Travertine SP Amendment - Draft EIR (01.14.2018)PROOF OF PUBLICATION STATE OF CALIFORNIA SS. COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE CITY OF LA QUINTA PO BOX 1504 LA QUINTA CA 92247 I am over the age of 18 years old, a citizen of the United States and not a party to, or have interest in this matter. I hereby certify that the aiiached advertisement appeared in said newspaper (set in type not smajer than non pariel) in each and entire issue of said newspaper and not in any supplement thereof on the following dates, to wit: 01/14/18 I acknowledge that I am a principal clerk of the prin of The Desert Sun, printed and published weekly'l the City of Palm Springs, County of Riverside, Sta of California. The Desert Sun was adjudicated a Newspaper of general circulation on March 24, 19t by the Superior Court of the County of Riverside, State of California Case No. 191236. I declare under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct. Executed on this 16th of January 2018 in Palm Springs, California. DECLARANT Ad#:0002658853 PO: # of Affidavits :7 mlediagroup PART OF ME USA TODAY NETWORK 750 N Gene Autry Trail Palm Springs, CA 92262 Tel: 760-778-4578 / Fax 760-778-4731 Email: legals@thedesertsun.com r CITY OF LA QUINTA NOTICE OF PREPARATION Sf� ;A DRAFT ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT Project Title: Travertine Specific Plan Project Location: Within the City of La Quinta, generally bounded by the extension of Avenue 60 on the north; the extension of Avenue 62 and CVWD Dike No. 4 on the east; and the future alignment of Jefferson Street on the north; and the Santa Rosa Mountains to the south: Located in Section 33, Township 6 South, Range 7 East, and Sections 3-5 in Township 7 South, Range 7 East, San Bernardino Base Line and Meridian, Martinez Mountain and Valerie 7.5 minute quadrangles; Latitude 33° 35' 53" N Longitude 116° 15' 33" W (approximate geographic center of the site) N = r---} Avenue SD vro(ect Slte The City of La Quinta, acting as the Lead Agency, has determined that an Environmental Impact Report (EIR) should be prepared f eased amendment to the Travertine Specific Plan. The EIR will be prepared In accordance with the California raPQuality Act (CEQA) to evaluate the potential environmental impacts associated with the implementation of the frdvsMjTv Specific Plan Land Use Plan, anticipated to be developed overa 10 -year period beginning in 2020. There is no actual ftl+ hle.for ultiinate build out to occur, as development will be driven by market forces and demand for new residential units. H �i#-y. ar.development plan represents a reasonable development period. This Ndi[;vjf Proinratinn also solicits comments and questions from responsible agencies, trustee agencies, federal, State and Ictial•3- des and the general public, on the scope and content of the environmental document to be prepared to analyze the potential environmental impacts of the proposed project. Comments received in response to this Notice of Preparation will be reviewed and considered in determining the scope of the EIR. The time period to submit comments will begin January 16, 2018 and will end February 15, 2018. Comments should be sent at the earliest possible date. The proposed project is the development of a master planned community located in the City of La Quinta on the southern edge of the Coachella Valley at the base of the Santa Rosa Mountains. The most prominent physical features in the vicinity are Coral Mountain, located immediately north of the project site, and Martinez Mountain and the Martinez Rock Slide area immediately to, the south. The project site is approximately 878 acres that would be developed with a mix of uses including up to 1,200 dwelling units of varying product types, a resort facility with up to 100 rooms, recreational uses such as a golf facility featuring a clubhouse and a 12 -hole golf course, a nu'nber of neighborhood parks, and public trail system and recreational open space. In addition, 162.5 acres of the site would remain in natural/restricted open space in an area along the southerly boundary of the site adjacent to the Martinez Rock Slide area that has been designated as a buffer between the residential development and the natural open space of the foothills of the Santa Rosa Mountains A public Scoping Meeting will be held at 6:00 p.m. on January 17, 2018 at the Polo Club Clubhouse located at 51750 Polo Club Drive, Indio. The location is on north side of Avenue 52 east of Monroe Street. Comments and questions may be directed to: Cheri Flores, Senior Planner, City of La Quinta, 78-495 Calle Tampico, La Quints, CA92253,760-777-7067oratclflores@la-quinta.org. Please include the name, phone number, and address of your agency's contact person in your response.