78030 Cadiz (Calle)PLEASE COMPLETE THIS INFORMATION RECORDING REQUESTED BY: City Clerk's Department AND WHEN RECORDED MAIL TO: CITY OF LA QUINTA Attn: City Clerk's Department P O Box 1504 La Quinta, CA 92247 DOC # 2012-0476442 10/05/2012 08:00p Fee:NC Page 1 of 3 Recorded in Official Records County of Riverside Larry W. yard Assessor, County Clerk & Recorder I IIIIII IIIIIII II IIIIIIII III IIIIIII IIIII III IIIII IIII IIII S R U PAGE SIZE DA MISC LONG RFD COPY M A L 465 426 PCOR NCOR SMF NC ppEx��nM WI D T: C1 UNI SPACE ABOVE FOR RECORDERS USE ONLY NOTICE OF SUBSTANDARD BUILDING OR PROPERTY - - - - - 78030 Calle Cadiz 043 Title of Document THIS AREA FOR RECORDER'S 1. j N 4 rel WA THIS PAGE ADDED TO PROVIDE ADEQUATE SPACE FOR RECORDING INFORMATION Exempt Recording Fees per Government Code Sections 6103 and 27383 RECORDING REQUESTED BY AND WHEN RECORDED MAIL TO: City Clerk's Department CITY OF LA QUINTA P.O. Box 1604 La Quinta, Ca. 92247-1604 Exempt Recording Fees per Government Code Sections 6103 and 27383 NOTICE OF SUBSTANDARD BUILDING AND/OR PROPERTY Notice is hereby given to all persons, pursuant to the provisions of the La Quinta Municipal Code, as adopted by Titlel I of the La Quinta Municipal Code that the property described below has been inspected and found to -- -be substandard as defined in Chapter 11.72 of the above code and the ownerofrecord havebeenor will be notified. Violations consist of: LQMC 11.72.030 (A) Public Nuisance/Abandoned Building LQMC 9.60.240 (E-3) Landscaping Standards LQMC 11.72.030(N) Public Nuisance/Property out of Harmony LQMC 11.72.030 (R) Public Nuisance/Maintenance of Grounds LQMC 11.72.030(T-8) Public Nuisance/Overgrown Vegetation CBC 1026.4 Access and Means of Egress UFC 505.1 Building Identification This document will be expunged only when the City Building Official finds that the public nuisance has been abated and either that such abatement has been accomplished at no cost to the City or that any such costs have been repaid to the City or that such costs have been placed upon the tax rolls as a special assessment pursuant to the Government Code. Detailed information regarding this Declaration, Code Violations, or any costs or fees that must be paid the City, may be obtained by contacting the Building & Safety Department, Code Compliance Division LEGAL DESCRIPTION Owners of Record: 92253 Development Company, LLC Area: 020-016 Situs : 78030 Calle Cadiz - - -- - -- -- APN`: 770-152°012 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lot 2, Block 7, Desert Club Tract Unit No. 1, as shown by Map on file in Book 19, page 75 of Maps, Records of Riverside County. Commonly known as 78030 Calle Cadiz, La Quinta, CA. 92253 C c..-_ DATE: September 26, 2012 Code Compliance Officer NOTICE OF SUBSTANDARD BUILDING AND/OR PROPERTY 78030 Calle Cadiz Exempt Recording Fees Per Government Code Sections 6103 and 27383 State of California City of La Quinta - County'ofRiverside On September 26, 2012, before me, Pamela Nieto, Notary Public personally appeared Jackie Misuraca, who proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence, to be the person whose name is subscribed to within said instrument and acknowledged to be that he/she executed the same in his/her authorized capacity, and that by his/her signature on the instrument the person or the entity upon behalf of which the person acted, executed the instrument. I certify under PENALTY OF PERJURY under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing paragraph is true and correct. WITNESS my hand and official seal PAMELA NIETO Signature: 00 Commission O 1931606 Notary Public u Notary Public - Calffornia ry Riverside County M Comm. Expires May 2, 2015+ (800)683-7648 overniteexpress.com - MSIE 7.0 Page I of I Bill To:23997 Date: 10/82012 From: Kim Bragdon SOLARIS ESCROW INC 74245 Highway 111 Ste:203 PALM DESERT, CA 92260 9497882832 Billing Reference: To:City clerks Office City of La Quinta 78495 Cal le Tampico Ste: La Quinta , CA 92263 7607765770 79a3o pp���� p p�IIII ��pp pp pp IIII pp�� ppIIII IIlIppppp I�IIIIII IIIVI I �I II��II IIV II I�ID I IIII �Ilul�ullllll Next Day Overnite — P Zone:360 SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS: Number of Pieces: 1 Please fold This page in halt and place if in the pouch on your photocopy WARNING: Use only the prance label of shipping. Using a photowpy of this label for shipping purposes is eats with could result r additional billing charges, along with cancellation of your Norw Ovemite account or Ovemite5hip Online prcYile. Snipmenta with invalid account or credit caN numbers will not be delivered. N � n N o n C-D M r o m rn n < n 37 r CIO rrI D Cn 10 -- < o c 3 m rn Co https://www.ovemiteexpress.com/ovemiteshiponline/direction/shipmentform.aspx DocuSign Envelope lCC E092941B-AF00-485D-82EE-3ED107F5A4BC Docu$gn Envelope lD: 501FE7695017-41F8-8FFE-4B7DAEA79DC7 Prospective Buyer/Owner's Agreement This agreenent made on this 2nd, day of October , 2012, between the City of to Quinta and L1Lv acid Barpara.. t9d prospective owner of 78030 Calle Cadiz, Le Qulnta, CA, 92253. Thh. Ietter:of 4$,reenlent signifies yc jqr agreement to take full responsibility to correct the code violations Bated In.the August 43, 20i2, NoticAiof public Nuisance. This letter of agreement provides two ways to re solve; the eo4 violations to the saiisfaction of the City of La Qulnta. 1) 1 hereby'agree to, a) Within 30 days of ownership, the property owner must have the exterior landscape violation corrected and maintained to meet City Municipal Code; LQMC 9.60.240 E-3) Landscape Standards: All landscapigg shall be maintained In a neat, clean and healthy condition, including proper pruning, mowing of lawns, weeding, removal of litter, fertilizing, replacement of plants when necessary and regular watering. Permanent automatic Irrigation facliities shallte provided for all landscaped areas. CoRrecxJmn: Remove all dead vegetation, leaf litter; the skirts (dropped palm fronds) around us :Pdkn:tfte must be remgiued to height of 10 feet from ground level,and remove all trash and detris. Vegetation requires proper pruning and a working automatic irrigation system. b) Within 30day6 of ownelship, the property owner must remove the security bars that are in — v)ofaion of the California Building Code 1026.4, as they are key -operated rather than having a gNlck release mechanism, c) Close of escrow date: 10/05/12 kal � Tne signaturets) of the Individuals Involved and a copy of their current driver's license for verification. 'X'Retim the corn*te4l,agreorrlent to;Code Compliance Officer, Jackie Misureca via email: jrniwrac@Ua-gyJt ta.6rg If you have anyioest ion, please contact Jackie Misuraca by telephone at 760-777-7021, or by small at d rSl)urac 4@-oriinta.ora • .tlf. f;l F � is pop Pmger{yAdd*:I }3OCaHeCadi4LaChinta CWornia92E53 The dgnature(i Of tM individuals IPOK'ed and a copy of their current driver's Ikense for verNicatbn. Sign t Date LL/E0 39Vd Qtl1SNtl8 6LPZZ9LE0b Wd8Z:Z0 ZSOL/Z0/01 MY C04A 12 IFMTAL A A FOR. ; co REM'. RDERS USEONLY uvis>lvg ZLOZZ9LE04 WdOZ:Zg ZIOZ/60/01 Lai RECORDING DARD BUILDING AND/OR PROPERTY ursuant10theprovis1onsof@faLe0arteMunt oWCode,esadopted odelhattltaproper(Itdeatxbed balawrbasbeen urspee6adandAowd a 11.72.0 dre abMecoft end ft owwofreasrd have been orwM be 0 W POW NsometAbs wwm Buadma of EOMM out or Harmony am Or Grounds mwn Vegabftm tea., 1;= rrasveenWMMP saeommtaoata)U*UWorMWWW�acosts 1Pte(�tljror osrnsrtav86aanpWoedupatfihe'Aucroaeasaspew SOMMM pcayssinxt► Codgj Dra0eaed fionrdbg to pwd City, maybe OVWAAO d by LMAt �RIPi1QN fJwna[a ReOwd: t i e nt Gom 4 vetoPtrie parry, LLC SY`� Af9a Y. ftm : 78680 Calls Cadiz APN : 710-162-012 . LP12 Z', Ql ertCxarb itaa nd No.1, a6 sha9m bywoon roe In Book 19, page 78 of Maps, . iiaba 4 of 114 CAunIty. Commonly known as 78080 Cage Cadiz, Le Q ft CA. 92M too aals�aa *T6: & ftmber 26. 2012 ZL46Z9LE0b Wd8Z;Z0 ZTOZ/60/OT ►*ICE OF ®UBOTMOM BUILDING MWOR PRQPIBM B>(��„Ino lam i»r ocYammwet C,..-� 8eclfons 8103 � . . i�rygi Ikl - , �« M��YRIPo➢b�p{19Ay19QJ99kM ,�Ifl10Ip0Y9d10 I Ilt(1�F' - '` III . df ke tll@ pNBon whsne Ana li aAapibed to wpMn amd IroeCup�ltt end I�t,, flB�lreeoletry�ed6>aemnmitltlWles'eapadlyamtdtlietbyhislhelt»Ipn�ue0nU�0 1,,.®���y�P'sfi�lrarduoRetapaeonaaNd.moaaueedelelnabume�a. W Y44#FIBIiO. $i ^ IN A1 i t0i1000 l� Pl11i11C ey: LT/90 39tld ZLVZZ9L£0V Wd8Z:Z0 ZTOZ/60/01 r P.O. Box lts'Oq CoMMNNrrY SAFETY DiviSiow 78*493 CAC46 TAMp(CQ (760) 777.7030 r.A QVWTA, CALSFQRNIA 92253 •PAX (760) 777-701l 4+*MPA S , f. FILE COPY Cftau ' '%%w Co" LLC FLU= Re: T8080 CALLE CAm Parcel # 778-152-012 CON # 12-00004188 Cteae: JaWe Misurm Rby aufirnitted to YOU as OvMr(e) of dw above rellbrenc ed prapaW c Y41ur prop" revealed c� WMons that c muMute a ptoW of fti , La Quft Munkhw Code _ The cacl wmm 4 ffse pmp" fitdnWIMunkipal Code 11 zoso. Pleave oorrect these conditions 040 sub)e(x to Cihr abaismer>sl, under LQMC 11.79.OW. . s'Ve 6'a LT/L0 39V6 Qtl1SAVE ZLvzz9LE0C WdBL:LO STBL/Z0/0T 124OW Ike a ii� it "IVIDW*B) wftdn Me time *9M Indhdad VAII result in the WKft OtAnal prosecution to correct ft 00bictOP'l WMwmt Ooft* and a 26 % adrninistrative fee ehan be W-14.0 pftmty property and shall become a 'Ofthe f(a)c;$M`awIIdQn upon the q to 40YW VIS *WJ*s) M*WK*d, you Will avoid ftn and Of YOU 04MItethe detumine0on of cited violstim(e), you rnustice a fbron Commissim no later than tan (10) days from to data of TOO 8PPOSI SW to In writing and filed wMi the City Clark y gaea*ip=, pkfte owftct Jame mwmca at (M) 777-7021. *0 Oftee"ber 12-00MIOG and the property addmw JW SUPPOFft ft Code Compliance Division to maintain the safely and �,04 IS, *ea* Wrecialed, You may Contact me at the above O�00ions wxn6erWyou require assistenoo. MI, M CC: Ag.-Parlies We WNW and First Mae Mal lcu„ uc CE_N2 LT/SO 39VJ GViSAVH zLtIZZ91E0V wdez:zo ZIOZ/ZO/OT F }eL{C 3 14GE .: IZOM041 Pk RUG lsU10E5 N wwmsma< �Q (8.3) taadieepe staadmte Ai[? .. adItorid ae inaat,c.Waod , wAd% prm b& sn"I df L. y.� wggqring„ . 7 r rapiN shallboprovidedibraq ' Yi.c�ueAaiba �(fmdaaoping os aoa3adanw wctn Candmape Sundorda }'�i'�typocd'g•oundooveroveramivasmil. � uiohs;vu .� � pmpeetymautofbuaw,gor �+� os� eamdadt oCadjeo¢ot a dbnbwtloaladp a� 'usewtiahiaof pcOpaoos. IRiol�pjt • ` Aa4am b�'� iadDah' t with the a�ataleoeaoe s a4leawtPro 'YLisi bcksftfi mo Yad llle ataiw sle yards} i uio mDlaU y andbulldUigsahn11bmawwwood buildtgg orrapprovedbatift p� fa a�� dret m pLialy ha�do . . .. �ou�Uiosha�k�}rosd8'olab�gdaspropa�ty. . !�d s abplf Cftft *hh ftir baokVOWA Addtam or 44h" boom l abosiiyl�aUbo of4iwha(1 )01mm bigbwIMa tl��liroke width oE1}� iactii12.7k r9a1 A AatmAftess mmbatsorappmd p Ina poaden*Ais �s+�dYi6iDie dteatnxtarraad6omiag ^*;,� � , 7rw onnbor#Ma comom whb dwir d {{jpe' f'j F q ij t .?Y.0aW11 twAi411RN Offildho pi�&vs arvs which am &andaa0d. E Y: . ty `!^"'r'Ja`a Orin a t� of par6a) C0ba7Bhan. Lct •.F1AA// VSohaino C�ice Aetbn , GE N2 Li/6B 3Jtld Qtl1SNtlfl ZL17ZZ9LCOb Wd8Z:Z0 ZiOZ/Z0/ol NOT" OF FMBW 1Illw%$ANCE k0ilill 12-60004100 400 You mate"Wift AH AcannUfta, mad for lo6walsfion an Doi" waft or slill deviom am pambw In at Pimp admum %al *sH be rehill at wham ..ON 1101110, dwasoofalmy.took of Mm SMM dto ft - for normal opmatlon ofdm on" and of owml eump fiull beftwo(s). The iThs spial rift aim qwl hftk Wcws lull] . nadmopm Owl Wift I , aft ant ango� tbau 44 bobw #bow *# od PIM to da City ofwx: dandlo. bm6wi�dttehs P" '"Patko vM Ik Fill do"f-way pm jag be; WA�Wiwso*l In do wjwflRWA no VWXdoP Mill oro4**,H 6D tootio**2hained In a nowl, elm qM P ,.*MMCE DBQLARM. I I u 34 MM Aftwill fdbv&s In eft ou A big 4444 &al mosurdow 6m weW vas Oaion M* to bobw rmor apporam *r fhv huzw& Vl C4t,** Acdon *.,xo#'*w 'sl as*m qoaAavqFt@doq" anon mdb 144," al Ismaikhublild for Mill, MMK or IT/OT 3ENJ OvisAve ztvzz9LC07 wdaz:zo ZTK/ZO/OT TO BUC 02 pap.-, adtft P,Q, BOX I504 COMMUNITY SAPSTY DIVISION 76+495 CA4m TAMPICO (760) 777•7050 LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 FAX (760) 777-7011 NmUISANCE A091402 s 2012 LA(k*A,:CA i } DearQwnbr(s): Tim ml6rics is A mcbr%' .ireB'. niisarioeip w' LT/TT 39Gd CCs , LLC Re: 78M CALLS CAM Parcel # 779-162-0,12 Case # 12-00W096 Officer: Jackie Misuraca hereby submii�d to you as owner(s) of the above referenced property. peeti©n of ypur property revealed, oondit m that eonstit ft a public rtrJati6n of tii0; Quints Municipal Code. # "Party avis> b'fl r Cob Wd0L:Z0 ZTOZ/ZB/01 E W#ih=LPQU"','MwdoipWCO&11.72,030. PWMconWVMwCondftM W"M " dWA . or 16 sublad to (2v Wudwnm*. undar LOW 11 'n mn LT/ZT 3DVJ QvisMe ZLVZZ9460V WcIBZ:ZO ZTOZ/ZO/OT t NOTO OFPOMC NUS � � 12�00004181�i LT/ET 39Gd Wallon(s) *itWn the tim frame indicated vrill result in the mccodkige tutdlor crWW prosecution to correct the WWroment costs and a 25 S administrative flee strati be ner(s,. as a W upon the Property and dwR become a nm(a) of mo6r& 01 to'90eot the vk* lton(s) reererxed, you will avoid these and you P4KA to the determination of coed violat on(a), you must file a e PfarrnlC�g £wnmission no later them ten (10) days from the date of Taal shall be in xrc" and tiled wM the City Clerk we contact' Jad" Misuraca at (750) M 7M. 12-0001 MIG and the property address. the Code Conpliance U'rvision to malrrtain the safety and eatly appredated. You may contact me at the above w require assistance. CC: Ao:.Patties via CartMd and First Class Mall J aVISAVU ZL4ZZ9LEO4 WdOZ:ZO ZTOZ/ZO/OT VIOUPIA LqSMCM Sumdar& d in a neat, ohm and VSWM t1wil" "I be provided far all mail. Action SlowAmb UY&4t= D"AMD, 0 Ofpmqwty So out of hmvmq gr "it* the mattomm ftwortis of Room m or v*0 Of4mat pmpat6s. Aulm Wkftft PnpbKtea" iockdos ff" Halt to* *ift of 0 inob (12.7). otapprOvad allocation Inaposmommah go W vm=* the 1,s mor mod Owdus 1. I'lls nflmbft�dw Ow"ad With dk* Mocum Old om abided,goo aftay" commactim GVISAVE ZLVZZ9460P WdOZ:ZO 61OZ/ZO/01 I PIQ'��E j�P E?4�]C I�Idif COBBr:;124p lw'. POP 3013 i txia�a4iewireapaem .l aadsm„ and Safety tmmrtt You mkt oomaplft in 6366* 0 -7012 DvwunK for hams m m at r Y��Ammm asut Men,snfRaw:ea > +♦¢ W Ot aGdpW ftviM am pumiltpd to �' Eep6NMd!'OSCUa majamml Gat Sifm wig t;egRa and sncb10 OM rekma�la ar ' 4te�l's�*8wae �,toa, _ torna�$apaationotWaaaoepoane VitltatigfCdvp;Aatbn . Rq�e!uq�os�mwrB�3'�� from bedrooro(9a The 6ol m abaft dm and plaoa to to go, WAMWdvubs, V+oliNiort 'Aaiun `. _'.a'lietlbpratki>,wlytpakrteipedio®txct,eJmmtmO hwbi+y ae4ditMn, i taopa ptuaioe, mcw6gof ta+na�a. a:reaioval , fit. o'P�iti�s,mtwa�g m symammd epa�d cover to oa'm � aeighborhao4 Vmlaieua�t�� fiHt�AABD: 11.?1}Qi¢(TS) Apoatlagi efonowtogtoa won Lecoyed,dNsmmade hmr&mimm,Wdmwaeda. ani4ovo�owA w�adott l800b'to hmtiar ttds air va�ilaai m a Ate Used. VioUabtt G�abo�e, Ao$Oat ttaeaa °�a0r"$'Iseaa,at6aMmfUr� vremdn,ar Nd LT/9T 39Gd (1visAva ZLVZZ9L£0b WdBZ:ZO ZTBZ/ZO/BT