2016 12 27 PC MinutesCALL TO ORDER PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES TUESDAY, DECEMBER 27, 2016 A regular meeting of the La Quinta Planning Commission was called to order at 6:00 p.m. by Chairperson Bettencourt. PRESENT: Commissioners Blum, Hansen, McCune, Quill, Wright and Chairperson Bettencourt ABSENT: None VACANCY: One STAFF PRESENT: Design and Development Director Timothy R. Jonasson, Assistant City Attorney Morgan Wazlaw, Planning Manager Gabriel Perez, Principal Engineer Bryan McKinney and Executive Assistant Wanda Wise -Latta Commissioner Blum led the Commission in the Pledge of Allegiance. PUBLIC COMMENT - None CONFIRMATION OF AGENDA - Confirmed PUBLIC HEARING 1. Site Development Permit 2016-0009 submitted by the SilverRock Development Company, LLC for the consideration of site, architectural, and landscaping plans for 200 -key hotel, new golf course clubhouse, ten golf villas and a resort residential development within Planning Areas 5, 6, and 10A of the SilverRock Specific Plan. Project: SilverRock Resort. CEQA: previously reviewed under Environmental Assessment 2014-1003; the project is consistent with the analysis previously approved. Location: southwest corner of Jefferson Street and Avenue 52. Planning Manager Gabriel Perez presented the information contained in the staff report, which is on file in the Design and Development Department. Staff addressed Commissioner McCune's questions regarding the anticipated alignment of the temporary fence and its design. PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES 1 DECEMBER 27, 2016 Chairperson Bettencourt declared the PUBLIC HEARING OPEN at 6:18 p.m. Public Speaker: John Gamlin, Robert Green Company/SilverRock Development Company - introduced himself and conveyed Mr. Robert Green's regrets regarding being unable to attend the meeting due to a family emergency. Mr. Gamlin gave a presentation of the project. Public Speaker: Kevin Heinly, Managing Director and Principal, Gensler, San Diego, CA - introduced himself and explained in further detail the concepts and design of the project. General discussion followed regarding the architectural design and color palette. Public Speaker: Ray Rooker, La Quinta, CA - introduced himself and shared his thoughts regarding the project. General discussion continued regarding materials and color selections; adequacy of the square footage of the clubhouse, adequate dining and kitchen facilities in the clubhouse; dimensions of the pro shop; staging area for golf tournaments, golf cart circulation; hotel room dimensions and details; and landscaping details adjacent to the hotel buildings. Mr. Gamlin stated that he valued the comments from Mr. Rooker and the Commissioners. Planning Manager Perez stated that if the Commission approved the Site Development Permit, it would then go before the City Council for consideration as a business item, but the Commission could recommend conditions tonight. General discussion followed regarding golf clubhouse ownership, parking, cart barn and the Commission's role and actions with regards to the Site Development Permit. Chairperson Bettencourt declared the PUBLIC HEARING CLOSED at 7:16 p.m. Motion - A motion was made and seconded by Commissioners Quill/Wright to adopt Resolution No. 2016-019 recommending that the City Council approve Site Development Permit 2016-0009 and find it consistent with Environmental Assessment 2014-1003 with the addition of the following recommended conditions: PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES 2 DECEMBER 27, 2016 1. Prosopis Glandulosa (Texas Honey Mesquite) trees shall be removed as a landscape option in the plant legend for SDP2016-0009. 2. Vertical landscape elements shall be included in landscape areas adjacent to three-story buildings of the lifestyle hotel in Planning Area 5 and the lifestyle -branded condominiums in Planning Area 6. 3. The applicant shall introduce building material colors that are compatible with the color hues of the adjacent mountains of the SilverRock Resort. 4. A room dimension and square -foot analysis shall be prepared by the applicant for lifestyle hotel room options. 5. Applicant shall redesign the golf clubhouse within the allotted space for optimal clubhouse and golf cart function. The redesign of the clubhouse shall include input from clubhouse operators and study of other clubhouses. The pro shop shall be redesigned to maximize revenue for the City of La Quinta by the allocation of merchandising elements and enhancement of views to the first and tenth tees. The lounge design shall be designed as a dining venue that serves as a destination for golfers, visitors and City residents. AYES: Commissioners Hansen, McCune, Quill, Wright and Chairperson Bettencourt. NOES: None. ABSENT: None. ABSTAIN: Commissioner Blum (counted with the majority based on City Council adopted Rules of Procedure Resolution No. 2015-023). VACANCY: One. Motion passed Ayes: 6 CORRESPONDENCE AND WRITTEN MATERIAL - None COMMISSIONER ITEM Chairperson Bettencourt reaffirmed the Commission's willingness to be helpful with the review of Development Agreements and asked for an update on the cell towers evaluation. Commissioners Quill and Wright commented on the plant material in the landscaping surrounding the Cinemark movie theatre and the adjacent parking lot. Chairperson Bettencourt requested that staff provide a report to the Planning Commission at its next meeting regarding the status of the landscaping at the theatre. Chairperson Bettencourt requested to be excused from the January 10, 2017 Planning Commission meeting due to a long -planned commitment. STAFF ITEMS 1. Report on City Council Action for Special Events. PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES 3 DECEMBER 27, 2016 Planning Manager Gabriel Perez presented the staff report on Council action approving new regulations for special events, which is on file in the Design and Development Department, Commissioner Quill asked if there was a fiscal impact for the City and staff responded that there are none and that the City is recovering costs through special event permit fees. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, it was moved and seconded by Commissioners Wright/Blum to adjourn this meeting at 7:50 p.m. in memory and honor of Riverside County Supervisor John J. Benoit. Motion passed unanimously. Respectfully submitted, av �r WANDA WISE-LATTA, Executive Assistant City of La Quinta, California PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES 4 DECEMBER 27, 2016