99-115 MUPsCITY 0, TA Tit • MAR m RECD 78-495 CALLE TAMPICO — LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 - (760)..&77-7000 BUILDI'NU /.TDD�(T6o) 777-1227 March 5, 1999 Mr. Dave Brudvik . Coachella Valley Housing Coalition 45-701 "G" Monroe Street Indio, California 92201 SUBJECT: MINOR USE PERMIT 99-115 Dear Mr. Brudvik-. The Community Development Dep_artment_has approved your request to establish a temporary construction trailer (8' by 20')''a5I82O.Avenida Velasco subject to the following conditions- 1. Obtain a building permit including an electrical permit for temporary power. 2. Provide restroom facilities to accommodate on-site construction workers. 3. Mounted on the exterior of the trailer close to the front door shall. be a written notice providing emergency personnel your 24-hour emergency phone number they can call in case problems arise that need your prompt attention (i.e., minimum V high letters). 4. Install one 2Al OBC fire extinguisher inside the trailer by the front exit door. 5. No temporary signs are permitted unless separately approved by this Department. 6. Removal of the temporary construction trailer is required on September 5, 1999, unless a time extension is applied for and granted by this Department. The Community -Development Director may extend the permit for another six-month period if construction activities are still occurring. No fee is charged to extend this permit. 7. Dust control measures shall be employed if construction parking is allowed adjacent to the trailer. 8. Trailer skirting shall be installed within 30 days if the trailer is mounted above finished grade level. MUP99-115 -30 MAILING ADDRESS - P:O. BOX 1504 - LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 9. ,; The City may elect to add Conditions to this application request to mitigate any problems that arise not previously addressed herein. Temporary landscaping is not required to screen the trailer if the site,is kept clean' free of . construction debris: This decision may be appealed to the Planning Commission pr6vided the necessary paperwork and ' -filing fee of $175.00 are filed with this office within 15 days. If you have any questions, please contact me at 760-777-7067. , Sincerely, µ ER .MAN MM ITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR, / SDELL' , • Associ to lanner ., GT. Attachments ` c: Community Development Director Building and Safety Director ., Sheriff's Department • Code Compliance Department r Fire Department Greg Butler; B/S Counter Technician ; MUP99-115 -30 Y: ' CITY OF LA QUINTA Community Development Department-:, 78-495 CALLE TAMPICO , LA QUINTA, CA 92253 619-777-7125 q I Case Number: %'lam Date Accep eT -j Fee:— MINOR USE PERMIT APPLICATION Minor Use Permit (MUP) applications are governed by Section 9.210.020 of the Zoning. Code - (A copy is attached). Uses requiring a MUP have a low or moderate potential for adverse impacts on surrounding properties, residents, or businesses.. Review and approval by the Community Development Director for this application is required. APPLICATION PURO-SE Purpose of Request: ` ;� 7 -713 - ! oc k -AL l� ` rC'L i l,cA 1&� be- - Assessor's Parcel No.: Uel 4s ro General Location: Aczeage: J t� Existing Zoning. V,- �vli :�terial y.� Additional Information: (Additiocan be submitted separately) n�»*�rr'TT /RAl nT ANS - Three copies of the architectural and landscape/imgation plans shall be submitted with this ARC EEC ` application unless otherwise determined by Department staff. Colored renderings may be required depending upon the application being submitted. .off vc hkl C9�1, �-� �� 3�� -3 Applicant - : '(Phone) (Print Name) . , • Address: `✓I5-?oI � � Mo�+r.ae. S�-, ��o G+�. X22 01 T Owner(s): �. n (gU re .._(Print Name) Address: Signature of Applicant: Date: �T Authority for this application. is hereby given: • ' Signature of Property Owner(s): Date: t is application shall be grounds to deny this application. Signatures and addresses Any false or misleading information given in ch of all property owners affected by this application shall be included in this submittal. • Separate letters of authorization, can be submitted.` 1 E 1999 , FMMUP-PCL .E ' Y ` F 1 e 1 — � O �. g ,. - . �_ .. � � � Oo Jt � J .. � � �. �" �' 100.47 --'► ��. � . � � �� ,� p � �. � � 8 � ,. �. � �? e 1 — � U 1 STRUCTURALENGMEERING CONSULTANT k,54625 AVENIDA BERMUDAS. LA QUINTA CALIFORNIA 97153 �ww.J moi. --w-.•..� .760.564-0884 PHONE A 760.77136D6 FAX* WISH C W 1 A. C O M June 24, 1998 Mr. Daniel Crawford - Inspector Cityof La Quinta Department of Building and Safety 78-495 Calle Tampico La Quinta, California 92253 Regarding: CVHC Plan 320 and 420 - Truss Calculations — Group 7 (Typical all La"Quinta Projects) Dear Daniel: I have reviewed the truss calculations from Imperial Roof Truss which is to be used for the roof construction of the 3 bedroom and 4 bedroom homes in La Quinta. The truss calculations labeled "320 Plan" are for the 3 bedroom plan that is associated to the "96-051" job number listed in the lower right corner of the architectural plans. The "420 Plan" truss calculations correspond to the "96-052" 4 bedroom drawings. I have reviewed the truss -calculations to confirmthe -capacity-of ail design loads drags and bottonrchord loaded -girder trusses. I have found each to be in compliance with the intentions of the structural design I have also verified that the roof dead loads used in the design of the trusses exceed the design loads on the structural calculations. The truss calculations are more conservative and therefore acceptable. The Truss calculations will be used the self-help La Quinta Project - Groups 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9. Each group will use the same plans as those mentioned above that these truss calculations conform to. I have provided a separate letter referenced above for each group. These are intended to simply the City's records and allow a separate approval for each block of homes. Coachella Valley Housing Coalition can provide the addresses for each lot in each of the groups listed I Please contact me at your earliest convenience if you should have any questions or additional requirements.. . Sincerel De s S. Wish PE Structural Engineering Consultant �'?, ESS104, DEN, 113 S. WISH 2 NO. C -C41250 w1� CAL STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING FOR • CUSTOM HOMES • REMODEL • COMMERCIAL • LIGHT INDUSTRIAL • SEISMIC RETROFIT S REPAIR • UNREINFORCED MASONRY • RETAINING WALLS & FOUNDATION • REPORTS: DAMAGE ASSESSMENT • NEW ROOF • INSURANCE CLAIM • DENNIS S. WISH P.E. HAS BEEN A MEMBER OF THE STRUCTURAL ENGINEERS ASSOCIATION OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA SINCE 1983 L� 54-625 Avenida Bermudas n La Quinta, California 92253 cruta�LTA ICP...GZLs3 760.564.0884 Phone 760.771.3606 Fax Email: wish, 'a.com Structural Engineering Consultant CLIENT Coachella Valley Housing Coalition Job No 9806 PROJECT La Quinta Plan 51 & 52.- Redesign SHEET 1 OF CALCULATION DESCRIPTION: Redesign of lateral analysis for metal stud homes DESIGN LOADS ROOF LOADS: TILE ROOFING = 1/2" SHEATHING = TRUSS FRAMING = 5/8" GYPSUM BD. CEILING = INSULATION MECH, ELEC & SPRINKLERS = SUB -TOTAL = SLOPE CORRECTION 113 MISCELLANEOUS _ ROOF DEAD LOAD ROOF SNOW LOAD ROOF LIVE LOAD EXTERIOR WALL LOADS: 7/8" STUCCO = 15/32" SHEATHING = 2X6@16" O/C _ R19 INSULATION _. 1/2" GYPSUM BD. _ MISCELLANEOUS = TOTAL EXTERIOR WALL SOILS DATA: SOILS REPORT BY: REPORT DATE: BASIC BEARING PRESSURE PADS & CONT. FNDT. = Qa = INCREASE FOR WIDTH = INCREASE FOR DEPTH = MAX. SOIL PRESSURE Qa = ALLOW PASSIVE PRESSURE _ ALLOW SOIL FRICTION _ 10.0 PSF 1.5 PSF 2.0 PSF 2.8 PSF 0.5 PSF 1.0 PSF 17.8 PSF, 1.05 PSF, 1.1 PSF 20.0 PSF 0.0 PSF 16.0 PSF 12.5 PSF 1.4 PSF 1.5 PSF 0.5 PSF 2.2 PSF 1.9 PSF 20.0 PSF FLOOR LOADS: 4.4 PSF FLOOR FINISH = 0.0 PSF 3/4" SHEATHING = 0.0 PSF .2X OR TRUSS FRAMING = 0.0 PSF 5/8" GYPSUM BD. CEILING = 0.0 PSF PARTITION LOADS _. 0.0 PSF MECH, ELEC & SPRINKLERS = 0.0 PSF MISCELLANEOUS = 0.0 PSF FLOOR DEAD LOAD : = 0.0 PSF FLOOR LIVE LOAD : = 40.0 PSF INTERIOR WALL LOADS: 1/2" GYPSUM BD. (B.S.) = 4.4 PSF 15132" SHEATHING = 1.4 PSF 2X4 @ 16" O/C = 1.0 PSF MISCELLANEOUS = 2.7 PSF TOTAL INTERIOR WALL : = 9.5 PSF. UBC DEFAULT VALUES - REPORT 1,500 PSF 20.0 % 20.0 % 4,500.0 PS F. 0.0 PCF 0.3 ALLOWABLE PRESSUR PER FT. GREATER THAN 1 PER FT. GREATER THAN ' WIND LOADS: DESIGN WIND VELOCITY = 70.0 �- --- MPH IMPORTANCE FACTOR = - 1 qs = 12.6 PSF EXPOSURE D _ C B C - h<15 Ft. = 1.06 C - h<15 Ft. 1.39 1.06 0.62 Cs -15 Ft.< h< 20 Ft. = 1.13 Cs -15 Ft.< h< 20 Ft. 1.45 1.13 0.67 Cs -20 Ft.< h< 25 Ft. = 1.19 Cs -20 Ft.< h< 25 Ft. 1.5 1.19 0.72 Cs -25 Ft.< h< 30 Ft. _, 1.23 Cs -25 Ft.< h< 30 Ft. 1.54 1.23 0.76 SEISMIC LOADS: ZONE = 4 IMPORTANCE FACTOR = 1.0 Rw = 6 (PLYWOOD SHEAR WALL USED THROUGHOUT) ZIC/Rw = 0.4"2.75"1/Rw = 0.183 W d . 2/22/98 1 t • / aJ _ M -I al . �Job:No:.. 9806.., ;,Engineer D$ 2/22198 Ian'S1 8.52 Ctiedced' DSW -;Tine ',�'' `�18 :. .�• � •; r_se:_.3; _'" � ,; tea,- xt.1�a: �t1obKTities,_. P., East to West - Residence and Garage 2 2.5* c 3 4 'IoM"8hearRing (ft 13 00 6 00 8.00 13.00M.z' �Me ( oildln ��sra 8.0 8.0 8.0 8.0 • Pfate to Plafe'�Height (ft _ . • $ ,. TpYplate.to�peakof.ioor,orparapet 46.8: •� 6.8 6.8 6.8: Diaahra9m;Depth`(ft)� 53.2 t 53.2 53.2 53.2. ' iLgtha°yW+aSlh#e3 fW'allsv�x O a,%r+`a�"`f2elCftA avacneq;srt4LnhoMa earrrdllenalysa egit M a ais rcc�e: ae gthw Will �a a�4a V l k x �a a .. - - . 4 ng Waite . Leng�all a IxINLength of Wall #7 J, r r r L°A OR Lengthof�Wall #9�k Length of�Wall`#10 LIS IieaCwali Leri ths: ft � .F Z, �iif �8 X8 12 • f m'!u� ear,(P..il::; �z .€Yx�W x: 123 1 ' 133 196 �296� X122 " ` x � " ARIVARIMMM Ir t` CVHC Lots 51 8 52 worst case xis a �Dennrs.� Y�rsh. � �"` "DSW .. -' - � , ,� �= 3 x�, r ... Job,Tttle� ` 'plan•51�8fi2 Checked �DSIIV��ir�Time'" 184.7 , North to South A- C C -E GARAGE BLOCK FI -I !so, AC D C D ANarwall Spacing:{ft 10.50 18.50 20.00 24.33 uddm Geome `rte. 8.0 PtatetoPlateHer9ht'(ft)µ� 8.0 8.0 8.0 T" " e�to3" ak of. roofs ft . i; 5.8 5.8 5.8 5.8 '40.0 40.0 40.0 " 21.3 . L�eft`Slde,�Roof,Eave {ft �i���a i.1.5 M _ R�gM SideRoof�Eaves(ft) 1.5 1.5 Extefior tVall>Dead Loadw,(psf) t ',� 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 - 20 RoofrDeadtLoad '•20 20 „ 20 20 20. 20 , . 20 20 20,• HIM Left±Cantilever;( P F P ragm- „spit Ce from D toil 5 feet'"Table ;16,G 1.06 1.06 .1.06 1.06 1.06 1.06. 1:06 � 1.06 1.06 Gefromil5to 20:fi5et �T.a61e';16G fs X1.13 1.13 1.13 1.13 1.13 1.13 1.13--,1.13 1.13 t3as�c Wmd"pressure qs`{psf)1, Tables , 1 � Al, "12\_6 12.6 12.6 - 12.6 12.6 12.6 12.6 12 6 12.6 Qecu_pan� �CategorY.,.Table�l6 Cp ressure Coeffiaent-;,,t, 16;H . y 1.3 1.3 1.3 1 3 1.3 1.3 1.3 . 1 3 1 3 $Seismic DataFG�;;�` ..� ' _ M . ." Z Zone Factor°,uTable 16 I `• �` by ' 0.40 - 0.40 0.40 .: " 9.40 i 0:40 0.40 4 0.40 ; . 0 40 0 40 1Oceupancy:Category;.. Table;16:K' .; 1 1 1 1. 1 +: 1 y 7" 1 �: C umencal coeffic�eiit specfied �n� mu wl t�+s wod Sec4onL628 2. Ips ut, r. .<... n x.2.75 2:75 2.75 2.75 2.75. 2.75 2:75 .t 2.75-:, 2.75, ,'. Rvy�StucturalSystems Table 16-N 6 6 6� 6 .6 6 6 6, 6 F- Z1CIRw)Wd 0,i83�Oi183 X0183 %lin 0183 0t183�OT183 0:183 00 783 �WinBlSe�smic;Com anson "' xw Wind,1'�ressure'(Plfl a �:�� 1.7.1�171:�171�����171IQVAM ten--- 108 r Se�sm�c�Force(p 176•�17.6(176�a Govemm Force 1 h"* N� X17617,5 1T6 Oovernmg,Force?,r�x.�SeisSeisSe�sWindwiid�_Wiid�Wind�WindWindom �Dt ra m:Chord Tensior►�.�,�1;Z �4�`''"�`^ � ..��,�����i Cfiofd�Te S�On Ml',/8ti (Ibs)> � �'�aat�j^ �� SI�•��`=188��220 59c�x,�,� CodeSAllgw{16d;@ T,o:c)-Ibs .�s;•� ��861-� ' 1617�ti1640 - _. 1995 A Shona1 Bcx Nai s ...eq de earyma������ , INS ?ltY.. .:YM. _9 x'�n:rA.�..' ":1J.ar;i.* \e .'K Y2a.. ✓i,•r;S�S' .ti56.:'a".[6^,b•53E+:. .?'a""•-?.SC'1565C_: ' `•W.-�[N',Yi'."53SbbASX. . r o, umn ocatton� * A B C D VaShear;atGnd-Line# ounds �� Yx935 -2552 33881'�1760x's� +�,��°2076, r20MOM 76'�� y ra ;ragm', ._ ,:;ar {pl tR4� 23 MMC :85� ;44'� S bz ` 4 97� Sttear a g �, _ _.. " "� ��o .0 2 7 Len th of Wall #1 z} ^„� . ; ��Vim Referto"attad�e4;sTeanrallanarys�s'Refererxeyrall liy Col $ Grid and lNatl Number:(ie WaiN2 ,,gndpl i+all 9 gm,k 4.0 35 80 40 L�°en'{th of Wall #2�s� '! 4.0 3 5 8.0 4.0 , . 8.0 2.7 9 . 4.0 • - le gntli`�of�Wallfl3� r yya jd 4t0 &;. A --a ' Length -of wan; #s ,r d� �.• � d � _ , Wal LeWall L�g�all #T ,eck i w ash -01' c a y • .J 4engtfi'fof Wall � ueeo�Walt.#9� 1��eng� of,�lNall #1(.. A EdSlteanrvall:Len ths, ft ��`��` "�`"� �, ;�;�1.6s.�. �;T� �,n1S ?"$.�;� i�� a�s'h"i �.5s .'�'�,,n•` _: �c":rr �,� ,. v ; mth5 ,ear, P,, ra yrs - Y��,;58 : MT365 ' `212 220 !. 13.4 x.389' CVHC Lots 51 8 52 worst camAs o ,r --_.. ... .. .. --- ARA. Shear�WalLNumber ::. ...n �9 x10 /Columns 2.Na Sin _._Grid"Line'(Direction .` 1.0 1.0 2.0 , 2:0• 2.0 �. 2.0 2.5 T '3 .. 1 2 3 1 4 ;� 1' 2 . ;1:.tr coon at:^Grid:Line <: Wal S .. +2 .' Metal Metal. Metal Metal Metal Metal, : ' -Metal • •I.Metal : . Metal • Metal Framing(Metal or Wood),t Hent to IateaL Load or Drag 800 � 8.00 ' 8:00 8.00 8.00 8.00 8.00 X8.00 8.00 8.00, y,�i"�RSbG"IL�i`•'x'�'SYfi2<LY.""�' ">.a:^:5 Lateral Unbraced�Height 8.00 , 8.00 8.00- " �. 8.00 8-.00 8.00- 8.00 8.00 '8.00, 8.00 8:00 8.00 .- 8.00. 8.00 .:. 8.00 8:00 8.00 t: 5:00 8.00 8.00 Plat o".PlateHeight 1Vgtee Origin in lowe�;left corner ;Shearwall Plot Information i , 12.90.; 12.90 13.00 • 13:00, 18.83 " 18.83 27.00 StarEX-coorclinatea� . _1 lid�"X-Go ,`dinate ���� a+ � 12.90 12.90 13.00 13.00 18.83 • 18.83,, 27.00 , 4.67 25.00 49:,18.. 4.67 13:50 43.18 49.18• 13.50 40.18 ax 5 trt Y-coord�nate.x.;� .. S ;F , 8.67 29.00 53.18 8.67 17.50. ,. 47.18 53:18, _ -4.00 17.50 44.18 4.00 . 4.00 4.00; '4.00 4.00' 4.00 4.00„. "' 4.00. ° . • 4.00 4.00 ii *�• s : ; End' Y - Coordinates R.. Shearw°aW�dth�' F ll amu.. t �.�� �: � f ouenr gFo��ceEnteO�85for Sgism;ic 5nd;1 0 for Wmd•=, 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00. 1.00 •1.00 1.00 1:00 1.00. 1.00 ,..20 .20 20 '. 20- 20 .. 20 - ', 20 20 •20 20 RoofiDead3Load RDL fif y Exterior WaII Dead Load if10" to/� r� 20 20 20 20 , _ 20 20 j , . 20 20 .26 20 12100 _ 123.00. 123:00 133.00 133.00 .133.00 , 133.00 196.00 196:x00: -296.00 A"' lied ateral,Load? v ink ` Repla emento� addifional Dragx yT 1 411 R of'o� Floor vibutary Area'to' ' resist u lift m feetrr3 ,_ 6.25 1:00 1-.00 -6.25 6.25 .1.00 11.001 11.00 .11•.00 1.00 . App1�,p dpinad for header at lefi oik} shearwali in unds Appiied�load'for header aCright $hea wa11�R"atro; '" .>D,,.. , ` � �f R2`a9 : �260R 1 K21R4 X2fi00 W 0, K2�00�a � 0 x�2 00 Total Lateral,+ Drag .(pif)R -N a1 14-11 296 V11 ie ghtofStiearwall'in pounds�'640� x X640# �640�640 WE 640: 640 640 �__. �°s W. W A; e...,. , , .. as p ...._ ; 64,0 fi40 . _ . _.� ._..a fi40 _. Weigh'Qrofi Roof/Floor`abovice waNrn %jD P..�f �;,,; x� a z,:,,. ,I :.... ,125:125, 12520 X22 20 ' O'vertu°�rning Mo me nt'Aft;:kipsg77 aw.:....._...... ; - - Resisting�M`om'6h at Right Side rs < Winkr - ` n ON of s t1 r 2� 1 1 Resist g Momenf at Leff e��fn aN M'.PM < ' 2 ,_ 1. z. t 2 t 1 ------------- Is H DCo�ner? 1 Yes 0 No 1 ` 0 0 1 0 :4 0 Entir SS meson HD, PA o�FTM PA PA =• PA PA •. PA PA PA PA PA" HD Uptift at'12 ght side of;walls n lbs 1;270w; 151,6 '1516 14109'1410 W1656 K1656 �2073� �207�3 3946 HolddownRequired; ' rY HPAFfD22 PAHBd2 AHF342 < HD2A� PAHD�42 HD2.� Pf1HD42 HD2A HD2� zoo- ry1.. �T0 Is�HD at Co�nef? 1,;lfes`O No �� 0 0 ' -1 0 0 0 • 1 1 r 'PA PA PA PA PA. PA <PA PA HD . PA � Enter Simpson HDPA orFTM�3 Up1.wLft afLL`�eftxstde of wall in lbs IM -1 70 A WIMADC51WIr 1FAI ISM 0 N, I W1656 I I a2073 T-73 �• 394�� G'w .! VN5 :Mr�k Holddown Required : l '83 NCR :i:.NFY+ �, .. xN - x.y,hvw Mhsw.v.n �y. Mn.ri. +x6X. ,Y'.'i' ' PAHD42 ' PAHD42 OW 0ARH 2 HD2A� PAIiD42 �Kc PAHD42� PAH[j42 < ., HD2A� HDSA -- ---------------------------- :..::.::.::. 4SoleplThickness '(actual inl)t 1 5 1.5 1.5 - 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1/2 1l2 112 '112 ,' . 112 1/2 112 1/2 112 112 1 Diameter of,Anchor Boif i- s� .•er.,.xu.,rr .rxe. . b. (. w)Oe, i��k�. -,•4"{+'S1y` -... �..,c, ijn .,� �y� Capacity per,bolt:in"pounds�Ak=1;265.x,1265,1;2651265 y. � � K ;,,,.,. S 1;265 W4' 1;265 1,2651265 X1265 To a1 Base Shear,of,Wall_(Ibs)t�, 43:611{ .61F1 611651 �.65I65,1 651903' X903 I'303c •-,YNFifNV" N W -' S i ij Spacing of Bolts in Inches �;n�y :�Y�F 4ep ;fi �n - fij t� ' .`F' $ 1 RAN ,�: 48,x{ .. RAN � NO x 46 „ X48 ,1 48 mu mom IN ONO v a• ..,.. s-rn.. ., .,.,- . •. r. s Mm;Numberrequired a �.. - .: 3.a yt > rc' w-av x .a �acr �.:..2 r.., ? ,.? 2 2z Sam i . Shear�Wali Number ; , .�'4:'�Y11<Y,.>x'''12�; ��`_13. 14° 1.5' ;;�18 , '17�,�8 19' •'20 Gri --fie (W. tion /Column 3:0 4.0 4:0' 4.0 A 'A A A B B 2' 1 2 R 3. • 1 2 3 4 1 2 WaiSectron at`G�1d Gne F ar min (Metal orliWood)'S Metal Metal. Metal. Metal.. Metal Metal Metal, Metal Metal "Metal ;.. - 8.00 4 "; 8.00 : 8.00 8:00 8.00 8.00 8.00 :8a00 X8.00 '. , r 8 ,00 ' '" 8.00 8:00 y ' 8:00 • 8.00-. 8.00 8:00 8.00 8:00 8.00 8.00 '8.003 8:00 ' 8 00„ '- 8.00' � 8..OQ 8.00 8:00 8:00 8.00` ' r Shearwall Plot Information 40.00 9.00 `'27:00 36.00'' 13 27.00 40.00 40.00 .00' 23.50 27,00 '40.00. 40.00 '' ; 40.00 4.00.' 13.00 31.00 40.00: 16.50 , '27.00 Height ODOR re a1�Load�or Drag�Q: 'Late a! Unb ced Hei �ht 9� PI 'Plate Helght� k ti Y Note: NO 'inn lower leffcorner StartXrdinate', _ End X --Co rdlna r� max" Start, Y -coordinate 49.18 22.50 49'l 8 ': 53:18 53.18- 53.18 53.18 43.18 ' 43.18 53' 18. 4.00:. 26.50 ; : 53.18 53.18 '53-.18 r 53.18. ' 53:18 43:18 43.18 End, Y - C! ori ate �� Shell Width y ��,�,�„� � � �.�^�'� , A 4 00 4:00 4:00 4.00 • � a 4'00 � 4.00' : 4;00- ,.4:00: 3.50 3.50 "� k ' UOernim"-f o ce Ente�""r 0 85 for Seism 1c andkl:Q far Wind 1.00 1.00,; 1.00 , 1.00' 1.00 0.85'' 0.85 0.85 0.85 0.85 20 •,, 20.- • ;720 20• - 20 20 r 20 20 20 20 R ofiDeaO,,f1 (RDL)Ipif Ezteno�tWall�De�ad Load (WDL)° s; • . _ r PRIME 20 . 20 20 20 :. ; 20 20 20 . 20 20 20 pl ed Late al Load%(vim �n plf)� 296.00 - ;122.00 -122.00 ` 122.00 58:00 58.00 58.00 58.00 -365.00 365.00 Replacementor"addd►onal Drag 0 Mt load lbs�ti „N f` ? " ' Ro f'orFl o Trlbutary;Area4to jy �� �s}`y Chaff �u -A~-1 resist<5u 11ft �1 00 11.00' r 1.00 1 00 14.00 14.00. 14.00 •: ` 14,00 9.00 9.00 , App115ed�loaddr-, er at left shearwallglra, unds ,• ` Applied,: load;foraheader at right h ofshearvvalo m niis " � She, arvvallRatio��� „ *21000 W. -Y-4,00. W. V� 'W,2 OU 90-221 104 4� a2f29 � 2 29 To1at re al 06 " ";1 " ,. h "29fi: 122. 22 122 58 58 58 58 365N. 365 Weight of Shearwa11ADn -i9 unds 640 6x40 �fi¢0 640 �fi40 64Q� X640 : 6w40 X560 �5fi0 We,gh ofi Roof�Floor above;virallrih V _ - - a _ ! Plf . 20, X220 2Q 20 x,28,0, 28U 280 , : ,;280 180 x180: ... ,-"`iW::.b`r'6v%`,.' O O�erturning Moment , ft'k1 s p_ ' Z _. ��: Tri 7 3,.. ,. 15� '" 7 Y ::::.. ' ------------------ FeslstmgMoment at R1ghtSide ofW Ili ss..s y Resist g Moment at Leff S�deof'S.; WIIni ss .. 3 1 1 3 2J_ s' 2 MW i:!=r: ... .. ... . .::..':: _ _ _ __ _ ;...�_:::. -- _ ............ . _. ": ".'-"v._.-+"+'f1lf:iiY.•}_�-,-e-'Tia!-:4?i-i+.:..... ._.: fs2HD Cornet?1 Yes ONo 1 1 1 1 1 1, 1 1 1 1 HD HD„ z .HD HD'. HD. HD HD HD HD HID, ES,imHD; PA�or FTM m 5gN, Upltft,uatRight side of wall to Ibs12 3946`. 10 ! 50 `T502 , 33..._..._Z� _. -_,- �3Q40�340� HD5A HD2A HD2A HD2A None None None Non HDSA HDSA M .. �*11 HD -'.HD :"HD HD `- HD HID, HD HD HD HD 3946 10331502 1502 3040 3R JK No d"dow' n R yul�ed r b 1I AHD atCorner� L Yes'_0: No -W p on HD; PA or FkTM UpliftatLeft slde of wall 1nlbs� Noldd` whit ulred �f�" .. .x �,.�q _jr .: - HO IiDSA' ... _ ,.___..n�; HDZA HDZA � FID2A None Noni None None HDSA R �. „-�.'• j 7 `, a r,.cn.' ,.. - _. i. p+.r•_,. _ ill 11 „oleplateThtckness (actuaf-fin ) 1.5 1.5 - 1.5 1.5• 1.5 1:5 1.5 f.5 1.5 1.5 ','•+{FW.'.'WS"T;pS4 t K Sz 4 .` ✓X D1ame�ter�ofCAnchor Bolt (m ) •i 1/2 w 1/2. 1/2' ',, 1/2.' 1/2 + : 112 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 .< , Capactyr�bolt 1n pounds 1h26Sh 1;265 1`265 x265 X1,265 X1265 U265MO265.�� Wiwi M65 T al Base"Shear;;of Wali (Itis) OF w607a WIMP 60,7 FitW351 x'351 351 1,382, 1 382 -,,,,%AP.'US mow' - 1 :�'�C Y'� Spacing�of Bolts in -Inches K > \ x i c yl J,� e6 �� `:l• 4 42t:�`48 48� 48� 4g� vg8W-0132 K '32 . � � , � �',>�� "exs• .ass ^a. s M�n,Number required x � � � . _ . - ._ 2-?ON 2r; y2 2 4¢2 r- .. V -uie :.. .. TIM-1-71-- Shea Y11alI Number `��` a-2-X�- m , 21 X" 23° X24 25 26M 27` 29 `30 z X28 Grid L1ne (Direction / Column- Kglr h 1 2 1 2 1 2 ... 1N 1SectlonTat,Ggd Line F arF ar -g M tai ortWood)`� r Metal Metal Metal Metal. Metal Metal Metal Metal • Metal Metal 8.00 8.00 8.00 8.00 :" ' 8.00 8.00' ; 8.00 - 8.00 Sf00 8.00 H_elghtt,�iateratLoad or D a� 9 rte'-.::..' "2`*Hd7b'SF ffilralI;W raced�Height 8.00 8:00 8.00 -8.00 ' ' 8.00 ` : 8.00' • 8.00 8:00 8100 '8.00 8.00 8.00 8:00 8.00 8.00 8.00- 8:00 8.00 8.00 ' 8.00 . Plate'to Plate Heiht� 5 w . 9.. Note O�ignin (ower leftcorner Shearwall Plot Information 18.'67 ' 32.00 8.90 ' "18.67 37.33 '. 26:67- 40.00 4.00 12.90, 21.34 40.00, 4 Start . oordnateF''"' ' End: Xk-'Coo�dynaie_' `? StartY�-coordl ate x 'y .24.33% 24.33 4.67, 4.67 24:33 24.33 4:67 -`4.67 8.00 n' 8.00_."'A .00 `4.00 2.67 : -2.67- #WA #N/A '*N/A' #N/A . s End.Y Coordin ate,;' Shearvvall Width Goverm g For�Enter 0.85 for Sel .In c and 1 0 for Wand_ 0.85' 0.85 0.85 , ' 0 85: , ' 0.85 0.85 .' ..0.85 0.85' 0.85 0.85 Roof ead oad (RDL) plf� 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20. 20 20 ' Eztlo�"rr Wall Dead Load (WDL) • s r :• , _If}hv -20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 212:00 ` 212.00 _ .220.00 .220.00: 389:00 389.00 App edLa e`ralhLoad (vim 1n plf)fi Replacement o..additional D[ag f 2xyi load lbs 11 ►: Ro for Floor TributaryAsea to- estsf�u hft in feed` 14 00 . 1400 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00a: 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Applied load�for header at left`of -: 1tt shearwallnQds : >.. r S > L .. ApP11ed loadforxheader at right n' of shearwalltn ,_,unds� �. 3hearwallxRatio a� 1x00 ._ NOT- 200 200 3 00< KARAW., 10-NIA #NIA #NIA T,�otal LRte a1E+' Drag.(plft 21212 , K220 W. ff389W.389 #N/A W ff.%A WeeghofShearwall m pound's 1;280 X280 �' 640 ` M.. _ �64042T� 427 #NIA#N/A �#N%A�#N1A� Weigh° of�Roof/Floorabove walli.in 1 fr f ,.4s r Y ;2 p �9 28� 2� . 29� 20 2U 20 X20 8, r 28Q � ..... Overturmn "fMoment ft-kips4�; z, 9�. 15 X158 X8M. 9 ., 9#N/A�#,N/A#NIA #NIA :.. - - •'a ReslstingsMoment at Right 31de ,H-sLiF n bb'.iiY.'eief":`;v3�"i/ ,WElm ki s-, .' . r 12 E1 1 I #N/A #N/AN/A #NIA Reslstmg Moment at Left?Side ofd Walki �«,:W;�� d 12 12 ' 1 : r. 1 1 ' ' 1 #,N%A #N/A #NIA y #NIA 1 1 1 1 .. 1 1 i 1 .. ------ F HD HD • HD: � HD ' HD HD. HD HD, HD HD' iH at C ro ne�11 Yes 0 Nod Enter Simp o fHD PA or F,TM U UftatRightside of wall n ibs�344344� "1.84 �184Z� 3873 3873#N//� ' STV/A#Nli4 #NIA Holddowa Requlred� ��� HD HD�5A ' HD2'A�, HD2A ' HD2"A''.r,�„ 2Ar tIDSA #N�/A �#Nl{1� �#�UA� �;#Wq� 1 �. - 1 1 1 1 1 ,1 _ r1 F1 11r HD HD'.: HD, " HD . '. R HD HID . , . HD HD -HD .-,,HD HD at�Corn�er��1 Yes'O�,Na'�� Enter Simp on HD PA o�xFTM Upliftat�Leftsiieof wall in Itis `344: 344 1842 K1842�3873�3873 oldown Re wired, �� HDZA'��. "� `mak `�� HDZA_ ' HD2A tN/ iDSA HDSA., . " A A� �# IA� 1 5 1.5 1.5 1.5 . 1.5 1:5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1/2'` ''1/2 '. 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2. 1/2 1/2 1/2 172. SofeplaThckness (actualin Dlameter�ofrAnchor.f3olt (m) � Cap�ac t'y per�kioltj ,q..p WidsR 1,265 ,•,1;265? 1;265 X1;255. X1 265: Tot 1BaseFShear ofWall (Itis)1,934 X1;934999999 1';118 �1 1x18„` #NIA #N/A flNlA#N/A Spacingof Bolts in Inchesx% M � x,48' A'�48�m348; X48 x32 '# A �#N A �'j#N ��32� N/ #NIA / 5 / Mtn (Vumher required ., w x 2 ; am Imm sow MW W~- amw *#W,#NIA,R#IV/40 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 -10 1 2 3 Y4� 3 15 16 17 18 ' � � 7 � 2:5 11 �1A 6 19 20 B 10 2 I 21 22 13 C 15 9 1 4 D 023 24 gL. 1� �E 25 26 10 20 30 40. 50 BEAMS AND HEADERS ALL BEAMS TO BE CONSTRUCTED OF DOUBLE WCJ (STEELERS) STEEL BOX BEAMS WITH FLANGE TO FLANGE CONNECTION WITH TOP AND BOTTOM TRACK AS NOTED IN STANDARD DETAIL ON SHEET D-01 EXCEPT AS INDICATED BELOW: INTERIOR NQN-BEARING PARTITIONS: MAY BE CONSTRUCTED PER TYPICAL DETAIL ON SHEET D-02 FOR NON-BEARING HEADERS. BEARING HEADERS 6'-0".TO 8'-0,'.' WIDE: MAYBE CONSTRUCTED OF WCJxl2"x16 GAUGE Fy=50ksi BOX BEAMS. BEARING HEADERS 4'-0" TO 6'-0" WIDE: TO BE CONSTRUCTED OF WCJx8"x18 GAUGE Fy=33ksi BOX BEAMS. BEARING HEADERS LESS THAN 4'-0": TO BE CONSTRUCTED OF WCJx6"x20 GAUGE Fy=33ksi BOX BEAMS. GARAGE HEADER WITH NO GREATER THAN 5'-0" OF ROOF TRIBUTARY TO BE CONSTRUCTED OF WCJx12"x1'6 GAUGE Fy=50ksi BOX BEAMS. Note: Design of headers and- beams assumes a tributary. load of 20'-0" plus 1'-0" eave with Roof Dead Load of 20 psf and Roof Live Load, of 16 psf (no live load reduction used). Garage header assumes a roof tributary for design load calculations of 4'-0" + L'-0" eave depth. Mmax for unpunched "J" section: Sx (gross)*Fy/1.67 I t