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07-0015 (MECH)
P.O. BOX 1504. 78-495 CALLE TAMPICO LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 BUILDING & SAFETY DEPARTMENT BUILDING PERMIT VOICE (760) 777-7012 FAX (760) 777=7011 INSPECTIONS (760),777-7153 Dater 1/03/07 Application Number: 0'T=:;0;00000,1''5_ Owner: Property Address: 53785AVEN D CORTEZ MARTINEZ CORRINE; APN: 774-141-0,13-2-OOO,OOA- 53785 AVENIDA CORTEZ Application description: MECHANICAL LA QUINTA, CA 92253 Property Zoning: COVE RESIDENTIAL Application valuation: 4500 Contractor: Applicant: Architect or Engineer: ALL ABOUT AIR PQ BOX 5936 D e' LA QUINTA," CA 9.2248 (760.) 578-7-913' Lic. No.: 874583 JAN 03 2001 CITY OF LA QUINTA f Chapter 9 (commencing with License is in.full force and effect. OWNER -BUILDER DECLARATION I. hereby'affirmunder penalty of'perjury that I.am exempt from.the Contractor's; State License Law, for the following reason;(Sec. 7031 :5,.Business and Profesafonsi.Code: Any city or..coumyahat requires a permitto .construct, alter,. improve, demOlisH,.or-repair°any structure, prior to its issuance, also requires'the applicanf'for;the permit to file a'signed statement that he or she is licensed pursuant t0-the!provisiona of the GOntradior!s State License Law'(Chapter9 (commencing with Section 7000) of Division 3 of the Business and Professions Code):or that he or, she is exempt therefrom andthe basis for the alleged exemption. Any violation of Section 7031.5 by any applicant fora perrtiit eubiects;the,applicant to.a civil penalty of riot,'more'than five: hundred dollars ,(8500).: 1 _ 1 1, as;owner'of the property, orimy'employees:with wages as their Bole compensation, will do the work; and the structure isnot intended or offered for sale (Sec. 7044, Businews and.Professions Code: The Contractors''State License'Law.downot apply to an owner of property who builds or improves.thereon, and who does the,work.-Himself or', herself Lhrough-his or herown employees, provided that the improvements are not intendedlor offered for sale. If, however; the'building or.;improvement is sold •Within one year of completion, the owner-builderwill havethe burden -of proving that he,orshe did;not buildw improve,for the purpose of sale.')''. 1 _ 1 I, as owner of the property, am exclusively contracting with licensed contractors to construct the,project (Sec. 7044, Business arid' Piofessions,Codei The Contractors' Stete!Lioanse Law does not+apply to sn ownerof property who builds or improves thereon; and who!contracts for'th&projects with a'contractor(s);Iioensed pursuant to the'domractors"State License Law.., 1 _) I am+exempt under Sec. B.&P:C. for this reason Date: Owner: CONSTRUCTION LENDING AGENCY I:hereby affirm underpenalty'of penury thaLthere_ is &const_ruction lend ing:egency'for theperformanawof the work, for which thfs,permit is issued (Sec.:3097, Civ. G'): Lender's' Name: Lender's Address: LQPERN(JiT WORKER'S COMPENSATION DECLARATION I hereby affirmjunder'pent[yof"perju'one'of the following declarations: _ I:have.snd will, maintain -a certifies of'consent to self-insure,for workers' compensation, as provided for by`Section 3700 of the'Labor Code; ef,the performance of the worklfor' which this •permit 'is issued. - - _ I,have:and will maintain workers' compensation insurance,'as�required:by Section 3700 of.the Labor Code,.for the performance of-the-workforwhich this permitis,issued. My workers' compensation insurance,carrier'and policy number: are: Carrier- EXEMPT Policy Number' EXEMPT ' I,eenify that; in the performance of the work -for which:this,permitiii'issued, l:shall not employ. any Orion in any mariner so!19.11MIfoth become subject,to the workers' compensAtin'laws.of California,. and agree that,'ifd!shou e subje he workers compensation.provisions;of-Section 370}0 of the Lab ,wi 'co ply with thepe,provisions, / Este: 7 7'O WARNING. FAILURE TO SECURE WORKERS' COMPENSATION COVERAGE I& UNLAWFUL,. AND SHALL SUBS ECT AN MPLOYER TO'CRIMINAL PENALTIES AND CIVIL FINES UP'TO'ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLARS (8100;000). IN. ADDITION TO THE COST'OP COMPENSATION, DAMAGES'AS PROVIDED FOWIN SECTION 3708°OF THE LABOR CODE, INTEREST, AND ATTORNEY'S FEES. APPLICANT ACKNOWLEDGEMENT IMPORTANT Application is hereby made ioths Director of Building and Safety for a permit subject to the conditions and rastridtions set forth on "this'application. 1. Each person upon whose behalf this'., application is made, each person'at:Whose requestand:for whose benefit work is performed under or pursuant to any permit issued as a result of this -application, the owner, and the.applicam„each agress,to, and, shall, defend, indemnify and hold harmless the City of La Quints, itsofficers, apants'an&employees for: any act,or omissiomrelated to the.work being performed under'or following issuance of this permit., 2. Any, permit issued as a result of this.application becomes nuil.and void if woik js not;commenced within 180 days from date of issuance of; such permh, or cessation of workfor 180' -days will subject Of that (have read this appfication and state that the; abovefnformation is correct. I agree to,comply with, all coynty ordinances and st@jw aws,relating to buitdfQconstructioryegd'hereby authorize representatives (Applicant Application'Number . . . 07-00.00.0015; Permit MEC_HANIC_AL Additional desc Permit Fee 31.50 Plan Check Fee 7.88 Issue Date . . . Valuation . . . . 0 Expiration Date 7'/0=2/'07 Qty, Unit Charge Per Extension BASE.FEE 15..00 1.0,0 16.5000 EA MECH-B/C >3-15HP/>100K-50OKBTU 16.510 ---------------------------------------------- ------------- Special -- ------------------ Special Notes and Comments REPLACE AC HEAT'PUMP Fee. summary Charged Paid Credited Due Permit Fee Total 31.50. .:00 ..00 31.50 Plan Check Total 7.8'8 .00 .00 7.88 Grand Total 39.3'8 .00 .00 39.;38 CQPEIUff Cerfifidate of Compliance Prescriptive Method - HVAC-6nly, Alteration CFA R -ALT Project Tltle-r, 0 CaICERTS 2005 Project Address: A* Clernatp Zone- IS - Btdkft PoInd Doc wwritatioin Autho;, /40 Z,- Telephone: 760 Plan -Check Deb Gofnpa Name. Field Check.0ole IMPORTANT.' This CF -1R -ALT form is only foruse Whmn an nlyalteratdtis made to an 6dsfihg horrie- Use one form for each sygtern'beingq^alltered. This is s stem # of svdm,.s---aL-red in this house: Check all lines ftiifiipbw_ Choick,oh1hr 1111nome that molly - Scope, aFAIterations: i Sr Ali Handler is Lobe, installed or, replaced; Duct Selift to be determined.. Continue, to nod line. 2 0 FumacokMow"eria-tobehMied:ormpWW. Duct seating to be determined. ContinudWriddline. .3 DixtSeWft,orgftTXV(RCA)to.bodetmnbied. Continue to rmd ba. -4 13 co awftorhonviigcouistDbewamiodorr*aced. Ductsm ewing,orwm -ConfinuetDfmd,lna pMtDbedetermined: thiii 46 fbd:of noN,Gr MOWMM duct- SM to be WmWW1n.mmcdWmWq)we Duct amillng4obedeiermined. El -Check two If the Wfim duct ,Wet m is alio to be nomm or mom ad. Continue nod line.. 6 13. if none of fines -i -tare checked.. nell1w Duct soft rw Txvtft(.,A) we required. GotoSectlanS. Sectiop I = Duct S6lin d (Ordi if -MV of Lin" 1. Z 3L 4 or. 6,em chedted. Sido if Llfw.6 is.chedwd.) 7 0 This wisterwis in CINnatsZorieJ, 3.4,1,41.1, orL8. No'ductseWirtg,is *uiredL.'GotDSwObn'2. 8 0 This systerwNis law then:46,foot at ducts in unco- K-Woned1pam Modidsiiffils:required.GotoSecOon.1 9 13 this wmm,wn lxeviouaiy wood aridtested, and was cartiftedby a HERS rotor. du6F_4R� No ct smiliis . A na rewitaiddschepre0im. �form: Go to Section 2. 10 0 This duct wistermis sealed or boulated.wilh asbestos. Noduct Seel` is'mqufrsd: GO to Section 2 N , :' If 1helgbgre ducts istor be'ridWdr-Witid6d,Liiiesll-14dbifoti#opllf. 11 0 In ClimalsZones 2.12 wW18: An 0.92AFUEAmm-owill beinstollid'hi lieiibf duct1 � WIWif applicable seaT ll no W_ 12 0 In Climate Zones 10i 13 and 15 An 11-4 1192EER .12corrderrserwill be withTXV�(RCA Installed AM 13 13 In Climate. Z660 9 10., 11, 13,14,,or 15 ER 1 Q 14 &Erm fi,con� win be hM'NW with MgttA' mD a o.92 AFUE ftenwe will be I . &-ictmallng.GotoSectlanZ 14 0 In, cumawZones 4o,-ii,i2,i4or.l$.-Anl$tEftr"14&WEER liWiser wdbe,kmteftd'.whh'T"OtCA) 013 an 0.82 AFUEfurnwemwill to JhMiad WMLbCk=o duct lrW1JWdMLn UM'Dfdud"wwlGo to Section 2-L 1541 of IMes T-14: abae'aie'dredoed: DuctSmUMbRaiplivid; Caftkw, Section 2 - TXV(RCA) (Only, if Lines 3 or 4 ane -checked; btfterWaegotto Section 3) 16 E3 thesystionbeirmaltered igapackwourdt. NouvinGPIs mQuired. (36toSection 2l. 17 0' This v/sternlis in Climate Zone fl and a14 SEER idr,conditiorwor 6:82,A]FUE Amiscels-tim.-M installed. N03W1smiulred. GOWSWUM 3. 18 E3. Thi8rAtefni$Lin(;IhuftZom1.,or7. No T)N_ACA_)'fS rewhid , Go tp Section, 3 1 . 19 13 Tiftristm;isinClimate Zone l6WOline l4'iBnot�checW. No.TXVMM!smmdmd. GotoSection 3. 20is 'V 0 1 Th 'is In ClinigaZato'16'and in 141s checked and.not line 16. 1MVMWmquhv& __Go1oSedlon_3�. 2 fridsvpOn LsinCOMateZdrie2oril15'andilrio11',16or-171srK*; TXV(RCA)!Wr9quIrvd, Go t6 Section Sa Sedtio, = HERS Rider Verification 22 19 trane 15 is CheCkedi, HERS Tor Duct Seaft. 23 ❑ U line- U, 14.14, 20 cr1_1 we checked widnot,lim 16 or it. HM vert icadon Is requined fw 124 ❑ I.fine 12.13 or 14 we docked'. HERS"YOdrdadon,ii.requbid,fbri2, E13t. Sectio nA - Eauipment:Efficiencles 25 W Pf lines 11, 12, 113,14 or 11, are chedaed,ulporeded om:ltioniont Section 5, Duct R -Values 26 C1 lifmorethavi46"wduct isbei ng :or replacad, duct R -value must inset or ocead Package 0 -eQtd - -a- enhL 270 Ifflesathan 404W of duct is' bei ng;kmlalleclvr duct Rwalue must ifieeforR-4.2 IlSeddon 6 - am nod)pVe Ven ;ion sion 03-10-06 Page 1 of 2 Thit, form canonlybe used on projects, being verified 'by. CalCERTS certified raters. WWW.Tealcoft.com Cer ificate, of'Compliance Prescriptive Method -WAC -only -Alteration- CFAR-ALT l 11-7 PO ®Ca10ERTS 2005 I PORTANT: This CF-11yR-.ALT fort is only for use when an HVl AC ►ly a tion is made to an eidsting home. Use one form for each s m; altered. Thls,is.s t .sof I systems altered In this house. Sedion6 - Minimum Requiremerds4dr.Equlpment;to bwInstalled/Altered. babded eqw*m t must ifieW 49aftcadon and moo or ®meed . 28 .OSpBI system t] Pudwp lb a 29 Flamer OQaslimsoe,AFUE- TAU,Cftftrkt FAU OOUier 30 0_... _ 31 13 32 O or; ` coup OMC OHeawm D 33 0 All: mandatori measures wply to any altered component See MF -.1 R'- ALT form. Compliance, Statement: This certificate of compliance fists the building feabmes and spedfications needed to -comply with.Tide 24, Parts 1 'and 6'of the. California Code of Regulations,: and'the administretive'reguletions to.Implement them. This certificate has been,signed by the individual,with,overall pmjed,resporalMlity.. The`.underslgned-recognizes that comptlance.using dud sealing, verification of reMgerant charge, and TWregWm Installertestlng and certificatlon and verificationbyamapproved,HERS rater. Horne,, Owner or Authorized Agent Documentation Author N Nance: Company Gty�state/Zipc . _. ,. dress:.. Pa 'F- -0;�s: Phone:, City Phonal, 0 -5 -7613 Signabire: ent ancy (BWW!na De N menta Name: Department: - Phone.*: Fax # - Signature or Stamp; Required forms: CF -1 R -ALT: by anyone. 'Required at time of pennWapplication. Copies:to home owner. enforcement agency, HERS rater. CF -6R -ALT: by .installing contractor: Required to dose permit: Copies .to'home owner, enforcement agency., TIERS rater. CF--4R-ALT- by HERS'rstsr. Required to dose permit: Copies to home owner„enforcement agency, installer:: The°CF•4R tones fora_ sam 7e rou shall` of be released until Oleo a verification is completedI ndentire Vension:0340-06 Page 2 of.2 This1orm can only be'usedon Omje&&_beft verified by,C610ERTS certilled raters. www:calcerts.com Bin City of Lel QuOnta Building at Safety' Division, P.O. BOX 1504, 78-495' Calle'Tampico La CA 92253 - (760) 777=.7012 � Quinta, • Building Permit Application and Tracking Sheet Permtt # � � ' Project Address:- Owner's Name: 110yiM. A L A P. Number Address:' Sri1&(- Ave / i'e-z,. Dews Leggy Ion: City,;ST,Zip: 0A � Z Contractor: &O(I,T. 2 Address: (v Telephone: Project'Description: city; ST,zip: C,y Z2 Y . Telephone; 760' S7f- 9/ A State Lic- :: -&-3 City Lic: #'. Arch., Engr., Designer: �+ Address:. City., ST, Zip: Telephone: State Lic: Name of Contact Person:' p R,n Z Construction.Type: — Oocupancy: Frojocf type(circle ane): Now - -Add'n ter Repair Demo Sq,'Ft.: #Stories: # Units: Telephone# of Contact Person: 'S g- 7,1121 Estimated Value of.Project:— APPLICANT: DO WOT WRITE 13EL-OW THIS LINE Submittal Req'd :. Reed 'IRACKIW. PERMIT FEES' Plan'Sets r1anCCheeksubmitted ` item Amount Structural Cales. Rev_ ewed, ready:tor Hogs Ping Cheek'Deposit Truss Cales. Caned Coutaccrerson. ,PIan.CheekiBalagce Ener" Cales. inane lAcked up Coadivetlon Floodplain plan Pians resubmitted Mechanical Grading. plan vIRevlew,;ready for eorrectionsfissae Electrical Subeontactor List Called Contacbperson•' Plumbing Grant Deed Plass picked gp S.M.L H.O.A. Approval Plans�resubmitted Grading IN ROUSE:- $W'Revew, resdy for.terrectionstissde; Developer lmpsct'Fee� Planning Approval Caned Contact Person A.ILP:IPc Nb. Wks. Appr Datr.of:permitissue School Fees Totalfermit Fees .wN 711i U CERTIFICATE OF FIELD'VERIFtCA"iftON 11k,'DIAGNOSTICIESTING (Page 1 of 8) CF -4R 53785 AVenlda Cortex - La Quanta, CA 922S3 All About, Air/. 874583 Proyr''Address 5 contractor Name lUcense No., All -1 Dlq , 07-000001015 'contractor contact relephone Permit Number Rafael Aldaz 760-564-9963 51060 HERS`ftter Tefephone :Sample -Group Number January 5, 2007 CC1461798391642 CertflKng,signature Dare Z9025te FumbiF Firm: A L D C;O Ale HERSProvider-CaICERTt, Inc., Street'Address: 52580 Avenida Carranza Cit 'tate/Zip._ Qu n -CA / 92253 house, was,R Tested DApproved'-ps part of sample testing; but .was not. tested ie HERS rater providing diagnostic testing and field vedficalion,lcertify that the house, identified on this form complies with the iosticitested compliance requirements a,s,;hecked on thiVfbnn. The HERS ratee must check,and verify; that the newdistribubon -m is fully ducted,and correct tape Is usedbefore a CF -4R may be released on every. jCjl;j:d. building. The, HERS,rater;rnust- not' ise the CF -4R until a properly completed and signed CF�61k, has been received.,fDrthe, sampleand testew'build.ings;. 'he installer has provided a- copy, otifieb�-61k-(Insiallatlon Certificate):tew,Distribu , tion system: is fully ducted (i.e., doesnot,use building cavities as plenums, or platform, retums1n lieu of ducts)., OeV systems: Where cloth backed, rubber adhesive duct cape is Installed,, mastic anddrawbands are. used in combination With ;Inth harkad nihhar,2r1hPc1%tj- dii+ tana-m ca'al 1palm'at rhir+ rnnnPrtinnc MINIMUM RgQU_X_1"4WkMS- FOR DUCTLEAKAGE' REDUCTION COMPLIANCE CREDIT: NEW CONSTRUCTION Duct PressurlzationTes.t Results. (.CFM @ 25'11.1) MeasuredValues 1 rmiiep T.,asked.6a N/A, 2 Fan Flow: Calculated (Nomi-nal j Cooling 0 Heating) or I Measured 1600 -Enter Total Fan Flow in CFM: ,3 1 Apsolli4mo6age PeNeAtiage 4 696 [ 1994'(14Mii N/A N/A ALTERATIONS: Duct System and/or HVAC Equipment'Change-Out _g ysternj_.__ 4 Enter Testedleaka e Flow in CFM from CF -6R: Pre-Test,of'Existing Duct: -System Prior to Duct System Alt6ration and/br'Equipment Change -Out.* 5 Enter Tested Leakage Flow!in,CFM: Fhial'Ttqst �of'New Duct System;or Altered Duct System, 225 for Duct Systern,Alteration and/or�Eq4ipment Change -Out: 6 Enter Reduction In Leakage, for Altered Duct, System [Line 4 - Line 5] - (Pnly if Applicable) 7- Enteffested Leakage-FloW 1wCFM to Outside (Only if Applicable) & Entire,,New Duct System - Pass if Leakage Percentage < 6% E 100 x Line 5,/ Line -1 A: ❑Pass. ❑Fail TEST OR VERIFICATION STANDARDS:` For, Altered Duct System and/or WAC Equipment Change -Out; use one of the follovAng fourlreit or Verification Standards: for compliance; 9 Pass If•Leakaige Percentage z<°= 15%,[ 1004,( Line 5 /Line 2 14,06% pis ❑Fail 10 Pass if Leakage to Outside. Percentage k= 10% 100 x;( Line 7 Une1)]: 0 Pass El rail 11 Pass if Leakage Reduction Percentage >= 60% 100 x ( Line 6 /Lihe.4)] I and Verification by §moke,Tesit and Visual Inspection El Pass 0 Fail 12, Pass if,Sealing of all Accessibleleaks and' Verification by Smoke'Test and Visual Inspection ass El Fail Paw If One of Unei #9 through *12 R CERTIFICATE OF FIELD VERIFICATION & DIAGNOSTIC TESTING (Paget3l-4 of 8) CF -41K 53785', Avenida Cortez La Quinta, CA 92253 _ AII'About Air/ 874583 Pro Address nuactor ame cense o. 07-00000015 Mn -tractor -Contact, one Permit Number Rafael Aldaz 760-5644963 51060 HERS Rater Telep ne mp roup Mumber January 5, 2007 Cc_ 14-1798391642 Certifying Signature ateCertificate Number Firm: A LDC O. Air HERS Provider:Ca10ERTS, Inc, Street Address: 52580 Avenida Carranza Clty/Sta_WZip La QuInta 92253 ' providing 04p 9 P ` 9, tested., The house was.©Tested roved as act of'sam le testin' but'wes not " As the: HERS rater rovidin dia nostirtestin and,field venflcation,.I:.oertify that house identified on this formmeomplies with, the diagnostic tested compliance requirements aschedied on this form., The installer has provided :a copy of the CF -W (Installation Certificate). Access is provided forinspection. The procedure shall consist of'visual verification that the TXV is. installed on the -system and installation of'the specifiic- equipnient shall be verified. Pass U Fail Installation Certificate PrescriptWe Method - HVAC -only Alteration CF=6R-ALT /mjectTitle: W rl l h eJ / t / w! /w l/ Date: I — ®2QOS CaICERTS EnOUroearent u_ jed,Address: Climate Z Buldriperad# nstalling.Contrador- Telephone: Ow* gate ComP y Name: FW Cried* pft. IMPORTANT: This CFVR form lso*.fdiiisewNnMHVAC-ordyafteraWnLsma-fttoane)dsftn home. Use >one.form..foreach system;being uttered. This is.systern Ate_ of. f systems altered in Etas house. Copies tojibmeowner, HERS Rater, and Build D_ epairtment List the;spedfications forthe newly installed equipment: These must match the'instailed equipment exactly. . Installed equipment:must,match twe4ocadion and meet or exceed efTicienciesm-values from CF -1 R. Evipment Type Manufacturer Model'Number Efficien : Load" Ca a Furnace AFUE Heat Ekchanger WA Heat Pumpfe6coil mo/0, Hydronic fan coil WA Other FAU Describe Package gas/AC AFUE SEER Padcage heatpump HSPF SEER EE. A/C Condenser SEER Heatpump Condenser /�) -14 0 `{'$ It HSPF Q Q SEER OD Indoor DX coil EER' Hydronic :coil Provide.EER if needed foe cortipfiance ((fine 24 of CF-IR=ALT).. InstagOF must:piovidwadequate documentation to verify EER. In same cases the aPedfc'ftdnv= rnay.need to be verified:in order to.achieve a'specific EER. In some cases a time,delay relay andlorTXV. may. need to've verified in order to achieve.a specific'EER: Loads are sensible for cooling. Capactfies,are, sensible, at desi mconditions forcooling and ad" al itude,:downftow, etc: ouW for hes' IfTXV is required, by the CF -1R form (line, 23:on CF -1R -ALT form), it has.been installed and'acce.a has been provided for visual verification b "HERS rater. Sampliho is allowed for TXV verification. 'hely New Dud System: (Line -S of CF -1 R ACT) O For Entirety new dud systems, the required kekage.is:6% ratherthan 15%for'attered systems. The alternative to duct al' , .lnrxeasi the efficiency of.the:equWment .. is not anoption 'on for en ' .new dud -systems. "'_ dhe undersign .LMiy that'It.w.equipment fisted'above k 1) the actual -equipment installed in the home; 2)'equal to ormore:.efTir�t' anrequtred by este of Compliance (CF -1R -ALT Forft and 3) equipmentathat meets or exceeds the appropriate. uirertrerds man dared deWoes (Appliance Ef kiency'Standards), where applicable. ; ithevnd nod, v that dia test.resufts,bled on this form were: perfomrad:'in conformance with the' requirements for plian arrd th newy i orn ed mechanical system dDrnponents conform with the Mandatory requirements n 150(m); `2 Buildlbg' Energy Etifdency Standards. Instal Date: otee a- . LL Version 03-10-06 Pagwl of 2, This form can•onty bevsed on projects being verifiediby:CaICERTS ced&%,d raters. www.ce.,kaft,.com Installabon Certificate PrescriAtive lWethod - HVAC -only Alteration CF -.6R -ALT Project Title: Ka-rl, Dite: Q1005;CaICER TS IMPORTANT: This, CF-6R';fdrm'is only for, use when. an HVAC-oniy alleratiOn is made to an existing home Use one form-fbr each system being altered. This is system# I of systems altered in, this, house - ,,HERS R -TB-7 Copies to: Homeowner ater, and uilding Department, Duct -Leakage test Results If duct testing is required Wr, CF -1 R -ALT form Stop I Preaest.Lesk"e.of the !pWZ before any alterations. This,lost is optional and is onlyused for the 60% reduction 9ption 1 lPre-test leakage: I ICFM25 2 Lim .1 x;0:4 a &arget,for 60%,reducbm 2 - Determine TotEdSystern Fan Flow. Use my of thew methods -Use, values for equi afWalterations: 3 Cooling: Condensertonnago: tons x 400 CFMAon:-, Ila 'in CFhi 4 Heating: FumaoeoUtput._Btuh,x,.0217CFMA3b&- �FM 5 6 Measured: (refer to ACMIManual Appendix RE,, section 4.1) Measurement method: 0 How hood 0 plenum pressure matching 0 flow grid 7 - fidel . FM may useC hIghost of knee 3,A, or 5. fsystem11an ftwvaluo to be used: I I Lobo Stop's - Deterniine Targets: - i Total SYstem fan flaw (line 7 from above) x 0:06 - ICFM25 = 804 Isaw targot(now dUCtisySteins) ToW System fan flow (tine 7 from above).x 6.15 = 2,4Lt 0 "5-- 1504 leakne'laigat 9 Total System fan flow (fina'7 from above) x 61 i , 0- 1�171A26'- 16461eakage to outside ta� Step.4-.A ons'. Must be consWent,with ft CF -IR form. 10 : eal all now connections with approved materials; 11 Er No'n constructed portions of,the system can unducted building covittes Wconvey system I air, EN If 12r CO3 If adding or repladhi; more than ,40,feet 4duck, insulaWnew. dUCjqrpW D for that climate zano 5 =Final Leakage (reguler,duct leakage twit for 15% total and 60% reduction) 13 leakep =, I � ICFM25 fCfer,tD,2WSACM' appendixRC- iSix*onsRC,4.3:I 4a E3 F.111no 113 Is leas than g" house 60ases the 6%- leakow nnuireatenOo tost" 9. '4b 00 ill lline 13 1 Is less than If ne 8b, house poes-es,Vto 16% lealmsig - rerneft . Go to' 9. 15 0 i ins 13 is less then llne1, house posses the.60%.roduction noWdrement 16 0 - IF ofter of lines 148; 14b or 15are chocked, HERS verification is 'red:. Sampling can be used:.r 1.7 13 'Clineists tPA'not' checked 14a or 14b. Smoke Tedtiand Visual ionofAocessibleDu6t Sealini; is required.;G0 to SUP Step 6-Leakagetoouftide: simitar to a regular duc(iftstaniest but the' house is'pressurized to 25 pascol is at the same time. 18 1 :F, rCFM25 r.%ft,'2605,ACM appendix RC, Sediom.R*C 4.33 I , 9 13 9 Wllrw 18 W less tihan line'$, house Posses that lookow to oulaide mulroment MtffinoO 210 E3 passes, HERS i6rification is requited. Sar* r4can biused Stop 7- N the house does not possany of fifies 14.15 or 19. 21 0 LSr�nqkTest and Visual in of Accessible Duct Sealing -is regiuked. SewStop 8. .22 0 Install' required'labol Pot ACM Appendix RC. Sections RC.4.3.5. Stop 8 -Smoke Test and Visual Verilication. (See 2006 Residential ACM x RC,.S6ctions.RC 4.3:6-7) 23i 13 lPerform smoke tost,per ACM Appendix RC, Sections RC 443.6. 24 0 IPerform Visual Inspection and repair of excessively darryged ducts per ACM Appendix RC, SectionwRC 4.37. 25 13 q materiel .ACM. ix RC ,Sections RCA.37.. ISeal registwl boots to surroLuxW— HERS on 26 W if line 14186fitecked. i5%teikage.to boveriflWby'HER $:mtw.:,tem'pfing,isallowed: 27 13 Iftine l5i&checked. 00% leakage reduction to be verifiedby, HERS rater (posttest only), AND Smoke Test and Visual Verification to be by HERS Rater: Sampling.1s alkpAed. 28, C3 ERS now. Sampling is;allowed. iilne-101s,ckecked. 10%, leakage to outside to be,veffa& by HERS .29 0+f none bfrnes14; 15iorlWaro checked Smoke Tost-and fix;all NosampringalkrAvd. Sampling Only if, house passes on lines 14; 15 or, 19. - 3a 13 1.j Homeowner chooses,to be1put into a group -of hoinesf-br randombird party HERS sampling.. 2.) Homeommer,, installer and rater mustsign1he three -party agreement 3.) Alf above tests:. muit be completed by:the installer or 11tel, representeffive, not the.thlrd party No -%HoUSerdoes7not paS8bylines 14, IS or ig; OR,homeovsw chooses not to be riot a samme.group, 31 G I-) . House to be testailby a third party HERS,rater selectidby installer - 2) Homeomer, instal ler.and'rater must sign thwthreewparty:s9reernept- 3.) All above' tests may tie: comptatedby;tb6instalier. or their presenistive, r and thaniverMed by a third party rater.; all above tasts may be performed solely by ihe third party rotor. 32, I 1.) House to, be tested by, third party. HERS rater selected by homeowner. 2-1) AD above tosWmaybo completed by the Insialler,or theirrepresentative, and-1hen.verified by a1hird,party;n1fer. 0R,all above tests may be performed solely by the third party,rater. version u3 -1u-06 vagetZ Or This form :can, only be Used on projects being Vefified.by CaICERTS,certified raters. wvwcalcerts.com, t'.1 ,_{y T �y 6 1 r ��[ll'+ f �'163'1•YI Pi 1' uoh ..r 7 _'1 ,�-Y i t7i ,.V 1,F otrl '�boY in�a:�a��3La..���P hP Y qJo pr° `cip b10iM1tf'S' T .,, • r? 'Spa raos:l ;uCi�h�l;X y zgUaro • f b� xass .spa • a [r a 4 i rN AW IN Art 17 f IT r INA r••"y, � 1'` `� !" tr i } -.�f.. � - 5 � - � E -.. �l . , - t;.' �* 1 i ` � p - �� s.. , '. } .-. ' t, ; � r - , i C - ,a- f'•r 'r i i.. r 1�'l � '. ri_ a �•4 yri '� .� : 1 `3 !' • - v, ". •f f 5 y _ Y r r -i t _ l,i tJ } -s f s' t t r d/ 11, l , %gas fM�M� e I- M A N'G 0 0*0 M N • N O • i O C 1 A T• f I N C. C O N S U L T I H N f T! 10 C T U• A L 8 N O I N 8 t 14401 SYLVAN STREET, SUITE 209, VAN NUYS, CALIFORNIA. 91-401, (213) 78&3387 C�14f 7.5s' SD=A AVIyID HS 101 - 102 - 1.04 r, R-M A N 6 0 0 'D M' A - N A N t • • ` O C I A T I S INC'. M(RcM„=" CONSYLTINO 5T2YCTYRAL tNOINilR 14401 SYLVAN STREET, SUITE 209, VAN NUYS. CALIFORNIA 91401, (213) 706-3367 HYDRO -SPA, IAC. 10r HS 101 Nautilus 7'711X717" HS 102 Sandstar LOAD CONDITIONS 6'7"X6'7" HS 104 Sunshell FULL E. F. P. 62.4 N/ f t 21f t EMPTY' E. F. P. SS. 4N/fts/f t MATERIALS S ALLOWABLE LOADS MATERIALS PPG RS -58502 i 58501 Laminate 31.6f glass ALLOWABLE LOADS MIN. MAX. Yield Flexural. Strength Pei 10000 40000 ASTM D-790 Flexural Modulus psi. 1120000 Tensile Strength Pei 14600 30000 ASTM D-6384 D -6S.1 . Comp. Strength Pei 15000 30000 ASTM D-695 Tensile Modulus 11.10000 Thickness inches k Check Hoop Tension @ Base S•PRIt Max P=62.4x3.0/144 - 1.30/eq in. Max R=10x12/2 - BO in. S=1.Jx60A . 3121/ eq in Factor of Safety - 14.600/31.2 - 46 o,k Bending 0 seat w/o support above 1-f-(5-4)x2/2x2/3x62. 4 - 42.61011 e.set mod-12x4xk1# - 0.125 ou. in. fm=41.6x12/0..125 - 3894 N/eq in Factor of Safety - 1.0000/3004 - 2.5 HERMAN � r c �}J SIJ7W-1U^AL OF NOT ;'THIS IS NOT A BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION TO CONSTRUCT DEPARTMENT OF BUILDING AND SAFETY COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE DISTRICT J Permit No ''Owner �� Architect Con tractorS7�1�IE C19- ff-7&SA'A_ CU'i 7&Z- 3234 et/i& Addresc Address Address_ lgh'VAe City '44 Q✓/NT/i City Phone Phone Phone W - I (we) the undersigned,. hereby certify and acknowledge that I (we) have read the application and agree that if Curb and Gutter, and Z P_aYing, and/or Dedication of right of way is required by the County of Riverside, the Riverside County Department of Building and Safety 3 'shall not make a Final Inspection until said requiremepfs have been met. I am also aware that no wor to be done 'within the County R/W O without an encroachment permit. NOW, therefore, iY is.agreed thai 1 (we) will .not occupy said property and will not cause said p o y to be occup until I (we) have complied with all Jaws of the County of Riverside. and the State of California governing said property. DATE ��®"Q"o SIGNATURE OF OWNER.AND/OR AGENT Approval by Signature from :the Following Departments Liste Below Must Be Obtained .Prior to the Issuing of a Construction Permit. SPACE N0. USE OF STRUCTURE JOB ADDRESS ��-�' - SINGLE, FAMILYDUPLE'X ❑ WLEGAL DESCR TION OF PROPERTY Cr r—ry fF� A"PA"RTMENTS ❑ AGRIC. ❑ t` N COMMERCIALC ❑ ❑ INDUSTRIAL G COMMUNITY ALTERATIONS ❑ �� Z a NO. OF SUBMITTED'PLANS USEtOFERMITso so CASE N0. ; � O O pZ NO. OF P RKING SPACES REQUIRED t NO. OF BUILDING NOW EXI NG ZONE '^^ ETBACKS: FRONT F SIDE' _" ¢ �RtR— J m GR ING PERMIT REQUIRED? YES ❑ NO ❑ L T SIZE _ SETBACK ORDINANCE # OF FEET REQUIRED ON STREET j� "� DATE ==- SIGNATURE OF LAND USE OFFICIAL �== t, DEDICATION REQUIRED: YES ❑ NO ❑ NO. - OF FEET - CURB AND GUTTER REQUIRED: YES ❑ NO ❑ STREET _ 116 CAN CURB AND GUTTER FEASIBLY BE INSTALLED? YES p NO ❑+ HAS AN ACCEPTABLE APPLICATION BEEN, MADE FOR ENCROACHMENT PERMIT FOR DRIVEWAY AND STREET IMPROVEMENT? YES ❑ NO ❑ o� DATE—= SIGNATURE OF ROAD DEPT. OFFICIAI SWJMNING POOLS PUBLIC SEWAGE DISPOSAL r FOOD ESTABLISHMENT WATER POLLUTION REMARKS FLOOD CONTROL— Z AIR POLLUTION = F DIV OF HWY o — YOUR PROPERTY.MAY BE SUBJECT TO c FLOOD. RIVERSIDE COUNTY ASSUMES NO RESPONSIBILITY IN EVENT OF FLOOD.