2012 07 03 CC MinutesLA QUINTA CITY COUNCIL MINUTES TUESDAY, JULY 3, 2012 A regular meeting of the La Quinta City Council was called to order at the hour of 3:30 p.m. by Mayor Adolph. PRESENT: Council Members Evans, Franklin, Henderson, Osborne, Mayor Adolph ABSENT: None PUBLIC COMMENT - NONE CLOSED SESSION 1. CONFERENCE WITH THE CITY ATTORNEY, ANTICIPATED LITIGATION, INITIATION OF LITIGATION PURSUANT TO GOVERNMENT CODE SECTION 54956.9(c) (TWO MATTERS) The City Council recessed to Closed Session at 3:32 p.m. to and until the hour of 4:00 p.m. The City Council meeting was reconvened at 4:02 p.m. with no decisions being made in Closed Session which require reporting pursuant to Government Code Section 54957.1 (Brown Act). Mayor Adolph led the audience in the Pledge of Allegiance. PUBLIC COMMENT Public Speaker: Denise Welch, Indio — Representative of the Friends of Roy's Foundation, Inc., a new foundation to support the Roy's Desert Resource Center in Palm Springs for the homeless. Ms. Welch provided information on the services offered at Roy's Desert Resource Center and the number of La Quinta residents who have used their services in 2012. Public Speaker: Robin Probst, La Quinta — Provided suggestions on expanded use of the La Quinta Resident Card by teaming with local restaurants and retail to offer discounts. Council Member Franklin referred Mr. Prosbt to Community Services Director Hylton and Chamber of Commerce Chair Mark Moran to discuss the details. CITY COUNCIL MINUTES 1 JULY 3, 2012 Public Speaker: Mark Moran, La Quinta - Chairman of the Chamber of Commerce. Mr. Moran provided information on the events planned during the First Annual 4` of. July celebration which includes a parade in which all Council Members will ride in open air cars. Mr. Moran thanked city and fire staff for their assistance. He said that the full Chamber contribution of $10,000 to the fireworks at the La Quinta Hotel has not all been raised yet and City financial assistance may be requested. Mr. Moran said he is expecting 3,000 to 5,000 spectators. CONFIRMATION OF AGENDA City Manager Spevacek requested the addition of a Presentation item to introduce Mark Marlow, the new Fire Department Division Chief for La Quinta. City Manager Spevacek requested that Business Session Item #2 be continued to July 17, 2012 at the request of the La Quinta Arts Foundation. The item is entitled: CONSIDERATION OF A CONTRACT TO CONSTRUCT THE PM -10 STABILIZATION OF CITY -OWNED PROPERTIES, PROJECT 2011 -12. Council Member Osborne requested that Consent Calendar Item #5 be moved to a Business Session item for discussion. Council Members concurred with all the above changes to the agenda. PRESENTATIONS 1. PRESENTATION OF THE TOM GENOVESE MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP BY THE COACHELLA VALLEY ECONOMIC PARTNERSHIP The newly - established Tom Genovese Memorial Scholarship was presented to Ms. Danielle Thoene by Wesley Ahlgren, Chief Operating Officer of the Coachella Valley Economic Partnership (CVEP), Ernie Rios, Head of the Workforce Excellence at CVEP and Matthew Genovese, son of the late City Manager Thomas P. Genovese. The $5,000 scholarship will be used by Ms. Thoene at UCLA where she will major in micro - biology. 2. INTRODUCTION OF THE NEW FIRE DEPARTMENT DIVISION CHIEF MIKE MARLOW Due to reorganization, the La Quinta area has been moved to the east desert division under Chief Mike Marlow, a La Quinta resident. WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS — NONE CITY COUNCIL MINUTES 2 JULY 3, 2012 APPROVAL OF MINUTES MOTION — A motion was made by Council Members Evans /Henderson to approve the City Council minutes of June 19, 2012 as submitted. Motion passed unanimously. CONSENT CALENDAR 1. APPROVAL OF DEMAND REGISTER DATED JULY 3, 2012 2. ADOPTION OF A RESOLUTION APPROVING THE FISCAL YEAR 2012/2013 CITY OF LA QUINTA BUDGET AND ESTABLISHING THE CITY'S APPROPRIATION LIMIT [Resolution 2012 -038] 3. DENIAL OF CLAIM FOR DAMAGES FILED BY DUANE ERICKSON — DATE OF LOSS: APRIL 26, 2012 4. APPROVAL OF SECOND READING AND ADOPTION OF ORDINANCE NO. 499 AMENDING THE OFFICIAL ZONING MAP BY CHANGING TWO DEVELOPED PUBLIC PROPERTIES FROM VILLAGE COMMERCIAL TO MAJOR COMMUNITY FACILITIES. PROPERTY LOCATIONS: LA QUINTA MUSEUM, 77885 AVENIDA MONTEZUMA AND THE VILLAGE PARKING LOT, NW CORNER OF AVENIDA MONTEZUMA /BERMUDAS. APPLICANT: CITY OF LA QUINTA 5. PULLED & MOVED TO BUSINESS SECTION #6: APPROVAL OF A REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS FOR THE PREPARATION OF THE PRELIMINARY ASSESSMENT FORMATION REPORT FOR SEVERAL NORTH LA QUINTA SUBDIVISIONS CURRENTLY RECEIVING SPECIAL BENEFIT 6. APPROVAL OF A REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS TO OBTAIN PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERING SERVICES TO PREPARE THE PLANS, SPECIFICATIONS AND ESTIMATES FOR THE CALLE SINALOA /AVENUE 52 SIDEWALK IMPROVEMENTS, PROJECT 2011 -08 7. AUTHORIZATION FOR OVERNIGHT TRAVEL FOR THE CITY MANAGER TO ATTEND THE 2012 LEAGUE OF CALIFORNIA CITIES ANNUAL CONFERENCE TO BE HELD SEPTEMBER 5 -7, 2012 IN SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA 8. ADOPTION OF A RESOLUTION APPROVING A MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING BETWEEN THE CITY OF LA QUINTA AND THE LA QUINTA CITY EMPLOYEES' ASSOCIATION FOR FISCAL YEARS 2012/2013 AND 2013/2014, AND ADOPTION OF A RESOLUTION FOR EMPLOYER CITY COUNCIL MINUTES 3 JULY 3, 2012 PAID MEMBER CONTRIBUTIONS TO CALPERS PURSUANT TO GOVERNMENT CODE SECTION 20691 [Resolution 2012 -0391 9. ADOPTION OF A RESOLUTION APPROVING A COST -OF- LIVING AND BENEFIT ADJUSTMENTS FOR MANAGEMENT, CONTRACT MANAGEMENT AND CONFIDENTIAL EMPLOYEES FOR FISCAL YEARS 2012/2013 AND 2013/2014 [Resolution 2012 -0401 MOTION - A motion was made by Council Members Evans /Osborne to approve the Consent Calendar as recommended with the exception of Item No. 5, and with Item Nos. 2, 8 and 9 adopting Resolution Nos. 2012 -038, -039 and -040 respectively. Motion passed unanimously. Council Member Henderson thanked La Quinta city employees for recognizing the financial challenges facing the city and sharing in the solutions. BUSINESS SESSION 1. CONSIDERATION OF AN ART DONATION FROM,, BENJAMIN ROSKER t Community Services Director Hylton presented the staff report. Mr. Rosker thanked Council for accepting his wife's art and placing her painting in the La Quinta Library, a place she frequently visited. MOTION - A motion was made by Council Members Evans /Franklin to approve the art donation agreement with Benjamin Rosker and authorize the City Manager to execute the Agreement. Motion passed unanimously. 2. CONSIDERATION OF A CONTRACT TO CONSTRUCT THE PM -10 STABILIZATION OF CITY -OWNED PROPERTIES, PROJECT 2011 -12 CONTINUED TO JULY 17, 2012. 3. CONSIDERATION OF AN UPDATED COOPERATIVE MARKETING PROGRAM FOR THE USE- AND MARKETING AGREEMENT BY AND BETWEEN DESERT CLASSIC CHARITIES AND THE CITY OF LA QUINTA Marketing /Economic Development Manager Casillas presented the staff report. Greg Helm of Desert Classic Charities provided information on the Humana Challenge and the Clinton Foundation efforts. Council Members thanked Mr. Helm for his efforts, asked about future plans, expressed pride in the event especially the increasing funds raised for deserving CITY COUNCIL MINUTES 4 JULY 3, 2012 valley charities, and asked for organizers to consider the La Quinta Hotel for the special events held during the Challenge. MOTION — A motion was made by Council Members Evans /Franklin to approve an updated Cooperative Marketing Program for the Use and Marketing Agreement with Desert Classic Charities. Motion passed unanimously. 4. CONSIDERATION OF A PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT WITH WILLDAN FINANCIAL FOR CITYWIDE PARK, OPEN SPACE AND TRAIL ASSESSMENT DISTRICT FORMATION Public Works Director Jonasson presented the staff report. Jim McGuire with Willdan Financial was present to answer questions. In response to Council Member Henderson, Mr. McGuire stated that "special assessment district" and "assessment district" are two names for the same thing. Council Member Henderson said that most residents support assessments but Proposition 218 complicates the matter by requiring those who live closer to the amenity to pay more due to their proximity, yet those who live further away may use the facility or benefit more. Mr. McGuire said that the only way around that Proposition 218 requirement is a tax that applies an equal amount to all property owners. There is a general benefit provided by a city that must be quantified and a special benefit involved. Council Member Henderson observed that Willdan's challenge will be explaining this complex calculation to residents and conveying that those properties in closer proximity to the benefit realize greater property values because of their location. Mr. McGuire said that in their initial 2009 study, more than 80% of the city would be assessed that same amount — a small minority will have a lesser assessment. As part of Willdan's proposal, Mr. McGuire said the Lou Edwards Group will do a survey and it may result in the public favoring a tax (which requires a 2/3 voter approval) rather than an assessment. Council Member Henderson confirmed that there is one existing assessment district (Lighting & Landscaping) and two proposed (parks /open space /trails plus the North La Quinta subdivisions' perimeters). Council Member Henderson stated that she was comfortable continuing with this process and examining the results as segments and surveys are completed. Mr. McGuire said that the process can be halted at any step along the way if results are unfavorable and the city would only pay for the services rendered. He added that if residents favored a tax rather than an assessment, Willdan would adjust to that and would provide the necessary services to bring it to a June or November election. Council Member Evans explained to the audience that the preliminary estimates for the three zones included in Willdan's report are: Zone 1: $46.30 per year, Zone 2: CITY COUNCIL MINUTES 5 JULY 3, 2012 $15.30 per year, and Zone 3: $0. Ms. Evans noted that the purpose of considering assessments for parks /open space /trails is to reduce the city's $2 million deficit for maintenance of these facilities. Council Member Franklin said that she is up for reelection in November and would not object to this issue being on the same ballot because it is a benefit to the city. She objected to Mr. McGuire's statement that candidates may have a problem with an assessment or tax on a November ballot. Council Member Franklin stated that the public information plan is the most important component, and asked Mr. McGuire to describe that plan. Mr. McGuire said that the results of the survey will dictate public outreach. Outreach will be tailored but probably include mailers to property owners, workshops, and an ad hoc committee if necessary. Mr. McGuire said a city is somewhat limited in spreading information regarding an assessment or tax. It cannot advocate. The Lou Edwards Group will assist with materials, but it will be up to city staff and city council to work on public relations because residents don't respond to consultants telling them what should be done. Mr. McGuire cautioned that council members advocating for a tax or assessment as an individual would have to be very careful to make it clear that they are not speaking as a public official. Council Member Osborne asked for clarification of the definition of a park because the 2009 Willdan report includes La Quinta High School, a school administration building and some school sites that are in, the City of Indio. Mr. McGuire said that the definition is any property designated by the city as park /open space /trail. In response to Council Member Osborne, Mr. McGuire said that the costs will be the net amount, i.e. the operating, maintenance and capital improvement costs less the fees and revenues received. Council Member Osborne noted that according to Willdan's 2009 study, the benefit zones include all of La Quinta except an area east of Madison Street. Mr.. McGuire confirmed and added. that any public recreation property that the city maintains should be listed in the park/ open space/ trail inventory. Mr. McGuire explained that an assessment is based on the benefit to the property; it does not take into account the property owner's use of the public facility or the number of people living on the property. An assessment is based on the land use of the property and its proximity to the improvements or facilities. Council Member Osborne said that he recognizes the city has a hole to fill regarding parks budget, but feels the assessment based on proximity to a park will be a difficult sell, especially since the value of homes have decreased significantly. Mr. McGuire stated that an assessment is based on the benefit to a property, and by law cannot be based on the value it adds to a property. In response to Council Member Henderson, Council Member Osborne said that he has a problem with the assessment concept, and does not believe residents would CITY COUNCIL MINUTES 6 JULY 3, 2012 support it. He stated that he would not have a problem supporting a special tax that is evenly charged to all properties, although the amount of that tax would have to be discussed. Council Member Henderson said that similar to school funding, residents would have to realize that parks, trails, pools, etc. improve the quality of life of the whole community, whether you're situated behind gates or not. In response to Council Member Franklin, City Attorney Jenson and Mr. McGuire explained that an assessment district vote can be done by mail -in ballot and requires, 50% approval weighted by dollar amount. A special tax dedicated to funding only parks /open space /trails requires 2/3 voter approval, and this can be brought to the electorate at any June or November election. A general tax, which is an increase to city revenues for any general purpose, requires 50 % +1 voter approval and must be on the ballot of a general election in which one or more council seats are also on the ballot. Council Member Osborne added that increases in the sales tax and /or the transient occupancy tax are also options. Council Member Evans summarized the assessment and tax options available to Council and noted that in either case, an analysis is needed to determine the dollar amount. City Manager Spevacek offered to lay out in detail a menu of the options available to Council before they move ahead with this assessment item or the other assessment item on this agenda regarding the north La Quinta subdivisions' perimeter assessment. Mayor Adolph agreed that significant questions and issues have been raised and asked staff to return with a report addressing these issues and one that included a definitive recommendation. Council concurred. CONTINUED TO AUGUST 7, 2092. 5. CONSIDERATION OF APPOINTMENT OF VOTING DELEGATE AND ALTERNATE TO THE 2012 LEAGUE OF CALIFORNIA CITIES ANNUAL CONFERENCE MOTION — A motion was made by Council Members Franklin /Osborne to appoint Council Member Henderson as the City of La Quinta voting delegate and to appoint Mayor Adolph as the alternate voting delegate to the 2012 League of California Cities Annual Conference to be held September 5 -7, 2012. Motion passed unanimously. CITY COUNCIL MINUTES 7 JULY 3, 2012 6. MOVED FROM CONSENT CALENDAR #5 TO BUSINESS #6 FOR DISCUSSION: APPROVAL OF A REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS FOR THE PREPARATION OF THE PRELIMINARY ASSESSMENT FORMATION REPORT FOR SEVERAL NORTH LA QUINTA SUBDIVISIONS CURRENTLY RECEIVING SPECIAL BENEFIT In response to Council Member Osborne, Public Works Director Jonasson and Council Member Henderson provided the history of these subdivisions, the reason they had no homeowners association to manage the perimeter common areas, and why they have not been paying for the service for many years. City Attorney Jenson informed Council that forming an assessment district is the only viable means to recoup the cost because forming a homeowners association to manage the subdivision's common areas would require one hundred percent approval, which is very unlikely. Council Member Henderson provided detail on the history of Council decisions regarding these subdivisions that lead to the current deficit situation. Council Member Osborne suggested that this item be combined with the parks assessment item and brought back to Council with a menu of options. Council concurred. CONTINUED TO AUGUST 7, 2012. STUDY SESSION 1. DISCUSSION OF SILVERROCK RESORT VISION AND OPTIONS Economic Development /Housing Manager Powell presented the staff report. Public Speaker: Dick Hughes, La Quinta - Mr. Hughes provided the development project background for his client, Discovery Land, which has been involved in the development of Madison Club and Hideaway in La Quinta, the Thermal race track, and resorts in Bermuda, Maui and Mexico. Mr. Hughes said that everything this developer does is top of the line and he believes this team would bring something new and bring the highest and best level to La Quinta. They have preliminary layouts and hope to work with the city to begin work on a deal. Mr. Hughes added that Discovery Land has the money. Public Speaker: Brian Adler - Mr. Adler of Beverly Park Development Group presented his development background and his company's concept for SilverRock. He stated the timing is right for them and that his company has no need for city bonding or city help. Mr. Adler stated that he has lined up the right partner, the right financial capabilities, a world -class architect, and is negotiating with the best CITY COUNCIL MINUTES 8 JULY 3, 2012 contractor in the desert, Turner Construction. He hopes to present the project storyboards to Council. Mr. Adler stated that his company has the money to do the project properly. Mayor Adolph stated that he is very anxious to see quality, revenue - producing development at SilverRock. Council Members questioned components of Mr. Adler's concept. Council Member Franklin said that SilverRock is a very important part of the city's financial future; it is incumbent upon Council to select a use that is both beautiful and one that works financially. Ms. Franklin noted that she would not want a discount hotel on the site. She indicated that a developer with fresh new ideas is needed. The original plan was a good one and she still supports it. Council Member Osborne said the vision for SilverRock has not changed. The difference now is the absence of a Redevelopment Agency which means the city is not going to contribute financially. A developer who has the wherewithal to do it all and provide a place for all ages is necessary. Council Member Henderson stated she is excited about the interest shown now. Council worked long hard hours on that plan and it is a terrific plan. She said the emphasis has to be on generating revenue but the plan will have to be flexible in case the golf course market does not exist. Ms. Henderson stated that the city needs to be open- minded about other uses. She said she was not convinced that the canal has to be moved and believes it may be incorporated in some way — maybe as a river. Council Member Evans said that she still likes the concept of the SilverRock plan but has concerns about the two development concepts presented tonight because both sound so high -end they would be out of her league as a working -class person. She agrees with the elements in the plan; believes it need not be the highest, most elite five -star hotel. Ms. Evans said that the development should include an adult resort pool, a separate kids' pool /mini water park area, an auditorium or amphitheater, music /dancing night club, and cigar bars, tapas bars or coffee bars. Ms. Evans reminded Council of the trends analysis the city spent money on to look at the trends moving forward. Trends included a generation that travels as a family that wants to play nine holes of golf rather than eighteen because they want to do other things together. It includes younger people with discretionary income for one or two vacations per year and wish to pack a lot of activities into that time. Ms. Evans said she believes these are the kinds of people who will utilize the place more than the super elite. Ms. Evans agreed that a nice hotel is needed and a convention /meeting space that is equivalent or greater in size than spaces available in the valley. She noted that concepts presented had many of these components CITY COUNCIL MINUTES 9 JULY 3, 2012 but needed to be inclusive of locals, families and "baby boomers" so that it becomes the hot place to be. Mayor Adolph observed that Council Members seem to all be on the same page on this issue, and noted that he liked the idea of a multi -use theatre for entertainment and special events. In response to Mayor Adolph, City Attorney Jenson explained that the trailer bill (re: dissolution of all redevelopment agencies) passed and a provision states that once a city goes through its audit and does a reconciliation, the Department of Finance will sign off which will permit La Quinta to use the 2002 bond proceeds for their intended purpose. Council directed staff to move forward and work with developers interested in being partners with the City of La Quinta to develop the SilverRock property in accordance with the Master Plan, the General Plan, and the Specific Plan. REPORTS AND INFORMATIONAL. ITEMS Coachella Valley Homeless Committee - Council Member Osborne reported that Roy's Desert Resource Center budget was distributed, and a nonprofit foundation has been established called Friends of Roy's Foundation, Inc.... This foundation will provide a fresh outlook and have the, ability to apply for grants to support the shelter operation. Chamber of Commerce - Council Member Osborne reported that information was exchanged on community development, SilverRock, and business signage. He stated that the Chamber's membership is growing and it is operating in the black. Greater Palm Springs Convention and Visitors Bureau - Council Member Evans reported that the Bureau approved its budget and everything is looking good in the hotel and tourism industry. The main topic was GoldenVoice, the special tax and the impacts. League of California Cities - Council Member Henderson reported that the Government Performance and Accountability Act has qualified. She handed out copies for council review and included her comments in blue. Ms. Henderson warned Council that if this constitutional amendment passes, it's guaranteed that city goals will have to be the same as the state's goals. Overriding argument is solid, i.e. that the State needs certain corrective matters imposed, but no city wants to be lumped in with the State or have these imposed on their city. Coachella Valley Association of Governments (CVAG), Executive Board - Mayor Adolph reported that a balanced 2012/2013 budget was adopted. Funds from the CITY COUNCIL MINUTES 10 JULY 3, 2012 California Wellness Foundation were accepted and $50,000 will be given to Roy's Desert Resource Center. Council Members joined to congratulate Mayor Adolph on being appointed Vice Chair of CVAG Board of Directors. Sunline Transit Agency — Mayor Adolph reported that a balanced budget was approved. He said that the three -year short -range transit plan has been funded and is moving forward. The new Palm Desert - Riverside bus line was approved and funded for one year but its success is suspect according to Mayor Adolph because it leaves Palm Desert at 4:45 a.m., stops in Cabazon at 6 a.m. (3 -4 hours before the stores open) and gets into Riverside between 8 -9 a.m. DEPARTMENT REPORTS City Attorney Jenson reported that yesterday the Supreme Court ruled that the use of Municipal funds by Charter Cities does not trigger the prevailing wage requirement. Planning Director Johnson reminded Council of the General Plan workshop date and provided an update of the progress of the County in identifying the cause of the odor in the California Bio Mass area. MAYOR'S AND COUNCIL MEMBERS' ITEMS Council Member Franklin stated that the scholarship set up by Coachella Valley Economic Partnership is a great, ongoing legacy for the late City Manager Tom Genovese. PUBLIC HEARINGS — NONE ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, it was moved by Council Members Henderson/ Franklin to adjourn at 6:36 p.m. Motion passed unanimously. Respectfully submitted, Susan Maysels, Interi City Clerk City of La Quinta, California CITY COUNCIL MINUTES 11 JULY 3, 2012