0206-073 (BLDG)hereby affirm under,,penaltyof perjury that - I- am, licensed under provisions of IVV�7-" 'I Chapter 9 (commencing with.-Sicifoti'*7000),,*,of',Divislon 3 of the Business and, IN Lu,_ Mbfesslonals Code, and my. Incense ld'In full force and effect-') ' Ucense # Class— J Exp Date,i. iN CY In LU 7331353 1z,z ;-AD 0 5. A OWNER -BUILDER DECLARATION,, _-r'- rrn under penalty. of ipedury that I am x W herebi afh exempt from the Co'n'tractor's LIcenie Law, for ihe;,Wlowlng� reason :z 1, �is: ovine of the Orope*- or mj`employees with wages as -their sole - compensation, Will do thevork, and the' structure Is not Intended or offered for ..sale (Sec. 7044,'builnesd & Professionals Code). 4 I,,-as.ownebUthe *property,, am exclusively. contracting with licensed contractors k.to"i I 6struct the. project (Sk?�'7044,� Busin.eiss Professionals Code).`;ti Cl) ! 1 ham'exempVun6r,Se66;h'B&P.C. for this reason SIgAatUre,of , Owner 8.0Y 0- WORKER'S'CO PiNSAhON'-*DECLARAT'ION z 0 2. hereby affirm 'unddr!pana'ltyjoi}pe'lUri'y+6ne of the following" declarations: Ln <. have and will maintain alcertificate of consent'to self -insure for workers' X ILLi'LL - J� compensation, as:provided bj'Section 13700 of Labor Code, . for the 0 -J -J iiforinan de of the work for which this permit is Issued, M —1 �<,` <10" I have and.*111 malntain,4 workers' compensation' Insurance, as required by S on 3700 of,;helabor Code,' I for,.the performance'of the work for which this < I permit lsllssued.­Myr workers compensation cOmp'ensationi insurance carrier & policy no. are: CaniIr4_1M10i4&0;C!Q.J- Policy No. (This section need not be cornplit6d the `permit valuation 16 for $100.00 or less). (•)'l certify that in'the performance of the work for which this permit Is Issued, Il sh;ill not employ any'person in any manner,so as to become subject to the workers' compensation laws of California, and agree that if I should become subject to the workers' com lientation.provisions of Section 3700 of the Labor ',Code, I shall forthwith comply with those provisions.. 1co ate:&Z-4--o .A pplicant - Wto :,Warning: Failurg secure -Workers': Compensation coverage Is unlawful and shall subject an employer to criminal penalties and civil fines up to $100,000, in addition t6the cost of compensation, damages.as provided for In Section 3706 b:, 'of the Labor Code,,intirest and attorney's fees.:,: IMPORTANT Application;is t;iirebi mad6t0 the Dir'ect6rofBuilding and Safety f conditions and for a, permit -subject ito, the - restrictions .. set forth . on his..*- -,:r 1, i P 1 .'application - - 1 upon . --,f 1. Each pers6h 6po'n wh6siI'behilf thIs'appikation is made each person at 44 {A'Whoso request and for whosdben6flt work is -perfoned under or pursuant to pmany permit Issued1,a', Result of this applicaton agrees to, &,shall,. Indemnity &-hold harmless the City of.La ft Qulnta,tofficers, agents.and employees, a0611cation becomes null and void If 14 2 AnypermlOss6ed'as a result `of this .iworOs not d6mrnencedwIihI6J180 dlaysifrom Vate*of'Issuance of such permit, or cessitl6n'of work for `,180 diysJvill subject pe'imit to cancellation. A certify that I lhh%6 read this -�appliciii�6thand ;4it3ta'te"that the above Information Is correct. �l agree to comply with all 'City '6nd!State laws relating to the building, - "Construction,'and hereby 'authorize" representatives of this'City to enter. upon 4 BUILDING, PERMIT DATE VALUATION LOT %_TP v- TA61 JOB SITE ADDRESS B11*ATAHGLXW00D 5t APN OWNER •CONTRACTOR IDESIGNER EN INFER kvpok7Vi.Oi lul ='mllrwi, HomwwNm w wmtmm mmn. , omt , SON MIOPMAM PL�.= LAdA 92253 SAN DWO .Q (958)535.1475 CDL# .3Q23 USE OFPERMIT. OMMAL BUnZING. SEISMIC FIXTRO-FIT; HLOC). 4: 54-643,54-649,54-634 � _114.661, VAWAilON Ls MWATED COUr OF CONITf RUCTION 601000A) PERMT NVE WhWARY CONOTRUCT TOW PER 101-000-418-000 $459,30 STRONG MOTION WE. RESID 1011-000-241-000 AMB -TMA): IMM, f RUCTION AND KAN CHFICK $465.50 LESS TIRE-PAMFMi $0, 00 MMOT F DUE NOW a -0y Of LAQUINTA r FINANCE f1ECEIPT I DATE s. INSPET/ JDATE _ALE 7 7 1 4 INSPECTION RECORD OPERATION-, 7F • DATE' INSPECTOR OPERATION DATE INSPECTOR BUILDING -APPROVALS MECHANICAL APPROVALS Set Backs U Ducts Forms & Foofinp Ducts Stab Grade _ Return Air Steel Combustion Air Roof Deck - Exhaust Fans O.K. to FA.U. Framing cmvmsw Inudation Vents - Fhpiwe P.L Grills n Fkepfwe,T.O. Fans & Controls - wan Insulation -'Condensate Lines _ Wan Flrewd Exterior Lath - DMid - Int. Lath _ _ Final - _ Final - POOLS - SPAS BLOCKWALL APPROVALS Steel Set Backs Electric Bond Footinp Main Drain Bond Beam Approval to Cover Equipment Location - - UndergmxW Electric Underground PI . Test Final Gas Kip—ing PLUMBING APPROVALS Gas Test Electric Final Waste Lines Heater Final Water Plumbing Final Pkwtft Top Out Equipment Enclosure Shower Pans O.K. for Finish Piaster Sewer Lateral Pod Cover Sewer Connection Encapsulation Gas Piping Gas Test Appliances Final COMMENTS: - - 1 ; Final/ Utility Notice (Gas) ELECTRICAL APPROVALS Temp. Power Pole Underground Conduit Rough Wiring Low Voltage Wiring Fbdures Main Service Sub Panels Exterior Receptacles G.F.I. Smoke Detectors Temp. Use of Power Final Utility Notice (Perm) 09/17/2002 01:04 7609227550;,; FARNSWORTH IORO 99/16/2982 13:06 7689227559 - -- - - - -- F R-fH IORO Verbal D iona*nd/Or InWUCtions whh Contractor/Ar,Chitect. 2 _.__PAGE _ 06 _ PAGE F3 III a�nun4i;o Io a � 09/29/2002 12:56 7609227550 FARNSWORTH IORO VWtW Dlscusslons and/or Instructions with Contractor/Architect: !ti d 0 -0 - -,11'4-4. -LZS-. Sy_ .— C Sy ~ 675 a 4,4".0 to Adl, PAGE 01 0 m a o 3 .� m m O -� go to 0 0 0- 9100 9I Z L ni iliII11111111111110 09/30/2002 11:55 7609227550 FARNSWORTH IORO Verbal Discussions and/or Instructions with Contractor/Architect: 5 Y - Sg 3 ,S"� --S � T s,► -sss-� _.,5z(- 6or S�-�o7 Sy 6/3 PAGE 01' 0 o IM - o 0 0 'n �al r �al