9909-281 (SFD)LICENSED CONTRACTOR 'DECLARATION.. l.hereby affirm under, penalty of perjury that I am licensed under rovisions,of �4AI! Chapter 9 (commencing with Section 7000) of Division 3 of the Business and 04W Professionals Code, and my License is in,fulj force and effect. O M License # . , Lic. Class Exp. Date , CY • w 8r i Z Date i $Ignature of Contractor C)O� CO OWNER -BUILDER DECLARATION W .W I hereby,affirm•under penalty of perjury that I •arn exempt from the Contractor's l -"a License Law for'the followin reason ' Z_ (,) :I, as owner of the property, or my employees with wages as their sole compensation, will do the"work, and the structure is riot -intended or offered -for sale (Sec. 7044' Business & Professionals Code). ( ). • I, as owner of the. property, am exclusively contracting with licensed contractors to construct the project (Sec. 7044, Business & Professionals Code). <0O I am exempt under Section B&P.C, for this reason + N Date Signature of -Owner O� ; Q WORKER'S'COMPENSATION DECLARATIONCL ,_ s p IM I 'hereby affirm under .penalty of perjury one of the following .declarations: Lin. O (.) 1 have,and'will maintain a, certificate of consent to self -insure for workers' ' X W L compensation, as provided:for by Section.3700.of the Labor Code, for the O • � .Q ' performance of the work for which this permit.is issued. Q .0 (�i): I have and will maintain workers' compensation insurance, as required by Section 3700 of the Labor Code,. for the performance of the•work,for.which this CL .� F- permit is issued. My workers' compensation• insurance carrier &. policy no. are: zt z Carrier Policy No nAAVV-u. CO :- iwertr+aWi�nrttY+t9a:r4r -vrw. . Cy —J. (This section need not be completed if the permit valuation is for $100.00 or less). O I'certity that in the performance of the work for which this permit is issued, „ I -shall not employ any person' in any manner so as tor become subject to the workers' compensation laws of California,: and agr a that if I should become subject to he workers' compensation,provisi • ns oflection'` 3700 of the Labor ttCode.l shal ;f 1 hwith comply-* ith those ps Date`:" ' 'X -)Applicant L arning: Fature to secure Workers' Compensation cc erage Is unlawful.and shall subject an employer to criminal penalties and civil fines up to $100,000, in addition to the cost of compensation, damages as provided for.in Section 3706 of the Labor. Code Interest and attorney's fees. IMPORTANT .Application is hereby made to the Director of Building and Safety for a permit subject• to the:' conditions ..and 'restrictions set forth on his application. 1. Each person upon whose,behalf4his:application is'made & each •person at whose: request arid for whose. benefit work is performed under or pursuant to any permit. issued as a result of.this'applicaton.agrees`to, &. shall,. indemnify. "& hold harmless the .City of La Quinta, its officers, agents and employees: 2. Any -permit issued as a result of -this. application becomes null and void if work. is not• commenced; within 180' days from date; :of ,issuance of such permit, -or cessation of work for .180 days- will subject _permit `to cancellation. I certify that I have read this application and state that the above information is . • correct.. I, agree to comply with all City, and -State, laws relating to the building construction, and hereby' authorize representatives of this Cify to enter upon the'above-mentioned property'fo.r insp'ectionypurposes Signature' (Owner/Agent)' ' -- PERMIT# - BUILDING, -PERMIT ; DATE+�I,1�VALUATIONxti�+"'t1rZ 'LOT�Y: - TRACT, �•�- JOB SITE o., wj, . •-ir-i-. ��.. t�+ ADDRESS pS5.Ei1i�Aw' A J .!. JAPN t� �9!»�k �- OWNER CONTRACTOR 7 DESIGNER / ENGINEER f?. ,)2i9-400() CEM:0 �'S761• USE OF PERMIT F'$g�--�����',�,77p:�.��.�,t%�:�t3 .wT - 5-� 7�.7�,� p�rvS `�•,. � yt� ,} . ! ry SVD- '1.O 53. ULAN 3, T°S7Y.tiAVSA 4 DO.E J` .iY( dfial.:d.is I-',.�:ti; 00% Wf'l+ L OR .. � . &+t,K , :7.51:ti MJLTl1(,"A`lt° N is N ��t:.AN i"T.I.FX'X' .IX".1Gft ImmUl."�if?'11i 18�i�r� A1v>: 111 ' OF SAA°li3 2_'-43.AN'V6,+L f c�'Ai1/\ 'r'Yi1i 'il•ICI'.I+ IR,h.' 1 ,tN W.W ` 53N.ejo SIF' - �etaz.��:il::�i�r.~tta:►e'�'.. t+�sti:te� :S.s!� . ' ti�e� a tilt x trt�*y1 a �sr�tt spm+ a+� �t►rss� za� rs�a`vrtb; ' M'M1!!`�: ,t 8�1L '4 �� rotes scb Y !4?!"!f.t..•AtY U19PiSf3it1C"fif3f.f•#3 @g.d3t3f?•4:Ek�li)'1.t9rf.#!p? 31 K 4,il to x�t1`a "eta i I ^1 OQ0 ;°1, } $1 i0AA1 UDMUCAI.-tip Px Pit;Faiftll�« ��� ir�l-fit�iD-41y'•f1f)t2 � �.�i�;.SU $ �„.= r,,14 �rizra�vr.aarrn'serr�r tite�� )tat f3fif�af�f..�t�a�L., ; rRAM01".' LM, _ 101 400.9 423 -010_.'> ­ e•JP;i.IC. PLACES AM Yr.tia11 1°fir K, tYYDY' PT, A,fR°Yy: $4,291 A0 y€t ..frS �ioah �F�v�' ali�,s.L,Y }•'°7�a�' ' - . "��.�v :Imil`"FF.f"8O�,}�; i"! 0W RECEIPT DATE' BY 1 } DATE FINALED INSPECTOR -10^ INSPECTION RECORD OPERATION DATE INSPECTOR OPERATION DATE INSPECTOR BUILDING APPROVALS MECHANICAL APPROVALS Set Backs Underground Ducts Forms & Footings _djj/L A �Q- 6 Ducts Slab Grade Return Air _ Steel Combustion Air Roof Deck _�r IJ 4 4,1,d_ Exhaust Fans 0. K. to Wrap F.A.U. Framing A&7 �Y Insulation gy y�/y� Compressor Vents Fireplace P.' . Grills Fireplace T.O. Fans & Controls Party Wall Insulation Condensate Lines Party Wall Firewall Exterior Lath DrWvall - Int. Lath _2 Final Final _ BLOCKWALL APPROVALS POOLS - SPAS steel Set Backs Electric Bond Footings Main Drain Bond Beam Approval to Cover Equipment Location Underground Electric Underground Plbg. Test Final I I Gas Piping, PLUMBING APPROVALS Gas Test Electric Final Waste Lines Heater Final Water Piping Plumbing Final Plumbing Top Out Equipment Enclosure Shower Pans O.K. for Finish Plaster Sewer Lateral f Z Pool Cover Sewer Connection /' �� Encapsulation Gas Piping Gas Test DO A pliances 8 / / Final COMMENTS: Final Utility Notice (Gas) ELECTRICAL APPROVALS Temp. Power Pole Underground Conduit Rough Wiring Low Voftage Wiring Fixtures Main Service Sub Panels Exterior Receptacles G.F.I. Smoke Detectors Temp. Use of Power Final Utility Notice (Perm) U3 "30/00 10:56 FAX 7149211631. A111ance R111 installation Certificate: Residential CF -6R Us* of this form to agility Ute roqulramenta of the AdminiotrsUve Code Is optional, but the InfarmsUon must be provided and posted. dile Addrega - permet Numbvv An Installation cdnificate is required to be posted at the building site prior to the issuancs of the ocsrpancf perrnrt. This form may be used to meet these requirements. All appliance categories listod below are the actual equipment installed. Note that the deficiency anc type of the appliance installed must be equivalent or better than the 40aRcs s&escified on the Certiecata of Compliance (CF•1A), This canriicate (or as equivalent) shall be prepared and signed by she poerson(s) assuming overall responsibility for the appliance installation. I, the undersigned, verity that the equipment listed in.tha category above my signature is the actual equipment Installed and that the equipment masts or exceeds the requirements of the Appliance Efficiency Slant ards. In �ac&)'O' n, I hays verified that the eqmeRt is ®quiv3lent to or mare officiont than the equipment specified on the Cartiflcata at Ffllr'Omplianca subm tted to demonstrate compliance with the Energy ciency Standards for residential buildings. HVAC SYSTEMS Note: Hydronic boiler irdermatron is entered here. Other hydronic or ccmbined Walor Heating Systema. hydronic equiorrart is Ilstod un der Heating Equip, CEC Caetffled Actual Distribution Type pumace, MEnul. Make & EMlclency Type and Duct or Heating Load Haating P1 Ing haat um etc. . Modal Number (AFUE, etc. Location t Before ®ver- Equipment R•Valu® BeSlLo Bver- Equip 8tuh) �. UG'r ' P17 j tWl U7- O nG�: e T CEC C.artiffed Cooling Equip. Compreasoor Unit Actual' Distribut;wt Type(sir Duct or Pit heat urnoe c� Made! Number (SEER) RLecstlon lu 4 T b. dlnq a gn h lose and design host gain rate have been daterrr.,-rd ue,ns a ^t®;;,oc eget fled In SaGicr, 180(n) of t' a En rgy It ren., tandards, and are two of the Criteria used for equipment - sizing and sel; cxri, / ►':� ".H Amt l " A . 1� Sign 're Cate HVAC Subontracor (.Co. !Mame) or General Cont acar or Owner WATER HEATING SYSTEMS Water Heating CEC Certliled Rated' System Type MBnut. Bake Tank Energy External Factor or tgnA (storage gas, etc.) Model Number Input (kW Capgcity, orBtuh) fgallorsi Raccvery Standbyt Inaulstlon Etilclenc Loss(:1 R -Value 1, For email gse atoisge (rated input 4 75.000 Stuhr), elecirle roatatsnce and hest sump wetor hod tof it. :ist Energy Pactor, Por large 94e storcg• water hoatera (rated inpt;t >75,000 Btu/hr;, list Rmteci :nput, list For Instantaneous gas waist hestara, list Rated Input and Reetvery Elficienrf, For Recovery S,ficiena ane Starrby lose, Inatantsneoua electric wale► host fist Rated Input. FAUICETS & SHOWER HEADS All faucets and shcwerheacs installed are listeo in the Commis:;or,'s Direr..: of Ca tied Fa �:: acwerneaas, -. �.=, PUM.'ant to Title 24, part 5, Subc'napter 2. Section 1 t t. Sigr,arJrA I Date Plumbing St,beon,736tor (Co. Name; Gane:di CentracEat or ovine, Rer:uc :atout ry 10 �2 08131 08:_47 9092920499: SCHMID CONTRACTING F'AiaE. 09 " • INSULATION CERTIFICATE _ This is td certify that insulation has been installed in conformance ovith the cun'ent energy regulation; ; Cahforn. Administrative Code, Title 24, State of-Califomia,'in the buiiding at ' PGA WEST 1 PHASE 2A 1 TRACT 289601 LA.QUINTA` s s LOT 53 .• `CEILING5: . TYPE: -Fiberglass -13ATTS MANUFACTURER: Owens/Corning THICKNESS: R-3812" BLOW WALLS:. n. » .c { TYPE:. Fiberglass,Batts MANUFACTURER: OwenslCornirig ,THICKNSSScR-13 3 112'' ' GEN ERAL CONTRACTOR: CENTEx HOMESLICENSE:- _ BY: TITLE. SCHMID INSULATION 9ATRACTORS, INC: , .LICENSE #221517. C-2 TITLE: PRODUCTION MANAGER, DAT E: 08/30/00 INSULATIONCERTIFICATE . ,. 1'nis is to certify that insuiation has been installed in conformance with. the current energy regulation, California Admir,Istrative Code;'Title 24, State of California, in the building located at PGA WEST/ PHASE 2A / TRACT,289601 LA QUINTACA LOT 53 t r� ! r �. CEILINGS: TYPE: Fiberglass BATTS'MANUFACTURER; OvtrenslCorning THICKNESS: R-3812" BLOW :,. VVALLS: TYPE,.Fiberglass Batts': "MANUFACTURER: Owens/Corning THICKNESS. -Al 3 3 112" GENERAL CONTRACTOR: CENTEX HOMES LICENSE # r BY:' 71TLE: SCHMID 1NSl1LAION NTF'ACTORS, INC. LICENSE #221,517 C-2`' BY. ITI:E: 'PRO • . DUCTION MANAGER DATE: 08,(30/00 F.%m . t FAX NO. u„ t AJL LA 11V1N L -s 1 lr' MLA-11; yQs iul. 27 24" 10:.31W P2 1 of 7) C k* -6R A rens arm r NuMber An installation certificate is required to be posted at the building site or made available for all appropriate iaspeaiotts. (The information provided on this form is required; however, use of this form to„provide the information is optiooal.) After completion of final inspection, a copy must be provided to the building department (upon request) and the building owner at occupancy, per Section 10-103(b). ffVAC SYSTEMS: Hearing Equipment Equip• r of Efficiency Dna Duct or nesting Typhen 1pkp. CPC Certified Mfr Name Identical (AFUE ase,)' Location Piping Load Ca�v Heat 1 and Model NumbW svg arta. etc.) R-vai Cooling Equipment Equip. CEC Certiried Compressor i! of F.ffici aey Dna Cooling Cooling Type (pkE. Unit Mtf Name and Identical (SEER, tea.)' 1„ocatiorr Duct LOW}� hent ) Model N F -IR v e) eta) R -value 1 I . ? reads greater rhan or equal ra 1, the undersigned. verify that equipment lined above is: 1) is the actual equipnumx installed, 2) egtuvale= go or more efficient than that specified in the certificate of eompl”"tanto (Form CF•1R) submitted for. compliance with the EnerV. Efficiency Standards for residential buildings„ and 3) equipment that merits or exceeds the appropriate requirements for manufactured devices (from the Appliances E,llcieruy Regulations or Part 6), where applicable. tgnamm. Date WATER FfEATTNG SYSTEMS - Distribution Heater CEC Certified Mfr 'Type (Std. Type Nam* & Model Number' Pointof Use rac0_ M_<n 2 For small gu ttoragc bated input of less than or equal to 77.000 BtWhr). c[ectrie resistance and beat pomp -user haters. list Energy Factor. For large gas storage water loaners (rand input of 6rtug dlut 75.000 Btn/!tr). Ilat Rvwvety Efficiency, Standby Lon and Rated Input. For instantaneous ear water beaten. Ila Recovery Efficiency and Rated Input. 3. R-12 external insuh t!on is mandatory for storap inter hcatun with an energy factor of lass than 0.58, Faoeets & Shower Heads-. All faucets and showerheads installed are certified to the Commission. pursuant to Title 24, Part 6, Section 111. I, the undcrsigncd. verify that equipment lined above my signature is: I) the actual equipment installed; 2) equivalent to or more eff'iciazr than that specified in the certificate of compliance (Form CF -1R) submim ed for compliance with the EnerV Fficien cy Srandanls fbr residential bmldingg and 3) equipment that masts or exceeds the appropriate require:mencji for manufzwimd devices (from the Appliance 0xialry Regulations or Put 6), when applicable. � , /, Fx",&f JD Mechanical, Inc. Signature. Dar;. Installing Subcontractor (Co. Name) OR General Contractor (Co. Name) OR Owner COPY TO: Building Department HERS Provider (if applicable) Building Owner at Occupancy _ July 1. 1999 s mg Subzaniraanr (Co. awe) OR General Contractor (Co. Name) OR Owner if Recir• a of Rated' Tank EfFi- External cvlation. Identical Input (kW Volume cianay' Standby' !nsuladon )nvol Type Systcrw or BMW) (allow) (�. RE) Loss (OW 14 -value 2 For small gu ttoragc bated input of less than or equal to 77.000 BtWhr). c[ectrie resistance and beat pomp -user haters. list Energy Factor. For large gas storage water loaners (rand input of 6rtug dlut 75.000 Btn/!tr). Ilat Rvwvety Efficiency, Standby Lon and Rated Input. For instantaneous ear water beaten. Ila Recovery Efficiency and Rated Input. 3. R-12 external insuh t!on is mandatory for storap inter hcatun with an energy factor of lass than 0.58, Faoeets & Shower Heads-. All faucets and showerheads installed are certified to the Commission. pursuant to Title 24, Part 6, Section 111. I, the undcrsigncd. verify that equipment lined above my signature is: I) the actual equipment installed; 2) equivalent to or more eff'iciazr than that specified in the certificate of compliance (Form CF -1R) submim ed for compliance with the EnerV Fficien cy Srandanls fbr residential bmldingg and 3) equipment that masts or exceeds the appropriate require:mencji for manufzwimd devices (from the Appliance 0xialry Regulations or Put 6), when applicable. � , /, Fx",&f JD Mechanical, Inc. Signature. Dar;. Installing Subcontractor (Co. Name) OR General Contractor (Co. Name) OR Owner COPY TO: Building Department HERS Provider (if applicable) Building Owner at Occupancy _ July 1. 1999