07-3071 (SOTB)P.O. BOX 1504 . 78-495 CALLE TAMPICO LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 Application Number: • 07-Q0_(,03=07:1_ Property Address: 81893 THOROUGHBRED TR APN: 767-200-999-24 -312024- Application description:. STRUCTURES OTHER THAN BUILDINGS Property Zoning: . LOW DENSITY RESIDENTIAL Application valuation: 5000 Applicant: Architect or Engineer: i)/ P . BUILDING & SAFETY DEPARTMENT BUILDING PERMIT LICENSED CONTRACTOR'S DECLARATION 1 hereby affirm under penalty of perjury that I am licensed under provisions of Chapter 9 (commencing with Section 7000) of Division 3 of the Business and Professionals Code, and my License is in full force and effect. License Class: C27 License No.: 836412 ace: / *q_0 i. tractor: OWNER -BUILDER DECLARATION I hereby affirm under penalty of perjury that I am exempt from the Contractor's State License Law for the following reason (Sec. 7031 .5, Business and Professions Code: Any city or county that requires a permit to -construct, alter, improve, demolish, or repair any structure, prior to its issuance, also requires the applicant for the permit to file a signed statement that he or she is licensed pursuant to the provisions of the Contractor's State License Law (Chapter 9 (commencing with Section 7000) of Division 3 of the Business and Professions Code) or that he or she is exempt therefrom and the basis for the alleged exemption. Any violation of Section 7031.5 by any applicant for a permit subjects the applicant to a civil penalty of not more than five hundred dollars ($500).: (_) 1, as owner of the property, or my employees with wages as their sole compensation, will do the work, and the structure is not intended or offered for sale ISec. 7044, Business and Professions Code: Ttie Contractors' State License Law does not apply to an owner of property who builds or improves thereon, and who does the work himself or herself through his or her own employees, provided that the improvements are not intended or offered for sale. If, however, the building or improvement is sold within one year of completion, the owner -builder will have the burden of proving that he or she did not build or . improve for the purpose of sale.). (_ I 1, as owner of the property, am exclusively contracting with licensed contractors to construct the project (Sec. . 7044, Business and Professions Code: The Contractors' State License Law does not apply to an owner of property who builds or improves thereon, and who contracts for the projects with a contractor(s) licensed pursuant to the Contractors' State License Law.). ( ) I am exempt under Sec. B.&P.C. for this reason Date: Owner: - CONSTRUCTION LENDING AGENCY 1 hereby affirm under penalty of perjury that there is a construction lending agency foe the performance of the work for which this permit is issued ISec. 3097, Civ. C.). ' Lender's Name: Lender's Address: LQPERA11T Owner: TOM & KARA SWEDBERG 81-893 THOROUGHBRED TR LA QUINTA, CA 92253 Contractor: DISTINCTIVE SCAPES P.O. BOX 461957 ESCONDIDO, CA 92046 (760)414-9458 Lic. No.: 836412 .VOICE (760) 777-7012 FAX (760) 777-7011 INSPECTIONS (760) 777-7153 Date: 12/10/07 WORKER'S COMPENSATION DECLARATION I hereby affirm under penalty of perjury one of the following declarations: _ 1 have and will maintain a certificate of consent to self -insure for workers' compensation, as provided for by Section 3700 of the Labor Code, for the performance of the work for which this permit is issued. I have and will maintain workers' compensation insurance; as required by Section 3700 of the Labor Code, for the performance of the work for which this permit is issued. My workers' compensation insurance carrier and policy number are: Carrier CLARENDON NATL Policy Number 01DKRM12000053 I certify that, in the performance of the work for which this permit is issued, I shall not employ any person in any manner so as to become subject to the workers' compensation laws of California, and agree that, if I should become ubject to the workers' compensation provisions of Section 3700 of the Labor Code, I shall to hwith comply with those provisions. a.�te: IL 0 scant: WARNING: FAILURE TO SECURE RK RS' COMPE ION COVERAGE IS UNLAWFUL, AND SHALL SUBJECT AN EMPLOYER TO CRIMI ENALTIES AND CIVIL FINES UP TO ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLARS ($100,000). IN ADDITION TO THE COST OF COMPENSATION, DAMAGES AS PROVIDED FOR IN SECTION 3706 OF THE LABOR CODE, INTEREST, AND ATTORNEY'S FEES. APPLICANT ACKNOWLEDGEMENT IMPORTANT Application is hereby made to the Director of Building and Safety for a permit subject to the conditions and restrictions set forth on this application. ' 1 . Each"person upon whose behalf this application is made, each person at whose -request and for whose benefit work is performed under or pursuant to any permit issued as a result of this application, the owner, and the applicant, each.agrees to, and shall defend, indemnify and hold harmless the City of La Quinta, its officers, agents and employees for any act or omission related to the work being performed under or following issuance of this permit. 2. Any permit issued as a result of this application becomes null and void if work is not commenced within • 180 days from date of issuance of such permit, or cessation of work for 180 days will subject permit to cancellation. ' I certify that I have read this application and state that the above information is correct. I agree to comply with all city and county ordinances and state laws relating to building construction, and hereby authorize representatives of this county to enter upon the above-mentioned property for inspect n purposes. I (A I re (Applicant or Agent): Application Number 07-00003071 Permit . . . BUILDING PERMIT • Additional-desc_.-. Permit. Fee 72.00 Plan Check Fee 46.80 Issue Date Valuation l 5000 Expiration Date 6/07/08.' Qty 'Unit Charge -Per Extension BASE FEE 45.00 3.00 9.0000 THOU BLDG'2,0"01-25,000 27.00 l Permit 'PLUMBING Additional desc .. Permit Fee 18.00 Plan Check Fee 4.50 Issue Date Valuation 0 Expiration Date ,. 6/07/08 Qty Unit Charge Per Extension BASE FEE 15.00 - 1.00 3.0000.EA PLB GAS PIPE 1-4 OUTLETS 3.00 Special Notes and .Comments 6' HIGH FREE STANDING OUTDOOR.FIREPLACE. [MASONRY INSTITUTE OF AMERICA - SPECS.], ALL GAS PIPING TO MEET 2001 CALIFORNIA PLUMBING CODE REQUIREMENTS, MASONRY " FIREPLACE SPECIFICATIONS HAVE BEEN SHOWN TO MEET THE.2001 CBC. December"3,.200.7 4:02:48.PM AORTEGA' Other.Fees . . . . . . ENERGY REVIEW FEE 4.68 Fee summary Charged Paid Credited Due Permi"t.Fee Total 90.00 00 .00 90.00 Plan Check Total 51.30 00 .00 51".30 Other Fee Total 4:68 .00 --.00 4.68 Grand Total 145.98 .00. .p0- 14.5.98 - LQPERAIIT - ClonliAnnents a RCP BLOCK & BRICEm INC. 4GO 2;0 Chimncy-- Strap anchor— . Bond•bearn Chimney ` flue lincrl Smokc I chamber : c Throat — Smokc shclr�— Fi rcbricks -or fircbacks , Firebox -- Outside air inlet. Lintel— Ash dump (optional) Ash pit Box type —Spark arrester Zi—Flue liner Mantcl sliclf Breast Facc Fireplace opening Outer hearth Foundation or footing PARTS OF A FIREPLACE AND CHIMNEY SPECIFICATIONS Scope: The following- specifications, including special items and 'modifications, shall govern the construction of tthe'ftrcplacc and Chimncy.. Work Not Included: ` Any concrete work or reinforcement embedded in, concrete including vertical . dowels. Work Included: All labor, matcri;ils, equipment, appliances, anchors, bolts; miscellaneous iron work and all other reinforcing steel, • including setting of vertical steel as indicated on the plans and as'hcrein specified. Materials: Materials sliall be as follows: Watcr shall be clean and potable. Sand conforming to "Aggregate for Masonry Mortar" ASTM C 144. Portland cement conforming to ASTM C 1'50 Type I or 1.1. Hydrated lime conforming to "Hydrated Lirnc'for Masonry' Purposes" ASTM C 201 Type S. Steel .Reinforcing conforming to "Deformed Billet Steel Bars Concrete Reinforcement", ASTM A 615 - Grade 40 -or 60. Brick, meeting the requirements for. "Building Brick". ASTM C 62 or for "Facing Brick" ASTM C 216 or for "Hollow Brick". ASTM C 652. Block meeting the requirements for "Hollow Load Bearing Concrete Masonry Units".ASTM C 90. i Clay flue liners conforming to. "Clay Flue Linings" ASTM C 315 or "Concrete Flue Liners" conforming to ICBG E.R. N6.•2602. Mortar Proportions: Mortar shall beproportioned by volume. as follows: One part Portland cement, one-half part hydrated lime and four -and -a -half parts dry, loose s< -Ind. Mixing of Mortar: All ccr mchtitious materials and aggregates sliall be mixed for minimum period of three minutes, with the amount of water required to produce the. desired workability. Re -tempering: Permitted once only.by adding water within a basin formed of mortar and the mortar, reworked into the water: Mortar which has become liarsh .and non- plastic shall not be re -tempered or used. Mortar that has set for more -than 2 '/� hours.slfall not be used. RESIDENTIAL MASONRY G°aQC AND QC�aGSC. CONSTRUCTION DETAILS AND SPECIFICATIONS BASED ON T11IE 1997 U.B.C.. DateI�- 23.' Location Name & Address -Owner "Tp r-► a n k tci, r su� bfio Name & Address -Contractor Sai pe -s �rvL p i3 N �i b i �S� . Qs� .�, d ►cls" cA D 2kENSIONS - Dimensions shall be..not less than listed in table of General Code Requirements unless special approval is obtained.. Width of Opening `3n" .1 ' 'Height of Opening aco `r Depth of'Firebox 2. e/" Size of Flue Width of Jambs Each Side.of Opening �2`t Height: Too of Foundation to Top of Chimney Ash Dump & Clean-otit Fittings Required: Yes No Special Items & modifications'applying to this job: /v 0j LA i. l Masonry Institute of A>;nerica 2550 Bevcrly Boulevard Los Angeles, CA 90057-1085 (213) 388-0472 - Fax (213) 388-6958 . Grout: Grout may be 1 part Portland cement, 3 parts sand, 2 parts pea gravel of pouring consistency or may be composed of retempered mortar. .. Joints:. All joints exposed to'the weather shall be tooled.. Joints in firebrick shall not exceed ''/< ` Construction: When the bricks are being laid, they. shall be sufficiently damp, and the mortar sufficiently soft, so that the mortar will remain plastic to per:mit the units to be leveled and plumbed. immediately after being laid without losing bond. All masonry work shall be accurately executed and in conformitywith the plans. No brick .less than '/2 length sliall .be used -in ca-poscd.work. Head and bed joints sliall be solidly filled with mortar and brick shall be shoved into place. Fireplaces are generally of two types. One type is constructed"on •concrete slab floors and the other type is constructed in a frame floor -using a cantilevered hearth. The generally accepted -method of construction of a fireplace from the hearth LIP is as follows: The fireplace is 'laid out; the back of the fireplace is constructed to a scaffold height approximately five feet; and then the firebox is. constructed and back-filled with fempered mortar. Slush untempered mortar or grout loosely behind firebox wall to allow for expansion of firebox. The horizontal' steel maybe placed either in the mortar.bed joint or in the grouted'area. Some fireboxes are constructed without the face, leaving tics .so the face may be added at a later date, while other fireboxes are constructed simultaneously with the face. Either way is an approved method of construction. Tempered mortar grout shall fill the void' between, the. flue lining and the masonry wall. Note:. Thesc residential'masonry construction details do not'include Rumford fi rcpt aces. MASONRY CHIMNEY SECTIONS N2 ties at 18" with 8" 16" if fireplace opening is Flue less It,— s•x s ft lining Brick 90 vertical bend - o�. floaters 20" iffircplace opening O Five H4 vertical bars Wall s — a4 steel with is six sq. ft.'thickness CID* more thickN •I Outside air intake • standard 90' hook — C _ u B . o E Double ties at 00 bend in steel ►— „ n���/ O 2.0" min. O z : — `� �' 5( G Smoke chamber. — - - - - o N 'a, 0 iv �1Rorizontal /z min. / ) .: o D I:. ' �' / o° / -- •= reinforcing CU I 0�U ties 00 o Alternate ang1�'d, U of side wall / .� All' L C 5 O .S 6" min. to ooh J O combustible material PLAN AT TOP OF HEARTH FOR CORNER FIREPLACE Bond Spark arrester screen K hcam mesh Masonry cap -I _ q N ClcarAce 10'-0" min. Effective flue arca Bond beam Flue lining— Bond Horizontal 0�J einforcing TT es Wall � Uuckness Parge widi mortar Smokc chamber Vertical rcinforcin l Firebox wall 1 thickness Slab thickness Anchorage PAIlmDetail for 11L� full masonryNvall WE—yarance Veneer tie _Vertical II _ t �''. `/-- reinforcing Lintel .:' i• O -Fireplace Brick -floaters - I : Damper / opening B Firebox wall. thickness ' ' ' 20" min. _Inside hearili - no splice)FirebrickOutside J Outside hearth -- InsidehcarUi I �—Outside.hearUi 2�" Min. E Firebox wall I t1lickncss O Footing wid0i E-.7'�:.::: r. : •.::.. ..:'::'.�':.. m'u 4i=ni Finished grade Footing .. .. '.... .... ' depth f .. . W squareAlternate for free W —� SECTION—THRU. FIREBOX OF A CORNER FIREPLACE L I /U U Block 4 Detail withi • ... -mantel 110 Fireback FEE /-� mortar 0 0 v L Lintel U o Cc o Tic if floor is 6' above -/— grade . Ash dump l-Icarth slab ` optionalD -reinforcing 18" Footing I Clean T Footing Grade min. widUi out width 11=_till=_ =1111=1111 1111=1111= Reinforcing for A. Gee standing fireplace only .^:.'.l •:::. :::. �.:: T Fooling depth I" W square• Alternate for free 3" clear standing fireplace BRICK FIREBOX AND CHIMNEY WOOD FLOOR L Block j 13 U PLAN AT TOP OF HEARTH N Clearance n Anchorage 2-'/," bolls C cadh strap Clearance - Widdi fireplace 18^ opening —L Spark arrester screen K Bond ' bean, I lorizonl:il J reinforcing I'I Vertical reinforcing Anchor strap, 1%" min. grout between 4" concrete masonryand clay flue lining Flue lining G min. Horizontal . reinforcing tics 4" Uiick masonry unit Vcrticil rcinlorcing 20" cap if spliced to AE 1-I footing dowels. Lintel L (L:A. City code no splice)FirebrickOutside nir -- InsidehcarUi or alternate �—Outside.hearUi 2�" Min. E Firebox wall I t1lickncss O Footing wid0i E-.7'�:.::: r. : •.::.. ..:'::'.�':.. m'u 4i=ni Finished grade `"Natural grade 'g O =. I .:; , .::;' ::: ' .•'-::.:ti :. Bars in concrete footing W squareAlternate for free standing fireplace HOLLOW UNIT MASONRY FIREBOX AND CHIMNEY ON CONCRETE SLAB •r "'` GENERAL CODE REQUIREMENTS U.B.C. REQUIREMENTS FOR MASONRY FIREPLACES ITEM LETTER' UNIFORM BUILDINGtODE REQUIREMENTS Hearth slab -thickness "A , 4" (102 mm) Heanh extension B 8" (203 mm) fireplace opening < 6 sq. ft. (0.56 m'-) (each side of opening) I 1 'c 12" (305 mm) fireplace opening.> 6 sq. ft. (0.56 m2) Hearth extension' C 16" (406 mm) fireplace opening < 6 sq. ft,. (0.56 m2) (front of opening) 271/a " bolts- 8-16d nails 20" (508 rnmj fireplace opening > 6 sq, ft. (0.56 m2) Hearth slab reinforcing D Reinforced to carry its own weight and all E . imposed loads. Thickneis of wall of firebox E 10" (25< mm) common brick or 8" (203 mm) where a fircbrt;t, lining is used. Joints in firebrick 1/a" (6 mm) max. Distance from top of opening F 6" ( 152 mm) to throat Smoke chamber edge of shelf ' G . Rear wall_thickness 6" (1 52 mm) From and sidewal[—thickness 8" (203 min) Chimney H Four.'No. 4 full-length bars for chimney up to 40" (1016rnm) ' Vertical reinforcing wide. Add two No. 4 bars for each additional 40" (1016mm) or fraction of width or each additional flue. (Seismic Zones 2, 3 and 4.) Horizontal reinforcing '. 1 1/.n" (6.4 trim) ties at 18" (457 mm) and two tics at 'each bend in yeni6l steel. Bond beams K No specified requirements. Fireplace lintel L Noncombustible material. Walls with flue lining M • Brick with grout around lining. 4" (102 mm) min. Reinforcing as from flue lining to outside face of required chimney. Walls with unlined flue N 8" (203 mm) solid masonry. Distances between adjacent flues 4" (102 mm) Minimum effective. flue arca P Round lining -1/1, or 50 sq. in. (32 258 mm) min. (based on arca of fireplace opening's Rectangular lining -1/10 or 64 scL. in. (41 290 mm) min. Unlined or lined with firebrick -1/8 or 100 sq. in. (61 516 mm'-) min. Clearances _ R 2" Of mm) (See floor construction detail) Wood frame Combustible material W 6" (15 min) min. to fireplace opening. - ALTERNATE FOUNDATION SCHEDULE FOR A ONE STORY FREE STANDING FIREPLACE 12" (305 mm) from opening when material projecting more (Soil Bearing 1000 psf max.) than 1/g for each 1" (25 mm). Above roof 2' (610 mm) at 10' (3048 mm). Anchorage S Strap 1/1(," x I" (1.8 mm by 25 mm) Number 2 Embedment into chimney 12" (305 mm) hooked around outer bar w/6" (152 mm) ext. Fasten to 2'` x 4" (51 mm by 103 mm) ties crossing a min. of 4 joists Bolts Two 1/," (13 mm) diameter ' Footing T Thickness 1'_" (,05 mm) min. Width (i" (I S2 nun) each side of fireplace wall Outside air intakeU + Optional - Ntemale locations NOTE: 'See Figure 5 for letter references. SQUARE FOOTING "W" (i Ili Steel reinforcement shown is required in Seismic Zones 2,'3 and 4. dee "Chimneys, Fireplaces and Barbecues" for additional information. e sir .' vents ents are required!, provide cid:: one in Y%Vhcn ouLsidm.n 13' rear of firebox or one on each side of firebox. 4-44 15'' I 1 'c 544 2" x 4" runner to raflers or'oisLs 2" x 4" runner to raflers or joists 8' 271/a " bolts- 8-16d nails 2-'/r " bolls 12-16d nails i 2-14 " bolts 10-16d nails 2-14 " bolts 14-16d nails E . or 3- W bolts v� I i o> O Fie ..\ i :G Reinforcing as required 77 W ALTERNATE FOUNDATION SCHEDULE FOR A ONE STORY FREE STANDING FIREPLACE (Soil Bearing 1000 psf max.) FREE STANDING HEIGI[T-FT. SQUARE FOOTING "W" (i Ili BOTTOM REINF. EACH WAY 1 1' 4'-0" 444 13' 4'-i" 4-44 15'' 5'-0" 544 2" x 4" runner to raflers or'oisLs 2" x 4" runner to raflers or joists 17 5,-0i, , 544 Fireplace and chimney reinforcutg and details swrie as "adnimtun requirements this sheet except no anchor -tic connections.at roof or ceiling are -required, but are rcco'mmended.in seismic areas. i 2 C learance.� - Header—Doublc if, more than 4'-0." span ..� Use hanger if header spans more Dian 6-0" I Fireplace Fill' in accordance: to finished schedule FLOOR CONSTRUCTION DETAIL A ' ' G.I. Flashing 2"�1 t� Anchor tie at different levels splayed at 45" (See next page detail -13ond beam and cut plate anchorage)' GABLE END OPEN BEAM 2' 10' t ' v co Provide chimney brace x if required by local building code. Tic Runner 1 , ANCHOR TIE CONNECTION REQUIREMENTS FOR TALL CHIMNEYS Die above reinforcement requirement will. be adequate for chimneys to ten feet (2.54 m) above anchoutie. (Check local building code requirements). Chimneys of excessive height,. weight, width or other special or unusual features should be designed in accor¢artce.with sound engineering principles to withstand the forces imposed by wind or earthquake. Many times, when a chimney extends considerably above the roof level, an ' 'intermediate'lateral support or tie maybe placed between the roof line and Ute Jop of the chimney and tied back to the roof. HEIGHT OF SMALL CHIMNL•'Y WIDI: S'1'RA1G1I'I• UI' CI IIMNEY CHIMNEY APPROX 22"'x 30" APPROX. 22" x 55"' ABOVE TIE Bolt tie to Nail 2" x 4" runner Bolt tic to Nail 2" x.4 runner 2" x 4" runner to raflers or'oisLs 2" x 4" runner to raflers or joists 8' 271/a " bolts- 8-16d nails 2-'/r " bolls 12-16d nails 101: 2-14 " bolts 10-16d nails 2-14 " bolts 14-16d nails or 3- W bolts EFFEC'-TIVE AREA AND FLUE Ji[L EL i Effective:;:: .rca';of. Flt'le Linin '::::'::.:.: Nominal Flue Size Actual Outside Dimensions Inside... Diniensions ;:..:inches Inches Inches:.: : 74::< ::.:;:: ... *8 x 13 SQ., 9'/4 x 13'1/ 7'/ x.11'1/2 .*I1'/i x 11'/.S I I �/R x I1 5/8 10 X 10 r83 .: :.'+13z13RC 13x13. 10'/x10'/Z..:: 85. :+8'/Z x 17 RC 8'/� x 17 ..:> ::.; ::: 6'/, z l t 85. ..<:.+10x14 RC 10'/2.x14'/i 8x12}/R 91°*8.x13 OV 8'/4x12'/,,... :::.6'/x11%2 8 X 17 SQ 8.'/4 x 17 5/8 :: 6'/ x 15A 92:::::; ..: ::.:+8 x 191/-0V 8 x 19%:'::::• «.,;.5?/, x 17"W'....... 95 `> :> *8 x 17 OV 8'/, x 17'/,': :> .:.;'. 6'/, x,151/:2.-:.:..,: : 95 ;:.: *11 RD 95 ::''.. ..+10x17'/:RC. 9`/ z17-1/, :. 7x151/8` :` 99:;3': `: +13 x 13 SQ '131/ x' 13%,11'/4 x 11'/ *8 x:19 OV:.:. 8'/z x 19'/z:>:;::: 6'A x «`106 ?:: .;::::, ,*8 x 20 S .. 8 /$'x 20'/,'::::: :::;;:>6'/,X°18'/:'>'<'' 113. * 12 RD 13'/2 .. :.. .: i 2 ':<:::. <.. 114" +12x16SQ 12x16 9s/4x 13'/4 .: :..:;::118 :.; :: .:.: *ION 17 OV /4 10' x 18'/4.: 8 x 16 3/8 119.:`::::::• ::::. *.12 x 16 'SQ:'.:..12 x`16 :; ::::::: 10% x 10'/� ::. '+13 z 17 RC 13 x 17'. .: ::: 101/:. 13 x 17 OV 13 x 17 10'/ x.14'/4 136.;:.::`:: *13 x 17 SQ .• 12 7/8 x 17'/. ' IO'/i:x 15'h 150::.>>::;.' * 13 x 18 OV: 13 x' 18 10'/4 z 17'/,' 154:;:.:.:: ::.+13 x20 RC. 13x20 :. 10%:x'16'/ 154:.::::.:: *16x16S 16x16::::: 14x14 .. . +17 x 17 .RG:.::. 17 x47,'..' .; < : ;:;.13'/ x 141/4:..-:. . *17 x 17 OV '-.171/4171/4 14'/4 x 1411(.':'. 177::.-:---- * 15 RD 17..... ;: 15 : . .*13 x 21 OV13'/, x 22'/, . -. 10'/z x 19'/4 ... 201:<;:< +17z20R.C . 17x19'/, 14'/:z 17 - 201 >;':;:::::.:.* 18 x 18 SQ:,.,. 18 x 18 ::.: 16 x 16 ::::':210:::: * 16: z:20 SQ::: 16 20:;;< i><:;:;: ;>.*.17 x21 OV.: 17 5/8'x,22 '<::: <.>:'15 x 18 254:::•: +21 s 20 RC 21 x 20 18'/: x 17 16. RD 18 ... ,:.: :.:. 16 .:255':>;::< :.: *20 x 20 SQ 20 x 20 .::;:.. ,; .. 18 x 18 284::`:: '.': ' .: *21 x 21 OV:.':. .1.. ' 2 22:;::; 19 :; ::. 19 x 19`::? 1•'::327;:':€:::>::::.:::.: *20 24 OV,:.:::.. -: »:. 20. x 24:: 22>;;<:<. 19 RD. 21:.:<;;.;: ><:::<:° >>: 19';>:::>:<.><::>: NOTE:' By industry convention, rccuingi lar nites are designated by exterior dimension, round (lues by interior diameter. NOTE: For dimensions in mm• mulliply inches by 25.4 For area in sq. mm., mnlliply s,t.in. by 645.2 OV = OVAL, SQ = SQUARE; RC = ROUND CORNER-, RD = ROUND. ' CLAY FLUE LININGS,'/g inch thick. lllese meet or exceed requirements of ASTM C 315. + CONCRETE FLUE LIMNGS. These meet or exceed requirements of FHA, MPS 4900.1 Sec. 604-6.7; ICBO Research Reconunendation No. 2602; City of Los Angles Research Report No. 23878. Approximate wall tiickness .1-1/8+ (29mni±). Check witli local supplier for availability, of flue liner sizes. If would be recommended to use a larger flue rattier than a smaller flue if die proper size is not available. co C: C un. O 00 x 48 44 40 36 32 28 24 Area of Flue for 1/10 Fireplace Opening 24 28 32 36 40 4q 48 52 5C. 60 64 68 72 49 `Nk ®R 24 28 32 36 40 44 48 52 56 60 64 68 72, Width of fireplace opening (Inches) Gropli to determine proper flare size for single face fireplace which requires 1/10 of fireplace opening or when the chimney is 15 feet high' or more: *Chimney height is measured from the smoke shelf to the top of the chimney. x 146 44 40 36 32 28 24 40 36 32 28 Every chimney in Seismic Zones 2, 3 and 4 and in areas of high winds such'.;s hurricanes and tornadoes shall be reinforced with at least four % inch (13 nun) diameter vertical reinforcing bars. Tlie bars shall extend the full height of the chimney. Tlie vertical bars shall have a minimum cover of %: inch (13 nun) of grout or mortar tempered -to a pouring consistency. Vertical bars may be spliced with a 24 inch (609 nun) or 48 bar diani. lap if permitted by local building department. The bars shall be tied horizontally at 18 inches (457 nim) maximum intervals with not less than '/, inch (6 nim) diameter steel tics at each interval. Two tics shall also be provided at the bend in a bar where it changes from a sloped position to a vertical position. Maximum slope of vertical steel should be six inches (152 mm) horiigntil to twelve inches (305 mm) vertical. Where the width of the chinuicy exceeds 40 inches (10 16 nun), two additional '1A inch (13 mm) diameter vertical bars shall be provided for each additional flue incorporated into dic chimney or for each additionalAO inches (1016 min) in width or fraction thereof. ANCHORAGE OF CHIMNEY TO BUILDING It is required by all codes to provide anchor straps from the chimney to the building when die chimney is outside the building and against die exterior wall. Fora standard size chimney with one flue, steel straps approximately i/16 inch by I inch •(5 nun x 25 mm), or standard FHA anchors, are embedded in die grout and around dic reinforcing steel. Theyare.attached with two '/2 inch (13 mni) bolts or four 3/e inch (10 mm) diameter by'thrce inch (76 mm) lag screws to framing members. Bolts or lag screws used in all anchors must each be in separate holes. Blocking between rafters is recommended to provide diaphragm resistance. . Where die joists do not head into the chinincy, the anchor straps are connected to two inch by four inch (51 nun x 102 nun) ties crossing a minimum of four joists. The tics shall be connected to each joist with two 16d nails. As an alternative to the tivo inch by jour inch (51 mni x 101 mar) ties, the straps shall be connected to the structural framework by hvo i/•. inch (13 rant) bolts in an approved manner. Where die two inch by four inch (51 min x 102 nim) tie is installed at the floor line, it is necessary to notch the floor joists. 1 -his is undesirable. lliis allows an unspecified alternative connection, but requires the connections to be made by bolts. When plates are cut, anchor die chimney widi 3/16 inch by one inch (5 nun x 25 mm) steel straps hooked into the chimney and attached to plates by two '/2 inch by lour inch (13 mm x 102 mni) lag screws or two 1/2 inch (13 mm) bolts. When the chimney is two stories high, it should be anchored ;a both die second floor acid at Uic ceiling or roof -level. If a chimney is inside a house, passes through the roof and is completely surrounded by roof diaphragm, generally no special anchors need be provided. The chimney would be supported by the roof diaphragm in the event it is subjected to lateral forces-, however, some codes may require `steel anchors even for chimneys completely surrowided by the roof or floor diaphragm. Check local codes for this requirement. Bond beam and cut plate anchorage Joists parallel Joists perpendicular to will to will . Anchorage of small chimney 24 Arca of Flue for 1/8 Fireplace .Opening 24 28 32 36 40 44 48 52 56 60 64 68 72 48 44 40 36 32 28 24 NNW® ,� ,�, 0 0 000 ' ' ' MEN MINE - : � �s,� t_•®fie 24 28 32 .36 40 44 48 52 56 60 .64 68 72 Width of fireplace opening (Inches) Graph to determine proper flue size for single face fireplace which requires 1/8 of fireplace opening or when the chimney is 15 feet high*. 'Chinincy height is measured from the smoke shelfto the top ofthe chimney. 1 • • ICr:ri,a viiia• r.M%a • • • GO" or lcss___� r -Lap I 16" or less 16" or less More than 60" use 3 anchors - . _Lap-• ---- �. \ r•.•-�c:-�LL' Orelth.,in 211."/l _..� 1 O\ J � Anchors at each end and in center Anchorage of wide chimneys ENERGY CONSERVATION REQUIREMENTS as.per 1992 California Energy Conservation standards for Residential and Nun -Residential Iluddings - Subchapter 7 (Section 150) Masonry and factory -built fireplaces shall meet die following requirements. i. The entire opening of the firebox must be covered with a tight -fitting, closeable, meld or glass door. This requirement may be omitted if Such doors would in with devices permanently installed in the fireplace which are designed to increase Uic circulation of heat. 2. For fireplaces located on an outside wall Ute firebox must have in outside air intake which has a minimum arca of six square inches. 'Ibis air intake must have a tight- fitting- d<vnper (not the same as the flue d unper) which is operable and readily accessible. 3. The flue damper must be tight -fitting widi air accessible control. 4. Continuous buniing gas pilot lights arc prohibited. 5. tic use of indoor air to cool Uic firebox when that indoor airis vented to the outside of die building is prohibited. GAS LOG LIGHTER histallation of a gas log lighter should comply widi local regulations for gas appliances. Tlic gas shut off valve should be an approved A.G.A. appliance and must be outside dic masonry fireplace and not embedded in Uic outside hcardi. A swing joint consisting of at least duce elbows should be installed between the: gas shut off valve and tic log lighter pipe: 'I'iiis is to prevent breaks iridic joints in clic event of movement or settlement of the fireplace. It is recommended dint Clic gas log lighter be i" above the ash bed and,d6nitely not bodied in clic ashes or in sand. Bi" # City of La Quinta Building U Safety Division P.O. Box 1504, 78-495 Calle Tampico La Quinta, CA 92253 - (760) 777-7012 Building Permit Application and Tracking Sheet Permit # Project Address: _$ 3 O f 0 j b t' -CJ Owner's Name: owe anA to/eJ be 0 A. P. Number: Address: ` C - h Legal Description:. City, ST; Zip: L4 Qui C A 92253 Contractor: ��3tl�C'tl _JGcL j—AIZ Telephoner O a.0s .O. 1=1100 - Project Description: L4, 14 Tt-,ee s &,\ A v< Address: P.e v i� 0 X Ll 6 // City, ST, Zip: e5LLVV-AA,0 Telephone: (00— 1114- 1 State State Lic. # : City Lic: #: Arch., Engr., Designer: Address: City, ST, Zip: Telephone: l x Construction Type: Occupancy: State Lic. #: Project.type. (circle one): New-. Add'n Alter Repair Demo Name of Contact Person: (L W, S ,JY'qN7Sq. Ft:: # Stories: # Units: Telephone # of Contact Person: 6 p — $03 ' �3 Estimated Value of Project: 4 5 ` APPLICANT: DO NOT WRITE BELOW THIS LINE # Submittal Req'd Recd TRACKING PERMIT FEES Plan Sets Plan Check submitted . Item Amount Structural Calcs.. Reviewed, ready for corrections 1 Plan Check Deposit Truss Calcs. Called Contact Person I Plan Check Balance Energy Calcs. Plans picked up / Construction Flood' plain plan Plans resubmitted Mechanical Grading plan 2"d Review, ready for corrections/issue Electrical Subcontactor List Called Contact Person Plumbing Grant Deed Plans picked up S.M.I. H.O.A. Approval. Plans resubmitted Grading IN HOUSE:- Review, ready for correcti Aq Developer Impact Fee Planning Approval Called Contact Person _ $ A.I.P.P. Pub. Wks. Appr Date of permit issue School Fees Total Permit Fees U.1