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Tyco Integrated Security/ Access Control Panels 12
: tyc® /integrated Security COMMERCIAL SALES AGREEMENT TOWN NO, 0198-RIVERSIDE, CA Tyco Integrated Security LLC ("Tyco") City of La Quints dibla: Roland Gomez ('Customer") 1120 Palmynta Ave, Suite 280 Customer Billion Information Riverside, CA 92507 78495 Calls Tampico, Tele. No. (951) 680-3515 La Quinta, CA 92253 Attn: Tele. No.(760) 777-7000 CUSTOMER NO. JOB NO. PO NO. ESTIMATE NO. 119832119 1-OLT9P1 Customer Promisee Serviced 78-495 Cage Tampico, La Quima, CA 92253 Attn: Paul Fuson Tele. No.(760) 777-7000 DATE: 111512012 This Commercial Sales Agreement is between Customer and Tyco effective as of the date signed by Customer. By entering Into this Agreement. Tyco and Customeragree to the Temps and Conditions contained in this Agreement The Equipment andlor Services, collectively the System(s) covered under this Agreement Isiare listed In the attached Sehedula(s) of Protectlon I Scope of work ('SOW'). I. THE FOLLOWING DOCUMENTS ARE ATTACHED TO THIS AGREEMENT AND ARE INCORPORATED BY REFERENCE: (a) Hazardous Substance Checklist and Customer Letter (a) State Specific Fors, if applicable (e.g., local permit applications) (b) Scope of Work I Schedule(s) of Protection (0 Customer Installation Acceptance For (specific to EquipmentrSefvices purchased) (c) Terms and Conditions (g) If multiple locations, sea attached schedule (d) Addifional Terms and Conditions II. CHARGES AND FEES: Customer agrees to pay the Sum of $ 6,719.89 ("Installation Charge") with $ 0.00 payable upon acceptance of this Agreement rinstallabon Charge Deposit") plus any appli able "Fees" and sales taxes. Tyco may invoice Customer for progress billings based upon Equipment and/or System components delivered or stored, and/or Services performed before completion of the SysteruEquipment installation, activation of the System, connection to the CMC, or any other Service(s). All outstanding Installation Charges and/or Fees shag be due and payable upon completion of the installation of the EquipmentSystem and as a precondition to activation of System and, If applicable, connection to Tyco's Central Monitoring Center ("CMCJ or any other Sehvice(s). Any changes in the STATEMENT OF WORK I SCHEDULE OF PROTECTION made fly the Customer after execution of this Agreement must be agreed to by Tyco and t o Customer in wn" and may be subject to additional charges and/or fees. Any equipment ordered by Customer by e-mail or telephone order shall be subject to terms and conditions of the Agreement and may be subject to shipping, handling, and/or restocking fees. For the Servioe(s) provided as indicated in this Agreement, Customer agrees to pay Service Charges in the amount of $ 416.40 per annum (the "Annual Service Charge'), parable in advance plus applicable state and/or local taxies) for 5 year(s) (the "Initial Ter') effective from the date such Service is operative under this Agreement UnN Customer has paid Tyco the Installation Charge and Fees in full, Customer grans to Tyco a security interest in the Equipment and all proceeds thereof to secure such payment. After the Intel Ter this Agreement shall automatically renew on elan Annual basis unless terminated by ether party upon whiten notice at least thirty (30) days prior to the annivemary data. Tyco shall have the right to increase Annual Service Charge(s) after one (1) year. For termination prior to the end of the Initial Ter, Customer agrees to pay, in addition to any outstanding Fees and charges for Service(s) rendered prior to termination, 90% of the Annual Service Charge(s) remaining to be paid for the unexpired tort of the Agreement as liquidated damages but not as a penalty. Additionally, Customer agrees to pay any assessments, taxes, fees or charges imposed by any governmental body, telephone, communication, or signal transmission company such as false alarm, permitting or connection tees, or administration fees or service charges assessed by Tyco related to AHJ requirements and/or changes to applicable laws, the need to reprogram alarm controbldences to comply with area code, signal transmission, numbering or otlher charges relating to the installed Equipment and/or Service(s) provided under this Agreement ('Fees"). III. ENTIRE AGREEMENT; CUSTOMER ACCEPTANCE: This Agreement together with all of ill written Amendments, Riders, Scope of Work andlor Exhibits, constitutes the entire agreement between the Customer and Tyco relating to the subject matter hereof and supersedes any prior or comemporaheous oral or written agreements and understandings. The tamps and condition of this Agreement will prevail over any conflicting, inconsistent or additional terms and/or conditions contained in any purchase order, agreement or other document issued by Cusomer. In signing this Agreement Customer is not relying on any advice, advertisements, or oral representations of Tyco and agrees to be bound to the terms and conditions contained in all the pages of the Agreement. Customer agrees that any representation, promise, condition, inducement a warranty, express or implied, not included in this Agreement will not be binding upon Tyco, and that the tam and conditions in this Agreement apply as printed without afteration or qualification, except as specifically modified by a whiten agreement signed by Tyco and Customer. Any changes in the Statement of Work or scope of the work requested by the Customer after the execution of this Agreement may result in additional cost to the Customer and any such changesladdil ons must be authorized in a writing signed by both the Custome, and Tyco. Customer's failure to accept and sign this Agreement within ninety (90) days of the date shorn above may recut in price increases. Customer acknowledges that (a) Tyco has explained the full range of protection, equipment and services available to Customer; (b) additional protection over and above that provided herein is available and may be obtained from Tyco at an additional cost to the Customer; (c) Customer desires and has contracted for only the Equipment and/or Servioe(s) itemized in this Agreement; (d) the EqufpmentlSevice(s) specified in this Agreement are for Customer's own use and not for the benefit of any third party; (a) Customer owns the premises in which the Equipment is being installed m has the authority to engage Tyco to carry had the installation in the premises; and (0 Customer will comply with all laws, codes and regulations pertaining to the use of the Equipme tiService(s). ATTENTION IS DIRECTED TO THE WARRANTY, LIMIT OF LIABILITY AND OTHER CONDITIONS CONTAINED IN THE SECTIONS ENTITLED "TERMS AND CONDITIONS" AND "ADDITIONAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS". THIS AGREEMENT REQUIRES FINAL APPROVAL OF A TYCO AUTHORIZED MANAGER BEFORE ANY EQUIPMENTISERVICES MAY BE PROVIDED. IF APPROVAL IS DENIED, THIS AGREEMENT WILL BE TERMINATED AND TYCO'S ONLY OBLIGATION TO CUSTOMER WILL BE TO NOTIFY CUSTOMER OF SUCH TERMINATION AND REFUND ANY AMOUNTS PAID IN ADVANCE. IF MAINTENANCE SERVICE IS DECLINED, CUSTOMER MUST INITIAL HERE TYCO INTEGRATED SECURITY LLC Presented by: SIGNED IN COUNTERPART (Signature of Tyco Sales Representative) Sales Agent: Roland Ganz Sales Representative Registration Number (t applicable):_ IF A S-DAY FAMILIARIZATION PERIOD IS REQUESTED, CUSTOMER MUST INITIAL HERE City of La Quinta, Ti.. (� I'' Date Signed: Y ,,-, V�A�L� e-Fam 888OUE00 (0612012) Page 1 of 6 © 2012 Tym. All Kurds Reserved t c® Integrated Security COMMERCIAL SALES AGREEMENT TOWN NO. 0198-RIVERSIDE, CA Tyco Integrated Security LLC ("Tyco") City of La Quints dlbla: Roland Gomez (°Customer') 1120 Palmyrila Ave, Suite 280 Customer Billing Information Riverside, CA 92507 78.495 Calk Tampico, Tole. No. (951) 680-3515 La Quints, CA 92253 Attn: Tole. No. (760) 777-7000 CUSTOMER NO. JOB NO. PO NO. ESTIMATE NO. 119832119 1-OLT9P1 Customer Premises Serviced 78-495 Calls Tampico, La Quints, CA 92253 Attn: Paul Fuson Tele. No.(760) 777-7000 DATE: 1115/2012 Thb Canm mlal Sobs Agreement b between Customer and Tyco effective as of the "signed by Customer. By ordering Into this Agreement, Tyco and Customer agree to the Terms and Conditions contained In this Agreement The Equipment and/or Services, collectively the System(s) covered under this Agreement Islare listed In the attached Schedule(s) of Protection 1 Scope of Work ("SOW"). I. THE FOLLOWING DOCUMENTS ARE ATTACHED TO THIS AGREEMENT AND ARE INCORPORATED BY REFERENCE: (a) Hazardous Substance Checklist and Customer Letter (a) State Specific Forms, If applicable (e.g., local permit applications) (b) Scope of Work I Schedule(s) of Protection (f) Customer Installation Acceptance Form (specific to EquipmentlSerrices purchased) (c) Terms and Conditions (g) If multiple locations, see mached schedule (d) Additional Terms and Conditions H. CHARGES AND FEES: Customer agrees to pay the Sum of $ 6,719.89 ('Installation Charge") with $ 0.00 payable upon acceptance of this Agreement ("Installa8on Charge Deposir) plus any applicable "Fees and sales taxes. Tyoo may invoice Customer for progress billings based upon Equipment and/or System components delivered or stored, andlor Services performed before completion of the Systern/Equipment installation, activation of the System, connection to are CNIC, or any other Service(s). All outstanding Installation Charges and/or Fees shall be due and payable upon completion of the installation of the Equipmeni/System and as a precondition to activation of System and, If applicable, connection to Tyco's Coma] Monitoring Center CCMC") or any other Service(s). Any changes in the STATEMENT OF WORK I SCHEDULE OF PROTECTION made by the Customer after execution of this Agreement must be agreed to by Tyco and the Customer in writing and may be subject to additional charges and/or fees. Any equipment ordered by Customer by e-mail or telephone order shall be subject to terms and conditions of the Agreement and may be subject to shipping, handling, and/or restocking ices. For time Services) provided as indicated in this Agreement, Customer agrees ts pay Service Charges in the amount of $ 416.40 per annum (the 'Annual Service Charge'), payable in advance plus applicable state and/or local taxies) for 5 year(s) (dire "Initial Twirl effective from the date such Service is operative under this Agreement Until Customer has paid Tyco the Installation Charge and Fees in full, Customer grants to Tyco a security interest in time Equipment and all proceeds thereof to secure such payment After the Initial Term this Agreement shall automatically renew on clan Annual basis unless terminated by either party upon written notice at least thirty (30) days prior to the anniversary date. Tyco shall have the right to increase Annual Service Charge(s) after one (1) year. For termination prior to the end of the Initial Term, Customer agrees to pay, in addition to any outstanding Fees and charges for Service(s) rendered prior to terminator, 90% of the Annual Service Charge(s) remaining to be paid for time unexpired term of the Agreement as liquidated damages but not as a penally. Additionally, Customer agrees to pay any assessments, taxes, fees or charges imposed by any governmental body, telephone, communication, or signal transmission company such as false alarm, permitting or connection fees, or administraton fees or service charges assessed by Tyco related to AHJ requirements and/or changes to applicable laws, the need to reprogram alarm cxmot/devices to comply with area code, signal transmission, numbering or other changes relating to the installed Equipment andlor Service(s) provided under this Agreement ( "Fees"). III. ENTIRE AGREEMENT; CUSTOMER ACCEPTANCE: This Agreement together with all of its written Amendments, Riders, Scope of Work and/or Exhibit, constitutes time enfire agreement between the Customer and Tyco relating to the subject matter hereof and supersedes any prior or contemporaneous oral or written agreement and understandings. The terms and conditions of this Agreement will prevail over any confiicting, inconsistent or additional terms andlor conditions contained in any purchase order, agreement, or other document issued by Customer. In signing this Agreement Customer is not relying on cry advice, advertisement, or oral representations of Tyco and agrees to be bound to the tent and conditions contained in all the pages of the Agreement. Customer agrees that arry representation, promise, condition, inducement or warranty, express a implied, no included in this Agreement will not be binding upon Tyco, and that the tent and conditions in this Agreement apply as printed without afferetion or qualification, except as specifically modified by a written agreement signed by Tyco and Customer. Any charges in the Statement of Work or scope of the wok requested by the Customer after the execution of this Agreement may result in additional cost to the Customer and any such changesladdIbons must be authorized in a writing signed by both the Customer and Tyco. Custome's failure to accept and sign this Agreement within ninety (90) days of the date shown above may result in price increases. Customer acknowledges that (a) Tyco has explained the full range of protection, equipment and services available to Customer; (b) additional protection over and some that provided herein is available and may be obtained from Tyco at an additional cost to the Customer, (c) Customer desires and has contracted for only the Equipment ardor Service(s) itemized in Nis Agreement (d) the EquipmentrService(s) specified in this Agreement am for Customers own use and not for the benefit of any third party; (a) Customer owns the premises in which the Equipment is being installed a has time authority to engage Tyoo to carry out the installation in time premises; and (1) Customer will comply with all laws, codes and regulations pertaining to the use of the EquipmentlService(s). ATTENTION IS DIRECTED TO THE WARRANTY, LIMIT OF LIABILITY AND OTHER CONDITIONS CONTAINED IN THE SECTIONS ENTITLED "TERMS AND CONDITIONS" AND "ADDITIONAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS". THIS AGREEMENT REQUIRES FINAL APPROVAL OF A TYCO AUTHORIZED MANAGER BEFORE ANY EQUIPMENTISERVICES MAY BE PROVIDED. IF APPROVAL IS DENIED, THIS AGREEMENT WILL BE TERMINATED AND TYCO'S ONLY OBLIGATION TO CUSTOMER WILL BE TO NOTIFY CUSTOMER OF SUCH TERMINATION AND REFUND ANY AMOUNTS PAID IN ADVANCE IF MAINTENANCE SERVICE IS DECLINED, CUSTOMER MUST INITIAL HERE TYCO INTEGRATED SECURITY LLC Presented by: (Signature Ty epreserrtaWe) Sales Agent: Roland Gana I�r Sales Representative Registration Number (If applicable) L• 1. .0 _/Z IF A 5-DAY FAMILIARIZATION PERIOD IS REQUESTED, CUSTOMER MUST INITIAL HERE Accepted By: SMM IN WILIWERPART (Signature of Customer's Authorized RepreaeMMWe) Dab Signed: (Name Printed) e-Form 888DUEo0 (06/2012) Page 1 of 6 0 2012 Tyco, All Rights Reserved 0 2012 Ty . All Rights Reserved tyc® /ntegrated Security COMMERCIAL SALES AGREEMENT TOWN NO. CUSTOMER NO. JOB NO. PO NO. ESTIMATE No. 0198-RIVERSIDE, CA 119832119 1-OLT91`1 SCOPE OF WORK 1 SCHEDULE OF PROTECTION IV. SCOPE OF WORK 1 SCHEDULE OF PROTECTION ("SOW'): Tyco agrees M install or cause to be installed the Equipment and fumish the Service(s), collectively, the System, on the terms and conditions set out in this Agreement. A. Ownership of System andfor Equipment: Direct Sale (equipment to become property of the Customer upon payment of Installation Charges and Fees in full). B. Services to be Provided ("Services") Alarm monitoring and Notification Services: No Service Selected Video Surveillance Services: No Service Selected Managed Access Control Services: No Service Selected Video Equipment: No Service Selected Quality Service Plan(QSPAbinlenance; Preventive MalntananceAnspection: Maintenance quality Service Plan PROVIDEDJnspectlons NOT PROVIDED Additional Services: Access Control C. Equipment to be Installed ("Equipmerd"): Tyco will install, or cause to be installed, the Equipment as set fort: in this SOW in Customers designated facility(ies). As used herein, "installation" means: (i) affixing all Equipment and materials provided by Tyco at such locations within the facility(ies) as are designated by Customer; (h) providing and pulling cablest rues required to connect the Equipment to Customer's Communications Facilities and making such connections; (iii), in the case of a Digital Communicator installation, mount Equipment and plug into R131 X phone jack previously installed by Customer; (iv) in the case of radio installation, mount radio Equipment and program Equipment with number fumlshed by Customer, (v) providing and installing softwaretfiraware required by the Equipment (vi) performing testing as required to establish that the Tyco Equipment is connected, is functioning according to its specifications, and is comm iniafing over Customer's Communications Facilities; and (vii) providing user -level training to Customer's designated representative in the use of such Equipment. e-Farm 888OUEDO (0612012) Page 2 of 6 0 2012 Ty.. Al Rights Reservec TERMS AND CONDITIONS !TERMS AND CONDITIONS V.Customerand Tyco agree as follows: A. Services. A. l. Central Station Signal Receiving and Notification (Alarm Monnodng) Services. Intentionally left blank - Servces have not been purchased A.2.Commmaatim Faafibes Intentionally kilt blank --- Alan MtomtoririgServices have not been purchased A.3. Quality Service Plan ('QSP")/Maintenance; Tesfingllnspections Service. 1. Quality Service Plan COSP"yMaintenance. (a) B QSP Service is purchased, Tyco will, upon Customer's request provide and bear the expense of ordinary maintenance normal repair of the Covered System(s) for issues arising out of noal wear and tear. The expense of all extraordinary maintenance and his necessitated by or due to changes or afterabons in the Customer's premises, aterations to a Covered System made by Customer, or made necessary by damage to the premises or to a Covered System, or to any cause beyond the control of Tyco, will be bome by the Customer. Customer will furnish, at Customer's expense, any necessary electric current and will furnish an outlet within 10 feet of an alarm control panel. (b) the following am not covered under OSP and any requested service will be provided on a fime and materials basis: (1) window fol, (2) security screens, (3) any exterior mounted devices, (4) Programmable Read Only Memory 'PROM", (5) batteries, and (6)'Conditions not covered by warranty shown below. (c) Tyco's obligation to perform QSP Service relates solely to the Covered System(s) and Tyco shall not be obligated to maintain, repair, service, replace, operate or assure the operation of any device or devices not covered under QSP. Tyco is not halve for any loss due to water intrusion, mold, fungi, bacteria, or wet or dry rot. (d) IT Customer does not purchase QSP before the expiration of the System Warranty, Tyro will provide QSP Service only after inspecting the System to be covered and making any necessary repairs or replacements to bring the System in compliance with Tyeos specifiw6orhs and/or the standards set by any applicable laws, codes, or regulations. Customer will pay for any related labor andlor materials for such work at Tycds than applicable rates. (a) QSP Service will be furnished between 8:00 A.M. and 4:30 P.M. Monday through Friday, except holidays. Tyco s obligation to provide QSP Service is conditioned upon the continued mailability of system component(s) and parts from the original equipment manufacturer ("OEM'). 2. Testngllnspeolons Service ("TA"). IT Tit Service is purchased, Tyco will provide the number of inspecfiombsts on the Covered Systems) as specified in this Agreement. Such T/I Services will be furnished I betwen 80 A.M. and 4:30 P.M., Monday through Friday, except holidays, unless otherwise mutoaty agreed in advance by the Parties. AA.lnvestgator Response Service. Intentionally let blank - Services have not been purchased. A.S. Select View Managed Video Serwcesllnteractive Video Monitoring Services Intentionally left blank - Services have not been purchased A.5A.Video/Audio Alarm Verification SmicenAdeo Verification Imentonally left blank - Services have not been purchased. {A.5.2.Video Guard Tour.Intentionally left blank- Services have not been purchased. A 5 3.YMeo Escort httentionaly, left blank - Services have not been purchased A.5.4.Vkmo Assist. Intentionally left blank - Services have not been purchased. j A.5.5.Video Audit Intentionally left blank - Services have not been purchased. A.5.6.Outdoor Interactive Video Monitoring Services. Inkenbmally left blank - Services have not been purchased A S 7 Managed Video Portal. Intentionally left blank - Services have not been purchased. A.5.811nattended Delivery -Alan Based Video Monitoring. Intenfionally left blank - Services have not been purchased. j A.5.9.Unabended Delivery - Live Video Monitoring of Process - Intentionally left blank - Services have not been purchased. _ A.B. Managed Access Control Services Intentionally left blank Services have not been purchased A.7. DataSorce Service. Intentionally left blank Services have not been purchased. _... .. , .....I i A.B. VisanlVision with Auditing. Intentionally left blank - Service is no longer offered J I J ! A.9. Hosted Access. Intentienaly, left blank - Services have not been purchased. 1 A.10. Data Hosting/Storage Services. Intentionally 0 blank - Services have not been purchased. j j A.11. Additional Services. tarry other services, including but not limited to the following, are being furnished under this Agreement, Customer and Tyco will enter into a separate Rider that 1 will be attached to and incorporated as part of this Agreement: (a) Alat Notification - Immediate Response Information System (IRIS); (b)Electronic Article Surveillance ('EAS"); (c) Guard ' Response Service; (d)Radio Frequency Identification CRFID"); MTmining Services; (g) Watchman's Reporting Service; (h) Asset and Personnel Tracking; (I) Advanced Vehicle Monitoring. S. Warranty (90-Day). 1. For a "Direct Sale," any original part of time Equipment (as distinguished from the Software) installed under this Agreement including the wiring, which proves to be I defective in material or workmanship within ninety (90) days of the date of comple8on of the installation ("Warranty Period"), will be repaired or replaced, in Tycos sole officiation, when a new or functionally operative part. Labor and materials required to repair or replace such defective components will be furnished at no charge during the Warranty Period. Warranty Services will be furnished between 8:00 A.M. and 4:30 P.M. Monday through Friday, except holidays. IT Customer has purchased QSP as described in this Agreement the foregoing Warranty Period will be extended for the time period purchased and at the additional cost shorn for QSP in this Agreement i .._.--------- . ____— 2. The following "Conditions" are not covered by Warranty: (a) Damage or extra service Bme needed resulting from accidents, acts of God, lightning, strikes, riots, floods, terrorism, acts of 1 I War, afteratien, misuse, tampering or abuse, adjustments, repairs or maintenance not done by Tyro u from parts, accessories, attachments or other devices not furnished by Tyro; (b) i Customers failure to property follow operating instructions provided by Tyro; (c) Adjustments necessitated by misalignment of video carnnems, improper adjustment of monitor brightness i and co ic-A tuning dais or insufficient light on the area viewed by the wnera(s); (d) Trouble due to interruption of Telecom Service; (a) Battery failure; (f) Devices designed to fail in protecting the System, such as, but not grilled to, fuses and circuit breakers; or (g) System changes requested by Customer. IT Customer calls Tyro for service under the Warranty and Tyco's representative finds that one of the "Conditions" has tied to the inoperability or apparent inoperability, of the System or any component Tyco may bill Customer for the service call I whether cur not Tyco actually works on the System. If repairs are required due to me of the above'Condifions,' Tyro will charge Customer for such work on a fine arid materials basis at Tyro's then applicable rates for tabor and materials. ._ 3.THE FOREGOING . ..... .... _. ........ .. .. _._....... __. _.. .. . .......... ........_.. ._... h WARRANTY IS IN LIEU OF ALL OTHER WARRANTIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO, ANY IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF ' MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. THE CUSTOMER'S EXCLUSIVE REMEDY WITH RESPECT TO ANY AND ALL LOSSES OR DAMAGES RESULTING FROM ANY CAUSE WHATSOEVER, INCLUDING TYCO'S NEGLIGENCE, IS REPAIR OR REPLACEMENT AS SPECIFIED ABOVE. TYCO WILL IN NO EVENT BE LIABLE FOR ANY CONSEQUENTIAL OR INCIDENTAL DAMAGES OF ANY NATURE, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, DAMAGES FOR PERSONAL INJURY OR DAMAGES TO PROPERTY, HOWEVER OCCASIONED, WHETHER ALLEGED AS RESULTING FROM BREACH OF WARRANTY OR CONTRACT BY TYCO OR NEGLIGENCE OF TYCO OR OTHERWISE. 't C.Systsm Requirements, Miscellaneous: The folowing provisions apply to all Systems, Equipment, or Services installed or furnished by Tyro under this Agreement 1.Vauts. Customer must ensure that my Customer vaut protected by sound or vibration detector systems has the minimum construction characteristics prescribed by the Underwriters' Laboratories, Inc. 2.System Testing. Customer must test all detection devices or other electronic equipment according to procedures prescrabed by Tyco prior to setting the alan system for cloud periods and must notify Tym promptly it such equipment fails to respond to any such test. 3.Farni an:abon Period. UNLESS CUSTOMER HAS REJECTED THE FAMILIARIZATION PERIOD BY INITIALING THE APPROPRIATE LINE ON THE FIRST PAGE OF THIS AGREEMENT (EXCEPT WHERE FAMILIARIZATION IS REQUIRED BY LAW), CUSTOMER AGREES THAT: (a) DURING A FIVE (5) DAY FAMILIARIZATION PERIOD, OR SUCH PERIOD AS IS REQUIRED BY LAW; AND (b) FOLLOWING COMPLETION OF THE INSTALLATION AND THE COMMUNICATIONS CONNECTION TO TYCO'S CMC (AND DURING ANY APPLICABLE EXTENSIONS); TYCO HAS NO OBLIGATION TO, AND WILL NOT, RESPOND TO ANY ALARM SIGNAL RECEIVED AT THE TYCO CIVIC FROM CUSTOMER'S PREMISES DURING SUCH FAMILIARIZATION PERIOD, CUSTOMER ALSO AGREES THAT DURING SUCH e-Form 8e90UEm (0612012) Page 3 of 6 0 2012 Tym. An molls Reservwi PERIOD TYCO HAS NO OBLIGATION TO, AND WILL NOT, NOTIFY ANY AUTHORITIES, CUSTOMER, OR A PERSON ON CUSTOMER'S EMERGENCY CONTACT LIST, OR TAKE ANY OTHER ACTION WITH REGARD TO ANY ALARM SIGNAL TYCO RECEIVES, EVEN IF DUE TO AN ACTUAL EMERGENCY EVENT. 4.Speclal Equipment Requirements. If Customer requires installation or service of Equipment in areas inaccessible without the use of Ift or cranes, or d non-standard conditions at the Customer site require special equipment for installation or service, Customer will provide such equipment, or will reimburse Tyro for any applicable charges or fees. 5.Training Services. Tyco provides initial training to Customer on use of the Equipment installed at the time of installation. Thereafter, Customer may purchase additional training in oneJrour increments at Tyco's then anent rate. 6.Site Preparation, Intrusion and Restoration. Customer shall be resposible for providing 110VAC power, telephone connections, network drops and any required conduit, wnremold, or other raceway unless otherwise noted herein. Customer shan also be responsible for arty required IP address assignments and additional network software licensing. The installation of Equipment may necessarily require cutting, bolting or fastening into Customers floors, walls and/or ceilings. Tyco shall not be responsible for any expenses related to patching, floor or wall finishing, or paint tile, carpet or wallpaper matching, restoration or replacement resulting from installation or service of the Equipment. 7.Closed Circuit Television CCCTV"yVideo Equipment Intentionally left blank— no CCTVArdeo Equipment has been purchased. D. Electronic Media; Personal Infomlabon. /.Electronic Media. Either parry may scan, fax, email, image, or otherwise convert this Agreement into an electronic formal of any type or farm, now known or developed in the fuare. Any unaltered or unadulterated copy of this Agreement produced from such an electronic format will be legally binding upon the parties and equivalent to the original for all purposes, including litigation. Tyco may rely upon Cusomers assent to the terms and conditions of this Agreement, 9 Customer has signed this Agreement or has demonstrated its intent to be bound whether by electronic signature or otherwise. 2. Personal Information. Customer represents and warrants that Customer has obtained all consents and has the right to (a) disclose to Tyco all personal information disclosed hereunder concerning individuals/employees/or other third parties including all information contained in Customers Emergency Cap List ('ECU); (b) collect (including consent to record telephone conversations with Tyoo), use, disclose and transfer such personal Information; and (c) authorizes Tyoo to use such personal information to administer the relationship between Customer and Tyco, nchidng the administration or this Agreement Customer acknowledges and agrees that Tyco may share all such information with its parents, subsidiaries, affiliates and psMetr successor corporations or any subcontractor or assignee, within and outside the country in which the Customer is located and thereby subject such information to the laws of such countries. _._......__�._.___—._____.._.---- __..__ __._._._.._..v.._...___ E. Limitation of Liability, Indemnification (Sale of Access/Video Equipment and Installation Only). Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in this Agreement or any purchasing document presented by Customer, only Video and/or Access Equipment and Services shall be provided by Tyco under the terms and conditions of this Agreement. The Equipment and Services provided by Tyco under this Agreement will not include: (a) burglar andror fire deection or alarm equipment or monitoring, maintenance, inspection or other services; (b) security guard services; or (c) architecture[, engineering, or design professional services. If any other equipment or services are requested by or provided to Customer, then such equipment and/or services shall be povded under a separate written agreement executed by Customer and Tyco which shall contain the alarm industry specific terms and conditions found Cn 1.Indemnty. (a) Tyro shall defend, indemnity and hdtl Customer, its corporate affiliates, and their respective officers, directors, agents and employees harmless from damage. liability and expense resulting from the negligent acts or willful misconduct of Tyco's agents and employees committed while performing Services on Customer's premises, to the extent that they are the direct cause of the loss, damage a injury to third parties or Customers property (e.g., equipment dislodging and striking a third party due to improper installation), as opposed to being I caused by m ocanenceor the consequences therefrom tat the Equipment a Services were intended to deter, deed or avert. (b) Customer shall defend, nclerrnify and hold Tyco, its affiliates, and their respective officers, directors, agents and employees, harmless from damage, liability and erpense to the extent that any such loss is no directly caused by the negligent acts or willful misconduct of Tyco's agents and/or employees, or arises out of any claim related to invasion of privacy, infliction of emotional distress, harassment violation of eavesdroppng/wireapping laws or sinnitar claims arising out of Customers use of the Equipment and/or Services. 2. Limitations on Liability. If Customer uses the Equipment and/or Services to aid in monitoing or controlling the locatiorn a activities of persons on or about its property and premises, Customer acknowledges the the Equorant and/or Services are not intended to be the sole means for doing so. Tyco's Equipment and Services do not cause and cannot eliminate occurrences of the events they are intended to deter, detect evert or record. Tyco is not an insurer of the safety or security of any person, entity or property, or against the risks attendant to a person's presence in, or ingress to or egress from any building, property or area that may be monitored by the Equipment and/or Services. The amounts Tyco charges Customer are not insurance premiums. Such charges are based upon the value of the Equipment and Services provided and are unrelated to any such risk of toss. Tyco does not undertake and assumes no liability for such risk by providing the Equipment andlor Services. d Tyco is nevertheless found liable under any legal theory for loss, damage or injury caused directly or indirectly by aawearces or the consequences therefrom which the Equipment and/or Services are intended to deter, detect and or record, Tyco's liability shall be limited to the sums paid by Customer for the Equipment or Services at issue as Customers sole remedy. Tyco is not responsible for the preservation of any computer programs or data and Customer is responsible for maintaining adequate back-ups. F. Other Charges; Remedies; Termination. /.There may be a service charge to Customer for cancelled installaaoNservice appointments IT Customer cancels less than 24-hours prior to dispatch, or N Tyco's representative is sent to the Customers premises in response to a service call for false alarm or System malfunction caused by Customers operation contrary to Instructions, failure to dose or property secure a window, door or other protected point or improper adjustment of monitors or accessary components. 2.Failure to pay amounts when due shall give Tyco, in addition to any other available remedies, the right to terminate this Agreement and to charge interest at the highest legal rate on delinquent amounts. Customer agrees to pay all costs, expenses and fees of Tyco's enforcement of this Agreement, including collection expenses, court costs, and atomeys' fees. Installation Charge(s) are based on Tyco performing the installation with its corn personnel. If for any reason installation mast be performed by outside contractors, Insulation Charge(s) may be subject to revision. 3.In addition to any other remedies available to Tyco, Tyro may terminate this Agreement and discontinue any Service(s) 9 (a) Tyco's CMC is subsanfially damaged by fire or catastrophe or d Tyco is unable to obtain any connections or privileges required to transmit signals between the Customers premises, Tym's CMC or the Municipal Fire or Police Department or other first responder; (b) Customer tips to follow Tyoo's recommendations for the repair or replacement of defective parts of the System no covered under the Warranty or OSP Service: (c) Customers failure to follow the operating instructions provided by Tyco results in an undue number of false alarms or System malfunction; (d) in Tyco's sole opinion, the premises in which the System is installed are Insists, unsuitable, or so modified or altered after inspection as to render continuation of Service(s) impractical a impossible; (a) Tyro is unable to obtain or continue to support technologies, TeleCom Services, Communication Facilities, Equipment or component parts thereof that are discontinued, become obsolete or are otherwise no commercially available; or (Q Customer fails to make payments when due or otherwise breaches this Agreement. Tyco will no be liable for any damages or subject to any penalty as a result of any such termination. G. Hazardous Materials. For all project except those involving new Construction, Customer represents and wanana that to the best of Customers knowledge the work site is free of any hazardous materials. The term "hazardous materials" includes but is no be limited to asbestos, asbestos -containing material, pdychemated biphenyl ('PCB"), formaldehyde or other potentially toxic or otherwise hazardous malmal. If any such substance is discovered on the work site, Tym will not be required to install or service the Equipment at such site unless and until Customer certifies the removal or safe containment of such hazardous materials. Customer shall indemnify, defend, and hold Tyco, is officers, directors, agents, and vendors harmless from any damages, claim, injuries, Ilabeilies resulting from the exposure of Tyco's employees, contractors, or subcontractors to haardous materials at the work site; provided, however, that the foregoing provision will not apply when it has been determined than such hazardous materials were brought to the work she by Tyco. H. Waivers. l.Waiver of Jury Trial. CUSTOMER AND TYCO BOTH AGREE TO WAIVE THEIR RIGHT TO A JURY TRIAL IN ANY LEGAL PROCEEDING ARISING OUT OF OR IN ANY MANNER CONNECTED WITH OR RELATED TO THIS AGREEMENT. 2.1kiutial SAFETY Act Waiver. Ceram of Tyco's systems and services have received Certification and/or Designation as Qualified Anti-Teraism Technologies ("GATT") under the Support Anti-unonsm by Fostering Effective Technologies Act of 2002, 6 U.S.C. §§ 441-444 (the "SAFETY Acr). As required under 6 C.F.R. 25.5 (a), to the maximum extent permitted by taw, Tyco and Customer hereby agree to waive their right to make any claims against the other for any losses, including business interruption losses, sustained by either party or their respective employees, resulting from an activity resulting from an "Act of Terrorism as defined in 6 C.F.R. 25.2, when QATT have been deployed in defense against, response to, a recovery from such Act of Terrorism. I. Miscellaneous. l.Entarmabitity. ff any of the provisions of this Agreement shall be determined to be invalid a unenforceable, the remaining provisions shall remain in full force and effect 2.Paragraph and Section Headings; Captions; Counterparts. The headings and captions contained in this Agreement are inserted for convenience or reference any, and are not to be deemed part of or to be used in construing tits Agreement. This Agreement may be executed in any number of counterparts, each of which shall be deemed to be an original, but all such separate counterparts shall together constitute but one and the same agreement 3. FARs. Tyco supplies 'commercial items' within the meaning of the Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR), 48 CFR Para 1-53. As to any customer order for a U.S. government contract or funded directly or ni irecty with Federal funds, Tyco will amply only with the following mandatory '.. flor"owns for commercial mercial dan subrxntracls pertaining to Utilization of Small Business Concerns, Equal Opportunity, Affirmative Action, and Veterans Employment 52219.6; 52222-26; '.. 52,222,35; 52.222-36; and 52.222-37. 4. Export Control. Customer shall not export or reexport directly or indirectly, any: (i) product or service provided under this Agreement (ii) technical '.. data; (iii) software; (N) information; or (v) items acquired under this Agreement to arty country for which the United Sates Government (or any agency thereol) requires an export license or other approval without first obtaining any licenses, consents or pemtits that may be required under the applicable taws of the U.S. or other foreign jurisdictions, including the Export Administration Act and Regulations and shall inrorporea in all export shipping documents the applicable destination control statements. Customer shall, at b own expense, defend, indemnify and save Tyro harmless from and against all third party clans, liability, loss a damage (including atomeys' fees and other defense costs), assessed against or suffered by Tyro as a result of an allegation or claim of noncompliance by Customer with this Becton. The obligations contained in this Section shall sur"i a the termination or expiration of this Agreement 1 e-Form eeeOUEco (06/2012) Page 4 of 6 0 2012 Tyco- All Rights ReserveE S.Insurance. Tyco maintains comprehensive General Liability and Automobile Liability Insurance in amounts that meet or exceed: $1,000,000 per incident- $2,000,000 in the aggregate and Worker's Compensation coverage as required by law. Tyco will not be required to provide a waiver of subrogation in favor of any party, nor will Tyco be required to designate any party as a statutory employer for any purposes. 6. Tyco Brand. WMout exception, Tyco -branded Sgnage, including yard signs, window stickers and warning signs will remain the property of Tyco and maybe removed by Tyco at any time. Customer's right to display Tyco -branded Sgnage is not transferable and ceases upon termination orexpiration of this Agreement 7.Resale. If Tyco is connecting to a previously installed exisfing system, to the extent the previously installed existing system is Customer's property, it shall remain Customers property. J. System Software; Network Connections.1. Any software provided with the System or in connection with the Services is proprietary to Tyco and/or Tyco's suppliers) and is licensed or sublicensed to Customer on a non-exclusive basis. Customer may not (a) disclose the Software or source code to any third parties, (b) duplicate, reproduce, or copy all or any part of the Software, or (c) use the Software on equipment other than with the designated System with which it was furnished. A separate Software License Agreement or End User License Agreement between Tyco and Customer and/or the software publisher may be required to use the software and/or obtain updatL-Apgrades. If the installed Equipment is to be connected to Customers computer network ("Network"), Tyco will furnish and install the software needed to ton the Equipment and will connect the Equipment to the Network according to the Network seltngs supplied by Customer. Installation shall not include modifications to the Network, security, orfirewall seffirgs. Customer will supply a TCPAP Ethernet network address and central processing unit per Tyco specifications for access control system operation. Tyco shall not be responsible for the setup, operation, or maintenance of the Network or Network performance or compatibility, issues. Tyco may assess additional charges, if Tyco is unable to connect to the Network or if any additional Equipment is required to facilitate connectivity between the Network and Me Equipment 2. Open Source Software. Tyco represents and warrants to the end user of the System that to the extent the System indudes any Open Source Software, the internal use and operation of the System by the end user will not create any obligation an the part of the end user under the terns of any Open Source License (i) to make any source code or object code available to third parties, or (ii) to license, disclose or otherwise make available to third parties any proprietary software, data or other information, or any associated intellectual property. As used herein, the ten 'Open Source Software' mews any software, program, module, code, library, database, driver or shier component (or portion thereon that is royally free, proprietary software, the use of which requires any contradiat obligations by the user such as, without limitation, that software that is subject to, distributed, transmitted, licensed or otherwise made available under any of the following licenses: GNU General Public License, GNU Library or "Lesser' Public; License, Berkeley Software Distribution (BSD) lcense (including Free BSD and BSD-style licenses), MIT license, Mo2gto Pubic License, IBM Public License, Apache Software License, Artistic license (e.g., PERIL), Sun Industry Standards Source License, Sun Community Source License (SCSL), Intel Open Source License, Apple Public Source license, or any substantially similar license, or any license that has been approved by the Open Source Initiative, Free Software Foundation or similar group (collectively, "Open Source Licenses"). K. Force Majeure. TYCO ASSUMES NO LIABILITY FOR DELAYS IN INSTALLATION OF THE SYSTEM OR ANY EQUIPMENT OR FOR THE CONSEQUENCES THEREFROM, HOWEVER CAUSED, OR FOR INTERRUPTIONS OF SERVICE OR FOR THE CONSEQUENCES THEREFROM DUE TO STRIKES, RIOTS, FLOODS, TERRORISM, ACTS OF GOD, ACTS OF WAR, OR ANY CAUSES BEYOND THE CONTROL OF TYCO. TYCO WILL NOT BE REQUIRED TO SUPPLY SERVICE TO CUSTOMER WHILE INTERRUPTION OF SERVICE DUE TO ANY SUCH CAUSE CONTINUES. IN NO EVENT WILL TYCO BE LIABLE FOR LOSS OF SPECIAL, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES. This Agreement is not assignable by the Customer except upon written consent of Tyco first being obtained. Tyco shall have the right to assign this Agreement orto of its obligations under this Agreement without notice to Customer. M. License Information: AL Alabama Electronic Security Board of Licersure, 7956 Vaughn Rd., Montgomery 36116, (334) 264-9388; AK 256239, 5520 Lake Otis Pkwy., Anchorage, AK 99507; AR E0055, Regulated by Arkansas Bd. of Private Investigators 8 Private Security Agencies, #1 State Police Plaza Dr., Little Rock 72209, (501) 618-8600; AZ ROC109396-C72; ROC109402167; CA AC04227, PPO12949, 707408; alarm company operators are licensed and regulated by the Bureau of Security & Investigative Services, Dept of Consumer Affairs, Sacramento, CA 95814; DC 39703010: FL EF0001121, -0950, -1123, -0478, EF20000341, -0413, E00000164; GA LVA205374,-205386, -002033, -001438, -003379,-00402,-205572, L0001160; HI C27996; IL 127-000364: MA 45-C; MI A-0639, 3601202182 —4182 Pier North Dr. Ste. D, Flint MI 48504; MN TS00021; NC 846-CSA-Alarm Systems Licensing Bd., 1631 Midtown PI., Ste.104, Raleigh, 27609 (919) 875-3611; NM 056126; NV 0040091,1338; NY 12000025576, Licensed by NYS Dept. of State; OH 16782, 50-18-1052; 50-57-1034; 53.89- 1329; 53-31-1582; 50.50-1019; 50-48-1032; 50-25.1050: 50.76-1025; OK 00067; OR 59944; PA Pennsylvania Home Improvement Contractor Registration Number: PA10083; RI AFC0126; 18004; TN ACO216, -241, -255. -773, -173, -937, -294, -748, -511, -934, -1227; TX 800536.140 Helmer Rd. Ste. 100, San Antonio, TX 78232 —Texas Private Security Bureau, 5805 N. Lamar Blvd., Austin 78752; UT 297869-6501; VA 11-1878;11-1879; 11-3247; 11-3635; 11-3863; Alarm Security Contracting 2701-035978A lop. 010; WA EC06 ADTSES103205, 11824 N Creek Pkwy. #105, Bothell, WA 98011; WV 014142. MS 15005633 Additional information is available at www.lym s.com or by calling 1 A00-2TYCOIS. FL: EF0001121. @2012 TYCO. AN rights reserved. e-Form 888OUE00 (0612012) Page 5 of 6 0 2012 Tym. All Rights Reserved tyro /ntegrated Security COMMERCIAL SALES AGREEMENT TOWN NO. CUSTOMER NO. 0198-RIVERSIDE, CA 119832119 ADDITIONAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS Tyco Integrated Security LLC (°Tyco") City of La Quota d@la: Roland Gomez ("Customer") 1120 Palmyrita Ave, Suite 280 Customer Billing Information Riverside, CA 92507 78-495 Cafie Tampico, Tele. No. (951) 680-3515 La Quints, CA 92253 Attn: Tole. No.(760) 777-7000 Notwithstanding anylhing in the Agreement to the contrary, Tyco and Customer agree as follows All other terms and conditions of the Agreement except from expressly modified herein, shah remain in full force and effect TYCO INTEGRATED SECURITY LLC Presented by: SIMM IN OOLWMRPMT (Signature of Tyco Sales Representative) Sales Agent: Roland Gomez Sales Representative Registration Number (if applicable): JOB NO. PO NO. ESTIMATE N0. 1-0LT9P1 DATE: 111512012 Customer Premises Semieed 78.495 Calle Tampico, La Ouinta, CA 92253 Attn: Paul Fuson Tole. No.(760) 777-7000 CUSTOMER:c'T Gf L A u tk Accepted By: Aq!!q of Customer's Aftonzed Representative) Aegr M t1/(Ltgy VD& FwLaK J VA K (Name Printed) Title: Cay M'�1&16P— 01 AiAE2 n� Date Signed: 2l ) OVSIIA 2l e-Fam 88BOUE00 (0612012) Page B of S 0 2012 Tyco, All Rights Reserved tyro Integrated Security COMMERCIAL SALES AGREEMENT TOWN NO. CUSTOMER NO. JOB NO. PO NO. 0198-RIVERSIDE, CA 119a32119 ADDITIONAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS Tyco Integrated Security LLC ('Tyco") City of La Quints dlWa: Roland Ganz (°Customer) 1120 Pelmyrta Ave, Suite 280 Customer BIIIina Information Customer Premises Serviced Riverside, CA 92507 78-495 Calla Tampioo, 78-495 Calla Tampico, Tole. No. (951) 680-3515 La Ouinta, CA 92253 Lo Quints, CA 92253 Attn: Attn: Paul Fuson Tole. No. (760) 777-7000 Tole. No. (760) 777-7000 NoWthslanding anything in the Agreement to the contrary, Tyco and Customer agree as follows: ESTIMATE NO. 1-OLT9P1 DATE: 11/52012 All other terms and conditions of the Agreement except those exp ossly modified herein, shall remain in full force and effect TYCO INTEGRATED SECURITY LLC CUSTOMER: Presented by: Accepted By: SIGNED IN COUNTERPAM I (Signature of Tyco Sales Represen (Signature of Customers Authorized Representable) Sales Agent Roland Gomez Sales Representative Registration Number (aapplicable): Data (Name Printed) e-Fwn 8880UE00 (06I2012) Page 6 of 6 0 2012 Tyco. All R ghts RemNW fvv A6 r CERTIFICATE OF LIABILITY INSURANCE °"'10"2/2012 THIS CERTIFICATE IS ISSUED AS A MATTER OF INFORMATION ONLY AND CONFERS NO RIGHTS UPON THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. THIS CERTIFICATE DOES NOT AFFIRMATIVELY OR NEGATIVELY AMEND, EXTEND OR ALTER THE COVERAGE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES BELOW. THIS CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE DOES NOT CONSTITUTE A CONTRACT BETWEEN THE ISSUING INSURER(S), AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE OR PRODUCER, AND THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. IMPORTANT: If the Certificate holder Is an ADDITIONAL INSURED, the policy(les) must be endorsed. If SUBROGATION IS WAIVED, subject to the terms and conditions of the policy, certain policies may require an endorsement. A statement on this certificate does not Confer rights to the PRODUCER Shavna Chauhan Mash USA Inc. _NAME__, PHONE (212) 345-8735 IFptC No 'f212) 948-8852 -(AL4Jy.P..EX11.— --—.-L.�--)' 1166 Avenue of the Americas E-MAILBE ADDII!_.. Please see. bottom_of end page -- New York, NY 10036 INSVRER(S) AFFORDING COVERAGE I NAIC0 INSURER A: AGCS Marine Insurance Company (Allianz) 22837 _.....—.. _.�...... __ _-.._—._ ......_._._.._— WsuRED INSURER B: Commerce & Industry Ins Co. 19410 INSURER C: Illinois National Insurance Co. 23817 Tyco Integrated Security LLC. INSURER 0: Nat'l Union Fire Ins Co. of Pittsburgh, PA • 19445 Road Tyco Yamato ad INSURER E: New Hampshire Ins. Co. 23841 Boca Raton, United States __..__-___ ����....... �.. ............. ...�......� . RCVICIrYM MIIMRFR• y THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE POLICIES OF INSURANCE LISTED BELOW HAVE BEEN ISSUED TO THE INSURED NAMED ABOVE FOR THE POLICY PERIOD INDICATED. NOTWITHSTANDING ANY REQUIREMENT, TERM OR CONDITION OF ANY CONTRACT OR OTHER DOCUMENT WITH RESPECT TO WHICH THIS CERTIFICATE MAY BE ISSUED OR MAY PERTAIN, THE INSURANCE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES DESCRIBED HEREIN IS SUBJECT TO ALL THE TERMS. EXCLUSIONS AND CONDITIONS OF SUCH POLICIES, LIMITS SHOWN MAY HAVE BEEN REDUCED BY PAID CLAIMS. INSR LTR TYPEOFINSURANCE LISUe POLICY NUMBER I MWDPOUDYDIEFFM XP M/DDOM•YY LIMITS E GENERAL LIABILITY GL 7146417 (Primary GL) 9/2812012 10/12013 EACH OCCURRENCE S $ -PREFAI:ET6R PREMIBFS LEa ocurtenceL $ g1,000.000.00 -___._ X_ i COMMERCIALGENERALLIABIUTY MEOEXP(Myone Psrson)_ S $10,000.00 ♦_ CLAIMSMAOEOCCUR �PERSONAL &AOVINJURY_ s $2,000.000.00 OWNERS& CONTRACTORS PROT _ 1 GENERAL AGGREGATE 5 $4,000,ODO.00 PRODUCTS _COMPAIP AGG S $4000,000.00 _ GENL AGGREGATE UNIT APPLIES PER: s X POLICY I JECT PRO LOC p AUTOMOBILE LIABILITY CA 3447245 (All Other SlaleS) 9282012 10l72073 COMBIN I GLELI- Ea aaiomt) _ $2,000,00000 ..0 S D �ANYAUTO CA 3447251(MA) 9282012 I10/1/2013 BOOLY INJURY (Porpenon) D ---' AOWNED SCHEDULED CA 3447254 (VA) 9282012 10/12013 BODILY INJURY(Peami m) s E AUTOS NOOFOANED CA 3447252 (NM) (Primary AL) 9/28/2012 10/12013 PROPER T9 oia-&OA IE S I X HIRED AUTOS %L IAUTOS 4{Per eccH __ INEW ruMPSHIR L S $250.000.00 —li UMBRELLA LIAR I OCCUR ' EACH OCCURRENCE S _ AGGREGATE PRODUCTS $ EXCESS LIAB `CLAMISMADE TI NEW MAMPSHIRE CSL) S I 'DED RETENTIONS WORNERS COMPENSATION WC 043464663(FL) 9282012 t0/12013 x 0 TrUU T;i, OTN B O AND EMPIAYERS'MABIutt ylM WC 043464672 (MI) 9282012 10/12013 E L EACH ACCIDENT S_ $2.000,000.00 — D ANY PROPR*TORIPARTNERIEXECUTNE REXCLUDED? N❑ NIA,. WC 043464661(Ail-------.-- 9/282012 101120/1 -- - $ (al dt'y W N (Mandatory WC 043464661 (All Other Stales) 'WC043164673(MN) 9/28/2012 tOH/2013 EL DISEASE EA EMPLOYE S_—_ POLICYLIMIT S $2,000,OW.00 E tewcl n yyeez.4errnoe „rber 9/28/2012 101/20t3 E OESCRIPTION OF OPERATIONS W. E.L. DISEASE- A OC & OCW 91128600 92MO12 10/12013 ',USD $1,000.000.00 per(obsse USO $1,0D0.000.00 lobstle A �lluilde'5F'iskins'31'atiofdOon"CtWWks Rental Equipment/ConNactors Equipment I OC & OCW 91128600 9282012 92&7012 I IOA2013 10/72013 per USD $1.000,000.00 par conveyance A Blanket Transit OC & OCW 91128600 DESCRIPTION OF OPERATIONS I LOCATION$/VEHICLES (AHach ACORD I1H, Arldiaeal Rema,k' Scha&k. If more'Pace lsrsqulndl Please refer to attached ACORD 101 for furtber remarks. EVIDENCE OF INSURANCE ONLY Please Contact the AccountlSales Rep for certificate xxxxx XXXXXX,XXXXX United States SHOULD ANY OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBED POLICIES BE CANCELLED BEFORE THE EXPIRATION DATE THEREOF, NOTICE WILL BE DELIVERED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE POLICY PROVISIONS. ACORD 25 (2010105) The ACORD name and logo are registered marks of ACORD %Aa,AIr' FrmtlinW bpt GbelM .. reserved. 0 03 o0 N o pap m a p5 � u000 y b�m N M F E N K �aN� F C taWy IO� 4.m+ttl wo E i 4 a n u u .m. omC m m Cm� a q uuv pwQ FHA �yy �•m+a w u.0i i R a %ai % NFaM C000 qNa mam m K RmrvEi unm ry rvnmmrvno f%q N �m2iFi � 4 000o U�� % 0000000.. A o \ FiiF P m M$ Ppi PiN W000 %N NNmmnNO O%N O R% ei C W Uri �OOrr�DON fOmO OG app0 o F W 4riK u u a V m a m y UYN M 0 G �navu � „ • u Y O N U m YFm qq Y pMF Y N N m m••m U •• Y YC N T V um •• �. V N- r+ W G T tl 4NN06N Y \ � 19� O tl ro .F Y ,qF. EY yV •O tl O OF YN•� '•y� tl Fi W N VL W 'O .. eq0 W V U {A qq qN W N M Y 0 V F •• •,! W o n .. ..J k O '1tl� A fL C U ..1 N FqM pp ppJ cov .Ni N N C N U Ypp u a H O m 40Y\1 Y up W WC CM y FE% kn Y ••r� u0U . a mml tlC BtlNC Y q mCC..Y�Ny(O MU §$Y Cu E0 E00ii �Z OCGaENC roD] G �GO Gj�44 C�Z 0QVv U��1N4 W m>AO �aU W p �NyE .O] Qi M1a'4 W aao � aaT Tyco /ntegrated Security Tyco Integrated Security 4700 Exchange Court, Suite 300 Boca Raton, FL 33431 Tel: 1.800.2.TYCO.IS Email: support@tyco.com Web: www.tycois.com SECURITY SYSTEM DISCONNECT NOTICE La Quinta Civic Center CS#: H765485114 78495 Calle Tampico La Quinta, CA 92253-2839 Dear La Quinta Civic Center: August 28, 2014 As mentioned in our previous communications to you, unless you have had the alarm control panel installed in your premises reprogrammed or replaced by Tyco, our Customer Monitoring Center ("CMC") will be unable to monitor your system. As of the date of this letter, we have either been unsuccessful in our numerous attempts to contact you regarding your system, or you have advised us that you no longer require our services. As a result, we are left with no option but to cancel your monitoring contract with us. Please contact us at 877-748-7636 M-F 8 am to 5 pm EST to schedule an appointment for the required service or to discuss your account. We will work with you to determine how we can move forward and continue to support your needs. The monitoring of your premises by Tyco Integrated Security will cease on September 30, 2014 at 11:59PM and, where required by law, notices will be sent to the local government authorities (e.g., police, fire, first responders) notifying them of this change. The TYCO Integrated Security team thanks you for your support as we work to ensure your alarm panel is upgraded to optimally help you protect your property and, most importantly, your employees and customers. Sincerely, Tony McGraw Vice President, Customer Care