9809-154 (SFD)" LICENSED CONTRACTOR DECLARATION ..- I hereby affirm under penalty of perjury that I am licensed under provisions of Chapter 9 (commencing with Section 7000) of Division 3 of the Business and ;r,Zrofessionals Code, and my License is in full force"and effect. License # Lic. Class �. Exp. Date 483340 B � Date Signature of Contractor A OWNER -BUILDER DECLARATION I hereby affirm under penalty of perjury that I am exempt from the Contractor's License Law for the following reason: ( ) I, as owner of the property, or my employees with wages as their sole compensation, will do the work, and the structure is not intended or offered for sale (Sec. 7044, Business & Professionals Code). ( ) 1, as owner of the property, am exclusively contracting with licensed contractors to construct the project (Sec. 7044, Business & Professionals Code). ( ) I am exempt under Section B&P.C. for this reason Date Signature of Owner WORKER'S COMPENSATION DECLARATION I hereby affirm under penalty of perjury one of the following declarations: ( ) I have and will maintain a certificate of consent to self -insure for workers' compensation, as provided for by Section 3700 of the Labor Code, for the performance of the work for which this permit is issued. (�)) I have and will maintain workers' compensation insurance, as required by Section 3700 of the Labor Code, for the°performance of the work for which this permit is issued. My workers' compensation insurance carrier & policy no. are: Carrier Policy No. y t f 3 AT.Ei I' 4.iA4t�' - d'fr II lllVa"7 :tom (This section need not be completed if the permit valuation is for $100.00 or less). () I certify that in the performance of the work for which this permit is issued, I shall not employ any person in any manner so as to become subject to the workers' compensation laws of California, and agree that if I should become subject to the workers' compensation provisions of Section 3700 of the Labor Co e, I shall forthwith comply with those provisio 1 S pate: ��'� Applicant - Warning: F (lure io secure Workers' Compen'sa on�erage is unlawful and shall subject an employer to criminal penalties and civil fines up to $100,000, in addition to the cost of compensation, damages as provided for in Section 3706 of the Labor Code, interest and attorney's fees. IMPORTANT Application is hereby made to the Director of Building and Safety for a permit subject to the conditions and restrictions set forth on his application. 1. Each person upon whose behalf this application is made & each person at whose request and for whose benefit work is performed under or pursuant to any permit issued as a result of this applicaton agrees to, & shall, indemnify & hold harmless the City of La Quinta, its officers, agents and employees. 2. Any permit issued as a result of this application becomes null and void if work is not commenced within 180 days from date of issuance of such permit, or cessation of work for 180 days will subject permit to cancellation. I certify that I have read this application and state that the above information is correct. I agree to comply with all City, and State laws relating to the building construction, and hereby authorize representatives of this City to enter upon the above-mentioned property for inspection purposes. VSignature (Owner/Agent) i"' � iDate 3 BUILDING PERMIT PERMIT# DATE tiYkm VALUATIONLOT 4x TRACT 28470-1JOB SITE ADDRESS %4Ei000VOTECE%l�lVONa.OUR APN 769k9R{W35 OWNER CONTRACTOR/DESIGNER/ENGINEER 1\4110E & CATHY NOIvEGNN ICH!0LAb AKKS 47-111 VINTAGE DR EAS'P 103 745 S. MA RENGO 1Nll1A.RT WELLS t;."•A. 92210 PASADENA CA 91106 f626)58/1-4344 C—SLO .5224 USE OF PERMIT SiNC.i.i EFA11 ILYJJ'vVirL,l..ffv�s SBD - S>.r" 'tN11T DOES NOT MCLUDE MOCK WALL OR POOL. CUST044 e" ONL ISiTc'vi.. IGN 4,761.001 ar' V011i M11AIJO 304-00 SI C1At;.ACilJC;tIl21'13i�'f' 1,1:33.t1U 5F' aiNUTED MST 0y' i�vi°vrb�.aeaJ°F�a`�°�. 3r, 'A31 (,n) PERN11Y ii EV, SUMMAR - f:;�.�.rfst�atfc°�f03a.t%`13 lUi�x.>U�di.S-t�'Iv �I.�a�.si► 1.1 h/Y :f�t�. ��6 'i�J1^QaV•".'..+4'�-J/l.,fJ�t�.f��i FOU 11fisX,1:4ANiCAt.• AM 141 -000 -421. -ON) $140.50 IsLfsclffiJ.t; ml rIt-Ly 1014M420 -OW $283.30 txt',t'1A 9fW1 Flt v 101 -MO -410 -OW $'Z79.7,5 5TRC11t4 h1.0`t IOIN '` iXt - Z100 t01 -000 -241 -OW $39.71 lift A0(NQ F U. i.01-0404 23,000 $;r Ali) J.N!'ftA.X`�'fK4A_"1`CTff:E FiX 2254100-443-342 .cx►l�.fN) .> ii't IN til rF?S,if; j fld;F s; ;�ffl 701-Ot)fl=c'S5-t}Ol� $742 3 Si. TVI'OTAL C0NS'".1RVC-':>JnN AND-113IANCHE"h �4141,,,0ti0e[0f:.0x� LESS PRE-1'Alt) FEES `i iY.VAU€'d:.RzYi IT VMS 01JE1•+1OW $9,561,21 RECEIPT DATE �, /^ 8Y i D$FE FINALE D INSPECTOR E INSPECTION RECORD OPERATION DATE INSPECTOR OPERATION DATE INSPECTOR BUILDING APPROVALS MECHANICAL APPROVALS Set Backs Underground Ducts Forms & Footings i Ducts Slab Grade Return Air Steel Combustion Air Roof Deck Exhaust Fans O.K to Wrap F.A.U. Framing Compressor Insulation - 2 z. - Vents Fireplace P.L. Grills Fireplace T.O. Fans & Controls Party Wall Insulation Condensate Lines Party Wall Firewall Exterior Lath Drywall - Int. Lath Final Final POOLS - SPAS BLOCKWALL APPROVALS steel Set Backs Electric Bond Footings Main Drain Bond Beam Approval to Cover Equipment Location Underground Electric Underground Plbg. Test Final Gas Piping PLUMBING APPROVALS Gas Test Electric Final --Waste Lines Heater Final 'Water Piping Af� Plumbing Final Plumbing Top Out c Equipment Enclosure Shower Pans O.K. for Finish Plaster Sewer Lateral Pool Cover Sewer Connection 31(— , Encapsulation Gas Piping Gas Test Appliances . Final COMMENTS: J��T.A'✓ L'Q9'f`T 3l y�9.c� /`� �� �G� MOO V ` " "jf� e4444 %01X Final/L Utility Notice (Gas) ELECTRICAL APPROVALS Temp. Power Pole Underground Conduit,tj1L, Rough Wiring Low Voltage Wiring Fixtures Main Service Sub Panels Exterior Receptacles G.F.I. Smoke Detectors Temp. Use of Power Final Utility Notice (Perm) -98 01:47P City of La Quinta 760 'TS •400 440914 &40TC CaMi'oN COY21� P.O. BOX 1604 3uilding 1 or 52. 78-495CALiETAMPICO Addracc LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 Mailing I 1 Address Li -7 -1 H V 1 ✓1TGt"(If/ �7i G GLS G 3 t� �1'0./ I 0 cAk Q ZZ UD 1` State Lic. --fly 6 Classic. Lic. N Arch., Engr., Designer G W I IlAWA Address 101. 7,7.a i- 1(oZ(o- 7\ Zip State l/i 5.,1) t°MG1 I Co Lic. i UCENSED CONTRACTOR'S DECLARATION I hoe y liirm that I am licensed under prc0sions of Chapter 9(comrtrncing with Bacslon 7000) of Dlvlaion 3 of the Business and Prafeeeinrs Code, and my Iloe.'tse Is In full tome and ettect. IG TuRiaDATE OWNER -BUILDER DECLARATION I hesoy Norm that I am eaempt from the Contractors Licenee tar 0: the hollowing raaaw: (Ser: 7011 S.Rusareas and Profesam+s Cada Ary edy or County .frier reourw a DMm.1 to construct. Mer, unionioe, damoksh, or repair any structure,, poor to W Issuance aro rapudea Me sopacwt rot wch pwmY to AY a signed staren+w that he s acVuw pursuant to N. pro.esons of the Convirc(or's Licarsa Law. CWs, p (Conrnpciry veer Section 70001 of O:son 3 of aha Bu. —S and PrOols ,aMr Cod., a teal M is eawrept Uersluom, and the tresis you tera1pw.YMption. Any Noiemn td Section 7031.3 by any sePlicm! lit a PemM aubJaers ohs app6Gatf to •ore Oenslly of ria mune torn frve hueMrad dollars /1SW). t 1, se owner of Iha pfopany, of my em7lcyees with wages all their Sole Compensation, will GC the work, and the structure I7 not intended or oflereo for sale. (Sec. 7044, Sutmess and aroferaront Code: The Cont -actor's Lce,ae Law does not apply to m Cone, of 9,00" who buns of lmproms (nersor, and whodoes such+ work hinged IN urcuge our ower ampthyws. Provided Mat such Jtrprofnwirnls we rot intended C4 offered for safe. N. however, ft biaiking or pwovedrni is sold Zthn one Teo of complelow. NN owner•bu8ler, rN have, Me burden orprov gmarn.Cd.,olW44 or .rip ore b, tri pwpofe ar a.ls.) I ' 1, as owner of ins prgseriy, am esclusiTely Contract:ng .flit licensed Contractors to oon- atruet the protect. (S.C. 7044. W.eineu rid Profarsiana Cods, The Cewo:lws L:eeroe Lew does not aWy to n owner of DrOCerly woo tuWd3 or ,rrrrov +Hereon. and who conhiscts for such p rojscts with a Com,ac for(s) licensed our"Is'l to the ccnt/actors A C"w taw.) I am eremp: under So:.—. -.8. S P.C. for this rsaaon Due Ower WORKERS' COMPENSATION DECLARATION f nerepy atom ins+ I have a celtlfiulp of cwlsent to sell -insure, or a cartlficate of Workers Compelaation I surece, no- a cOniifed wpy Olereor. (sac. 3800. Labor Code.? policy No. —Company (1 copy is liled with tris City. :1 Cenitlad CODs 15 IWODy furthered. CERTIFICATE OF EXEMPTION FROM WORKERS' COMPENSATION lk$URANCE f7" escuor new app O. CWlP red x rife Deaver Is (or one Hundred dollars (4/00) rwwlion el MLL 1 1 cerldv tnel*in the penomtance of tho work for wnryt this permit Is issued, I shall not employ any person In any manner so as to become subject to the Workers' Compensation Uses of California. este owne. NOTICE to APPLICANT. e, eNN rfr4kutp eh,t 17444hcre or f4arhruiorf you sn0MC become suawl to the 1YO,kwz: Crropans4non P.owarana of the Labor Coda, yav muse yafhwdh Cmrhply with such Prom om of Mie pemw aW be deemw re#s•1 CONSTRUCTION LENDING AGENCY Ihereby afflm trial Insist Is a construction 1e,)d:ng agency for the performance of the work for which th,s pe,ma a issued. IS" 1097, Cad Coe. 1 I.. I., Name _ Lender's Address Thee n • DuilQenp permit when property felled out. signed and ealidNed, and is wbjv to eaDirstlon If wnrk Iher.uMer is suspatded for 180 days. I certify that t have Nan this sloolication and state that the above infamsfuci. N Correct. I agree to COmplf with stt city and county ordinances and suit laws 1411,11111P.9 to building constmKilon, and hombl• amhorue repeaenlaovOa .of Ince city to abler " above mentioned props ny fm pnnpeclion purposes. Signature of aopfKant_ Oate Mailing Aadfess .. _ City, ata%, Zp I"—!5.1 1@ *Ei APPLICATION ONLY JILDING: TYPE'CONST. OCC. CARP. -'J` P. Number -raA 4 2R �70 —1 Lgr 5 2 [gal Description S, ­Y f, S, ra,,;i t' ✓z, C" OJectDescription &�10 14 lru��ltc� size b Ft.�ry� S{� Stories Units I size Repair O Demolition 0 Estimated Valuation Lf(49 5 c� /_00 PERMIT b l AMOUNT n►a, n-- t -- — Plan Chk_ Bal. Const. Mech. 1 Electrical Plumbing S.M.I. Grading Driveway Enc. infrastructure - Vitt,fif I+ TOTAL ~f l• 1 1 REMARKS ZONE: BY: Minimum Setback Distances: Front Setback from Center Line Rear Setback from Rear Prop. Line Side Street Setback from Center Lino Side Setback from Property Una FINAL DATE INSPECTOR Issued by: Date Permit Validated by: Validation: WHITE a FINANCE YELLOW w APPLICANT PINK w 1tItJiLDING DMSION Notice: Document Cannot Be Duplicated Date 1/25/99 No. 18276 Desert Sands Unified School District 47-950 Dune Palms Road La Quinta, CA 92253 760-771-8515 CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE Owner NameMike & Cathy Lonegan No. 78-400 Street Coyote Canyon Court City La Quinta Tract # Lot # Type of Development Single Family Residence Comments Jurisdiction APN # 769-930-035 La Quinta Permit # Log # Zip 92253 Study Area Square Footage 4761 Jverpaid by $95.22 - donation per Mr. Lonegan No. of Units At the present time, the Desert Sands Unified School District does not collect fees on garages/carports, covered patios/walkways, residential additions under 500 square feet, detached accessory structures or replacement mobilehomes. It has been determined the above-named owner is exempt from paying school fees at this time due to the following reason: EXEMPTION NOT APPLICABLE This certifies that school facility fees imposed pursuant to Government Code 53080 in the amount of 1.93 X 4,761 or $ 9,188.73 the property listed above and that building. permits and/or Certificates of Occupancy for this square footage in this proposed project may now be issued Fees Paid By Cashier's Check/Bank of America - Mike Lonegan Telepljone ,, Name on the check By Dr. Doris Wilson Superintendent �t Fee collected /exempted by Ellen Patino Payment Received Check No. 2013997783 Signature IOTICE: Pursuant of Assembly Bill 3081 (CHAP 549, STATS. 1996) this will serve to notify you that the 90 -day approval period in which you may protest the fees or other payment identified ibove will begin to run from the dale on which the building or installation permit for this project is sssued or on which they are paid to the District(s) or to another public entity authorized to ciIle t them on the District('s)(s') behalf, whichever is earlier. Collector: Attach a copy of county or city plan check application form to district copy for all waivers. Embossed Original- Building Dept./Applicant Copy - Applicant/Receipt Copy - Accounting IJAN�25' 99 (MON) 1137 FATCO ESCROW DIVISION TEL: 760 360 3080 i11/:G/99 . � 11:0 FAX 700 GOB 595 _ 19T AMERICAN TTL 70 Recording Requested 8y RIcE1vEo 47.351 R R Order No. 2094032 AT e�0� EKee+ No. 90129-rc r �' Loan No. DEC 2 4 1997 WHEN RECORDED MALL TO: PAIDEiv Michael J. Lonexan Cathertn■ R, Lono`enA1o0dv Iltea `` MAlL TAX ATTkENTS TO: Space abm QQ line roe lieiotdcc'� ;,;k DO U MrARY 1AANSFER TAX f Z10.#6 ' "BJLCetnpuoed etp 169 :oruidention or value erpropert,, SAME AS ABOVE conveyed; OR "Corr"tcd on the romidetadep or valor leas liens or vncimbeancn mma" at date Of Mlc 7%0 un dmiemcd tome JSipaom erombtaot or A jrnt detee■inin o,. ,A APN: 6 Firm Nurse -ARA: 024 OI S ORANT DEED qb FOR A VALUABLE CONSIDERATION. receipt or which ie hereby ackaorled;ad. V TRADITION CLUB ASSOCIATES LLC, 4 Delaw Om Ihelled Ilabllil y cotttpiny herebyCRANT(S)te Michael J. Lonegan and Catherine X. Co®unity Property Lonegenr NuAb■tad and W}fe ae � teal pr win to rbc Clry or La Quints Conary of Wve»ide SMIC erGlilbmh%, deeenbed as Lot 32 Tncl 29470.1 (See EWub1I "A" Attaebed HeR1o) Dated: December 11, L997 state orG(Iromis ) Cow of 0 nIvro tl. at 77 be 9m) penen■Ily appc.rtd -• - 66L paweally know to me (or proved ro ma on the baso of-adahctey evldettce) to be thf PaMMA! "OK na WIJ ittAn eubseMbed to the *11ht0 IMWMM sed Acknowledged to me that hc/ehNdtey caMted do uer In 110WIdtelr auAerUcd capaciry(lea), And that by htalharnheir tlitnatuMa) on �, (netNmrnt ihe.Rnon(1) e► Iheanhty.u0at 6eAe1/er.._.-. . Whicb dws penotl Wed. eaerutrd the truaMmenL WrAMY MIA A OFFICIAL SEAL TMD ON LUB ASS LLC a Or re'd Ilabi paey 9 Its: 010tutive Vote 00AMMO&W By! • tu: ERRIE Mill R COMM titans$ ta� ccuwuow..0 Cary see maws P. 002 () 002/00 U S % CJAN4_Q25' 99 (MON) 1131 FATCO ESCROW DIVISION TEL:160 360 3080 U1/25;'00 11:31 PAX 780 508 5864 IST AMERICAN TTL '." .� ;Y i!;R?^•fir, h . , • d.n. RXII118IT NA" Lot �9® of Tract;8470.1, Is shown by coop on 111e In book 267 pages 76 through 90 of maps, records orRiver'ide County; Colifornla THIS DEED IS MADE AND ACCEPTLo BUIWECT TO THE FOLLOWING: 1) Nondelinquent real estate lax" assessments, 2) All matin of record, including without limitation, that ctrriain Declaration of Covenants, Conditions, Abldclions and Reservallon of Easements for the Tradition Community, rEcorded on July 25, 1997 es Instrument No. 262677 and re-recorded July 15, 1997 as instrument no. 292176 both of 0liicial reeorda of Rivcrside County, California, which is incorpomled by rererence herein as if Tully set tont: at length (the "Declaration'), 7'he Docleratian include, among other matter$, certain architectural qad development guidclines -and restrictions which will apply to the construction of a residence on the above-dcseribed lot. h h TPDITION GOLF CLUB 760 564 2356 01 /25/99 15:31 :01 /02 N0:057 .... . -�. 'Tradition � . rtion November 19, 1998 Via facximile and Ant Cims Mai[ Mr. John Lutrell EWING ARCHMCTS 723 E. California Boulevard Pasadena, CA 91106 Re. Loc 52, Tract 28470-1 78-400 Coyote Canyon Court Construction Documents - Conditions Submittal Dear John, The ADRC of Tradition Golf Club met yesterday and reviewed your revised Construction Documents. These plans were approved subject to the following conditions: Landscape Plan 1. Lighting A. Please provide lighting specification for pathlights. 2. Planting A. Screen gas and water meter from view. B. Separate planting around mailbox from adjacent.turf areas (small turf area behind box will not be maintainable. C. Please provide landscape architect's seal and signature. D. Show sizes of all plant material. Several species do not have sizes indicated. 78505 OM Avr•Ni.jr 52 -• Ln QittN,rA - CA )2253=1120 PH,)NG 6191564.3355 FAX 6191564-2356 TEjIDITION GOLF CLUB 760 564 2356 01/25/99 15:31 15 :02/02 NO:057 E. As previously noted, please increase massing of Raphiolepis. It willtake many years for shrubs to achieve 41h' diameter as shown. Amore appropriate size would be 3-4'. When resubmitting these changes, please provide Landscape Plan only. The ADRC at Tradition would like to compliment you on your work and completeness of submittals. Sincerely, Christina I Dores Architectural Review Coordinator /cjd LE Dear Builder: T -h At440" PUBLIC WORKS CLEARANCE LETTER FOR CUSTOM HOME LOTS Prior to issuance of a building permit, you will be required to obtain clearance from the Public Works Department for one, or more, of the following: 1. Verification that rough grading is complete, and the pad elevation certifications prepared by a licensed surveyor, or engineer, are on file in the. Public Works Department. 2. Verification that infrastructure improvements and other required tract improvements are complete, or sufficiently advanced to warrant building permit issuance. 3. Prepare an engineered grading plan that provides for on -lot storm water retention, and have it checked and approved by the Public Works Department. • Tract 26524 (Estancias) • Tract 26769 (Mountain View Estates) 4. Prepare an engineered grading plan that provides for building pad grading in accordance with the existing soils report and tract grading plan, and have it checked and approved by the Public Works Department. • Tract 28034 (South Valley Estates) FOR INTERNAL USE BY PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT TRACT: 2go + ro — LOT: Z PUBLIC WORKS AUTHORIZATION DTE FAPWDEPTRDOCS\FORMSIPW CLEARANCE LETTER.ss COMMENTS: 16q • 'U Tubular Framed Overhead Glazing System Page 1 of 3 Sweet's Group Wasco Products, Inc. Pioneer Avenue P.O. Box 351 Sanford, ME 04073 .. " Tel: 1-800-388-0293 M�Deiir ;saonEi DP. ..... Ji�EL SR.... . Fax: 207-490-5270 rem-r� : siniciarsl.etid�c nrrPu�d.. Internet: http://www.wascoI.com �\ E -Mail: Wascol@biddeford.comY TUBULAR FRAMED SKYLIGHTS MODEL PYH MODEL ISP MODEL OPY Mph En swwr P9Ech Oetagtaml;. Applications - Complete systems structurally adequate to span up to 16 feet in a single pitch unit r �� and u to 32 feet in a double itch configuration. " P P �' (Rafter and purlin spacing determined by loading :MOD .EL PY:: requirements.) Curb -mount design for unlimited p''d' applications using site -built curbs for both pitched and flat roof applications. Skylights come in prefabricated sections and are easy to install, saving J time and money. Wasco's premium tubular framed systems allow you to create the dramatic look, function and quality of custom skylighting at an affordable cost. Tubular Framed Skylights are: • Manufactured in prefabricated sections • Easy to install, saving both time and money • Designed to accommodate the latest in high-performance glazing in a variety of configurations • Available in a wide range of standardized pitches (4 in 12, 6 in 12, 7 in 12, 12 in 12), due to Wasco's extensive extrusion inventory. Model PY - Pyramid Model OPY - Octagonal Pyramid and Octagonal Pyramid skylights add a classic yet modernistic look while ensuring energy efficiency even under severe weather conditions. They are available in many basic shapes and sizes from the traditional square -based pyramid to hexagonal, octagonal and multi -sided polygons. t� Precision engineering of all component parts makes on-site assembly and glazing simple. The extruded aluminum framing system and an integral condensation and weepage gutter system carries off water to prevent troublesome leakage. Wasco tubular framed pyramids come in standard 8'x8', /tubular Framed Overhead Glazing System Page 2 of 3 10'x10', and 12'x12' sizes. Custom sizes up to 20'x20' are also available. (' Model PYH — Hipped End L Hipped End Skylights are particularly effective for maximum daylighting in minimal space. And because they're available in standard sizes up to 12' wide, you can add the dramatic look of skylighting while still meeting construction schedules. PYH units are available in widths up to 20'-0" wide. Model SP — Single Pitch Choose Single -Pitched skylights when you need a versatile system for daylighting large floor areas such as warehouses, factories, schools, and laboratories. Perfect when you need to incorporate the skylight within the plane of the roof. Single pitched units, like all Wasco Tubular Framed Skylights, are available with the glazing of your choice and in newly extended widths to 12'. Model DP — Double Pitched Double Pitched'Skylights are designed to mount on curbs built up from a flat roof. These units may have open or vertical glazed ends, or the ends may butt up against adjacent.walls. DP units may be up to 20'-0". Model SR — Structural Ridge The Structural Ridge Skylight allows you to add the beauty of natural light to the wide variety of �{ building projects which incorporate double pitched or gabled roof designs. Designed to follow the ridge line, the construction elements are similar to Single Pitched skylights with the addition of an aluminum framing section where the two sides are joined. These units are available in widths to 20'-0". Model LT — Lean -To One of Wasco's most modem designs, the Lean -To Skylight system is ideal for atrium, walkway and rooftop uses. The large glass area utilizes daylighting effectively-- even when little daylight is available. The extruded aluminum framing system provides a weather tight seal-- allowing it to withstand dramatically adverse weather conditions. Lean-To's are available in custom sizes up to 12' wide, with or without vertical glazed ends. Models PYH, SP, DP, SR and LT available in unlimited lengths and custom widths. Wasco's tubular -framed systems allow virtually unlimited design possibilities. Call us to talk about your ideas! Page 3 of 3 /G. Fasteners 1. Fasteners used for the attachment of exterior retainer bars shall be of 300 series stainless steel. 2. Fasteners used for all anchors shall be cadmium plated or galvanized steel. 3. Fasteners used to connect framing members may be of 300 series stainless steel or 2024 aluminum. H. The glazing strips shall snap into the aluminum extrusions and be of an extruded dry elastomeric gasket. 2.03 FABRICATION: A. The skylight shall be factory fitted and assembled (where practical), piece marked and shipped knocked down for final assembly at the jobsite. B. All welding shall be by the heliarc process. C. Retainer bars shall be attached with gasketed stainless steel fasteners spaced at a maximum of 12" O.C. D. Extruded elastomeric setting blocks and spacers shall be located and sized in accordance with the glazing manufacturers recommendations. At no point shall the glazing come in contact with the skylight frame or fasteners. E. The skylight shall have properly located weep holes provided for drainage of condensation to the exterior. PART 3: EXECUTION 3.01 INSPECTION: A. Prior to starting installation, the skylight installer shall inspect the support and adjacent construction to verify that it is properly prepared to receive the work. Report, in writing, any deficiencies in the substrate.. Work shall not proceed until all deficiencies are corrected. 3.02 PREPARATION: A. Surface contact between aluminum and dissimilar materials shall receive a protective coating or isolator to prevent electrolytic action. 3.03 ERECTION: A. The skylight shall be erected and glazed by an experienced installer familiar with the manufacturer's systems and installation procedures. L. 10 1 WASCO TUBULAR FRAMED SKYLIGHTS SPECIFICATIONS: SELF SUPPORTING SLOPED SKYLIGHTS PART 1: GENERAL 1.01 DESCRIPTION: Page 1 of 3 A. Scope: This section includes everything necessary for and incidental to the execution and completion of the self supporting sloped skylight work as shown on the drawings and specified herein. B. Work Included: Work includes, and is limited to the skylight materials only and includes the following: 1. Sloped, self supporting aluminum framed glazing system. 2. Glass, acrylic or polycarbonate lites. 3. Perimeter flashings to adjoining.work. 4. Anchors, bra:ckets and attachments. 5. Gaskets and sealants. C. Related work included under other sections of this specification: 1. Structural steel framing 2. Supporting curbs 3. Counter flashings 4. Glazed aluminum curtain wall 5. Final cleaning 1.02 DESIGN CRITERIA: A. Thermal Expansion: System to provide for expansion and contraction within the system components caused by a cycling temperature range of 100 deg. F without causing any detrimental effects to the system or components. B. Structural Criteria: The skylight system shall be designed in accordance with the following requirements: 1. building code. 2. live load PSF. 3. snow load PSF. 4. wind load MPH. 5. Limit rafter and purlin deflection to 1/175 of the span. C. Moisture Control/Water Resistance: The skylight framing shall have integral condensation gutters that collect and control all condensation and/or infiltrated water. D. Independent Test Certification: 1. Skylights to be certified by independent test lab to meet the following minimum criteria: a. No uncontrolled leakage at 15 PSF when tested per ASTM E331-86. b. Maximum air infiltration of .06 CFM at 6.24 PSF when tested per ASTM E283-84. f0-1 Page 2 of 3 c. Frames to have minimum condensation resistance factor (CRF) of 54 when measured per AAMA 1503.1-1980. d. Maximum deflection of L/175 at 60 PSF when tested in accordance with ASTM E330-86 permanent set to be less than L/500. E. Wherever glass type allows, all glass joinery at sill and purlins to be of the two-sided flush silicone type. 1.03 SUBMITTALS: A. Shop Drawings: Submit copies of shop drawings for architect's review and approval. Fabrication of skylight will not begin until approved drawings are returned by the architect. The shop drawings will show the adaptation of the manufacturer's system to the project. B. Installation Instructions Submit copies of manufacturer's installation instructions. PART 2: PRODUCTS 2.01 MANUFACTURER: A. The skylight shall be as manufactured by Wasco Products, Inc., Commercial Division, Sanford, Maine, (1-800-388-1181). Substitute manufacturers shall not be considered without prior approval in writing no later then ten (10) calendar days prior to the bid. To prequalify, substitute manufacturers must have been in the custom skylight business for not less than a period of 15 years and must submit to the architect the following: 1. Proof of competency which shall include a list of similar projects successfully completed within the last five years and proof of financial capability. 2. Complete details of proposed skylight. 3. Complete specifications for the architect's review. 2.02 MATERIALS: A. All framing members shall be of extruded aluminum alloy 6063-T6 and shall have a minimum effective thickness of 0.109". B. Exterior retainer bars shall be of extruded aluminum alloy 6063-T6 and shall have a minimum thickness of 0.090". C. All aluminum flashings and closures shall be of alloy and temper of 1100-H14 thickness as . required for proper performance. D. Aluminum finish to be (standard mill as fabricated) (baked enamel) (clear, bronze or black anodized). E. Glazing: (1 1/8" insulating glass (1/4" clear tempered over 3/8" clear laminated safety glass)) (other). �. F. Sealants and joint fillers shall be one part low modulus silicone that is compatible with adjacent materials. I',.- . - :- , Jim MIR 4 1. LONEGAN RESIDENCE - LA QUINTA ELECTRICAL SERVICE LOAD CALL. DESCRIPTION LOAD TOTAL GENERAL LIGHTING LOAD (MAIN HSE., GUEST STE., GARAGE, 9 GOLF CART) 5894 S.F. X 3VA/S.F. 17682 SMALL APPLIANCE LOAD 4 CKT. @ 1500 VA 6000 LAUNDRY CIRCUIT 2 @ 1500 VA 3000 SUBTOTAL 26682 DEMAND 1ST 3000 VA @ 100% 3000 NEXT @ 35% 8289 OTHER LOADS (2) GARBAGE DISPOSALS 9 1176 VA 2352 (1) DISHWASHER @ 1200 VA 1200 (1) CLOTHES DRYER @ 5000 VA 5000 (1) ELECTRIC RANGE - 8000 A/C UNITS - 37000 (1) TRASH COMPACTOR @ 1200 VA 1200 POOL EQUIPMENT 120/240V 17000 SPA EQUIPMENT 420/240V 10000. MISCELLANEOUS LOAD - 5000 TOTAL 98041 SERVICE VOLTAGE: 120/24OV, 1 PHASE, 3W 409 AMPS ELECTRICAL SERVICE SIZE REQUIRED 600 AMPS pi OF SINGLE LINE DIAGRAM #2/0 TO UFER GND AND MAIN COLD WATER PIPE (2) 3'C TO POWER COMPANY P.O.C. U Z: H 0 V N PANEL 'A' PANEL 'B' U Z: 2 S 1- 0 # U N U �O t PANEL 'C' z U co t POOL EQUIP. PANEL M600A METER 600A > C/B 2/P LUG LANDING 600A BUS 120/240Y, 10, 13W, BUS BRACING ® 42 KA/C 200A C/B 200A ) C/B 200A 100A ) C/B C/B ) 2/P 2/P 2/P 2/P GND #2/0 TO UFER GND AND MAIN COLD WATER PIPE (2) 3'C TO POWER COMPANY P.O.C. U Z: H 0 V N PANEL 'A' PANEL 'B' U Z: 2 S 1- 0 # U N U �O t PANEL 'C' z U co t POOL EQUIP. PANEL Certificate of Occupancy City of La Quinta Building'and Safety Department This Certificate issued pursuant to the requirements of Section 109 of the Uniform Building Code, certifying that, at the time of issuance, this structure was in compliance with the various ordinances of the City regulating building construction or use. For the following: BUILDING ADDRESS: Use Classification: Occupancy Group: SFD 78-400 COYOTE CANYON COURT R 3 Type of Construction: VN Bldg. Permit No.: 9809-154 Land Use Zone: RL Owner of Building: MIKE & CATHY LONEGAN Address: 47-111 VINTAGE DR. EAST 103 DUIIUIny viiicial City: INDIAN WELLS, CA 92210 By: STEVE TRAXEL Date: 09-22-00 POST IN A CONSPICUOUS PLACE 0 D. S. EWING RRCH. Fax:626-584-5905 Oct 15 '99 1304 P.02/02 HONG I IAM Consulting Engineering; - Structural 626-355-0127 185 S. Mountain Trail Ave., Sierra Madre , CA 91024 Structural Qbservatton Report Job Name: Lonegan Residence Date: 84-1999 By:.H Tani Job Address: Lot 52, Tract 284ZU Coyote Canyon Court CLaQu—I iCI -CA 92253 Job Observation: The purpose of dtis observation is for the framing phase. The framing; is near completion, however, some areas of the roof remain to be sheathed and other miscella- neous franurtg to follow. Continents: In general, the frainrng and its member size and grade appears to be in confor- mance with the drawing. 'Che substitution of 15/32" OSB structural wood panel for die 3/8" cdx-1 plywood is acceptable as installed. Due to the framing still in progress, the fol- lowing itents have yet to be completed. 1) provide blocking between exterior wall sheathing and the roof sheathing; 2) verify and provide trimmer udder header beams 3) install wall sheathing; at the east'side of the dining room Notes: The wood posts at both the north and south end of the dining room's west wall need to be attached to the masonry pilasters through solid spacer block at 48" on center. The bolt should be 5/8" all threads in 6" embedment with epoxy fill. +420 PILASTER K ~ 44, CONCRETE SLAB ON GRADE #10/#10 INNF OVER 2" SAND MIL VAPOR BARRIER OVER )NAL 2" SAND TYP. 31-811 TYP 'p - 4X8 P05T Vq/ HD­bA - 3) 3'-,074 X 15"THK PAD FOOTING el-DONN ANCHOR BARS @ 12"O.C. EA MY @ BOT. 1) 2'-O"Vi X 15"THK PAD FOOTING N1 BAR -r- @12"O.C. EA owr @ 130T. SIM.YV I + 0'-0" FIN. SLAB 9-7.1 (DATUM +515) 6 1) 2'-0"WX 15'THK PAD FOOTING W/ MRS @12"O.C. EA WAY @ BOT. PAD FOOTINF BELOW 3) 3'-O"Vq X 15"THK PAD FOOTINC, VV TRENCH OR AOJJ5T BARB @ 12"O.C. EA KAY @ 130T. TRENCH LOCATION -2A HOLDOM I" HOR TO 2-2X 5 TYP THIS AREA 05 P05T VV H0-bA HOLDOM ANCHOR RM OUT FOUNDATION TYP EA END ZE FOR DUCT AND -zNCH - VERIFY 51ZE YJ1 .,HANICAL _j HO -5A HOLDOAN ANCHOR TO 2-2X STUDS �'o&! 9-7.1 j "00f "74 T.fli7t, NJr "'A - - - - - - - - - -------- - - - - - - -- ilbpR - S.N. NO. I ALL - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- AROUND -SEE DETAIL 15" THK PAC) FOOTING, YV 244 BARS TtB EA J q BOTH FIREPLACE SIDES BOTH SIDES RECE55 IN SLAB FOR "AU TELEVISION LIFT IN ENTER CABINET - VERIFY DIMEN. . > MANUFACTURER SEE REF DETAILS, (P-10) I'-11"11 X 15-THK PAI r 1114tli #4@ 12'O.C. EA KAY : HO -5A HOLDOAN ANCHOR TO 2-2X STUDS �'o&! 9-7.1 j "00f "74 T.fli7t, NJr "'A - - - - - - - - - -------- - - - - - - -- ilbpR - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- 15" THK PAC) FOOTING, YV 244 BARS TtB EA J q KAY @ MASONRY FIREPLACE BOTH SIDES . > 41-2" 51-411 TYP. - --------- j,?'7(7 VAIL d�A45 ? "114 lip my"ox 0// X IYTFOUNDATION"/ j%///j pUGTAND.%%i// '�j I LZM'E -pm'v �Au /////////''/ 0 51 W , K; W /&Wx A �55 _px r////////, j j/�/� (F; X /// /� 06, TYr tit 14 TYP. 9-7.1 j "00f "74 T.fli7t, NJr //S/ x PROVIDE STRAPING AROUND OPENING5 ® ENTRY FOYER WALLS AS SHOWN IN FRAMING R. IR ELEVATION SHEET A5.4 TYP. KICKER 4X6 V -BRACE TO 6X8 MIN. CEILING BEAM (RB -q) TYP. SEE REF. SECTIONS AND DETAILS 4x KICKER, TYP. F KIGKER� 2 11 A4.1 5'f2 32' S.N. NO. I ALL 12 Hil 1 11 '7NP tl AROUND -5EE DETAILI .. 1 �� a - •'• FOR SPA( ING OF RAFTER • •, a e.�•.; -� .�: �s. BEAMS � •-,� Ile o �����p�qy!!f�������. IJ �1 SEE SECTION E SHEET A53 F, • 1 • 1 �� a - •'• FOR SPA( ING OF RAFTER BEAMS IJ �1 • �o -2x Cow .; BLOCLIS R106E BE M Lu ® I I i0 I <) Lu I -2X WNT BLOCKINCK 1 IJ WOO FRAMED CHIMNEY FLUE TO 1 GONC CAR BELOY4-5EE �� •� Imo/ .. ----------------- lilmilmomolm Go 7 Fl: 1 v.� s •' = I® X11;1 ��•��I���� �� 11-1-10 �l 112.IJ� 1 �I . •. , - -, I1oil ell To loin EA. SIDE 0 • • 00 12 THK. GONW, GAP 00 P.T. SILL PLATE �E F I REPLAGE GAP 5/5" PLYYVD. TYP. (SHEAR WALL WHERE OGGURS). SEE PLAN _ 18" 5/5"0 A.B. w/ 10" 43 . EMBEDMENT 45" ox— and I I I\VI"I 1 1\r%l"I11\V IV I L -VL- I I I V1, 111. 1-11 vvlw v/ H 1 00 #4 ®12"O.G.EA WAY ® BOT. 00 MA50NRY BOX 00 NomeMORE _ 4'-5 1/2 11 00 5'-b • HD -2A TO 00 DBL. STUDS METALBESTOS FLUE . 2X6 STUD 5 ® 00 HD -2A TO • 00 DBL 5TUD5 METALBE5T05 .� FLUE b • • 00 12 THK. GONW, GAP 00 P.T. SILL PLATE �E F I REPLAGE GAP 5/5" PLYYVD. TYP. (SHEAR WALL WHERE OGGURS). SEE PLAN _ 18" 5/5"0 A.B. w/ 10" 43 . EMBEDMENT 45" ox— and I I I\VI"I 1 1\r%l"I11\V IV I L -VL- I I I V1, 111. 1-11 vvlw v/ H 1 00 #4 ®12"O.G.EA WAY ® BOT. 00 MA50NRY BOX 00 TILE HEARTH ao TJLE HEARTH NOTE: FIREPLACE DRAWI N65 ARE 50HEMATI C IN NATURE, MASON SHALL PROVIDE SHOP DRAWIN65 FOR FIREPLACE AND SHALL SIZE ALL FLUES, DAMPERS, OUT5IDE AIR INTAKES ETC. FOR PROPER OPERATION PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION OF FIREPLAGE. NOTIFY ARCHITECT IMMEDIATELY OF ANY CONFL I GT5 IN DE516N/REQUIRED SIZES AND/OR GLEARANCES. SEE DETAIL. &/A7.3 FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION ON FIREPLACE CONSTRUCTION MASONRY FIREPLACE SCALE. I/2"=1' -O" 12 D.S. EWING ARCH. Fax:626-564-5905 PERIMETER OF REFLECTING f FbOL go NOTE a POOL T --- I.. M NO. I ALL ARaw -sE DETAIL 2OOTTN& ;H OR ADIMT H LOr ,ATION 05T YV HD 6A 130TH .7M ANCHOR SIDES KAM ;A 2OOTTN& ;H OR ADIMT H LOr ,ATION 05T YV HD 6A 130TH .7M ANCHOR SIDES ' A END I [H F Dec 17 198 16:18 P.02/03 PERIMETER OF POOL PROVIDE CoMPLEM SH 5KMMIN6 FOOL, SPA Al ON RE 5040M VETAU APPROVAL', I ------------------------ I RECESS IN SLAB FOR 'AMW TaZY15I0N LIFT IN ENTERTAINMENT CABINET - VMIFY OmmxX6 Af MANUFACTURER, 511 REFERENCED MAIL$ -(P-10) 3'-6*Yi X 15*qK PAD FOOTING YV 4@ 12'OL. EA MY HV -5A HOLCOAN ANCHOR TO 2-2X STUDS 15' THK PAD FOOTING A1#4 BARS T49 @1210.6. EA KAY@ MASONRY FIREPLACE MEMO F� NOTE, IF TAO POUR METHOD 15 USED AN'HOR BOLTS 5HALL JOINT IF Ti'VO EXTEND I" MIN INTO LOYe5T POUR METHOD USED BARS EA. KAY %P BOTTOM U.N.G WK POUR JOINT IF TP40 POUR METHOD USED r X.-. xX i y \ v x"I 2" MIN SEE PLAN PLASTER FIN15H TYP 2X STUDS o Ib" O/G; TYP. 5/6" CDX-1 PLYi"{D. SEE SHEAR MALL SCHEDULE FOR NAILING 4" GONG. SLAB 5/8" ANCHOR BOLT r4/10" EMBEDMENT ® 48" o.c. AND 12' MAX ® ENDS U.N.O. ® SHEAR WALL SCHED. SEE NOTE ABOVE 05 ® 12" O/C EACH kXAY TYF FERIMETER FOOTIN65 5 SCALE c I N 2- #4 RE -BAR CONTINUOUS TOP AND BOTTOM REGOMPACTED SOIL 1 rn r #4 VERT. ® 32" o,c. A/W -O" EXT. INTO z : 4" THICK GONG. SLAB. TYP. ® 2 -POUR PAD FOOTING - INHERE OCCURS O N 1V 04 BARS T8 B 4 12" O.G. EA. AAY TYP. LINO SEE FOUNDATION PLAN TYF FERIMETER FOOTIN65 5 SCALE c I N 2- #4 RE -BAR CONTINUOUS TOP AND BOTTOM REGOMPACTED SOIL 1 rn r