SBA 1992-090" T H E C I T Y 0 F, La 0inta 1982.- 1992 Ten Carat Decade: February 3,-,1992 Mr. Thomas Plouffez.. 78-820 Sonesta Way ; La Quinta, CA 92253 SUBJECT:, SETBACK ADJUSTMENT 92-090 Dear Mr. Plouffe: 4P On Januar 28 1992 the La y Quinta Planning 'Commission approved _request for a setback adjustment for a patio cover at Sonesta Wa, E7-8�-820 This approval allows a 1.5 foot rear s'--- etback (instead of 10-feet) for the atio with .an overhang of- P g f"12"inches. 12-inches.Please note this means-that the existing-'patio is allowed to remain in its current location. You are still required to'-meet the Building- Department's . .requirements and. obtain a building permit for the above mentioned patio. Please proceed with this as soon as possible. If'you have any questions, please contact the undersigned: Very truly yours, JERRY HERMAN ~ PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT DIRECTORh. .Glenda-M. Lainis . Associate Planner. GML:ccs F .05 cc: Bui ld=i-ng &&--Saf-ety,---De.par-tment CITY 9F LA.QUINTA ' City of La Quinta cttro+�uoulwr� oa�+ualTr Post Office Box 1504 78-105 Calle Estado La Quinta, California 92253 - k LTRGL . 2 81 /CS Phone (619) 564-2246, Fax. (619) 564-5617." i Design & Production: Mark Palmer Design, 619.346.0772 O 2. 1 1. "S 2 1 .2 .= O S P M . S. P. E X E'C. DINING • RM. P O 1 +. T' H E. C .i T Y O F La Quanta � - . I Od! - I d97 Tia C+rrr Deode - •- - February 3,, 1992 ' "Mr. Thomas Plouffe 7'$=$20 Sonesta;-Way A La Quanta, 9-2253---' SUBJECT:... SETBACK. ADJUSTMENT 92-.090 _ Dear Mr. -Plouffe: ' On-January 28, 1992, the La Quints Planning Commission approved• ♦ your request for a setback - adjustment for , a patio . cover at. a,p 78-820 Sonesta way. • This approval allows •a 1.5 foot rear setback ..(instead of, 10-feet) ' for the patio with an overhang of " - 12 inches:. Please note this means that the existing patio'. is •M allowed to remain in its current location., You are still. required to meet the Building Departments requirements and obtain a building permit for the above V mentioned patio. Please proceed with this `as soon`as possible." If you have any questions,•please,contact the undersigned. .. .. y •�j�"ti. •,Ani, . - _ very truly yours, JERRY HERMAN PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR " �; Glenda M. Lainis l Associate Planner " GML:ccs . � cc: Building & Safety Department > • .. C4 of La Quint$ ~ .l Post Office Box 1504 • 78-105 Calle Estado La Quinta, California 92253 564-5617 � Phone (619) 564-2246, Fax (619) LTRGL 2 811 C S Pmnwr Dom. V94AU-Wn ti ' . 02Mm 6 ProduAW: UO PA r/o a . Lo c,K WA �� • o � - M PLo.,,T: t tea.. GRAS 5 i 'Poo L.. p ' a m GR A S .; "TC n �� , �OtitNQ' • - .. � � •`S• ,�� r - • �• • ' { 1 y � � .. � � •`S• ,�� r - • �• • ' ' � 1 y � � ' "4 �! ' .� ` ;.e e.