2012 04 10 PCCity of La Quinta
Planning Commission Agendas are now
available on the City's Web Page
@ www.la-guinta.org
A Regular Meeting to be Held at the
La Quinta City Hall Council Chamber
78-495 Calle Tampico
La Quinta, California
APRIL 10, 2012
7:00 P.M.
Beginning Resolution 2012-009
Beginning Minute Motion 2012-002
A. Pledge of Allegiance
B. Roll Call
This is the time set aside for public comment on any matter not scheduled for public
hearing. Please complete a "Request to Speak" form and limit your comments to
three minutes.
Approval of the Minutes of the Regular Meeting of February 28, 2012.
For all Public Hearings on the Agenda, a completed "Request to Speak" form must be
filed with the Executive Secretary prior to the start of the Planning Commission
consideration of that item. The Chairman will invite individuals who have requested
the opportunity to speak, to come forward at the appropriate time.
Any person may submit written comments to the Planning Commission before a
public hearing, may appear and be heard in support of, or in opposition to, the
approval of the project(s) at the time of the hearing. If you challenge any project(s) in
court, you may be limited to raising only those issues you or someone else raised at .
the public hearing or in written correspondence delivered to the City at, or prior to the
public hearing.
There are no Public Hearing items scheduled for this meeting.
A. Item ................... APPEAL 2012-006
Applicant........... Christine Clarke, President of Kestam Corp., General Partner
of Stamko Development Co.
Location............ APN: 600-340-048; Southeast Corner of Auto Center Drive
and Adams Street.
Request ............. Consideration of Appeal of Public Nuisance Code
Determination Regarding the Maintenance of a 22 Acre
Regional Commercial Zoned Site.
Action ................. Staff Recommendation for Adoption of Minute Motion
Upholding the Determination that a Public Nuisance Exists at
the Aforementioned Parcel/Address with Reference to Case
No. 12-1340 - Minute Motion 2012-_
A. Report on City Council meetings of March 6, March 20, and April 3,
B. Commissioner Weber is scheduled to attend the April 17, 2012, City
Council meeting.
This meeting of the Planning Commission will be adjourned to a Regular Meeting to be held
on April 24, 2012, at 7:00 p.m.
I, Carolyn Walker, Executive Secretary of the City of La Quints, do hereby declare that the
foregoing Agenda for the La Quinta Planning Commission meeting of Tuesday, April 10,
2012 was posted on the outside entry to the Council Chamber, 78-495 Calle Tampico and
the bulletin board at the La Quints Cove Post Office, 51-321 Avenida Bermudas, on
Thursday, April 5, 2012.
DATED: April 5, 2012
&e V fiZ161tJ ,
CAROLYN WALKER, Executive Secretary
City of La Quints, California
Public Notices
The La Quints City Council Chamber is handicapped accessible. If special equipment is
needed for the hearing impaired, please call the City Clerk's office at 777-7123, twenty-four
(24) hours in advance of the meeting and accommodations will be made.
If special electronic equipment is needed to make presentations to the Planning Commission,
arrangements should be made in advance by contacting the City Clerk's office at 777-7123.
A one (1) week notice is required.
If background material is to be presented to the Planning Commission during a Planning
Commission meeting, please be advised that eight (8) copies of all documents, exhibits,
etc., must be supplied to the Executive Secretary for distribution. It is requested that this
take place prior to the beginning of the 7:00 p.m. meeting.
A regular meeting held at the La Quinta City Hall
78-495 Calle Tampico, La Quinta, CA
February 28, 2012
7:00 p.m.
A. A regular meeting of the La Quinta Planning Commission was called to
order at 7:00 p.m. by Chairman Alderson.
PRESENT: Commissioners Barrows, Weber, Wilkinson, Wright, and
Chairman Alderson.
STAFF PRESENT: Planning Director Les Johnson, City Attorney Kathy
Jenson, Planning Manager David Sawyer, Principal
Engineer Ed Wimmer, Associate Planner Jay Wuu,
and Executive Secretary Carolyn Walker
There being no comments, or suggestions, it was moved by Commissioners
Wright/Barrows to approve the minutes of February 14, 2012, as submitted.
AYES: Commissioners Barrows, Wilkinson, Wright, and Chairman
Alderson. NOES: None. ABSENT: Commissioner Weber. ABSTAIN:
Commissioner Weber arrived at 7:05 p.m.
A. Conditional Use Permit 2011-132 and Site Development Permit 2011-
919: a request by the Lenity Group for consideration of development
plans for the La Quinta Memory Care facility located on Washington
Street, north of Avenue 48.
Associate Planner Wuu presented the staff report, a copy of which is
on file in the Planning Department.
Planning Commission Minutes
February 28, 2012
Chairman Alderson asked if there were any questions of staff.
Commissioner Wilkinson asked if the roof element on Page A.6.d. was
there to hide the air conditioning units.
Staff responded it was a parapet for the HVAC and mechanical
Commissioner Wilkinson asked if
shared parking agreement with th
did they meet the City's parking s
Staff responded they were ,... _ a shared
did meet City standards. ;
Commissioner W
color, and lands
they were shown
ng if
Ilklnson asked=
would t}
I tos of
the dig
robust:" He .
s (PTA
tended irt,:ore
�t Ik
view I'�, '!
was participating in a
neighbor next door and
agreement and they
`conditioning nits, building
on the La Quinn project as
ona project.
r but the landscaping
Package Terminal Air
to match the exterior
additional bushes could be included
could be provided to request landscape
asked where the example project was located.
Staff rem in Arizona.
Commissioner Barrows said the landscaping looked really sparse
around the building and referenced the ALRC comments on the issue
of the trees. She asked staff for a little more background on what
sorts of landscape enhancements were made after this was reviewed
by the ALRC.
Planning Commission Minutes
February 28, 2012
Associate Planner Wuu said after ALRC review, the applicant came
back and said they would not be able to add more landscaping,
specifically along the northern section of the building. He then said
the applicant would elaborate further.
Commissioner Barrows asked if there was a particular access or were
people just going across the parking lot to access the walking path.
Associate Planner Wuu said yes, there _ ",;,,an access.
General discussion followed on " Iking path, location of the
access and the inclusion of aA i ing designation, such as
striping in the parking lot,
_.'y `. l
Planning Director Johnson, the Commissionhere was a chance
that the landscaping and p ,ay mig not be b", He added that
the northern property was su 5ere was a once it could
either be subdi off or th ouId be a potehtial lot line
adjustment with t t prope to the north to enlarge that
particular property of of t were to occur prior to
occupanc .._. f the bw a ` ` ion h"' ;been included that would
not re to he o d "i s m s was not their original
plan inten but st thine ': a created because it would
have Ji�, been a',.-.-, _ cant fa 1segment of the property and staff was
not sup ve at.Th' wanted the Commission to be aware
__ was a la Gaped area might not be developed.
Chalrm deri'0 sked if , was prior to occupancy.
xaff said yThe ition referenced was number 74 of the Site
fslelopment jsmit Conditions of Approval.
Com"°" on ,Weber asked staff if the comments that were made by
the %L _ ( incorporated in the January 26`" attachment 1 or was
that attac ant relatively the same as what the ALRC saw when they
made their comments.
Associate Planner Wuu said a little bit of both. It was the same
exhibits with the ALRC's comments amended when possible.
Commissioner Weber asked for a summary of the differences.
Planning Commission Minutes
February 28, 2012
Staff referenced Page 5 - attachment 1, which contained a list of all of
ALRC's comments and the applicant's response and said that
attachment was exactly what ALRC saw.
Commissioner Weber noted the renderings/photos presented were of a
comparable site in Arizona. He commented that they didn't
necessarily match up with some of the changes the ALRC had asked
for, but were included in the written document the applicant submitted
to staff. /!,.N
Associate Planner Wuu concurred.
General discussion followed a type
be provided on the property" � me north.
Chairman Alderson asked the 1
Washington Street would remah ,,,
Staff responded
cover that would
existing",#41m trees along
Caleo Bay would be a
where, bus stops and bike racks
Planning for on said there was an existing bus stop in front
the prop { and ycle racks were required per the Municipal
Therms g 0, urther questions of staff, Chairman Alderson asked if
the app'' mould like to speak.
Mr. Greg Elmore, Lenity Group, 471 High Street SE, Suite 10, Salem
OR 97301, introduced himself and stated they were in partnership
with JEA Senior Living, who would be owner and manager of the
facility. He then offered to answer the Commissioners' questions.
Planning Commission Minutes
February 28, 2012
Commissioner Weber asked for the applicant's response on some of
the ALRC comments made regarding the lack of architectural
significance in the overall concept.
Mr. Elmore said this is a standard building shape. Their client, JEA
Corp., operates using this type of building, all over the country. So
they were kind of tied to this type of building shape. The buildings in
the photographs were taken in Surprise, Arizona and shows our
desert, Southwest style. We believe it . in with the neighborhood
including the shopping center behin project. He felt they had
done a good job of breaking u iTong fagade using different
materials and pointed out that o was actually broken up
pretty well, especially on the Bay anshington facades.
Commissioner Weber
other locations.
Mr. Elmore said
color palette that
Commissioner Weber
the choice of c6f had been used in
see in�thotographs is tfid exact same
posing WIhis facility as well.
Mr a sai a buil ivn i photos, was just built and
the p` ` t was even 'yet The landscape plan for the La
Qumta " votes much re intense than what was provided in
a in t hotos shown, the boxes under the
wi or Cs ( rminal Air Conditioning Units), had
not bee c lnte `l:, }
Elmore dftnue&Okthe following points:
The tretliiOs had been increased to a depth of five feet and will
ve growing on them as requested by the ALRC.
• tided out the locations of the trees and shrubs and added
the andscape architect told them they couldn't put in any
more trees and explained why.
Commissioner. Weber commented on making the entry points more
visible due to safety concerns.
Mr. Elmore said that made sense, but did note that the residents
would not be going over there without family or staff assisting.
Planning Commission Minutes
February 28, 2012
Commissioner Weber asked if the carports were structurally able to
have solar added at some future date.
Mr. Elmore said yes.
Commissioner Barrows asked why there were carports on some of the
parking areas and not others.
Mr. Elmore said they weren't requi, 'Fioil 11 cover any of them and
explained that they wanted to cov ; _ tlon of each of the standard,
and handicapped, stalls. He said r had asked that the stalls
along Washington Street not vered.
Commissioner Wilkinson d about one of,elevation and site
drawings; showing what ap ed to b.�,a fence a4> steel gate. He
asked Mr. Elmore to clarify wh8kN2,1, psA0,14Wn.
Mr. Elmore said th ed their ed entrance with Walgreen's.
The fence shown h64 kets _ were so close together it
looked like_a solid fend '
follow s I... " gn of perimeter fencing and
issio w om ted on the fact that the Commission
did ve i1i;, curat'' ni of the project from the Washington
Street ' ecti'" s well a ' is concern about the constant roof line
behind a on ost visible side. He added that the Caleo Bay
ode looked 1, bu ," was concerned about the landscaping on the
n S t side.
Mr. 8 e roX pipnded it would not take long to obtain a rendering if
the Co m , ers so desired. He also responded there was a large
berm alon"'''m� ashington Street and they didn't take a photo on that
side because from either a car or person's view you would not even
be able to see the building due to the landscape planned.
General discussion followed regarding the Washington Street berm,
the landscaping depicted, the tree varieties, and the final landscaping
Planning Commission Minutes
February 28, 2012
Chairman Alderson asked staff if it would be possible to have the
applicant bring in a drawing further delineating what the entry was
going to look like.
Planning Director Johnson said yes. He added staff typically asked for
multiple perspectives from different angles and the applicant tried to
provide a perspective as if you were entering in the driveway off of
Washington Street right next to Walgreens.
Commissioner Wilkinson asked if an
on the northern portion of the prop*
Staff responded it could or t
vacant parcel between this
building. �
General discussion followed N
parcel versus the _ y care
were adequate
building could be allowed,
etime in the future.
d couldup absorbed into another
and the°t-story medical office
border` -of' -=the northern
felt the 55 parking stalls
Mr.a sai�%was ark, ed they operated some of their
facili " arith on, 5 2 parks „Malls and tFia same number of beds.
this project met the parking
Staff resp "°;*d it't the Municipal Code requirements.
ght said this is a good landscape plan and asked if
going to be building right away or allowing it to stay
Mr. Elmoraid they would be building it as you see it right now
unless there is an opportunity for the owner of this property to parcel
off that piece of land. He said they met all of the open area and
landscape requirements without that one acre.
Commissioner Wright said he had one concern on the north side where
the walking path was located. There was no landscape shown which
was probably because there was a vacant lot on the other side. He
Planning Commission Minutes
February 28, 2012
was, however, very concerned about wind and dust. He then
referenced the Arts Foundation property across the street and the dust
problems associated with it. He stated he would like to see some kind
of plan to at least buffer that property, landscape -wise and not too
expensive, to help control the dust situation. He then commented on
his recent trip to the property and the foot and vehicular traffic. The
walking path has decomposed granite (d.g.), but the other lots do not.
Mr. Elmore said if it becomes a pm I can guarantee you
something will happen.
Commissioner Wright said the Ci "ou1'' ve to deal with it, but he
wanted to bring it to everyo attent10 tit is the only area in
this whole property that is open and its s e most vulnerable to
wind and dust. . a`
Chairman Alderson asked if'q I "°` ape plan ')iovved planted
material or grown fir.
Mr. Elmore said tlfila e plan <j#jowed native grasses and
_Wd mix
Gen"i 9iscu5" folio I�oWha `;-t shown on the landscape
plan ata `,What w `,discuss , t the ALRe
size of trees being planted.
were 24" box trees.
I.�,hairman A on rb nced a previously approved project on this
4Wand state#:ithe concerns, from people on Caleo Bay were 1) the
sit6 6he woul 'be violated in terms of height and 2) they would lose
their of,144'mountains. He then noted that the building height is
far awa a maximum allowed.
Associate Planner Wuu said the average was approximately 17' 7"
Chairman Alderson noted every room exited onto a common hallway
and it was protected from the outside by three doors. He asked if
those were manned security doors.
Planning Commission Minutes
February 28, 2012
Mr. Elmore said they were not manned, but they were secure doors.
He explained about State licensing requirements and the safeguards
they had in place.
General discussion followed on safety concerns and included several
scenarios of residents attempting to leave the building and the ensuing
Chairman Alderson expressed his cone
building, saying it looked like a
mounted air conditioners. He felt
architectural features, as well a ie
conditioners to the roof to sc them
applicant what he could do ake that
Mr. Elmore said they couldrN f l?
it was not feasible partially
licensing required; 04 unit to I
then explained the'with
Elmore gave a mor , .et 1
since there were no fki
with the aesthetics of the
especially with the wall-
1g needed some color and
pibility of moving the air
cturally. He asked the
ore interesting.
the mphanical itlfts' on the roof, as
a t ' t and also because State
ifidividual heating control. He
m those units to the roofs. Mr.
Dian of the exhibits presented
ibits .ded in the packet.
Chai iri Aid" n said k its il* good job of conveying the
type broduct,iut he uncomfortable with the design of the
project ae ` did "La ita" to him.
oner inso 4lka %and pointed out the lack of site
specific to �lations was concerned that the Commission
was not ga tic view of the project.
in reiterated his comments on the exterior elevations,
browns, and the introduction of color was needed to
more aesthetically pleasing.
Mr. Elmor6s'uggested they could look at different stucco and stone
General discussion followed on possible locations for the introduction
of color in the project, color -match painting of the PTAC units, and
landscaping improvements such as moving/coloring the trellises and
adding vining to them.
Planning Commission Minutes
February 28, 2012
General discussion followed on what renderings were currently
available to the applicant, the possibility of them bringing back some
renderings of architecture and landscape as suggested, the possibility
of continuing the item, and differences in the Surprise, Arizona site
versus the La Quinta site.
Mr. Carl Sanders, Director of Development, JEA Senior Living, 12115
NE 991" Street, Suite 1800, Vancouver, Washington 98682 introduced
himself and said they had been working ,this project for a long time
and were hoping to create a commu = ` that was both beneficial for
the seniors they took care of and hosts as low as possible. He
said if the Commission could fi ``
o move forward, without
continuing the item, that w be their erence. If there were
conditions that they could modate an =' ditional exhibits they
could bring in, that woul Ip with their sch ales. He said they
were willing to work on inc o ` sting color, where`ropriate, adding
they took the appropriate ants ind'40re willing to
accommodate in may that th" d. He said they -had submitted
construction draw dy and anxious to move forward if
there was any
way t**cc .,___date tl�t�,
encountered in the
Commistrarro)vs aske.,\for more information on how their
wo E wal outside the property. She noted the
wa1iC waown b s riot appear to go all the way around
the bur an=' a aske there was a walking element to the
outside pe ter t ;,, • building and was it continuous.
W Sanders lained the type of residents they cared for were
moderate and )'{�'rimarily) those in the severe stages of Alzheimer's.
Many,,,.rerrtiwheel chairs and extended walking or leaving the
building�be 100% staff -assisted. Most of the outdoor
recreation`=' uld take place in a secured courtyard area and their
communities did not have extended staff -assisted walking with the
clients due to their advanced stage of Alzheimer's.
Commissioner Barrows commented there was not a lot of demand for
that sort of access.
Planning Commission Minutes
February 28, 2012
Mr. Sanders said it was a benefit, where appropriate. The program
was designed 100% around meeting the individual resident's needs.
General discussion followed regarding accessibility of the interior
courtyard, the interior doors, the dining facilities, and safety
Commissioner Barrows asked if the fence would be put up right away.
Mr. Sanders said the fence would be
the building as it was required as p
General discussion followed "the
orientation on the parcel an "" ' ccess
General discussion
portion of the lot, 1
in. _.
d with the construction of
State licensure.
of the building, its
ossibif ' ` of the northern
this proj0'gVand the height
the ern parcel would be fenced
the"' enges of that site.
icing and open space versus a park.
s concern about City liability if there
n space portion of the property.
Attorne*,ensorVd it was not going to be a City liability as it
not publl sR roperty. It was private property and that is not the
pf�situati : hat would give rise to liability on the City's part.
There t3` further questions of staff, or comments from the
applicant, airman Alderson asked if there was any public comment.
Mr. Jay Arnoldus, 47-935 Via Opera, introduced himself and said he
was with the Lake La Quinta Homeowners' Association (HOA), but
was speaking on his own behalf since their Association had not voted
on this project. He said, after meeting with the applicant, they had
two major concerns which he had not heard addressed during the
Commission meeting. They are:
Planning Commission Minutes
February 28, 2012
1) The high volume of traffic that is currently on Caleo Bay and the
addition of an entrance, close to the existing Walgreens parking lot
entrance; which would increase traffic on a small road not intended
for the high speed traffic it already has. He said they previously
spoke with the City and were accommodated by the restriping of
the road, last year, which has been successful so far. He then
commented on his concern about vehicles exiting the Lake La
Quinta rear gateway, located across,fr6 , the project driveway.
2). The HOA's other concern was "'Hess facility of the applicant
across from that driveway; a red to be a loading dock.
(He indicated the area he eferring
Mr. Elmore responded it , of a loading dock`'.
Mr. Arnoldus continued that i t ` inly be the` Isce where the
garbage will be p*# up and wi # bed facility we would guess
that would happen ,..several a week. He then commented
on the back-up sou the s. The residents who live
across th treat are g to hat a' st twice a week, early in
them a said y h F� t gauge facility would have
beery ad f `{r awae r6b ial area. He added, on the
other , of C'3f Bay, r'5oth sides are residences right on the
roadway; y)rjth g ,* ,one sld 1 reeved by bushes and the other side
o sc ZW
a had by saying those were the two
majt3r cernI _ ey hack` o'"`d they would be addressed.
Chairman rso ' . ed staff it they were aware of these concerns
�nd had the .;,x., an di ,, sed with anybody.
Johnson said staff attended (as observers) the
oper had with the Lake La Quinta Homeowners'
those concerns were voiced. He then addressed
them indiv ally:
• Regarding Caleo Bay and access: The intent, when this
property was subdivided, was to utilize Caleo Bay as a collector
street to serve these properties. He noted the medical building
and the nearby restaurant were designed that way, as were
other properties along this roadway. The City does not believe
that this proposed development will add additional trips to the
Planning Commission Minutes
February 28, 2012
point where it is beyond its capacity, and in fact, it is well under
its designed capacity.
• The issue of alignment of the driveways was an intentional
matter to be lined up with the Lake La Quinta entrance. They
were not offset because of concerns about accidents and
safety. Whenever possible those connections are made right
across from one another. So, that was an intentional design
which we worked on with the applicant.
• Regarding the trash; that is a m ifficult matter. There are
existing trash enclosures serve 1commercial venture to the
south and north. They hav ,associated with them which
can certainly be a distur e t unfortunately with the
design of the site and a it's to d, you will hear that on
occasion. We did s s4v1 Burrtec they do utilize Caleo
Bay as their route f [[action and we a their intent is to
pick up three times 'a ek, wa the pot I for noise, on
those occasl ns. Theo Qtb may to avold�ibat is to flip it
all the way to the `ton Street sidii:`� We do not
know if the losureGons, further to the north, are
exactly the s e awa m residences, but they are
in a proxlml :; o re " s asµ so we didn't see this as
14 � nconsl t p_._ d pment to what already
General ` us followed � n Burrtec's pick up times and the
ility x gmL; urrtec to consider more appropriate
tlmd u c h,
,Iitd minl poi ib impacts to the adjacent residential
irman A son at'"
ented the previously approved project, for
site, wa; commercial shopping center with a much greater
"impact ,; this one.
Staff re it was a retail center and prior to that a hotel; both
with highe ' "Or impacts.
Chairman Alderson said he did not see this particular usage generating
an inordinate amount of traffic. He asked if anyone else would like to
speak on the project.
Ms. Judie Harrison, 47-145 Via Orvieto, introduced herself and said
she lived on the north side of the complex, roughly across from her
Planning Commission Minutes
February 28, 2012
property was Louise's Pantry and then a huge open space. She stated
the trash trucks come in as early as 7:00 a.m. She then described the
types of noises they made and the fact that she had called Burrtec
several times with no results. She said the homeowners were told that
the northern portion of this parcel would not be developed as a
landscaped area and she was very concerned because of the truck and
pedestrian traffic commonly crossing there. She said she contacted
the City about her concerns with the result that chains were put up.
The amount of dust which her lot is dird tly in back of is incredible.
She then commented on her concern "` h Washington Park; which
were not relative to this project ,, said her concern with the
project parcel was that there wo a �her big disturbed piece of
property. _ l��,
Chairman Alderson said 1
He then asked if she still
Ms. Harrison said ...,Oid as
treatment down r
completely surroun
completes,` y
put in
now, but it" been cleaned up.
`never put the `green chemical
e done. She said they are
buildings that are not
tern, specific to this
space was going to be
Planning for nson explained the way the condition was
ntten was`1 . ey h s of subdivided or done a boundary line, or lot
.adjustm with the adjacent property to the north prior to
oc ncy of i E:° building they would have to develop it. It would
have Y,e i ed as identified in the information presented. If they
were toff . i.g msubdivide or conduct a lot line adjustment with the
property tb the north then it would remain vacant property in the
condition it is in today and it would then be developed in accordance
with whatever happens in the future.
General discussion followed regarding the how long it would take to
subdivide this parcel and what would happen if and when that
Planning Commission Minutes
February 28, 2012
Staff explained why the landscaped open space was included and
general discussion followed on what could be done regarding Ms.
Harrison's dust concerns.
Ms. Harrison said she was not worried about the lots that weren't a
part of their property; the section that is not going to be a walking
path. They need to preserve that somehow because it will get
disturbed during construction.
Chairman Alderson said if it is
problem and will become a Code
Ms. Harrison said she just wi
completed, someone walk
and make sure that comet P'3`,
Chairman Alderson noted her
There being no fur c
public hearing and o e
Com 01 ber c ei
pro bffy of , andsca
comrriadts made the me
be the new landowner's
: issue.
when the project is
not been completed
Alderson closed the
on discussion.
]es of the site and the
in. He then went over
Safeft4 ith rds to the open area and fencing.
y er ` ' Illses could include vines for additional
I apu d color
• The theta the entrance from Washington Street.
• Align of t `i roject entry and that of the Lake La Quinta
rear ga to Via Florence.
arbagck-up and working on solutions in cooperation with
Commissiovir Weber also asked if the neighbors, from Rancho La
Quinta, had been noticed and had we received any comments back.
Staff responded a 500-foot property radius notice was sent out as
required and no comments had been received.
Planning Commission Minutes
February 28, 2012
Commissioner Barrows said she also thought the trellises should be
colored, possibly brick red and suggested bougainvillea for the vining
as it would add a lot of color.
Commissioner Wilkinson commented on the possibility of the
landscaped open space going in and said if the applicant did not plan
on putting it in they should submit a plan that doesn't have it in there
and just soil seal the thing with soil cement until it sells. If they can
do a lot line adjustment in 60 or 90 da ';why would they go ahead
and spend the money to landscape the
City Attorney Jenson said the i
condition of approval. She ain th
because it wasn't shown of the pro
had the authority to make a part of the
with it as best they could` out mnl
Chairman Alderson` "!,sounsel
the project until it w"AWW to
could require that as a
the staff dealt with it
�'"�-.,But the Commission
r t,, Staff tried to deal
it a"'p�at, of the project
that it would be a part of
-t of the project.
Genera{ scussi 'Ifollowe�& ownership of the property due to a lot
line ad1 " ent ;I r-Al.lbalvls soil treatments, dust control, and
"loran,`0,4ith landscaping requirements.
made'Mhments on:
• This ct ` the City's mixed use plan as noted in the
Genera " n.
n ele on plan prepared by the applicant's landscape
• S y to the potential PM 10 problems that exist across
the eat and alert Code Enforcement that this is something we
really need to watch with the PM 10 and the AQMD.
• Landscape screening, or a buffer, to block blowing sand from
entering into the front door of the building.
Chairman Alderson stated he would like to see the following items
included in any motion for approval:
Planning Commission Minutes
'February 28, 2012
• Reference to dust control for the concern of the neighbors.
• That the applicant come to staff prior to the issuance of the
building permit with additional elevations showing some color
additions and architectural metal screenings, as mentioned by
Commissioner Wright.
• Some revised exterior elevations.
• Add some paint on the outside of that building to get some
color into it.
• Ownership: if you own the erty to the north, you
landscape it whether you sub(P. 4 it or not.
General discussion then folio or1 ae parcel to the north,
connection of the meandennewalk, a options available to the
Commissioners in case of hip changes tart brat parcel.
Chairman Alderson asked
Commissions' options.
City Attorney Jenso"
the applicant to putt
of use of Oat area
you f elingopen
that feel is �' essai
and fit b w' _ r
her hand
hearino to
, on the
,the Cora' r ion could simply require that
vemen` bject to allowing a change
ie in c ction with some future
ie no re if I understand - if
valkiri_ a component is something
hake this overall project more desirable
n s then it seems appropriate to require
:o the latitude to allow them to do
ty, if they want to combine it with
idked the applicant's Counsel was raising
suggested the Chairman reopen the public
reopened the public hearing.
Ms. Emifphill, Ealy, Hemphill & Blasdel, LLP, 71905 Highway
111, Suite , Rancho Mirage CA 92270, Attorney for the applicant,
said we are fine with the idea that if we own it, we put it in and we
maintain it. If we do a lot line adjustment, by definition, you're adding
it to someone else's property and that will come to you as part of that
future project anyway.
Planning Commission Minutes
February 28, 2012
Chairman Alderson said I understand what you're saying, but if we do
that it could be three years before somebody else comes in with a
Mr. Sanders said we are fine putting it in. It wasn't their goal when
the property was purchased, but if we own the property and the
landscaped area is there we would use ipq_,,owever, we would like the
flexibility in the future, if a viable comes forward and goes
through the process that it is pote ,allowed because commercial
ground in that area is of a premirjn is one of the few pieces
General discussion folli
improvements might cost.
There being no
Chairman Aldei
to iddi
rtv line.
on what
nt, or
irrow% ske& ti54Wimeter
on Condition 74. She
if them' ere ad1 P ment that the applicant
Ito idenft landscaping on what
north b ary. Is that right?
said die way that Condition 74 is written
the c' boundary line adjustment were done
Occupy (C of O) and they did not develop the
t it would require them to revise their landscape
a "y imeter landscape improvement along that
then followed on the walking path.
Chairman W- derson said if the applicant elects to put in a lot line
adjustment there and create that as a separate lot on its own, they'd
still own it, they'd still be obligated for those improvements.
Commissioner Wilkinson said right. Condition 74 isn't written that
way, but we'll condition it so that that's what happens.
Planning Commission Minutes
February 28, 2012
There being no further questions or discussion, it was moved and
seconded by Commissioners Wilkinson/Wright to adopt Resolution
2012-007 recommending approval of Conditional Use Permit 2011-
132 as conditioned in the staff report. Unanimously approved.
There being no further questions or discussion, it was moved and
seconded by Commissioners Wilkinson/Wright to adopt Resolution
2012-008 recommending approval of Site Development Permit 2011-
919 as conditioned in the staff rep°,��Ps well as the following
Add the following paragraph to
The landscaped open sp<
driveway shall be develo
with the approved prelim
alternative development
Planning Commis m...; ,",,
Add Condition No.
north of the 'pro
maintained subs
id sca plan unf
,f area is
building and
y consistent
time as an
rved by the
Prior 1 `'y a of a` lldl�r t, fhW applicant shall submit
pho hic lations f iew �", approval by the Planning
Dlrec " .. The ulations II depict the La Quinta Memory Care
Facility dt loc s; 1) Washington Street from the
h west, ,. St "a. s from the southwest, and 3) Caleo
$a fro a no a renderings shall include all existing
and pr ' d p' ' , eter Ian aping (including the existing berm), all
free stan h rchi ral elements (perimeter fence, trellis structures,
Vic.), and 0 tlonaf� for enhancements to the exterior of the
} r Posed bui Landscaping shall be shown at the estimated 5-
Add Corti' moo. 100:
A pedestrian walkway shall be installed to directly connect the ADA
parking spaces on the west side of the north primary entrance of the
facility with the walking path located in the landscaped open space
area in the northern portion of the property.
Unanimously approved.
Planning Commission Minutes
February 28, 2012
A. None.
A. None.
A. Report of the City Council Meeting `l' .
✓ 4'`L
B. Commissioner Wright is sch to n
2012, City Council meetin .
M .
A. Discussion of Dese article r
Commission stipends.Ze",'T,hem will
meeting., "
V.vY�` ' i yw .
\ Si '
21, 2012.
back on the March 6,
g Palm Deserf;s' handling of
iscussed at a future Council
There being� o furihi r bush it was moved by Commissioners
Wilkinson/Wrigitf a this re meeting of the Planning Commission
toy regufiC , r 'tom be Eton March 13, 2012. This regular
fig amour t 9 3 ' W ._ . p ebruary 28, 2012.
Carolyn Walker, E
City of La Quinta,
BI # A
DATE: APRIL 10, 2012
In accordance with Section 11.72.050 (F) of the La Quinta Municipal Code, the
Planning Commission is identified as the appeal body regarding a Notice of Public
Nuisance and is charged with the responsibility of determining whether the public
nuisance exists. The code provision does not authorize the Planning Commission
to allow any relief from the code requirements. The Planning Commission's only
authority is to determine if there is or is not a violation of the code based upon the
facts presented in this report and at the public hearing.
On January 10, 2012, representatives at a Lake La Quinta HOA Board Meeting
raised concerns regarding PM-10, air -borne dust, at the site at the south east
corner of Auto Center Dr. and Adams St. (to be referred to in future as "the site")
and various other locations (Attachment 1).
On March 9, 2012, City staff conducted an inspection at the site. City staff
observed numerous violations of La Quinta Municipal Code and the Uniform Fire
Code. A Notice of Public Nuisance was prepared and mailed regular and certified
to the recorded owner of the property and posted on the lot. Photographs were
taken (Attachments 2 & 3).
On March 20, 2012, Christine Clarke submitted an Application for Appeal of
Findings and/or Conditions to appeal Public Nuisance Case no. 12-1340 to the
Planning Department. The application was received and a $175.00 fee was
accepted (Attachment 4).
On March 20, 2012, City staff conducted a re -inspection and additional pictures
were taken. The tent, previously photographed on the March 9, 2012 inspection,
with personal belongings including clothing and cooking facilities was gone upon
arrival. A vagrant shown in the picture taken on February 29, 2012 had previously
been directed to leave the location in close proximity to the site as shown in
photographs (Attachment 3).
The violation of Municipal Code is specific to Section 11.72.030 (T)(8) which
states dead, decayed, diseased or hazardous trees, hedges, weeds, shrubs and
overgrown vegetation likely to harbor rats or vermin or constitute an unsightly
appearance or fire hazard is declared a public nuisance. The dense, dry brush in
proximity to the Aventine Apartments, perimeter fencing and the right-of-way are a
fire hazard (Attachment 3).
The violation of Municipal Code is specific to Section 6.16.040 (C)(2) which
requires the owner to uniformly apply and maintain surface gravel or chemical dust
suppressants such that a stabilized surface is formed. The chemical stabilization
has degraded over the years and complaints about air -borne dust coming from the
site continue. Additionally, the fencing installed facing Adams St. immediately east
of the entry to Lake La Quinta is depressed and leaves a flat plateau where the
wind carries dust with no fence obstructing its path (Attachment 3).
The violation of Municipal Code is specific to Section 11.72.030 (T)(1) allowing the
following to exist on property: lumber, junk refuse and waste matter or abandoned,
discarded or unused objects or equipment such as furniture, appliances, and play
equipment which is visible from the public right-of-way. The photographs depict
various materials discarded on the site including tires, shopping carts, concrete
rings, pvc, lumber, a mattress, dead vegetation and miscellaneous debris. The
discarded items are in public view, visible from two story apartments and where
the screening is missing, shredded, and is so sheer the discarded materials are
visible through the fabric that is intact (Attachment 3).
The violation of Municipal Code is specific to Section 11.72.030 (T)(7) which
states any tree, shrubbery or plant growing onto or over the public right-of-way
which impairs pedestrian or vehicular traffic or prevents drivers from clearly
observing safety signs and signals is prohibited. The January 12, 2012, picture
shows the vegetation growing under the fencing and blocking about 50% of the
pedestrian sidewalk. The March 9, 2012 picture shows improvement, however,
the shrubs still impact the sidewalk and appear unsightly (Attachment 3).
The violation of Municipal Code is specific to Section 11.72.030 Q which states
the use of any spray paint, dye, chalk or similar substance to mark or deface any
building, structure, hillside, rock(s), storm channel, or any other surface open to
public view which is commonly known as graffiti. There is graffiti on the green
fabric attached to the chain link perimeter fencing and block wall. Once the
tattered fencing is replaced, any remaining fencing or fencing marked with graffiti
in the future can be painted with a green paint to blend in with the existing color
for an improved appearance (Attachment 3).
The violation of Municipal Code is specific to Section 9.160.30 (1) which states any
sign displayed within the city ... shall be maintained in good physical condition,
including the replacement of defective parts. The pictures show the PM-10 signs
lying face down in the dirt that require maintenance (Attachment 3).
The violation of The Uniform Fire Code is specific to Section 1110.3 Maintenance
of Vacant Buildings and Properties which states vacant buildings and properties
shall be maintained, securely locked or barricaded to prevent entry by unauthorized
persons. The fencing at the corner of Adams St. and Auto Center Dr. is in disrepair
and has collapsed requiring repair (Attachment 3).
1. Adopt Planning Commission Minute Motion 2012- upholding the
determination that a Public Nuisance exists at the aforementioned
parcel/address with reference to Case No. 12-1340.
Prepared by: y�
ANTHONY'MORENO, Senior Code Compliance Officer
Submitted by:
DAVID SAWYER, Planning Vanager
1% Site/Parcel Map
2. March 9, 2012 Notice of Public Nuisance/Case 12-1340
3. Photographs depicting violations
4. Application for Appeal of Findings and/or Conditions received March 20,
Page l of 1
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:� h1�;An.
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3DS tt
CWO,gtt AO ftft Reserved. The vvrnmalimcorrteaLedhw=stne WoMdwywww29dfs
ccr&blwsuppfedumb Asa WId ma9aiot be:appnwed exeg as Isaisea 2H Dk
PW Map Drodta ts.
hitp-f;map&digdgmVcmtral.com/pDdL=oiVCiVGI&NO7_G3 4DOlAndc p4.i.aspa 3112) 32
P.O. Box 1504
March 09, 2012
Dear Owner(s):
(760) 777-7050
FAX (760) 777-7011
Re: 47425 LA QUINTA DR
Parcel # 600-340-048
Case # 12-00001340
Officer: Anthony Moreno
THIS NOTICE is hereby submitted to you as owner(s) of the above referenced property.
A recent inspection of your property revealed conditions that constitute a public
nuisance in violation of the La Quinta Municipal Code. The conditions of the property
are in violation of La Quinta Municipal Code 11.72.030. Please correct these conditions
within thirty (30) days , or be subject to City abatement, under LQMC 11.72.050.
Case Number: 12-00001340
Page z of .5"
Failure to correct the listed violation(s) within the time frame indicated will result in the
City initiating abatement proceedings and/or criminal prosecution to correct the
violation(s), All contractor abatement costs and a 25 % administrative fee shall be
charged to the property owner(s) as a lien upon the property and shall become a
personal obligation of the owner(s) of record.
By acting immediately to correct the violation(s) referenced, you will avoid these and
any future costs. If you object to the determination of cited violation(s), you must file a
written protest to the Planning Commission no later than ten (10) days from the date of
this notice. The appeal shall be in writing and filed with the City Clerk.
If you have any questions, please contact Anthony Moreno at (760) 777-7034.
Please provide the case number 12-00001340 and the property address.
Your assistance in supporting the Code Compliance Division to maintain the safety and
appearance of our city is greatly appreciated. You may contact me at the above
referenced phone number if you require assistance.
Anthony Morerb
Code Compliance Officer
CC: All Parties via Certified and First Class Mail
Case Number: 12-00001340
Page 3 Of>
Violation Description
11.72.030 (1'8): Allowing the following to exist on
Dead, decayed, diseased or hazardous trees, hedges, weeds,
shrubs and overgrown vegetation likely to harbor rats or
vermin or constitute an unsightly appearance or fire hazard.
Violation Corrective Action
Remove hazardous trees or other vegetation that creates
a health and safety issue, a habitat for rats, vermin, or
an unsightly appearance and a fire hazard.
Violation Description
6.16.040(C)(2) Control Requirements
In the event that implementation of subsection (C)(I) of
this section is not effective in establishing a stabilized
surface within forty-five days of restricting access, the
owner shall implement at least one of the following long
term stabilization techniques within an additional fifteen
days,tmless the city has determined that the land has been
a. Uniformly apply and maintain surface gravel or chemical
dist suppressants suchthat a stabilized surface is formed;
b. Begin restoring disturbed surfaces such that the
vegetative cover and soil characteristics are similar to
adjacent or nearby undisturbed native conditions. Such
restoration control measure(s) must be maintained and
reapplied, if necessary, such that a stabilized surface is
formed within eight months of the initial application.
Violation Corrective Action
Soil stabilization required immediately.
Violation Description
1 L72.030 ('I'1): Allowing the following to exist on
Lumber, junk, refuse and waste matter or abandoned,
discarded or unused objects or equipment such as furniture,
appliances, and play equipment which is visible from the
public right-of-way.
Violation Corrective Action
Remove from public view all items/refuse, abandoned
materials, or unused objects or equipment.
Case Number: 12-00001340
Page a of S-
Violation Description
11.72.030 (T7): Allowing the following to exist on
Any tree, shrubbery or, plant growing onto or over the public
right-of-way which impairs pedestrian or vehicular traffic
or prevents drivers from clearly observing safety signs and
Violation Corrective Action
Trim back all trees, shrubs or plant growth that impairs or
obstructs the pedestrian or vehicle traffic right-of-way,
including visual clearance and height clearance for
emergency vehicles.
Violation Description
11.72.030 (L): The use of any spray, paint, dye, chalk or
similar substance to mark or deface any building, structure,
hillside, rock(s), storm channel, or any other surface open
to public view which is commonly known as graffiti.
Violation Corrective Action
Remove prohibited graffiti.
Violation Description
9.160.030 (1)
1. Maintenance. Any sign displayed within the city, together
with supports, braces, guys, anchors, and electrical
components, shall be maintained in good physical condition,
including the replacement of defective parts. Exposed
surfaces shall be kept clean, in good repair and painted
where paint is required. The community development director
may request the director of building and safety to order the
repair or removal of any sign determined by the director to
be unsafe, defective, damaged or substantially deteriorated.
Violation Corrective Action
Repair or replace damaged and or vandalized signs.
Violation Description
- Vacant buildings and properties shall be maintained,
securely locked or barricaded to prevent entry by _
unauthorized persons.
Violation Corrective Action
The property owner must inspect property to ensure that it
is locked/boarded to prevent unauthorized entry and that
Case Number: 12-00001340
Page s of 5-
property is free of trash, overgrown vegetation or anything
that causes an unsightly condition(s).
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03/19/2012 NON 17:47 FM 76C 777 7107 La Qainta City Clerk 0003/005_ _ _..__-
Cio of La nulnta I OFFICE USE ONLY
Case No __fib
Planning Department 1 4
,� Date Reed" �e�
78-495 Calle Tampico a,
La Quinta, California 92253 MGrr+
`r,FkaFr .Q Related Apps.!_®T^
(760) 7774125 FAX: (760) 777-1233 �Jj__�_,_
Logged in by! -S,��J-
Application for
Appeal of Findings andlOr Conditions
Resolution # and Condition(s) of Approval being
Any development review action may be appealed pursuant to Section 9.220.120 of the Zoning Code.
Please identify the type of application:
Type of Appeal:
_ Change of Zone
_ Specific Plan
_ Conditional Use Permit
_ Minor Use Permit
_ Public Nuisance (Code Violation)
= Tentative Traqt
Tentative Par
_ Site Develops is
Temporary Use
MAIL' 2 0 2012' '
Please provide sufficient information so as to make clear the substance of each of the grounds for appeal. If
annlicable. indicate the number of the specific condition which is beine protested.
Use additional sheets if necessary.
Signature of
1 T-2
03/19/2012 NON 17147 FAX 760 777 7107 La Quint& City Clerk 10002/005
("RR9 1 15 V& fi*V'r- 0�0)1/�7T--)Zlle,)-17
JIM '/'?o c
X X-