2012 04 03 CC MinutesLA QUINTA CITY COUNCIL MINUTES APRIL 3, 2012 A regular meeting of the La Quinta City Council was called to order at the hour of 3 :30 p.m. by Mayor Adolph. PRESENT: Council Members Evans, Franklin, Henderson, Osborne, Mayor Adolph ABSENT: PUBLIC COMMENT - None CLOSED SESSION 1. PUBLIC EMPLOYEE APPOINTMENT, PURSUANT TO CODE SECTION 54957, COUNCIL - APPOINTED POSITION — CITY MANAGER Council recessed to Closed Session to and until the hour of 4:00 p.m. The City Council meeting was reconvened with no decisions being made in Closed Session which require reporting pursuant to Government Code Section 54957.1 (Brown Act). Mayor Adolph led the audience in the Pledge of Allegiance. PUBLIC COMMENT - None CONFIRMATION OF AGENDA Council Member Henderson congratulated Andrew Davis on the outstanding work done initiating the 9/11 memorial project. PRESENTATIONS 1. PRESENTATION OF A PROCLAMATION IN HONOR OF CHILD ABUSE PREVENTION MONTH AS APRIL 2012 TO RIVERSIDE COUNTY COACHELLA VALLEY COLLABORATIVE Mayor Adolph presented the proclamation to Dr. Barbara Petalino, a therapist in Old Town La Quinta, who accepted it on behalf of Riverside County Coachella Valley Collaborative and gave a summary of the origin, purpose and programs during Child Abuse Prevention Month. CITY COUNCIL MINUTES 1 APRIL 3, 2012 WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS - NONE APPROVAL OF MINUTES Council Member Osborne requested a correction to his comment regarding Business Session Item No. 5 on pages 9 and 10. The reference to CVAG should be CVEP. MOTION - A motion was made by Council Members Evans /Franklin to approve the City Council Minutes of March 20, 2012 as amended. Motion passed unanimously. CONSENT CALENDAR 1. APPROVAL OF DEMAND REGISTER DATED APRIL 3, 2012 2. AUTHORIZATION FOR OVERNIGHT TRAVEL FOR ONE MEMBER OF THE CITY COUNCIL TO ATTEND THE INTERNATIONAL COUNCIL OF SHOPPING CENTERS SPRING CONFERENCE KNOWN AS RECon BEING HELD MAY 20- 23, 2012 IN LAS VEGAS, NEVADA 3. PULLED > > ACCEPTANCE OF OFFSITE AND ONSITE IMPROVEMENTS AND ACCEPTANCE OF $430,000 AS COMPLETE PAYMENT FOR 100% OF THE DEVELOPER OBLIGATION TO DESIGN AND CONSTRUCT THE MADISON STREET / WINGED FOOT GATE TRAFFIC SIGNAL ASSOCIATED WITH TRACT MAP 25500 -4, KSL LAND CORPORATION 4. PULLED > > ACCEPTANCE OF $215,000 AS COMPLETE PAYMENT FOR THE DEVELOPER OBLIGATION TO DESIGN AND CONSTRUCT 50% OF THE MADISON STREET / LEGENDS WAY GATE TRAFFIC SIGNAL ASSOCIATED WITH TRACT MAP 28838 -1, KSL LAND CORPORATION 5. PULLED > > ACCEPTANCE; OF $215,000 AS COMPLETE PAYMENT FOR THE DEVELOPER OBLIGATION TO DESIGN AND CONSTRUCT 50% OF THE MADISON STREET / WEISKOPF GATE TRAFFIC SIGNAL ASSOCIATED WITH TRACT MAP 28603 -1 KSL LAND CORPORATION 6. PULLED > > ACCEPTANCE OF OFFSITE IMPROVEMENTS AND ACCEPTANCE OF $61,000 AS COMPLETE PAYMENT FOR THE DEVELOPER OBLIGATION TO DESIGN AND CONSTRUCT 50% OF THE WORM CONFIGURED RAISED MEDIAN AT PUERTA AZUL AND THE DEVELOPER OBLIGATION TO DESIGN AND CONSTRUCT 100% OF THE PORK CHOP CONFIGURED RAISED MEDIAN AND ANCILLARY IMPROVEMENTS AT THE AVENUE 58 / BLACK DIAMOND GATE ASSOCIATED WITH TRACT MAP 29147 -1, KSL LAND CORPORATION CITY COUNCIL MINUTES 2 APRIL 3, 2012 7. ACCEPTANCE OF .$963,500 AS COMPLETE PAYMENT FOR THE DEVELOPER OBLIGATION TO DESIGN AND CONSTRUCT 25% OF THE MADISON STREET / AVENUE 58 TRAFFIC SIGNAL AND TO DESIGN AND CONSTRUCT THE OFFSITE FRONTAGE IMPROVEMENTS ALONG REALIGNED AVENUE 58 / JEFFERSON STREET ASSOCIATED WITH TRACT MAP 28960, KSL LAND CORPORATION 8. ACCEPTANCE OF THE NEW TRAFFIC SIGNAL AND STREET IMPROVEMENTS AT DUNE PALMS ROAD AND "A STREET, AND APPROVAL OF THE APPROPRIATION OF ADDITIONAL FUNDING, PROJECT 2009 -10 9. APPROVAL OF A TAKEOVER AGREEMENT FOR THE ADAMS STREET BRIDGE PROJECT AND AUTHORIZATION FOR THE INTERIM CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE THE DOCUMENT 10. PULLED > > APPROVAL OF A CONTRACT SERVICES AGREEMENT AND REVOCABLE LICENSE WITH LA QUINTA FARMS FOR SILVERROCK RESORT UNDEVELOPED PROPERTY 11. APPROVAL TO REJECT ALL BIDS AND AUTHORIZATION TO RE- ADVERTISE FOR BID THE STABILIZATION OF CITY -OWNED PROPERTIES, PROJECT 2011 -12 12. PULLED > > APPROVAL TO ACCEPT RIGHT -OF -WAY DEDICATION FROM ASH, DANKO, HANNA AND COMPANY, A GENERAL PARTNERSHIP, AND AWARD A CONTRACT TO CONSTRUCT THE WASHINGTON STREET TURN LANE IMPROVEMENTS AT AVENUE 48, PROJECT 2010 -06 MOTION — It was moved by Council Members Osborne /Henderson to approve Consent Calendar Item Nos. 1, 2, 7, 8, 9, and 11 as recommended. Motion passed unanimously. Item Nos. 3, 4, 5 and 6 Council Member Franklin recused herself from discussion and vote on these items due to a conflict of interest resulting from the proximity of her residence to these projects. MOTION — A motion was made by Council Members Evans /Henderson to approve Item Nos. 3, 4, 5 and 6 as recommended. Motion passed 4 -0 -1. AYES: Council Members Evans, Henderson, Osborne, Mayor Adolph NOES: None ABSTAIN: Council Member Franklin CITY COUNCIL MINUTES 3 APRIL 3, 2012 Item No. 10 Council Member Osborne recused himself from discussion and vote on this item due to a conflict of interest resulting from his business relationship with La Quinta Farms, a party to this agreement. MOTION - A motion was made by Council Members Evans /Henderson to approve Item No. 10 as recommended. Motion passed 4 -0 -1. AYES: Council Members Evans, Franklin, Henderson, Mayor Adolph NOES: None ABSTAIN: Council Member Osborne Item No. 12 Council Member Evans recused herself from discussion and vote on this item due to a conflict of interest resulting from the proximity of her residence to this project. MOTION — A motion was made by Council Members Franklin /Osborne to approve Item No. 12 as recommended. Motion carried 4 -0 -1. AYES: Council Members Franklin, Henderson, Osborne, Mayor Adolph NOES: None ABSTAIN: Council Member Evans BUSINESS SESSION 1. CONSIDERATION OF THE 2 ND ROUND OF COMMUNITY SERVICES GRANTS AND FUNDING REQUESTS" ; Recreation: Supervisor Robert Ambriz presented the staff report Mayor Adolph and Council Member Osborne disclosed their membership in the La Quinta Rotary Club. Council Member Evans disclosed her position as a Board Member of the FIND Food Bank. City Attorney Jenson informed Council that general membership in an organization being considered for a grant should be disclosed but participation in discussion and voting is permitted; however, Board Members of any organization being considered for a grant should consider recusing themselves due to conflicting fiduciary responsibilities. Council Member Evans recused herself from discussion and vote on the consideration of funding for FIND Food Bank due to her position as Board Member of that organization. Tawny Champ, 78998 Miles Avenue spoke on behalf of the Family Heritage Food Ministry. Bob Horn, 80739 Ave. San Ignacio, Indio spoke on behalf of Red Hot Ballroom. CITY COUNCIL MINUTES 4 APRIL 3, 2012 Andrea Dooley, 54700 Ave. Obregon, spoke on behalf of Quilting for Good Times. Lisa Grey, 51890 Ave. Alvarado, spoke on behalf of the American Cancer Society. Council Member Franklin suggested that funding be added for Family Heritage Church. Mayor Adolph agreed that the service provided by this organization to local La Quinta residents was valuable. Council Member Henderson stated that she had no issue with the mission of the Family Heritage Church, but was very concerned about opening the door to funding church programs by awarding a grant to a local church for a service that is also performed by six or seven other La Quinta churches. She stated that most church programs are very well run and funded by their congregations and volunteers. MOTION — A motion was made by Council Members Franklin /Osborne to award the following grants: La Quinta Rotary Club $3,000, American Cancer Society $2,000, Benjamin Franklin Parent - Teacher Organization $2,000, Quilting for Good Times $2,000, Red Hot Ballroom $1,000 and Family Heritage Church $2,500 to be used specifically and only for the purchase of food. Motion passed 4 -1. AYES: Council Members Evans, Franklin, Osborne, Mayor Adolph NOES: Council Member Henderson MOTION — A motion was made by Council Members Franklin /Osborne to award a grant to FIND Food Bank in the amount of $5,000. Motion passed 4 -0 -1. AYES: Council Members Franklin, Henderson, Osborne, Mayor Adolph NOES: None ABSTAIN: Council Member Evans STUDY SESSION 1. DISCUSSION OF THE DRAFT FISCAL YEAR 2012/2013 THROUGH 2016/2017 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM Principal Engineer Bryan McKinney presented the staff report. The Council asked staff for details on several projects including slurry sealing, road reconstruction, the Sinaloa /Eisenhower roundabout, ADA improvements, crosswalk relocation, and sports complex lighting. The Council discussed funding for various projects including designating QUIMBY funds for ADA projects at parks, the Senior Center and the Library since the projects meet the criteria of increasing public access to public facilities, and using CDBG funds for projects within the allowable boundary of Avenues 50/ Avenue 52/ Eisenhower/ Washington. CITY COUNCIL MINUTES 5 APRIL 3, 2012 Council Member Osborne asked staff to include in the upcoming budget review, any capital improvement projects that will require General Fund monies. In response to Council Member Evans, Public Works Director Jonasson stated that La Quinta would be applying' fora portion of the Air Quality Management District (AQMD) $53 million, and would beidoing so jointly with the City of Indio for the Jefferson /Dunbar project. Council Members in turn noted the striking decrease in the capital improvements budget from pre- RDA - dissolution amounts of $65.5 million in 2011 /2012, down to $15.6 million in 2012/2013, $14.9 million in 2013/2014, $1.3 million in 2014/2015, and $1.1 million in 2015/2016. Council Members noted that it was their intent to maintain city streets and facilities to their current high standard but funding would now have to come from grants and the general fund. Mayor Adolph suggested that staff communicate with residents adjacent to the sports complex before adding or changing the lighting. The Mayor asked staff to explore the possibility of Goldenvoice contributing to the city's cost of widening Madison between Avenue 50 and 52, r since it's rumored that they will be purchasing land there. In response to Mayor Adolph's concern, Finance Director Falconer stated that KSL payments in lieu of traffic improvements are treated as a future liability and are in a designated Deposit Account. REPORTS AND INFORMATIONAL ITEMS Palm Springs Desert Resort Communities Convention & Visitors Authority - Council Member Evans reported that the annual hospitality awards event will be May 8" at the Annenberg Museum from approximately 2 p.m. to 6 p.m. League of California Cities - Council Member Henderson distributed documents to Council entitled Task Force Report. Next Generation of Economic Development Tools and League Releases Initial Bills of Interest For 2012. Council Members discussed the effectiveness of League efforts in protecting cities from damaging State legislation. Ms. Henderson reported that the Committee did not take a position on the Government. Performance and Accountability Act. She stated that changes are expected and it will be returned for League review in June. Coachella Valley Association of Governments Transportation Committee - Council Member Henderson reported that the Committee met Monday and moved the Washington /Hwy 111 program and funding mechanism forward but it still has to CITY COUNCIL MINUTES 6 APRIL 3, 2012 circulate through the cities. The Committee also moved forward the agreement between the City and the County to widen Fred Waring between Dune Palms and Port Maria. Ms. Henderson explained the controversy on the re- proportioning of percentage share for 1 -10 costs between the County and desert cities. She stated that due to annexations, the County's percentage of responsibility has declined from 14.98% to 10.5% according to a new 2012 study. As a result, the percentages for three cities have increased - Cathedral City, Desert Hot Springs, and Palm Desert. In La Quinta's interest, Ms. Henderson stated that the calculation for the Jefferson Street share of responsibility will be watched. Public Works Director Jonasson added that staff has voiced its disagreement with the 2008 study that raised La Quinta share by 7 %. He said CVAG staff's response is that County -City shares will be recalculated at the time of construction. Lastly, Ms. Henderson reported that Dave Willmon's replacement is due to start work April 16' h . CVAG Homelessness Committee - Council Member Osborne reported that the Probation Department gave a report on AB109 - 1,956 people will be released on probation, with 250 coming to the Coachella Valley and 14 released in La Quinta. In response to Mr. Osborne, La Quinta Police Chief Frank Taylor stated that he believes the goal is to set up the program like the one for sex offenders so that local police know the name and locations of everyone in their jurisdiction. Mr. Osborne stated that his concern was serving the needs of La Quinta residents and those services are provided by Coachella Valley Rescue Mission (CVRM) and Martha's Village. He reported that CVRM is about to lose substantial funding from the County which will force it to close its emergency shelter. Mr. Osborne proposed that Council consider transferring the $50,000 set aside for Martha's Village to the CVRM to keep its emergency shelter open. Mr. Osborne explained that the CVAG Homelessness Committee has become a committee all about Roy's Shelter, and if this continues, La Quinta's position on this Committee maybe limited in the future. Imperial Irrigation District (IID) Energy Consumers' Advisory Committee - Council Member Osborne reported that IID is in compliance with AB32 regarding greenhouse gas emissions. IID is now examining the cap and trade aspect of AB32, and if it can sell credits to other agencies, those funds are to be used specifically to reduce costs to consumers of energy. Jacqueline Cochran Regional Airport Authority (JCRAA)- Council Member Franklin reported that, due to a lack of funds from the County, the annual airshow will now be staged every other year. It will be during the first week of November in 2012, with the next one in 2014. Ms. Franklin stated that there will be an airshow in Hemet during intervening years. Ms. Franklin also reported that the Four Winds CITY COUNCIL MINUTES 7 APRIL 3, 2012 Coalition, made up of four tribal governments, requested membership in the JCRAA which the JCRAA has granted. Animal Campus Commission - Council Member Franklin reported that the Adoption Alliance will be requesting funding from the City for their annual event. Ms. Franklin reported that the County announced that a respiratory canine influenza is starting to hit Riverside County. It is similar to kennel cough and does not respond to antibiotics. Ms. Franklin relayed the County's advice to keep dogs from grouping until this flu has passed. Lastly, Ms. Franklin reported that Indio will be retaining its facility. Coachella Valley Economic Partnership (CVEP) - Council Member Franklin reported that the meeting was held in the La Quinta library with the Mayor opening the meeting with a welcome. Ms. Franklin stated that she was impressed with the internship program run by the Workforce Excellence division of CVEP, and would like staff to consider developing a similar shadowing program at City Hall. Ms. Franklin reported that the balance of the meeting was a presentation by Tom Kirk of CVAG on Parkway 1E11. CVAG will be applying for grant funds from the AQMD $53 million. Sunline Transit Agency - Mayor Adolph reported that Sunline has agreed to add bus services during the 2012 Coachella and Stagecoach festivals to move traffic along. Regarding the employee strike, the Mayor reported that there is still a possibility of a strike, but for now it does not seem probable. Mayor Adolph stated that Sunline is still trying to push taxicabs to CVAG but CVAG is resisting. DEPARTMENT REPORTS - No additional reports MAYOR'S AND COUNCIL MEMBERS' ITEMS Council Member Evans stated that the purchase of the 280 -acre Eldorado Polo Club by Goldenvoice was very positive. She expressed her optimism that this will benefit La Quinta hotels and businesses and her belief that the Goldenvoice organization will continue to be a community partner. Ms. Evans said she expects that the good relationship built by staff will continue to yield positive results. Council Member Evans said she will be attending the Southern California Association of Governments meeting in Los Angeles on behalf of the City to accept the Compass Blueprint Recognition Award for the City's Wolff Waters affordable housing project. CITY COUNCIL MINUTES 1 8 APRIL 3, 2012 The City Council recessed to the City as Successor Agency to the La Quinta Redevelopment Agency meeting to and until the hour of 7:00 p.m. The City Council meeting was reconvened at 7:02 p.m. by Mayor Adolph with all Council Members present. PUBLIC COMMENT - NONE PRESENTATIONS — NONE PUBLIC HEARINGS 1. PUBLIC HEARING TO CONSIDER ADOPTION OF A RESOLUTION APPROVING THE ISSUANCE OF TAX EXEMPT OBLIGATIONS IN AN AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED $26 MILLION BY THE CALIFORNIA MUNICIPAL FINANCE AUTHORITY FOR THE PURPOSE OF FINANCING THE ACQUISITION OF A LEASEHOLD INTEREST IN REAL PROPERTY AND THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE CORAL MOUNTAIN MULTI - FAMILY AFFORDABLE RENTAL HOUSING DEVELOPMENT WITHIN THE CITY OF LA QUINTA Consultant Frank Spevacek presented the staff report. Mayor Adolph asked for confirmation that there will be no liability to the City, and that this development applies towards the State's mandates for affordable housing units. Mr. Spevacek confirmed both statements. The Mayor declared the PUBLIC HEARING OPEN at 7:13 p.m. There being no requests to speak, the Mayor declared the PUBLIC HEARING CLOSED at 7:13 p.m. MOTION — A motion was made by Council Members Henderson /Evans to adopt the following resolution as submitted: RESOLUTION 2012 -007 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING THE ISSUANCE OF TAX - EXEMPT OBLIGATIONS IN AN AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED TWENTY -SIX MILLION DOLLARS BY THE CALIFORNIA MUNICIPAL FINANCE AUTHORITY TO FINANCE THE ACQUISITION OF A LEASEHOLD INTEREST IN REAL PROPERTY AND THE DEVELOPMENT THEREON OF ONE HUNDRED SEVENTY SIX AFFORDABLE APARTMENT UNITS WITHIN THE CITY OF LA QUINTA Motion passed unanimously. CITY COUNCIL MINUTES 9 APRIL 3, 2012 i ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, it was moved by Council Members Evans /Franklin to adjourn at 7:15 p.m. Motion passed unanimously. Respectfully submitted, Susan Maysels, Interim City Clerk City of La Quinta, California CITY COUNCIL MINUTES 10 APRIL 3, 2012