9907-407 (SFD)LICENSED CONTRACTOR DECLARATION I hereby affirm under penalty of perjury that I am licensed under provisions of Chapter 9 (commencing with Section 7000) of Division 3 of the Business and Professionals Code, and my License is in full force and effect. License # Lic. Class Exp. Date /ate,,Y ,'' Signature of Contractor + 11 � B OWNER -BUILDER DECLARATION I hereby affirm under penalty of perjury that I am exempt from the Contractor's License Law for the following reason: ( ) I, as owner of the property, or my employees with wages as their sole compensation, will do the work, and the structure is not intended or offered for sale (Sec. 7044, Business & Professionals Code). ( ) I, as owner of the property, am exclusively contracting with licensed contractors to construct the project (Sec. 7044, Business & Professionals Code). ( ) I am exempt under Section , B&P.C. for this reason Date Signature of Owner WORKER'S COMPENSATION DECLARATION I hereby affirm under penalty of perjury one of the following declarations: ( ) I have and will maintain a certificate of consent to self -insure for workers' compensation, as provided for by Section 3700 of the Labor Code, for the performance of the work for which this permit is issued. (,� I have and will maintain workers' compensation insurance, as required by Section 3700 of the Labor Code, for the performance of the work for which this permit is issued. My workers' compensation insurance carrier & policy no. are: Carer /1 Policy No. )) B I F i� S l "J! (This 48:.') B • 0.7 G':je'; �` f c, (This section need not be completed if the permit valuation is for $100.00 or less), ( ) I certify that in the performance of the work for which this permit is issued, I shall not employ any person in any manner so as to become subject to the workers' compensation laws of California, and agree that if I should become subject to the workers' compensation provisions of Section 3700 of the Labor Code, I shall.forth ith comply with those pr vlslo,S.VIN( j ate: / >� � ,B ( Applicant- Warning: pplicant �� + " Warning: Failure to secure Workers' Compensation coverage is unlawful and shall subject an employer to criminal penalties and civil fines up to $100,000, in addition to the cost of compensation, damages as provided for in Section 3706 of the Labor Code, interest and attorney's fees. IMPORTANT Application is hereby made to the Director of Building and Safety for a permit subject to the conditions and restrictions set forth on his application. 1. Each person upon whose behalf this application is made & each person at whose request and for whose benefit work is performed under or pursuant to any permit issued as a result of this applicaton agrees to, & shall, indemnify & hold harmless the City of La Quinta, its officers, agents and employees. 2. Any permit issued as a result of this application becomes null and void if work is not commenced within 180 days from date of issuance of such permit, or cessation of work for 180 days will subject permit to cancellation. I certify that I have read this application and state that the above information is correct. I agree to comply with all City, and State laws relating to the building construction, and hereby authorize representatives of this City to enter upon the above-mentioned properyJor inspectDat ion purposes. ( ) o v B° 1 Cf I ✓� (, �Sif`nature (Owner/Agen% � K ✓ � BUILDING PERMIT PERMIT #£, DATE VALUATION LOT TRACT ill e, JOB SITE I -A APN ADDRESS ' ✓ ,5•a� �,��4�.��J+!A,�,:'?a s,', C,Ja}v9Jt tiaS1L OWNER CONTRACTOR / DESIGNER / ENGINEER �1. 'If1 �� ?'' R'=,a,tl.6t� X hA6+ w.� 4i`cya USE OF PERMIT s1�i�,�t,fu+,�'. �'.ij.l.•1`i'�Ic�Y. �)�i/E',Y�4.e�P`J"�:3 ',t 6tt�l�ei��", �'`'cI:'s.�Z'f_�D�it���kl�?+iE�ta �l�,,s7,�,?Y3^!6!!.Is"ob�I:�'ti�`t;K<+d•'•���Y�s: iii �g s iv,S 4 4adA ` s'v 1 e"i nJ4 Ob(gd:M11.,J ti I,1<rQ'. v,'�6��t D � 'N.°1�M4 tr�ggl. G: i?.,� j`p(�pfi�Pyc;,J�y,J}•As?� t�iysgJ ��i a a:° ppt i N()?e;� k7 i,_ ("N I w' , 161404,4, Ili, OD -,P J�,vfl•ES�c>,J►rR`?, 6i�t�.t;f•rtt� Cu`'�atf3--j;!f'+ ')J�' i�:+���G°�.-'�� ��.•���r�a�.�°�t�,�;��°aaau,��i•a¢��+^:��f;�� .air: ,,f`,.Ba ,�:a�>J�a� . t C-0 r,P0 w6_ kj('+k t. QAC• ,..: 6'y;71 T,'4!ii�;, RECEIPT DATE BY DATE FINALED INSPECTOR INSPECTION RECORD OPERATION DATE INSPECTOR OPERATION DATE INSPECTOR BUILDING APPROVALS MECHANICAL APPROVALS Set Backs Underground Ducts Forms & Footings s 46W Ducts Slab Grade 2fA.7 Return Air Steel Combustion Air Roof Deck % Exhaust Fans CK to Wrap / 2�_ dl— F.A.U. Framing 7 4;V_ _ Compressor Insulation / J,_ Vents Fireplace P.L. Grills Fireplace T.O. r. Fans & Controls Party Wall Insulation Condensate Lines Party Wall Firewall Exterior Lath Drywall - Int. Lath Final Final It.. i —� K POOLS - SPAS BLOCKWALL APPROVALS Steel Set Backs Electric Bond Footings Main Drain Bond Beam Approval to Cover Equipment Location Underground Electric Underground Plbg. Test Final -I Gas Piping PLUMBING APPROVALS Gas Test Electric Final Waste Lines Heater Final Water Piping Plumbing Final Plumbing Top Out Equipment Enclosure Shower Pans O.K for Finish Plaster Sewer Lateral Sewer Connection _ / ���� �G Pool Cover Encapsulation Gas Piping Gas Test 1 _ —,0_0 Appliances Final COMMENTS: Final . Utility Notice (Gas) 1-22371 APPROVALS Temp. Power Pole Underground Conduit Rough Wiring Low Voltage Wiring Fixtures Main Service Sub Panels Exterior Receptacles G.F.I. Smoke Detectors Temp. Use of Power Final 1 s Utility Notice (Perm) H.IROHATA 4156648604 JOHN K. KROH, VrA is 78-365 Highwa;r La Quinta, Ca, 92�3 il/3/99 To nspeotor Gary Hartman Pro John K. Hiro RE. 'Lot 72 Sonrisa 79-363 bive:vo Br., La Quntit F Dear Iispeotor, Hartman: 'ffixing you a totil of 9 p4ges inakuding-a cove Thank for your assista you A John K. ;Hlrohata 48-9d0 Eisenhower Dr., Indic, ga 92201 j . ......... jOptionsire ofie;ad'ti an accommodation and are nota f 6' •.:.. 0 sale. If the i equested are not complel( :'6ra�i-n6tcoi,m'�leted:ioPuichas'er!�'�p'e91:ication,,Ilef'�e'in,. Seller e) tent of'fi�bilitv sha I be limited to the amount shall not be entitled to ter njnpzff or' cancel th 3 Purchase Contr4ct for' if; tycot�eOR "tiqhoi;o.'..,SelllorMa .'el"this'Puto�a�: tion Contract et en time. )(Sal(er ca icels this Purchase Option C )Tract, that Said'con!ra'c!njqst �q cancal!ad within se a n (7) da �en notif :ation from Soller'�o Puriah . of, Selor'sintent tocance :Opt. iq.n Contract ij PUP CHAS.Eft DA I 'SALES & MARKETING ;DESIGN �ENTM' PURI P. 0.1 HIRbHATA' DE-S)GN:`2000 = DATE: W. 0:k1OW'ORb'Ek-A6 kEdUEST FOR: OF PLANS AND 8PEdIFICA jf.ONS -TRACT' `.-LOT E EV. PH ',.."; L!.6.5, W R.�.: PLAN IME -1 PU11COASEFS NA 101 4EZDRESS-' i: J': �.j —OPTIONS REQUES ED DESCAIPTION", OPTI( PRIC 16c2 or 7" A) A 4.156648604 ,e PROJECT ,I PHONE NO (H( PHONE NO (WI I TOTAL'. 'ADDED TO PAID P RCIIA E: '7 7. .7 i,..���-."-JOA.N",,K'.OKI:HIROliATA:.OR,-HARI�OMI,�HIROH '4.*,-`__,.,;;, 1.4 , 1 - , . I : - q0_8186/121l i .C4;.-HIROHATk-':,",��i:� jo 14 B SAN, A V -_4 :w.: r .4) 0 01' $ k I A., zl V Z• D )I hi rs r tra�146. Ciiiih a 9413? TI dei ilk, . Ar 0 653 �7 -J. p rch's the option items described for delive in th,01 Purc ip"� egress liq horns Whi III is under 0 and tract inidca ted w' ich' r''i's buying pursuant to a contract f built lork. &1�i i6 0 1 1 lo h` rchAse purm0d�-h.s 'to. b '9xe'66ib8 with. Seller', Purchaser . requests that the tans SOecificat ons for such home 60 j ie by X*4opt Ion itenjs,::Purchaser represents that the mocificptio4l requests are to be sololy end. . s .exc .) iy61y'for the be efii k,con,v`e'nience" of the Purchaser and as, to Induce Sellar to makq the !, u ' V ' :: mo if Itions, PuPurchaserPurchaser`a9reps.t9 prepathe total pri ce.,of the oPtIons .as indicated. Purchaser acknov.yledges that "bxcept fo:(-,the'n)odific-itions:requested, the home is not being built to the plans and specifications of the "w0uld be difficult to'.de'terniln's the amount of damages actually suffer6d , I by Seller in m'aking su h modifications if Purchaser fails or re to Complete the pu chase of the home. r'*agrees ­ of svch.fai' 'h amount collected herewith lure or refusal for any reason, a a T �n the event tr M •Oprionj are offered as, an accommodation and aro'not a condition f the sale. If the r quested are not domplQte I 7' • 'or'''ie'not cortple'ted to Purchassr's specifications herein,•Seller extent of tiability shal be limited to tho'amouni ..i . '• ',•:..,'.paid for,the rEqucste.dption;. •Purchaser shall not'be entitled to ter inate or cancel th Purchase Contract tor'. ", I. r •.. �:S;y'?`',�;;,� ••,'i s .r. fir,:.•:.:., ; , •• •� • '� :• '°: - ... .''• '� the home. Seller. ma cancel this Purchase 0 tion' Conteact at�an time. If Seller ca cels this Purchase 0 tlon a '•'.•Cd,��ract, that.sald cohhtrrtct must.bacanoe lled within seven (71 d writ en notifi ation from Seller fo Purchaser of Sellor's'fntent.to;cSncel this'Purchase Option Contract. �i3 `i' i:, `,:.; ; } ,, •I P CHASER. ' DATE • x ` I. , PURCHAS�`ri DATE BUYENI . I i SALES & MARKETING I DESIGN ENTER PUR dHASI G' f- tieTii�rtie";'S�c may, c' [ia R�g1'Orctia'se't) ti8ri;cantr9cr r3ny[jrrtz:�rse canceistn�s'rurc�, c'vfnrvr,�-- }s.,'� Contract„that.:sa d co.ntrect=rt��;st:bc' cancclled'within.sevcn'( ) d ' of written otification from Scllcr to Purchaser' I : of Scller.�s, inten4 to'caneel this Purohase'Option.Co(itract: . H] : ” fr • } PURcH'ASER DACE I r� UYER `. :;'t? "'.'SALES &'MARKETING. ': DE IGN CENTER PUR WI�SINa E' i - 4 { a H I ROHATA 4156648604 P.'0.3 07 DAt z'i r ; t•' :• t etT :QI,4�11: 0 QEMAND': „ REQUEST `FQR .'` ,ai:rJ• r..?`�; O�t•� �, i •, •:h9 i --L=,S'�H;-:NIQDI.ICA'T.ION;OF��PANS ANR:SPE�IF CATI NS. eIrrt'�•'}: • .. Z ��'-'tip; ',. :'�•: {•:;::��,•t�'..,:..<;���:4•. ;.+�:•:':.;i''.•�':��'t:::.: .. "s.t ,. f ' , .. ;; . �'' �:':� yr? ti c ORl3 Fi;#•t , .,A c: LO7 ''PL -AN ELE,V.' PROJECTi f,:,'i?,�i:ic%x:!.'�ii.:I ;:8?. ,:%*7'w''.' �'. :•= i'{'. ic�'l1L' PURCHASERS: PHONNE NO (HO E ,• ?RESENT. _; OPTION;' ? is HQM •ADDRESS,. PHONE NO:(WQR 1 EST.D r ,. )ESORIPTION i i - PTION . TOTAL' D D.70 PRICE • PAID :' RU}CHASE t M heli d. a�/ ;�'�':.`•7+;;,...�:°•, ''�::-•':' � is •�� " j i ' 'OTAL'OPTIONS SELECTED • ;•.' : h:• I I �-OTAL''-COLLECTED WITH.'THIS•'OR DER '•''I'' i ♦` ' i.OTALADDEDTO. PURCHASE PRl EE' •'.;�;,'`;s';?I4'`f�urchase'r,''agrea+s•t �.`;' y�!:r• '''-const�u,%tlon'&/br.� I 9U Chasc',t0'bC. XI ',61'dificd.by: these. i'i: ;.�:;. }F�eXolusiyely.for,ThO >•" •` i '•+jtlOdlflf�Atlp nS.•+; .u, tha't'cXcript for thi hifchaser'; Qu'rc hr ;;r' ' �,,;1>y,;sslief irima inl - i,,,•i�•:��'''•.j r,,.Purchaser.�agrces', , 1. � .•=A`l¢��' er.�:\'.�rti}' ::, 1,�"_.`_ °� :,r's:'alSalllh�`forsGersC rChpse'�he;option iterns described.. for delivery in the hon a which is under ),bu)It•,on the:: -lot aM tract inidcated hich Purchaser is b •ging pursuant to'a eonira :d vyiihTSellcr:.- Purchaser requests th t the pja s & spec fications for suchlhome b} ari',lten�s..:Purchas.er represents:that't e'modifications re vested are to be sole]V.ar efit &convenience of the Purchaser'a d as coLidera,iior to induce Seller to nial;6 sor:agrees.tQ prepay •the,.total price,of the, options as indi aced. Purchaser acknoy l difications requested, the home. is;"not being built to the Ion and sfiecificAtiohs of a igfees_fthdt it wouldlbe.-difficult to'°de ermine, X)l .ariount'of damages actually suffe :mn,odtflcatlons if Pvrehaser'fails or r fuses to'complete'tlic purchase of the horny in`ttig.:.event':bf;sucl-oatlure or.ref usaI or:any feason,'the amount collected herewritl lbred.tn;.Saller a's' liquidated damanes.. of •'.;�;,'`;s';?I4'`f�urchase'r,''agrea+s•t �.`;' y�!:r• '''-const�u,%tlon'&/br.� I 9U Chasc',t0'bC. XI ',61'dificd.by: these. i'i: ;.�:;. }F�eXolusiyely.for,ThO >•" •` i '•+jtlOdlflf�Atlp nS.•+; .u, tha't'cXcript for thi hifchaser'; Qu'rc hr ;;r' ' �,,;1>y,;sslief irima inl - i,,,•i�•:��'''•.j r,,.Purchaser.�agrces', , 1. � .•=A`l¢��' er.�:\'.�rti}' ::, 1,�"_.`_ °� :,r's:'alSalllh�`forsGersC rChpse'�he;option iterns described.. for delivery in the hon a which is under ),bu)It•,on the:: -lot aM tract inidcated hich Purchaser is b •ging pursuant to'a eonira :d vyiihTSellcr:.- Purchaser requests th t the pja s & spec fications for suchlhome b} ari',lten�s..:Purchas.er represents:that't e'modifications re vested are to be sole]V.ar efit &convenience of the Purchaser'a d as coLidera,iior to induce Seller to nial;6 sor:agrees.tQ prepay •the,.total price,of the, options as indi aced. Purchaser acknoy l difications requested, the home. is;"not being built to the Ion and sfiecificAtiohs of a igfees_fthdt it wouldlbe.-difficult to'°de ermine, X)l .ariount'of damages actually suffe :mn,odtflcatlons if Pvrehaser'fails or r fuses to'complete'tlic purchase of the horny in`ttig.:.event':bf;sucl-oatlure or.ref usaI or:any feason,'the amount collected herewritl lbred.tn;.Saller a's' liquidated damanes.. of 1 112 w. r 4 .i., —t.-- not �bmplqtpad' It 1r; are pot -comp sied'.to . specif. i q a ti o ns- he r in,': Seller extent of liability shall be limited to 1110 arilou�t, .-pai P urc asershall not be*cntitldd,t Id'f h' iinatp -or Cancel he Purchase Contract for )a�.'oancel'this"- Purchase, , . ti r It S ell4r -.ancels this Purchase Option .. . . '. -%. -... . I . . y P• ontract".th I Oontrtct-'must- be cancelledlled 'within sev.en.'(7) Ja of ritte n no fication from Seller Pur hase of- 4,01ler. s 1 -1 '.can e1`-'tWs- P6-­r'c-fias'a-bp-iion -'Co'ntract:... 4 % 'S. A x - - §ER DATE �p R v� DATE RCHAER S SALES 8i MARKETING 4 CENTER U C C NT R' PU CH S A� V.) P T % v .:V A; - RK ,:P 1p NO PURC 4ASER D T .;---,0ptions�,arq:offere 'an' are no a con '.a• "c"c'o�:'m.-m"'odNa'tt;"o'�n:' d- Jii6-ofj�e sale.' f 1) re re not eofnpla ed e q6ested a •7 `r' `cz 'I hapr.s:speqi,hcallons wroin; Si Iter.extent of lia bil y shall be limited to the 6ipoiIn n( S'ttrchaser. s a11.6t b-e-e-ntitle'd to terminate occaiicel the'Purchasia Cok(6,;Oor, FIr I thii�:Puichti;e,bption- o0krap at any tirne. if Se ler'Cancels this Purchase �p,Io' .SALES & MARKETING.-.,.:* D CQntract,,!t a aid -,coht(act.p)p st,be:canqqlledW )i. 'sO.e' 7) (7) 0 f wriuor notification from'Saller to Pui - c aqr. I 5 cancql--,xhils'i5urchose'dpjion Centrad: AV S ER D I 1 112 w. r 4 .i., —t.-- not �bmplqtpad' It 1r; are pot -comp sied'.to . specif. i q a ti o ns- he r in,': Seller extent of liability shall be limited to 1110 arilou�t, .-pai P urc asershall not be*cntitldd,t Id'f h' iinatp -or Cancel he Purchase Contract for )a�.'oancel'this"- Purchase, , . ti r It S ell4r -.ancels this Purchase Option .. . . '. -%. -... . I . . y P• ontract".th I Oontrtct-'must- be cancelledlled 'within sev.en.'(7) Ja of ritte n no fication from Seller Pur hase of- 4,01ler. s 1 -1 '.can e1`-'tWs- P6-­r'c-fias'a-bp-iion -'Co'ntract:... 4 % 'S. A x - - §ER DATE �p R v� DATE RCHAER S SALES 8i MARKETING 4 CENTER U C C NT R' PU CH S A� V.) P T % v .:V A; - RK ,:P 1p NO PURC 4ASER D T .SALES & MARKETING.-.,.:* D SIGN CENTER' PUIC 1 112 w. r 4 .i., —t.-- not �bmplqtpad' It 1r; are pot -comp sied'.to . specif. i q a ti o ns- he r in,': Seller extent of liability shall be limited to 1110 arilou�t, .-pai P urc asershall not be*cntitldd,t Id'f h' iinatp -or Cancel he Purchase Contract for )a�.'oancel'this"- Purchase, , . ti r It S ell4r -.ancels this Purchase Option .. . . '. -%. -... . I . . y P• ontract".th I Oontrtct-'must- be cancelledlled 'within sev.en.'(7) Ja of ritte n no fication from Seller Pur hase of- 4,01ler. s 1 -1 '.can e1`-'tWs- P6-­r'c-fias'a-bp-iion -'Co'ntract:... 4 % 'S. A x - - §ER DATE �p R v� DATE RCHAER S SALES 8i MARKETING 4 CENTER U C C NT R' PU CH S A� V.) P T % v .:V A; - RK ,:P 1p NO I . pQ' ��ii:-zi�g.;c•= �i t .� �' -••''..'-U�l�:.�HI�,~~ W;:• �•� • I.,. i _ .� ',-q �'�;v; t r �•� :;�- �-� � �3�-'- .� � _:G Roy: '`�,:�}:.�;� �, , ,� � : � � ,� .,,.��w %'.`' _' '}'!• ��:r.,�`r,;�nu, �'' �..r: -- e ti.•. ,;-tied`''• . '� � ;• � r . - - VIP� '�;� �:�?_�;�;� � ..- .'`� ~��'�• 'Q''... % =, =•• - •=ci: of I � • ac , Ll I ' � and ����j'�L.�� �S�p���� {?ra9�.::8... � •. :'-- � ' �' � '• �r7t�, .: ;ko the � �' � '•; lT "� a�" r f'. , _ :. �_. -�•. .v-,towledl Y +�'.3' 'q.'s.iyT:�, •. 'v.. ¢ ms of the h'.Pyrchase .;.'L '; `.: • i . ;/!� 6 ,y suffered ? ; S3 •;•; by,'aelh r m making , ' •;' ; .'� • ' ~�.,,. � r � !e home. � •�' � •3 Purcliaser°aprecs;thAt In tite'ev. - • �. $ 1 herewith :. r`ghall fie`forever:suer' ndored-to `Sellcr'as i�t, 7i 6ptions:ere!offere`d'6s`ari accq,!n dation and ara nota cono�.;:' !', ad are not compla ed "r"ara'not Cor i jetad to PurchasEr•'s s ccifications herein; Seller xtent J. toted to the amount ' ;paid for,the;rggi,e:s[q'•optlon t•.Purchaser+shall not be'entitledito't. rminate'gr.cence, chase Contract for ? •':nE ; "•S it t 511.�..rYt..�l,i'''S",'.'V''r.'t,•,�', :µ`:-'t ,s:. e:•i �1 �;: '••• •, ,.� �; _ : I .. ",'.ths hbnie.: Sel�er..my, canCel;thls;PurChase Option Contractat a y time. If Seller oenGels this Purchase Optio�t r I , ' I: `• ' Contract; thaVsaigl`contract must be cancelled..: within'seven:'(7j c a_ys of .Men,noti Kation from Selldr to Purchaser. ?" ;of.`Splier's' intent ocancol�tkiis"Purchase'Opiion'Contract:ti,; c I r^ :3. 3i:::�•::: hire%; i ! 2 i .4, .:'i z,- y1,. S.' tJ +�• I., t;; ':r�:?>. .:.1''' �!''+,i,'.� "°�!".)• ',.�i•.'_t.''�"':-' ,`i:� 14,•M/ �'�:�'..Y'- �M;" . 3, ;irii;':•,::.'�:: <� F:,; ; - C ASER , D" TE fPITEPU B,Uy'SALES & MARKETING DE$1(3P CENTER PUACHASIN,L2 I i , Y r V HIROHATA 4156648604 P 0.4 dEICN 2QOU (DATE:~; al5/a8 i' ij DR E. AND.'REQUEST FOR IMP pl l•Ch►TION, OF.; PLANS AND SPECIFICAT ONS i• PPUD # ;',TRACT LOT PLAN EL PHAS PROJECT; 1 -9'..:s. 2 953 72 6 t� Sonrisa �• I :t ; RCHASER NAIyIE ; PHONE NO (HQME) , � I ' y Hiro,lia>a' (760)775-4700; l,' j PHONE NO (WORjO :-11•:; PRR$ENT HOME A DR) SS j OPTIONS. REQUEST Q OPTION • QSCF�IPTION OPTIO TOTAL. l T PRICEPAID r $, 72-9-1:•' • Carpet upgrade'Shaw. SC015 Chlno Hills . 0(730 22.2 ,yds @ 19.40 43Q .8 •,t y` I 8" Nova "Co Berber 72� - '. UPgra e pad 3/ i' 222 yds. 3.10 installed 68 .2 `i 2.9-3 ' 12'x: 1'2 Tije ,Antica Roma(DT) 6,35 sq. ft. @ j 7 I 8.96 insta ted $68 .6 72-9� .' G'Pstorlh borde'r.design @ entry 40 .3 1 / "HAT.A�OR' HARQN1I .HIRO.HA7A_ ::i =gt�a JAHN,KOKI;H R _.�-. _ - :' .': ' • :.sssa7 �, ►,l I 3. ; . O , -:' :JOY, E;=HIAOHATA£'::r.7i .'�11. :• f HkIST -PHER:DR`..`::-.a_'� 53.E . ',3n^�^'/ I ',S•. ."•�. • FY' �,,L-` . '•��-f'w� :'X i• /� - �1Cr,C�'ri _:.T .'' .' n/a-•^ I I j I i:. _ �:�, bfi'p;?S"r ._�Y..�.�+;.0-`�� ��V'' _'�� •. ii... -.z. •::L. �� �-iV ' � 0 'nt �: •:y � .oder• � •.?' . ' �4 ,y !=" n�^ "" r: r: + "''�-`S.a•. i •�, j� a.' IO AO11AY5.�r.. .,..�,y • _ :.;.. ' ' LQ�: VINES: �' - �, �, l onrnc.rss:;' �° ;� �-• '�i$?�Stoa[uQulcY.u'd.;-' '4i � �'�' / - j .;:,•�. �:r]a'� _ ei I; f..��o��„�"::�;�/fN: '}•`a�=�'-' � -� 5T11' - � � �• I i`�`�':. Pvtchaso�r agreea' to pu}chas� the option items described for deliver in tite home which is under i �,.. �.,• : & co�Struci]on &tor to be, built'on the lot and tract indicated which Pu chaser 'Is buying p rsuant to a contr?ct'ot purchase to be. 4xecut9d.with Seller. Purchaser requests that the p ans & specificatlor�s for such homo be mo,difie� by thele optldn;items. Purchaser represents that the mod'ficationls requested are to be solely and exclusively•for t}.e,ban flt &'coltvenience'of the Purchaser and as c nsideTion to ind ce Seller to make; the +,+ modifications::! Nrcli'as�er agroos to"prepay the total price of the op ons as Indicated. rchaser acknowledges i 3 ; that'�xcept.for.the moaifica4ions requested, the home Is not being uilt to he'plans Ord specifications of the I 4�'.:. Pu[riltaser.,> Pui'.cha&er a roes that it would be difficult to determine he am pint of damages actually suffere�i by Sollci in making such modifications if Purchaser fails or'refuses t complete the put hass of tho home. pufehaser agrees: that ip the event of such failure or refusal for any eason,:the amoun collected herewith k.`• .r ; :.. . ' liquidated dame es. i•`3 �::' ` sholi beiforever''surronc�ere'd to Seller as llq 9 Optlons'are'offored,as' n accommodation and are not a Condition o the sae. if the requested are not completedl � SLI < -. •or' a'e not coni lafed t�Purchaser's specifications.herein, Seller ext�m of liahyility shallbe limited to the amount :. ro ••.. •' ption.. f'urthaser shah not be entitled to ter (nate pr'. cancel thy Purchase Contract for paid f orthd req • ested o •' .I I '' f i the }some. •'' S614r may -cancel this Purchase Option Contract'at any time: if $eller cancels this Purchase Option ij Contract, that satd cod tract be cancglled within seven (7j da of wrI ten notification from Seller to Ptlrcha er ,y I ail ell is intent to cancel this Purchase Option Contract: A�U HAS4R DATf� HAS-gR ATS ;rs BUS ER.'• ' i SALES & MARKETIpESIGN CENTER FURCf1ASl�IQ. I;. >; ! I' •�; t 1. .1 i I DSIGNV;o0,o ! ' DA f;10/6`( ','ORTI� <ORD �� ;• 'G,:O - �., lr ,A.Nt?`REQU1~ST::EOR,. / .a :-rIVIODIFICA; .... QF'P1wANS ,AND,'.SPFCIF{ ATIONS ;ORDER `!f #1'RAC1"'':: :.LOT. PLAN ;' Cl EV. P AS PR CT 1 144 ': •,;• . 1 PUfiCHASERS.NAME::'•:';:'•::•': : PHONE NO J. OME i PRESENT, HOME, E, ADDRESS.'.. l PHoNF NO 1 mk :i PTIO.RI :: D SCRIPTION• -y.� ' 0 TION TOTAL. A D D TO F;il RICE RAID, I P R ` NI St' - 7 9y i 9 a 14 . r. }`` ., •• ��� 1 . -.'M1 /7 /tet 71 .1 r "j. r7 :3 TTA�- OPTION J! bS SELECTED f -1 -,_jTQi /a "'-COCLECTED WITH THIS ORA R." - - r. J. •T67T_�, AD6r=D4O.PURCHASE' PRICE' PUj6haset:b'9reQ'$`%o-the option items describe4 ford .the home which Is under -p: V bbilt'oh."the'lot'and tract ihidi;rited whic,l).-Purchaser is bu) ing PW51,lant to a contract of :-'P. u. fc- h a 6. e- a'� e.' $ P 6b6 1�e'cutod with etier;�-Pvrchastr requests that the'olans & specifications for Suc) h n -i1)6di f ibb,by- the's FUCchas.er represents th!a6*he'mQjMca'iions req awed are to be solei and' or -,t4 on consideration .1 f the Purcha r n. `as consi'di ation induce Seller to ma,ke"th .��co.nven,enca o ZX rF.haser.agees to'prepay th¢ total PrIca'of't e'optloh as indicaked. Purchaser ackn6wfodpei requested, tile home- is n6t eing built: to the plE ns and specifications oft a -'PurCKaser,:Puicliase'r.a'g're'es"'that it'wojuld be difficult to 'doter nline Ih. e.arnwnt O.damageS Mually s6f(iire 'ti'oller'.i.n'making modifications if Purchaser failiof ref Ices to complete ti -a purchase of tho'ho'(no. j -purchaser, agrees:-Ihat- in%the'-iiVeot of s6ch-jail6ra.oriefus'al fo- any re4jon,'the amount collected i 'shiall, bo.!. ll'c�as liquidated damages.,. "zis`bn'aVc6mmodatlon and arq nota he requested condi jon'of.�Iib,sale. 'If L e we not cqmplctei diti 4. x0'P6r6ha-sei!s soe6ifi6ations liabilit shall be limited to th'e a.m Wit k'S x paid for.t)e�requqsle.option; - t fl �ot be entitled:t( �ermin,�ie or. oamr, the Purchase Contract gr 'to 9%r�' may I this Purchase Option the ho'm0.1.i:Selj y,cance *t ntram t,4ny't.irn.a, If Sell r cancels this Purth"a Option ivst.b� cancell��'�vithin'sevon­(I) d 0 written rotification from SbIler t6 Purqic ntri Ois Purchase Op�iiqq C�ntraci' ;J 7 7 14SER YA1 - - --------- URCHASER I PAI IV BUYER SAL 4S & MARKETING M GN CENTER' FURC ...; ...... . . . . . . l0 I �• "' +.• ^-9 HIRDHATA 4156648604 e P 01 DSIGN:2 00' ;�, t ;.: • 1' .'....: .. i DAT l `. .;: .; . f.O�TIONrOR ;.:.. . r :AND REQUEST FOR. f 1 AT ON..OF. PLANS AND SPECIFIC TIONS i'.I .. ... 1 i I .4 :ORDER ,if.:•t,'RAC T,':: ,LOT PLAN ELEV PHS PROJECT ' a' •''; PURCHA$ERS i PHONE NQ (HOME) PRESENTHOM DARES b f PHONE N OR I ".;OPTIONS REQUE 7E.1?� t' 9 I OPTION; i DE Cill IPTI ON. A K. 6M ION TOTALADp E 70 PR CE PAID j:I • • i i 1 !i i; S, ;-;;;: JONNKOKh•HIRCiHATQ'OR HAAUMI IROHATA I '! '1`3CYCE:HIROHATA:...i.`:.'. r j . .:: a' ,86/121,.. i I HRIST&HEIi:�I)fi:?::::';:'.: •:' ' roue . 1.49 ,y ,�: ^;f<,itsA '•FtatiNclsc6,:cn�sist: `..•'' ::! :I � -.�a - ��:' :•D'a'r � •� :' i 'i I' J� o- I,Y , if i —7-- W - Doha '_WO��n t". I r �:...;. h. SAVINGS®:_ 1595 SI'..... ..:.. e1.vr,fss•';. 1 I:: .P •,I. •,.;, oiiriloufe'ranl �......: l; •p/ S/�an Fn,ulsco, Celdomle 94132 �: Q 14 9.:.li!. • s. -- -:4 S 4 t A - - i `: �� .; j ; :;: zl:' E I it ;;: •j' `.;. : TOTAL ADDED TO PURCHASE PRICE i - EE �.^; i I 1 PurchBscr•ag"rAas;to` uichase;the option'jtems descrjb'ed for d¢Ijv ry 1/111 a home wh ch is under • h g pursuant to a contract of conatructjon;;BJot fo a built pn the lot End'tract inidceted whie rchesOr,ls buYin :. p tirclt55o; to ria "(�.eci. ted With SeUer., Purchaser requests that the Iplans•& specifications for such home be •. I m dlfled by thdso op on items:' Purchaser represents that the mc dificaiio s request d are to be sololy and ektlusively for 1h'¢ tianefit &'convanienca'of the t urchaior and as consider tion to in uce Seller to make the: I ;: m diffcations,.`;Filchaset Agrees to prepay the total price of;the o tions a's Indicated. Purchaser acknowledges I. I ' " t; that ekes t fort, a modrfica(lona re nested, the home is not bein built td the plans nd specifications of the i !%;F PuCGhdser::Pufchase� agre�s'ili;t,it would be difflcult to datarmin the amount of da ages actually suffered, I i. :'by:$el;ir in-meking such modI Icationsi( Purchaser fails or refuses to complete the p rchase of the home.; Purghaser'aprr~es;tti'ekip the event of such. failure or refusal far an reason, Itha amen t collected herewith' jS;'�. • , shill beforeversurreQderad to�Seller as Ijquidata damages. ..Optiorii erc,oflgicd'd$'an accommodation and are not a condition f tit safe. If the aquested are not campieted '9r aie noTcompleted 1o' Purchaser:sapecjficetiona herein; Seller a relit of IIbility she I be limited to the amount i 'x pairl.fo„the rBQusite optlan,..Purchisar'ahall not be entitled•to ter 'trtate or'cancel th Purchase Contract for. the ho e.: SelieC' a cancel this Purctiase 0 Ption Contract at an tim.'If Seller ea cels this Purchase 0 pelion I i �+....,..:..t m . }: Cop(ratt, that sold contract must he cancelled within seven (7) da iitten notifi erten from Seller to Purchbor I ?' :o(Seller's intGtSt To. 'ancol`this'Purchese'Option`Convact: . 0. HASEjt SDA E. i PUT) DATE: BUYER;::: ;:,r:,, : SALES & MARKETING' . ;OESIGN ENTER PURCHASINOf ,; l t- I S I