PP 1995-558 Amend #1Fee: REQUEST FOR MODIFICATION OF AN APPROVED RESIDENTIAL & COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMENT PLOT PLAN Please complete this application form. The fee to process this request is $3*egso0. On a sepEirate sheet of papE>r explairi the modification requested siting t:he condition or regulExtiorn to be changed Plot Plan Number Cl 5 S Location /Address Assessor's Parcel Number Section /Township /Range Applicant's Name RMS Mailing Address f�Q ex�:)DC 17; V"C LW- !E ^111j25 Phone: , lo1�t) �3-�y3c7 Signature Owner's Name Mailing Address hone: Signature TWO 4f4 4 a" 78-095 CALLE TAMPICO - LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 (619) 777 -7000 G FAX (619) 777 -7101 245 c - Date Received Cl Received By — f � jl�� MAILING ADDRESS - P.O. BOX 1504 - LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 FORM.018 /CS