0206-072 (BLDG) (5)COX1,r ,.,,I hereby affirm,under penalty of perjury that I am licensed under provisions of Hp Chapter 9'(commencing with Section 7000) of Division 3 of the Business and Professionals Code,•and my Llcense Is in full force and effect. *� Cr) Ucense i1 Uc: Class ' Exp. Date'? /may 7313 3." .4 3131/01- �ti � � , C t v ,• , . - w� �► y s k\ .fir• / /...^L���.�' �.....L� d. Zr� ato ' "Signature di"Contractor— tJ V'(0 OWNER BUILDER DECLARATION". W W ~ I hereby affirm under penalty of perjury that I -am exempt from .the Contractor's t co) - License Law for the, following reason: Z '( ) I, as owne"rof the property, or my employees with wages* as their sole 7" compensation„ wih do the work, and the structure 1s not intended oroffered for -sale (Sec. 7044',=Business & Professionals Code).. t ( ) I,'asiowner, of. the property, am exclusivelycontracting with licensed ' f:;contractors to construct the project (Sec.. 7044,, Buslness :& Professionals [ ' Code)" I am exempt under Section t "B&P C for this reason C 'Date ti�'c" yd .r.r.f'.;'A $Ignatureof„�Own6r `' . WORKER'S COMPENSATION DECLARATION - `r +�•I`hereby affirm under_;penalty of, perjury',one,,of,the following declarations: OL O3 l "have and will maintain. a certificate of consent to self -insure for workers' X W ,LL t .compensation, -as' provided,for`by Sectionj3700 of the Labor Code, for the `QA 'performance of the work for which this permit is Issued. (� , s A() . I have and will maintain workers' compensation insurance, as required by Q. J.* J,;�SMbn 3700 of the labor Code; fol the performance'of,the work for which this (l c)'h-t permft;is Issued. Myworkere oompensation;llisurance carrier &policy no. are: f Yob . 'Canter ` L OIOt� IN& t o. i` Policy No 9Vt:31Z08183 gr . (This section need not be completed, If the permit valuation Is for $100.00 or less). certify that in the performance'of the work for which this permit is issued, ,,I' shall not employ any pers6n lh'any manner so as to' become subject to the workers' compensation laws otCalifomia, and agree that if I -should become subject to the workers'. compensation provisions of Section 3700 of the Labor Code, I,shalhfprthw ith comply with thos t . ate GGA Applicant :Warning: Failure to securo Workers' Compensation coverage is unlawful and ,*shall subject an employer to criminal penalties and civil fines up to $100,000, in addition to the cost of compensation, damages as provided for in Section 3706 'sof the Labor Code, Interest and -Attorney's fees. r' IMPORTANT. Application Is hereby made to the Director of Building and Safety fora permit subject'to``the conditions and restrictions set forth on his ' 'aPPlication. Each person upon whose behalf this application is made & eacFi person at t 1 whose request and for whose; benefit work is performed under or pursuant to ' „Any permit Issued as a result'ofthis applicaton•agrees to, & shall, Indemnity & hold harmless the ,Cityof La Quinta, its. officers, agents and employees. .2f Any; permit_ issued as a result of this application becomes null and void If * work is ,not commenced within 180 days from date; of, issuance", of such r permit; orcessation of work for 180 days, Will subject permit to cancellation. ,� ,�h p- ♦ t certify that 11haveread this application and. state that the above information is • correct. 1,agreeao'compiy wlth all City, and State'laws relitIng to the building' s s .construction; and hereby authorize representatives of this Cify to enter upon -the above-mentloned property for Inspection, purposes. ignature (Owner/Agent) - Date s. BUILDING PERMIT,.- DATE ! VALUATION •� Cyt � LOT JOB SITE ADDRESS , ^ '131. G— 3 TAN(i3.B"IIt WD s �`— r� *+ APN . ,. OWNER CONTRACTOR / DESIGNER / EN &NEER PGA VXWTVPF.i1i1 ISMAL HOWOWXM WEWM )AM11-FPJ dLr 00RP -; ` R0, BOX 10607 sono SUM". PLACE 0a O� LAQUINTA,i CA 51225.3 SAN D.U* =' CA X92122 (858)535.1475'SBL; 5023 USE OF PERMIT C.3F.NII�AG BUTLnDNQ SEISMIC -PIT; BLDG. 3: 34.5+83, 54.599, 34.593, -RETRO 54-6011.14410,"544 13, 94-614, 54-625 VALUATION 04000.00 LIS I�b'1TI"T” COST or CONI,it OC117or PJt'RirJiCT.M SUiKIMAI Y CONSTRUCTION FRE 101-000418-000 $439.50 STRO'NO MOTION FEZ - RUJI) 101-000-241-00(1 $6.00 r; su mrii cox .rlcz oN Am -pr. m a $40.50 . M F%M-PAW F �M 1b0.0(1 AUG 2- 12002 CiTY0fF1QUiNYA : v. or. FINANCE DEPT. ' RECEIPT DA E 4�I__ IN$PEC INSPECTION RECORD OPERATION DATE INSPECTOR OPERATION DATE INSPECTOR BUILDING APPROVALS MECHANICAL APPROVALS set Bacft Ur4ergrourkl Ducts Form&-FooWW Ducts . Slab Grads - Return Air _ Steel Combustion Air Roof Dock Exhaust Fans OX to Wrap FA.U. Fmr*V carve"" Insulation Vents Fireplace P.L Grift Fireplace T.O. Fans 8 Controls Party Wall Ina mon _ Condensate Lines Wap Firewall Exterior Lath QQ Drywall -Int. Lath ' Final FinalPOOLS-SPAS BLOCKWALL APPROVALS steel , Set Bacim Electric Bond FoWngs Main Drain Bond Bearm Approval to Cover EwOmnt Location Underground Electric Underground Pi . Test Final Gas Piping PLUMBING APPROVALS Gas Test Electric Final Wye Unes Heater Final Water Piping Plumbing Final Plumbing Top Out Equipment Enclosure Shower Pans O.K. for Finish Plaster Sewer Lateral Pool Cover Sewer Connection Encapsulation Gas Piping Gas Test Appliances Final Final Utility Notrce (Gas) ELECTRICAL APPROVALS Temp. Power Pole UrKlerRough ro ir4x Conduit Rough Wir' Low Voltage Wiring Fatures Main Sww* Sub Panels Exterior Receptacles Smoke Detectors Temp. Use of Power Final Utift Notice (Perm) COMMENTS: / � `�� um 9��`d Z 011e �dYL�t'rL. dZ �l!� �p /�p .583 6 d Z5 �/ /i PAW 589-%/'9 2 09/17/2002 01: 04 . 7609227550''t' ,, t ��s 'F=ARNSWORIH IORO _99/16/2002 13_06 - FARNSWCRTH IORO Verbal D mmAnd/Or InstructiOnS whh Contractor/Architect: ..__PAGE 4 06 PAGE 05 U a 5 a �r U a 09/17/2002 01:04 7609227550 FARNSWORTH IORO Verba! Discussions and/or Instructions with Contractor/Architect; WD ,✓ !� low - use 90 3Jdd MOI H.LHOMSNbVA PAGE 09 095LZZ609L 90:EZ Z00L/9L/60 09/17/2002 01:04 7609227550 FARNSWORTH IORO FARNSWOR"`H IORO 09/16/2082 13:03 7609227550 Verba! OWM"ions and/or IMOVUCOOra with Contractor/Architect: 5 IVA PAGE 05 PAGE 02 Q1 LQ Q t �I IL iK 09/17/2002 01:04 7609227550' FARNSWORTH IORO Verbal Discussions and/or Instructions with Contractor/Architect: " � of .. i wo> .-4•ly 8-51 LIC Irv. ;� -21 7/ 0 L- :) povm f6 M m 0 c PAGE 02 O — CL In Inm M Cd a o in I'D n O. 0 0 W.. 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Protect Ara,iterx wird Inspector: SITE: EQUIPMENT ON SITE 0 o. = b t 0 0 3 LZ a s V 1i L 0 1 U'' :r - 4 Q1 CS) LD r = , 1 LD a ; A CNCD m N Cr �p t � c mN � � r\ �C �3C ON 111011111111 NEWCA umusm ml DAY I S I M T W I Th S 1i H v o Q , � umusm ml DAY I S I M T W I Th S 1i Vt umusm ml DAY I S I M T W I Th S 09/30/2002 11:55 7609227550 FARNSWORTH IORO ' Verbal Discussions and/or Instructions with Contractor/Architect: S74/ + erS7 5-y — t C/ 57 C( r S Y r 59 PAGE 01 L 1111111111111111110 v n �CL m o � �m (0 a 0 Q �w mo raq L 1111111111111111110 09/29/2002 12:56 7609227550 FARNSWORIH IORO Verbal Discussions and/or Instructions with Contractor/Architect; Ib+ PAGE 0 0 O a ( D 0 o � a m 0 U O A� O H 7 0