0206-072 (BLDG) (3)hereby affirm, under penalty of perjury that -,I am.licensed under provisions of *Chapter a (commencing with Section -4 Division 12 of the Business and Pr6fessionals Code, and my Liiierisiitis in full force and effect: License # uc4ss Exp. Date CY LU �z� ate Signa61"Cbritractor0 1 4 -0A % T, OWNER BUILDER DECLARATION _J a f 11A I hereby affirm under penalty 'of',064dry that I am exempt from the Coniractor's License Law forlhi following reason. 1, as . owner of the property,! or my employees with wages as',their sole Cornpensation;,will do,the work, and the structure is not Intended or offered for SaIii (Sec. 7044­B6sIhesS & Professionals Code). 1;, as owner, of.the-proorty; am exclusively contracting with licensed 3 *stru the 'pr6ject '(S&'.7044, Business,& Professionals ,c ra o Tto ont. rs .4 !kCo xem Un er S kr B&RC, for this reason ection, .06 natA ;4 , CL WORKER'S COMPENSATION DECLARATION, -jI,.hereby affirmunder.0enalty-6f,,pibrjury one 'of,lhe following declarations: I.have and will maintaln.a certificate of'consent to self -insure for workers' '.I - ' , X w,_LLA'q,, .,,compelisation,,�gilprovided-foriby1Secti6n,3700 of the Labor Code, forthe 0Q j performance'61! the work for %Wch this permit is Issued. 7 I have andQ11 "maintain workers as required by 0 S n. 3700 of.the,Labor Code'for'the performance of the work for Mich this a; , 16 Perm , ft. IsSued.!My� Workers'; opmpensabon, Insurance carrier & policy no. are: �,arrlerC LROJON-Ift CO.',� Polky,No. WC31 ;,. �,(Thls section need not 68 completed. N the permit valuation Is for $100.00 or less). .41 certify that In the performance of the'work for which this permit is issued, .I Shall not employ any person, In, any manner so as to become subject to the ,workers' compensation laws of'Ca.lifomia, and agree that if I should become -'subject to the workers' compensation. provisions of Section 3700 of the Labor Code,.Ihal�ff rthwith comply with thos Date- Applicant z1ad—ma V_ iwe;nIng: failure to secure Workiirs' Compensation coverage is unlawful and 'n shall ,shall s6blect an employer to criminal penalties and civil fines up to $100,000, in addition to the.cosl of compensition, damages as provided for in Section 3706 f i of the Labor Code; Interest and aftomey';3 fees.' 4 51YIPORTANT, Application Is hereby made to the Director of Building and Safety 7%r• a "Permit subject to;: restrictions set forth on his ti . app pa on.,,. V, I 111. Each person upon whose behalf this 'appli6ation -is made & each person at v -1, whose request and for whose benefit work is performed under or pursuant to ,any permit'Issiled as 'a result Of this applicaitoriagrees to, & shall, Indemnity 6 the-,Cky of Quintai,lts offlcers,�agents and employees. hold harmles 112. Any, permit iisued as 4'result '6f this application becomes null and Vold li. 80 days- from date of. issuance of such- 4!,workAs,not commenced.withinl �. 11, , '6f r,14i Oermit,'or cessation work for 180 days will subject perm to cancellation. �"I 16e'itlty'ihat Chive read this application and state that the above ihf6nmafion Is, Pcorrect. [agree to'comiply,with il(Cfty, and,Stete-laws relating to the building' .46ristn]ictlon,. and. hereby authodze-re'Pr6sentatives of this Cify to enter upon thb above-mentioned property for, Inspection pur . poseS nature (Oiw'nie"r/Agent) Date 4 41;, BUILDINGfERMIT.., 6206-M I . . I " LOT DATE 'VALUATION a TRACT S' JOB SITE ADDRESS 'IWO. 3 TANGLEW OD X5:&Z- APN OWNER CONTRACTOR DESIGNER ENGINEER I PGA W= RkMENUAL HOWOWNMI, WO WMAM MM1n.FA1iO4Y CORP t' P.01 BOX 1005080 M OMM FLAIR 0 105 A QTWA! CA 9225.3 �A SAN DIEGO CAAr,21122 USE OF PERMIT GENEMBUIUM410 SEISMIC MR0.F1T;_BL00. 3. 54.583, 34.5189, 54.505, VALUATION L-3 ENTMATED C09f OF CONMUCIUM POO= FEE HUMMMY CONSTRUCTION FILE 101.006-4-18r000 $439-50 STRONO MOTION YU • MIL) 101 -000 -241 -Mi $6.00 4". HuWroTit CONI' ,= MORARD PI -M MMIC S463_50 L 93 PRF -PAID FM WOO- )OTAL PZRMJ,'MS DUE NOW 2, 1'2002 _�jJ7, CITYOFLAQUI�TA] FINANCE DEPT. t,, RECEIPT DATE� iA I BY tD L Dffi7 I PECT,6Y , . INSPECTION RECORD OPERATION DATE INSPECTOR OPERATION DATE INSPECTOR BUILDING APPROVALS MECHANICAL APPROVALS set Backs Underground Duds Form & Footivigs Ducts - Slab Grade - - Return Air . Steel Comte Air Roof Deck _- Exhaust Fans O.K to W FA.U. Framing Compressor insulation - Vents , Fireplace P.L. Grills ' Fireplace T.O. Fans & Controls Pa Wai&loautation Condensate Lines Party Wag Firewall Jf Extenor Lath 0 0 Drywall - Int Lath Final Final POOLS - SPAS BLOCKWALL APPROVALS steel Set Backs Electric Bond Footings Main Drain Bond Beam Approval to Cover Equipment Location Underground Electric Underground Plbg. Test Final Gas Piping PLUMBING APPROVALS Gas Test Electric Final Waste Lines Heater Final Water Pilling Plumbing Final Plumbing Top Out Equipment Enclosure Shower Pans O.K for Finish Plaster Sewer Lateial Pool Cover Sewer Connection Encapsulation Gas Piping Gas Test Appliances Final COMMENTS: �W / /A "Z f 9��` d Z ,�iw `f7 orL�oz-. `%We 114,14fWiri/ �),•��/�� �� d2 �� '•��j i'v/q� �U�(/ ,583 6ZcS /d�� ANA( 6/? /�9/0 Final Utility Notice (Gas) ELECTRICAL APPROVALS Temp. Power Pole Underground Conduit Rh Low Voltage Wiring Fixtures Main Servire Sub Panels Exterior Receptacles G.F.I. Smoke Defectors Trip. Use of Power Final Utility Notice (Perm) 09/17/2002 01:04 7609227550 FARNSWORTH IORO 09/16/2002 13:06 7609227550 FARNSWOFTH TORO Verbal DWUSSI*na 4krWor.InstrucOona m i h,Contraotor/Architect; . u rd 16 PAGE 04 PAGE 02 t IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII,o m go '1Q �lJ � IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII,o �IVIII 09/17/2002 01:04 7609227550 FARNSWORIH IORO 05/lb/[0102 14:db 7609227550 FARNSWOR'rM IORO Verbal Ofls and/or Ir*rtJWOr* with Contctor/Architect; I— 0 - PAGE 08 PAGE 84 m m 40 O -Y— s ,,;� %1 �! Al ,'q I'h i A / z � A lv6✓ J P,oJ ! :P81!L4,Ojd/aolosajuo3 4jjm suopn.ilsul ao/pue suo!ssnosla liKpen 0801 H.LdOMSNdVJ .0s tZZ609L b0:Z0 Z00Z/LZ/66 � �_ 141 I'MOTIMI C (r z ZO bt eLc ui W Its 1�r 23 cr z is C v� W O CLC W — � c Z0 39Vd -Y— s ,,;� %1 �! Al ,'q I'h i A / z � A lv6✓ J P,oJ ! :P81!L4,Ojd/aolosajuo3 4jjm suopn.ilsul ao/pue suo!ssnosla liKpen 0801 H.LdOMSNdVJ .0s tZZ609L b0:Z0 Z00Z/LZ/66 � �_ C (r z ZO bt eLc ui W Its 1�r 23 cr z is C v� W O CLC W — � c Z0 39Vd -Y— s ,,;� %1 �! 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