Greenday Plastering Inc./Rehab. 53-645 Navarro 12Mau 16 2012 0:20RM GREEN DAY PLASTERING INC 7608633836
Greenday Plastering, Inc. Page: 2 Date: July 5, 2011
Bid to: City of La Quinta Project: 53645 Avenida Navaro La Quinta
We propose hereby to furnish material and labor - complete In accordance with specifications
below, for the sum of:.
* *:nee bebwss
Payment to made as follows: 50% draw upon completion of metal lath, 35% draw upon
completion of plaster browr and 15% draw upon completion of stucco color.
Authorized Signature
*Note: This proposal is good for 30 days.
We hereby submit specflca :ions and estimates for:
Scope a' work
_ Sbepl: Water blast and art back lower bottom Step3: Apply stucco sand finish with color bD
_ Of house add Bull rase Comer Aid to all vertical House and garage,
_ Corners over existing stu coo. In preparation Total Price$ 1,770.00
For adhesive base coat. _
Total Price $1,075.00
_ Step2: Apply adhesive base coat over existing _
_ Stucco of house and garage to level plane ready
_ For finish coat. _
Total Priae$2,450.00
Acceptance of Proposal - The above prices, specifications and conditions are satisfactory and we hereby
accept. You are authorized tc do the work as specified. Payment will be mad as outlined above.
Date of Acceptance: _ / 7 — , L Signature L e
All material is guaranteed to be as specified All work to be completed in a workmanlike manner
according to standard practices. Any alteration or deviation from specifications below Involving extra
costs will exerted only upon written orders, and will become an extra charge over and above the
estimate. All agreements contingent upon strikes, accidents or delays beyond our control. Owner to
carry fire, tornado, and otter necessary insurance. Our workers are fully covered by Workman's
Corrpensation Insurance.
Section 7019 - Contractor's U oense Law
Owner agrees to abide by terms of contract. Should it become necessary for contractor to enforce tams
of contract, owner shall pay cost of litigation, plus a reasonable sum for attorney's fees.
"Under the Mechanic's Lien Law (California Code of Civil Procedure, Section 1181 et seg.), any contractor,
subcontractor, laborer, suppli er or other person who helps to improve your property but Is not paid for his
work or supplies, has a righ: to enforce a claim against your property. This means that after a court
hearing, your property could be sold by a court officer and the proceeds of the sale used to satisfy the
indebtedness. This can happen even if you have paid your own contractor In full. If the subcontractor,
laborer, or supplier remains unpaid."
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