98-094 (TT)78-495.CALLE TAMPICO — LA OUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 - (760) 777-7000• of TNS FAX (760) 777-71.01 TDD (760)`777-1227, October 22, 1998 ; Mr. Chad Meyer RJT Homes •x .'50-842 Grand Traverse La Quinta, California, 92.253 crTWVECT: MLNOR USE PE1R.1!^JIT 98-094. _ Dear Mr. Meyer: , The Community Development Department has approved your request to establish a 8"wide by 23' long construction trailer on.the northwest corner of Toronja and Mango, subject to the following • conditions: r 1. Obtain,a building permit. including an electrical permit for temporary power. ' . 2. Provide restroom facilities to accommodate on-site construction workers. 3 . Mounted on the. exterior - of the .trailer .close -to. the. front door shall be a written notice . providing emergency personnel your 24-hour emergency phone number they can call in case problems arise,that`need your prompt attention (i.e.,.minimum l" high letters). 4." Install one 2AlOBC fire extinguisher inside the-trailer'by the front exit door. ' 5. No temporary signs arepermitted unless separately approved by this Department. . 6. Removal of the temporary constructior:-trailer is required or. gip: 1 22, 1999_ unless. a•time extension is applied for and granted by this Department. The Community Development Director. may extend the permit for another 'six-month period if construction activities are still occurring.' No fee'is charged to extend this permit.' . 7. Dust control measures shall be employed if construction parking is allowed adjacent to the trailer. 8: Trailer skirtiiig-shall be installed within 30 days if the. trailer is mounted, above finished grade level. 9: The City may, elect to add Conditions to this application request to mitigate any problems that arise not previously addressed herein. - MUP98-094-28.. , # 7 MAILING 'ADDRESS — P.O. BOX .1504 — LA OUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 `J. LOr IiD-r �%�3 18 TR �%1�� � k � I �� TR�I EAST 1065.00' EAST 680.009 I t� o Ln i. <o C\j 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0�� �. 4 1 -� 79-370 79 3f30 7q -390 7i 400 '19-90 i9 -42o 79'430 79-44014-450 79-460 19-470 79-48olu `J -35X0 Soi-----------' , �- -- --A-(N`O''09'4 'V 'Tv o66 -LOT AZAHAR T [N 89'5013 E 590:17'] ,E 7Hs 6iH.0Tea-s 6k17- FAflPFC TsOR7931 AzA►�q . Lo —Sol -r _ �0� x'4:3' 05, rR 4 J O -13 � o l _ m f. 13-355 79-3105 (PRNAIE' 404j. 0_-5 IM'S. .,22-3/26-28- .26' F0 �� 44 61' 41.425 M-355 19-405 � 43 79-4144 s `" -19-435 45, 46 2 ZI N2 90, 3,/ 47 79 -+56'I 32 51 5. 48 49 .50 19-476 - 7y_4 51 79 -gas f HING5 2 ApD�css :2s-197 53 f • •QITC rz 223/26 2BE . ��rr►n�r ee -