Miles Avenue Median Island Improvements Project No. 2015-02The Desert Sun
750 N Gene Autry Trail
Palm Springs, CA 92262
760-778-4578 / Fax 760 -
State Of California ss
County of Riverside
Certificate of Publication
llilL JUN 0 6 2017
y FINANCC ns7n-r.
LA QUINTA , CA 92253
Order# 0002159966
I am over the age of 18 years old, a citizen of
the United States and not a party to, or have
interest in this matter. I hereby certify that the
attached advertisement appeared in said
newspaper (set in type not smaller than non
pariel) in each and entire issue of said
newspaper and not in any supplement thereof
on the following dates, to wit:
Newspaper: The Desert Sun
5/24/2017 5/31/2017
I acknowledge that I am a principal clerk of the
printer of The Desert Sun, printed and
published weekly in the City of Palm Springs,
County of Riverside, State of California. The
Desert Sun was adjudicated a Newspaper of
general circulation on March 24, 1988 by the
Superior Court of the County of Riverside,
State of California Case No. 191236.
I declare under penalty of perjury that the
foregoing is true and correct. Executed on
this 31rst da of P4AY, 2017 in Palm
Springs, Ca
5 an
10 722: 4NVOXIIGN To fill)
Praiect Na. x015-02
VfcNllEME oftoquintstCstY�fothe 922S3. until
r Ned by the City01La Quints. Ca Ifornia, publicly
LEA 64II5 w4H be eceNec CatieS-(,, l 20 7 at which time tlisy will Ao
sty Clark1oD Vhursday. Suns rk as tallows, Miles Avenue between
1090 A. er4armingvao slang removal at ex
openact and yea far will be�he PiOjecdwfll Yncludc the raised median
Tile PfOp°sed P and ConsvuctiOr a . and law lav
Sealcy onus and Dune Palm ingls8na9 g to replace the existfn
rad+.g tt d 4
fisting asphalt9 g two (ZI exist
curbs. it will also 'III ludmetdia". Curbs tsh�lsyw ii�include extending
e4 lighting. The new vss}bte. ❑rive and Adams 5trthhe Oahe
Mlles Avenue between Seeley g p
Striped medians as Miles
as P lent palette- The Desert Ef
ing medians along alette shell hoend the axlstin ant
PI a a l� o `h me using
a pv si h the �}Ly of LPs Qu}nt10 he asdrought W nilly landstap S
dor Wishrst" palette is ed to which will result inwhitermalR installation
r water use ,pews, Eflident
hardacape olements'Nitnia ntenance- and9l er$v a Alto and boulders
costs, lawar long-term ° desert landscape a dewmP'sed qgts
VeasM9 crushed ro[k, as detorative en den • nir cthe
an aesthetiture P laming
palette features mof d1olored drainage ornr info�rmati n fig 9
with minimal use of drought tolerant
q 40p0 for meas Pram the d to s ttze
suitant cuRhsb�q ste45eR{one atlinn100 working y �et su[cessivi
Ina Time lar the Commen[emant and [am
This procur 'hail ba co+.pleied f of the Contract'
In the Notice to Pro[ei long a ul rnen't items irnsnedfate}y
work .5 Imp to ardor Any lead time 4 P
anAppnt, and 1s to be of the essence mursdayy lune T, 2817 In the
❑adder should ticle of Award"'far 70:40 A ill.. Hall r4ratad at 78.495
followin rn nt of La Quota, CR
eubf WO&,i conference�ron u! 33. urchased anitne at:
Calfa 7amPka La Quanta. CaiNamis planit Piansoom
Comp sats of the bidding documents mCOM ay P
www•Pl etplarnrho4derG hit throu h
you are not an It P the responsibility of the bidder to ensure
1MP0[t11 not 4f i Van holders list. project 5�eciflcations, Bids s Bid se -
you wall net receive addendum'. pros ; said 5Pecifkations.
that they are placed an the ePssrlha rid 'rinds a pan o
Bidding Procad the f rm, bound ercent (0 %, of the total bid d o he
d u ant reKrlb� bidding Procedures it re4ulbid
exaWte A to the p io e{t+ed should the bidder, i1
curt ry In an amount not less then ten Pto be oe falls to furnish In a timely
amount and CoAfOT'n hid, as a guaranty rues the right to re-
submitted with favi to en or Into the Same, The City Fess gid i sheets ce
aagg n
awardedtth con dsaandlor proof of "I 1g ca. uhlle-workslttld o"'lob
manner or all yids, and to waive any I{ our.,O%, rnmentlp¢lds bid sub
{aurid at httpllWv+v'r•1a auinta.orglY
Illornia Labor Code Section a bid I eachdaoume
s as a hid item, of {He
u4valent method, for the protesrlanp ilcable
Pursuant YO the 50 ,t, this of•CaI e0. which shall [onform to aAdaes not
misted in resop ingo andhbia�ln9 S10n to Bid snail conte
sheet}ngg,1h es and open enavatlon and
and Hmh in to a l g this sum, the bid[rer and the rtemploy°�' agents.
safety oroden abI&Y to the Clty, its consultants, the successful
m"v - of the California Labor 9! as deter-
su4 Consultants• n� ie$= than the revaii4n9 rate of P
er Pursuant to Section 1770, et. sag.. p
y apartnrentaof�a t of industriaplelatll
bidder shall Paplrector a4 the California
mined by the... ov.
Type wage rates are available from aha r.,ca,callfrnla e
v Labnr Code, ria contractor aro ec�t
latloris Internet weys.te at5 o, 5� � ifarnla ubik works A 1
Pursuant to Section warded a contract for public work an f rid addlti+anal infor-
convector may f lndustrlai Relations at the time t to
and sobc°ntrartars May ebslte at http
unless To?, with Cofir plop rtm,e t of Industrial ltatatiI, w
Contract Ss awarded•• at the Departmks ent html. r or suhCagior aft may be
matlon for reglster+nq no Contra
Jlwww.dlr,o,govlPolod SectioPu77ji,r
ublic works protect 5 d str}all RelationstePu��°h
Pursuant t bidyp oA 1 4nr�A9P 1771.1.
listed on a istared the OeP obenn°°i led that no contractor is sutir
1, 2015 unless reg hr A Al 1Jib2015, urn tract f t Of In"trriai
mars, ail bidders and Contractors are Y
be awarded, on or sill tared
conuador may ra Est unlass reg not4lled that this
on a Public works P } eherebT by the Repan
rtalations. lilO man4toring and enforcement
purxuant to Layer Cede section 1771.4, all 6ldan are hors ftiby ti eiWanl'
role is sublett to comp .tractors must
Siris ata cantracyt ire tris Labor ° pmmissioner fake Dlvislon of ro-
Ment of In ria eat, days of online
Pursuant W qlt contractors and suycontracton must also Pro
ON , records dlre}]Cti
yor Standards d proof tenths City of online submittal within' y the C.on-
vida a copy .tract, the
suymksi°"' Public FpnvaCt CAde cRction 22300erforman a of kite Coy meeting the re -
pursuant to Ithheld by the C'.ty to oseenst the P
tractor and w at Its option, chops aSeCst;nnt'ati340�curltf g Ol isian 3 of the
Contractor may. Pub11C.Contract Cod previsions of Chapte a of work
ulremnu tate of �aliforn}a to do the XO
qq Code of the S with provisions of Cafi arnra Public
bidders be licensed under the bid a submitted•
Pr cct. to accordance t+me that theif,
Business and ProlWons
contemplated }n the p the City has determined that the General on
a valid Clan Aiuitabl @licenses far the work thea wall non'
Contrast Code Sect'
on 3 e�ss valid, sr the bid as
subconitradors shall Po5, the specified itcenseis7 shall rend bond in
"it to Possess fur a Lsbor and Materlacsaya5 well
responslve. will be regWraercent LfO01A) of the Contrne hundred percent
amounS eltluaa o °no hundred p
In the amount e4ua4 tai rth its expetlonce an
tsppyojlof tris Com all GrFMantlcepn 1
i with its yid a statement setting the desig
Ea[h bidder sf+all suy t t g{d forms received afterrice invit-
the farms included inbte a Bad Glapto bladders• their authorized agents
Telephones wail not accepted. Bidders and 50? Y date set
bid for a period of slaty I days
after the
ad to attend HI net dr
No bidder mIm of bids. its
I pate:
for the oP P.E.ed 8 ' Timothy R. DIrectot'Inner este:
AesPirgovkAd &Velopment Directot ! Uty Eng
DO r, a Sy' 5usan MaYse45 Puyllshad; 5rx4.513t110t7
City Clark