BPLB2015-006578-495 CALLE TAMPICO LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 T4tv °F fwQum& COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT BUILDING PERMIT Application Number: BPLB2015-0065 Property Address: 53773 AVENIDA VELASCO APN: 774164014 Application Description: EILEEN KRAMER REPLACE 50 GALLON WATER HEATER Property Zoning: Application Valuation: $2,500.00 . Applicant: A R S AMERICAN RESIDENTIAL SER APR 2 3 2015 965 RIDGE LAKE BLVD SUITE 201 MEMPHIS, TN 38120 — CITYOFLAOUINTA LICENSED CONTRACTOR'S DECLARATION I hereby affirm under penalty of perjury that I am licensed under provisions of Chapter 9 (commencing with Section 7000) of Division 3 of the Business and Professions Code, and my License is in fullJorce,and.effect. License Class: C3^`C10"C20s . License No.: 765074 OWNER -BUILDER DECLARATION I hereby affirm under penalty of perjury that I am exempt from the Contractor's State License Law for the following reason (Sec. 7031.5, Business and Professions Code: Any city or county that requires a permit to construct, alter, improve, demolish, or repair any structure, prior to its issuance, also requires the applicant for the permit to file a signed statement that he or she is licensed pursuant to the provisions of the Contractor's State License Law (Chapter 9 (commencing with Section 7000) of Division 3 of the Business and Professions Code) or that he or she is exempt therefrom and the basis for the alleged exemption. Any violation of Section 7031.5 by any applicant for a permit subjects the applicant to a civil penalty of not more than five hundred dollars ($500).: (_) I, as owner of the property, or my employees with wages as their sole compensation, will do the work, and the structure is not intended or offered for sale. (Sec. 7044, Business and,Professions Code: The Contractors' State License Law does not apply to an owner of property who builds or improves thereon, and who does the work himself or herself through his or her own employees, provided that the improvements are not intended or offered for sale. If; however, the building or improvement is sold within one year of completion, the owner -builder will have the burden of proving that he or she did not build or improve for the purpose of sale.). (� I, as owner of the property, am exclusively contracting with licensed contractors to construct the project. (Sec. 7044, Business and Professions Code: The Contractors' State License Law does not apply to an owner of property who builds or improves thereon, and who contracts for the projects with a contractor(s) licensed pursuant to the Contractors' State License Law.). (_) I am exempt under Sec. . B.&P.C. for this reason Date: Owner: CONSTRUCTION LENDING AGENCY I hereby affirm under penalty of perjury that there is a construction lending agency for the performance of the work for which this permit is issued (Sec. 3097, Civ. C.). Lender's Name: Lender's Address: VOICE (760) 777-7125 FAX (760) 777-7011 INSPECTIONS (760) 777-7153 Date: 4/23/2015 Owner: EILEEN KRAMER 53773 AVENIDA VEL ASCO LA QUINTA, CA 92253 Contractor: A R S AMERICAN RESIDENTIAL SER 965 RIDGE LAKE BLVD SUITE 201 MEMPHIS, TN 38120 (951)276-9744 Llc. No.: 765074 WORKER'S COMPENSATION DECLARATION I hereby affirm under penalty of perjury one of the following declarations: I have and will maintain a certificate of consent to self -insure for workers' compensation, as provided for by Section 3700 of the Labor Code, for the performance of the work for which this permit is issued. I have and will maintain workers' compensation insurance, as required by Section 3700 of the Labor Code, for the performance of the work for which this permit is issued. My workers' compensation insurance carrier and policy number are: Carrier:- Policy Number: • I certify that in the performance of the work for which this permit is'issued, I shall not employ any person in any manner so as to become subject to the workers' compensation laws of California, and agree that, if I should become subject to the workers' compensation provisions of Section 3700 of the Labor Code, I shall forthwith . comply jwith those provisions. Date: " Applicant: WARNING: FAILURE TO SECURE WORKERS' COMPENSATION COVERAGE IS UNLAWFUL, AND SHALL SUBJECT AN EMPLOYER TO CRIMINAL PENALTIES AND CIVIL FINES UP TO ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLARS ($100,000). IN ADDITION TO THE COST OF COMPENSATION, DAMAGES AS PROVIDED FOR IN SECTION 3706 OF THE LABOR CODE, INTEREST, AND ATTORNEY'S FEES. APPLICANT ACKNOWLEDGEMENT . IMPORTANT: Application is hereby made to the Building Official for a permit subject to the conditions and restrictions set forth on this application. 1. Each person upon whose behalf this application is made, each person at whose request and for whose benefit work is performed under or,pursuant to any permit issued as a result of this, application , the owner, and the applicant, each agrees to, and shall defend, indemnify and hold harmless the City of La Quinta, its officers, agents, and employees for any act or omission related to the work being performed under or following issuance of this permit. 2. Any permit issued as a result of this application becomes null and void if work is not commenced within 180 days from date of issuance of such permit, or cessation of work for 180 days will subject permit to cancellation. I certify that I have read this application and state that the above information is correct. I agree to comply with all city and county ordinances and state laws relating to building construction, and hereby authorize representatives of this city to enter upon the above- mentioned property for inspection purposes. Date: `� Signature (Applicant or Agent): c STATE OF CAUFORNIA RES[DENTtAL ALTERAT[ONS - WATER HEATER CEC.CFiRALTot (Reriwd0a14� CALFORN1AEK-WT COM41ISSICN tER11F1CATE OF.COMOUANCE CFIR-ALT-01-E WATI:Ft` HEATER Prescrl Resldaritial.Aleetations..for Wates Heater . (Page 1 of 2) A. GENERAL INFORMATION. She address• Bulidin=Type .+Single farnfly imefftng GG t y :J � ._Prventac. V-el :C.d o Muki.FamilyDwellin Code:. dimaie Zone: ` 10 Q.-WATER HEAT1Nc3:3Y3TM3 Sec#on 160: 1.G °02 03 04 ':-05, . b6— 07. :0e 09 10 it 12 23 to is . Walter water water AV of Water Fuel Strad Rated Hestlne Heating: Stag.. Exterior . U&4)p Central t>tiiiellh�g Heating Heating Heater weber Heater Type finput Input Mdency EHkiency toss(76j tram. Solar OHW System Unit DHW System Wm; Type . Heatenz. Storage Type Value Type Value R.Vakm Savings Distribution System kiendIcation Type in Volume Faction Type Distribution or system 1P, Type Meme R. r WATER HEATM SYSTENtS , Water heating compliance for an.alteratlon Is descnbed to Section 150.2(b)1G. For singk 64ef ing a gas or propane.water heater, wrth a storage fink of 50 galforu mazrmum or Instarnaneous (tankkm) can be used. Dwelling Unit distribution systems are limited to Standard trunk and branch' dernand recirculation for gas ar propane water heater. Demand recirculation Is not allowed for elecMcwater heater.'If there is nc natural gas connected to the buliding, an electric waterheater may be replaced with another agastric water: heater. However, changing from gas to electric is not allowed Multl4amily central systems must use certified equipment as defined. under Section 110.1 and 11D3: PIOTE: If the proposed Installation does not mbet the requirements allowed specifically for alterations, use form MR-N.C8-01to document the water heater afteratfon. tnstnittions far a with cohrmn numbers are ghwAbe L : Water-.Heating System Identifici" or Name: enter a unique name for the Water Heating System. 2. Water heating system.type: Domestic Hot Water (DH W), Hydronic, combined Hydronic, or Central. DHW Is for domestic hot water, hydror k h a water heating system used far space heating only;:oftbli+ed hydrontc are when the waterheater will provide, both space tonditioning and domestic hot water. 3.. Water heater type: For non-oentral systems only Small Storage or Small. Instantarteonn are allowed. For central systems Pick from targe Storage, Small Storage, Heat Pump, boiler, Large•lnstantaneous, Salmi instantaneous or Indirect J CERTIFICATE OF:OOMPUANCE CF R=ALT-01-E WATER HEA'T'ER PrescriptWe Residential Altet ohs for Water Heater (Page 2.of2)- '4. ) '4. Number of water heatersinsystem: In stngie4amily and multi -family with water heaters in each dwelling units the value is 1. For multi -family central systems serving multiple dwelling units enter the total number of water heaters. S. . Water heater volume (gal}: tank capacity in gallons. For:individual water heaters for a dwelling unit this w-11 be 60 gallons or jess.,lf instantaneous, enter nja. For multi -family central systems enter the total storage volume. S. Fuei Type: Gas, Propane, Electric'(Only If natural gas is not avallable) 7. Rated input Type: Enter the equipment input rating type, for gas or propane fired units are Btuh,.for electric filed system the units are kW. 8. Rated input Yakte: Enter the 66merkvalue of rated input 9. Heating EftidencyType: Energy Factor, AFUE, or Thermal Efficiency. From product literature or a California Energy Commission directory. 10. Heating Effidency Value, Einer the value from product Ifteratuie or.a Ca6forhia Energy Commission directory IL Standby loss (percent): Applies only to large storage water heaters, Enter nJa for small storage or Instantaneous water heaters. IL Exterior Insulation R -Value: Enter the R -value If exterior insulation on the storage tank is installed 13. Backup solar savings fraction: if compliance requires a back-up solar system, indicate the solar contribution (e g., 0.30). External calculations are required. 14. Central DHW Disb*utlon.System: For multldam[ly:buiidings with using a central distribution system a demand recirculation system with at least two distribution loops must be Installed. This requirement appliesto any buckling with eight or more units. if the system is noncentral or project is individual units enter n/a. 15. -Dwelling Unft DHW Distribution Type: For a Central DHW this field shall be Standard. if non -central then pick from Standard, Demand Redmulatlon — Manual Control, Demand Recirculation — Sensor Control. if non -central electric water heater this must be Standard, no recircutation system shall be installed. DOCUMENTATION AUTHOR'S DECIARATtoN syATEMENif + I oerttfy that this Certificate of Compliance doaimentation-ls accurate and complete. Nart►e er a Authorized agent -q1tontractor Signature: Company P Contractor fioense h- (p . Address-. I r Phone: _ CrtY/Stafp: Date: For assistance or questions regarding the Energy Standards, contact the Energy Hotline at:14MG-772-3300, r pT? DESCRIPTION .a ACCOUNT -- ,QTY ,; AMOUNT :'; PAID'DATE BSAS SB1473 FEE 101-0000-20306 0 $1.00 $0.00' METHOD RECEIPT;# ' '9 jCHECK # .CLTD BY Total Paid forBUILDING STANDARDS ADMINISTRATION'BSAc $1.00 $0.00, . DESCRIPTION "r �ACCOIINT, �, ' s x. .QTM n� "+MOUNT A PAID , PAID DATE PERMIT ISSUANCE 101-0000-42404 0 $91.85 $0.00 ,PAIDBY METHOD RECEIPT# e�CHECIC:#�� CLTDBY" Total Paid for PERMIT ISSUANCE: $91.85 .$0.00 t 'Lir DESCRIPTION _� ""3' J"r'ACCOUNT .°+AMOUNT PAID r = +fi jPAID DATE, WATER HEATER/VENT 101-0000-42401 0 $12.09 $0.00 P. PAID, BY 'ti { ' ", x ' --'-',METHOD `RECEIPT • ., _CHECK'# o ? CLTD.BYu. i DESCRIPTION ',,ACCOUNT '" Y QTY AMOUNT ' " x.' w+wT 'PAID:x" i PAID DATE' WATER HEATER/VENT PC 101-0000-42600 0 $7.25 $0.00 PAID BY, rte. x METHOD RECEIPT,#tib} � =.CHECK.# CLTD;BY� Total Paid for PLUMBING FEES: $19.34 .$0.00 TOTALS:•- . r Description: EILEEN KRAMER REPLACE 50 GALLON WATER HEATER Type: PLUMBING Subtype: Status: UNDER REVIEW Applied: 4/23/2015 PJU Approved: Parcel No: 774164014 Site Address: 53773 AVENIDA VELASCO LA QUINTA,CA 92253 Subdivision: SANTA CARMELITA VALE LA QUINTA Block: 238 Lot: 2 Issued: UNIT 22 , Lot Scl Ft: 0 Building Scl Ft: 0_ Zoning: Finaled: Valuation: $2,500.00 _ Occupancy Type: Construction Type: Expired: ` No. Buildings: 0 No. Stories: 0 No. Unites: 0 x `CITY n ' Details: REPLACE 50 GALLON ELECTRIC WATER HEATER IN LAUNDRY ROOM PER 2013 CALIFORNIA PLUMBING CODES.2013 ENERGY] CARBON MONOXIDE ALARM(S) TO BE INSTALLED PRIOR TO FINAL INSPECTION CHRONOLOGY CONDITIONS CONTACTS -NAME TYPETt „: ` �-` NAMEk,33�t'�xADDRESS1 x `CITY n ' -STATE , jZIP PHONES 7 � FAXyy. ;,� ": EMAIL- ,✓y.!:Y'{ , - y,� YY� � APPLICANT A R S AMERICAN RESIDENTIAL SER 965 RIDGE LAKE BLVD MEMPHIS TN 38120 (760)771-3702 SUITE 201 .. CONTRACTOR A R S AMERICAN RESIDENTIAL SER 965 RIDGE LAKE BLVD MEMPHIS TN 38120 (760)771-3702 SUITE 201 OWNER EILEEN KRAMER 53773 AVENIDA LA QUINTA CA 92253 , (760)771-3702 VELASCO Printed: Thursday, April 23, 2015 8:06:15 AM 1 of 2 CRSYSTEMS 7 PARENT PROJECTS REVIEWS ,.DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT-'-� TY LINT PAID",, �PAI DATE -RECEIPT4 EC'K'. #- MET OD PAID BY CBD �A jc f }.,i::r.� r - '.i •,<w .'2. _Yi* J 'i.i ff r "t+. k BSAS SB1473 FEE 101-0000-20306 0 $1.00 $0.00 Total Paid forBUILDING STANDARDS ADMINISTRATION $1.00 $0.00 BSA: PERMIT ISSUANCE 101-0000-424" 0 $91.85 1 -$0.00 f Total Paid for PERMIT ISSUANCE: $91.85 $0.00 WATER HEATER/VENT 101-0000-42401 0 $12.09 $0.00 WATER HEATER/VENT 101-0000-42600 0 $7.25 $0.00 ,PC Total Paid for PLUMBING FEES: $19.34 $0.00 TOTALS: $112.19 $0.00 Printed: Thursday, April 23, 2015 8:06:15 AM 2of2 CRW.IYSTEMS PARENT PROJECTS REVIEWS i�J REMARK -n REVIEW TYPE-, �REVIEWER' '-, `SENT WE-14-� ut DATE �—Z,NOTES� t : jc t DATE. BOND INFORMATION ATTACHMENTS Printed: Thursday, April 23, 2015 8:06:15 AM 2of2 CRW.IYSTEMS O:w�•�'sF1vF.t`%':>^'s « 7111 K: jet :'.3 ,? S fX1,j,t...+ '3:1 Y� i4irt}.r ifl^l�r�-..y-r Fr..t1 • .. -.. •� 1 ' i Crty of. u Qulnta -Building g[ Safety Div[ston Permit # R0. Box • rS94,78.495,Calfe Tampkd i 4.Qulnta, CA 9225$;(760) 777.-7012 Bu(!dihk,POhi#t Appl►catton:and R2"ck*Sheen moo • • 53773`Avenida V6lasc6 `0%ritei'sNOF.• Eileen Kramer, A.'P•hfumbii • 74-164-014 Addriss: 53773 Avenida V las Ligal oto bort City; sT; zip: La uinta253 totitrayton Ri 'htime'Home Services Telephcnr 760-771=3702 Ada�.,:3030 Myers St I'cojectne riptioni . ` city: S1: tip: 'Riverside CA 92503 Ice 50 alio. I - 'fclephof- 44 ih t aund r �I StdteLio>:y :.76507.4 city ui~ 112004 Arcb:: Baxr Dia; N/A j Addrev: ` City, ST.7,ip. Teleptioac: 'Conslrucdon'Iype, Qceupadcy: State Lia Project typo (olalo Ono): brew , Add'n Alter Repair Demo Name ofConteetPersom Jane Recktenwald' sq. R. Tow, NUnitp •Tetcpltoac a of cotitsci Pctson::714-336-6159 • Bstintdtcd value of l'rojah 2.500M . I APPUCANT: DO NOT WRITE BELOW THIS UNE Il Submlttil Rey'd -Sced TAACKDVG PERM FEES - Plan Cbcck cabwfued Itua Amount i Structorai CstcsYtedew.4 tab foo- coriecUoai Pliu Cl�cek Acposlt..,. I, !tats Cates.. Called Contact Puloa Plea Cheek Salaticc, IntlS4 Cit - Plsns lekcd u CaastrucUoa i. c i 'i ' s e �. food plata plan P p Ptans r6ubeutlted; . Meehdrilul Giadta8 plan 11! Review, ready for oorrecticWts ue _ Electrical ' Subeoatastor, Lint Cillcd Contact Pusan Pluinbfag Gnat Decd Plana picked up ML ILO.A: Approval Plaas resobmilted Grading 1 V HOUSES : ? U4 gevlew; ready for etirreetlonsAsstte Developer ttupact Fee Plsnniti=Approval• Called ContactPcraon AXP.' Pub: Wt s. Appy - + Dnte of ptrtdlf Fsitie • TntalPermitPies r