05-1289 (SOTB)0 1000 BUILDING &'SAFETY DEPARTMENT w� BOX 1504 - ~' t (760),,777-7012 5 CALLE TAMPICO FAX (760) 777-7011 QUINTA, CALIFORNIA' 92253 INSPECTION REQUESTS (760) 777-7153 ally F Q _ BUILDING PERMIT Application Number .. ._ 05-00001289 Date 4/14/05 Property Address" 57960 TROON WY APNc' 762-360-013- Application description 62-360-013-Applicationydescription :' _'STRUCTURES"OTHER THAN.BUILDINGS Property Zoning .... LOW"DENSITY RESIDENTIAL Application valuation'. 1500- Owner Owner Contractor SOUTHERN HILLS DEVELOPMENT RIPARIAN ENVIRONMENTS 55161 SOUTHERN HILLS - .r P.O. BOX 391106" ' LA QUINTA CA 92253. ANZA CA, 92539 (909) 763-0645"- 'WCC: 63-0645.'WCC: -.STATE FUND WC: .1769754-2004. 05/01/05 CSLB: 839002 05/31/05 CCC:. C8-C27-C29-'C53' Permit,.. BUILDING PERMIT Additional-desc ,. Permit Fee 35.00 Plan.Check Fee 22.75 Issue Date, Valuation 1500 Expiration Date. `"10/141/05 . Qty Unit Charge Per., Extension BASE FEE ' ' 15.00 10.00 2:0000 HND BLDG•5,01-2,'000 20.00 Permit ELEC-MISCELLANEOUS Additional desc ` Permit Fee 15.75 Plan Check. Fee 3.94 Issue•bate - Valuation .'. 0 Expiration-Date 10/14/05' ` Qty Unit'Charge •Per Extension BASE FEE 15.00 1.00 .7500 PER -•ELEC DEVICE/FIXTURE 1ST�20 .75 Permit . . . PLUMBING Additional desc. Permit Fee t 18.00 Plan Check Fee 4.50 Issue,Date Valuation 0 Expiration Date 10/14/05 Qty Unit Charge .Per Extension BASE.FEE 15.00 1.00 3.0000 EA PLB GAS PIPE, I=4 OUTLETS 3.00 --------------------------------------------`--------------------------------- Special Notes and Comments L - P.O. Boa 1504 • VOICE (760) 777-7012 78-495 CALLS TAMPICO FAX (760) 777-7011 LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 INSPECTIONS (760) 777-7153 BUILDING & SAFETY DEPARTMENT Application Number: los— 4. % Applicant: Applicant's Mailing Address: d N TSA GTO k Date: q. 1$' O Architect or Engineer: Architect or Engineer's Address: Lic. No.: BUILDING PERMIT DECLARATIONS LICENSED CONTRACTOR'S DECLARATION AI I�ereby affirm under penalty of perjury that I am licensed under provisions of Chapter 9 (commencing with Section 7000) of Division 3 of the Business and Professionals od/ e, and my License is in full force and effect. �Ti�f7 1 License Class I irpnsp Nn ,/ . ate v Contractors/ 1 OWNER -BUILDER DECLARATION I hereby affirm under penalty of perjury that I am exempt from the Contractors' State License Law for the following reason (Sec. 7031.5, Business and Professions Code: Any city or county that requires a permit to construct, alter, improve, demolish, or repair any structure, prior to its issuance, also requires the applicant for the permit to file a signed statement that he or she is licensed pursuant to the provisions of the Contractors' State License Law (Chapter 9 (commencing with Section 7000) of Division 3 of the Business and Professions Code) or that he or she is exempt therefrom and the basis for the alleged exemption. Any violation of Section 7031.5 by any applicant fora permit subjects the applicant to a civil penalty of not more than five hundred dollars ($500).): U I, as owner of the property, or my employees with wages as their sole compensation, will do the work, and the structure is not intended or offered for sale (Sec. 7044, Business and Professions Code: The Contractors' State License Law does not apply to an owner of property who builds or improves thereon, and who does the work himself or herself or through his or her own employees, provided that the improvements are not intended or offered for sale. If, however, the building or improvement is sold within one year of completion, the owner -builder will have the burden of proving that he or she did not build or improve for the purpose of sale.). U I, as owner of the property, am exclusively contracting with licensed contractors to construct the project (Sec. 7044, Business and Professions Code: The Contractors' State License Law does not apply to an owner of property who builds or improves thereon, and who contracts for the projects with a contractor(s) licensed pursuant to the Contractors' State License Law.). U I am exempt under Sec. , BA P.C. for this reason Date Owner WORKERS' COMPENSATION DECLARATION I hereby affirm under penalty of perjury one of the following declarations: I have and will maintain a certificate of consent to self -insure for workers' compensation, as provided for by Section 3700 of the Labor Code, for the performance of the work for which this permit is issued. I have and will maintain workers' compensation insurance, as required by Section 3700 of the Labor Code, for the performance of the work for which this permit is �ijsueMypvorkers' compensation insurance cam nd olicy num $j are: V16 -mer rl r1 iY'+M Policy Numb@r 1. b X9''1 _ I certify that, in the performance of the work for which this permit is issued, I shall not employ any person in any manner so as to become subject to the workers' compensation laws of California, and agree that, if I should become subject to the workers' compensation provisions of Section 3700 of the Labor Code, 1 shall forthwith comply with those provisions. gate 15/0 > Applicant Z /L� WARNING: FAILURE TO SECURE WORKERS' COMPENSATION COVERAGE IS UNLAWFUL, AND SHALL SUBJECT AN EMPLOYER TO CRIMINAL PENALTIES AND CIVIL FINES UP TO ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLARS ($100,000), IN ADDITION TO THE COST OF COMPENSATION, -DAMAGES AS PROVIDED FOR IN SECTION 3706 OF THE LABOR CODE, INTEREST, AND ATTORNEY'S FEES. CONSTRUCTION LENDING AGENCY I hereby affirm under penalty of perjury that there is a construction lending agency for the performance of the work for which this permit is issued (Sec. 3097, Civ. C.). Lender's Name Lender's Address APPLICANT ACKNOWLEDGEMENT IMPORTANT Application is hereby made to the Director of Building and Safety for a permit subject to the conditions and restrictions set forth on this application. 1. Each person upon whose behalf this application is made, each person at whose request and for whose benefit work is performed under or pursuant to any permit issued as a result of this application, the owner, and the applicant, each agrees to. and shall, defend, indemnify and hold harmless the City of La Quinta, its officers, agents and employees for any act or omission related to the work being performed under or following issuance of this permit. 2. Any permit issued as a result of this applicaticn becomes null and void if work is not commenced within 180 days from date of issuance of such permit, or cessation of work for 180 days will subject permit to cancellation. I certify that I have read this application and state that the above information is correct. I agree to comply with all city and county ordinances and state laws relating to building ;consttion, and hereby authorize representatives of this count to enter upon the above-mentioned property for inspection purposes. to 0 Signature A ff (Applicant or Agent): SFD-OUTDOOR GAS •BBQ STRUCTURE- BUILT PER Page 2 Application Ntmbe,r . . . ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 05-00001289 Date 4/14'/05 Special Notes and Comments CITY STANDARD WALL, INCLUDES ELECTRICAL, GAS PLUMBING PERMITS. TYPE V -N ,'CONSTRUCTION, ,20'01 CODES. Fee summary Charged. -------------=--- Paid' Credited --------=- Due ---------- Permit Fee Total 68..75 ---=--=--- .00 .00 ---------- 68'.75 Plan Check Total -31.19 .00 .00' 31,19 Grand Total 99.94 .00. .00 99.94 I ED 0 i LL of 1Z Z (L cr, 5<0 ' �✓ m _wf 11 L s f1-ir I I 11 I �'K�..'ayie�•-.,l •'r ��� h} 111�Yt.��••a �'w 1V'.'S'�� .Iv.,'ri••�JS� �J.r'�t'•Irft4lrl�S 4,�1 1SL �t. .� .ill b)• �' e!w� rYQ+.f,f14S1�'. ra 14 i TI- c 1� i _wf 11 L s f1-ir I I 11 I �'K�..'ayie�•-.,l •'r ��� h} 111�Yt.��••a �'w 1V'.'S'�� .Iv.,'ri••�JS� �J.r'�t'•Irft4lrl�S 4,�1 1SL �t. .� .ill b)• �' e!w� rYQ+.f,f14S1�'. ra 14 i TI- c 1� A, RE -INSPECTION FEE OF $30 WILL BE CHARGED IF THE APPROVED PLANS AND JOB CARD ARE NOT Otf THE SITE FOR A SCHEDULED INSPECTION. "Ate D N ADEQUATERN 'CONTAINER IS REQUIRED ON THE JOB SITE DURING ALL PHASES OF CONSTRUCTION AND MUST BE EMPTIED AS NECESSARY FAILURE TO DO SO MAY CAUSE THE CITY TO HAVE THE CONTAINER DUMPED AT THE EXPENSE OF THE OWNER/ CONTRACTOR." CONSTRUCTION HOURS October 1st - April 30 RTonday - Friday: 7:00 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Saturday: 8:00 a.m, to 5:00 P.M. Sunday: None Government Code Holidays: None 1" 1,1Y I st - September 30th AI,),nday -Friday: 6:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. 8:60 a.m. to 5:00 P.M. None (. �. • cent Code Holidays: None Conshction is NOT PERMITTED on the following Code Holidays: New Year's Day Dr. Martin Luther Itinglr. Day President's Day Memorial Day Independence Day Labor Day Veteran's Day Thanksgiving Day Christmas Day w yi"fl( OF' LA .QUINTA BUILDING & SAFETY DEPT. • ;} f, ' q�4NSTRUCT QN r- — „ _ .. �..r_ :_.. _.� - t DATE-.,__—.-._�..._. ---- . A M "�{F`= .- . ; . • 45 05FWM 10' E 110.00' -- - ' FOR MF WOM . , Om0. MK 38IM • N I :?�Q,• - - . ; • ' • . • 14.06' .. , i 2 11' R 8.00 1 FF=4S4.7 - s PAD=454.2 'tor-, a�w!N;S`! c Pc„a, 10 1F lw 45®.1 c 452.1 f I FFa454.7 29R 7.50' PAD=454:2 ... � I GF6454.2 y 15.6 .' # r f ;1 .00' 1 10.00' ` '`silo t��, � . 6' NIFD6E CURB 1` �, - • MAR-30-2005 14:54•,FRUM- Iu: rrise(y r.. •' . w;vw.dexpressx' om• DIMENSION'EXPRESS- " / � � SS:- Fax on Demand (775) 833-3600 _, • ,� •� . This Cala sheat Includes Wbrin Pion On Ylking Range • . + f ProductModelNunber W: Outdoor Gas Grills: .r f i VGBQ410.3RT4_ VGBQ410.3RT-N. VG80412-2RT-L f and VG8Q412-2RT-PI Dlntnsiom fAt3va1 Sim) r Width 41 3/16" • Front V ew • WdM tndwhtg rattssede maw. 46 9118" (not toscale) Recon mmied hetght Of cooling 6uAace-.• 3t3" • • , + Height with fid open: 2215118° Height with fid dosed: 16 !:/8' A t; Unit depth: 32 314' h'' — Rewnin erred cutout height page 2 22 15/16" O en • , • Recommended atlout depth: page 2 p a ; Reeommended'cutoutwrdth• pap 2' 165/8 Closed +04-j jAdlfxlatbddrnafion - �� O -O O 0 ,x 0 9/16" .: • Electronic spark ignition on all open bumms.• y . . . • " • Electrical requirements: 9-Voll DC battery for - - i ' electronic kgniflom . • .}�---=-41 3/16':' • Cas: Available tet Natural Gas of Propane Gas. Must be used with a gas pressure regutalve and a manual " shut-off valve. 4 • ; • Natural Gas :1 it NPT Harte WIM 3111 flare adapter. • c , 1 Operating pressure Is 4.0 W.C.P. Supply pressure should be behueen 4" to 14" W.C.P. If In excess of 14" Y ' W.C.P. a step down regulator is required.' , • Propane Gas : 112' NPT male wlh 318" flare adapter. , Operating pressure is 10.0 W.C.P. Comes equipped {' ; with a high capacity hoseiregulator assembly for r connection to a standard 201b. LP/Propane cyttndar r..' r equipped wflh SLP-A quick disconnect. The LP tank Isr Air exhaust not includes. .32 32 3/4r • Gas fittings, regulator, and installer supplied shu!-0fI • . ' Valve must be easily accessible. . • A minimum of 6• from the sides and a minimum of 2d" l i from the bads must be maintained tram the gra above r , and below the cooking surface to adjaca eid vedW combustible construction. The grill is not to be located Side View under overhead unprotected combustible construclion. See page 2 for adMonal Information' (not to SCSI@) SubjeU 10 CrMWVAM= TWs system Isdmiptmd to , be updated dcly 9 nwaseary. Gbransion Express is not r mspOns1010 fit IisO supatseded voided, or outdetad data i chaeta.' Bemuse of ere d3licu y or impsadi=bft of deter- , i minft aduel f.. % UMly of Dkwnsmn Express stmu not axwed $WA0. x , Copykght0 Dinmmlon E ams, 2004. 918 y - NEM rase Data Shoots. Dote Slob oro mfiod b drmip+.renorrt •Cell Dbrnrrsion ExDrns d imus city queslioro et (775) e33ae39 • • k J note. oinenslon Express Is a FREE service buteau end b u d dm7y, • AAvaye icier to a wrtetrt Cade a Glance ormamdadraerdiree0ertr • >,' i d makes far mote renes b spend the tiarb Y to request J=ew •Oars Street sates amop on the W of odd membered monttn at 1201am • ' % v Sheeb fw ssCh PtojKk se opposed b Ate prab�ms, time. a*sb. ®1d nslrn• 8N62 •/►7198149.31646 • � • 91353 81027 , asmoda W with WLWN old Oats Sheets _ OF LAQUINTA F - L:Jil Y,NG & SAFETY DEPT. , • APPROVED • _ • . E; .•FOA CONSTF UCTIONLDATE, , • off. ,• ;, •. aR-30-2005 14:55 FROM: grfit I U: r rn.sla N r. 5 MMIW:dexpreSS.COm. Thus Data sheet Md ides Irdomhation On ' DIMENSION EXPRESS.. Viking Range r u x! [utodel Manber (s): Product t Page Z -- Fax on Demand (77,5)'833-3600 Ouldow eas �; ` VGBQ410aff L, VGBQ410-3RT-t, VGBQ412.2RT-L and VGBQ412 2RT-N _ l Additional Information: ' • A minimumof 7 ctearance from the back of the : gri8 to • If using a rear wail. locate the electrical service on the right hand noncombustible construction Is necltread for the purpose of allowing, side for the rotisserie motor (a minimum of 3° away form the opening). 4. the Rd to open idly and for proper. ventilation. Note 90 the grill The rotisserie motor requires a 1101120 volt supply. ' The power t exhausts combustion products and cooling greases to the . batt,' supply cord on the motor Is equipped with a 31rortg (Founded) Pbg. - -. - Never locate the grill in a location where the exhaust Is directed at a • Available finishes Irtclude. Vildnq Blue (VB). -Forest Green (FG).. vhrindow. less than 24 to c otr6ustibfa mateft or any surface that Is . Statntess Steed (SS) and Cray (GO. ` dlfficu8 to dean. It Is desirable to allow at least B' side clearance to . non-combustible construction above th a,wok6g surface for counter space. if using the rotisserie option, a Ir space to the rigid Is essential for motor and skewer cteamma.. The grill can be placed directly adjacent to non-combusli-de construction below the cookdng surface. • When determining a suitable location for the grill, take into account concerns such as exposure to wind, prwamfly to traffra paths, and I— 6g i es s ty lines as short as ossible Locate in a well , P 9 � P ventilated area. Never locate the grill In a 'building, garage, breezeway, shed or other such enclosed areas. y ENCLOSURE DIMENSIONS r ' (net to scala) 3' Non- Combusale. 24" Combustible } " X40.114• F Cutout width: 407/4" 28' �.. \ bectrical outlet for the rotisserie. . Cutout depth from fans of cabinet 28•' / ( minimum r Cutout height from top of counter to support shed: 10114°from opanitig Distance to combustible to the leg (shaded area): 8" M Distance to combustible to the right (shaded area): G' r t' Distance to remove notissefde motor to the right (shaded area): 8'8° Distance to nen combustible to the rest (shaded area): 3' 3B° remove rotisserie motor) I 01startce to combustible to Ute roar (shaded area): 24^ .. R P 10114' h f - Gas Irdet can be �T tororted wiiNn 5" x 5• ' .• } shaded area MUST have a solid bottom support . i . a •- . hr ' '. wmram nodoe. symm is dasignad boa u if notes". Dhnero �ess 6 riot tespotsl� -of -- voted, or addeted data ctreab. Because d the dot M or impuftswity of datargYrbg octuaf dmTogas liabft or o4mnslon Express aha8 not ane,&d $0.00. Copftht0 Dimension Express, 2002 �. r - 149 NEMER meso Data Shoob. Oohs 5lteeb aro sedated to Io N19 14 - Cal O3nsrdsn E*=, It Ihiuo only grmataro at (775) 833.1813 Dirrtertaian Express Is a tib amWce bureau and b upQ d daily. •Atarays order m a wnant Coda of a Gtmtm or draardiredory • 'd makaa Gu mote ee�e b Wend tlta t§re nsaescaN to mqusst re+v Drdv -Date Sime! Dodos dmrtae on fho 0ro1 of odd nutfr r4s e112�1em eo�for each ojack as m the p ublorm• yens, costa. end risk. e�dch p wilh musing old Data Stmele• • BN82 • A3188/49.316a8. 022009.91353.81027 1 .. -30-2005 14:55 :FROM: TO:7713079 V.'.b CC- e 0.6"fJ v4w.dexpress.com D1MENS1®N EXPRESS Fax on Demand'(775) 833-3600 This Data Sheet Includes Inbmtion On Viking Range ' - PIOW Magor Msrbw (a); ' Atxe9s Doors: AD2MT Dlnxm*ns(AdualSlW) Width: 313/18' Height. 231118' Depth with handle: 15.15118' Body depth: 13 31V Door depth: 111161 Max opening width: 30 114' Min opening width: 28114' Max opening hetgtlt: 201W Min opening helghl: 2018' Mkft m opening depth: 13 318' add kmOInt ra • Face of instliation area must be a mht mrm of 1" thick. •Side View► 1515/16° (not to scale) 13 3/8" 231/16" Front View (not to scalp) .�— —31.3/16"--- , . c6t out opening 4 '(not to scale), 1" X 1" Notal Ail 4 Comers 301/4" max , '28 1/4" min .. 201/2" max" 10 1B" min , SUDJM tD cnWgawBfrout=08. I syS2011fS dfttnad to t» updatd da➢y B nxe.."y. Ot"reaaimr rpr"na io raw n for uae or ei�pemeaed. nomad. areueda�d data j er�eet. Because o1 the ddiiaily w hapray of deter- "Oldn as. 4911 y of f)fmansiea► Expo ehe0 Ni Copydgbt m Dimermton EV1653r 2001. 310 • NEVER feuse Data Slmeb. 4efa Meet ero eubmra to ctmnae wMwid aofal. Ditrtmaion l spaea� t e FREE emvm bureau aM is updated deBy, ' - Cal DBnmohm E*nm B you neve arty qu-%- at V75) wx3m • Atwaye ILIiEf <o a eatltard GOOK a (Mmm oretafpltedrper daedwy a rrmkaa ref mom Donee to epond Vwo enc rmowwwy to reglmel new Data Stlesta for each project an opposed to fro problems, time, coat. and Esta • t to $neotcodae CltOiige 011 f1e drat orodd marrkmed rronfrs at 12Oielrl • ' assodamd WBn retra6lg Did Data sheat. • 2109.1712.69850 CITY. OF LA QUINTA BUILDING & SAFETY DEPT. APPROVED FOR CONSTRUCTION BY '' DATE rm, C.M.U. m= ,1350psi. Fr 40000psi 4 0 24' Vert 0 CL 4 0 32" Horiz _ 6 1/4` ALTERNATE 3" CLEAR- 8END5 /4 HORIZ. 'AS SHOWN 1 0 6 6' C Ie.U. ` fm= 1350psi. Fy= 40000psi /4 0 24" Vert 0 CL i4 0 32' Horizcc " ` 1 . GARDEN WALL a in C.M.U. m= 1350psi. Fy- 40000&1 0 24' Vert 0 CL , 3• CLEAR l 6 O 32' Horiz ` #4 •HORIL AS SHOWN T cc oo •I v ~ OPTIONAL 10-11/16 30"LAP a S GARDEN WALL ALTERNATE Scale: 3%e- 3- CLEAR 8END5 %4 HORIZ. AS SHOWN T I 6- C.M.U. Pmd i350psi Fy= 40000Psi /4 0 24' Vert 0 CL B4 0 32' Horiz .. GARDEN WALL Scale:, 3/8" - 1'-0` .- OPTIONAL M.U. 30"LAP 135OPs1, Fy-- 4000ppsi 24` Vert O CL 32" Horiz 37 71' t • , ' `/4 HORIZ. AS SHOWN t o I OPTIONAL 10 -1 -1/16!30 -LAP `� CP GARDEN WALL Scale: 3/ -.e 1•_0 - ALTERNATE CITY O F 1 A X11 I A T /� I 3` CLEAR � 8END5 ' V 1 1 f V'� tv( �.J � V /1 . 14 HORIZ, AS SHOWN T BUILDING & SAFETY DEPT. 2-3- APPROVED i FOR CONSTRUCTION GARDEN WALL Scale: 3/8 1'-0' Rpr,1.3 05 11:28a p.1 RPR -13-2005 1@:q2 FROM: 70:7713079 P.1 Basic Fpe'cifications _ 1 CSver.111 benth ( TO PM of 4nnfxc - 37 9/16- 87.7 bNIYYI ►VIYUI i IY \Ja.o un/ Ce to A NopgM 101/4- (26.0 a n) f %uiaui urpi'ie 12: 1,2' (0.7, ani ( Gas Requirements i Vaura{; standard resider -at 1R' !13 • cin) ID aas service 6ne. IP/Proparic: standard residential � I •�- Y7u �': i7=35vT`h ._ .-._ �: �:'.7,�, ��,il1-j 9J:i ;tt=-,:o�yi`iJ__:..2,^,�Cic?7T tC4 iOn..T _ ctior110 C..f+�- 0...-,._ ��at..� J �c .yy, N'�. nrw�r •.7 C,•y. 1 N,p�,-..- /w A lW wrAT/A fl NIU 1 �/�.y.;�.. e\ -_ xi r a" j 55 {b.124.GRg) CITY OF L,q QUINTA BUILDING & SAFETY DEPT. APPROVED FOR CONSTRUCTION _ — 9Y_ 7,'r.eoV /xtl�aa •OLTOCOR GRIL LS oerscrlPtIM _ . _ . . : . 29 1R' (74:9 an) 413/16* (104.6 cm) 53 3/16' (135.1 on)" overall. Overall To end Of knobs - 32 9116' 682.7 om) Cutaut rpq. 28 S/8- (72.7 cm)401/4- (1022 on) _T21/4' (1327 an) cutout 6epd1 28- (71.1 cm) Cutout ke)ght 7101/4- i26A cm) Gas Regriirements Natural: standard residential 1/2' (13 cum) ID gas service 6w. Lplpmpanw- Aw dard rcs;dentiai 112' (13 an) ID gas service fine or equipped %ith Wkjh<apadty.hose/regutator asswroUy for connection to standard 20 F.L LPANopane gas cylinder with a Type 1, QCC 1 connectoc Electrical Requimmertts .9 -,loft DC battery foe ejecWnic ignition 120NAG60t9r, 24- (61.0 3-mim kith grounded 3-p;=ey" pll.'g atrad=4 to rotiu:eti- moDx Gnll Sumer Rating 25.000 LI r R't1T 5C+0 BTL° Ln :7 ? ?fir! �1AT!6.5'sV r LP; 'ia I"32.5_5 t -! P: T 13 DC 8TJ :P 3.7 ON W?./3.1 k -W LP) lrr*vred Burner Palrrss VC -90-.1 - b:^rQiG1!!j I C l�r:VV U:�.�-'::-`.i �.?.'�M SITI, YQ�i ` •C!Kv�NT, D, •i cryo P,T!tOl I .y;-�f:Tll \1nT '1 (4.4 kW NAT14.0 kWLp) _r (4A v� y rl'J4_U kW LP) I17CM eTt; i¢.--_ VG8(]b12T (Two 4-4 kkN A ATJ4.0 kW [P) 15,000 BTU NATJ13.500 BTU LP VGSW32T , (4.4 kW NAT14.0 kW LP) 15,000.1311 NATJ13,S00 BTU LP MA kW NATJ4.0 kW LA We Burner Rating 15,1)M BTL NATJ73_00 BTU LP (4.4 M NATJ4.0 kW LP) ('rf applicable) AppmAmate Shtpp(1tg 32'5.b. (1475 kg) % GBOA10T YGSWI30T Weight 380 Ib. (172:5 kg) 490 Ib. (7225 log) VG80417T VGBQ532T 350111j. (tS6.9 iog) 460 lb. QW.8 kg) _ 1 CSver.111 benth ( TO PM of 4nnfxc - 37 9/16- 87.7 bNIYYI ►VIYUI i IY \Ja.o un/ Ce to A NopgM 101/4- (26.0 a n) f %uiaui urpi'ie 12: 1,2' (0.7, ani ( Gas Requirements i Vaura{; standard resider -at 1R' !13 • cin) ID aas service 6ne. IP/Proparic: standard residential � I •�- Y7u �': i7=35vT`h ._ .-._ �: �:'.7,�, ��,il1-j 9J:i ;tt=-,:o�yi`iJ__:..2,^,�Cic?7T tC4 iOn..T _ ctior110 C..f+�- 0...-,._ ��at..� J �c .yy, N'�. nrw�r •.7 C,•y. 1 N,p�,-..- /w A lW wrAT/A fl NIU 1 �/�.y.;�.. e\ -_ xi r a" j 55 {b.124.GRg) CITY OF L,q QUINTA BUILDING & SAFETY DEPT. APPROVED FOR CONSTRUCTION _ — 9Y_ 7,'r.eoV /xtl�aa