PC Resolution 2017-012PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION 2017 - 012
SECTION 65852.2
WHEREAS, the Planning Commission of the City of La Quinta, California, did on
the 11th day of July, 2017, hold a duly noticed Public Hearing for review of a Zoning
Ordinance Amendment to amend Chapter 9.60 of the La Quinta Municipal Code, as
identified by Title of this Resolution; and
WHEREAS, the Design and Development Department published a public hearing
notice for this request in The Desert Sun newspaper on June 30, 2017, as prescribed by
the Municipal Code; and,
Environmental Assessment 2017-0005
WHEREAS, at said Public Hearing, upon hearing and considering all testimony
and arguments, if any, of all interested persons desiring to be heard, said Planning
Commission did make the following mandatory findings pursuant to Section 9.210.020
of the Municipal Code to justify approval of said Environmental Assessment [Exhibit A]:
The proposed zoning ordinance amendment will not be detrimental to the
health, safety, or general welfare of the community, either indirectly, or
directly, in that no significant unmitigated impacts were identified by
Environmental Assessment 2017-0005.
2. The proposed zoning ordinance amendment will not have the potential to
degrade the quality of the environment, substantially reduce the habitat of
a fish or wildlife population to drop below self-sustaining levels, threaten to
eliminate a plant or animal community, reduce the number or restrict the
Planning Commission Resolution 2017 - 012
Zoning Ordinance Amendment 2017-0001
Applicant: City of La Quinta
Adopted: July 11, 2017
Page 2 of 3
range of rare or endangered plants or animals or eliminate important
examples of the major periods of California history or prehistory.
There is not evidence before the City that the proposed zoning ordinance
amendment will have the potential for an adverse affect on wildlife
resources of the habitat on which the wildlife depends.
4. The proposed zoning ordinance amendment will not result in impacts which
are individually limited or cumulatively considerable.
5. The proposed zoning ordinance amendment will not have environmental
effects that will adversely affect the human population, either directly or
indirectly. Impacts associated with noise and air quality will be less than
Zoning Ordinance Amendment 2017-0001
WHEREAS, the proposed amendments are necessary to implement Assembly
Bill 2299 and Senate Bill 1069, effective January 1, 2017, governing the regulation for
accessory dwelling units, and,
WHEREAS, at said Public Hearing, upon hearing and considering all testimony
and arguments, if any, of all interested persons desiring to be heard, said Planning
Commission did make the following mandatory findings to recommend approval of
said Zoning Ordinance Amendment [Exhibit B] to the City Council:
1. Consistency with General Plan
The zoning ordinance amendment is consistent with the goals, objectives and
policies of the General Plan. The proposed amendments are supported by
Policy H-1.1, identify adequate sites to accommodate a range of product types,
densities, and prices to address needs of all household types, lifestyles, and
income levels; Policy H-3.1, remove unnecessary regulatory constraints to
enable construction or rehabilitation of housing that meets the needs of La
Quinta residents, including lower income and special needs residents.
2. Public Welfare
Approval of the zoning ordinance amendment will not create conditions
materially detrimental to the public health, safety and general welfare. The
amendments assist in implementation of the General Plan 2035 Housing
Element and do not incorporate any changes that affect the regulation and/or
provision of public services, utility systems, or other foreseeable health, safety
and welfare considerations.
Planning Commission Resolution 2017 - 012
Zoning Ordinance Amendment 2017-0001
Applicant: City of La Quinta
Adopted: July 11, 2017
Page 3 of 3
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Planning Commission of the City of
La Quinta, California, as follows:
SECTION 1. That the above recitations are true and constitute the findings of the
Planning Commission in this case.
SECTION 2. That the Planning Commission does hereby recommend approval of
Environmental Assessment 2017-0005 and Zoning Ordinance Amendment 2017-
0001, as set forth in attached Exhibit A, to the City Council for the reasons set forth in
this Resolution.
PASSED, APPROVED and ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the La Quints
Planning Commission held this 11th day of July, 2017, by the following vote:
AYES: Commissioners Caldwell, Currie, McCune, Proctor, Wright and
Chairperson Bettencourt
NOES: Commissioner Quill
'- 7 �')V-.,: � "
City of La Quinta, California
GABRIEL REZ, nning Manager
City of La Quints California
Project Title:
Case No:
Lead Agency
Contact Person:
Project Location:
78-495 Calle Tampico
La Quinta, CA 92253
Phone: (760) 777-7000
Environmental Assessment 2017-0005
General Plan/Zoning:
Surrounding Land
Zoning Ordinance Amendment
ZOA 2017-0001
City of La Quinta
78-495 Calle Tampico
La Quinta, CA 92253
City of La Quinta
Gabriel Perez, Planning Manager, City of La Quinta
La Quinta, CA 92253
EA 2017-0005
ZOA 2017-0001
March 2017
Project Description:
In order to comply with the new California laws, Assembly Bill 2299 and Senate Bill 1069, which
took effect on January 2017 amending the state law governing second dwelling units, California
cities and counties are required to adopt or amend their local ordinances in compliance with the
new state law. Regulatory barriers are reduced for the construction of accessory dwelling units
such as reductions or exemptions from parking requirements and reduced utility connection fees
for second units. A set of standards apply for second units created within an existing residential
structure and another set for new second units, attached or detached, that create additional living
space. Accessory dwelling units are regulated by Section 9.60.090, Second Residential Units of the
La Quinta Municipal Code. The City Attorney and staff conducted a consistency analysis of
existing Code with the new state laws and recommend certain code amendments.
The standards of the Second Residential Units, Section 9.60.090, are proposed to be modified as
• Replace references to Second Residential Units with references to Accessory Dwelling
• Establishes new standards for accessory dwelling units within existing primary structure
and units not within existing structures
• Require accessory dwelling unit permitting as a ministerial process
• No requirement for new or separate utility connection for accessory dwelling units
proposed within an existing primary structure.
• Parking spaces for new accessory dwelling units can be provided as tandem parking,
including on an existing driveway or in setback areas, excluding the non -driveway front
yard setback.
• Parking requirements for the primary dwelling must be met before the approval an
accessory dwelling unit.
Project Location and Limits:
City of La Quinta
Other Required Public Agencies Approval:
EA 2017-0005
ZOA 2017-0001
March 2017
The environmental factors checked below would be potentially affected by this project, involving at
least one impact that is a "Potentially Significant Impact" as indicated by the checklist on the
following pages.
Agriculture and
Forestry Resources
Air Quality
Biological Resources
Cultural Resources
Geology /Soils
Greenhouse Gas
Hazards & Hazardous
Hydrology / Water Quality
Land Use / Planning
Mineral Resources
Population / Housing
Public Services
Utilities / Service
Mandatory Findings of
On the basis of this initial evaluation:
X I find that the proposed project COULD NOT have a significant effect on the environment, and
a NEGATIVE DECLARATION will be prepared.
I find that although the proposed project could have a significant effect on the environment,
there will not be a significant effect in this case because revisions in the project have been made
by or agreed to by the project proponent. A MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION will
be prepared.
I find that the proposed project MAY have a significant effect on the environment, and an
I find that the proposed project MAY have a "potentially significant impact" or "potentially
significant unless mitigated" impact on the environment, but at least one effect 1) has been
adequately analyzed in an earlier document pursuant to applicable legal standards, and 2) has
been addressed by mitigation measures based on the earlier analysis as described on attached
sheets. An ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT is required, but it must analyze only the
effects that remain to be addressed.
I find that although the proposed project could have a significant effect on the environment,
because all potentially significant effects (a) have been analyzed adequately in an earlier EIR or
NEGATIVE DECLARATION pursuant to applicable standards, and (b) have been avoided or
mitigated pursuant to that earlier EIR or NEGATIVE DECLARATION, including revisions or
mitigateasures that are imposed upon the proposed project, nothing further is required.
io m
July 6, 2017
EA 2017-0005
ZOA 2017-0001
March 2017
1) A brief explanation is required for all answers except "No Impact" answers that are adequately
supported by the information sources a lead agency cites in the parentheses following each
question. A "No Impact" answer is adequately supported if the referenced information sources
show that the impact simply does not apply to projects like the one involved (e.g., the project
falls outside a fault rupture zone). A "No Impact" answer should be explained where it is
based on project -specific factors as well as general standards (e.g., the project will not expose
sensitive receptors to pollutants, based on a project -specific screening analysis).
2) All answers must take account of the whole action involved, including off-site as well as on-
site, cumulative as well as project -level, indirect as well as direct, and construction as well as
operational impacts.
3) Once the lead agency has determined that a particular physical impact may occur, then the
checklist answers must indicate whether the impact is potentially significant, less than
significant with mitigation, or less than significant. "Potentially Significant Impact" is
appropriate if there is substantial evidence that an effect may be significant. If there are one or
more "Potentially Significant Impact" entries when the determination is made, an EIR is
4) "Negative Declaration: Less Than Significant With Mitigation Incorporated" applies where
the incorporation of mitigation measures has reduced an effect from "Potentially Significant
Impact" to a "Less Than Significant Impact." The lead agency must describe the mitigation
measures, and briefly explain how they reduce the effect to a less than significant level
(mitigation measures from Section XVII, "Earlier Analyses," may be cross-referenced).
5) Earlier analyses may be used where, pursuant to the tiering, program EIR, or other CEQA
process, an effect has been adequately analyzed in an earlier EIR or negative declaration.
Section 15063(c)(3)(D). In this case, a brief discussion should identify the following:
a) Earlier Analysis Used. Identify and state where they are available for review.
b) Impacts Adequately Addressed. Identify which effects from the above checklist were
within the scope of and adequately analyzed in an earlier document pursuant to
applicable legal standards, and state whether such effects were addressed by mitigation
measures based on the earlier analysis.
C) Mitigation Measures. For effects that are "Less than Significant with Mitigation
Measures Incorporated," describe the mitigation measures, which were incorporated or
refined from the earlier document and the extent to which they address site-specific
conditions for the project.
6) Lead agencies are encouraged to incorporate into the checklist references to information
sources for potential impacts (e.g., general plans, zoning ordinances). Reference to a
previously prepared or outside document should, where appropriate, include a reference to the
page or pages where the statement is substantiated.
7) Supporting Information Sources: A source list should be attached, and other sources used or
individuals contacted should be cited in the discussion.
8) This is only a suggested form, and lead agencies are free to use different formats; however,
lead agencies should normally address the questions from this checklist that are relevant to a
project's environmental effects in whatever format is selected.
9) The explanation of each issue should identify:
a) the significance criteria or threshold, if any, used to evaluate each question; and
EA 2017-0005
ZOA 2017-0001
March 2017
b) the mitigation measure identified, if any, to reduce the impact to less than significance.
EA 2017-0005
ZOA 2017-0001
March 2017
Source: 2035 General Plan, La Quinta Municipal Code.
I. a -d) No Impact. New buildings that will be proposed as result of the new zoning ordinance
standards will be required to comply with the City's development standards and building
codes as well as comply with all design guidelines, which include but are not limited to the
Cove Design Guidelines and Highway 111 Design Guidelines. The Planning Division will
review proposed additions to single-family residences that have been designated as
historically significant. These provisions will ensure that the proposed zoning ordinance
amendment will result in no impacts on aesthetics, scenic vistas or light and glare.
Mitigation Measures: None
Monitoring: None
Less Than
Less Than
Significant w/
I. AESTHETICS -- Would the project:
a) Have a substantial adverse effect on a
scenic vista?
b) Substantially damage scenic
resources, including, but not limited to,
trees, rock outcroppings, and historic
buildings within a state scenic highway?
c) Substantially degrade the existing
visual character or quality of the site and
its surroundings?
d) Create a new source of substantial
light or glare which would adversely
affect day or nighttime views in the area?
Source: 2035 General Plan, La Quinta Municipal Code.
I. a -d) No Impact. New buildings that will be proposed as result of the new zoning ordinance
standards will be required to comply with the City's development standards and building
codes as well as comply with all design guidelines, which include but are not limited to the
Cove Design Guidelines and Highway 111 Design Guidelines. The Planning Division will
review proposed additions to single-family residences that have been designated as
historically significant. These provisions will ensure that the proposed zoning ordinance
amendment will result in no impacts on aesthetics, scenic vistas or light and glare.
Mitigation Measures: None
Monitoring: None
EA 2017-0005
ZOA 2017-0001
March 2017
Source: 2035 General Plan, "California Department of Conservation, published January 2012", and
California Department of Conservation Farmland Mapping, project materials.
II. a -e) No Impact. The proposed zoning ordinance amendment will be limited to residential zones.
These properties are not designated as Prime Farmland, Unique Farmland, or Farmland of
Statewide Importance, nor are they used for agricultural purposes. The proposed project will
not result in any changes to agricultural designations. The subject properties will be limited to
residential zones as defined in the City's General Plan. Therefore, less than significant
impacts are anticipated to occur to Prime Farmland, Unique Farmland, or Farmland of
Statewide Importance as a result of the proposed development. There are no Williamson Act
contracts on the properties. The zoning ordinance amendment will not involve any change in
the existing environment to result in conversion of Farmland to non-agricultural use. No
impact is expected.
The proposed zoning ordinance will not result in the conversion of forest -land to non -forest
use since it will only affect properties in residential zones. No impact is anticipated.
Mitigation Measures: None
Monitoring: None
Less Than
Less Than
Significant w/
Would the project:
a) Convert Prime Farmland, Unique
Farmland, or Farmland of Statewide
Importance (Farmland), as shown on the
maps prepared pursuant to the Farmland
Mapping and Monitoring Program of the
California Resources Agency, to non-
agricultural use?
b) Conflict with existing zoning for
agricultural use, or a Williamson Act
c) Involve other changes in the existing
environment which, due to their location
or nature, could result in conversion of
Farmland, to non-agricultural use?
d) Result in the loss of forest land or
conversion of forest land to non -forest
e) Involve other changes in the existing
environment which due to their location
or nature could result in conversion of
forest land to non forest use?
Source: 2035 General Plan, "California Department of Conservation, published January 2012", and
California Department of Conservation Farmland Mapping, project materials.
II. a -e) No Impact. The proposed zoning ordinance amendment will be limited to residential zones.
These properties are not designated as Prime Farmland, Unique Farmland, or Farmland of
Statewide Importance, nor are they used for agricultural purposes. The proposed project will
not result in any changes to agricultural designations. The subject properties will be limited to
residential zones as defined in the City's General Plan. Therefore, less than significant
impacts are anticipated to occur to Prime Farmland, Unique Farmland, or Farmland of
Statewide Importance as a result of the proposed development. There are no Williamson Act
contracts on the properties. The zoning ordinance amendment will not involve any change in
the existing environment to result in conversion of Farmland to non-agricultural use. No
impact is expected.
The proposed zoning ordinance will not result in the conversion of forest -land to non -forest
use since it will only affect properties in residential zones. No impact is anticipated.
Mitigation Measures: None
Monitoring: None
EA 2017-0005
ZOA 2017-0001
March 2017
Source: La Quinta General Plan, SCAQMD CEQA Handbook; 2003 PM10 Plan for the Coachella
Valley, SCAQMD 2012 Air Quality Management Plan;
III. a-f)No Impact. The Coachella Valley, including the City of La Quinta, is located within the
Salton Sea Air Basin (SSAB), which is under the jurisdiction of the South Coast Air Quality
Management District (SCAQMD). SCAQMD is responsible for monitoring criteria air
pollutant concentrations and establishing management policies for the SSAB. All
development within the SSAB is subject to SCAQMD's 2012 Air Quality Management Plan
(2012 AQMP) and the 2003 Coachella Valley PMIo State Implementation Plan (2003 CV
The proposed project is proposing a zoning ordinance amendment to allow for accessory
dwelling units. All proposed accessory dwelling units will be developed in accordance with
all applicable air quality management plans. The AQMP is based, in part, on the land use
plans of the jurisdictions in the region. The future units will be consistent with the intent of
the General Plan and AQMP. No impacts associated with compliance with applicable
management plans are expected.
Less Than
Less Than
Significant w/
III. AIR QUALITY: Would the project:
a) Conflict with or obstruct
implementation of the applicable air
quality plan?
b) Violate any air quality standard or
contribute substantially to an existing or
projected air quality violation?
c) Result in a cumulatively considerable
net increase of any criteria pollutant for
which the project region is non -
attainment under an applicable federal or
state ambient air quality standard
(including releasing emissions which
exceed quantitative thresholds for ozone
d) Result in significant construction-
related air quality impacts?
e) Expose sensitive receptors to
substantial pollutant concentrations?
f) Create objectionable odors affecting a
substantial number of people?
Source: La Quinta General Plan, SCAQMD CEQA Handbook; 2003 PM10 Plan for the Coachella
Valley, SCAQMD 2012 Air Quality Management Plan;
III. a-f)No Impact. The Coachella Valley, including the City of La Quinta, is located within the
Salton Sea Air Basin (SSAB), which is under the jurisdiction of the South Coast Air Quality
Management District (SCAQMD). SCAQMD is responsible for monitoring criteria air
pollutant concentrations and establishing management policies for the SSAB. All
development within the SSAB is subject to SCAQMD's 2012 Air Quality Management Plan
(2012 AQMP) and the 2003 Coachella Valley PMIo State Implementation Plan (2003 CV
The proposed project is proposing a zoning ordinance amendment to allow for accessory
dwelling units. All proposed accessory dwelling units will be developed in accordance with
all applicable air quality management plans. The AQMP is based, in part, on the land use
plans of the jurisdictions in the region. The future units will be consistent with the intent of
the General Plan and AQMP. No impacts associated with compliance with applicable
management plans are expected.
EA 2017-0005
ZOA 2017-0001
March 2017
The proposed zoning ordinance amendment will not result in significant construction -related
air quality impacts.
Minor additions to homes will not create objectionable odors that affect a substantial number
of people nor will it expose sensitive receptors to substantial pollutant concentrations. No air
quality related impacts are expected.
Mitigation Measures: None
Monitoring: None
EA 2017-0005
ZOA 2017-0001
March 2017
Less Than
Less Than
Significant w/
Would the project:
a) Have a substantial adverse effect, either
directly or through habitat modifications,
on any species identified as a candidate,
sensitive, or special status species in local
or regional plans, policies, or regulations,
or by the California Department of Fish
and Wildlife or U.S. Fish and Wildlife
b) Have a substantial adverse effect on any
riparian habitat or other sensitive natural
community identified in local or regional
plans, policies, regulations or by the
California Department of Fish and Game
or US Fish and Wildlife Service?
c) Have a substantial adverse effect on
federally protected wetlands as defined by
Section 404 of the Clean Water Act
(including, but not limited to, marsh,
vernal pool, coastal, etc.) through direct
removal, filling, hydrological interruption,
or other means?
d) Interfere substantially with the
movement of any native resident or
migratory fish or wildlife species or with
established native resident or migratory
wildlife corridors, or impede the use of
native wildlife nursery sites?
e) Conflict with any local policies or
ordinances protecting biological resources,
such as a tree preservation policy or
0 Conflict with the provisions of an
adopted Habitat Conservation Plan,
Natural Community Conservation Plan, or
other approved local, regional, or state
habitat conservation plan?
EA 2017-0005
ZOA 2017-0001
March 2017
Source: 2035 General Plan, Coachella Valley MSHCP.
IV.a)-f) No Impact. The proposed zoning ordinance amendment will not result in construction.
Future homes developed under the amendment's standards will be required to comply with
CEQA requirements, and will occur in existing neighborhoods, on existing home lots.
Wetlands and riparian areas will no be impacted.
The City of La Quinta participates in the Coachella Valley Multiple Species Habitat
Conservation Plan, and there are no conservation lands located within its residential zones.
The proposed zoning ordinance amendment will have no impact on biological resources.
Mitigation Measures: None required.
Monitoring: None required.
EA 2017-0005
ZOA 2017-0001
March 2017
Source: 2035 General Plan.
V. a -d) No Impact. The zoning ordinance amendment will have no impact on cultural resources. The
City will require the approval of building permits for future modifications to single-family
residences, including potentially historic residences.
The City of La Quinta is located within the boundary of ancient Lake Cahuilla, the primary
location for paleontological resources in the Valley. Even so, all potential construction would
be limited to existing home sites, which have been previously disturbed.
Human remains are unlikely to be found since the potential construction would be restricted to
previously disturbed areas.
Mitigation: None required.
Monitoring: None required.
Less Than
Less Than
Significant w/
the project:
a) Cause a substantial adverse change in
the significance of a historical resource as
defined in '15064.5?
b) Cause a substantial adverse change in
the significance of an archaeological
resource pursuant to '15064.5?
c) Directly or indirectly destroy a unique
paleontological resource or site or unique
geologic feature?
d) Disturb any human remains, including
those interred outside of formal
Source: 2035 General Plan.
V. a -d) No Impact. The zoning ordinance amendment will have no impact on cultural resources. The
City will require the approval of building permits for future modifications to single-family
residences, including potentially historic residences.
The City of La Quinta is located within the boundary of ancient Lake Cahuilla, the primary
location for paleontological resources in the Valley. Even so, all potential construction would
be limited to existing home sites, which have been previously disturbed.
Human remains are unlikely to be found since the potential construction would be restricted to
previously disturbed areas.
Mitigation: None required.
Monitoring: None required.
EA 2017-0005
ZOA 2017-0001
March 2017
Sources: 2035 General Plan; project materials.
VI. a -e) No Impact. There are no Alquist-Priolo hazards zones located within the city. The entire
city, including the project site will be subject to significant ground shaking in the event of an
earthquake. In order to mitigate this potential impact the City's building standards are in place
to reduce the impacts of a significant earthquake.
Potential impacts related to landslides have been reduced to less than significant levels as the
result of the primary residence approval.
The addition of an accessory unit would not place people or structure in area susceptible to
Less Than
Less Than
Significant w/
the project:
a) Expose people or structures to
potential substantial adverse effects,
including the risk of loss, injury, or death
i) Rupture of a known earthquake fault,
as delineated on the most recent Alquist-
Priolo Earthquake Fault Zoning Map
issued by the State Geologist for the area
or based on other substantial evidence of
a known fault?
ii) Strong seismic ground shaking?
iii) Seismic -related ground failure,
including liquefaction?
iv) Landslides?
b) Result in substantial soil erosion or the
loss of topsoil?
c) Be located on expansive soil, as
defined in Table 18-1-B of the Uniform
Building Code (1994), creating
substantial risks to life or property?
d) Have soils incapable of adequately
supporting the use of septic tanks or
alternative waste water disposal systems
where sewers are not available for the
disposal of waste water?
Sources: 2035 General Plan; project materials.
VI. a -e) No Impact. There are no Alquist-Priolo hazards zones located within the city. The entire
city, including the project site will be subject to significant ground shaking in the event of an
earthquake. In order to mitigate this potential impact the City's building standards are in place
to reduce the impacts of a significant earthquake.
Potential impacts related to landslides have been reduced to less than significant levels as the
result of the primary residence approval.
The addition of an accessory unit would not place people or structure in area susceptible to
EA 2017-0005
ZOA 2017-0001
March 2017
The proposed ordinance has the potential to allow the construction of an accessory second
unit to a site supports septic tanks. However, the standards imposed by the Regional Water
Quality Control Board will assure that adequate capacity and percolation meet all local, state
and federal requirements.
The implementation of the proposed zoning ordinance amendment will not result in impacts to
geology or soils.
Mitigation: None required.
Monitoring: None required.
EA 2017-0005
ZOA 2017-0001
March 2017
Source: CalEEMod Version 2013.2.2, project materials.
VII.a)-b) No Impact. The proposed zoning ordinance amendment will result in no construction.
Future development of accessory units under the provisions of this amendment would be
required to comply with Building Code requirements, which include energy efficiency
requirements designed to reduce GHG emissions. No impacts related to greenhouse emissions
are expected to occur.
Mitigation: None required.
Monitoring: None required.
Less Than
Less Than
-- Would the project:
Miti ation
a) Generate greenhouse gas emissions,
either directly or indirectly, that may have
a significant impact on the environment?
b) Conflict with an applicable plan, policy
or regulation adopted for the purpose of
reducing the emissions of greenhouse
Source: CalEEMod Version 2013.2.2, project materials.
VII.a)-b) No Impact. The proposed zoning ordinance amendment will result in no construction.
Future development of accessory units under the provisions of this amendment would be
required to comply with Building Code requirements, which include energy efficiency
requirements designed to reduce GHG emissions. No impacts related to greenhouse emissions
are expected to occur.
Mitigation: None required.
Monitoring: None required.
EA 2017-0005
ZOA 2017-0001
March 2017
Less Than
Less Than
Significant w/
MATERIALS --Would theproject:
a) Create a significant hazard to the
public or the environment through the
routine transport, use, or disposal of
hazardous materials?
b) Create a significant hazard to the
public or the environment through
reasonably foreseeable upset and accident
conditions involving the release of
hazardous materials into the
c) Emit hazardous emissions or handle
hazardous or acutely hazardous materials,
substances, or waste within one-quarter
mile of an existing or proposed school?
d) Be located on a site which is included
on a list of hazardous materials sites
compiled pursuant to Government Code
Section 65962.5 and, as a result, would it
create a significant hazard to the public or
the environment?
e) For a project located within an airport
land use plan or, where such a plan has
not been adopted, within two miles of a
public airport or public use airport, would
the project result in a safety hazard for
people residing or working in the project
f) For a project within the vicinity of a
private airstrip, would the project result in
a safety hazard for people residing or
working in the project area?
g) Impair implementation of or physically
interfere with an adopted emergency
response plan or emergency evacuation
EA 2017-0005
ZOA 2017-0001
March 2017
h) Expose people or structures to a
significant risk of loss, injury or death
involving wildland fires, including where
wildlands are adjacent to urbanized areas
or where residences are intermixed with
Source: 2035 General Plan, CA Department of Toxic Substances, project materials.
VII. a) -d) No Impact. The zoning ordinance amendment will not result in any impact associated with
hazards or hazardous materials. The construction and operation of accessory dwelling units in
the future will not create a significant hazard to the public related to the transportation of
hazardous materials. Small amounts of chemicals for household cleaning may be transported
or stored by homeowners; however, they will be minimal and cause similar risks as those
associated with existing residential uses in the area. The current residences and future
accessory dwelling units will generate use, storage, or transport of hazardous materials.
However, the regulations of the Fire Department, County Department of Environmental
Health and State and federal agencies will apply. These standard requirements will ensure that
no impacts associated with the use, storage, or transport of hazardous materials occur.
The proposed zoning ordinance amendment will not create a significant hazard to the public
or environment through reasonably foreseeable upset and accident conditions involving the
release of hazardous materials into the environment. Future construction and operation of
accessory dwelling units will be similar to exiting residential use of hazardous materials. No
impact will occur.
e -g) No Impact. The City is located west of the Jacqueline Cochran Regional Airport and south of
the Bermuda Dune Regional Airport. The zoning ordinance amendment will not create
hazards associated with aviation. The proposed zoning ordinance amendment will not
physically interfere with local or regional roadway networks, or interfere with implementation
of an emergency response or evacuation plan. Future developments will have access to the
City's existing street grid for emergency purposes. No impacts are expected.
h) No Impact. The City is located on the valley floor, and is in a highly urbanized area. There
will be no impacts associated with wildland fires.
Mitigation: None.
Monitoring: None.
EA 2017-0005
ZOA 2017-0001
March 2017
Less Than
Less Than
Significant w/
QUALITY -- Would the project:
a) Violate any water quality standards or
waste discharge requirements?
b) Substantially deplete groundwater
supplies or interfere substantially with
groundwater recharge such that there
would be a net deficit in aquifer volume or
a lowering of the local groundwater table
level (e.g., the production rate of pre-
existing nearby wells would drop to a level
which would not support existing land uses
or planned uses for which permits have
been granted)?
c) Substantially alter the existing drainage
pattern of the site or area, including
through the alteration of the course of a
stream or river, in a manner which would
result in substantial erosion or siltation on -
or off-site?
d) Substantially alter the existing drainage
pattern of the site or area, including
through the alteration of the course of a
stream or river, or substantially increase the
rate or amount of surface runoff in a
manner which would result in flooding on -
or off-site?
e) Create or contribute runoff water which
would exceed the capacity of existing or
planned stormwater drainage systems or
provide substantial additional sources of
polluted runoff?
f) Place housing within a 100 -year flood hazard
area as mapped on a federal Flood Hazard
Boundary or Flood Insurance Rate Map or
other flood hazard delineation map?
g) Place within a 100 -year flood hazard area
structures which would impede or redirect
flood flows?
EA 2017-0005
ZOA 2017-0001
March 2017
Source: 2035 General Plan
IX. a) No Impact. The zoning ordinance amendment will have no impact on water quality
standards. Coachella Valley Water District (CVWD) provides domestic water to residences
in the City. CVWD implements all water pollution standards required, assuming that water
sources are not contaminated, either during construction or operation. Future accessory
dwelling units will continue to control storm water flows as it has, based on City standards.
b) No Impact. The zoning ordinance amendment will have no impact on water supply.
Coachella Valley Water District (CVWD) will supply domestic water to future accessory
dwelling units. CVWD has prepared an Urban Water Management Plan 2010 Update, which
is a long-term document that facilitates the planning for current and future water demands.
The UWMP demonstrates that the District has available, and can supply, sufficient water to
serve the potential expansion due to the proposed zoning ordinance amendment, insofar as the
amendment would not result in substantial numbers of additional units. Water use for future
accessory units will be required to comply with CVWD's and the City's water -efficiency
c) -g) No Impact. The zoning ordinance amendment will have no impact on flooding. It is not likely
that La Quinta will be affected by a tsunami because the City is located approximately 60
miles from the Pacific coast. Future units will be required to implement City standards
relating to flooding hazards. For this reason, no impact would occur.
Mitigation: None required.
Monitoring: None required.
EA 2017-0005
ZOA 2017-0001
March 2017
Sources: 2035 General Plan; AB -2299 Land use: housing: 2— units,
littps://Iggilfo.legislature.ca.gov/faces151l]NavClient.xhtml?bill id=201520160AB2299
X. a) No Impact. The zoning ordinance amendment will not divide an established community for
the reason that any potential construction will be limited to existing residential units in
existing neighborhoods. No impact is expected.
b) Less Than Significant Impact. In order to comply with the new state law, AB 2299, which
among other elements, makes a number of changes to the Accessory Dwelling Unit (ADU)
review process and standards in order to ease some of the barriers to the development, the
City is required to implement these amendments. As a result, the City has limited latitude in
its review of these documents. In terms of conformance with the General Plan, second
dwelling units are allowed within single family residential zones. The proposed zoning
ordinance amendment would have the potential to increase the number of units allowed on a
lot, but does allow limitations in terms of new units. That is to say that the City does not have
to permit additional structures under this ordinance if the density of the lot would be
exceeded. This will result in self -limitations in density increases, although the conversion of
interior space in an existing home could still occur. Additionally, the zoning ordinance
amendment does keep in place parking requirements for the primary unit, while allowing
accessory units to have less parking. As a result, the primary unit's garage, or a replacement
garage, must be available, and cannot be lost to the accessory unit.
c) No Impact. Any construction and future development will occur on previously disturbed
residential areas and will not be located within any conservation areas as identified in the
CVMSHCP (See IV e -f). No impact will occur.
Mitigation: None required.
Less Than
Less Than
Significant w/
Would the project:
a) Physically divide an established
b) Conflict with any applicable land use
plan, policy, or regulation of an agency
with jurisdiction over the project
(including, but not limited to the general
plan, specific plan, local coastal program,
or zoning ordinance) adopted for the
purpose of avoiding or mitigating an
environmental effect?
c) Conflict with any applicable habitat
conservation plan or natural community
conservation plan?
Sources: 2035 General Plan; AB -2299 Land use: housing: 2— units,
littps://Iggilfo.legislature.ca.gov/faces151l]NavClient.xhtml?bill id=201520160AB2299
X. a) No Impact. The zoning ordinance amendment will not divide an established community for
the reason that any potential construction will be limited to existing residential units in
existing neighborhoods. No impact is expected.
b) Less Than Significant Impact. In order to comply with the new state law, AB 2299, which
among other elements, makes a number of changes to the Accessory Dwelling Unit (ADU)
review process and standards in order to ease some of the barriers to the development, the
City is required to implement these amendments. As a result, the City has limited latitude in
its review of these documents. In terms of conformance with the General Plan, second
dwelling units are allowed within single family residential zones. The proposed zoning
ordinance amendment would have the potential to increase the number of units allowed on a
lot, but does allow limitations in terms of new units. That is to say that the City does not have
to permit additional structures under this ordinance if the density of the lot would be
exceeded. This will result in self -limitations in density increases, although the conversion of
interior space in an existing home could still occur. Additionally, the zoning ordinance
amendment does keep in place parking requirements for the primary unit, while allowing
accessory units to have less parking. As a result, the primary unit's garage, or a replacement
garage, must be available, and cannot be lost to the accessory unit.
c) No Impact. Any construction and future development will occur on previously disturbed
residential areas and will not be located within any conservation areas as identified in the
CVMSHCP (See IV e -f). No impact will occur.
Mitigation: None required.
EA 2017-0005
ZOA 2017-0001
March 2017
Monitoring: None required.
Sources: 2035 General Plan, project materials.
XI. a -b) No Impact. The zoning ordinance amendment will have no impact on mineral resources.
Mineral resources in the City consist primarily of sand and gravel. The proposed zoning
ordinance amendment will not result in the loss of availability of a known mineral resource
since any potential construction or development would be limited to existing residential lots.
There will be no impact to mineral resources as a result of the proposed project.
Mitigation: None required
Monitoring: None required
Less Than
Less Than
Significant w/
the project:
a) Result in the loss of availability of a
known mineral resource that would be of
value to the region and the residents of
the state?
b) Result in the loss of availability of a
locally -important mineral resource
recovery site delineated on a local
general plan, specific plan or other land
use plan?
Sources: 2035 General Plan, project materials.
XI. a -b) No Impact. The zoning ordinance amendment will have no impact on mineral resources.
Mineral resources in the City consist primarily of sand and gravel. The proposed zoning
ordinance amendment will not result in the loss of availability of a known mineral resource
since any potential construction or development would be limited to existing residential lots.
There will be no impact to mineral resources as a result of the proposed project.
Mitigation: None required
Monitoring: None required
EA 2017-0005
ZOA 2017-0001
March 2017
Source: 2035 General Plan Noise Element
XII. a), c) No Impact. The zoning ordinance amendment will have no impact on noise levels in
excess of standards. The City of La Quinta Noise Element of the General Plan provides
guidelines for community noise impacts per land use designation. The primary source of noise
in the City stems from traffic. The addition of accessory units to single family homes is not
expected to increase noise levels beyond the City's standards.
b) No Impact. The zoning ordinance amendment will have no impact on groundborne vibration.
The source of groundborne vibration or groundborne noise for future units would be
construction activities. These potential impacts will be temporary, and are not expected to
exceed City standards.
Less Than
Less Than
Significant w/
XII. NOISE - Would the project result in:
a) Exposure of persons to or generation
of noise levels in excess of standards
established in the local general plan or
noise ordinance, or applicable standards
of other agencies?
b) Exposure of persons to or generation
of excessive groundborne vibration or
groundborne noise levels?
c) A substantial permanent increase in
ambient noise levels in the project
vicinity above levels existing without the
d) A substantial temporary or periodic
increase in ambient noise levels in the
project vicinity above levels existing
without the project?
e) For a project located within an airport
land use plan or, where such a plan has
not been adopted, within two miles of a
public airport or public use airport,
would the project expose people residing
or working in the project area to
excessive noise levels?
f) For a project within the vicinity of a
private airstrip, would the project expose
people residing or working in the project
area to excessive noise levels?
Source: 2035 General Plan Noise Element
XII. a), c) No Impact. The zoning ordinance amendment will have no impact on noise levels in
excess of standards. The City of La Quinta Noise Element of the General Plan provides
guidelines for community noise impacts per land use designation. The primary source of noise
in the City stems from traffic. The addition of accessory units to single family homes is not
expected to increase noise levels beyond the City's standards.
b) No Impact. The zoning ordinance amendment will have no impact on groundborne vibration.
The source of groundborne vibration or groundborne noise for future units would be
construction activities. These potential impacts will be temporary, and are not expected to
exceed City standards.
EA 2017-0005
ZOA 2017-0001
March 2017
c -d) No Impact. The zoning ordinance amendment will have no impact on temporary or
permanent noise levels. Future development of accessory units will occur on existing
residential lots, and will not significant increase noise levels in residential areas.
ej) No Impact. The zoning ordinance amendment will have no impact on airport noise
environments. Future development of accessory units are unlikely to occur in close proximity
to an airport.
Mitigation: None required
Monitoring: None required
EA 2017-0005
ZOA 2017-0001
March 2017
Source: 2035 General Plan Housing Element.
XIII. a -b) Less Than Significant Impact. The proposed zoning ordinance will facilitate the approval
process for accessory dwelling units. Even though the project will induce population growth,
it is consistent with the gradual growth occurring over time while providing an alternative
form of affordable housing within the city. There will be no displacement of existing housing
since the proposed project will result in additions to housing units on existing residential
properties. Impacts to population are anticipated to be less than significant.
Mitigation: None required
Monitoring: None required
Less Than
Less Than
Significant w/
Would the project:
a) Induce substantial population growth
in an area, either directly (for example,
by proposing new homes and businesses)
or indirectly (for example, through
extension of roads or other
b) Displace substantial numbers of
existing housing, necessitating the
construction of replacement housing
Source: 2035 General Plan Housing Element.
XIII. a -b) Less Than Significant Impact. The proposed zoning ordinance will facilitate the approval
process for accessory dwelling units. Even though the project will induce population growth,
it is consistent with the gradual growth occurring over time while providing an alternative
form of affordable housing within the city. There will be no displacement of existing housing
since the proposed project will result in additions to housing units on existing residential
properties. Impacts to population are anticipated to be less than significant.
Mitigation: None required
Monitoring: None required
EA 2017-0005
ZOA 2017-0001
March 2017
Source: 2035 General Plan, Google Earth accessed March 2017, project materials.
XIV. a) The zoning ordinance amendment will have no impact on public services. Future
development of accessory units would result in a marginal increase in demand for fire, police,
school and park services. However, the number of units resulting from this ordinance is not
expected to be substantia.
Mitigation: None required
Monitoring: None required
Less Than
Less Than
Significant w/
a) Would the project result in substantial
adverse physical impacts associated with
the provision of new or physically altered
governmental facilities, need for new or
physically altered governmental
facilities, the construction of which could
cause significant environmental impacts,
in order to maintain acceptable service
ratios, response times or other
performance objectives for any of the
public services:
Fire protection?
Police protection?
Other public facilities?
Source: 2035 General Plan, Google Earth accessed March 2017, project materials.
XIV. a) The zoning ordinance amendment will have no impact on public services. Future
development of accessory units would result in a marginal increase in demand for fire, police,
school and park services. However, the number of units resulting from this ordinance is not
expected to be substantia.
Mitigation: None required
Monitoring: None required
EA 2017-0005
ZOA 2017-0001
March 2017
Sources: 2035 General Plan, project materials.
XV. a -b) No Impact. The proposed zoning ordinance amendment will have no impact on recreation.
Residents of La Quinta currently have access to 72 acres of parks, 147 acres of nature
preserves containing recreational parkland areas, 845 acres of regional parks, a 525 -acre
municipal golf course, and numerous other private and public recreational facilities. The
City sets a requirement for providing a minimum of 5 acres per 1,000 residents. When this
standard is applied to the estimated General Plan buildout population, a total of 403 acres of
neighborhood and community parks will be required to adequately serve the City and its
sphere of influence. The City imposes the requirements of the Quimby Act on new
development proposals for the acquisition of park lands. In this case, future accessory units
will not likely be subject to these requirements, but are also not expected to generate large
population increases that would require additional recreational services.
Mitigation: None required
Monitoring: None required
Less Than
Less Than
Significant w/
a) Would the project increase the use of
existing neighborhood and regional parks
or other recreational facilities such that
substantial physical deterioration of the
facility would occur or be accelerated?
b) Does the project include recreational
facilities or require the construction or
expansion of recreational facilities which
might have an adverse physical effect on
the environment?
Sources: 2035 General Plan, project materials.
XV. a -b) No Impact. The proposed zoning ordinance amendment will have no impact on recreation.
Residents of La Quinta currently have access to 72 acres of parks, 147 acres of nature
preserves containing recreational parkland areas, 845 acres of regional parks, a 525 -acre
municipal golf course, and numerous other private and public recreational facilities. The
City sets a requirement for providing a minimum of 5 acres per 1,000 residents. When this
standard is applied to the estimated General Plan buildout population, a total of 403 acres of
neighborhood and community parks will be required to adequately serve the City and its
sphere of influence. The City imposes the requirements of the Quimby Act on new
development proposals for the acquisition of park lands. In this case, future accessory units
will not likely be subject to these requirements, but are also not expected to generate large
population increases that would require additional recreational services.
Mitigation: None required
Monitoring: None required
EA 2017-0005
ZOA 2017-0001
March 2017
Source: 2035 General Plan.
XVI. a -t) No Impact. The zoning ordinance amendment will have no impact on traffic and
circulation. The marginal increase in population as result of the proposed zoning ordinance
amendment will not create a substantial increase to the existing traffic load and capacity of the City's
street system.
Less Than
Less Than
Significant w/
Would the project:
a) Cause an increase in traffic which is
substantial in relation to the existing
traffic load and capacity of the street
system (i.e., result in a substantial
increase in either the number of vehicle
trips, the volume to capacity ratio on
roads, or congestion at intersections)?
b) Exceed, either individually or
cumulatively, a level of service standard
established by the county congestion
management agency for designated roads
or highways?
c) Result in a change in air traffic
patterns, including either an increase in
traffic levels or a change in location that
results in substantial safety risks?
d) Substantially increase hazards due to a
design feature (e.g., sharp curves or
dangerous intersections) or incompatible
uses (e.g., farm equipment)?
e) Result in inadequate emergency
f) Conflict with adopted policies, plans,
or programs regarding public transit,
bicycle, or pedestrian facilities, or
otherwise decrease the performance or
safety of such facilities?
Source: 2035 General Plan.
XVI. a -t) No Impact. The zoning ordinance amendment will have no impact on traffic and
circulation. The marginal increase in population as result of the proposed zoning ordinance
amendment will not create a substantial increase to the existing traffic load and capacity of the City's
street system.
EA 2017-0005
ZOA 2017-0001
March 2017
The nearest airport, Jacqueline Cochran Regional Airport, is located southeast of the City. Although
there is potential for an occasional overflight, existing dwelling units and future accessory units will
not impact air traffic patterns.
Fire Department standards ensure that emergency access will be created and preserved for the future
accessory units.
Prior to the approval of an accessory dwelling unit the existing residence must comply with two
covered parking spaces or a two -car garage. This will ensure that the existing residence is in
compliance with the City's parking requirement as well as providing sufficient parking
accommodations in the form of tandem parking in the driveway for the accessory dwelling units.
The proposed zoning ordinance amendment will not conflict with adopted policies, plans, or
programs regarding public transit, bicycle, or pedestrian facilities, or otherwise decrease the
performance or safety of such facilities since construction and operation of accessory dwelling units
will be limited to existing developed parcels.
Mitigation: None required
Monitoring: None required
EA 2017-0005
ZOA 2017-0001
March 2017
XIII a) No Impact. The zoning ordinance amendment will have no impact on Tribal
resources. Even though the City of La Quinta is situated in a highly sensitive area for
tribal resources it is unlikely that the construction of future units would impact these
resources, because the units will be located on parcels with existing homes.
Mitigation: None required
Monitoring: None required
Less Than
Significant w/
Less Than
the project:
a) Would the project cause a substantial
adverse change in the significance of a
tribal cultural resource, defined in Public
Resources Code section 21074 as either a
site, feature, place, cultural landscape
that is geographically defined in terms of
the size and scope of the landscape,
sacred place, or object with cultural
value to a California Native American
tribe, and that is:
i) Listed or eligible for listing in the
California Register of Historical
Resources, or in a local register of
historical resources as defined in Public
Resources Code section 5020.1(k), or
ii) A resource determined by the lead
agency, in its discretion and supported by
substantial evidence, to be significant
pursuant to criteria set forth in
subdivision (c) of Public Resources
Code Section 5024.1. In applying the
criteria set forth in subdivision (c) of
Public Resource Code Section 5024. 1,
the lead agency shall consider the
significance of the resource to a
California Native American tribe.
XIII a) No Impact. The zoning ordinance amendment will have no impact on Tribal
resources. Even though the City of La Quinta is situated in a highly sensitive area for
tribal resources it is unlikely that the construction of future units would impact these
resources, because the units will be located on parcels with existing homes.
Mitigation: None required
Monitoring: None required
EA 2017-0005
ZOA 2017-0001
March 2017
Source: General Plan 2035
Less Than
Less Than
Significant w/
SYSTEMS. Would the project:
a) Exceed wastewater treatment
requirements of the applicable Regional
Water Quality Control Board?
b) Require or result in the construction of
new water or wastewater treatment
facilities or expansion of existing
facilities, the construction of which could
cause significant environmental effects?
c) Require or result in the construction of
new storm water drainage facilities or
expansion of existing facilities, the
construction of which could cause
significant environmental effects?
d) Have sufficient water supplies
available to serve the project from
existing entitlements and resources, or
are new or expanded entitlements
e) Result in a determination by the
wastewater treatment provider that serves
or may serve the project that it has
adequate capacity to serve the project's
projected demand in addition to the
provider's existing commitments?
f) Be served by a landfill with sufficient
permitted capacity to accommodate the
project's solid waste disposal needs?
g) Comply with federal, state, and local
statutes and regulations related to solid
Source: General Plan 2035
EA 2017-0005
ZOA 2017-0001
March 2017
XVIII. a) -g) No Impact. The zoning ordinance amendment will have no impact on utilities or service
systems. Future accessory units will occur on existing residential lots, and will be reviewed
for compliance with sanitary sewer and domestic water standards imposed by the City and
CVWD. Accessory dwelling units will not require substantial new drainage facilities. Solid
waste requirements will be subject to the City's and Burrtec's standards.
Mitigation: Not required.
Monitoring: Not required.
Less Than
Less Than
Significant w/
a) Does the project have the potential to
degrade the quality of the environment,
substantially reduce the habitat of a fish
or wildlife species, cause a fish or
wildlife population to drop below self-
sustaining levels, threaten to eliminate a
plant or animal community, reduce the
number or restrict the range of a rare or
endangered plant or animal or eliminate
important examples of the major periods
of California history or prehistory?
b) Does the project have the potential to
achieve short-term, to the disadvantage
of long-term environmental goals?
c) Does the project have impacts that are
individually limited, but cumulatively
considerable? ("Cumulatively
considerable" means that the incremental
effects of a project are considerable when
viewed in connection with the effects of
past projects, the effects of other current
projects, and the effects of probable
future projects)?
d) Does the project have environmental
effects which will cause substantial
adverse effects on human beings, either
EA 2017-0005
ZOA 2017-0001
March 2017
directly or indirectly?
XVIII. a) -d) No Impact. The zoning ordinance amendment will not impact either biological or
cultural resources. The future development of accessory units will occur on existing
residential lots which have been fully disturbed. There will be no impact to biological or
cultural resources.
The proposed zoning ordinance amendment is required to meet State law. It will not impact
environmental goals, because accessory structures will occur on existing single family lots,
and will reduce the potential for sprawl.
The zoning ordinance amendment has no impacts which could be cumulatively significant,
because the ordinance amendment will not result in any development. Future accessory units
built under the terms of the ordinance amendment would not be expected to result in sufficient
numbers, because of the City's development standards relating to building coverage and
parking, to cause cumulative impacts.
The zoning ordinance amendment will have no impact on human beings.
City of La Quinta 2035 General Plan
City of La Quinta Municipal Code.
CA Department of Toxic Substances
2003 PM10 Plan for the Coachella Valley
EA 2017-0005
ZOA 2017-0001
March 2017
SCAQMD 2012 Air Quality Management Plan
California Department of Conservation Farmland Mapping
9.60.090 Accessory dwelling units.
A. Purpose. This section provides standards and criteria for the establishment of
accessory dwelling units within residential districts, consistent with California
Government Code Section 65852.2. Accessory dwelling units shall be permitted only in
the RVL, RL, RC, RM, RMH, and RH zone districts.
B. Definitions. See Chapter 9.280. For purposes of this section, "second residential
unit," "second dwelling unit," "second unit," and "granny flat" as defined in Section
9.280.030 (or successor section) shall not apply, and, instead, "accessory dwelling unit"
as defined in California Government Code Section 65852.2(i)(4) (or successor section
in the Government Code) shall apply. An accessory dwelling unit shall be either
"attached" or "detached" to the primary residence as described in Government Code
Section 65852.2(i)(4) (or successor statute). In addition, the following definitions shall
apply for purposes of this section:
1. "Living area" shall have the same meaning as California Government Code Section
65852.2(i)(1) (or successor section in the Government Code), notwithstanding any
provision in Section 9.280.030 of this code to the contrary.
2. "Primary residence" shall have the same meaning as "Dwelling, single-family
detached" or "single-family detached dwelling" as defined in Section 9.280.030 (or
successor section).
3. "Public transit" means public mass transit that has a major transit stop or bus stop
along a high-quality transit corridor as described in California Public Resources Code
Section 21155(b) (or successor statute).
C. Standards for Accessory Dwelling Units. Subject to allowances set forth in
Subsection D, the following standards shall apply to accessory dwelling units:
1. An accessory dwelling unit shall be consistent with the provisions of the applicable
zoning district in which it is constructed.
2. An accessory dwelling unit shall only be permitted on a lot in which the primary
residence and all other structures thereon conform to all minimum requirements of the
applicable zoning district.
3. The lot shall contain an existing primary residence at the time an application for an
accessory dwelling unit is submitted, or the application for the accessory dwelling unit
may be made in conjunction with the development of the primary residence.
4. The owner of the lot shall reside on the lot, either in the primary residence or in the
accessory dwelling unit. Prior to issuance of occupancy approval of the accessory
dwelling unit, the city may require the property owner to enter into a restrictive covenant
with the city regarding such owner -occupancy requirement on a form prepared by the
city, which shall be recorded against the lot. Such covenant shall further provide that the
10999115.3 a07/06/17 -1-
::I:I 1:1 11 i:?
accessory dwelling unit shall not be sold, or title thereto transferred separate from that
of the lot or the primary residence. If the owner ceases to reside on the lot, use of the
accessory dwelling unit shall be discontinued as follows: (a) if it is an attached
accessory dwelling unit, the unit shall be converted into a portion of the primary
residence; or, (b) if it is a detached accessory dwelling unit, the unit shall be removed or
converted to a legal use. The city manager or authorized designee may grant temporary
relief from this owner -occupancy requirement.
5. The maximum increase in gross floor area of an attached accessory dwelling unit
shall not exceed fifty percent of the existing living area of the primary residence or one
thousand two hundred square feet, whichever is less.
6. The minimum gross floor area of an accessory dwelling unit shall be four hundred
square feet, except that the minimum gross floor area of an accessory dwelling unit that
qualifies as an efficiency unit under California Health and Safety Code Section 17958.1
(or successor statute) shall be one hundred fifty square feet. The maximum gross floor
area of a detached accessory dwelling unit shall not exceed thirty percent of the existing
living area of the primary residence or one thousand two hundred square feet,
whichever is less.
7. An accessory dwelling unit shall have no more than two bedrooms.
8. The total gross floor area of all covered structures, including an attached accessory
dwelling unit, shall not exceed the lot coverage area as prescribed by the applicable
zoning district.
9. The accessory dwelling unit shall be architecturally compatible with the primary
residence and surrounding residential neighborhood. If a dispute arises whether the
accessory dwelling unit is architecturally compatible with the primary residence, review
of the application for the accessory dwelling unit shall be processed as any other design
review application under the code but limited to the determination of architectural
compatibility. For purposes of this section, "architecturally compatible" means that the
accessory dwelling unit generally has the same or substantially similar architectural
style, construction and structure materials, paint pallet or scheme, and other prominent
design features, as the primary residence.
10. No attached accessory dwelling unit shall cause the height of the primary residence
to exceed the height limitation for the applicable zoning district. If the attached
accessory dwelling unit is not located above any portion of an existing primary
residence, the maximum height of the accessory dwelling unit shall not exceed the
height of the primary residence.
11. A detached accessory dwelling unit shall not exceed seventeen feet in height nor
more than one story.
10999115.3 a07/06/17 2'
12. An attached accessory dwelling unit may have a separate entrance; provided,
however, in no event shall any external stairwell be placed within the front or side yard
13. An accessory dwelling unit shall contain separate kitchen and bathroom facilities,
and shall be metered separately from the primary residence for gas, electricity,
communications, water, and sewer services.
14. All attached and detached accessory dwelling units shall be equipped with approved
smoke detectors conforming to the latest Uniform Building Code standards, mounted on
the ceiling or wall at a point centrally located in an area giving access to rooms used for
sleeping purposes.
15. In addition to the required parking for the primary residence, a minimum of one
additional off-street parking space shall be provided on the same lot that the accessory
dwelling unit is located. One parking space shall be provided for each efficiency unit as
defined under California Health and Safety Code Section 17958.1 (or successor statute)
in accordance with the applicable parking regulations. Subject to the allowances in
Subsection D, no variance or adjustment shall be granted to allow substandard parking
spaces or locations.
16. All construction, structural alterations or additions made to create an accessory
dwelling unit shall comply with current building, electrical, fire, plumbing and zoning
code regulations.
17. In the event of any conflicts between the standards set forth in this section and
those set forth in the regulations of the applicable zoning district, the provisions of this
section shall prevail.
18. The applicant shall pay to the city all applicable fees imposed on such new
development of an accessory dwelling unit or new or rehabilitated primary residence
that will include an accessory dwelling unit.
19. The city manager or authorized designee may add other conditions, consistent with
general law and applicable state and city standards, as necessary to preserve the
health, safety, welfare and character of the residential neighborhood; provided,
however, that such conditions shall not unreasonably restrict the ability of an applicant
to create an accessory dwelling unit.
D. Allowances for Qualifying Accessory Dwelling Units. In accordance with California
Government Code Section 65852.2, as amended by Section 1.5 of Chapter 735 of the
Statutes of 2016, the following allowances apply for qualifying accessory dwelling units.
1. Parking requirement exemptions. If one or more of the following criteria is met: (a) a
proposed accessory dwelling unit is located within one-half mile of public transit, (b) a
proposed accessory dwelling unit is located within an architecturally and historically
10999115.3 a07/06/17 _ 3 _
significant historic district, (c) a proposed accessory dwelling unit is part of an existing
primary residence or existing accessory structure, (d) the occupant of a proposed
accessory dwelling unit would be required to obtain an on -street parking permit from the
city, or (e) a proposed accessory dwelling unit is located within one block of a car -share
vehicle station or parking area; then the applicant for an accessory dwelling unit may be
exempted from the parking requirements under the zone for which the proposed
accessory dwelling unit is located. Nothing in this subsection, however, exempts the
primary residence from complying with all parking requirements under the zone for
which the proposed accessory dwelling unit is located. Furthermore, nothing in this
subsection exempts the owner of the lot from complying with all parking requirements
for fire safety, including access to the lot by front and rear setbacks that are to be clear
of obstructions.
2. Utility Connection exemptions. If all of the following criteria are met: (a) a proposed
accessory dwelling unit is contained in the existing primary residence or existing
accessory structure, (b) a proposed accessory dwelling unit has independent exterior
access from the existing primary residence pursuant to this section, and (c) the side and
rear setbacks are sufficient for fire safety as determined by the zoning and public safety
provisions in this code; then the applicant for an accessory dwelling unit may be
exempted from the requirement to install a new or separate utility connection directly
between the accessory dwelling unit and the utility, and may be exempted from related
connection fees or capacity charges. The city may require, however, that the owner of
the lot on which the proposed accessory dwelling unit is located to pay any such
connection fees or capacity charges as part of the primary residence. Furthermore, the
city may require, as part of the restrictive covenant to be recorded against the lot
pursuant to this section, that the owner of the lot implement a metering system that
would account for the percentage use of each utility provided to an accessory dwelling
unit compared to total use of that utility for the of entire lot, and that all utilities that are
provided to the accessory dwelling unit be metered by the utilities provided to the
primary residence. Any metering system implemented by the owner of the lot pursuant
to this subsection shall be subject to verification by the utility from which the service is
being provided to the accessory dwelling unit.
3. For purposes of this Subsection D, "existing accessory structure" means "accessory
building or structure" as defined in Section 9.280.030 that exists on the lot with an
existing primary residence at the time of submittal for any application relating to the
proposed accessory dwelling unit.
E. If an application for an accessory dwelling unit is submitted or required to be
submitted with any other applications that require or permit ministerial or discretionary
review under the code, nothing in this section precludes the processing and review of
those other applications pursuant to those other provisions in the code.
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