0304-114 (SOTB)U) H N_ W O =) M r-_ d u7 o Z r` Cn0o W W U) Z M LO N O0) UQ C — Z - ¢Cr O LL m J Q O UU d rn H 19t Cb O Q J LICENSED CONTRACTOR DECLARATION I hereby affirm under penalty of perjury that I am licensed under provisions of Chapter 9 (commencing'Wth Section 7000) of Division 3 of the Business and P'rofes'sionals dode, and my License is in full force and effect. License # Lic. Class Exp. Date Date Signature of Contractor OWNER -BUILDER DECLARATION I hereby affirm under penalty of perjury that I am exempt from the Contractor's License Law for the following reason: (�) I, as owner of the property, or my employees with wages as their sole compensation, will do the work, and the structure is not intended or offered for sale (Sec. 7044, Business & Professionals Code). ( ) I, as owner of the property, am exclusively contracting with licensed contractors to construct the project (Sec. 7044, Business & Professionals Code). _1 . --- () I am exempt under Section B&P.C..fethis•reasorl• ete Signature of Owner ->r'."..:c., WORKER'S COMPENSATION DECLARATION I hereby affirm under penalty of perjury one of the following declarations: ( ) I have and will maintain a certificate of consent to self -insure for workers' compensation, as provided for by Section 3700 of the Labor Code, for the performance of the work for which this permit is issued. ( ) I have and will maintain workers' compensation insurance, as required by Section 3700 of the Labor Code, for the performance of the work for which this permit is issued. My workers' compensation insurance carrier & policy no. are: Carrier Policy No. (This section need not be completed if the permit valuation is for $100.00 or less). ( ) I certify that in the performance of the work for which this permit is issued, I shall not employ any person in any manner so as to become subject to the workers' compensation laws of California, and agree that if I should become subject to the workers' compensation p 4ii'sionsof Seciion.3700 of the Labor Code, I shall forthwith comply with;those provisions. , r •Efate: `.4 - Applicant �/ r. • • .� yr. �. , Warning: Failure to secure Workers' Compensation coverage is unlawful and shall subject an employer to criminal penalties and civil fines up to $100,000, in addition to the cost of compensation, damages as provided for in Section 3706' of the Labor Code, interest and attorney's fees. IMPORTANT Application is hereby made to the Director of Building and Safety . for a permit subject to the conditions and restrictions set forth on his t application. 1. Each person upon whose behalf this application is made & each person at whose request and for whose benefit work is performed under or pursuant to any permit issued as a result of this applicaton agrees to, & shall, indemnity & hold harmless the City of La Quinta, its officers, agents and employees. 2. Any permit issued as a result of this application becomes null and void if work is not commenced within 180 days from date of issuance of such permit, or cessation of work for 180 days will subject permit to cancellation. I certify that I have read this application and state that the above information is correct. I agree to comply with all City, and State laws relating to the building construction, and hereby authorize,.r0presettt5'tives of this City to enter upon the above-mentioned property of ins ectiop,ur-oses. signature (Owner/Agent) r` f r' Date PERMIT # BUILDING PERMIT,. ,J DATE VALUATION ,�rty [ LOT TnACT JOB SITE ADDRESS ?t�>ti+ APN - OWNER CONTRACTOR/DESIGNER/EN INEER VR-TC�E�.kJ1'#�D���'rTi?rt4�fNA, ��YAF�3"L1- - 3�lidi:x:�ER F*.�Yt'J TAWEW A. QY3'J2RA t.AA 922133 USE OF PERMIT ta.%ng):.6L]3EIn:S iw*(3� I E4vl.HL.L VU I LK &Jk r"L" K ji-IM I Y' xA 3-I tblVu VAIXfiXON .2^0,40 La COi'da` RUCTION FEE 10 1 000-41 8-000 $4W.i39 JTk3.OM T+ftOT1014 ME- REMAD g 0 S -000-2111.000 $ 30 'UYB-. .:01MUCT.t+. X AND :f?TAN C.SD+t-C $7416 VER VNIAT STENS DITF Nta'In' TK?5 RECEIPT DATE. -i BY DATE FINALED INSPECTO INSPECTION RECORD OPERATION DATE INSPECTOR OPERATION DATE TINSPECTOR BUILDING APPROVALS MECHANICAL APPROVALS Set Backs Underground Ducts Fcrms & Footings — _ Ducts Slab Grade Return Air Steel Combustion Air Roof Deck Exhaust Fans OX to Wrap F.A.U. Framing Compressor Insulation Vents Fireplace P.L. Grills Fireplace T.O. Fans & Controls Party Wall Insulation Condensate Lines Party Wall Firewall Exterior Lath Drywall - Int. Lath Final Final - ZJ S POOLS -SPAS BLOCKWALL APPROVALS Steel Set Backs Electric Bond Footings Main Drain Bond Beam Approval to Cover Equipment Location Underground Electric Underground Plbg. Test Final I I Gas Piping PLUMBING APPROVALS Gas Test Electric Final Waste Lines Heater Final Water Piping Plumbing Final Plumbing Top Out Equipment Enclosure Shower Pans O.K for Finish Plaster Sewer Lateral Pool Cover Sewer Connection Encapsulation Gas Piping Gas Test Appliances Final COMMENTS: Final Utility Notice (Gas) ELECTRICAL APPROVALS Temp. Power Pole Underground Conduit Rough Wiring Low Voltage Wiring Fixtures Main Service Sub Panels Exterior Receptacles G.F.I. Smoke Detectors Temp. Use of Power Final Utility Notice (Perm) LICENSED CONTRACTOR DECLARATION In I he-ety ai'rm ender pena'ty cf perjury tta I am licenser- underpro\•isic-Is of H 1 Chapter ? (con -.r. arcing with Section 7000) o1 Dhrisien 3 a, me BLsiness and N r.1)Frclessiorels Ccde, and rcy License is in (ull fcrc2 and ?int' Ex?. Gere W license 0 .e. Clzsa W n it Ir;z Cal= Signalu:eof Ccnl:actor o r• - BUILDING PERMIT :;ATE W.LV,%T,JN .Iit7 LOT ADDRESS 7�i-,-900 TANGELO b'.eFt: n4TDP r_.AFENA PEiir•lrri :.Ptd ?4C1ORi DE9 3WR r _NGINEE3 O H CD OWNER -BUILDER DECLARATION ?S-9COT.�. cax) I u c sLz: 3 W W ieveby atlrm ender penally o' 2arjuni tnat I am e:cempt from Iha Cart actors T -A 2U>i�i �� � ) ~ a i_.cense Lav: for Ir -ollcaiing reason: Z (moi 1. as o:':r.er o' the procartV. or my er- as 'with ,vages as heir s::,e 6IM-ensation. will do the work, ar.d the str.ctu a is net intended If cierej for LSE OF F_RMlr sale (Sec. 7044. B!js ress & Pro:essionEls Ccde). I, as carer of the properly, am exclusively' car:tra=ting with rioensed hE%%M AL-Bi7 .I WO coctractors.l_ cocslnl the 8 Prciessio pro?=ct (Sec. 7044. t3usir.e<-s _ ,A _1PL I. - l. ct) Be *' am exempt urder S=-cticn B.&PC f Fj.A 5 iva r -e J 1 O - ! 3 .:? % Signature s•Naa f �_ • �r O� a U WORKER'S COMPENSATION DECLARATION a Z �ALVAT)ON Vr C3 S I '�areb_� affirm under panalP; o1 perjury one of he -ol`O\\�nc declarations: c� Q ) I have andw. rnaintajn a ceriificale co consent to set` insure tar wor.<ers' XW - cornpensajcr:, as prcv`ded fcr by S_cticn 3?00 0l ate Labor Code_ tor. he (� p=rforrr.ance of we wore, (cf vihicn this perr,1.1 is i=sr.ed. CG Q U ( 1 . have a'�c .\`.i maim?".n v:�r<ers' cornpsnsation inswance. as required by Code for Oe p=riorrtarce cf he 'nark Ir- v,hich tis CM.1 � dU H Alto, S_cton 3700 Of L?Labor - s issuEd. \T; `porkers' ccrnpensat r. rIV0.�c- carrier & po1Cy na are: �SI�cI�f lr� CC -ST OF COI`XS�PUr`tIO� 6. G z. permil Car`Er F.- i YvP.milj' FK2 00 5 PLA- CIIECK I'E� t' i -G!'� 2 I l �. _ 9-318 ob a Q (This section need not t o ' rnplated it the pert -.d vzlc=_licn is fc- S1oo.Co or less). We •,vor.i tpr whbh his permit is issued: Cfs�i i kUL Tit?N c'r?�ar S45 co i a i _0011-41 8-,r,CG S45 co -J l I cera fy lhal in the pyrrorrrance cl so Es IO beoorr.e subject to tae ..9TItGaO-MOT101i FP -s^. • IRYUD ii;l "PIJU'"sa i -000 I rot emF.oy arty person in any manne• iwo•kers' oc npei5aficr laws of GeU:omia, a�Agre i, s iou sub'ecl :o the worker cor-nsalan �rsrc•ns of Se-aon '.Acr,'oI.e Lebo' Code: I'shail fcthNitl• •comply -.1 . a�� ✓ 114arnin1g: Failur= to secure W=rkers'J :m.:ensal.on coverage is unla,•,Srl and shad su=reel an errcio;er :o cem rel pena:ti=s and ch it ines up to s1Cc,o00, in acecion tc Tie cost of corr.pensa7o:n, damages a=_ provided lot in Section 3706 of 1'ne !_abor COcce. interest aid attorneys fees. I1v1PORTANT Appfcatior. is hereby pace to rhe Dire=:or of 6ui•.d;ng and Safey :or E perm l sub:_�I Ir-• rhe con4,lions and reslriclions set`orth an his a_p1i�5on. 1. Each person Lpon whose oehalf :his apt :kation is mace &each person at whose request erg ;o• v:hose benefit is performed urger or pj:suant to ary oe•me. issued as a reE� l c? tii s applira:on agrees to. & sha.l, i dercnity & mold I•ar-a1=ss tie City of La Ouinta, its cficers, agents an� employees. 2 ?.ny penti1 issu=e as a result of his application t•ecomes null arc void i! work is rot co nr:Enced \Athi- 190 days from bate of issuance cl such pe mi!, cr cessal.on OF %%ark to '.80 dais w.11 suC;ec1 p8rmil to c�icellafor. I ca tit. 1-a1 I ^ave read his apol cation End stare that ire 2bo a infoa ti.1 n s ioo:reci. I Egree :.o comply with ali CilY, and Stale IF v:s retain^; it Ute er tip -c -r. con.=:ruction, snd hereby auho izeJePcr?rcvas of ,cr to enter a r• the atrJe men 1o�e:� pr00Ert-sPcctji, ugtoses / �5iynature ;Cv:rer+At4e�11 �" _.- . 1 1 0 '603 Ali i 411�ti: �;: LA �I;INTA fl ±�1�01=D QT:a_ i 02;°&aTJi iT02�' Pu'�iY C'G :1�3J5 ='ice- 4T7i now ;,7;.. s MAR -11-2003 12:34 ,t4 # Permit # _& 'k pV KRYSTAL KOACH K Telephone: b d3.i Stare Lic. it : Arch., Engr.. Designer: Address: City. ST. Zip: Telephone r5tatc Lic. 0: A Name of Contact Person: vlNC X Telephone s of Contact Person N Submittal Plan Sets Structural Caics- Truss Calcs. Energy Calr9. Flood plain plAn Grading plan subcontacror List Grant peed H.O.A. Approval m HOUSE;. Planning Approval Pub. Wks. Appr School Fees 1 714 986 1240 P.02 City of La Quinta . Building a Safery Division P.O. Box 1504, 711-495 Calle Tampico La Quinta, CA 9220 - (760) 777-7012 Building Permit APPlication and Tracking Sheet EC d L . Owner s N2 me: Address: % 00 71 NGf'G d City. ST, Zi 3 �. (j Z 2- F Telephone: PTelephone: ' 1714 Project Dcscription; r 0. DGG� Qoo�r F,?^rte X16. .M ity Lic, #: 1414. Construction T t ; yp Occupancy: Proicct type (circle one): NOV Add'n Alter Repair Demo 0&Nj* Sq, Ft.: j�yt) Stories: tt Units: `etZ 3 Stimated Value ofproiect: ea. OIDD . V� APPL)CANT: DO NOT WRITE BELOW THIS LINE Plan Cneck submitted v7h -...�—.. 1'tcviewed, ready for corrections Iqs )l (� Called Contact Person Plana picked up Plans resubmitted 2" Review. ready for enrrections/issue Called Contact Person Plans picked up Plans resubmitted Review. reAdy for eorrectiona/IESUC Caned Contact Pcrsan 17ate of permit issue PERMIT FEES Item Pisa Check Deposit Plan Check Balance Construction Mechanical Electrical Plumbing Grading Developer Impact Fee A.1.P.P. Total permit Fees AmoUnl MAR -11-2003 12:35 A. KOACH, -N 7. 1 714 986 1240 P.03 Oi COD) CD 4- tcA 03 m i l . -N 7. 1 714 986 1240 P.03 COD) CD -N 7. 1 714 986 1240 P.03 4- tcA 03 m tj 71 ro r3 C, MAR -11-2003 12:35 KRYSTAL KOACH F t - STS -42 42" Stainless Steel Outd 1 714 986 1240 P.04 U L 5850 ,Dor Fireplace 31 [787MM] 00 pII 5/8[16MM] / 231/4[591 MM] T a o X11 14 [356MM] �IMINE MINE 42 [1066MM] 48 (1219MM] West End ]Brick N, Fire 1900 S Proforma Avenue Ontario, CA 9I761 Phone 909-923-4305 42 3/8 [1076MM] 23'/2 [598MM] J SPECIFICATIONS MOW STSA2 �� Fnntwia Wwk Weds, Dcpth Glee, Six Acaml TFmncng Acnutl Fuming Actual Fmrr- Adtud Fnmrir� Inches 42 LN 42 7/tl 4A 49 31 4'1 2] 1/4 2.7 314 42X23 l/2 krS— da-- only. We —m -d MmAun it mdLW i n s et riWindoa 12199 HEAT-N-GLO • (612) MS -6000 • www.heat1glo.com Giw i 0 v 5 • �f�IVI N . m�Q 5 OF9w 78-495 CALLE TAMPICO — LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 _.. TELEPHONE#60) 777-7012 FAX (760) 777-7011 /BUILDER INFORMATION Dear Property Owner An application for a building permit has been submitted in your name listing yourself as the builder of the property improvements specified. i For your protection you should be aware that as "Owner/ Builder" you are the responsible party of record on such a permit. Building permits are not required to be signed by property owners unless they are personally performing their own work. If your work is being performed by someone other than yourself, you may protect yourself from possible liability if that person applies for the ptoper permit in his or her name. Contractors are required by law to be licensed and bonded by the State of California and to have a business license from the City or County. They are also required by law to put their license number on all permits for which they apply, If you plan to do your own work, with Ithe exception.of various trades that you plan to subcontract, you should be aware of the following information for your benefit and protection: If you employ or otherwise engage any persons other than your immediate family, and the work (including materials and other costs) is $200.00 or more for the entire project, and such persons are not licensed as contractors or subcontractors, then you may be an employer. If you are an employer, you must register with the -State and Federal Government as.an employer,and you are subject to several obligations including State and Federal income tax withholding, federal social security taxes, worker's compensation insurance, disability insurance costs and unemployment compensation -contributions. -- There may. be financial risks for you if you do not carry out these obligations, and these risks are especially serious with respect to worker's compensation insurance. For more specific information about your obligations under Federal Law, contact the Internal Revenue Service (and, if you wish, the U.S. Small Business Adminstration). For more specific information about your obligations under State Law, contact the Department of Benefrt�Payments and the Division of Industrial Accidents. If the structure is intended for sale, property owners who are not licensed contractors are allowed to perform their work personally or through their own employees, without a licensed contractor or subcontractor, only under limited conditions. f A frequent practice of unlicensed persons professing to be contractors is to secure an "Owner/ Builder" building permit, erroneously implying that the1property owner is providing his or her own labor and material personally. Building permits are not required to be signed by property owners unless they are performing 'their own work personally. Information about licensed contractorsimay be obtained by contacting the Contractors' State License Board in your community or at 1020 N. Street, Sacramento, California 95814. Please complete and return the enclosed owner -builder verification form so that we can confirm that you are aware of these matters. The building permit will not be issued until the verification is returned. Very truly yours, CITY OF LA QUINTA"I DEPT. OF BUILDING AND SAFETY 1 78-495 Calle Tampico l La Quinta, CA 9225 (760) 777-701 FAX: (7 OWNER'S ATURE/DATE -7q 400 PROPERTY ADDRESS 0304- 114 PERMIT NUMBER(s) MAR -11-2003 12:35 KRYSTAL KOACH 1 714 986 1240 P.05 - � �, a —r�•f 41 r7l Ar - IL •O �I �..; 11 � I tiOF- IMMM� f• '{I o b. -I LlWC.T!DIT. TMM7 TDI '10n )mtpcQt7vvq) ! "nN aNnp.4- Gfd5 CINU 5-100d WINMOJI-ldZ) : W06J TOTAL P.05. I Z�101 I I I I* 1 (01. 0 WARNING! fm' pro'per Installation, adjustment, alteration, !Service'or maintenance -can cause injury or property da I mage. Refer to this manual. For assistance or additional information, consult a qualified installer,. service -agency or the gas supplier. ...... A.14 WARNING! fm' pro'per Installation, adjustment, alteration, !Service'or maintenance -can cause injury or property da I mage. Refer to this manual. For assistance or additional information, consult a qualified installer,. service -agency or the gas supplier. 18-03-2003 11:42 FROM -THE ISLANDS 702 894 9886 T-307 P.005/009 F-231 . ecffilcdoi OUT42 INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS Thefsrst mum in fin via s A. LISTINGS AND. CODE APPROVALS This fireplace system has been tested and listed in accordance with UL 127 standards, and has been fisted by Underwriters Laboratories Inc. for installation and operation In the,United States as described in this manual. is fireplace has been tested anti listed for use with the optional components listed on page 5. These optional components may be pumhased'separatety and installed at a later date. However, installation of a dual cooling air kit is required and must be installed at the time of the Initial fireplace installation. Failure to do so may result in a fire causing property damage and/or personal injury. Check with your local building code agency prior to installing this fireplace to ensure compliance with local codes, including the need for permits and follow-up inspections. It you need assistance during Installation, please oontactyour local dealer or the HeatllatorTechnical Services Department, Hearth Technologies Inc., 1915 W. Saunders St., ML Pleasant, Iowa 52641(1-800-843-2848). a Heatilator® is a registered trademark of Hearth Technologies Inc., Division, HON INDUSTRIES."�' `� i•.:. lip B. DESCRIPTION OF THE FIREPLACE SYSTEM The Heatllatorflreplace system consists of the following: a. FireplaceMtegral GratelCooling Air System b. Refractory c- Chimney Termination Cap d Chimney system e. Hearth Extension 2, optional Components Include: a. Glass Doors b. Weather Cover NOTE: Illustrations used throughout these instructions reflect "typical installations" and are for design pur- poses only. Actual Installation may vary slightly due to Individual design preferences. However, minimum and maximum clearances must be maintained at all times. The illustrations and diagrams used throughout these Installations instructions are not drawn to scale. Figure 1- Typical Flreptace System il 18-03-2003 11:42 FROM -THE ISLANDS 7.02 894 9886 T-307 P.006/009 F-231 r.yu.a ... ...... • ............ _ �r...a Termination Cap h.,VQ cmhtoi OUT42 INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS Thefirstnanwwfzre hwa 9. Installing the. Termination Cap If a roof flashing Is to be used, Install the roof flashing appropriate to the roof pitch and Install a round termination cap following the instructions shipped with the cap. For chase installations you can use a round termination cap (TR11), a round telescoping termination cap (TR11T) or a square termination cap (ST1175). A chase installation must use a chase top. Chase tops are available from your Heatilator • distributor.' S1o�AOD907 a. Install the chimney sections up through the chase "'°`°+e enclosure. When using a TR11 round termination - - cap, the uppermost top section of pipe must t— rm+n • extend 6" above the top of the chase collar to allowL J installation of the storm collar and termination L cap. See Figure 14a. raft O imf b. For installations utilizing a TR11T telescoping round termination cap, the uppermost chimney section must be below the top of the chase top; ' but not more than 1454" below the top of the chase top flashing collar. See Figure 14b. c. For installations utilizing an ST1175 square termination cap the last chimney section must ; Figure 149 - installing a TRt1 Round Termination Cap not be more than 454" below the chase top. See Figure 14c. d. Attach the chase top to the top of the chase. e. Install the termination cap, following the instructions provided with it. ' r.yu.a ... ...... • ............ _ �r...a Termination Cap