399204 (SATT)BUILDING PERMIT PERMIT NO. 399204 PERMIT NO. 9 9 2 0 4 T DEPARTMENT OF BUILDING & SAFETY COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE FIELDDST `-2, CONSTRUCTION ESTIMATE Zip 4 NO. ELECTRICAL FEES NO. PLUMBING FELS Community H ' 1 IST FL. 14:8 G 2ND. Fl. FOR. 17 GAR. �s + CAR P. WALL ESTIMATED CONSTRUCTION SO. FT. .08-10 yah e� �s (14 G • 0 UNITS C. i +. SO. FT. @ YARD SPKIR SYSTEM F.C.C. CA 011 SO. FT. @ i MOBILEHOME SVC. BAR SINK Micro Film Fee SO. FT. @6.512 2600 .0-0 POWER OUTLET ROOF DRAINS a SO. FT. @ DRAINAGE PIPING Use o PPe—t SO. FT. @ DRINKING FOUNTAIN }Fry A A .4 • ATT. SO. FT. @ URINAL Parce o. 7730-650194-4, VALUATION $ WATER PIPING Ck. By C NOTE: Not to be used as property tax valuation PI. Ck.'Fee E SWIM POOL, PVT FLOOR DRAIN r MECHANICAL FEES Legal Description LG 2 9 111, SWIM POOL, COMM WATER SOFTENER 09 VENT SYSTEM FAN EVAP. COOL HOOD 5 SIGN WASHER (AUTO)(DISH) 17 Oi APPLIANCE DRYER q Type _ 14 GARBAGE DISPOSAL r FURNACE UNIT WALL FLOOR SUSPENDED Dist S -25 LAUNDRY TRAY Bond Amt. E AIR HANDLING UNIT CFM e IDLE METER KITCHEN SINK Insp� Unit ABSORPTION SYSTEM B.T.U. Sp. Insp. Fee $ TEMP USE PERMIT SVC WATER CLOSET COMPRESSOR 350 HP Const. Lender POLE, TEMP/PERM LAVATORYIc Flo z HEATING SYSTEM FORCED GRAVITY AMPERES SERV ENT SHOWER Address City Zip BOILER B.T.U. Reinsp. Fee SQ. FT. @ a BATH TUB Ow /Agent C8MAN '•. SQ. FT. @ a WATER HEATER Tel. Zip 5 S0. FT. RESID @ 1%4 SEWAGE DISPOSAL T h Address SO. FT. GAR @ V44 T HOUSE SEWER City -A PARK r Zip O. ❑ N.C. ❑ h ❑ Chack GAS PIPING Ct,, PERMIT FEE g PERMIT FEE PERMIT FEE , DBL. TOT AL FEES L MOB. HM. FEE MICRO FEE MECH. FEE PL. CK. FEE . CONST. FEE ELEC FEE SMI FEE FEE PLUMB. E PERMIT NO. 399204 Job AddressFy� I0 V�� Space Zip 4 Owner Community H ' 1 Valuation E 10:-11A - Dote - Dist. 02-22—AiZ I I Off. A F.C.C. CA 011 MH Permit Fee E Micro Film Fee Cop S Use o PPe—t y,� ry� ANS/ }Fry A A .4 • ATT. A G A GE Parce o. 7730-650194-4, Use/Case No. Ck. By C Mach. Fee Dbl S �DIWLLLING PI. Ck.'Fee E Set Backs Lot Size . Construction Fee Dbl E 1300e Legal Description LG 2 9 111, 59 4 5 C TL Q 09 F 2 / 1005 5 S 91641 R Electrical Fee Dbl E r ' Zone Restrictions Group Type _ 14 SMI Fee S 4 Plumbing Fee Dist S / Bond Amt. E Plan No. e Plan Checker Fina Dot Q) a g Insp� Unit Sp. Insp. Fee $ Damol. Fee E Const. Lender Branch Suppli ental Permit Numbers U R$0399'e4 Regist, Fee S Mileop; Fee S Address City Zip Witness Fee S Reinsp. Fee E Ow /Agent C8MAN '•. - •` Tel. Zip Toto' N ees S'7�rZ Address City -A PARK r Zip O. ❑ N.C. ❑ h ❑ Chack Received b "� Contractor '_ Tel. License# Trees require Sewage System t ^(0 l j . i'_ °J Address 04 City Zip -11 T� LL s p , a ;�J0.1 THIS PERMIT SHALL BECOME VOID IF WORK IS NOT COMMENCED WITHIN 120 DAYS. CESSATION OF WORK Sewer istrict FOR 120 DAYS SHALL ALSO CAUSE PERMIT TO BECOME VOID. •I HEREBY AGREE THAT ALL WORK IN CONNECTION WITH THIS PERMIT WILL BE DONE IN ACCORDANCE WITH ' THE=YAWS OF RIVERSIDE COUNTY AND Ttn STATE OF CALIFOFINIA. I -H EBY CERTIFY THAT THE INDIV,OUAL.WHOP'VARED THE PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS HAS DONE SO IN Form 284-208 (Rev. 1/80; RDANCE WITH SECTION 5541 OF THE BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONS CODE OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA. verified by: lf� � ._ 4101 1owalul Z y1ol ,ouaix3 It NOIl'�vv NI 1VNOIlIU(IV, ` dO _ ' Q 01 aooldanl dol �g�,/ nqloin_ Eq 1 '7 .'erl.d a�olda,id Ol P°DH lo,awwo-- ZLJ 5: IIoM a,y 060,00 6, —— -- 1 a�!na(j u61u0l00 allowc tq �f slum g oq ' — - f 8- —i--7-1-6wwo,j L uo,oal:) -ldd b£ J�a0 ;ooa 9 1 ,ossa,dwo_• g£ swoa8 P°08 _. S l -�:!V uoilsngwo-. LE spolg Inw`J P /`` sialln0 8 sial° 9£ IaaIS E -I,odwo� mown! S£ CSB .� - L aPw`J golS VL �Z spn0 g swnua k q £ 8 Qp �' — sw,3 s614 Z II 1 O L w,e,FsAS uoilopuapA £E (!g'�t/ �L. 1JOB JOS L SIVAOdddd 1d,INVHJ3W 1! n,: S1VAObddM JNI41Ine ON 80093 SNI 31V0 NOI1VZ13,d0 'ON 801DUSNl 31VO NOI1VN3dO *^ APPLICATON FOR TREE PLANTING I (we), the undersigned, hereby certify and acknowledge that I (we) have read the application and agree that if trees are required under River- side County Ordinance No. 457, the applicant agrees to install said trees prior to final inspection. It is understood that no final inspection will be given until said requirements have been met or exception has been granted by the County. Now, therefore, it is agreed that the prop- erty owner shall cause the property lines to be surveyed in the event no survey stakes can be found. Further, it is agreed that the County of Riverside shall assume ryp responsibility 2D' d trees have to be removed due to lot line errors. Owner's Name Building Permit No. Mailing Address A 90 City Stat ^Y ip Job Address— 2 0 C: ComnAity Legal Descripti n 1�-- Assessor's Map, Book &'Page -� ype Structure Type of Soils water available Road Dept. Plot Plan No. Type of existing trees in road right-f—way Trees preferred by applicant ( 1) H'1 (2) `ems Mme' (3) G Date Owner's Signature Planning Commission Case No. ROAD DEPARTMENT APPROVAL Approved species Ceratonia sili ua (Carob) Number of trees 1 Spacing of trees -"`'Distance from lot lines: Front 2' in R W Side Additional requirements Per plot plan on reverse. No streetltrees will be planted within 10' of driveways. 1 14 . Date Building and Safety notified 8/80 Signature REQUEST FOR EXCEPTION Reason (attach additional page if necessary) Request for hearing- YES ❑ f Owner's Signature (Forward application to Planning Dept. if exception requested) Planning Dept. Concur ❑ Date NO REQUEST FOR HEARING Non -concur ❑ Explanation Signature Road Dept. Concur Non -Concur ❑ Date Signature REQUEST FOR HEARING AND COMMITTEE DECISION Date hearing established Approved ❑ Disapproved ❑ Date Building & Safety notified•_ Date hearing notice mailed to owner Date Owner notified of decision Signature APPROVAL BY BUILDING INSPECTOR Final Date A _60V Inspector Building Pere. Job Address — V Community Requirements for tree planting complied with Remarks (Detach and forward above information to Road Department Riverside) 284-230, REV. 1/74 r 1 X980 a ` CERTIFICATE OF EXEMPTION FROM WORKERS' ' COMPENSATION INSURANCE (This section need not be completed if permit is for $100.00 or less.). I certify that in the performance of the work.for which this permit is issued,.. I shall not employ any person in any manner so as to become subject to the' Workers' Compensation laws of California. I further understand that if after- making. ftermaking this Certificate of Exemption, I should become subject to the Workers' " Compensation provisions of the labor code,'I must forthwith comply with such "provisions or this permit shall' be deemed revoked: Date Applicant .. r , CONSTRUCTION LENDING AGENCY I hereby affirm that there is a construction lending agency for the perform- ance of the.work for which this permit is issued (Sec. 3097,. Civ. Code). Lender's Name Lender's Address i DIVISION OF INDUSTRIAL SAFETY PERMIT CERTIFICATION I hereby certify that no excavation five (5) or more feet in depth. into which a person is required to descend, will be made in connection with work authorized by this permit, and that no building, structure, .:; scaffolding, falseworkor demolition or dismantling thereof, will be more_tha_n_ tfiirty�six (36)_ feet high.__ j. As owner -builder, I will not employ anyone to do work which would re .,quire a permit from.the Division of Industrial Safety, as noted above, ? unless such person has a permit to do.such work from that division. Division o.f.Industrial Safety Permit No. Date Applicant ;y • .CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE AND AUTHORIZATION OF ENTRY. I Certify.I have read this application and state that the information given is correct. I agree.to comply withall state laws and county ordinances. relating to building construction, and authorize representative of the County of Riverside, Department.of Building and Safety to enter upon the property for which I have applied for, this permit for the purpose of making inspections. - Signature.of Applicant/Agent Date Print Applicant/Agent Name 284-2000 DEPARTMENT'OF BUILDING AND SAFETY COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE APPLICATION CERTIFICATE PERMIT # Effective July 1, 1980, Chapter 1301, Section 19825 of the Health and Safety Code requires the execution of the following applicable declarations prior to the issuance of a building permit. Please print or type and sign below. ( j LICENSED CONTRACTORS DECLARATION I hereby affirm that I am licensed under provisions of.Chapter 9 (commencing with Section 7000) of Division 3 of the Business and Professions Code and my license is in full force and effect. License Class License No. Date Contractor OWNER -BUILDER DECLARATION I hereby affirm that I am exempt from the Contractor's License Law for the following reasons: I, as owner of the property, or my employees with wages as their sole compensation, will do the work, and the structure is not in- tended or offered for sale. If I sell within one-year of comple- tion, I understand I will have the burden of proving I did not build or improve for the purpose of sale (Sec. 7031:5, B.&P.C.). I, as owner of the property, am exclusively contracting with li- censed contractors to construct the project (Sec. 7044, B.&P.C.). I am exempt under Section , B.&P.C. for this reason: Date 7_2 _ 7 bOwner WORKERS' COMPENSATION DECLARATION I hereby affirm that I have a certificate of consent to self -insure, or a Certificate of Workers' Compensation Insurance, or a certified copy thereof (Sec. 3800, Lab. Code). Policy No. Insurance Company Certified copy is hereby furnished. _ Certified copy is filed with the County of Riverside,. Department of Building and Safety. Date 7 '-2 — Applicant RIVERSIDE COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF BUILDING AND SAFETY CORRECTION NOTICE To:n Permit No. Address: S_ e 2©y AVE 0. Date: 2 —S 91 LATH INSPECTION — U.B.C., 1976 EDITION 1 • Backing wire shall be stretched taut. Maximum spacing 6 inches vertically attached every 32 inches horizontally. 2. Add furring nails, maximum spacing 6 inches apart vertically, 16 inches apart horizontally. [47061. 3. Wire shall lap one full mesh at all joints [4705(c)] . 4• Building paper shall cover all wood. [1707(a)] [4706(d)] . 5• Wire on exterior.corners,shall be pulled out minimum '/4 inch. [4706(e)] . 6. Re -check gyp. lath nailing. [Tables 47-b, 47-c] . 7. -Lap cornerite minimum one mesh. [4705(c)] . 8• Self -furring stucco wire to be attached at indicated places only. Use furring nails around all openings. [4706). 9. Fire wall to be perforated type lath or an approved equal. [4302] . 10. Area around shower and tub with shower to be approved material s.1-17 11 (o)I 11. Use metal lath over joints where two or more are together. Use on voids 3/8' or more. [4705(b)]. DRY WALL INSPECTION 1 • Maximum spacing single nails: Ceiling seven inches; walls eight inches: [Table 47-g] , [4705(b)). 2• 5/8" type X gyp. board used for 1 hr. firewall; nails to be 7" o.c. Joints taped and finished. [Table 43-b, Sec. 47111. ��r�oL� Gy�tlZl L Inspector CORRECT THE ABOVE CIRCLED ITEMS AND CALL FOR RE -INSPECTION 284-235 REV 3/77 RIVERSIDE COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF BUILDING AND SAFETY CORRECTION NOTICE To: Permit No. Address:, S,7 �e-� Date: 7-7—M) 1975 Edition ROUGH WIRING INSPECTION National Electrical Code 1. Electric service main disconnect amp rating is required. [230-791 . 2. Size of service entrance conductors and/or conduit shall be as per 310-12 Chapt. 9, Table 1. 3. Service equipment shall be listed as raintight for exterior use. [373-21 [110-111 . 4. Cables and flexible metal raceways shall be secured within 12" of a box or cabinet and 4'/z' thereafter. [334-8-(b)] . 5. Install 1/16" thick steel plate over studs or joists notched for cable or where cable is less than 2" from nail surface. [300-4(0)(1) 1 . 6. Box overloaded, maximum number of conductors in boxes located [ 370-61 . 7. All conductors shall terminate in an approved box or fitting. [300-151 . 8. Protect cables within 6' of attic access opening. [334.131. 9. Bond wires shall be made up with pressure connectors in boxes. Connect bond conductors to metallic boxes and leave 6" free conductor in metallic or non-metallic boxes. (250-1141, (250-741. 10. All non-metallic fixtures boxes shall be installed so that a ground connection is made when fixture mounting screws are installed. [250-421 . 11. Install a minimum of 2 appliance circuits in the pantry, kitchen, breakfast room, dining room, family room. [220-3(b)] . 12. Convenience outlet maximum spacing is 12' apart with a maximum of 6' from openings. Minimum wall space is 2' requiring an outlet and 1' for counter tops in kitchen and dining rooms. [ 210-25(b) 1 13. Provide 30" of work clearance at panels. [110-161. 14. Provide convenience outlet at lavatory. [ 210-251 . 15. Install laundry ppl nce circuit. [ 220-3c),J (Inspector) CORRECT THE ABOVE CIRCLED ITEMS AND CALL FOR RE-IN$PECTION 284-234 Rev. 3/77 i NOTICE: THIS IS NOTA BUILDING PERMIT DISTRICT APPLICATION TO CONSTRUCT �., • DEPAR_TM_ENT O_F BUILDING AND SAFETY Permit No '"COUNTY OF. RIVERSIDE n Owner / 0 VXA 173'f G le Architect � � F -A '"•'")Its" - F %A� Contractor + Address ".10 i I• -.?4 •� I ! . _ _ �t Address_ Address— City City City_ Phone; t Phone Phone to,I (we) the undersigned, hereby certify •and acknowledge'that I (we) have read the application and agree that if Curb and Gutter, and W ti Z Paving, and/or Dedication of right of way is required by the County of Riverside, the Riverside County Department of Building and Safety shall not make a Final Inspection until said' requirementsfha3e, been met. I am also aware that no work is to be done within the County R/W , ` O without an encroachment permit. NOW, therefore, it is agreed that_I (we) will not occupy said property and, will not cause said property to be occupied until I we have • r r 9 ) P P Y P P Y •r P ( ) •, complied with all laws of the County of Riverside and the State of California governing said property. -� ^u• •. R. '717— ;r. ?"i. � Lam• r`�_ �'�i�...+! *.! i DATE ufj SIGNATURE OF OWNER AND/OR AGENT tz Approval bySignature from the -Following Departments Listed Below •' Must Be Obtained Prior'to the Issuing of a Construction Permit.. SPACE NO. - •� USE OF STRUCTURE JOB ADDRESS _ , — 1 - SINGLE FAMILY DUPLEX w > LEGAL.QE.0 PTION.QF.P, OPERTY � 4�ti ~ / T . Z H �y._� 1i Ry,.•+ _ t ,•� ,ter, r . y .� APARTMENTS> � AGRIC. COMMERCIAL -INDUSTRIAL El H '^ COMMUNITY'..'Ct LI)t�"f`�l.%f :' l .)., a > ALTERATIONS n Z NO. OF SUBMITTED'PLANS --" U5E'.0,�RMITr N Q CASE NO.• t t,`•aE�+-•� �j.✓^°�j l�- Y" O ZN0. OF.PARKING`SPACES REQUIRED �1�`' Y NO. OF BUILDINGS.NOW_EXISTING t Q °ZON_E" SETBACKS: FRONT•"3 CA SIDE -/ REAR`S .r m GRADING PERMIT REQUIRED? YES ❑ NO ❑ LOT SIZE h` -' 6 Z0 - SETBACK ORDINANCE # ^ -L; OF FEET REQUIRED�ON '1� '��t STREET ­ DATE / -_ SIGNATURE OF LAND USE OFFICIAL if !=�'-r�-ra. _ -4 w + �c F DEDICATION 'REQUIRED: ��YES.❑ NO ❑ NO..OF'FEET�?`L� W CURB AND GUTTER REQUIRED: YES ❑ NO ❑ �!"" - "`� rt�STREET _ y , ., IL 'CAN* CURB AND GUTTER FEASIBLY BE INSTALLED? NO ❑ull ' HAS AN ACCEPTABLE APPLICATION 2BEEN MADE FOR' `E CROACHMENT PERMIT FOR DRIVEWAY AND STREET IMPROVEMENT? YES ( '•NO C3 DATE �( _r / ^ �� SIGNATURE •OF'. ROAD DEPT. OFFICIAI ✓ - C / "`c „� ` - ;f 1 !Orev. r ( .y �, 'i f u l r i% t't f 4 at •L'. .�i r+ i s�i IC R :• JQ' SEWAGE DISPOSAL ('ii g= i e' r�s% r•' chi , r i,d f::ir'rt' ;tff 1�.,ty7`"z'r'e_ T 1 `,rf}+�E.n .!Y +�yfr , i �J + 1 r -4• ; WATER POLLUTION ''�> /X ! r� REMARKS" ' 1 FLOOD CONTROL ' AIR POLLUTION 0 _I- of OF MWY' ' C a — -YOUR PROPERTY MAY`B.E SUBJECT T0, �.. c FLOOD. RIVERSIDE COUNTY ASSUMES NO RESPONSIBILITY IN EVENT OF FLOOD. i��84.199 _ 9/74 _ CANARY- fILE,b PINK—APPLICANT > j 6UILUIIVV rCKMII , PERMIT NO. DEPARTMENT- OF BUILDING & SAFETY' FIELD OFFICE OST 99204 COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE CONSTRUCTION ESTIMATE � NO. ELECTRICAL FEES, NO. PLUMBING FEES IST FL. 148% s 2ND. FL. FOR. 17SO. GAR. 400 CAR P. WALL ESTIMATED CONSTRUCTION SO. FT..@ZS ♦ 40 $27232.00 UNITS Community TA SO: FT. @' •YARD SPKLR SYSTEM FT. @ MOBILEHOME SVC. 04 0 el BAR SINK y mosey0 SO. FT. @. 6.5 2600.00 POWER OUTLET: ,ROOF DRAINS 50. FT. @ DRAINAGE PIPING P ' SO. FT. @ DRINKING FOUNTAIN• SO.•FT: @ - URINAL' ` VALUATION Is - - WATER PIPING .. ' NOTE: Not to be used as property tax valuation Ck. By - SWIM POOL, PVT - FLOOR- DRAIN MECHANICAL FEES SWIM POOL, COMM WATER SOFTENER VENT SYSTEM FAN EVAP. COOL IHOOD SCV Q x9. SIGN WASHER (AUTO)(DISH) APPLIANCE DRYER - Electrical Fee Dbl S 3LOT - GARBAGE'DISPOSAL FURNACE UNIT WALL FLOOR SUSPENDED SMI Fee S - LAUNDRY TRAY AIR HANDLING UNIT CFM Plan No. ' IDLE METER KITCHEN SINK 258 ABSORPTION SYSTEM B.T.U. Inspector TEMP USE PERMIT SVC ' s WATER CLOSET COMPRESSOR 350 HP Demol. Fee $ POLE, TEMP/PERM LAVATORY IWO HEATING SYSTEM FORCED GRAVITY Supplimental Permit,Numbers L4.L?YJ 4d .7 AMPERES SERV ENT SHOWER BOILER B.T.U. Address- ` City Zip �* ! 50. FT. @ •a BATH TUB p�sa 4 A!\ SO. FT. @ c WATER HEATER ' Zip S0. FT. RESID @I %c SEWAGE DISPOSAL Address _ 11 JAMP151 st S0. FT. GAR @ 3/4a HOUSE SEWER ❑ N.C. C3 eh 0 Check Received b Trees required- GAS PIPING PERMIT FEE Tel. PERMIT FEE PERMIT FEE DBL. TOTAL FEESMOB. HM. FEE MICRO FEE MECH. FEE - •PL. CK. -FEE. I CONST. FEE, ELEAEE SMI FEE d. FEE PLUMB: iA S T PERMIT NO. 399204 � Job Address /� ��qq � � 2[/ ll! E SPaca Zip Owner - = Community TA r Valuation S +ps Date Dist. Off. F.C.C. MH Permit Fee. $IN Micro Film Fee Cop S Usa of Permit L +i 1�a+ WELLING AND I" AR j Ilt ATT. +s lJ, i7 2iL1VPJ Parcel o. - _ se/Cosa No. ' Ck. By - Mech. Fee Dbl S Pl. Ck. Fee $ Set Backs Lot Size Construction Fee Dbl $ Legal Description 9B1J 69 SCV Q x9. F S 5 Electrical Fee Dbl S 3LOT -eR Zone Restrictions.Gro - up Type. µF SMI Fee S Plumbing Fee Dbl $ - Bond Amt. $ Plan No. Plan Checker Final Date Inspector Unit Sp.- Insp. Fee S Demol. Fee $ Const. Lender Branch - + Supplimental Permit,Numbers L4.L?YJ 4d .7 •- - ' Registr. Fee S Mileage Fee S Address- ` City Zip �* ! Witness Fees S Reinsp. Fee $'-T p�sa 4 A!\ y ` Tel. ^' ' Zip Total Ees S "{ Address _ 11 JAMP151 st Ciey PARK 02662 Zip ❑ N.C. C3 eh 0 Check Received b Trees required- Contractor Tel. Licensee Sewage Syste/m'�� j Address - City - Zip LL V P THIS PERMIT`SHALL BECOME VOID IF WORK 15 NOT COMMENCED WITHIN 12.0 DAYS. CESSATION OF WORK Sewer istrict FOR 120 DAYS SHALL ALSO CAUSE PERMIT TO BECOME VOID. ,1 HEREBY AGREE THAT ALL WORK IN CONNECTIONs'WITH THIS PERMIT WILL BE DONE IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE LAWS OF RIVERSIDE COUNTY AND THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA. I HEBY CERTIFY THAT THE INDIVIDUAL WHO.PREPARED,THE PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS HAS DONE SO IN r Form 284.208 (Rev. 1/BOl RDANCE WITH SECTION 5541 OF THE BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONS CODE OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA. I� y • verified by: '"