2012 06 21 HPCHistoric Preservation Commission Agendas are now available on the City's Web Page @ www.la-auinta.ora HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION The Regular Meeting to be held in the Study Session Room at the La Quinta City Hall, 78-495 Calle Tampico, La Quinta, California June 21, 2012 3:00 P.M. Beginning Minute Motion 2012-004 I. CALL TO ORDER: A. Pledge of Allegiance B. Roll Call II. PUBLIC COMMENT: This is the time set aside for citizens to address the Historic Preservation Commission on matters relating to historic resources within the City of La Quinta which are not Agenda items. When addressing the Historic Preservation Commission, please state your name and address and when discussing matters pertaining to prehistoric sites, do not disclose the exact location of the site(s) for their protection. III. CONFIRMATION OF THE AGENDA: IV. CONSENT CALENDAR: A. Approval of the Minutes for March 15, 2012. Historic Preservation Commission Agenda V. BUSINESS ITEMS: A. Introduction of New Museum Director Museum Director: Anne Phillips B. Cultural Resources Element Applicant: City of La Quinta Consultant: Terra Nova Planning & Research, Inc. Location: City-wide C. Historical Sites Tour Brochure Applicant: City of La Quinta Location: City-wide VI. CORRESPONDENCE AND WRITTEN MATERIAL: VII. COMMISSIONER ITEMS: VIII. PLANNING STAFF ITEMS: A. Update on New Commissioner(s) IX. ADJOURNMENT: DECLARATION OF POSTING I, Carolyn Walker, Executive Secretary of the City of La Quinta, do hereby declare that the foregoing agenda for the La Quinta Historic Preservation Commission meeting of Thursday, June 21, 2012, was posted on the outside entry to the Council Chamber, 78-495 Calle Tampico, and the bulletin board at the La Quinta Cove Post Office, on Thursday, June 14, 2012. DATED: June 14, 2012 &7 le- % w4'e� CAROLYN WALKER, Executive Secretary City of La Quinta, California MINUTES HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION MEETING A Regular meeting held in the Study Session Room at the La Quinta City Hall 78-495 Calle Tampico, La Quinta, CA March 15, 2012 This meeting of the Historic Preservation Commission was called to order at 3:02 p.m. by Chairperson Redmon. I. CALL TO ORDER A. Pledge of Allegiance B. Roll Call Present: Absent:. Commissioners Kevin Maevers, Maria Puente, Allan Wilbur, and Chairperson Peggy Redmon Staff Present: PI A C Les Johnson, Principal Planner ,bp', and Executive Secretary II. PUBLIC COMMENT: None III. CONFIRMATION OF THE AGENDA: Confirmed IV. CONSENT CALENDAR: It was moved,,and seconded by Commissioners Puente/Wilbur to approve the minutes of January 19, 2012 as submitted. Unanimously approved. V. BUSINESS ITEMS: A. Phase I Archaeological Resources Survey Report for Tentative Tract Map 36403 a request submitted by Constance Schivarelli for Resources Survey Report completed by CRM Tech for the site located at the southwest corner of Calle Conchita and Madison Street. Historic Preservation Commission March 15, 2012 Principal Planner Andrew Mogensen presented the information contained in the staff report, a copy of which is on file in the Planning Department. Chairperson Redmon asked if the only change between the previous report and today's was that the garage was demolished. Staff said yes. There being no further discussion, it was moved and seconded by Commissioners Maevers/Puente to adopt Minute Motion 2012-001 approving the Phase I Archaeological'' Resources Survey Report for Tentative Tract Map 36403, as submitted with staff's recommendations. Unanimously, approved. B. Paleontological Resources Assessment Report for Tentative Tract Map 36403 a request submitted ,by Constance Schivarelli for Resources Survey Report completed by ,CRM. Tech for the site located at the southwest corner of Calle Conchita. and =Madison Street. Principal Planner Andrew Mogensen presented the information contained in the staff, report,'.a copy of which`is on file in the Planning Department. Chaiirperson Redmon asked if this particular report been previously approved.;, Staff said yes, it had been reviewed and approved. Chairperson Redman asked for procedural clarification on whether the conditions of approval'had to be recited or if it was possible to state, in the recommendation, that the approval was consistent with the recommendations in the staff report. Staff responded that as long as the motion identified the approval was consistent with staff recommendations then it was automatically incorporated. Commissioner Maevers said the report was very well done and had identified all the potentially significant issues. There being no further discussion, it was moved and seconded by Commissioners Maevers/Puente to adopt Minute Motion 2012-002 approving the Paleontological Resources Assessment Report for 2 Historic Preservation Commission March 15, 2012 Tentative Tract Map 36403, as submitted with staff's recommendations. Unanimously approved. C. Emergency Phase III Data Recovery Excavations at CA-RIV-521 1 /H - Report of Findings a request submitted by KB Homes (Palizada) Report completed by Applied Earthworks for the site located at the southeast corner of Avenue 60 and Monroe Street. Principal Planner Wally Nesbit presented the information contained in the staff report, a copy of which is on file'in the Planning Department. He also introduced Vanessa Mirro, 'Regional Manager/Senior Archaeologist from Applied Earth Works, and said she was available to answer any questions. Commissioner Wilbur asked if,, there was any response from the local Native Americans. Staff responded the Torres=Martinez Desert Cahuilla Indians had requested that approved monitors be included in any monitoring, but staff had already included that in the recommendations. Chairperson Red mon =asked `;what a Canid Cremation/Burial was as compared to -a human burial `. Ms. Mirro said it referred,to dog, or canine, burial; since those were the skeletal remains involved.; r_ Chairperson Redmon said'it'seemed that the needs and goals of this particular group were met in this report and there seemed to be very `extensive documentation of what had been found, where it had been put, where it would be kept, and the order it would go back to tribal members or elsewhere. She asked if the burial process had taken place`as yet. She also inquired as to whether any of the items would be put 61tdisplay at the City's museum. Ms. Mirro responded they would be on display and noted three sets of replicas had been made. She then distributed some of the replicas around to the Commissioners. She said a set had been given to the tribe - for their Cultural Center, a set would be curated by the City, and a set would go to the Museum. She commented that the replicas matched the exact weight, color and, for the most part, texture of the artifacts. 3 Historic Preservation Commission March 15, 2012 VI. Chairperson Redmon commented that it was part of the Commission's responsibility to recommend monitoring continued, when appropriate, and said she agreed with the staff's recommendation. Mr. Chris Mounts, KB Homes -Southern California, Coastal Division, referring back to Chairperson Redmon's comments said they had an agreement outlining the process they would have to follow which included on -going monitoring.. He said that they would have an internment and re -burial ceremony and also mentioned they had very few comments, on the report, from the Indians themselves and that probably meant they were happy with the -,,way things were being handled. Commissioners Puente and Wilbur agreed that the report was done well and concurred with staff's 'recommendations. Commissioner Maevers of acronyms could be understand. Ms. Mirro said`she coulf if a glossary, index c .d to the report to that. and/or a list it easier to There being .no further.diso4asion, it was moved and seconded by Commissioners. Puente/Wffbur to adopt Minute Motion 2012-003 approving the Phase III Data Recovery' Excavations at CA-RIV-521 1 /H Report `of Findings, as submitted with staff's recommendations. lay 'f ,-Unanimously approved,, 3ESPONDENCE AND WRITTEN MATERIAL: A. Brochure - 3T' Annual California Preservation Conference in Oakland. General,.. discussion followed on the budgetary constraints, and the possibility of lie Commissioners being able to take advantage of some local events''during this fiscal year. VII. COMMISSIONER ITEMS: A. Commissioner Puente asked about the status of the Sunnylands tour. Staff responded Sunnylands was not yet open to the general public; only selected groups, but they were still working on a tour and would inform the Commissioners as soon as arrangements could be made. 0 Historic Preservation Commission March 15, 2012 B. Commissioner Maevers commented on the possibility of receiving electronic packets since it was much more cost efficient and environmentally sound. C. Commissioner Maevers commented on his receipt of business cards and staff advised the Commissioners that business cards would no longer be made available to anyone other than City staff. D. Commissioner Maevers commented on the future possibility of the City being able to hire interns from the University of Phoenix and noted the scope of education they rwould, have that could . be of assistance to the City. Vill. PLANNING STAFF ITEMS: yT A. Planning Director Johnson,''commented on a recent article, in The Desert Sun, which discussed Palm Desert and itheir, method of compensation to Commissionam' , He said the City Council would be'iiiscussing this at their next meeting (March 20, 2012) and told.the Commissioners they would be receiving an electronic copy of :the report. General'discussion followed on the current stipend, potential future costs;. if Commissioners could "oot'out", and communicating their position to the Council. IX. ADJOURNMENT There being no .further, business, it was moved and seconded by Commissioners Wilbur/Maevers to adjourn this Meeting of the Historic Preservation Commission to the next Meeting to be held on April 19, 2012. This meeting, of the' Historic Preservation Commission was adjourned on March 15, 2012, a#..3:41 p.m. Unanimously Approved. Submitted by CAROLYN WALKER Executive Secretary 19 BI#B HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION STAFF REPORT DATE: JUNE 21, 2012 ITEM: REVIEW OF THE DRAFT CULTURAL RESOURCES ELEMENT AND SUPPORTING TECHNICAL REPORT FOR THE DRAFT 2035 GENERAL PLAN LOCATION: CITY-WIDE CONSULTANTS: TERRA NOVA PLANNING AND RESEARCH, INC., IN CONJUNCTION WITH CRM TECH — DANIEL BALLESTER, ARCHAEOLOGIST, & BAI "TOM" TANG, PRINCIPAL INVESTIGATOR/HISTORIAN BACKGROUND: This study session is to introduce the Historic Preservation Commission to the draft Cultural Resources element (Attachment 1) prepared as a part of the 2035 General Plan update and to recommend approval of the supporting technical analysis which will be included as an appendix of the Draft Environmental Impact Report supporting the General Plan. The information identified in the Cultural Resources element is based upon the "Cultural Resources Technical Analysis" (Attachment 2) prepared by CRM TECH on behalf of the City's General Plan consultant, Terra Nova Planning and Research, Inc. The technical analysis provides an overview of all cultural resources within the General Plan boundary area, consisting of the current City limits and Sphere of Influence, and contains recommendations for identifying and managing potentially significant cultural resources. OVERVIEW: The General Plan is a comprehensive policy document which serves as a blueprint for all of La Quinta and its annexable areas, called the Sphere of Influence (SOI). The General Plan functions as both a legal document and policy guide for decision -making. The goals, policies, and programs identified within the General Plan document are shaped by both community interests and State law. Each component of the General Plan, called an "element," focuses on a specific topic. The La Quinta General Plan will contain five themed chapters which are further divided into a number of different elements, such as the Cultural Resources element. Other elements include Land Use, Traffic and Circulation, Housing, Sustainable Community, Natural Resources, Economic Development, Noise, and Public Safety. Each element has goals, policies, and programs that affect how development occurs and decisions are made in the City. The Cultural Resource element, for example, contains the goals, P:\Reports - HPC\2012\HPC_6-21-12\HPC Rpt Cultural Resources Element 6-21-12.doc Page 1 of 4 policies, and programs that relate to historic preservation, providing policies and programs for the responsible management and monitoring of such resources. The General Plan is also a hierarchical document. As the guiding blueprint of the City, it must be more broad and comprehensive than other adopted plans or policy documents. For example, the Cultural Resources Element in the General Plan identifies the goals, policies, and programs that relate to the protection of significant historical, archaeological, and paleontological resources. These broad policies are designed to guide more specific actions or programs, such as the Historic Preservation Commission's annual work program. UNDERSTANDING THE ELEMENTS: All of the General Plan elements begin with a section identifying their purpose along with a description of any facts and findings required for identification under State law. This is typically followed by an identification of the available facilities and resources associated with that particular element. For example, the Cultural Resources Element presents a brief overview of the City's historic context followed by an overview of the known cultural resources in La Quinta. The element concludes with the most important and pertinent section- the official goals, policies, and programs to be implemented. THE CULTURAL RESOURCES ELEMENT: The draft Cultural Resources Element has been drafted to provide a general overview of the City's known cultural resources, to establish goals and polices for the Historic Preservation Commission, and to continue the ongoing programs which reflect those goals and policies, such as the requirement for phase I surveys on undeveloped land, to maintain a database of known eligible historic resources, and to be proactive in the protection of cultural resources. The element identifies an overview of all lands in the City and Sphere of Influence which have been previously surveyed for archaeological sites and of the City's paleontological context. The element also identifies the element's relationship to Title 7 in the Municipal Code in regards to Historic Preservation: The information presented in the element is intended to serve as an overview and guide, rather than a source for site -specific data. CULTURAL RESOURCES TECHNICAL REPORT: A Cultural Resources Technical Report was prepared by CRM Tech for purposes of environmental review and to provide supporting information for the draft 2035 General Plan. CRM Tech conducted a citywide study of the entire General Plan planning area, including a records search, historical research, Native American and local historian consultations, as well as field reconnaissance. The report identifies the regional historic context, provides an overview of La Quinta's history, a summary of existing conditions, input from local historians including Native American sources, and provides an overview of existing management programs. PAReports - HPC\2012\HPC_6-21-12\HPC Rpt Cultural Resources Element 6-21-12.doc Page 2 of 4 The report in turn provides a series of recommendations, which the Historic Preservation Commission should consider (Pg.25). These recommendations are consistent with the current policies and procedures of the Historic Preservation Commission and consist of the following: • Pursue government -to -government consultation with pertinent Native American representatives and tribal organizations, as determined by the NAHC, in order to comply with the mandate of Senate Bill 18 on general plans or specific plans (OPR 2005:1.0-18). • Establish and maintain channels of routine consultation with the Eastern Information Center at the University of California, Riverside, and local historic preservation groups such as the La Quinta Historical Society, the Coachella Valley History Museum, and the Coachella Valley Archaeological Society. • Require all proposed project sites to be surveyed by a qualified archaeologist, historian, and/or architectural historian, as appropriate, to identify any potential cultural resources that may be affected, unless the preponderance of the evidence demonstrates that such survey is unnecessary. • Maintain and expand as necessary the existing historical resources inventory to provide a comprehensive and up-to-date register of known cultural resources; maintain and update at regular intervals the citywide historical resources survey to reflect current status of cultural resources and potential cultural resources and to include nontraditional property types; establish guidelines and procedures to implement the landmark and district program outlined in the Historic Preservation Ordinance. • Encourage property owners and other citizens to nominate qualified properties to the city's inventory system and/or federal or state registers; provide citizens with all incentives, assistance, and opportunities for historic preservation that are available through various federal, state, or city programs. • Implement a systematic program to advance public awareness of the city's heritage, generate broad support for its preservation, and enhance community pride in the city. CONCLUSION: This study session review is to inform the Historic Preservation Commission of the efforts regarding the preparation of the draft Cultural Resources Element of the 2035 General Plan update. Staff is also seeking a recommendation in support of the findings and aforementioned recommendations identified within the Cultural Resources Technical Report for the draft 2035 General Plan Update. P:\Reports - HPC\2012\HPC_6-21-12\HPC Rpt Cultural Resources Element 6-21-12.doc Page 3 of 4 Staff is currently proceeding with the finalization of the General Plan document, including the General Plan Environmental Impact Report (EIR). It is expected that the draft General Plan and General Plan EIR will be ready for public review and comment on July 6, 2012 and that public hearings before the Planning Commission and City Council will occur in September and October; The General Plan EIR will be released for a 45 day public comment period, during which Staff plans to conduct a community outreach open house event at City Hall on July 11, 2012 in order to present the draft General Plan and EIR to the City's residents and businesses. RECOMMENDATION: That the Historic Preservation Commission adopt a Minute Motion accepting the "Cultural Resources Technical Report," for the General Plan Update, as prepared by CRM Tech dated July 8, 2010, supporting the report's findings and recommendations to the Planning Commission and City Council. No formal action is required regarding the draft Cultural Resources Element. Prepared by: An ew J. Mogensen, AICP Pri cipal Planner Attachments: 1 . Draft 2035 General Plan Cultural Resources Element 2. Cultural Resources Technical Report for the General Plan Update P:\Reports - HPC\2012\HPC_6-21-12\HPC Rpt Cultural Resources Element 6-21-12.doc Page 4 of 4