MUP 2002-360P.O. Box 1504
September 13, 2002
(760) 777-7000
FAX (760)-777-.7101
Mr. Don C. Jones
54025 Avenida Velasco
La Quinta, CA 92253
SUBJECT: MINOR USE PERMIT 2002-360; Second Residential Unit at 54025
Avenida Velasco
Dear.Mr. Jones:
The Community Development Department has approved your application request to
include a secondresidential unit with your existing single family residence at the above
address. An approved copy of the plan provided (Exhibit A) has been enclosed. This
approval is . based on the following findings, pursuant to -Section 9.60.090 of the
Zoning Code:,
1. The proposed *use is consistent with the La Quinta General Plan, as it is of a
residential nature and is determined to be a permitted accessory use to' the
principal residential structure.
2. The proposed use. is consistent with the Zoning Code, as it, is permitted in the
RL zoning district subject to approval of a Minor Use Permit,' and as conditioned .
in accordance with Section 9.60.090, regulating Second Residential Units.
3. The proposed use is not subject to CEQA, .based on Guidelines Section
4. Approval of this Minor Use Permit Application will not result in conditions
detrimental to public health, safety and general welfare, nor injurious to or
incompatible with other properties and uses in the vicinity.
5. The proposed second unit has been found. to be compatible with the main .unit
and the surrounding neighborhood., in relation to landscape, bulk, height, scale, .
lot- coverage and exterior appearance.
Based on the above firrdirigs and pursuant to Section 9.60.090 (Second Residential
Units), the approval.of this application is subject to the following Conditions:
11. This second unit approval shall remain valid until September 13, 2003, pursuant
to Section 9.200.080, which shall.also govern any extension. request.
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2.; ,. The detached' second unit shall comply with. all applicable Building and; Zoning
Code standards''as applicable. Height of the second` unit structure shall °:not
exceed 17 feet as -measured from finished grade.
3. Architectural aspects of the guest house shall conform to those of .the main
4. The second unit may be rented, but it .may not be sold separately, from the
principal 'residence and the remainder of the property thereon.
5. The City may *elect to add Conditions'to this application request to mitigate any.
problems that arise, which -are not addressed herein,- ;
A '
If you have any questions, please contact me at 760-777-7069.
Sincerely,. y r
Wallace .Nesbit
Associate .Planner
WN .
c: Code Compliance
z!uildin-g`and-Safety, Counter Technician