as Attachment 1, and minutes from the meeting are' included as Attachment 2. Based on the feedback and direction provided by the City Council at this meeting, staff has revised the goals, which added Reviewing City Signage Ordinances to the tasks under the Foster Economic Development goal. Staff opted not to add the Ad Hoc Budget Sub -committee to the Fiscal Year 2012/2013 goals list in that this task will be completed in this fiscal year. If approved by the City Council, the goals will be included into the corresponding documents of the Strategic Planning Process (i.e. Resource Allocation Plan, Economic N " 034 Development Plan, Marketing Plan, Capital Improvement Plan, and Annual Budget) for Fiscal Year 2012/2013. FINDINGS AND ALTERNATIVES: The alternatives available to the City Council include: 1. Approve the City Council Goals for Fiscal Year 2012/2013; or 2. Do not approve the City Council Goals for Fiscal Year 2012/2013; or 3. Provide staff with alternative direction. Respectfully submitted, Oscar SantaWlManagement Analyst Approved for submission by: Mark Weiss, Interim City Manager Attachments: 1. Fiscal Year 2012/2013 City Council Goals 2. Minutes of the February 21, 2012 City Council Meeting 40 035 Attachment 1 FISCAL YEAR 2012/2013 GOALS cQ Maintain a fiscally sound and sustainable city government. o Develop revenue sources (fees, grants, economic development, and enforcement) o Identify cost reduction options within each department o Act as "Successor Agency to the La Quinta Redevelopment Agency" to Facilitate Closing of the La Quinta Redevelopment Agency; facilitate meetings and provide staffing for Oversight Board; prepare Recognized Obligation Payment Schedules and Administrative Budgets for Oversight Board approval every 6 months (July -Dec 2012 and Jan -June 2013); and manage required transactions and activities as directed by the Oversight Board cQ Provide effective and sustainable public safety. o Ensure that there are appropriate staff levels for police and fire and review the deployment of staff. o Facilitate efforts towards crime prevention education on a larger scale. o Enhance participation and recruitment of police volunteers. o Pursue youth education at local schools with the focus being to create and maintain positive relationships between law enforcement and youth. o Update police website to include zone policing officers, areas of responsibility, and means of contact. o Maintain Effective Fire and Public Safety Response capabilities. o Evaluate needs for additional Fire Stations and/or staffing. o Maintain an effective and proactive Life Safety Inspection program. o Maintain the capability for Fire Department staff to perform . reviews relevant to Fire Codes/Ordinances. o Maintain fiscal ability to fund Life Safety Inspection programs. cQ Foster economic development. o Update the La Quinta General Plan and Zoning Code Element to include key policies that promote and encourage economic development consistent with the City's Economic Development Plan. o Work closely with ownership of the La Quinta Resort hotels to explore opportunities for the Resort to remain competitive at a local, regional, national and even international level while also retaining its highly regarded reputation. o Solicit tenants for vacant "anchor tenants" spaces (i.e. Circuit City and Sam's Club buildings). o Study Industry Trends to Sustain a Strong Position in the Market: Complete Trends Study efforts (finish interviews, summary report); incorporate findings into Economic Development Plan; Prepare implementation strategy for areas of opportunity. ,.,a .. 036 o Encourage Tourism and "Shop Local' to Increase Tax Revenues; market La Quinta as a premier tourist destination; sell La Quinta locally and throughout Coachella Valley; use both traditional advertising and social media; promote and support local events. o Support Business Retention and Attraction for a Healthy Local Economy; work with brokers/property owners to fill vacant "anchor tenants" spaces; personally visit new and existing La Quinta businesses; and provide joint marketing opportunities and advertising support. o Develop SilverRock Resort (SRR) as an Economic Development Project; revive SilverRock; and resume efforts to solicit hotel/hospitality development. o Review City Signage Ordinances. ca Improve the quality of life in our community for the benefit of all residents and visitors. o Integrate Healthy Community goals into the General Plan and .continue to maintain a vibrant active City with well -maintained parks, trails and open space. o Integrate the Green and Sustainable La Quinta Program into the General Plan by creating and maintaining a healthier and more sustainable community in which to live, work, and play. o Enhance active living opportunities in La Quinta. o Continue to support large-scale community events such as the Humana Challenge and La Quinta Arts Festival. o Provide affordable housing opportunities via the La Quinta Housing Authority (as "Housing Successor" to the La Quinta Redevelopment Agency). Activities will include managing Housing Authority -owned properties (Cove rental homes and Washington Street Apartments): monitor existing affordable housing throughout the City; facilitate development of the Coral Mountain project; and proceed with Washington Street rehabilitation should funds be available. o Facilitate the General Election. c�R Manage effectively the City's infrastructure and facilities. o Update 5-year Pavement Management Plan (PMP) to identify streets requiring reconstruction and other rehabilitation measures. o Consider Americans with Disabilities (ADA) retrofits to existing City buildings and facilities based on the ADA transition Plan prepared in 2011. Future project funding will depend on Development Impact Fee, Gas Tax, and grant revenues. o Work with Coachella Valley Water District to determine options for repairing or relocating the canal currently running through SRR. 03-1 Attachment 2 STUDY SESSION DISCUSSION OF CITY COUNCIL GOALS FOR FISCAL YEARS 2011/2012 AND 2012/2013 Management Analyst Oscar Santana presented the staff report. Council Member Henderson stated that she appreciated the abbreviated list of goals, agreed that they were the big, important items, and would not be adding any more to the list. Council Member Osborne requested that three items be added to Council goals: (1) Preparation of a new economic development plan, (2) formation of a temporary ad hoc budget subcommittee consisting of two Council Members, and (3) review of signage laws for small businesses. Council Members Osborne and Evans explained that an ad hoc budget subcommittee is desirable due to the upcoming changeover of top management staff. It will be useful to have two Council Members fully versed in the details of next year's 600 to 700-page budget when a new City Manager and new Finance Director are getting up to speed. Ms. Evans stated that the subcommittee meetings would be question & answer sessions with staff for clarity and understanding rather than reworking department budgets. Mr. Osborne said that his goal for the subcommittee could be accomplished in two meetings. Council Member Franklin stated that she supported the preparation of a new economic development plan and a review of signage laws for all businesses, not just village businesses. The Council reached a consensus to form an ad hoc budget subcommittee to be formed at the next Council meeting. Interim City Manager Mark Weiss stated that the Council goals and objectives would be amended to add an ad hoc budget subcommittee, and a review of signage. CITY COUNCIL MINUTES 1 FEBRUARY 21, 2012 0 038 ceitit 4 4 a" COUNCIL/SA MEETING DATE: March 6, 2012 ITEM TITLE: Consideration of a Cost Sharing Agreement Between the City of La Quinta and the Coachella Valley Water District for the Design of the Reconstruction of the Coachella Canal, a Regional Water Conveyance System, within the SilverRock Property and Appropriate Funding for the Agreement from the Quimby Fund RECOMMENDATION: AGENDA CATEGORY: BUSINESS SESSION: I CONSENT CALENDAR: STUDY SESSION: PUBLIC HEARING: Approve a cost sharing agreement with the Coachella Valley Water District (CVWD) for the design of the reconstruction of the Coachella Canal within the SilverRock Resort Property, and authorize the Interim City Manager to execute the agreement subject to minor revisions by the City Attorney, appropriate funds for this project in the amount of $200,000 from the Quimby Fund and make the following findings relating thereto: (a) The use of Quimby Funds to fund the proposed contract will assist in the rehabilitation and enhancement of the SilverRock Resort recreational facilities and the future 40-acre park site on the southwest corner of Avenue 52 and Jefferson Street; (b) The future residents of the subdivision that provided the funding that will be used for the proposed expenditure (Tract 32070 Watermark Villas LLC) who will directly and indirectly benefit by the proposed enhancement and rehabilitation of these facilities. (c) There is a reasonable relationship between the need created by the development of the above referenced subdivision and the proposed enhancement and rehabilitation of these facilities. FISCAL IMPLICATIONS: This improvement was originally contained in the SilverRock Infrastructure budget of which $10.9 million was budgeted from RDA PA 1 for this project. Since then, some of the amount on deposit was expended for other PA 1 capital costs, and the p.: 039 amount remaining is $9.1 million. However, with the uncertainty of whether or not the City will ultimately be able to use these funds, other sources of funds may need to be identified should the City Council decide to go forward with a future construction project. This agreement, which is only for the design of either a pipe along Jefferson Street and Avenue 54 or a new canal parallel to the existing one, is recommended to be funded using $200,000 from the City's Quimby Account. The justification for the use of Quimby funds for the subject design work is set forth below. The current preliminary construction estimate for undergrounding the canal in a pipeline in the Jefferson Street and Avenue 54 parkways (i.e., the Jefferson Street Alignment) is $8.7 million (See Attachment 1). Although not required, relocating the CVWD L4 lift station from behind the number 10 tee (and by doing so removing the need for the east west portion of the canal) to just west of Jefferson Street would add an estimated $1.6 million in construction. Backfilling the existing canal and restoring the golf course is estimated to cost $1 million, bringing the total construction cost for this option excluding soft costs and contingency to approximately $1 1.3 million. However, should SilverRock Way and utilities ever be extended east to Jefferson Street, the savings on future infrastructure (i.e., culvert for canal crossing, reduction in bridges to cross canal, etc.) is estimated to be $1.2 million. Staff and Landmark estimate this option would require the back nine holes of the Palmer Classic Golf Course (referred to now as the "Palmer Course") to be closed for three to six months while the canal is backfilled and landscaped to match the golf course resulting in $500,000 to $600,000 in lost revenues. The undergrounding alternative would also require the City and/or CVWD to acquire and easement from PGA West in order to tie the pipe back into the canal at the west end of Avenue 54. Design modifications to hole numbers 10-15 would be required under this option. The cost for the easement from PGA West and the modification to the golf course design and construction are unknown at this time. The current preliminary construction estimate for constructing a parallel canal just west of the damaged portion of the existing canal is $2.1 million (See Attachment 2). The construction estimate for removing the existing canal and restoring the golf course within the CVWD right-of-way is approximately $315,000 to $525,000, bringing the total estimated construction cost, excluding soft costs and contingency, to approximately $2.4 to $2.6 million. The L4 pump station would not be relocated under this option. Staff and Landmark estimate the back nine holes of the Palmer Course would be closed at least six months under this option resulting in $1.4 million in lost revenue. With the new canal west of its current location, staff and Landmark believe hole numbers 10, 12 and 15 would require redesign and hole numbers 11, 13 and 14 may require design modification once the new canal was constructed. The cost for the redesign and installation of these improvements is unknown at this time. In prior negotiations, CVWD committed to no more than $3 million toward the design and construction of either option listed above. The golf course was constructed, with CVWD's consent, within CVWD's canal easement. However, the ». 040 portion of the golf course within the easement area is subject to being disrupted and damages by CVWD's use of it its easement area. CVWD is not required to restore the portion of the golf course that was built within its right-of-way. Therefore, provided that its construction activities are within its easement area, CVWD will not participate in the cost of restoring the golf course or in lost revenues to the City if the back nine holes are closed during construction of either option. Staff anticipates the City would need to consult with and possibly hire Arnold Palmer Design Company (Palmer Design) and other consultants for the golf course modifications that would be necessitated by either the canal relocation or pipe alternatives. BACKGROUND AND OVERVIEW: CVWD completed a preliminary study of the canal on April, 2009, which determined the canal has dropped by approximately two to three feet from approximately 1,600 feet north of Avenue 54 to the mid -valley area in Indio. The canal study determined the subsidence starts at SilverRock Resort near the number 10 green of the golf course with a high spot near the rock outcropping behind the number 16 tee box that restricts southerly canal flow. To the south of the outcropping it is believed the canal is built over rock, so it has not subsided. This high spot restricts flow by nearly 250 CFS (approximately half of capacity) slowing water deliveries to farmers and to CVWD's Dike 4 recharge facility. The Coachella Canal is part of a complex regional water conveyance and delivery system that conveys Colorado River water to the Coachella Valley. Its water delivery system provides non -potable water for urban and agricultural purposes. In addition it delivers water to the Dike 4 Recharge Facility for the purposes of ground water recharge to mitigate subsidence as well as to store water for future urban uses. Through discussion between CVWD and staff, staff believes there to be two alternatives for reconstructing the canal that should be considered. The first would construct an underground pipe in the Jefferson Street and Avenue 54 parkways. This option provides the greatest flexibility in the eventual build out of the remaining recreational amenities at SilverRock since it maximizes the unencumbered area in the center of the site. The second option would involve CVWD's construction of a new canal parallel to the existing canal between the mountain and the existing canal. While less expensive to construct, this option would significantly disrupt the golf course for 3-6 months and leave the site bisected by the canal limiting future uses of the site. It would also leave the canal adjacent to the 40-acre park. In evaluating the two alternatives and in the environmental process, project benefits will be fully evaluated. Some of the issues that will be addressed for each alternative will include canal/pipeline capacity, protection from future subsidence, water evaporation, operational costs, age of associated facilities, and safety. In =.p.� 041 addition, the proposed improvements will evaluate removing the east/west section of the canal and the L4 pump station adjacent to the number 10 tee. Attachment 3 is a cost sharing agreement which covers the preliminary engineering, environmental review, final construction plans for one of the options and engineer's estimates for each of the alignments as well as the pump station relocation. The agreement obligates the City and CVWD to a maximum of $200,000 each for this effort. The, goal of this agreement is to fund the preparation of the design to 75% and then determine construction costs for either alternative. The matter will be brought back to the City Council for consideration after the two options are priced based upon the 75% design. Staff anticipates a construction cost sharing agreement would be brought to the City Council and CVWD's Board for consideration if the City Council approved the pipeline alternative. CVWD has indicated they plan to start work on either alternative no later than the summer of 2013 in order to insure delivery obligations are met to their downstream customers. With the downturn in the construction industry since 2008, staff believes construction of the pipe alternative may be considerably less than currently estimated and would enhance the Palmer Course while providing the maximum flexibility in the future development of SilverRock Resort. The attached letter from Palmer Design (Attachment 4) indicates that leaving the canal in place is not ideal and compromises "circulation, functionality and the strategic merits of the golf holes". Palmer Design believes the relocation of the canal into a pipeline along Jefferson to be in the best interest of the golf course. Since this agreement commits the City only to the design of either alternative and would provide detailed cost estimates based on actual construction plans, staff believes approval of this agreement could provide critical information that should be considered before the canal is made a permanent part of SilverRock Resort. La Quinta is nationally recognized as the golf capital of the western United States. Much of the development that occurred since the mid 1990's included private golf courses or touted the proximity of golf courses as part of the amenities available to new residents. The huge increase in housing during this time frame created a shortage of municipal golf courses and park facilities in the southern half of the City. SilverRock Resort was constructed in part to offset this shortage as the master plan includes two golf courses and a 40-acre park site at the south west corner of Avenue 52 and Jefferson Street. The Quimby funding proposed to fund this contract is from the Watermark Villa's LLC project, Tract 32070, which is directly across the street from SilverRock Resort and the 40-acre park. The existing canal alignment going from east to west is adjacent to the southerly boarder of this park site. From there the canal runs along the southerly border of the driving range and then bisects the back nine holes of the Palmer Course. Per the Municipal Code Quimby fees are designated for the development of new, or rehabilitation or enhancement of existing, community parks or recreational facilities. Staff believes improvements to the canal and/or the removal of the canal would benefit both the golf course and park facilities and therefore recommends the canal study and a portion of the canal relocation (if selected after the study is prepared) be paid for through the City's Quimby fund. Further, staff believes that the future ,,N... 042 residents of the subdivision which contributed the subject Quimby funds, Watermark Villa's LLC Tract 32070, will be benefited directly and indirectly by the close proximity of the park site and golf course as the future residents of this development will be within walking distance or golf cart distance of both recreational facilities. The removal of the canal will directly benefit these residents as well as other area residentswho wish to use the multi -purpose trail that is currently bisected by the canal near Avenue 53. FINDINGS AND ALTERNATIVES: The alternatives available to the City Council include: 1. Approve a cost sharing agreement with the Coachella Valley Water District (CVWD) for the design of the reconstruction of the Coachella Canal within the SilverRock Resort Property, and authorize the Interim City Manager to execute the agreement subject to minor revisions by the City Attorney, and appropriate funds for this project in the amount of $200,000 from the Quimby Fund and make the following findings relating thereto: (a) The use of Quimby Funds to fund the proposed contract will assist in the rehabilitation and enhancement of the SilverRock Resort recreational facilities and the future 40-acre park site on the southwest corner of Avenue 52 and Jefferson Street; (b) The future residents of the subdivision that provided the funding that will be used for the proposed expenditure (Watermark Villa's LLC tract 32070) will be directly and indirectly benefit by the proposed enhancement and rehabilitation of these facilities; (c) There is a reasonable relationship between the need created by the development of the above referenced subdivision and the proposed enhancement and rehabilitation of these facilities; or 2. Do not approve a cost sharing agreement with the Coachella Valley Water District (CVWD) for the design of the reconstruction of the Coachella Canal within the SilverRock Resort Property; or 3. Provide staff with alternative direction. Respectfully submitted, imothy R. nasso P.E. Public Works Director/City Engineer 043 Approved for submission by: V,L�'. Mark Weiss, Interim City Manager Attachments: 1. Coachella Canal Jefferson Street Alignment 2. Coachella Canal Parallel Canal Alignment 3. Agreement with CVWD for SilverRock Canal Relocation 4. Letter from Palmer Design dated February 27, 2012 -.a 044 COACHELLA CANAL SILVMM RESORT SITE LEGEND � ATTACHMENT 1 PIPELINE ALIGNMENT 1.0 C45 COACHELLA CANAL SILVEROCK RESORT SITE LEGEND iATTACHMENT 2 046 ATTACHMENT 3 AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT ("Agreement") is made on this day of March, 2012 ("Effective Date"), by and between COACHELLA VALLEY WATER DISTRICT, a public agency of the State of California ("District") and CITY of LA QUINTA, a California municipal corporation and charter city ("City"). District and City are sometimes referred to herein individually as a "Party" and collectively as the "Parties." RECITALS A. On or about December 21, 1920 the Congress of the United States of America ("United States") approved the "Boulder Canyon Project Act" (45 Star. 1057). Pursuant to the Boulder Canyon Project Act, the United States constructed the All -American Canal and its Coachella Branch ("Coachella Canal"). The Coachella Canal is generally that portion of the All - American Canal from Drop I to Lake Cahuilla. The purpose of the Coachella Canal is to convey water for urban, agricultural, and ground water recharge purposes. B. The United States, by and through the Bureau of Reclamation ("USBR"), holds title to the Coachella Canal and District operates and maintains the Coachella Canal pursuant to Contract No. Ilr-781 with the United States dated October 13, 1934, as amended and supplemented. C. Ground subsidence has occurred throughout the Coachella Valley at least since the original construction of the Coachella Canal. The Coachella Canal has subsided generally uniformly with the land except a portion thereof between Mile Post ("MP") 120.3 and the check drop structure at MP 121.8, which portion is more particularly depicted on Exhibit "A" attached hereto and by this reference incorporated herein ("Non -Subsided Portion of the Coachella Canal"). This Non -Subsided Portion of the Coachella Canal is generally located west of Jefferson Street and extends to a point south of Avenue 54 adjacent to PGA West in the City of La Quinta. D. The Non -Subsided Portion of the Coachella Canal results in a hydraulic condition whereby the original flow capacity has been substantially reduced. In order to increase the flow capacity within the Non -Subsided Portion of the Coachella Canal, the Parties have determined that a physical solution must occur, including, but not limited to, the possibility of replacing and/or relocating all or a portion of the Non -Subsided Portion of the Coachella Canal. E. District retained the services of GEI Consultants, Inc. ("GEI"), to evaluate the subsidence of the Coachella Canal generally, and the non -subsidence within the Non -Subsided Portion of the Coachella Canal and to perform preliminary engineering for four (4) water conveyance system ("Water Conveyance System") alignment options and six (6) design/construction options for each alignment. On or about April, 2009 GEI submitted to District its report entitled, "Evaluation of Subsidence and Canal Replacement Options" ("Report"). A copy of the Report is on file in each of the City's and the District's offices. F. The implementation of each of the Water Conveyance System alignment options identified in the Report will require the installation of a new concrete -lined canal and/or new 119/015610-0120 2301648-2-23-12-Redlim CV WD & LQ -1- 047 pipelines, and the demolition and removal of certain existing concrete -lined canal, pipelines and facilities. G. The Parties have selected two (2) Water Conveyance System alignment options identified in the Report as the most viable (each, a "Design Alternative") for further design. The options selected for further design and costs analysis are generally described as the "Parallel Canal" and the "Jefferson Street Alignment." Those two options are referred to hereinafter as the "Project Alternatives" and are described further in Exhibit `B". The Parties now wish to provide for (i) the District's retention of an engineering firm to. complete the design plans and construction cost estimates for the Project Alternatives; (ii) the District's retention of a construction management firm, which firm shall be approved by the City's Public Works Director, to prepare a second opinion regarding the construction costs for the Project Alternatives, (iii) preliminary California Environmental Quality Act ("CEQA") and National Environmental Protection Act ("NEPA") compliance studies, and (iv) the Parties' respective payment obligations for the costs set forth in the foregoing clauses (i) through (iii). NOW, THEREFORE, IN CONSIDERATION OF THE FOREGOING RECITALS, WHICH ARE INCORPORATED HEREIN BY THIS REFERENCE, AND FOR OTHER VALUABLE CONSIDERATION, THE SUFFICIENCY OF WHICH IS HEREBY ACKNOWLEDGED BY THE PARTIES, THE PARTIES AGREE AS FOLLOWS: 1. Preparation of Design Plans and Engineerine Cost Estimates. Within thirty (30) days after the Effective Date, District shall use commercially reasonable efforts to retain an engineering firm ("District's Engineering Consultant") to complete design plans ("Design Plans") for each of the Project Alternatives to approximately seventy-five percent (75%) completion ("75% Complete") and to prepare construction cost estimates for the anticipated cost of constructing each of the Project Alternatives ("Cost Estimates") based upon the 75% Complete Design Plans. Within sixty (60) days after the Effective Date, the District shall retain a construction management firm, which firm shall be subject to the written approval by the City's Public Works Director, to prepare a second, independent opinion regarding the Cost Estimates for each of the Project Alternatives based upon the 75% Complete Design Plans. Once a Project Alternative is selected, the District's Engineering Consultant shall complete the Design Plans for such Project Alternative to one hundred percent ("100% Completion") so that the selected Project Alternative is ready to bid. 2. CEQA & NEPA Compliance. District shall act as lead agency with respect to compliance with CEQA and NEPA and all other applicable state and federal environmental laws and all requirements of the Federal Endangered Species Act and the California Endangered Species Act arising out of or in connection with the Project Alternatives for compliance with all conditions and mitigation measures which must be satisfied in connection with the same (collectively, "Environmental Compliance"). Environmental Compliance shall include compliance with federal and state laws, rules and regulations regarding Native American remains and cultural resources. District shall prepare, or cause to be prepared, all instruments, documents, reports and other like or kind writings required to be prepared and/or filed by CEQA and NEPA. City hereby agrees to cooperate with the District in a timely manner with respect to District's Environmental Compliance. To the extent commercially reasonable, District shall complete its Environmental Compliance concurrently with the preparation of the Design Plans. 119/015610-0120 -�_ 2301648-2-23-12-Redline CV WD & LQ a 048 3. Meet and Confer. The Costs Estimates from both the engineering firm and construction management firm shall be provided promptly to the City upon completion. After both Costs Estimates are completed and provided to the City, the Parties shall meet and confer for a period not to exceed thirty (30) days, during which the Parties shall determine if they jointly wish to pursue the construction of the Jefferson Street Alignment Alternative. The Parties understand that the District will not likely pursue that Project Alternative unless the Parties are able to reach a mutually agreeable cost sharing contract. This Agreement is not intended to require the Parties to enter into any further agreements relating to this matter. Instead, the purpose of this Agreement is to provide cost information necessary for the Parties to determine the feasibility of the Jefferson Street Alignment Alternative. A contract will not exist, and there shall be no obligation on the part of either Party to enter such a contract, with respect to the construction of any Project Alternative unless and until the Parties have executed an agreement approved by their respective legislative bodies regarding the construction of the Project Alternative and containing all essential terms, including the cost allocation for construction costs. In the event the Parties agree to the Project Alternative, in writing, District is authorized to cause the District's Engineering Consultant to complete the Design Plans for such Project Alternative to one hundred percent ("100% Completion") so that the selected Project Alternative is ready to bid. 4. Cost Allocation. a. The costs and expenses to undertake any and all pre -construction work whether or not set forth in this Agreement (collectively, the "Pre -Construction Work") shall be home fifty percent (50%) by District and fifty percent (50%) by City. As used in this subsection, the term "costs and expenses" shall only include the costs and expenses to perform the Pre - Construction Work, as follows: Costs incurred by District for the preliminary engineering as described in Recital E; ii. The costs to conduct preliminary Environmental Compliance studies for the Project Alternatives; iii. The costs for the preparation of the 75% Design Plans for the Project Alternatives and associated Cost Estimates; and iv. The costs for the preparation of the Design Plans to 100% Completion for the preferred alternative. b. The costs and expenses for items 4.a.i-iv are projected not to exceed $400,000 ("Current Estimate"). Therefore, the maximum costs and expenses projected to be borne by the District and the City are $200,000, respectively. If it appears that the Current Estimate for items 4.a.i-iv will be exceeded, or costs not covered by items 4.a.i-iv are identified, the District and City will meet and confer and discuss how the additional costs will be shared. However, the City shall not have any obligation to make any payment beyond the $200,000 unless an amendment to this Agreement is approved by the City Council, which amendment expressly increases the amount to be paid by the City under this Agreement to more than $200,000. 119/015610-0120 2301648-2-23-12-Red1 m CV WD & LQ -3- 049 Notwithstanding anything herein to the contrary, each Party shall be responsible for its own staff and overhead costs and expenses, and such costs and expenses shall not be deemed Pre - Construction Work. C. District may obtain a disbursement from the City pursuant to the following process: From time to time, but not more than once per month, District shall provide to City a written disbursement request in substantially the same form attached hereto as Exhibit "C" setting forth City's proportionate share of certain Pre -Construction Work. Said request shall show all Pre - Construction Work that District has funded with such disbursement, itemized in such detail as the City may reasonably require, accompanied in each case by invoices reasonably satisfactory to the City. Within twenty-one (21) days after the City's receipt of a disbursement request, the City shall disburse the City's proportionate share to the District. d. The District agrees to maintain all records relating to the Pre -Construction Work for no less than three (3) years following the completion of the work covered by this Agreement. The District agrees to make such records available for review and audit of the City or its designee, upon thirty (30) business days' written request by the City in accordance with the notice provisions of this Agreement. 5. Notices. All notices, invoices and payments (collectively, "Notices") provided for hereunder shall be in writing and (i) mailed (registered or certified, postage prepaid, return receipt requested), (ii) delivered by reputable overnight or same day courier service that provides a receipt with the date and time of delivery, or (iii) hand delivered to the Parties at the addresses set forth below or at such other addresses as shall be designated by such Party and by a written Notice to the other Party in accordance with the provisions of this section. All such Notices shall, if hand delivered, or delivered by overnight or same day courier service, be deemed received upon delivery and, if mailed, be deemed received two (2) business days after such mailing. To City: Notices Delivered by U.S. Mail: City of La Quinta P.O. Box 1504 La Quinta, CA 92247 Attn: City Manager Notices Delivered Personallv or by Courier: City of La Quinta 78-495 Calle Tampico La Quinta, CA 92253 Attn: City Manager copy to: Rutan & Tucker, LLP 611 Anton Boulevard, Suite 1400 Costa Mesa, CA 92626 Attn: M. Katherine Jenson, Esq. 119/015610-0120 2301648-2-23-12-Redline CVWD&LQ 4- '.a. 050 To District: Coachella Valley Water District 85-995 Avenue 52 Post Office Box 1058 Coachella, CA 92236 Attn: Steve Robbins, General Manager -Chief Engineer copy to: Redwine and Sherrill 1950 Market Street Riverside, CA 92501 Attn: Gerald D. Shoaf, Esq. 6. Entire Agreement. This instrument, together with the exhibits attached hereto and other writings referenced herein, contains the entire agreement between the Parties relating to the subject matter hereof and supersedes any and all prior agreements between the Parties, oral or written, and any and all amendments thereto. Any oral representations or modifications concerning this instrument shall be of no force and effect, excepting a subsequent modification in writing, signed by the Parties to be charged. 7. Attorney's Fees. In the event of any litigation or other action between the Parties arising out of or relating to this Agreement or the breach thereof, the prevailing Party shall be entitled, in addition to such other relief as may be granted, to its reasonable costs and attorney's fees. 8. Governing Law. This Agreement is entered into within the State of California, and all questions concerning the validity, interpretation and performance of any of its terms or provisions or any of the rights or obligations of the Parties hereto shall be governed by and resolved in accordance with the internal laws of the State of California, without regard to conflict of law principals. 9. Interoretation. The provisions of the Agreement shall be construed as to their fair meaning, and not for or against any Party based upon any attribution to such Party as the source of language in question. 10. Time is of Essence. Time is of the essence of this Agreement and each and every term and provisions thereof. 11. Assienment. Neither District nor City shall, either voluntarily or by action of law, assign or transfer this Agreement or any obligation, right, title or interest assumed by such Party, except as otherwise provided herein, without the prior written consent of the other Party. Any attempted assignment in violation if this provision is void ab initio. Subject to the foregoing, the provisions of this Agreement shall apply and bind the successors and assigns of the Parties. 12. No Third Party Beneficiaries. Except as specifically set forth herein, this Agreement shall not be deemed to confer any rights upon any individual or entity which is not a party hereto (except the USBR) and the Parties expressly disclaim such third party benefit. 119/01561"120 2301648-2-23-12-Redline CV WD & LQ 051 13. Waivers. No delay on the part of any Party hereto in exercising any right, power or privilege hereunder shall operate as a waiver thereof, nor shall any waiver on the part of any Party hereto of any right, power or privilege hereunder operate as a waiver of any other right, power or privilege hereunder, nor shall any single or partial exercise of any right, power or privilege hereunder, preclude any other or further exercise of any other right, power or privilege hereunder. 14. Authority to Execute. Each individual executing this Agreement hereby represents and warrants that he or she has the full power and authority to execute this Agreement on behalf of the named Parties. 15. Counteruarts. This Agreement may be executed in counterparts, each of which shall be deemed an original, but all of which shall constitute but one instrument. 16. Default Interest. Any payment not paid when due shall bear simple interest equal to two percent (2%) of the delinquent payment for each month or portion thereof that such payment remains delinquent. 17. Jurisdiction. The Parties agree that any action or proceeding to enforce or relating to this Agreement shall be brought exclusively in the Federal or State courts located in Riverside County, California, and the Parties hereto consent to the exercise of personal jurisdiction over them by any such courts for purposes of any such action or proceeding. 18. Days. Unless otherwise specified, all references hereunder to "days" shall mean calendar days. [End - signatures on next page] 119/015610-0120 2301648-2-23-12-Redline CV WD & LQ -6- u 052 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Parties hereto have executed this Agreement on the date and year hereinabove written. "District" COACHELLA VALLEY WATER DISTRICT, a public agency of the State of California Date: 12012 By. General Manager -Chief Engineer ATTEST: Julia Fernandez Board Secretary APPROVED AS TO FORM: REDWINE & SHERRILL Bv: General Counsel "City„ CITY OF LA QUINTA, a California municipal corporation and charter city Date: 2012 By: Interim City Manager ATTEST: Susan Maysels Interim City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: RUTAN & TUCKER, LLP Bv: M. Katherine Jenson, City Attorney 119/015610-0120 2301648-2-23-12-Redline CV WD & LQ 'T COACHELLA CANAL n oee CAM SECT= LEGEND 1 aiaa .. cANAL sEcnoN w_I G54 EXHIBIT "B" DESCRIPTION OF THE TWO DESIGN ALTERNATIVES Description of the proposed future construction project The proposed future construction project is intended to correct major flow deficiencies associated with the existing Coachella Canal starting at Mile Post 120.3 and extending south through the PGA West Residential development. The loss of capacity within the existing open canal is the result of differential settlement between the section of the canal on the desert floor and the section of the canal that comes into close proximity with the Santa Rosa Mountains south of Avenue 53 and west of Jefferson Street (the "Non -Subsided Portion"). Due to the grade differences between its subsided portion and Non -Subsided Portion the canal has lost over 50% of the original capacity that it was designed to convey. As a result of work by the District and Agency Staff, two design alternates will be evaluated as a part of this Agreement to correct the flow capacity issues and are described as follows. The proposed underground piping option (Jefferson Street Alignment) generally follows Jefferson Street along the western parkway, starting at the intersection with the Coachella Canal and proceeding south to the intersection of Avenue 54. North of Avenue 54, the proposed circular pipe, with the final diameter to be determined through the preliminary design effort described within the agreement, will bend to the west along the north side of Avenue 54. East of the existing canal, the proposed pipeline will curve southward and connect to the existing canal at a newly constructed drop structure located at Mile Post 121.8. This option will require the relocation of the existing L-4 Pump station, which is currently located 0.5 mile west of Jefferson Street, to a location closer to Jefferson Street, which will also be the location of an inlet structure for the open canal to closed conduit system conversion. In addition to the above mentioned construction, this option will require the relocation and reconnection of four active irrigation laterals and reconstruction of the drop structure at the lower end to facilitate the lowering of the conveyance system with a new lower outlet elevation. The existing canal section would be abandoned, and removed to the extent necessary, and the surrounding area would be re-established to conform to the existing condition. The second option (Parallel Canal) would reconstruct an open canal, parallel and west of the existing canal within the current canal easement right of way. This parallel canal would start approximately a quarter mile south of the L- 4 Pump Station and reconnect to the existing canal section at the drop structure at Miles Post 121.8. The canal alternative will be designed to accommodate future subsidence by lowering the downstream tie-in at the drop structure to an elevation lower than required to convey existing design flows. This new canal section would require reconnection of one irrigation lateral to the proposed canal section, reconstruction of the drop structure to facilitate the lowering of the outlet elevation, removal and backfill of the concrete canal section and re-establishment of the surrounding area to the existing condition. 119i01561M120 EXHIBIT "B" 2301648.2-23-12-Redline CV W D & LQ 055 EXHIBIT "C" FORM OF WRITTEN DISBURSEMENT REQUEST [to be inserted] 119/015610-0120 2301648-2-2342-Redline CVWD&LQ EXHIBIT"C" G56 ATTACHMENT 4 DE U[SIGN G�MPANY Arnold D Palmer, President February 27, 2012 Dear Timothy R Jonasson and the City of La Quinta, California, It has been brought to the attention of the Arnold Palmer Design Company that studies to shift and/or expand the water canal in its existing alignment or relocate the canal to run North and South along Jefferson Street are under consideration. After a brief study of preliminary studies, materials and concepts our initial thoughts are below. Currently, the existing canal engages the golf course on several holes (10, 11, 12, and 15) by either running parallel or perpendicular to the hole and line of play. While originally designed in this configuration, the intrusion of the engineered canal feature is not ideal and ultimately impacts the natural and artistic aesthetic of the golf course while compromising circulation, functionality and the strategic merits of the golf holes. For example, the narrow approach to the 15`h green is a direct result of the existing canal alignment. Attempts to widen or shift the canal alignment will significantly impact this golf hole and others from a safety, aesthetic, playability and strategic standpoint. While this approach is possible, APDC does not consider this an ideal option. ) The relocation/realignment of the canal to remove it entirely from the golf course, and potentially align it to run North/South along Jefferson St., is in the best interest of the golf course. This will allow the Silver Rock Golf Course to be free from this constraint and allow ownership and management to rectify some aesthetic, strategic, circulation and functional issues that will, in turn, greatly improve the overall golf course experience. The Arnold Palmer Design Company is interested in continuing to work with the City of La Quinta land the Silver Rock Golf Course to keep the integrity of our Golf Course intact and if possible, improve upon and strengthens our design should canal work impact the golf course. � d ,,.) Brandon A. Johnson Senior Golf Course Architect Arnold ,Palmer Design Company Phone (407) 876-1068 • Fax (407) 876-6283 9000 Bay Hill Blvd. • Suite 300 • Orlando, Florida 32819 P.O. l 52 • Youngstown, Pennsylvania 15696 www.amoldpaimerdesign.com .qq C57 T-af 4 4& a" COUNCIL/SA MEETING DATE: March 6, 2012 ITEM TITLE: Consideration of a Memorandum of Understanding Between the City of La Quinta and the County of Riverside Regarding the Potential Widening of Fred Waring Drive, Between Adams Street and Port Maria Road RECOMMENDATION: AGENDA CATEGORY: BUSINESS SESSION: 21 CONSENT CALENDAR: STUDY SESSION: PUBLIC HEARING: Approve the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) (Attachment 1) and the Second Amendment to the License and Indemnity Agreement (Attachment 2) with the County of Riverside regarding the potential widening of Fred Waring Drive, between Adams Street and Port Maria Road, subject to any minor revisions approved by the City Attorney and Interim City Manager, and authorize the Interim City Manager to execute the same. FISCAL IMPLICATIONS: The County of Riverside and the Coachella Valley Association of Governments (CVAG) will pay for 100% of the improvements. CHARTER CITY IMPLICATIONS: None. BACKGROUND AND OVERVIEW: On April 15, 2008, the County of Riverside came before the City Council to discuss interim improvements and alternatives for ultimate widening of Fred Waring Drive between Adams Street and Port Maria Road. The County presented three alternatives and City staff presented possible concerns with the designs, including the following: 058 • Safety of passing motorists in the westbound lanes as residents from Bermuda Dunes Country Club back onto Fred Waring Drive from their driveways. • How left turns will be accommodated at Adams Street and Dune Palms Road. • Restricted turning movements at La Quinta Palms. • Indemnity from the County for proposing a non-standard roadway design. • The absence of a bike lane on the north side of Fred Waring Drive. • Noise impacts to residents on the south side of Fred Waring Drive if centerline and the south side curb and gutter are moved to the south. • Responsibility for reconstruction of improvements on the south side of Fred Waring Drive if an adjustment to the centerline is allowed City Council allowed the County to proceed with the interim striping improvements with the understanding that the County would come back with more complete design options in the future. The City of La Quinta re -constructed and widened the segment of Fred Waring Drive between Washington Street and Adams Street during the first four months of 2009 to accommodate six travel lanes, bike lanes in each direction and a raised landscaped median. On July 21, 2009, the County came back to City Council with three design alternatives as part of the environmental processing for the project and sought City Council input on a preferred design alternative. City staff presented the alternatives with the City's concerns. The County proposed City shared funding of the improvements within the County's right-of-way and the Council directed the County to come back at a later meeting with refined alternatives and a funding plan that did not include City funding for this project. On December 15, 2009, the County came back before the City Council with three refined alternatives and asked for City Council approval to move forward with Alternative No. 1 as the preferred alternative for the environmental document. Alternative No. 1 would widen and elevate the west bound lanes on the north side of Fred Waring Drive. This would require shifting the southerly curb and gutter five (5) feet to the south between Chapelton Drive and Dune Palms Road. This alternative would also minimize right-of-way acquisition and have the least impact to homes on the north side of the street. This alternative would also allow parking on the north side of Fred Waring Drive and provide a refuge lane for vehicles entering and exiting the driveways and for mail delivery vehicles. No striped bike lane would be provided; however, bicycles could use the widened shoulder on the north side of the road. A general plan amendment would also be required for this alternative. The Council heard concerns from City and County residents concerning access and noise and directed the County to revise Alternative No. 1 in order to address these issues. Over the next 18 months County and City staff worked to address the u 059 concerns from the La Quinta Palms residents and added a soundwall and raised entrance for westbound left in turns to the south side of Fred Waring Drive to Alternative No. 1. On June 7, 2011, the City Council approved an MOU with the County of Riverside and CVAG to select the revised Alternative No. 1 as the preferred alternative for California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) analysis for the Fred Waring Drive Widening Project, pending approval by Coachella Valley Association of Governments (CVAG). This recommendation was predicated on the County having a fully executed agreement in place with CVAG funding for the project. On June 21, 2011, the Council approved the rescission of the approval of June 7, 2011 of the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) (Attachment 1) with the County of Riverside and the Coachella Valley Association of Governments regarding the potential widening of Fred Waring Drive, between Adams Street and Port Maria Road. The MOU was rescinded because staff was advised by CVAG that the County did not have an agreement with CVAG for the funding of the project, and staff rescinded the earlier recommendation. Without such an agreement, the City could not be assured that the County would be able to pay for the various mitigation measures that were promised in order to assure that La Quinta residents would not be significantly impacted by shifting the roadway to the south. On February 15, 2012, the City received a letter from the County (Attachment 3) stating that they have agreed to a funding plan with CVAG and are moving forward to approve an agreement with CVAG for the funding of the Fred Waring Drive widening improvements between Adams Street and Port Maria Road, including the measures needed to address the City's concerns. Additionally, the letter requests that a second amendment to the License and Indemnity Agreement (Attachment 4) previously extended via amendment by the City Council on November 2, 2010 (Attachment 5) be extended to December 31, 2012 to allow the parties to complete the environmental process. With these issues addressed, City staff now recommends entering into a MOU with the County to select Alternative No. 1 as the preferred alternative for CEQA analysis, pending approval by CVAG and approving the second amendment to the License and Indemnity Agreement. Once the environmental document is complete, a permanent license and indemnity agreement will be drafted which will address the design, construction and maintenance of the road improvements. A general plan amendment will be brought forward for City Council consideration for the revised street cross section prior to completing the design of the project. FINDINGS AND ALTERNATIVES: The alternatives available to the City Council include: 1. Approve the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) and the Second - 060 Amendment to the License and Indemnity Agreement with the County of Riverside regarding the potential widening of Fred Waring Drive, between Adams Street and Port Maria Road subject to any minor revisions approved by the City Attorney and Interim City Manager, and authorize the Interim City Manager to execute the same; or 2. Do Approve the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) and the Second Amendment to the License and Indemnity Agreement with the County of Riverside regarding the potential widening of Fred Waring Drive, between Adams Street and Port Maria Road; or 3. Provide staff with alternative direction. Respectfully submitted, ;' Pector/City mothy R on P.E. Public Wor s DEngineer Approved for submission by: q Mark Weiss, Interim City Manager Attachments: 1. Memorandum of Understanding Regarding Potential Widening of Fred Waring Drive Between Adams Street and Port Maria Road 2. Second Amendment to License and Indemnity Agreement 3. Letter from the County of Riverside 4. License and Indemnity Agreement 5. First Amendment to License and Indemnity Agreement n..: 061 ATTACHMENT 1 MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING REGARDING THE POTENTIAL WIDENING OF FRED WARING DRIVE BETWEEN ADAMS STREET AND PORT MARIA ROAD THIS MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING ("MOU) dated 2011, by and between the CITY OF LA QUINTA, a California charter city ("City"), the COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE, a political subdivision of the State of California ("County") and the Coachella Valley Association of Governments, a California joint powers agency, ("CVAG"), is made with reference to the following recitals and terms. RECITALS WHEREAS, this MOU relates to proposed improvements to that certain portion of a public street commonly ]mown as Fred Waring Drive, between Adams Street and Port Maria Road, a length of approximately 3300 feet ("Project Site'). A depiction of the Project Site is attached hereto as Exhibit "A" and incorporated herein by this reference. The north side of Fred Waring Drive in the Project Site falls under the jurisdiction of.the County, while the south side is under the City's jurisdiction. The centerline of the existing roadway is generally located on the boundary line between the City and the County. The entire road width of Fred Waring Drive west of Adams Street and east of Port Maria Road falls under the City's jurisdiction; and WHEREAS, on November 8, 1988 Voters located within the Jurisdictional boundaries of the County of Riverside approved Measure A authorizing the imposition of a half -cent sales tax for Transportation purposes; and WHEREAS, the widening of Fred Waring Drive was a Named Measure. A Regional Artial Project; and WHEREAS, The Coachella Valley Transportation Project Prioritization Study lists the portion of roadway along Fred Waring Drive identified as eligible for funding from the "Measure A" and "Transportation Uniform Mitigation Fee" programs; and WHEREAS, on March 3, 2008, the Coachella Valley Association of Governments ("CVAG") entered an agreement titled "Agency Reimbursement Agreement by and between CVAG and the COUNTY of Riverside" authorizing the expenditure of funds for improvements to this segment of roadway; and WHEREAS, on March 18, 2008, the City Council of the City approved the concept of widening Fred Waring Drive, between Washington Street and Jefferson Street, to accommodate six (6) lanes of traffic ("Project"); and Page 1 of 8 ,062 WHEREAS, on April 15, 2008, the County approached the City to discuss interim improvements and alternatives for the widening of Fred Waring Drive between Adams Street and Port Maria Road. County presented three alternatives for the widening; and WHEREAS, the City has sufficient width in its portion to accommodate the three lanes of travel; and WHEREAS, the County requested that the City agree to move the centerline of the roadway to the south in order to accomplish the road widening project; and WHEREAS, on June 30, 2008, the City and the County entered into that certain License and Indemnity Agreement that provided terms and conditions for the installation of certain temporary roadway modifications in portions of the Project Site (Temporary License and Indemnity Agreement); and WHEREAS, on November 2, 2010, the City and the County executed an amendment titled "First Amendment to License and Indemnity agreement" that extended the term of the License and Indemnity Agreement for an additional six (6) months from the date the Original License was due to expire; and WHEREAS, the County has requested the City select a design for the permanent improvements to serve as the "preferred alternative" to be studied for purposes of complying the California Environmental Quality Act ("CEQA"); and WHEREAS, the design the County has proposed as the preferred alternative includes the centerline moving to the south and has been identified in presentations to the La Quinta. City Council as "Alternative No. 1'; and WHEREAS, the City of La Quinta is willing to select Alternative No. 1 as the preferred alternative for purposes of the CEQA analysis; and WHEREAS, Alternative No. 1 provides a significant public benefit in terms of costs savings to the public by choosing an alternative that is fiscally responsible in these extreme economic conditions; and WHEREAS, if Alternative No. 1 is ultimately chosen for the Project Site, it would be deemed the "Project" and the City and the County will need to enter into a permanent License and Indemnity Agreement to replace the temporary License and Indemnity Agreement entered into by the parties. . WHEREAS, neither the City nor the County will actually approve any design until the CEQA process has been completed. NOW, THEREFORE, incorporating the foregoing recitals and in consideration thereof, and in consideration of the mutual covenants and conditions contained herein, and for other good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged, the parties hereto agree as follows: z 063 I . Recitals. The foregoing recitals are true and correct and are hereby incorporated herein by this reference to the same extent as though herein again set forth in full. 2. Preferred Alternative; CEQA Compliance- No Predetermination. For purposes of completing the CEQA review, the parties agree that Alternative No. 1 shall be studied as the preferred alternative. The County shall be the lead agency for CEQA and the City shall be a responsible agency subject to the requirements of CEQA Guidelines Section 15096. The approval of this MOU is not a commitment to proceed with the Project. The approval of the Project is contingent on completion of the CEQA review. The scope of analysis conducted for CEQA will include the activities described below in Section 3, paragraphs (a), (b) and (c). 3. Permanent License and Indemnity Agreement. The parties agree that if the Project is approved with Alternative No. 1 as the design, the Project will not be able to proceed until and unless the City and the County enter into a permanent License and Indemnity Agreement ("Permanent License and Indemnity Agreement), since the centerline would be moving south into the City. The Permanent License and Indemnity Agreement shall include all of the following provisions: (a) In as much as the Project affects existing landscape improvements the County shall be required to install new irrigation, landscaping and landscape lighting on both the north and south sides of the Project Site. The landscaping must be drought tolerant and should include an option for artificial turf within the median(s).on Fred Waring Drive. The landscaping must be based on specifications prepared by the County and approved by the City and the Coachella Valley Water District. The County and City will share in the maintenance cost of the median landscaping and irrigation water equally. County and City street maintenance responsibilities will remain as before the project. (b) The project will include a rubberized asphalt overlay as a measure to attenuate noise for the local residents. As a result of the Noise Study prepared for the project, the project will also include a sound wall between Adams St and Dune Palms Road to be located on the south side of the road between the roadway and the residential properties. The sound wall is provided to mitigate projected noise levels that would exceed 65 dBA Community Noise Equivalent Level (CNEL). The sound wall height will not exceed eight feet as recommended per the Noise Study. The costs associated with the design and construction of a sound wall are considered valid project cost and eligible for reimbursement by CVAG. (c) The County .shall be required to submit a traffic control plan and roadway improvement plans, which are subject to the approval of the Public Works Director of the City. The traffic control plan will be part of an encroachment permit which may include. additional measures to insure the safety of motorists during construction of the project and to cover City inspection costs. (d) The County shall be responsible for 100% of the design and construction costs for the "Project," Alternative 1 or.variation thereof as mutually agreed to. The County shall also be solely responsible for repairing any damaged street or landscape improvements resulting from the Project. (e) All construction will be dependent on the improvements being eligible under CVAG's policies as outlined in Section IV, "Cost Determination/Expense Eligibility" of CVAG's Policies and Procedures Manual and CVAG agreeing to reimburse 75% of the cost. The remaining 25% cost shall be paid by the .County. (0 Indemnity and Release. The County agrees to defend, indemnify, and hold the City, its officers, officials, representatives, agents and employees (collectively, "Indemnified Parties") hamiless from any and all claims, actions, liabilities, or legal proceedings (collectively, "Claims,,), arising from any accident, loss or damage to persons or property happening or occurring as a proximate result of any work undertaken by the County under this License and Indemnification Agreement, or which arises out of, relates to, or in any way involves the design, construction, installation, or use of the Improvements, including each and every design feature utilized in the Improvements and the driveway connections to Fred Waring Drive. Upon receipt of any Claim covered by this provision, the Indemnified Parties shall tender the Claim to the County, and the County shall provide the Indemnified Parties' defense in the matter, which includes reasonable attorneys' fees and costs, at no cost to Indemnified Parties. The Indemnified Parties shall fully cooperate in the defense of any such Claim. The County agrees to promptly pay any and all final judgments or awards of damages, costs, or any other monetary awards against the Indemnified Parties covered by this provision. This provision also shall not apply to Claims where the cause of injury or damage is determined by a final judgment or Wiling, no longer subject to appeal, to be solely the result of City's negligence; willful misconduct or gross misconduct with regard to the maintenance of City roadways or median improvements within City limits. To the extent the City's negligence, willful misconduct or gross misconduct with regard to the maintenance of City roadways or median improvements within City limits is determined by a final judgment or ruling, no longer subject to appeal, to be only one of two or more proximate causes of said injury or damages, the County's defense and indemnity obligations to City shall be reduced on a pro rata basis in accordance with the determinations included in such final judgment or ruling. The County's obligations under this provision. shall commence from the date the construction of the Improvements commences and shall continue in perpetuity. Upon request by the City, the County either shall add the Indemnified Parties as "additional insureds" to any and all of the County's insurance policies which might relate. to the Improvements made to the Project Site or provide proof of self insurance coverage for the Improvements made to the Project Site., However, the County agrees that the providing of said insurance coverage does not relieve the County of the obligations assumed within this provision. 4. Miscellaneous. -a- ,.N 0 6 5 (a) Attorneys' Fees. In the event of any dispute between the parties hereto involving this MOU, the prevailing party shall be entitled to recover, and the other party agrees to pay, all reasonable fees, expenses and costs, including but not limited to attorneys' fees. (b) Notices. Any notice which either party may desire to give to the other party must be in writing and shall be effective (i) when personally delivered by the other party or by messenger or courier, (ii) three (3) business days after deposit in the United States mail, registered or certified; (Hi) one (1) business day after deposit before the daily deadline time with a reputable overnight courier or service; or (iv) upon receipt of a telecopy or fax transmission (as evidenced by a computer generated receipt confirming a successful transmission), provided a hard copy of such transmission shall be thereafter delivered in one of the methods described in the foregoing (i) through (iii); in each case postage fully prepaid and addressed to the respective parties as set forth below or to such other address and to such other persons as the parties may hereafter designate by written notice to the other parties hereto: If to City: City of La Quinta Thomas P. Genovese, City Manager 78-495 Calle Tampico La Quinta, California 92253 With a copy to: Rutan & Tucker, LLP M. Katherine Jenson 611 Anton Blvd., Suite 1400 P.O. Box 1950 Costa Mesa, CA 92628-1950 If to County: Riverside County Transportation Department Juan C. Perez, Director of Transportation 4080 Lemon Street Riverside, CA 92501 With a Copy to : County of Riverside Clerk of the Board P.O. Box 1147 Riverside, CA 92502-1147 If to CVAG: Coachella Valley Association of Governments Tom Kirk, Executive Director 73-710 Fred Waring Drive, Suite #200 Palm Desert, CA 92260 Either party may from time to time, by written notice to the others, designate a different address which shall be substituted for the one above specified, and/or specify additional parties to be notified. -5- 066 5. Successors and Assigns. This MOU shall be binding on the parties hereto and their respective successors. 6. No Third Parties Benefited. This MOU is made for the sole benefit and protection of the City and County, and their respective successors. No other person shall have any right of action or right to rely thereon. 7. Entire Agreement. This MOU contains the entire agreement of the parties hereto with respect to the, matters covered hereby, and all negotiations and agreements, statements or promises between the parties hereto or their agents with respect to this transaction are merged in this MOU, which alone expresses the parties' rights and obligations and if not contained herein shall not be binding or valid against either of the parties hereto. .Notwithstanding the prior sentence, the Temporary License and Indemnification Agreement shall remain if force and effect unless terminated pursuant to its terms or superseded by the Permanent License and Indemnity Agreement. 8. Modification. Any amendments or modifications to this MOU must be in writing and executed by all the parties to this MOU. 9. Intemretation; Governing Law. This MOU shall be construed according to its fair meaning and as if prepared by both parties hereto. This MOU shall be construed in accordance with the laws of the State of California in effect at the time of the execution of this MOU. Titles and captions are for convenience only and shall not constitute a portion of this MOU. As used in this MOU, masculine, feminine or neutral gender and the singular or plural number shall each be deemed to include the others wherever and whenever the context so dictates. 10. No Waiver. No delay or omission by either party hereto in exercising any right or power accruing upon the compliance or failure of performance by the other party hereto under the provisions of this MOU shall impair any such right or power or be construed to be a waiver thereof. A waiver by either party hereto of a breach of any of the covenants, conditions or agreements hereof to be performed by the party shall not be construed as a waiver of any succeeding breach of the same or other covenants, agreements, restrictions or conditions thereof. 11. Severability. If any term, provision, condition or covenant of this MOU or the application thereof to any parry or circumstances shall, to any extent, be held invalid or unenforceable, the remainder of this instrument, or the application of such term, provision, condition or covenant to persons or circumstances other than those as to whom or which it is held invalid or unenforceable, shall not be affected thereby, and each term and provision of this MOU shall be valid and enforceable to the fullest extent permitted by law. 12. Counterparts. This MOU may be executed in several counterparts, and all so executed shall constitute one agreement binding on all parties hereto, notwithstanding that all parties are not signatories to the original or the same counterpart. The parties may also deliver executed copies of this MOU to each other by facsimile, which facsimile signatures shall be binding. Any facsimile delivery of signatures shall be followed by the delivery of executed originals. SIGNATURE PAGES FOLLOW -6- 061 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this Amendment as of the date set forth above. MY OF LA QUINTA, a California charter city By Mark Weiss ATTEST: Interim City Manager Susan Maysels, Interim City Clerk — 0--;Wa$Sy/ffll!�M 7T M: Katherine Jenson, City Attorney COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE, apolitical subdivision of the State of California By: Bob Buster, Chairman Board of Supervisors ATTEST: Clerk of the Board Kecia Harper-Ihem Deputy APPROVED AS TO FORM: Pamela J Walls, County Counsel Synthia M. Gunzel, Deputy County Counsel -7- 068 ! ATTACHMENT 2 SECOND AMENDMENT TO LICENSE AND INDEMNITY AGREEMENT THIS SECOND AMENDMENT TO LICENSE AND INDEMNITY AGREEMENT ("Amendment"), is made, to be effective the _ day of, 2012, by and between the CITY OF LA QUINTA, a California charter city ("City"), and the COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE, a political subdivision of the State of California ("County"), with reference to the following: Recitals WHEREAS, the City and the County have entered into that certain License and Indemnity Agreement, dated June 3, 2008, ("Original License") pursuant to which City granted a temporary, conditional license to the County to permit the temporary encroachment along Fred Waring, between Adams Street and Port Maria Road, to install interim roadway improvements ("Interim Improvements") and County has accepted the license and agreed to indemnify the City for these Interim Improvements, as more particularly described in the License and Indemnity Agreement; and WHEREAS, the City and the County have entered into that First Amendment to License and Indemnity Agreement, dated November 2, 2010, ("First Amendment") WHEREAS, the First Amendment expired six (6) months after the date that the agreement had been executed by all parties; and WHEREAS, the Original License together with both Amendments are collectively referred to herein as the "License"; and WHEREAS, since the City and the County have been negotiating and are entering into that certain Memorandum of Understanding to address each party's roles and responsibilities relating to alternate design choices, CEQA consideration and a final agreement for permanent roadway improvements. if the road improvement project is ultimately approved, an extension for the term of the License is warranted; and WHEREAS, the City and the County now desire to extend the term of the License. NOW THEREFORE, for good and valuable consideration the receipt and adequacy of which is hereby acknowledged, the parties agree as follows: Term of License. Section 2 of the License is hereby amended by the following: "The term of the License shall be extended to December 31, 2012." 2. Except as modified or supplemented by this Second Amendment to License, all provisions of this License shall remain in full force and effect. 3. This Second Amendment to License shall not be binding or consummated until its approval by the Board of Supervisors of Riverside County and the City Council of La Quinta. 069 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this Amendment as of the date first written above, CITY OF LA QUINTA, a California charter city By: Mark Weiss Interim City Manager ATTEST: Susan Maysels, Interim City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: M. Katherine Jenson, City Attorney COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE, a political subdivision of the State of California al] ATTEST: Clerk of the Board Kecia Harper-Thein Deputy APPROVED AS TO FORM: Pamela J Walls, County Counsel Synthia M, Gunzel, Deputy County Counsel John Tavaglione, Chairman Board of Supervisors 070 ATTACHMENT- 3 COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE TRANSPORTATION AND LAND MANAGEMENT AGENCY Transportation Department February 15, 2012 Mark Weiss, Interim City Manager City of La Quinta P O'Box 1504 La Quinta CA 92247 Dear Mr. Weiss: Ja,�y OF PoyF93 OOrOo Y� ,D 'L@A P2F OgT4tlON OEQp' Juan C. Perez PE, TE. Director of Transyorration I am providing this correspondence in follow-up to my recent conversations with Tim Jonasson, the City's Public Works Director. By way of background, County and City staff have been working together for over two years to develop a road widening project on Fred Waring Drive which will provide a substantial regional transportation benefit, while balancing the concerns and needs of the residents on both the City and County side, Fred Waring Drive is a named Measure "A" project and is one of the regional priorities identified by CVAG. The City and County had been working together to develop a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) that sets forth the expectations and responsibilities of each party, which was approved by the City Council on June 7, 2011. On June 21, 2011, the City Council rescinded the MOU due to concerns that the County and CVAG had not reach an agreement on the funding of the project. We are providing this letter as confirmation that County and CVAG staff have indeed identified a funding plan to fully fund this project, at no cost to the City of La Quinta, and are prepared to recommend to our respective Boards that CVAG and the County enter into a formal Cooperative Agreement for the funding. We therefore request that the City Council re -approve the MOU, in the same form that was previously approved on June 7, 2011. After that action, County staff will take it to our Board for approval and work with CVAG to approve the Cooperative Agreement. We also request that the License and Indemnity Agreement that was originally approved by the parties be extended to December 31, 2012 to allow the parties to complete the Environmental process. Thank you for your assistance on this matter, and please do not hesitate to contact Tom Kirk or I with any concerns or should you wish to discuss this further. We look forward to working with the City and CVAG to bring this important project to a conclusion. Re arils, Juan C. Perez Director of Transportation Cc: Supervisor Benoit, 4t" District Tom Kirk, CVAG Executive Director Patty Romo, Deputy Director of Transportation 4080 Lemon Street, 8th Floor • Riverside, California 92501 • (951) 955-6740 P.O. Box 1090 • Riverside, California 92502-1090 • FAX (951) 955-3198 071 A ATTACHMENT 4 i LICENSE AND INDEMNITY AGREEMENT THIS LICENSE AND INDEMNITY AGREEMENT ("Agreement") is made, to be effective the may of 771 ^ a� , 2008, by and between the CITY OF LA QUINTA, a California charter city ("City"), and the COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE, a political subdivision of the State of California ("County"), with reference to the following: RECITALS A. This Agreement relates to that portion of a public street commonly know as Fred Waring Drive, between Adams Street and Port Maria Road, a length of approximately 3300 feet (the "Project Site"). A depiction of the Project Site is attached hereto as Exhibit "A" and incorporated herein by this reference. The north side of Fred Waring Drive in the Project Site falls under the jurisdiction of the County, while the south side is under the City's jurisdiction. The centerline of the existing roadway is generally located on the boundary line between the City and the County. The entire road width of Fred Waring Drive west of Adams Street and east of Port Maria Road falls under the City's jurisdiction. B. The County proposes to install certain temporary roadway modifications in portions of the Project Site for the purpose of striping four lanes on Fred Waring Drive to facilitate traffic flow, and also wishes to make permanent improvements. The temporary modifications include, but are not limited to, the addition of lanes as a result of restriping of the roadway, and shifting the roadway centerline approximately six feet to the south, into the City's jurisdiction (the "Interim Improvements"). The Interim Improvements would be installed by the County on Fred Waring Drive from Adams Street to Old Harbour Drive. The Interim Improvements will require the preparation and submittal of a traffic control plan and roadway improvement plans, both of which are subject to the written approval of the City's Public Works Director. The County has indicated that the Interim Improvements will be temporary. However, the City and the County have not agreed upon the appropriate design of the permanent roadway improvements to the Project Site ("Permanent Improvements"), and the City is generally not in favor of the shifting of the centerline of the roadway, even on a temporary basis as a means to avoid acquisition of right-of-way. The City has expressed further concerns to the County based upon the design of the Interim Improvements. The County has indicated that it is willing to defend and indemnify the City from any liability that would arise from the these conditions of concern. C. The County has indicated that it wishes to carry out the Interim Improvements, and the County believes that the City and the County will come to an agreement regarding the scope and nature of the Permanent Improvements. The scope and nature of the Permanent Improvements will be subject of a separate agreement between the parties, Because the County proposes to carry out the Interim Improvements on a portion of the Project Site that is within the City's jurisdiction, the County needs to first obtain a temporary license from the City in order to install the Interim Improvements. The City wishes to ensure that the Interim Improvements do not become permanent. Further, the County has agreed that if the parties do not come to an agreement regarding the Permanent Improvements within the time period set forth in this Agreement; NK4ouigy Mj.promptly restore the roadway to the configuration it was in (including the lane striping configuration) prior to the Interim Improvements, at the County's sole expetoe,, and tQ the City°.s,reasonable satisfaction. 06.03.08 3.75 072 D. Because the Interim Improvements are a County project, the City has demanded, and the County has agreed, to fully indemnify the City for all claims in any way relating to the Interim Improvements. E. Subject to the provisions of this Agreement, County and the City now desire to enter this Agreement to provide a conditional and temporary license to the County to allow it to install, on a temporary basis, the Interim Improvements and to require the County to defend and indemnity to the City from and for any and all liability from the Interim Improvements or the public's use thereof prior to the Permanent Improvements. NOW, THEREFORE, incorporating the foregoing recitals and in consideration thereof, and in consideration of the mutual covenants and conditions contained herein, and for other good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged, the parties hereto agree as follows: AGREEMENT 1. Grant of License. The City hereby grants a temporary, conditional license to the County to permit the temporary encroachment on the following areas within the City: (1) up to 15 feet south of the existing centerline of Fred Waring for the Interim Improvements, including the temporary restopng; (2) a construction encroachment area of up to 25 feet south of centerline within the Project Site; and (2) a transition area 500 feet west of Adams and 500 feet east of Port Maria to allow for traffic control and transitions to the construction zone. The plans for the Interim Improvements and the traffic control plan shall be subject to review and written approval by the City's Public Works Director prior to any work taking place within the City's right-of-way. Work hours for taking traffic lanes in order to install the Interim Improvements shall be restricted to Monday through Friday, 8:30 am to 3:30 pm, with no work on Saturdays, Sundays or holidays without prior approval by the Public Works Director. Access to driveways shall be maintained with minimum delays to residents at all times. 2. Tenn of License: Duty to Restore. The term of the license shall commence on the date that this agreement has been executed by all parties and shall end 24 months thereafter. If the City and the County have not reached an agreement on the nature and scope of the Permanent Improvements within that 24-month period, the County shall restore Fred Waring Drive to the configuration it was in prior to the installation of the Interim Improvements, including restopng the center line at the City boundary and restoring the lane configuration and striping that existed prior to the Temporary Improvements. The restoration shall be solely at the County's expense, and shall be subject to the reasonable approval of the City's Public Works Director. If the County fails to fully restore Fred Waring Drive to its previous condition, the City shall have the Tight to complete the restoration, and the County shall promptly reimburse the City for the costs incurred by the City in completing the restoration. The restoration shall be completed by the County within 180 days from the expiration of the 24-month period, and the City hereby grants a license to the County to complete the restoration during that period. The restoration shall be completed pursuant to restoration and traffic control plans which must be approved by the City's Public Works Director. 3. Indemnity & Release. The County agrees to defend, indemnify, and hold the City, its officers, officials, representatives, agents and employees (collectively, "Indemnified Parties") harmless from any and all claims, actions, liabilities, or legal proceedings (collectively, WW015610-0002 899956 08 905/30/08 y� 073 "Claims"), arising from any accident, loss or damage to persons or property happening or occurring as a proximate result of any work undertaken by the County under this license granted pursuant to this Agreement, or which arises out of, relates to, or in any way involves the design, construction, installation, or use of the Interim Improvements, including each and every design feature utilized in the Interim Improvements and the driveway connections to Fred Waring Drive. Upon receipt of any Claim covered by this provision, the Indemnified Parties shall tender the Claim to the County, and the County shall provide the Indemnified Parties' defense in the matter, which includes reasonable attorneys' fees and costs, at no cost to Indemnified Parties. The Indemnified Parties shall fully cooperate in the defense of any such Claim. The County agrees to promptly pay any and all final judgments or awards of damages, costs, or any other monetary awards against the Indemnified Parties covered by this provision. This provision also shall not apply to Claims where the cause of injury or damage is determined by a final judgment or ruling, no longer subject to appeal, to be solely the result of City's negligence, willful misconduct or gross misconduct with regard to the maintenance of City roadways or median improvements within City limits. To the extent the City's negligence, willful misconduct or gross misconduct with regard to the maintenance of City roadways or median improvements within City limits is determined by a final judgment or ruling, no longer subject to appeal, to be only one of two or more proximate causes of said injury or damages, the County's defense and indemnity obligations to City shall be reduced on a pro rata basis in accordance with the determinations included in such final judgment or ruling. The County's obligations under this provision shall commence from the date the construction of the Interim Improvements commences and shall continue in effect that either: (1) the roadway is fully restored to its current condition, which condition is accepted as being fully restored by the City's Public Works Director; or (2) the Permanent Improvements are agreed upon and fully installed. Nothing in this paragraph shall preclude the City from requested defense and indemnification as a condition to its approval of the Permanent Improvements. Upon request by the City, the County either shall add the Indemnified Parties as "additional insureds" to any and all of the County's insurance policies which might relate to the Interim Improvements made to the Project Site or provide proof of self insurance coverage for the Interim Improvements made to the Project Site. However, the County agrees that the providing of said insurance coverage does not relieve the County of the obligations assumed within this provision. 4. Miscellaneous. 4.1 Attorneys' Fees. In the event of any dispute between the parties hereto involving this Agreement, the prevailing party shall be entitled to recover, and the other party agrees to pay, all reasonable fees, expenses and costs, including but not limited to attorneys' fees. 4.2 Notices. Any notice which either party may desire to give to the other party must be in writing and shall be effective (i) when personally delivered by the other party or by messenger or courier; (ii) three (3) business days after deposit. in the United States mail, registered or certified; (iii) one (1) business day after deposit before the daily deadline time with a reputable overnight courier or service; or (iv) upon receipt of a telecopy or fax transmission (as 1OM15610-M 999956 09 P05130VOS -3- 074 evidenced by a computer generated receipt confirming a successful transmission), provided a hard copy of such transmission shall be thereafter delivered in one of the methods described in the foregoing (i) through (iii); in each case postage fully prepaid and addressed to the respective parties as set forth below or to such other address and to such other persons as the parties may hereafter designate by written notice to the other parties hereto: If to City: City of La Quinta Thomas P. Genovese, City Manager 78495 Calle Tampico La Quinta, California 92253 With a copy to: Rutan & Tucker, LLP M. Katherine Jenson 611 Anton Blvd., Suite 1400 P.O. Box 1950 Costa Mesa, CA 92628-1950 If to County: Riverside County Transportation Department Juan Perez, Director of Transportation 4080 Lemon Street Riverside, CA 92501 With a Copy to : County of Riverside Clerk of the Board P.O. Box 1147 Riverside, CA 92502-1147 Either party may from time to time, by written notice to the others, designate a different address which shall be substituted for the one above specified, and/or specify additional parties to be notified. 4.3 Successors and Assigns. This Agreement shall be binding on the parties hereto and their respective heirs, successors, representatives, transferees and assigns. 4.4 No Third Parties Benefited. This Agreement is made for the sole benefit and protection of the City and County, and their respective successors and assigns. No other person shall have any right of action or right to rely thereon. 4.5 Time of the Essence. Time is of the essence of each of the terms, covenants and conditions of this Agreement. 4.6 Entire Agreement. This Agreement contains the entire agreement of the parties hereto with respect to the matters covered hereby, and all negotiations and agreements, statements or promises between the parties hereto or their agents with respect to this transaction are merged in this Agreement, which alone expresses the parties' rights and obligations and if not contained herein shall not be binding or valid against either of the parties hereto. 4.7 Modification. Any amendments or modifications to this Agreement must be in writing and executed by all the parties to this Agreement. 106M15610-M 899956 06 a05/30109 4- 075 4.8 in elation• Governing Law. This Agreement shall be construed according to its fair meaning and as if prepared by both parties hereto. This Agreement shall be construed in accordance with the laws of the State of California in effect at the time of the execution of this Agreement. Titles and captions are for convenience only and shall not constitute a portion of this Agreement. As used in this Agreement, masculine, feminine or neutral gender and the singular or plural number shall each be deemed to include the others wherever and whenever the context so dictates. 4.9 No Waiver. No delay or omission by either party hereto in exercising any right or power accruing upon the compliance or failure of performance by the other party hereto under the provisions of this Agreement shall impair any such right or power or be construed to be a waiver thereof. A waiver by either party hereto of a breach of any of the covenants, conditions or agreements hereof to be performed by the party shall not be construed as a waiver of any succeeding breach of the same or other covenants, agreements, restrictions or conditions thereof. 4.10 Severability. If any term, provision, condition or covenant of this Agreement or the application thereof to any party or circumstances shall, to any extent, be held invalid or unenforceable, the remainder of this instrument, or the application of such term, provision, condition or covenant to persons or circumstances other than those as to whom or which it is held invalid or unenforceable, shall not be affected thereby, and each term and provision of this Agreement shall be valid and enforceable to the fullest extent permitted by law. 4.11 Counterparts. This Amendment may be executed in several counterparts, and all so executed shall constitute one agreement binding on all parties hereto, notwithstanding that all parties are not signatories to the original or the same counterpart. The parties may also deliver executed copies of this Amendment to each other by facsimile, which facsimile signatures shall be binding. Any facsimile delivery of signatures shall be followed by the delivery of executed originals. 106&015610-M 899956.08 805/30/08 SIGNATURE PAGE FOLLOWS -5- 076 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this Amendment as of the date set forth above. CITY OF LA QUINTA, a California charter city 2/z,. By: Thomas P. Genovese Its: City Manager APPROVE S TO FORM: M. Katherin Jen City Atto COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE By.7,7 y Wilson, Board of Sut ATTEST: Clerk of the Board Nancy Romero Deputy County Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: Joe S. Rank, County Counsel 4�-ioiv'rt N 6rxrwj Sy Chia M. Gunzel, D uty County Counsel 1068/015610-M 3"95608 PO 130M -6- , 0 077 06.03.08 3.75 Contract No. �/0 ' V 7 - u/" ATTACHMENT 5 Riverside Co Transportation FIRST AMENDMENT TO LICENSE AND INDEMNITY AGREEMENT THIS FIRST AMENDMENT TO LI ENSE AND INDEMNITY AGREEMENT ("Amendment"), is made, to be effective the _ day of _ , 2010, by and between the CITY OF LA QUINTA, a California charter city ("City"), and the COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE, a political subdivision of the State of California ("County"), with reference to the following: Recitals WHEREAS, the City and the County have entered into that certain license and Indemnity Agreement, dated June 3, 2008, ("Original License") pursuant to which City granted a temporary, conditional license to the County to permit the temporary encroachment along Fred Waring, between Adams Street and Port Maria Road, to install interim roadway improvements ("Interim Improvements") and County has accepted the license and agreed to indemnify the City for these Interim Improvements, as more particularly described in the License and Indemnity Agreement; and WHEREAS, the Original License is due to expire twenty-four (24) months after the date that this agreement has been executed by all parties; and WHEREAS, the Original License together with this Amendment are collectively referred to herein as the "License"; and WHEREAS, since the City and the County have been negotiating and intend to enter into that certain Memorandum of Understanding to address each .parry's roles and responsibilities relating to alternate design choices, CEQA consideration and a final agreement for permanent roadway improvements if the road improvement project is ultimately approved, an extension for the term of the License is warranted; and WHEREAS, the City and the County now desire to extend the term of the License. NOW THEREFORE, for good and valuable consideration the receipt and adequacy of which is hereby acknowledged, the parties agree as follows: 1. Term of License. Section 2 of the License is hereby amended by the following: "The term of the License shall be extended for six (6) months from the date the Original License was due to expire." 2. Except as modified or supplemented by this First Amendment to License, all provisions of this license shall remain in full force and effect. 3. This First Amendment to License shall not be binding or consummated until its approval by the Board of Supervisors of Riverside County and the City Council of La Quinta. .M 078 \.11 1 V1- Lt YUAIN I , a California charter city By: Thomas P. Genovese Its: City Manager T. Veronica Montecino' City Clerk AP ROV7&ne-1 S FO AW ath' y Attorney ATTEST: Clerk of the Board Kecia Harper-Ihem AnaaAt,= Deputy APPROVED AS TO FORM: PamelarT Walls, County Counsel I >'T7Y N� uGC� Synthi . Gunzel, Deputy C unty Counsel COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE, a political subdivision of the State of California By: / Z46i-� Marion Ashley, Chairman Board of Supervisors NOV 0 2 2010 N 079 T ' Q 4t�k 4 4 amr(v COUNCIL/SA MEETING DATE: March 6, 2012 ITEM TITLE: Consideration of Formation and Appointment of Two Members to an Ad Hoc Committee to Review Grant Requests RECOMMENDATION: As deemed appropriate by the City Council. FISCAL IMPLICATIONS: None. CHARTER CITY IMPLICATIONS: None. BACKGROUND AND OVERVIEW AGENDA CATEGORY: BUSINESS SESSION: 3 CONSENT CALENDAR: STUDY SESSION: PUBLIC HEARING: As part of the 201 1 /2012 Fiscal Year Budget, the City Council allocated $25,000 to fund Community Services Grants. If the City Council would like to have the grant applications reviewed by a committee before they are presented to the City Council, staff would recommend the formation of an Ad Hoc Committee comprised of two City Council members. This Ad Hoc Committee would review and recommend the 2nd round of grants to City Council on April 3, 2012. FINDINGS AND ALTERNATIVES: The alternatives available to the City Council include: 1. Establish an Ad Hoc Committee to consider the 2nd round of Grant Requests and appoint two City Council members to serve; or 2. Do not establish an Ad Hoc Committee to consider the 2nd round of Grant Requests; or 3. Provide staff with, alternative direction. _.N 080 Respectfully submitted, Edie Hylton Community Services Director Approved for submission by: Mark Weiss, Interim City Manager Eff 4 16 a MW4 ffiff= COUNCIL/RDA MEETING DATE: March 6, 2012 ITEM TITLE: Consideration of the Selection of Two City Council Members for the Ad Hoc Budget Sub - Committee RECOMMENDATION: AGENDA CATEGORY: BUSINESS SESSION: CONSENT CALENDAR: STUDY SESSION: PUBLIC HEARING: Appoint two City Council members to serve on the Ad Hoc Budget Sub -committee. FISCAL IMPLICATIONS: No direct fiscal implications will result from this item. CHARTER CITY IMPLICATIONS: i1ron" BACKGROUND AND OVERVIEW: The City Council conducted a study session on February 21, 2012, to discuss the Fiscal Year 2012/2013 Annual Financial Management Review. Minutes from the meeting are included as Attachment 1. Based on the feedback and direction provided by the City Council at this meeting, two Council Members will be selected to participate in an Ad Hoc Budget Sub -committee to review the Fiscal Year 2012/2013 Annual Budget documents. FINDINGS AND ALTERNATIVES: The alternatives available to the City Council include: Appoint two City Council members to serve on the Ad Hoc Budget Sub- committee; or 2. Do not appoint two City Council members to serve on the Ad Hoc Budget Sub -committee; or 3. Provide staff with alternative direction. IP 082 itted, Analyst Approved for submission by: l'Vt�-- 6� P_ Mark Weiss, Interim City Manager Attachment: 1. Minutes of the February 21, 2012 City Council Meeting It 083 Attachment 1 STUDY SESSION DISCUSSION OF CITY COUNCIL GOALS FOR FISCAL YEARS 2011 /2012 AND 2012/2013 Management Analyst Oscar Santana presented the staff report. Council Member Henderson stated that she appreciated the abbreviated list of goals, agreed that they were the big, important items, and would not be adding any more to the list. Council Member Osborne requested that three items be added to Council goals: (1) Preparation of a new economic development plan, (2) formation of a temporary ad hoc budget subcommittee consisting of two Council Members, and (3) review of signage laws for small businesses. Council Members Osborne and Evans explained that an ad hoc budget subcommittee is desirable due to the upcoming changeover of top management staff. It will be useful to have two Council Members fully versed in the details of next year's 600 to 700-page budget when a new City Manager and new Finance Director are getting up to speed. Ms. Evans stated that the subcommittee meetings would be question & answer sessions with staff for clarity and understanding rather than reworking department budgets. Mr. Osborne said that his goal for the subcommittee could be accomplished in two meetings. Council Member Franklin stated that she supported the preparation of a new economic development plan and a review of signage laws for all businesses, not just village businesses. The Council reached a consensus to form an ad hoc budget subcommittee to be formed at the next Council meeting. Interim City Manager Mark Weiss stated that the Council goals and objectives would be amended to add an ad hoc budget subcommittee, and a review of signage. CITY COUNCIL MINUTES 1 FEBRUARY 21, 2012 T4t!t 4 4 Qum& AGENDA CATEGORY: BUSINESS SESSION: COUNCIL/RDA MEETING DATE: March 6, 2012 CONSENT CALENDAR: ITEM TITLE: Discussion of Management Alternatives for STUDY SESSION: the Undeveloped Property at SilverRock Resort PUBLIC HEARING: RECOMMENDATION: As deemed appropriate by the City Council. FISCAL IMPLICATIONS: Current management and maintenance for the undeveloped SilverRock Resort property is funded through Public Works PM10 (Account No. 101-7006-431.32-15) in the amount of $295,000. The area located at Avenue 54 and Jefferson Street that is used for the Humana Challenge parking is funded through the Community Services Parks Division (Account No. 101-3005-451.32-22) in the amount of $80,000 for Fiscal Year 2011 /2012. BACKGROUND AND OVERVIEW: SilverRock Resort consists of 520 acres. Approximately 290 acres of the property remain undeveloped (Attachment 1). Since 2004, PM-10 measures have been in place for dust control and Air Quality Management District (AQMD) compliance. In 2005, staff worked closely with AQMD to determine the best options to stabilize the undeveloped property. The options included water truck service, chemical stabilization, vegetative stabilization (at AQMD's suggestion), and contracting the property for agricultural use. On August 4, 2009, the La Quinta Redevelopment Agency entered into a three year agreement with Precision Landleveling (now doing business as La Quinta Farms) to manage and maintain the entire 290 acres of undeveloped property at SilverRock Resort at a cost of $345,000 per year. The management and PM10 control included: • Annually plant and grow 45 acres of rye grass to be used as a temporary parking lot during the golf tournament. of 085 • Install above -ground irrigation along the interior dirt roads including. both Coachella Valley Water District (CVWD) canal roads. CVWD later asked to have the irrigation removed because they believed it would cause erosion on the canal road. The CVWD canal road has been maintained with water trucks by La Quinta Farms. • Plant eighty acre sections of Sudan grass each year within the undeveloped property. • Continually remove weeds and debris throughout the undeveloped property. • Daily water truck operation. • Annually remove aquatic and riparian weeds from the storm channel retention area located within the undeveloped property along Avenue 52 and the irrigation retention basin located in the center of the SilverRock Resort property just south of the CVWD canal. La Quinta Farms was also provided a revocable license to farm up to 50 acres of property, at no cost to the City, to grow and sell fruits and vegetables. They were unable to establish a farm operation on the property due to the relocation of the tournament parking lot and the canal relocation project. La Quinta Farms wanted to operate the fruit and vegetable operation at the corner of Avenue 52 and Jefferson Street, but were unable to do so because of the Hope Tournament Parking. They then wanted to operate the fruit and vegetable operation on Jefferson Street across from the Hideaway. At that time, CVWD approached the City about the canal relocation project that would affect the entire southeast section of the undeveloped property. During the past three years, the Hope/Humana Parking has been in three different locations on the undeveloped property and the canal relocation project has not proceeded as originally intended. Now that the Humana Parking lot is located at the corner of Avenue 54 and Jefferson Street the original location at Avenue 52 and Jefferson Street is available for a fruit and vegetable farm and produce stand operation. The three year agreement with La Quinta Farms will expire on June 30, 2012. Staff is seeking direction from the City Council for the continuing management of the undeveloped property at SilverRock Resort. In January 2012, local sod growers, nurseries, and other farming operations were contacted for possible use of the undeveloped property. Due to the amount of preparation and capital investment, the sod growers indicated they would need at least a ten year commitment to the property before any use would be considered. Nurseries and other farm operations simply had no interest in using the SilverRock property. r Staff also began discussions with Environment Product and Applications (EPA) regarding the need at SilverRock for chemical stabilization. EPA has provided stabilization and water truck services as needed since 2006 including the Bob Hope Classic/Humana Challenge and the La Quinta Arts Festival. EPA is a La Quinta-based 086 business and the owner is also a La Quinta resident. Their equipment (water trucks and water towers) are stored in Coachella. EPA is interested in an agreement to provide chemical stabilization of the perimeter and building pads as well as on -call water truck service during high wind events at no charge in exchange for a 3-acre section of the undeveloped property to move their equipment from Coachella. The value of the chemical stabilization is $1 12,000. This is based on a total of 80 acres of undeveloped engineered pads and the perimeter slopes at $350/acre, applied four times annually. This component is necessary to complete PM 10 requirements for this property. La Quinta Farms is interested in continuing their management of the undeveloped property as well as a revocable license agreement to farm up to 50 acres. The new proposal to continue maintaining the undeveloped property is $295,000. There will be no cost to the City for the farming because that will be under a separate licensing agreement. Landmark Golf Management also provided a proposal for the management of the undeveloped property that will be separate from the golf course management operations. Their proposal is for $285,000 and will match the services that are currently being provided by La Quinta Farms. Landmark's proposal uses rented irrigation pipe, irrigation supplied by the golf course irrigation pumps, and instead of farming the 35-acre property Landmark will maintain that area with PM10 measures. In an effort to save costs for the Humana Tournament Parking, staff researched other parking surface alternatives such as road base and planting Bermuda grass instead of rye grass. It was determined that rye grass seed could be used at a reduced application rate to provide some cost savings. This seed and application rate is included in the proposals that were provided by Landmark Golf Management and La Quinta Farms. Due to the nature and the historic difficulty in obtaining suitable bids for this project, staff is requesting City Council to allow for negotiations with the parties listed in this report. As per the La Quinta Municipal Code, Title 3, Chapter 3.30, Section 3.30.070 Exceptions to the procedures prescribed in this chapter: 3.30.070 C. The city council may authorize the award and execution of contracts for public works projects without competitive bidding provided that such award is in the best interest of the city or of the public health, safety and welfare. Options for the City Council include: A. Direct staff to negotiate a Contract Services Agreement with Landmark Golf Management to maintain the undeveloped property by annually planting and maintaining 80 acres of Sudan grass and 45 acres of rye grass, continually removing weeds and debris throughout the entire property, clearing the storm water retention basin, and provide daily water truck operation for a total nqt to 087 exceed $285,000 annually; and Direct staff to prepare a no cost License Agreement with EPA for their PM10 equipment to be stored on the property and for EPA to glue the roads, perimeter slopes, and engineered pads of the property. B. Direct staff to negotiate a Contract Services Agreement with La Quinta Farms to maintain the undeveloped property by annually planting and maintaining 80 acres of Sudan grass and 45 acres of rye grass, continually removing weeds and debris throughout the entire property, clearing the storm water retention basin, and provide daily water truck operation for a total not to exceed $295,000 annually; and Direct staff to also prepare a new Revocable License Agreement with La Quinta Farms to farm the 35 acre lot located at the corner of Avenue 52 and Jefferson Street, at no cost to the City, to grow and sell fruits and vegetables; and Direct staff to prepare a no cost License Agreement with EPA for their PM10 equipment to be stored on the property and for EPA to glue the roads, perimeter slopes, and engineered pads of the property. 2. Direct staff to prepare plans and specifications for management of the undeveloped property. 3. Direct staff to consider other alternatives. Respectfully submitted, Edie Hylton Community Services Director Approved for submission by: hx,t-t,�(� Mark Weiss, Interim City Manager Attachment: 1. Location Map Iii REPORT/INFORMATIONAL ITEM: 1 ( INVESTMENT ADVISORY BOARD Meeting January 11, 2012 I CALL TO ORDER Regular meeting of the La Quinta Investment Advisory Board was called to order at the hour of 4:00 p.m. by Chairperson Spirtos followed by the Pledge of Allegiance. PRESENT: Board Members Mortenson, Blum, Spirtos, Park and Donais ABSENT: None OTHERS PRESENT: John Falconer, Finance Director and Vianka Orrantia, Senior Secretary II PUBLIC COMMENT - None 111 CONFIRMATION OF AGENDA - Confirmed IV CONSENT CALENDAR 1. Approval of Minutes of Meeting on December 14, 2011 for the Investment Advisory Board. MOTION - It was moved by Board Members Blum/Park to approve the Minutes of December 14, 2011. Motion carried unanimously. V BUSINESS SESSION A. Transmittal of Treasury Report for November 2011 Mr. Falconer presented and reviewed the staff report for the month of November advising the Board of a decrease in the portfolio of approximately $3.4 million ending the month slightly under $163 million. A large portion of the decrease was due to cash needs. Mr. Falconer further advised that page 3 summarizes the cash decrease as follows: $363,000 was spent on the "A" Street extension Project, $127,000 on Phase 2 Washington Street Drainage Project, $493,000 on the Adams Street Bridge, in addition during the month of the November $1.7 million was paid toward the County of Riverside Sheriff contact which equated to two months of contract service costs. Mr. Falconer also advised that the average maturity for the month of November decreased just slightly less than 100 days, with the portfolio performance increasing by two basis points ending the month at .37% and the pooled cash investments at .52%, as compared to the previous month's investments at .50%. Mr. Falconer informed the Board that in the month of November the LAW balance had increased to the $40 million maximum. In addition, he informed the Board of the maturity of several investments which will be reinvested into commercial paper. Mr. Falconer advised the Board that due to the State Supreme Court ruling the City will not be making the tentative scheduled payment of $18 million that was due mid -January. Mr. Falconer also advised that due to the ruling, the City's RDA will expire as of February 1, 2012. Chairperson Spirtos commented that she had asked that the Supreme Court's ruling abolishing the RDA be further discussed under Board Member items. Mr. Falconer advised that in spite of the ruling the City is scheduled to receive the January tax increment revenues and will make the pass -through payments. Mr. Falconer also advised that staff is diligently making every effort to safeguard the City's assets. Mr. Falconer stated that page 4 reflects the summary of permissible deposits and investments as well as the diversity of those deposits and investments. In response to Board Member Blum, Mr. Falconer advised that on behalf of the City the Treasurer conducts all investments as well as establishing all CD's. Mr. Falconer summarized for the Board the CD purchase process. Board Member Blum shared his concern regarding the Treasurer's resignation and the continuity of all investments upon his departure. General discussion ensued amongst the Board and staff regarding the continual safeguard of the City's investments during the recruitment and replacement of the Finance Director/Treasurer. Mr. Falconer suggested that staff give an update as to the status of the Finance Director/Treasurer replacement at the April board meeting. Board concurred. 2 Is 091 Board Member Mortenson reiterated the purpose of the Board and the City's investment policy and the check balances that are in place to protect all City investments. Mr. Falconer stated that staff currently maintains a "conservative" investment policy; the new Finance Director/Treasurer could change how investments are made. In response to Board Member Mortenson, Mr. Falconer advised that as a result of the elimination of the RDA and the uncertainty of the tax increments payments, the 94 day average maturity gives the City ample flexibility for liquidity for unexpected cash needs. In response to Board Member Mortenson, Mr. Falconer advised that at the December Board meeting staff was recommending a draw -down of monies out of the Rabobank account but due to the current interest environment and same day liquidity option, it was decided by staff to maintain the current balance in the Rabobank account. Mr. Falconer suggested that the Board consider increasing either LAIF or Rabobank at the review of the 2012/2013 investment policy. In response to Chairperson Spritos, Mr. Falconer clarified the following: Page 2: column titled "Other" is an amortization of Discount Notes and is reported as interest income. Page 8: table titled City; "Revenue Funds" in the amount of $774,127 is a grouping of various funds. Mr. Falconer suggested that staff breakdown the funds that compile the "revenue funds" and report back to the Board at the next scheduled meeting. In response to Chairperson Spirtos, Mr. Falconer advised that the Information Technology Fund (also listed within the City table) is a fund which pays for the City's Information Technology Specialist as well as the City's servers, equipment and internet. Mr. Falconer further advised that Council has considered televising City Council meetings but due to the current economy, they do not feel they should impose a fee to the residents of La Quinta to televise the meetings at this time. 3 1.8 092 MOTION — It was moved by Board Members Mortenson/Donais to review, receive, and file the Treasurers Report for November 2011. Motion carried unanimously. VI CORRESPONDENCE AND WRITTEN MATERIAL A. Month End Cash Report — December 2011 Mr. Falconer presented and reviewed the month end cash report for the month of December advising the Board that page 2 of the report reflects an increase in LAIF in addition to a decline in the Bank of New York investments. LAIF still remains at 38 basis points with thirteen week Treasury rates at .025% and a one-year at 11 basis points. Mr. Falconer further advised that page 5 reflects the note activity, with the two-year note currently at a .24 yield and the three- year at .35 basis points. Mr. Falconer commented to the Board that the short-term commercial paper investment in Ricoh Financial yielded .25 basis points; due to the short-term rate staff will consider commercial paper for any future investments. In response to Board Member Mortenson, Mr. Falconer advised that average money market balances are held in two sweep accounts, one account averaged a balance of approximately $150,000 for any golf course expenses and emergency checks; the second account held bond proceeds from Money Market Mutual funds with a current balance of $16 million and was used for the City's cash needs. Due to the abolishment of the RDA the bond proceeds account at this time will remain suspended. Board Member Mortenson advised that with the current money market regulatory issues, that staff consider other alternatives in lieu of money market funds. Chairperson Spirtos requested that the literature advising of the issues with the money market funds be made available at the next scheduled meeting. Noted and Filed B. Pooled Money Investment Board Reports — October 2011 and November 2011 Noted and Filed 4 ..4 : 093 VII BOARD MEMBER ITEMS Chairperson Spirtos requested that the State Supreme Court's decision to abolish all "Redevelopment Agencies" be discussed at this time. General discussion ensued amongst the Board and staff regarding the State Supreme. Court's decision to abolish all redevelopment agencies, the impact this decision has on the City and the steps staff is taking to ensure the City is in compliance with the State's ruling. Chairperson Spirtos advised the Board that the City will be honoring Pillars of the Community at 1 1:00 a.m. on January 12, 2012; this year's honorees will include Tom Genovese and Stan Sniff. Chairperson Spirtos further advised that she will not be in attendance at the February board meeting. Vlll ADJOURNMENT MOTION - It was moved by Board Members Park/Blum to adjourn the meeting at 4:59 p.m. Motion carried unanimously. Vianka Orrantia Senior Secretary E 094 Department Report: D1 q MEMORANDUM TO: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council FROM: Mark Weiss, Interim City Manager 01� DATE: March 6, 2012 SUBJECT: La Quinta Chamber of Commerce Quarterly Report and Annual Facilities Report Per the City's contract with the Chamber of Commerce for Fiscal Year 201 1-2012, the following reports are attached: Quarterly Report for Period Ending December 2011 Annual Facilities Report for Period Ending December 2011 095 78-275 Calle Tampico #B, La Quinta CA 92253 Ph: (760) 564-3199 Fax: (760) 564-3111 February 15, 2012 To: Mark Weiss, City Manager, City of La Quinta From: David S. Archer, President/CEO, La Quinta Chamber of Commerce Re: Quarterly Report for Period Ending December 2011 The following is the required reporting for the second quarter of Fiscal Year 2011 — 2012 for the La Quinta Chamber of Commerce in accordance with our Contract for Services. For your convenience we have included a brief Executive Summary on the highlights of the current fiscal year. Items Discussed Below in detail: Contract for Services 1. Business Retention and Promotion 2. The GEM Community Newsletter 3. The Visitor's Center 4. Annual Financial Review I look forward to continuing to build on our great working relationship between the City and the Chamber and do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions or further requirements. Respectfully, David S. Archer President/CEO La Quinta Chamber of Commerce Cc: Maria Casillas - City of La Quinta David Howard Chairman of the Board La Quinta Chamber of Commerce reception a(�lgchamber.com • www.lachamber.com The Voice of Business 1. it.-. U9b Executive Summary Key Items of note are: Business Retention/Promotion and Economic Development The Chamber continues to reach out to all the businesses in the Village area and through the &h Quarter of last Fiscal year had contacted 100% per the Contract for Services. Events are being planned and include the 6'h Annual Car Show and 3`' Annual Taste of La Quinta both of which had outstanding attendance and feedback last year. On a Previous Fiscal Year and on a Current Year to Date basis the Chamber continues to progress on adding and retaining members. This continues to be a positive sign that the business environment may be improving ever so slightly. Additionally, two "Board" driven Membership Drives yielded 30 new members. Member Communication The Chamber has negotiated a website agreement and will be revamping its website in the coming months and evaluating other business systems such as computers and Chamber Software. In addition the Chamber is in the process of creating and delivering another issue of the La Quinta map featuring members, local events, and points of interest in and around La Quinta. The Map project is anticipated to be completed by the beginning of January 2012 and 12,000 will distributed to the participants and community. Maps continue to be the number one requested item by visitors to the Chamber. Events The Chamber continues to refine events and add others as appropriate. Most recently the Chamber initiated a "Lunch Mob" whereby members are notified via social networking means to be at a designated Member location to network with other members and potential members. Community/Charity The Chamber continues to support local Charities and will be presenting Martha's Village & Kitchen with a check for a portion of the proceeds from the Mayor's Cup Golf Challenge held in September. In addition, the Chamber has established a "Calendar" of charities whereby a charity will be chosen per month to be connected to the Chamber and any event held in that month. Financial Currently the Chamber is operating at a Year to Date Net Profit and ended the previous fiscal year with a Net Profit. Additionally, the Chamber has completed the current Financial Review in accordance with the Contract for Services and will file the current Tax Return as appropriate. Additional detail can be found in the following pages. .a"- 091 Key Statistics: 96o qe ever 2-ao�' ae�e \ca�aory\° Retail Icot Retta_. _..._ 29% Chamber Members by City December 2011 Total 434 New Members Fiscal YTD December 2011 Automotive New Members 48 0% Education Financial/Real Estate Hospitality Service 0% 4% Medical IRO/ Kazan 24% Non -Profit 16% Other 4% Restaurants Frotessional Services 12% 0 ° Dropped Members Fiscal-YTD December 2011 Dropped 64 Service 18% N. 098 t Business Retention/Promotion and Economic Development There are several key areas that The Chamber will focus on as it pertains to Business Retention/Promotion and Economic Development; Village Businesses, Member Retention, New Members, Member Communications, and Events. Village Businesses Village Re ortin 2"d Qtr YTD Total Businesses Contacted this Qtr Percentage Contacted Contacted YTD Percentage Contacted Chamber Members 197 52 26% 96 49% 85 Concerns/Comments: ❑ Why is code enforcement coming out at the beginning of"Season" and disallowing "sandwich boards?" ❑ When will the Street Fair be brought back? ❑ Rents seem too high! ❑ Our move to "the Village" was a good move ❑ The Taste of La Quinta was a great day for business ❑ Old Town does not seem to be friendly to new business ❑ At the Landlord's mercy ❑ Business is not picking up and costs are too high Action Taken: ❑ Events continue to be discussed for the Village Area ❑ The Chamber continues to perform numerous Ribbon Cuttings for Village Businesses and will continue as appropriate. ❑ Meeting with the businesses and discussing ways to enhance business ❑ Continue to work with businesses on Co-op opportunities between members ❑ The La Quinta Chamber of Commerce Village Sign Program continues to be offered to Chamber and non Chamber members. ❑ The Chamber Team will continue to contact the 100% of the "Village" Businesses. ❑ Continue utilizing radio and other media to promote events in the "Village" as appropriate Events in Process/Proposed ❑ The 6`" Annual Car Show is being planned for January 29, 2012. Last year's show was a huge success from a vendor and attendee perspective. The Riverside County Sheriff working the event estimated over 5,000 were in attendance and for the first time local car Dealers participated in the event. ❑ A Taste of La Quinta 2012, our 3`d Annual event is planned for March 17, 2011 — in Old Town - wine and food festival. Each year has been very successful and well received by the merchants and participants. The event in March featured 22 Restaurants and 13 Wineries. Participants were again treated to great food, wine, and a large commemorative wine glass! " 099 Member Retention Summary For the first quarter of the Fiscal Year of 2011 — 2012 the member retention at 50% and reduced from the FY-10-11 of 74% due to the timing of past due renewals and being the "Summer" months. While "New Members" were less than the "Non Renewal" members, 25 to 28 respectively, New Members on the rise and retention continues to be an area of focus for the Chamber Team. Retention Re ortin Renewals �4397 FY-10-11 1st Qtr 2nd Qtr 3rd Qtr 4th Qtr YTD Available 375 144 120 264 Actual 272 278 72 82 154 Retention % 62% 74% 50% 68% 58% Drops 245 109 28 36 64 Adds 110 129 25 17 48 Ending 416 455 453 434 434 Comments: ❑ Sign issues still concern many members such as Janice Hall Art Gallery ❑ Businesses' needs a reprieve in the summer months. ❑ Can't the City provide additional monetary support to struggling local businesses ❑ Dropping all Chamber memberships until begin making money ❑ Business is slow and can not afford the membership ❑ Why are all events in Old Town? ❑ It was commented that GEM advertising was more effective than other publications ❑ While December was slow it is picking up noted a business on Highway I I I ❑ Business is good not great was indicated by a new member Action Taken ❑ Discussions with City Staff regarding the "sign" concerns from Members ❑ Implemented two Board driven membership drives that yielded approximately 30 new members ❑ Reviewing a IT Support program to benefit Chamber members ❑ Continue to add value through strategic partnerships such as Office Depot and offering additional benefits for members ❑ Implemented a "Spending Time ON Your Business" Business to Business Symposium to assist local businesses, feature members and enhance business to business activities. ❑ The Chamber Team has increase to contacting 30 businesses a day ❑ President/CEO making face to face calls with existing and new members ❑ Proactively working with the City on signage issues ❑ Developing new events/programs to assist local businesses ❑ Consulting with businesses on ways to enhance their business' 1', 0 New Members Summary For the Fiscal Year 2010-2011 new member gains of 129 averaged 11 members per month and continue to show signs of improving. The Chamber added 19 more than the previous Fiscal Year. The Chamber continues to work with the City regarding the new permit reports and continually seeks to improve the process. New Members FY 09-10 FY-10-11 Oct I Nov I Dec 2nd Qtr YTD Total 1 110 129 10 7 0 17 48 Action Taken ❑ New members have slowed down during the holiday season and should begin to improve through the next two quarters. The Chamber is reviewing an additional Board of Directors "Membership" drive in the future. ❑ The Chamber Team continues contacting approximately 25 businesses a day ❑ All New Members are invited to the Mayor's Lunch and the Member Forum as appropriate. ❑ Individual meetings are held to discuss member needs and expectations as appropriate. ❑ Chamber Board Members continue to assist in the sales process by providing leads and in some instances going on calls with the Sales Team Member Communications Methods of Communication — Email Blasts, The GEM, www.kgchamber.com, City Map and Business Directory, The Desert Radio Group, Time Warner Cable. - Web Site ❑ The Chamber is currently revising its website and integrating other technologies. At the Board Retreat in August the Board has given a higher priority to updating the website and is anticipated to be complete in February of 2115. Web Site 2nd Qtr Rolling 4 Quarters Visits 686 2,872 Page Views 1,086 4,433 Page Visits 1.58 1.55 Avg. Time on Site 1.39 1.25 New Visits 84% 82% Map ❑ The Chamber is currently in production of the latest version and will be distributed in January 2012. N 4 101 facebook ❑ The Chamber continues to utilize facebook as a means of communicating with its members and has invited all members to be "friends" of the Chamber. Chamber "friends" list continues to grow and is now up to 1,736. Twitter/E-vite ❑ While the Chamber has discontinued the use of E-vite, it has begun advertising events on Twitter with noticeable success. The "Lunch Mob" event has been developed specifically for advertising on Social Media. Constant Contact ❑ There are weekly email blasts sent out by the chamber to all existing and former members, approximately 1,600, to promote upcoming Chamber, Community, and City events. Additionally, members can utilize this service for a nominal fee. Events Events Summary — The Chamber continues to focus on its current lineup of events and while the economic times have proven to be a challenge for event attendance, attendance on a percentage of total members is consistent year over year and the Flash Lunch Mob has focus on "Social Media" and attracting attendees through facebook, Twitter, and email. The Mayor's Cup Golf Challenge was held at Mountain View Country Club and back to its traditional date in September. Events for 2012 include the 6« Annual Car Show is being planned for January 29, 2012 and the Humana Challenge "Kickoff' Breakfast is scheduled for January 17, 2012. Additionally, the Chamber procured a table in the "Champions Lounge" for members to bring in guests and entertain them for a nominal fee. While the 2011 "Taste of La Quinta" event in Old Town La Quinta, featuring 22 local restaurants and 13 wineries, drawing hundreds of participants into the Village area was a great success, the 2012 Taste planes to be even better. 300 250 200 150 100 50 LQCC Event Attendance Jan 07 - Dec 11 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 '07'07'07'07'07'07'08'08'08'08'08'08'09'09'09'09'09'09'10'1 o'1 o't o'1 o't o' 11'11'11'11'11 o Breakfast Network 102 The GEM Newsletter The GEM ad sales income continues to be favorable to the expense to produce and deliver the GEM as visible in the charts/graphs below. As you are aware the GEM is the only Chamber/City newsletter in the Valley distributed to each resident, Chamber member, and non -Chamber business in La Quinta and equates to approximately 21,000 depending upon the time of year. Several members report that their advertisements through the Chamber and specifically the GEM bring in the most business of any other advertising methods. Additional distribution channels are being investigated to further the placement of the GEM and our advertisers' visibility in the community. The Chamber has the ability to print up to 40 pages without an increase in expense. Currently the GEM has 36 pages. Gem Metrics Distribution FY-10-11 Oct Nov Dec 2nd Qtr YTD Residents 17,848 17,424 17,424 19,863 18,237 17,819 Members / Businesses 1,764 2,377 2,388 1,625 2,130 2,235 Total 19,612 19,801 19,812 21,488 20,367 20,053 Expenses Postage 37,518 3,085 3,123 3,323 9,531 18,859 Printing 64,682 5,417 5,417 5,417 16,250 32,500 Fulfillment 20,201 1,803 1,770 1,773 5,347 10,686 Total 122,401 10,305 10,310 10,512 31,127 62,045 70,000 60,000 50,000 40,000 30,000 20,000 10,000 0 LQCC GEM Ad Revenue Jul 06 - Dec 11 Jul - Oct Jan Apr Jul - Oct Jan Apr Jul - Oct Jan Apr Jul - Oct Jan Apr Jul - Uct Jan Apr JUI - va Sep - - - Sep - - - Sep - - - $ep - - - $ep - - - $ep - 06 Dec Mar Jun 07 Dec Mar Jun 08 Dec Mar Jun 09 Dec Mar Jun 10 Dec Mar Jun 11 Dec 06 07 07 07 08 08 08 09 09 09 10 10 10 11 11 11 103 The Visitor's Center The Visitor Center, located within the Chamber office, continues to draw people down Washington Street from Highway 111. Folks are encouraged to visit with the Chamber Team and have a cup of coffee or on occasion have home baked cookies on Friday. We strive to make the center as user-friendly as possible with brochure racks and business card racks. We continue to receive well over 5,000 phone calls and approximately 800 visitors per year and the #1 request is for a local map. Legislative Items Legislative items/actions taken by the Chamber were numerous letters of support for propositions such as Proposition 22. In the most recent months the Chamber "Supported" keeping the Redevelopment Agencies (RDA's) intact and sent letters to the Legislators, including the Governor, accordingly. Similarly, the Chamber Board voted to support the Enterprise Zones which are being scrutinized as well for State Budget purposes. The Chamber continues to be proactive from a Legislative perspective and will support/oppose items appropriately. Annual Financial Review - The Chamber understands the importance of its fiscal responsibility and is working constantly to ensure our books are in order. The Chamber has completed the "Review" process in accordance with our agreement and is in the process of completing our current tax returns. As a course of business the Chamber proactively evaluates our processes and procedures to ensure the receipt of fees in a timely manner and payables are filled as appropriate. Community/Charity Other On a Fiscal Year Ending June 2011 the Chamber has provided approximately $15,000 in direct donations, fund raising, and free advertising, for numerous Valley Charities and continues to "tie" local Charities to each "Major" Event. In September the Chamber donated a portion of its Mayor's Cup Golf Challenge to Martha's Village with the ceremony being held at the December 2011 Mayor's Lunch. In September the Board voted to become the FIRST HEALNet Chamber in the Valley and will continue to support healthy lifestyles and choices. 104 78-275 Calle Tampico #B, La Quinta CA 92253 To: Mark Weiss, City Manager, City of La Quinta Ph: (760) 564-3199 Fax: (760) 564-3111 February 15, 2012 From: David S. Archer, President/CEO, La Quinta Chamber of Commerce Re: Annual Facilities Report for Period Ending December 2011 The following is the required Annual Facilities Report for the Year ending December 2011 for the La Quinta Chamber of Commerce in accordance with our Contract for Services. We appreciate being located in the Library building and look forward to securing a permanent location for the Chamber Offices. Do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions or further requirements. Respectfully, l David S. Archer President/CEO La Quinta Chamber of Commerce Cc: Maria Casillas - City of La Quinta Chairman of the Board La Quinta Chamber of Commerce recection(ciDlgchamber.com - w .lgchambeccom The Voice of Business ..rr 105 Facilities Report In accordance with the Contract for Service Agreement the Chamber is providing this Annual update as it pertains to its activities to secure a permanent location. Currently the Chamber has a Facilities Task Force, consisting of the Chairman of the Board and two other Executive Committee Members, that meets on a quarterly basis and is devoted to securing a permanent location for the Chamber. From a strategic perspective, the Chamber has established a stronger financial base by utilizing cost cutting measures, revenue enhancements, and focusing on members, to better position the Chamber for a move to a permanent location. Additionally, the Task Force is in the process of researching retail space in both the Village area and the Highway 111 corridor regarding rents and potential locations. An analysis, prepared by the Task Force, will be completed and presented at the May 2012 Chamber Board meeting. Discussions with strategic partners, such as the Desert Recreation District, are also being held concerning synergy, facilities required, and cooperative uses as appropriate. Items being considered by the Task Force include: • Location — Village Area, Highway 111 corridor, SilverRock, others • Rent/Own/Build/Buy — Pricing — Tenant Improvements • Funding — The Chamber has a "Facilities" fund at a local bank and is utilizing a portion of "Special Event" income to grow the fund. Other sources such as a "Building Campaign" could be utilized to raise additional capital as necessary. • Economic Conditions The Chamber doesn't anticipate a move sooner than eighteen months or longer than the current lease agreement, ending November 30, 2014, with the City of La Quinta and will continue to pursue a permanent location for its offices and operations. ..a 106 DEPARTMENT REPORT: 5A La Quinta Public Library Quarterly Report October 2011—December 2011 Circulation The La Quinta Public Library circulated 61,249 items in the Second Quarter of 2011-2012. During this three month period the library was open 705 hours with an average hourly circulation of 87 items Public Computer Usage During this quarter, 9,473 computer sessions were logged on the library's 28 public access computers. Public computers are used by all ages: students use the computers for both recreation and their school work; tourist and short-term visitors keep in touch with work, family, or check travel arrangements; and, people who know nothing about computers come to the library for computer classes. The library also provides free Wi-Fi access for residents and visitors with laptop computers. Door Count This quarter 51,721 people visited the library to check out materials, read newspapers and magazines, utilize the Internet service, attend programs, and purchase books from the Friends of the Library Book Store. New Borrowers In the period between October 1 and December 31 library staff issued 519 new library cards and replaced 398 lost cards. As of December 31, 2011, La Quinta Library had 39,388 registered borrowers. Weekly Programming A Preschool Storytime for children 3y: to 5 years old was held ten Tuesday mornings during the quarter. A total of 299 children attended. A weekly On -the -Lap Storytime Program for parents with babies and toddlers was held prior to the Preschool Storytime. Ten programs were attended by 500 participants. The weekly Conversational Spanish Class is held Monday evenings in the Library Classroom. The seven sessions were attended by 148 adult students. This is more than double the attendance for the same session last year. Special Programs On October 30, 2011, the library held its second Day of the Dead. This cultural event was celebrated with music, food, crafts for children and altars honoring the lives of musicians. Over 250 people attended this Sunday afternoon program. 107 Special No -School -Today Movies occur on weekdays when the library is open and students are out of school. The whole movie experience is replicated from picking up a ticket, getting popcorn, and watching a new release movie on the big screen (Classroom wall). Attendance for the two movie days this quarter was 110 people. Evening with Friends programs were held on the third Thursday of October and November. One hundred twenty people attended the two programs. Volunteers During this quarter 56 volunteers donated 570 hours of time. Volunteers worked in the book store, shelved returned books in the library, helped with programs, and performed a myriad of other tasks. Friends of the Library The La Quinta Friends of the Library continue to offer support in all areas. This quarter they paid for the library's movie licensing agreement, purchased refreshments for programs, and provided incentives for the 2012 Summer Reading Program. Without the help of the Friends, programs such as the Day of the Dead and Evening with Friends would not be possible. Outreach to Schools Seven classes from local elementary schools visited the library during the Second Quarter. The 252 students heard seasonal stories and toured the library. The tours introduced the children to the variety of books and subjects in the nonfiction section of our library. The library also took story programs to three elementary school classes. Networking with Other City Agencies During this Quarter the library provided a monthly preschool story time at the museum on the first Wednesday of the month. The joint Library and Senior Center mystery book club that began in September continued through November. The library provided books and discussion topics while the Senior Center provided speakers to give background on the subjects. The library taught a three -session series of Beginning Beginner Computer Classes. This is a program that ties into the classes taught by Andy Lorenz at the Senior Center. The library classes teach basic skills needed to move on to the more advanced classes. The class covers mouse skill, an introduction to the keyboard, the desk top, and maneuvering about a web page. All three session were filled to capacity. 41 108 La Quinta Library Expenditures July 1, 2011 — December 31, 2011 Library Contract ExpenditureslLSSI) 7/1/11 to 9/30/11 10/1111 to 12/31/11 1/1112 to 3/31/12 4/1/12 to 6/30/12 Total Year to Date Labor & Benefits $98,947.18 $97,192.94 $196,140.12 Materials, Net of Donations $1,236.67 $1,236.67 La Quinta Collection/Books $ 54,969.89 $ 54, 969.89 Utilities $149.96 $149.96 Automation & Courier $16,278.01 $16,320.92 $32,598.93 Other Direct Costs $1,263.30 $3,023.56 $4,286.86 Zone Administration $6,751.33 $6,839.34 $13,590.67 Shared Costs $9,072.28 $9,190.55 $18,262.83 Library Contract Expenditures $132,462.06 $188,773.87 $321,235.93 County Expenditures 7/1/11 to 9/30/11 10/1/11 to 12/31/11 1/1/12 to 3/31112 4/1/12 to 6/30/12 Total Year to Date Personnel $396.71 $5.05 $401.76 Insurance $13,097.96 $777.48 $13,875.44 Miscellaneous Expenses $3,782.11 $27.45 $3,809.56 Miscellaneous Maintenance Charges $189.39 $210.98 $400.37 Special Program Expenses $8,575.02 $6,590.95 $15,165.97 Accounting Costs $80.03 $55.42 $135.45 Travel and Conferences 0 Support Services $20,490.25 $68,134.62 $88,624.87 County Expenditures $46,611.47 $75,801.95 $122,413.42 TOTAL EXPENDITURES $179,073.53 $262,575.82 1 1 $443,649.35 109 La Quinta Museum Quarterly Report October 2011—December 2011 Visitors The 1,044 people who visited the museum this quarter to view the exhibits and special mural in the meeting room ranged from preschoolers with their parents to adults of all ages. Exhibits The two exhibits on display this quarter were California Pioneers and Gold Fever! The Untold Stories of the California Gold Rush. Transforming the Museum's upper galleries in September, the California Pioneers features a working telegraph system, a life-size covered wagon, and Civil War artifacts. Gold Fever!, a traveling exhibit on loan from California Exhibition Resource, showcases the remarkable stories of individual Californians, women, Native Americans, and gold -seekers emigrated from across the globe during the tumultuous Gold Rush era. Programming Three sessions of the Preschool Story Time for children ages 3-5 were held on the first Wednesday of each month. A total of 75 children attended these programs. The story time program is a successful collaboration between the La Quinta Museum and the La Quinta Library. The 201 1-2012 start of the popular First Friday series of the evening program came in November with a concert by country music performer Daymor Moses and the Highway 111 Band. A total of 76 people turned out for the show. There was no First Friday event at the Museum in December because it would have been in conflict with the City's special "Tree Lighting" event. A special Western Film Festival was held at the La Quinta Library on Thursday afternoons during the month of October. Each of these film showings, a programmatic offshoot of the California Pioneers exhibit, were attended by more than 40 people. Another special event included a lecture on California's connection to the Civil War in conjunction with the La Quinta Historical Society. Thirty-one people attended that program. The Civil War Re-enactment which commemorated the 1501" Anniversary of the Civil War drew a crowd of more than 3,000 to Lake Cahuilla Park! The event, which also referenced the Civil War artifacts in the California Pioneers exhibit, was presented in cooperation with Riverside County Regional Parks and Open -Space District, the American Civil War Society, and the City of La Quinta. 110 The La Quinta Museum also hosted several field trips from local elementary schools as well as a group of homeschoolers during this quarter bringing 143 children to visit the facility. Gift Shop Total sales in the gift shop this quarter was $1,034.76. The museum had added special merchandise such as cowboy hats, Civil War bullets, and train whistles during the last quarter to coincide with the museum's California Pioneers exhibit. La Quinta Museum Expenditures July 1, 2011 — December 31, 2011 Museum Personnel Costs 7/1/11 to 9130/11 10/1/11 to 12/31/11 111/12 to 3/31/12 4/1112 to 6130/12 Total Year to Date Salaries $29,625.00 $29,625.00 $59,250.00 Total Personnel Costs $29,625.00 $29,625.00 $59,250.00 Museum Programming Costs 7/1/11 to 9/30/11 10/1/11 to 12/31/11 1/1/12 to 3/31/12 4/1/12 to 6/30/12 Total Year to Date Special Speaker $5,548.50 $5,550.00 $11,098.50 Printing $1,392.56 $1,882.47 $3,275.03 Total Programming Costs $6,941.061 $7,432.471 $14,373.53 Other Costs 7/1111 to 9/30/11 10/1/11 to 12/31/11 1/1/12 to 3/31/12 4/1112 to 6/30/12 Total Year to Date Travel $ 82.14 $ 82.14 Supplies $14,043.37 $4,043.22 $18,086.59 Miscellaneous $4,416.81 $689.77 $5,106.58 Total Other Costs $18,542.32 $4,732.99 $23,276.31 OTAL EXPENDITURES $55,108.38 $41,790.46 $96,898.84 112 Department Report: �T a, 0��o • �� �4 y OF T 9 TO: The Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council FROM: Les Johnson, Planning Direct DATE: March 6, 2012 SUBJECT: Department Report - Indio Polo Fields Goldenvoice Concerts — Status Update Since the last Council update on February 7, 2012, staff attended follow-up Homeowners' Association (HOA) meetings on February 9 and February 15 with Rancho Santana, Carmela, La Quinta Polo Estates, Estancia, and La Cantera. Representatives from Goldenvoice and the Cities of Indio and La Quinta discussed mitigation measures addressing concerns raised from previous meetings with regards to dust control, noise, traffic, access control, security and pedestrian traffic. Comments provided by the HOA representatives, during these meetings were positive and supportive of the efforts made to mitigate the concerns raised. Representatives from both cities and Goldenvoice also indicated that key staff will be available during all three concert weekends to receive and respond to any issues that might arise. Contact information will be provided prior to the concerts. Staff also attended the Concerts general operations meetings held on February 16 and March 1, 2012. The meetings focused on shuttle service (22,000 shuttle tickets sold to date), further review of the parent/taxi drop-off area to be located at the northeast corner of Avenue 52 and Madison, and a brief review of the Media Plan. The next general operations' meeting is scheduled for March 15, 2012. The Media Plan is scheduled to go into effect starting the third week of March and will intensify leading up to and during the three weekends. The Plan calls for utilizing local TV stations, The Desert Sun, The Indio/La Quinta Sun, local radio stations, as well as other La Quinta resources (Chamber of Commerce, LQYSA, Community Services e-newsletter, Facebook, Tourism website, etc.). The media blast will focus upon ingress/egress routes and times, alternate routes, road closures, taxi and parent drop off and pick-up locations, and the concert hotline. to 113 Department Report: I g � T•n C i U ~i OF T1 TO: The Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council FROM: Les Johnson, Planning DATE: March 6, 2012 SUBJECT: General Plan Monthly Update Staff recently received the draft results of the revised Traffic Impact Analysis and is currently reviewing the data. Inaccurate build -out assumptions in the unincorporated area within and near Vista Santa Rosa from earlier County -supplied data resulted in inflated traffic count projections. These projections were recently revised to more accurately estimate future traffic impacts based upon current County General Plan land use designations for the subject unincorporated area. A number of elements in the General Plan rely on data from the Traffic Impact Analysis including noise, air quality, land use and environmental review. These items cannot be completed until the Traffic Impact Analysis and accompanying model is accepted. Upon acceptance, staff will complete reviewing and editing the draft Environmental Impact Report (DEIR) and the remaining elements, the last major tasks involved in the process before the public review period can begin. Staff is still preparing to bring forth, for preliminary discussion and consideration, key land use and traffic items to the Planning Commission and City Council sometime later this spring. Once the draft Environmental Impact Report and General Plan are completed, staff will resume its public outreach program. N 114