2012 05 01 CC6x# 4 #adja City Council agendas and staff reports are available on the City's web page: www.la-quinta.org CITY COUNCIL AGENDA CITY COUNCIL CHAMBER 78-495 Calls Tampico I La Quinta, California Regular Meeting TUESDAY, MAY 1, 2012 3:00 P.M. Closed Session 1 4:00 P.M. Open Session Beginning Resolution No. 2012-012 Ordinance No. 496 CALL TO ORDER Roll Call: Council Members: Evans, Franklin, Henderson, Osborne and Mayor Adolph PUBLIC COMMENT At this time, members of the public may address the City Council on any matter not listed on the agenda. Please complete a "request to speak" form and limit your comments to three minutes. CLOSED SESSION NOTE: Time permitting the City Council may conduct Closed Session discussions during the dinner recess. Persons identified as negotiating parties are not invited into the Closed Session meeting when acquisition of real property is considered. 1. CONFERENCE WITH LABOR NEGOTIATORS, SKI HARRISON AND TERRY DEERINGER, REGARDING NEGOTIATIONS WITH THE LA QUINTA CITY EMPLOYEES ASSOCIATION PURSUANT TO GOVERNMENT CODE SECTION 54957.6 MEET AND CONFER PROCESS 2. CONFERENCE WITH THE CITY'S REAL PROPERTY NEGOTIATOR, MARK WEISS, PURSUANT TO GOVERNMENT CODE SECTION 54956.8 CONCERNING POTENTIAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF ACQUISITION AND/OR DISPOSITION OF A PORTION OF 13.79 ACRES LOCATED AT THE 001 CITY COUNCIL AGENDA 1 MAY 1, 2012 SOUTHWEST CORNER OF AVENUE 52 AND JEFFERSON STREET, IDENTIFIED AS LOT 19 OF PARCEL MAP 33367. PROPERTY OWNER/NEGOTIATOR: POLO BROWN COMPANY, LLC; DANIEL BROWN RECESS TO CLOSED SESSION RECONVENE AT 4:00 P.M. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE PUBLIC COMMENT At this time members of the public may address the City Council on any matter not listed on the agenda. Please complete a "request to speak" form and limit your comments to three minutes. CONFIRMATION OF AGENDA 1100,1Iq WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS — NONE APPROVAL OF MINUTES 1. APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF APRIL 17, 2012 CONSENT CALENDAR NOTE: Consent Calendar items are routine in nature and can be approved by one motion. 1. APPROVAL OF DEMAND REGISTER DATED MAY 1, 2012 2. APPROVAL TO EXCUSE COMMISSIONER BOB LEIDNER FROM THE MAY 14, 2012 COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMISSION MEETING 3. APPROVAL TO EXCUSE COMMISSIONER MARK WEBER'S ABSENCE FROM THE MAY 8, 2012 PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING 4. APPROVAL OF A REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL TO PROVIDE JANITORIAL SERVICES FOR CITY -OWNED BUILDINGS 5. APPROVAL TO SUBMIT A PROJECT APPLICATION FOR EDWARD BYRNE MEMORIAL JUSTICE ASSISTANCE GRANT FUNDS FOR FISCAL YEAR 2012/2013 TO THE U.S. DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE WITH THE CITY OF RIVERSIDE ACTING AS LEAD FISCAL AGENT, AND AUTHORIZE THE CITY MANAGER TO SIGN AN INTER -LOCAL AGREEMENT CITY COUNCIL AGENDA . 2 .,.a. 002 MAY 1, 2012''a'" {x BUSINESS SESSION 1. CONSIDERATION OF THE APPROPRIATION FOR MARTHA'S VILLAGE AND KITCHEN FOR CONSTRUCTION OF A FOOD STORAGE FACILITY OR FOR OPERATIONS FUNDING OF THE COACHELLA VALLEY RESCUE MISSION STUDY SESSION 1. DISCUSSION OF RECOMMENDED PROGRAM OPTIONS FOR FISCAL YEAR 2012/2013 BUDGET REPORTS AND INFORMATIONAL ITEMS 1. ANIMAL CAMPUS COMMISSION (FRANKLINI 2. CITY COUNCIL AD HOC COMMITTEE REPORTS 3. CVAG COMMITTEE REPORTS 4. CHAMBER OF COMMERCE WORKSHOP/INFORMATION EXCHANGE COMMITTEE - FRANKLIN 5. C.V. CONSERVATION COMMISSION (EVANS) 6. C.V. MOSQUITO AND VECTOR CONTROL DISTRICT (ROBERT Cox) 7. C.V. MOUNTAINS CONSERVANCY (FRANKLIN) 8. C.V.W.D. JOINT WATER POLICY COMMITTEE (ADOLPH) 9. IID ENERGY CONSUMERS' ADVISORY COMMITTEE (OSBORNE) 10. JACQUELINE COCHRAN REGIONAL AIRPORT AUTHORITY (FRANKLIN) 11. LEAGUE OF CALIFORNIA CITIES (HENDERSON) 12. PALM SPRINGS DESERT RESORT COMMUNITIES CONVENTION & VISITORS AUTHORITY (EVANS) 13. PALM SPRINGS INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT COMMISSION (ROBERT TEAL) 14. RIVERSIDE COUNTY FREE LIBRARY ADVISORY COMMITTEE (DIANE GUNN) 15. RIVERSIDE COUNTY TRANSPORTATION COMMISSION (HENDERSON). 16. SUNLINE TRANSIT AGENCY/SUNLINE SERVICES GROUP (ADOLPH) 17. INVESTMENT ADVISORY BOARD MINUTES DATED MARCH 14, 2012 DEPARTMENT REPORTS 1. CITY MANAGER A. RESPONSE(S) TO PUBLIC COMMENTS MAYOR'S AND COUNCIL MEMBERS' ITEMS - NONE RECESS TO CITY AS SUCCESSOR AGENCY TO THE DISSOLVED LA OUINTA REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY ,.., 003 CITY COUNCIL AGENDA 3 MAY 1, 2012 RECONVENE AT 7:00 P.M. PUBLIC COMMENT At this time members of the public may address the City Council on any matter not'listed on the agenda. Please complete a "request to speak" form and limit your comments to three minutes. PRESENTATIONS — NONE PUBLIC HEARINGS For all Public Hearings on the agenda, a completed "request to speak" form must be filed with the City Clerk prior to consideration of that item. A person may submit written comments to City Council before a public hearing or appear in support or opposition to the approval of a project. If you challenge a project in court, you may be limited to raising only those issues you or someone else raised at the public hearing or in written correspondence delivered to the City Clerk at, or prior to the public hearing. 1. PUBLIC HEARING TO CONSIDER ADOPTION OF A RESOLUTION TO APPROVE A ONE-YEAR TIME EXTENSION FOR SITE DEVELOPMENT PERMIT 2006-852, FOR A 264-UNIT CONDOMINIUM PROJECT, COMPRISED OF UNITS OF UP TO 29.5 FEET IN HEIGHT, AND OTHER AMENITIES, BOUNDED BY PGA BOULEVARD TO THE SOUTH, THE ARNOLD PALMER PRIVATE CLUBHOUSE AND PGA WEST TENNIS CLUB TO THE WEST, THE PGA STADIUM COURSE TO THE NORTH, AND THE PGA TOURNAMENT CLUBHOUSE TO THE EAST. APPLICANT: EDEN ROCK RPW, LLC 2. PUBLIC HEARING TO CONSIDER A RESOLUTION ADOPTING THE FISCAL YEAR 2012/2013 THROUGH 2O16/2017 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM ADJOURNMENT The next regular meeting of the City Council will be held on May 15, 2012 commencing with closed session at 3:00 p.m. and open session at 4:00 p.m. in the City Council Chambers, 78-495 Calle Tampico, La Quinta, CA 92253. 004 CITY COUNCIL AGENDA 4 MAY 1, 2012 DECLARATION OF POSTING I, Susan Maysels, Interim City Clerk of the City of La Quinta, do hereby declare that the foregoing agenda for the La Quinta City Council meeting was posted on the outside entry to the Council Chamber at 78-495 Calle Tampico and on the bulletin boards at 517321 Avenida Bermudas and 78-630 Highway 111, on April 27, 2012. DATED: April 26, 2012 SUSAN MAYSELS, Interim City Clerk City of La Quinta, California Public Notices • The La Quinta City Council Chamber is handicapped accessible. If special equipment is needed for the hearing impaired, please call the City Clerk's Office at 777-7103, twenty-four (24) hours in advance of the meeting and accommodations will be made. • If special electronic equipment is needed to make presentations to the City Council, arrangement should be made in advance by contacting the City Clerk's Office at 777-7103. A one (1) week notice is required. • If background material is to be presented to the City Council during a City Council meeting, please be advised that eight (8) copies of all documents, exhibits, etc., must be supplied to the City Clerk for distribution. It is requested that this take place prior to the beginning of the meeting. • Any writings or documents provided to a majority of the City Council regarding any item on this agenda will be made available for public inspection at the City Clerk counter at City Hall located at 78-495 Calle Tampico, La Quinta, California, 92253, during normal business hours. �. 005 CITY COUNCIL AGENDA 5 MAY 1, 2012 0) w' �•� N OF T1� MEMORANDUM TO: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council FROM: Susan Maysels, interim City Clerk VIA: Mark Weiss, Interim City Manager DATE: April 26, 2012 SUBJECT: Conflict of Interest The following conflict(s) of interest due to the proximity of residence has been identified by staff for an item(s) on the May 1, 2012 City Council agenda. Mayor Adolph & Council Member Franklin - Agenda Item: Public Hearing 1 PUBLIC HEARING TO CONSIDER ADOPT/ON OF A RESOLUTION TO APPROVE A ONE-YEAR EXTENSION FOR SITE DEVELOPMENT PERMIT 2006-852, FOR A 264-UNIT CONDOMINIUM PROJECT, COMPRISED OF UNITS OF UP TO 29.5 FEET IN HEIGHT, AND OTHER AMENITIES, BOUNDED BY PGA BOULEVARD TO. THE SOUTH, THE ARNOLD PALMER PRIVATE CLUBHOUSE AND PGA WEST TENNIS CLUB TO THE WEST, THE PGA STADIUM COURSE TO THE NORTH, AND THE PGA TOURNAMENT CLUBHOUSE TO THE EAST. APPLICANT., EDEN ROCK RPW, LLC , cc: Interim City Manager City Attorney Department Directors 006 RESOLUTION TO CITY COUNCILS RE: CPV SENTINEL POWER PLANT Whereas, CPV Sentinel LLC corporation has misrepresented the negative environmental impact that its local power plant will have on the Coachella Valley for the next 30 years, and Whereas, the mitigation fees for stated impact are insufficient and were not negotiated openly with the people who will be most deeply affected, and Whereas, the City Councils of the Coachella Valley do have the authority to create tax districts and assess mitigation fees, and the responsibility to protect the health and welfare of their constituents, therefore let these measures be adopted: 1. Prior negotiated mitigation fees from the AB 1318 Mitigations Fees Fund shall be used as mandated "only for emission reduction purposes."(SCAQMD Agenda # 27. June 3, 2011). ® 2. A citizens' oversight board shall be established with one elected member from each city in the Coachella Valley to monitor pollutant emissions and plant operation independently of the South Coast Air Quality Management District, with these provisions: a. Will produce a comprehensive environmental audit yearly. b. Will coordinate and share findings with CVAG. c. Will work with City Councils and staff to establish a continuing taxing agency for CPV Sentinel LLC, with mitigation fees based on pollutant quantities produced by the facility. d. Will be funded solely by mitigation fees. e. Will seek to establish a separate air quality management district for the Coachella Valley. 3. Mitigation fees on the CPV Sentinel plant shall be used to fund the following programs: a. Medical programs for those suffering from pulmonary Is disease associated with or aggravated by air -borne pollutants. 007 . I . ® b. Monitoring and compliance with EPA and Coachella Valley Air Quality Management District. c. Legal requirement that CPV Sentinel LLC install industry standard best practice pollution -control devices as they become available. d. Zero -interest loans to install solar and other energy -saving technology in Coachella Valley homes and businesses. LC` " 008 Tur 4 4V a" CIT SA/HA/FA MEETING DATE: May 1, 2012 ITEM TITLE: Approval of Demand Register Dated May 1, 2012 RECOMMENDATION: Approve Demand Register Dated May 1, 2012 BACKGROUND AND OVERVIEW: Prepaid, Warrants: 95600 - 956271 95628 - 95654 } Voids) Wire Transfers} P/R 36610 — 36615 } P/R Tax Transfers } Payable Warrants: 95655 - 95745 } FISCAL IMPLICATIONS: AGENDA CATEGORY: BUSINESS SESSION: _ CONSENT CALENDAR: STUDY SESSION: PUBLIC HEARING: $165,744.45 $195,957.09 $2334.45- $204,239.60 $195,312.69 $54,933.11 $1,104,447.15 $1,918,299.64 Demand of Cash City $1,837,523.69 Demand of Cash -Successor Agency of RDA $80,775.95 Demand of Cash — HA $0.00 Respectfully submitted, johnL� M. Falconer, Finance Director .a. 009 Approved for submission by: Irk- Mark Weiss, Interim City Manager ". 010 CITY OF LA QUINTA BANK TRANSACTIONS 4/11/12 - 4/24/12 04/13/12 WIRE TRANSFER - ICMA 04/13/12 WIRE TRANSFER - LQCEA 04/16/12 WIRE TRANSFER - PERS 04/17/12 WIRE TRANSFER - TASC 04/18/12 WIRE TRANSFER - LANDMARK TOTAL WIRE TRANSFER OUT $10,069.67 $140.00 $53,124.41 $1,332.60 $139,572.92 $204,239.60 Oil 00 O nomb P e O O O Vlt m O O OO O J �t P P n0 n O O Y MO M OONn P P P n n bb N O O o0 O N N N N PO P O O U F I W 2 1 .0 H e 0 �t N b Itl I[1 0 o ow n I[1 Y1 O O O It1 If1 b b S 0 I m 0 m P m .+ m Itl I[1 0 o N Ifl m m m b b N It1 Itl o o n M H P P U0 1 Mb P H N N n r M M b H �t V b b MH ILl P P S I Q I H H N .1 O N v N I \ I ;� 1 O ; 1 W I I a 0 Y U W I 2 f u N 1 1 H J I 2 ; N I H I J H I Q O H I > N I S LL I 0 \ � W H I zv f-rc I LL N H U I a \ M I o I O I W I � I �LL I f O H Om I 2Q I W a x W H 2 J O I 02 I U u Q W O W I Y Q I w W 2 u Y I 2 m Q I v HI w Z I W r -C � I x •o � H OIQOZI 3 LL I Z O J I a Q I Own I 2 U I OWE I N SZ W W U U o Q I » Q N H I O a a a a a O O O O O ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ JJJJ S aQQQ Y. 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NM .ww m m rI I Q Z I' \ m \ W vi MO , << KO va v2 O (.� muwwm I fti O OW O •• ZUNd'd I dI 02 Oa WE ¢ U r w O w O m w Ka d I NC INJ N¢ Qd' 0 ddd 1 ZU iJ O OOOI aN- W Wo f K 0001 K W 1 3 O d' d 0 d' d' d' I f q I p J dd 0uul I I'm 028 W w ow Q O a� z LLN OY Z M u uQ Z Z > > 00 uQ " 029 COUNCI SA/HA/FA MEETING DATE: May 1, 2012 ITEM TITLE: Approval to Leidner from the May 14, Commission Meeting RECOMMENDATION: Excuse Commissioner Bob 2012 Community Services AGENDA CATEGORY: BUSINESS SESSION: CONSENT CALENDAR: STUDY SESSION: PUBLIC HEARING: Approve a request for Commissioner Bob Leidner to be excused from attending the May 14, 2012, Community Services Commission meeting. FISCAL IMPLICATIONS: None. CHARTER CITY IMPLICATIONS: None. BACKGROUND AND OVERVIEW: The La Quinta Municipal Code, Section 2.06.020(B) includes the statement: "A board or commission member may request advance permission from the City Council to be absent at one or more regular meetings due to extenuating circumstances. If such permission or excuse is granted by the City Council, the absence shall not be counted toward the above -stated limitations on absences." Staff has discussed this section with all Commissions and, in response, Community Services Commission Commissioner Leidner has requested of the City Council to be excused from the May 14, 2012 Community Services Commission meeting. The request is being made prior to the meeting, as noted in Attachment 1. ". C30 FINDINGS AND ALTERNATIVES: The alternatives available to the City Council include: 1. Approve Commissioner Leidner's request to be excused from the May 14, 2012, Community Services Commission meeting; or 2. Deny Commissioners Leidner's request; or 3. Provide staff with alternative direction. Respectfully submitted, Edie Hylton Community Services Director Approved for submission by: Mark Weiss, Interim City Manager Attachment: 1. Request from Commissioner Leidner "._ 1 031 ATTACHMENT 1 Angela Guereque From: Edie Hylton Sent: Wednesday, April 18, 2012 9:57 AM To: Bob Leidner Cc: Angela Guereque Subject: RE: request for excused absence to the May Commission Meeting Thank you Bob We will get it on the Council agenda for 5.1. This email is sufficient. Take care From: Bob Leidner Sent: Wednesday, April 18, 2012 9:47 AM To: Edie Hylton Subject: request for excused absence to the May Commission Meeting Good morning Edie, I am currently scheduled to have a two day chemotherapy infusion in Orange County on May 14th and 151h. With a Community Services Commission meeting scheduled for May 14th, this is the first time in eight years that I have had to request an excused absence, so I am a bit unsure of the process for this request. Please let me know if this e-mail to you is sufficient or if I need to forward this request to the Mayor and Council or other parties in order to have it officially on the record. Thanks Bob Leidner Bob Leidner President/CEO bob@bpn-inc.com bob@plussoles.net www.plussoles.net Plus Sales 78-075 Main Street Suite 201 Want to always havemy latest info? La Quinta, CA 92253 tel: 866 910-2378 fax: 760 564-8667 mobile: 818 231-3964 ".a. 032 1 TA MEETING DATE: Mav 1, 2012 AGENDA CATEGORY: ITEM TITLE: Approval to Excuse Weber's Absence from the May Commission Meeting RECOMMENDATION: Commissioner Mark BUSINESS SESSION: 8, 2012, Planning 3 CONSENT CALENDAR: STUDY SESSION: PUBLIC HEARING: Approve a request from Commissioner Mark Weber to be excused from attending the May 8, 2012, Planning Commission meeting. FISCAL IMPLICATIONS: k1rem CHARTER CITY IMPLICATIONS: None. BACKGROUND AND OVERVIEW: The La Quinta Municipal Code, Section 2.06.020(B) includes the statement: "if a member absents him or herself from ...scheduled meetings ... (a) board or commission member may request advance permission from the City Council to be absent at one or more regular meetings due to extenuating circumstances, and/or may request the City Council to excuse an absence after -the -fact where such extenuating circumstances prevented the member from seeking advance permission to be absent. If such permission or excuse is granted by the City Council, the absence shall not be counted toward the ... limitations on absences." Staff has discussed this section with all Commissions and in response, Planning Commissioner Weber notified staff, prior to the meeting, that he would be unable to attend the May 8, 2012, Planning Commission meeting. He has requested the City ',.a . 033 Council excuse him, from that meeting Attachment 1. FINDINGS AND ALTERNATIVES: The request is being made as noted in The alternatives available to the City Council include: 1. Approve a request from Commissioner Mark Weber to be excused from attending the May 8, 2012, Planning Commission meeting; or 2. Deny Commissioner Weber's request; or 3. Provide staff with alternative direction. Approved for submission by: Mark Weiss, Interim City Manager Attachment: 1. Request from Commissioner Weber •..a C34 ATTACHMENT 1 From: Carolyn Walker Sent: Monday, April 23, 2012 8:50 AM To: Carolyn Walker Subject: FW: PC Hearing Notice for SDP 06-863, Amd # 1- Alta Verde Attachments: AVG Certification.txt From: Mark Weber' Sent: Friday, April 20, 2012 12:37 PM To: Monika Radeva Cc: Carolyn Walker; Les Johnson Subject: RE: PC Hearing Notice for SDP 06-863, Amd # 1 - Alta Verde I'd like to officially request the City Council consider an excused absence for me for the May W' Planning Commission. I will be out of town and unable to attend, but will be sure to keep abreast of the issues and maintain my active involvement on the Commission. Thank you for the consideration. Regards, Mark Weber ,.a.. 035 CITY SA / HA / FA MEETING DATE: May 1, 2012 AGENDA CATEGORY: ITEM TITLE: Approval of a Request for Proposal to BUSINESS SESSION: Provide Janitorial Services for City -Owned Buildings /y CONSENT CALENDAR: %_�I STUDY SESSION: PUBLIC HEARING: RECOMMENDATION: Approve a Request for Proposal (RFP) to solicit Proposals for janitorial services for. City -owned buildings (Attachment 1). FISCAL IMPLICATIONS: Funds have been proposed in the 2012/2013 Fiscal Year budget to provide for the cost of janitorial services. CHARTER CITY IMPLICATIONS: i•G7M BACKGROUND AND OVERVIEW: Progreen Building Maintenance has provided Janitorial Services for the City for the past four years. The current contract provides a one—year term and as many as three, one- year extensions. The final extension expires on June 30, 2012. Previously, the City has contracted janitorial services for: City Hall, Emergency Operations Center, Library, Senior Center, Museum, Sheriff's Sub Stations, Public Works Offices, Park Snack Bars, Fritz Burns Pool Offices, and Restrooms at various parks (Attachment 2). All Contractors desiring to submit a proposal will be invited to a walk-through of the buildings before submitting their proposals. The Interim City Manager intends to appoint a Selection Committee consisting of: Greg Butler, Building & Safety Director; Paul Fuson, Facilities Maintenance Coordinator; and Robert Ambriz, Recreation Supervisor. If the City Council wishes to appoint a different "- 036 Selection Committee, the Committee would be subject to the Brown Act unless the Committee consists solely of two council members. FINDINGS AND ALTERNATIVES: The alternatives available to the City Council include: 1 . Approve a Request for Proposal (RFP) to solicit Proposals for janitorial services for City -owned buildings; or 2. Do not approve a Request for Proposal (RFP) to solicit Proposals for janitorial services for City -owned buildings; or 3. Provide staff with alternative direction. Respectfully submitted, & Safety Director Approved for submission by: Mark Weiss, Interim City Manager Attachment: 1 . City of La Quinta Janitorial Services Request For Proposals (RFP) 2. Contract Services Agreement ".6 C.37 ATTACHMENT 1 REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS CITY OF LA QUINTA JANITORIAL SERVICES The City of La Quinta requests proposals from qualified companies to provide Janitorial Services. The services would be provided to multiple City facilities listed in Exhibit A of the attached Contract Services Agreement. Some facilities require services twice a day, seven days a week including the following National Holidays: New Year's Day, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Day, President's Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Veteran's Day, Thanksgiving Day, and Christmas Day. Contactors will effectively, efficiently, and safely maintain a high level of cleanliness for specified facilities in accordance with the best standards of practice. Services include responsibility to furnish at his/her own expense all transportation, tools, equipment, fuel, labor, materials, green and/or green sealed certified supplies, supervision and services necessary for the satisfactory performance of the work. A pre -proposal meeting and walk through is scheduled for Wednesday, May 09, 2012 at 9:00 a.m. at La Quinta Civic Center 78-495 Calle Tampico, La Quinta, CA 92253. Please check in at the Building & Safety Department so interested Contactors may assess the work and prepare sealed proposals. The following attachment is a copy of the Contract Services Agreement (including insurance information) required of the selected Contractor. Should the selected Contractor have any objections to the proposed Contract Services Agreement, the Contractor must object in writing on the Compliance Form provided. Work proposals and cost proposals are to be submitted in separate envelopes, clearly marked with the Contractor's name, address and phone number and labeled "Envelope 1 " for the work proposal and "Envelope 2" for the cost proposal. Only one set of proposals per Contractor will be considered. Proposal packages are to be submitted to the City on/or before May 23, 2012 at 5:00 p.m. Proposals received after the stated deadline will not be accepted. Proposal packages are to be delivered to: Greg Butler, Building & Safety Director City of La Quinta Building & Safety 78495 Calle Tampico P O Box 1504 La Quinta, CA 92247 Proposal (Envelope 1) must include: '" 038 (1) The name, address and phone number of the contractor's contact person for the remainder of the selection process; (2) Statement of Qualifications; (3) Any qualifying statements or comments regarding the contractor's proposal, the information provided in the RFP or the proposed contract; and (4) Compliance Form. Proposal (Envelope 2) must include: (1) Cost Proposal, Attachment "A" (pages 1 through 3) from Contract filled out completely. The Committee will rank the Contractors for contract negotiations based upon the materials submitted. The Committee may choose to interview two or more closely rated candidates. The City of La Quinta will open contract negotiations with the top -ranked Service. The successful Contractor will be expected to enter into the City of La Quinta's standard Contract Services Agreement. The tentative schedule is as follows: Request for Proposals Posted May 02, 2012 Walk through May 09, 2012 Proposals due May 23, 2012 Contract Negotiations May 28, 2012 City Council Approval June 19, 2012 Start Date for Services July 01, 2012 Thank you for your interest, Greg Butler, Building & Safety Director 760-777-7015 gbutler@la-quinta.org '.." 1 039 CONTRACT SERVICES AGREEMENT FOR JANITORIAL SERVICES COMPLIANCE FORM Read and initial one of the paragraphs below, then sign at the bottom. I.have read and understand the conditions of the Contract Services Agreement for janitorial services. If I am selected to perform janitorial services for the City I am willing and able to comply with all contract documents. I have read and understand the conditions of the Contract Services Agreement for janitorial services but am not able commit to all of the conditions required. Below are the portions I contest. Changing the described items would enable me to comply. (If you need more space please attach more pages and fill in the number of sheets at the bottom of the page. Any requested changes to the Contract Services Agreement must be approved by the City Attorney.) Print Name Signature Date page 1 of " C40 ATTACHMENT 2 CONTRACT SERVICES AGREEMENT THIS CONTRACT SERVICES AGREEMENT (the "Agreement") is made and entered into by and between the CITY OF LA QUINTA, a California municipal corporation ("City"), and [insert name of Contractor], a [insert form of business entity, e.g. a California corporation] ("Contractor"). RECITALS WHEREAS, City desires to utilize the services of Contractor as an independent contractor to provide the City with janitorial services. B. Contractor represents that it is fully qualified to perform such services by virtue of its experience and the training, education and expertise of its principals and employees. C. City desires to retain Contractor, and Contractor desires to serve City to perform these services subject to the terms contained herein and all applicable local, state and federal laws and regulations. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the performance by the parties of the mutual promises, covenants, and conditions contained herein, the parties agree as follows: 1.0 SERVICES OF CONTRACTOR 1.1. Scope of Services. In compliance with all terms and conditions of this Agreement, Contractor shall provide those services related to janitorial services as specified in the "Scope of Services" attached hereto as Exhibit "A" and incorporated herein by this reference (the "Services" or "Work"). Contractor warrants that all Services will be performed in a competent, professional and satisfactory manner in accordance with the standards prevalent in the industry for such Services. 1.2. Compliance with Law. All Services rendered hereunder shall be provided in accordance with all ordinances, resolutions, statutes, rules, regulations and laws of the City of La Quinta and any Federal, State or local governmental agency of competent jurisdiction. 1.3. Licenses, Permits, Fees and Assessments. Except as otherwise specified herein, Contractor shall obtain at its sole cost and expense such licenses, permits and approvals as may be required by law for the performance of the Services required by this Agreement. Contractor shall have the sole obligation to pay for any fees, assessments and taxes, plus applicable penalties and interest, which may be imposed by law and arise " C41 Last Revised 02/7/12 from or are necessary for the performance of the Services required by this Agreement. 1.4. Familiarity with Work. By executing this Agreement, Contractor warrants that (a) it has thoroughly investigated and considered the Work to be performed, (b) it has investigated the site of the Work and fully acquainted itself with the conditions there existing, (c) it has carefully considered how the Work should be performed, and (d) it fully understands the facilities, difficulties and restrictions attending performance of the Work under this Agreement. Should Contractor, discover any latent or unknown conditions materially differing from those inherent in the Work or as represented by City, it shall immediately inform City of such fact and shall not proceed except at Contractor's risk until written instructions are received from the Contract Officer (as defined in Section 4.2 hereof). 1.5. Standard of Care. Contractor acknowledges and understands that the Services and Work contracted for under this Agreement require specialized skills and abilities and that, consistent with this understanding, Contractor's Services and Work will be held to a heightened standard of quality and workmanship. Consistent with Section 1.4 hereinabove, Contractor represents to City that it holds the necessary skills and abilities to satisfy the heightened standard of Work as set forth in this Agreement. Contractor shall adopt reasonable methods during the life of the Agreement to furnish continuous protection to the Work performed by Contractor, and the equipment, materials, papers and other components thereof to prevent losses or damages, and shall be responsible for all such damages, to persons or property, except such losses or damages as may be caused by City's own negligence. The performance of Services by Contractor shall not relieve Contractor from any obligation to correct any incomplete, inaccurate or defective Work at no further cost to City, when such inaccuracies are due to the negligence of Contractor. 1.6. Additional Services. In accordance with the terms and conditions of this Agreement, Contractor shall perform services in addition to those specified in the Scope of Services only when directed to do so by the Contract Officer, provided that Contractor shall not be required to perform any additional services without compensation. Any addition in compensation not exceeding five percent (5%) of the Contract Sum may be approved by the Contract Officer. Any greater increase must be approved by the City Council. 1.7. Special Requirements. Additional terms and. conditions of this Agreement, if any, are set forth in Exhibit "D" (the "Special Requirements") which is incorporated herein by this reference and expressly made a part hereof. In the event of a conflict between the provisions of the Special Last Revised 02/07/12 -2- Requirements and any other provisions of this Agreement, the provisions of the Special Requirements shall govern. 2.0 COMPENSATION 2.1. Contract Sum. For the Services rendered pursuant to this Agreement, Contractor shall be compensated in accordance with Exhibit "B" (the "Schedule of Compensation") in a total amount not to exceed dollars and cents ($ ._) (the "Contract Sum"), except as provided in Section 1.6. The method of compensation set forth in the Schedule of Compensation may include a lump sum payment upon completion, payment in accordance with the percentage of completion of the Services, payment for time and materials based upon Contractor's rate schedule, but not exceeding the Contract Sum, or such other methods as may be specified in the Schedule of Compensation. 2.2. Method of Payment. Any month in which Contractor wishes to receive payment, Contractor shall submit to City no later than the tenth (10th) working day of such month, in the form approved by City's Finance Director, an invoice for Services rendered prior to the date of the invoice. Such invoice shall (1) describe in detail the Services provided, and (2) specify dates services were provided. The City will pay the Contractor for the monthly portion of the agreed contract price, thereon which is approved by City pursuant to this Agreement no later than thirty (30) days after invoices are received by the City's Finance Department. 2.3. Method of Billing. Any month in which Consultant wishes to receive payment, Consultant shall submit to City no later than the tenth (10th) working day of such month, in the form approved by City's Finance Director, an invoice for Services rendered prior to the date of the invoice. Such invoice shall (1) describe in detail the Services provided, including time and materials, and (2) specify each staff member who has provided Services and the number of hours assigned to each such staff member. Such invoice shall contain a certification by a principal member of Consultant specifying that the payment requested is for Work performed in accordance with the terms of this Agreement. City will pay Consultant for all expenses stated thereon which are approved by City pursuant to this Agreement no later than thirty (30) days after invoices are received by the City's Finance Department. 3.0 PERFORMANCE SCHEDULE 3.1 Time of Essence. Time is of the essence in the performance of this Agreement. ".4 C 43 Last Revised 02/07/12 -3 3.2 Schedule of Performance. Evaluation of the performance of the Contractor shall be made by the City's Director of Building and Safety. All services rendered pursuant to this Agreement shall be performed diligently and within the time period established in Exhibit "A" (the "Scope of Service"). 3.3 Correction of Complaints. Contractor shall give immediate attention to the correction of all complaints. If the contractor received more than three (3) complaints in a single month for unsatisfactory performance, and the complaints are found valid by the City and not remedied within twenty four (24) hours of each complaint, the contract may be terminated. 3.4 A_recurring pattern of complaints of a similar nature shall be construed as noncompliance and the contract shall be terminated. 3.5 Failure to Complete Cycles Within Allowable Time Periods. Failure of the Contractor to complete the approved cleaning cycles within the allowable time periods as outlined in the specifications will result in damages being sustained by the City. Execution of the contract shall constitute agreement by the City and the Contractor that twice the unit price per day is the minimum agreed value of the costs and damages caused by failure of the Contractor to complete the cleaning cycles within the allotted time, and that such sum is liquidated and shall not be construed as a penalty, and that such sum may be deducted from payments due the Contractor if such delay occurs. 3.6 Force Majeure. The time period specified in the Schedule of Performance for performance of the Services rendered pursuant to this Agreement shall be extended because of any delays due to unforeseeable causes beyond the control and without the fault or 'negligence of Contractor, including, but not restricted to, acts of God or of the public enemy, fires, earthquakes, floods, epidemic, quarantine restrictions, riots, strikes, freight embargoes, acts of any governmental agency other than City, and unusually severe weather, if Contractor shall within two hours of the commencement of such delay notify the Contract Officer by telephone the causes of the delay. The Contract Officer shall ascertain the facts and the extent of delay, and extend the time for performing the Services for the period of the forced delay when and if in his or her judgment such delay is justified, and the Contract Officer's determination shall be final and conclusive upon the parties to this Agreement. 3.7 Term. This Agreement shall commence on July 1, 2012 and terminate on June 30, 2013 (initial term). This agreement may be extended for three (3) additional one-year terms upon mutual agreement by both I..a Last Revised 02/07/12 4- C 4 T parties (extended term). Unless earlier terminated in accordance with Sections 7.7 or 7.8 of this Agreement, this Agreement shall continue in full force and effect until completion of the Services, except as otherwise provided in the Schedule of Performance. 4.0 COORDINATION OF WORK 4.1. Representative of Contractor. The following principals of Contractor are hereby designated as being the principals and representatives of Contractor authorized to act in its behalf with respect to the Work specified herein and make all decisions in connection therewith: a. [name & title of Contractor's principa/(s)) Q It is expressly understood that the experience, knowledge, capability, and reputation of the foregoing principals were a substantial inducement for City to enter into this Agreement. Therefore, the foregoing principals shall be responsible during the term of this Agreement for directing all activities of Contractor and devoting sufficient time to personally supervise the Services hereunder. The foregoing principals may not be changed by Contractor and no other personnel may be assigned to perform the Service required hereunder without the express written approval of City. 4.2. Contract Officer. The Contract Officer shall be Greg Butler, Building & Safety Director or such other person as may be designated in writing by the City Manager of City. It shall be Contractor's responsibility to assure that the Contract Officer is kept informed of the progress of the performance of the Services and Contractor shall refer any decisions which must be made by City to the Contract Officer. Unless otherwise specified herein, any approval of City required hereunder shall mean the approval of the Contract Officer. 4.3. Prohibition Against Subcontracting or Assignment. The experience, knowledge, capability and reputation of Contractor, its principals and employees were a substantial inducement for City to enter into this Agreement. Except as set forth in this Agreement, Contractor shall not subcontract with any other entity to perform in whole or in part the Services required hereunder without the express written approval of City. In addition, neither this Agreement nor any interest herein may be assigned or transferred, voluntarily or by operation of law, without the prior written approval of City. Any attempted or purported assignment or sub -contracting p 045 Last Revised 02/07/12 -5- by Contractor without the City's express written approval shall be null, void and of no effect. 4.4. Independent. Contractor. Neither City nor any of its employees shall have any control over the manner, mode or means by which Contractor, its agents or employees, perform the Services required herein, except as otherwise set forth. Contractor shall perform all Services required herein as an independent contractor of City and shall remain at all times as to City a wholly independent contractor with only such obligations as are consistent with that role. Contractor shall have no power to incur any debt, obligation, or liability on behalf of City. Contractor shall not at any time or in any manner represent that it or any of its agents or employees are agents or employees of City. Contractor agrees to pay all required taxes on amounts paid to Contractor under this Agreement, and to indemnify and hold City harmless from any and all taxes, assessments, penalties, and interest asserted against City by reason of the independent contractor relationship created by this Agreement. Contractor shall fully comply with the workers' compensation laws regarding Contractor and Contractor's employees. Contractor further agrees to indemnify and hold City harmless from any failure of Contractor to comply with applicable workers' compensation laws. City shall have the right to offset against the amount of any fees due to Contractor under this Agreement any amount due to City from Contractor as a result of Contractor's failure to promptly pay to City any reimbursement or indemnification arising under this Section 4.4. 4.5. City Cooperation. City shall provide Contractor with any information pertinent to Services to be performed hereunder which are reasonably available to Contractor only from or through action by City. 5.0 INSURANCE. 5.1. Insurance. Prior to the beginning any Work under this Agreement and throughout the duration of the term of this Agreement, Contractor shall procure and maintain, at its sole cost, and submit concurrently with its execution of this Agreement, insurance as described herein. All insurance coverage required by this Agreement shall be placed with insurers authorized to do business in the State of California with an AN, Best and Company rating level of A- or better, Class VI or better, unless otherwise approved by the City's Risk Manager in writing. 5.1.1 . Minimum Coverage. Insurance shall include the following (or broader) coverage: Last Revised 02/07/12 a. Insurance Services Office Commercial General Liability coverage "occurrence" form CG 00 01 or its equivalent with an -6- " C 4 6 edition date prior to 2004 and with minimum limits of $1,000,000 per occurrence and $2,000,000 in the aggregate. b. Insurance Services Office form number CA 0001 or equivalent covering Automobile Liability, including hired and non - owned automobile liability with a minimum limit of $1,000,000 per accident. If Contractor owns no vehicles, this requirement may be satisfied by a non -owned and hired auto endorsement to Contractor's commercial general liability policy. C. Contractor shall carry Workers' Compensation Insurance complying with California's worker's compensation laws, including statutory limits for workers' compensation and an Employer's Liability limit no less than $1,000,000 per accident or disease. 5.1.2. Required Endorsements. Liability insurance policies required to be provided by Contractor hereunder shall contain or be endorsed to contain the following provisions: a. City, its employees, officials, agents and member agencies shall be covered as additional insureds. Coverage shall apply to any and all liability arising out of the Work or related to the Contract. Additional insured status under the general liability requirement shall be provided on Insurance Services Office Form CG 20 10 with an edition date prior to 2004, or its equivalent. Additional insured status for completed operations shall be provided either in the additional insured form or through another endorsement such as CG 20 37 with an edition date prior to 2004. b. General and automobile liability insurance shall apply separately to each insured against whom a claim is made or suit is brought, except with respect to the limits of the insurer's liability. Coverage will not be limited to City's vicarious liability. C. Liability coverage shall be primary and non-contributing with any insurance maintained by the City. d. Each policy required hereunder, and the associated evidence of coverage (including the workers' compensation and employer's liability policies), shall provide that coverage shall not be suspended, voided, canceled or reduced in coverage or in limits except after prior written notice has been given to City. Such provision shall not include any limitation of liability of the insurer for failure to provide such notice. C47 Last Revised 02/07/12 -7- e. No liability insurance coverage provided to comply with this Agreement shall prohibit Contractor, or Contractor's employees, or agents, from waiving the right of recovery prior to a loss. Contractor waives its right of recovery against City. 5.1.3. Verification of Coverage. Contractor shall deposit with City within fifteen (15) days of Notice to Proceed of the Contract certificates of insurance evidencing the coverage required hereunder and all required endorsements. 5.1 .4. No Waiver or Obligation. There shall be no recourse against City for payment of premiums or other amounts with respect to the insurance required to be provided by Contractor hereunder. Any failure, actual or alleged, on the part of City to monitor compliance with these requirements will not be deemed as a waiver of any rights on the part of City. City has no additional obligations by virtue of requiring the insurance set forth herein. In the event any policy of insurance required under this Agreement does not comply with these requirements or is canceled and not replaced, City has the right but not the duty to obtain the insurance it deems necessary and any premium paid by City will be promptly reimbursed by Contractor or City will withhold amounts sufficient to pay premium from Contractor payments. 5.1 .5. Prompt Notice. Contractor agrees to provide immediate notice to City of any claim or loss against Contractor arising out of the Work performed under this agreement. City assumes no obligation or liability by such notice, but has the right (but not the duty) to monitor the handling of any such claim or claims if they are likely to involve City 5.1.6. Subcontractors. Contractor shall include all subcontractors, if any, as insureds under its policies or shall furnish separate certificates and endorsements for each subcontractor approved by City. All coverages for subcontractors, if any, shall be subject to all of the requirements stated herein unless otherwise approved in advance in writing by City's Risk Manager. 6.0 INDEMNIFICATION. 6.1 Indemnification. 6.1.1. Indemnification. To the fullest extent permitted by law, Contractor shall indemnify, protect, defend and hold harmless City and any and all of its officials, employees and agents ("Indemnified Parties") from and against any and all liability, claims, suits, actions arbitration proceedings, administrative proceedings, regulatory proceedings, losses, expenses or costs of any kind, whether actual, alleged or threatened, including, without limitation, incidental and consequential damages, actual attorney fees incurred by City, court costs, interest, _ '�." 048 Last Revised 02/07/12 —g defense costs including fees of expert Contractors or expert witnesses incurred in connection therewith and any other costs or expenses of any kind whatsoever incurred in relation to, as a consequence of or arising out of or in any way attributable in whole or in part to the performance of this agreement. All obligations under this provision are to be paid by Contractor as the City incurs them. 6.1.2. Exception to Contractor's Obligation to Indemnify. Without affecting the rights of City under any provision of this agreement or this section, Contractor shall not be required to indemnify and hold harmless City as set forth above for liability attributable to the sole fault of City, provided such sole fault is determined by agreement between the parties or by the findings of a court of competent jurisdiction. This exception will apply only in instances where City is shown to have been solely at fault and not in instances where Contractor is solely or partially at fault or in instances where City's fault accounts for only a percentage of the liability involved. In those instances, the obligation of Contractor will be all- inclusive and City will be indemnified for all liability incurred, even though a. percentage of the liability is attributable to conduct of the City. 6.1.3. Contractor Acknowledgment. Contractor acknowledges that its obligation pursuant to this section extends to liability attributable to City, if that liability is less than the sole fault of City. 6.1.4. Indemnity Provisions for Subcontractors. Contractor agrees to obtain executed indemnity agreements with provisions identical to those set forth here in this section from each and every subcontractor, sub tier contractor or any other person or entity involved by, for, with or on behalf of Contractor in the performance of this Agreement. In the event Contractor fails to obtain such indemnity obligations from others as required here, Contractor agrees to be fully responsible according to the terms of this section. 6.1.5. No Waiver; Survival. Failure of City to monitor compliance with the requirements of this Section 6.1 imposes no additional obligations on City and will in no way act as a waiver of any rights hereunder. Contractor's obligation to indemnify and defend City as a set forth herein is binding on the successors, assigns, or heirs of Contractor and shall survive the termination of this Agreement or this section. 6.2. Remedies. In addition to any other remedies City may have if Contractor fails to provide or maintain any insurance policies or policy endorsements to the extent and within the time herein required, City may, at its sole option: " 049 Last Revised 02/07/12 -9 a. Obtain such insurance and deduct and retain the amount of the premiums for such insurance from any sums due under this Agreement. b. Order Contractor to stop work under this Agreement and/or withhold any payment(s) which become due to Contractor hereunder until Contractor demonstrates compliance with the requirements hereof. C. Terminate this Agreement. Exercise of any of the above remedies, however, is an alternative to any other remedies City may have. The above remedies are not the exclusive remedies for Contractor's failure to maintain or secure appropriate policies or endorsements. Nothing herein contained shall be construed as limiting in any way the extent to which Contractor may be held responsible for payments of damages to persons or property resulting from Contractor's or its subcontractors' performance of work under this Agreement. 7.0 RECORDS AND REPORTS. 7.1. Reports. Contractor shall periodically prepare and submit to the Contract Officer such reports concerning Contractor's performance of the Services required by this Agreement as the Contract Officer shall require. 7.2. Records. Contractor shall keep such books and records as shall be necessary to perform the Services required by this Agreement and enable the Contract Officer to evaluate the cost and the performance of such Services. Books and records pertaining to costs shall be kept and prepared in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles. The Contract Officer shall have full and free access to such books and records at all reasonable times, including the right to inspect, copy, audit, and make records and transcripts from such records. 7.3. Ownership of Documents. Originals of all specifications, reports, records, documents and other materials, whether in hard copy or electronic form, which are prepared by Contractor, its employees, subcontractors and agents in the performance of this Agreement, shall be the property of City and shall be delivered to City upon termination of this Agreement or upon the earlier request of the Contract Officer, and Contractor shall have no claim for further employment or additional compensation as a result of the exercise by City of its full rights of ownership of the documents and materials hereunder. Contractor shall cause all subcontractors to assign to City any documents or materials prepared by them, and in the event Contractor fails to secure such assignment, Contractor shall indemnify City for all damages suffered thereby. " 050 Last Rmv ed 02/07/12 -10- In the event City or any person, firm or corporation authorized by City reuses said documents and materials without written verification or adaptation by Contractor for the specific purpose intended and causes to be made or makes any changes or alterations in said documents and materials, City hereby releases, discharges, and exonerates Contractor from liability resulting from said change. The provisions of this clause shall survive the completion of this Contract and shall thereafter remain in full force and effect. 7.4. Release of Documents. The specifications, reports, records, documents and other materials prepared by Contractor in the performance of Services under this Agreement shall not be released publicly without the prior written approval of the Contract Officer or as required by law. Contractor shall not disclose to any other entity or person any information regarding the activities of City, except as required by law or as authorized by City. 7.5. Confidentiality. Contractor covenants that all data, documents, discussion, or other information, if any, developed or received by Contractor or provided for performance of this Agreement are deemed confidential and shall not be disclosed by Contractor to any person or entity without prior written authorization by City. City shall grant such authorization if disclosure is required by law. All City data shall be returned to City upon the termination of this Agreement. Contractor's covenant under this section shall survive the termination of this Agreement. 8.0 ENFORCEMENT OF AGREEMENT. 8.1. California Law. This Agreement shall be construed and interpreted both as to validity and to performance of the parties in accordance with the laws of the State of California. Legal actions concerning any dispute, claim or matter arising out of or in relation to this Agreement shall be instituted in the Superior Court of the County of Riverside, State of California, or any other appropriate court in such county, and Contractor covenants and agrees to submit to the personal jurisdiction of such court in the event of such action. 8.2. Disputes. In the event of any dispute arising under this Agreement, the injured party shall notify the injuring party in writing of its contentions by submitting a claim therefore. The injured party shall continue performing its obligations hereunder so long as the injuring party commences to cure such default within ten (10) days of service of such notice and completes the cure of such default within forty-five (45) days after service of the notice, or such longer period as may be permitted by the Contract Officer; provided that if the default is an immediate danger to the health, safety and general welfare, 11.0. C 51 Last Revised 02/07/12 -1 1- City may take such immediate action as City deems warranted. Compliance with the provisions of this section shall be a condition precedent to termination of this Agreement for cause and to any legal action, and such compliance shall not be a waiver of any party's right to take legal action in the event that the dispute is not cured, provided that nothing herein shall limit City's right to terminate this Agreement without cause pursuant to Section 8.8. 8.3. Retention of Funds. City may withhold from any monies payable to Contractor sufficient funds to compensate City for any losses, costs, liabilities, or damages it reasonably believes were suffered by City due to the default of Contractor in the performance of the Services required by this Agreement. 8.4. Waiver. No delay or omission in the exercise of any right or remedy of a non -defaulting party on any default shall impair such right or remedy or be construed as a waiver. City's consent or approval of any act by Contractor requiring City's consent or approval shall not be deemed to waive or render unnecessary City's consent to or approval of any subsequent act of Contractor. Any waiver by either party of any default must. be in writing and shall not be a waiver of any other default concerning the same or any other provision of this Agreement. 8.5. Rights and Remedies are Cumulative. Except with respect to rights and remedies expressly declared to be exclusive in this Agreement, the rights and remedies of the parties are cumulative and the exercise by either party of one or more of such rights or remedies shall not preclude the exercise by it, at the same or different times, of any other rights or remedies for the same default or any other default by the other party. 8.6. Legal Action. In addition to any other rights or remedies, either party may take legal action, at law or at equity, to cure, correct or remedy any default, to recover damages for any default, to compel specific performance of this Agreement, to obtain injunctive relief, or to obtain any other remedy consistent with the purposes of this Agreement. 8.7. Termination Prior to Expiration of Term. This section shall govern any termination of this Agreement, except as specifically provided in the following Section 8.8 for termination for cause. City reserves the right to terminate this Agreement at any time, with or without cause, upon thirty (30) days' written notice to Contractor. Upon receipt of any notice of termination, Contractor shall immediately cease all Services hereunder except such as may be specifically approved by the Contract Officer. Contractor shall be entitled to compensation for all Services rendered prior to receipt of the notice of termination and for any Services authorized by the Contract Last Revised 02/07/12 -12 •rA, ,0 5 7 L Officer thereafter in accordance with the Schedule of Compensation or such as may be approved by the Contract Officer, except as provided in Section 8.3. 8.8. Termination for Default of Contractor. If termination is due to the failure of Contractor to fulfill its obligations under this Agreement, City may, after compliance with the provisions of Section 8.2, take over work and prosecute the same to completion by contract or otherwise, and Contractor shall be liable to the extent that the total cost for completion of the Services required hereunder exceeds the compensation herein stipulated (provided that City shall use reasonable efforts to mitigate such damages), and City may withhold any payments to Contractor for the purpose of setoff or partial payment of the amounts owed City as previously stated in Section 8.3. 8.9. Attorneys' Fees. If either party commences an action against the other party arising out of or in connection with this Agreement, the prevailing party shall be entitled to recover reasonable attorneys' fees and costs of suit from the losing party. 9.0 CITY OFFICERS AND EMPLOYEES; NONDISCRIMINATION. 9.1. Non -liability of City Officers and Employees. No officer or employee of City shall be personally liable to Contractor, or any successor in interest, in the event or any default or breach by City or for any amount which may become due to Contractor or to its successor, or for breach of any obligation of the terms of this Agreement. 9.2. Conflict of Interest. No officer or employee of City shall have any personal interest, direct or indirect, in this Agreement nor shall any such officer or employee participate in any decision relating to the Agreement which affects his or her personal interest or the interest of any corporation, partnership or association in which she or he is, directly or indirectly, interested, in violation of any State statute or regulation. Contractor warrants that it has not paid or given and will not pay or give any third party any money or general consideration for obtaining this Agreement. 9.3. Covenant Against Discrimination. Contractor covenants that, by and for itself, its heirs, executors, assigns, and all persons claiming under or through them, that there shall be no discrimination against or segregation of, any person or group of persons on account of race, color, creed, religion, sex, marital status, national origin or ancestry in the performance of this Agreement. Contractor shall take affirmative action to insure that applicants are employed and that employees are treated during employment without regard to their race, color, creed, religion, sex, marital status, national origin or ancestry. Last Revised 02/07/12 ".« 053 -13- 10.0 MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS 10.1. Notice. Any notice, demand, request, consent, approval, communication either party desires or is required to give the other party or any other person shall be in writing and either served personally or sent by prepaid, first-class mail to the address set forth below. Either party may change its address by notifying the other party of the change of address in writing. Notice shall be deemed communicated forty-eight (48) hours from the, time of mailing if mailed as provided in this section. To City: CITY OF LA QUINTA Attention: Greg Butler, Building & Safety Director 78-495 Calle Tampico P.O. Box 1504 La Quinta, CA 92247-1504 To Contractor: [Insert Contractor's Name, title Name of Business Mailing Address City, State Zip Code] contact information: 10.2. Integrated Agreement. This Agreement contains all of the agreements of the parties and all previous understanding, negotiations and agreements are integrated into and superseded by this Agreement. 10.3. Exhibits; Precedence. All documents referenced as exhibits in this Agreement are hereby incorporated in this Agreement. In the event of any material discrepancy between the express provisions of this Agreement and the provisions of any document incorporated herein by reference, the provisions of this Agreement shall prevail except as otherwise provided in Section 1.7. 10.4. Amendment. This Agreement may be amended at any time by the mutual consent of the parties by an instrument in writing signed by both parties. 10.5. Severability. In the event that any one or more of ,the phrases, sentences, clauses, paragraphs, or sections contained in this Agreement shall be declared invalid or unenforceable by a valid judgment or decree of a court of competent jurisdiction, such invalidity or unenforceability shall not affect any of the remaining phrases, sentences, clauses, paragraphs, or sections of this Agreement which are hereby declared as severable and shall be interpreted to carry out the intent of the parties hereunder. 10.6. Authority. The persons executing this Agreement on behalf of the parties hereto warrant that they are duly authorized to execute this Agreement on behalf of said parties and that by so executing this Agreement the parties hereto are formally bound to the provisions of this Agreement. Last Revised 02/07/12 14 :,�. C54 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this Agreement as of the dates stated below. CITY OF LA QUINTA, CONTRACTOR: a California municipal corporation MARK WEISS, Interim City Manager Dated: ATTEST: SUSAN MAYSELS, Interim City Clerk, La Quinta, California APPROVED AS TO FORM: M. KATHERINE JENSON, City Attorney City of La Quinta, California -32 Name: Title: L.m Revised 02/07/12 -15- ,, 4. C 5 5 Exhibit A Scope of Services 1. Services to be provided: The proposed work includes providing regularly scheduled janitorial services and appropriate supplies to effectively and safely maintain a high level of cleanliness for specified City facilities in accordance with the best standards of practice. It shall be the successful Contractor's responsibility to furnish at his/her own expense all tools, equipment, labor, fuel, labor, materials, supplies, supervision, and services necessary for the satisfactory performance of the work set forth in these specifications. The Contractor shall provide, at his/her expense, all necessary green or green sealed cleaning supplies and equipment as may be required to perform the janitorial tasks outlined in this specification such as: cleaning supplies, floor wax, furniture polish, custodial tools, laundry materials, and high lift equipment. All such supplies and materials shall be of the highest quality, environmentally friendly, and green or green seal certified. The City reserves the right to review and approve all items which may be used in performance of the contract work. Contractor shall provide a list of all supplies to be used. No additional compensation shall be allowed for such items. Contractor's price shall include rest room supplies to be supplied in sufficient quantities as to be continuously available in all restrooms included in this contract. Quality shall not be less than that generally available in a first class American hotel and shall be subject to the approval of the City's Building and Safety Director. Supplies shall include the following: toilet tissue (two ply), hand towels (as appropriate), commode seat covers, hand soap (lotion and powder), and plastic trash liners (for ALL waste receptacles) UNITS= PER ITEM TIMES TOTAL PER MONTH x NO. LOCATION PER MONTH (in PROVIDED WEEK figures) NUMBER OF DOLLARS MONTHS Civic Center X12= 1 78-495 Calle Tampico 5 $ Monday through Friday After 5:30 p.m. Last Aemed 0217/12 City Hall Patios X12= 2 Monday 1 $ After 5:30 p.m. Emergency Operations Center X12= 3 78-495 Calle Tampico 1 $ Wednesday After 5:30 p.m. Library X12= 4 78-275 Calle Tampico 7 $ Sunday through Saturday After 7 p.m. Outside Library Restrooms X12= 5 Sunday through Saturday 7 $ After 10:00 p.m. Lock Restrooms after Cleaning Senior Center X12= 6 78-450 Avenida La Fonda 6 $ Monday through Friday After 10:00 p.m. Senior Center/ Special Cleaning R imbued 7 as needed after events vanes y-`Renters' (Flat Rate/2 week notice) "A �' ' Senior Center Patios X12= 8 Monday 1 $ After 10:00 p.m. Museum X12= 9 77-885 Avenida Montezuma 5 $ Tuesday through Saturday After 5:30 p.m. Sheriff's Substation (Cove) X12= 10 51-351 Avenida Bermudas 2 $ Monday and Thursday After 5:30 p.m. Public Works Yard (Offices & X12= Restrooms)_ 11 78-109 Avenue 52 5 $ Monday through Friday After 5:30 p.m. Sports Complex X12= 78-900 Avenue 50 12 Monday through Saturday 7 $ After 10 p.m. Lock Restrooms after Cleaning 2479/015610-0002 "" Y 5 7 999772.01 a04/24/12 -2- Fritz Burns Park Restrooms X12= 78-060 Frances Hack Lane 13 Sunday through Saturday 7 $ After 10:00 p.m. Lock Restrooms after Cleaning Colonel Mitchell Paige Restrooms X12= 43495 Palm Royal Drive 14 Monday thru Friday 5 $ After 10:00 p.m. Lock Restrooms After Cleaning La Quinta Park Restrooms X12= 79-120 Blackhawk Way 15a Sunday through Saturday 7 $ After 10:00 p.m. Lock Restrooms After Cleaning La Quinta Park Restrooms, X9 2nd daily cleaning 15b September 1 through May 31 5 $ (start dates may vary by two weeks) Monday through Friday @ 4 p.m. La Quinta Park Restrooms X3 = 15c 2ntl daily cleaning 4 $ October 1 through December 31 Saturdays @ 12:00 p.m. Fritz Burns Pool Restroom & Offices X3 = 16 78-060 Frances Hack Lane 6 $ June 1 through September 1 Monday through Saturday La Quinta Park Snack Bar x f X1 = 79-120 Blackhawk Way 17 Annual Super Cleaning vanes , Upon request (two week notice) w, �' ' , Sports Complex , X1 = 18 78-900 Avenue 50 $ Annual Super Cleaning varies Upon Request (two week notice) $ $ TOTAL PER TOTAL PER MONTH YEAR TOTAL BASE PRICE FOR ONE YEAR TOTAL BASE PRICE FOR ONE YEAR (Words): 2479/015610-0002 999772 01 .04/24/12 -3- 8 CIVIC CENTER GENERAL — All locations, conference rooms, council chambers, reception areas, open common areas, restrooms, kitchens, classrooms, lobbies, inside walkways, and entryways. NIGHTLY JANITORIAL SERVICE 1. All waste containers shall be emptied, liners changed, and contents disposed of in designated area, and return containers to original locations 2. Sweep and mop all hard flooring and tiling with proper sanitizer 3. Spot vacuum all carpet 4. Dust desks, chairs, tables, and other office furniture and equipment (paperwork must be cleared by City staff) 5. Clean and polish all drinking fountains 6. Clean smoking containers and empty trash containers outside of entryway doors; replace liners in trash containers 7. Spot clean to remove fingerprints from glass entry doors LUNCHROOM, KITCHEN AND COFFEE AREAS 1 . Clean and disinfect all sinks and countertops (dishes cleaned by City Staff); 2. Clean outside of refrigerators 3. Clean all microwaves inside and out 4. Rinse coffee pots and filter bowl 5. Run dishwasher 6. Damp wipe all table tops and chair seats RESTROOMS AND LOCKER ROOMS 1. Clean and sanitize all urinals, commodes, and wash basins including all chrome fittings, bright work, and countertops. 2. Clean tile behind urinals 3. Clean all mirrors from top to bottom 4. Sweep floors and mop with germicidal cleaner 5. Restock all supplies as necessary (soap, tissue, towels, linens, seat covers, etc.) 6. Repair, replace, or report broken paper towel dispensers and soap dispensers to City FACILITY MAINTENANCE — RECEIVING (Civic Center) 1. Sweep or dust mop floor 2. Empty trash containers "'M C'5 9 2479/015610-0002 999772.01 a04/24/12 -4- JANITORIAL CLOSETS 1 . Remove all trash to designated area 2. Maintain neat and orderly storage WEEKLY JANITORIAL SERVICE These items must be performed at least each a week in addition to the nightly service. 1. Dust all window ledges and other flat surfaces below 6 feet from floor remove cobwebs from window ledge areas 2. Dust all picture frames, art work, and partitions 3. Wash entrances and patios 4. Clean glass entry doors and glass partitions top to bottom 5. Buff all tile floors 6. Vacuum all carpeted areas, move all chairs, and vacuum under desks and tables LUNCHROOM, KITCHEN AND COFFEE AREAS 1. Deep clean, polish sinks, countertops, and front of cabinets (dishes will be cleared by City staff) RESTROOMS AND LOCKER ROOMS 1 . Dust all ledges and partitions JANITORIAL CLOSET 1. Wash and disinfect sink basin 2. Mop floors and disinfect 3. Restock supplies MONTHLY JANITORIAL SERVICE These items must be completed at least once each month in addition to all nightly and weekly services 1. High dust all areas 6 feet and above (contractor must provide an approved lift to perform this service) 2. Clean all doors and frames 3. Clean base moldings and vacuum edge of carpeted areas 4. Spot clean minor stains in carpet 5. Spot clean wall surfaces in hallways "A C. 50 2479/0)5610-0002 999772.01 a04/24/12 -5- 6. Spot clean minor stains in seats in the council chambers LUNCHEON, KITCHEN AND COFFEE AREAS 1. Remove lime buildup from faucets RESTROOMS 1. Thoroughly wash partitions, walls, and doors 2. Thoroughly wash all floors and detail corners. 3. Strip and re -wax floors 4. Remove lime buildup from all fixtures 5. Clean showers and remove mildew QUARTERLY JANITORIAL SERVICE These items must be completed at least quarterly in addition to all nightly, weekly, and monthly services 1. Shampoo hallways and high traffic areas 2. Strip and re -wax tile floors 3. Wash and wipe trash containers 4. Wash all windows inside and out/power wash around windows and entries LUNCHROOMS AND KITCHEN 1. Wash and wipe trash containers 2. Strip and re -wax tile floors BIANNUAL JANITORIAL SERVICES Vacuum heating and air conditioning vents ANNUAL JANITORIAL SERVICE Steam clean all carpeted areas 2479/015610-0002 •' p C 6 1 999772 01 .0424/12 -6- EMERGENCY OPERATIONS CENTER (EOM GENERAL — Offices, conference, reception areas, open common areas, restrooms, classrooms, lobbies, and entryways WEEKLY JANITORIAL SERVICE 1. All waste containers shall be emptied, liners changed, and contents disposed of in designated area, and return containers to original locations 2. Sweep and mop all hard flooring and tiling with proper sanitizer 3. Vacuum all carpeted areas 4. Clean and polish all drinking fountains 5. Spot clean to remove fingerprints from glass entry doors and glass partitions; includes cleaning of mirrors KITCHEN AREAS 1. Clean and disinfect all sinks and countertops (dishes cleaned by City Staff) 2. Clean microwave inside and out 3. Rinse coffee pots and filter bowl 4. Clean outside of refrigerators 5. Damp wipe all table tops and chair seats ��I:TiIa]u6`i 1. Clean and sanitize all urinals, commodes, and wash basins including all chrome fittings, bright work and countertops. 2. Clean tile behind urinals 3. Clean all mirrors from top to bottom 4. Sweep floors and mop with germicidal cleaner 5. Restock all supplies as necessary (soap, tissue, towels, linens, seat covers, etc.) 6. Repair, replace, or report broken paper towel dispensers and soap dispensers to City MONTHLY JANITORIAL SERVICE These items must be completed at least once each month in addition to all nightly and weekly services. 1. Dust desks, chairs, tables, and other office furniture and equipment (paperwork must be cleared by City staff) 2. Dust all window ledges and other flat surfaces below 6 feet from floor; remove cobwebs from window ledge areas 3. Dust all picture frames and art work •..a . 2479/015610-0002 y U 2 999772.01 a04/24/12 -7- 4. Move chairs and vacuum under desks KITCHEN 1. Remove lime buildup from faucets QUARTERLY JANITORIAL SERVICE These items must be completed at least quarterly in addition to all nightly and weekly services 1 . Clean base moldings and vacuum edge of carpeted areas 2. Clean doors and frames 3. Spot clean wall surfaces in hallways 4. Spot clean minor stains.in carpet BIANNUAL JANITORIAL SERVICE 1 . Shampoo hallways and high traffic areas 2. Strip and re -wax tile floors 3. Wash and wipe trash containers 4. Clean all windows inside and out both sides 5. Vacuum heating and air conditioning vents RESTROOMS 1. Thoroughly wash partitions, walls, and doors 2. Thoroughly detail corners 3. Strip and re -wax floors 4. Remove lime buildup from all fixtures 5. Dust all ledges 6. Wash and wipe trash containers KITrHFN 1. Wash and wipe trash containers 2. Strip and re -wax tile floors ANNUAL JANITORIAL SERVICE Steam clean all carpeted areas r63 24791015610-0002 999772,01 a04/24/12 -8- GENERAL — Offices at all locations, conference rooms, reception areas, open common areas, restrooms, classrooms, lobbies, inside walkways and entryways. NIGHTLY JANITORIAL SERVICE 1. All waste containers shall be emptied, liners changed, and contents disposed of in designated area, and return containers to original locations 2. Sweep and mop all hard flooring and tiling with proper sanitizer 3. Vacuum all carpeted areas 4. Dust desks, chairs, tables, and other office furniture and equipment (paperwork must be cleared by City staff) 5. Clean and polish all drinking fountains 6. Clean smoking containers and empty trash containers outside of entryway doors; replace liners in trash containers 7. Spot clean to remove fingerprints from glass entry doors and glass partitions; includes cleaning of mirrors LUNCHROOM. KITCHEN AND COFFEE AREAS 1. Clean and disinfect all sinks and countertops (dishes cleaned by City Staff) 2. Clean microwaves inside and out 3. Rinse coffee pots and filter bowl 4. Clean outside of refrigerators 5. Damp wipe all table tops and chair seats RESTROOMS 1. Clean and sanitize all urinals, commodes, and wash basins including all chrome fittings, bright work and countertops. 2. Clean tile behind urinals 3. Clean all mirrors from top to bottom 4. Sweep floors and mop with germicidal cleaner 5. Restock all supplies as necessary (soap, tissue, towels, linens, seat covers, etc. 6. Repair, replace, or report broken paper towel dispensers and soap dispensers to City JANITORIAL CLOSETS 1. Sweep or dust mop floor 2. Remove all trash to designated area 3. Maintain neat and orderly storage C64 2479/015610-0002 999772.01 .04/24/12 -9- WEEKLY JANITORIAL SERVICE These items must be performed at least once each week in addition to the nightly service. 1 . Buff all tile floors 2. Dust all window ledges and other flat surfaces below 6 feet from floor; remove cobwebs from window ledge areas 3. Dust all picture frames, art work, and book shelves 4. Move chairs and vacuum under desks 5. Wash entrances and patios 6. Clean glass entry doors and glass partitions top to bottom 7. Vacuum all carpeted areas, pull out all chairs and vacuum under desks and tables LUNCHROOM, KITCHEN AND COFFEE AREAS 1. Deep clean and polish sinks and countertops (dishes will be cleaned by City staff) RESTROOMS AND LOCKER ROOMS 1. Dust all ledges and partitions JANITORIAL CLOSET 1 . Wash sink basin and disinfect 2. Mop floors and disinfect 3. Restock supplies MONTHLY JANITORIAL SERVICE These items must be completed at least once a month in addition to all nightly and weekly services. 1. High dust all areas 6 feet and above (contractor must provide an approved lift to perform this service) 2. Clean doors and frames 3. Clean base moldings and vacuum edge of carpeted areas 4. Spot clean minor stains in carpet 5. Spot clean wall surfaces in hallways 6. Spot clean minor stains in seats at the reading desks and computer desks C65 24791015610-0002 _ 1 O. 999772 01 .04124/12 LUNCHEON, KITCHEN AND COFFEE AREAS 1 . Remove lime buildup from faucets RESTROOMS 1. Thoroughly wash partitions, walls, and doors 2. Thoroughly wash all floors and detail corners 3. Strip and re -wax floors 4. Remove lime buildup from all fixtures 5. Clean showers and remove mildew QUARTERLY JANITORIAL SERVICE 1 . Shampoo hallways and high traffic areas 2. Strip and re -wax tile floors 3. Wash and wipe trash containers 4. Wash all windows inside and out/power wash around windows and entries LUNCHROOMS AND KITCHEN 1. Wash and wipe trash containers 2. Strip and re -wax tile floors BI-ANNUAL JANITORIAL SERVICES 1 . Vacuum heating and air conditioning vents 2. Steam clean all carpeted areas (March and September) •,.a C 6 6 2479/015610-0002 999772.01 a04/24/12 -1 1- SENIOR CENTER GENERAL — Offices at all locations, conference rooms, reception areas, open common areas, restrooms, classrooms, lobbies, lounges, inside walkways and entryways. NIGHTLY JANITORIAL SERVICE 1 . All waste containers shall be emptied, liners changed, and contents disposed of in designated area, and return containers to original locations 2. Sweep and mop all hard flooring and tiling with proper sanitizer (including exterior tiled area at entry door) 3. Vacuum all carpeted areas 4. Dust desks, chairs, tables, and other office furniture and equipment (paperwork must be cleared by City staff) 5. Clean and polish all drinking fountains 6. Clean smoking containers and empty trash containers outside of entryway doors; replace liners in trash containers 7. Spot clean to remove fingerprints from glass entry doors; includes cleaning of mirrors in the lobby and multi -purpose room. KITCHEN AND COFFEE AREAS 1. Clean and disinfect all sinks and countertops (dishes cleaned by City Staff); damp wipe the wet bar and sink in the Hospitality Room area and the Arts & Crafts room 2. Clean microwaves inside and out 3. Rinse coffee pots and filter bowl 4. Clean outside of refrigerators 5. Damp wipe all table tops and chair seats RESTROOMS AND LOCKER ROOMS 1. Clean and sanitize all urinals, commodes, and wash basins including all chrome fittings, bright work, and countertops. 2. Clean tile behind urinals 3. Clean all mirrors from top to bottom 4. Sweep floors and mop with germicidal cleaner 5. Restock all supplies as necessary (soap, tissue, towels, linens, seat covers, etc.) 6. Repair, replace, or report broken paper towel dispensers and soap dispensers to City ,." C67 2479/015610-0002 999772.01 a04/24/12 - -12- JANITORIAL CLOSETS 1. Remove all trash to designated area 2. Maintain neat and orderly storage WEEKLY JANITORIAL SERVICE These items must be performed at least once each week in addition to the nightly service. ei9 Offices at all locations, conference rooms, reception areas, open common areas, restrooms, classrooms, lobbies, inside walkways, and entryways. 1 . Buff all tile floors 2. Dust all window ledges and other flat surfaces below 6 feet from floor; remove cobwebs from window ledge areas 3. Dust all picture frames and art work and counter areas 4. Move chairs and vacuum under desks 5. Wash entrances and patios 6. Clean glass entry doors and glass partitions top to bottom KITCHEN AND COFFEE AREAS 1. Deep clean and polish sinks and countertops (dishes will be cleaned by City staff) RESTROOMS Dust all ledges and partitions JANITORIAL CLOSET 1. Wash sink basin and disinfect 2. Mop floors and disinfect 3. Restock supplies MONTHLY JANITORIAL SERVICE These items must be completed at least once each month in addition to all nightly and weekly services. a Q68 2479/015610-0002 999772 01 a04/14/12 -13- 1. High dust all areas 6 feet and above (contractor must provide an approved lift to perform this service) 2. Clean doors and frames 3. Clean base moldings and vacuum edge of carpeted areas 4. Spot clean minor stains in carpet 5. Spot clean wall surfaces in hallways 6. Spot clean minor stains in seats in the Hospitality Area and Lounge Room KITCHEN AND COFFEE AREAS 1. Remove lime buildup from faucets RESTROOMS 1: Thoroughly wash partitions, walls, and doors 2. Thoroughly wash all floors and detail corners 3. Strip and re -wax floors 4. Remove lime buildup from all fixtures QUARTERLY JANITORIAL SERVICE 1 . Shampoo hallways and high traffic areas 2. Strip and re -wax tile and wood dance floor 3. Wash and wipe trash containers 4. Wash all windows inside and out/power wash around windows and entries KITCHEN 1 . Wash and wipe trash containers 2. Strip and re -wax tile floors BI-ANNUAL JANITORIAL SERVICES GENERAL 1 . Vacuum heating and air conditioning vents ANNUAL JANITORIAL SERVICE 1 . Steam clean all carpeted areas 101 0-0002 C 6 9 99977 99977201 s04/24/12 -14- MUSEUM GENERAL — Offices at all locations, conference rooms, exhibit areas, open common areas, restrooms, classrooms, lobbies, inside walkways, and entryways. NIGHTLY JANITORIAL SERVICE 1 . All waste containers shall be emptied, liners changed, and contents disposed of in designated area, and return containers to original locations 2. Sweep and mop all hard flooring and tiling with proper sanitizer 3. Vacuum all carpeted areas 4. Dust desks, chairs, tables, and other office furniture and equipment (paperwork must be cleared by City staff) 5. Clean and polish all drinking fountains 6. Clean smoking containers and empty trash containers outside of entryway doors; replace liners in trash containers 7. Spot clean to remove fingerprints from glass entry doors and glass partitions, includes cleaning of mirrors LUNCHROOM, KITCHEN AND COFFEE AREAS 1 . Clean and disinfect all sinks and countertops (dishes cleaned by City Staff) 2. Clean microwave inside and out 3. Clean outside of refrigerators 4. Rinse coffee pots and filter bowl 5. Run dishwasher 6. Damp wipe all table tops and chair seats RESTROOMS AND LOCKER ROOMS 1. Clean and sanitize all urinals, commodes, and wash basins including all chrome fittings, bright work, and countertops. 2. Clean tile behind urinals 3. Clean all mirrors from top to bottom 4. Sweep floors and mop with germicidal cleaner 5. Restock all supplies as necessary (soap, tissue, towels, linens, seat covers, etc.) 6. Repair, replace, or report broken paper towel dispensers and soap dispensers to City JANITORIAL CLOSETS 1. Sweep or dust mop floor 2. Remove all trash to designated area 3. Maintain neat and orderly storage 070 2479/015610-0002 99977201 a04/24/12 -15- WEEKLY JANITORIAL SERVICE These items must be performed at least once each week in addition to the nightly service. 1 . Buff all tile floors 2. Dust all window ledges and other flat surfaces below 6 feet from floor; remove cobwebs from window ledge areas 3. Dust all picture frames, art work, and book shelves 4. Move chairs and vacuum under desks 5. Wash entrances and patios 6. Clean glass entry doors and glass partitions top to bottom LUNCHROOM, KITCHEN AND COFFEE AREAS Deep clean and polish sinks and countertops (dishes will be cleaned by City staff) RESTROOMS AND LOCKER ROOMS Dust all ledges and partitions JANITORIAL CLOSET 1. Wash sink basin and disinfect 2. Mop floors and disinfect 3. Restock supplies MONTHLY JANITORIAL SERVICE These items must be completed at least once each month in addition to all nightly and weekly services. 1. High dust all areas 6 feet and above (contractor must provide an approved lift to perform this service) 2. Clean doors and frames 3. Clean base moldings and vacuum edge of carpeted areas 4. Spot clean minor stains in carpet 5. Spot clean wall surfaces in hallways 6. Spot clean minor stains in seats 071 2479/015610-0002 999772.01 a04/24/12 -16- LUNCHEON, KITCHEN AND COFFEE AREAS Remove lime buildup from faucets RESTROOMS 1. Thoroughly wash partitions, walls, and doors 2. Thoroughly wash all floors and detail corners 3. Strip and re -wax floors 4. Remove lime buildup from all fixtures 5. Clean showers and remove mildew QUARTERLY JANITORIAL SERVICE These items must be completed at least quarterly in addition to all nightly and weekly services. 1. Shampoo hallways and high traffic areas 2. Strip and re -wax tile floors 3. Wash and wipe trash containers 4. Wash all windows inside and out/power wash around windows and entries LUNCHROOMS AND KITCHEN 1. Wash and wipe trash containers 2. Strip and re -wax tile floors . BIANNUAL JANITORIAL SERVICES GENERAL 1 . Vacuum heating and air conditioning vents ANNUAL JANITORIAL SERVICE 1. Steam clean all carpeted areas ..a 072 2479/015610-0002 -17- 999772.01 a04/24/12 PARK RESTROOMS DAILY/NIGHTLY JANITORIAL SERVICE 1. Clean and sanitize all urinals, commodes, and wash basins including all chrome fittings, bright work and countertops. 2. Clean tile behind urinals 3. Sweep floors and mop with a green comparable germicidal/bleach like cleaner 4. Empty waste containers and replace liners 5. Clean all mirrors from top to bottom 6. Restock all supplies as necessary (soap, tissue, towels, linens, seat covers, etc.) 7. Repair, replace, or report broken paper towel dispensers and soap dispensers to City 8. Clean smoking containers and empty trash containers outside of entryway doors; replace liners in trash containers ITORIAL CLOSETS 1. Remove all trash to designated area 2. Maintain neat and orderly storage WEEKLY JANITORIAL SERVICE 1 . Mop floors and disinfect 2. Restock supplies 3. Wash entrances and patios MONTHLY JANITORIAL SERVICE 1. Thoroughly wash partitions and doors 2. . Spot clean wall surfaces 3. Thoroughly wash all floors and detail corners 4. Remove lime buildup from all fixtures 5. Wash and wipe trash containers BIANNUAL JANITORIAL SERVICES 1. Wash all wall surfaces 2. Stock extra toilet paper and a paper towels in storage rooms in case they run out 073 2479/015610-0002 _ 18_ 999772.01 a04/24/12 - ANNUALLY 1. Provide an extra case of toilet paper and a case of folded paper towels to the La Quinta Park snack bar and Sports Complex snack bar (late -September and mid -January) SUPER CLEANING Clean out snack bars at La Quinta Park and Sports Complex in late -August (Remove all trash; clean and polish sinks, shelves, and countertops; clean outside of all snack bar equipment and refrigerators; clean hand sink basins and disinfect; wash glass windows; dust all ledges and partitions; clean wall surfaces; thorougF ly sweep and wash all floors and detail corners; strip and re -wax floors; wash and wipe out trash containers) 074 2479/015610-0002 -19- 999772.01 a04/24/i2 PUBLIC WORKS YARD RESTROOMS AND OFFICES GENERAL — Offices, conference rooms, reception areas, open common areas, restrooms, inside walkways, and entryways. NIGHTLY JANITORIAL SERVICE 1 . All waste containers shall be emptied, liners changed, and contents disposed of in designated area, and return containers to original locations 3. Sweep and mop all hard flooring and tiling 4. Vacuum all carpeted areas 5. Dust desks, chairs, tables, and other office furniture and equipment (paperwork must be cleared by City staff) 6. Clean and polish all drinking fountains 7. Clean smoking containers and empty trash containers outside of entryway doors; replace liners in trash containers LUNCHROOM, KITCHEN AND COFFEE AREAS 1 . Clean and disinfect all sinks and countertops (dishes cleaned by City Staff); 2. Clean microwaves inside and out 3. Clean outside of refrigerators 4. Rinse coffee pots and filter bowl 5. Run dishwasher 6. Damp wipe all table tops and chair seats RESTROOMS AND LOCKER ROOMS 1. Clean and sanitize all urinals, commodes, and wash basins including all chrome fittings, bright work, and countertops. 2. Clean tile behind urinals 3. Clean all mirrors from top to bottom 4. Sweep floors and mop with germicidal cleaner 5. Restock all supplies as necessary (soap, tissue, towels, linens, seat covers, etc.) 6. Report broken paper towel dispensers and soap dispensers to City JANITORIAL CLOSETS 1. Remove all trash to designated area 2. Maintain neat and orderly storage 075 2479/015610-0002 _20_ 99977201 .04/24/12 WEEKLY JANITORIAL SERVICE These items must be performed at least once each week in addition to the nightly service. GFNFRAI 1 . Buff all tile floors 2. Dust all window ledges and other flat surfaces below 6 feet from floor; remove cobwebs from window ledge areas 3. Dust all picture frames and book shelves 4. Move chairs and vacuum under desks 5. Wash entrances and patios LUNCHROOM, KITCHEN AND COFFEE AREAS 1 . Deep clean and polish sinks and countertops (dishes will be cleaned by City staff) RESTROOMS AND LOCKER ROOMS 1 . Dust all ledges and partitions JANITORIAL CLOSET 1 . Wash sink basin and disinfect 2. Mop floors and disinfect 3. Restock supplies MONTHLY JANITORIAL SERVICE These items must be completed at least once each month in addition to all nightly and weekly services. 1 . Clean doors and frames 2. Clean base moldings and vacuum edge of carpeted areas 3. Spot clean minor stains in carpet 4. Spot clean wall surfaces in hallways 5. Spot clean minor stains in seats LUNCHEON, KITCHEN AND COFFEE AREAS 1. Remove lime buildup from faucets 076 2479/015610-0002 -21- 999772 01 a04/24/12 RESTROOMS 1. Thoroughly wash partitions, walls, and doors 2. Thoroughly wash all floors and ,detail corners 3. Strip and re -wax floors 4. Remove lime buildup from all fixtures QUARTERLY JANITORIAL SERVICE 1. Shampoo hallways and high traffic areas 2. Strip and re -wax tile floors 3. Wash and wipe trash containers 4. Wash all windows inside and out/power wash around windows and entries LUNCHROOMS AND KITCHEN 1 . Wash and wipe trash containers 2. Strip and re -wax tile floors BIANNUAL JANITORIAL SERVICES GFNFRAL 1. Vacuum heating and air conditioning vents ANNUAL JANITORIAL SERVICE 1. Steam clean all carpeted areas "V 077 2479/015610-0002 999772.01 a04/24/12 -22- SHERIFF SUB STATION GENERAL — Offices, conference rooms, reception areas, open common areas, restrooms, lobbies, inside walkways, and entryways. NIGHTLY JANITORIAL SERVICE 1 . All waste containers shall be emptied, liners changed, and contents disposed of in designated area, and return containers to original locations 2. Sweep and mop all hard flooring and tiling with proper sanitizer 3. Vacuum all carpeted areas 4. Dust desks, chairs, tables, and other office furniture and equipment (paperwork must be cleared by City staff) 5. Clean and polish all drinking fountains 6. Clean smoking containers and empty trash containers outside of entryway doors; replace liners in trash containers 7. Spot clean to remove fingerprints from glass entry doors and glass partitions; includes cleaning of mirrors LUNCHROOM, KITCHEN AND COFFEE AREAS 1. Clean and disinfect all sinks and countertops (dishes cleaned by City Staff 2. Clean microwave inside and out 3. Clean outside of refrigerator 4. Rinse coffee pots and filter bowl 5. Run dishwasher 6. Damp wipe all table tops and chair seats RESTROOMS 1. Clean and sanitize all urinals, commodes, and wash basins including all chrome fittings, bright work, and countertops. 2. Clean tile behind urinals 3. Clean all mirrors from top to bottom 4. Sweep floors and mop with germicidal cleaner 5. Restock all supplies as necessary (soap, tissue, towels, linens, seat covers, etc.) 6. Replace, repair, or report broken paper towel dispensers and soap dispensers to City JANITORIAL CLOSETS 1 . Remove all trash to designated area 2. Maintain neat and orderly storage 3. Restock supplies 078 2479/015610-0002 99977201 a0424/12 -23- MONTHLY JANITORIAL SERVICE These items must be completed at least once each month in addition to all nightly and weekly services. 1. Clean base moldings and vacuum edge of carpeted areas 2. Clean doors and frames 3. Spot clean wall surfaces in hallways 4. Spot clean minor stains in carpet 5. Dust all window ledges and other flat surfaces below remove cobwebs from window ledge areas 6. Dust all picture frames, art work, and book shelves 7. Move chairs and vacuum under desks 8. Buff all tile floors LUNCHEON, KITCHEN AND COFFEE AREAS 6 feet from floor; 1. Remove lime buildup from faucets 2. Deep clean and polish sinks and countertops (dishes will be cleaned by City staff) RESTROOMS 1. Thoroughly wash partitions, walls, and doors 2. Dust all ledges and partitions 3. Thoroughly wash all floors and detail corners 4. Strip and re -wax floors 5. Remove lime buildup from all fixtures 6. Clean showers and remove mildew JANITORIAL CLOSETS 1. Wash sink basin and disinfect 2. Mop floors and disinfect QUARTERLY JANITORIAL SERVICE 1. Wash all windows inside and out/power wash around windows and entries LUNCHROOMS AND KITCHEN 1 . Wash and wipe trash containers 2. Strip and re -wax tile floors •a G79 2479/015610-0002 -24- 999772.01 .04/24/12 BI-ANNUAL JANITORIAL SERVICES GENERAL 1. Shampoo hallways and high traffic areas 2. Strip and re -wax tile floors 3. Wash and wipe trash containers 4. Vacuum heating and air conditioning vents ANNUAL JANITORIAL SERVICE 1 . Steam clean all carpeted areas ".a 0E0 2479/015610-0002 999772.01 a04/24/12 -25- Exhibit B Schedule of Compensation Payment shall be on a "Fixed Fee" basis in accordance with the Contractors Schedule of Compensation attached herewith for the Work performed in conformance with Section 2.2 of the Agreement. Total compensation for all Work performed under the Agreement shall not exceed Dollars and _ Cents ($ _) except as specified in Section 1.6 - Additional Services of the Agreement. Additional authorized services will be billed at Contractor's price for the specific facility or be determined by and agree upon in advance by both the City and the Contractor. " 081 Last Revised 02/7/12 Exhibit C Schedule of Performance Please see Exhibit A. a 082 2479/015610-0002 999772.01 a04/24/12 _Z_ Exhibit D Special Requirements D.0 DISPLACED JANITOR OPPORTUNITY ACT. D.1. A successor contractor or successor subcontractor shall retain, for a 90 day transition employment period, employees who have been employed by the terminated contractor, or its subcontractors, if any, for the preceding four months or longer at the site or sites covered by the successor service contract unless the successor contractor or successor subcontractor has reasonable and substantiated cause not to hire a particular employee based on that employee's performance or conduct while working under the terminated contractor. The terms and conditions of Chapter 4.5 Section 1060 of Part 3, Division 2 of the Labor Code will apply to the successor contractor. D.2. BUILDING KEY REQUIREMENTS. D.2.1.The contractor will be issued keys to all areas in which janitorial services are to be performed. Two (2) keys per area will be issued to the Contractor. The Contractor shall maintain such control over issued keys as to prevent duplication or loss. D.2.2. Should contractor's loss or failure to control keys result in the necessity for the City to replace its locks the Contractor shall be required to pay for the same. Contractor understands and accepts that the agreed upon cost of recombinating a lock core and key replacement is $500.00 per site. D.2.3. In the event of contract termination, cancellation, or completion, the Contractor must return all keys issued to him/her. D.2.4. The Contractor understands and agrees that all monies due him shall be withheld until such time as Contractor has returned all keys issued to him. If the Contractor is unable to produce any of the keys issued to him, he shall assume full financial responsibility for changing all affected locks, and providing the necessary keys for those new locks. D.3 PHOTO IDENTIFICATION TAGS. D.3.1 . All of Contractor's employees shall at all times wear an identification tag bearing the employee's name and photograph.. Name tags shall be worn in a conspicuous place so as to be readily visible. ',4 083 Last Revised 02n112 DA. BUILDING SECURITY. D.4.1. The Contractor shall be responsible for the safekeeping of all areas in which janitorial services are performed at times other than the City's regular business hours. This responsibility shall include but not necessarily be limited to the following: Barring all unauthorized persons. Locking and securing all doors and windows, activating the alarm system and turning off lights in these areas when the Contractor leaves the premises, except those lights and equipment designated to be continuously turned on. Keeping entry door locked at, all times and alarm system for those doors activated. 1.� 2479/015610-0002 999772.01 .04/24/12 -2- CITY/SA/HA/FA MEETING DATE: May 1, 2012 ITEM TITLE: Approval to Submit a Project Application for Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant Funds for Fiscal Year 2012/2013 to the U.S. Department of Justice with the City of Riverside Acting as Lead Fiscal Agent and Authorize the City Manager to Sign an Interlocal Agreement RECOMMENDATION: AGENDA CATEGORY: BUSINESS SESSION: _ CONSENT CALENDAR: S STUDY SESSION: PUBLIC HEARING: Approve the submission of a project application for Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant (JAG) funds for Fiscal Year 2012/2013 to the U.S. Department of Justice with the City of Riverside acting as lead fiscal agent and authorize the City Manager to sign an interlocal agreement. FISCAL IMPLICATIONS: The City is eligible to receive Fiscal Year 2012/2013 JAG funds in the amount of $11,812. However, ten percent (10%) or $1,181 will be allocated to the City of Riverside to act as lead fiscal agent. The lead fiscal agent will coordinate the joint - application submission for all fifteen local jurisdictions in Riverside County and administer the grant which includes quarterly and annual reporting. The net JAG grant allocation for the City is $10,631. No matching funds are required. CHARTER CITY IMPLICATIONS: None. BACKGROUND AND OVERVIEW: The U. S. Department of Justice, Bureau of Justice Assistance (BJA) has made law enforcement funds available for Federal Fiscal Year 2012/2013 through the Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance program. BJA formula funding for Fiscal Year 2012/2013 JAG Disparate Area is $517,244 for eligible Riverside County jurisdictions. This year's allocation requires eligible local jurisdictions to apply jointly and to select one agency to act as lead fiscal agent. The City of Riverside has agreed to act as lead fiscal agent with the following two conditions: 1) they receive the full ten percent 0 0%) allowed for administrative costs under the grant, and 2) the County of Riverside act as lead fiscal agent for the Fiscal Year 2013/2014 JAG grant allocation. All eligible jurisdictions will be required to sign an interlocal agreement accepting the City of Riverside as lead fiscal agent (Attachment 1). JAG grant funding is designed to be used for technical assistance, training, personnel, equipment, supplies, contractual support, information systems for criminal justice, and criminal justice related research and evaluation activities. The La Quinta Police Department has requested funding for: 1) a new trail camera to replace the antiquated device currently assigned to the La Quinta Special Enforcement Team. This camera will be used to conduct surveillance of areas that are prone to crime such as vandalism and theft. The purchase of this camera will help reduce the number of man hours used during surveillance operations and will assist in the apprehension and prosecution of suspects ($750). 2) A digital camera with zoom lens to replace the existing 35mm camera. Cameras are a vital tool for law enforcement and are used to photograph crime scenes which can then be used as evidence in court proceedings. The addition of a camera with a strong zoom lens can also assist with photographing locations in preparation of search warrants. These photographs will better prepare officers during the service of the search warrant providing better officer safety ($1,381). 3) An Extended Warranty for a Forensic Phone Kit which was previously purchased with JAG grant funds in a prior year which includes Software Upgrades and Technical Support. The Forensic Phone Kit downloads data from cell phones which can be used to aid criminal investigations ($1,100). 4) Three new EDA's (Electronic Development Automation) for the La Quinta Traffic Team ($7,400). These EDA's will be used to issue electronic traffic citations, generate traffic collision reports and serve as an MDC which has the capability of connecting to the county's computer aided dispatch system. The three new EDA's will replace the current EDA's which are outdated. The JAG grant application deadline is May 14, 2012. FINDINGS AND ALTERNATIVES: The alternatives available to the City Council include: 1. Approve the submission of a project application for Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant (JAG) funds for Fiscal Year 2012/2013 to the U.S. Department of Justice with the City of Riverside acting as lead fiscal agent and authorize the City Manager to sign an interlocal agreement; or 2. Do not approve the submission of a project application and do not authorize the City Manager to sign an interlocal agreement; or 3. Provide staff with alternative direction. w 086 Respectfully submitted, Os Santan anagement Analyst Approved for submission by: V " -,L � Q----:— Mark Weiss, Interim City Manager Attachment: 1. Interlocal Agreement ,.a 087 ATTACHMENT 1 INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITIES OF BANNING, CATHEDRAL CITY, COACHELLA, CORONA, DESERT HOT SPRINGS, HEMET, INDIO, LA QUINTA, LAKE ELSINORE, MORENO VALLEY, PALM SPRINGS, PERRIS, SAN JACINTO, THE COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE AND THE CITY OF RIVERSIDE, CA CONCERNING DISTRIBUTION OF THE 2012 JUSTICE ASSISTANCE GRANT AWARD This Agreement is made and entered into this _ day of ,2012, by and between THE CITY OF RIVERSIDE, acting by and through its governing body, the Riverside City Council (hereinafter referred to as "CITY"), and the aforementioned COUNTY (hereinafter referred to as "COUNTY") and named CITIES (hereinafter referred to as "CITIES"), acting by and through their respective governing bodies, the Board of Supervisors and City Councils, all of whom are situated within the County of Riverside, State of California, as follows: WHEREAS, each governing body, in performing governmental functions or in paying for the performance of governmental functions hereunder, shall make that performance or those payments from current revenues legally available to that party; and WHEREAS, each governing body finds that the performance of this Agreement is in the best interests of all parties, that the undertaking will benefit the public, and that the division of costs fairly compensates the performing party for the services or functions under this Agreement; and WHEREAS, the CITY agrees to release to COUNTY and CITIES their respective grant allocation from the JAG Award, less ten percent (10%) re -allocated to CITY, as reflected on Appendix 1 here attached and hereby incorporated by reference as part of this agreement, on a reimbursement basis; and CITY agrees to provide the administration of COUNTY's and CITIES' programs during the entire permissible duration of said programs; and additionally the COUNTY and CITIES each agree that it is their responsibility to ensure these funds are expended in accordance with JAG guidelines; and WHEREAS, the COUNTY, CITIES and CITY believe it to be in their best interests to reallocate the JAG funds, NOW THEREFORE, the CITY and COUNTY and CITIES agree as follows: Section 1. CITY agrees to release to COUNTY and CITIES up to their respective grant allocation from the JAG Award, less ten percent (10%) re -allocated to CITY, as reflected in Appendix 1 here attached and hereby incorporated by reference as part of this Agreement, on a reimbursement basis, from the JAG Award within (45) days upon receipt of fully documented reimbursement request, and; CITY agrees to provide the administration of COUNTY's and CITIES' programs during the entire permissible duration of said programs. Section 2. COUNTY and CITIES each agree that it is their responsibility to ensure these funds are expended in accordance with JAG guidelines. MOU - 2012 Justice Assistance Grant Page 11 Section 3. COUNTY and CITIES agree to provide CITY with sufficient timely information as necessary within five business days after receiving written request from CITY to meet JAG requirements for quarterly and annual financial and performance reports. Section 4. Nothing arising from this Agreement shall impose any liability for claims or actions against CITY other than what is authorized by law. Section 5. Nothing arising from this Agreement shall impose any liability for claims or actions against COUNTY and/or CITIES other than what is authorized by law. Section S. Each party to this Agreement will be responsible for its own actions in providing services under this Agreement and shall not be liable to any other party to this Agreement for any claim or action arising from the services provided under this Agreement. Section 7. The parties to this Agreement do not intend for any third party to obtain a right by virtue of this Agreement. Section 8. By entering into this Agreement, the parties do not intend to create any obligations, either express or implied, other than those set out herein; further, this Agreement shall not create any rights in any party not a signatory hereto. '." 089 MOU - 2012 Justice Assistance Grant Page 12 WHEREFORE, all parties freely and voluntarily agree to all of the above terms. COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE, CA Chair, County Board of Supervisors ATTEST: Clerk of the Board of Supervisors APPROVED AS TO FORM: County Council CITY OF RIVERSIDE, CA Scott C. Barber City Manager ATTEST: City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: Greg Priamos City Attorney By: %." 090 MOU - 2012 Justice Assistance Grant Page 13 WHEREFORE, all parties freely and voluntarily agree to all of the above terms. CITY OF BANNING, CA City Manager ATTEST: Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: City Attorney CITY OF RIVERSIDE, CA Scott C. Barber City Manager ATTEST: City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: Greg Priamos City Attorney By: w 091 MOU - 2012 Justice Assistance Grant Page 14 WHEREFORE, all parties freely and voluntarily agree to all of the above terms. CITY OF CATHEDRAL CITY, CA City Manager ATTEST: City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: City Attorney MOU - 2012 Justice Assistance Grant CITY OF RIVERSIDE, CA Scott C. Barber City Manager ATTEST: City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: Greg Priamos City Attorney M ,.N n J 2 Page 15 WHEREFORE, all parties freely and voluntarily agree to all of the above terms. CITY OF COACHELLA, CA City Manager ATTEST: City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: CITY OF RIVERSIDE, CA Scott C. Barber City Manager ATTEST: City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: City Attorney Greg Priamos City Attorney By: MOU - 2012 Justice Assistance Grant a 093 Page 16 WHEREFORE, all parties freely and voluntarily agree to all of the above terms. CITY OF CORONA, CA City Manager ATTEST: City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: City Attorney CITY OF RIVERSIDE, CA Scott C. Barber City Manager ATTEST: City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: Greg Priamos City Attorney 0 .,. 094 MOU - 2012 Justice Assistance Grant Page 17 WHEREFORE, all parties freely and voluntarily agree to all of the above terms. CITY OF DESERT HOT SPRINGS, CA City Manager ATTEST: City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: CITY OF RIVERSIDE, CA Scott C. Barber City Manager ATTEST: City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: City Attorney Greg Priamos City Attorney By: '•a 095 MOU - 2012 Justice Assistance Grant Page 18 WHEREFORE, all parties freely and voluntarily agree to all of the above terms. CITY OF HEMET. CA City Manager ATTEST: City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: City Attorney CITY OF RIVERSIDE, CA Scott C. Barber City Manager ATTEST: City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: Greg Priamos City Attorney By: " 096 MOU - 2012 Justice Assistance Grant Page 19 WHEREFORE, all parties freely and voluntarily agree to all of the above terms. CITY OF INDIO, CA City Manager ATTEST: City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: City Attorney CITY OF RIVERSIDE, CA Scott C. Barber City Manager ATTEST: City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: Greg Priamos City Attorney By: ..M 097 MOU - 2012 Justice Assistance Grant Page 110 WHEREFORE, all parties freely and voluntarily agree to all of the above terms. CITY OF LA QUINTA, CA City Manager ATTEST: City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: City Attorney CITY OF RIVERSIDE, CA Scott C. Barber City Manager ATTEST: City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: Greg Priamos City Attorney By: ...« 098 MOU - 2012 Justice Assistance Grant Page 111 WHEREFORE, all parties freely and voluntarily agree to all of the above terms. CITY OF LAKE ELSINORE, CA City Manager ATTEST: City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: City Attorney CITY OF RIVERSIDE, CA Scott C. Barber City Manager ATTEST: City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: Greg Priamos City Attorney By: a 099 MOU - 2012 Justice Assistance Grant Page 112 WHEREFORE, all parties freely and voluntarily agree to all of the above terms. CITY OF MORENO VALLEY, CA City Manager ATTEST: City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: City Attorney MOU - 2012 Justice Assistance Grant CITY OF RIVERSIDE, CA Scott C. Barber City Manager ATTEST: City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: Greg Priamos City Attorney 0 " 100 Page 113 WHEREFORE, all parties freely and voluntarily agree to all of the above terms. CITY OF PALM SPRINGS, CA City.Manager ATTEST: City Clerk CITY OF RIVERSIDE, CA Scott C. Barber City Manager ATTEST: City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: APPROVED AS TO FORM: City Attorney Greg Priamos City Attorney By: 101 MOU - 2012 Justice Assistance Grant Page 114 WHEREFORE, all parties freely and voluntarily agree to all of the above terms. CITY OF PERRIS, CA City Manager ATTEST: City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: City Attorney CITY OF RIVERSIDE, CA Scott C. Barber City Manager ATTEST: City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: Greg Priamos City Attorney 21 " 102 MOU - 2012 Justice Assistance Grant Page 115 WHEREFORE, all parties freely and voluntarily agree to all of the above terms. CITY OF SAN JACINTO, CA City Manager ATTEST: City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: City Attorney CITY OF RIVERSIDE, CA Scott C. Barber City Manager ATTEST: City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: Greg Priamos City Attorney M .'a 103 MOU - 2012 Justice Assistance Grant Page 116 Appendix 1 Eligible Agencies in FY2012 JAG Disparate Area BJA Riverside City FA Formula To Fiscal Agent New Allocation % to FA Riverside City 125,412 (39,180) 164,592 Banning 12,324 1,232 11,092 Cathedral City 17,719 1,772 15,947 Coachella 16,901 1,690 15,211 Corona 17,795 1,779 16,016 Desert Hot Springs 25,952 2,595 23,357 Hemet 29,915 2,991 26,924 Indio 32,497 3,250 29,247 La Quinta 11,812 1,181 10,631 Lake Elsinore 10,534 1,053 9,481 Moreno Valley 69,724 6,972 62,752 Palm Springs 24,111 2,411 21,700 Perris 15,469 1,547 13,922 Riverside County 96.085 9,608 86,477 San Jacinto 10,994 1,l)99 9,895 517,244 517,244 % To Fiscal Agent 7.575% $ To FA 39,180.00 MOU - 2012 Justice Assistance Grant 10.0% 10.0% 10.0% 10.0% 10.0% 10.0% 10.0% 10.0% 10.0% 10.0% 10.0% 10.0% 10.0% 10.0% 104 Page 117 Twyl 4' 4P Qum& CITY A/HA/FA MEETING DATE: May 1, 2012 ITEM TITLE: Consideration of the Appropriation for Martha's Village and Kitchen for Construction of a Food Storage Facility or for Operations Funding of the Coachella Valley Rescue Mission RECOMMENDATION: AGENDA CATEGORY: BUSINESS SESSION: J- CONSENT CALENDAR: STUDY SESSION: PUBLIC HEARING: Approve the request made by Martha's Village and Kitchen for funding the construction of a Food Storage facility. This request aligns with the City Council's previous practice to fund one time capital projects to support homelessness rather than ongoing operations. FISCAL IMPLICATIONS: Martha's Village and Kitchen was appropriated $50,000 to be used for expansion of Emergency Shelter facilities at their location in Indio. The addition of Emergency Shelter facilities has not been built and they are requesting this funding be approved for a Food Storage facility that is planned for construction (Attachment 1). The total cost of construction is approximately $300,000 and they have identified $100,000 in potential grant funding. The Coachella Valley Rescue Mission (CVRM) also has requested this appropriation of $50,000 for operational funds for the food and shelter services provided by the organization. CHARTER CITY IMPLICATIONS: ►67M BACKGROUND AND OVERVIEW: Martha's Village and Kitchen is a 501(C) 3 organization created in 1990 to serve homeless families and individuals in the Coachella Valley. Services provided by the organization include transitional housing, emergency shelter, food services, health and mental health services, career and education services, case management, children's services, recovery services, and emergency assistance. 10 .. N On August 4, 2009, the City Council requested that Martha's Village and Kitchen and CVRM attend a City Council meeting in October 2009 to discuss homeless needs in the east end of the valley. On October 9, 2009, the City Council appropriated $50,000 to Martha's Village and Kitchen and CVRM to be used to construct Emergency Shelter facilities planned by both organizations. The funding.was provided to the CVRM to complete the construction of the facility. Martha's Village and Kitchen has not been able to move forward with the construction of the emergency shelter facilities but has significantly expanded their food services and is now in need of a food storage facility. According to information provided by Martha's Village and Kitchen, they are serving 251,000 meals per year. To address this issue, they are planning to build an 8,000 sq. ft. facility on the property. The addition of this facility will increase efficiency in the operation and provide additional dry and cold storage of food. Should the City Council consider funding the food shelter facility, a condition such as a proof of Notice to Proceed be required prior to funding the project. The City Council may also want to set a date in which this funding must be used or it is returned to the General Fund Reserve. At the April 17, 2011 City Council meeting, Council Member Osborne suggested that this funding be considered for use by the CVRM to support the operation of their Emergency Shelter. A request letter has been submitted by the CVRM requesting funding for their operation that includes food and emergency shelter services (Attachment 2). FINDINGS AND ALTERNATIVES: The alternatives available to the City Council include: 1. Approve the appropriation of $50,000 for Martha's Village and Kitchen for construction of a Food Storage; or 2. Approve the appropriation of $50,000 for Operations funding for the Coachella Valley Rescue Mission; or 3. Do not approve the appropriation of $50,000 for Martha's Village and Kitchen for the construction of a Food Storage Facility or for the Operations funding for the Coachella Valley Rescue Mission: or 4. Provide staff with alternative direction. " 106 Respectfully submitted, Edie Hylton Community S rvices Director Approved for submission by: Mark Weiss, Interim City Manager Attachments: 1. Request for the Food Storage Facility 2. Request for Food and Shelter Operations 107 ATTACHMENT 1 VILLAGE &KITCHEN A p4P)NfP Of IAiXEP )qf'S VIll AGES' Edle Hylton Community Services Director 78-495 Calle Tampico La Quinta, CA 92253 83791 Date Ave.. Indio, Gdfomiz 92201.4737 P. 76a347.4741 • F. 760.347-9551 w ..marthasvillage.org • Fed Tax ID # 33-0777892 March 26"', 2012 Dear Ms. Hylton, On October 28t' 2009, Martha's Village and Kitchen received a $S0,000 award from the City of La Quinta City Council to assist with the construction of a permanent emergency shelter adjacent to our existing facility. Unfortunately, due to the difficulty of finding both sufficient capital and operating funds in the current economic climate, we have had to set plans for the $11.S million facility aside for the time being. That said, I am writing to request a transfer of the funds from an overnight shelter to a new food warehouse to serve the area's homeless and working poor. Martrsha's Village & Kitchen offe approximately 251,000 meals a year to our neighbors in need. In the past six months, the demand for our daily adult lunch has increased to 10,784 adults per month. The number of children served has nearby increased to 10,155 per month. In order to meet this demand, we currently lease space in a warehouse for dry food storage. There is no cold storage in the building and the facility is a a state of disrepair. In addition, because it is not well insulated and the air conditioning is antiquated, we have to constantly monitor and maintain this equipment in order to comply with USDA mandated temperatures for dry food storage. To address these problems and to create cost -saving efficiencies, we are planning the construction of an 8,000 SF warehouse on our property. By constructing a modern storage facility, we can greatly reduce our annual operating expenses while simultaneously enhancing our ability to serve the community. Some efficiencies we expect to realize include: • The new facility will be fully insulated and air conditioned making it easier to maintain USDA required temperature standards for the storage of dry food. • The warehouse will include a walk-in freezer allowing us adequate cold storage to take advantage of special bulk pricing on frozen foods, fresh fruits and vegetables and meat. This walk-in freezer will have a back-up generator in case of power outages. (In last summer's blackout we came within hours of losing almost $20,000 in stored food.) • Elimination of costly warehouse lease payments. (Currently $5,200 per month) • Reduction in maintenance, utilities and other operating costs. The total estimated cost of the new facility is approximately $300,000. We have already identified $100,000 in potential grant funding. The transfer of the $50,000 award from the City of La Quinta will bring the realization of this plan within reach. late your consideration of this request. If you have any questions, or would like to discuss our Rr plealea of hesitate to contact me. 14 Director Vice President of Programs Martha's Village and Kitchen 760-347-4741 Ext. 304 A ParNer Age^.;:, or FATHER JO£'S VILLAGES" ..p 108 vim CVR V 1 Coachella Valley Rescue Mission TO: Edie Hylton Community Services Director City of La Quinta, CA FROM: Darla Burkett Executive Director Coachella Valley Rescue Mission RE: Fund Request Date: April 4, 2012 Dear Edie and La Quinta City Council, ATTACHMENT 2 Please consider -this as a funding request of $50,000 to benefit the people served at the Coachella Valley Rescue Mission. Since 1971, Coachella Valley Rescue Mission has been an oasis, a place of refuge for the homeless and needy in our valley. We are a safe haven, a place of rest and recovery for the weary. We are a place where daily physical and spiritual needs are met. The Mission is a 501 (c) 3 not for profit organization, incorporated in the State of California in 1971. An 11 member volunteer Board of Directors governs the organization. The Board of Directors meets monthly and establishes all organizational policy for the Mission. The Mission also benefits greatly from hundreds of community volunteers. We moved to our new facility in November 2011.Our services at CVRM have greatly expanded. In our full service programs we are providing housing/shelter and life changing programs to 150 men, women and children every day. In our overnight/emergency shelter we are providing shelter, meals, showers and case management to 75 people every day. Out new cafeteria and commercial kitchen allows us to seat 150 people at one time. We are now providing 550 to00 meals every day and free of charge, to anyone in need. 760 347 3512 office \ 760 347 8073 fax \ info@cvrm.org \ www.cvrm.org 47-470 Van Buren - P.O. Box 10660 \ Indio, CA 92202-2564 CVRM Coachella Valley Rescue Mission The Coachella Valley Rescue Mission is the only emergency shelter between Blythe and San Diego. Coachella Valley Police Departments, Fire Departments, Hospitals and Taxis drop off homeless people to us throughout the month for various reasons. Homelessness and the need for food and shelter have also increased in the City of La Quinta. From January 2010 to May 2011 we provided services to La Quinta residents. In zip codes 92247, 92248, and 92253. Coachella Valley Rescue Mission served 716 families, 498 men, 387 women, 177 children, 12 homebound, 17 senior citizens, 58 monthly public showers, 177 monthly food boxes, individual's daily food and 200 other non-food services. In 2010/11 CVRM experienced an increase of.45% of people in need in the Coachella Valley. Our August, 2011 backpack giveaway we provided 3334 backpacks and 414 went to children living in the City of La Quinta. Many of these same children also received a new pair of shoes. As a non-profit serving the homeless, our funding sources have been greatly reduced. Private donations are also down, The City of La Quinta has generously assisted us with funding in the past, and we are seeking assistance in the amount of $50,000 for shelter and food for the homeless and hungry for 2012/2013. I appreciate your consideration of this request. Sincerely, Darla Burkett Executive Director 110 760 347 3512 office \ 760 347 8073 fax \ info@cvrm.org \ www.cvrm.org 47-470 Van Buren - P.O. Box 10660 \ Indio, CA 92202-2564 AGENDA CATEGORY: CITY / SA / HA / FA MEETING DATE: May 1, 2012 BUSINESS SESSION: ITEM TITLE: Discussion of Recommended Program CONSENT CALENDAR: Options for the Fiscal Year 2012/2013 Budget / STUDY SESSION: J_ PUBLIC HEARING: RECOMMENDATION: That the City Council review staff recommendations for, a balanced Fiscal Year 2012/2013 Budget and provide policy direction with respect to the preparation of a budget document for consideration in June 2012. FISCAL IMPLICATIONS: The proposed changes and/or reductions represent a balanced Fiscal Year 2012/2013 Operating Budget. However, approximately $2.25 million of the "Future Operation Reserve" is utilized in achieving this balance, leaving approximately $925,000 of that Reserve for future allocation. CHARTER CITY IMPLICATIONS: None for this action. BACKGROUND AND OVERVIEW: The City's Annual Financial Management Review (FMR) projected a General Fund budget deficit of $4.2 million for Fiscal Year 2012/2013, growing to $5.3 million in Fiscal Year 2013/2014. A multi -faceted approach involving expenditure reductions and revenue enhancements was proposed in the FMR to stabilize and reverse the projected deficits. As part of that effort, staff initiated a modified zero -based budget (ZBB) process in an effort to identify appropriate options for consideration during this year's budget review. The modified ZBB process involves the following steps: •,.a� 111 1. Finance prepares a base budget projection, including anticipated revenues and required expenditures to maintain current service levels (i.e., the base); a projected city-wide surplus/deficit is ascertained via this process. The size of any projected deficit determines the depth to which service reductions are considered. 2. Each Department is provided the base budget dollar amount for its Fiscal Year 2012/2013 operations and is afforded an opportunity submit proposed and prioritized Program Changes including Additions (i.e., requested new program funding) and Reductions. Staff was requested to evaluate reductions totaling no less than 15% of base budgets this year. 3. The City Manager reviews Program Changes with Department Directors and formulates a city-wide budget recommendation for City Council consideration. The emphasis at this stage is primarily on the General Fund. Staff recognizes and must account, however, for impacts upon other dedicated and enterprise funds in this endeavor. Creation of an Ad Hoc Budget Subcommittee afforded the City Manager the opportunity to review the budget process and recommended program changes with the Subcommittee as a pre -cursor to full City Council consideration. Staff met with the Subcommittee on April 18, 2012 for that purpose. Two substantive changes have been made to the packet subsequent what was provided the Subcommittee: 1. Sales Tax Revenues were increased by approximately $150,000 in consideration of newly received HDL estimates; 2. A Program Change was added for Assessment Engineering ($225,000) related to Landscape and Parks funding pursuant to Council direction at the April 17, 2012 meeting. The net result of these two changes reduces the reserve carryover for Fiscal Year 2013/2014 from $1,000,000 to $925,000. Fiscal Year 2012/2013 Base Budget Projections Budget projections this year are complicated by recent State Legislature and Supreme Court actions affecting Redevelopment Agencies throughout the State of California. Unknown and changing implementing assumptions, implementing decisions of the RDA Oversight Board and Department of Finance, and pending legislation may all have dramatic impacts upon staff projections, especially as they relate to property tax distribution and available revenues associated with RDA dissolution and Successor Agency activities. With that caveat, Attachment 1 is, a revenue and expenditure summary incorporating recommended adjustments toward achieving a balanced budget for Fiscal Year 2012/2013. Attachment 2 reflects a detailed summary of 112 recommended Program Changes for Fiscal Year 2012/2013, plus a listing of additional changes (2Y) that may be required the following year to bring the City's General Fund budget into balance. Items 1 through 52 on Attachment 2, entitled Program Changes and Reductions — Detail, are recommended for Fiscal Year 2012/2013. Attachment 3 represents a summary of revenues and expenditures for Fiscal Year 2013/2014 assuming 2Y changes were implemented for next year. Attachment 4 provides revenue estimates. Attachment 5 represents the base budget calculations for each Department. Attachment 6 includes the actual Program Change forms with more detailed program description and impacts submitted by Departments. Philosophic Approach As noted in the FMR, staff recommends a multi -faceted approach in addressing the budget challenge. Potential revenue enhancements include: • Application for TUMF Membership $412,500-$550,000 • Fee adjustments $300,0004500,000 • TOT enforcement $300,0004600,000 While very few Program Additions are recommended (e.g., funding for elections, economic development consulting, and NPDES permit increase), an extensive list of Program Reductions are considered with over $900,000 in cuts proposed in Fiscal Year 2012/2013. Miscellaneous operational cuts are proposed throughout the City. Additionally, staff recommends significant reductions in marketing and promotions; 15% reductions in funding for the La Quinta Chamber of Commerce (Chamber), the La Quinta Arts Foundation and the Coachella Valley Economic Partnership (CVEP); elimination of one vacant Senior Secretary position in Public Works; elimination of an engineering development review contract in Public Works; reductions to landscape and maintenance contracts throughout the City; reassignment of one full-time employee from the City Manager's Office to Planning to help establish a program for more focused enforcement of TOT; and exercising the option to terminate the lease agreement for the Police Substation on Corporate Centre Drive. Additionally, staff has embarked upon employee negotiations with an eye toward salary and benefit adjustments to further close the gap between expected revenues and projected expenses. The combination of revenue enhancements, expenditure reductions, compensation adjustments and judicious use of budgeted reserves may allow the City Council to approve a budget for Fiscal Year 2012/2013 without requiring employee layoffs or dramatic service reductions. It appears, however, that staffing reductions will be necessary to fully achieve long term sustainable operations (i.e., wherein stabilized revenues fully fund ongoing expenditures). Accordingly, staff has identified selected positions and additional programs (i.e., `2Y") that may be subject to elimination if further or alternative reductions are required. Identifying these programs at this time p 113 will allow the City the opportunity to plan ahead for the eventual paring of programs and services, cross -train personnel where appropriate, and better position itself for the uncertainties associated with State actions affecting activities previously associated with Redevelopment that are now in a state of suspension or shutdown. Fiscal Year 2012/2013 Program Changes A complete listing and description of Program Changes, Additions, and Reductions are included in the attachments. Following is a brief narrative of some of the highlights of recommended Fiscal Year 2012/2013 changes by Department: Legislative • Reduction of Legal budget consistent with expenditure history for the past two years • Reduction in Travel budget allowing sufficient funds for each Council Member to attend one conference, plus funding for Council Member's official duties with the League of California Cities City Manager • Transfer of one position to Planning for implementation of TOT enforcement initiative; • Reducing consulting marketing services by 50%, eliminating some programs (i.e., calendar), reducing others, and bringing some activities in-house • Reducing contributions to the Riverside County Fair and National Date Festival and Jacqueline Cochran Air Show by 50% • Reducing CVEP and the Chamber contribution by 15% • Cutting miscellaneous operation accounts, affecting budgets for training, promotional materials, employee recognition event, and etc. • Addition of General Fund monies for Economic Development consulting ($45;000) City Clerk • Addition of funding for legally mandated election e Eliminate funding for the Holiday Open House Community Services • Reduction in miscellaneous operational accounts affecting various special events and special projects • Eliminating funding for the Prestige Golf Event p 114 • Reduced funding for PM 10 activities at SilverRock consistent with new contract provisions • Reduced funding for utilities consistent with anticipated expenses upon installation of new equipment at the La Quinta Senior Center • Reduced funding for the La Quinta Arts Foundation by 15% (i.e., consistent with reductions to the Chamber and CVEP) • Reduced funding for non -safety related tree maintenance and park over -seeding • No changes proposed to Library/Museum in anticipation of continued pass through of previous tax increment funding • No changes to SilverRock (other than reduced operation of the entry water feature) in consideration of its Enterprise Fund and revenue -generating nature Building and Safety • Reductions in miscellaneous operational accounts • Reduction in low-income Code Compliance grant program to a level more consistent with historic expenditure patterns Fire • Eliminate Volunteer Appreciation Dinner • No other reductions in anticipation of continued pass through of previous tax increment funding Finance • No changes proposed Police • Termination of Substation Lease at Corporate Centre Drive Planning • Addition of one time funding for setup of TOT enforcement program; involves transfer of one position from the City Manager's Office to Planning Public Works • Addition of funding for Assessment Engineering (Special Assessments and Parks, $225,000); and NPDES permit costs ($30,000) • Eliminate vacant Senior Secretary position • Reduction of 15% to street sweeping program o Reduction to palm tree trimming and landscaping programs •..a- 115 • Reduction in miscellaneous operation accounts affection training, supplies and commercial graffiti abatement • Eliminate consultant construction inspection services (relying upon in-house staff) 2Y Program Changes Further cuts than those proposed above for Fiscal Year 2012/2013 generally involve occupied positions. While staff is not proposing these cuts for Fiscal Year 2012/2013, we do believe it important to plan for reductions that may be required in the near future to obtain a sustainable balance. These reductions may be partially avoided pending improvements to the economy, economic development success, possible restoration of some level of housing/redevelopment activity, and adjustments to employee compensation levels. Additionally, it is likely the next City Manager may consider structural reorganizations in an effort to realize greater organizational efficiencies. FINDINGS AND ALTERNATIVES: The alternatives available to the City Council include: 1. Review staff recommendations for a balanced for Fiscal Year 2012/2013 Budget and provide policy direction with respect to preparation of a budget document for consideration in June 2012; or 2. Provide staff with alternative direction. Respectfully submitted, Mark Weiss, Interim City Manager Attachment: 1. Fiscal Year 2012/2013 Program Changes & Reductions - Summary 2. Fiscal Year 2012/2013 Program Changes & Reductions - Detail 3. Fiscal Year 2013/2014 Program Changes & Reductions - Summary 4. General Fund Revenues Detail 5. Fiscal Year 2012/2013 Base Budget Calculation 6. Program Change Forms By Department « 117 Fiscal Year 2012/13 Budget ,.p. 118 q m C C C C Q U a N 06 c 0) 0) C co L U L6 ^2 LL co O N _N C) N f6 U N LL m m m e N N m m o m m M m r m U M NMov�m N m m M M f0 m e M m m e m n@Emm e ' d a m (7 w m o m m 00 m O � m N O C] m (7 a m M n c y d ` L � U Vi Yi o m m d et0 d N N Un m N N d � 4 w m m m e N M o o �c 0 LLLL��iPva cmieMovmi m n o m °i K � v U W W N m U a b o a� z o o 0 0 0 0 0 9 N m e rc e r a m N O m m M O M O M M O N O O O O O O O N O O Q d O�w _ z w Q m W m Q � � C N d + J N j W = W OEL v a d E O W N N N m N 6 O 4 d d O U c o C LL �'n d o x m m n W E c m c m G o `m rn L° m w Q E E r m UYy -r'�.(J 0>F,E m m y v Z C'p al N m p1 O O an d X 00 C 0 0 0 C N K dNc �N�i y Nv'Z. �,.a D M M d 6 aCi 0f) w 5 E U�r-U> O W m fJ V p N Ui N t) o m 5 0 0 ' gyp C U i O m c 5 a d O A d O N N= d E Y N N N N d d x'O ry N E E `^ E E r m c c N Y i N N T T d U m U d m N N LL W W W V- F W Q w Q D — O a U W LL R' F h z n' 119 m LL� 7 z LU 2 U Q E- Q N C O U 7 v N co 0 a) m C f0 i U E cu O) O a M O N N_ O N m } U) y LL C O N w tp Ul O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O N 0 O O O O O O O N O N O000.00000000 O O O N O O O O O O O O O .......... 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W O O O O O $ 00 p O N Y N vl�a 'i n n sm C o a o 0 V unWf p o o e e N n N a o'(7 0 mm p OM10000000001fi00000aN')OOOOOOOeNOP uoi O ON N LLam ai n n n m O n K LL N N o o m m un>W a�� n yyoNr ovoi0006000ee�eooeoae0000 moo?oo o a m� W ffim�W o e o Om W> f Yy M p O O > y �am ei n n 0 N c f 0 2 � w N u0i W mJi o m m m y d c a o c = f a� > >'a O E x E E o o o rv. z w w o Cm am Lmb K K J c w€ m m m M qqtl c o c o o u nwwo- Q 7 W c w N b n n a m m u u 'c E E n c u c En'nm d O W 1- 2 o Q N�tR 'U '3s�c W7''S m'mmo 'c9 m>2 n W p = F w mvcm�s '-^Pm�am @S. �i Ewa. ' w H c E y O L� LL w? E m c m O 2 o a n _.� m w'N �° ~ O r zo L n-@ u m u d a m u 3 Y. a- $ m m a n w m o aci > > m co m cm v c� m'Y r:r m m a �'c m a E o. n m FL E < O 641 omm wwow xwf rJ J J!->E Qaa�f%I W D:wo -nOONN U ^ ."" 140 Attachment 6 Program Change Forms By Department "` 141 Program: Department: Request Summary m � w an, tnb suwmry am. ww On b beak wwrkm: Who hmt b twbp PmesomWW We I wNt will a wig It o. vast w . a for want wig a 0a m Beset. sna tw" lone; sn tlwrs wlV unastalY mat xvbgi w rewnma What would be the Impact H the request is approved? Include the direct and Indirect Impact on both the General Fund and the Community City of La Quinta Resource Allocation Plan Addition (A) or Reduction (R) Program Change Form Department Priority 2012/2013 City Manager Priority City Council: Miscellaneous Adjustments Accepted (A) Rejected (R) Building & Safety Department Reduce 2012/2013 budget operations expenses by $6,000 through various small funding adjustments Health Department Services for Structural Abatement account funds for recent years are unused. Similarly, Public sings Operating Supplies expenses are less than budgeted. Reducing these funds would have no impact on the ty to maintain current service levels. General Fund operations expenses would be reduced by $6,000. Coat Summary: How much will the change cost for the next year (by personnel, operations, and capital)? How does it compare to current costs, if any? Are there any off -setting revenues or cost -savings? What are the specific line items and amounts affected by this request? Please provide a brief explanation, account descriptions, account numbers, and totals for personnel, operations and capital expenditures. sonnel Operations Capital Total Operating Costs Revenue Gain <Loss> Operating Costs No change in personnel costs is anticipated. This program change reduces net operations costs by $6,000. 101-5004-424.51-39 Decrease Health Department services for structural abatement expense by$1,500from $1SOOto $0 101-5008-41956-02 Decrease Public Buildings Operating Supplies expense by $4,500 from $12,600 to $8,100 No change in capital costs is anticipated. <$6,000> <$6,000> R Y 142 AM Fiscal Year: Program: Department: Request Summary m o,r a t.,a senlnan, this aw^�n ry am ma ft. bask quntbm: Whet Is MYp proeassed: had wa It "him; whet wa It seep when wa a b, In aeeet, and for law ksp; sit them any aeetibp sae u bM w Me ads What would be the Impact R the request is approved? Include the direct and Indirect Impact on both the General Fund and the Community City of La Quinta Priolly Iracking Resource Allocation Plan addition (A) or Reduction (R) Program Change Form Department Priority 2012/2013 City Manager Priority City Council: Eliminate Code Compliance/Animal Control Travel/Training Budget Accepted (A) Rejected (R) (Building & Safety Department Reduce 2012/2013 and future years' operations costs by $3,450 by eliminating the Code Compliance and Animal Control training budget line items. storically, Code Compliance and Animal Control Officers attend periodic training provided by the California soc(ation of Code Enforcement Officers (CACEO), resulting in various levels of certification by the organization. rtification and continuing education of officers is not currently required by any governmental entity or as a condi employment, but may be in the future. Training regarding new legislation and best practices within the industry wid be sought locally and/or provided in-house. )gram change would reduce General Fund expenses by $3,450 plus an unknown variable amount due to City operational costs to and from the training, which alternates between the LA basin and northern California. Cost Summary: How much will the change cost for the next year (by personnel, operations, and capital)? How does it compare to current costs, if any? Are there any off -setting revenues or cost -savings? What are the specific line items and amounts affected by this request? Please provide a brief explanation, account descriptions, account numbers, and totals for personnel, ®operations and capital expenditures. Personnel Operations Capital Total Operating Costs Revenue - Gain <Loss> ®Operating Costs change In personnel costs is anticipated. his program change reduces operations costs by $3,450. 01-5004-424.51-01 Decrease Code Compliance Travel/Training expense by $2,050 01-5006-426.51-01 Decrease Animal Control Travel/Training expense by $1,400 143 Program: Department: Request Summary: In one w twe eenbnne, thb summery aroww ere bask Wssanm: Whet b bby proennd; what wa a achieve; what w® It coat; when wa it G In sent, erW for how bane; sro ewe ern eesattbp eon mvbq or rerenen Impact of Chance: Whet would be the Impact it the request is approved? Include the direct and indirect Impact on both the General Fund and the Community City of La Quinta Resource Allocation Plan Addition (A) or Reduction'(R) R Program Change Form Department Priority 3 2612/2013 City Manager Priority Reduce Budget for Low-income Households Grants b 50 Percent City Council: Y 1 Accepted (A) Rejected (R) (Building & Safety Department Reduce 2012/2013 and future years' budget allocation of low-income Code Compliance rant assistance b 50 Reduces operations costs by $12,500. p g Y percent. Low-income Households Grant Program account provides funds to assist qualifying applicants to correct Code ipliance violations on their properties. This program change would reduce service to the public by reducing the s ability to abate persistent violations. General Fund operations expenses would be reduced by $12,500. Cost Summary: How much will the change cost for the next year (by personnel, operations, and capital)? How does it compare to current costs, if any? Are there any off -setting revenues or cost -savings? What are the specific line items and amounts affected by this request? Please provide a brief explanation, account descriptions, account numbers, and totals for personnel, operations and capital expenditures. 9ersonnel Operations change in personnel costs is anticipated. his program change reduces operations costs by $12,500. 01-5004-424A2-40 Decrease low-income housing grant expense by $12,500 Capital i Total Operating <$12,500> Costs Revenue - Gain <Loss> 00 Aerating Costs <$12,500> 144 Program: Department: Relprest Summary: In me w ty a awtoneu, basic wm:wis; what aroV tw.wlwed What N e It s whatINCOw a; what we N win b; what we N oml: when wa M ke 6t effocl, and for low lone: " tlww wry offwttbp mN uvkwi w rov What would be the Impact If the request is approved? Include the direct and Indirect Impact on both the General Fund and the Community City of La Qulnta Priority Tracking Resource Allocation Plan Addition (A) or Reduction (R) Program Change Form Department Priority , 2012/2013 City Manager Priority City Council: Eliminate Community Safety Manager Position Accepted (A) Rejected (R) (Building & Safety Department Reduce 2012/2013 and future years'staff costs by $151,318 by eliminating Community Safety Manager position present, this position directly supervises the Senior Code Compliance Officer (SCCO), the Counter Technician, and Office Assistant in the Code Compliance Division. All Code Compliance and Animal Control field officers (8) report the Senior Code Compliance Officer. Elimination of the position would expand SCCO span of control to 10 3ordinates, unless offset by further staff reductions. Code research, interaction with legal counsel, and other ministrative duties would need to be reassigned. General Fund expenses would be reduced by $151,318. Cost Summary: How much will the change cost for the next year Iby personnel, operations, and capital)? How does it compare to current costs, if any? Are there any off -setting revenues or cost -savings? What are the specific line items and amounts affected by this request? Please provide a brief explanation, account descriptions, account numbers, and totals for personnel, operations and capital expenditures. rsonnel Operations Capital Total Operating Costs Revenue - Gain <Loss> ®Operating Costs This proposal reduces personnel costs by Si%918. 101-5004-424.10-01 Decrease salary expense by$104,724 101-5004-424.20-" Decrease employee benefits expense by $44,194 This proposal reduces operations costs by $2,400. 101-5004-424.51-02 Decrease vehicle reimbursement expense by $2,400 <$151,318> <$151,318> R 4 Zy 145 Program: Department: Request Summary In ON w two astaaoon. this Iwmury amww fin basic proaaoro: What b bake Vnceand: whst will It achleas: what will h trot when will h ha In asset, and tw haM long; an awn wry othetpq cost wvbpi W ravwwsa Impact of Change: What would be the Impact if the request Is approved? Include the direct and Indirect Impact on both the General Fund and the Community City of La Quinta Priority Tracking Resource Allocation Plan Addition (A) or Reduction (RI Program Change Form Department Priority 2012/2013 City Manager Priority Eliminate Code Compliance Officer I Position City Council: Accepted (A) Rejected (R) Building & Safety Department Reduce 2012/2013 and future years' staff costs by $92,821 by eliminating one (1) Code Compliance Officer I position present, only one Code Compliance Officer I posmon exists In the Code Compliance Division. All other line sitions are either combination Code Compliance/Animal Control Officerlevel 5cer II (2) positions. Elimination of this position would save staff expends (4) or the more advanced Code Co level itures with the least impact on assignment dbility. This proposal reduces the level of service to the public as each remaining officer assumes a two -and -a half rcent increase in workload and corresponding longer case processing times. General Fund expenses would be luced by $92,821 in salary and benefits, plus reductions in vehicle and uniform expenses. Cost Summary: How much will the change cost for the next year (by personnel, operations, and capital)? How does it compare to current costs, if any? Are there any off -setting revenues or cost -savings? What are the specific line items and amounts affected by this request? Please provide a brief explanation, account descriptions, account numbers, and totals for personnel, operations and capital expenditures. rsonnel Operations Capital Total Operating Costs Revenue - Gain <Loss> Aerating Costs This program change reduces personnel costs by $92,821. 101-5004-424.10-01 Decrease salary expense by $60,292 - 101-5004.424.20-" Decrease employee benefits expense by $32,529 This program change reduces operations costs by an uncalculated amount for vehicle and uniform expenses. i <$92,821> <$92,B21> HR 5 ZY ".11 146 Program: Department: Request rminw: et ... a. r•,.... ' w. aenrwy sr ow ewe eer.tlnn.: Wirt 1. Who Pre ,* wht we a aehi " ; wt tM It e..t: wMnrA eM In .a et• me %, Mw.laM:.w thm wrr.n eohq CO.[ YYYIy. w..wnw Impact of Change: What would be the Impact If the request is approved? Include the direct and Indirect Impact on both the General Fund and the Community City of La Quinta Resource Allocation Plan Program Change Form 2012/2013 Eliminate Weekend Animal Control/Code Compliance Services Building & Safety Department Priority Tracking Addition (A) or Reduction IR) R Department Priority 6 City Manager Priority 2y City Council: Accepted (A) Rejected (R) future years' expenses by eliminating weekend Animal Control/Code Compliance services and D I position. This program change anticipates annual savings of approximately $94,320. ng weekend Animal Control/Code Compliance service would save 18 staff. -hours per week and have all offi( the same schedule. Weekday customer service would be improved by having all officers on duty for public , case resolution, and internal communication. Remaining Code Compliance staff would absorb increased I. Some members of the community would discover the lack of enforcement on weekends. General Fund would be reduced by $94,320 In salary and benefits, plus reductions in vehicle and uniform expenses. Goat Summary: How much will the change cost for the next year (by personnel, operations, and capital)? How does it compare to current costs, if any? Are there any off -setting revenues or cost -savings? What are the specific line items and amounts affected by this request? Please provide a brief explanation, account descriptions, account numbers, and totals for personnel, operations and capital expenditures. onnel Operations Capital Total Operating Costs Revenue - Gain <Loss> Operating Costs •-• •7- -••••- ram•=�.„ a,,.,om reoucuon in personnel costs of $94,320. 101-5004-424.10-01 Decrease salary expense by $30,866 101-5004-42420-*" Decrease employee benefits expense by $16,294 - 101-5006426.10-01 Decrease salary expense by $30,866 . 101-500642620-" Decrease employee benefits expense by $16,294 This program change reduces operations costs by an uncalculated amount for vehicle and uniform expenses. No change in capital costs Is anticipated. <$94,320> <$94,320> " 147 Program: Department: Request Summary: 1. .es w I.w awrtww.s. thb wwwwry wwww an bode gmtbru: Whot Is being powwwe; whN wa k.dd*, s; w1w1 wa k wsn who we k t, hr .ff.ot, sM for how Iona; m tlwe wry offsRaq cost ssvhp or mrwrow What would be the Impact H the request is approved? Include the direct and indirect Impact on both the General Fund and the Community City of La Quinta Resource Allocation Plan Program Change Form 2012/2013 Eliminate Self -initiated Code Compliance Actions Building & Safety Department Priority Try Addition (A) or Reduction IRI R Department Priority 7 City Manager Priority /ZY City Council: Accepted (A) Rejected (R) 2012/2013 and future years' expenses by eliminating self -initiated Code Compliance actions and eliminating (1 O I position. This proposal anticipates annual savings of approximately $94,320. ase history for 2011 indicates that approximately 34 percent of Code Compliance cases opened are self -initiated (by ode Compliance Officers). Operating the Code Compliance Division on a complaint -driven basis would correspond to reduction of 178 - 204 staff -hours per pay period, or the elimination of (1) Animal Control/Code Compliance Officer I coition, saving the General Fund $94,320 in staff costs. The separate program change option to eliminate (1) Code ompliance Officer I position, coupled with an expected increase in the number of resident -initiated complaints may :arty balance the resulting workload and remaining staff. The community may also experience some degradation and ibsequent suppression of property values and, thus, property taxes. Cost Summary: How much will the change cost for the next year (by personnel, operations, and capital)? How does it compare to current costs, if any? Are there any off -setting revenues or cost -savings? What are the specific line items and amounts affected by this request? Please provide a brief explanation, account descriptions, account numbers, and totals for personnel, operations and capital expenditures. sonnel Operations Capital Total Operating Costs Revenue - Gain <Loss> Aerating Costs This program change anticipates an annual reduction in personnel costs of $94,320. 101-5004-424.10-01 Decrease salary expense by $30,866 101-5004-42420-" Decrease employee benefits expense by $16,294 101-5006-426.10-01 Decrease salary expense by $30,866 101-5006.426.20-" Decrease employee benefits expense by $16,294 This program change reduces operations costs by an uncalculated amount for vehicle and uniform expenses. No change in capital costs is anticipated. <$94,320> <$94,320> "'" 148 Program: Department: Request Summary• b ons m rwe ew b w ofkMa lurk u domvawWMI ar yeue ew pmcenwe Itm whit rra a cut: wMn vra x b In o/fM we M horn bee: an or wry oewuma a uvbeI or nwrvw Impact of Chance; What would be the Impact If the request is approved? Include the direct and Indirect Impact on both the General Fund and the Community City of La Quinta Resource Allocation Plan Addition 1A) or Reduction (R) PAProgram Change Form Department Priority 2012/2013 CFty Manager Priority City Council: Shift EOC Telephone Expenses to Fire Budget Accepted (A) Rejected (R) Building & Safety Department (Fire) Increase 2012/2013 budget operations expenses by $30,000 for telephone system. telephone usage is for the Emergency Services Center which had previously been in the Central Services Division. ce costs will be offset by Fire Service credit revenue. Cost Summary: How much will the change cost for the next year (by personnel, operations, and capital)? How does it compare to current costs, if any? Are there any off -setting revenues or cost -savings? What are the specific line items and amounts affected by this request? Please provide a brief explanation, account descriptions, account numbers, and totals for personnel, ®operations and capital expenditures. Tbrsonnel Operations Capital Total Operating Costs Revenue - Gain <Loss> ®Operating Costs change in personnel costs is anticipated. program change increases operations costs by $30,000. 5056-425A1.22 Increase Telephone expense from $0 to $30,000 change in capital costs is anticipated. 149 d Fiscal Year: Program: Department: Request Summary: in ,no or turn senow., this summary answer fin bask questions: What Is being Processed; sabot wit It achiws: what wa It cesb when well it b, In eaacl, and for how bne: an, Mara a" oewtbp con saving or nvenues Whet would be the Impact if the request is approved? Include the direct and Indirect Impact on both the General Fund and the Community City of La Quinta Resource Allocation Plan Program Change Form Addition (A) or Reduction (R Department Priority City Manager Priority FY2012-2013 City Council: Central Services — QtpuCnoN r)J rEt0',qowe 4 S(, r ES Accepted (A) Rejected (R) Finance Reviewed the division line items for cost savings and found telephone and supplies account reductions. These reductions would take effect with the new budget and are on going. have no impact on the community. R Y G Cost Summary: How muchwill the change cost for the next year (by personnel, operations,and capital)? How does it compare to current costs, if any? Are there any off -setting revenues or cost -savings? What are the specific line items and amounts affected by this request? Please provide a brief explanation, account descriptions, account numbers, and totals for personnel, operations and capital expenditures. konnel F_ Operations G Capital Total Operating Costs Revenue - Gain <Loss> t Operating Costs savings - $34,000 savings $34,000 transferred costs to emergency Fiscal Year: Program: Department: Request Summary: In ma ar twe srdanws, ttds summary anawr nn leak questions: WMt k !wine pncessad; wlat wa a addew: adwt wa a Cost; wlan wa It M In affect, and for low long; an eme my offsa[Ikg Cod saving or ... Impact of Change: What would be the Impact R the request Is approved? Include the direct and indirect Impact on both the General Fund and the Community City of La Quinta Resource Allocation Plan Program Change Form FY2012-2013 Central Services— eebW_T1oN 14 P#VWE"M6an-r'/SL4 ,SEAL Finance Priority Tracking Addition (A) or Reduction (R) R Department Priority 2 City Manager Priority City Council: Accepted (A) Rejected (R) hese reductions would take effect with the new budget and are on going. The decreases were made to obtain the 5% reduction in costs for this divsion. would result in less street improvements maintenance being performed Cost Summary: How much will the change cost for the next year (by personnel, operations, and capital)? How does it compare to current costs, if any? Are there any off -setting revenues or cost -savings? What are the specific line items and amounts affected by this request? Please provide a brief explanation, account descriptions, account numbers, and totals for personnel, operations and capital expenditures. Oersonnel Operations Capital Total Operating Costs Revenue - Gain <Loss> 0 Operating Costs Decrease Capital Projects- Pavement Management/Slurry Seal program in $155,OOOfrom $1,000,000-accountto be assigned with new budget. Note in FY 2011/2012 the pavement management/slurry seal program budget was $425,000. Total savings - $155,000 - 0 Total savings $155,000 - " 151 Program: Department: Request Summary: In Mt - twe sentm *s. this Mummery amwer an basic yuatemn: Whit is bsbq orobassd: what will it achieve; what we it eon: when wa it bs In seem, and for how bN; are there my oeseMng coat savbg; or merwu fact of Change: What would be the Impact if the request is approved? Include the direct and indirect Impact on both the General Fund and the Community City of La auinta Priority Tracking Resource Allocation Plan Addition (A) or Reduction (R) Program,. Change Form Department Priority -City Manager Priority FY2012-2013 City Council: Central Services — S)pEWALK "ts #"b)cRy QM»PS Accepted (A) Rejected (R) Finance A request to fund sidewalk and handicap ramp projects throughout the City. The projects will be prioritized in accordance with a ADA Transition Plan. addition would result in an appropriation of $75,000 for Sidewalk ($55,000) and Handicap access ($20,000) tcts. This program was previously funded in the RDA and is now part of a multi -year ADA transition program. Cost Summary: How much will the change cost for the next year (by personnel, operations, and capital)? How does it compare to current costs, if any? Are there any off -setting revenues or cost -savings? What are the specific line items and amounts affected by this request? Please provide a brief explanation, account descriptions, account numbers, and totals for personnel, operations and capital expenditures. T rrsonnel Operations Capital Total Operating Costs Revenue - Gain <Loss> Operating Costs Capital Projects - $75,000 account to be assigned. addition - $75,000 $75,000 0 0 •,.M.- 15 a Operations Capital Total Operating Costs Revenue - Gain < Loss > Operating Costs Fiscal Year: Program: Department: Request Summary: 1n mw m rwe a U.M. thb Summery awwx eve bhic eueatlona: what b Win procaeaed: what wa It achiaw; whatwa It coat: wMn w01 It be In effect. and for how long; ere than any offaattlna war uvhgr or nvanuas What would be the Impact if the request is approved? Include the direct and Indirect impact on both the General Fund and the Community City of La Quinta Resource Allocation Plan Program Change Form FY 2012/13 Elimination of Holiday Open House Event Clerk Department #2001 Priority Tracking Addition (A) or Reduction (R) R Department Priority 1 City Manager Priority 'Y City Council: Accepted (A) Rejected (R► - Eliminate the annual Holiday Open House hosted by the Clerk's Department for the community to view City Hall, have i free buffet lunch, and visit city departments if they wish. The direct impact to the General Fund would be an annual savings of $8,400, and would eliminate an estimated ten lours of Clerk Department staff time spent bidding, advertising, decorating, coordinating and monitoring the event. There would also be a savings in B&S Department staff time for set up.) The impact to participating community nembers would be the loss of a free lunch and time interacting with Council Members and City staff. It is estimated hat half the guests are residents and half are city employees each year. Cost Summary: How much will the change cost for the next year Iby personnel, operations, and capital)? How does it compare to current costs, if any? Are there any off -setting revenues or cost -savings? What are the specific line items and amounts affected by this request? Please provide a brief explanation, account descriptions, account numbers, and totals for personnel, aerations and capital expenditures. Personnel This change would have no impact on the Personnel budget. This change would decrease line item 101-2001-411.44-01 from S400 to $0 for equipment rental, and decrease line item 101-2001-411.56-02 from $9,100 to $1,100. The decrease to the FY 12/13 Supplies & Services Starting Budget would be $8,400 or (27%). E act. 0> <$8,400> Print Form " 153 Operations Capital Total Operating Costs Revenue- G n <Loss> CAerating Costs Fiscal Year: Program: Department: Request Summary: to «twn sentences, tw a.." anew« rM bask questions: ~ Is babe procwtsaa; what wm It actaase; what will It coat; when wig it a in effect, am bs haw bm; am awe any offaattbp coat asvbp: or r .000 Impact of Change: What would be the Impact if the request is approved? Include the direct and Indirect Impact on both the General Fund and the Community City of La Quinta Resource Allocation Plan Program Change Form FY 2012/13 Supplies & Services Clerk's Department Priority Tracking Addition (A) or Reduction (R) R Department Priority 2 City Manager Priority N City Council: Accepted (A) Rejected (R) Take a net reduction in supplies & Services category including contracts, meetings, mileage reimbursement, dues, and ! direct impact the the General Fund would be a savings of $3496. The impact on the department would include iced Municipal Code updates, discontinuing membership in the International Institute of Municipal Clerks (IIMC) the American Records Managers Association (ARMA), reducing mileage reimbursement for the Deputy to attend inars, reducing Clerk attendance at SCCCA meetings, and eliminating annual reference materials such as the 'ornia Election Code book, James Publication Reference book and the California Clerk Directory. The impactto the munity and city staff may be a less informed Clerk Department staff. Cost Summary: How much will the change cost for the next year (by personnel, operations, and capital)? How does it compare to current costs, if any? Are there any off -setting revenues or cost -savings? What are the specific line items and amounts affected by this request? Please provide a brief explanation, account descriptions, account numbers, and totals for personnel, Qperations and capital expenditures. Personnel No impact. This change would decrease the following line items: 101-2001-411.32-10 Contract Services - decrease from $13,200 to $12,000 101-2001-411.51-01 Travel, Training - decrease from $550 to $310 101-2001-411.51-03 Mileage Reimbursement- decrease from $500 to $100 101-2001-411.53-03 Membership Dues - decrease from $1080 to $700 101-2001-411.53-04 Publications - decrease from $600 to $424 101-2001-411.56.02 Operating Supplies - decrease from $9100 to $8000 The combined decrease of $3,496 equates to an 11% decrease in Supplies & Services. No impact. <$3,496> None <$3,496> Print Form Fiscal Year: Program: Department: Reauest Summary: in one w tan sant..Ws, Mb Summary amwar flw basic erwSdanc what Is b bq pmeoaad; what w0 Is acuove; whit wa a Cost wban wa a ba In egad. and to, baw brq; are there any onaetdna cost aavbrpi or revenues Impact of Chance: What would be the Impact if the request is approved? Include the direct and indirect Impact on both the General Fund and the Community City of La Quinta Resource Allocation Plan Program Change Form FY 2012/13 (1) Office Assistant Position Clerk's Department Priority Tracking Addition (A) or Reduction (R) R Department Priority 3 City Manager Priority IL1' City Council: Accepted IA) Rejected (R) Elimination of one Office Assistant, Step E position salary and benefits will achieve a 14.36% ($71,793) reduction in 'ersonnel expenses from FY 2012/13 Starting Budget figures. The impact on Records Management goals and citywide operations due to the loss of the records scanning position would be the postponement of the availability of historic and research records on the lasefiiche system accessible from staff desktops. Citywide, staff time to prepare reports, respond to record requests, etc. may increase due to time spent locating and searching through paper records in their department and basement file rooms. The impact on the _'lerk's Department would be Increased duties for the Secretary and Receptionist positions to absorb the Office 4ssistant's other duties such as filing, posting, Chambers set-up, etc. There would be no impact on the community. Cost Summary: How much will the change cost for the next year Iby personnel, operations, and capital)? How does it compare to current costs, if any? Are there any off -setting revenues or cost -savings? What are the specific line items and amounts affected by this request? Please provide a brief explanation, account descriptions, account numbers, and totals for personnel, aerations and capital expenditures. ® The change would result in acost savings of $43,512 to line item 101-2001-411.10-01, and a savings of $28,281 to line items 101-2001-411.20 through 27 for benefits. This equates to a savings of 14.36% over FY 2012/13 Starting Budget for Personnel. None None <$71,793> None <$71,793> Personnel Operations Capital Total Operating Costs Revenue - Gain <Loss> Operating Costs 155 Print Form Fiscal Year: Program: Department: Request Summary: in ons a two santrae, this wmun ana w Ma hatra q aatlana: what b being WC. W: whM Na a ad*", what win It cost: when win It bt In affect, W for how bna; an than any othening coin sarbv. or nvanun What would be the impact N the request Is approved? Include the direct and Indirect Impact on both the General Fund and the Community City of La Quinta Priority Tracking Resource Allocation Plan Addition (A) or Reduction (R) Program Change Form Department Priority City Manager Priority FY 2012/13 City Council: 2012 Election Expenses Accepted (A) Rejected (R) City Clerk Add an estimated $35,000 to cover County charges for a consolidated municipal election on November 6, 2012. iirect impact to the General Fund is a biannual expenditure for Mayor and Council Member elections. The cost can from $30,000 to $40,000 depending on county wide factors. Cost Summary: How much will the change cost for the next year (by personnel, operations, and capital)? How does it compare to current costs, if any? Are there any off -setting revenues or cost -savings? What are the specific line items and amounts affected by this request? Please provide a brief explanation, account descriptions, account numbers, and totals for personnel, gerations and capital expenditures. Personnel F_ Operations Capital Total Operating Costs Revenue- i <Loss> Operating Costs change would Increase line item 101-2001-411.32-10 by $35,000 (from $13,200 to $48,200). A ITV a 156 Pr'i...... =J Fiscal Year: Program: Department: Request Sommet mw m tan, santanna, th summary aoswr ese bt questbns; Whit Is babp processorl; what we It at whet wa It mat; when w b eeacl, end br haw bn them any offsetting mat or revenues Impact of Change What would be the impact if the reque: approved? Include i direct and indirect Impact on both the General Fund and tl Community City of La Quinta Resource Allocation Plan Program Change Form 2012/2013 Senior Center Utilities - Electric Community Services Priority Tracking Addition IA) or Reduction (R) R Department Priority 1 City Manager Priority Y City Council: Accepted (A) Rejected (R) Cost Summary: How much will the change cost for the next year Iby personnel, operations, and capital)? How does it compare to current costs, if any? Are there any off -setting revenues or cost -savings? What are the specific line items and amounts affected by this request? Please provide a brief explanation, account descriptions, account numbers, and totals for personnel, 4erations and capital expenditures. Personnel F Operations 101-3002-451.41-01 reduction of <$5,000> Capital Total Operating Costs Revenue- G n <Loss> Operating Costs ".p r 157 Fiscal Year: Program: Department: Request Summary: m ow er tws e.ft., rut summery What be Wale Vuotbns: ,hMb Wbp what WIN whet wa X eehleve; whet WIN X t! for when wa X W b easel, ant! for Ww b,p; an Noe any onaeabp rost aavhg. Or revanwa Impact of Chance: What would be the Impact if the request is approved? Include the direct and indirect Impact on both the General Fund and the Community City of La Quinta Resource Allocation Plan Program Change. Form 2012/2013 PM10 SilverRock (Eliminate) Community Services . Priority Tracking Addition (A) or Reduction (R) R Department Priority 2 City Manager Priority City Council: Accepted (A) Rejected (R) is funding is for the planting of rye grass at the undeveloped SilverRock property for PM10 control and to be utilized a parking area during the Humana Challenge Golf Tournament. new PM10 contract for SilverRock will be reduced and fully funded through Public Works (101-7006-431.32-15). contract reduction will maintain the current level of service for PM70 control and event parking at SilverRock. This be achieved by using a more cost effective rye grass seed that will be planted at a reduced rate. Cost Summary: How much will the change cost for the next year (by personnel, operations, and capital)? How does it compare to current costs, if any? Are there any off -setting revenues or cost -savings? What are the specific line items and amounts affected by this request? Please provide a brief explanation, account descriptions, account numbers, and totals for personnel, rations and capital expenditures. Personnel Operations Capital Total Operating Costs Revenue - < Loss > et Operating Costs 10 SilverRock -3005-45132-22 elimination of <$80,000> Fiscal year: Program: Department: Reauest Summary: In ow «nve .annow,. Wa eununory Brow« flue beak gwatkro: WMt k bebp p tw 1a; mat wait aAft ; Mff ,k to, when ;kM in aHon, orff kr how brre; era or orrY oHsanbp wrt uvbq. or nvanuro What would be the impact if the request is approved? Include the direct and indirect Impact on both the General Fund and the Community City of La Quinta Resource Allocation Plan Program Change Form 2012/2013 Landscape Lighting Maintenance Community Services Priority Tracking Addition IA) or Reduction (R) R Department Priority 3 City Manager Priority 'y City Council: Accepted (A) Rejected (R) funding is for blanket coverage of the park electrical services under the Citywide Landscape Lighting Maintenance electrical services for the parks will no longer be maintained by the contractor responsible for the Citywide trical services. The parks electrical needs will be addressed on an "as needed" basis by local electrical contractors. work will include the annual replacement of sports field lamps at the Sports Complex, Col. Paige fields, La Quinta and Fritz Burns tennis courts. Paying for electrical repair and replacement as needed will maintain the current Is of service while reducing the annual cost. Cost Summary: How much will the change cost for the next year Iby personnel, operations, and capital)? How does it compare to current costs, if any? Are there any off -setting revenues or cost -savings? What are the specific line items and amounts affected by this request? Please provide a brief explanation, account descriptions, account numbers, and totals for personnel, rations and capital expenditures. Personnel Operations Capital Total Operating Costs Revenue - <Loss> IF Operating Costs 'Landscape Lighting Maintenance Contract: 101-3005-451.32-07.reduction of <$19,000> 15 9 PrfntF6tm . Y Fiscal Year: Program: Department: Request Summary: b . m ern eantencae, thb suntttary answer Me basic questions: What b being procesesd: wha wa It add@ what we It cost: wM wa it ha b effect, end for how bap: an than ww o"SattkV can es.kv. u menues What would be the impact if the request is approved? Include the direct and Indirect Impact on both the General Fund and the Community City of La Quinta Resource Allocation Plan Program Change Form 012/2013 Fritz Burns Pool - aquatic operations and maintenance Community Services Priority Tracking Addition (A) or Reduction (R) It Department Priority 4 City Manager Priority 1 City Council: Accepted (A) Rejected (R) is account covers all expenses for Fritz Burns Pool operations and maintenance. Pool operations are contracted out the Family Y of the Desert and pool maintenance is contracted out to Sharks Pools. A reduction of $6,000 from this dget can occur due to lower expenditure costs for aquatic operations and a 15%discount for pool service/ iintenance. Costs of pool chemicals will remain the same and be budgeted for accordingly. enditure costs for pool operations has slightly decreased over the past 3 years due to better management of atic classes and programs with revenue generated from attendance. Aquatic programs offered will not be affected i reduced pool operations budget. In regard to pool maintenance costs, the contractor agreed to a 15%service punt due to volume of locations serviced -the contractor will now be providing cleaning/maintenance service for La Quinta Park water feature and the three city fountains. Cost Summary: How much will the change cost for the next year (by personnel, operations, and capital)? How does it compare to current costs, if any? Are there any off -setting revenues or cost -savings? What are the specific line items and amounts affected by this request? Please provide a brief explanation, account descriptions, account numbers, and totals for personnel, �pperations and capital expenditures. 40®Personnel Fritz Burns Pool: 101-30OIA5133-13 reductions of: <$5,000> Aquatic operations/programming <$1,000> Aquatic service/maintenance <$6,000> <$6,000> Operations Capital Total Operating Costs Revenue - Gain <Loss> Ot Operating Costs p 160 Fiscal Year: Program: Department: Request Summary: w ,w. w twa wntr.wa, this aNwMry aMWY on oak fpwatluna: what b being pmcpaad; what qua it aaltlaw: what wig it "; won war it M In eftapt, and rof ow wfq: an airs aM onaotav coat "AV of feramwa What would be the Impact if the request is approved? Include the direct and Indirect Impact on both the General Fund and the Community City of La Quinta Resource Allocation Plan Program Change Form 2012/2013 Facility Use at the Boys and Girls Club Community Services Priority Tracking Addition (A) or Reduction (R) R Department Priority 5 City Manager Priority 7 city Council: . Accepted (A) Rejected (R) he City has had a Facility Use Agreement for use of the Boys and Girls Club on evenings and weekends when Club rograms are not being held. The facility, primarily the gym, has been used for drop -in basketball and volleyball londay through Thursday evenings. The City has access to the facility on weekends but it is rarely used. The reduction f the number of days drop -in activities offered could be reduced to 3 days a week and reduce the amount the City ays to the Boys and Girls Club could also be reduced accordingly. The City pays the Boys and Girls Club $40,000 nnually for the use of the gymnasium. he impact is one evening less weekly for free drop in basketball. Residents would be able to use the facility three days week (two nights for drop -in basketball and one night for volleyball). Weekends would be reduced to a specific umber Saturdays annually. Cost Summary: How much will the change cost for the next year (by personnel, operations, and capital)? How does it compare to current costs, if any? Are there any off -setting revenues or cost -savings? What are the specific line items and amounts affected by this request? Please provide a brief explanation, account descriptions, account numbers, and totals for personnel, nations and capital expenditures. Personnel Operations Capital Total Operating Costs Revenue - am <Loss> t Operating Costs Permanent Part-time Salaries: 101-3003-451.10-03 reduction of <$3,690> plus benefits for one less evening per week (per year) License Agreement for facility use expires June 30, 2012: 101-3001-451.33-10 reduction of <$10,000> <$13,690> <$13,690> ,111 1 161 M Fiscal Year: Program: Department: Reeuest Summary: m o,w a two aantw�cas, a+, aummart anewt s be V yuaemna: What b 4ebp .Mt. A;w 1; will It adi.WIN Itb .Mt wa k wg wMn wax a m aesct, am mr Iww ": m aWa wly OfttlmaC MVmr! a,.. What would be the Impact if the request Is approved? Include the direct and Indirect Impact on both the General Fund and the Community City of La Quinta Resource Allocation Plan Program Change Form 2012/2013 Community Services Prestige at PGA West Community Services Priority Tracking Addition IA) or Reduction (R) R Department Priority 6 City Manager Priority City Council: Accepted (A) Rejected IR) City has $5,000 Budgeted for Fiscal Year 2011/2012 for Community Services Special Projects, Prestige at PGA West funding for the Prestige at PGA West would be eliminated. This event has received grant funding and additional support for several years. Collegiate athletics from sixteen schools throughout California and the nation participate tournament at PGA West in October. Cost Summary: How much will the change cost for the next year (by personnel, operations, and capital)? How does it compare to current costs, if any? Are there any off -setting revenues or cost -savings? What are the specific line items and amounts affected by this request? Please provide a brief explanation, account descriptions, account numbers, and totals for personnel, opoperations and capital expenditures. Personnel Operations Capital Total Operating Costs Revenue - Gain <Loss> *Operating Costs Projects )1-451.80-11 Reduction of<$5,000> AftCity of La. Quinta Priority Tracking ® _ Resource Allocation Plan Addition (A) or Reduction (R) R Program Change Form Department Priority 7 City Manager Priority Y Fiscal Year: 2072/2013 - City Council: Program: Miscellaneous Recreation . _ Accepted (A) Rejected (R) Department: Community Services Request Summary: in his cost saving measure involves reducing the special events budget by two events (Halloween Carnival and Breakfast with Santa), decreasing the new events budget by half, pairing back the number of excursions by two, and decreasing -^• TM^ a+ �°es1c 0ondom;~wNt b heY,a pan -time the salaries associated with these events and excursions. Another cost saving measure could be rendered by a^r� ;� wa a Khw.; reducing the part time salaries associated with park and facility rentals. wM1R wa h mn; whm wa x b ti aaoet, oM Ihow "on them oiry oHMntt hp MAa Vkw w revonuea ' Impact of Chance: The community would be minimally impacted by these reductions. The Halloween event will be taken on by another agency and the Breakfast with Santa event, which only served 200+ last year, would be cut to place more emphasis on What would be the impact if the request is the Christmas Tree Lighting Ceremony which is much larger and better attended. Staff will continue to offer six approved? Include the excursions to popular destinations, so the impact to the community is limited here as well. In coordination with these directand indirect Impact on both the reductions, the part-time staff salaries associated with these items would be reduced as well. Due to minimal park and General Fund and the facility rentals lately, the part time staff salaries associated with these items could also be reduced. Community Cost Summary: How much will the change cost for the next year (by personnel, operations, and capital)? How does it compare to current costs, if any? Are there any off -setting revenues or cost -savings? What are the specific line items and amounts affected by this request? Please provide a brief explanation, account descriptions, account numbers, and totals for personnel, ®operations and capital expenditures. Personnel Reduction of part-time staff salaries: _ - 101-3003451.10-03 reduction of <$700> Events and Excursions Reduction of part-time staff salaries: _ 101-3003-451.10-03 reduction of <$2,000> Park and Facility Rentals Reduction of events: 101-3003451.51-33 reduction of <$2,300> Reduction of excursions: 101-300345156-02 reduction of <$2,500> N/A <$7,500> <$650> Breakfast w/Santa Revenue loss <$2,300> Excursion Revenue loss <$4,550> Operations Capital Total Operating Costs Revenue - Gain <Loss> t Operating Costs '." " 163 Operations Capital Total Operating Costs Revenue - Gain <Loss> Operating Costs Fiscal Year: Program: Department: Request Summary: m m. w twe..ntanm, au. 4"gum nwwn.b v Pmcosu: V who b MYq pop we whit wa a .oft wMtwa aeon; wMn waMM to aaM, e; br row lone; on tlwn mr otlrtt6p mt wIns or manes What would be the impact If the request is approved? Include the direct and Indirect Impact on both the General Fund and the Community City of La Quinta Resource Allocation Plan Program Change Form 2012/2013 Community Services Special Projects Community Services Priority Tracking Addition (A) or Reduction (R) R Department Priority 8 City Manager Priority City Council: Accepted (A) Rejected (R) 15%reduction Is recommended for the following Special Projects: :duce donation to the 211 Hotline <$400>; Reduce support for the Soap Box Derby <$300>; Reduce contribution for �meless Bus Passes <$500>; Reduce La Quinta Arts Foundation <$21,800>; Reduce Community Services Grants < e 211 Hotline donation would be reduced to $2.100, the funding for a local Soap Box Derby winner to fly out of state the Derby Finals would be reduced by $300, and the Homeless Bus Pass donation would be reduced to $2500. LQAF my elect to eliminate La Quinta Blues & Brews if the LQAF contract is reduced, rather than erode marketing efforts for LOAF programs. La Quinta Blues & Brews is an emerging event which has been subsidized by LOAF and the City via a Marketing Contract for Services and additional sponsors. Fewer non -profits will be funded than previous years 'ough this program. The City will fund fewer agencies than this year. The organizations coordinating the above =cial projects would have less funds available. Cost Summary: How much will the change cost for the next year Iby personnel, operations, and capital)? How does it compare to current costs, if any? Are there any off -setting revenues or cost -savings? What are the specific line items and amounts affected by this request? Please provide a brief explanation, account descriptions, account numbers, and totals for personnel, erations and capital expenditures. Personnel 101-3001-451.80-23 Reduction of <$400> 211 Hotline 101-3001-451.80-24 Reduction of <$300> Soap Box Derby 101-3001-451.80-75 Reduction of <$500> Homeless Bus Pass 101-3001-451.80-03 Reduction of <$21,800> La Quinta Arts Foundation 101-3001-451.80-01 Reduction of <$3,800> Community Services Grants <$26,800> <$26,800> " ^ 164 Fiscal Year: Program: Department: Request Summary: t. .. a. imm s om., t summery am na five bask questions: Mat b balm m.sa...d; wlat wa It adtleve; what wa it sort; wb.n wa It be In effect. end fw low rang; an them airy Orintth it mat sevlaq. or mvanum Impact of Change: What would be the impact if the request is approved? Include the direct and indirect Impact on both the General Fund and the Community City of La Quinta Resource Allocation Plan Program Change Form 2012/2013 Recreation Activities Guides Community Services Priority Tracking Addition (A) or Reduction (R) R Department Priority 9 City Manager Priority City Council: Accepted (A) Rejected (R) iris cost savings includes reducing the printed volumes by 14,000 guides and will be delivered to City facilities icluding the Library, Museum, Fire Stations, Police Departments, Senior Center, and City Hall. Residents will be mailed less costly postcard as notification that guides will be available at their nearest City facility. is a change in delivery method and may impact program participationand revenues. The total amount is not vn as residents are informed about. programs in a number of ways such as press releases, flyers, signage, and web Cost Summary: How much will the change cost for the next year (by personnel, operations, and capital)? How does it compare to current costs, if .any? Are there any off -setting revenues or cost -savings? What are the specific line items and amounts affected by this request? Please provide a brief explanation, account descriptions, account numbers, and totals for personnel, rations and capital expenditures. Personnel Operations Capital Total Operating Costs Revenue - <Loss> Net Operating Costs WA Reduction of Activities Guides: 101-3001-451.53-01 reduction of<$16,800> . WA <$16,800> Uncertain <$16,800> - n �6Jr Fiscal Year: Program: Department: Request Summary: ti ro.n,nmm. w ...w. r««a«y' who b nv. eg a�naonr. WM eab "-19 wh«waWillWill,.:R «s wen waae ,raeb b Nhi� rn01« tw row le,p; q tl,en rry eewaep ee« o�riip p IMMwr, Impact of Chance: What would be the Impact if the request b approved? Include the direct and indirect impact on both the general Fund and the Community City of La Qulnta Priority Tracking Resource Allocation Plan Addition (A) or Reduction (R) Program Change Form Department Priority 2012/2013 City Manager Priority - _ City Council: Citywide Landscape Maintenance Accepted (A) Rejected (R) Community Services The following reductions include reducing annual tree maintenance, reducing labor, eliminating the Desert Arc Program, and elimination of overseeding at neighborhood and mini parks. A 8: reduc ion in annual tree maintenance will result in a decrease to the level of service without impacting safety. The appearance of the mature trees may look less manicured, but pruning for safety (including palms) and removing broken branches and damaged trees will still continue under the contract. The reduction in the landscape labor will have some impact to the level of service. The removal of the Desert Arc Program will also have some impact on the level of service for the parks, as. the daily trash cleanup and removal will be performed through the Maintenance Contract The elimination of over -seeding at neighborhood and mini parks will have an impact on the level of service. This will result in dormant grass 6 months of the year. Over -seeding will continue at Fritz Bums and the Civic Center Campus as well as the rentable picnic areas at La Quinta Park Cost Summary: How much will the change cost for the next year (by personnel, operations, and capital)? How does it compare to current costs, if any? Are there any off -setting revenues or cost -savings? What are the specific line items and amounts affected by this request? Please provide a brief explanation, account descriptions, account numbers, and totals for personnel, operations and capital expenditures. _ Personnel Operations Capital Total Operating Costs Revenue - Gain <Loss> 0 Operating Costs wide Landscape Maintenance Contract: -3005-451.34-04 reductions of. 0,000> Annual Tree Maintenance 0,000> Landscape Labor (1/2 person reduction) 0,000> Desert Arc Program 3,600> Elimination of Over -seeding at Neighborhood and mini parks " 166 Fiscal Year: Program: Department: Request Summary to one a twe ao,b„ge, eYe s enwaf e,awa ant tonic questions: Who b Wire emeeend; wW wa It acmm; wet we it cost: when we air In erbct, and to, Ww Iona: an e,ae alp orbeNly apt sevYq M OP'S n,N What would be the Impact H the request Is approved? Include the direct and indirect Impact on both the General Fund and the Community City of La Quinta Resource Allocation Plan Program Change Form 2012-2013 Elimination of the Office Assistant -Community Services Community Services Priority Tacking Addition IA) or Reduction (R) R Department Priority 11 City Manager Priority /L City Council: Accepted (A) Rejected IRI Office Assistant provides customer support for the front counter and the telephone calls for the department. La inta Resident cards for SilverRock Resort are the primary walk-in service at the counter. The Office Assistant validates i prepares the card and then the resident goes to Finance to pay. Registrations for most other programs can be paid -line or be taken at the Senior Center where most classes are held. Resident cards would go to SilverRock Resort to issued reducing the walk-in patrons to the counter. Senior Secretary and Recreation staff would answer calls and handle the counter requests. The equipment used to e the Resident Cards would be provided to the golf course. There may be some times when another Office stant in the city or part-time staff person would be needed to cover the front counter. There will be a slight fiction in the customer services provided at the front counter due to fewer available staff. Cost Summary: How much will the change cost for the next year (by personnel, operations, and capital)? How does it compare to current costs, if any? Are there any off -setting revenues or cost -savings? What are the specific line items and amounts affected by this request? Please provide a brief explanation, account descriptions, account numbers, and totals for personnel, erations and capital expenditures. Personnel Operations Capital Total Operating Costs Revenue - in <Loss> ME Operating Costs 101.3001AS1.10-01 Permanent Full Time $43,512 1013001.451.20-00 Benefits $ 2Si2$l to?EcMIN6- 5LOPLIE5 $' 2IVt:O Revenues for the Resident Cards are anticipated to produce $90,000 annually. It is anticipated that revenues will remain the same. NA <$73,793> Reduction in Personnel Expenses <$73,793> for Reduction Personnel Expenses —, •..a 1,67 Fiscal Year: Program: Department: Request Summary: to one e, twe sentr,we, tlW ernmsry w.r, an bsek wutlaro: Whit Is bebp poess"d; What wa it schhom; what wa a Cost: wben will It at It erteat, snd b har lm; sn thre eny ertrtbq wet a ing orre.r,we What would be the Impact If the request is approved? Include the direct and indirect Impact on both the General Fund and the Community City of La Quinta Resource Allocation Plan Program Change Form 2012-2013 Elimination of the Office Assistant -Senior Center Community Services Priority Tracking Addition (AI or Reduction IR) R Department Priority 12 City Manager Priority rL City Council: Accepted (A) Rejected IR) e are currently three full-time positions at the Senior Center. The Office Assistant is a full time position. This ion could be achieved with two part-time hourly positions working.15 hours each a week This position handles >mer issues, registrations and answers the telephone. Light administrative duties could also be handled by a part - person. imp[act could be in the inconsistency of information provided by the part-time employees working at the front :Other full time staff at the facility include the Recreation Supervisor and the Recreation Coordinator that handle wily operations and develop and implement the programs and activities. Cost Summary: How much will the change cost for the next year (by personnel, operations, and capital)? How does it compare to current costs, if any? Are there any off -setting revenues or cost -savings? What are the specific line items and amounts affected by this request? Please provide a brief explanation, account descriptions, account numbers, and totals for personnel, operations and capital expenditures. is Personnel 101.3002A51.10-01 Permanent Full Time <$43,512> 101.3002.451.20-00 Benefits <$28,281> 101.3002A51-10-03 Two Additional Part-time salaries $15,000 (30 hrs x $10 x 50 weeks) plus $1148 Fringe Benefits NA <$71,793> Reduction in Personnel Expenses Add $16,148 in part-time salaries <$55,645> for Reduction in Full Time Salaries and Benefits from the Senior Center Operations Capital Total Operating Costs Revenue - Gain <Loss> isOperating Costs g 1.68 Fiscal Year: Program: Department: Request Summary: hn om er rwo aananres. Ws .ummry am. ate bask @aseam: What Is being mcessae: what ww It add..; what as It cost when wY It b In enact, am! rur how long; ars dma arty oAasuhq can "OV or me mn Impact of Change: What would be the Impact If the request is. approved? Include the direct and Indirect Impact on both the General Fund and the Community City of La Quinta Resource Allocation Plan Program Change Form 2012/2013 Contracts/Services for Promotions Community Services supports design and promotional efforts for the department. Priority Tracking Addition (A) or Reduction (R) R Department Priority 13 City Manager Priority City Council: Accepted (A) Rejected (R) would not be able to replace City promotional banners in the Village. Banners in the Village are replaced every rears. Some of the banners have been damaged or lost due to weather conditions. Cost Summary: How much will the change cost for the next year (by personnel, operations, and capital)? How does it compare to current costs, if any? Are there any off -setting revenues or cost -savings? What are the specific line items and amounts affected by this request? Please provide a brief explanation, account descriptions, account numbers, and totals for personnel, operations and capital expenditures. Personnel Operations Capital Total Operating Costs Revenue - Gain <Loss> perating Costs itract Services Promotions -3001-451.33-04 Reduction of <$5,860> " 169 Fiscal Year: Program: Department: Request Summary: In une ar twn sentences, this ..m ..wee ase bask questions: Whet is behg P.caaawl: what wa it acMava; what wa It cost; when wit it be In affM, wal for how bni; are n a than offsenicg can savkP: or ravwm Impact of Chance: What would be the Impact if the request is approved? Include the direct and Indirect Impact on both the General Fund and the Community City of La Quinta Resource Allocation Plan Program Change Form 2012-13 MCA Preschool Community Services Priority Tracking Addition (A) or Reduction (R) E Department Priority City Manager Priority E City Council: Accepted (A) Rejected (R) YMCA Preschool is owned by the city and operated as a full day preschool by the YMCA. The YMCA received a G from the Countyto replace the range and hood vent. The funding covered the appliances but not the install ie vent hood that is now a Type 1 Requirement. This program feeds 134 children daily. project would be a one time cost of $24,182 to install. Cost Summary: How much will the change cost for the next year (by personnel, operations, and capital)? How does it compare to current costs, if any? Are there any off -setting revenues or cost -savings? What are the specific line items and amounts affected by this request? Please provide a brief explanation, account descriptions, account numbers, and totals for personnel, operations and capital expenditures. trinel F— Operations Capital Total Operating Costs Revenue - Gain <Loss> Operating Costs 182 for installation of a vent hood 182 Print Fwm, "" 170 Racal Year: Program: Department: Request Summary: in ... m tw...at.m>v. rain summery an.. On bank m esdion.: Wier Is being pmennad: ahM Wa a .thieve: W"t wa a ea.: when are h bt 1n effect, and Im how "; a. dime guy oneetano ee. "Virg. on rewnwe Impact of Change: What would be the Impact if the request is approved? Include the direct and Indirect Impact on both the General Fund and the Community City of La auinta Resource Allocation Plan Program Change form 2012/2013 Roy's Homeless Shelter Community Services Priority Tracking Addhion (A) or Reduction (R) A Department Priority 2 City Manager Priority City Council: Accepted (A) Rejected IR► _hella Valley Association of Governments is requesting each of the nine Coachella Valley cities contribute $103,000 operation of Roys Homeless Shelter. Operating funds for this project have been paid by the County of Riverside several of the Coachella Valley cities. Ity has not contributed to the project in the past because it was determined that financial support should be to shelters on the east end of the Valley. The City set aside funding for Martha's Village and Kitchen and Coachella Rescue Mission (CVRM). Each agency was appropriated $50,000 for capital funding for the expansion of shelter es. CVRM recently completed their new building. The City has not paid Martha's Village and Kitchen because the r expansion plan has not been Initiated. funding may cause Roy's Homeless Shelter to close or to reduce the operating hours significantly. Cost Summary: How much will the change cost for the next year (by personnel, operations, and capital)? How does it compare to current costs, if any? Are there any off -setting revenues or cost -savings? What are the specific line items and amounts affected by this request? Please provide a brief explanation, account descriptions, account numbers, and totals for personnel, ® Operations and capital expenditures. Personnel I Operations Capital Total Operating Nonecun Costs Revenue - Gain <Loss> t Operating Costs $103,000 to Coachella Valley Association of Governments "„ 171 ' .a '�➢*."'snr `�" a �A.a� ��.'�[:f3wF.�§as.�''� .aa it'd +... } Staff Report Subject: Worst Case Scenario for Operations of Roy's for Fiscal Year 12-13 Contact: Aurora Wilson, Director, Community Resources (awilson(ftvaq.org) Background: Attached is a Worst Case Scenario for the operations of Roy's Desert Resource Center for fiscal year 2012-13. The scenario is based on preliminary figures from County DPSS for their contribution to the operations at Roy's. Last year, the County contributed $1.2 million (or 2/3 of the $1.8 million budget for operations). This year, due to budget constraints, the County is projecting a contribution of $600,000; again, ® this is only a projection. This amount is half of their contribution for this fiscal year. The Worst Case Scenario also reflects contributions received from the member jurisdictions this year with a change in the contribution for Desert Hot Springs. Taking into consideration the member contributions and the County s projected contribution, the total number of beds would need to be further reduced from 100 beds to approximately 71 total beds. 11 A conference call was held last week with County DPSS staff, Desert SOS officials and CVAG staff to look at other ways to reduce costs at Roy's. Areas in the budget were discussed including transportation, hours of operations, utilities, food, employee hourly rates, and workers compensation. Also, future grant funding was discussed. CVAG has not received any further grant awards. Once a new management analyst comes on board, grant applications will be reviewed and processed; but we cannot guarantee an award. Currently, the only outstanding grant application is with The California Wellness Foundation for continued funding of the nurse program at Roy's. At the February meeting, those cities that have not contributed any or only part of the full amount of $103,000 were encouraged to place the contribution in their city's budget for next fiscal year for discussion purposes. Thus far, the City of Desert Hot Springs is the only city to take this action. Fiscal Analysis: There is no additional cost for the consultant to complete this work as it was included in the original proposal. The members of the TUMF Nexus Advisory Committee are all volunteers. a ...' 172 O o0000vo00Oo p O O p 0 0 0 0 0 10 0 0 pt N o n N o O V u�t�nvoto O N O W p y 0000o'C mm t7m mnto OOpp 0 th t+lN O W 0 tM rcpr0� N� mr wj0 10 ��CD GDr py rN O O OrtV0000 V r o N rrr 000&1 N O CIN W O NmW O p p AN to m�N V V d r i W fM N - 00000�00000 0 osonvo o N o �► intnnIt o N Cod r r N O O O o p 0 t A o o r Oct r 0 C w N a 0 O N o� 'p A u�v�i n ntieinioivi O O O N N M 0 ciLOCO O) ai romrn�or0 N O N V r M N N O N. N m n N r r C a r r r r A r LOt W N tn00000 00 _--- I 00ornPnA 000 -- 10, - 1A o OD rn-- - Nr '70N O - W -. N 0 0 O O O a D N O CDa D r O 0) W N rr O CNN t7 Pi o00 th t7 n 40 ^ Nn t+10 N 06 7 -t co q! N r r r r r N i y 0 d to w u u o a w CL m w m lu IU w is S o io + r C W O F • p f7 0 IC N w 2 L Iv w LO m u m c o d w ea 'o ii n E t5 `o a 8D O E 0 U. oo cn,wUN w a p w m -0 �O N �m N � !Z 'O w p m C IL c IU d w d ~0 M LL w ! w m E aW w ro CrN4 m c = g C pWo GaW N J « XO to O«Oac - K7 NOwN (a ID 0c a WOWN � o oo�O lW�C aa� v L V a a gw N } C w 0 Y 0 w 0 F 0 .. �.- O � 0 w- .O �... O w O U ° w fp N m {p � N U 4) 0 -gQ �'AWL m - H O O._._._._ 9 a a U 'V L a s pU U U U U UIU __ U U U a U m to o+� LL li m O M lL K 173 Fiscal Year: Program: Department: Request Summary: to one a tarn sentences. thb summary arwww eve bask questions: what b Wing emcessed; whet we It achieve: What are it eon; when will It be to affect, eel for how long; am even, any offsenhv cop uvbp. or manure Impact of Change: What would be the Impact if the request is approved? Include the direct and indirect Impact on both the General Fund and the Community City of La Quinta Resource Allocation Plan Program Change Form FY 2012-2013 Fiscal Services Finance Priority Tracking Addition (A) or Reduction (R) R Department Priority City Manager Priority City Council: Accepted (A) Rejected IR) iinate one of the two Senior Account Clerk positions Note: the City originally had one Senior Account Clerk position expanded it to two people based upon the increased activity and growth of the City Eliminating this position will result in longer processing times for business, transient occupancy and animal licenses. 41so,delays in service times at the counter and over the phone will occur. Cost Summary: How much will the change cost for the next year (by personnel, operations, and capital)? How does it compare to current costs, if any? Are there any off -setting revenues or cost -savings? What are the specific line items and amounts affected by this request? Please provide a brief explanation, account descriptions, account numbers, and totals for personnel, ®operations and capital expenditures. Personnel $52,156 in salary 101-4001-415.10-01 -top step & $30,414 in fringes benefit reductions 101-4001.415.20-01,02,03 101-4001.415.21-.07,08 101-4001.415.25-.01 101-4001.415.27-03,05 Total savings - $82,570 0 otal savings $82,570 Operations Capital Total Operating Costs Revenue - Gain <Loss> 0 Operating Costs i" n 174 Program: Department: Request Summary: to .rw ar rwa s.n tir ., of . m soswer a.s bask questions: What Is bWp processed; what wa it .d"..; what wa it eon; whwr wa it W ti en.n, sod for law low; ar. a. a" o/hetft eon "0, or mr What would be the impact If the request is approved? Include the direct and indirect Impact on both the General Fund and the Community City of La auinta Resource Allocation Plan Program Change Form FY2012-2013 Fiscal Services Finance Manager position. Priority Tracking Addition (A) or Reduction (R) R Department Priority _ 2 City Manager Priority N City Council: Accepted (A) Rejected (R) ninating this position will result in more technical and supervisorywork for the Director. Additional audit time may required by the auditors and additional contract service time will be required to complete many of the reports that Accounting Manager does - e.g. State Controllers Report and Street Reports. Weaknesses in internal controls may :ur with the elimination of this position. Cost Summary: How much will the change cost for the next year (by personnel, operations, and capital)? How does it compare to current costs, if any? Are there any off -setting revenues or cost -savings? What are the specific line items and amounts affected by this request? Please provide a brief explanation, account descriptions, account numbers, and totals for personnel, operations and capital expenditures. 0sonnel Operations Capital Total Operating Costs Revenue - Gain <Loss> Operating Costs $109,968 in salary & $45,559 in fringe benefit reductions 101-4001.415.20-01,02,03 101-4001.415.21-.07,08 101-4001A15.25-.01 - - 101-4001.415.27-03,05 Increase Contract Service budget for State Controllers Report and Street Report and other reports - $15,000 Total savings - $140,527 0 Total savings $140,527 rin s "A 175 Fiscal Year: Program: Department: Request Summary: in are eswe semen., thb awerwy eeswer iba Wale questions: west Is beer, rn—esmd. wWt will It adieve; what will It top; when wa it M In eeep, anE for how long; are Ihae arrr offsetting plat saving OI revenues What would be the Impact if the request is approved? Include the direct and indirect impact on both the General Fund and the Community City of La Quinta Priority Tracking Resource Allocation Plan Addition (A) or Reduction (R) Program Change Form Department Priority 2012/2013 City Manager Priority City Council: Volunteer Appreciation Dinner Accepted (A) Rejected (R) Fire Eliminate Volunteer Appreciation Dinner. Estimate$2,500.00Reduction. Note: Fire Services not General Fund supported. Therefore, no General Fund savings. impact. Fire Department has had difficulty in getting volunteers to attend in past years. Cost Summary: How much will the change cost for the next year (by personnel, operations, and capital)? How does it compare to current costs, if any? Are there any off -setting revenues or cost -savings? What are the specific line items and amounts affected by this request? Please provide a brief explanation, account descriptions, account numbers, and totals for personnel, erations and capital expenditures. Personnel Operations Capital Total Operating Costs Revenue - <Loss> Operating Costs Reduction D0.00> Reduction in costs for fire fund. However, because this. is a special fund separate from the General Fund, are no cost savings to General Fund. 176 Fiscal Year: Program: Department: Request Summary In One a two .wnrn.ry an.ww nwo W . qw nkna: whrrt b b." pn c .whet we it wchWm whet we x.wt wtwn we It be In eeM, w fm how lap: we aww enY olf wrong mtt wtro a re.wrua What would be the Impact if the request is approved? Include the direct and indirect impact on both the General Fund and the Community City of La Quinta Resource Allocation Plan Program Change Form 2012/2013 Reduction of Relief Staffing Fire Priority Tracking Addition (A) or Reduction (R) R Department Priority City Manager Priority City Council: Accepted (A) Rejected (R) have 24 allocated position on fire apparatus providing 3-person coverage 24/7. Would reduce allocated l0 22 "ile still maintaining coverage. Estimate $ 225,000 Reduction. Fire Services not General Fund supported. Therefore, no General Fund savings. Ilts in fewer persons to cover shifts. Increase in having to force employees to work extra days. Decrease in morale productivity. Some increase in overtime would result. This only offered as a short term solution. Cost Summary: How much will the change cost for the next year (by personnel, operations, and capital)? How does it compare to current costs, if any? Are there any off -setting revenues or cost -savings? What are the specific line items and amounts affected by this request? Please provide a brief explanation, account descriptions, account numbers, and totals for personnel, aerations and capital expenditures. Personnel Operations Capital Total Operating Costs Revenue - <Loss> et Operating Costs Estimate $225,000 reduction None None $225,000 <$225,000> Reduction in costs for fire fund. However, because this is a special fund separate from the General Fund, there are no cost savings to General Fund. "' 177 Program: Department: Request Summary: in one e. twe ae"hnsu, tw sunsnsry answer are bolo questions: what h being Pmeeaeea; wtwt we It echim; what wa q vast; when era It be In ether. ena fw haw lone: am Mwe any Weaning con ss"b¢ of mrenutr What would be the Impact N the request la approved? Include the direct and indirect Impact on both the General Fund and the Communhy City of La Quinta Resource Allocation Plan Program Change Form 2012/2013 Eliminate Emergency Services Coordinator Position Building & Safety Department (Fire) Emergency Services Coordinator (ESC) position. Addition (A) or Reduction (R) R Department Priority 3 City Manager Priority Zl City Council: Accepted (A) Rejected (R) union in City specific CERT training classes. Increase workload on other City staff and City assigned Battalion Chief. having In-house ESC could Increase workload and issues during and post disaster. basic critical tasks such as updating Emergency Plans, as well as City staff training would be done by County DES n conjunction with other City staff and assigned Fire Battalion Chief. Cost Summary: How much will the change cost for the next year Iby personnel, operations, and capital)? How does it compare to current costs, if any? Are there any off -setting revenues oncost -savings? What are the specific line items and amounts affected by this request? Please. provide a brief explanation, account descriptions, account numbers, and totals for personnel, operations and capital expenditures. Qrsonnel Operations Capital Total Operating Costs Revenue - Gain <Loss> operating Costs This program change reduces personnel costs by $116,296. Z 101-5056-425.10-01 Decrease salary expense by $78,832 101-5056-42520-" Decrease employee benefits expense by $37,464 This program change reduces operations costs by $17,000. 101-5056-42533-43 Decrease instructors expense by $2,000 from $18,300 to $16,300 101-5056-425.51-01 Decrease travel/training expense by $5,500 from $9,200 to $3,700 101-5056-42553-01 Decrease printing expense by $500 from $1,000 to $500 101-5056-42553-03 Decrease membership dues expense by $500 from $500 to $0 101-5056-02556-31 Decrease disaster prep supplies expense by $8,500 from $17,300 to $8,800 No change in capital costs is anticipated. <$133,296> <$133,296> reduction in costs to fire fund. However, because this is a special fund separate from the General Fund, there are no cost savings to the General Fund. M 178 Fiscal Year: Program: Department: Request Summary: h, a,watw»awib 'thb suamary aMww %a basic Qw,dom: What Is twhq Vm.md: whot wa It achlora: what wa It rost; when we It at h asset. and for row long; an awra wry otbatti g coat "Vim or rarar,M What would be the impact R the request is approved? Include the direct and Indirect Impact on both the General Fund and the Community City of La Quinta Resource Allocation Plan Addition (A) or Reduction (R) R Program Change Form Department Priority 4 2012/2013 City Manager Priority City Council: Plan Reviews and Business Fire Inspections Accepted (A) Rejected (R) Building & Safety Department (Fire) Elimination of City assigned Fire Safety Specialist (FSS). This person currently provides fire plan review services for both new construction and improvements, planning and development review for projects, and ongoing safety inspection of businesses Estimate $122,132 reduction. Fire Services not General Fund supported. Therefore, no General Fund savings. ling Plans review will be assigned to a County Plan Check person- may result in service delays. Development m and requests for comments will be done by other County staff on an as-available/fee for service basis. !nation of Business Inspection Program. is an overall reduction in customer service provided to Builders and developers. Cost Summary: How much will the change cost for the next year (by personnel, operations, and capital)? How does it compare to current costs, if any? Are there any off -setting revenues or cost -savings? What are the specific line items and amounts affected by this request? Please provide a brief explanation, account descriptions, account numbers, and totals for personnel. ®operations and capital expenditures. Personnel Estimate $117,132 reduction. Estimate $5,000 reduction. None. <$122,132> - <$122,132> Reduction in costs to fire fund. However, because this is a special fund separate from the General Fund, there are no cost savings to the General Fund. Operations Capital Total Operating Costs Revenue - Gain <Loss> ®Operating Costs 17 4 Y Fiscal Year: Program: Department: Request Summary: in a e a ewe seorencaa, roia. summary answm flan bsk (Fwseons: What b Mine pm.evea l; what we it achieve; what we it cast; when will it d in of act, and for how hip; are thin any offseehte cost saving or mvemme Impact of Chance: What would be the impact If the request is approved? Include the direct and Indirect Impact on both the General Fund and the Community City of La Quinta Resource Allocation Plan Program Change Form 2012/2013 Elimination of Engine Company Fire Priority Tracking Addition (A) or Reduction (R) Department Priority [, City Manager Priority City Council: Accepted (A) Rejected (R) ently have a fire engine located in each of the 3 City Fire Stations. As there are no combination of Fire Budget cuts will provide the requested 15%reduction, our only option to fully meet this would be to cut an engine company. nate that this would save $1,356,755. Fire Services not General Fund supported. Therefore, no General Fund savings. tic reduction service. Extended response times for all emergencies. The reduction of one engine company and Iting shut -down of a fire station impacts the area immediately adjacent to the Station as well as the regional ection area. Response times would increase from an average of 4-5 minutes to over 8 minutes. ISO rating for the would decrease, and insurance rates would increase. Cost Summary: How much will the change cost for the next year (by personnel, operations, and capital)? How does it compare to current costs, if any? Are there any off -setting revenues or cost -savings? What are the specific line items and amounts affected by this request? Please provide a brief explanation, account descriptions, account numbers, and totals for personnel, OFrations and capital expenditures. Personnel Operations Capital Total Operating Costs Revenue - < Loss > et Operating Costs $1,133,800- Eliminates 1/3 of assigned La Quinta Firefighters. $222,955 None $1,356,755 Reduction <$1,356,755> Reduction in costs for fire fund. However, because this is a special fund separate from the General Fund, there are no cost savings to General Fund. n 180 PROUDLY SERVING THE UNINCORPORATED AREAS OF RIVERSIDE COUNTY AND THE CITIES OF: BANNING BEAUMONT REFMDIE CGUNrt FIRE DEPARTWIENr IN COOPERATION WITH THE CAUFORNIA DEPARTMENT. OF FORESTRY AND FIRE PROTECTION John R. Hawkins - Fire Chief 210 West San Jacinto Avenue - Perris, CA 92570 (951) 940-6900-www.rvcfire.org To: Greg Butler Date: March 13, 2012 Building and Safety Director City of La Quinta From: Dorian J. Cooley CALIMESA DeputyChief Cal FIRE / Riverside County Fire CANYON LAKE COACHELLA Re: Fire Service Contract Reductions DESERT HOT SPRINGS EASTVALE The Fire Department is in receipt of instructions to provide the city with 15% reduction INDIAN WELLS scenario in our contract cost for fiscal year 2012/2013. Those Y requirements are based on INDIO revenue losses as a result of both economic difficulties on the State and local level, JURUPA VALLEY as well as possible impacts coming on the heels of the closure of Redevelopment Agencies.. LAKE ELSINORE While we recognize the City's plight and strive to be a team player as we explore LA QUINT" options, we have great difficulty in providing a response that will equal this requested MEIS 15% cutback. The economies of scale in contracting with Riverside County Fire MORENO VALLEY Department benefit all the participants. This is achieved with shared resources and NORco allocated expenses. Therefore, there are few expenses or line items that are removable from our budget. In summary, o Y g ary, our options either are less than 15 /o in plausible PALM DESERT reductions, or greatly exceed that amount in the event a complete shut -down of a fire PERRIS station were deemed an option to the City. This letter is provided as an explanation of RANCHO MIRAGE that System, and the limits in those options when responding to the city. RUBIDOUX CSD SAN JACINTO Contract Summary: rEMECULA JJtLDOMAR Fire Protection for the City is provided under contract with Riverside County Fire Department. Most Fire Department staff are in turn provided via contract with the California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection (CALFIRE). This outsourcing has 30ARD OF proven to be very efficient and cost effective in numerous reviews. In addition to State SUPERVISORS:_ fire protection responsibilities, CALFIRE providesfire protection to counties, cities and 30B BUSTER special districts across the entire State. DISTRICT I IOHN TAVAGLIONE Under the current contract arrangement with CALFIRE, the Riverside County Fire DISTRICT 2 Department provides fire protection for all the unincorporated areas of the County, along IEFF STONE DISTRICT 3 with the 21 p •J yv.wpartner cities ancommunity d 1 communiservices district. + Thus cooperative agreement includes fire protection, emergency medical services (EMS) - including advanced life ioH STRICT 4 support paramedics, technical rescue, and hazardous -materials services. This fire protection model provides an integrated, cooperative, regional fire protection system. 4ARIONASHLEY DISTRICT 5 p . 181 ® While all "fire suppression" personnel are State employees, administrative, dispatch, warehouse, shop mechanics and other personnel are a mix of State and County staff. Overall leadership is provided by the County Fire Chief - John Hawkins - who also fills the role for the State as CALFIRE'S Riverside Unit Chief. Management authority is delegated to the Deputy, Division and Battalion Chiefs who serve as direct liaisons to the individual contracting cities. Each City contracts individually for the number of fire stations they will be staffing, as well as any additional fire prevention, chief officer or other support personnel they may need. In the Cove Communities and Indio we also provide Paramedic staffing for ambulances. In some areas where shared stations or equipment make operational sense, jurisdictions will come together jointly to pay for these resources. An example of this is the Ladder Truck which the City cost shares with the cities of Coachella, Indio and the County. Contract Finances Overview Both CALFIRE and the Riverside County Fire Department are required by government code to recover the full costs of providing services. Therefore, it is important for persons to understand that this is not a contract for goods and services with a set or bid fee. Rather, an estimate is provided annually, and then the actual cost to provide that service is billed to the jurisdiction. In doing so, we utilize the standards established by the United States Office of Management and Budget (OMB), which are found in Circular A-87, "Cost Principles for State, Local, and Indian Tribal Governments". ® For personnel, the actual cost for an assigned employee's salary and benefits are charged to the appropriate contracting jurisdiction. Overtime is charged to the jurisdiction creating the need or having the vacancy due to vacation, sick leave, etc. Support posts and general supplies are apportioned to the jurisdictions according to pre -agreed formulas. Lastly, some items used directly within a jurisdiction are direct billed back to the jurisdiction separately from the Cost Allocation plan. These type items are identified by the account codes provided at the bottom of the "Exhibit A". This document is provided to each jurisdiction annually, outlining their estimated costs for the year. The last contracted item is for the "Engine Use Program". This provides the capital costs for replacement fire engines in our system. We maintain quality fire engines in all areas, rotating them to extend service life, and replacing them as needed. This annual cost pool keeps participating cities from having to periodically come up with huge lump sums to replace their apparatus. In summary, it is important to remember that all costs of a contract must be borne by the contracting jurisdiction. Cost History As the economy started to falter, Riverside County. Fire responded with immediate spending ® restrictions in mid -year 2007/2008. In subsequent years, we have explored every opportunity to trim both personnel and operating budgets. Nearly all cuts were in areas providing support to p 182. ® our operations... or generically referred to as "overhead". Over 50 allocated employee positions were eliminated. Additionally, all employees encountered furloughs or pay reductions and negotiated reductions to retirement benefits. All State employees are currently paying 100% of the employee contribution to PERS. As a result, our contract cities fire budgets have been nearly flat over the past couple years and in some cases actually reduced their spending in spite of the fact that many benefit costs such as PERS and Healthcare have shot upwards. In an era of "doing' more with less" we are proud that we can stand before our various political bodies and honestly relay that we are running a "lean and mean" operation. Lastly, while many of our local jurisdictions had not come to us in previous years requesting budget cuts, each has fully benefited each year from these reductions and our cost containment activities. Despite these many cutbacks, the taxpayers receive the same high level of service. Fire Fund Revenues To date, the La Quinta Fire Department has been funded by a mix of "Structure Fire" taxes and redevelopment pass -through. This revenue stream has historically exceeded expenditures, allowing the City to also pay for replacement fire stations, and a new Emergency Operations Center in addition to ongoing operations. This is still the case in spite of property value reductions. However, as of this date, we have not received any word on what impacts the dissolution of Redevelopment Agencies will have on those previously dedicated funds. It must also be noted that the listed "Structure Fire tax" is not a special tax or assessment, but just a designated allocation of the 1 % Prop 13 property tax. Importantly, if the current revenue system ® (pass-thmughs) remains unchanged, any decreases in the Fire Budget would result in an additional surplus to the current Fire Trust account and would not result in a General Fund reduction. Contract Cost Reductions As relayed, our contract services are factored both on direct personnel cost, and support (or "overhead") which is based on set formulas in which all partners share. For example, one could not elect to withhold payment for their Battalion Chief allocation, or opt -out of Dispatch or IT services contributions. These are all essential components of the system you participate in. From that standpoint our services are generally viewed as a package. Riverside County Fire Department continues to do everything we can to keep the cost of that "package" as low as possible. Outside of that basic "package", there are usually line items within each jurisdiction's budget that provides for other enhancements, such as fire prevention services, or essential functions such as utilities and building repairs that each city separately funds. We have looked at these various items, and have provided the City a list of possible reductions. which could be taken without sacrificing the primary FIRE, RESCUE and EMS services we ® provide. n 183 ® In doing so, we provide you with 5 possible cuts which together total over $500,000. These reductions will result in a visible reduction in customer service but maintain our fire protection staffing. As noted previously, this total does not result in the requested 15% reduction. Separately, we have provided a budget reduction sheet which meets (exceeds) the 15% cut as requested. Unfortunately this cut if accepted would reduce a fire station and eliminate its engine company. This is the only cut we could offer which would meet the 15% requested threshold. We of course do NOT recommend approval of this option by the City. Please let me know if you have any questions regarding this submittal. John R. Hawkins County Fire Chief By: Dorian J. Cooley Deputy Chief El L'J ...It 184 City of La Quinta Resource Allocation Plan Program Change Form Fiscal Year: 2012-2013 Program: Miscellaneous Maintenance & Operational Account Adjustments Department: City Manager's Office - Management Services Request Summary: to one aawe sen(Mpr, ab Summary... nW Wok euntb,w: Whit is Imi g proeaaaaa; what wa It Selig.*; whit wa It Can; when Sea N be In geed, ana lot how, lone: am tla* any oaaNWe Soar aa.hq: or Manama Impact of Chan": What would be the impact if the request is approved? Include the direct and Indirect Impact on both the General Fund and the Community id Checks 20 @ $125 ea = $2,500 - Reduce line item to $1,000 Service/Misc Training - Reduce line item to $5,000 Recognition Banquet - Reduce line item to $7,000 Index annual fee - Reduce line item to $0 Priority Tracking Addition (A) or Reduction (R) R Department Priority 1 City Manager Priority City Council: Accepted (A) Rejected (R) to General Fund would be a savings of $16,250 for fiscal year beginning 2012/2013; impact to line items: wnd checks reduced "from 20 to 8 (60%reduction) ier Service/Misc Training - reduced from $7,750 to $5,000. (35% reduction) ee Recognition Banquet- reduced from $14,000 to $7,000 (50% reduction); structure of banquet will have to (probably employees only) and something much more low-key than we've done in the past ive Index annual fee - eliminating this item from the budget will leave us without a valuable assessment tool ted with recruitment of new employees; we are currently paid up through September, 2012 Cost Summary: How much will the change cost for the next year Iby personnel, operations, and capital)? How does it compare to current costs, if any? Are there any off -setting revenues or cost -savings? What are the specific line items and amounts affected bythisrequest? Please provide a brief explanation, account descriptions, account numbers, and totals for personnel, aerations and capital expenditures. Personnel Operations Capital Total Operating Costs Revenue- m m<Loss> et Operating Costs No personnel impacts from the proposed adjustments " 101-1004-41.32-07 Background Checks 8 @ $125 = $1,000 101-1004-413.53-05 Customer Service/Misc Training $5,000 101-1004-413.51-19 Employee Recognition Banquet $7,000 - 101-1004-413.56-02 Predictive Index annual fee $0 TOTAL (save $1,500) REDaC6 (save $2,750) R-6DUCC (save $7,000) j' EpuC6 (save $5,000) jeEMACE $16,250 $16,250 ($16,250) Program: Department: Request Summary: in one or two ssnhnns, oft ..nary swww fly, bsdc puwtiow: W Wt is lwbp pn, w ; whit we It sdgM ; what win It cost when we It be in efh wul for how tong; an then any offsetting mat wvhq: or nvwy,s Impact of Change: What would be the impact if the request is approved? Include the direct and indirect impact on both the General Fund and the Community City of La Quinta Resource Allocation Plan Program Change Form 2012-2013 Miscellaneous Maintenance & Operational Account Adjustments City Manager's Office - Development Services Priority Tracking Addition (A) or Reduction (R) R Department Priority 2 City Manager Priority City Council: Accepted (A) Rejected (R) twnward adjustment of various operational accounts from the Development Services Division, for a savings of $2,750 the General Fund. represents 0.4% of this Division's operational account funding. Cost Summary: How much will the change cost for the next year Iby personnel, operations, and capital)? How does it compare to current costs, if any? Are there any off -setting revenues or cost -savings? What are the specific line items and amounts affected by this request? Please provide a brief explanation, account descriptions, account numbers, and totals for personnel, operations and capital expenditures. *rsonnel Operations Capital Total Operating Costs Revenue - Gain <Loss> ® Operating Costs 101-1003-413.51-01 Promotional Meetings ($500) 101-1003-413-51-03 Mileage Reimbursement ($100) 101-1003-413.53-01 Printing ($100) 101-1003-413.53-03 Membership Dues ($600) 101-1003-413.53-04 Subscriptions & Publications/Demographic Reports ($700) 101-1003-41356-01 Office Supplies ($500) 101-1003-413.56-02 Operating Supplies/Econ Dev Packets ($250) ($2,750) a �86 Program: Department: Request Summary: in one w ewe sentsncu, this summary srwwar five basic yuutbmc Whit Is being mocwed: whet wa it cht..; wiwl wa it cost; whsa wa it b In seep, and for how bna; an then any offsetting cost "AM or nvenuas What would be the impact if the request is approved? Include the direct and indirect impact on both the General Fund and the Community City of La Quinta Resource Allocation Plan Program Change Form 2012/2013 Maintenance&Operational Account Adjustments — Pr" 10 City Manager's Office -Development Services Priority Tracking Addition (A) or Reduction (R) R Department Priority 3 City Manager Priority C City Council: Accepted (A) Rejected (R) Fiscal Year 2012/2013, the City will need to budget funding to conduct PM10 Fugitive Dust Control on the City aced lots in the Village. This was previously funded in the Development Services Budget; the cost and responsibility II be transferred to the Public Works budget. is a reduction in operating costs in the Development Services budget of $10,000. This represents 1.4%of this ;!on's operational account funding. be a corresponding addition to the Public Works budget. Cost Summary: How much will the change cost for the next year Iby personnel, operations, and capital)? How does it compare to current costs, if any? Are there any off -setting revenues or cost -savings? What are the specific line items and amounts affected by this request? Please provide a brief explanation, account descriptions, account numbers, and totals for personnel, operations and capital expenditures. Osonnel Operations Capital Total Operating Costs Revenue - Gain <Loss> ® Operating Costs 101-1003-413.32-23 Property Management -Village Properties ($10,000) 187 Fiscal Year: Program: Department: Request Summary: k om a tea ..damn., this sow." arww, , eve bask t w rd.: wbat b bake Pmcppd: wbat win R Wawa; wbat we a cast wlwn we a 0e In effect, and rer how lone: are tt w WW oaasnkp Poet esker or aWWwaa What would be the impact if the request is approved? Include the direct and indirect Impact on both the General Fund and the Community City of La Quinta Priority Tracking Resource Allocation Plan Addition (A) or Reduction (R) Program Change Form Department Priority 2012/2013 City Manager Priority City Council: Various Marketing Programs Accepted (A) Rejected (R) City Manager's Office - Economic Development Division 'Elimination of various programs within the City's Marketing Plan, including: City Calendar, One City Newsletter (c Television Advertising, Upgrades to the Tourism Website, and City Photography. of various programs within the City's Marketing Plan, including: One City Newsletter (of two), Radio ), Graphic Design, Monthly Retainer, and PR Retainer. (Itemized list attached as submitted by FG Creative.) ancial impact would be a cost savings of $200,000 to the General Fund by reducing FG Creative's contract by )0. This represents a 48.78% reduction from their current total of $410,000. Impacts may include: Less mication and information to residents regarding Council meetings, events, news, programs; less advertising reaching less people who potentially would be visitors to and investors in La Quinta (both within the Valley and markets); this could mean loss of revenue from sales tax (people shopping) and TOT (people staying at hotels); d efforts to attract tourism; less support for the business community. Staff will attempt to bring various tasks in including: copy writing for articles, advertisements, radio spots, and social media; developing and maintaining a calendar of events, meetings and programs; media efforts to replace reduced PR services by FG Creative. Cost Summary: How much will the change cost for the next year (by personnel, operations, and capital)? How does it compare to current costs, if any? Are there any off -setting revenues or cost -savings? What are the specific line items and amounts affected by this request? Please provide a brief explanation, account descriptions, account numbers, and totals for personnel, aerations and capital expenditures. Personnel Operations Capital Total Operating Costs Revenue - <Loss> Operating Costs Marketing Services 101-1003-413.55-07 This Marketing Services line item also includes cooperative advertising programs the City funds through the CVA (which will be addressed in a separate form). <$200,000> <$200,000> MINIM CITY OF LA QUINTA March 14, 2012 2012-2013 DRAFT 3 PROPOSED BUDGET ®DUCED. BY $210,000 Month) M 2012-2013 Total % Of Bud %for Ca o 2011-12 Totals A. Retainer 3 500 12 42 000 20.0% 54 000 - admin word social online Co -Op Mn t. B. Public Relations - All Markets 1 000 6 1 $6.0001 2.9%1 22.9% 18 000 - For Nov thru A r• all other months at no charqe II.; ADVERTISING/MEDIA PURCHASES A. LOCAL CAMPAIGN LQ & CO-OP PROGRAM 1. Media Buy 5 000 11 55 000 26.2% $114,000 - Local Traditional Print Radio Online PPC - L0caVCo-OP Campaign $2.0001 12 $24,000 11.4% Part of Media Buy HITS Air rtTennis Outdoor 2. Broadcast Production Radio sots and tag $2,000 .4 $8,000 3.8% $12,500 3. Graphic Design all 1 750 6 $14,000 6.7% $24,000 S. REGIONAL CAMPAIGN 1. Media Buy 4 000 7 1 $28.0001 13.3%1 61.4%1 $22.0001 - Regional Traditional Print Online PPC - - Regional/Co-Op Campaign III. ONLINE STRATEGIES A. SMART PHONE APPS - 1. Updates to Current IPhone App Desi n 12,500 1 1 $2,5001 1.2%1 1.2% EE;5 250 TOURISM WEBSITE A. MONTHLY UPDATES 500 12 6 000 2.9% 6 000 B. L SHOPPING MAP - Revise annual) 1 000 1 1 000 0.5% 3.3% 4 500 FA•• A. L CITY REPORT newsletter 1. Design, Production & Mailing11 500 1 11 500 5.5% 23 000 8. PALM SPRINGS LIFE ADVERTORIAL VISION. 1. Media Buy includes 9% commission 4Zi 4 500 2.1% 6 000 C. EVENTS TOURISM BROCHURE 1. Desi n Printing& Distribution 7 17,500 3.6% 11.20/a 7 200 REALLOCATED BUDGET 1. Online Pa -Per-Clicks move to Media Bus Cover via Media Bus 138 2. Online Mana ement Coordination Cover via Retainer 3O3. Ci Event Ads In P rams Cover via Gra hics 2 54. 100 Co-0 Proram Mana ement Cover via Retainer 6 0 ELIMINATED BUDGET 1. Broadcast TV Production Deleted li 000 2. Webiste Upgrades Deleted $3,000 3. City Calendar Deleted - 42 000 4. Campaign PhotographyDeleted 3 000 S. 30th Anniversa Collaterals & Presentation IlDeleted $3,000 Grand Total: $210 000 100.0% $410,000 FG CREATIVE. INC CONFIDENTIAL For Use by Client/Agency Only 189 Hi there - thanks for meeting with me and going over the new budget parameters in such detail. Here, for your review, is that budget with the dollars allocated as we discussed. Here are some things to note: 1. Retainer: it is standard in the industry that the retainer fees, especially when as all inclusive as FGC provides, are always at least 20% of the budget, so we are right at that. Remember that it is still 24/7/365, and we will include extra projects when asked. 2. PR: We still feel it is important to include this service, especially in the new world of online. We spend many, many hours online distributing the info and following up, and are happy to provide this for all 12 months, and only bill for 6 months. This includes the Facebook for the City AND the Adams Street Bridge project which we have been helping with. 3. The total media buy, for local, regional and co-op is $107,000 which is 50% of the budget, so we have managed to keep a good ratio even with the large decrease in funds. This should make the Council feel better about this cut, as the messaging will still be getting out there to support tourism, tax revenue and TOT. Please advise if you have any questions or suggestions. From my perspective of 25+ years in marketing, 12 of those years as a marketing director, I think this is a balanced and fair plan that maintains the City's position in the market place which will continue to drive revenue. ®. Thanks! Stephanie Greene, President/CEO (760) 773.1707 Stephanie@fgcreative.com %1 190 Fiscal Year: Program: Department: Reauest Summary In . or two wniiiam, thla aunwry www aka" puntloru: Whet b being p ceaaea; what we a seN s: what will It mw; whw, wa h a In effect. end for how "; a. Own, wp offsetwo wet a kv' er flh` w What would be the Impact H the request Is approved? Include the direct and Indirect Impact on both the General Fund and the Community City of La Quinta Resource Allocation Plan Program Change Form 2012/2013 Promotional Materials & Media Promotion City Manager's Office- Economic Development Division Priority Tracking Addition (A) or Reduction (R) R Department Priority 5 City Manager Priority City Council: Accepted (A) Rejected (R) the amount available for purchase of City promotional items to distribute at various trade shows, community and other professional events. Examples include: Golf balls, water bottles, note pads, pens, and bags. the amount available for special media and advertising opportunities, which are approved at the discretion of Manager (for example, regional publications such as Alaska Airlines or Sunset Magazine offering a special tray on the Coachella Valley). ncial impact would be a cost savings of $18,000 to the General Fund, representing a 66.66% reduction from the levels. Promotional Materials would be funded at $2,000 from $7,000 ($5,000 cut); Media Promotion would be at $7,000 from $20,000 ($13,000 cut). cts may include: Less promotional items to offer at trade shows and events with the City's logo and tourism ite, so less exposure for the City; reduced opportunities to join media specials that may come up throughout the including supplementing CVA coops via the Media Promotion account; less exposure may translate into less rs to La Quinta that support our businesses and hotels. Cost Summary: How much will the change cost for the next year (by personnel, operations, and capital)? How does it compare to current costs, if any? Are there any off -setting revenues or cost -savings? What are the specific line items and amounts affected by this request? Please provide a brief explanation, account descriptions, account numbers, and totals for personnel, (rations and capital expenditures. Personnel Operations Capital Total Operating Costs Revenue- n <Loss> et Operating Costs Promotional Materials 101-1003-413.55-01 R15>AC£ B') St 000 - Media Promotion 101-1003-413.55-08 Q6buC6 By *' 13�Doo <$18,000> - <$18,000> - Prirttfbrrri'` 91 E City J* Cathedral City Coachella -0 Desert Hot Springs Indian Wells Indio La Quinta Palm Desert Palm Springs Rancho Mirage Contribution Levels for Coachella Valley Cities Jacqueline Cochran Air Show $0 $5,000 $0 $0 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $0 $0 * C _ + CHS i ole. neJer ab4ef b4e.d_ . 11 Riverside County Fair & National Date Festival $0 $0 $0 $0 $25,000 ($5K Cash, $20K in -kind for parade) $5,000 $0 $0 $5,000 n. 192 Fiscal Year: Program: Department: Request Summary In ma m two ,antra., of summary arwwar Oat bask quesoom: Whot b heir, pmcasaad; what wa a ac One; what vaa It .t; when aaa a bM In affect, aM for tow long; am there any aerate" mat ..kV Or rayanuu Impact of Chance: What would be the impact If the request is approved? Include the direct and Indirect Impact on both the General Fund and the Community City of La Quinta Resource Allocation Plan Program Change Form 2012/2013 County of Riverside Event Sponsorships City Manager's Office - Economic Development Division Priority Tracking Addition (A) or Reduction (R) R Department Priority City Manager Priority City Council: Accepted (A) Rejected (R) the amount of City sponsorships for the Jacqueline Cochran Air Show and the National Fair & Date Festival, have been general sponsorships not designated toward any single part of the events. - financial impact would be a cost savings of $5,000 to the General Fund. The total proposed reduction for both Air w and Date Festival is $5,000 — this represents a 50% reduction from current funding levels; they are currently led at $5,000 each and the reduction would leave them at $2,500 each. (Other Valley city contributions attached.) The County of Riverside has indicated that, due to La Quinta's years of contribution and good partnership, the the City would receive in exchange for the reduced sponsorships would not change (in regards to marketing, e, and event benefits). Cost Summary: How much will the change cost for the next year (by personnel, operations, and capital)? How does it compare to current costs, if any? Are there any off -setting revenues or cost -savings? What are the specific line items and amounts affected by this request? Please provide a brief explanation, account descriptions, account numbers, and totals for personnel, 49 rations and capital expenditures. Personnel Operations Capital Total Operating Costs Revenue - O<Loss> et Operating Costs Jacqueline Cochran Air Show 101-1003-41333-16 F E Dac6 811 !F 2,Sc o Date Festival 101-1003-413.55-07 QEpE Boa �� <$5,000> <$5,000> - a. 193 11 C'J U Fiscal Year 2011-2012 City Investments In the Coachella Valley Economic Partnership Cathedral City Coachella Desert Hot Springs Indian Wells Indio La Quinta Palm Desert Palm Springs Rancho Mirage $25,000 $ 0 $ 50,000 $ 50,000 (plus $50,000 "pending") $ 11,000 $ 25,000 $ 50,000 $ 100,000 $ 50,000 Information provided by Thomas Flavin, President/CEO of CVEP 194 Program: Department: Request Summary: in. C,w or tea, sentences, this summary snawar eve bask questions: what Is babe procasaad; what we It add."; whet we It coat when wa It be In dyed, and for how torrg; are there any offsetting cad saving, Of revenws What would be the impact if the request Is approved? Include the direct and Indirect Impact on both the General Fund and the Community City of La Quinta Resource Allocation Plan Program Change Form 2012-2013 Regional Economic Development City Managees Office Priority Tracking Addition (A) or Reduction (R) R Department Priority City Manager Priority City Council: Accepted (A) Rejected (R) se to cut funding to the Coachella Valley Economic Partnership ("CVEP") by $3,750 for Fiscal Year 2012-2013. ing level is currently at $25,000.) This is a 15%reduction for fiscal Year 2012-2013, similar to the reductions sed for the Chamber of Commerce and La Quinta Arts Foundation. Therd are no offsetting revenues that are measured. 15% reduction would result in General Fund savings of $3,750. e direct and indirect impacts to the community are difficult to quantify- many companies CVEP has recruited/ ained are in other cities, but there is the potential that employees may choose to live, shop, and dine in La Quinta. If Quinta's funding to CVEP is reduced, it could have some impact on CVEP's ability to recruit/retain companies in the achella Valley. Cost Summary: How much will the change cost for the next year (by personnel, operations, and capital)? How does it compare to current costs, if any? Are there any off -setting revenues or cost -savings? What are the specific line items and amounts affected by this request? Please provide a brief explanation, account descriptions, account numbers, and totals for personnel, operations and capital expenditures. T€rsonnel Operations Capital Total Operating Costs Revenue - Gain <Loss> Operating Costs Reduction of $3,750 (15%) In funding for the Coachella Valley Economic Partnership. Account Number 101-1003-41353-03, Membership Dues. of-bac♦r L4 5 37750 Amount funded in FY 2011-12 was $25,000 Funding amount proposed for FY 2012-13 is $21,250 While there may be some economic benefit to La Quinta, it is not easily measured. ($3,750) (53,750) n - 195 Operations Capital Total Operating Costs Revenue - in < Loss > Operating Costs Fiscal Year: Program: .Department: Request Summary: m one ar ewe serrrrraa. this summary Brower Me leak yusstkns: What Is W6q procenw: whet wa It edd v.; what wa It "; when wa h M In etM1at, and for how "; aro arro my offwtang con savbp or wmuss Impact of Change: What would be the impact if the request is approved? Include the direct and Indirect Impact on both. the General Fund and the Community City of La Quinta Priority Tracking Resource Allocation Plan Addition (A) or Reduction (R) R Program Change Form Department Priority g Clty Manager Priority �! 2012/2013 - 7 City Council: La Quinta Chamber of Commerce _ Accepted (A) Rejected (R) City Manager's Office - Economic Development Division Reduce the amount the City contributes.to the Chamber of Commerce via a Professional Services Contract. Per the City/Chamber contract, the target areas include: Business Retention/Promotion & Economic Development; The Gem Newspaper, Visitor Center; and Financial Review. (Attached is a detailed analysis submitted by the Chamber on how the reduction would impact contracted services.) e financial impact would be a cost savings of $22,500 to the General Fund by reducing the Chamber's contract by $22,500. This represents a 15%reduction from their current total of $150,000. Impacts may include (as delineated by the Chamber): Reduction of the The GEM newspaper by two issues (unless the Chamber Board opts to fund/send them; these two Issues would not include the City Pages, however); an additional furlough day per month in connection with the Visitors Center; Business Retention and Financial Review categories would have limited impacts. Cost Summary: How much will the change cost for the next year (by personnel, operations, and capital)? How does it compare to current costs, if any? Are there any off -setting revenues or cost -savings? What are the specific line items and amounts affected by this request? Please provide a brief explanation, account descriptions, account numbers, and totals for personnel, aerations and capital expenditures. Personnel LaQuintaChamber ofCommerce 101-1003-413.33-02 ZJf>urF. $y .#' 2Zr5oo <$22,500> <$22,500> �c x"p�ttForrfi':�.„"r ® Hi Maria, Attached is the City Contract reduction exercise we spoke about last week — let me know your thoughts and if you have any questions or additional requirements. Overview: Business Retention/Promotion Economic Development —no adjustment at this time The GEM — Proposing reducing this by two issues remove the "City Pages" and if the Chamber wants to send it out it would be up to the Board. Does not consider the income stream or provide continuity for our members. Visitor Center - Propose an additional Furlough days' worth of impact. Financial Review — This amount does not cover our current obligation with the Audit and Financial review which are $7,500 and $4,500, respectively. I increased the $5,000 by the reduction in the other areas that were more than the 15% which was $1,476 ®. Let me know if you have any questions or further requirements. David S. Archer PresidentlCEO La Quints Chamber of Commerce 78-275 Calle Tampico #B La Quinta, CA 92253 phone: 760 564-3199 fax: 760 564-3111 197 0 C Q C V t N" O O Q K C O O p p a K c4� O O ui a C J n n z W FL- i -71 " 198 Fiscal Year: Program: Department: Request Summary: is ➢. ca two ..nnnoa, this w wnwr,r creative, as* Wait pwatlons: What Is being wooessed: what wo it schhrve; what we it cost; wha, we a W in seats• *ad hx haw long: an there mr oaselthrg cod savhv: or n wenuds fact of Change: What would be the Impact If the request Is approved? Include the direct and Indirect Impact on both the General Fund and the Community City of La Quinta Resource Allocation Plan Program Change Form 2012/2013 CVA Cooperative Advertising Programs City Manager's Office - Economic Development Division Priority Tracking Addition (A) or Reduction (R) R Department Priority City Manager Priority City Council; Accepted (A) Rejected (R) ion of participation in CVA cooperative advertising programs, including: California's Visitors Guide &Travel r, Air Service Development Campaign, and CMG Fall Magazine Campaign (various key regional magazines) with Online Campaign. Would have to decide which CVA co-ops La Quinta participates in (information attached on each); may have to ch the CVA and ask if La Quinta can participate in one or two co-ops at a reduced rate. ancial impact would be a cost savings of $20,000 to the General Fund, representing a 50% reduction from the : funding level of $40,000. Media Promotion, which is also being reduced, would supplement CVA co-ops. l may include: Less advertising to drive in and outside markets that La Quinta can not afford alone like Western Seattle, Portland, and the Bay Area; if all other Valley cities join the CVA co-ops except La Quinta, we may lose a :itive edge over those cities; less good will and good neighbor sentiments and support for the CVA in trying to the Coachella Valley destination; less exposure for La Quinta in those outside markets; potential for less visitors ing La Quinta businesses and hotels. Cost Summary: How much will the change cost for the next year (by personnel, operations, and capital)? How does it compare to current costs, if any? Are there any off -setting revenues or cost -savings? What are the specific line items and amounts affected by this request? Please provide a brief explanation, account descriptions, account numbers, and totals for personnel, rations and capital expenditures. Personnel Operations Capital Total Operating Costs Revenue - Gain Net Operating Costs Marketing Services 101-1003-413.55-07 f0ac-All—E 8V 3f ZDpjMO This is the same line item that includes professional marketing services (i.e., FG Creative contract). <$20,000> <$20,000> •,.,a . 199 ® CVA/Member Cities Cooperative Advertising Programs 2012 California Official State Visitor's Guide and Travel Planner Distribution: • 500, 000 copies distributed annually • 60,000 viewed digital version in 2010 (with links to advertiser websites) COST: 2011 Fall/Winter & 2012 Shrine/Summer CMG/CTTC Tourism Co-op U.S. Magazine Insert, 5000,000 • Travel & Leisure (150,000) • Budget Travel (150,000) • Food & Wine (200,00) Canada Newspaper Inserts, 500,000 • Vancouver (100,000) • Calgary Herald (100,000) ® • Edmonton Journal (100,000) • Toronto Star (100,000) • Montreal Gazette (100,00) Digital Distribution, 2,500,000 • U.S. & Canada E-mail • Digital Newsstands • Featured on ReasonsToGo 4.1 travel app • Online marketing and media placements including Travelocity and Facebook COST: Air Services Development Program Goal:' Maintain and ultimately grow air services to the Coachella Valley destination Target Audience: Pacific Northwest Alaska Airlines Feeder Markets: San Francisco, CA; Portland, OR and Seattle, WA Media Plan: Newsprint, radio commercials, online exposure, on -air promotions, sweepstakes, ® e-mail database marketing. COST 5'� (LQ-$25k; PD-$25k; RM-$25k; IW-$25k; PS-$25k; CC-$5; DHS & Indio-$0) QW p 200 Program: Department: Request Summary In om or two aamonrxa, thb aunnury amwer ihn buk gmsibns: WMt b bohta laoossoad: w t wig a achliws; whoa wa h cmt: whwr we h a N sffm' aW for how "; an an Nem onsetNng cost "Vh,a or M... What would be the Impact If the request Is approved? Include the direct and Indirect Impact on both the General Fund and the Community _ City of La Quinta Resource Allocation Plan Program Change Form 2012-2013 Successor Agency City Manager's Office eliminate the Interim Management Assistant position, Priority Tracking Addition (A) or Reduction (R) R Department Priority `p City Manager Priority - C City Council: Accepted (A) Rejected (R) the dissolution of redevelopment, there will be less work for staff. To achieve cost savings, it may be necessaryto nate Successor Agency positions. :neral fund direct impact is a savings of $95,912 is could have an adverse affect on the community with respect to affordable housing programs. If State legislation preserve housing funds is successful, the Housing Authority will be able to move forward with Washington Street its and other housing projects/programs. It would become necessary to reassign housing duties to other personnel. e Management Assistant also helps track Successor Agency/Housing Authority assets and properties - this task tuld need to be reassigned to other personnel. Cost Summary: How much will the change cost for the next year (by personnel, operations, and capital)? How does it compare to current costs, if any? Are there any off -setting revenues or cost -savings? What are the specific line items and amounts affected by this request? Please provide a brief explanation, account descriptions, account numbers, and totals for personnel, operations and capital expenditures. sonnet Operations Capital Total Operating Costs Revenue - Gain <Loss> Operating Costs Personnel 101-1003-413.10-01, Salaries -Permanent FuII Time plus benefits $115,986 ($115,986) Possible reimbursement by Successor Agency Administrative Allowance, estimated at 17% $20,074 ($95,912) .1.4.201 Program: Department: Request Summary: a. o.w ., cwe tw.bnpa. aaa .urinary anww f . haab yuaatl0m; what Is being lua.aaaaa: what wa It add.*; what wa it cog; whan wa it ha In effag, aria for how loop; an than any off=wm aavkw or nvaam What would be the Impact if the request is approved? Include the direct and Indirect impact on both the General Fund and the Community City of La Quinta Resource Allocation Plan Program Change Form 2012-2013 Successor Agency City Manager's Office to eliminate the Executive Assistant position. Priority Tracking Addition (A) or Reduction (R) R Department Priority - )I City Manager Priority 2Y City Council: Accepted (A) Rejected (R) the dissolution of redevelopment, there will be less work for staff. To achieve cost savings, it may be necessary to nate positions funded by the Successor Agency. fund direct impact is a savings of $85,121 initial impact would be the reassignment of general administrative duties to other personnel. This would also have gative impact on the Oversight Board, as this position processes agendas, staff reports, minutes, coordinates tings, and serves as secretary to the Oversight Board. This duty would need to be reassigned to another staff fiber, as the Oversight Board remains in existence until 2016. Cost Summary: How much will the change cost for the next year (by personnel, operations, and capital)? How does it compare to current costs, if any? Are there any off -setting revenues or cost -savings? What are the specific line items and amounts affected by this request? Please provide a brief explanation, account descriptions, account numbers, and totals for personnel, operations and capital expenditures. Tefsonnel 01-1003-413.10-01, Salaries -Permanent Full Time plus benefits $104,148 Operations Capital Total Operating ($104,148) Costs Revenue - Gain <Loss> ®Operating Costs reimbursement by Successor Agency Administrative Allowance, estimated at 18% 21) 202 Fiscal Year: Program: Department: Bequest Summary: as Waa twe aanteaCH, this atwnary saw. five bask Vttoseess: What Is bshte Woeused: what wa it achieve: whet we It cost; when wa hhi Is ~. and for how ism: as then wry oessuic; eon osvhe or revwwos Impact of Chance: What would be the Impact if the request is approved? Include the direct and Indirect Impact on both the General Fund and the Community City of La Quinta Resource Allocation Plan Program Change Form 2012-2013 Staff Report Review Process & Web Administration City Manager's Office - Management Services of the position would save $113,100 in salary and benefits Priority Tracking Addition (A) or Reduction (R) R Department Priority It City Manager Priority 2y City Council: Accepted (A) Rejected (R) Impact to General Fund would be a savings of $113,100, duties would need to be assumed by remaining staff. This is a dedicated position for primary coordination of the agenda review process ensuring that the agenda packets are complete and the reports are concise, well written and free of grammatical/spelling errors. This position is responsible for ensuring timely submission of reports for review, and making sure legal, finance and other affected parties perform their reviews expeditiously so the agenda packets go out on time. As web administrator, this position has the responsibility for approving ALL web pages before they are published for public viewing and for sending notifications o subscribers of agenda availability for Council & all commissions/boards, changes to scheduled meetings, news events, etc. Also responsible for setting up all new users, newly created pages, new permissions, and troubleshootina. Cost Summary: How much will the change cost for the next year (by personnel, operations, and capital)? How does it compare to current costs, if any? Are there any off -setting revenues or cost -savings? What are the specific line items arid amounts affected by this request? Please provide a brief explanation, account descriptions, account numbers, and totals for personnel, yQerations and capital expenditures. Personnel Operations Capital Total Operating Costs Revenue - Gain <Loss> Operating Costs nation of Management Assistant positron in Management Services Division would result in a cost savings of ?96 from Account 101-1004-413.10-01 (Salaries) and $36,804 from Account 101-1004-41321-01 (Benefits) for a savings of$113,100 13,100 (includes 15%of salary paid from RDA, so $96,135 is impact to General Fund) 13,100) Fiscal Year: Program: Department: Request Summary: M ... twe Santa ' oft sumwry waww five bask qu.s1Ms,: wt.t Is bags o.onnad; What wa it actdm, what wa it cost: whm wa it ht M affect, MW for how Iona; are than ,ny oaaming e„t "a h, w n M, Impact of Change: What would be the Impact If the request is approved? Include the direct and Indirect Impact on both the General Fund and the Community City of La Quinta Resource Allocation Plan Program Change Form 2012/2013 Marketing & Economic Development City Manager's Office- Economic Development Division Priority Tracking Addition (A) or Reduction (R) R Department Priority 13 City Manager Priority 2y City Council: Accepted (A) Rejected (R) to eliminate the Executive Office Assistant position (significant support Is offered to the Marketing/Economic meet Manager, however, serves as backup for all three Executive Assistants). Salary is half in Development and half in Management Services. the need for additional cost savings and the possible dip in programs from reductions, it may be necessary to nate the position of Executive Office Assistant. - financial impact would be a cost savings of $72,334 to the General Fund. may include: Work and tasks of the Executive Office Assistant would have to be absorbed by other employees. potentially cause delays in projects, loss of quality, and a potential for a decrease in customer service. Cost Summary: How much will the change cost for the next year (by personnel, operations, and. capital)? How does it compare to current costs, if any? Are there any off -setting revenues or cost -savings? What are the specific line items and amounts affected by this request? Please provide a brief explanation, account descriptions, account numbers, and totals for personnel, rations and capital expenditures. _ Personnel Operations Capital Total Operating Costs Revenue - < Loss > 0 perating Costs Office Assistant (salary and benefits); 50%in Development Services 101-1003, and 50%in Management Services 101-1004. 204 Program: Department: Regpest Summary: in one ar ewe aentenoee, a" iwN q eNwer fife baeiC @uefions: Whit It b"V p CwM; whit will It schi ve; what wa It wet: whin wp it be In eeeel, end for how I.W; en ere thM; oeaattbg wet "Vir, or rftwu Impact of Change: What would be the impact if the request is approved? Include the direct and Indirect Impact on both the General Fund and the Community City of La Quinta Resource Allocation Plan Program Change Form 2012-2013 Economic Development Consultant Services City Manager's Office Friarity Tracking Addition (A) or Reduction (R) A Department Priority 1 City Manager Priority City Council: Accepted (A) Rejected (R) provide continuing economic development and financial management support, as well as continuity during City nager transition, it is proposed to enter into a contract with RSG, Inc. is $45,000, effective 7-1-12 for one fiscal year. Ring economic development could help offset costs, but unable to quantify at this time. fund direct impact is $45,000 era] fund indirect impact and community benefit include potential economic development; short and long range icial planning, especially important in light of redevelopment dissolution, and continuity during transition to a of Manager and Finance Director. Cost Summary: How much will the change cost for the next year (by personnel, operations, and capital)? How does it compare to current costs, if any? Are there any off -setting revenues or cost -savings? What are the specific line items and amounts affected by this request? Please provide a brief explanation, account descriptions, account numbers, and totals for personnel, operations and capital expenditures. T6rsonnel Operations Capital Total Operating Costs Revenue - Gain <Loss> isOperating Costs Contract Services 101-1003-413-u-xx (new account) - $45,000 New charge to General Fund, as these costs were previously funded by redevelopment. Potential offset - future economic development $45,000 $45,000 - n 205 Operations Capital Total Operating Costs Revenue - Gain <Loss> 1 0perating Costs Fiscal Year: Program: Department: Request Summary: in ue. as n.. sentences* ads m sumary answer ale bask Wnsaem: What Is being processed: what wa a achieve: what Wall h curl: when will a b In eeeet. end for how long; am Ihete a,ry oelatlip cast savi g a rorwroes Impact of Chance: What would be the Impact if the request Is approved? Include the direct and Indirect Impact on both the General Fund and the Community City of La Quinta Resource Allocation Plan Program Change Form 2012/2013 Web Streaming of City Council Meetings City Manager Priority Tracking Addition (A) or Reduction (R) A Department Priority 2 City Manager Priority City Council: Accepted (A) Rejected (R) request is for web streaming City Council meetings with standard definition cameras. Based on a recent project pleted by the City of Palm Desert, which included audio upgrades and infrastructure changes to the City Council nbers, the total cost for the project was approximately $173,000 in one-time ($163,000) and ongoing operating ($10,000). The City of La Quinta would need to have similar infrastructure changes and audio upgrades; ongoing penance charges would be similar also. e cost for web streaming City Council meetings may be paid for using the following options: 1) Pay the $173,000 out of General Fund reserves for fiscal year 2012-2013 and the on -going operational costs of $10,000 out of the General Fund for future years; 2) Implement a one percent (1%) PEG fee, this would generate approx. $143,000 in revenue from Time Warner Cable (TWC) and approx. $20,000 in revenue from Verizon for a total of S163,000 annually to the General Fund. This 1 % PEG fee would be assessed to all La Quinta residents that subscribe to C and Verizon. Therefore, the $10,000 in ongoing operating costs would be paid for by the General Fund. Once the PEG fee is implemented, the PEG fee revenue would accumulate in restricted reserves in perpetuity once the initial start-up costs are incurred; or 3) Implement a. partial PEG fee and supplement the needed from the General Fund. Cost Summary: How much will the change cost for the next year (by personnel, operations, and capital)? How does it compare to current costs, if any? Are there any off -setting revenues or cost -savings? What are the specific line items and amounts affected by this request? Please provide a brief explanation, account descriptions, account numbers, and totals for personnel, Qgerations and capital expenditures. Personnel - There will be minimal additional costs associated with City staff time to manage capital improvements associated with the council chambers and managing. the contract for recording the meetings. Approximately 510,000 in ongoing operational costs include: 1) $8,000 in broadcast fees and 2) $2,000 in TWC fees. New accounts would have to be created to record the revenue and expenditures related to this project. The PEG fee may be used for capital and ongoing maintenance costs of the equipment. To facilitate the broadcasting process, staff would retain the services of a broadcasting service company that charges approximately $660 per month for a total of $7,920, rounded to $8,000. TWC would encode all content received from the City, TWC would playback all content on the PEG access channel; and TWC would update community bulletin boards with City and/or community events and announcements. There is a cost of $25 per hour for TWC staff time to encode the meetings, which is directly related to the length of the Council meetings. An annual estimate of 72 hours has been determined for a total annual cost of $1,800 or rounded $2,000. Approximately $163,000 which would include equipment and infrastructure changes to the City Council Chambers. $173,000 173,000 LUU Program: Department: Request Summary in on. w tw. Sentanaa. bask W.ry aruwsr nva yosstlam: What Is bake proubaaJ; wM we it ad"w what wa it cost: when will it N in affect. am for baw krn: m there any offsatem cost Sevin or revwruw Impact of Change: What would be the - Impact if the request is approved? Include the direct and indirect Impact on both the General Fund and the Community City of La auinta Priority Tracking Resource Allocation Plan Addition (A) or Reduction (R) Program Change Form Department Priority 2012-2013' City Manager Priority City Council: Regional Economic Development Accepted (A) Rejected (R) City Manager's O(fice The Coachella Valley Economic Partnership has requested additional funding of $25,000 (fora total of $50,000) for Fiscal Year 2012-2013. Offsetting revenues are difficult to measure. impact to the General Fund in the amount of $25,000. y Impact- according to CVEP, projected Return on Investment for La Quinta totals $209,475. A detailed t is attached. CVEP's activities include Business Development, Workforce Excellence, Marketing, Regional ion, and Research/Data support, all aimed at enhancing and diversifying the region's economy. While measure, the impact to the Community could include increased sales tax revenues and patronage of local ,.business development, recruitment, and retention opportunities, and additional jobs. Cost Summary: How much will the change cost for the next year (by personnel, operations, and capital)? How does it compare to current costs, if any? Are there any off -setting revenues or cost -savings? What are the specific line items and amounts affected by this request? Please provide a brief explanation, account descriptions, account numbers, and totals for personnel, operations and capital expenditures. ltsonnel Operations Capital Total Operating Costs Revenue - Gain <Loss> ®Operating Costs Funding amount for FY 2011-2012 was $25,000 Funding amount for FY 2012-2013 proposed at $50,000 Account Number 101-1003-413.53-03, Membership Dues, increase of $25,000 Offsetting revenues possible, but difficult to quantify. 25,000 0 25,000 207 11 COACHELLA VALLEY ECONOMIC PARTNERSHIP ATTACHMENT A CVEP offers the following Return On Investment (ROI) to La Quinta for FY12-13 for an investment of $50,000: Business Development $66,100 • Coachella Small Business Development Center Participation $20,000 • Access to professional staff to assist in economic development $15,000 efforts • Inclusion in "Team Coachella Valley" at State level with Team $5,000 California • Regional representation at Ernst & Young International event. $2,500 • Regional Web Based Site Selector Tool $1,100 • Coachella Valley Recruitment initiative (CVRI) $10,000 • Coachella Valley Business Visitation/Retention program $5,000 • Access to leads and business contacts $5,000 • Host opportunities for visiting executives and site selectors $2,500 Workforce Excellence $8g,000 • Two tickets to the FAFSA Competition Fundraising event $200 benefitting local High Schools • Support for career academies in local high schools that are $33,800 producing the workforce for tomorrow. • Local Pathways -to -Success Scholarships in each Valley $55,000 community. (2011— La Quinta students) Marketing $14,750 • Booth at the Annual Economic Summit $750 • Half page advertisement in Annual Economic Report - $1,700 distributed to over 800 attendees at the Annual Summit as well as used throughout the year for regional promotional purposes by the County, cities, and CVEP for site selector meetings and other promotions. Included as electronic version and linked to CVEP and city web sites. • Four page city profile and input for the regional section in the $5,000 annual Palm Springs Life Progress Issue and Focus on the Coachella Valley. This has been an annual line item for each city. • Reprints (150) of the Focus issue $500 •,.11 CLIMATE FOR SUCCESS • �' 3111 EAST TAHQUIT2 CANYON WAY -PALM SPRINGS. CALI FORN IA 92262 -PH: 760.340.1575 • F%: 760 548 0370 - W WW.CVEP.COM COACHELLA VALLEY ECONOMIC PARTNERSHIP ® • Representation at Annual ACRE event featuring Regional $300 . Presentation • Weekly newsletter reaching global clientele $5,000 • Out of Area Marketing in business journals, site selector $1,000 magazines, conferences, conventions, etc. • Recognition and link to your city on CVEP web site $500 • Regional branding to National and International business community Regional Collaboration $11,250 • Board representation $10,000 • Top recognition and a complimentary 10-top table at the $950 Annual Economic Summit Invitation to special events throughout the year with two (2) $300 paid seats reserved Opportunity to serve on CVEP committees ® • Notification of "Investor Only" Alerts • Increased regional grant opportunities Research/Data Support $28,375 • Access to Nielson Claritas data with service provider $1,050 • Buxton Consumer Profile and Market Intelligence Services $20,000 • Annual economic data broken down for each city $5,000 • Fifty hard copies of the annual economic report $325 • On-line link to city specific economic data $1,000 • On-line links to city specific info sections $1,000 • Access to customized research and data for your city including demographics, population statistics and retail opportunity gaps. Creating a "climate for success" Priceless Total value of your fee for services investment $209,475 itCLIMATE FOR SUCCESS 209 3111 EAST TAHQUIT2 CANYON WAY • PALM SPRINGS, CALIFORNIA 92262 • PH: 760.340.1575 • FX: 760 S480370 • W W W.CVEP.COM City of La Quinta Resource Allocation Plan Program Change Form Fiscal Year: 2012-2013 Program: Legal Fees Department: City Manager -Legislative Request Summary: k This request seeks to reduce the Legal Fees expense by $75,000 within the City ..." ON to • tlr4 (FY) 2012/2013. uxn r weww On bask P+raom: WMI Is beft . prace" a: what wa It octim: what wa k cwh who Via a G In onset, aM to, hover ": m . than wry orbotnq WY wke o, n 010 Priority Tracking Addition (A) or Reduction (R) R Department Priority 1 City Manager Priority y City Council: Accepted (A) Rejected (R) Year Impact of Change: a FY 2011/2012 budget for legal fees is $455,000 and the legal fees for the same period are projected to be What would be the approximately $330,000; legal fees for FY 2010/2011 were $307,188. Reducing the budget for legal fees by $75,000 Impact If the request Gs (16%) will provide for a $380,000legal expense budget for Fiscal Year 2012/2013. In the event that funding is needed approved? Include the to pay for one-time or unforeseen legal expenses that will exceed the current budgeted amount, then an appropriatic direct and indirect to increase the legal expense budget can be made at that time.. However, based on current year projections and nor Genera on both the ear ex ense analysis, this reduction is a y p l p General Fund end the p Y appropriate. Community Cost Summary: How much will the change cost for the next year (by personnel, operations, and capital)? How does it compare to current costs, if any? Are there any off -setting revenues or cost -savings? What are the specific line items and amounts affected by this request? Please provide a brief explanation, account descriptions, account numbers; and totals for personnel, rations and capital expenditures. Personnel Operations Capital Total Operating Costs Revenue - <Loss> >et Operating Costs Reduce 101-1001-411.32-01 Contract Services - Attorney budget by $75,0W. <$75,000> <$75,000> g - 216 Print Foren Operations Capital Total Operating Costs Revenue - Gain <Loss> 60perating Costs Fiscal Year: Program: Department: Request Summary i. on. or nw. Banana.," . ,roam r, aawa act. gale aaelbne: What Is bim P ess"d: MMt wa it echleve: whet aaa it eon: whop wig it b In.e.et. star for how WV;.n thom my oertt6q eon aVbv or mama What would be the Impact If the request is approved? Include the direct and indirect Impact on both the General Fund and the Community City of La Quinta Resource Allocation Plan Program Change Form 2012-2013 Operational Fees— TgAveLr'rRAIM1A16- 7nssr/ 65 City Manager - Legislative Pricift Tracking Addition (A) or Reduction (R) R Department Priority 2 City Manager Priority City Council: Accepted (A) Rejected (R) s request seeks to reduce the Travel, Training & Meetings expense by $17,200 within the City Manager Department Fiscal Year (FY) 2012/2013. he impact will be reduced meetings attended. The remaining budget of $16,550 includes: League Annual Conference $8,000; League -Legislative Action Days - $1,800, Mayor's Cup - $600 (reducing two teams to one); Council Meeting xpenses - $3,000; Public Safety Awards Ceremony - $1,000; CAUPIA - $1,150, and Miscellaneous - $1,000. The iethodology for the reductions involved removing the more ancillary meetings and keeping the more prominent teetings and events intact; while at the same time reducing those items that remained. Cost Summary: How much will the change cost for the next year (by personnel, operations, and capital)? How does it compare to current costs, if any? Are there any off -setting revenues or cost -savings? What are the specific line items and amounts . affected by this request? Please provide a brief explanation, account descriptions, account numbers, and totals for personnel, aerations and capital expenditures. Personnel Reduce 101-100141131-01 Travel, Training & Meetings budget (decrease National League of Cities plus 4 board meetings by <$7,000>; decrease League -Mayor & Council Academy & Executive Forum by <$2,600>; decrease CVAG Workshop by <$250>; decrease Historical Gala by <$1,200>; decrease United Way Dinner by <$1,850>; decrease Mayor's Cup by <$600>; decrease Council Meeting Expenses by <$2,000>; decrease Clean Cities Celebration by < $400>; decrease All Chamber Legislation Luncheon by <$400>; decrease Riverside County League Meetings by <$500>; and decrease Miscellaneous by <$400>) by $17,200. <$17,200> - <$17,200> " 211 Fiscal Year: Program: Department: Request Summary: in wa w han ewnenwe, it" wn araw, ana. Me bask waetlon: What Is babro Poennd; what wi It schim; what wa it coat: when wa a be In giant, and for how lone: am them wM oaeetlloe Cal nrbgi w `swoon Impact of Chan": What would be the Impact H the request Is approved? Include the direct and Indirect impact on both the General Fund and the Community City of La Quinta Resource Allocation Plan Program Change Form 2012-2013 Legal Fees City Manager-. Legislative Priority Tracking Addition (A) or Reduction (R) R Department Priority 3 City Manager Priority 2y City Council: Accepted (A) Rejected (R) request seeks to reduce the Legal Fees expense by an additional $40,000 within the City Manager Department for IYear (FY)2012/2013. FY 2011/2012 budget for legal fees is $455,000 and the legal fees for the same period are projected to be roximately $330,000, legal fees for FY 2010/2011 were $307,188. Reducing the budget for legal fees by an �tional $40,000 (9%) will provide for a $340,000 legal expense budget for Fiscal Year 2012/2013: In the event that ling is needed to pay for one-time or unforeseen legal expenses that will exceed the current budgeted amount, i an appropriation to increase the legal expense budget can be made at that time. However, based on current year ections and prior year expense analysis, this reduction may be achievable. Cost Summary: How much will the change cost for the next year (by personnel, operations, and capital)? How does it compare to current costs, if any? Are there any off -setting revenues or cost -savings? What are the specific line items and amounts affected by this, request? Please provide a brief explanation, account descriptions, account numbers, and totals for personnel, 6rations and capital expenditures. Personnel F— Operations Capital Total Operating Costs Revenue- m <Loss> Operating Costs 101-1001-411.32-01 Contract Services -Attorney budget by an additional $40,000. n- 212 Operations Capital Total Operating Costs Revenue - Gain < Loss > ® 6perating Costs Fiscal Year: Program: Department: Request Summary In ore n two anteness, tlis WIIYIIary am. aW beak passions: What fs b" IaooaasaE; what wa It adeevs; whet wa It cost; when wa a W In aaM, an! for how one; an Mere my oasMene wrt "VINI W memos What would be the impact if the request is .approved? Include the direct and indirect impact on both the General Fund and the Community City of La Quinta Resource, Allocation Plan Program Change Form 2012/2013 Material Purchases Library materials expenditures from $200,000 to $100,000 Priority Tracking Addition (A) or Reduction (R) R Department Priority ' City Manager Priority N City Council: Accepted (A) Rejected (R) .pact of materials expenditures reduction: Library would acquire approximately 3,000 fewer items in 2012/2013 than 2011/2012 primarily in core collection areas rather than bestsellers and audiovisual materials. The Library will also ely have fewer check outs of materials due to the reduction. Cost Summary: How much will the change cost for the next year (by personnel, operations, and capital)? How does it compare to current costs, if any? Are there any off -setting revenues or cost -savings? What are the specific line items and amounts affected by this request? Please provide a brief explanation, account descriptions, account numbers, and totals for personnel, operations and capital expenditures. Personnel N/A Reduction of Operating Supplies: 101-3004-451.56-02 reduction of <$I00,000> N/A <$100,000> <$100,000> " 213 Operations Capital Total Operating Costs Revenue - Gain <Loss> perating Costs Fiscal Year: Program: Department: Request Summary: to one two awnancn, eat m sumery emww firs Wak questions: Wlwt Is bebq pmensed; whet Will it schim; whet wa It ..at; when will it M In efM, sM for how tons; era them any offsetting in urinpl m rwem as Impact of Change: What would be the impact if the request is approved? Include the direct and indirect Impact on both the General Fund and the Community City of La Quinta Resource Allocation Plan Program Change Form 2012/2013 Reduction in Hours Library Library operating expenditures by $153,000 Priority Tracking Addition IN or Reduction (R) Department Priority City Manager Priority .City Council: Accepted (A) Rejected (R) R 2 ,- t of operating expenditure reduction: This figure represents more than 1/3 of the LSSI direct operating ditures of the Library and because most operating costs are personnel, the only way to achieve this reduction Dugh an hours reduction from 56 to 40 hours per week This reduction of 16 hours would be accomplished by ) Thursdays (9hrs) and Sundays (4hrs), and closing at 4pm on Saturdays (2hrs) and closing at Spin on Fridays Each hour of reduction is approximately $9,563/hour professionals and para professionals. Cost Summary: How much will the change cost for the next year (by personnel, operations, and capital)? How does it compare to current costs, if any? Are there any off -setting revenues or cost -savings? What are the specific line items and amounts affected by this request? Please provide a brief explanation, account descriptions, account numbers, and totals for personnel, operations and capital expenditures. Personnel N/A Reduction of Contract Services: 101-3004-451.30-97 reduction of <$153,000> WA <$153,000> <$153,000>' " 214 Fiscal Year: Program: Department: Request Summary: in nir.n tre rrnbnw. tbb twoMmmrry Mnwer ebrrk questions: What Is bekp Woceued: wMt wa it whim; wMt wa 11 tort whm wa it M in ~. eM for M lone: sn tlwt my offsetting WA ueke or o Wt Impact of Chan": What would be the Impact if the request Is approved? Include the direct and indirect Impact on both the General Fund and the Community City of La Qulnta Priority Tracking Resource Allocation Plan Addition (A) or Reduction (R) Program Change Form Department Priority - City Manager Priority 2012-2013 City Council: Supplies & Services Reductions Accepted (A) Rejected (R) Planning Reduction of various supplies & services expenses that will result in a cost savings of $8,895 for FY 2012-13 proposed reductions would reduce contract services $5000 (50% reduction), reduce travel & training $2000 (50% tction), reduce membership dues/registration $1,395 (46%reduction), and reduce office supplies $500 (14% tction). Total cost savings for FY 2012-13 is $8,895. would impact ability for staff to utilize professional consultant assistance, again reduce opportunity for I training, and reduce benefits associated with professional memberships. Cost Summary: How much will the change cost for the next year (by personnel, operations, and capital)? How does it compare to current costs, if any? Are there any off -setting revenues or cost -savings? What are the specific line items and amounts affected by this request? Please provide a brief explanation, account descriptions, account numbers, and totals for personnel, 9perations and capital expenditures. Personnel Total cost savings for FY 2012-13 is $8,895. - FUND 101.6001.46332.10 (Contract Services): <$5000>; FUND 101.6001.463.51.01 (Travel & Training): <$1000>, FUND 101.6001 A63.53.03 (Membership Dues): <$595>; FUND 101.6001.46356.01 (Office Supplies): <$500>,TOTAL FUND REDUCTION $7,095. FUND 101.6002.463.51.01 (Travel & Training): <$1000>; FUND 101.6001 A6353.03 (Membership Dues): <$800>. TOTAL FUND REDUCTION $1800. <$8,895> -0- <$8,895> It Operations Capital Total Operating Costs Revenue - Gain <Loss> ® l�Rf Operating Costs 413 Operations Capital Total Operating Costs Revenue - Gain <Loss> perating Costs Fiscal Year: Program: Department: Request Summary: lo oae n twe NnlMnr, thb summary omw &a heslo quwdq ;Whetb bekV Dogefse0; waH wa a sdiNs; whet wa It emi; when wa It lo~.A for tow long: en e m my Hsning.9 NWpI Or rwo What would be the Impact If the request is approved? Include the direct and indirect impact on both the General Fund and the Community City of La Quinta Resource Allocation Plan Program Change Form 2012-2013 Elimination of Principal Planner Position Planning Priority Tracking Addition IA) or Reduction (R) R Department Priority 2 City Manager Priority ZY City Council: Accepted (A) Rejected (R) tion of a Principal Planner position from the Planning Department will achieve a FY 2012/13 cost savings of 19. It is anticipated that this.program change would go into effect at the beginning of the fiscal year and will in effect until sufficient revenue and workload would warrant the position being reinstated. Planning Department currently has two Principal Planner Positions. Elimination of a Principal Planner Position will reduce the Planning Department budget by approximately $145,789 for FY 2012/13. The Principal Planner position coordinates and manages complex, large scale planning projects. Recent Principal Planner project responsibilities include such items as the General Plan Update, Eden Rock Travertine, and Municipal Code Amendments. The loss of this position will directly impact the workload of the remaining Principal Planner, Planning Manager and Planning Director. Any moderate increase in complex, large scale development applications will require contract assistance to properly manage. The cost for such assistance has, in recent history, cost approximately $140/hour. Thus, 100 hours have been Identified for FY 2012/12 at a cost of $14,000. Cost Summary: How much will the change cost for the next year (by personnel, operations, and capital)? How does it compare to current costs, if any? Are there any off -setting revenues or cost -savings? What are the specific line items and amounts affected by this request? Please provide a brief explanation, account descriptions, account numbers, and totals for personnel, oQerations and capital expenditures. Personnel Elimination of a Principal Planner position represents a personnel cost reduction of $145,789, including salary and benefits. This cost reduction represents approximately 12.5%of Planning Department budget. The impacted funds are as follows: 101.6002.463.10 = $102,240, 101.6002A63.20,21,25,27 = $43,549. Elimination of Principal Planner position may require contract assistance depending upon application workload. For FY 2012/13,100 hours of contract assistance has been identified at an estimated cost of $140/hour for a total cost of $14,000. This amount would be added to FUND 101.6001.463.53.03 (Contract Services). <$131,789> -0- <$131,789> " 216 Operations Capital Total Operating Costs Revenue - Gain <loss> ® lgCOperating Costs Fiscal Year: Program: Department: Request Summary b maatwo cam 'this amw .mn a aMab yneadma: What Is Mbq drocaa"d: whet wW a addem wMt aW a curt: when wW she b eitem am (W hew bm; an saw, wry offaamq coat aavhpt or m,waaa Impact of Chance: What would be the Impact If the request is approved? Include the direct and indirect Impact on both the General Fund and the Community City of La auinta Resource Allocation Plan Program Change Form 2012-2013 Reduction of Secretary to 1/2 Time Position Planning PdQrky Tracking Addition (A) or Reduction (R) R Department Priority 3 City Manager Priority /ly City Council: Accepted (A) Rejected (R) ion of the Planning Secretary position to 1/2 time, 20 hours/week, will achieve a FY 2012/13 cost savings of r. It is anticipated that this program change would go into effect at the beginning of the fiscal year and will in effect until sufficient revenue would warrant an increase in hours for this position. e Planning Department relies upon the Secretary and Executive Secretary to perform a variety of secretarial and clerical duties for the Planning Department, Planning Commission, Historic Preservation Commission and Architecture & landscaping Review Committee. Since the Secretary is typically the first response to counter visits and telephone calls, the proposed reduction in hours will impact all Planning Department staff, most notably impacting the Executive Secretary and planners assigned to counter and phone coverage. In addition, the reduction in hours will also impact review and processing of meeting minutes, ability to timely maintain department filing system and permit activity logs, divert Assistant and Associate Planners away from ability to timely process permits, as well as limit ability for Executive Secretary to provide direct assistance to Planning Director and Planning Manager. Cost Summary: How much will the change cost for the next year (by personnel, operations, and capital)? How does it compare to current costs, if any? Are there any off -setting revenues or cost -savings? What are the specific line items and amounts affected by this request? Please provide a brief explanation, account descriptions, account numbers, and totals for personnel, operations and capital expenditures. Personnel Reduction of the Planning Secretary to 1/2 time, 20 hours/week, represents a personnel cost reduction of $49,757. e'remaining funds are follows: 101.6001.463.10 = $26,078 (salary=25,818 and bilingual pay 260); 101.600l A6320,21,25,27 = $6,735. No impact to operations. No impact to capital. <$49,757> -0- <$49,757> a 217 Fiscal Year: Program: Department: Request Summary: in ftwn..namw« On tone qussd fflee1 : Who bate WI a: whot a wodiew; WW wa whit q a,r. MWill a b In .a ,dto, W'0 1mq: am cn a k q «nnnm Impact of Chance: What would be the Impact If the request is approved? Include the direct and Indirect impact on both the General Fund and the Community City of La Quanta Priority Tracking Resource Allocation Plan Addition (A) or Reduction IR) Program Change Form Department Priority 2012-2013 City Manager Priority City Council: Transient Occupancy Tax Short -Term Vacation Rental Compliance Accepted (A) Rejected (R) Planning Professional assistance in improving collection of TOT revenue from short-term vacation rentals. Effort will include review of and amending existing municipal code provisions, implementation of a registration process, public education and awareness of program and process, initial enforcement efforts, and training of city staff. Additional personnel necessary in order to manage program in the Planning Department. professional assistance is estimated not to exceed a one time expense of $15,000. The process is expected to take ays to review and update the municipal code and an additional 90 days to implement the process and train staff. minary review of existing short-term vacation rental listings have identified the potential for up to $600,000In TOT nue in addition to the approximately $400,000 currently being collected by the Finance Department. Based upon lar TOT short-term vacation rental collection efforts in two Coachella Valley cities, it is likely to take approximately 4 months to reach the potential TOT income amount identified. Therefore, new revenue for the first year is nated at $300.000. Additional personnel will be necessary in order to manage this program in the Planning Cost Summary: How much will the change cost for the next year (by personnel, operations, and capital)? How does it compare to current costs, if any? Are there any off -setting revenues or cost -savings? What are the specific line items and amounts affected by this request? Please provide a brief explanation, account descriptions, account numbers, and totals for personnel, ®rations and capital expenditures. Personnel It Is estimated that management of this program will require, on average, .5 FfE. However, the initial effort during the first 6 months will likely require additional time, likely as high as 1 FTE. There is currently not a position in the Planning Department identified in the 2012-2013 budget available to manage this effort. An Assistant Planner, Management Assistant, or equivalent, should be able to manage this program with proper supervision. The total cost for a .5 FTE Assistant Planner is estimated to be $55,631. e professional assistance is estimated not to exceed a one time expense of $15,000 to be administered via fund 101.6001.463.32.10. . No direct impact on capital. $70,631 $300,000 <$229,369> Operations Capital Total Operating Costs Revenue - Gain <Loss> ® l�Operating Costs 01 218 Print Form^ Fiscal Year: Program: Department: Reauest Summary: In ons a twe aantanaa. a" o,o,h mvy aNNM fled bode questions: What to babrq processed: what wa It achhve:' .hot wa h cost; when wa It ro N effect. eed for row bnp; en a1Ne w gatBalne W N ok-W or m Mm Impact of Chance: What would be the Impact if the request is approved? Include the direct and indirect Impact on both the General Fund and the Community City of La Quinta Resource Allocation Plan Program Change Form 2012-2013 Municipal Code Update - General Plan Consistency Planning Priority Tracking Addition (A) or Reduction (R) A Department Priority 2 City Manager Priority 1iY City Council: Accepted (A) Rejected (R) ilization of professional services to comprehensively review and update La Quinta Municipal Code to ensure nsistency with 2035 General Plan. This program is a one time expense necessary following adoption of the 2035 La iinta General Plan. This work must be completed following adoption of the 2035 General Plan. Total cost estimated $25,000. program will allow Planning staff to utilize professional services in completing a comprehensive review of the La ita Municipal Code in order to ensure consistency with the 2035 La Quinta General Plan. This effort is labor isive and is best conducted by professional services, especially with elimination of Principal Planner position. This cram will have a one time General Fund expense of $25,000. Cost Summary: How much will the change cost for the next year (by personnel,operations, and capital)? How does it compare to current costs, if any? Are there any off -setting revenues or cost -savings? What are the specific line items and amounts affected by this request? Please provide a brief explanation, account descriptions, account numbers, and totals for personnel, 6rations and capital expenditures. Personnel Operations Capital Total Operating Costs Revenue - 'Gain < Loss> et Operating Costs No direct impact to personnel. However, it should be noted that management of this program will require Planning Department staff resources, which can be conducted with the personnel level proposed for 2012-13. This program will have a one time operations expense of $25,000 to be administered via fund 101.6001.463.32.10. $25,000 -0- $25,000 219 Print Form 11 11 Ib' c� o a � o o ' p Z a T u1 p `d a H c n u m y a E q M d y L C a q G s Z C C r a N 6 q N 7 e c y q c o c o E E a± � 8888 8 SQS8 88 e 8 $ $ rrrrr.�25gr�rNr�rrg mgcai 52.rr.r $_.Ni urvi N 0; NO 16 a N l N rvl N 01 r1 m m m O: ry 01 99 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o O g o 0 o g s0� $ pg yF�CJgI� M H O M = $ N vl M e1 T N `1 K N N S 8 S S O O r. CI O r 1f1 O r N N Vl a - r: a e �c o e is ai ni ri e e N F Z CWC C W N C d d a in 9 u O q $. C c c C 00 q Oo .W C W q L d dd d _u p O C Z F Q cc d W E N N a .0 O m W cc '3 .°� N ry c a c j O,.h 0 E f d d w LL 2 c '^ N aZi = .n y - d d c E. 9 c c c °� c E a �'n N m W 'L N W y VI 'V 'e 0 N y w h F 'N d C C rLn d d W 0 6 p pp 0 m N d E- a j q v. w Q y :d. 'F. « w u m m c a N a m =EGc arc ccc3��- �:2 cEa auuv2 G vgiaw N in t'i adc¢¢wf 5»jr j �<u°n`�r.'�r.E.�vai v4i=n 00 � 220 Racal Year: Program: Department: Request Summary• in oa or twe antwws. oft r ,,r sawsr nss bask goaemw: what b twbe Vmcasa: wMt we It adivo; what We It Cost wMn we it a In seat, and for bow bn; srs e,ws arty offataq hart 69*4 ao Impact of Change: What would be the Impact H the request is approved? Include the direct and Indirect Impact on both the General Fund.and the Community City of La Quinta Resource Allocation Plan Program Change Form FY 12/13 and FY 13/14 Community Policing Offices Public Safety Addition (A) or Reduction (R) FRDepartment Priority City Manager Priority Y_ lTy—i2y City Council: Accepted (A) Rejected (A) City of La Quinta currently funds two community policing offices. One of the offices is owned by the City (Village :e Station) and the other is currently being lease (Business District Police Office). The yearly lease of the Business riot Police Office currently costs the city $81,000 and other operational costs are $30,315 for a total of $111,315. f termination of the lease would potentially save the city approximately $111,3315.annually after Fiscal Year 1-2014. Business District Police Office was opened November 1, 2008 with a 10 year lease agreement and 5 year opt out. li )ber 2013, the city has an option of terminating the lease. Early termination of the lease will result In an Early Fait of six months rent ($40,500), but there would also be two months rent that will not be paid for May and June ;,500). The police office is currently utilized by patrol officers to write reports, take lunch breaks, conduct interview, The station ultimately serves as a centralized location from which they work from. If the office were to be closed, of staff would have to operate out of City Hall, the Thermal Station, or Village Police Office. This could potentially ;e operational delays and limiting public access to its police department. Cost Summary: How much will the change cost for the next year (by personnel, operations, and capital)? How does it compare to current costs, if any? Are there any off -setting revenues or cost -savings? What are the specific line items and amounts affected by this request? Please provide a brief explanation, account descriptions, account numbers, and totals for personnel, rations and capital expenditures. Personnel Operations Capital Total Operating Costs Revenue - D'Loss > D'�erating Costs N/A FY 2012-2013: Two months of rent payments saved; $13,5001001-5054-421 A2-15 FY 2012-2013: Early Exit Fee paid: $40,500 (paid out of reserves) FY 2013-2014:total operational cost saving items that would be realized if the lease was terminated $111,315: Rent $81,000101-5054-021.44-04; Electricity $6,300 101-5054-421.44-01; Security $750101-5054-421 Al-30; Telephone $5,760101-5054-421.41-22; Telephone (T7) $3,360101-5054-421 A3-62; Office Supplies $6,600101-5054-42156-02; Janitorial $6,930101-5054-421 A2-15; and water $615 101-5054-421 Al-16. WA FY 2012-2013 <$13,500> General Fund FY 2012-2013 $40,500 Reserves FY 2013-2014 <111,315> General Fund WA FY 2012-2013 <$13,500> General Fund FY 2012-2013 $40,500 Reserves 1 TV FY 2013-2014 <111,315> General Fund q-y 221 Fiscal Year: Program: Department: City of La Quinta Resource Allocation Plan Program Change Form FY 13/14 School Resource Officer Public Safety Priority hacking Addition IA) or Reduction (R) R Department Priority 9 City Manager Priority 2 City Council: Accepted (A) Rejected (R) Request Summary: ,n a city of La Quinta currently has three (3) School Resource Officers assigned to schools within the city. Of the three, ., M, rm ' this the city fully funds one (1) position and 50%of the remaining two (2) officers. This cost can be directed to Desert Sand: r sm.w a. bask wowp.: wn.r Is e.rnq Unified School District. This will result in a savings of $219,396 g per year. This could take effect at the beginning of the pmessaw; . -11 it ache-; `n Will `frost, next school year (September, 2013) and become an indefinite cost saving to the city. Full funding of School Resource a .,,edr,, ro� ;n Officers by Desert Sands Unified School District (DSUSD) will free the City of La Quinta of the financial burden it ews my oewtaq in --bvl currently is responsible for. m,aea,ere Impact of Chance: If the district refuses to fully fund these positions, the schools would operate without dedicated personnel. This would What would be the cause all incidents to be investigated by patrol staff. Given the amount of incidents that occur on a daily basis, this will Impact If the request is have a significant impact on patrol operations. Investigations involving juveniles often times are involved and very approved? Include the direct and Indirect time consuming. This specifically relates to current policy requiring completed reports prior to the booking process of Impact on both the ;uveniles. One incident involving an arrest of a juvenile can take several hours which will ultimately reduce patrol General Fund and the staffing levels. The MOU between the City and DSUSD expires FY 2012/2013. The Police Department did not submit thif Pa Community reduction in consideration of the MOU; shifting responsibility for SRO's to the school districts may be appropriate upon re -distribution of RDA monies. Cost Summary: How much will the change cost for the next year Iby personnel, operations, and capital)? How does it compare to current costs, if any? Are there any off -setting revenues or cost -savings? What are the specific line items and amounts affected by this request? Please provide a brief explanation, account descriptions, account numbers, and totals for personnel, operations and capital expenditures. Personnel The city currently funds a total of two positions (by means of cost sharing) in this program. The cost rate for this position typically increases each year 5%. The city could potentially expect a yearly cost increase of $11,518.00. These positions are managed within line item "School Resource Officer" 101-5054-421.36-16. This position does not receive specialty pay, however, mileage would be incurred at approximately $0.88 per mile. Mileage cost savings is estimated to be $13,000 per year. Mileage is managed within line item "Mileage" 101-5054-421.36-25. - <$232,396> This position does not generate revenue <$232,396> Operations Capital Total Operating Costs Revenue- ain <Loss> Operating Costs -..11 222 d Fiscal Year: Program: Department: Reauest Summary: In Oro w iwe MtMna. a" aranrrur Steam, an Web au.saana: WWI la beta We ;what wa it aCNwe; what ova It ant: WMr WIN it Et b a/fM. W far Law b%; am then away oaannp Call savirt, M rl,mMma Imoact of Change: What would be. the Impact H the request is approved? Include the direct and Indirect Impact on both the General Fund and the Community City of La Quinta Resource Allocation Plan Program Change Form FY 12/13 Motor Officer Public Safety Priority Tracking Addition (A) or Reduction (R) R Department Priority 2 City Manager Priority City Council: Accepted (A) Rejected (R) city of La Quints currently contracts for four (4) motor officers. Of the four, one is partially funded through the to Gaming Grant. One motor position costs the city approximately $226,803.00 annually (including specialty pay). city could effectively eliminate one position and realized an annual savings of $22,803.00 effective FY 12/13 nation of one motor will potentially have an impact on overall traffic safety. Motor officers are primarily tasked traffic enforcement which has a direct impact on collision reduction. The lose of a motor officer could cause our Jon rates to increase moderately. In addition to traffic enforcement, our motor officers are certified accident tstructionists. This level of certification provides the city with a comprehensive investigative team that is fully ble of investigating serious accidents up to, and including, fatal collisions. Elimination of one motor officer will an impact on serious investigations. Cost Summary: How much will the change cost for the next year Iby personnel, operations, and capital)? How does it compare to current costs, if any? Are there any off -setting revenues or cost -savings? What are the specific line items and amounts affected by this request? Please provide a brief explanation, account descriptions, account numbers, and totals for personnel, operations and capital expenditures. 118 Personnel 1 Motor Officer @(107.29 + 1.75 x 2080 hours = $226,803.00). This position is currently managed under line item "Motor Officer" 101 -5054-421.36-19. Fuel costs are also covered by the city. Fuel costs are difficult to project since motor officers use high octane fuel from local gas stations. In FY 11/12, the average annual fuel cost was approximately $700.60 per motor officer <$227,503> <$227,503> Operations Capital Total Operating Costs Revenue - Gain <Loss> *Operating Operating Costs 223 Fiscal Year: Program: Department: Request Summary: to ere a tare maracas. this summary wave fin bask quutloru: wet Is being grocassad: what wa it ad*.*; wet will It cost: wen will it In bt OHM, and for tww brig: are tern arty OeMtgrig mat NYbg or revenues What would be the Impact If the request is approved? Include the direct and Indirect impact on both the General Fund and the Community City of La auinta Resource Allocation Plan Program Change Form FY 12/13 Sheriff - Patrol Public Safety Priority Tracking Addition (A) or Reduction (R) R Department Priority 3 City Manager Priority '24 City Council: Accepted (A) Rejected (R) City of La Quinta currently contracts for 150 patrol hours per day. This provides five (5) patrol officers for each of three (3) shifts (Day Shift, Swing Shift, Graveyard). Current M.O.U. requires the officers to work 10 hour shifts. lucing the contract hours from 150 to 140 will result in the loss of one (1) ten hour shift per day. Mathmatically, this fiction would reduce patrol staffing by 2 officers (150 x 365 /1780 = 30 officers) (140 x 365 / 1780 = 28 officer). The t savings would be $475,449.00 annually. A reduction of contracted patrol hours from 150 to 140 will ultimately remove one of the two patrol deputies responsible for patrolling the cove. Several years ago, Council approved funding for an additional deputy in the cove to supplement service for the concentrated residential area. The cove position was selected for this reduction model since other beats require coverage and the cove originally had only one deputy assigned to the area. In addition to this reasoning, if we were to eliminate a different beat, we would experience an accordion effect as we struggle to handle calls for service throughout the city. Even though one beat in the cove would be eliminated, we would still have one officer in the immediate vicinity to address calls for service. Overall, the citizens living in the cove would see an impact with response times and limited ability for proactive enforcement. Cost Summary: How much will the change cost for the next year Iby personnel, operations, and capital)? How does it compare to current costs, if any? Are there any off -setting revenues or cost -savings? What are the specific line items and amounts affected by this request? Please provide a brief explanation, account descriptions, account numbers, and totals for personnel, aerations and capital expenditures. Personnel Operations Capital Total Operating Costs Revenue- n <Loss> t Operating Costs This reduction would reduce patrol staffing levels of 30.8 officers to 28.7officers-101-5054-421.36-01 We have been averaging approximately 19,500 miles per year per officer. At $0.89 per mile, the potential mileage cost savings would be approximately $17,355. Mileage is managed within line item "Sheriff Mileage" 101-5054-421.36-25. Approximately <$492,804> This position potentially generates revenue from city collected citation fees. <$492,804> " 224 �. F?rint Form '. Fiscal Year: Program: Department: Request Summary: b one a t.w eentwa ea. thb wWnnwr a an bade Weeaenc What b bYq rnoeenea; ~ we it adiwa: what are it Coat: whan w11 it to 1n effect, wW for haw bite: an awn wry oftnlbq Coat wab4 or maws What would be the Impact If the request is approved? Include the - direct and Indirect impact on both the General Fund and the Community City of La Quinta Resource Allocation Plan Addition (A) or Reduction (R) R Program Change Form Department Priority 4 FY 12/13 City Manager Priority �1r City Council: Community Service Officer (Patrol) Accepted (A) Rejected (R) Public Safety The City currently contract for five (5) Community Service Officers. One (1) Community Service Officers cost the city approximately $88,046.00 per year (not including overtime). This position could be eliminated, resulting In an annual savings of $88,046.00. This could become effective begin FY 12/13. minating one Community Service Officer would impact patrol operation. The CSO performs many functions on patro Include traffic control, parking enforcement, non criminal reporting, criminal reporting without suspect information viable investigative leads, traffic collision investigations, and in custody jail transportation. Without this position, use responsibilities will be handled by the sworn patrol staff. Cost Summary: How much will the change cost for the next year (by personnel, operations, and capital)? How does it compare to current costs, if any? Are there any off -setting revenues or cost -savings? What are the specific line items and amounts affected by this request? Please provide a brief explanation, account descriptions, account numbers, and totals for personnel, �Qerations and capital expenditures. ® 1 Community Service Officer. Current contract rate of $42.33 per hour. (42.33 x 2080 hrs.=$88,046.40). This position is currently managed under line item "Community Service Officer" 101-5054-42136-07 <$88,046> This position generates city revenue from parking citations. A total of 1747 citations were Issues last year from patrol and Community Service Officers. I do not have the revenue amounts to determine revenue gains. <$88,046> Personnel Operations Capital Total Operating Costs Revenue - Gain <Loss> *operating operating Costs e 225 Operations Capital Total Operating Costs Revenue - < Loss > Operating Costs City of La Quinta Resource Allocation Plan Program Change Form Fiscal Year: FY 12/13 Program: Community Service Officer (Commercial District) Department: Public Safety Request Summary: in aro a h.. aantrraro. tlda wn nam.rows an buic quutlmn: Whit b b.6q MC1110 d: what we It achim: Whet we b cost: when WE It Or 1. aa.a, and for how tone: an uwra am oflaaltbq cea —hV or mwrrre What would be the Impact if the request Is approved? Include the direct and Indirect Impact on both the General Fund and the Community Pricift Tracking Addition (A) or Reduction (R) R Department Priority 5 City Manager Priority 2 y City Council: Accepted (A) Rejected (R) ❑ : currently contract for five (5) Community Service Officers, one (1) of which is specifically assigned to the rdal District area of the city (Hwy.111 Corridor & Old Town). One (1) Community Service Officers cost the city mately $88,046.00 per year (not including overtime). This position could be eliminated, resulting in an annual of $88,046.00. This could become effective begin FY 12/13. driating the Commercial District Community Service Officer would impact current efforts made in conjunction with local business partners. The CSO performs many functions within the commercial district to include crime rention meetings, parking enforcement, traffic control, event staffing, parking enforcement, Crime Prevention )ugh Environmental Design reports, and in custodyjail transportation. Without this position, these responsibilities be handled by the Commercial District Deputy and patrol staff. Cost Summary: How much will the change cost for the next year (by personnel, operations, and capital)? How does it compare to current costs, if any? Are there any off -setting revenues or cost -savings? What are the specific line items and amounts affected by this request? Please provide a brief explanation, account descriptions, account numbers, and totals for personnel, rations and capital expenditures. Personnel 1 Community Service Officer. Current contract rate of $4233 per hour. (4233 x 2080 hrs.=$88,046.401. This position is currently managed under line item "Community Service Officer" 101-5054-4213"7. <$88,046> - This position generates city revenue from parking citations. A total of 1747 citations were issues last year from patrol and Community Service Officers. I do not have the revenue amounts to determine revenue gains.. <$88,046> M 226 Print Form � Operations Capital Total Operating Costs .Revenue -- Gain <Loss> Operating Costs Fiscal Year: Program: Department: Request Summary: in OM, osm !nl(Mlpr. this amrmmry gnawer eve beak a dorm: Whit Is afire proc@sW: what wa a achfaaa: what wa it cwC weer wa a be In effoct, and for how ": am them any offsetting we savay. or swermas Impact of Change: What would be the Impact if the request Is approved? Include the direct and Indirect impact on both the General Fund and the Community City of La Quinta Resource Allocation Plan Program Change Form FY 12113 Investigator Overtime Public Safety Priority Tracking Addition IA) or Reduction (R) R Department Priority 6 City Manager Priority N City Council: Accepted (A) Rejected (R) Investigator Overtime is currently budgeted at $127,698.00 for FY I I/12. To date, within this fiscal year, none of e monies have been spent. Reason being, investigator overtime has been paid for out of the patrol overtime Iram. The city could potentially eliminate this budgeted item. This reduction could take effect during the mid year Set review. ation of investigation overtime could pose a problem if the patrol overtime funding is fully expended. Similar to overtime impacts, supervision will have to evaluate eachinvestigation call out to determine if the incident Jtates an immediate response or could be postponed. Generally speaking, immediate responses by gations tend to have a high rate of success due to the freshness of the case and immediate response. Cost Summary: How much will the change cost for the next year Iby personnel, operations, and capital)? How does it compare to current costs, if any? Are there any off -setting revenues or cost -savings? What are the specific line items and amounts affected by this request? Please provide a brief explanation, account descriptions, account numbers, and totals for personnel, operations and capital expenditures. Personnel This program is managed within line item "Investigator Overtime" 101-5054-42136-04. The current budgeted amount of 5127,698.00 would be eliminated to observed an annual savings of $127,698.00. <$127,698> - This program does not generate revenue. <$127,698> a- 227 Operations Capital Total Operating Costs Revenue- m <Loss> Operating Costs Fiscal Year: Program: Department: Request Summary m sa s t.,e sa4nea. this asawry aawn as ane quesfi w: Wsat Is MNq peeaaa: VdM we a eMYvr, W#W we it cost wt nweaM In~. sM for Now ": m awn aY off"nkv eon s [ w w mama Impact of Chanae: What would be the Impact If the request is approved? Include the direct and Indirect impact on both the General Fund and the Community City of La Quinta Resource Allocation Plan Program Change Form FY 12/13 Target Team Public Safety Priority Tracking Addition (A) or Reduction (R) R Department Priority 7 City Manager Priority City Council: Accepted (A) Rejected (R) city currently contracts for six (6) Target Team Officers, also know as the Special Enforcement Team. This team is :ificallytasked with criminal apprehension, crime prevention, addressing quality of life issues, and many other es. The city could eliminate two (2) of the six (6) positions and realize an annual savings of $463,725.60. �ination of two Special Enforcement Team positions would reduce the current staffing level of 6 down to 4. With a the size of La Quinta, our 6 SET officers are extremely busy. The team serves as a rapid response unit to iediately address problem affecting the city. Often times there are several issues that need immediate attention. 6 SET officers allow us to address a multitude of problems on any given day. A reduction to the size of this unit Id limit their versatility and ultimately cause a triage approach to combating crime and addressing quality of life Cost Summary: How much will the change cost for the next year (by personnel, operations, and capital)? How does it compare to current costs, if any? Are there any off -setting revenues or cost -savings? What are the specific line items and amounts affected by this request? Please provide a brief explanation, account descriptions, account numbers, and totals for personnel, rations and capital expenditures. Personnel Two (2) Target Team Member (SET). Projected contract rate of $13026 per hour. (13026 x 1780 x 2 = $463,725.60). This position is currently managed underline item "Target Team" 101-5054-42136-04. <$463,726> This position generates city revenue from V.I.C.R. (Vehicle Impound Cost Recovery). A total number of 216 vehicles were towed by sworn staff last year. On average, each officer generates approximately $582.00 annually. <$462,562> N 228 Program: Department: Request Summary m oar a tre panpnca. Mp e m aman bask quood p: W Wt is btlq pmceuW; rhM wa a achbm whet w It Cut: wtm wa a b In Libel, sM pm how ": pro dwe pM paNliblp Cpil MYhlp or MY1WH Impact of Chance: What would be the Impact if the request is approved? Include the direct and Indirect Impact on both the General Fund and the Community City of La Quinta Resource Allocation Plan Program Change Form FY 12/13 Dedicated Lieutenant Public Safety Priority Tracking Addition (A) or Reduction (R► R Department Priority 8 City Manager Priority ly City Council: Accepted (A) Rejected (R) city currently contracts for one (1) dedicated Lieutenant. The dedicated Lieutenant acts as the Assistant Chief of :e for the city. This position is second in command to the Chief of Police and manages all aspects of the police [tact. The city could eliminate this position and realize an annual savings of $212,888.00. mination of the dedicated Lieutenant position will impact overall quality and control over the current police ntract. This position is responsible for operational control of staffing, budget, logistics, event coordination, and ersight of the contracted specialty assigned personnel (Special Enforcement Team, Traffic, Commercial District, hool Resource Officers, Gang Task Force Officer, and the Narcotic Task Force Officer). In addition, this position serves the direct liaison to city staff and city council. . Cost Summary: How much will the change cost for the next year (by personnel, operations, and capital)? How does it compare to current costs, if any? Are there any off -setting revenues or cost -savings? What are the specific line items and amounts affected by this request? Please provide a brief explanation, account descriptions, account numbers, and totals for personnel, o®perations and capital expenditures. Fersonnel Operations (1) dedicated Lieutenant. Project contract rate of $102.35 per hour. (102.35 x 2080 = $212,888.00. This position is !ntly managed under line item "Dedicated Lieutenant" 101-5054-421.36-23. Capital Total Operating <$212,888> Costs Revenue - Gain <Loss> operating Costs <$212,888> Fiscal Year: Program: Department: Rawest Summary: k os. w t.s aanbncas, this spnncas ahe.w eta bask Vusatkm: what Is baYq procssw; what wa a atsbw: What waft castes .axM k seats. ant iw how bas; are tbari cars olbattne cost u.bv a raves rM Impact of Change - What would be the impact If the request is approved? Include the direct and indirect Impact on both the General Fund and the Community City of La Quinta Resource Allocation Plan Program Change Form FY 12/13 5% Increase to Contract Services Public Safety Priority Tracking Addition (A) or Reduction (R) A Department Priority 1 City Manager Priority City Council: Accepted (A) Rejected (R) city of La Quinta contracts for police services through the Riverside County Sheriff Department. Historically, the racted rate increase annually at a rate of 5%. For budgetary projection reasons, we typically project the rate -ase at 5% to ensure enough funds are budgeted to cover operation cost. Although 5% is used for projection xises, ifs uncommon for this amount to be realized. e contract rate increase would effectively increase the overall public safety budget. This yearly increase is necessary conform M.O.U. and bargaining unit agreements, and operational cost increases. Cost Summary: How much will the change cost for the next year (by personnel, operations, and capital)? How does it compare to current costs, if any? Are there any off -setting revenues or cost -savings? What are the specific line items and amounts affected by this request? Please provide a brief explanation, account descriptions, account numbers, and totals for personnel, operations and capital expenditures. Personnel This rate increase affects most positions in the Sheriff Departments supported through the contract rate. That said, we have seen the decreases in certain components of the rate. Below (Operations) is the reflective cost increase of 5% in comparison to the current proposed contract rate. This rate has not been approved by the Board of Supervisors. Patrol Contract Rate: Currently $126.74 per hour. Projected @ $133.08 per hour. Line item:101-5054-421.36-01 Patrol Overtime: Currently $56.79 per hour. Projected @ 59.63 per hour. Line item:101-5054-421.36-03 Investigation Overtime. Currently $69.09 per hour. Projected @ $72.54 per hour. Line item: 101-5054-42136-04 SET/ Comm. Dist. Officer: Currently $126.74 per hour. Projected @ $133.08 per hour. Line item:101-5054-42136-04 Comm. Services Officer: Currently $41.86 per hour.. Projected @ $43.95 per hour. Line item:101-5054-421.36-07 Narcotic & Gang Officer: Currently $57.77 per hour. Projected @ $60.66 per hour. Line items:101-5054-421.36.13 /14 School Resource Officer: Currently $68.22 per hour. Projected @ $71.63 per hour. Line item:101-5054-42136-16 Motor Officer: Currently 5108A7 per hour. Projected @ $113.89 per hour. Line item:101-5054-42136-19 Sergeant: Currently $92.39 per hour. Projected @$97.01 per hour. Line item:101-5054-421.36-22 The proposed FY 11/12 rates reflect a budget need of approximately $12,671,101. The project 5% contract rate increase would elevate the operational budget by approximately $633,555.00. The overall projected budget would be approximately $13,304,656. r633,555 Operations Capital Total Operating Costs Revenue - am <Loss> Operating Costs " - 230 Fiscal Year: Program: Department: Request Summary in one e, bete membrane., this breromevr aru.er five mein mrromeeme: Whot is being peuueeed; Mel we It anhbw; Mrt WE a cost when tea e b An orbe. Wei roe how bap; M there am oeaeWnp eeel saving or bruarwa Impact of Change• What would be the Impact H the request Is approved? Include the direct and Indirect Impact on both the General Fund and the Community City of La Quinta Resource Allocation Plan Program Change Form 2012/2013 ilverRock Resort (SRR) PM10 Public Works Priority Tracking Addition (A) or Reduction (R) R Department Priority 1 City Manager Priority Y City Council: Accepted (A) Rejected (R) City Is required by Air Quality Management District (AQMD) to adhere to PM10 Fugitive Dust Control requiremer Community Services Department received City Council approval on 3/6/12 for a contract for PM70 Fugitive Dust trol Services at the City's SilverRock Resort (SRR) that will lower costs by $10,000 per year starting in Fiscal Year of $10,000 per year. No impact to public as same services are to be provided as in previous years. Cost Summary: How much will the change cost for the next year (by personnel, operations, and capitall? How does it compare to current costs, if any? Are there any off -setting revenues or cost -savings? What are the specific line items and amounts affected by this request? Please provide a brief explanation, account descriptions, account numbers, and totals for personnel, operations and capital expenditures. Personnel Operations Capital Total Operating Costs Revenue - In <Loss> Net Operating Costs $10,000 would be cut from account 101-7006-43132-15 PM10-5ilverRock- amount remaining in this account would be $285,000 which will fully fund the revised contract. ($10,000) ($10,000) It 31 Fiscal Year: Program: Department: Request Summery: in ee e, awe eaeenwr. We wwne" mwwm an book pyrlbm: wet b Who; memeed: wet WE It *dim: wet we It cost wen con ft bt b effect, and rs bow bra: on some a" Offsew"""Vim of eYYnme Impact of Change: What would be the Impact If the request Is approved? Include the direct and Indirect Impact on both the General Fund and the Community City of La Quinta Resource Allocation Plan Program Change Form Addition (Al or Reduction (R) Department Pdorky Cfty Manager Priority 012/2013 Cfty Council: Street Sweeping Contract Accepted (A) Rejected (R) Public Works Beginning Fiscal Year 2012/2013, reduce the street sweeping services contract by 15% for a savings of $17,250 ($115,000 X 15% reduction = $17,250) . City's existing contractor, CleanStreet, proposed achieving a 15% cut to their contract amount by reducing the uency of street sweeping from 52 weeks to 43 weeks per year. This reduction in service would be achieved by Mating "make-up- street sweeping days for holidays and only sweeping residential streets a maximum of 4 times month, there would not be a 5th street sweeping service on months that have 5 weeks. Maybe perceived as a er level of service by some residents, although CVAG has already gone to every other week street sweeping service uterial streets. The impact to the general fund is a savings of $17,250. existingcontract with CleanStreet expires on June 30, 2012, this contract will be put out to bid for Fiscal Year Cost Summary: How much will the change cost for the next year (by personnel, operations, and capital)? How does it compare to current costs, if any? Are there any off -setting revenues or cost -savings? What are the specific line items and amounts affected by this request? Please provide a brief explanation, account descriptions, account numbers, and totals for personnel, Operations and capital expenditures. Personnel Operations Capital cut from account 101-7003-431.4+10 Street Sweeping Total Operating ($17,250) Costs Adoavenue - ein <Loss> Net Operating Costs I($17,250) City of La Quinta Pr)ofy Tracking Resource Allocation Plan Addition (A) or Reduction (R) Program Change Form Department Priority City Manager Priority Fiscal Year: 20122013 City Council: Program: Palm Tree Trimming Accepted (A) Rejected (R) Public Works Department: Reg mat Summary: to Beginning in Fiscal Year 2012/2013, the department would spend $15,000 annually to trim palm trees In the public . or twe swawa m. right-of-way. This represents a 25%decrease in historical expenditures for tree trimming work awy w On bee peosacrw: elfin b b2bV drucosrd: w1wt we It eddm: what wag cost Out— Wxb In MM. cod for how ": M am, way effxdit Wd "Virg w t•�r Impact of Chance: There are adequate funds remaining in the account to address serious, safety -related tree trimmings as deemed necessary by the City. May be perceived as less aesthetically pleasing by some residents. May result in greater clean What would be the Impact it the request is up effort required after severe wind events. approved? Include the direct and Indirect a general fund impact Is a savings of $15,000. Impact on both the - General Pond and the Community - Cost Summary: How much will the change cost for the next year (by personnel, operations, and capital)? How does it compare to current costs, if any? Are there any off -setting revenues or cost -savings? What are the specific line items and amounts ffected by this request? Please provide a brief explanation, account descriptions, account numbers, and totals for personnel, erations and capital expenditures. Personnel Operations Capital Total Operating Costs . venue - in < Loss > Net Operating Costs $15,000 would be cut from account 101-7004-431 A3-70 Palm Trees ($15,000) ($15,000) e 233 Fiscal Year: Program: Department: Request Summery: in mm e, two Mnlwltaa, sos summary answer ew bask m,mems: WM b being e,aomsae: what we It aeliw: what we amm;w, wean In stbrt, ate bw how bag: m tlsm oar oeuttbq we shine m ommams What would he the Impact If the request Is approved? Include the direst and indirect Impact on both the General Fund and the community . City of La auinta Prioft Tracking Resource Allocation Plan Addition (A) or Reduction (R) Program Change Form Department Priority City Manager Priority 012/2013 City Council: Eliminate Vacant Senior Secretary Position Accepted (A) Rejected (R) Public Works In Fiscal Year 2012/2013, eliminate the vacant senior secretary position at an annual savings of $94,124 administrative work load would be redistributed to the remaining Management Analyst and Counter Technicians. the past three years, a Counter Technician has been providing part-time administrative support to the Maintenance dces Division in lieu of the Senior Secretary providing this support. This administrative support organization vides maximum Flexibility for the department while maintaining a high level of customer service to the iartment's public counter. The general fund Impact is a savings of $94,124. Cost Summery: How much will the change cost for the next year (by personnel, operations, and capital)? How does it compare to current costs, if any? Are there any off -setting revenues or cost -savings? What are the specific line items and amounts affected by this request? Please provide a brief explanation, account descriptions, account numbers, and totals for personnel, Operations and capital expenditures. Personnel Operations Capital Total Operating Costs ASjo!snue - NW am <Loss> Net Operating Costs Position is currently vacant $94,124 cut from account 101-7001-431.10-01 ($94,124) ($94,124) a-., 234 i ■ Fiscal Year: Program: Department: Request Summary: jn n,r w aw rwrUnep, lira 4wwmry orowt 1B bin Preen"Wb YN Its e wW wWtwta vAhb whit wa a ewR wban wa M M In effect, one for how Ion: m- V w wry uffwttkq ww wvinei or rorwnwt What would be the Impact R the request is approved? Include the direct and Indirect impact on both the General Fund and the Community City of La Quinta Resource Allocation Plan Program Change Form 2012/2013 Misc Maint. & Operations - Admin. (7001) & Development Svc. (7002) Public Works Prloft Tracking Addition (A) or Reduction (R) R Department Priority 5 City Manager Priority City Council: Accepted (A) Rejected (R) Fiscal Year 2012/2013 and beyond, eliminate a total of $8,450 out of the department's Administration Division id Development Services (7002) Division budgets. 7001- Bottled water service to Public Works break room eliminated, staff would use bottled/filtered water available in he main employee break room; Office supplies, travel and training reduced due to vacant full-time senior secretary position; Commercial graffiti abatement budget reduced by 50%, adequate funding for the program remains. 7002 - No longer print copies of Development Engineering Handbook (DEH), document available electronically and can be downloaded/viewed for free from the City web site. Reduce operating supplies by 50%, enough funding left in this account for the purchase of mylar storage tubes. Reduce travel & training, membership dues, and subscriptions and publications, leaving adequate funding for the division. e general fund impact is a savings of $8,450. NOTE: All dept. office supplies purchased from 7001 Cost Summary: How much will the change cost for the next year (by personnel, operations, and capital)? How does it compare to current costs, if any? Are there any off -setting revenues or cost -savings? What are the specific line items and amounts affected by this request? Please provide a brief explanation, account descriptions, account numbers, and totals for personnel, or rrations and capital expenditures. Personnel Operations Capital Total Operating Costs Revenue - <Loss> Net Operating Costs $ 1,000 cut from account 101-7001-43136-02 operating supplies from $1,800 in FYI 1/12 to $800 in FY12/13 $2500 cut from account 101-7001-43232-07 commercial graffiti from $5,000 in FYI 1/12 to $2,500 in FY12/13 $1,000 cut from account 101-7001-431.56-01 office supplies from $8,000 in FYI 1/12 to $7,000 in FY12/13 $200 cut from account 101-7001-43151-01 travel and training from $1,000 in FYI 1/12 to $800 in FY12/13 $500 cut from account 101-7002-43153-01 printing from $500 In FYI 1%12 to $0 in FY12/13 $250 cut from account 101-7002-43156-02 operating supplies $500 in FYI 1/12 to $250 in FY12113 $1500 cut from account 101-7002-431 Si-01 travel and training $3,000 in FYI 1/12 to $1,500 in FY12/13 $1,000 cut from account 101-7002-43153-03 membership dues $1,250 in FYI 1/12 to $250 in FY12/13 $500 cut from account 101-7002-431.53.04 subscriptions and publications $1,000 in FYI 1/12 to $500 in FY12/13 ($8,450) ($8,450) 235 Fiscal Year: Program: Department: Request Summary in am w tWe wonlW, .cis wmmnr Wwww it" hssk glrsrom: What h hehtp pr ted: who qua It eghbw: whet we it cost Whitt qua it a in aaegt, eM su, how b,q: w don, my onwnina cost "Wing or revrx,es Impact of Change: What would be the Impact If the request Is approved? Include the direct and Indirect Impact on both the General Fund and the Community City of La auinta Resource Allocation Plan Addition IA) or Reduction (R) Program Change Form Department Priority City. Manager Priority 2012/2013 City Council: Misc. Maintenance & Operations - Streets Budget (7003) Accepted (A) Rejected (R) Public Works Starting Fiscal Year 2012/2013, eliminate a total of $66,000 out of the department's Streets (7003) budget LE on a review of historical needs, adequate funding would remain in the budget after the cuts identified below to m normal maintenance activities. Funding for storms and/or emergency response operations would be handled Ih the City's emergency operations procedures. general fund impact is a savings of $66,000. Cost Summary: How much will the change cost for the next year (by personnel, operations, and capital)? How does it compare to current costs, if any? Are there any off -setting revenues or cost -savings? What are the specific line items and amounts affected by this request? Please provide a brief explanation, account descriptions, account numbers, and totals for personnel, rations and capital expenditures. Personnel Operations Capital Total Operating Costs venue - < Loss > Net Operating Costs $15,000 cut from account 101-7003-431.33-65 Street Striping from $35K in FYI 1/12 to $20K in FYI2/13 $ 5,000 cut from account 101-7003-431 A3-73 Storm Drains from $15K In FYI 1/12 to $10K in FYI 2/13 $10,O0O cut from account 101-7003-431.44-01 Equipment Rental from $20K in FYI 1/12 to $10K in FYI 2/13 $2,000 cut from account 101-7003-43156-43 Barricades from $8K in FYI 1/12 to $6K in FYI2/13 $15,000 cut from account 101-703-43156-46 Signs from $40K in FYI 1/12 to $25K in FYI/13 $4,000 cut from account 101-7003-43156-49 Asphalt from $IOK in FYI 1/12 to $6K in FYI 2113 $10,000 cut from account 101-7003-43156-52 Materials from $32,800 in FYI 1/12 to $22,800 in FYI2/13 $3,000 cut from account 101-7003-43156-55 Small Tools from $5,500 in FYI 1/12 to $2,500 in FYI2/13 $2,000 cut from account 101-7003-43156-58 Paint Legends from $6K in FYI 1/12 to $4K in FYI 2/13 ($66,000) ($66,000) eib Fiscal Year: Program: Department: Request Summary: In mm n.ft. sanffl .e, da. aumm.n .www Me ewe puaatlana: what Is eatae proewaw: who wa a.ahiwo: what wa a con; when we a M In efbn, and for how lane; am drone a" aeaatthy eon wohp or rewmuw What would be the Impact If the request is approved? Include the . direct and Indirect Impact on both the General Fund and the Community City of La Quinta Resource Allocation Plan Addition (A► or Reduction (R) Program Change Form Department Priority City Manager Priority 2012/2013 City Council: Misc Maintenance & Operations - L & L Budget (7004) Accepted (A) Rejected (R) Public Works Startinq Fiscal Year 2012/2013, eliminate $30,000 out of the department's Landscape & Lighting (7004) budget replacement plants and materials would be reduced by 15%, leaving sufficient funding for normal e operations. Funding for materials, such as replacement DG for multi -use trails, would be reduced by Hy 31%; therefore, DG would be replenished on a less frequent basis and some residents may have out the aesthetics. The perimeter landscaping of developments in the north area, that are currently by the L&L District, may be impacted more by these reductions. fund impact is a savings of $30,000. Cost Summary: How much will the change cost for the next year (by personnel, operations, and capital)? How does it compare to current costs, if any? Are there any off -setting revenues or cost -savings? What are the specific line items and amounts affected by this request? Please provide a brief explanation, account descriptions, account numbers, and totals for personnel, orrations and capital expenditures. Personnel Operations Capital Total Operating Costs avenue - < Loss > Net Operating Costs $5,000 cut from account 101-7004-431.56-02 Plant Replacement from $35,120 in FYI 1/12 to $30,120 in FY12/13 $25,000 cut from account 101-7004-43156-52 Materials from $79,800 in FY11/12 to $54,800 in FYI 2/13 ($30,000) ($30,000) Fiscal Year: Program: Department: Request Summary: in M n two rmm,ur, nib rummy Mwu an bull gunmw: whit b babe prseumd: what WE a sddb : what we a Mt: when we It ha In ~. one for haw bne: an em+my rffnniq CWt aavbe. w mnnwa impact of Change: What would be the impact If the request is approved? Include the direct and Indirect impact on both the General Fund and the Community City of La auinta Resource Allocation Plan. Addition (A) or Reduction (R) Program Change Form Department Priority City Manager Priority 2012/2013 City Council: Construction Inspection Services Accepted (A) Rejected (R) Public Works Beginning Fiscal Year 2012/2013, perform all construction inspection for public and private projects using in-hou staff and eliminate $100,000 contract with PSOMAS for these services. and private development inspection services needs have decreased due to the economy and the reduction in g sources (RDA) for projects. The work would be performed by Engineering Services Division staff. Service lever e negatively impacted -response time for inspections, Issuing of permits, and PM10 Fugitive Dust Control and monitoring may be longer as a result of this cut. GIS work for Public Works and other Departments currently ,ned by the Inspector 1 may need to be performed by other staff members. The general fund Impact is a savings $100,G00. Cost Summery: How much will the change cost for the next year (by personnel, operations, and capital)? How does it compare to current costs, if any? Are there any off -setting revenues or cost -savings? What are the specific line items and amounts affected by this request? Please provide a brief explanation, account descriptions, account numbers, and totals for personnel, ISOstations and capital expenditures. Personnel Operations Capital personnel would be eliminated. Total Operating ($100,000) Costs venue - in <Loss> Net Operating Costs 1($100,000) be cut from account 101-7006-431.32-07 Contract Inspections 0 ■ Fiscal Year: Program: Department: Remrest Summary• in mw w e.e.ena ' ede ewmne gee"Mc q,oeeee: vaM a beet pennee; whet We It wide"; Mee we a cme whin wa It be ti eeeet and rer how Wv: an ann ury oenaht CM Nebg. a eeYY1,1u What would be the impact H the request is approved? Include the direct and Indirect Impact on both the General Fund and We Community City of La auinta Resource Allocation Plan Program Change Form 20122013 Citywide Landscape Maintenance Contract Public Works Priority Tracking Addition (A) or Reduction (R) R Department Priority 9 City Manager Priority City Council: Accepted IA) Rejected (R) ng Fiscal Year 20122013, reduce services provided under the citywide Landscape Maintenance contract for a of $90,505. Rion in landscape maintenance contract achieved by..1) eliminating winter overseeding, mowing & fertilization o 11 retention basins. Based on historical retention basin maintenance costs, this would be a 30%reduction for an al savings of $24,750; 2) reducing Irrigation of retention basins for annual savings of $40,000; and 3) re -assigning Rock perimeter maintenance to Landmark vs. Tessera for annual savings of $25,328. By reducing the scope of the contractor's economy of scale is reduced and the City may need to rebid these services instead of agreeing extended term as allowed under the existing contract. Community likely to see impacts on aesthetics as a icant lowering of the level of landscape maintenance services. General fund impact is a savings of $90505 Cost Summary: How much will the change cost for the next year (by personnel, operations, and capital)? How does it compare to current costs, if any? Are there any off -setting revenues or cost -savings? What are the specific line items and amounts affected by this request? Please provide a brief explanation, account descriptions, account numbers, and totals for personnel, Operations and capital expenditures. Personnel Operations Capital Total Operating Costs ,dilbSavenue - ain <Loss> Net Operating Costs cut from account 101-7004-43134-04 Citywide Landscape Maintenance Contract cut from account 101-7004-43l Al-19 Water 0 d Fiscal Year: Program: Department: Request Summary: b ee. w tam ..,set... this emmery newer ere bnto goeattona: Whet b babe procnue; what wa It athbra: what wa b Cast when wa It W In cent, and tor how tone; am Vier, any oaaattbg cost "Who or mwews Impact of Change• What would be the Impact If the request Is approved? Include the direct and Indirect Impact on both the General Fund and the Community City of La auinta Resource Allocation Plan Program Change Form 2012/2013 Contracted Landscape Lighting Maintenance Public Works Priority Tracking Addition (A) or Reduction (R) R Department Priority 10 City Manager Priority City Council: Accepted (A) Rejected (R) Fiscal Year 2012/2013, reduce the Landscape Lighting Maintenance contract by 15%for an annual savings se contract landscape lighting services are also utilized by the Community Services Department; however, this artment is recommending a separate contract in Fiscal Year 2012/2013. The reduction would result in less frequent ections and repair of right-of-way landscape lighting and walkway lighting. Current landscape lighting contractor, :O, stated that service would go from a 40 hours/week to 34 hours/week in order to achieve a 15% reduction. This be perceived as safety issue for some residents. The Landscape Lighting Services contract expires June 30, 2012, contract could be extended for another year or be put out to bid in FY201212013. eral fund impact is a savings of $22,500. Cost Summary: How much will the change cost for the next year (by personnel, operations, and capital)? How does it compare to current costs, if any? Are there any off -setting revenues or cost -savings? What are the specific line items and amounts affected by this request? Please provide a brief explanation, account descriptions, account numbers, and totals for personnel, erations and capital expenditures. Personnel Operations Capital Total Operating Costs Revenue - isn <Loss> Net Operating Costs cut from account 101-7004-43132-07 Consultants - Landscape Lighting Maintenance Contract Fiscal Year: Program: Department: Request Summary: In aonnrsm atwbnd/. We amawwry www an Oeete suatlw: What Is being pmsaesad; what will It ad"ve: what will a coat; when we It be In eeeat, and for haw 1"; m tlnn any offsetting mat saving or n1wMamm Impact of Change: What would be the Impact If the request is approved? Include the direct and indirect impact on both the General Fund and the Community City of La Quinta Resource Allocation Plan Program Change Form Addition (A) or Reduction (R) Department Priority City Manager Priority 2012/2013 City Council: Eliminate One Principal Engineer Position Accepted (A) Rejected (R) Public Works In Fiscal Year 201212013, reorganize the department by combining the Development Services and Engineering St Divisions under the supervision of one Principal Engineer. increase response time for private development processing and plan review. Will require concentration of iplex duties including: private development entitlement and plan review; right-of-way actions; stoimwater elation; construction inspection and oversight; traffic operations; and PM10 enforcement under one manager, :h may not be in the City's best long-term interests according to the department -wide organizational review that performed in 2006. The general fund impact is a savings of $179,761. Cost Summary: How much will the change cost for the next year (by personnel, operations, and capital)? How does it compare to current costs, if any? Are there any off -setting revenues or cost -savings? What are the specific line items and amounts affected by this request? Please provide a brief explanation, account descriptions, account numbers, and totals for personnel, rations and capital expenditures. Personnel Operations Capital Total Operating Costs venue - < Loss > Net Operating Costs Principal Engineer positions are currently filled. ,296 cut from salaries + $50,065 cut from fringe benefits = $177,361 cut from account 101-70oX-431.51-02 Vehicle Reimbursement �0191 Fiscal Year: Program: Department: Request Summary: to ons n.1ro asMnne, tib su nmwy answer on basic questions: Vowt Is being p.oepeeC: what we it eeMen: wbt we It cost rban we a be In effect, and rot how loop: ese these my neN(LLlg""Vins or mwuw BCt Of CheDO: What would be the Impact if the request is approved? Include the direct and indirect Impact on both the General Fund and the Community City of La Quinta Resource Allocation Plan Program Change Form 2012/2013 Eliminate Maintenance Foreman Position Public Works Priorjty Tracking Addition (A) or Reduction (R) R Department Priority 12 City Manager Priority 2y City Council: Accepted (A) Rejected (R) Fiscal Year 2012/2013, reorganize the department by eliminating one (1) Maintenance Foreman position for an nual savings of $100,096. ,000 of the salary savings would be kept to allow for one of the existing Maintenance Worker I positions to be nverted to a Maintenance Worker IL By eliminating one of the Maintenance Foreman positions from the Streets (7003) budget, the department would lose another position that has a class B license (a Maintenance Worker II position was eliminated in FY2011/12). In order to have enough staff qualified to operate heavy equipment, $7,000 of the salary savings from the elimination of the Maintenance Foreman position should be kept and used to convert an existing Maintenance Worker I to a Maintenance Worker II with a class B license. May increase response time to citizen requests for service. The general fund impact is a savings of $100,096. As a result of this cut, the need for administrative support for this division becomes even more important so remaining two Maintenance Foreman can spend more time in the field and less time on administrative duties. This cut results in the need to go back to a 5/40 work schedule for Maintenance Services Division employees. Cost Summary: How much will the change cost for the next year (by personnel, operations, and capital)? How does it compare to current costs, if any? Are there any off -setting revenues or cost -savings? What are the specific line items and amounts affected by this request? Please provide a brief explanation, account descriptions, account numbers, and totals for personnel, orations and capital expenditures. Personnel Operations Capital Total Operating Costs Revenue - < Loss > Net Operating Costs Maintenance Foreman position is currently filled. $107,096 cut from account 101-7003-431.10-01 $7,000 of the salary savings would be kept in account 101-7003-431.10-01 to convert existing Maintenance Worker I to a Maintenance Worker II. ($100,096) - ($100,096) 044 „ .. e_ T Fiscal Year: Program: Department: Reamst Summary: In a. e. twn asnbnasa, de, nntmasy an era bask ,imolim: What b bablp promud: what wa a achbva; wNt wa It eoa4• when tra a b b affael, ml for how b,p: a. than any offaatWp coot "On or rovewa Impact of Charge: What would be the Impact If the request Is approved? Include the direct and Indirect Impact on both the General Fund and the Community City of La auinta Resource Allocation Plan Program Change Form 2012/2013 Misc Maintenance & Operations - Engineering Services (7006) Public Works Prior' Tracking Addition (A) or Reduction (R) R Department Priority 13 City Manager Priority City Council: Accepted (A) Rejected (R) ing Fiscal Year 2012/2013, eliminate a total of $36,922 out of the department's Engineering Services Division budget. educes travel & training for traffic signal technician & construction inspection staff, reduces operating supplies such as Dies, video detection, controllers, etc. to support traffic operations (may impact traffic signal operations); reduces udget used to conduct traffic counts; eliminates funds to pay for more complicated project design requiring use of AD that can not be performed by in-house staff that do not have this training nor the hardware or software to do the ork. Severely impacts department's ability to respond to citizen requests & priority projects. May impact traffic safety operating supplies & capital funds are reduced since these funds are used to replace worn out signal equipment Iroughout the year. General fund impact is a savings of $36,922. Cost Summary: How much will the change cost for the next year (by personnel, operations, and capital)? How does it compare to current costs, if any? Are there any off -setting revenues or cost -savings? What are the specific line items and amounts affected by this request? Please provide a brief explanation, account descriptions, account numbers, and totals for personnel, IF Frations and capital expenditures. Personnel Operations Capital Total Operating Costs Revenue - a< Loss > Net Operating Costs $1,000 cut from account 101-7006-431.51-01 travel and training (staff training for safety positions) $5,845 cut from account 101-7006-43156-02 operating supplies $10,OOO cut from account 101-7006-431.32-09 Traffic Counts/Studies $20,077 cut from account 101-7006-43132-07 Capital Improvement Projects ($36,922) ($36,922) 245 Fiscal Year: Program: Department: Request Summary: in w. w twe anbneee, b" swwm.rv.nww en be.ie geeeeone: What b bobs pmeesstl: wM we It whim: Who wit a co n when we h Iw In effec , and tw how Ina[ m tlwe'wry offsettbq cost wrbie or nosnor Impact of Change: What would be the Impact If the request is approved? Include the direct and Indirect Impact on both the General Fund and the Community City of La Quinta Priority rrackinu Resource Allocation Plan Addition (A► or Reduction (R) Program Change Form Department Priority City Manager Priority 2012/2013 City Council: - Misc Maintenance & Operations - All Public Works Divisions Accepted (A) Rejected (R) Public Works Starting Fiscal Year 2012/2013, eliminate a total of $8,889 out of the departments remaining travel & training, subscriptions & publications, membership dues budgets, and reduce commercial graffiti abatement budget. Eliminate all but $1,895 of travel & training budget from the entire department for a savings of $5,830 Eliminate subscriptions & publications budget for a savings of $500 - no funds left for technical reference books Eliminate membership dues budget from the entire department for a savings of $2,060- no professional memberships, such as American Public Works Association, effects student outreach program (i.e. no graduation luncheon) Reduce commercial graffiti abatement budget for a savings of $499 Eliminate striping budget for a savings of $20,000 - eliminates any ability to do street striping outside of the annual slurry seal & pavement management program which starting in FYI 2/13 will be funded out of central services and not he Public Works Dept. budget. The general fund impact is a savings of $28,889 Cost Summary: How much will the change cost for the next year (by personnel, operations, and capital)? How does it compare to current costs, if any? Are there any off -setting revenues or cost -savings? What are the specific line items and amounts affected by this request? Please provide a brief explanation, account descriptions, account numbers, and totals for personnel, or rrations and capital expenditures. Personnel Operations Total Operating Costs Revenue- V<Loss> Net Operating Costs Cut $800 from 101-7001-43151-01 going from $800 to $0 in FYI 2/13 Cut $1,500 from 10 1 -7002-43 1.51 -01 going from $1,500 to $0 in FYI2/13 Cut $1,000 from 101-7003-43151-01 going from $1,595 to $595 in FYI2/13 Cut $530 from 101-7004-43151-01 going from $530 to $0 in FYI 2/13 Cut $2,000 from 101-7006-43151-01 going from $3,300to $1,300 in FYI 2/13 Cut $500 from 101-7002-43153-04 going from $500 to $0 in FYI 2/13 Cut $1,100 from 101-7001-43153-03 going from $1,100 to $0 in FYI 2/13 Cut $250 from 10 1 -7002-431.53-03 going from $250 to $0 in FYI 2/13 Cut S130 from 10 1 -7003-431.53-03 going from $130 to $0 in FYI 2/13 - Cut $580 from 101-7006-43153-03 going from $580 to $0 in FYI 2/13 Cut $499 from 101-7001-43132-07 going from $2,500 to $2,001 in FYI 2/13 Cut $20,000 from 10 1 -7003-43133-65 going from $20,000 to $0 in FYI 2/13 ($28,889) - ($28,889) '•'r -, 246 City of La auinta Resource Allocation Plan Program Change Form Racal Yew: 12/2013 Prograin: NPDE5 Monitoring and Administration Department: Public Works Request summary. in see w ti ameooa.9b eremur wain 90 seek *as* rWeta eNe preaeed: Wins We 9aedwe: Mrs we 9 ens Wen We" In e11m4 wd rW hm Inca: m tlrn a e9asaft =a earee w maw What would be the brgract I(the miusst Is appmed? Include the direct and Indirect Impact on both the Oeneral Fund and the Community Prioft Tracking Addition (A) or Reduction (R) A Department Priority 1 City Manager Priority y City Council: Accepted (A) Rejected (R) ding In Fiscal Year 2012/2013, the City's National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Co-Permittee fee and the State Annual Fee will increase from $45,000 to $75,000 In Fiscal Year 2012/2013, a net increase of $30,000. Administration and Monitoring was identified as an Item that would not be part of the base budget calculation 15%reduction. is a legal obligation and requirement of the City. Cost Summary: How much will the change cost for the next year (by personnel, operations, and capital)? How does it compare to current costs, if any? Are there any off -setting revenues or cost -savings? What are the specific line items and amounts affected by this request? Please provide a brief explanation, account descriptions, account numbers, and totals for personnel, rations and capital expenditures. Personnel Operations Capital Total Operating Costs avenue - in <Loss> Net Operating Costs added to account 101-7002-43132-07 Fiscal Year: Program: Department: Rawest Summary: in one n. tw. smatenwa, thia .unm.ry auwww nra haaic quntbm: What is Wire pmassed; what we It ad*.*: what we it ctwt; when we It G In of a. and for haw tone; an awn any aaseta,p coat swhp or.avwwas Impact of Chance: What would be the Impact if the request is approved? Include the direct and indirect Impact on both the General Fund and the Community City of La Quinta Resource Allocation Plan Program Change Form 2012/2013 PM10 Fugitive Dust Control for City Lots in Old Town Public Works :ing in Fiscal Year 2012/2013, the City will owned.lots in Old Town. is a legal obligation and requirement of the City. Prioft Tracking Addition IA) or Reduction (R) A Department Priority 2 City Manager Priority G City Council: Accepted (A) Rejected (R) funding to conduct PM10 Fugitive Dust Control on the Cost Summary: How much will the change cost for the next year (by personnel, operations, and capital)? How does it compare to current costs, if any? Are there any off -setting revenues or cost -savings? What are the specific line items and amounts affected by this request? Please provide a brief explanation, account descriptions, account numbers, and totals for personnel, erations and capital expenditures. Personnel Operations Capital Total Operating Costs venue - in <Loss> Net Operating Costs added to account 101-7006.43132-15 Ll City of La Quinta Resource Allocation Plan Program Change Form Fiscal Year: Program: Department: 2012-2013 Parks and Special Benefit Assessment District Formation Public Works Request Summary: In am w two senten as, this summery anaww iM bask gwaaons; What is being gmaassed; wlwt wa It achieve; what wa it cost; when we It be In affect, and for how Inns; am them. any offseuing coat savingf or m,a m, Impact of Change' What would be the Impact if the request is approved? Include the direct and Indirect impact on both the General Fund and the Community Priority Tracking Addition IA) or Reduction (R) A Department Priority 3 City Manager Priority 1TY City Council: Accepted (A) Rejected (R) ting Fiscal Year 2012/2013 consultant would prepare one or more engineering studies, public outreach program(s) mail out ballot(s) in support of forming a city-wide Parks Assessment District as well as one or more Special Benefit :ssment District(s) for North La Quinta. The purpose of forming the districts is to offset future Parks and Lighting Landscape maintenance costs. rty owners would be asked to consider paying for a portion of the City's parks, parkway and entry feature ape maintenance based on the special benefit they receive from those facilities. A 50 percent plus one approval property owners within a district would be required in order to form the district(s). one-time general fund impact for the Parks Assessment District formation is approximately $150,000. This cost r Partially offset by inclusion in future assessments if the district is approved by the property owners. one-time general fund impact for the Special Benefit Assessment District(s) formation is approximately $75,000, Cost Summary: How much will the change cost for the next year (by personnel, operations, and capital)? How does it compare to current costs, if any? Are there any off -setting revenues or cost -savings? What are the specific line items and amounts affected by this request? Please provide a brief explanation, account descriptions, account numbers, and totals for personnel, ®operations and capital expenditures. Personnel Operations Capital Total Operating Costs Revenue - Gain < Loss > dket Operating Costs Parks Landscape Maintenance - 101 -3005-451-3404 Lighting and Landscape Maintenance- 101-7004-431.32-07 225,000 Anticipated revenue expected to offset study cost in FY2013/2014 provided Assessment District(s) are approved. General Fund appropriations for Parks and Lighting and Landscape Maintenance will be reduced starting in FY2013/2014 if district(s) are approved by property owners. 225,000 Print Form " . " 249 Fiscal Year: Program: Department: Request Summary m ,,. or r.,e sentenwa." so o.,y amwar are Wale eussao.e: M.t b Wuq prom; ; what WE It •c[dwe; whet WE a roM; when WE It W in eaeet., and for Ww long: an arue my ofrseeh,g Cost "OVI or rev.nuea Impact of Change: What would be the Impact if the request is approved? Include the direct and Indirect impact on both the General Fund and the Community City of La Quinta Resource Allocation Plan Addition iA) or Reduction (R) R Program Change Form Department Priority ' City Manager Priority 2012/2013 City Council: Front Entry Water Features Accepted (A) Rejected (R) - SilverRock Golf Course Reduce front entry water feature run times to 2 hours per day year round from July 2012 through June 2013. Reducing run times will decrease electricity usage and electricity costs approximately $16,000 annually. Impacton golf revenue is unknown. and perception of SilverRock could be negatively affected; extent of impact is unknown. Cost Summary: How much will the change cost for the next year (by personnel, operations, and capital)? How does it compare to current costs, if any? Are there any off -setting revenues or cost -savings? What are the specific line items and amounts affected by this request? Please provide a brief explanation, account descriptions, account numbers, and totals for personnel, 40 rations and capital expenditures. Personnel Operations Capital Total Operating Costs Revenue - < Loss > Net Operating Costs N/A Maintenance 601-0000-45133-74 Reduction of <516,000> WA <$16,000> <$16,000> `" 250 0 3.10.1 Caapital3morovement- City shall deposit monthly from the Golf Course Accounts an amount equal to two percent "Capital Improvement Fund Percentage) of that portion of the Gross Revenues for the previous month attributed to green fees ("Capital Improvement Funds'). City shall establish and maintain a separate reserve account for the Capital Improvement Funds and these Capital Improvement Funds shall be used for the purposes described in this Agreement. The parties hereby acknowledge and agree that the Capital Improvement Funds shall belong to City,. and City shall have complete control over the Capital Improvement Funds. The parties hereby agree that prior to each Operating Year, in connection with the preparation and approval of the "Capital Improvement Plan" as described in Section 3.10.2 below, the parties shall discuss whether the Capital Improvement Fund Percentage should be changed. Ay�deci( <. the<Capital Improvement Fund Percentage, shall be in the sole disp[etio ofjyy' and in making such decision City Manager shall consider such factors as the amount of Capital �T Improvement Funds currently available and the projected capital improvement requirements of Ithe Golf Course. In no event, however, shall the Capital Improvement Fund Percentage be t increased in excess of two percent (2%) except with the written approval of the City Council. 3,10.2 Ca ittalImprovementPlans. During the Management Term' Manager shall submit on or before April 1 of each year, a "Capital Improvement Plan" for the Golf Course for the next Operating Year, which shall ® include Manager's recommendation of Capital Improvement projects for the next Operating Year, estimated costs of such Capital Improvement projects. 3.10.3 Implementation of Capital Improvement Proiects. The parties acknowledge and agree that all Capital Improvement projects are in City's sole control and discretion, and all costs and expenses of Capital Improvement projects shall be paid from the Capital Improvement Funds or from other City funds. The costs and expenses of Capital Improvement projects shall not be considered Golf Course Expenses. The parties acknowledge and agree that this Agreement imposes no responsibilities or obligations on the part of Manager with respect to any aspect of a Capital Improvement project, including design, construction or supervision. In the event City desires Manager to be involved in any capacity in a Capital Improvement project, the City Manager shall be authorized to enter into a separate agreement with Manager setting forth the terms and conditions of such involvement, including without limitation fees to be received by Manager for such involvement. 3.11 Insurance During_ Management Term. 3.11.1 Coverage. Manager agrees to procure and maintain, during the Management Term, as a Golf Course Expense, at a minimum the following insurance: ® (a) insurance on the contents of the buildings located at the Golf Course and other personal property located at the Golf Course which contents and personal property are owned or leased by Manager, against loss or damage by fire, lightning and/or any 1191015610.0074 -20- 487969.07 AM7/04 ,.� 251 Fiscal Year: Program: Department: Request Summary: In om or t..n sa mocas, a" summary answer five Wale gwstiom: W wt Is W6q pmcasaad: wW wa It ach1w.: whit will q cost when we It M In etfam, end for how long: are erwa any oesefti, tort saving or .anon What would be the impact if the request is approved? Include the direct and indirect Impact on both the General Fund and the Community City of La Quinta Priority Tracking Resource Allocation Plan Addition (A) or Reduction (R) Program Change Form Department Priority City Manager Priority 2012/2013 City Council:. Capital Reserves - Accepted (A) Rejected (R) SilverRock Golf Course Reduce Capital Reserve to 1%for fiscal year 2012/2013 only. This would save an estimated $30,000 annually. Tht would not be any impact to revenues. capital repairs at SilverRock would be impacted due to a reduced balance of capital reserve account. An lum to the Golf Course Management Agreement would be required if this was implemented. Cost Summary: How much will the change cost for the next year (by personnel, operations, and capital)? How does it compare to current costs, if any? Are there any off -setting revenues or cost -savings? What are the specific line items and amounts affected by this request? Please provide a brief explanation, account descriptions, account numbers, and totals for personnel, rations and capital expenditures. Personnel Operations Capital Total Operating Costs Revenue - < Loss > Net Operating Costs N/A See attached agreement. Reduction of <$30,000> WA <$30,000> <$30,000> - - Fiscal Year: Program: Department: Request Summary: in arm a M. santentge. this "mini, am", nW basic eeestbra: what Is behg pa.essed; whet wa It ..Mare: what ara a .oat when wa It be in eeea, a" for hew ION; as there any offsetting wet saying .I... Impact of Change: What would be the Impact if the request is approved? Include the direct and indirect Impact on both the General Fund and the Community City of La Quanta Priority Tracking Resource Allocation Plan Addition (A) or Reduction (R) Program Change Form Department Priority City Manager Priority 2012/2013 City Council: Marketing Accepted (A) Rejected (R) SilverRock Golf Course Reduce marketing expense by 25% or approximately $46,000 annually for the 2012/2013 Annual Budget marketing translates to less advertising exposure and a reduced ability to build awareness for SilverRock. The ict to revenue is unknown however a negative impact would be expected. Especially without the PGA Tour's ana Challenge, SilverRock would have to rely more on word of mouth advertising and existing clientele. Cost Summary: How much will the change cost for the next year (by personnel, operations, and capitall? How does it compare to current costs, if any? Are there any off -setting revenues or cost -savings? What are the specific line items and amounts affected by this request? Please provide a brief explanation, account descriptions, account numbers, and totals for personnel, rations and capital expenditures. Personnel Operations Capital Total Operating Costs Revenue - < Loss > Net Operating Costs N/A Marketing 601-0000-451.33-77 reduction of <$46,000> N/A <$46,000> <$46,000> 0 ri Pr(f,t r n 253 Fiscal Year: Program: Department: Request Summary: to ... or wm ..nt.M.,, tnu .ummary answer age bask Vuesdan.: vaut b Wng pmtxssed: what wa k adds..; what wa It ewt; when wa k br it eH.M and fm how knp; am them any oHMti g tort mving. m mYMVBi Impact of Change: What would be the impact if the request is approved? Include the direct and indirect Impact on both the General Fund and the Community City of La Quinta Priority Tracking Resource Allocation Plan Addition (A) or Reduction (R) Program Change Form Department Priority City Manager Priority 2012/2013 City Council: Golf Shop Accepted (A) Rejected (R) SilverRock Golf Course Layoff Merchandiser/Receiver during the summer months (July -September) in the 2012/2013 Annual Plan. This save an estimated $8,100 annually. ing off Merchandiser/Receiver there would be the risk of losing an experienced valuable employee to another )yer. The increased turnover of the position would require more training time and recruiting expense. SilverRock Golf Professional and Golf Professional Staff would be required to pick up the extra work during the summer hs and possibly into the season. This could take valuable time away from other customer service needs thus ig the SilverRock experience. This could lead to an impact on revenues over time. Cost Summary: How much will the change cost for the next year (by personnel, operations, and capital)? How does it compare to current costs, if any? Are there any off -setting revenues or cost -savings? What are the specific line items and amounts affected by this request? Please provide a brief explanation, account descriptions, account numbers, and totals for personnel, �ations and capital expenditures. Personnel Operations Capital Total Operating Costs Revenue- < Loss > Net Operating Costs Merchandise/Receiver would be laid off for the summer months (July -September 2012). Golf Shop 601-0000-45133-72 reduction of <$8,1 00> N/A <$8,100> <$8,100> 254 �I 0 Fiscal Year: Program: Department: Request Summary In ore er n.a santancu, rxa aunemryanwwWWale putb eana: what b hq what iti w.t wa Xece kt whet w . X coat; wMn wa X W t enaal. off att Ww bap; an W m any off eoa aavYgl ar rerwwas What would be the Impact if the request is approved? Include the direct and indirect Impact on both the General Fund and the Community City of La Quinta Resource Allocation Plan Program Change Form 2012/2013 General & Administrative -AdminAssistant SilverRock Golf Course Priority Tracking Addition (A) or Reduction (R) R Department Priority 5 City Manager Priority N City Council: Accepted (A) Rejected (R) off an Administrative Assistant position during the summer months (July, August, and October 2012) in the 2/2013 Annual Plan. This would save an estimated $8,100 annually. This would not have an impact on revenues. the Administrative Assistant position off there would be the risk of losing an experienced valuable employee .r employer. The increased turnover of the position would require more training time and recruiting expense. c Club Controller would be required to pick up the extra work load during these summer months. Cost Summary: How much will the change cost for the next year (by personnel, operations, and capital)? How does it compare to current costs, if any? Are there any off -setting revenues or cost -savings? What are the specific line items and amounts affected by this request? Please provide a brief explanation, account descriptions, account numbers, and totals for personnel, isations and capital expenditures. .Personnel Operations & Administrative 0-451.33-76 reduction of <$8,100> Capital N/A Total Operating <$8,100> Costs Revenue - < Loss > Net Operating Costs <$8,100> Fiscal Year: Program: Department: Request Summary: m ne w two aaatwwes, this s rm y amww tka bask questions: wNt is bebt i Paeeseea; whit wa it achl" what we it cast; whan wa it M In effm. ami for how ktp: an there any onaetatg wrt web, or nwmiws Impact of Chance: What would be the Impact if the request is approved? Include the direct and indirect Impact on both the General Fund and the Community City of La Quinta Resource Allocation Plan Program Change Form 2012-2013 Golf Shop SilverRock Golf Course Priority Tracking Addition (A) or Reduction (R) R Department Priority 6 City Manager Priority - City Council: Accepted (A) Rejected (R) golf shop staffing by eliminating shifts and hours worked. Altogether this would save an estimated $20,000. ucing golf shop staffing would inegatively mpact customer service during the reservation and the check -in process. sts who call the golf shop may not have their phone call answered in a timely manner and as a result may hang up call elsewhere for a tee time reservation. In addition, the customer check -in process will be delayed thus finishing their golf experience. These factors would have a detrimental effect on revenue and would tarnish a tive reputation that SilverRock has created over the past 7 years. Cost Summary: How much will the change cost for the next year (by personnel, operations, and capital)? How does it compare to current costs, if any? Are there any off -setting revenues or cost -savings? What are the specific line items and amounts affected by this request? Please provide a brief explanation, account descriptions, account numbers, and totals for personnel, isations and capital expenditures. Personnel Operations Capital Total Operating Costs Revenue - < Loss > Net Operating Costs At least 1 golf shop employee would be eliminated or total hours worked would be reduced to save $20,000 annually. Golf Shop 601-0000-451.33-72 reduction of <$20,000> N/A <$20,000> <$20,000> N 256 City of La Quinta Resource Allocation Plan Program Change Form Fiscal Year: 2012/2013 Program:. Cart Barn/Range Department: SilverRock Golf Course Request Summary: rn off. er two ..otprce., tut summary ... floe bnk QY..darr.; Whit Is bpne pmcusatl; what wa a acNew; what wa a cop; when will h bi In effect, PM for how long; an tM arty offsptft cop aacbg OF nv..oa. Impact of Change: What would be the impact if the request is approved? Include the direct and indirect impact on both the General Fund and the Community Priority Tracking Addition (A) or Reduction (R) R Department Priority 7 City Manager Priority N City Council: Accepted (A) Rejected (R) Bottled Water that is currently provided to each golfer that plays SilverRock. This would save an estimated inually but would result in a $6,000 capital expenditure and an $1,200 added Operation expense in the I Annual Plan for a net reduction of $12,800. sting bottled water is taking away an amenity that is currently provided to each guest. By eliminating.this .y it will hurt the perceived value and positive reputation that SilverRock has created over the last 7 years. On water coolers could be considered to provide water to guests which would require a capital expense. Also, cup have to be provided to each guest and this would be an additional expense. Most golf courses have eliminated :oolers due to possible contamination and liability reasons. - Cost Summary: How much will the change cost for the next year (by personnel, operations, and capital)? How does it compare to current costs, if any? Are there any off -setting revenues or cost -savings? What are the specific line. items and amounts affected by this request? Please provide a brief explanation, account descriptions, account numbers, and totals for personnel, rations and capital expenditures. Personnel Operations Capital Total Operating Costs Revenue- 41 <Loss> Net Operating Costs N/A Cart Bam/Range 601-0000-451.33-71 reduction of <$20,000> 601-0000-451.33-71 addition of $1,200 for additional cups 601-0000-451.33-71 addition of $6,000 for installation of water cooler stations <$12,800> . <$12,800> 257 City of La Quinta Priority Tracking Resource Allocation Plan Addition (A) or Reduction (R) Program Change Form Department Priority City Manager Priority Fiscal Year: 2012/2013 City Council: Program: Maintenance Accepted (A) Rejected (R) Department: SilverRock Golf Course Reauest Summary: in Reduced Golf Course Maintenance Staff by 2 FT Employees for the 2012/2013 fiscal year. This would save an estimated ame, tw° ••nano , to $611000 annually. summary maw. eve bank queeeons: What Is baby P...W: whet wW h .agave: whet wax east: whan wa h be In grad, and at how bna; are them any oes,"Ing mat savings or ... Impact of Chance: By reducing 2 Full Time (M Golf Course Maintenance Staff Employees, the impact to staff morale and the customer What would be the experience would be negatively effected. Currently, the golf course is successful due to its favorable year round Impact if the request is conditions. As a result, SilverRock generates over over 45,000 paid rounds annually. Each staff member has an approved? Include the important role that makes SilverRock special and different from other golf courses. By reducing the golf course direct and indirect maintenance staff, the negative impacts would be greater than the savings by eliminating 2 positions. Golf course Impact on both the conditiond.s would be below what the are todayand the reputation that SilverRock has created over the last 7 General Fund and the ttould be damaged and diminished. y ears p - y Community 9 . Cost Summary: How much will the change cost for the next year (by personnel, operations, and capitall? How does it compare to current costs, if any? Are there any off -setting revenues or cost -savings? What are the specific line items and amounts affected by this request? Please provide a brief explanation, account descriptions, account numbers, and totals. for personnel, ations and capital expenditures. Personnel Operations Capital Total Operating Costs Revenue - < Loss > Net Operating Costs Eliminate 2 Full Time Golf Course Maintenance Employees in the 2012/2013 fiscal year operations budget. Maintenance 601-0000451.33-74 reduction of <$61,000> ' N/A <$61,000> <$61,000> ".R, 258 Fiscal Year: Program: Department: Request Summary: In am or two sentences, this summary answer five Wok questions: whit k beiq yreceesed: wilt .a it ..Nave: .hat win it cost wWn.a it b. lo effect. arai for law long: are there any offsetting cost saving or meanoss Impact or t;nanee• What would be the Impact if the request is approved? Include the direct and Indirect Impact on both the General Fund and the Community City of La Quinta Priority Tracking Resource Allocation Plan Addition (A) or Reduction (R) Program Change Form Department Priority City Manager Priority 2012/2013 City Council: Cart Barn/Range Accepted (A) Rejected (R) SilverRock Golf Course Eliminate 2 PT Outside Service Positions. This would save an estimated $30,000 in the 2012/2013 Annual Plan sting 2 PT Outside Service Positions would have a negative impact on the customer service experience from the nt a guest arrives to the moment the guest's clubs are put into their car after the round which would negatively revenues. SilverRock's success has been built on course design, course conditions and excellent customer . Outside Service personnel provides an extremely important role in the overall guest experience at SilverRock. mating 2 positions this would decrease the customer service experience and severely impact the positive [ion that SilverRock has created over the past 7 years; SilverRock's reputation would suffer and as a result so revenue. Cost Summary: How much will the change cost for the next year Iby personnel, operations, and capital)? How does it compare to current costs, if any? Are there any off -setting revenues or cost -savings? What are the specific line items and amounts affected by this request? Please provide a brief explanation, account descriptions, account numbers, and totals for personnel, ations and capital expenditures. Personnel Operations Capital Total Operating Costs Revenue- < Loss > Net Operating Costs 2 PT Outside Services positions eliminated. Can Barn/Range 601-0000-451.33-71 reduction of <$30,000> N/A <$30,000> <$30,000> 259 Fiscal Year: Program: Department: BerAest Summary: in erri re ten, Santa.., " summary .newer flue [risk questions: What b being erecessea; whet wa it achkve; what wa a cost when wa It ba In effect, and for how bng; are then any offeettim cc" "Was. or revenues Impact of Change: What would be the impact if the request is approved? Include the direct and indirect Impact on both the General Fund and the Community City of La Qulnta Priority Tracking Resource Allocation Plan Addition (A) or Reduction (R) Program Change Form Department Priority 2012/2073 City Manager Priority City Council: Maintenance Accepted (A) Rejected (R) SilverRock Golf Course Reduce Golf Course Fertilizer Applications by 20%in the 2012/2013 Annual Plan. This would save an estimated $ per year. ng Golf Course Fertilizer Applications by 20%would have a negative impact on course conditions by decreasing ual appearance and more importantly impacting the health of the grass or plant. Fertilizer provides the ary nutrients to promote growth and helps it fight off disease. Simply put, the turf will not be as green and the of the grass and root structure would be compromised. Reducing fertilizer application on the golf course would ;h the positive reputation that SilverRock has created over the past 7 years. Golfers may choose to play other -s that are in better condition, thus losing revenue in the short and long term. Cost Summary: How much will the change cost for the next year Iby personnel, operations, and capital)? How does it compare to current costs, if any? Are there any off -setting revenues or cost -savings? What are the specific line items and amounts affected by this request? Please provide a brief explanation, account descriptions, account numbers, and totals for personnel, �ations and capital expenditures. Personnel Operations Capital Total Operating Costs Revenue - < Loss > Net Operating Costs WA Maintenance 601-0000-451.33-74 reduction of <$22,800> WA <$22,800> <$22,800> R 10 N 260 Fiscal Year: Program: Department: Request Summary: In one at ewe awnences, Nb summary amww five trsie Yrrosaons: What is behv pmceaae0; whet wa It adieva: what wall it cost; when will h in in eeeet, and ror how, low; are Nero arty offsetting met aavin, or rovwawa What would be the Impact if the request is approved? Include the direct and Indirect Impact on both the General Fund and the Community City of La Quinta Resource Allocation Plan Program Change Form 2012/2013 Maintenance - SilverRock Golf Course the Golf Course Annual Rye Seed rate by 20% in the Priority Tracking Addition (A) or Reduction (R) R Department Priority 11 City Manager Priority City Council: Accepted (A) Rejected (R) 3 Annual Plan. This would save an estimated ig the golf course Rye Seed rate by 20%would have a negative impact on the golf course conditions both and playability. As a result, the positive reputation that SilverRock has created over the past 7 years would be aly impacted. By reducing the seed rate by 20%, the fairways, rough and approaches will have less turf e which will create weak overseeded areas throughout the golf course. Word of mouth and reputation will be aly impacted and will result in short and long term revenue deficiencies. Cost Summary: How much will the change cost for the next year Iby personnel, operations, and capital)? How does it compare to current costs, if any? Are there any off -setting revenues or cost -savings? What are the specific line items and amounts affected by this request? Please provide a brief explanation, account descriptions, account numbers, and totals for personnel, 0ations and capital expenditures. Personnel Operations Capital Total Operating Costs Revenue - < Loss > Net Operating Costs N/A Maintenance 601-0000-451.33-74 reduction of <$21,000> N/A <$21,000> <$21,000> 261 City of La Quinta Priority Tracking Resource Allocation Plan Addition IA) or Reduction (R) Program Change Form Department Priority ' City Manager Priority Fiscal Year: 2012/2013 City Council: Program: Leases Accepted (A) Rejected (RI SilverRock Golf Course Department: Request Summary: to Eliminate the GPS system on the golf carts. This would save an estimated $69,000 in the 2012-2013 Annual Plan. - o,r m rwo srmtarrcaa, Oft sum ' answer ava bask questions: What Is bake processed: what wa it adive; what wa It a st; when arW ft be b erred, and for how bng; we Was any oesetWq cost sasfnp or rwenuas Impact of Chance: Eliminating the GPS system on the golf carts would take away one of the largest amenities that SilverRock currently provides to its guests and would eliminate the ability for staff to manage pace of play and provide communication wit What would be the Impact H the request is golfers. Today golfers can instantly send a message through the GPS to the golf shop in the event of a medical approved? Include the emergency or can send a message if they are having golf can issues. Eliminating this amenity may hurt the perceived direct and Indirect Impact on bola the value and positive reputation that SilverRock has created over the last 7 years. All of SilverRock's main competitors Gener General Fund and the have GPS on the golf their carts; by not having GPS at SilverRock it may be difficult to command the current full rack Community rate which in turn will reduce revenue. In addition, b eliminating the GPS system on the golf carts, there would be a Y 9 Y voided area on the golf cart roof where the monitor currently is mounted. Cost Summate: How much will the change cost for the next year (by personnel, operations, and capital)? How does it compare to current costs, if any? Are there any off -setting revenues or cost -savings? What are the specific line items and amounts affected by this request? Please provide a brief explanation, account descriptions, account numbers, and totals for personnel, �ations and capital expenditures. Personnel Operations Capital Total Operating Costs Revenue - < Loss > Net Operating Costs WA Leases 601-0000-451.33-82 reduction of <$69,000> WA <$69,000> <$69,000> 262 Fiscal Year: Program: Department:. Request Summary: In orw nr taro sentences, this s en mery answer one bask cimsilens: What is being processed; what will It sahleve; whit vra it at; wham cop it be In effect, and br how lens; are dean, a" oeseWrg cost saving or revenues Impact of Change: What would be the Impact R the request is approved? Include the direct and indirect impact on both the General Fund and the Community City of La Quinta Resource Allocation Plan Program Change Form 2012/2013 Temporary Clubhouse SilverRock Golf Course Priority Tracking Addition (A) or Reduction (R) R Department Priority 13 City. Manager Priority City Council: Accepted (AI Rejected (R) Roving Patrol and Security Services that are currently provided at SilverRock Resort. This would save an I $60,000 in the 2012/2013 Annual Plan. - nating Roving Patrol Services at SilverRock would eliminate any possible deterrent for theft and vandalism at 'Rock. Currently, roving patrol services are provided at SilverRock 7 nights a week & 365 days of the year. Roving ,I constantly monitors and patrols the SilverRock lubhouse area, golf course and golf course maintenance facility business hours and into the early morning. Eliminating roving patrol would require La Quinta Police to provide ar scheduled patrols of these areas, otherwise, there would be no deterrent against criminal activities. One ent of theft or vandalism at SilverRock could be more costly than by retaining this service. Cost Summary: How much will the change cost for the next year (by personnel,operations, and capital)? How does it compare to current costs, if any? Are there any off -setting revenues or cost -savings? What are the specific line items and amounts affected by this request? Please provide a brief explanation, account descriptions, account numbers, and totals for personnel, &ations and capital expenditures. Personnel Operations Capital Total Operating Costs Revenue - < Loss > Net Operating Costs Eliminate contractor that currently provides Roving Patrol Services. Temporary Clubhouse 601-0000-451.33-78 reduction of <$60,000> - N/A <$60,000> <$60,000> sry i.— N 263 Fiscal Year: Program: Department: Request Summary: b pee a ssmuwor. si wnwarr:Wier twsle VosNons: Wiwi b iq P,osassa; wku wa it diva: wM wa k tort; wM xrp It M b peat Ana for kow lone; an awn s,ry oeruLLp sou aria or ms,aws Impact of Chance: Whet would be the Impact if the request is approved? Include the direct and Indirect impact on both the General Fund and the Community City of La Quinta Resource Allocation Plan Program Change Form 2012/2013 Native Area Maintenance SilverRock Golf Course Priority Tracking Addition (A) or Reduction (R) R Department Priority 14 City Manager Priority City Council: Accepted (A) Rejected (R) ate Golf Course Native Area Maintenance for the fiscal year 2012-2013. This would include, weed control, g of trees and shrubs, raking of native areas and any other landscape maintenance performed in the 50 acres of areas at SilverRock. This would not Include the front entry maintenance. linating the Golf Course Native Area Maintenance would have a severe negative impact on revenue and the station at SilverRock. There are over 50 acres of native areas that consist of shrubs, trees, sand, ground cover and er desert plants. By not maintaining these areas, they would become overgrown and infested with weeds; golfers ild be spending extra time looking for golf balls thus slowing pace of play and creating a negative experience for golfer. In addition, the reputation of the current course conditions would be negatively impacted by eliminating maintenance. Cost Summery: How much will the change cost for the next year (by personnel, operations, and capital)? How does it compare to current costs, if any? Are there any off -setting revenues or cost -savings? What are the specific line items and amounts affected by this request? Please provide a brief explanation, account descriptions, account numbers, and totals for personnel, ®operations and capital expenditures. Personnel Eliminate 4 Full Time Landscape Maintenance Employees. Maintenance - 601-0000-05133-74 reduction <$165,000> N/A <$165,000> <$165,000> Operations Capital Total Operating Costs Revenue - Gain <Loss> t Operating Costs 264 Edie Hylton Isom: Randy Duncan <rduncan@SilverRock.org> Sent: Friday, March 09, 2012 10:28 AM To: Edie Hylton Cc Angela Guereque; Joe Gill Subject: SilverRock Resort - Program Change Forms Attachments: ATT 1- Program Change Front Entry.pdf, ATT 1 - Program Change Capital Res 1%.pdf; ATT 1- Program Change Reduce Marketing.pdf; ATT 1 - Program Change Admin Ass..pdf;'ATT 1 - Program Change F&B.pdf, ATT 1 Program Change Golf Course Maint .pdf; ATT 1 - Program Change Merch.Rec.pdf; ATT 1 - Program Change Bottle Water.pdf Edie, Attached hereto are expense reduction possibilities identified by Landmark Golf Management to be considered for SilverRock Resort during the 2012-2013 fiscal year budget preparation. Please let us know if you have questions. We look forward to discussing these items with you if need be. V-Kease note that SilverRock has already absorbed over $250,000 in additional expenses over the last two (2) years from adding the front entry water feature expense ($184,000), the front entry maintenance expense ($54,000) and taking on all the lake maintenance expenses ($15,000). In addition, SilverRock has reduced more than $274,000 from its operations budget beginning in 2008- 2009 fiscal year. This included reducing course services staff, no raises since 2008-2009 fiscal year, iftclucing golf course maintenance by two (2) full time employees, reduced marketing, limited over- eding, reducing insurance costs and limiting roving patrol services. As a result, SilverRock Resort has absorbed and reduced expenses over $500,000 prior to addressing the suggestions provided above. Regards, Randy J. Duncan, PGA General Manager ! Director of Golf SilverRock Resort www.SilverRock.ora 760-777-8884 ext. 4 n 265 REPORT/INFORMATIONAL ITEM: I_ INVESTMENT ADVISORY BOARD Meeting March 14, 2012 CALL TO ORDER Regular meeting of the La Quinta Investment Advisory Board was called to order at the hour of 4:00 p.m. by Chairperson Spirtos followed by the Pledge of Allegiance. PRESENT: Board Members Mortenson, Spirtos, Park and Donais ABSENT: Board Member Blum OTHERS PRESENT: John Falconer, Finance Director and Vianka Orrantia, Senior Secretary II PUBLIC COMMENT - None III CONFIRMATION OF AGENDA - Confirmed as amended. Mr. Falconer advised that the federal guidelines state that the payment the Board receives for their attendance to the monthly Investment Advisory Board meeting is subject to payroll taxes. As a result, staff conducted a survey with all valley cities with four of the nine cities compensating their commissioners and/or board members. The Cities of La Quinta and Indio were the highest paying, with the City of Indio currently running their commissioner/board member payments through payroll. Mr. Falconer advised that this issue will be brought before the City Council on Tuesday, March 20, 2012. General discussion ensued amongst the Board and staff regarding possible alternatives in lieu of payment for the attendance to a City Board/Commission meeting. IV CONSENT CALENDAR 1. Approval of Minutes of Meeting on February 8, 2012 for the Investment Advisory Board. MOTION - It was moved by Board Members Donais/Park to approve the Minutes of February 8, 2012. Motion carried unanimously. 266 V BUSINESS SESSION A. Transmittal of Treasury Report for January 2012 Mr. Falconer presented and reviewed the staff report for the month of January advising the Board that the City was in receipt of the first installment of property taxes. He further advised that as a result of elimination of the RDA, the City will no longer receive these installments and that the January tax installment would be the final payment. Mr. Falconer did note that although the tax installments have been eliminated, the City will continue to receive the debt - service payments from the County. Mr. Falconer advised that the January pass -through payments were made closing out the RDA and ending the cash balance for the month at $180 million. Mr. Falconer noted that the current cash balance will not remain at these levels due to the fact that the City will not be issuing bonds in the near future. Mr. Falconer advised the Board on the status of the construction of the Adams Street Bridge. General discussion ensued amongst the Board and staff regarding the previous Adams Street bridge contractor and the takeover of the completion of the bridge by the bonding company. Mr. Falconer advised that the January expenditures included $34,000 on Transient Occupancy Tax Rebate for Homewood Suites as well as $66,000 on the Washington Street dual left turn lane at Avenue 48. In response to Board Member Donais, Mr. Falconer advised that the TOT rebates are considered and approved by the City Council. Mr. Falconer advised that the average maturity decreased by twelve days from the prior month ending the month of January at 74 days. Mr. Falconer previously reported that Rabobank stood 10 basis points below LAIF and currently Rabobank stands 10 basis points above LAIF. Mr. Falconer advised that due to a near investment maximum in LAIF and Rabobank, staff has been investing in commercial paper as an alternative. As the investments mature, they are not reinvested and are used for any expenditures. Mr. Falconer reported that the overall portfolio's performance was one basis point lower than the prior month ending the month of January at .34%. 2 �.. 267 In response to Board Member Donais, Mr. Falconer clarified that the $750,000 for Economic Development referenced in the third major change in cash flow on page 9, were funds budgeted from bond proceeds, not all funds were spent, therefore the balance will remain. In response to Chairperson Spirtos, Mr. Falconer advised that the Federal Home Loan Bank Notes & Bonds (FHLB) on page four, first column, fifth row, were at a near maximum investment due to fact that their rates were currently better than the T-Bill rates at this time, with $15 million invested in bond proceeds and $9 million invested in the pooled investments. In response to Chairperson Spirtos, Mr. Falconer replied that the Panasonic Finance Commercial Paper was a short-term investment purchased on January 13, 2012 and matured on March 6, 2012. The investment was not reinvested due to cash needs. MOTION — It was moved by Board Members Mortenson/Donais to review, receive, and file the Treasurers Report for January 2012. Motion carried unanimously. B. Continued Consideration of Fiscal Year 2012/2013 Investment Policy and Work Plan Items Mr. Falconer advised that at the previous board meeting, staff was asked to follow-up on several items and these items were returned for the Boards review and/or discussion. The Board reviewed the attached Investment Policy pages (Attachments No. 1, 2 and 3). Attachment 2: Mr. Falconer advised that listed under the "Unauthorized Investments," sixth item: - State and Government Indebtedness should now read: State Indebtedness. Board concurred. Attachment 3: The Board and staff reviewed the language in the third paragraph, last sentence and suggested the following; For all other funds, investments are limited to three years maximum maturity. with rho more than 25% of surplus funds #i'IR invested in maturities exceeding two years and less than three years. Mr. Falconer suggested that staff review the language to make sure that the language complies with the investment policy. 3 268 Mr. Falconer advised that "Local Agencies" were referenced in the table on page 9 of the policy and should also be incorporated into the table on page 18 for continuity. In response to Board Member Donais, Mr. Falconer clarified that the third party custodian for the. City is Bank of New York, who also holds all investments with the exception of bond funds which are held by U.S. Bank. In response to Board Member Donais, Mr. Falconer clarified that the review of the auditor's letter is discussed during the Board's annual meeting with the auditor and is also part of the audit report. Mr. Falconer updated the Board on Councilman Osborne's thoughts in reference to the City's budget and the interest income shortfall, as well as investing in local agency bonds and maintaining the ability to invest in local agency bonds within the policy for future investments. MOTION — It was moved by Board Members Mortenson/Park to continue the review of the 2012/2013 Investment Policy and the Work Plan Items. Motion carried unanimously. VI CORRESPONDENCE AND WRITTEN MATERIAL A. Month End Cash Report — February 2012 Mr. Falconer presented and reviewed the month end cash Report for the month of February advising the Board that the ending balance for the month (on page 2 of the report) was unusually large due to the cash need for the debt -service payment. The money was taken from LAIF in order to meet the payment. Mr. Falconer noted the payments of LAIF and Rabobank advising that LAIF pays on a quarterly basis with Rabobank paying on a monthly basis. In response to Board Member Mortenson, Mr. Falconer clarified that Councilman Osborne did not restrict bond investments to just "local" agency bonds, his statement included "agency" bond investments. General discussion ensued amongst the Board and staff regarding investing in agency bonds and their current market rates. Noted and Filed 4 u269 B. Pooled Money Investment Board Reports — February 2012 Mr. Falconer advised the Board on the decrease of the portfolio from the previous year, with the January 2012 balance at $65 billion versus the January 2011, at $70 billion. He further advised that the average life of the portfolio went from 180 days to 245 days. (This item references back to the City's interest shortfall previously discussed under Item B of the Business Session) General conversation ensued amongst the Board and staff regarding interest income and how it was reported. Noted and Filed C. Bond Money Market Funds Mr. Falconer advised that at the previous Board meeting, staff was asked to contact U.S. Bank, (the City's bond trustee) and asked if they could provide a list of additional money market funds. Mr. Falconer advised that the list is provided for the Board's review. General discussion ensued amongst the Board and staff regarding the U.S. Bank Money Market funds and their current market rates. Mr. Falconer suggested, with the Board's direction, staff consider investing in First American Money Market Funds. Mr. Falconer advised that page 6 of the attachment provides information regarding the fund. Mr. Falconer noted that this particular fund strictly deals with Government Agencies and Instrumentalities, which is part of the City's investment criteria. In addition, Mr. Falconer noted that page 14 contains information of the Money Market Fund that the City is currently invested in. Noted and Filed VII BOARD MEMBER ITEMS - None VIII ADJOURNMENT 5 n 270 MOTION - It was moved by Board Members Park/Mortenson to adjourn the meeting at 5:03 p.m. Mgtion carried unanimously. Vianka Orrantia Senior Secretary 11 "" 271 Department Report: (rl C& 0 U �GV F y OF T TO: The Honorable Mayor and Members offthe City Council FROM: Mark Weiss, Interim City Manager M%\ DATE: May 1, 2011 SUBJECT: Department Report — Response to Public Comment The following public comment was made at the April 17, 2012 City Council meeting: 1. Robert Cox, board representative for Coachella Valley Mosquito & Vector Control District (CVMVCD), 78-3150 Crestview Terrace, spoke on proposed . legislation before the U.S. Senate regarding HR 872 and permits associated with the National Pollution Basin Elimination System (NPDES). The board is asking the City Council's support by submitting a letter to Senators Boxer and Feinstein requesting this legislation be brought to vote. Mayor Pro Tern Henderson asked Mr. Cox to provide the sample letter to the City Clerk. On April 23, 2012, Interim City Manager Weiss sent letters of support to Senators Feinstein and Boxer regarding FIR 876 'The Reducing Regulatory Burdens Act of 2011' and provided a copy to Mr. Cox. " 272 CITY SA / HA / FA MEETING DATE: May 1, 2012 ITEM TITLE: Public Hearing to Consider Adoption of a Resolution to Approve a One -Year Time Extension for Site Development Permit 2006-852, for a 264-Unit Condominium Project, Comprised of Units of Up to 29.5 Feet in Height, and Other Amenities, Bounded by PGA Boulevard to the South, the Arnold Palmer Private Clubhouse and PGA West Tennis Club to the West, the PGA Stadium Course to the North, and the PGA Tournament Clubhouse to the East. Applicant: Eden Rock RPW, LLC RECOMMENDATION: AGENDA CATEGORY: BUSINESS SESSION: CONSENT CALENDAR: STUDY SESSION: PUBLIC HEARING: J_ Adopt a Resolution of the City Council granting approval of Time Extension #3 for Site Development Permit 2006-852, subject to the Conditions of Approval as amended. FISCAL IMPLICATIONS: None at this time. The Development Agreement currently in effect requires payment of certain sums associated with the loss of Tourist Commercial land use due to the project approval. Mitigation payment would be collected with the original sale of the units as well as in association with all future unit resales. As the time extension request does not include any changes to the original entitlement approval, the Development Agreement remains in effect as originally approved. CHARTER CITY IMPLICATIONS: None REQUEST: On March 14, 2012, the applicant filed a request for a third, one-year time extension for the Site Development Permit (SDP) approval, to April 15, 2013. The p 273 City Council previously authorized one-year extensions on August 3, 2010, and. on May 17, 2011, which extended the SDP expiration date to April 15, 2012. The associated Tentative Tract Map approval for this project remains valid to April 15, 2015 through adoption by the state legislature of AB 208 in July 2011. However, the provisions of AB 208 do not apply to the project's related development review permits, which are subject to applicable extension procedures as established by the local agency. BACKGROUND AND OVERVIEW: The Eden Rock project is located within PGA West, which has its main entrance on the south side of Avenue 54 at the terminus of Jefferson Street (Attachment 1). The site is currently vacant and was mass -graded in 1986 in conjunction with the initial golf course construction. Over the years, the site has been used for numerous temporary activities, including golf -related uses, parking, operations offices, stockpiling and storage. The Eden Rock amendment to the PGA West Specific Plan was approved by City Council on April 15, 2008, after the Council certified a Subsequent Environmental Impact Report for the project. A general plan amendment and zone change were also adopted, establishing the underlying land use to allow residential unit types under a resort -based land use for the site. The subject site development permit approval established the site -specific parameters for the project, and a development agreement was approved to ensure that a revenue -generating project would replace the original hotel approval for the site. Project Summary The approved Eden Rock site, architectural and landscape plan sets have been included in these materials as Attachment 2, and the following provides a brief description of those exhibits. The approved building plans are for three unit types, referred to as Courtyard, Manor and Village units. The Courtyard Homes are one and two-story designs and are sited around the south and west project perimeter (i.e. PGA Boulevard); the Manor Homes are one and two-story units arranged along the northern Stadium Course boundary of the site; while the central Village units are two-story unit designs, clustered in the center of the site with the recreational amenities. These unit types are further described below: Courtyard Homes - 83 one and two-story, zero -lot line duplex units, with each court consisting of four units in two duplex structures, facing a common entry courtyard. These units are a fee -simple single-family attached product, with each " ; 274 unit sited on its own lot. There will be three different cluster configurations and five floor plans, with three two-story plans and two single -story plans (48 of the 83 units are two-story). The five floor plans range from 1,618 to 2,462 square feet. Building plans show the building heights range from 17 feet, 7 inches, to 25 feet, 1 inch, to the high ridge line from finish grade. Each unit will have a two car garage with one covered golf cart space. Manor Homes - 79 two-story units designed as triplex structures, each with two ground floor units and one second -floor unit. There are three floor plans, ranging from 2,245 to 2,803 square feet. The building height of each structure is 27 feet, 10 inches to the high ridge line from finish grade. Each unit will have a two car garage with one covered golf cart space. A second Manor building design was approved as a one-story duplex structure, based on two floor plans of 2,495 and 2,942 square feet. The building height of the duplex structure is approximately 18 feet, three inches to the high ridge line from finish grade. Each unit will have a two car garage with one golf cart space. Village Homes - 102 multiple attached units, arranged in eight courtyards, each consisting of two 6-unit structures; a ninth courtyard contains one 6-unit structure at the very center of the project. Each structure incorporates the same plan layouts. There are six floor plans, ranging in size from 1,476 to 2,100 square feet. Of these six plans, three are 2-bedroom and three are 3-bedroom. The building height of each structure is 29 feet, 6 inches, from finish grade to the highest ridge line. The 2-bedroom units will have a one -car garage with room for a golf cart, while three bedroom units will have a two car garage but no golf cart storage. The project also incorporates a gated entry with gate house, and two designated recreation lots, one of which will contain a common area pool; a second pool is located at the east end of the Village unit complex. The main pool facility, near the center of the Village complex, includes a small pool house with restrooms and showers, covered loggia areas and a small entry gate structure. The east pool is somewhat smaller in size with similar facilities. The second recreation lot is sited just south of the main gated entry, and will contain various as -yet undisclosed amenities for residents.of the project. There are also other "pocket" areas which are not shown as lettered lots, but are intended as recreation areas. Architecture - The overall architecture of the Eden Rock project reflects elements of Spanish, Mediterranean and Tuscan influences. The rooflines utilize shed and gabled design primarily, with some hip and turret -style elements. There are ornamental rafter tails, and all roofs will be covered with a concrete S-tile, approved as a mudded finish. Fagade areas will be a smooth sand stucco finish, with some wall sections fully covered in stone veneer, matching courtyard and patio walls. The Manor homes have upper floor decks, while small balconies with tiled shed -roof awnings are shown on upper floors of Village and Courtyard units. `" 275 The overall architecture of the project generally utilizes a combination of arched doorways and rectangular windows, with some exceptions. Finish details include decorative wrought iron, wood doors and vinyl windows, faux window shutters, painted wood garage doors and terra cotta trim. Landscaping - The landscaping plans provide preliminary plant palettes and conceptual landscaping for the typical unit cluster areas, PGA Boulevard, entry and project common areas. All of these plans have been included as a set in the review packet in reduced -scale formats. These include the approved site and recreation area plans, typical unit plans, and PGA Boulevard streetscape plans. PUBLIC NOTICE: This time extension request was advertised in The Desert Sun newspaper on April 20, 2012. As with the original applications, all property owners within PGA West were mailed a copy of the public hearing notice, based on an expanded noticing (required notice is 500 feet from the subject property). Notice also was provided to the master homeowner association for PGA West. All written comments received from the public have been attached (Attachment U Any additional comments which are received prior to the meeting, but not included in this report, will be presented to the City Council. ANALYSIS: Based on the La Quinta Municipal Code provisions that govern time extensions for development review permits, the original approving body is the review authority for such extensions which, in this case, is the City Council. Therefore, no Architecture & Landscaping Review Committee (ALRC) or Planning Commission review is applicable to this extension request. Minutes from the City Council meeting of May 17, 2011, at which the last extension request was reviewed, are included with this staff report (Attachment 4). As with the prior two extension requests, there are no changes proposed to the project from its original approval by City Council on April 15, 2008. While there have been some new developments as the project has progressed over the past year, nothing has been presented to staff that would necessitate any revisions. The staff -recommended revisions to the conditions of approval are minimal and limited to updates, based on changes in codes, procedures and other requirements. All referenced conditions relate to their renumbered format, as reflected in the recommended conditions. The significant project milestones are discussed here. Subsequent to the last extension approval, the applicant has been able to resolve certain issues related to project financing, and agreements in principle with the "`� 276 PGA Master Association. Most notably, this has resulted in the initiation and ongoing construction of the perimeter wall construction. Staff has maintained contact with the Master HOA in regard to ongoing concerns related to wall construction, site maintenance, and project development status. The developer also filed a Tentative Parcel Map application to divide the property for the purpose of facilitating investor financing; the map was approved at a Director's Hearing on April 18. PGA Boulevard - During the course of the past year, the applicant and PGA West Master HOA have continued discussions toward an agreement on terms to assure that any potential construction -related impacts to PGA Boulevard will be addressed. However, to date no such agreement has been reached, and the requirement that the City verify this agreement effectively prevented the City from issuing permits for the wall. Therefore, the developer and the HOA worked out a separate agreement, based on the perimeter wall only, which segregated the overall maintenance issues from those associated with the perimeter wall, and allowed the Master HOA to approve the wall for construction. The applicant and the Master HOA are still working out the details of a master maintenance agreement affecting PGA Boulevard. Perimeter Wall - The original project approval conditioned the project perimeter wall to be installed as part of the initial project phasing. A concern that was raised during review of the second extension request was with timing of the wall construction and completion; as a result, a condition was included that set forth a schedule for the wall's ultimate completion. That condition allowed for extensions to be granted by the Planning Director, which the applicant did request and receive (Attachment 5). One issue that entered into granting the extension was the potential disruption during the Humana Challenge, which would have been occurring during the construction period. At present, the milestones for permit issuance and construction initiation have been satisfied; it is anticipated that the wall will be completed by the May 4 deadline. It should be noted that the wall will not be 100% complete, as the project entry and proposed construction and golf cart/course access points will need to remain in a temporarily fenced condition. Staff is working with the developer on an upgraded screen fencing that would color match the wall and could include a capping. The proposed conditions have been modified (Condition 56) to reflect these circumstances. Additionally, prior Condition 54 has been deleted as the wall design is approved and being installed. Golf Cart Path Alignment - Staff has had several discussions with the developer and the HOA concerning the ultimate golf cart access planning as affected by development of the Eden Rock site. The current access is planned along the north side of the Eden Rock site, from the Tournament Clubhouse and Stadium course, to PGA Boulevard and the private clubhouse and golf course to the west. Several 277 alternatives are being looked at, which may necessitate changes to how access is ultimately provided. Any redesign will be coordinated between the PGA West Master HOA and the golf club, in conjunction with approval by the City. Condition 57 has been modified to acknowledge this and to allow this review to occur without the need to amend the current approvals. Site Maintenance — A primary concern of PGA residents and City staff was the condition of the green screen fencing around the site. With the wall construction nearing completion, this fencing has been completely removed and the majority of the concerns associated with it are now moot. However, as the applicant will be using a similar fencing to screen the temporary open wall sections as outlined above, staff is recommending retaining Condition 24 in regard to maintenance of the screen fencing, with language specific to these temporary closures. At present, the property is being maintained adequately in relation to blowing dust control. Conditions were added with Extension #2 to address blowing dust associated with the site and the use of a portion as temporary parking for the Tournament Clubhouse. These conditions were addressed over the past year in that an aggregate base material was installed at the parking area and appropriately cordoned off from the remainder of the site. The entire site was also stabilized with a dust suppressant, in accordance with an approved dust control plan that was specifically required to be filed in a prescribed timeframe. The applicant has also removed several wooden 'story poles' that were erected in 2007 to provide a visual gauge of project heights. FINDINGS AND ALTERNATIVES: The findings necessary to approve this time extension request can be made and is contained in the attached City Council Resolution. The alternatives available to the City Council include: 1. Adopt City Council Resolution 2012 _ granting approval of Time Extension #3 for Site Development Permit 2006-852, subject to the Conditions of Approval as amended; or, 2. Do not adopt City Council Resolution 2012 - _ , granting approval of Time Extension #3 for Site Development Permit 2006-852, subject to the Conditions of Approval as amended; or, 3. Provide staff with alternative direction. " 278 Approved for submission by: Mark Weiss, Interim City Manager Attachments: 1. PGA West Location Map 2. Approved Eden Rock exhibits. (Council only) 3. Public correspondence received 4. May 17, 2011 City Council Minutes 5. City response letter, dated November 8, 2011 279 RESOLUTION NO. 2012 - A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA, GRANTING A THIRD, ONE- YEAR EXTENSION OF TIME, TO ALLOW DEVELOPMENT OF A 264-UNIT RESIDENTIAL CONDOMINIUM PROJECT FOR PROPERTY LOCATED WITHIN THE PGA WEST DEVELOPMENT, BOUNDED BY PGA BOULEVARD TO THE SOUTH, THE ARNOLD PALMER PRIVATE CLUBHOUSE AND PGA WEST TENNIS CLUB TO THE WEST, THE PGA STADIUM COURSE TO THE NORTH, AND THE PGA TOURNAMENT CLUBHOUSE TO THE EAST. CASE NO.: SITE DEVELOPMENT PERMIT 2006-852 APPLICANT: EDEN ROCK RPW, LLC WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of La Quinta, California, did, on the 1 ST day of May, 2012, hold a duly -noticed Public Hearing to consider the request of Eden Rock RPW, LLC, for a third, one-year time extension of Site Development Permit 2006-852, to allow a 264-unit residential condominium/townhome project, consisting of 83 Courtyard duplex units, 79 Manor triplex units, and 102 Village townhome units, including a guard gatehouse and two common area pools, on t 42 acres located within the PGA West development, bounded on the north and east by the PGA West Stadium Course and clubhouse, and on the south and west by PGA Boulevard, more particularly described as: LOT K AND PORTION OF LOT 1, TR 29421, AND A PORTION OF PARCEL 7, PARCEL MAP 20426 WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of La Quinta, California, did, on the 15t day of April, 2008, and continued to the 15" day of April, 2008, conduct a duly -noticed Public Hearing, and after conducting said Hearing did approve said Site Development Permit by adoption of City Council Resolution 2008-028, subject to conditions; and, WHEREAS, said Site Development Permit was filed concurrently with a General Plan Amendment, Zone Change, Specific Plan Amendment, Tentative Tract Map, and a Development Agreement, in whole representing the development permit application for the project as contemplated; and, WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of La Quinta, California, did, on the 3,d day of August, 2010, conduct a duly -noticed Public Hearing, and after conducting said Hearing, did approve the initial one-year time extension for said N ; 23o Resolution No. 2012. She Development Perm" 2006-852, Extension #3 Eden Rock at PGA West - Eden Rock RPW, LLC May 1, 2012 Page 2 of 3 Site Development Permit by adoption of City Council Resolution 2010-055, subject to amended conditions; and, WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of La Quinta, California, did, on the 17" day of May, 2011, conduct a duly -noticed Public Hearing, and after conducting said Hearing, did approve a second one-year time extension for said Site Development Permit by adoption of City Council Resolution 201 1-037, subject to amended conditions; and, WHEREAS, the La Quinta Planning Department prepared a Subsequent Environmental Impact Report ("SEIR") State Clearinghouse #2007061056) in compliance with the requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) of 1970, as amended, which was presented to and certified by the La Quinta City Council on April 15, 2008 by adoption of City Council Resolution 2008-024 and in advance of any action on the project applications; and, WHEREAS, the La Quinta Planning Department did cause to be published a City Council Public Hearing notice in The Desert Sun newspaper, on the 20t" day of April, 2012, announcing said Hearing on the requested time extension as prescribed by the La Quinta Municipal Code, with said hearing notice having been mailed to all property owners within the boundaries of the PGA West Specific Plan area; and, WHEREAS, at said Public Hearing, upon hearing and considering all testimony and arguments of all interested persons desiring to be heard, the La Quinta City Council did make the following mandatory finding to justify approving a one-year time extension for this Site Development Permit: 1. The requested one year extension of time for Site Development Permit 2006- 852 is justifiable and appropriate, given the circumstances of the project. The applicant has made significant progress toward breaking ground on the development in question, including remedial site work, initial site preparation, and permitting and construction of the project's perimeter wall, which is nearing completion as of the date of this time extension being considered by the La Quinta City Council. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of La Quinta, California, as follows: "' 281 Resolution No. 2012- Site Development Permit 2006-852, Extension #3 Eden Rock at PGA West - Eden Rock RPW, LLC May 1, 2012 Page 3 of 3 1. That the above recitations are true and constitute the findings of the City Council in this case; 2. That it does hereby grant approval of a second, one-year extension of time, to April 15, 2013, for Site Development Permit 2006-852, as referenced in the title of this Resolution, for the reasons set forth in this Resolution, and subject to the attached Conditions of Approval. PASSED, APPROVED and ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the La Quinta City Council, held on this 1" day of May, 20121, by the following vote, to wit: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: ATTEST: Susan Maysels, Interim City Clerk City of La Quinta, California (Seal) APPROVED AS TO FORM: M. Katherine Jenson, City Attorney City of La Quinta, California Don Adolph, Mayor City of La Quinta, California a 282 RESOLUTION NO. 2012- EXHIBIT "A" CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL — RECOMMENDED SITE DEVELOPMENT PERMIT 2006-852 EDEN ROCK RPW, LLC MAY 1, 2012 — THIRD EXTENSION OF TIME GENERAL 1. The applicant agrees to defend, indemnify and hold harmless the City of La Quinta ("City"), its agents, officers and employees from any claim, action or proceeding to attack, set aside, void, or annul the approval of this Site Development Permit, or any Final Map recorded thereunder. The City shall have sole discretion in selecting its defense counsel. The City shall promptly notify the applicant of any claim, action or proceeding and shall cooperate fully in the defense. 2. This Site Development Permit is granted a one-year extension of time, and shall expire on April 15, 2013, unless granted any subsequent time extension(s) pursuant to Title 9 of the La Quinta Municipal Code (§9.200.080; Permit expiration and time extensions). Any future extension requests shall be submitted to the Planning Department, no less than sixty (60) days prior to the expiration date. 3. Site Development Permit 2006-852 shall comply with all applicable terms, conditions and/or mitigation measures for the following related approvals: • Subsequent EIR; SCH #2007061056 • Specific Plan 83-002, Amendment No. 6 • Tentative Tract Map 33226 • Development Agreement 2006-01 1 In the event of any conflict(s) between approval conditions and/or provisions of these approvals, the Planning Director shall adjudicate the conflict by determining the precedence in conjunction with Condition 63, if applicable to the circumstances of any such conflict. 4. Prior to the issuance of any grading, construction, or building permit by the City, the applicant shall obtain any necessary clearances and/or permits from the following agencies, if required: 283 RESOLUTION NO. 2012- CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL - RECOMMENDED SITE DEVELOPMENT PERMIT 2006-852 EDEN ROCK RPW, LLC MAY 1, 2012 - THIRD EXTENSION OF TIME EXHIBIT 'A' • Riverside County Fire Marshal • La Quinta Public Works Department (Grading Permit, Green Sheet (Public Works Clearance) for Building Permits, Water Quality Management Plan (WQMP) Exemption Form — Whitewater River Region, Improvement Permit) • La Quinta Planning Department • Riverside County Environmental Health Department • Coachella Valley Unified School District • Coachella Valley Water District (CVWD) • Imperial Irrigation District (IID) • California Regional Water Quality Control Board (CRWQCB) • SunLine Transit Agency • South Coast Air Quality Management District Coachella Valley • State Water Resources Control Board The applicant is responsible for all requirements of the permits and/or clearances from the above listed agencies. When the requirements include approval of improvement plans, the applicant shall furnish proof of such approvals when submitting those improvement plans for City approval. Coverage under the State of California Construction General Permit must be obtained by the applicant, who then shall submit a copy of the Regional Water Quality Control Board's ("RWQCB") acknowledgment of the applicant's Notice of Intent ("NOI") and Waste Discharge Identification (WDID) number to the City prior to the issuance of a grading or building permit. 5. The design of community parking facilities for common areas shall conform to LQMC Chapter 9.150, and in particular the following: A. The parking stall, aisle widths and double hairpin stripe parking stall design shall conform to LQMC Chapter 9.150. On -street parking designated as guest parking on the approved site plan shall be designed in accordance with parallel stall requirements. B. Cross slopes should be a maximum of 2% where ADA accessibility is required, including accessibility routes between buildings. C. Building access points shall be shown on the Precise Grading Plans to better evaluate ADA accessibility issues. "Al 2dq RESOLUTION NO. 2012- CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL - RECOMMENDED SITE DEVELOPMENT PERMIT 2006-852 EDEN ROCK RPW, LLC MAY 1, 2012-THIRD EXTENSION OF TIME EXHIBIT 'A' D. Accessibility routes as required shall be shown on the Precise Grading Plan. E. Parking stall lengths shall be according to LQMC Chapter 9.150 and be a minimum of 17 feet in length with a.2-foot overhang for standard parking stalls and 18 feet with a 2-foot overhang for handicapped parking stall or as approved by the City Engineer. One van accessible handicapped parking stall is required per eight handicapped parking stalls. F. Golf cart parking areas shall be provided at various locations in the development, in particular in close proximity to the Village common pool areas. Golf cart stall size shall conform to generally accepted industry standards, as may be determined by the City Engineer and Planning Department. A project parking plan shall be required to include appropriate signage to implement parking restrictions, and on and off- street parking provisions of the CC & R's subject to City Engineer and Planning Department approval. G. A minimum five -space bicycle rack shall be provided in an appropriate location at or near each common pool facility. 6. Prior to the issuance of a building permit for any building lot, the applicant shall provide a lot pad certification stamped and signed by a qualified engineer or surveyor with applicable compaction tests and over excavation documentation. Each pad certification shall list the pad elevation as shown on the approved grading plan, the actual pad elevation and the difference between the two, if any. Such pad certification shall also list the relative compaction of the pad soil. The data shall be organized by lot number, and listed cumulatively if submitted at different times. 7. The applicant shall comply with applicable provisions of the City's NPDES stormwater discharge permit, LQMC Sections 8.70.010 at seq. (Stormwater Management and Discharge Controls), and 13.24.170 (Clean Air/Clean Water); Riverside County Ordinance No. 457; the California Regional Water Quality Control Board — Colorado River Basin Region Board Order No. 137-2008-0001 and the State Water Resources Control Board's Order No. 2010-0014-DWQ. A. For construction activities including clearing, grading or excavation of land that disturbs one (1) acre or more of land, or that disturbs less than one (1) acre of land, but which is a part of a construction project that ..a 285 RESOLUTION NO. 2012- CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL - RECOMMENDED SITE DEVELOPMENT PERMIT 2006-852 EDEN ROCK RPW, LLC MAY 1, 2012 - THIRD EXTENSION OF TIME EXHIBIT 'A" encompasses more than one (1) acre of land, the Permittee shall be required to submit a Storm Water Pollution Protection Plan ("SWPPP") to the State Water Resources Control Board. The applicant or design professional can obtain the California Stormwater Quality Association SWPPP template at www.cabmphandbooks.com for use in their SWPPP preparation. B. The applicant shall ensure that the required SWPPP is available for inspection at the project site at all times through and including acceptance of all improvements by the City. C. The applicant's SWPPP shall include provisions for all of the following Best Management Practices ("BMPs") (LQMC Section 8.70.020 (Definitions)): 11 Temporary Soil Stabilization (erosion control). 2) Temporary Sediment Control. 3) Wind Erosion Control. 4) Tracking Control 5) Non -Storm Water Management. 6) Waste Management and Materials Pollution Control. D. The SWPPP and BMPs shall remain in effect for the entire duration of project construction until all improvements are completed and accepted by the City Council E. The inclusion in the HOA Conditions, Covenants, and Restrictions (CC&Rs), a requirement for the perpetual maintenance and operation of all post -construction BMPs as required. 8. Within 30 days of the initiation of any ground disturbing activity on the project site, the project proponent shall cause a protocol -compliant burrowing owl survey to be completed, submitted to the Planning Department, and approved. Should the species be identified on the site, the biologist's recommendations for relocation shall be implemented prior to the issuance of any ground disturbance permit. 286 RESOLUTION NO. 2012- - EXHIBIT "A' CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL - RECOMMENDED SITE DEVELOPMENT PERMIT 2006-852 EDEN ROCK RPW, LLC MAY 1, 2012 - THIRD EXTENSION OF TIME 9. Developer shall reimburse the City, within thirty (30) days of presentment of the invoice, all costs and actual attorney's fees incurred by the City Attorney to review, negotiate and/or modify any documents or instruments required by these conditions, if Developer requests that the City modify or revise any documents or instruments prepared initially by the City to effect these conditions. This obligation shall be paid in the time noted above without deduction or offset and Developer's failure to make such payment shall be a material breach of the Conditions of Approval. 10. Developer shall reimburse the City, within thirty (30) days of presentment of the invoice, all costs and actual consultant's fees incurred by the City for engineering and/or surveying consultants to review and/or modify any documents or instruments required by this project. This obligation shall be paid in the time noted above without deduction or offset and Developer's failure to make such payment shall be a material breach of the Conditions of Approval. PROPERTY RIGHTS 11. Prior to issuance of any permit(s), the applicant shall acquire or confer easements and other property rights necessary for the construction or proper functioning of the proposed development. - Conferred rights shall include irrevocable offers to dedicate or grant access easements to the City for emergency services and for maintenance, construction and reconstruction of essential improvements. 12. Pursuant to the aforementioned condition, conferred rights shall include approvals from all necessary persons or entities over easements and other property rights necessary for construction and proper functioning of the proposed development not limited to access rights over proposed and/or existing private streets that access public streets and open space/drainage facilities of the master development. 13. Right-of-way geometry for standard knuckles and property line corner cut -backs at curb returns shall conform to Riverside County Standard Drawings #801, and #805, respectively, unless otherwise approved by the City Engineer. IMPROVEMENT PLANS 14. Upon completion of construction, and prior to final acceptance of the improvements by the City, the applicant shall furnish the City with reproducible "_J 287 RESOLUTION NO. 2012- CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL - RECOMMENDED SITE DEVELOPMENT PERMIT 2006-852 EDEN ROCK RPW, LLC MAY 1. 2012 - THIRD EXTENSION OF TIME EXHIBIT "A" record drawings of all improvement plans which were approved by the City. Each sheet shall be clearly marked "Record Drawing" and shall be stamped and signed by the engineer or surveyor certifying to the accuracy and completeness of the drawings. The applicant shall have all approved mylars previously submitted to the City, revised to reflect the as -built conditions. The applicant shall employ or retain the Engineer Of Record during the construction phase of the project so that the FOR can make site visits in support of preparing "Record Drawing". However, if subsequent approved revisions have been approved by the City Engineer and reflect said "Record Drawing" conditions, the Engineer Of Record may submit a letter attesting to said fact to the City Engineer in lieu of mylar submittal. GRADING 15. To obtain an approved grading permit, the applicant shall submit and obtain approval of all of the following: A. A grading plan prepared by a civil engineer registered in the State of California, B. A preliminary geotechnical ("soils") report prepared by an engineer registered in the State of California, C. A Best Management Practices report prepared in accordance with LQMC Sections 8.70.010 and 13.24.170 (NPDES Stormwater Discharge Permit and Storm Management and Discharge Controls). D. WQMP prepared by an engineer registered in the State of California. E. A Fugitive Dust Control Plan prepared in accordance with LQMC Chapter 6.16, (Fugitive Dust Control). All grading shall conform with the recommendations contained in the Preliminary - Soils Report, and shall be certified as being adequate by soils engineer, or engineering geologist registered in the State of California. A statement shall appear on the Final Map that a soils report has been prepared in accordance with the California Health & Safety Code § 17953. The applicant shall furnish security, in a form acceptable to the City, and in an amount sufficient to guarantee compliance with the approved Fugitive Dust Control Plan provisions as submitted with its application for a grading permit. 288 RESOLUTION NO. 2012- CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL - RECOMMENDED SITE DEVELOPMENT PERMIT 2006­852 EDEN ROCK RPW, LLC MAY 1, 2012 - THIRD EXTENSION OF TIME EXHIBIT "A" Additionally, the applicant shall replenish said security if expended by the City of La Quinta to comply with the Plan as required by the City Engineer. 16. The applicant shall maintain pad heights, to the greatest extent feasible, for the Manor and Village unit pads as shown on the tentative map exhibit approved by City Council on April 15, 2008. "Greatest extent feasible" shall mean that, during the grading plan check process, the applicant may be permitted to revise the pad elevations for any or all of these units for circumstances relating to compliance for hydrology, drainage, utilities, and other infrastructure, design requirements. The applicant understands that there may be further pad reductions that can feasibly be accomplished, as well as potential increases in pad heights that may be necessary to achieve the project design. Any increase in pad elevation height from that shown on the tentative map exhibit approved by the City Council on April 15, 2008, shall be limited to no more than 6 inches. Any revisions to pad elevations shall be reviewed through the substantial conformance process, and thereby subject to final approval by the City Engineer. DRAINAGE 17. Stormwater handling shall conform to the approved hydrology and drainage report for PGA West Development, as modified for Tentative Tract Map 33226. The design of the development shall not cause any increase in flood boundaries, levels or frequencies in any area outside the development. 18. Storm drainage historically received from adjoining property shall be received and retained or passed through into the historic downstream drainage relief route. 19. Nuisance water shall be retained on site. Nuisance water shall be disposed of as required for Tentative Tract Map 33226. 20. The applicant shall comply with applicable provisions for post -construction runoff per the City's NPDES stormwater discharge permit, LQMC Sections 8.70.010 at seq. (Stormwater Management and Discharge Controls), and 13.24.170 (Clean Air/Clean Water); Riverside County Ordinance No. 457; and the California Regional Water Quality Control Board — Colorado River Basin (CRWQCB-CRB) Region Board Order No. R7-2008-001. n.t 289 RESOLUTION NO. 2012- CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL - RECOMMENDED SITE DEVELOPMENT PERMIT 2006852 EDEN ROCK RPW, LLC MAY 1, 2012 - THIRD EXTENSION OF TIME EXHIBIT "A' A. For post -construction urban runoff from New Development and Redevelopment Projects, the applicant shall implement requirements of the NPDES permit for the design, construction and perpetual operation and maintenance of BMP's per the approved Water Quality Management Plan (WQMP) for the project as required by the California Regional Water Quality Control Board - Colorado River Basin (CRWQCB-CRB) Region Board Order No. 117-2008-001. B. The applicant shall implement the WQMP Design Standards per (CRWQCB-CRB) Region Board Order No. R7-2008-001 utilizing BMP's approved by -the City Engineer. A project -specific WQMP shall be provided which incorporates Site Design and Treatment BMP's, utilizing first -flush infiltration as a preferred method of NPDES Permit Compliance for Whitewater River receiving water, as applicable. C. The developer shall execute and record a Stormwater Management/BMP Facilities Agreement that provides for the perpetual maintenance and operation of stormwater BMPs. 11T11 ITIFS 21. The applicant shall comply with the provisions of Section 13.24.1 10 (Utilities), LQMC. All utility requirements of Tentative Tract 33226 shall be applicable as appropriate to this Site Development Permit approval. CONSTRUCTION 22. The City will conduct final inspections of habitable buildings only when the buildings have improved street and (if required) sidewalk access to private (Off - Site) streets. The improvements shall include required traffic control devices, pavement markings and street name signs. If on -site streets in residential developments are initially constructed with partial pavement thickness, the applicant shall complete the pavement prior to final inspections of the last ten percent of homes within the development or when directed by the City, whichever comes first. 290 RESOLUTION NO. 2012- CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL - RECOMMENDED SITE DEVELOPMENT PERMIT 200&852 EDEN ROCK RPW, LLC MAY 1, 2012 - THIRD EXTENSION OF TIME EXHIBIT "A" 23. The applicant shall provide a copy of an executed agreement with the PGA West Master Association, for maintenance and potential repair associated with the use of PGA Boulevard for construction activities associated with the Eden Rock project. The agreement shall be provided to the City prior to issuance of grading or grading -related permits or activities. This requirement is strictly to verify that the final agreement is in place prior to commencement of any construction, and is not intended to imply that the City of La Quinta is in any way a party to said agreement. This condition shall not apply to permitting for the project perimeter wall. 24. The applicant shall install and maintain, as necessary, an appropriate temporary screen fencing in all locations where temporary wall openings are intended for construction and golf cart access, until such time as those openings are no longer needed. These temporary fencing sections shall color -match the perimeter wall as currently established, and shall be subject to approval as to material and design, by the Planning Director. The applicant shall continue to maintain the site to avoid dust blowing onto adjacent properties. This requirement shall be effective immediately and remain in force until 100% completion of the project perimeter wall. LANDSCAPE AND IRRIGATION 25. The applicant shall comply with Sections 13.24.130 (Landscaping Setbacks) & 13.24.140 (Landscaping Plans), LQMC, as applicable. 26. Landscape and irrigation plans for landscaped lots and setbacks, medians, retention basins, and parks shall be signed and stamped by a licensed landscape architect. 27. Final landscaping and irrigation plans shall be prepared by a licensed professional landscape architect, to be reviewed by the Architecture and Landscaping Review Committee and approved by the Planning Commission, prior to issuance of the first building permit. All landscape plans shall be drafted in coordination with the preliminary grading plans. An application for Final Landscape Plan Check shall be submitted to the Planning Department for final landscape plan review, along with the appropriate fee. Said plans shall include all landscaping associated with this project, including perimeter landscaping, and be in compliance with Chapter 8.13 (Water Efficient Landscaping) of the Municipal Code, as in effect at time of plan submittal. The City -approved landscape and irrigation plans shall be submitted to the Coachella Valley Water District and >. ; 291 RESOLUTION NO. 2012- CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL - RECOMMENDED SITE DEVELOPMENT PERMIT 2006852 EDEN ROCK RPW, LLC MAY 1, 2012 - THIRD EXTENSION OF TIME EXHIBIT "A" Riverside County Agriculture Commissioner for their signature/approval, prior to submittal of the final plans to the Planning Department for City signature. NOTE: Plans are not approved for construction until signed by the Planning Director and/or City Engineer, as applicable. 28. Landscape areas shall have permanent irrigation improvements meeting the requirements of the Planning Director and the Coachella Valley Water District. Use of lawn areas shall be minimized with no lawn, or spray irrigation, being placed within 24 inches of curbs along public streets. 29. Project landscaping shall incorporate trailing vines in Village courtyard driveway parking turnaround areas, along wall areas in general, including perimeter walls, and in other areas of the project where appropriate, subject to review under the landscaping review process as conditioned. 30. Enhanced landscaping shall be provided along the north project boundary, for purposes of screening views of the Manor units from surrounding residential views toward those units. 31. Proposed landscape palettes for all landscape components of the project shall be consistent with the master palette included in Specific Plan 83-002, Amendment No. 6, as approved, and shall not include tree species which can generate excessive green waste, such as Bottle Trees, Crape Myrtle, Jacaranda, etc., as appropriate. 32. The applicant or his agent has the responsibility for proper sight distance requirements per guidelines in the AASHTO "A Policy on Geometric Design of Highways and Streets," 5th Edition or latest, in the design and/or installation of all landscaping and appurtenances abutting and within the private street right-of- way. 33, The final landscape plans shall reflect a significant effort to reduce the use of turf areas in all landscaping, common and private. Specifically, plans shall minimize or eliminate all turf areas adjacent to sidewalks and roadways. FIRE PROTECTION The Riverside County Fire Department requires the below listed fire protection measures be provided in accordance with the City of La Quinta Municipal Code and/or 292 RESOLUTION NO. 2012- CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL - RECOMMENDED SITE DEVELOPMENT PERMIT 2006,862 EDEN ROCK RPW, LLC MAY 1, 2012 - THIRD EXTENSION OF TIME EXHIBIT 'A" the Riverside County Fire Department Fire Protection Standards. Final conditions will be addressed when complete building plans are reviewed. 34. For _residential areas, approved standard fire hydrants, located at each intersection and spaced 330 feet apart with no portion of any lot frontage more than 165 feet from a hydrant. Minimum fire flow shall be 1000 GPM for a 2- hour duration at 20 PSI. 35. For any buildings with public access, provide or show there exists a water system capable of delivering a fire flow of 1500 gallons per minute for 2 hours duration at 20 psi residual operating pressure, which must be available before any combustible material is placed on the construction site. 36. Blue dot retro-reflector pavement markers on private streets shall be placed to identify fire hydrant locations, per applicable Riverside County Fire Department Standard. 37. City of La Quinta ordinance requires all buildings 5,000 square feet or larger to be fully sprinkled per NFPA 13/13R/13D Standard. Effective January 1, 2011, all one/two-family dwellings and townhouses will require an automatic residential fire sprinkler system, designed and installed in accordance with HCD R313.3 or NFPA 13D. If required, sprinkler plans will need to be submitted to the Fire Department. 38. Any turnaround requires a minimum 38-foot turning radius. 39. All structures shall be accessible from an approved roadway to within 150 feet of all portions of the exterior of the first floor. 40. The minimum dimension for access roads and gates is 20 feet clear and unobstructed width and a minimum vertical clearance of 13 feet 6 inches in height. 41. Any gate providing access from a road shall be located at least 35 feet setback from the roadway and shall open to allow a vehicle to stop without obstructing traffic on the road. Where a one-way road with a single traffic lane provides access to a gate entrance, a 38-foot turning radius shall be used. 42. Fire apparatus access road shall be in compliance with the Riverside County Fire Department Standard number 06-05 (located at www.rvcfire.org). Access lanes will not have an up, or downgrade of more than 15%. Access lanes will >, 1 293 RESOLUTION NO. 2012- CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL - RECOMMENDED SITE DEVELOPMENT PERMIT 2006.852 EDEN ROCK RPW, LLC MAY 1, 2012 - THIRD EXTENSION OF TIME EXHIBIT 'A' be designed to withstand the weight of 80 thousand pounds over two axles. Access will have a turning radius capable of accommodating fire apparatus. Access lane shall be constructed with a surface so as to provide all weather driving capabilities. 43. Gates may be automatic or manual and shall be equipped with a rapid entry system (KNOX). Plans shall be submitted to the Fire Department for approval prior to installation. Automatic gate pins shall be rated with a shear pin force, not to exceed 30 pounds. Gates activated by the rapid entry system shall remain open until closed by the rapid entry system. Automatic gates shall be provided with backup power. 44. Prior to building plan approval and construction, applicant/developer shall furnish two copies of the water system fire hydrant plans to Fire Department for review and approval. Plans shall be signed by a registered civil engineer, and shall confirm hydrant type, location, spacing, and minimum fire flow. Once plans are signed and approved by the local water authority, the originals shall be presented to the Fire Department for review and approval. 45. Prior to issuance of building permits, the water system for fire protection must be provided as approved by the Fire Department and the local water authority. 46. The applicant or developer shall prepare and submit to the Fire Department for approval, a site plan designating required fire lanes with appropriate lane painting and/or signs. FEES AND DEPOSITS 47. Permits issued under this approval shall be subject to the provisions of the Development Impact Fee program in effect at the time of issuance of building permit(s). 48. The applicant shall comply with the provisions of LQMC Section 13.24.180 (Fees and Deposits). These fees include all deposits and fees required by the City for plan checking and construction inspection. Deposits and fee amounts shall be those in effect when the applicant makes application for plan check and permits. 294 RESOLUTION NO. 2012- CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL • RECOMMENDED SITE DEVELOPMENT PERMIT 2006652 EDEN ROCK RPW, LLC MAY 1, 2012- THIRD EXTENSION OF TIME EXHIBIT 'A' 49. Provisions shall be made to comply with the terms and requirements of the City's adopted Art in Public Places program in effect at the time of issuance of building permits. 50. Applicant shall pay the fees as required by the Coachella Valley Unified School District, as in effect at the time requests for building permits are submitted. 51. Permits issued under this approval shall be subject to the Coachella Valley Multi - Species Habitat Conservation Plan/Natural Community Habitat Conservation Plan Mitigation Fee, in accordance with LQMC Chapter 3.34. PLANNING DEPARTMENT 52. Applicant shall ensure compliance with all mitigation measures set forth in the Subsequent Environmental Impact Report (SEIR), SCH #2007061056, as part of all related conditions of approval, as identified in Condition No. 4. These mitigation measures are required to address potentially significant impacts to Air Quality (Short -Term Construction Impacts); Cultural Resources; Noise; Public Services (Schools); Transportation, Traffic, Parking and Circulation (Project Traffic, Cumulative Impacts). 53. Applicant shall prepare project CC&R's to address parking restrictions for on - street guest parking and all other guest parking areas, including any use of common driveway space for parking. Parking provisions shall also include allowances for golf cart use and parking throughout the site. 54. Building heights, setbacks, parking and other development standards shall be in compliance with the approved plan documents for the Eden Rock at PGA West project, and any precedent conditions of approval for Tentative Tract Map 33226 and Specific Plan 83-002, Amendment No. 6. 55. A final acoustical analysis shall be completed and submitted for review at time of building permit plan check, based on final lot layout and pad elevations, to demonstrate that the City's standards for interior and exterior CNEL levels will be met for each proposed dwelling unit. 56. The primary perimeter wall surrounding the entire site shall be installed as part of or prior to the initial project improvements phase. Construction of the perimeter wall, exclusive of any temporary fence sections necessary to screen off the uncompleted wall at the primary project access and temporary 295 RESOLUTION NO. 2012- CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL - RECOMMENDED SITE DEVELOPMENT PERMIT 2006852 EDEN ROCK RPW, LLC MAY 1, 2012 - THIRD EXTENSION OF TIME EXHIBIT "A' construction and golf cart access points, shall be completed based on the revised schedule set forth in the Planning Department letter of November 8, 2011. The aforementioned temporary fence sections shall be completed by June 1, 2012. 57. The initial phase of project improvements shall include the full extent of the golf cart path realignment as shown on the approved tentative map exhibit. Any potential realignment or changes to the existing cart path design may be approved by the City, and shall not constitute an amendment to the existing approved tentative map or site development permit. The Planning Director and Public Works Director shall be responsible for review and approval of any such revisions. 58. All vehicular and pedestrian courtyards shall be developed with decorative pavers. All tile roofs shall be Mission clay, and incorporate a built-up mudding effect. All stucco coatings shall be a smooth, hand -trowel finish. 59. Applicant shall provide a common area recreation and amenity plan, including options for active recreational use amenities, to the Planning Department for review and approval by ALRC and Planning Commission. Active recreation opportunities are to be provided in the larger common open areas adjacent to the Village units, as delineated on the approved Open Space Exhibit. 60. The applicant shall submit detailed lighting plans for all common areas and buildings, and for all residential structures, to the Planning Department for review and approval as part of the building plan check. Lighting plans shall include site lighting, and all proposed fixture details and schedules for buildings and outdoor areas. 61. Any architectural design revisions to any residential or common area structure shall be reviewed through the ALRC and Planning Commission as a non-public hearing business item, unless determined otherwise by the Planning Director based on significance of the design revision. The Entry Gate and Guard House, and a revised Manor one-story duplex building plan, are specifically remanded back to the Planning Commission for further review and possible revision, prior to the building plan check process. The Manor one-story duplex building plan shall consider more architectural detailing and enhancement, particularly with respect to the front elevation. W 296 RESOLUTION NO. 2012- CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL - RECOMMENDED SITE DEVELOPMENT PERMIT 2006-852 EDEN ROCK RPW, LLC MAY 1, 2012 - THIRD EXTENSION OF TIME EXHIBIT 'A' 62. The project developer shall work with City staff to identify and incorporate enhanced energy conservation and efficiency measures, toward exceeding the minimum provisions of California Building Standards Code, Title 24. Such measures shall be considered in all aspects of project implementation, from initial grading construction to landscaping installations. 63. Any future time extension requests for SDP 2006-852 shall be subject to scrutiny in consideration of approval conditions for TT 33226. Should any requisite condition changes to the SDP conflict with existing TT 33226 conditions, an amendment to the tentative map in order to address said conflict may be required, subject to a determination by the Planning Director. 297 — ] ]§!E§! .t ,w Jc}• Gv I � s. -dI 0 x y " s _. .., � ____,,^,�,�r,__ $ fill'. i1Yll $M �l46 Z R III II I I ^ U �'as /j p 7 e }pp('SS'yyz�y y =4� (, R &�eiSili9vl$� i9:if Eii,C YHFv��1 i F$Ytltle /\� � fli �r `ls9ll(IIIIi1sI�IIPEEt�6i�E �e� °€ Lola r \ w W iJiS 33s i fi s 1 z 3 i I I 4 1 \ �jQQ11 �t � =r t /y /l •;� S�'� i 4 , 4� Y Ion I WN ME fln KM I WIM May W j4H k1U8 s Qny'1 m o '.kASr ZtY C� 3mH laaaaalaaia,! a9;iila i�i 9„ I = IIiE1(IIII119EIIRfIlII6tl jai 3! LUW,. o w 309 liEtl�illgsy��¢,�§�,� I'1 �iiittlll6l(II I�iEPliddt9 I a 0 V ul 0 F A y � F W awry U o cr W wtn w a � W eYm I -: U 'o UI n Lr' N a� — W. W I r.� Q �fi Qu l e rl 7 — „ !i 9 It Go I Sa! ------- cx O € aY V qa "aY� �Y2 �' 4E „ „ g II ! 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W x U v s � z a w 8 m � J d IL Qa r N O z m lz N i U U z 3 4,21 s Q N N 428 k e v E" F� g ��eSe 4F x_ ME z a 430 io a.Xo m w 33 m z cy F CIA � �► �' �. 431 0 E E v � p 9 O G? B S ? $ m a a� - � E $o a p 26- zu > 432 It 1433 Au sa �: i I k SY § a a & i iif N � i I pL V Y 41 �Y r NA fQ` " 435 ATTACHMENT 3 CORRESPONDENCE RECEIVED 437 veranda Wise-Utia u1 u l From: Steve Weiss April 19, 012 8:11 PM sent: Thursday, April 19, 2012 8:11 PM To: Wanda Wanda Wise -Latta Cc: Linda Bender, Linda Evans; Don Adolph; Richard Hayes; Mary Caldwell Subject: Eden Rock Extenelon - Mewing 8/1112 Attachments: COA to H Culver.pdf, ATTB0408B.htm; letter Le Quinta.pdf, ATT804087.htm i j Deer City Council Members, 1 I just received notice of a planned city council meeting on May 1, 2012 to discuss an extension for the Eden Rock Project at PGA West. Last Spring, a conditional extension VMS approved by the La Quints City Council for this project. There were several conditions that we required for the extension to be maintained. (specifically conditions 63-67 on page 17, see below). • v APR S 9 2012 t 438 RmOgon 2011-037 Sloe D"opmont Pwndt 2008-GSZ Eztanalen #2 Eden Rook At PGA Won, Crowns Pokm PaMM LLC - Adoptd& May 17, 2011 Page 17 of 17 IF tentative map in order to address said conflict may be required, subject to a determination by the Planning Director: 63. Within 36 days of the approval date of this time extension, the applicant shall have established a perimeter boundary for the overflow parking area, currently used by the PGA West Tournament Clubhouse on the project site, and shall have treated the evil with soil stabilizerls), to the satisfactigg of the Public Works Director. i Ws 64. Within 30 days of the approval date of this time extens a %pplicant shall have submitted a Fugitive Dust Control Plan {PDCN)Orl'i p on and required security, for review. and approval, to the Publicapartment. The FDCP shall be prepared in accordance with LQM hapter 6.10,. (Fugitive Dust Control): The FDCP shall be fully in-Alemented within 30 days of its approval by the City. ` 65. Within 00 days of the approval data of this extension, the applicant shall have submitted to the City all plan end dpcumenteMon necessary for review and approval of the perimeter it. i 66. Failure to comply with Conditlo 6 or 66. of this time extension shall cause Site Development Permit 2 52 to be null and vold. > J 4 4 42 �- M1 l Y n 439 I CfTY OF LA QUINTA CITY COUNCIL NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY OMEN that the q.N of Le Ohdms City Coundl will hofd a PUBLIC HEARING on MAY 7, 201$ at 7*0 P•m. In the La O,ulnta City Mdl Cauadl grmbeer, 784% Calls Tempt", La Mime, California on the following Item: ITEM: SITE DEVELOPMENT PERMIT 2009.862 EXTENSION 93 - EDEN ROCK AT PGA WEST APPLICANT: EDEN ROCK RPW, LLC, LOCATION:. WITHIN THE ORIGINAL PGA WEST SPECIFIC PLAN BOUNDED BY PGA ARD TO THE SOUT UTH. THE ARNOLD PALMER PRIVVATE CLUBHOUSE . AND PDA WEST TENNIS CLUB TO THE WEST, THE PDA STADIUM COURSE TO THE NORTH, AND THE PGA TOURNAMENT CLUBHOUSE TO THE EAST REQUEST: A ONE-YEAR EXTENSION OF TIME TO APRIL 10, 2013, FOR THE CURRENT SITE DEVELOPMENT PERMIT APPROVAL OF A'26"NIT CONDOMINIUM PROJECT, COMPRISED OF ONE AND TWO STORY UNITS OF UP TO 29S FEET IN HEIGHT, INCLUSIVE OF RECREATIONAL AND OTHER AMENITIES - LEGAL:. LOT K AND PORTION, OF LOT 1, TR 20421; AND PORTION OF -PARCEL 7, PARCEL MAP 20428 The Pabgo oammont peftill memorams from to dada of Ode ta8ae tleough the CRY Cwaw9 PWOo Hest ache WW for MAY 1, 2012, For admt MIInIofntn6at mounting tbls application, planes comartWaBaee Neab% Mirmlpal Plmmer, at rM 777.71M . in the C•riy'a efforts to comply with the regtsimmants of Tide II of the Americana With OlsablNes Act Of 1990, the Planning Department requires that arty Pawn in need of any type of special equipment, assistance 1760-777.71251 a minimum of 72 hours prior to the acheduled mooting, PUBLISH ONCE ON APRIL 20, 2011 440 ATTACHMENT 4 City Council Minutes 9 MAY 17; 2011 2. PUBLIC HEARING TO CONSIDER ADOPTION OF A RESOLUTION TO APPROVE A ONE-YEAR TIME EXTENSION FOR SITE DEVELOPMENT PERMIT 006-852, FOR A 264-UNIT CONDOINIUM PROJECT, COMPRISED OF UNITS OF UP TO 29.5 FEET IN HEIGHT, AND OTHER AMENITIES, GENERALLY BOUNDED ON THE NORTH AND EAST BY THE PGA WEST STADIUM COURSE, AND ON THE SOUTH AND WEST BY PGA BOULEVARD. - APPLICANT: CROWNS POINTE PARTNERS, LLC Mayor Adolph and Councff Member Franklin recused themselves from th/s Ham and left the'meedzig. Planning Director Johnson presented the staff report. Council Member Henderson referred to the minor revisions proposed by a memorandum distributed to the City Council and asked staff to explain any significant changes. Planning Director Johnson explained Condition #22, regarding an agreement of construction maintenande.and the perimeter well, is not tied into the conditions, and Condition #50 is not applicable to this project and has been removed. The Mayor Pro Tem declared the PUBLIC HEARING OPEN at 7:16 p.m. Dan Sturgill, 57645 Bally Bunion, stated he has been working with Mr. Remboldand has made headway with improving the temporary fencing and dust control; he is a member of a 5-member ad. hoc committee, and appreciates the improvement of the temporary fence and is hopeful the developer will improve the fencing in the future. Council Member Henderson asked if Mr. Sturgill is in opposition of the extension. Mr. Sturgill stated he Is not in opposition as there have been some improvements made. Howard Culver, 55501 Southern Hills, referred to the agreement and the enforcement regarding dust control of the project; stated there has been no dust control for. several years; stated Condition #23 has not been enforced and has no contact to report blowing dust and sand; and asked who is required to respond to address dust control. Public Works Director Jonasson explained all undeveloped sites are required to post a PM10 sign where contact information to the developer with a 24 hour phone line must be posted; and stated contact information to report the PM10 control issues will be provided to Mr. Culver. 441 City Council Minutes 10 MAY 17, 2011 Mr. Culver stated no one responds while the wind is blowing. Public Works Director Jonasson stated the requirement is the responsible party must secure the site within 30 minutes of receiving a call of complaint; and further staff can also. respond within .the 30 minute timeframe if there is no response. Steve Weiss, 57419 Colonial, stated he likes the project and would like to see it built; developer has worked well with the residents and has done a good job in responding to the ad hoc committee's concerns of the temporary fence and overgrowth of plants at the fence; conveyed concern that the developer has not performed in maintaining the property; and asked how can .enforcement be made to assure residents the conditions will be fulfilled. Jim Murphy, 54580 Riviera, Vice President of the PGA Masters Association, stated the Board has reviewed the request for extension and met with staff; suggested Condition #16 regarding maintenance of the temporary green screen' fence be enforced by the posting of a cash deposit with the Association, and the obligation continue until the construction of the perimeter wall is completed; Condition #15, requiring a copy of the Development Agreement be provided to the Association, has not been provided and suggested a copy of the agreement be provided upon submission of any -permits for development of the project; Condition #16 regarding dust control has not been maintained and suggested a gate be installed at the Stadium Club parking lot; stated the conditions could be enforced by a development agreement between the PGA Master's Association and Crown Pointe; requested the City grant a three-month extension contingent upon completion of development agreement and upon fulfillment be given an extension as requested by the developer. Bruce Franklin, 81060 Kingston Heath, stated the project site has been maintained .in a deplorable condition; pointed out the signs declaring bankruptcy on the project site implies the residential property is included; and suggested the City Council impose strong conditions and strict deadlines. David Peters, Crown Pointe attorney, stated the development agreement established is no different than any other development agreement; stated the permanent wall pre -disposes the project design; stated the establishment of Condition #15 last year was prudent but did not see that same condition in this list of conditions; .have not met with the PGA Master's Association; there is a big issue to establish a development agreement between Crown Pointe and PGA West; the developer wishes the project to move forward; and is looking for the City Council's assistance for what should occur. 442 City Council Minutes 11 MAY 17, 2011 Mayor Pro Tem Evans asked what type of agreement was reached between the parties. Mr. Weiss explained an agreement was established. regarding the perimeter wall, and soil treatment. Mr. Peters stated they welcome the Associations Input but the developers' interest is with the PGA Master property. Wayne Rembold (Applicant), 80859 Via Puerta Azul, stated a number of discussions have occurred with the issues presented by the residents; have gone through a long ordeal with the lender in order to begin development; looking for the final pieces to proceed vertical and will have it shortly; have worked hard behind the scenes regarding this property; upon approval of an extension last year, the developer was required to establish an agreement with the Association; stated the issues Mr. Peters and Mr. Murphy presented are sensitive to the developer as it affects property values; stated they cannot get a meeting with the Association to discuss these issues and establish an agreement; have -worked with staff regarding issues requested. -from PGA West; with respect to the agreement with PGA West, have recently committed to stabilize the overflow parking area; committed to build the. perimeter wall and is scheduled to begin in October 2011. Mayor Pro Tam Evans stated there were commitments.for the fencing and PM10 issues last year, and asked what Is the proposed timeline to address these issues if an extension is granted. Mr. Rembold stated the overflow parking lot will be stabilized in the next 30 days as well as the screen fencing; and the perimeter wall will begin construction in October 2011 and completed in March 2012. Mayor Pro Tem Evans asked why not begin the perimeter wall in July 2011 and asked staff if that would allow enough time to process permits. Planning Director Johnson explained there has been a preliminary plan submitted for review but is not ready for permit issuance at this time; and there is time to issue permits by October 2011. Mr. Rembold stated he would like to begin construction of the perimeter wall as soon as possible. Council Member Henderson stated in today's economy she leans toward the developer and the difficulties of maintaining the project property; stated she has viewed the temporary fence and finds it deplorable; conveyed- concern of the lack of contact for PM10 issues; and asked why haven't maintenance has been done until the deadline for another extension. Mr. Rembold stated he currently has an effort underway and there was an understanding with PGA West to maintain the temporary fencing; whether or not the fence was in disrepair they have been concerned; stated there has 443 City Council Minutes 12, MAY 17, 2011 been a hiatus due to the lack of funding and are now committed to maintain the property. Council Member Henderson stated she needs assurance from staff that something is in place for the residents regarding dust control; the other issues the developer has with,the Master's Association is his problem, but the issue with the perimeter wall construction prior to development has some validity; unsure she can support a one-year extension. and suggested a monthly report be provided by staff on -the maintenance of the property; and further stated a 90-day extension is too.short and suggested the possibility of a 6-month extension with monitor by staff. Mr. Rembold assured the City Council the perimeter wall construction will begin in October 2011 and staff can monitor it. Council Member Henderson stated the agreement between the applicant and PGA West is private; and suggested staff be involved physically onsite on a monthly basis regarding the temporary fencing and dust control of the overflow parking lot; further suggested all parties get together to review the conditions and cooperatively monitor the fulfillment of conditions. Mayor Pro Tom Evans suggested the documentation to receive the perimeter wall permit be submitted within a 60 day period of approving the time extension; conveyed her support of a cooperative margin process; and stated she would like strict monitoring of the enforcement of the conditions imposed. Council Member Henderson conveyed her concern .of the suggested 90-day or six month time extension; and asked if a one-year extension with a six month review of conditions can be imposed. City Attorney Jenson stated it would be better to approve a six-month extension because if it is subject to revocation, it would eventually be treated as a six-month extension. Mr. Rembold stated the lender would not agree to fund the project with a six-month time extension. City Attorney Jenson explained the City Council can add milestones to the conditions and be subject to a breach of the condition and revocation of a permit. Mayor Pro Tern Evans can make a recommendation for a time period of conditions. City Attorney Jenson explained the City Council can add provisions for revocation of the permit. N 444 City Council Minutes .14> MAY 17, 2011 Planning Director Johnson explained if the conditions proposed by staff were approved there would not be anything preventing the wall from being constructed, but it would prevent any other construction until all issues have been addressed in an agreement.depicted in Condition #22.` Mr. Rembold stated he has spent hundreds of thousands of dollars for submitted grading plans and permit applications with the City. Mrs. Amboss stated if the time extension is too short there will be a problem with the lender for the project. . Mr.Peters stated there is an overriding thought that all changes can be conducted without involvement of the PGA West who is the property owner; suggested he, the applicant, staff and the City Attorney discuss and clarify the issues, as not all parties are on the same page and the issued framed. Council Member Henderson asked why aren't the Master's Association and PGA. West discussing these issues with each other. Mr. Peter stated all parties are speaking together; and the agreement submitted by the applicant has been drawn up in haste. There being no additional requests to speak,.the Mayor Pro Tem declared the PUBLIC HEARING CLOSED at 8:25 p.m. Council Member Henderson stated she is generally not afraid to step out and make a motion, and take a vote; asked the City Attorney if this issue has become muddled enough that it needs the opportunity to be unmuddled, and I further asked if the City Council has enough information to move forward on the issues and make a decision. City Attorney Jenson stated this is a City issued permit and whether the Association and PGA West have issues is not a matter of the City; stated the City Council may continue this item if it is desired; and further stated she'is not confused with the agreement, issue and reviewed options of the City Council to add conditions, time extensions or denial of the request. Mayor Pro Tern Evans asked if the City were to provide a one-year extension with conditions including within 30 days the fence repair and parking lot issues are addressed, within 60 days documentation to submit a permit for perimeter wall is provided, and by October 1, 2011 begin construction of the perimeter wall with a completion date, can we include a provision that if all mile -markers are not met the time extension is negated. 445 City Council Minutes 1b MAY 17, 2011 City Attorney Jenson confirmed, and explained her concern of providing some due process rights for the applicant prior to cancelling the extension. Mayor Pro Tam Evans stated the issues are 'the temporary fence, maintenance of the parking lot, beginning construction of the perimeter wall, and the agreement with the Association; conveyed her understanding of the lender's concern of aetime extension less than one year; and stated progress - can be mandated and monitored as suggested by staff by all parties. , Public Works Director Jonasson suggested the City Council include a Fugitive Dust Control Plan as part of the grading permit application be imposed as a condition to enable a notification sign for contact by the public to report dust control issues. City Manager Genovese suggested the City Council recess for ten minutes to allow staff to write-up the added' conditions for Council's review and approval. Mayor Pro Tam Evans recessed the City Council meeting. TheCity Council meeting was reconvened by Mayor Pro Tom Evans. City Attorney ,Jenson reviewed the' addition of four conditions: Condition #64, within 30 days of,granting an extension, the applicant shall establish the perimeter boundary of the parking lot area and treat with soil stabilizers to the satisfaction of the Director of Public Works; Condition #65, within 30 days of granting an extension, the applicant shall submit the Fugitive Dust Control Plan and the required security (bonds), and within 30 days of approval, the Plan must be fully implemented. Mayor Pro Tam Evans asked what the timeframe for approving the Fugitive Dust Control Plan is. Public Works Director Jonasson explained the applicant has already submitted a plan and approval can be completed within a couple of weeks. City Attorney Jenson continued the review of the added conditions and explained. Condition #65-causes the revision of Condition #14c by deleting the requirement of submitting the Fugitive Dust Control Plan with the grading permit. Condition #66, within 60 days of the issuance of the time extension, all documentation necessary for a permit to be issued for the construction of the perimeter wall must, be provided to the City; and Condition #67, the failure to comply with Conditions #64, 65, .or 66 ,shall cause the site development permit to become null and void. 446 City Council Minutes 17 MAY 17, 2011 carried by a vote of 2-1-2, with Council Member Sniff dissenting, and Mayor Adolph and Coun6iPMember Franklin absent. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, it was moved by Council Members Sniff/Henderson to adjourn. Motion carried unanimously. RespectfjAy submitted, VERONICA J. ONTECINO, City Clerk City of is n inta, California 447 ATTACHMENT 5 C&4auurc, P.O. Box 1504 LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92247-1504 78-495 CALLS TAMPICO (760) 777-7000 LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92258 FAX (760) 777-7101 November 8, 2011 Ms. Monica E. Amboss Anderholt Whittaker, L.L.P. 73525 El Paseo, Suite E-2516 Palm Desert CA 92260 SUBJECT: RESPONSE TO LETTER OF SEPTEMBER 19, 2011 RE: RESOLUTION 2011-037, CASE NO: SDP 2006-852; EXTENSION 92 ((EDEN ROCK AT PGA WEST), APPLICANT: CROWNE POINTE PARTNERS, LLC Dear Ms. Amboss: The Planning Department has received the subject letter, requesting extension of the milestone dates as set forth in Condition 55 of the referenced SDP 2006-852. Additionally, this department also received email correspondence providing summaries of timelines related to plan submittals and development agreement documents between the applicant, your office, and the PGA West Master Association. In addition to the information provided with the request for an extension, this department just received a copy of a recently executed agreement between the PGA West Master Homeowner's Association and Crowns Pointe Partners regarding development of the perimeter wall. The agreement addresses several matters but most notably includes a revised schedule (Section XII, Page 7) from that requested with the time extension. The purpose of this letter is to provide the Planning Director's decision in regard to said request for an extension. Based upon the information provided with the request and, more notably, the recent execution of the wall agreement between the two parties, the request for time extension is granted, subject to the following schedule: • Acquire building permit by December 30, 2011. • Commence wall construction by February 15, 2012. • Complete perimeter wall construction by May 4, 2012. Please be advised that you may appeal this determination in accordance with La Quinta Municipal Code Section 9.200.120.A. You have 15 days from the date of this letter to file an appeal. For your convenience, I have enclosed a copy of Section 9.200.120. 448 Should you have any questions regarding this information, please do not hesitate to contact myself or Welly Nesbit, Principal Planner, at 760-777-7069, or via email at wnesbitft-auinta.orn. Encl. c: Mr. Wayne Remboid Chris Bergh, MDS Consulting Public Works Department Building & Safety Department City Clark's Office 44� It "per �,r4 CPVp 0- awjl EDEN ROCK RPW, LLC 1022 SW SALMON, SUITE 450 PORTLAND, OR 97205 May t, 2012 City of La Quinta 78495 Calle Tampico La Quinta CA 92253 Attn: City Council Members Re: SITE DEVELOPMENT PERMIT 200"52 CROWNE POINTE PARTNERS LLC MAY 1.2012 — THIRD EXTENSION OF TIME Dear City Council Members: I am pleased to be able to report that the perimeter wall construction along PGA Boulevard will be completed on schedule. 1 have asked Monica Amboss to have pictures for your review at the hearing this evening. Below is a quick reaction to the items raised in Mr. Hayes letter dated April 30, 2012 which I received this morning. 1 would request that if the Council is inclined to impose any of the items outlined in the Hayes letter that this hearing be extended so that 1 can adequately address all of the concerns raised. 1. Develooment Agreement. As you will remember last year, prior to securing a building permit a development agreement was negotiated with the PGA West Master Association for just the perimeter wall construction. Another development agreement will be negotiated with the Master Association prior to any further construction at the site. At this time, no immediate construction is anticipated. 2. Cart Path. Apparently prior to our purchase of the property, KSL Resorts permitted gold playing members at PGA West to traverse the Eden Rock site as a shortcut for some of the members traveling to and from the private club house. We have informally honored this convenience when it didn't represent a safety hazard to the carts. At the time that KSL Resorts owned both the golf courses and the areas designated for residential development, the members who wished ME La Quinta City Council Members May 1, 2012 Page 2. to use their private golf carts on KSL Resorts property were required to sign an indemnity/liability agreement and provide a copy of their insurance policy naming KSL Resorts as an additional insured. If the Master Association is now asking for a formal agreement to the use of our property for temporary access, we will be need some time to develop conditions of that use, indemnities, and liability insurance coverage. As you also know, we have agreed to provide a path around our site for permanent can passage as part of our development permit. Carts can also use PGA Boulevard, which has a cart path designation. 3. Landscaoin¢. The plans for the Perimeter Wall were approved by the City and Master Association. The approved wall color and landscaping plans were approved by the Master Association's representative Monarch Management -Donna Marinaccio (directed by the Master Association. Any additional landscaping and irrigation work will be incorporated in our final development plans and submitted to the Master Association for consideration and worked into the Master Association development agreement. This additional landscaping and irrigation will be a part of our front entry landscaping theme and overall landscape plan for the project that will respect the present landscaping along PGA Boulevard. 4. Dirt Mound. The approximately 7500 cubic yards of dirt existed when construction of the perimeter wall began. As such, it is a significant amount of material to be moved. In order to construct the wall our contractor had to cutaway a small portion nearest the street. The remaining pile was left undisturbed. It will receive more dust palliative in order to control the soil from blowing. It is not feasible, nor are we willing to spend the additional money to move the material before we start our mass grading. La Quinta City Council Members May I, 2012 Page 3. 5. General Conditions. I am unclear on how to respond to this section of the letter. I understand that it document which is recorded against the property contains criteria which an owner and it subsequent owner are subject to. I am really stymied on what the Master Association wants which would not be addressed in a development agreement? This development agreement with the Master Association needs to be an arm's length negotiated agreement. Given the limited timeframe in which I have had to respond to the I layes letter. I would request that if the ON Council is intending on imposing any other the requests that the hearing be postponed. Sincerely, O� AM' Crown Pointe Partners, and L'den Rock RPW, LLC Wayne C. Rembold, Manager Cc: Monica Amboss, ( Via Email) Chris Berg ( Via Email) Jennifer Jenkins (Via Email) Todd Keefer ( Via Email) CITY / SA / HA / FA MEETING DATE: May 1 2012 AGENDA CATEGORY: ITEM TITLE: Public Hearing to Consider a Resolution BUSINESS SESSION: Adopting the Fiscal Year 2012/2013 Through 2016/2017 Capital Improvement Program CONSENT CALENDAR. STUDY SESSION: PUBLIC HEARING: RECOMMENDATION: Conduct a public hearing pursuant to Government Code Section 66002 and adopt a Resolution approving the Fiscal Year 201 1 /2012 through 2015/2016 Capital Improvement Program (CIP) (Attachment 1). FISCAL IMPLICATIONS: Adoption of the Resolution will designate the funding sources for the projects identified in the Fiscal Year 2012/2013 through 2016/2017 CIP. The first year of the five-year forecast, or capital budget, will be included in the City's annual operating budget. When the City Council approves the annual operating budget for Fiscal Year 2012/2013, it will also authorize the expenditure of $3,460,159.00 for Fiscal Year 2012/2013 capital project expenditures. The CIP was developed in a conservative manner. Projections were formulated utilizing conservative estimates consistent with operating revenues. The projects listed for the next five years, as shown, are based on considered need and available funding with conservative projections of anticipated collections of Development Impact Fees (DIF). CHARTER CITY IMPLICATIONS: Several of the proposed projects identified for funding during Fiscal Year 2011/2012 are proposed to be funded with state or federal funding. These projects will be subject to state and/or federal prevailing wage requirements. In addition, whether capital improvement projects funded with local funds will continue to be exempted from the prevailing wage requirements will be determined shortly by the California Supreme 452 Court. BACKGROUND AND OVERVIEW: On April 7, 2012, staff presented the draft 2016/2017 CIP to the City Council for revi Following discussion, it was the conser addressed during a public hearing on May Provided for the Council's consideration 2012/2013 Fiscal Year. A copy of the an This document is a statement of the City's year CIP and the financial commitments re The following assumptions should be 1. The City Council has reaffirmed prior emergency reserves, a General Fw allocation of sufficient funds to coves improvement projects. 2. Because of increases in ongoing mair improvements and the provisions of P district will continue to require addit fund balance and annual assessment i capital and operational cost increases defer specific lighting and landscap landscape maintenance activities unti available. FINDINGS AND ALTERNATIVES: The alternatives available to the City Year 2012/2013 through Fiscal Year v and discussion during the study session. is of the City Council that the CIP be , 2012. a the amended CIP commencing in the coded CIP is presented as Attachment 1. 3oals, objectives, and priorities fora five- uired to accomplish those objectives. into account when reviewing the CIP: )olicy to maintain sufficient General Fund d reserve for cash flow purposes, and current contracted and authorized capital tenance costs, the addition of completed ,oposition 218, the lighting and landscape ional funding in the future. The current avenues are inadequate to cover all future . The alternative would be to continue to e improvements and/or reduce existing such time that other revenue sources are include: 1. Conduct a public hearing pursuant to Government Code Section 66002 and adopt a Resolution approving the Fiscal Year 2012/2013 through 2016/2017 Capital Improvement Program; or 2. Conduct a public hearing pursuant to the Fiscal Year 2012/2013 through necessary revisions, and adopt a 3overnment Code Section 66002, modify !016/2017 CIP, and direct staff to make Resolution approving the Fiscal Year 453 2012/2013 through 2016/2017 Capital Improvement Program at a future City Council meeting; or 3. Provide staff with alternative direction. Respectfully submitted, r T'idiothy Rj46nass n P.E. Public Wo s Direc r Approved for submission by: i(`,"L�SD Mark Weiss, Interim City Manager Attachment: 1. Capital Improvement Program '° 454 RESOLUTION NO. 2012- A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA, ADOPTING THE FISCAL YEAR 2012/2013 THROUGH 2016/2017 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN. WHEREAS, pursuant to Government Code Section 66002, the City of La Quinta (the "City") is required to review and adopt a Capital Improvement Plan (the "Plan"); and ,WHEREAS, the City is required to conduct a noticed public hearing for consideration and adoption of the Plan; and WHEREAS, notice of the public hearing has been given pursuant to Government Code Section 65090, specifically, the required notice was published on April 25, 2012 in the Desert Sun; and WHEREAS, the Plan is a five-year planning instrument used by the City to identify capital improvement needs and to coordinate financing and timing of those needs in a manner that maximizes the return to the public; and WHEREAS, the Plan is a statement of the City's goals, objectives and priorities for a five-year Plan and the financial commitments required to accomplish those objectives; and WHEREAS, the Fiscal Year 2012/2013 through 2016/2017 Plan proposes approximately $12,658,368 in improvement projects and $195,965,990 of unfunded additional improvement projects over the five-year period, commencing on July 1, 2012 and ending June 30, 2017; and WHEREAS, the amount allocated from the Plan for first -year projects, called the "Capital Budget," proposes $3,460,159 in improvements, as shown in Exhibit A, which is attached hereto and made a part of this Resolution; and WHEREAS, there is inadequate funding within the City's General Fund or from other sources to completely and fully fund the improvements identified within the Capital Budget; and WHEREAS, it would be in the best interest of the public to completely fund all improvements identified within the Capital Budget. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the La Quinta City Council, as follows: n 455 Resolution No. 2012- Capital Improvement Plan Adopted: May 1, 2012 Page 2 SECTION 1. The above recitations are true and correct. SECTION 2. The City Council hereby adopts the Fiscal Year 2012/2013 through 2016/2017 Capital Improvement Plan, approves the Capital Budget, and authorizes the inclusion of the Capital Budget into the Fiscal Year 2012/2013 operating budget, which appropriates funds for specific facilities, equipment and improvements. PASSED, APPROVED and ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the La Quinta City Council held on this 1 st day of May, 2012, by the following vote to wit: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: ATTEST: SUSAN MAYSELS, INTERIM CITY CLERK City of La Quinta, California (City Seal) APPROVED AS TO FORM: M. KATHERINE JENSON, City Attorney City of La Quinta, California DON ADOLPH, Mayor City of La Quinta, California 456' F C R S � a e e a . 457 FISCAL YEAR 2012/13 THROUGH FISCAL YEAR 2016/17 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM BACKGROUND AND OVERVIEW This document is a statement of the City's goals, objectives, and priorities for a five-year Capital Improvement Program (CIP) and the financial commitments required to accomplish those objectives. The purpose of the CIP is to provide the City with a long-range program for major municipal capital construction projects based on the systematic development of an accompanying financial plan. The CIP is a five-year planning instrument used by the City to identify capital improvement needs and to coordinate financing and timing of those needs in a manner that maximizes benefit to the public. As each annual budget is prepared, additional projects and priority needs are identified and added to the program to maintain a total five-year plan. The first year of the CIP is titled the Capital Budget and is based on existing fund balances and projected revenues. The capital budget is incorporated into the annual City "Operating" Budget, which appropriates funds for specific facilities, equipment and improvements. Projects slated for subsequent years in the program are approved on a planning basis only and do not receive expenditure authority until they are incorporated into the capital budget. The CIP will be updated annually and can be amended at any time based on revenue availability and changes in project priorities. As such, tentative City Council endorsement of the five-year program is desirable for the effective implementation of the City's goals and objectives. Capital improvements are major projects undertaken by the City that are generally not recurring on a long-term, annual basis. In this sense they are differentiated from Maintenance and Operation (M&O) expenditures for normal City operation. They include design, inspection, testing, project administration, land and/or right-of- way acquisition, construction or modification of buildings or facilities, and public infrastructure construction or modification. The CIP for Fiscal Years 2012/2013 through 2016/2017 includes a listing of projects by fiscal year priority and type of improvement. These projects are presented in summary on Exhibit 1. The fiscal year a project is scheduled depends on the availability of specific funding sources, operation and program needs, and prior City Council policy. Projects include bridge, street, traffic signals, drainage, landscaping and lighting, parks, and city facilities. Only those projects that have identified funding sources in the five-year period are listed within a fiscal year. l 1 n. 458 Those projects that are designated as "additional projects" do not have identified funding sources through the term of the five-year program, or, in the case of DIF funded projects, a long-term collection period is required to develop the specified project. The additional projects are presented in summary on Exhibit 2. . The identification of additional and/or alternative funding sources will be addressed during the annual review and approval of subsequent CIPs. Each project is described in brief detail including a description of the project, the location of the project, a breakdown of the estimated project cost, the revenue sources proposed to be used to fund the project, and an estimate of the annual M&O costs associated with the capital improvement. The completion of any specific capital improvement project may have a direct impact on the M&O budgets of the General Fund and other funds. An estimate of these future costs is necessary to assess whether there is financial capacity within the operating budget to cover these ongoing costs. All project costs included in the CIP are at current year project estimates. No inflation factors have been utilized in determining costs for projects in Fiscal Years 2012/2013 through 2016/2017. The 2011/2012 CIP identified $65,526,489 in capital improvement projects. Several of the projects were slated to be constructed using Redevelopment Agency (RDA) funds and have since been put back on the add project list due to the dissolution of the RDA. Included in the CIP document is a "Capital Improvement Program Fiscal Year 2011/2012 Project Status Report," which lists: one 1996/1997 project completed, one 2004/2005 project carried over, four 2006/2007 projects returned to add project list, one 2006/2007 project underway, one 2007/2008 project completed, two 2009/10 projects carried -over, three 2009/10 projects underway, six 2009/10 project completed, one 2010/11 project underway, ten 2010/11 projects completed, four 2011 /12 projects returned to add project list, two 201 1 /12 projects carried -over, six 201 1 /12 projects underway and one 201 1 /12 project completed. Also included is a "Carryover Project Summary" which provides the life -to -date expenditures for all active CIP projects. Fiscal Year 2012/2013 proposes $3,460,159.00 in capital improvement projects. There are a total of ten projects identified for this fiscal year. Two projects are recurring as part of a long term plan to fill missing sidewalk links and correct ADA deficiencies (199702-Sidewalks-Various Locations) and to install new or upgrade existing handicap access ramps (Project Number 199703-Handicap Access Ramp - Various Locations) to comply with the ever evolving ADA standards. There are seven new projects proposed to complete the 2012/2013 CIP. These projects include: 3 •,. n 459 « § N k z � 0 r � § § FL !� !§ \ . CN - - -i{}\{ - } f{7 |§{| -- !!- �--\{§ 460 � �a S�7aa3� smm s pg �mg E gp§y a� R a yy �p seEgae�38 Pyy' � im �$i ny5 2 g r @�. Off—r6 pre : e m LLi` frg �ffi`r�SW dom-mmmr=m "u m r-� IImm E Ne a` 4 - :5�gw 6pLLygA€m8 m m3 �mm JEpa��7$ a�S$�0�%$ {-$�SEVO¢NE N1gNN 2m�! nS6�333333SI �lS<OWWS<ayS-2 QLL as Qa ""sls ;{� s�Sla a � z a ,. N F j W ei N g W c m LL O ccW N x IL u Q i Q Q a UQ N LL z o 4$$ 3a n a na n OmP osa a'$ Pp g9 aa � � �'S m 1gm `5��`�S�SSSSS�m�a-y n®Sfi`frfrmmmmmmmaiY m�� °'�pe g iiE 33 9 7 � �grc �_ 5ssneg as���`momg it. �po 2NmmNm.. ...... NN LIN Ny u ,Y E�'c�'E�'ELL EIE Cam- � q ;'<_� om••� ;< �� E e eeeeeeeeeeeee eeE 2 i asaa��a+'�x �x x x 3 zzzzzzzzzzzzzz z zr $ a .. re ... 461 201201 - Adams Street Signal and Street Improvements 201202 - Sports Complex Lighting Rehabilitation and Expansion 201203 - La Quinta Park ADA Improvements 201204 - Civic Center Park ADA Improvements 201205 - Library ADA Improvement Project 201206 - Senior Center ADA Improvement Project 201207 - Pavement Management Plan Street Improvements Funding for the Quimby funded ADA improvement projects is proposed to be transferred from existing project 200712 - Community Park Acquisition. Fiscal Year 2013/2014 proposes $5,578,322 in capital improvement projects. There are a total of ten projects identified for this fiscal year. These projects include the sidewalk and handicap ramp recurring projects previously listed, the pavement management plan street improvements previously, listed, , and six new projects: 201301-La Quinta Museum ADA Improvements; 201302 - Miscellaneous Parks ADA Improvements; 201303 - Fritz Burns Park Pool Enhancements and ADA Improvements; 201304 - Miles Avenue and Washington Street Intersection Improvements; 201305 - Avenue 50 and Washington Street Intersection Improvements and 201306 - SilverRock Canal Relocation. Funding for the Quimby funded ADA improvement projects and the SilverRock Canal Relocation is proposed to be transferred from existing project 200712 - Community Park Acquisition. Fiscal Year 2014/2015 proposes $1,369,887 in capital improvement projects. There are a total of five projects identified for this fiscal year. These projects include the sidewalk and handicap ramp and pavement management plan street improvement recurring projects previously listed, additional appropriation for the 201302 - Miscellaneous Parks ADA Improvements project, and one new project, 201401 - Sports Complex ADA Improvements. Funding for the ADA improvement projects is proposed to be transferred from existing project 200712 - Community Park Acquisition. Fiscal Year 2015/2016 proposes $1,175,000 in capital ,improvement projects. There are a total of four projects identified for this fiscal year. These projects include the sidewalk and handicap ramp and pavement management plan street improvement recurring projects previously listed, and one new project, 201501 - YMCA Daycare ADA Improvements. Funding for the ADA improvement project is proposed to be transferred from existing project 200712 - Community Park Acquisition. Fiscal Year 2016/2017 proposes $1,175,000 in capital improvement projects. There are a total of three projects identified for this fiscal year. These projects are the sidewalk and handicap ramp and pavement management plan street 5 .', 462 I 1 1 III [1 I 1 1 1 e I 0 I 1 I There are a total of three projects identified for this fiscal year. These projects are the sidewalk and handicap ramp and pavement management plan street improvement recurring projects previously listed. There are eighty one Add Projects identified under the current CIP Additional Projects (Add Projects) list that are not scheduled for funding within the next five years. The costs associated with the implementation of these projects are estimated at $195,965,99O. Please refer to the detail sheets located. under the Additional Projects tab for project specific information regarding these additional projects. There are six developer completed projects currently identified with City Council approved Developer Reimbursement Agreements. The cost associated with these projects is estimated at $3,546,952. Summary information associated with these projects is presented in the Revenue Summary and Expenditure Summary Sections. In addition, detail sheets are presented at the tab labeled Developer Reimbursement Request (DRR). The information presented within this section provides the Council with a status and summary of Developer requested reimbursements for projects eligible for future funding by the Transportation DIF. In accordance with the approved agreements, reimbursement will be made when Transportation DIF funding becomes available. Each of the these projects have been prioritized based on following adopted prioritization criteria and have been ranked from highest to lowest priority for future funding. PTS 'DIF AMOUNT PAID BY DEVELOPER 0 0% of Cohstruction Cost 2 - $0 to 25% of Construction Costs 4 25% to 50% of Construction Cost 6 50% to 75% of Construction Costs 8 75% to 100% of Construction Costs 10 Over 100% of Construction Cost PTS ROADWAY CLAffind 1 Collector 2 Secondary/Modified 3 Prima Arterial (A o4 Ma or Arterial/Au m 5 Bride Improvement PTS °DEFINABLE TRANSPORATION NEED 0 Landsca a Onl 1 Installed A Median Curb 2 Installed Full Median Curb and Median Island Landscape 3 Improved One Lane of Travel and Installed Median 4 Improved Two Lanes of Travel and Installed Median 5 Improved Roadway to Ultimate General Plan Configuration PTS. 'AGREEMENT LONGEVITY 0 1 Year or Less 1 Over 1 Year but Less than 2 2 Over 2 Years but Less than 3 3 Over 3 Years but Less then 4 4 Over 4 Years but Less than 5 5 5 Years or More According to the current Cash Flow Model for Fiscal Year 2012/2013, Transportation DIF funding is not available at this time to reimburse the developers for eligible improvements. At the time funding does become available, staff will return with funding level recommendations for the list of prioritized projects. I 'DIF Amoum Paid by Developer — This criterion is weighted by a factor of 2. e s Definable Transportation Need - only count if improvements are over and above what is normally required. 1 In the case of a point tie between two or more developer agreements, the date the agreement was approved by the City Council will break the tie and establish the priority order. 6 463 I U I 8 I I 0 I I I 0 t!1 I There are a total of three projects identified for this fiscal year. These projects are the sidewalk and handicap ramp and pavement management plan street improvement recurring projects previously listed. There are eighty one Add Projects identified under the current CIP Additional Projects (Add Projects) list that are not scheduled for funding within the next five years. The costs associated with the implementation of these projects are estimated at $195,965,990. Please refer to the detail sheets located under the Additional Projects tab for project specific information regarding these additional projects. There are six developer completed projects currently identified with City Council approved Developer Reimbursement Agreements. The cost associated with these projects is estimated at $3,546,952. Summary information associated with these projects is presented in the Revenue Summary and Expenditure Summary Sections. In addition, detail sheets are presented at the tab labeled Developer Reimbursement Request (DRR). The information presented within this section provides the Council with a status and summary of Developer requested reimbursements for projects eligible for future funding by the Transportation DIF. In accordance with the approved agreements, reimbursement will be made when Transportation DIF funding becomes available. Each of the these projects have been prioritized based on following adopted prioritization criteria and have been ranked from highest to lowest priority for future funding. PTS 'DIF AMOUNT PAID BY DEVELOPER 0 0% of Construction Cost 2 $0 to 25% of Construction Costs 4 25% to 50% of Construction Cost 6 50% to 75% of Construction Costs 8 75% to 100% of Construction Costs 10 Over 100% of Construction cost PTS ROADWAY CLASSIFICATION 1 Collector 2 Secondary/Modified Secondary 3 Primary Arterial (A or B) 4 Major Arterial/Augmented Major 5 Bride Improvement Pis 'DEFINABLE TRANSPORATION NEED 0 1 Landscape Only 1 I Installed 'A Median Curb 2 1 Installed Full Median Curb and Median Island Landscape 3 Im roved One Lane of Travel and Installed Median 4 Improved Two Lanes of Travel and Installed Median 5 1 improved Roadway to Ultimate General Plan Configuration PTS 3AGREEMENT LONGEVITY 0 1 Year or Less 1 Over 1 Year but Less than 2 2 Over 2 Years but Less than 3 3 Over 3 Years but Less than 4 4 Over 4 Years but Less than 5 5 5 Years or More According to the current Cash Flow Model for Fiscal Year 2012/2013, Transportation DIF funding is not available at this time to reimburse the developers for eligible improvements. At the time funding does become available, staff will return with funding level recommendations for the list of prioritized projects. a 'DIF Amount Paid by Developer — This criterion is weighted by a factor of 2. a z Definable Transportation Need - only count if improvements are over and above what is normally required. 3 In the case of a point tie between two or more developer agreements, the data the agreement was approved by the City Council will break the tie and establish the priority order. 7 it 464 a .. ft 465 CITY OF LA QUINTA CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM FISCAL YEAR 2011/2012 PROJECT STATUS REPORT 1996/97 PROJECT COMPLETED 199603 - Washington Street Storm Drain Improvements 2004/05 PROJECT CARRIED -OVER 200407C - Traffic Signal (Jefferson @ Ave 53) - On Hold 2006/07 PROJECTS RETURNED TO ADD PROJECT LIST 200607 - SilverRock Resort Phase 11 Infrastructure 200608 - SilverRock Resort Phase II Golf Course 200610 - SilverRock-Resort Clubhouse 200611 - SilverRock Resort Entry Features 2006/07 PROJECTS UNDERWAY 200606 - Adams Street Bridge Spanning the Whitewater River - Construction Phase 2007/08 PROJECTS COMPLETED 200719 - La Quinta Sports Complex Rehabilitation 8 2009/10 PROJECTS CARRIED -OVER 200904 - Dune Palms Road Street Improvements - On Hold 200911 - Washington Street Apartments Rehabilitation - On Hold 2009/10 PROJECTS UNDERWAY 200901 - Avenue 50 Bridge Spanning the All American Canal - Indio Lead - Under Design 200902 - Madison (Avenue 50 to Avenue 52) - Indio Lead - Under Design O200913 - Relocation of Coachella Canal at SilverRock Resort - CVWD Lead -Under Design 2009/10 PROJECTS COMPLETED 200010 - Traffic Signal (Dune Palms @ Retail Center) and "A" Street Extension D 200903 - Highway 111 Median Island Landscape Improvements 200918 - Landscape Greens Improvement 200922 - Eisenhower Drive and Calle Tampico Signal Interconnect 200924 - Adams, Miles, Dune Palms Road Signal Interconnect 200914 - Highway 111 Utility Undergrounding 2010111 PROJECTS UNDERWAY 201011 - Eisenhower Drive @ Sinaloa Traffic Signal or Round -A -Bout - Under Design 2010/11 PROJECTS COMPLETED a 201003 - Avenue 50 @ Park Avenue Drainage Improvements 201004 - Avenue 48 @ Jefferson Street Drainage Improvements 201006 - Washington Street Dual Left Turn Lanes @ Avenue 48 201007 - Highway 111 Dedicated Right Turn Lane - Study Phase Q 201008 - Phase II Washington Street Drainage Improvements 201009 - Washington Street Right Turn Lane @ Eisenhower Drive 201010 - Village Area Land Acquisition 201013 - Miles Avenue Median Island Landscape p, 201014 - Avenue 50 Widening Improvements 201015 - Fiscal Year 2010/ 2011 Slurry Seal Program 2011/12 PROJECTS RETURNED TO ADD PROJECT LIST 201103 - Highway 111 Sidewalk Improvements 201106 - Fred Waring Reconstruction (Washington to Adams) 201107 - Miles Avenue Reconstruction (Adams to Dune Palms) 0 8 n 466 I 201108 - Highway 111 Landscape Enhancements (City Entrance Monuments) 2011112 PROJECTS CARRIED -OVER 201109 - Westward Ho/Dune Palms Road Affordable Housing Improvements - On Hold 201 110 - Washington Street Senior Housing - On Hold 2011/12 PROJECTS UNDERWAY 201101 - Highway 111 at Washington St. Intersection Improvements - with CVAG 201 102 - Coral Mountain Apartments - Under Design 201104 - Fred Waring Drive Median Island Landscape Improvements - Under Design 201105 - Dune Palms Road Bridge Improvements - Applying for Grant Funding 201 112 - Stabilization of City Owned Properties - In Construction 201113 - Senior Center HVAC Upgrade Project - In Construction 2011112 PROJECTS COMPLETED 201111 - Avenue 50 Pavement Reconstruction Improvements 1 Y Q O 0 I J i Ili II r 0 ,.N 467 Q 0 ¢ N , TRW z�¢ U Q I I I 0 !J C C tl �Uy Z OO ppV (��yW�{{1�� [p1��pC{7qp$0 lN/�m0 gHH AOnO{pbPr��pq1�}8QbNN100�w{ C1m 8N HOBO 8&3n8�Qs-1 2f gy �d �l°$ES g5�rvgy000ppg^y�y 3i 5�...38,m IAI� Xi�d�^�nBN 8,8 tp VmH ^NA m`Q4'ep3 C! 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NSE SUMMARY TOTAL AOOITMNAL PROJECTS: S3.7".110 GRAND TOTAL OPERATING COSTS: SS]M R].]M ES.iW SAYIN Si.]N.110 477 ..,t 478 CITY OF LA QUINTA: CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM DETAIL Project Type: Street Improvement Project: 199702 - Sidewalks - Various Locations Description This annual project provides for the construction of sidewalks at various locations. The new sidewalk sections are selected from the prioritized improvements recommended as part of the ADA Transition Plan Report Revenue Amounts I New Appropriation by Fiscal Year Prior Balance A/O Category Appropriation 06/30/11 2013/2014 2014/2015 2016/2016 2016/2017 Total General Fund 55,000 55,000 55,000 55,000 55,000 276,000 Infrastructure 0 Project Area 1 0 Project Area 2 0 DIF - Transportation 0 DIF - Parks & Recreation 0 DIF - Civic Center 0 DIF - Library 0 DIF - Community Center - 0 DIF - Maintenance Facility 0 Other: 0 Other: 0 Revenue Amount Total 0 0 55,000 55,000 55,000 55,000 55,000 - 275,000 Expense Amounts Cateaory Prior Balance AID Appropflaflon 06/30/11 1111J112013/2014 2014/2015 2016/2016 2016/2017 Total Administration 777 777 777 777 777 3,885 Engineering 3,880 3,880 3,880 3,880 3,880 19,400 Construction 38,800 38,800 38,800 38,800 38,800 194,000 Inspection 3,783 3,783 3,783 3,783 3,783 18,915 Professional - 3,880 3,880 3,880 3,880 3,880 19,400 Contingency 3,880 3,880 3,880 3,880 3,880 19,400 Other: 0 ExpenseAmountTotal 0 0 55,000 55,000 55,000 55,000 55,000 275,000 Operating Costs Prior Balance A/O Category Appropriation 06/30/11 20'13/2014 2014/2016 2016/2016 2016/2017 Total General Fund 0 Other: 0 Operating Cost Total 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Additional Comments: Project Status: Percent Complete 0% 0% 0% 0% Shading represents the current Fiscal Year. Printed: 24-Apr-12 17 479 CITY OF LA QUINTA: CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM DETAIL Project Type: Street Improvement Project: 199703 - Handicap Access Ramp - Various Locations Description This annual project provides for the construction of handicap access ramps at various locations. The new handicap ramps are selected from the prioritized improvements recommended as part of the ADA Transition Plan Report Revenue Amounts I New Appropriation by Fiscal Year Prior Balance NO Category Appropriation 06/30/11 2013/2014 2014/2015 2016/2016 2016/2017 Total General Fund 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 100,000 Infrastructure 0 Project Area 1 0 Project Area 2 0 DIF - Transportation 0 DIF - Parks & Recreation 0 DIF - Civic Center 0 DIF - Library 0 DIF - Community Center 0 DIF - Maintenance Facility 0 Other: 0 Other 0 Revenue Amount Total 0 0 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 100,000 Expense Amounts Catenory, Prior Balance NO Appropriation 06/30/11 111111[2013/2014 2014/2016 2016/2016 2016/2017 Total Administration 282 282 282 282 282 282 Engineering 1,411 1,411 1,411 1,411 1,411 1,411 Construction 14,109 14,109 14,109 14,109 14,109 14,109 Inspection 1,376 1,376 1,376 1,376 1,376 1,376 Professional 1,411 1,411 1,411 . 1,411 1,411 1,411 Contingency 1,411 1,411 1,411 1,411 1,411 1,411 Other: 0 Expense Amount Total 0 0 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 11 Operatina Costs Prior Balance A/O JJJJJJJ2013/2014 Category Appropriation 06/30/11 2014/2016 2016/2016 2016/2017 Total General Fund 0 Other: 0 Operating Cost Total 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Additional Comments: Project Status: Percent Complete 0% 0% 0% 0% Shading represents the current Fiscal Year. Printed: 24-Apr-12 18 .1t 480 CITY OF LA QUINTA: CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM DETAIL Project Type: Street Improvement Project: 201201 -Adams Street Signal and Street Improvements Description The proposed improvements include the installation of a new traffic signal on Adams Street at Corporate Center Drive, and the installation of median curb, landscape and irrigation on Adams Street between Highway 111 and the south bridge approach. Revenue Amounts New Appropriation by Fiscal Year Prior Balance AIO Cateaory Appropriation 06/30/11 17jiM 201312014 2014/2015 2015/2016 2016/2017 Total General Fund 0 Infrastructure 0 Project Area 1 0 Project Area 2 0 DIF- Transportation 345,000 345,000 DIF - Parks & Recreation 0 DIF - Civic Center 0 DIF - Library _ 0 DIF - Community Center 0 DIF - Maintenance Facility 0 Other: To Be Determined 376,500 375,500 Other: 0 Revenue Amount Total 0 0 720,500 0 - 0 0 0 720,500 Expense Amounts Category Prior Balance AID roriation 06/30/11 �. 2013/2014 201412015 2015/2016 2016/2017 Total Administration 26,110 25,110 Engineering 50,220 50,220 Construction 502,200 502,200 Inspection 48,965 48,965 Professional 0 Contingency 94,005 94,005 Other: 0 Ex nseAmountTotal 0 0 720,500 0 0 0 0 720,500 Operating Costs Prior Balance A/O Catenory Appropriation 06/30/11 2013/2014 2014/2015 2015/2016 20116/2017 Total General Fund 1,875 1,875 1,875 1,875 7,500 Other 0 Operating Cost Total 0 0 0 1,875 1,875 1,875 1,875 7,500 Additional Comments: Project Status: Percent Complete . Operating Costs are calculated at $0.25 per square foot. Shading represents the current Fiscal Year. Printed: 23-Apr-12 if 481 19 CITY OF LA QUINTA: CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM DETAIL Project Type: Parks Project: 201202 - Sports Complex Lighting Rehabilitation and Expansion Description Renovate and upgrade the wiring for the Sports Complex Lighting system and expand the lighting for two additional baseball fields and a football field. Currently, the Sports Complex Lighting system does not provide control for lighting of individual fields. Individual field control will save costs by lighting only the fields that are being used. Revenue Amounts New Appropriation by Fiscal Year Prior Balance AID Category Appropriation 06/30111 2013/2014 2014/2015 2015/2016 2016/2017 Total General Fund 0 Infrastructure 0 Project Area 1 0 Project Area 2 0 DIF - Transportation 0 DIF - Parks & Recreation 0 DIF - Civic Center 0 DIF - Library 0 DIF - Community Center 0 DIF - Maintenance Facility 0 Other: To Be Determined Other: QUIMBY 888,875 888,875 Revenue Amount Total 0 0 888,875 0 0 0 0 888,875 Exoense Amounts Category Prior Balance A/O Appropriation 06/30111 2013/2014 201412015 2016/2016 2016/2017 Total Administration 32,500 32,500 Engineering 65,000 65,000 Construction 650,000 650,000 Inspection. 63,375 63,375 Professional 13,000 13,000 Contingency 65,000 65,000 Other: 0 Expense Amount Total 0 0 888,875 0 0 0 0 888,875 Operating Costs Prior Balance A/O - Cateaory Appropriation 06/30/11 2013/2014 2014/2016 2015/2016 2016/2017 Total General Fund 1,875 1,875 1,875 1,875 7,500 Other: 0 Operating Cost Total 0 0 0 1,875 1,875 1,875 1,875 7,500 Additional Comments: Project Status: Percent Complete _ Operating Costs are calculated at $0.25 per square foot. Shading represents the current Fiscal Year. Printed: 24-Apr-12 482 20 CITY OF LA QUINTA: CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM DETAIL Project Type: Parks Project: 201203 - La Quinta Park ADA Improvements Description This project will construct ADA improvements at La Quints Park based on the prioritized improvements recommended as part of the ADA Transition Plan Report Revenue Amounts New Appropriation by Fiscal Year - Prior Balance A/O Category Appropriation 06/30/12 2013/2014 2014/2015 2015/2016 2016/2017 Total General Fund 0 Infrastructure - 0 Project Area 1 0 Project Area 2 - 0 DIF - Transportation 0 DIF - Parks & Recreation 0 DIF - Civic Center 0 DIF - Library 0 DIF - Community Center 0 DIF - Maintenance Facility 0 Other: Quimby 237,169 237,169 Other: 0 Revenue Amount Total 0 0 237,169 0 0 0 0 237,169 Expense Amounts Prior Balance A/O j Cate o Appropriation 06/30/12 ,i�;.i'!'':r'.201312014 2014/2015 2016/2016 2016/2017 Total Administration 3,346 3,346 Engineering 16,732 16,732 Construction - 167,315 167,315 Inspection 16,312 16,312 Professional 16,732 16,732 Other: Contingency 16,732 16,732 Other: 0 Ex nse Amount Total 0 0 237,169 0 0 0 0 237,169 Oneratlna Costs Prior Balance A/O Cateoory Appropriation 06/30/12 2013/2014 2014/2015 2015/2016 2016/2017 Total General Fund 0 Other: 0 Operating Cost Total 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Additional Comments: Project Status: Percent Complete Fixing ADA non -compliant improvements is not expected to increa operating costs over what is existing. . ZJEEZEEM Shading represents the current Fiscal Year. Printed: 24-Jan-12 483 21 CITY OF LA QUINTA: CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM DETAIL Project Type: Parks Project: 201204 - Civic Center Park ADA Improvements Description This project will construct ADA improvements at Civic Center Park based on the prioritized improvements recommended as part of the ADA Transition Plan Report Revenue Amounts New Appropriation by Fiscal Year Prior Balance A/O Category Appropriation 06130H2 JIM 201312014 2014/2015 2015/2016 201612017 Total General Fund 0 Infrastructure 0 Project Area 1 0 Project Area 2 0 DIF - Transportation - 0 DIF - Parks & Recreation 0 DIF - Civic Center 0 DIF - Library 0 DIF - Community Center 0 DIF - Maintenance Facility 0 Other: Quimby 29,759 29,759 Other: 0 Revenue Amount Total 0 0 29,759 0 0 0 0 29,759 Expense Amounts Prior Balance A/O Category A iro riation 06/30/12 ! .. 2013/2014 2014/2016 2016/2016 2016/2017 Total Administration 420 420 Engineering 2,099 2,099 Construction 20,995 20,995 Inspection 2,047 2,047 Professional 2,099 2,099 Other: Contingency. 2,099 2,099 Other: 0 lExpense Amount Total 0 101 29,759 0 0 0 0 29,759 Oneratina Casts Prior Balance A/O Category ro riation 06/30/12 2013/2014 2014/2015 2015/2016 2016/2017 Total General Fund 0 Other: 0 Operating Cost Total 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Additional Comments: Project Status: Percent Complete Fixing ADA non -compliant improvements is not expected to increa operating costs over what is existing. Shading represents the current Fiscal Year. Printed: 24-Jan-12 22 CITY OF LA QUINTA: CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM DETAIL Project Type: Public Facilities Project: 201205 - Library ADA Improvement Project - Description This project will construct ADA improvements at the Library based on the prioritized improvements recommended as part of the ADA Transition Plan Report Revenue Amounts New Appropriation by Fiscal Year Prior Balance A/O Category Appropriation 06/30/12 2013/2014 2014/2015 2015/2016 2016/2017 Total General Fund 0 Infrastructure 0 Project Area 1 0 Project Area 2 0 DIF-Transportation 0 DIF - Parks & Recreation 0 DIF - Civic Center 0 DIF - Library 0 DIF-Community Center 0 DIF - Maintenance Facility 0 Other: City Library Fund 221,279 221,279 Other: o Revenue Amount Total 0 0 221,279 0 0 0 0 221,279 Excense Amounts Prior Balance A/O Catsaory Appropriation 06/30/12No 2013/2014 2014/2015 2015/2016 2016/2017 Total Administration 3,121 3,121 Engineering 15,611 15,611 Construction 156,105 156,105 Inspection 15,220 15,220 Professional 15,611 15,611 Other: Contingency 15,611 15,611 Other: 0 Expense Amount Total 0 0 221,279 0 0 0 0 221,279 Ooeratino Costs Prior Balance A/O Catenory Appro riation 06/30/12 2013/2014 2014/2015 2015/2016 2016/2017 Total General Fund 0 Other: 0 Operating Cost Total 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Additional Comments: Project Status: Percent Complete Fixing ADA non -compliant improvements is not expected to increase operating costs over what is existing. Shading represents the current Fiscal Year. Printed: 24-Jan-12 23 CITY OF LA QUINTA: CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM DETAIL Project Type: Public Facilities Project: 201206 -Senior Center ADA Improvement Project Description This project will construct ADA improvements at the Senior Center based on the prioritized improvements recommended as part of the ADA Transition Plan Report Revenue Amounts New Appropriation by Fiscal Year Prior Balance A/O Cateaory Appro nation 06/30/12 2013/2014 2014/2015 201512016 2016/2017 Total General Fund 0 Infrastructure 0 Project Area 1 0 Project Area 2 0 DIF - Transportation 0 DIF - Parks & Recreation 0 DIF - Civic Center 0 DIF - Library 0 DIF - Community Center 0 DIF - Maintenance Facility 0 Other: City Library Fund 287,577 287,577 Other: 0 Revenue Amount Total 0 0 287,577 0 0 0 0 287,577 Amounts Engineering 20,288 Construction 202,876 Inspection 19,780 Professional 20,288 Other: Contingency 20,288 Operating Costs Total 19, . Prior Balance A/O Category Appropriation 06/30/12 2013/2014 2014/2015 2015/2016 2016/2017 Total General Fund 0 Other:. 0 Operating Cost Total 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Additional Comments: Project Status: Percent Complete Fixing ADA non -compliant improvements is not expected to increase operating costs over what is existing. Shading represents the current Fiscal Year. Printed: 24-Jan-12 486 24 CITY OF LA QUINTA: CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM DETAIL Project Type: Street Improvement Project: 201207 - Pavement Management Plan Street Improvements Description The project will slurry seal and reconstruct roadways within the City in accordance with the future recommendations developed by the Pavement Management Plan (PMP). Revenue Amounts New Appropriation by Fiscal Year Prior - Balance A/O Cateaory Appropriation 06/30/11 2013/2014 2014/2015 2015/2016 201612017 Total General Fund 1,000,000 1,000,000 1,000,000 1,000,000 1,000,000 5,000,000 Infrastructure 0 Project Area 1 0 Project Area 2 0 DIF - Transportation 0 DIF - Parks & Recreation 0 DIF - Civic Center 0 DIF - Library 0 DIF - Community Center 0 DIF - Maintenance Facility 0 Other: To Be Determined , _ 0 Other * 0 Revenue Amount Total 0 0 1,000,000 1,000,000 1,000,000� 1,000,000 1,000,000 5,000,000 Expense Amounts Cateqory Prior Balance A/O Appropriation 06/30/11 2013/2014 2014/2015 2015/2016 2016/2017 Total Administration 25,000 25000 25,000 25,000 25,000 125,000 Engineering 40,000 40000 40,000 40,000 40,000 200,000 Construction 742,500 742500 742,500 742,500 742,500 3,712,500 Inspection - 97,500 97500 97,500 97,500 97,500 487,500 Professional 20,000 20000 20,000 20,000 20,000 100,000 Contingency 75,000 75000 75,000 75,000 75,000 375,000 Other. 0 Ex enseAmountTotal 0 0 1,000,000 1,000,000 1,000,000 1,000,000 1,000,000 5,000,000 Operating Costs Prior Balance A/O Cateaory Appropriation O6/30111 2013/2014 2014/2015 2015/2016 2016/2017 Total General Fund 0 Other: 0 Operating Cost Total 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Additional Comments: Project Status: Percent Complete Shading represents the current Fiscal Year. Printed: 24-Apr-12 `v 487 25 N O W O A I � � CITY OF LA QUINTA: CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM DETAIL Project Type: Street Improvement Project: 199702 - Sidewalks - Various Locations Description This annual project provides for the construction of sidewalks at various locations. The new sidewalk sections are selected from the prioritized improvements recommended as part of the ADA Transition Plan Report Revenue Amounts New Appropnation by Fiscal Year Prior Balance A/O Category Appropriation 06/30/11 2012/2013 2014/2015 2015/2016 2016/2017 Total General Fund 55,000 55,000 55,000 55,000 55,000 275,000 Infrastructure 0 Project Area 1 0 Project Area 2 0 DIF - Transportation 0 DIF - Parks & Recreation 0 DIF - Civic Center 0 DIF - Library 0 DIF - Community Center 0 DIF - Maintenance Facility 0 Other: 0 Other: 0 Revenue Amount Total 0 0 55,000 55,000 55,000 55,000 55,000 275,000 Expense Amounts Category Prior Balance A/O Appropriation 06/30/11 201212013 2014/2015 2015/2016 2016/2017 Total Administration 777 777 777 777 777 3,885 Engineering 3,880 3,880 3,880 3,880 3,880 19,400 Construction 38,800 38,800 38,800 38,800 3$800 194,000 Inspection - 3,783 3,783 3,783 3,783 3,783 18,915 Professional 3,880 3,880 3,880 3,880 3,880 19,400 Contingency 3,880 3,880 3,880 3,880 3,880 19,400 Other: 0 Ex nseAmountTotal 0 0 55,000 55,000 55,000 55,000 55,000 275,000 JI ODeratino Costs Prior Balance AID Category Appropriation 06/30/11 20121201311111111201412015 2015/2016 2016/2017 Total General Fund 0 Other: 0 Operating Cost Total 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Additional Comments: Project Status: Percent Complete 0% 0% 0% 0% Shading represents the current Fiscal Year. Printed: 24-Apr-12 26 1. V489 CITY OF LA QUINTA: CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM DETAIL Project Type: Street Improvement Project: 199703 - Handicap Access Ramp - Various Locations Description This annual project provides for the construction of handicap access ramps at various locations. The new handicap ramps are selected from the prioritized improvements recommended as part of the ADA Transition Plan Report Revenue Amounts New Appropriation by Fiscal Year Prior Balance A/O Catenory Appropriation 06/301 1 2012/2013 = 2014/2016 2015/2016 2016/2017 Total General Fund 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 100,000 Infrastructure 0 Project Area 1 0 Project Area 2 0 DIF - Transportation 0 DIF - Parks & Recreation 0 DIF - Civic Center - _ 0 DIF - Library 0 DIF - Community Center 0 DIF - Maintenance Facility 0 Other: 0 Other: 0 Revenue Amount Total 0 0 20,000 20,000 20,D00 20,000 20,000 100,000 Exoense Amounts Prior Balance A/O Cateaory Appropriation 06/30/11 2012/2013 = 2014/2015 2016/2016 2016/2017 Total Administration 282 282 282 282 282 282 Engineering 1,411 1,411 1,411 1,411 1,411 1,411 Construction 14,109 14,109 14,109 14,109 14,109 14,109 Inspection - 1,376 1,376 1,376 1,376 1,376 1,376 Professional 1,411 1,411 1,411 1,411 1,411 1,411 Contingency 1,411 1,411 1,411 1,411 1,411 1,411 Other: 0 Ex;- 0 0 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,006 11 Operatina Costs Prior Balance A/O Category Appropriation 06/30/11 2012/2013 2014/2015 2015/2016 2016/2017 Total General Fund 0 Other: 0 Operating Cost Total 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Additional Comments: Project Status: Percent Complete 0% 0% 0% 0% Shading represents the current Fiscal Year. Printed: 24-Apr-12 it 490 27 CITY OF LA QUINTA: CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM DETAIL Project Type: Street Improvement Project: 201207 - Pavement Management Plan Street Improvements Description The project will slurry seal and reconstruct roadways within the City in accordance with the future recommendations developed by the Pavement Management Plan (PMP). Revenue Amounts New Appropriation by Fiscal Year Prior Balance A/O _ Cateaory Appropriation 06/30/11 2012/2013 = 2014/2015 2015/2016 2016/2017 Total General Fund 1,000,000 1,000,000 1,000,000 1,000,000 1,000,000 5,000,006 Infrastructure 0 Project Area 1 0 Project Area 2 0 DIF - Transportation 0 OF - Parks & Recreation 0 DIF - Civic Center 0 DIF - Library 0 DIF - Community Center 0 DIF - Maintenance Facility 0 Other: To Be Determined 0 Other: 0 Revenue Amount Total 0 0 1,000,000 1,000,000 1,000,000 1,000,000 1,000,000 5,000,000 Frnanaa Amounts Category Prior Balance A/O Appropriation 06130/11 201212013 J= 201412015 2015/2016 2016/2017 Total Administration 25,000 25000 25,000 25,000 25,000 125,000 Engineering 40,000 40000 40,000 40,000 40,000 200,000 Construction - 742,500 742500 742,500 742,500 742,500 3,712,500 Inspection 97,500 97500 97,500 97,500 97,500 487,500 Professional - 20,000 20000 20,000 20,000 20,000 100,000 Contingency 75,000 75000 75,000 75,000 75,000 375,000 Other: 0 Expense Amount Total 0 0 1,000,000 1,000,000 1,000,000 1,000,000 1,000,000 5,000,000 n.mfinn Cnsfs Prior Balance A/O Category roriation 06/30/11 2012/2013 = 2014/2015 2016/2016 2016/2017 Total General Fund 0 Other: 0 Operating Cost Total 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Additional Comments: Project Status: Percent Complete Shading represents the current Fiscal Year. Printed: 24-Apr-12 Ir 491 m CITY OF LA QUINTA: CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM DETAIL Project Type: Public Facilities Project: 201301 - Museum ADA Improvement Project Description This project will construct ADA improvements at the Museum based on the prioritized improvements recommended as part of the ADA Transition Plan Report Revenue Amounts New Appropriation by Fiscal Year Prior Balance A/O Cateaorv, Appro nation 06/30/12 2012/2013 2014/2015 201612016 2016/2017 Total General Fund Infrastructure 10� Project Area 1 Project Area 2 DIF- Transportation DIF - Parks & Recreation DIF - Civic Center 0 DIF - Library 0 DIF - Community Center 0 DIF - Maintenance Facility 0 Other: City Library Fund 369,780 369,780 Other: 0 Revenue Amount Total 0 0 0 369,780 0 0 0 369,780 Froense Amounts Category Prior Balance A/O Appropriation 06/30/12 201212013 t U 4"I, 2014/2015 201612016 2016/2017 Total Administration 5,217 5,217 Engineering 26,087 26,087 Construction 260,867 260,867 Inspection 25,435 25,435 Professional 26,087 26,087 Other: Contingency 26,087 26,087 Other: 0 Ex nseAmountTotal 0 0 0 369,780 0 0 0 369,780 nnaratine Costs Prior Balance A/O Category Appropriation 0W30112 201212013 = 2014/2015 2015/2016 2016/2017 Total General Fund 0 Other: 0 Operating Cost Total 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Additional Comments: Project Status: Percent Complete Fixing ADA non -compliant improvements is not expected to increase operating costs over what is existing. Shading represents the current Fiscal Year. Printed: 24-Jan-12 ..11 492 29 CITY OF LA QUINTA: CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM DETAIL Project Type: Parks Project: 201302 - Miscellaneous Parks ADA Improvements Description This project will construct ADA improvements at Various City Parks based on the prioritized improvements recommended as part of the ADA Transition Plan Report Revenue Amounts New Appropriation by Fiscal Year Prior Balance A/O Catenory Appropriation 06/30112 2012/2013 2014/2015 2016/2016 201612017 Total General Fund 0 Infrastructure 0 Project Area 1 0 Project Area 2 - 0 DIF - Transportation 0 DIF - Parks 8 Recreation 0 DIF - Civic Center 0 DIF - Library 0 DIF - Community Center 0 DIF - Maintenance Facility 0 Other: Quimby 71,429 133,415 204,844 Other. 0 Revenue Amount Total 0 0 0 71,429 133,415 0 0 204,844 Expense Amounts Cate o - Prior Balance A/O Appropriation 06/30/12 ds t e� E'} 201212013 2014/2015 201SI2016 2016/2017 Total Administration 1,008 1,882 2,896 Engineering 5,039 9,412 14,451 Construction 50,391 94,120 144,511 Inspection 4,913 9,177 14,090 Professional 5,039 9,412 14,451 Other: Contingency 5,039 9,412 14,451 Other: 0 Ex nse Amount Total 0 011 0 71,429 133,415 - 0 0 204,844 ODerotina Costs Prior Balance A/O Catenory Appropriation 06/30/12 2012/2013 2014/2015 2015/2016 2016/2017 Total General Fund _ 0 Other: 0 Operating Cost Total 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -Additional Comments: Project Status: Percent Complete Fixing ADA non -compliant improvements is not expected to increase operating costs over what is existing. EJJZJ,��.' Shading represents the current Fiscal Year. Printed: 24-Jan-12 If 493 30 CITY OF LA QUINTA: CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM DETAIL Project Type: Project: Fritz Burns Park Pool Enhancements Description This expansion of the existing "traditional teaching" pool will enhance the use of the pool participation. The added elements include water features, spray pad, and changing areas to meet increased use. Revenue Amounts New Appropriation by Fiscal Year Prior Balance A/O Category Appropriation 06/30/12 201212013 ij, 2014/2015 2015/2016 2016/2017 Total General Fund 0 Infrastructure 0 Project Area 1 0 Project Area 2 0 DIF - Transportation 0 DIF - Parks & Recreation 0 DIF - Civic Center 0 DIF - Library 0 DIF - Community Center 0 DIF - Maintenance Facility 0 Other: Quimby 1,404,511 1,404,511 Other: 0 Revenue Amount Total 0 0 0 1,404,511 0 0 0 1,404,511 Expense Amounts Cate o Prior BalanceAlQ Appropriation 06/30/12 2012/2013 y�f,+ ,t.E. �µ'��'tI `( i'� { 2014/2015 2015/2016 2016/2017 Total Administration 45,744 45,744 Engineering 102,062 102,062 Construction 1,020,621 1,020,621 Inspection 99,511 99,511 Professional 34,511 34,511 Other: Contingency 102,062 102,062 Other. 0 Expense Amount Total 0 011 0 1,404,511 0 0 0 1,404,511 Operating Costs Prior Balance AID , +, r Cate o Appropriation 06/30112 201212013 1�I III � ',bli,,il,� 2014/2015 2015/2016 2016/2017 Total General Fund - 1,200 1,200 1,200 3,600 Other: 0 Operating Cost Total 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Additional Comments: Project Status: Percent Complete Shading represents the current Fiscal Year. Printed: 24-Jan-12 " 494 31 CITY OF LA QUINTA: CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM DETAIL Project Type: Street Improvements Project: 201304 - Miles Avenue and Washington Street Intersection Improvements Description This project will widen Washington Street to provide southbound dual left -turn lanes on Washington Street north of Miles Avenue, widen Miles Avenue to provide a separate westbound right -turn lane and right -turn overlap phase at Washington Street and install interconnnect on Washington Street from Miles Avenue to Channel Drive to tie the signals at Miles Avenue and Washigton Street, Miles Avenue and Seeley Drive, Fred Waring Drive and Palm Royale to the La Quints Aries System. These signals are currently connected to the Palm Desert System. Revenue Amounts New Appropriation by Fiscal Year Prior Balance A/O Category Appropriation 06/30112 2012/2013 2014/2015 2015/2016 201612017 Total General Fund 0 Infrastructure 0 Project Area 1 0 Project Area 2 0 DIF - Transportation 0 DIF - Parks & Recreation 0 DIF - Civic Center 0 DIF - Library 0 DIF - Community Center 0 DIF - Maintenance Facility 0 Other: AQMD Mitigation 597,970 597,970 Other. 0 Revenue Amount Total 0 0 0 597,970 0 0 0 597,970 Contingency Operating Costs 2016/2017 Total 39,276 39, 392,765 392, 38,295 38, 30,000 30, 77,996 77, Prior Balance A/O jS { },,S{,�}` Cate o Appropriation 06/30/12 2012/2013 - 2014/2015 2015/2016 2016/2017 Total General Fund 1,000 1,000 1,000 3,000 Other: 0 Operating Cost Total 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Additional Comments: Project Status: Percent Complete Operating Costs are calculated at $0.25 per square foot. Shading represents the current Fiscal Year. Printed: 24-Jan-12 ..tr 495 KEA CITY OF LA QUINTA: CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM DETAIL Project Type: Street Improvements Project: 201305 - Avenue 50 and Washington Street Intersection Improvements Description This project will remove the crosswalks on the north and west sides of the intersection to eliminate unsafe pedestrian movements. The crosswalk striping will be removed and barriers will be placed on the northeast and southwest comers of the intersection to prevent pedestrian crossings. Revenue Amounts New Appropriation by Fiscal Year Prior Balance AID Category Appro riation 06130/12 201212013 2014/2015 2015/2016 201612017 Total General Fund 0 Infrastructure 0 Project Area 1 0 Project Area 2 0 DIF - Transportation 0 DIF - Parks & Recreation 0 DIF - Civic Center 0 DIF - Library 0 DIF - Community Center 0 DIF - Maintenance Facility 0 Other: SR2S 59,643 59,643 Other: 0 Revenue Amount Total 0 0 0 59,643 0 0 0 59,643 Expense Amounts Prior Balance A/O Cateaory Appropriation 06/30/12 2012/2013 = 2014/2015 2015/2016 2016/2017 Total Administration 2,150 2,150 Engineering 6,000 6,000 Construction 43,000 43,00 Inspection 4,193 4,193 Professional 0 Other: Contingency 4,300 4,300 Other: 0 Expense Amount Total 0 0 0 59,643 0 0 0 59,643 Operating Costs Prior Balance A/O av �s, a Cate o Appropriation 06/30/12 2012/2013 ' ilj i' 111 `I IIt. 2014/2015 2015/2016 2016/2017 Total General Fund 0 Other: 0 Operating Cost Total 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Additional Comments: Project Status: Percent Complete Shading represents the current Fiscal Year. Printed: 24Jan-12 496 33 CITY OF LA QUINTA: CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM DETAIL Project Type: Street Improvements Project: 201306 - SilverRock Canal Relocation Description This project will fill in the existing canal that crosses the SilverRock Golf Course and repair any damage done to the adjacent golf course in the course of the construction. Additionally, this project may also upgrade and/or revise the existing holes adjacent to the canal to improve playability. Revenue Amounts New Appropriation by Fiscal Year Prior Balance A/O Category Appropriation 06130/12 201212013 ''Ib 2014/2015 2015/2016 2016/2017 Total General Fund 0 Infrastructure 0 Project Area 1 0 Project Area 2 0 DIF - Transportation 0 DIF - Parks & Recreation 0 DIF - Civic Center 0 DIF - Library 0 DIF - Community Center 0 DIF - Maintenance Facility 0 Other: Quimby 2,000,000 2,000,000 Other: 0 Revenue Amount Total 0 0 0 2,000,000 0 0 0 2,000,000 Expense Amounts Cate o Prior Balance A/O Appropriation 06130M2 201212013 , +li}t t',� illll �i 2014/2015 2015/2016 2016/2017 Total Administration 50,000 50,000 Engineering 80,000 80,000 Construction 1,485,000 1,485,000 Inspection 195,000 195,000 Professional 40,000 40,000 Other: Contingency 150,000 150,000 Other: 0 Expense Amount Total 0 0 0 2,000,000 0 0 0 2,000,000 Operating Costs Prior Balance A/O Cate o Appropriation 06/30/12 2012/2013 �201412015 2015/2016 2016/2017 Total General Fund 0 Other: 0 Operating Cost Total 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Additional Comments: Project Status: Percent Complete It is not anticipated that these improvements will increase the operating costs over what is existing Shading represents the current Fiscal Year. Printed: 24-Jan-12 497 34 498 CITY OF LA QUINTA: CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM DETAIL Project Type: Street Improvement Project: 199702 - Sidewalks - Various Locations Description This annual project provides for the construction of sidewalks at various locations. The new sidewalk sections are selected from the prioritized improvements recommended as part of the ADA Transition Plan Report Revenue Amounts 11 New A ro riation b Fiscal Year Prior Balance AID Category Appropriation 06/30/11 201212013 2011 14 2016/2016 2016/2017 Total General Fund 55,000 55,000 55,000 55,000 55,000 275,000 Infrastructure 0 Project Area 1 0 Project Area 2 - 0 DIF - Transportation 0 DIF - Parks & Recreation 0 DIF - Civic Center 0 DIF - Library 0 DIF - Community Center 0 DIF - Maintenance Facility 0 Other: 0 Other: 0 Revenue Amount Total 0 0 55,000 55,000 55,000 55,000 55,000 275,000 Fv.nsn Ammmis Category Prior Balance AID Appropriation 06/30/11 201212013 201312014= 2015/2016 2016/2017 Total Administration 777 777 777 777 777 3,885 Engineering 3,880 3,880 3,880 3,880 3,880 19,400 Construction 38,800 38,800 38,800 38,800 38,800 194,000 Inspection 3,783 3,783 3,783 3,783 3,783 18,915 Professional 3,880 3,880 3,880 3,880 3,880 19,400 Contingency 3,880 3,880 3,880 3,880 3,880 19,400 Other: 0 Ex nseAmountTotal 0 - 0 55,000 55,000 55,000 55,000 55,000 275,000 r%nnmtinn Costs Prior Balance A/O Category Appropriation 06/30/11 201212013 2013/2014 2015/2016 2016/2017 Total General Fund 0 Other: 0 Operating Cost Total 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Additional Comments: Project Status: Percent Complete 0% 0% 0% 0% Shading represents the current Fiscal Year. Printed: 24-Apr-12 499 35 CITY OF LA QUINTA: CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM DETAIL Project Type: Street Improvement Project: 199703 - Handicap Access Ramp - Various Locations Description This annual project provides for the construction of handicap access ramps at various locations. The new handicap ramps are selected from the prioritized improvements recommended as part of the ADA Transition Plan Report Revenue Amounts 11 New A ro nation b Fiscal Year 'Prior Balance A/O Category ronation 06/30/11 201212013 2013/2014 2015/2016 2016/2017 Total General Fund 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 100,000 Infrastructure .. 0 Project Area 1 0 Project Area 2 0 DIF - Transportation 0 DIF - Parks & Recreation 0 DIF - Civic Center 0 DIF -Library 0 DIF - Community Center 0 DIF - Maintenance Facility 0 Other: 0 Other: 0 Revenue Amount Total 0 0 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 100,000 11 Expense Amounts Prior Balance A/O Category Appropriation 06/30/11 201212013 2013/2014 2016/2016 2016/20/7 Total Administration 262 262 262 262 262 262 Engineering 1,411 1,411 1,411 1,411 1,411 1,411 Construction 14,109 14,109 14,109 14,109 14,109 14,109 Inspection 1,376 1,376 1,376 1,376 1,376 1,376 Professional 1,411 1,411 1,411 1,411 1,411 1,411 Contingency 1,411 1,411 1,411 1,411 1,411 1,411 Other: 0 Expense Amount Total 0 0 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 Operating Costs Prior Balance A/O Category Appropriation 06/30/11 201212013 2013/2014 2015/2016 2016/2017 Total General Fund 0 Other: 0 Operating Cost Total 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Additional Comments: Project Status: Percent Complete 0% 0% 0% 0% Shading represents the current Fiscal Year. Printed: 24-Apr-12 36 500 CITY OF LA QUINTA: CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM DETAIL Project Type: Street Improvement Project: 201207 - Pavement Management Plan Street Improvements Description The project will slurry seal and reconstruct roadways within the City in accordance with the future recommendations developed by the Pavement Management Plan (PMP). Revenue Amounts New Aggrogriation by Fiscal Year IF - Prior Balance AID Category Appropriation 06130111 2012/2013 2013/2014 I= 2016/2016 2016/2017 Total General Fund 1,000,000 1,000,000 1,000,000 1,000,000 1,000,000 5,000,000 Infrastructure 0 Project Area 1 0 Project Area 2 0 DIF - Transportation - 0 DIF - Parks & Recreation 0 DIF - Civic Center 0 DIF - Library 0 DIF - Community Center 0 DIF - Maintenance Facility 0 Other: To Be Determined 0 Other: 0 Revenue Amount Total 0 0 1,000,000 1,000,000 1,000,000 1,000,000 1,000,000 5,000,000 Expense Amounts Category Prior Balance A/O Appropriation 06/30111 201212013 2013/2014 2015/2016 2016/2017 Total Administration 25,000 25000 25,000 25,000 25,000 125,000 Engineering 40,000 40000 40,000 40,000 40,000 200,000 Construction 742,500 742500 742,500 742,500 742,500 3,712,500 Inspection 97,500 97500 97,500 97,500 97,500 487,500 Professional 20,000 20000 20,000 20,000 20,000 100,000 Contingency 75,000 75000 75,000 75,000 75,000 375,000 Other: 0 Ex nse Amount Total 0 0 1,000,000 1,000,000 1,000,000 1,000,000 1,000,000 5,000,00011 Operating Costs Prior Balance A/O Cate o Appropriation 06130/11 2012/2013 2013/2014 2015/2016 2016/2017 Total General Fund 0 Other: 0 Operating Cost Total 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Additional Comments: Project Status: Percent Complete Shading represents the current Fiscal Year. Printed: 24-Apr-12 ..Ir 501 37 CITY OF LA QUINTA: CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM DETAIL Project Type: Parks Project: 201302 - Miscellaneous Parks ADA Improvements Description This project will construct ADA improvements at Various City Parks based on the prioritized improvements recommended as part of the ADA Transition Plan Report Revenue Amounts New A roriation b Fiscal Year - Prior Balance A/O Category Appropriation 06/30/12 2012/2013 2013/2014 k= 2015/2016 2016/2017 Total 0 General Fund Infrastructure 0 Project Area 1 0 Project Area 2 0 DIF - Transportation 0 DIF - Parks & Recreation 0 DIF - Civic Center 0 DIF - Library 0 DIF - Community Center 0 DIF - Maintenance Facility 0 Other: Quimby - 71,429 133,415 204,844 Other: 0 Revenue Amount Total 0 0 0 71,429 133,415 0 0 204,844 Expense Amounts Category Prior Balance A/O�t1 Appropriation 06/30/12 - 201212013 2013/2014 t: rf�'' ' t'� 2015/2016 2016/2017 Total Administration 1,008 1,882 2,890 Engineering 5,039 9,412 14,451 Construction 60,391 94,120 144,511 Inspection 4,913 9,177 14,090 Professional 5,039 9,412 14,451 Other: Contingency 5,039 9,412 14,451 Other 0 Fir nse Amount Total 0 0 0 71,429 133,415 0 0 204,84 Ceets Prior Balance A/O Category Appropriation 06/30/12 2012/2013 2013/2014 = 2016/2016 2016/2017 Total General Fund 0 Other: 0 Operating Cost Total 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Additional Comments: Project Status: Percent Complete Fixing ADA non -compliant improvements is not expected to increase operating costs over what is existing. JJJEAEEMEZE• Shading represents the current Fiscal Year. Printed: 24-Jan-12 ..n 502 m CITY OF LA QUINTA: CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM DETAIL Project Type: Public Facilities Project: 201401 -Sports Complex ADA Improvement Project Description This project will construct ADA improvements at the Sports Complex based on the prioritized improvements recommended as part of the ADA Transition Plan Report Revenue Amounts New Ugroeriation by Fiscal Year Prior Balance A/O Category Appropriation 06/30112 2012/2013 2013/2014 2015/2016 2016/2017 Total 0 General Fund Infrastructure 0 Project Area 1 0 Project Area 2 0 DIF - Transportation 0 DIF - Parks & Recreation 0 DIF - Civic Center 0 DIF - Library 0 DIF - Community Center 0 DIF - Maintenance Facility 0 Other: Quimby Funds 161,472 161,472 Other: 0 Revenue Amount Total 0 0 0 0 161,472 0 0 161,472 Category Prior Balance A/O Appropriation 06/30/12 2012/2013 2013/2014 = 2015/2016 2016/2017 Total Administration 2,276 2,276 Engineering 11,391 11,391 Construction 113,913 113,913 Inspection 11,107 11,107 Professional 11,391 11,391 Other: Contingency 11,391 11,391 Other: 0 Ex nse'Amount Total 0 0 0 0 161,471 0 0 161,471 Prior Balance Al0 Category Appropriation 06/30/12 201212013 2013/2014 2015/2016 201612017 Total General Fund 0 Other: 0 Operating Cost Total 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Additional Comments: Project Status: Percent Complete Fixing ADA non -compliant improvements is not expected to increase operating costs over what is existing. Shading represents the current Fiscal Year. Printed: 24Jan-12 ..% 503 39 ...n - 504 8 CITY OF LA QUINTA: CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM DETAIL Project Type: Street Improvement Project: 199702 - Sidewalks - Various Locations )escription rhis-annual project provides for the construction of sidewalks at various locations. The new sidewalk sections are selected fron :he prioritized improvements recommended as part of the ADA Transition Plan Report Revenue Amounts 06/30/11 201212013 act Area 1 act Area 2 - Transportation - Parks B Recreation - Civic Center - Library - Community Center - Maintenance Facility Total Expense Amounts Prior Balance A/O Category Appropriation 06/30/11 201212013 2013/2014 2014/2015 2016/2017 Total Administration - 777 777 777 777 777 3,885 Engineering 3,880 3,880 3,880 3,880 3,880 19,400 Construction 38,800 38,800 38,800 38,800 38,800 194,000 Inspection 3,783 3,783 3,783 3,783 3,783 18,915 Professional 3,880 3,880 3,880 3,880 3,880 19,400 Contingency 3,880 3,880 3,880 3,880 3,880 19,400 Other: 0 Expense Amount Total 0 0 55,000 55,000 55,000 55,000 55,000 275.000 Operatina Costs Prior Balance A/O Category Appropriation 06/30/11 201212013 2013/2014 20141201 SM 2016/2017 Total General Fund 0 Other: 0 Operating Cost Total 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Additional Comments: Project Status: Percent Complete 0% 0% 0% 0% Shading represents the current Fiscal Year. Printed: 24-Apr-12 5r 40 CITY OF LA QUINTA: CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM DETAIL Project Type: Street Improvement Project: 199703 - Handicap Access Ramp - Various Locations Description This annual project provides for the construction of handicap access ramps at various locations. The new handicap ramps are selected from the prioritized improvements recommended as part of the ADA Transition Plan Report Revenue Amounts 11 New A ro nation b Fiscal Year Prior Balance A/O Catenory Appropriation 06/30111 2012/2013 2013/2014 2014/2015 2016/2017 Total General Fund 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 100,000 Infrastructure 0 Project Area 1 0 Project Area 2 - 0 DIF - Transportation 0 DIF - Parks & Recreation 0 DIF - Civic Center 0 DIF - Library 0 DIF - Community Center 0 DIF - Maintenance Facility 0 Other: 0 Other: 0 Revenue Amount Total 0 0 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 100,000 Frnansa Amnun}s Category Prior Balance A/O Appropriation 06/30/11 2012/2013 2013/2014 2014/2015 2016/2017 Total Administration 282 282 282 282 282 282 Engineering 1,411 1,411 1,411 1,411 1,411 1,411 Construction 14,109 14,109 14,109 14,109 14,109 14,109 Inspection 1,376 1,376 1,376 1,376 1,376 1,376 Professional 1,411 1,411 1,411 1,411 1,411 1,411 Contingency 1,411 1,411 1,411 1,411 1,411 1,411 Other: 0 ,Expense Amount Total 0 0 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 Operating Costs Prior Balance A/O Cateqory Appropriation 06/30/11 2012/2013 2013/2014 2014/2016 2016/2017 Total General Fund 0 Other: 0 Operating Cost Total 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Additional Comments: Project Status: Percent Complete 0% 0% ' 0% 0% Shading represents the current Fiscal Year. Printed: 24-Apr-12 536 41 CITY OF LA QUINTA: CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM DETAIL Project Type: Street Improvement Project: 201207 - Pavement Management Plan Street Improvements Description - The project will slurry seal and reconstruct roadways within the City in accordance with the future recommendations developed by the Pavement Management Plan (PMP). Revenue Amounts FF-New Appropriation b xFiscal Year Prior Balance AIO CatLqorV Appropriation 06/30/11 201212013 2013/2014 2014/2015 2016/2017 Total General Fund 1,000,000 1,000,000 1,000,000 1,000,000 1,000,000 5,000,000 Infrastructure 0 Project Area 1 0 Project Area 2 0 DIF - Transportation 0 OF - Parks & Recreation - 0 DIF - Civic Center 0 DIF - Library 0 DIF - Community Center 0 DIF - Maintenance Facility 0 Other: To Be Determined 0 Other: 0 Revenue Amount Total 0 01 1,000,000 1,000,000 1,000,000 1,000,000 1,000,000 5,000,000 ExpenseAmounts Category Prior Balance A/O Appropriation 06130111 2012/2013 2013/2014 2014/2015 JIM 2016/2017 Total Administration 25,000 25000 25,000 25,000 25,000 125,000 Engineering 40,000 40000 40,000 40,000 40,000 200,000 Construction 742,500 742500 742,500 742,500 742,500 3,712,500 Inspection 97,500 97500 97,500 97,500 97,500 487,500 Professional 20,000 20000 20,000 20,000 20,000 100,000 Contingency 75,000 75000 75,000 75,000 75,000 375,000 Other. 0 Ex nseAmount Total 0 0 1,000,000 1,000,000 1,000,000 1,000,000 1,000,000 5,000,00011 ODeratino Costs - Prior Balance A/O Category Appropriation 06/30/11 2012/2013 2013/2014 2014/2015 2016/2017 Total General Fund 0 Other: 0 Operating Cost Total 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Additional Comments: Project Status: Percent Complete Shading represents the current Fiscal Year. Printed: 24-Apr-12 50 42 tt 7 CITY OF LA QUINTA: CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM DETAIL Project Type: Public Facilities Project: 201501 -YMCA Daycare ADA Improvement Project Description This project will construct ADA improvements at the YMCA Daycare based on the prioritized improvements recommended as part of the ADA Transition Plan Report _ Revenue Amounts New Appropriation bx Fiscal Year Prior Balance AID Category Appropriation 06/30112 201212013 2013/2014.2014/2015l= 2016/2017 Total General Fund 0 Infrastructure 0 Project Area 1 0 Project Area 2 0 DIF - Transportation 0 DIF - Parks & Recreation 0 DIF - Civic Center 0 DIF - Library 0 DIF - Community Center 0 DIF - Maintenance Facility 0 Other: Quimby Funds 100,000 100,000 Other: 0 Revenue Amount Total 0 0 0 0 0 100,000 0 100,000 2013/2014 201412015 Engineering 7,055 Construction - 70,547 Inspection 6,878 Professional 7,055 Other: Contingency 7,055 Dneratina Costs Prior Balance A/O Category Appropriation 06130112 201212013 2013/2014 201412015 2016/2017 Total General Fund 0 Other: 0 Operating Cost Total 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Additional Comments: Project Status: Percent Complete Fixing ADA non -compliant improvements is not expected to increase operating costs over what is existing. Shading represents the current Fiscal Year. Printed: 24-Jan-12 k Og 43 5)9 CITY OF LA QUINTA: CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM DETAIL Project Type: Street Improvement Project: 199702 - Sidewalks - Various Locations Description This annual project provides for the construction of sidewalks at various locations. The new sidewalk sections are selected from the prioritized improvements recommended as part of the ADA Transition Plan Report Revenue Amounts 11 New Appropriation by Fiscal Year Prior Balance A/O Category Appropriation 06/30/11 2012/2013 2013/2014 2014/2015 2015120161= Total General Fund 55,000 55,000 55,000 55,000 55,000 275,000 Infrastructure - 0 Project Area 1 0 Project Area 2 0 DIF - Transportation 0 DIF - Parks & Recreation 0 DIF - Civic Center 0 DIF - Library 0 DIF - Community Center 0 DIF - Maintenance Facility 0 Other: 0 Other: 0 Revenue Amount Total 0 0 55,000 55,000 55,000 55,000 55,000 275,000 Exnense Amounts Category Prior Balance A/O Appropriation 06/30/11 2012/2013 2013/2014 2014/2016 2015/2016 Total Administration 777 777 777 777 777 3,885 Engineering 3,880 3,880 3,880 3,880 3,880 19,400 Construction 38,800 38,800 38,800 38,800 38,800 194,000 Inspection _ 3,783 3,783 3,783 3,783 3,783 18,915 Professional 3,880 3,880 3,880 3,880 3,880 19,400 Contingency 3,880 3,880 3,880 3,880 3,880 19,400 Other: 0 Ex ense Amount Total 0 0 55,000 55,000 55,000 55,000 55,000 275,000 ODeratina Costs Prior Balance A/O Category Appropriation 06/30/11 2012/2013 2013/2014 2014/2015 201512016NM Total General Fund 0 Other: 0 Operating Cost Total 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Additional Comments: Project Status: Percent Complete 0% 0% 0% 0% Shading represents the current Fiscal Year. Printed: 24-Apr-12 `" 510 m CITY OF LA QUINTA: CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM DETAIL Project Type: Street Improvement Project: 199703 - Handicap Access Ramp - Various Locations Description This annual project provides for the construction of handicap access ramps at various locations. The new handicap ramps are selected from the prioritized improvements recommended as part of the ADA Transition Plan Report Revenue Amounts act Area 1 act Area 2 - Transportation - Parks & Recreation - Civic Center Library - Community Center - Maintenance Facility Expense Amounts New Aoorooriation by Fiscal Year Category Prior Balance A/O Appropriation 06/30/111 2012/2013 2013/2014 2014/2015 2015/20161= Total Administration 282 282 282 282 282 282 Engineering 1,411 1,411 1,411 1,411 1,411 1,411 Construction 14,109 14,109 14,109 14,109 14,109 14,109 Inspection 1,376 1,376 1,376 1,376 1,376 1,376 Professional 1,411 1,411 1,411 1,411 1,411 1,411 Contingency 1,411 1,411 1,411 1,411 1,411 1,411 aver: o Ex nse Amount Total 0 0 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 11 ODeratino Costs Prior Balance A/O Category Appropriation 06/30/11 2012/2013 2013/2014 2014/2015 2016/2016= Total General Fund 0 Other: • 0 Operating Cost Total 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Additional Comments: Project Status: Percent Complete 0% 0% 0% 0% Shading represents the current Fiscal Year. Printed: 24-Apr-12 45 511 CITY OF LA QUINTA: CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM DETAIL Project Type: Street Improvement Project: 201207 - Pavement Management Plan Street Improvements Description The project will slurry seal and reconstruct roadways within the City in accordance with the future recommendations developed by the Pavement Management Plan (PMP). Revenue Amounts - New Appropriation by Fiscal Year Prior Balance A/O Catenory Appropriation 06/30/11 2012/2013 2013/2014 2014/2015 201512016 Total General Fund 1,000,000 1,000,000 1,000,000 1,000,000 1,000,000 5,000,000 Infrastructure 0 Project Area 1 0 Project Area 2 0 DIF - Transportation 0 DIF - Parks & Recreation 0 DIF - Civic Center 0 DIF - Library 0 DIF - Community Center 0 DIF - Maintenance Facility 0 Other: To Be Determined 0 Other: 0 Revenue Amount Total 0 0 1,000,000 1,000,000 1,000,000 1,000,000 1,000,000 5,000,000 Exoense Amounts Cateaory Prior Balance A/O Appropriation 06/30111 2012/2013 2013/2014 2014/2015 2016/2016 Total Administration 25,000 25000 25,000 25,000 25,000 125,000 Engineering 40,000 40000 40,000 40,000 40,000 200,000 Construction 742,500 742500 742,500 742,500 742,500 3,712,500 Inspection 97,500 97500 97,500 97,500 97,500 487,500 Professional 20,000 20000 20,000 20,000 20,000 100,000 Contingency 75,000 75000 75,000 75,000 75,000 375,000 Other: 0 Expense Amount Total 0 0 1,000,000 1,000,000 1,000,000 1,000,000 1,000,000 5,000,000 Ooeratina Costs Prior Balance A/O Catenory Appropriation 06/30/11 2012/2013 2013/2014 201412015 2016/2016 Total General Fund .0 Other: 0 Operating Cost Total 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Additional Comments: Project Status: Percent Complete Shading represents the current Fiscal Year. Printed: 24-Apr-12 .. If 512 m 513 CITY OF LA QUINTA: CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM DETAIL Project Type:. Street Improvement Project: AD01 - Avenue 50 Bridge Improvement Spanning the Evacuation Channel )ascription )esign and construct a new 4 lane bridge on Avenue 50 spanning the La Quinta Evacuation Channel. Revenue Amounts Category To Be Determined Total General Fund 0 Infrastructure 0 Project Area 1 0 Project Area 2 0 DIF - Transportation 1,347,208 1,347,208 DIF - Parks & Recreation 0 DIF - Civic Center 0 DIF - Library 0 DIF - Community Center 0 DIF - Maintenance Facility 0 Other: To Be Determined 2,412,792 2,412,792 Other. 0 Revenue Amount Total 0 0 0 0 0 3,760,000 0 3,760,000 Category To Be Determined Total Administration 94,000 94,000 Engineering 376,000 376,000 Construction 2,622,600 2,622,600 Inspection 291,400 291,400 Professional 0 Other: Contingency 376,000 376,000 Other: 0 Expense Amount Total 0 0 0 0 0 3,760,000 0 3,760,000 Ooeratino Costs Category To Be Determined Total General Fund 0 Other: 0 Operating Cost Total 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Additional Comments: Printed: 24-Apr-12 47 514 CITY OF LA QUINTA: CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM DETAIL Project Type: Street Improvement Project: AD02 - Washington Street Bridge Railing (Replacement) Description Prepare the Plans, Specifications and Estimate (PS&E) and replace the existing bridge railing on Washington Street at the Whitewater River with the La Quints decorative bridge railing. Revenue Amounts ect Area 1 act Area 2 - Transportation - Parks & Recreation - Civic Center - Library - Community Center - Maintenance Facility Dr: To Be Determined 535,177 535, Category To Be Determined Total Administration - 39,000 39,000 Engineering 78,000 78,000 Construction 780,000 780,000 Inspection 76,050 76,050 Professional 0 Other: Contingency 97,305 97,305 Other: 0 Ex enseAmountTotal 0 0 0 0 0 1,070,355 0 1,070,355 Operating Costs Category To Be Determined Total General Fund 0 Other. 0 Operating Cost Total 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Additional Comments: Printed: 24-Apr-12 48 CITY OF LA OUINTA: CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM DETAIL Project Type: Street Improvement Project: AD03 - Fred Waring Drive (Adams Street to Port Maria Road) )ascription the proposed improvements include the installation of half a median island and median island landscape and irrigation, and lov evel lighting between Adams St. and Port Maria Road Infrastructure Project Area 1 Project Area 2 DIF - Transportation DIF - Parks & Recreation DIF - Civic Center DIF - Library DIF - Community Center DIF - Maintenance Facility Expense Amounts 2,036,513 2,036,513 Category To Be Determined Total Administration 101,826 101,826 Engineering 203,651 203,651 Construction 1,328,825 1,328,825 Inspection 198,560 198,560 Professional 0 Other: Contingency 203,651 203,651 Other: 0 ,Expense Amount Total 0 0 0 0 0 2,036,513 0 2,036,513 Category To Be Determined Total General Fund 5,000 5,000 Other: 0 Operating Cost Total 0 0 0 0 0 5,000 0 5,000 Additional Comments: Operating costs are calculated at $0.25 per square foot. Project Costs were updated following the completion of the widening improvements between Washington Street and Adams Street. The project costs will updated in the DIF during the next DIF update. Printed: 24-Apr-12 49 516 CITY OF LA QUINTA: CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM DETAIL Project Type: Street Improvement Project: AD04 - Madison Street (Avenue 52 to Avenue 54) Description The proposed improvements include the installation of median island landscape and irrigation between Avenue 52 and Avenue 54. Fund act Area 1 act Area 2 - Transportation - Parks & Recreation - Civic Center - Library - Community Center - Maintenance Facility Dr: City of Indio 1,162,354 1,1 Category To Be Determined Total Administration 43,130 43,130 Engineering 86,260 86,260 Construction- 862,600 862,600 Inspection 84,104 84,104 Professional 0 Other: Contingency 86,260 86,260 Other: 0 ExpenseAmountTotal 0 0 b 0 0 1,162,354 0 1,182,354 Category To Be Determined Total General Fund 23,760 23,760 Other: 0 Operating Cost Total 0 0 0 0 0 23,760 0 23,760 Additional Comments: Operating costs are calculated at $0.25 per square foot. Project costs have been updated to reflect the costs presented in the September 16, 2008 DIF Update. This improvement has a pending Developer Reimbursement Agreement (DRA) with the Madison Club, in the amount of $2,030,887. As of March 2009, two travel lanes and median curb have been constructed. The median landscape and irrigation improvements are pending. The costs presented above have been adjusted to reflect the cost of the median landscape and irrigation improvements only. DRA improvements are tracked as separate ADD projects. 6161 Printed: 24-Apr-12 rr 517 CITY OF LA OUINTA: CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM DETAIL Project Type: Street Improvement Project: AD05 -Madison Street (Avenue 60 to Avenue 62) Description The proposed improvements include the installation of two lanes and paved painted median between Avenue 60 and Avenue 62. The improvements also include 1,350 LF of full width widening on the east side adjacent to Trilogy. Infrastructure Project Area 1 Project Area 2 DIF - Transportation DIF - Parks & Recreation DIF - Civic Center DIF - Library DIF - Community Center DIF - Maintenance Facility Other: City of Indio 3,108,879 0 3,108,879 0 0 0 0 Category To Be Determined Total Administration 110,117 110,117 Engineering 220,234 220,234 Construction 2,202,341 2,202,341 Inspection - 170,681 170,681 Professional 0 Other: Contingency 405,506 405,506 Other. 0 Expense Amount Total 0 0 0 0 0 3,108,879 0 3,108,879 Category To Be Determined Total General Fund - 0 Other: 0 Operating Cost Total 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Additional Comments: Project costs are updated as presented in the September 16, 2008 DIF Update. This project has a pending Developer Reimbursement Agreement (DRA) with Travertine Development, in the amount of $1,563,733. The DRA improvements have not been constructed. Printed: 24-Apr-12 N 518 51 CITY OF LA QUINTA: CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM DETAIL Project Type: Street Improvements Project: AD06 - Miles Avenue Median Curb and Median Island Landscaping (Seeley - Dune Palms) Description Construct median island curb and install landscaping, irrigation and lighting from Seeley Avenue to Dune Palms Road (1.65 miles) rtevenue Infrastructure Project Area 1 Project Area 2 DIF- Transportation 922,062 DIF - Parks & Recreation DIF - Civic Center DIF - Library DIF - Community Center DIF - Maintenance Facility Other: Developer Bonds Median Curb 315,818 Other: TBD Landscape Other: TBD Median Curb Category To Be Determined Total Administration 45,838 45,838 Engineering 91,678 91,678 Construction 916,779 916,779 Inspection - 71,050 71,050 Professional 0 Other: Contingency 112,535 112,535 Other: 0 Expense Amount Total 0 0 0 0 0 1,237,880 0 1,237,880 n..esw.... c..a�a Category To Be Determined Total General Fund. 39,000 39,000 Other: 0 Operating Cost Total 0 0 0 0 0 39,000 0 39,000 Additional Comments: Developer Bonds available in the amount of $315,818. Operating costs are calculated at $0.25 per square foot. Project costs are updated as presented in the September 16, 2008 DIF Update. Printed: 24-Apr-12 52 519 CITY OF LA QUINTA: CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM DETAIL Project Type: Drainage Improvement Project: AD07 - Phase 3 Washington Street Drainage Improvements (St. Francis of Assisi Parkway Median) Description The project will remove and replace the frontage road adjacent to the St. Francis of Assisi Church with a retention basin. rcevenue Infrastructure Project Area 1 Project Area 2 DIF - Transportation DIF - Parks 8 Recreation DIF - Civic Center DIF - Library DIF - Community Center DIF - Maintenance Facility Other: Developer Bonds 1.131 Expense Amounts Category To Be Determined Total Administration 41,100 41,100 Engineering 82,200 82,200 Construction 822,000 822,000 Inspection 80,145 80,145 Professional 0 Contingency 106,552 106,552 Other: 0 Expense Amount Total 0 0 0 0 0 1,131,997 0 1,131,997 n.. .firm r„sta Category To Be Determined Total General Fund 0 Other: 0 Operating Cost Total 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Additional Comments: The project will result in the addition of 3.5 acre-feet of storm water capacity. Printed: 24-Apr-12 53 " 5AO CITY OF LA OUINTA: CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM DETAIL Project Type: Street Improvement Project: AD08 - Avenue 50 (Washington Street to Madison Street) Description The proposed improvements include the installation of median island, median island landscape, irrigation and electrical, from Washington St. to Jefferson St.; and the installation of half a median island, median island landscape, irrigation and electrical and the adjustment of the centerline profile to implement urban drainage concept for future widening of the south side, from Jefferson St. to Madison St. Revenue Amounts Category To Be Determined Total General Fund 0 Infrastructure 0 Project Area 1 0 Project Area 2 - 0 DIF - Transportation 1,222,008 1,222,008 DIF - Parks & Recreation 0 DIF - Civic Center 0 DIF - Library 0 DIF - Community Center 0 DIF - Maintenance Facility 0 Other: Developer Bonds 52,100 52,100 Other: 0 Revenue Amount Total 0 0 0 0 0 1,274,108 0 1,274,108 Expense Amounts Category To Be Determined Total Administration 47,275 47,275 Engineering 94,550 94,550 Construction 945,500 945,500 Inspection 92,186 92,186 Professional - 0 Other: Contingency 94,597 94,597 Other: 0 ,Expense Amount Total 0 0 0 0 0 1,274,108 0 1,274,108 ditional Comments: The proposed median improvements are not included between the La Quints Evacuation Channel and Park St. The project also includes the construction of a new outside lane adjacent to Polo Estates. Park Avenue to Orchard - Developer bonds are available for the south side. Operating costs for future median island landscape and lighting are calculated at $0.25 per square foot. Project costs have been reduced to reflect TD Desert Tract 25429 Developer Reimbursement Agreement $186,900 DIF and 5,000 Developer Bonds; and to reflect Toll Brothers Reimbursement Agreement $ 627,972. Developer Reimbursement reements are tracked as separate Additional Projects. Project costs have been updated to reflect the costs presented in the September 16, 2008 DIF. 54 521 CITY OF LA QUINTA: CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM DETAIL Project Type: Street Improvement Project: AD09 - Avenue 52 Street Improvements Description The proposed improvements include the installation of median island, median island landscape, irrigation and electrical, and the .adjustment of the centerline profile to implement urban drainage standards for the future widening of the north and south sides, from Jefferson St. to Madison; and the installation of half a median island, median island landscape, irrigation and electrical, and the adjustment of the centerline profile to implement urban drainage standards for future widening of the south side, from Madison Street to 1/2 mile east of Madison Street. Fund act Area 1 act Area 2 - Transportation - Parks & Recreation - Civic Center - Library - Community Center - Maintenance Facility 2,648,311 2,648,311 Category To Be Determined Total Administration 98,268 98,268 Engineering - 196,535 196,535 Construction 1,965,350 1,965,350 Inspection 191,622 191,622 Professional 0 Other: Contingency 196,537 196,537 Other: 0 Expense Amount Total 0 0 0 0 0 2,648,311 0 2,648,311 Operating Costs Category To Be Determined Total General Fund 5,900 5,900 Other: 0 Operating Cost Total 0 0 0 0 0 5,900 0 5,900 Additional Comments: Operating costs for future maintenance of the median island landscape and lighting improvements are calculated at $0.25 per square foot. Project costs have been updated to reflect the costs presented within the September 2008 DIF update. Project costs have been reduced to reflect the improvements constructed by the Madison Club Tract 33076 ($669,920),by the Greystone Group Tract 33220 ($183,340), and by the NO La Quints Partners Tract 29894 ($1,344,690). In addition, the Toll Brothers Tract 30357 have an approved Developer Reimbursement Agreement (DRA), in the amount of ($112,723), for improvements that have not been constructed as of March 2009. Developer Reimbursements Agreements (DRA) are tracked as separate Additional Projects. Printed: [a-Apr--iz 55 522 CITY OF LA QUINTA: CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM DETAIL Project Type: Street Improvement Project: AD10 -Avenue 58 Street Improvements (PGA West south to Madison St.) )escription - "his project proposes to realign and construct Avenue 58 from PGA West south to Madison Street. The project was fonnerl,, nown as the Jefferson Street extension. ^mounw Infrastructure Project Area 1 Project Area 2 DIF - Transportation DIF - Parks & Recreation DIF - Civic Center DIF - Library DIF - Community Center DIF - Maintenance Facility Other: Developer Contributions/Bonds 5,569,743 1,365,268 1 Category To Be Determined Total Administration 256,804 2561804 Engineering 513,609 513,609 Construction 5,136,094 5,136,094 Inspection 398,048 398,048 Professional 0 Other: Contingency 630,456 630.456 Other: 0 Ex ense Amount Total 0 0 0 0 0 6,935,011 0 6,935,011 Category To Be Determined Total General Fund 0 Other: 0 Operating Cost Total 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Additional Comments: Project costs have been updated to reflect the costs presented within the September 16, 2008 DIF update. Coral Canyon LLC Tract 33444 has a pending Developer Reimbursement Agreement (DRA) which will affect this project. The pending agreement anticipates the developer will ultimately be reimbursed from both the Transportation DIF and from prior developers. The City has also amended the street typical section for this improvement. The pending developer agreeement and the street section amendment will be addressed and incorporated into the next DIF Update. Printed: 24-Apr-12 56 0 523 CITY OF LA QUINTA: CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM DETAIL Project Type: Street Improvement Project: AD11 -Avenue 62 Street Improvements (Monroe to Madison St.) Description This project proposes to widen Avenue 62 from 2 to 4 lanes between Monroe Street and Madison Street. The improvements include the crossing over the CVWD Dike. Revenue Amounts Infrastructure Project Area 1 Project Area 2 DIF- Transportation 5,952,644 DIF - Parks & Recreation DIF - Civic Center DIF - Library DIF - Community Center DIF - Maintenance Facility Category To Be Determined Total Administration 330,015 330,015 Engineering 660,030 660,030 Construction 6,600,302 6,600,302 Inspection 511,523 511,523 Professional 0 Other: Contingency 150,158 150,158 Other: 0 Expense Amount Total 0 0 0 0 0 8,252,028 0 8,252,028 Oneratina Costs Category To Be Determined Total General Fund 0 Other: 0 Operating Cost Total 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Additional Comments: The project costs have been updated to reflect the costs presented within the September 165, 2008 DIF Update. The project funding includes a commitment from Shea Homes at Trilogy in the amount of $2,050,000 and other adjacent developers in the amount of $249,384. Printed:. 24-Apr-12 N 524 57 CITY OF LA QUINTA: CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM DETAIL Project Type: Street Improvement Project: AD12 - Madison Street Median Island Landscape Rehabilitation (Avenue 54 to Avenue 56) Description The proposed improvements include the preparation of the plans, specifications and engineer's estimate (PS&E) to rehabilitate the landscaping and irrigation within the median islands on Madison Street from Avenue 54 to Avenue 56. The median islands are 18 feet wide and approximately 5,280 feet long. wnounu; ect Area 1 act Area 2 - Transportation - Parks & Recreation - Civic Center - Library - Community Center - Maintenance Facility :r: To Be Determined 1 PA #2 Low/Mod 1,777,370 1,777 Category To Be Determined Total Administration 48,000 48,000 Engineering - 120,000 120,000 Construction 1,200,000 1,200,000 Inspection 117,000 117,000 Professional - 120,000 120,000 Other: Contingency 172,370 172,370 Other: 0 Expense Amount Total 0 0 0 0 0 1,777,370 0 1,777,370 nnnmfrnn Cnsfc Category To Be Determined Total General Fund 20,000 Other: 20,000 0 Operating Cost Total 0 0 0 0 0 20,000 0 20,000 Additional Comments: Operating costs for future maintenance of the parkways is calculated at $.025 per square foot. Printed: 24-Apr-12 525 W. CITY OF LA QUINTA: CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM DETAIL Project Type: Street Improvement Project: AD13 - Avenida Bermudas Storm Drain Improvements Description The project will upgrade the drainage capability at the intersection of Avenida Bermudas and Calls Tampico. The improvements include the construction of a Maxwell IV drywell, and the installation of a 30" RCP stone drain to carry stone water from the southwest comer of Calls Tampico and Avenida Bermudas to the existing storm drain near the KSL parking lot. Revenue Amounts Category To Be Determined Total General Fund 0 Infrastructure 0 Project Area 1 0 Project Area 2 - 0 DIF - Transportation 0 DIF - Parks & Recreation 0 DIF - Civic Center 0 DIF - Library 0 DIF - Community Center _ 0 DIF - Maintenance Facility 0 Other: To Be Determined 317,888 317,888 RDA PA #2 Low/Mod 0 RevenueAmount Total 0 0 0 0 0 317,888 0 317,888 Category To Be Determined Total Administration 10,210 10,210 Engineering 20,420 20,420 Construction 204,200 204,200 Inspection 19,910 19,910 Professional 0 Other: Contingency 63,148 63,148 Other: 0 Expense Amount Total 0 0 0 0 0 317,888 0 317,888 nnamfinn Cnete Category To Be Determined Total General Fund 0 Other: 0 Operating Cost Total 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 dditional Comments: Printed: 24-Apr-12 " 526 59 CITY OF LA QUINTA: CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM DETAIL Project Type: Street Improvement Project: AD14 - Highway 111 Landscape Enhancements (Washington Street Intersection) Description The proposed improvements will enhance the public right of way at the intersection of Washington Street and Highway 111 it accordance with the recommendations presented within the Highway 111 Corridor Landscape Design Guidelines, dated January 20, 2011. Project Area 1 Project Area 2 DIF - Transportation DIF - Parks & Recreation DIF - Civic Center DIF - Library DIF - Community Center DIF - Maintenance Facility Other: To Be Determined 1,005,586 1 Category To Be Determined Total Administration 36,640 36,640 Engineering 73,280 73,280 Construction 732,800 732,800 Inspection 71,448 71,448 Professional 0 Other: Contingency 91,418 91,418 Other: 0 Expense Amount Total 0 0 0 0 0 1,005,586 0 1,005,596 Category To Be Determined Total General Fund Other: 4,150 4,150 0 Operating Cost Total 0 0 0 0 0 4,150 0 4,150 [Additional Comments: Operating Costs are calculated at $0.25 per square foot. Printed: 24-Apr-12 n 527 CITY OF LA QUINTA: CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM DETAIL Project Type: Street Improvement Project: AD15 - Highway 111 Landscape Enhancements (Adams Street Intersection) Description The proposed improvements will enhance the public right of way at the intersection of Adams Street and Highway 111 in accordance with the recommendations presented within the Highway 111 Corridor Landscape Design Guidelines, dated January 20, 2011. Revenue Amounts act Area 1 act Area 2 - Transportation - Parks & Recreation - Civic Center - Library - Community Center - Maintenance Facility =-r: To Be Determined 944,602 944,602 Category To Be Determined Total Administration 34,418 34,418 Engineering 68,836 68,836 Construction 688,360 688,360 Inspection 67,115 67,115 Professional 0 Other: Contingency 85,873 85,873 Other: 0 Ex nseAmountTotal 0 0 0 0 0 944,602 0 944,602 ODaratina Costs Category To Be Determined Total General Fund 3,500 3,500 Other: 0 Operating Cost Total 0 0 0 0 0 3,500 0 3,500 Additional Comments: Operating Costs are calculated at $0.25 per square foot. Printed: 24-Apr-12 528 61 CITY OF LA QUINTA: CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM DETAIL Project Type: Street Improvement Project: AD16 - Highway 111 Landscape Enhancements (Dune Palms Road Intersection) Description The proposed improvements will enhance the public right of way at the intersection of Dune Palms Road and Highway 111 in accordance with the recommendations presented within the Highway 111 Corridor Landscape Design Guidelines, dated January 20, 2011. act Area 1 ect Area 2 - Transportation - Parks & Recreation - Civic Center - Library - Community Center - Maintenance Facility ar: To Be Determined 884,827 Category To Be Determined Total Administration 32,240 32,240 Engineering 64,480 64,480 Construction 644,800 644,800 Inspection 62,868 62,868 Professional 0 Other: Contingency 80,439 80,439 Other: 0 Ex ense Amount Total 0 0 0 0 0 884,827 0 884,827 Operatina Costs Category To Be Determined Total General Fund Other: 3,300 3,300 0 Operating Cost Total 0 0 0 0 0 3,300 0 3,300 Additional Comments: Operating Costs are calculated at $0.25 per square foot. Printed: 24-Apr-12 529 I:Va CITY OF LA QUINTA: CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM DETAIL Project Type: Street Improvement Project: AD17 - Highway 111 Landscape Enhancements (Medians West City Limit to Adams Street) Description The proposed improvements will enhance the median island landscape, irrigation and low level lighting in accordance with the recommendations presented within the Highway 111 Corridor Landscape Design Guidelines, dated January 20, 2011. act Area 1 ect Area 2 - Transportation - Parks & Recreation - Civic Center - Library - Community Center - Maintenance Facility :r: To Be Determined ::r rrr Category To Be Determined Total Administration 32,030 32,030 Engineering 64,062 64,062 Construction 640,618 640,618 Inspection 62,461 62,461 Professional 0 Other: Contingency 80,829 80,829 Other. 0 Ex nseAmount Total 0 0 0 0 0 880,000 0 880,000 Operating Costs Category To Be Determined Total General Fund Other: 3,300 3,300 0 Operating Cost Total 0 0 0 0 0 3,300 0 3,300 Additional Comments: Operating Costs are calculated at $0.25 per square foot. Printed: 24-Apr-12 63 n 530 CITY OF LA QUINTA: CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM DETAIL Project Type: Street Improvement Project: AD18 - Highway 111 Landscape Enhancements and Auto Display Pads Description The proposed improvements will enhance the landscape, irrigation and low level lighting on the south Highway 111 parkway adjacent to the La Quinta Auto Park. The existing planting and lighting will be removed and replaced, existing irrigation system will be modified, new auto display bads will be installed, and new Auto Center ID signs will be installed. Infrastructure ProjectArea 1 'iProject Area 2 iDIF - Transportation DIF - Parks & Recreation DIF - Civic Center DIF - Library DIF - Community Center DIF - Maintenance Facility Other: To Be Determined 2,329,629 Category To Be Determined Total Administration 84,884 84,884 Engineering 169,767 169,767 Construction 1,697,670 1,697,670 Inspection 165,523 165,523 Professional 84,884 84,884 Other: Contingency 126,901 126,901 Other: 0 [Expense Amount Total 0 0 0 0 0 2,329,629 0 2,329,629 Operating Costs Category To Be Determined Total General Fund 0 Other: Auto Dealers 13,425 13,425 Operating Cost Total 0 0 0 0 0 13,425 0 13,425 [Additional Comments: Operating Costs are calculated at $0.25 per square foot. Printed: 24-Apr-12 64 `" 531 CITY OF LA QUINTA: CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM DETAIL Project Type: Street Improvement Project: AD19 - Fred Waring Drive Reconstruction (Washington Street to Adams Street) Description The project will reconstruct the eastbound and westbound number 1 (center) lanes from Palm Royale to Adams Street and all eastbound lanes from Washington Street to Palm Royale. The improvements include new AC pavement and base material, striping, crack seal, and slurry seal as needed. mmuunm Infrastructure Project Area 1 Project Area 2 DIF - Transportation DIF - Parks & Recreation DIF - Civic Center DIF - Library . 'DIF - Community Center (DIF - Maintenance Facility Other: To Be Determined 2,012,779 2,012, Category To Be Determined Total Administration 70,150 70,150 Engineering 140,300 140,300 Construction 1,403,000 1,403,000 Inspection 136,793 136,793 Professional 70,150 70,150 Other: Contingency 192,386 192,386 Other: 0 Expense Amount Total 0 0 0 0 0 2,012,779 0 2,012,779 Operating Costs Category To Be Determined Total General Fund 0 0 Other: 0 Operating Cost Total 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Additional Comments: Operating Costs are calculated at $0.25 per square foot. Printed: 24-Apr-12 532 65 CITY OF LA QUINTA: CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM DETAIL Project Type: Street Improvement Project: AD20 - Miles Avenue Reconstruction (Adams Street to Dune Palms Road) Description The project will reconstruct the eastbound and westbound number 1 (center) lanes from Adams Street to Dune Palms Road. The improvements include new AC pavement and base material, striping, crack seal, and slurry seal as needed. Infrastructure Project Area 1 Project Area 2 DIF - Transportation DIF - Parks & Recreation DIF - Civic Center DIF - Library DIF - Community Center DIF - Maintenance Facility Other: To Be Determined 573,221 573,221 Category To Be Determined Total Administration 20,923 20,923 Engineering 41,845 41,845 Construction 418,451 418,451 Inspection 40,799 40,799 Professional 20,923 20,923 Other: Contingency 30,280 30,280 Other: 0 Expense Amount Total 0 0 0 0 0 573,221 0 573.221 n..atinn rnete Category To Be Determined Total General Fund 0 0 Other: 0 Operating Cost Total 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 [Additional Comments: Operating Costs are calculated at $0.25 per square foot. Printed: 24-Apr-12 533 CITY OF LA QUINTA: CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM DETAIL Project Type: Regional Improvement Project: AD21 - Jefferson Street Interchange Description The project will reconstruct the interchange on Jefferson Street at Interstate 10. The City of Indio is serving as the Lead Agency on behalf of CVAG, the County of Riverside and the City of La Quints. Revenue Amounts Unfunded Appropriation by Fiscal Year Category 2014/2015 2015/2016 Total General Fund - 0 Infrastructure 0 Project Area 1 0 Project Area 2 0 DIF - Transportation 0 DIF - Parks & Recreation 0 DIF - Civic Center 0 DIF - Library 0 DIF-Community Center 0 DIF - Maintenance Facility 0 Other: TO BE DETERMINED 4,098,750 4,098,750 8,197,500 Other: 0 Revenue Amount Total 0 0 0 0 0 4,098,750 4,098,750 8,197,500 Expense Amounts Category 2014/2015 2015/2016 Total Administration 0 Engineering 0 Construction 0 Inspection 0 Professional 0 Contingency Other: CVAG Reimbursement 4,098,750 4,098,750 8,197,500 ,Expense Amount Total 0 0 F 0 0 0 4,098,750 4,098,750 8,197,500 n..e #i.,., r•...ara Category 2010/2011 2011/2012 201212013 2013/2014 2014/2015 Total General Fund 0 Other: 0 Operating Cost Total 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Additional Comments: Project Status: Percent Complete The Jefferson Street Interchange Improvements are currently estimated to cost $77,886,000. CVAG has committed to funding 75% of this amount. The Cities of La Quinta, Indio, and the County of Riverside are responsible or the remaining 25% (Local Share) currently estimated at $19,471,500. The 25% Local Share is distributed 0.50% to the County of Riverside, 57.4% to the City of Indio, and 42.1 % to the City of La Quinta based on an "area of benefit" calculation. The numbers presented are "worst case" and are likely to be reduced as the project gets closer to construction. Shading represents the current Fiscal Year. Printed: 24-Apr-12 5,34 67 CITY OF LA OUINTA: CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM DETAIL Project Type: Street Improvement Project: AD22- New Traffic Signal (Caleo Bay & Avenue 47) Description Prepare traffic signal warrant analysis, design and construct new traffic signal. Revenue Amounts Category To Be Determined Total General Fund - 0 Infrastructure 0 Project Area 1 0 Project Area 2 0 DIF - Transportation 430,000 430,000 DIF - Parks & Recreation 0 DIF - Civic Center 0 DIF - Library 0 DIF - Community Center 0 DIF - Maintenance Facility 0 Other: To Be Determined 0 Other: 0 Revenue Amount Total 0 0 0 0 0 430,000 0 430,000 Category To Be Determined Total Administration 21,500 21,500 Engineering 43,000 43,000 Construction 321,425 321,425 Inspection _ 33,325 33,325 Professional 10,750 10,750 Other: 0 Other: 0 Expense Amount Total - 0 0 0 0 0 430,000 0 430,000 Operating Costs Category To Be Determined Total General Fund Other: 15,000 15,000 0 Operating Cost Total 0 0 0 0 0 15,000 0 15,000 Additional Comments: Project costs have been updated to reflect the costs presented within the September 16, 2008 DIF Update. Printed: 24-Apr-12 535 m CITY OF LA QUINTA: CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM DETAIL Project Type: Street Improvement Project: AD23 - New Traffic Signal (Washington Street @ Lake La Quinta Drive) Description Prepare traffic signal warrant analysis, design and construct new traffic signal. Infrastructure Project Area 1 Project Area 2 DIF - Transportation DIF - Parks & Recreation DIF - Civic Center OF - Library OF - Community Center DIF - Maintenance Facility Other: To Be Determined Or amfinn CoaLa 215,000 43,000 321,425 33,325 10,750 21 Category To Be Determined Total General Fund 15,000 Other: 15,000 0 Operating Cost Total 0 0 0 0 0 15,000 0 15,000 Additional Comments: Project costs have been updated to reflect the costs presented within the September 16, 2008 DIF Update. Printed: 24-Apr-12 536 m CITY OF LA QUINTA: CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM DETAIL Project Type: Street Improvement Project: AD24 - New Traffic Signal (Dune Palms Road @ Corporate Center Drive) Description Prepare traffic signal warrant analysis, design and construct new traffic signal. act Area 1 ect Area 2 - Transportation - Parks & Recreation - Civic Center - Library - Community Center - Maintenance Facility er: To Be Determined r)nornfinn Cmf% 430,000 43,000 321,425 33,325 10,750 Category To Be Determined Total General Fund 15,000 Other: 15,000 0 Operating Cost Total 0 0 0 0 0 15,000 0 15,000 Additional Comments: Project costs have been updated to reflect the costs presented within the September 16, 2008 DIF Update. Printed: 24-Apr-12 537 70 CITY OF LA QUINTA: CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM DETAIL Project Type: Street Improvement Project: AD25 - New Traffic Signal (Eisenhower Drive @ Montezuma) )ascription )rapers traffic signal warrant analysis, design and construct new traffic signal. Revenue Amounts Category To Be Determined Total General Fund 0 Infrastructure 0 Project Area 1 0 Project Area 2 0 DIF- Transportation 430,000 430,000 DIF - Parks & Recreation 0 DIF - Civic Center 0 DIF - Library 0 DIF - Community Center 0 DIF - Maintenance Facility 0 Other: To Be Determined - 0 Other: 0 Revenue Amount Total 0 0 0 0 0 430,000 0 430,000 Category - To Be Determined Total Administration 21,500 21,500 Engineering 43,000 43,000 Construction 321,425 321,425 Inspection 33,325 33,325 Professional 10,750 10,750 Other: 0 Other: 0 Expense Amount Total 0 0 0 0 0 430,000 0 430,000 CategoryCalagory To Be Determined Total General Fund 15,000 15,000 Other: 0 Operating Cost Total 0 0 0 0 0 15,000 0 15,000 Additional Comments: Project costs have been updated to reflect the costs presented within the September 16, 2008 DIF Update. Printed: 24-Apr-12 %.10 - 538 71 CITY OF LA QUINTA: CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM DETAIL Project Type: Street Improvement Project: AD26 - New Traffic Signal (Madison @ Avenue 50) Description Prepare traffic signal warrant analysis, design and construct new traffic signal. Infrastructure Project Area 1 Project Area 2 DIF - Transportation DIF - Parks & Recreation DIF - Civic Center DIF - Library DIF - Community Center DIF - Maintenance Facility Other: City of Indio 107,500 107 322,500 Category To Be Determined Total Administration 21,500 21,500 Engineering 43,000 43,000 Construction 321,425 321,425 Inspection 33,325 33,325 Professional 10,750 10,750 Other: 0 Other: 0 Expense Amount Total 0 0 0 0 0 430,000 0 430,000 Operating Costs Catenory To Be Determined Total General Fund 3,750 3,750 Other: 0 Operating Cost Total 0 0 0 0 0 3,750 0 3,750 Additional Comments: The City of Indio owns three comers or 75% of the proposed signal. Project costs have been updated as presented within the September 16, 2008 DIF update. Printed: 24-Apr-12 ,. IF 539 72 CITY OF LA QUINTA: CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM DETAIL Project Type: Street Improvement Project: AD27 - New Traffic Signal (Madison Street @ Avenue 52) Description Prepare traffic signal warrant analysis, design and construct new traffic signal. Revenue Amounts Project Area 1 Project Area 2 DIF - Transportation DIF - Parks & Recreation DIF - Civic Center DIF - Library DIF - Community Center DIF - Maintenance Facility Other: City of Indio 322,500 107,500 107 Category To Be Determined Total Administration 21,500 21,500 Engineering 43,000 43,000 Construction 321,425 321,425 Inspection 33,325 33,325 Professional 10,760 10,750 Other: 0 Other: 0 Expense Amount Total 0 0 0 0 0 430,000 0 430,000 Category To Be Determined Total General Fund 11,250 11,250 Other: 0 Operating Cost Total 0 0 0 0 0 11,250 0 11,250 Additional Comments: City of Indio owns one corner or 25% of the proposed signal. Project costs have been updated to reflect the costs presented within the September 16, 2008 DIF update. Printed: 24-Apr-12 _ 540 73 CITY OF LA QUINTA: CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM DETAIL Project Type: Street Improvement Project: AD28 - New Traffic Signal (Madison Street @ Avenue 54) Description Design and construct new traffic signal. ect Area 1 ect Area 2 - Transportation - Parks & Recreation - Civic Center - Library - Community Center - Maintenance Facility Dr: City of Indio 430,000 Category To Be Determined Total Administration 21,500 21,500 Engineering 43,000 43,000 Construction 321,425 321,425 Inspection 33,325 33,325 Professional 10,750 10,750 Other: 0 Other: 0 Expense Amount Total 0 0 0 0 0 430,000 0 430,000 Ooeratina Costs Category To Be Determined Total General Fund Other: 15,000 15,000 0 Operating Cost Total 0 0 0 0 0 15,000 0 15,000 Additional Comments: Printed: 24-Apr-12 r 541 74 CITY OF LA QUINTA: CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM DETAIL Project Type: Street Improvement Project: AD29 - New Traffic Signal (Jefferson Street @ Avenue 54) Description Prepare traffic signal warrant analysis, design and construct new traffic signal. ct Area 1 ct Area 2 Transportation . Parks & Recreation Civic Center Library Community Center Maintenance Facility ': County of Riverside 430,000 Category To Be Determined Total Administration 21,500 21,500 Engineering 43,000 43,000 Construction 321,425 321,425 Inspection 33,325 33,325 Professional 10,750 10,750 Other: 0 Other: 0 Expense Amount Total 0 0 0 0 0 430,000 0 430,000 ODeratina Costs Category - To Be Determined Total General Fund 15,000 Other: 15,000 0 Operating Cost Total 0 0 0 0 0 15,000 0 15,000 Additional Comments: Project costs have been updated to refect the costs presented within the September 16, 2008 DIF Update. Printed: 24-Apr-12 +r _. 54% 75 CITY OF LA QUINTA: CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM DETAIL Project Type: Street Improvement Project: AD30 - New Traffic Signal (Madison @ Avenue 58) Description Prepare traffic signal warrant analysis, design and construct new traffic signal. ICataaery To Be Determined Total I Infrastructure Project Area 1 Project Area 2 DIF - Transportation DIF - Parks & Recreation DIF - Civic Center DIF - Library DIF - Community Center DIF - Maintenance Facility Other: County of Riverside 430,000 Category To Be Determined Total Administration 21,500 21,500 Engineering 43,000 43,000 Construction 321,425 321,425 Inspection 33,325 33,325 Professional 10,750 10,750 Other: 0 Other: 0 lExpense Amount Total 0 0 0 0 0 430,000 0 430,000 Ooeratina Costs Category To Be Determined Total General Fund 15,000 Other: 15,000 0 Operating Cost Total 0 0 0 0 0 15,000 0 15,000 Additional Comments: Project costs have been updated to refect the costs presented within the September 16, 2008 DIF Update. Printed: 24-Apr-12 h 543 76 CITY OF LA QUINTA: CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM DETAIL Project Type: Street Improvement Project: AD31 - New Traffic Signal (Madison Street @ Avenue 60) Description Prepare traffic signal warrant analysis, design and construct new traffic signal. Project Area 1 Project Area 2 'DIF - Transportation DIF - Parks & Recreation DIF - Civic Center DIF - Library DIF - Community Center DIF - Maintenance Facility Other: County of Riverside 430,000 Category To Be Determined Total Administration 21,500 21,500 Engineering 43,000 43,000 Construction 321,425 321,425 Inspection - 33,325 33,325 Professional 10,750 10,750 Other: 0 Other: 0 ,Expense Amount Total 0 0 0 0 0 430,000 0 430,000 nnnm}inn Cnata Category To Be Determined Total General Fund 15,000 Other: 15,000 0 Operating Cost Total 0 0 0 0 0 15,000 0 15,000 Additional Comments: Project costs have been updated to refectthe costs presented within the September 16, 2008 DIF Update. Printed: 24-Apr-12 544 77 CITY OF LA QUINTA: CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM DETAIL Project Type: Street Improvement Project: AD32 - New Traffic Signal (Monroe Street @ Avenue 52) Description Prepare traffic signal warrant analysis, design and construct new traffic signal. Revenue Amounts Cateoory To Be Determined Total General Fund 0 Infrastructure 0 Project Area 1 0 Project Area 2 - 0 DIF - Transportation 107,500 107,500 DIF - Parks & Recreation 0 DIF - Civic Center 0 DIF - Library 0 DIF - Community Center 0 DIF - Maintenance Facility 0 Other: City of Indio 322,500 322,500 Other: 0 Revenue Amount Total 0 0 0 0 0 430,000 0 430,000 43,000 321,425 33,325 10,750 Oneretina Costs Category To Be Determined Total General Fund 3,750 3,750 Other: 0 Operating Cost Total 0 0 0 0 0 3,750 0 3,750 Additional Comments: City of Indio owns three comers or 75% of the proposed signal. Project costs have been updated to refect the costs presented within the September 16, 2008 DIF Update. Printed: 24-Apr-12 ..„ 545 W-1 CITY OF LA QUINTA: CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM DETAIL Project Type: Street Improvement Project: AD33 - New Traffic Signal (Monroe Street @ Avenue 54) Description Prepare traffic signal warrant analysis, design and construct new traffic signal. Revenue Amounts To Infrastructure Project Area 1 Project Area 2 DIF- Transportation _ 215,000 DIF - Parks & Recreation DIF - Civic Center DIF - Library DIF - Community Center DIF - Maintenance Facility Other: County of Riverside 215,000 Category To Be Determined Total Administration 21,500 21,500 Engineering 43,000 43,000 Construction 321,425 321,425 Inspection 33,325 33,325 Professional 10,750 10,750 Other: 0 Other: 0 Expense Amount Total 0 0 0 0 0 430,000 0 430,000 Ooeratina Costs Catimory To Be Determined Total General Fund 7,500 7,500 Other: 0 Operating Cost Total 0 0 0 0 0 7,500 0 7,500 Additional Comments: County of Riverside owns two corners or 50% of the proposed signal. Project costs have been updated to refect the costs presented within the September 16, 2008 DIF Update. Printed: 24-Apr-12 546 79 CITY OF LA QUINTA: CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM DETAIL Project Type: Street Improvement Project: AD34 - New Traffic Signal (Monroe Street @ Airport Blvd.) Description Prepare traffic signal warrant analysis, design and construct new traffic signal. Revenue Amounts Catenory To Be Determined Total General Fund 0 Infrastructure 0 Project Area 1 0 Project Area 2 - 0 DIF- Transportation 215,000 215,000 DIF - Parks & Recreation 0 DIF - Civic Center �0 DIF - Library 0 DIF - Community Center 0 DIF - Maintenance Facility 0 Other: County of Riverside 215,000 215,000 Other: To Be Determined 0 Revenue Amount Total 0 0 0 0 0 430,000 0 430,000 Category To Be Determined Total Administration 21,500 21,500 Engineering 43,000 43,000 Construction 321,425 321,425 Inspection - 33,325 33,325 Professional 10,750 10,750 Other: 0 Other: 0 Ez ense Amount Total 0 0 0 0 0 430,000 0 430,000 Category To Be Determined Total General Fund 7,500 7,500 Other: 0 Operating Cost Total 0 0 0 0 0 7,500 0 7,500 Additional Comments: County of Riverside owns two comers or 50% of the proposed signal. Project costs have been updated to reflect the costs presented within the September 16, 2008 DIF update. Printed: 24-Apr-12 ,r - 54 7 m CITY OF LA QUINTA: CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM DETAIL Project Type: Street Improvement Project: AD35- New Traffic Signal (Monroe Street @ Avenue 58) Description Prepare traffic signal warrant analysis, design and construct new traffic signal. Revenue Amounts Category To Be Determined Total General Fund 0 Infrastructure - 0 Project Area 1 0 Project Area 2 0 DIF - Transportation 215,000 215,000 DIF - Parks & Recreation 0 DIF - Civic Center 0 DIF - Library 0 DIF - Community Center 0 DIF - Maintenance Facility 0 Other: County of Riverside 215,000 215,000 Other: To Be Determined 0 Revenue Amount Total 0 0 0 0 0 430,000 0 430.000 Category To Be Determined - Total Administration 21,500 21,500 Engineering 43,000 43,000 Construction 321,425 321,425 Inspection 33,325 33,325 Professional 10,750 10,750 Other: 0 Other: 0 ,Expense Amount Total 0 0 0 0 0 430,000 0 430,000 Operating Costs Category To Be Determined Total General Fund 7,500 7,500 Other: 0 Operating Cost Total 0 0 0 0 0 7,500 0 7,500 Additional Comments: County of Riverside owns two corners or 50% of the proposed signal. Project costs have been updated to reflect the costs presented within the September 16, 2008 DIF update. Printed: 24-Apr-12 tt ; 548 M. CITY OF LA QUINTA: CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM DETAIL Project Type: Street Improvement Project: AD36 - New Traffic Signal (Monroe Street @ Avenue 60) Description Prepare traffic signal warrant analysis, design and construct new traffic signal. Amount ct Area 1 ct Area 2 Transportation 430,000' Parks & Recreation Civic Center Library Community Center Maintenance Facility ': County of Riverside Category To Be Determined Total Administration 21,500 21,500 Engineering 43,000 43,000 Construction 321,425 321,425 Inspection 33,325 33,325 Professional 10,750 10,750 Other: 0 Other: 0 JExpenseAmountTotal 0 0 0 0 0 430,000 0 430,000 Operating Costs Cateciory To Be Determined Total General Fund 15,000 Other: 15,000 0 Operating Cost Total 0 0 0 0 0 15,000 0 15,000 Additional Comments: Project costs have been updated to reflect the costs presented within the September 16, 2008 OF update. Printed: 24-Apr-12 .V 549 m CITY OF LA QUINTA: CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM DETAIL Project Type: Street Improvement Project: AD37 - New Traffic Signal (Monroe Street @ Avenue 61) Description Prepare traffic signal warrant analysis, design and construct new traffic signal. Revenue Amounts Category To Be Determined Total General Fund 0 Infrastructure 0 Project Area 1 0 Project Area 2 0 DIF- Transportation - 322,500 322,500 DIF - Parks & Recreation 0 DIF - Civic Center 0 DIF - Library 0 DIF - Community Center 0 DIF - Maintenance Facility 0 Other: County of Riverside 107,500 107,500 Other. To Be Determined 0 RavenueAmountTotal 0 0 0 0 0 430,000 0 430,000 Category To Be Determined Total Administration 21,500 21,500 Engineering 43,000 43,000 Construction 321,425 321,425 Inspection 33,325 33,325 Professional 10,750 10,750 Other: 0 Other: 0 ,Expense Amount Total 0 0 0 0 0 430,000 0 430,000 Operating Costs Cateaory To Be Determined Total General Fund 11,250 11,250 Other: 0 Operating Cost Total 0 0 0 0 0 11,250 0 11,250 Additional Comments: County of Riverside owns one corner or 25% of the proposed signal. Project costs have been updated to reflect the costs presented within the September 16, 2006 DIF update. Printed: 24-Apr-12 550 m CITY OF LA QUINTA: CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM DETAIL Project Type: Street Improvement Project: AD38 - New Traffic Signal (Monroe Street @ Avenue 62) Description Prepare traffic signal warrant analysis, design and construct new traffic signal. Revenue Amounts Category To Be Determined Total General Fund 0 Infrastructure - 0 Project Area 1 0 Project Area 2 0 DIF- Transportation 107,500 - 107,500 DIF - Parks & Recreation 0 DIF - Civic Center 0 DIF -Library 0 DIF - Community Center 0 DIF - Maintenance Facility 0 Other: County of Riverside 322,500 322,500 Other: To Be Determined 0 Revenue Amount Total 0 0 0 0 0 430,000 0 430,000 Category To Be Determined Total Administration 21,500 21,500 Engineering 43,000 43,000 Construction 321,425 321,425 Inspection 33,325 33,325 Professional 10,750 10,750 Other: 0 Other: 0 Expense Amount Total 0 0 0 0 0 430,000 0 430,000 nne.r•n., r...M Category To Be Determined Total General Fund 3,750 3,750 Other: 0 Operating Cost Total 0 0 0 0 0 3,750 0 3,750 Additional Comments: County of Riverside owns three comers or 75% of the proposed signal. Project costs have been updated to reflect the costs presented within the September 16, 2008 DIF Update. Printed: 24-Apr-12 551 CITY OF LA QUINTA: CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM DETAIL Project Type: Street Improvement Project: AD39 - New Traffic Signal (Jefferson Street @ Dunbar) Description Prepare Signal Warrant Analysis, design and construct new traffic signal. Revenue Amounts Catenory To Be Determined Total General Fund 0 Infrastructure 0 Project Area 1 0 Project Area 2 0 DIF- Transportation 107,500 107,500 DIF - Parks & Recreation 0 DIF - Civic Center 0 DIF - Library 0 DIF - Community Center 0 Other: County of Riverside 107,500 107,500 Other: City of Indio 107,500 107,500 Other: Developer Contribution 107,500 107,500 RevenueAmountTotal 0 0 0 0 0 430,000 0 430,000 43,000 321,425 33,325 10,750 Operating Costs Category - To Be Determined Total General Fund 3,750 3,750 Other: 0 Operating Cost Total 0 0 0 0 0 3,750 0 3,750 Additional Comments:. The project is shared with the City of Indio (25%) and the County of Riverside (25%). The remaining 25% will be contributed by the adjacent developer. Project costs have been updated to reflect the costs presented within the September 16, 2008 DIF update. Printed: 24-Apr-12 552 m CITY OF LA QUINTA: CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM DETAIL Project Type: Street Improvement Project: AD40 - New Traffic Signal (Washington Street at Via Sevilla) )ascription ' Drepare Signal Warrant Analysis and construct traffic signal at intersection of Washington Street and Villa Sevilla. Revenue Amounts Category To Be Determined Total General Fund 0 Infrastructure 0 Project Area 1 0 Project Area 2 0 DIF - Transportation 215,000 215,000 DIF - Parks & Recreation 0 DIF - Civic Center 0 DIF - Library 0 DIF - Community Center 0 DIF - Maintenance Facility 0 Other: Indian Wells 215,000 215,000 Other: 0 RevenueAmountTotal 0 0 0 0 0 430,000 0 430,000 Category To Be Determined Total Administration 21,500 21,500 Engineering 43,000 43,000 Construction 321,425 321,425 Inspection - 33,325 33,325 Professional 10,750 10,750 Other: 0 Other: 0 Expense Amount Total 0 0 0 0 0 430,000 0 430,000 Category To Be Determined Total General Fund 7,500 7,500 Other: 0 Operating Cost Total 0 0 0 0 0 7,500 0 7,500 Additional Comments: The project is shared with the City of Indian Wells (50%). Project costs have been updated as presented within the September 16, 2009 Transportation DIF update. _ Printed: 24-Apr-12 H 553 FR CITY OF LA QUINTA: CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM DETAIL Project Type: Street Improvement Project: AD41 - Traffic Signal Citywide Central Control Unit Description Design and install a Citywide Central Control Unit that will enable all City owned traffic signals to be controlled from the Civic Center. Revenue Amounts Category To Be Determined Total General Fund 0 Infrastructure 0 Project Area 1 0 Project Area 2 0 DIF- Transportation 394,130 394,130 DIF - Parks & Recreation 0 DIF - Civic Center 0 DIF -Library 0 DIF - Community Center 0 DIF - Maintenance Facility 0 Other: TBD 705,870 705,870 Other: 0 RevenueAmountTotal 0 0 0 0 0 1,100,000 0 1,100,000 Category To Be Determined Total Administration 55,000 55,000 Engineering 110,000 110,000 Construction 935,000 935,000 Inspection 0 Professional 0 Other: 0 Other 0 Expense Amount Total 0 0 0 0 0 1,100,000 0 1,100,000 Operatina Costs Category To Be Determined Total General Fund 0 Other: 0 Operating Cost Total 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Additional Comments: Project costs were updated as presented within the September 16, 2008 DIF Update. Printed: 24-Apr-12 554 m CITY OF LA OUINTA: CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM DETAIL Project Type: Street Improvement Project: AD42 - Sound Attenuation Wall (E. Madison at Trilogy) Description Design and construct sound attenuation wall. Revenue Amounts Category To Be Determined Total General Fund 0 Infrastructure 0 Project Area 1 0 Project Area 2 0 DIF - Transportation 192,115 192,115 DIF - Parks & Recreation 0 DIF - Civic Center 0 DIF - Library - 0 DIF - Community Center 0 DIF - Maintenance Facility - 0 Other: To Be Determined 0 Other: 0 Revenue Amount Total 0 0 0 0 0 192,115 0 192,115 Category To Be Determined Total Administration 7,000 7,000 Engineering 14,000 14,000 Construction 140,000 140,000 Inspection 13,650 13,650 Professional 0 Other: Contingency 17,465 17,465 Other: 0 Expense Amount Total 0 0 0 0 0 192,115 0 192,115 Category To Be Determined Total General Fund 0 Other: 0 Operating Cost Total 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Additional Comments: The costs have been updated as presented within the September 16, 2008 DIF update. Printed: 24-Apr-12 y 555 M CITY OF LA QUINTA: CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM DETAIL Project Type: Public Facility Project: AD43 - City Hall Solar Panels - Description The proposed improvements include the installation of photo voltaic solar panels on the parking structures at the La Quinta City Hall. Infrastructure Project Area 1 Project Area 2 DIF - Transportation DIF - Parks & Recreation DIF - Civic Center DIF - Library DIF -Community Center DIF - Maintenance Facility DIF - Fire 50,000 950,000 Contingency flnornfinn Cnsre Category To Be Determined Total General Fund 0 Other: 0 Operating Cost Total 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Additional Comments: Printed: 24-Apr-12 556 19 CITY OF LA OUINTA: CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM DETAIL Project Type: Public Facility Project: AD44- Library/Senior Center Solar Panels Description The proposed improvements include the installation of photo voltaic solar panels on the parking structures at the La Quinta Library and Senior Center. Infrastructure Project Area 1 Project Area 2 DIF - Transportation DIF - Parks & Recreation DIF - Civic Center DIF - Library DIF - Community Center DIF - Maintenance Facility DIF - Fire 50,000 950,000 Contingency nnamfinn C�fs Category To Be Determined Total General Fund 0 Other: 0 Operating Cost Total 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Additional Comments: Printed: 24-Apr-12 557 1z41 CITY OF LA OUINTA: CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM DETAIL Project Type: Public Facility Project: AD45 - Corporate Yard - Phases II and III Description Phase II of the Corporate Yard includes the construction of the Administrative Offices and Crew Spaces. Phase III includes the construction of Maintenance Shops and Departmental Storage Facilities. ral Fund ct Area 1 ct Area 2 Transportation Parks & Recreation Civic Center Library Community Center Maintenance Facility Fire Phase II Phase III 1,002,498 1,933,792 Category To Be Determined Total Phase II Phase III Administration 112,500 123,550 236,050 Engineering 59,711 59,711 Construction 2,250,000 2,471,000 4,721,000 Inspection 219,375 240,923 460,298 Professional - 0 Other: Contingency 258,188 283,547 541,735 Other: o Ex nseAmountTotal 0 0 0 0 2,899,774 3,119,020 0 6,018,794 n.amfinn Cn fc Category To Be Determined Total General Fund 0 Other: 0 Operating Cost Total 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Additional Comments: The costs presented have been updated to reflect the costs presented within the September 16, 2008 DIF update. Printed: 24-Apr-12 558 4 CITY OF LA QUINTA: CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAMDETAIL Project Type:. Public Facility Project: AD46 - Community Center Description Design and construct a new Community Center. Revenue Amounts Category To Be Determined Total General Fund 0 Project Area 1 0 Project Area 2 0 DIF - Transportation 0 DIF - Parks 8 Recreation 0 DIF - Civic Center 0 OF - Library 0 DIF-Community Center 1,862,845 1,862,845 DIF - Maintenance Facility 0 DIF - Fire 0 Other: To Be Determined 1,137,155 1,137,155 Revenue Amount Total 0 0 0 0 0 3,000,000 0 3,000,000 Category To Be Determined Total Administration 93,142 93,142 Engineering 220,000 220,000 Construction - 2,200,000 2,200,000 Inspection 214,500 214,500 Professional 55,000 55,000 Other: Contingency 217,358 217,358 Other: 0 ,Expense Amount Total 0 0 0 0 0 3,000,000 0 3,000,000 Ooeratlna Costs Category To Be Determined Total General Fund 75,000 Other: 75,000 0 Operating Cost Total 0 0 0 0 0 75,000 0 75,000 Additional Comments: The costs presented have been updated to reflect the costs presented within the September 16, 2008 DIF update. Printed: 24-Apr-12 559 92 CITY OF LA QUINTA: CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM DETAIL Project Type: Public Facility Project: AD47 - Southeast Area Fire Station Description Improvements include site acquisition, design and construction of new fire station in southeast area of La Quinta. ICateaory To Be Determined Total 1 Project Area 1 Project Area 2 DIF - Transportation DIF - Parks & Recreation DIF - Civic Center DIF - Library DIF - Community Center DIF - Maintenance Facility DIF - Fire 2,198,500 2,1 2.198.500 2.1 Category To Be Determined Total Administration 163,154 163,154 Engineering 326,308 326,308 Construction 3,263,080 3,263,080 Inspection 318,150 318,150 Professional 0 Other: Contingency 326,308 326,308 ,Other : 0 lExpensoAmountTotal 0 0 0 0 0 4,397,000 0 4,397,000 ODeratina Coats Category To Be Determined Total General Fund 0 Other: 0 Operating Cost Total 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Additional Comments: - The project costs have been updated to reflect the costs presented within the September 16, 2008 DIF update. Printed: 24-Apr-12 560 93 CITY OF LA QUINTA: CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM DETAIL Project Type: Public Facility Project: AD48 - Black Box Theater Description The proposed improvements include the construction of a 7,500 square foot City owned theater within the Village area. act Area 1 act Area 2 - Transportation - Parks & Recreation - Civic Center - Library - Community Center - Maintenance Facility - Fire =_r: To Be Determined Category To Be Determined Total Administration - 60,000 60,000 Engineering 300,000 300,000 Construction 2,047,500 2,047,500 Inspection 292,500 292,500 Professional 60,000 60,000 Other: Contingency 240,000 240,000 Other: 0 ,Expense Amount Total 0 0 0 0 0 3,000,000 0 3,000,000 Oneratino Costs Category To Be Determined Total General Fund 0 Other: 0 Operating Cost Total 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Additional Comments: Construction of the future theater facility is anticipated in the year 2020, Operating costs will be calculated when specific information is available. Printed: 24-Apr-12 561 M CITY OF LA OUINTA: CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM DETAIL Project Type: Public Facility Project: AD49 - SilverRock Resort Irrigation and Pump Station Replacement Description The project will reconstruct the irrigation system and pump station at the SilverRock Resort Golf Course. ct Area 1 ct Area 2 Transportation Parks & Recreation Civic Center Library Community Center Maintenance Facility Fire Category To Be Determined Total Administration 45,630 - 45,630 Engineering 228,150 228,150 Construction 1,557,124 1,557,124 Inspection 222,446 222,446 Professional 45,630 45,630 Other: Contingency 182,520 182,520 Other: 0 Expense Amount Total 0 0 0 0 0 2,281,500 0 2,281,500 Operating Costs Category To Be Determined Total General Fund 0 Other: 0 Operating Cost Total 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Additional Comments: The useful life of the municipal golf course irrigation system and pump station is estimated at 35 to 30 years. This future improvement will be implemented at the time the existing facilities begin to fail due to age. Printed: . 24-Apr-12 562 95 CITY OF LA QUINTA: CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM DETAIL Project Type: Public Facility Project: AD50 - SilverRock Resort Phase II Infrastructure Description The project includes the preparation of the plans, specifications and engineer's estimate (PS&E) and the construction of the SilverRock Resort Phase II Infrastructure Improvements. Improvements include, but may not be limited to, on site sewer, water, dry utilities, CVWD irrigation lines, golf cart bridges, CVWD well site land acquisition and well site, and the payment of fees and/or permits. Revenue Amounts Category To Be Determined Total General Fund 0 Infrastructure - 0 Project Area 1 0 Project Area 2 0 DIF - Transportation 0 DIF - Parks & Recreation 0 DIF - Civic Center 0 DIF - Library - 0 DIF - Community Center 0 DIF - Maintenance. Facility 0 DIF - Fire 0 Other: To Be Determined 22,223,141 22,223,141 Revenue Amount Total 0 0 0 0 0 22,223,141 0 22,223,141 Category To Be Determined Total Administration 0 Engineering - 0 Construction 18,278,534 18,278,534 Inspection - _ - 1,722,293 1,722,293 Professional 0 0 Other: FF&E/Owner Items 0 Contingency 2,222,314 2,222,314 ,Expense Amount Total 0 0 0 0 - 0 22,223,141 0 22,223,141 ODeratina Costs Category To Be Determined Total General Fund Other: 550,000 550,000 0 Operating Cost Total 0 0 0 0 0 550,000 0 550,000 Additional Comments: Printed: 24-Apr-12 563 M CITY OF LA OUINTA: CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM DETAIL Project Type: Public Facility Project: AD51 - SilverRock Resort Clubhouse - Construction Phase Description The project includes the preparation of the plans, specifications and engineer's estimate (PS&E) and the construction of the SilverRock Resort Clubhouse. Project Area 1 Project Area 2 DIF - Transportation DIF - Parks & Recreation DIF - Civic Center DIF - Library DIF - Community Center DIF - Maintenance Facility DIF - Fire Category To Be Determined Total Administration 508,240 508,240 Engineering 1,836,000 1,836,000 Construction 18,911,699 18,911,699 Inspection 775,000 775,000 Professional - 0 0 Other. FF&E/Owner Items 1,725,500 1,725,500 Contingency - 1,655,571 1,655,571 Expense Amount Total 0 0 0 0 0 25,412,010 0 25,412,010 Operating Costs Category To Be Determined Total General Fund 550,000 550,000 Other: 0 Operating Cost Total 0 0 0 0 0 550,000 0 550,000 Additional Comments: The annual operating costs of the permanent clubhouse were extracted from the "Evaluation of SihrerRock Resort Golf Course Capital Improvement Options" prepared by Economics Research Associates (ERA), dated January 18, 2005. Printed: 24-Apr-12 564 M CITY OF LA QUINTA: CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM DETAIL Project Type: Public Facility Project: AD52 - SilverRock Resort Phase II Golf Course Description - The project includes the preparation of the plans, specifications and engineer's estimate (PS&E) and the construction of the second 18 hole municipal golf course at the SilverRock Resort. ProjectArea 1 j Project Area 2 !DIF - Transportation DIF - Parks & Recreation DIF - Civic Center DIF - Library DIF -Community Center DIF - Maintenance Facility DIF - Fire Other: To Be Determined Category To Be Determined Total Administration 421,200 421,200 Engineering 2,106,000 2,106,000 Construction 15,589,665 15,589,665 Inspection 1,468,935 1,468,935 Professional 0 0 Contingency 1,474,200 1,474,200 Expense Amount Total 0 0 0 0 0 21,060,000 0 21,060,000 Operating Costs Category To Be Determined Total General Fund 1,550,000 1,550,000 Other: 0 Operating Cost Total 0 0 0 0 0 1,550,000 0 1550,000 Additional Comments: The annual operating costs of the 2nd golf course were extracted from the "Evaluation of SilverRock Resort Golf Course Capital Improvement Options" prepared by Economics Research Associates (ERA), dated January 18, 2005. Printed: 24-Apr-12 565 M CITY OF LA QUINTA: CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM DETAIL Project Type: Public Facility Project: AD53 - SilverRock Resort Phase It Entry Feature/Roads Description The project includes the preparation of the plans, specifications and engineer's estimate (PS&E) and the construction of the SilverRock Resort Phase II Entrance Feature and Road Improvements Infrastructure Project Area 1 Project Area 2 DIF - Transportation DIF - Parks & Recreation DIF - Civic Center DIF - Library .DIF - Community Center DIF - Maintenance Facility DIF - Fire Other: To Be Determined Category To Be Determined Total Administration 71,800 71,800 Engineering 351,000 351,000 Construction 4,289,739 4,289,739 Inspection 322,262 322,262 Professional 0 0 Contingency 559,423 559,423 Expense Amount Total 0 0 0 0 0 5,594,224 0 5,594,224 Operating Costs Category To Be Determined Total General Fund 1,550,000 1,550,000 Other: 0 Operating Cost Total 0 0 0 0 0 1,550,000 0 1,550,000 Additional Comments: The annual operating costs of the 2nd golf course were extracted from the "Evaluation of SilverRock Resort Golf Course Capital Improvement Options' prepared by Economics Research Associates (ERA), dated January 18, 2005. Printed: 24-Apr-12 566 m CITY OF LA QUINTA: CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM DETAIL Project Type: Park Improvements Project: AD54 - New Community Sports Park Descnption Prepare the plans, specifications and engineer's estimate (PS&E) and construct a 40 acre Community Park as defined within the City General Plan. _ Project Area 1 Project Area 2 DIF - Transportation DIF - Parks & Recreation DIF - Civic Center DIF - Library DIF - Community Center DIF - Maintenance Facility Other: To Be Determined Total 385,376 7,130,537 7, 12,484,087 Expense Amounts Category To Be Determined Total Administration 200,000 200,000 Engineering 750,000 750,000 Construction 16,725,000 16,725,000 Inspection 400,000 400,000 Professional 125,000 125,000 Other: Contingency 1,800,000 1,800.000 Other: 0 Expense Amount Total 0 0 0 0 0 20,000,000 0 20.000.000 Category To Be Determined Total General Fund Other: 100,000 100,000 0 Operating Cost Total 0 0 0 0 0 100,000 0 100,000 Additional Comments: Printed: 24-Apr-12 567 100 CITY OF LA QUINTA: CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM DETAIL Project Type: Park Improvements Project: AD55 - SilverRod( Resort Passive Park, Description - Prepare the plans, specifications and engineer's estimate (PS&E) and construct a 40 acre passive park at the SilverRod( Resort. The park will be located at the southwest corner of Jefferson Street and Avenue 52. act Area 1 act Area 2 - Transportation - Parks & Recreation - Civic Center - Library - Community Center - Maintenance Facility ar: To Be Determined 10,000,000 Expense Amounts Category -- - To Be Determined Total Administration 100,000 100,000 Engineering 750,000 750,000 Construction 7,725,000 7,725,000 Inspection - 400,000 400,000 Professional 125,000 125,000 Other: Contingency 900,000 900,000 Other: 0 ,Expense Amount Total 0 0 0 0 0 10,000,000 0 10,000,000 n..o finn Cnwht Category To Be Determined Total General Fund Other: 75,000 75,000 0 Operating Cost Total 0 0 0 0 0 75,000 0 75,000 Additional Comments: Printed: 24-Apr-12 met 101 CITY OF LA QUINTA: CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM DETAIL Project Type: Public Facility Project: AD56 - Sports Complex Field Improvements Description The proposed improvements include upgraded baseball1softball fields and multi -purpose fields Infrastructure Project Area 1 Project Area 2 DIF - Transportation DIF - Parks & Recreation DIF - Civic Center DIF - Library DIF - Community Center DIF - Maintenance Facility DIF - Fire Category To Be Determined Total Administration 111,023 111,023 Engineering 555,113 555,113 Construction 3,677,620 3,677,620 Inspection 541,235 541,235 Professional 111,023 111,023 Other: Contingency 555,113 555,113 Other: 0 Expense Amount Total 0 0• 0 0 0 5,551,125 0 5,551,125 n.,o.ntinn c.,Qfq Category To Be Determined Total General Fund 0 Other: 0 Operating Cost Total 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Additional Comments: The future upgrade of the field lighting may result in cost savings as a result of the installation of a more energy efficient system. Operating costs will be calculated when project specific information is available. Printed: 24-Apr-12 569 102 CITY OF LA QUINTA: CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM DETAIL Project Type: Street Improvement Project: AD57 - 5 Bus Shelters Description I Construction of 5 non -advertising bus shelters on Highway 111. Revenue Amounts Category To Be Determined Total General Fund 0 Infrastructure 0 Project Area 1 0 Project Area 2 0 DIF - Transportation 0 DIF - Parks & Recreation 0 DIF - Civic Center 0 DIF - Library 0 DIF - Community Center 0 DIF - Maintenance Facility 0 Other: To Be Determined 625,000 625,000 Other: 0 Revenue Amount Total 0 0 0 0 0 625,000 0 625,000 Category To Be Determined Total Administration 12,500 12,500 Engineering 62,500 62,500 Construction 420,313 420,313 Inspection 60,938 60,938 Professional 18,750 18,750 Other: Contingency 50,000 50,000 Other: 0 Expense Amount Total 0 0 0 0 0 625,000 0 625,000 Ooeratinq Costs Cateaory To Be Determined Total General Fund Other: 2,500 2,500 0 Operating Cost Total 0 0 0 0 0 2,500 0 2,500 Additional Comments: Printed: 24-Apr-12 510 103 CITY OF LA OUINTA: CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM DETAIL Project Type: Miscellaneous Improvement Project: AD58 -Village Area Electric Vehicle Charging Station Description The proposed improvements include the installation of 5 electric vehicle charging stations within the Village parking lot. ct Area 1 ct Area 2 Transportation Parks & Recreation Civic Center Library Community Center Maintenance Facility To Be Determined 205,838 Total Category To Be Determined Total Administration 4,117 4,117 Engineering 15,000 15,000 Construction 150,000 150,000 Inspection 14,625 14,625 Professional 7,500 7,500 Other: Contingency 14,596 14,596 Other: 0 Expense Amount Total 0 0 0 0 0 205,838 0 205,838 n..e. +i.. r....e Category To Be Determined Total General Fund 0 Other: 0 Operating Cost Total 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Additional Comments: Printed: 24-Apr-12 t 571 104 CITY OF LA OUINTA: CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM DETAIL Project Type: Street Improvement Project: AD59 - Phase I (Part 2) Golf Cart Routes Description The proposed improvements include the installation Golf Cart travel lanes on various streets within the City. Infrastructure Project Area 1 Project Area 2 DIF - Transportation DIF - Parks & Recreation DIF - Civic Center DIF - Library DIF - Community Center DIF - Maintenance Facility Other: To be determined 680,738 Category To Be Determined Total Administration 25,000 25,000 Engineering 50,519 50,519 Construction 505,186 505,186 Inspection 49,256 49,256 Professional 25,259 25,259 Other: Contingency 25,519 25,519 Other: 0 Expense Amount Total 0 0 0 0 0 680,738 0 680,738 Omeratinn Costs Cateaory To Be Determined Total General Fund 0 Other: 0 Operating Cost Total 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Additional Comments: Printed: 24-Apr-12 572 105 CITY OF LA QUINTA: CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM DETAIL Project Type: Miscellaneous Improvement Project: AD60 - Whitewater Channel Regional Bike Trial Description Cooperate with the Coachella Valley Association of Governments (CVAG) and adjacent Cities to develop a Regional Bike Trail on the south side of the Whitewater River the length of the City's easttwest boundaries. ect Area 1 act Area 2 - Transportation - Parks & Recreation - Civic Center - Library - Community Center - Maintenance Facility sr: To be determined 2,290,750 2,290, Category To Be Determined Total Administration 85,000 85,000 Engineering 170,000 170,000 Construction 1,700,000 1,700,000 Inspection 165,750 165,750 Professional 0 Other: Contingency 170,000 170,000 Other: 0 Expense Amount Total 0 0 0 0 0 2,290,750 0 2,290,750 Operating Costs Category To Be Determined Total General Fund 0 Other: 0 Operating Cost Total 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Additional Comments: Printed: 24-Apr-12 573 106 CITY OF LA QUINTA: CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM DETAIL Project Type: Miscellaneous Improvement Project: AD61 - Calle Estado/La Fonda Mid Block Crossing Description The proposed improvements will install a mid -block pedestrian crossing between Calle Estado and La Fonda. Improvements include decorative interlocking pavers, landscape and irrigation, and site furnishings. Revenue Amounts Category To Be Determined Total General Fund 0 Infrastructure 0 Project Area 1 0 Project Area 2 0 DIF - Transportation 0 DIF - Parks & Recreation 0 DIF - Civic Center 0 DIF - Library 0 DIF - Community Center 0 DIF - Maintenance Facility 0 Other: To be determined 115,271 115,271 Other: 0 Revenue Amount Total 0. 0 0 0 0 115,271 0 115,271 Category To Be Determined Total Administration 5,000 5,000 Engineering 8,537 8,537 Construction 85,370 85,370 Inspection 6,616 6,616 Professional 0 Other: Contingency 9,748 9,748 Other: 0 ,Expense Amount Total 0 0 0 0 0 115,271 0 115,271 Operating Costs Category To Be Determined Total General Fund 0 Other: 0 Operating Cost Total 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Additional Comments: This project was originally programmed to receive funding during Fiscal Year 2007/2008. The project was removed from the capital budget in Fiscal Year 200912010 due to unresolvable right of way issues. Printed: 24-Apr-12 574 107 CITY OF LA QUINTA: CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM DETAIL Project Type: Miscellaneous Improvement Project: AD62 - Village Area Parking Structure Description The proposed improvement will install a 300 space parking structure within the Village area. Infrastructure Project Area 1 - Project Area 2 DIF - Transportation DIF - Parks & Recreation - DIF - Civic Center DIF - Library DIF - Community Center DIF - Maintenance Facility Other: To be determined 7,500,000 Category - To Be Determined Total Administration 150,000 150,000 Engineering 750,000 750,000 Construction 5,043,750 5,043,750 Inspection 731,250 731,250 Professional 225,000 225,000 Other: Contingency 600,000 600,000 Other: 0 Expense Amount Total 0 0 0 0 0 7,500,000 0 7,500,000 Operating Costs Category To Be Determined Total General Fund 0 Other: 0 Operating Cost Total 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Additional Comments: Operating costs are unknown at this time. Printed: 24-Apr-12 575 im CITY OF LA QUINTA: CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM DETAIL Project Type: Miscellaneous Improvement Project: AD63 - Highway 111 Landscape Enhancements (City Entrance Monuments) Description The proposed improvements will enhance the city entrance monuments and adjoining landscape, irrigation and low level lighting in accordance with the recommendations presented within the Highway 111 Corridor Landscape Design Guidelines, dated January 20, 2011. ct Area 1 ct Area 2 Transportation Parks & Recreation Civic Center Library Community Center Maintenance Facility - To be determined 1,689,000 Category To Be Determined Total Administration 34,000 34,000 Engineering 127,163 127,163 Construction 1,271,628 1,271,628 Inspection 123,984 123,984 Professional 63,581 63,581 Other: Contingency 68,644 68,644 Other: 0 Expense Amount Total 0 0 0 0 0 1,689,000 0 1,689,000 nnan}inn Cnx1x Category To Be Determined Total General Fund Other: 15,275 15,275 0 Operating Cost Total 0 0 0 0 0 15,275 0 15,275 Additional Comments: Operating costs are calculated at $0.25 per square foot. Printed: 24-Apr-12 576 109 CITY OF LA QUINTA: CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM DETAIL Project Type: Miscellaneous Improvement Project: AD64 - Calls Tampico Mid Block Crossing Description The proposed improvements will install a mid -block pedestrian crossing on Calle Tampico between Washington Street and Avenida Bermudas. Improvements will include a flashing signal type crossing. Revenue Amounts Category To Be Determined Total General Fund 0 Infrastructure 0 Project Area 1 0 Project Area 2 0 DIF- Transportation 0 DIF - Parks & Recreation 0 DIF - Civic Center 0 DIF - Library 0 DIF - Community Center 0 DIF - Maintenance Facility 0 Other: To be determined 215,000 215,000 Otherr 0 Revenue Amount Total 0 0 0 0 0 215,000 0 215,000 Category To Be Determined Total Administration 4,500 4,500 Engineering 15,491 15,491 Construction 154,906 154,906 Inspection 15,103 15,103 Professional 3,500 3,500 Other: Contingency 21,500 21,500 Other: 0 Expense Amount Total 0 0 0 0 0 215,000 0 215,000 n..e. ti.... r`..sa Category To Be Determined Total General Fund Other: 7,500 7,500 0 Operating Cost Total 0 0 0 0 0 7,500 0 7,500 Additional Comments: Printed: 24-Apr-12 S?? 110 CITY OF LA QUINTA: CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM DETAIL Project Type: Miscellaneous Improvement Project: AD65 - Calle Tampico Class II Bike Trail (Washington to Calls Rondo) Description Construction of a Class II Bike Trail on Calls Tampico between Washington Street and Calls Rondo Revenue Amounts Cateoory To Be Determined Total General Fund 0 Infrastructure 0 Project Area 1 0 Project Area 2 0 DIF - Transportation _ 0 DIF - Parks & Recreation 0 DIF - Civic Center - 0 DIF - Library 0 DIF - Community Center 0 DIF - Maintenance Facility 0 Other: To be determined 20,213 20,213 Other: 0 Revenue Amount Total 0 0 0 0 0 20,213 0 20,213 Category To Be Determined Total Administration 750 750 Engineering 1,500 1,500 Construction 15,000 15,000 Inspection 1,463 1,463 Professional 0 Other: Contingency 1,500 1,500 Other: 0 Expense Amount Total 0 0 0 0 0 20,213 0 20,213 r mk Category To Be Determined Total General Fund - 0 Other: 0 Operating Cost Total 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Additional Comments: Pdnted: 24-Apr-12 CITY OF LA QUINTA: CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM DETAIL Project Type: Miscellaneous Improvement Project: AD66 - Avenue 50 Class 11 Bike Trail (Washington St. to west of Park Avenue) Description Construction of a Class II Bike Trail on Avenue 50 from Washington Street to just west of Park Avenue and between Via Montana and Madison Street Revenue Amounts Category To Be Determined Total General Fund 0 Infrastructure 0 Project Area 1 0 Project Area 2 0 DIF - Transportation 0 DIF - Parks & Recreation 0 DIF - Civic Center 0 DIF - Library 0 DIF-Community Center 0 DIF - Maintenance facility 0 Other. To be determined 40,425 40,425 Other. 0 Revenue Amount Total 0 0 0 0 0 40,425 0 40,425 Category - To Be Determined Total Administration 1,500 1,500 Engineering 3,000 3,000 Construction 30,000 30,000 Inspection 2,925 2,925 Professional 0 Other: Contingency 3,000 3,000 Other: 0 Expense Amount Total 0 0 0 0 0 40,425 0 40,425 CeSL- Category To Be Determined ,Total General Fund 0 Other: 0 Operating Cost Total 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Additional Comments: Printed: 24-Apr-12 579 112 CITY OF LA QUINTA: CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM DETAIL Project Type: Miscellaneous Improvement Project: AD67 - Desert Club Drive Class III Bike Trail (Calle Tampico to Avenue 52) Description Construction of a Class III Bike Trail on Desert Club Drive between Calls Tampico and Avenue 52 Revenue Amounts Cateaory To Be Determined Total General Fund 0 Infrastructure 0 Project Area 1 0 Project Area 2 0 DIF - Transportation 0 DIF - Parks & Recreation 0 DIF - Civic Center 0 DIF - Library 0 DIF - Community Center 0 DIF - Maintenance Facility _ 0 Other: To be determined 10,780 10,780 Other 0 Revenue Amount Total 0 0 0 0 0 10,780 0 10,780 Category To Be Determined Total Administration 400 400 Engineering 800 800 Construction - 8,000 8,000 Inspection 780 780 Professional 0 Other: Contingency 800 800 Other: 0 ,Expense Amount Total 0 0 0 0 0 10,780 0 10,780 0M mfinn Cnn1s Category To Be Determined Total General fund 0 Other: 0 Operating Cost Total 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Additional Comments: Printed: 24-Apr-12 f , 113 CITY OF LA QUINTA: CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM DETAIL Project Type: Miscellaneous Improvement Project: AD68 - Eisenhower Drive Class II Bike Trail (Avenida Montezuma to Calle Sinaloa) Description Construction of a Class II Bike Trail on Eisenhower Drive between Avenida Montezuma and Calle Sinaloa Revenue Amounts Category To Be Determined Total General Fund 0 Infrastructure 0 Project Area 1 0 Project Area 2 0 DIF - Transportation 0 DIF - Parks & Recreation 0 DIF - Civic Center 0 DIF - Library 0 DIF - Community Center 0 DIF - Maintenance Facility 0 Other: To be determined 13,475 13,475 Other: 0 Revenue Amount Total 0 0 0 0 0 13,475 0 13,475 Category To Be Determined Total Administration 500 500 Engineering 1,000 1,000 Construction 10,000 10,000 Inspection 975 975 Professional - 0 Other: Contingency 1,000 1,000 Other: 0 ,Expense Amount Total 0 0 0 0 0 13,475 0 13,475 Operating Costs Cateaory To Be Determined Total General Fund 0 Other: 0 Operating Cost Total - 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Additional Comments: - Printed: 24-Apr-12 581 114 CITY OF LA QUINTA: CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM DETAIL Project Type: Miscellaneous Improvement Project: AD69 - Eisenhower Drive Class III Bike Trail (Washington Street to Avenida Fernando) Description Construction of a Class III Bike Trail on Eisenhower Drive between Washington Street and Avenida Fernando wmuums 'Project Area 1 Project Area 2 DIF - Transportation DIF - Parks & Recreation DIF - Civic Center DIF - Library DIF - Community Center DIF - Maintenance Facility Other: To be determined 26,950 Other: Category To Be Determined Total Administration 1,000 1,000 Engineering 2,000 2,000 Construction 20,000 20,000 Inspection 1,950 1,950 Professional 0 Other: Contingency 2,000 2,000 Other: 0 Expense Amount Total 0 0 0 0 0 26,950 0 26,950 Operating Costs Category To Be Determined Total General Fund 0 Other: 0 Operating Cost Total 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Additional Comments: Printed: 24-Apr-12 115 582 CITY OF LA QUINTA: CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM DETAIL Project Type: Miscellaneous Improvement Project: AD70 - Miles Avenue Class II Bike Trail (Adams Street to Dune Palms Road) Description Construction of a Class II Bike Trail on Miles Avenue between Adams Street and Dune Palms Road Infrastructure Project Area 1 Project Area 2 DIF - Transportation DIF - Parks & Recreation DIF.- Civic Center DIF - Library DIF - Community Center DIF - Maintenance Facility Other: To be determined 33,688 Category To Be Determined Total Administration 1,250 1,250 Engineering 2,500 2,500 Construction 25,000 25,000 Inspection 2,438 2,438 Professional 0 Other: Contingency 2,500 2,500 Other: 0 Expense Amount Total 0 0 0 0 0 33,688 0 33,688 Operating Costs Catoaory To Be Determined Total General Fund 0 Other: 0 Operating Cost Total 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Additional Comments: Printed: 24-Apr-12 583 116 CITY OF LA OUINTA: CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM DETAIL Project Type: Miscellaneous Improvement Project: AD71 - Avenue 52 Class II Bike Trail (Jefferson Street to Coachella Canal) Description Construction of a Class II Bike Trail on Avenue 52 between Jefferson Street and the Coachella Canal Infrastructure Project Area 1 Project Area 2 DIF - Transportation DIF - Parks & Recreation DIF - Civic Center DIF - Library DIF - Community Center DIF - Maintenance Facility Other: To be determined 26,950 Category To Be Determined Total Administration 1,000 1,000 Engineering 2,000 2,000 Construction 20,000 20,000 Inspection 1,950 1,950 Professional 0 Other: Contingency 2,000 2,000 Other: 0 ]Expense Amount Total 0 0 0 0 0 26,950 0 26,950 Operating Costs Category To Be Determined Total General Fund 0 Other: 0 Operating Cost Total 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Additional Comments: Printed: 24-Apr-12 it 117 CITY OF LA QUINTA: CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM DETAIL Project Type: Miscellaneous Improvement Project: AD72 - Avenida Bermudas Class II Bike Trail (Calle Tampico to Calle Sinaloa, South Side Only) Description Construction of a Class II Bike Trail on the south side of Avenida Bermudas between Calle Tampico and Calle Sinaloa Revenue Amounts Category To Be Determined Total General Fund 0 Infrastructure - 0 Project Area 1 0 Project Area 2 0 DIF - Transportation 0 DIF - Parks & Recreation 0 DIF - Civic Center 0 DIF - Library 0 DIF - Community Center 0 DIF - Maintenance Facility 0 Other: To be determined 26,950 26,950 Other: 0 Revenue Amount Total 0 0 0 0 0 26,950 0 26,950 Category To Be Determined Total Administration 1,000 1,000 Engineering 2,000 2,000 Construction 20,000 20,000 Inspection 1,950 1,950 Professional 0 Other: Contingency 2,000 2,000 Other: 0 ,Expense Amount Total 0 0 0 0 0 26,950 0 26,950 Oaeratine Costs Category To Be Determined Total General Fund 0 Other: 0 Operating Cost Total 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Additional Comments: Printed: 24-Apr-12 585 118 CITY OF LA QUINTA: CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM DETAIL Project Type: Miscellaneous Improvement Project: AD73 - Highway 111 Class 11 Bike Trail (Washington Street to Indio City Limits) Description Construction of a Class II Bike Trail on Highway 111 between Washington Street and the Indio City Limits Infrastructure Project Area 1 Project Area 2 DIF - Transportation DIF - Parks & Recreation DIF - Civic Center DIF - Library DIF - Community Center DIF - Maintenance Facility Other: To be determined 114,538 Category To Be Determined Total Administration 4,250 4,250 Engineering 8,500 8,500 Construction 85,000 85,000 Inspection 8,288 8,288 Professional 0 Other: Contingency 8,500 8,500 Other: 0 Expense Amount Total 0 0 0 0 0 114,538 0 114,538 ODeratine Costs Category To Be Determined Total General Fund 0 Other: 0 Operating Cost Total 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Additional Comments: Printed: 24-Apr-12 586 119 CITY OF LA QUINTA: CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM DETAIL Project Type: Miscellaneous Improvement Project: AD74 - Jefferson Street Class II Bike Trail (Avenue 58 to Madison Street) Description Construction of a Class II Bike Trail on Jefferson Street between Avenue 58 and Madison Street Revenue Amounts Category To Be Determined Total General Fund 0 Infrastructure 0 Project Area 1 0 Project Area 2 0 DIF - Transportation - 0 DIF - Parks & Recreation 0 DIF - Civic Center 0 DIF - Library 0 DIF - Community Center _ 0 DIF - Maintenance facility 0 Other: To be determined 262,763 262,763 Other: 0 Revenue Amount Total 0 0 0 0 0 262,763 0 262,763 Category To Be Determined Total Administration 9,750 9,750 Engineering 19,500 19,500 Construction 195,000 195,000 Inspection 19,013 19,013 Professional 0 Other: Contingency 19,500 19,500 Other: 0 .Expense Amount Total 0 0 0 0 0 262,763 0 262,763 Operating Costs Category - To Be Determined Total General Fund 0 Other: 0 Operating Cost Total 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Additional Comments: Printed: 24-Apr-12 120 587 CITY OF LA QUINTA: CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM DETAIL Project Type: Miscellaneous Improvement I Project: AD75 - Madison Street Class II Bike Trail (Avenue 60 to Jefferson Street & Ave. 50 to Ave. 52) Description Construction of a Class II Bike Trail on Madison Street between Avenue 60 and Jefferson Street and between Avenue 50 and Avenue 52 Revenue Amounts Category To Be Determined _ Total General Fund 0 Infrastructure 0 Project Area 1 - 0 Project Area 2 0 DIF - Transportation 0 DIF - Parks & Recreation 0 DIF - Civic Center 0 DIF - Library 0 DIF - Community Center 0 DIF - Maintenance Facility 0 Other: To be determined 256,025 256,025 Other: 0 Revenue Amount Total 0 0 0 0 0 256,025 0 256,025 Category To Be Determined Total Administration 9,500 9,500 Engineering 19,000 19,000 Construction 190,000 190,000 Inspection - 18,525 18,525 Professional 0 Other: Contingency - 19,000 19,000 Other: 0 'Expense Amount Total 0 0 0 0 0 256,025 0 256,025 Ooeratinn Costs Cateaory To Be Determined Total General Fund 0 Other: 0 Operating Cost Total 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Additional Comments: 121 Printed: 24-Apr-12 e 588 CITY OF LA QUINTA: CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM DETAIL Project Type: Miscellaneous Improvement Project: AD76 - Fred Waring Drive Class II Bike Trail (Washington Street to Jefferson Street) )ascription :onstruction of a Class II Bike Trail on Fred Waring Drive between Washington Street and Jefferson Street Revenue Amounts Category To Be Determined Total General Fund 0 Infrastructure 0 Project Area 1 0 Project Area 2 0 DIF - Transportation 0 DIF - Parks & Recreation 0 DIF - Civic Center 0 DIF-Library - 0 DIF - Community Center 0 DIF - Maintenance Facility 0 Other: To be determined 101,063 101,063 Other: 0 Revenue Amount Total 0 0 0 0 0 101,063 0 101,063 Category To Be Determined Total Administration 3,750 3,750 Engineering 7,500 7,500 Construction 75,000 75,000 Inspection 7,313 7,313 Professional 0 Other: Contingency 7,500 7,500 Other: 0 ,Expense Amount Total 0 0 0 0 0 101,063 0 101,063 Omeratlna Costa Category To Be Determined Total General Fund - 0 Other: 0 Operating Cost Total 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Additional Comments: Pdnted: 24-Apr-12 r 589 122 CITY OF LA OUINTA: CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM DETAIL Project Type: Miscellaneous Improvement Project: AD77 - Avenue 50 Class III Bike Trail (Eisenhower Drive to Washington Street) Description Construction of a Class III Bike Trail on Avenue 50 between Eisenhower Drive and Washington Street Project Area 1 Project Area 2 DIF - Transportation DIF - Parks & Recreation 'DIF - Civic Center DIF - Library DIF - Community Center DIF - Maintenance Facility Other: To be determined 21,560 21 Category To Be Determined Total Administration 800 800 Engineering 1,600 1,600 Construction 16,000 16,000 Inspection 1,560 1,560 Professional 0 Other: Contingency 1,600 1,600 Other: 0 Expense Amount Total 0 0 0 0 0 21,560 0 21,560 Operating Costs Category To Be Determined Total General Fund 0 Other: 0 Operating Cost Total 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Additional Comments: Printed: 24-Apr-12 '-e 590 123 CITY OF LA QUINTA: CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM DETAIL Project Type: Miscellaneous Improvement Project: AD78 - Avenue 58 Class II Bike Trail (Just west of Monroe Street to Monroe Street) Description Construction of a Class II Bike Trail on Avenue 58 from just west of Monroe Street to Monroe Street Revenue Amounts Category To Be Determined Total General Fund 0 Infrastructure 0 Project Area 1 0 Project Area 2 - 0 DIF - Transportation 0 DIF - Parks & Recreation 0 DIF - Civic Center 0 DIF - Library 0 DIF - Community Center 0 DIF - Maintenance Facility 0 Other: To be determined 20,213 20,213 Other: 0 Revenue Amount Total 0 0 0 0 0 20,213 0 20,213 Category To Be Determined Total Administration 750 750 Engineering 1,500 1,500 Construction - 15,000 15,000 Inspection - 1,463 1,463 Professional 0 Other: Contingency 1,500 1,500 Other: 0 ,Expense Amount Total 0 0 0 0 0 20,213 0 20,213 Onerafinn Costs Category To Be Determined Total General Fund 0 Other: 0 Operating Cost Total 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Additional Comments: Printed: 24-Apr-12 591 124 CITY OF LA QUINTA: CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM DETAIL Project Type: Miscellaneous Improvement Project: AD79 - Avenue 60 Class II Bike Trail (Monroe Street to Eastern City Limit) Description Construction of a Class II Bike Trail on Avenue 60 between Monroe Street and the Eastern City Limit Revenue Amounts Category To Be Determined Total General Fund - 0 Infrastructure 0 Project Area 1 0 Project Area 2 0 DIF - Transportation 0 DIF - Parks & Recreation 0 DIF - Civic Center 0 DIF - Library 0 DIF -Community Center 0 DIF - Maintenance Facility 0 Other: To be determined 13,475 13,475 Otherr 0 Revenue Amount Total 0 0 0 0 0 13,475 0 13,475 Category To Be Determined Total Administration 500 500 Engineering 1,000 1,000 Construction 10,000 10,000 Inspection 975 975 Professional 0 Other: Contingency 1,000 1,000 Other: 0 ,Expense Amount Total 0 0 0 0 0 13,475 0 13,475 Operatinill Costs CateAory To Be Determined Total General Fund 0 Other: 0 Operating Cost Total 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Additional Comments: Printed: 24-Apr-12 592 125 CITY OF LA QUINTA: CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM DETAIL Project Type: Miscellaneous Improvement Project: AD80 - Avenue 62 Class II Bike Trail (Madison Street to Monroe Street) Description Construction of a Class II Bike Trail on Avenue 62 between Madison Street and Monroe Street mevenue Infrastructure Project Area 1 Project Area 2 DIF - Transportation DIF - Parks & Recreation DIF - Civic Center DIF - Library DIF - Community Center DIF - Maintenance Facility Other: To be determined 67,375 67 Category To Be Determined Total Administration 2,500 2,500 Engineering 5,000 5,000 Construction 50,000 50,000 Inspection 4,875 4,875 Professional 0 Other: Contingency 5,000 5,000 Other: 0 ]Expense Amount Total 0 0 0 0 0 67,375 0 67,375 r are Category To Be Determined Total General Fund 0 Other: 0 Operating Cost Total 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Additional Comments: Printed: 24-Apr-12 593 126 CITY OF LA QUINTA: CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM DETAIL Project Type: Miscellaneous Improvement Project: AD81 - Monroe Street Class II Bike Trail (Ave. 54 to Mtn. View Lane & Ave. 58 to Ave. 62) Description Construction of a Class II Bike Trail on Monroe Street between Avenue 54 and Mountain View Lane and between Avenue 58 and Avenue 62 Infrastructure Project Area 1 Project Area 2 DIF - Transportation DIF - Parks & Recreation DIF - Civic Center DIF - Library DIF - Community Center DIF - Maintenance Facility Other: To be determined 168,438 Category To Be Determined Total Administration 6,250 6,250 Engineering 12,500 12,500 Construction 125,000 125,000 Inspection 12,188 12,188 Professional 0 Other: Contingency 12,500 12,500 Other: 0 Expense Amount Total 0 0 0 0 - 0 168,438 0 168,438 fl.mH.n Gnaw Category To Be Determined Total General Fund 0 Other: 0 Operating Cost Total 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Additional Comments: Printed: 24-Apr-12 594 127 A 595 CITY OF LA QUINTA: CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM DETAIL Project Type: Developer Impact Fee Reimbursement Project: DRA1 - Toll Brothers Tract 30357 Description Installation of 1/2 median island and median landscape on Avenue 50 from Jefferson Street to Madison Street. Project Area 1 Project Area 2 DIF - Transportation DIF - Parks & Recreation DIF - Civic Center DIF - Library DIF - Community Center DIF - Maintenance Facility Engineering 627,972 627,972 Inspection Professional Other: Developer Reimbursement 627,972 627. Category To Be Determined Total General Fund 0 Other: 0 Operating Cost Total 0 0 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 Additional Comments: Improvements included within the Developer Agreement were previously part of AD9. Printed: 24-Apr-12 596 128 CITY OF LA QUINTA: CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM DETAIL Project Type: Developer Impact Fee Reimbursement Project: - DRA2 - Lerner Homes Tract 29323 Description Median Landscape on Fred Waring Drive. R...,. Amnunfs ct Area 1 ct Area 2 Transportation Parks & Recreation Civic Center Library Community Center Maintenance Facility 586,670 Expense Amounts Category To Be Determined Total Administration 0 Engineering _ 0 Construction 0 Inspection - 0 Professional 0 Other: Developer Reimbursement 586,670 586,670 Other: 0 ,Expense Amount Total 0 0 0 0 0 586,670 0 586,670 Ooerstlna Costs Category To Be Determined Total General Fund 0 Other: 0 Operating Cost Total 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Additional Comments: Improvements included within the Developer Agreement were previously part of AD04. Printed: 24-Apr-12 597 129 CITY OF LA QUINTA: CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM DETAIL Project Type: Developer Impact Fee Reimbursement Project: DRA3 - Inovative Communities Tract 34243 Description Avenue 58 Street Improvements. _ Rovonuo Amnunfs Infrastructure Project Area 1 Project Area 2 DIF - Transportation DIF - Parks & Recreation DIF - Civic Center DIF - Library DIF - Community Center DIF - Maintenance Facility 130,800 Expense Amounts Category To Be Determined Total Administration 0 Engineering 0 Construction 0 Inspection 0 Professional 0 Other: Developer Reimbursement 130,800 130,800 Other: 0 ,Expense Amount Total 0 0 0 0 0' 130,800 0 130,800 Operating Costs Catsaory To Be Determined Total General Fund 0 Other: 0 Operating Cost Total 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Additional Comments: Improvements included within the Developer Agreement were previously part of AD11. Printed: 24-Apr-12 598 130 CITY OF LA QUINTA: CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM DETAIL Project Type: Developer Impact Fee Reimbursement Project: DRA4 - Madison Club Tract 33076 Description 1/2 Street Improvement, Median Island and Median Island Landscape on Avenue 52 from Madison Street to 1/2 Mile east of Madison Street. Revenue Amounts Category To Be Determined Total General Fund 0 Infrastructure 0 Project Area 1 0 Project Area 2 0 DIF- Transportation 669,920 669,920 DIF - Parks & Recreation - 0 DIF - Civic Center 0 DIF - Library 0 DIF - Community Center 0 DIF - Maintenance Facility 0 Other: 0 Other: 0 Revenue Amount Total 0 0 0 0 0 669,920 0 669,920 Expense Amounts Category To Be Determined Total Administration 0 Engineering 0 Construction 0 Inspection 0 Professional 0 Other: Developer Reimbursement 669,920 669,920 Other: 0 ,Expense Amount Total 0 0 0 0 0 669,920 0 669,920 Ooeratino Costs Category To Be Determined Total General Fund 0 Other: 0 Operating Cost Total 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Additional Comments: Improvements included within the Developer Agreement were previously part of AD10. Printed: 24-Apr-12 11 599 131 CITY OF LA QUINTA: CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM DETAIL Project Type: Developer Impact Fee Reimbursement Project: DRAS - NO La Quinta Partners Tract 29894 Description Median Landscape on Avenue 52. Kevenue Project Area 1 . Project Area 2 'DIF- Transportation 1,344,690 DIF - Parks & Recreation DIF - Civic Center DIF - Library DIF - Community Center DIF - Maintenance Facility Other: Engineering Inspection Professional Other: Developer Reimbursement ODeratina Costs 1,344,690 Category To Be Determined Total General Fund 0 Other: 0 Operating Cost Total 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Additional Comments: Improvements included within the Developer Agreement were previously part of AD10. Printed: 24-Apr-12 600 132 CITY OF LA OUINTA: CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM DETAIL Project Type: Developer Impact Fee Reimbursement Project: DRA6 - TD Desert Development Tract 29283 Description Median Landscape on Avenue 50. Revenue Amounts Category To Be Determined Total General Fund 0 Infrastructure 0 Project Area 1 0 Project Area 2 0 DIF - Transportation 186,900 186,900 DIF - Parks & Recreation 0 DIF - Civic Center 0 DIF - Library - 0 DIF - Community Center 0 DIF - Maintenance Facility 0 Other: 0 Other: 0 Revenue Amount Total 0 0 0 0 0 186,900 0 186,900 Expense Amounts Category To Be Determined Total Administration 0 Engineering 0 Construction 0 Inspection 0 Professional 0 Other: Developer Reimbursement 186,900 186,900 Other: 0 Expense Amount Total 0 0 0 0 0 186,900 0 186,900 Ooeratina Costs Category To Be Determined Total General Fund 0 Other: 0 Operating Cost Total 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Additional Comments: Improvements included within the Developer Agreement were previously part of AD9. Printed: 24-Apr-12 i1cm