2012 05 08 PC MinutesMINUTES PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING A regular meeting held at the La Quinta City Hall 78 -495 Calle Tampico, La Quinta, CA May 8, 2012 CALL TO ORDER 7:03 p.m. A. A regular meeting of the La Quinta Planning Commission was called to order at 7:03 p.m. by Chairman Alderson. PRESENT: Commissioners Barrows, Wright, and Chairman Alderson. ABSENT: Commissioners Weber and Wilkinson. STAFF PRESENT: Planning Director Les Johnson, Principal Engineer Ed Wimmer, Planning Manager David Sawyer, Principal Planner Wally Nesbit, and Executive Secretary Carolyn Walker. II. PUBLIC COMMENT: None III. CONFIRMATION OF THE AGENDA: IV. CONSENT CALENDAR: There being no comments, or suggestions, it was moved by Commissioners Wright /Barrows to approve the minutes of April 24, 2012, as submitted. AYES: Commissioners Barrows, Wright, and Chairman Alderson. NOES: None. ABSENT: Commissioners Weber and Wilkinson. ABSTAIN: None. V. PUBLIC HEARINGS: A. Site Development Permit 2006 -863, Amendment #1 a request by AV Construction for consideration of approval of four (4) new architectural and unit landscaping plans for Alta Verde Coral Mountain (formerly Pasatiempo) located on the north side of Avenue 58, ± ' / 4 mile west of Madison Street. Principal Planner Nesbit presented the staff report, a copy of which is on file in the Planning Department. Planning Commission Minutes May 8, 2012 Staff advised the Commission of a correction to the report identifying the existing units will be completed in a sand finish. Staff clarified the existing units will painted, as they are currently finished in stucco. They will not be re -done in the sand finish proposed for the new units. Staff added there were several letters distributed prior to the meeting; one of which was from the Santa Rosa Trails Community on the west side. They had concerns about an iron gate. The gate was built as a secondary fire access and they wanted to make sure the gate would be removed and replaced by the continuation of the perimeter wall. Staff explained the gate was required when the tract was originally built and that requirement was changed by the fire department. In addition, there was some fill material deposited in a location against the west wall which was causing some calcium build -up. That situation would be cleared up when the lot is graded to finish floor level. Staff stated specific action was probably not needed with regard to the wall build -up, but it could be discussed during the Commission's review of the project. Chairman Alderson asked if there were any questions of staff. Commissioner Barrows asked staff to review where the open space was located and what was originally approved. Staff gave an overview of the original approval of that area. General discussion followed on the location of the iron gate, the use of the gate as fire access, and its size. Chairman Alderson asked if it was the developer's intent to remove the gate and fill the wall in accordingly. Staff responded they would have to defer to the developer when they made their presentation. Commissioner Wright asked about the location of a proposed cart path gate. Staff responded they did not know since it had not been proposed. Chairman Alderson informed the audience that tonight's meeting was only to discuss the architectural and aesthetic value of the project as IPM Planning Commission Minutes May 8, 2012 well as the adjoining landscaping. There would be no discussion -of a proposed new gate or any concerns, with PGA West, that did not relate to the items he mentioned, as this was not the right forum for those discussions. There being no further questions of staff, Chairman Alderson asked if there were any questions of the applicant. Mr. Andrew Adler, President and CEO of Alta Verde Group, 315 South Beverly Drive #208, Beverly Hills CA land offices in Rancho Mirage), introduced himself and said they had done a lot of work in terms of the development of the project and bringing it back to life. Their main interest was to take a defunct project, of 70 empty lots, and be able to acquire the project in a manner that they could work through the project in segments. They've put a tremendous amount of effort back into re- beautifying the area and part of the contract required the seller, which was a bank that foreclosed on the project, to have 100% of the bond improvements completed, to have the City requirements completely finished, as well as have a road deeded over to the City. All that has been done. That was a condition of closing and the good news was that the bonds were now finished and completed and the warranty bond maintained. Chairman Alderson asked if the site had been graded. Principal Engineer Wimmer said it was graded to the configuration of the original houses and development. Chairman Alderson asked if they would be moving any mass quantities of dirt to accommodate the new site layout because it is completed and bonded. Principal Engineer Wimmer said there would be no mass grading, just some minor grading. Mr. Adler confirmed there was only minor site grading and explained that as they staked the pads of each house there would be no substantial grading or change of the community in any manner whatsoever. Chairman Alderson asked if the minor grading would include removal of the dirt adjacent to the wall mentioned earlier. Planning Commission Minutes May 8, 2012 Mr. Adler said they had been actively cleaning that up. They had a meeting with their landscape consultant and had already begun removing old landscaping, putting in new succulent beds, and painting the front gates. Mr. Adler said they had addressed some of the Architecture and Landscaping Review Committee (ALRC) recommendations. They had taken all of their recommendations into the final design of the project and then outlined specific items that were being addressed; which also included base solar on the flat roofs of every house. Chairman Alderson asked if they were going to provide solar power or the provisions for it. Mr. Adler responded they were actually providing solar power.. They would be putting in a base system that could be upgraded two more levels. As their name Alta Verde implied, they aimed to be a green and sustainable- oriented developer. Chairman Alderson asked if the ALRC recommendations had been incorporated, or were going to be incorporated, into this project. Mr. Adler said that was correct. He explained they have added a couple of darker finishes, included some tall palms to be scattered throughout the community; as well as the dog park idea for the center's prime recreation and retention basin. Mr. Adler commented on the fire gate on the west side of the property, saying they were inclined to complete the wall because it will be in the back yards. However, they would have to review, with the City, whether the wall was actually on their property. They would have to take a look at that because it may have been constructed by Santa Rosa and could be something that was an accommodation between the properties. It could be the responsibility of Santa Rosa, but they are going to check on this and if it is Alta Verde's wall they will see that it is closed in. Mr. Adler pointed out the model homes and explained the logic of their placement; as well as how they planned to revitalize the existing model homes and their marketing strategy to show the renewal of the community. They want to promote the idea that the prior failed development is gone. . 4 Planning Commission Minutes May 8, 2012 General discussion building in phases development. followed on the placement of the model homes, and the traffic flow for the best display of the Commissioner Barrows asked for clarification in terms of the solar, saying in the ALRC minutes it mentions if solar tax rebates were still available it would cover the costs to the upgrade to the homeowner. She asked if that was intended to mean that the tax rebates might cover the upgrade, not that the applicant was going to provide that cost. Mr. Adler responded tax rebates are either State or Federal programs and they were out of the applicant's control. He explained they paid for the base installation and then gave some examples of how the program would work. Commissioner Barrows said she just wanted to clarify that someone else was going to pay for the upgrade; not the applicant. It was a little bit unclear. Mr. Adler said it was priced in a manner that was attractive to the buyer because it had tax incentives with it, but the applicant would be charged to some degree. Commissioner Barrows asked for clarification on the ALRC comments about solar control. She understood it to mean what was being done to prevent sunlight from windows, etc. because the following comments had to do with large amounts of exposed windows, and how those could be protected by awnings or some other shading. She asked if the applicant could review what was being done to limit the impact of sunlight on windows because that was a place for significant heat gain. Mr. Adler explained how they had minimized some windows, utilized trellises, dropped the sizes of a few doors, gotten rid of some double door sets, utilized dramatic overhang features and sun screen shading. He noted they have gotten rid of a little of the architectural drama in favor of taking some of the ALRC advice and would incorporate these changes in the final designs. -5- Planning Commission Minutes May 8, 2012 General discussion followed on: • Title 24 requirements • Solar protection of the windows /doors • The use•of alumawood • Metal clad wood interior doors • Dismissal of the use of traditional cloth awnings 'as being incompatible with the architectural style • Use of metal tubing for the cabana posts • Fiberglass dual panel garage doors Chairman Alderson said cabanas were intended as changing rooms for the swimming pool, and expressed his concern that these cabanas could; become storage rooms; especially the one that was not fully enclosed. Mr. Adler said they were optional structures and the one that was not fully enclosed was very much in the spirit of resort -style outdoor dining; possibly with misters around it. _ He added it was basically a nice shaded structure to dine, sit, or lounge, under. The other was more of an enclosed structure that could be used for changing or a little guest structure. It was the buyer's option whether it was to be enclosed or not, and the developer was currently working on the final designs General discussion followed on: • Price range. • When the building would begin. • If the building would be done in increments or all at once. • The current updating of the existing model homes. • Construction /completion target dates. Commissioner Barrows asked if there might be some architecturally compatible options for solar relief screening; especially on Plan D3. Mr. Adler said he understood the conditions and they. would take into advisement the idea of adding a linear„ or alumawood, awning to come out the back of the master double door set which faced either west or east. -6- Planning Commission Minutes May 8, 2012 General discussion followed on landscaping on the west side of the homes, lack of protection from the sun, and the developer's willingness to incorporate changes into the final designs. Commissioner Wright asked if the cabana structures complied with the City's architectural guidelines. Planning Director Johnson responded there were no architectural guidelines for this type of accessory structure. He did say staff had added a condition, or stipulation, with regards to use of the enclosed unit, but from the standpoint of architectural style it was free for consideration by the developer. Commissioner Wright asked if the final plans had been done on the cabanas. Mr. Adler said the submitted drawing just showed spatial relationships and explained the type of plans they were working on. He said the units were optional, but would have to be aesthetically pleasing as they wanted to be able to sell them. There being no further questions of the applicant, Chairman Alderson asked if there was any public comment. Mr. Jim Taylor 80 -823 Spanish Bay, introduced himself and asked about the drawing of the site plan on Page 80. He asked if all the lots on the north end had plans for homes. Chairman Alderson said that was the way it appeared. Mr. Taylor directed staff to Page 13, Item 10, which stated "Prior to issuance of any permit(s), the applicant shall acquire or confer easements and other property rights necessary for the construction or proper functioning of the proposed development." He asked if there was anything being presented, any special easements, or acquiring of any additional property that would require this condition. Principal Planner Nesbit said no. These were standard conditions placed by the Public Works Department. They really related more to street improvements, grading operations, and things of that nature. The Public Works Department would be better able to explain why they would be attached to this particular project; even though it's -7- Planning Commission Minutes May 8, 2012 pretty much completed in terms of improvements. These conditions were not intended to infer there was any other access provisions other than what was shown on the plan. There weren't any ingress /egress points there. Mr. Taylor asked if this condition was inferring that these easements would have to be done before the development could be finished; or if they could be done in phases. Staff said a lot of them were related to utility easements; most of which were -in place. There may be some easements that have to be revised based on the fact that there are different units with different utility requirements. He said he would have to defer to the Public Works Department. Mr. Taylor referenced a portion of Item 11, which stated ".. proper functioning of the proposed development not limited to access rights over proposed and /or existing private streets that access public streets and open space /drainage..." He then asked if the private street ONLY referred only to those streets within this development. Staff said yes. Chairman Alderson commented that if there were any access, or easement problems they would have shown up in a title search when the developer bought the property. Mr. Taylor said he was just trying to get clarification on the reference to easements. Mr. Robert Brown, 80 -844 Spanish Bay, introduced himself and told the Chairman, based on his clear direction earlier, he was withdrawing his comments. There being no further public comment, Chairman Alderson closed the public hearing portion of the meeting and opened the matter for Commission discussion. Commissioner Barrows commented on: • The fact she was pleased.with the design of the project. • The applicant's efforts to address the shading issues. -8- Planning Commission Minutes May 8, 2012 • The choice of a new design style, which was still compatible with the surrounding area. • The possibility of adding a condition to provide some kind of shading over the exterior doors as discussed. Commissioner Wright commented on: • An abandoned site being resurrected in this economy. • The modernism look in the Coachella Valley. • He applauded the ALRC for their comments. • He agreed with Commissioner Barrows on some design standards for shading on the west exposure windows. Chairman Alderson commented on: • His lack of enthusiasm for the design style. • How the modernistic, straight lines and low profile looked out of place with the neighbors. • How the ALRC recommendations should be included in the conditions of approval; as well as the recommendations mentioned by the other Commissioners. • His concern that the landscape would die and expose the residences even more. • His concern that the cabanas will turn into storage sheds. • He applauded the developer's intent to move forward. Commissioner Barrows asked staff if the ALRC recommendations were already incorporated into the conditions of approval. Staff responded that many of these comments were not made as recommendations, only suggestions. General discussion followed on the developer's comments on having already addressed the ALRC's recommendations and staff's comments that they had not verified any of that information as yet. There being no further questions or discussion, it was moved and seconded by Commissioners Barrows /Wright to adopt Minute Motion 2012 -003 recommending approval of Site Development Permit 2006- 863, Amendment #1 as submitted, with the following additions: -9- Planning Commission Minutes May 8, 2012 1. Include, as Conditions of Approval, all the ALRC recommendatioris stated on Page 7 as: A. Increased solar control provisions; B. Use of deeper /darker sand plaster finish colors; C. Addition of more and lusher landscaping materials; D. Use of slide doors vs. French doors in rear of units; E. Potential for dog watering fixture /location in the common greenbelt. 2. Add a condition stating: Require shading that is architecturally compatible to cover, or provide'some protection, for the doors and windows that are on the west - facing exposure. AYES:. Commissioners Barrows and Wright. NOES: Chairman Alderson. ABSENT: Commissioners Weber and Wilkinson. ABSTAIN: None. VI. BUSINESS ITEM: A. None VII. CORRESPONDENCE AND WRITTEN MATERIAL: A. None. VIII. COMMISSIONER ITEMS: A. Report of the City Council Meeting of May 1, 2012, given by Chairman Alderson. B. Commissioner Wright is scheduled to report back on the May 15, 2012, City Council meeting. C. Commissioner Wright stated The ..Desert Sun meeting calendar was irregular in their posting of the City's Planning Commission Meetings. Staff said they would speak with the La Quinta reporter regarding the addition, of those dates. -10- Planning Commission Minutes May 8, 2012 ' IX: DIRECTOR ITEMS: A. Planning Director Johnson provided information to the Commissioners on: 1. The General Plan update and an upcoming Study Session discussion presentation and future public review of the Plan. 2. Interviews for, the City Manager's position and further information to be presented at the May 15, 2012, City Council meeting. X. ADJOURNMENT: There being no further business, it was moved by Commissioners Wright /Barrows to adjourn this regular meeting of the Planning Commission to the next regular meeting to be held on May 22, 2012. This regular meeting was adjourned at 8:09 p.m. on May 8, 2012. Respectfully submitted, Carolyn Walker, Executive Secretary City of La Quinta, California _I I_