2012 10 23 PCPlanning Commission agendas and staff reports are now available on the City's web page: www.le-auinta.om PLANNING COMMISSION AGENDA CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS 78-495 Calle Tampico, La Quinta REGULAR MEETING on TUESDAY, OCTOBER 23, 2012 AT 7:00 P.M. Beginning Resolution No. 2012-026 Minute Motion No. 2012-007 CALL TO ORDER 1. Roll Call 2. Pledge of Allegiance PUBLIC COMMENT At this time members of the public may address the Planning Commission on any matter not listed on the agenda. Please complete a "Request to Speak" form and limit your comments to three minutes. CONFIRMATION OF AGENDA APPROVAL OF MINUTES 1. Approval of the minutes of September 25, 2012 PUBLIC HEARINGS For all Public Hearings on the agenda, a completed "Request to Speak" form must be filed with the Executive Secretary prior to consideration of that item. A person may submit written comments to the Planning Commission before a public hearing or appear in support or opposition to the approval of a project(s). If you challenge a project(s) in court, you may be limited to raising only those issues you or someone else raised at the public hearing or in written correspondence delivered to the City at, or prior to the public hearing. 1. Consideration of Site Development Permit 2012-923 submitted by Master Association of Rancho La Quinta for Development Plans for the expansion of the Rancho La Quinta Jefferson Street Gatehouse, located at 49-003 Jefferson Street. 2. Consideration of Conditional Use Permit 2012-145 submitted by Tait & Associates, Inc. for a proposal to allow four (4) temporary metal storage containers during the 2012 Holiday Season. The containers are to be located at the Walmart Supercenter — 79-295 Highway 111. 3. Consideration of Zoning Ordinance Amendment 2012-109 submitted by the City of La Quinta for Amendment to Title 9, Chapter 9.150 of the Municipal Code to add provisions to allow tandem parking within certain residential districts. BUSINESS SESSION 1. Consideration of the Fiscal Year 2012/2013 Planning Commission Work Program. CORRESPONDENCE AND WRITTEN MATERIAL COMMISSIONER ITEMS 1. Report on City Council meetings of October 2 and 16, 2012 2. Commissioner Wilkinson is scheduled to attend the November 6, 2012, City Council meeting. ADJOURNMENT The next regular meeting of the Planning Commission will be held on November 13, 2012, commencing at 7:00 p.m. at the City Hall Council Chambers, 78-495 Calle Tampico, La Quinta, CA 92253. DECLARATION OF POSTING I, Carolyn Walker, Executive Secretary of the City of La Quinta, do hereby declare that the foregoing Agenda for the La Quinta Planning Commission meeting was posted on the outside entry to the Council Chamber at 78-495 Calle Tampico, and the bulletin boards at 78-630 Highway 111, and the La Quinta Cove Post Office at 51-321 Avenida Bermudas, on October 17, 2012. DA TED: October 17, 2012 Executive Secretary City of La Quinta, California PUBLIC NOTICES The La Quinta City Council Chamber is handicapped accessible. If special equipment is needed for the hearing impaired, please call the City Clerk's office at 777-7123, twenty-four (24) hours in advance of the meeting and accommodations will be made. If special electronic equipment is needed to make presentations to the Commission, arrangements should be made in advance by contacting the City Clerk's office at 777-7123. A one (1) week notice is required. If background material is to be presented to the Commission during a Planning Commission meeting, please be advised that eight (8) copies of all documents, exhibits, etc., must be supplied to the Executive Secretary for distribution. It is requested that this take place prior to the beginning of the meeting. Any writings or documents provided to a majority of the Commission regarding any item(s) on this agenda will be made available for public inspection at the Planning Department's counter at City Hall located at 78-495 Calle Tampico, La Quinta, California, 92253, during normal business hours. MINUTES PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING A regular meeting held at the La Quinta City Hall 78-495 Calle Tampico, La Quinta, CA September 25, 2012 CALL TO ORDER A. A regular meeting of the La Quinta order at 7:01 p.m. by Chairwoman B PRESENT: Commissioners Ald Weber, Chairwoman Barr ABSENT: None. STAFF PRESENT: II. PUBLIC 7:01 p.m. was called to Wright and A Director es Johnson, Public Works rTim Jona Planning Manager David )iiker te PI Jay Wuu, Senior Code once thony Moreno, and �e olvn Walker. III. CONFIRMAT F A:.' Confirmed im IV. bALEN ere being noq me r suggestions, it was moved by Commissioners t/Wilkinson approve the minutes of September 11, 2012, as su d. Unarn 4 usly approved. V. PUBLIC A. Development Agreement 2003-006 Amendment 4, Environmental Assessment 201 1-617, General Plan Amendment 2011-123, Zone Change 2011-140, Specific Plan 2001-055 Amendment 3, Tentative Parcel Map 36405, Site Development Permit 2011-921: a request by Lenity Group, LLC to consider a recommendation to the City Council for approval of the development plans for the La Quinta Retirement Community to be located on Seeley Drive, east of Washington Street, south of Miles Avenue, within Centre Pointe. Planning Commission Minutes September 25, 2012 Associate Planner Jay Wuu presented the staff report, a copy of which is on file in the Planning Department. Staff noted a memo was distributed to the Commissioners, at the meeting, recommending changes to several conditions of approval for the Tentative Parcel Map and the Site Development Permit. A copy of that memo is also on file in the Planning Department. Chairwoman Barrows asked if there were any , . stions of staff. Discussion covered the neighborhood ngs, design styles and compatibility, pad elevations and conc :r the placement of the trash enclosures.' There being no further questio 11110 staff, Chairwor ** ,.,,;Barrows asked if the applicant would like to Mr. Dan Roach, Lenity Architect Kettle Court SE, Salem, OR 93701, introduced self and ented on the neighborhood meetings, saying th' x ;" ors were i or of the development and happy to see a good "" a t go in. *added information on the timing of the develop t pha ' "�v expla ion of the placement of the trash osures, dis 'th the Fire Department as appropr Ft w Disc n cove ,V pos ity of the inclusion of solar panels and the ap t' on it cost; as well as the possible use of Ip�bulb ow sha' ai d alumnawood awnings. - Chair '... t an ws said she would like to see all of the ALRC recomm ........ tion ,:, rporated into the conditions. Roach N onded that was acceptable. a 'i`$Roos, Mainiero, Smith & Associates, Inc., 34-200 Bob Hop ` e, Rancho Mirage 92270 introduced himself and gave further explanation on the memo that had been distributed, at the dais, to the Planning Commission; as well as an explanation of the pad heights. There being no further public comment, Chairwoman Barrows closed the public hearing portion of the meeting and opened the matter for Commission discussion. Ewa Planning Commission Minutes September 25, 2012 Chairwoman Barrows said she would like to require a condition that all windows either be recessed or have window coverings and re -opened the public comment period to allow a response from the applicant and his representative. Mr. Roach explained they would be using Low E rated windows as they were a Title 24 requirement. Mr. Marvin Roos, explained the trash enclos ,,,Ovias side -loaded which resulted in a quieter procedure than fron# ing. He also commented on the distance of the trash enclosurx--nearby residents, and said they would work with staff on tbl The public hearing portion of theeting was There being no further ques or dje i'sion, it we oved and seconded by Commissioners Al kinson to adopt Resolution 2012-019 recommending approv �f Environmental Assessment 2011-617 as submi animously oved. There being no furth ues .: discon, it was moved and seconded ite%­, Commissirs ''Ikinson to adopt Resolution 2012-0 endinal ofeiielopment Agreement 2003- 006,, ; as su ,.. ed. Unanimously approved. There g n que s or discussion, it was moved and seconde � mmis Iderson/Wilkinson to adopt Resolution 21 mending roval of General Plan Amendment 2011- 123 bml Unanimously approved. There bei ono fu - er questions or discussion, it was moved and econded Commissioners Alderson/Wilkinson to adopt Resolution 12-022 Wi ommending approval of Zone Change 2011-140 as siitteilanimously approved. There being no further questions or discussion, it was moved and seconded by Commissioners Alderson/Wilkinson to adopt Resolution 2012-023 recommending approval of Specific Plan 2001-055, Amendment 3, as submitted. Unanimously approved. There being no further questions or discussion, it was moved and seconded by Commissioners Alderson/Wilkinson to adopt Resolution 2012-024 recommending approval of Tentative Parcel Map 36405 as -3- Planning Commission Minutes September 25, 2012 submitted, with Conditions 29, 54, and 44 amended as noted in the memo distributed to the Commissioners, prior to the meeting. Unanimously approved. There being no further questions or. discussion, it was moved and seconded by Commissioners Alderson/Wilkinson to adopt Resolution 2012-025 recommending approval of Site Development Permit 2011- 921 as submitted, with Conditions 28, 46, an7 amended as noted in the memo distributed to the Commissio�:Y prior to the meeting. Unanimously approved., VI. BUSINESS ITEMS A. Notice of Public Nuisance Case No A- "`4196: a requesta .Scott Holmes, President of 92253 Development mpany, C to consi n appeal of Public Nuisance Determination rey g t ". aintenancarcel 779- 152-012, property located at 78 03y `r`adiz. Code Enforcement Off ony Moreiti presented the staff report, a _` copy of which is on file )il@p 1e" 'ng Depa nt. Chairwoman Brws aske theme ", „oquestions of staff. Commis rs dis sed thc3dding code and security of abandoned properties::?s well the pos ty of including an explanation, in the Applicatio'f 6 r r elpi residents understand the Planning Commission '` the a" pryocess. 'Code En menicer Moreno gave an explanation of how the appeal process w`a sent ' clients and the City's desire, and preference, to ork with cents on c�rective measures. He indicated the Commissioner ments, on �dmg an explanation to the public, would be taken into There 'o further questions of staff, Chairwoman Barrows asked if the applic nt was present and would like to speak. There being no applicant present, or any further public comment, Chairwoman Barrows closed the public hearing portion of the meeting and opened the matter for Commission discussion. There being no questions or discussion, it was moved and seconded by Commissioners Wilkinson/Wright to adopt Minute Motion 2012-006 4- Planning Commission Minutes September 25, 2012 upholding. the determination that a public nuisance exists at the aforementioned parcel/address with reference to Case No. 12-4196. Unanimously approved. VII. CORRESPONDENCE AND WRITTEN MATERIAL: A. None. VIII. COMMISSIONER ITEMS: A. Commissioner Alderson reported on Council Meeting of September 18, 2012. B. Chairwoman Barrows is Schad :to report back bfte October 2, 2012, City Council meeting "• C. Planning Director Johnson stater nt City Council/Commission would be held on Ja ry 22, 201 tead of the Fall of the year as has been the pract1 fast He ented on possible changes in the format of t $ - nigift and sa rther details would be forthcoming. IX: DIRECTOR IT, A. Upd f LQ 20. eneral .. w review by City Council. X. B. -,-,,Update oik�.,...' ` mg Co iofi's 2012/2013 Work Program. `. ,� being n ', urtheP' business, it was moved by Commissioners AI n/Wright djourn this regular meeting of the Planning Commission to th8t rag00meeting to be held on October 9, 2012. This regular meeting binned at 8:28 p.m. on September 25, 2012. Respectfully submitted, Carolyn Walker, Executive Secretary City of La Quinta, California -5- STAFF REPORT PH 1 PLANNING COMMISSION DATE: OCTOBER 23, 2012 CASE NUMBER: SITE DEVELOPMENT PERMIT 2012-923 APPLICANT: MASTER ASSOCIATION OF RANCHO LA QUINTA PROPERTY OWNER: TD DESERT DEV, LTD PARTNERSHIP ARCHITECT: CURTIS SHUPE DESIGN LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT: CURTIS SHUPE DESIGN ENGINEER: CURTIS SHUPE DESIGN REQUEST: CONSIDERATION OF SITE, ARCHITECTURAL, AND LANDSCAPING PLANS FOR THE EXPANSION OF THE RANCHO LA QUINTA JEFFERSON STREET GATEHOUSE LOCATION: 49-003 JEFFERSON STREET ENVIRONMENTAL CONSIDERATION: THE LA QUINTA PLANNING DEPARTMENT HAS DETERMINED THAT THIS PROJECT IS EXEMPT FROM ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW PURSUANT TO SECTION 15303 (CLASS 3) OF THE CALIFORNIA ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY ACT IN THAT THE PROPOSED PROJECT IS AN EXPANSION OF A SMALL ACCESSORY STRUCTURE. GENERAL PLAN DESIGNATION: LOW DENSITY RESIDENTIAL (LDR) ZONING DESIGNATION: LOW DENSITY RESIDENTIAL (RL) SURROUNDING ZONING/LAND USES: NORTH: LOW DENSITY RESIDENTIAL (RL) EXISTING CVWD WELL SITE SOUTH: LOW DENSITY RESIDENTIAL (RL) PAReports - PC\2012\PC_10-23-12\RLQ GATEHOUSE EXPANSION\01 REPORT.docx Page i of 4 EXISTING RESIDENTIAL COMMUNITY EAST: CITY OF INDIO EXISTING RESIDENTIAL COMMUNITY WEST: GOLF COURSE (GC) EXISTING GOLF COURSE RECOMMENDED ACTION: Adopt Planning Commission Resolution 2012- , approving Site Development Permit 2012-923, subject to the attached Findings and Conditions of Approval. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: The Rancho La Quinta Master Association is proposing to expand the existing Jefferson Street gatehouse. The proposed addition is approximately 408 square feet, resulting in a 720 square foot gatehouse. BACKGROUND/ANALYSIS: The Jefferson Street gatehouse for Rancho La Quinta is located at the western terminus of Avenue 49 and Jefferson Street (Attachment 1, Sheet 1). The existing gatehouse, which was approved and constructed in 2003, consists of an office area and restroom. The expansion consists of an open floor area for the purpose of security equipment storage. Internal access from the existing gatehouse to the expanded area is proposed, as well as an access door on the southern building elevation. The expansion of the gatehouse will be to the east of the existing structure (Attachment 1, Sheet 2). An existing paved parking area and landscaping will be removed. Established resident/guest circulation routes and vehicular stacking capabilities will not be modified. The proposed gatehouse expansion has been designed to be consistent with the architectural style of the existing gatehouse. This includes architectural elements such as the use of a smooth plaster finish as the primary exterior building material and the use of concrete "S" the roofing. No roof -mounted mechanical equipment is proposed. The gatehouse expansion, at the highest ridgeline, is approximately 151- 3" in height (Attachment 1, Sheet 4). A 5-foot wide landscaped planter area is proposed around the perimeter of the expanded gatehouse (Attachment 1, Sheet 2). The new planter will be a continuation of the existing planter area, with the same plants and shrubs incorporated into the plant palette. All other landscaped areas within the entrance area will remain as is. P:\Reports • PC\2012\PC_10-23-12\RLO GATEHOUSE EXPANSION\Ot REPORT.docx Page 2 of 4 Per La Quinta Municipal Code Section 9.200.090, increases in building square footage exceeding ten percent from the original approval requires the approval of a site development permit. The gatehouse expansion will increase the existing 312 square foot building by 408 square feet, or over 130% of the existing building area. Staff finds that the overall design of the proposed gatehouse expansion to be acceptable. The architectural style and layout of the expansion matches the existing gatehouse. Except for the Jefferson Street setback, the expansion of,the gatehouse meets all development standards, including property setbacks and height requirements. By Code, the required setback from the Jefferson Street property line is 20 feet. The applicant has proposed an 18-foot setback from the property line. In order to accommodate the proposed 18-foot setback, the applicant requested Planning Director approval of a minor adjustment application, which could allow a deviation of up to ten percent of the required setback. The Planning Director approved Minor Adjustment 2012-655 on October 12, 2012, which reduced the required setback from 20 feet to 18 feet, as proposed. AGENCY AND PUBLIC REVIEW: Public Agency Review: This request was sent to all applicable City departments and affected public agencies on October 4, 2012. All written comments received are on file and available for review with the Planning Department. All applicable comments have been incorporated in the recommended Conditions of Approval. Public Notice: This project was advertised in The Desert Sun newspaper on October 12, 2012, and mailed to all property owners within 500 feet of the site. To date, no comments have been received from adjacent property owners. Any written comments received will be handed out at the Planning Commission hearing. ALRC RECOMMENDATION: On October 15, 2012, the Architectural and Landscaping Review Committee' reviewed these site, architectural, and landscaping plans, and unanimously recommended approval of the site development permit (Attachment 2). PAReports - PC\2012\PC_10-23-12\RLQ GATEHOUSE EXPANSION\01 REPORT.docx Page 3 of 4 The ALRC was generally pleased with the proposal, subject to a condition that the additional landscaping being provided consist of plants and shrubs that are more robust and provide contrast to the bare elevations of the expanded gatehouse. A condition of approval has been added to reflect their recommendation. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW The La Quinta Planning Department has determined that this project is exempt from environmental review pursuant to Section 15303 (Class 3) of the California Environmental Quality Act in that the proposed project is an expansion of a small accessory structure. Respectfully submitted, ---------------- -- p0 JAY WUU, Associate Pla ner Attachments: 1. Rancho La Quinta Gatehouse Expansion Site Development Permit Packet 2. Minutes of October 15, 2012 ALRC meeting P:\Reports - PC\2012\PC_10-23-12\RLQ GATEHOUSE EXPANSION\01 REPORT.docx Page 4 of 4 PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION 2012- A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING A SITE DEVELOPMENT PERMIT FOR THE EXPANSION OF THE JEFFERSON STREET GATEHOUSE FOR RANCHO LA QUINTA CASE: SITE DEVELOPMENT PERMIT 2012-923 APPLICANT: LENITY GROUP, LLC WHEREAS, the Planning Commission of the City of La Quinta, California did, on the 23rd day of October, 2012, hold a duly noticed public hearing to consider a request by the Master Association of Rancho La Quinta for approval of site, architectural, and landscaping plans for the Jefferson Street gatehouse expansion, generally located at the intersection of Jefferson Street and Avenue 49, more particularly described as: APN: 602-370-025 WHEREAS, the Planning Department published a public hearing notice in The Desert Sun newspaper on October 12, 2012 as prescribed by the Municipal Code. Public hearing notices were also mailed to all property owners within 500 feet of the site; and, WHEREAS, the Architectural and Landscaping Review Committee of the City of La Quinta, California, did, on the 15" day of October, 2012, hold a public meeting to review and discuss site, architectural, and landscape plans, the minutes of said meeting were included in the staff report for consideration by the Planning Commission; and, WHEREAS, at said Public Hearing, upon hearing and considering all testimony and arguments, if any, of all interested persons desiring to be heard, said Planning Commission did make the following mandatory findings pursuant to Section 9.216.010 of the Municipal Code to justify approval of said Site Development Permit: 1. Consistency with the General Plan The proposed project is consistent with the La Quinta General Plan, as it proposes a building expansion for an existing use that is consistent with the General Plan designation for LDR (Low Density Residential) development. Planning Commission Resolution 2012- Site Development Permit 2012-923 Rancho La Quinta Gatehouse Page 2 2. Consistency with the Zoning Code The proposed project is consistent with the requirements of the La Quinta Zoning Code, in that the building expansion will support existing uses consistent with those permitted in the Low Density Residential district, and meets the standards of this district. 3. Compliance with the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) The La Quinta Planning Department has determined that this project is exempt from environmental review pursuant to Section 15303 (Class 3) of the California Environmental Quality Act in that the proposed project is an expansion of a small accessory structure. 4. Architectural Design The architectural design of the proposed project, including the architectural style, scale, building mass, materials, colors, architectural details, roof style and other architectural elements are compatible with surrounding development and with the quality of design prevalent in the city. The proposed gatehouse expansion is designed to match the style and layout of the existing gatehouse. 5. Site Design The site design of the proposed project, as conditioned, will be compatible with, and not detrimental to, the surrounding development and with the quality of design prevalent in the city. The design of the expanded gatehouse has a limited impact on existing vehicular and pedestrian circulation routes. 6. Landscape Design The proposed project landscaping has been designed so as to provide visual relief and provide a harmonious transition between the existing gatehouse and expanded area. Proposed landscaped areas are consistent with the existing landscaping standards and plant palette. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Planning Commission of the City of La Quinta, California, as follows: 1. That the above recitations are true and constitute the findings of the Planning Commission in this case; Planning Commission Resolution 2012- Site Development Permit 2012-923 Rancho La Quinta Gatehouse Page 3 2. That the Planning Commission does hereby approve Site Development Permit 2012-923 for the reasons set forth in this Resolution and subject to the attached Conditions of Approval. PASSED, APPROVED and ADOPTED at a Quinta Planning Commission held on this 23rd day following vote to wit: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: ATTEST: LES JOHNSON, Planning Director City of La Quinta, California regular meeting of the La of October, 2012, by the KATIE BARROWS, Chairperson City of La Quinta, California PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION 2012- CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL - RECOMMENDED SITE DEVELOPMENT PERMIT 2012-923 RANCHO LA QUINTA GATEHOUSE EXPANSION OCTOBER 23, 2012 GENERAL 1. The applicant agrees to defend, indemnify and hold harmless the City of La Quinta ("City"), its agents, officers and employees from any claim, action or proceeding to attack, set aside, void, or annul the approval of this Site Development Permit. The City shall have sole discretion in selecting its defense counsel. The City shall promptly notify the applicant of any claim, action or proceeding and shall cooperate fully in the defense. 2. This permit shall expire on October 23, 2014, unless a building permit has been finalized and/or a time extension is applied for and granted by the Planning Commission pursuant to Section 9.200.080 of the Zoning Code. 3. Prior to the issuance of any grading, construction, or building permit by the City, the applicant shall obtain any necessary clearances and/or permits from the following agencies, if required: • Riverside County Fire Marshal • La Quinta Public Works Department (Grading Permit, Green Sheet (Public Works Clearance) for Building Permits, Water Quality Management Plan(WQMP) Exemption Form — Whitewater River Region, Improvement Permit) • La Quinta Planning Department • Coachella Valley Water District (CVWD) • Imperial Irrigation District (IID) • California Regional Water Quality Control Board (CRWQCB) • State Water Resources Control Board The applicant is responsible for all requirements of the permits and/or clearances from the above listed agencies. When the requirements include approval of PAReports - PC\2012\PC_10-23-12\RLQ GATEHOUSE EXPANSION\03 COAS.doc - Page 1 of 7 PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION 2012- CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL - RECOMMENDED SITE DEVELOPMENT PERMIT 2012-923 RANCHO LA QUINTA GATEHOUSE EXPANSION OCTOBER 23, 2012 improvement plans, the applicant shall furnish proof of such approvals when submitting those improvements plans for City approval. 4. The applicant shall comply with applicable provisions of the City's NPDES stormwater discharge permit, LQMC Sections 8.70.010 at seq. (Stormwater Management and Discharge Controls), and 13.24.170 (Clean Air/Clean Water); Riverside County Ordinance No. 457; the California Regional Water Quality Control Board — Colorado River Basin Region Board Order No. 137-2008-0001 and the State Water Resources Control Board's Order No. 2009-0009-DWQ and Order No. 2010-0014-DWQ. 5. Permits issued under this approval shall be subject to the provisions of the Development Impact Fee program in effect at the time of issuance of building permit(s). 6. Approval of this Site Development Permit shall not be construed as approval for any horizontal dimensions implied by any site plans or exhibits unless specifically identified in the following conditions of approval. 7. Developer shall reimburse the City, within thirty (30) days of presentment of the invoice, all costs and actual attorney's fees incurred by the City Attorney to review, negotiate and/or modify any documents or instruments required by these conditions, if Developer requests that the City modify or revise any documents or instruments prepared initially by the City to effect these conditions. This obligation shall be paid in the time noted above without deduction or offset and Developer's failure to make such payment shall be a material breach of the Conditions of Approval. 8. Developer shall reimburse the City, within thirty (30) days of presentment of the invoice, all costs and actual consultant's fees incurred by the City for engineering and/or surveying consultants to review and/or modify any documents or instruments required by this project. This obligation shall be paid in the time noted above without deduction or offset and Developer's failure to make such payment shall be a material breach of the Conditions of Approval. STREET AND TRAFFIC IMPROVEMENTS 9. The applicant shall comply with the provisions of LQMC Sections 13.24.060 (Street Improvements), 13.24.070 (Street Design - Generally) & 13.24.100 PAReports - PCX201 ZPC_10-23-12\RLG GATEHOUSE EXPANSION103 COAS.doe Page 2 of 7 PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION 2012- CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL - RECOMMENDED SITE DEVELOPMENT PERMIT 2012-923 RANCHO LA QUINTA GATEHOUSE EXPANSION OCTOBER 23, 2012 (Access for Individual Properties and Development) for public streets; and Section 13.24.080 (Street Design - Private Streets), where private streets are proposed. 10. Improvements shall be designed and constructed in accordance with City - adopted standards, supplemental drawings and specifications, or as approved by the City Engineer. Improvement plans for streets, access gates and parking areas shall be stamped and signed by engineers registered in California. IMPROVEMENT PLANS As used throughout these Conditions of Approval, professional titles such as "engineer," "surveyor," and "architect," refers to persons currently certified or licensed to practice their respective professions in the State of California. 11. Improvement plans shall be prepared by or under the direct supervision of qualified engineers and/or architects, as appropriate, and shall comply with the provisions of LQMC Section 13.24.040 (Improvement Plans). 12. The following improvement plans shall be prepared and submitted for review and approval by the Public Works Department. A separate set of plans for each line item specified below shall be prepared. The plans shall utilize the minimum scale specified, unless otherwise authorized by the City Engineer in writing. Plans may be prepared at a larger scale if additional detail or plan clarity is desired. Note, theapplicant may be required to prepare other improvement plans not listed here pursuant to improvements required by other agencies and utility purveyors. A. Precise Grading Plan 1" = 20' Horizontal Other engineered improvement plans prepared for City approval that are not listed above shall be prepared in formats approved by the City Engineer prior to commencing plan preparation. 13. The applicant shall prepare an accessibility assessment on a marked up print of the building floor plan identifying every building egress and notes the 2010 California Building Code accessibility requirements associated with each door. The assessment must comply with submittal requirements of the Building & Safety Department. PAReporte - PC\2012\PC_10-23-12\RLQ GATEHOUSE EXPANSION\03 COAS.doc Page 3 of 7 PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION 2012- CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL - RECOMMENDED SITE DEVELOPMENT PERMIT 2012-923 RANCHO LA QUINTA GATEHOUSE EXPANSION OCTOBER 23, 2012 14. The applicant shall furnish a complete set of all approved improvement plans on a storage media acceptable to the City Engineer (currently mylars). 15. Upon completion of construction, and prior to final acceptance of the improvements by the City, the applicant shall furnish the City with reproducible record drawings of all improvement plans which were approved by the City. Each sheet shall be clearly marked "Record Drawing" and shall be stamped and signed by the engineer or surveyor certifying to the accuracy and completeness of the drawings. The applicant shall have all approved mylars previously submitted to the City, revised to reflect the as -built conditions. The applicant shall employ or retain the Engineer Of Record during the construction phase of the project so that the FOR can make site visits in support of preparing "Record Drawing". However, if subsequent approved revisions have been approved by the City Engineer and reflect said "Record Drawing" conditions, the Engineer Of Record may submit a letter attesting to said fact to the City Engineer in lieu of mylar submittal. GRADING 16. The applicant shall comply with the provisions of LQMC Section 13.24.050 (Grading Improvements). 17. Prior to occupancy of the project site for any construction, or other purposes, the applicant shall obtain a precise grading permit approved by the City Engineer. 18. To obtain an approved precise grading permit, the applicant shall submit and obtain approval of all of the following: A. A precise grading plan prepared by a civil engineer registered in the State of California, B. A preliminary geotechnical ("soils") report prepared by a professional registered in the State of California, C. A Fugitive Dust Control Plan (if required) prepared in accordance with LQMC Chapter 6.16, (Fugitive Dust Control). PAReports - PC1201 ZPC_10-23-121RLO GATEHOUSE EXPANSIONM COAS.doc Page 4 of 7 PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION 2012- CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL - RECOMMENDED SITE DEVELOPMENT PERMIT 2012-923 RANCHO LA QUINTA GATEHOUSE EXPANSION OCTOBER 23, 2012 D. A Best Management Practices report prepared in accordance with LQMC Sections 8.70.010 and 13.24.170 (NPDES Stormwater Discharge Permit and Storm Management and Discharge Controls). All grading shall conform with the recommendations contained in the Preliminary Soils Report, and shall be certified as being adequate by a soils engineer, or engineering geologist registered in the State of California. 19. The applicant shall maintain all open graded, undeveloped land in order to prevent wind and/or water erosion of such land. All open graded, undeveloped land shall either be planted with interim landscaping, or stabilized with such other erosion control measures, as were approved in the Fugitive Dust Control Plan. 20. Prior to the issuance of a building permit for any building, the applicant shall provide a pad certification stamped and signed by a qualified engineer or surveyor with applicable compaction tests and over excavation documentation. The pad certification shall list the pad elevation as shown on the approved precise grading plan, the actual pad elevation and the difference between the two, if any. Such pad certification shall also list the relative compaction of the pad soil. DRAINAGE 21. Stormwater handling shall conform to the approved hydrology and drainage report for "Rancho La Quinta, TM 29457" of the underlying development and Engineering Bulletin No. 06-16. Nuisance water shall be disposed of in an approved manner. 22. Storm water may not be retained in landscaped parkways or landscaped setback lots. Only incidental storm water (precipitation which directly falls onto the setback) will be permitted to be retained in the landscape setback areas. The perimeter setback and parkway areas in the street right-of-way shall be shaped with berms and mounds, pursuant to LQMC Section 9.100.040(B)(7). 23. The design of the development shall not cause any increase in flood boundaries and levels in any area outside the development. P:\Reports - PC\2012\PC_10-23-12\RLQ GATEHOUSE EXPANSION\03 COAS.doc Page 5 of 7 PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION 2012- CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL - RECOMMENDED SITE DEVELOPMENT PERMIT 2012-923 RANCHO LA QUINTA GATEHOUSE EXPANSION OCTOBER 23, 2012 24. The development shall be graded to permit storm flow in excess of retention capacity to flow out of the development through a designated overflow and into the historic drainage relief route. 25. Storm drainage historically received from adjoining property shall be received and retained or passed through into the historic downstream drainage relief route. UTILITIES 26. The applicant shall comply with the provisions of LQMC Section 13.24.110 (Utilities). 27. The applicant shall obtain the approval of the City Engineer for the location of all utility lines within any right-of-way, and all above -ground utility structures including, but not limited to, traffic signal cabinets, electric vaults, water valves, and telephone stands, to ensure optimum placement for practical and aesthetic purposes. 28. Underground utilities shall be installed prior to overlying hardscape. For installation of utilities in existing improved streets, the applicant shall comply with trench restoration requirements maintained, or required by the City Engineer. The applicant shall provide certified reports of all utility trench compaction for approval by the City Engineer. LANDSCAPE AND IRRIGATION 29. The applicant or his agent has the responsibility for proper sight distance requirements per guidelines in the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO) "A Policy on Geometric Design of Highways and Streets" latest edition, in the design and/or installation of all landscaping and appurtenances abutting and within the private and public street right-of- way. MAINTENANCE 30. The applicant shall comply with the provisions of LQMC Section 13.24.160 (Maintenance). PAReports - PC\2012\PC_10-23.12\RLQ GATEHOUSE EXPANSION\03 COAS.doc Page 6 of 7 PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION 2012- CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL - RECOMMENDED SITE DEVELOPMENT PERMIT 2012-923 RANCHO LA QUINTA GATEHOUSE EXPANSION OCTOBER 23, 2012 31. The applicant shall make provisions for the continuous and perpetual maintenance of perimeter landscaping up to the curb, access drives, and sidewalks. FEES AND DEPOSITS 32. The applicant shall comply with the provisions of LQMC Section 13.24.180 (Fees and Deposits). These fees include all deposits and fees required by the City for plan checking and construction inspection. Deposits and fee amounts shall be those in effect when the applicant makes application for plan check and permits. FIRE DEPARTMENT 33. Gate(s) shall be automatic or manual operated. Install Knox key operated switches, with dust cover, mounted per recommended standard of the Knox Company. 34. The minimum dimension for gates is 20 feet clear and unobstructed width and a minimum vertical clearance of 13 feet 6 inches in height. Any gate providing access from a road shall be located at least 35 feet setback from the roadway and shall open to allow a vehicle to stop without obstructing traffic on the road. Where a one-way road with a single traffic lane provides access to a gate entrance, a 38-foot turning radius shall be used. PLANNING DEPARTMENT 35. Prior to issuance of Certificate of Occupancy by the City of La Quinta Building and Safety Department, plant and shrub species within the expanded planter area shall be reviewed and approved by the Planning Director. PAReporb - PC\2012\PC_10-23-12\RLO GATEHOUSE EXPANSION\03 COAS.doo Page 7 of 7 ATTA[;HMFNT A 1 44JON a� d� 6[ E} 03,1111 film g a tlF a � z �. I A A A� 1 li 1� pit W e I 4 a eL a� wm�ym,r weu `"" ov�sn �..rva.nwn. 9n0R'fn� �I^D �o4au" 5 : 3d wo sauna as"04:6� aao+i$ o wr Y N $t!>tl .iP r., ( �i {i i tF {• j�a # F i �t , .j t i?:}^ z. y �j? 3tii ' •' i tla a # #:JJ F;�i 'lFai t �: _ t# f'' 77aii#:i iii:iit #F •tail i r 1 # ii �f'#1} Fjtt :?F'1 }#i #? #F,i#ft F ;ii(#tIF @#z !@ sZi: g i; iF ;ticii eS 3i :! ed iF#`iF';i$�t#,�# #i�iI !! !# F S.€f { 77i ? '1 1'(:iii i:'�. ita i }jSfy{.i;'c 3,�F i?;!j' �i {'iFi ti E�� cif Fi#( tIlea it 1#•i:lii' ``'#3'.I f(,i i'� !� c1 F#!fill ?7l;,;� FiF d 4 E ! 1 `!!t{�; #:#i #i ii ad '#ii;' p #iii t i'E#i!' j #e F afi i iSi#a I F; F,. 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ATTACHMENT # 2 ARCHITECTURAL AND LANDSCAPING REVIEW COMMITTEE MINUTES MONDAY, OCTOBER 15, 2012 CALL TO ORDER A special meeting of the La Quinta Architecture " " Landscaping Review Committee was called to order at 4:00 p.m. by Plan n meager David Sawyer. Planning Manager Sawyer led the Committee in Pledge legiance. { PRESENT: Committee Members d Gray, Kevin e, and Ray Rooker ABSENT: None STAFF PRESENT: Planning Man and Secretary PUBLIC COMMENT - 10101019ld6/e1 /e111J:T$IT/lw9T; Planner Jay Wuu, Motion "' mo as "I by Committee Members McCune/Rooker to approve the 'itectural aan'ng Review Committee Minutes of September 13, 201 submitted. ��ion p d unanimously. 1. Consider ai � ?ySite Development Permit 2012-923 submitted by the Master AS tion of Rancho La Quinta for the Architectural and Landscaping flans for the Expansion of the Rancho La Quinta Jefferson Street Gatehouse. The project is located at 49-003 Jefferson Street, within the Rancho La Quinta Development. Associate Planner Jay Wuu presented the information contained in the staff report, a copy of which is on file in the Planning Department. ARCHITECTURAL AND LANDSCAPING REVIEW COMMITTEE MINUTES 1 OCTOBER 15, 2012 Associate Planner Wuu introduced the applicant Jerry Santucci, General Contractor with Santucci Builders, Inc., 72-529 Beavertail Street, Palm Desert, CA, and Curtis Richard Shupe, Architect with Curtis Richard Shupe Design, 72-880 Fred Waring Drive, Suite A-5, Palm Desert, CA, and said they were available to answer any questions the Committee might have. General discussion followed regarding the project addressing the following: • An existing traffic signal in front of the • No parking of vehicles should occur ample employee parking lot was pro, community • Removal of existing palm trees art for a final result of having t al guardhouse and two in the re_ • Existing surveillance and the "'tion of • Types of surveillance equipme ng id • There would be no change to the • Addition of four lant , o match th • Location of AC units h. `water he Committee Member -I design and th suggested t e of to soften pact of match the ting a perimeter of i x .x gene ing. guardhouse as an the gates of the e additio ' new landscaping m trees a #. front of the surveilla for the community Rooker re ' ce, about the architectural f vege espe on the south side. He sses oo stone, and/or additional landscaping stucco-U. r. Shupe replied the landscaping would Ted ther as a five -six foot planter around the �t,. mooalso provide additional landscaping. dYto comply with a condition of approval followed regarding the existing and proposed Motion ` ,Minutt9otion 2012-005 was made by Committee Members RookerI�sr mending approval of Site Development Permit 2012-923 as subm! with staff's recommendations and recommending that augmenting tl�e proposed landscaping be added as a condition of approval. Motion passed unanimously. CORRESPONDENCE AND WRITTEN MATERIAL - None COMMISSIONER ITEMS — None ARCHITECTURAL AND LANDSCAPING REVIEW COMMITTEE MINUTES 2 OCTOBER 15, 2012 PLANNING STAFF ITEMS • Planning Manager Sawyer said La Quinta Retirement Community project submitted by Lenity Group, LLC. had been presented to the Planning Commission for review and consideration on September 25, 2012. The Commission had amended the conditions of approval recommended by staff by requesting that the Committee's suggestions be added to the conditions of approval. The project is scheduled to be presented to the City Council on October 23, 2012. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, it was ved by McCune/Gray to adjourn this meeting at 4:23 * Motion Respectfully submitted, MONIKA RADEVA, Secretary City of La Quinta, California Members ously. ARCHITECTURAL AND LANDSCAPING REVIEW COMMITTEE MINUTES 3 OCTOBER 15, 2012 PH 2 STAFF REPORT PLANNING COMMISSION DATE: OCTOBER 23, 2012 CASE NO: CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT (CUP) 2012-145 REQUEST: CONSIDERATION OF A PROPOSAL TO ALLOW THE TEMPORARY PLACEMENT AND USE OF FOUR (4) TEMPORARY METAL STORAGE CONTAINERS DURING THE 2012 HOLIDAY SEASON LOCATION: 79-295 HIGHWAY 111 — WAL-MART APPLICANT: TAIT & ASSOCIATES, INC. PROPERTY OWNER: WAL-MART REAL ESTATE BUSINESS TRUST ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW: THE LA QUINTA PLANNING DEPARTMENT HAS DETERMINED THAT THIS PROJECT IS CATEGORICALLY EXEMPT FROM THE PROVISIONS OF THE CALIFORNIA ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY ACT (CEQA) PURSUANT TO SECTION 153041E] (CLASS 4) IN THAT THE STORAGE CONTAINERS ARE TEMPORARY AND WILL HAVE NO EFFECT ON THE ENVIRONMENT. ZONING: RC (REGIONAL COMMERCIAL) GENERAL PLAN DESIGNATION: RC (REGIONAL COMMERCIAL) SURROUNDING ZONING/LAND USE: NORTH: RC (REGIONAL COMMERCIAL) SOUTH: RH (HIGH DENSITY RESIDENTIAL) EAST: RC (REGIONAL COMMERCIAL) WEST: RC (REGIONAL COMMERCIAL) RECOMMENDED ACTION Adopt Planning Commission Resolution 2012- approving CUP 2012-145, based upon the Findings contained therein and subject to the attached Conditions of Approval. CUP 2012-145 Planning Commission Staff Report 10/23/12 Page 1 of 3 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY In August, the Planning Department issued a holiday reminder letter to all major retail tenants referencing the permit process necessary for any business seeking to utilize cargo containers for temporary holiday storage. To date, only Wal-Mart has applied for a Conditional Use Permit for the use of temporary storage containers this holiday season. Each proposed container measures 8' feet wide, by 48' feet long, by 8.5' feet high (Attachment 1). The outdoor storage containers will be located within a paved area at the southwest corner of Wal-Mart's property and will be screened by a 9' foot high chain -linked fence with an attached 9' foot high green privacy screen. The four storage containers are located approximately ninety (90') feet from the edge of the loading docks. The applicant has stated that the use of the containers will commence upon approval of the Conditional Use Permit and will be removed by Christmas Day. ANALYSIS Public view of the temporary storage containers is limited by the surrounding built environment and the height of the proposed screening. The property to the west is vacant, while trees and an existing 8' foot high block wall limits views from the adjacent Aventine Apartment complex to the south. The location of the proposed temporary storage containers complies with the sixty (60') foot building setback clearing area for type-V non -rated structures, as per the Building Code. The placement of the temporary storage containers does not affect the traffic pattern or truck turnaround space for Wal-Mart, as more than adequate space exists between the storage containers and the loading docks to the east. The La Quinta Planning Department has determined that this proposal is categorically exempt from environmental review pursuant to provisions of section 15304[E] (Class 4) of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), as the proposed project is temporary and will have no effect on the environment. PUBLIC NOTICE AND COMMENT This public hearing was advertised in the Desert Sun newspaper on October 12, 2012. All property owners within 500 feet of the site were mailed a copy of the public hearing notice as required by the La Quinta Municipal Code. As of this writing, no correspondence regarding this application has been received. Any correspondence CUP 2012-145 Planning Commission Staff Report 10/23/12 Page 2 of 3 received following the completion of this report will be presented to the Planning Commissioners at the hearing. Prepared by: U " ANgAIEW J. MOGENSEN, AICP Prirfcipal Planner ATTACHMENTS 1. Site Photographs 2. Plan Set CUP 2012-145 Planning Commission Staff Report 10/23/12 Page 3 of 3 PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION 2012- A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA, ALLOWING THE USE OF FOUR (4) TEMPORARY METAL STORAGE CONTAINERS DURING THE 2012 HOLIDAY SEASON CASE NO.: CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 2012-145 APPLICANT: TAIT & ASSOCIATES, INC. WHEREAS, the Planning Commission of the City of La Quinta, California, did, on the 23rd day of October 2012, hold a duly noticed Public Hearing to consider a request by Tait & Associates, Inc. to allow four temporary outdoor metal storage containers from October 23, 2012 through January 15, 2013, to be located on the southwest side of the existing Wal- Mart store, for the storage of holiday merchandise at 79-295 Highway 1 1 1, more particularly described as follows: APN: 600-340-027 Parcel 1 of Tract Map 30420 WHEREAS, said Conditional Use Permit 2012-145 is consistent with Specific Plan 97-029, as the proposed use of storage containers is temporary and accessory to a primary use approved and authorized under the existing Specific Plan; and, WHEREAS, the temporary use of storage containers is categorically exempt from environmental review pursuant to provisions of Section 15304[E) (Class 4) of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), in that the proposal constitutes a minor temporary use of land having no permanent effect on the environment; and, WHEREAS, at said Public Hearing, upon hearing and considering all testimony and arguments, if any, of all interested persons desiring to be heard, said Planning Commission did make the following mandatory findings pursuant to Section 9.210.020 of the Zoning Code to justify approval of said Conditional Use Permit: 1. Consistency with the General Plan: The proposed temporary use is consistent with the goals and policies of the General Plan in that the property is designated Regional Commercial which is consistent with the temporary use proposed by this application. Planning Commission Resolution 2012- Conditional Use Permit 2012-145 October 23, 2012 2. Consistency with the Zoning Code: The proposed temporary use is consistent with the development standards outlined in Section 9.100.120 (Outdoor Storage and Display) of the Zoning Code because merchandise will be stored in enclosed metal containers which have been screened and placed away from traffic and pedestrians at the rear of the building. 3. Compliance with CEQA: The La Quinta Planning Department has determined that this application is categorically exempt from environmental review pursuant to provisions of Section 15304[E] (Class 4) of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). The proposal constitutes a minor temporary use of land having no permanent effect on the environment. 4. Surrounding Uses: Approval of the Conditional Use Permit will not create conditions materially detrimental to the public health, safety and general welfare or be injurious to, or incompatible with, other properties or land uses in the vicinity in that they are temporary and will be placed in areas away from customer and delivery traffic and public views. The adjacent properties are designated and zoned for commercial use within the Centre at La Quinta Shopping Center. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Planning Commission of the City of La Quinta, California, as follows: 1. That the above recitations are true and correct and constitute the findings of the Planning Commission for this Conditional Use Permit; 2. That it does hereby approve Conditional Use Permit 2012-145 for the reasons set forth in this Resolution and subject to the attached Conditions of Approval; PASSED, APPROVED and ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the La Quinta Planning Commission held on this 23rd day of October, 2012, by the following vote, to wit: I_\'1 *-3 NOES: ABSENT: Planning Commission Resolution 2012- Conditional Use Permit 2012-145 October 23, 2012 ABSTAIN: KATIE BARROWS, Chairwoman City of La Quinta, California ATTEST: LES JOHNSON Planning Director City of La Quinta, California PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION 2012- CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 2012-045 WAL-MART CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL - RECOMMENDED October 23, 2012 GENERAL 1. The use of this site shall be in conformance with the approved exhibits contained in Conditional Use Permit 2012-145, unless otherwise amended by the following conditions. 2. This Conditional Use Permit allows a total of four (4) temporary metal storage containers to be located at the southwest corner of the property at 79-295 Highway 1 1 1, to be used for the storage of holiday merchandise between until .January 15, 2012. 3. The storage containers and screening enclosure shall be removed and the site shall be cleared of all materials and restored to its original condition no later January 15, 2012. 4. All containers shall be kept at least 60 feet away from the building at all times. Any storage containers or materials which are placed within the 60 foot building clearance area or obstruct a fire access lane shall be relocated upon notice from the Fire Marshal or Code Compliance. 5. The outdoor storage area shall be maintained and kept clean of debris at all times. Graffiti or vandalism shall be removed or repaired within 48 hours of notice. 6. All stored materials shall be secured within the enclosed metal storage containers. 7. The applicant/property owner agrees to defend, indemnify, and hold harmless the City of La Quinta (the "City"), its agents, officers and employees from any claim, or litigation arising out of the City's approval of this project. This indemnification shall include any award toward attorney's fees. The City of La Quinta shall have the right to select its defense counsel in its sole discretion. PH 3 PLANNING COMMISSION STAFF REPORT DATE: OCTOBER 23, 2012 CASE NO.: ZONING ORDINANCE AMENDMENT 2012-109 APPLICANT: CITY OF LA QUINTA REQUEST: CONSIDERATION OF AMENDMENTS TO THE LA QUINTA MUNICIPAL CODE; SECTION 9.150, PARKING, AND SECTIONS RELATED THERETO LOCATION: CITY WIDE ENVIRONMENTAL DETERMINATION: THE LA QUINTA PLANNING DEPARTMENT HAS DETERMINED THAT THE PROPOSED AMENDMENT IS EXEMPT PURSUANT TO CHAPTER 2.6, SECTION 21080 OF THE PUBLIC RESOURCES CODE, CALIFORNIA ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY ACT STATUTES, AND SECTION 15061(B)(3), REVIEW FOR EXEMPTIONS OF THE CEQA GUIDELINES. THE LA QUINTA PLANNING COMMISSION WILL CONSIDER THIS DETERMINATION, ALONG WITH THE PROPOSED AMENDMENT, AT THE HEARING. RECOMMENDED ACTION: Adopt Planning Commission Resolution 2012 = _, recommending that the City Council certify the environmental determination, and recommending adoption of Amendments to the La Quinta Municipal Code; Section 9.150, Parking, and Sections related thereto. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: In June of this year, the Planning Commission reviewed an appeal regarding a proposed tandem garage for a new home in the La Quinta Cove. The Commission did not uphold the Director's determination that a tandem garage parking configuration was not permitted, and directed staff to revise the Code to more definitively address tandem garage parking throughout the City. The proposed amendments to Section 9.150, and other related Sections of the Zoning Code. are intended to clarify when and where tandem parking is allowed. These amendments consist of: • Incorporation of a tandem parking definition; • Allowance for tandem garage parking designs to satisfy minimum parking requirements for the Cove, and as excess parking in all zoning districts; and, • Changes to clarify residential garage dimensions for tandem parking design. ANALYSIS: Exhibit A of the proposed Planning Commission Resolution summarizes the proposed changes to the Municipal Code that relate to the addition of tandem parking allowances. The proposed changes are focused on permitting the use and design of tandem parking to meet minimum parking requirements in the Cove Residential (RC) zoning district, and to clarify that tandem parking arrangements can be employed for a residential use for any parking provided above the minimum parking requirements. In addition to the primary revisions affecting Section 9.150, minor language changes are needed in other Municipal Code sections related to the proposed amendment: • Section 9.50.090.A, relating to RC District development standards, has been revised to specifically cite the parking standards contained in Section 9.150; this is simply to clarify the governing Section. • Section 9.60.060.B.1, relating to Garage and Carport setbacks, now includes a provision that a tandem garage may not be designed as a side -entry garage when located along a street frontage. • Sections 9.150.040.B.1, 9.150.060 (Table 9-1 1), 9.150.080.A.3, and have been revised to specify when tandem parking is permitted and the development standards applicable to such parking. Generally, in -line tandem parking in a garage, when proposed to meet minimum parking requirements, is permitted only in the RC district and must be in a garage. In all residential districts, tandem parking may be employed when parking in excess of the minimum required parking is proposed/provided. • Section 9.280.030, relating to Definition of Terms, has been amended to add a tandem parking definition. PUBLIC NOTICE: This request was published in the Desert Sun newspaper on October 12, 2012. To date, no comments have been received. Comments were not requested from any 2 public agencies or other City Departments, due to the narrow scope of the amendment and perceived unlikelihood that these changes will affect any other departments or agencies. STATEMENT OF MANDATORY FINDINGS: Findings to recommend approval of the Zoning Ordinance amendments can be made and are contained in the attached Resolution. RECOMMENDATION: 1. Adopt Planning Commission Resolution 2012- , recommending approval of Zoning Code Amendment 2012-109 to the City Council. Prepared by: Wallace Nesbit Principal Planner 3 PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION 2012 - A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA, RECOMMENDING TO THE CITY COUNCIL APPROVAL OF ZONING ORDINANCE AMENDMENT 2012-109; FOR AMENDMENTS TO THE LA QUINTA MUNICIPAL CODE, RELATING TO SECTION 9.50.090 (RC DISTRICT DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS); SECTION 9.60.060 (GARAGES AND CARPORTS); SPECIFIED SECTIONS WITHIN CHAPTER 9.150 (PARKING); AND, SECTION 9.280.030 (DEFINITION OF TERMS) CASE NO.: ZONING ORDINANCE AMENDMENT 2012-109 APPLICANT: CITY OF LA QUINTA WHEREAS, the Planning Commission of the City of La Quinta, California, did on the 23rd day of October, 2012, hold a duly noticed Public Hearing for review of a Zoning Ordinance Amendment to amend certain Sections of the La Quinta Municipal Code as identified by Title of this Resolution; and WHEREAS, said Zoning Ordinance Amendment has complied with the requirements of "The Rules to Implement the California Environmental Quality Act of 1970" (CEQA) as amended (Resolution 83-63) in that the La Quinta Planning Department has reviewed the Amendment under the provisions of CEQA, and has determined that the Amendment is exempt pursuant to Section 15061(B) (3), Review for Exemptions of the CEQA Guidelines; and WHEREAS, the Planning Department published the public hearing notice in the Desert Sun newspaper on October 12, 2012, as prescribed by the Municipal Code; and WHEREAS, at said public hearing, upon hearing and considering all testimony and arguments, if any, of all interested persons wanting to be heard, said Planning Commission did make the following mandatory findings recommending approval of said Zoning Ordinance Amendment, to the City Council: 1. The proposed Zoning Ordinance Amendment is consistent with the goals, objectives and policies of the General Plan, particularly Goal 2 of the Residential Goals, Policies and Programs, in that allowing tandem parking will facilitate a broader range of housing types, through greater flexibility in siting units on residential lots and design options for individual homes. 2. Approval of the Zoning 'Ordinance Amendment will not create conditions materially detrimental to the public health, safety and welfare, and will have no impacts on the public health, safety and welfare, as the amendments do not incorporate any changes that affect the regulation and/or provision of public services, utility systems, or other foreseeable health, safety and welfare considerations. 3. The Zoning Ordinance Amendment has been determined to be exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act in that the proposed changes to the Municipal Code will have no effect on the environment. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Planning Commission of the City of La Quinta, California, as follows: 1. That the above recitations are true and constitute the findings of the Planning Commission in this case. 2. That the Planning Commission does hereby recommend approval of Zoning Ordinance Amendment 2012-109, as set forth in attached Exhibit A and titled "Final Draft Tandem Parking Amendments", to the City Council for the reasons set forth in this Resolution. PASSED, APPROVED, and ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the La Quinta Planning Commission, held on the 23' day of October, 2012, by the following vote, to wit: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: KATIE BARROWS, Chairwoman City of La Quinta, California ATTEST: LES JOHNSON, Planning Director City of La Quinta EXHIBIT A FINAL RECOMMENDED TANDEM PARKING AMENDMENTS AMEND 9.50.090.A, RC district development standards; Requirements, to add 9.50.090.A.19, as follows: A. Requirements: 19. Parking shall be provided in accordance with Chapter 9.150 Table 9-11 (Parking for Residential Land Uses). AMEND 9.60.060.B.1, Garages and carports; Setbacks, as follows: 1. In the RVL district, the minimum garage or carport setback shall be thirty feet. In all other residential districts, the minimum setback for front -entry type garages or carports shall be twenty-five feet if a standard "pivot" type garage door is used, twenty feet if a "roll -up" type garage door is used, and twenty feet for a carport. For side -entry type garages, the minimum garage setback shall be twenty feet in the RVL district and fifteen feet in all other residential districts. A side -entry garage designed as tandem parking, when permitted under this code, shall not be located along any street frontage. AMEND 9.150.040.B.1, Parking location and accessibility; Accessibility, as follows: 1. All required off-street parking spaces shall be designed, located, constructed and maintained so as to be fully and independently usable and accessible at all times. AMEND 9.150.060 Spaces required by use, as follows: Table 9-11 Parking for Residential Land Uses Land Use Minimum Off -Street Parking Requirement Additional Requirements Single-family detached, single-family attached and duplexes 2 spaces per unit in a garage, plus 0.5 guest spaces per unit if no on- street parking is available. In a garage, tandem parking habitable that Fnay F99Fn be fOF sleeping used kitehen, ba hFOO.. hallway, dining F88FA, OF living may be used to meet the &Vsway length above -stated minimum shall required parking in the RC 9.60.060. For all single family residential zones district only. except RC, parking in excess of the minimum required may be tandem AMEND 9.150.080.A.3, Parking facility design standards; Parking Layout and Circulation, as follows: A. Parking Layout and Circulation. 3. Tandem parking shall be permitted only in mobile home parks/subdivisions, as driveway guest parking and parking that exceeds the minimum required for single-family detached, single-family attached and duplex residential uses, and where valet parking is provided. In the RC residential district, tandem parking may also be employed to meet minimum required parking when located within a garage meeting the standards in Section 9.150.080. B.1 1. AMEND 9.1 50.080.B. 11, Parking facility design standards; Parking Facility Design and Dimensions, as follows: B. Parking Facility Design and Dimensions. 11. Residential Garages. Minimum interior dimensions in residential garages (wall-to-wall) shall be based on providing ten feet in width pefi� and twenty feet in depth, per required vehicle parking space. (Fsr- example two eaF gaFage shall be minimum twenty feet wade by twenty feet deep.) This applies to design of all required garage parking spaces, whether in a tandem parking or side -by -side configuration. AMEND 9.280.030 Definition of terms, to add the following definitions: Parking, tandem. "Tandem parking" means any off-street parking space(s), or arrangement of such spaces, configured in such a manner such that one or more spaces is not directly accessible to a street or other approved access without traversing any portion of another space. Tandem parking — see "Parking, tandem". BI 1 TO: HONORABLE CHAIR AND MEMBERS OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION FROM: LES JOHNSON, PLANNING DIRECTO DATE: OCTOBER 23, 2012 SUBJECT: PLANNING DEPARTMENT FY 2012/13 WORK PROGRAM The purpose of this memorandum is to provide you with information on the key work program items the Planning Department is currently working on or will be working on during the current budget cycle (FY 2012/2013). A Draft Work Plan with items the Planning Commission will be involved with has been attached for your review. When finalized, a copy of this Work Plan will be brought before the City Council Staff will be prepared to provide a verbal summary of each of the listed program items and answer any questions you may have. We look forward to the opportunity to discuss these items with you during the meeting. La Quinta Planning Commission 2012/13 Work Program Philosophy The general purpose of the Planning Commission is to carry out the powers and duties as prescribed in the Planning and Zoning Laws of the State of California and the City of La Quinta Zoning Ordinance, as well as the La Quinta Municipal Code and other local ordinances. Core objectives of the Planning Commission are: • To serve in an advisory capacity to the City Council on identifying matters pertaining to planning and zoning; • To coordinate with staff on review and approval of the City's General Plan; • To consider new development applications; • To consider design review of new developments; and • Development of specific plans. ITEM 2012/13 Work Program Items Zoning Code - General Plan Consistency Update Parking Regulations Parking Improvement Area in the Village Commercial District Temporary Sign Ordinance Permit Efficiency and Process Streamlining PAGE 2 3 4 5 6 7 La Quinta Planning Commission 2012/13 Work Program 1 1 P a g e 2012/2013 Work Program Items WORK ITEM: Zoning Code - General Plan Consistency Update Parking Regulations Update Parking Improvement Area in the Village Commercial District Temporary Sign Ordinance Permit Efficiency and Process Streamlining OBJECTIVE: Review and revise, as determined, the City's Zoning Code and bring it into consistency with the 2012 General Plan Update. Review and revise, as determined, the City's Parking Regulations. Explore and consider the establishment of a Parking Improvement District for the purpose of providing public parking in the Village commercial area. Review and revise, as determined, the Temporary Sign regulations as discussed at the March 20, 2012, Council meeting. Review and revise, as determined, Title 9 of the Zoning Code to facilitate a streamlined application process for review of development permits. La Quinta Planning Commission 2012/13 Work Program 2 I P a g e Zoning Code - General Plan Consistency Update Completion Date: June, 2013 Participants: Planning Commissioners Suggested Resources: Planning staff, consultant staff, and City Clerk's office. Steps to Completion: Staff and selected consultant staff will review the Zoning Code, for consistency with the soon to be completed 2035 General Plan; scheduled to go before the Council in December, 2012. Proposed amendments will be reviewed by the Planning Commission for recommendation to Council. City Clerk's office will update and codify the La Quinta Municipal Code to reflect the changes. Staff Time: 120-150 hours dependent upon needed corrections and extent of effort. Fiscal Commitment: $25,000 included in FY 2012/13 budget. Staff and Commission time. Staff Role: Provide information, prepare draft amendments, and implement changes. Planning Commission Role: Provide direction to staff and recommendation to City Council. Reference: La Quinta Municipal Code Title 9. La Quints Planning Commission 2012/13 Work Program 3 1 P a g e Parking Regulations Update Completion Date: March, 2013 Participants: Commissioners Suggested Resources: Planning staff, Public Works staff, and City Clerk's office. Steps to Completion: The current parking regulations were adopted in 1996. The update will take a comprehensive look at both parking supply and design requirements of the current regulations in comparison to today's industry standards as well as local community goals and needs. Planning Commission to review and make recommendation to Council. City Clerk's office would update Chapter 9.150 of the La Quinta Municipal Code to reflect the changes. Staff Time: 40 - 60 hours dependent upon amount of research needed to compare current application versus future needs. Fiscal Commitment: Staff and Commission time. Staff Role: Provide information, prepare draft amendment, and implement changes. Planning Commission Role: Provide direction to staff and recommendation to City Council. Reference: La Quinta Municipal Code Chapter 9.150. La Quinta Planning Commission 2012/13 Work Program 4 1 P a g e Parking Improvement Area in the Village Commercial District Completion Date: May, 2013 Participants: Commissioners Suggested Resources: Planning staff, Public Works staff, and City Clerk's office. Steps to Completion: Parking in the Village Commercial District has been and continues to be a major concern for businesses in that area. Currently, parking regulations for various types of land uses are primarily the same in the Village as they are throughout the City, with an exception that within the Village District, applicants have an option to participate in an individual parking agreement with the City. Historically, such agreements are negotiated on a case by case basis allowing the applicant to pay a parking space in -lieu fee in place of providing a required physical parking space. The challenge with this process is maintaining a fair and equitable formula for participation due to fluctuating costs over time. An alternative to addressing this on a case by case basis is the establishment of a parking improvement district where the procedures for participation and associated benefits are established in a set formulated manner in order to meet the goals identified in the formation of the district. This work item is to explore and consider the framework for the establishment of such a district and to then receive Council direction on further action. Planning Commission to review and make recommendation to Council. Staff Time: 60-80 hours dependent upon amount of research needed to compare current application versus future needs. Fiscal Commitment: Staff and Commission time. Staff Role: Provide information and alternatives. Planning Commission Role: Provide direction to staff and recommendation to City Council. Reference: La Quinta Municipal Code Section 9.150. La Quinta Planning Commission 2012/13 Work Program 5 1 Page Temporary Sign Ordinance Completion Date: January, 2013 Participants: Commissioners Suggested Resources: Planning staff and City Clerk's office. Steps to Completion: Earlier this year, Council directed staff to implement an Interim Sign Program allowing businesses to display merchandise and utilize A -frame signs in front of their businesses for a period not to exceed 12 months. Council also directed staff to look into potential permanent adjustments to the Code in order to provide additional signage options and opportunities for businesses. Planning Commission to review and make recommendation to Council. City Clerk's office will update Title 9 of the La Quinta Municipal Code to reflect the changes. Staff Time: 20-30 hours dependent upon research into the effectiveness of the new signs as well as any Code Compliance issues. Fiscal Commitment: Staff and Commission time Staff Role: Provide information, prepare draft amendment, and implement changes. Planning Commission Role: Provide direction to staff and recommendation to City Council. Reference: La Quinta Municipal Code Section 9.160.060. La Quinta Planning Commission 2012/13 Work Program 6 1 P a g e Permit Efficiency and Process Streamlining Completion Date: May, 2013 Participants: Commissioners Suggested Resources: Planning staff, Public Works staff and City Clerk's office. Steps to Completion: As part of a City-wide effort to enhance customer service and improve efficiency and expediency in the City's development review and permit approval process, the Zoning Code will be reviewed for potential changes to achieve this objective. Proposed amendments will be presented to the Planning Commission for review and recommendation to the City Council. Staff Time: 40-60 hours. Fiscal Commitment: Staff and Commission time. Staff Role: Provide information, prepare draft amendments, and implement changes. Planning Commission Role: Provide direction to staff and recommendation to City Council. Reference: La Quinta Municipal Code Title 9. La Quinta Planning Commission 2012/13 Work Program 7 1 P a g e