00008467 GradingRPAL'i/�'"11001OT'... D6��9 M AW��00 �yypp�wg K. A IP.. CA Yii.f�A�v7VQP® ,413"v ESS/SPACE } AVEN DA COR.TEZ C iDull am" Cdr 0226�y30000 8 17 PAJ.O Pill 'C TWN VI�T4 SEO S �TPOC6000 L060, V0, MC6 SB T%�,4"AX'. VALIE LA W *19 CONTRACTOR -FIRM NAME ADDRESS ;CITY/COMMUNITY/STATE/ZIP PNOf(Ei N' - LICNC N ARC/ENO':FIRM NAME �ApDRESS ' CITY/COMMUNITY/STATE/ZIP PHONE N LICNC 1�p 51 uP4FAWTbHECK FAR GRADIN© Bt# FSB n o °TH k ZONE-ORD,x' . \ LOT SZ END r _PPLYCf4TxA i FORt�Rfi1?xWG ► RMIT :`.� 'r, �! I 'sJ' X D A N A P P L t C A �' , d a -N 0• ,N L Y NO. OPERATION DATE INSPECTOR NO. OPERATION DATE INSPECTOR BUILDING APPROVALS MECHANICAL APPROVALS . 1 Set Back 33 Ventilation System 2. Ftgs & Frms 34 Plenums & Ducts 2A Slab Grade 35 Furnace Comport. 3 Steel 36 Inlets & Outlets 4 Grout Blocks 37 Combustion Air 5 Bond Beams 38 Compressor 6 Roof Deck 39 Appl, Clearance 7 y Framing 40 Fire Damper - 8 Vents 41 Smoke Detection Device 9 Garage Fire Wall 42 Commercial Hood i 10 Fireplace P.L. 43 Final 10A Fireplace T.O. P' - ADDITIONAL INFORMATION -` -- - --+- " — - -- SEWAGE SYSTEM SIZE & LOCATION 11 Exterior Lath 12 Internal, Lath 12A Drywall 13 Finish Grade INSULATION Thick Ft value 7A Walls (Botts) 12B Ceiling (Batts) 12C Ceiling (Blown) - 14 Final ---------------PLUMBING-A{'PROVALS-=--------------=--=-=:_--------------------- 15 Ground Plumb 16 Water Piping 17 Rough Plumb 18 Vents 19 Sewage Disposal 20 Sewer 21 Water Heater 22 Water Softener 23 Water Service 24 Gas Test 25 Final Tank Pit L. Line REAR OF PROPERTY UNE ELECTRICAL APPROVALS PA P/ 26 Power Pole 27 Conduit 28 Service Entrance 29 Wiring 29A Grounding Wire 29B Bonding 30 Fixtures 31 Service 32 Final STREET NAME Count� of Riverside bepartment 'Nullding and Safety 1090 Lemon:St. 2nd Floor 135 N. Alessandro Rd. Rm. 203 880 N. Stale Street 227 North ID" Street 1&709 Oasis St. Rm, 310 190, N. Broadway Riverside, CA 92501 Banning, CA 92720 Hemel 117303 CA Perris; CA 97270 Indio, CA 92201 Blythe, CA 912115 Ph: 7875118 Pk 849-7312 Ph: 659-4489 Ph: '857.3898 Pk .3028771 Ph: 0222870 This permit becomes void If work mit commenced within 180,days from date of'Issuance;'OR„If work has been suspended or abandoned fur a period of 180 days: LICENSED CONTRACTORS DECLARATION: I hereby affirm that) tin licensed unit* provisions ot'Chapter9(commencing CERTIMCATE OF,EXEMYTION FROM'1NORKERS'COMPENSATION INSURANCE: This section need not be completed It the. with Section 7000) o1 Division 3of the, Business and Professions Code, and my license is in full' force and, Wed. p Ffhlt Is Wone hundred (3100) dr Isss., I'cerllly that Inihe performance of the work for which this permit is Issued, l ftjft 110 1111, LOT MOD shall, not employany perean in any manner so as to -become subject to -the Workers' Compensation Laws of California. License Class Lic. Number Date_ Applicant Dale Contractor NOTICE TO APPLICANT: If, a�ttf(er making this %it111cate of Exemption, you should bscome�eubjed to the Workers' Compensation provisions of' is Labor CoOk you must forthwith combly'with such provisions br this permitshall ,be OWNER -BUILDER DECLARATION: I hereby affirm thatl am exempt from the Contradoes License Law for the following deemed revoked. reason (Sec. 7031.5. Business and Professlabs Code: Any City or county which requires a permlt to construct. alter, Improve, demolish; or repair :any structure; pnor to Its issuance, also reguirss the appllatnt lorsu4h permit to hie q. DIVISION OF INDUSTRIAL SAFETY PERMIT CERTIFICATION: signed alatemegl that'hs 1's Scerleed purswnt,to;the provistoi)s pt. )he Contractafs L7eeilte Law (Chapter8 (commencing with Section 7000)'ot'DtvMlon 3`gf the Business stM P[ofessfons3Cods) or that. M ie exempl.thenfromand,lhe basis for II��II "hereby Certify that no excavation five- 5) or more fast in depth into which a.pewonis required to descend, will be rUs In'connection with work. authorized by this: permit, and that no bWldin structure; scaffolding, falsework: or the alibge0 esamption. Arty violation of Section 7031.5 by any epplicam for a permit aubjeds.the applicantto a civil demolition or dismantling thereof, will bo more than thirty -stir (S6) feat high. (Chep 32 Grp $ Art 2 See 341. Title 8. penalty at"more Nen live hundred dollars (8500).): C.A.C.) 1, as='owner•of the property,:or myemployees with wsges:as their sole compensation, will do the work, and theQ As owner, builder, Twill not employ anyone to do. work which would require a permit from the Division.ofindustrial structure Isnot Intihded,of offered for sale. (Sec. 7094, Business and Professions Code. The Contractor's Litansi 4aw ,a`aty„ as noted above,. unlass such persoh hes a permitts dosuch work trim (hat division. does.not apply to Sin owner of property who: builds or improves thereon, and.who does such work himself or through ❑ Division. of Industrial Safety Permit No. his,own employees, provided that such impreverrfems are not Intended or. offered for sale. If, however, the building or Data Applicant improvement I sold.withtn one year of completion, the owner -builder ,will have the burden of proving,lhat he, did not USE OF PERMIT build or improve for the purpose of sale.). CONSTRUCTION.LEINDINO.AGENCY: I.hereby afffrm,lbat there Is a consltuction lending agency for the,performance of 1, as owner of the propsrly. am ellclusrvelyooniraclingwith lipansed'Contractors to consfrud the project (Sec:. 7044 usitroae and Professions. Code: The Cintractor's,licedse Law does not apply to an owner df property who. builds or the work for which this pefmit,is'issued (Sec. 3097, Civ: C.), Lender's Name, improves thereon, .and who contracts lot such projects with a oontractor(s) licensed pursuant to the Contractors Lender's Address License Law.). I certify, that have read this -a and+staleMel the°aDoveinformation Is correct. I agree to complIyv with,ail 'City and Lrounty ordinance's and<state la"Ws'relating to luilding hereby repiebenlal(ves ❑ I am exempt under Sec. , B. tP P.C.. (Attach Certificate)- construclion, and authorize of this county to enter upon Me above mentioned property for inspection purposes. Dale Owner WORKERS" COMPENSATION DECLARATION: 1 hereby affirm that 1 have &,certificate or consent to self -insure. or a Signature of Applicant or Agent Data certificate of Workers' Compensation Insurance; or a Certifies copy thereat (Sec. 3800; L&0. 0:). CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE AND, AUTHORIZATION OF ENTRY: I certify I have read this application and statethat the Pali No. Com airy. �' plit infwo"fian given �is, correct: I agra to comply with all state laws and county ordinances, relating, to building con- sfiuctioo, and authorlie a representathre'ef theCounty at Riverside. Department of Building and,Satety to enter upon ❑ Certified copy Is hereby lurhiphed. — the property, for whlch,d have applied tot this`permit for the purposa of 1aaking lhspedloes. ❑ Certified copy Is filed with' the County' Building Inspection Department or :County Department, Signature of- Applicant or Agent - Data Date .Applicant Print. Applicant/Agent. Name APPLICANT NAME (L, F. W11) A D 1) EY SID 'CITY/COMMUNITY/STAT -ZIP ' JOB SITE AODRESWACE , CITY/COMMUNITY/STATE/ZIP -- 0 BOK PAO PRC .0 - TM - BE 8 2 10 4P A TRACT ftjft 110 1111, LOT MOD no TRACT NAME OVINEkNAPA (L. F, MI) PAI -14 DEMPRI OEM CONTRACTOR -FIRM NAME ADDRESS CM.MgMMUNITY/STATE/ZI P PHONE a LICNC a ARC/ENO FIRM NAME - ADDRESS CITY/COMMUNIT.Y/STATE/ZIP PHONE Or LICNC4 USE OF PERMIT BL. ZON ' SB B- B RSB OFC ZONE ORD a LOT END 5 1517, Cb FORM 784.205 APPL/PRMT 01 1 P8 DATE 1,011074 64168467 WW a a or. *oat 411:114 _412011 ICATION Fait R, jg[lars-il ASSESSOR COPY ­GkAvTFEEL APPLICATION FOR GR"INO PLAN REVIEW T N 18 8 A N A P P L I C A. T 1 0 N OI L Y 011074 APPLICANT NAME (L, F. MI) ADDRESS 93100 AVINIDA CORE' ,WY/COMMUNITY/STATE/ZIP LA Qul" A CA 922530000 -JOB SITE ESS/SPACE 3700AVENYVA CORTEZ CC14 MQUINTA IP .. CA 922530000 BOKPAG ..17Pf0 PRC 01 C TWN RNG 000 SE S 0 TRACT -00Q00 LOT 001 MOD 01 SB TRACT NAME �C AT VAL19 LA Sk 0.19 1F&HE �kftjtr DEN C CONTRACTOR -FIRM NAME ADDRESS CITYLCOMMUNITY/STATE/ZIP PHONE N LICNC • ARC/ENG FIRM NAME ADDRESS CITYICOMMUNITY/STATE/ZIP PHONE M LICNC p USE OF PERMIT Pl W CHECK FAIR -GRADING BL 00t�1 ZON FSB SSB DO SSB RSB 0:0 00 OFC I� ZONE ORD. N LOT SZ END SIDE FORM 2&a -20B (2/Bi) 101107 APPLICAT10 TAO GR"ING. PLAN' REVIEW A P P L X C A T 1 0 0 0 LY NO. OPERATION DATE. INSPECTOR NO. OPERATION DATE INSPECTOR BUILDING APPROVALS MECHANICAL APPROVALS 1 Set Back 33 Ventilation System 2 Ftgs & Frms 34 Plenums & Ducts 2A Slab Grade 35 Furnace Comport. 3 Steel 36 Inlets 8 Outlets 4 Grout Blocks- 37 Combustion Air 5 Bond Beams 38 Compressor 6 Roof Deck 39 Appl. Ciearonce 7 Framing 40 Fire Damper 8 Vents 41 Smoke Detection Device 9 Gcmoge Fire Wall 42. Commercial Hood 10 Fireplace P.L. 43 Final 10A Fireplace T.O. NO -=- - ADDITIONAL INFORMATION -- =---- SEWAGE SYSTEM SIZE & LOCATION 11 Exterior Lath 12 Internal Lath 12A Drywall 13 Finish Grade INSULATION Thick R Value 7A Walls (Botts) 128 Ceiling (Botts) 12C Ceiling (Blown) 14 Final _ --=- --=_ ----- _-- MOING -APPROVALS '--- -- -= - . �: 15 Ground Plumb 16 Water Piping - 1.7 Rough Plumb 18 Vents 19 Sewage Disposal 20 Sewer 21 Water Heater 22 Water Softener 23 Water Service 24 Gas Test 25 Final Tank Pit L. Line REAR OF PROPERTY UNE ELECTRICAL APPROVALS P/L P/ 26. Power Pole 27 Conduit 28 Service Entrance 29 Wiring 29A Grounding Wire 298 Bonding 30 fixtures 31 Service 32 Final STREET NAME