1988 Proofs of PublicationMEMO TO FILE The legal notices published during the years 1986, 1987 and 1988 were inadvertently destroyed. The following notices are those posted for each hearing and duplicates of what was published in the newspaper. Susan Maysels, City Clerk 5y a CITY OF L4MPUINTA PLANNING COMMISSION • t, NOTICE OF PUBLIC MEETING NOTICE IS NEREBY GIVEN that the City Of La Quints Planning Commission will hold a PUBLIC HEARING on December 27, 1958, at 7:00 P.M. in the La Quint& City Hall Council Chambers, 78-105 Calle Estado, on the following item: ITEMS: TENTATIVE TRACT 424026 APPLICANT: LA QUINTA PARTNERS LOCATION: SOUTHWEST OF THE INTERSECTION OF DUNE PALMS ROAD AND WESTWARD HO DRIVE. REQUEST: TO SUBDIVIDE ±32 ACRES INTO 117 SINGLE FAMILY LOTS. SAL: PARCEL 1: A PORTION OF THE WEST HALF OF THE EAST HALF OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 29, TSS, R7W, S.B.B.M. AND PARCEL 2: A PORTION OF THE EAST HALF OF THE EAST HALF OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 29, TSS, R7E, S.B.S.M. The La Quints Planning and Development Department has completed an environmental assessment on the proposed Tentative Tract. Based upon this assessment, the Tentative Tract will not have a significant adverse effect on the environment: therefore, a Negative Declaration has been prepared. The La Quint& Planning Commission will consider the adoption of the Negative Declaration along with the Tentative Tract at the Hearing. Any person may submit written comments on the proposal to the Planning and Development Department prior to the Hearing and/or may appear and be heard in support of or opposition to the adoption of the Negative Declaration and/or application at the time of the Hearing. If you challenge the decision of these Proposals in court, you may be limited to raising only those issues that you or someone else raised either at the Public Hearing or in written correspondence delivered to the Planning and Development Department at, or prior to, the Public Hearing. The proposed Tentative Tract file may be viewed by the public Monday through Friday from 8:00 A.M. until 5:00 P.M. at the Planning and Development Department, La Quints City Hall, 78-099 Calle Estado, La Quint&, California. ----------------------------------------- DO NOT PRINT BELOW THIS LINE ----------------------------------------- PUBLISH ONCE ON DECEMBER 17, 1988 CITY OF LA UINTA 5 � CITY COUNCIL �V OF THE NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the City of La Quinta City Council will hold a PUBLIC HEARING on December 20, 1988, at 7:30 P.M. in the La Quinta City Hall Council Chambers, 78-105 Calle Estado, on the following item: ITEM: ZONING ORDINANCE AMENDMENT NO. 88-006 APPLICANT: CITY INITIATED LOCATION: CITY WIDE REQUESTS: A CITY -INITIATED AMENDMENT TO TITLE 9 OF THE LA QUINTA MUNICIPAL CODE, TO ADD NEW REGULATIONS ON MAXIMUM BUILDING PAD HEIGHT AND RAIN GUTTERS FOR RESIDENTIAL STRUCTURES. The La Quinta Planning and Development Department has completed an environmental assessment on the proposed Amendment. Based upon this assessment, the Proposal will not have a significant adverse effect on the environment; therefore, a Negative Declaration has been prepared. The La Quinta City Council will consider the adoption of the Negative Declaration along with the Text Amendment at the Hearing. Any person may submit written comments on this Amendment to the Planning and Development Department prior to the Hearing and/or may appear and be heard in support of or opposition to the adoption of the Negative Declaration and/or the Ordinance Amendment at the time of the Hearing. If you challenge the decision of this body in court, you may be limited to raising only those issues that you or someone else raised either at the Public Hearing or in written correspondence delivered to the Planning and Development Department at, or prior to, the Public Hearing. The proposed Ordinance Amendment file may be viewed by the public Monday through Friday from 8:00 a.m. until 5:00 p.m. at the Planning and Development Department, La Quinta City Hall, 78-099 Calle Estado, La Quinta, California. -------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------- DO NOT PRINT BELOW THIS LINE -------------------------------------------------------------- PUBLISH ONCE ON DECEMBER 16, 1988 BJ/HNPC.008 i L iN In CITY UX NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the City of La Quints City Councilwill hold a PUBLIC HEARING on December 20, 1988, at 7:00 p.m. in the La Quints City Hall Council Chambers, 78-105 Calle Estado, on the following item: ITEMS: TENTATIVE TRACT NO. 23935 APPLICANT: TOM NOBLE LOCATION: SOUTHWEST CORNER OF MILES AVENUE AND DUNE PALMS ROAD REQUEST: TO SUBDIVIDE A +50 ACRE PORTION INTO 193 SINGLE FAMILY LOTS. LEGAL THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 20, TOWNSHIP 5, SOUTH 7 EAST, SAN BERNARDINO BASE AND MERIDIAN, AS SHOWN BY THE UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT SURVEY; EXCEPTING THEREFROM THE NORTHERLY 50 FEET AND THE EASTERLY 30 FEET FOR ROAD PURPOSES: AND THE NORTHERLY 330 FEET OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 20. TOWNSHIP 5, SOUTH, RANGE 7 EAST, SAN BERNARDINO BASE AND MERIDIAN. AS SHOWN BY UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT SURVEY; EXCEPTING THEREFROM THE EASTERLY 30 FEET FOR ROAD The La Quint& Planning and Development Department has completed an environmental assessment on the proposed tract. Based upon this assessment, the proposal will not have a significant adverse effect on the environment; therefore, a Negative Declaration has been prepared. The La Quints City Council will consider the adoption of the Negative Declaration along with the tentative tract at the Hearing. Any person may submit written comments on the proposal to the Planning and Development Department prior to the Hearin and/or may appear and be heard in Supportg the adoption of the Negative Declaration fand/orptentativeotract at the time of the Hearing. If you challenge the decision of these Proposals in court, you may be limited to raising only those issues that you or someone else raised either at the Public Hearing or in written correspondence delivered to the Planning and Development Department at, or prior to, the Public Hearing. The proposed tentative tract file may be viewed by the public Monday through Friday from 8:00 a.m. until 5:00 p.m. at the Planning and Development Department, La Quints City Hall, 78-099 Calle Estado, La Quints, California. -------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------- DO NOT PRINT BELOW THIS LINE _____________________________________________________ PUBLISB ONCE ON DECEMBER 9, 1988 CITY OF LA QUINTA Planning Commission NOTICE OF PUBLIC MEETING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the City of La Quinta Planning Commission will hold a PUBLIC MEETING on December 13, 1988, at 7:00 P.M. in the La Quinta City Hall Council Chambers, 78-105 Calle Estado, on the following items: ITEM: Redevelopment Project Area No. 2, Redevelopment Plan and Associated Environmental Impact Report (EIR) APPLICANT: City of La Quinta Community Redevelopment Agency LOCATION: Avenue 50 on the South, Fred Waring Drive on the North and Generally Between Washington Street and Jefferson Street REQUEST: Review the Proposed Redevelopment Plan and Associated EIR, Adopt Findings and Make Recommendations. Proposed Redevelopment Project Area No. 2 The La Quinta Redevelopment Agency has prepared an Environmental Impact Report (EIR) on the proposed 3,116 acres Redevelopment Project Area No. 2. The draft EIR has been circulated to all affected agencies. Responses have been prepared to all comments. The La Quinta City Council and Redevelopment Agency will consider adoption of the Redevelopment Plan and certification of the EIR at a future public hearing. Any person may submit written comments on the proposed redevelopment plan to the Planning and Development Department prior to the Public Meeting and/or may appear and be heard in support of or opposition to the adoption of the Redevelopment Project Area No. 2 and associated EIR at the time of the Public Meeting. If you challenge the decision of this Redevelopment Plan in court, you may be limited to raising only those issues that you or someone else raised either at the Public Meeting or in written correspondence delivered to the Planning and Development Department at, or prior to, the Public Meeting. The proposed Redevelopment Plan for Project Area No. 2 and the associated EIR may be viewed by the public Monday through Friday from 8:00 A.M. until 5:00 P.M. at the Planning and Development Department, La Quinta City Hall, 78-099 Calle Estado, La Quinta, California. '\ ------------------------------------------------------------------------- NOT PUBLISH BELOW THIS LINE PUTBLISH ONCE DECEMBER 3, 1988 CITY COdK URCIL NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the City of La Quinta City Council will hold a PUBLIC HEARING on December 6, 1988, at 7:30 p.m, in the La Quinta City Hall Council Chambers, 78-105 Calle Estado, on the following item: ITEM: CHANGE OF ZONE 88-036 APPLICANT: T 6 S DEVELOPMENT, INC. LOCATION: NORTH SIDE OF HIGHWAY 111 AND SOUTH OF THE WHITEWATER CHANNEL BETWEEN WASHINGTON STREET AND ADAMS STREET REQUEST: CHANGE OF ZONE FROM R-3-4000 (GENERAL RESIDENTIAL( C -P -S (SCENIC HIGHWAY COMMERCIAL) LEGAL A PORTION OF THE SOUTHWEST 1/4 OF THE SOUTHEAST 1/4 OF SECTION 19, T.S.S., R7E, S.B.B.M. AND A PORTION OF THE NORTHEAST 1/4 OF SECTION 30, T.5.S., R7E S.S.B.M. The La Quinta Planning and Development Department has completed an environmental assessment on the Change of Zone. Based upon this assessment, the Change of Zone will not have a significant adverse effect on the environment; therefore, a Negative Declaration has been prepared. The La Quinta City Council will consider the adoption of the Negative Declaration along with the Change of Zone at the Hearing. Any person may submit written comments on the proposed Change of Zone to the Planning and Development Department prior to the Hearing and/or may appear and be heard in support of or opposition to the adoption of the Negative Declaration and/or Change of Zone at the time of the Hearing. If you challenge the decision of this Change of Zone request in court, you may be limited to raising only those issues that you or someone else raised either at the Public Hearing or in written correspondence delivered to the Planning and Development Department at, or prior to, the Public Hearing. The proposed Change of Zone and Tentative Tract file may be viewed by the puDlic Monday through Friday from 8:00 a.m. until 5:00 p.m. at the Planning and Development Department, La Quinta City Hall, 78-099 Calle Estado, La Quints, California. -------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------- DO NOT PRINT BELOW THIS LINE -------------------------------------------------------------- PUBLISH ONCE ON NOVEMBER 26, 1988 TTi_0_F_T1_ PLANNING C MISSION a OFT+c 111111111111 111 IN 1 11 liq 71 • • 11i'mollui, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the City of La Quinta Planning Commission will hold a PUBLIC HEARING on November 22, 1988, at 7:00 p.m. in the La Quinta City Hall Council Chambers, 78-105 Calle Estado, on the following item: ITEM: ZONING ORDINANCE AMENDMENT NO. 88-006 APPLICANT: CITY INITIATED LOCATION: CITY WIDE REQUESTS: A CITY -INITIATED AMENDMENT TO TITLE 9 OF THE LA. QUINTA MUNICIPAL CODE, TO ADD NEW REGULATIONS ON MAXIMUM BUILDING PAD HEIGHT AND RAIN GUTTERS FOR RESIDENTIAL STRUCTURES. The La Quinta Planning and Development Department has completed an environmental assessment on the proposed Amendment. Based upon this assessment, the Proposal will not have a significant adverse effect on the environment; therefore, a Negative Declaration has been prepared. The La Quinta Planning Commission will consider the adoption of the Negative Declaration along with the Text Amendment at the Hearing. Any person may submit written comments on this Amendment to the Planning and Development Department prior to the Hearing and/or may appear and be heard in support of or opposition to the adoption of the Negative Declaration and/or the Ordinance Amendment at the time of the Hearing. If you challenge the decision of this body in court, you may be limited to raising only those issues that you or someone else raised either at the Public Hearing or in written correspondence delivered to the Planning and Development Department at, or prior to, the Public Hearing. The proposed Ordinance Amendment file may be viewed by the public Monday through Friday from 8:00 a.m. until 5:00 p.m. at the Planning and Development Department, La Quinta City Hall, 78-099 Calle Estado, La Quinta, California. DO NOT PRINT BELOW THIS LINE PUBLISH ONCE ON NOVEMBER 11, 1988 BJ/HNPC.008 �. v.. • pl —L /{ PLANNING CO SIGN NOTICE OF PUBLIC MEETING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the City of La Quinta Planning Commission will hold a PUBLIC HEARING on November 22, 1988, at 7:00 p.m. in the La Quinta City Hall Council Chambers, 78-105 Calle Estado, on the following item: ITEMS: TENTATIVE TRACT NO. 23935 APPLICANT. TOM NOBLE LOCATION: SOUTHWEST CORNER OF MILES AVENUE AND DUNE PALMS ROAD REQUEST: TO SUBDIVIDE A +50 ACRE PORTION INTO 193 SINGLE FAMILY LOTS. LEGAL THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 20, TOWNSHIP 5, SOUTH 7 EAST, SAN BERNARDINO BASE AND MERIDIAN, AS SHOWN BY THE UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT SURVEY; EXCEPTING THEREFROM THE NORTHERLY 50 FEET AND THE EASTERLY 30 FEET FOR ROAD PURPOSES: AND THE NORTHERLY 330 FEET OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 20. TOWNSHIP 5, SOUTH, RANGE 7 EAST, SAN BERNARDINO BASE AND MERIDIAN. AS SHOWN BY UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT SURVEY; EXCEPTING THEREFROM THE EASTERLY 30 FEET FOR ROAD PURPOSES. The La Quinta Planning and Development Department has completed an environmental assessment on the proposed tract. Based upon this assessment, the proposal will not have a significant adverse effect on the environment; therefore, a Negative Declaration has been prepared. The La Quinta Planning Commission will consider the adoption of the Negative Declaration along with the tentative tract at the Hearing. Any person may submit written comments on the proposal to the Planning and Development Department prior to the Hearing and/or may appear and be heard in support of or opposition to the adoption of the Negative Declaration and/or tentative tract at the time of the Hearing. If You challenge the decision of these Proposals in court, you may be limited to raising only those issues that you or someone else raised either at the Public Hearing or in written correspondence delivered to the Planning and Development Department at, or prior to, the Public Hearing. The proposed tentative tract file may be viewed by the public Monday through Friday from 8:00 a.m. until 5:00 p.m. at the Planning and Development Department, La Quinta City Hall, 78-099 Calle Estado, La Quinta, California. -------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------- DO NOT PRINT BELOW THIS LINE -------------------------------------------------------------- PUBLISH ONCE ON NOVEMBER 11, 1988 BJ/HNPC.006 PLANNING COISSION NOTICE OF PUBLIC MEETING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the City of La Quints Planning Commission will hold a PUBLIC HEARING on November 22, 1988, at 7:00 p.m. in the La Quinta City Hall Council Chambers, 78-105 Calle Estado, on the following item: ITEM: CHANGE OF ZONE 88-036 APPLICANT: T & S DEVELOPMENT, INC. LOCATION: NORTH SIDE OF HIGHWAY 111 AND SOUTH OF THE WHITEWATER CHANNEL BETWEEN WASHINGTON STREET AND ADAMS STREET REQUEST: CHANGE OF ZONE FROM R-3-4000 (GENERAL RESIDENTIAL) C -P -S (SCENIC HIGHWAY COMMERCIAL) LEGAL A PORTION OF THE SOUTHWEST 1/4 OF THE SOUTHEAST 1/4 OF SECTION 19, T.5.S., R7E, S.B.B.M. AND A PORTION OF THE NORTHEAST 1/4 OF SECTION 30, T.5.S., R7E S.B.B.M. The La Quinta Planning and Development Department has completed an environmental assessment on the Change of Zone. Based upon this assessment, the Change of Zone will not have a significant adverse effect on the environment; therefore, a Negative Declaration has been prepared. The La Quints Planning Commission will consider the adoption of the Negative Declaration along with the Change of Zone at the Hearing. Any person may submit written comments on the proposed Change of Zone to the Planning and Development Department prior to the Hearing and/or may appear and be heard in support of or opposition to the adoption of the Negative Declaration and/or Change of Zone at the time of the Hearing. If you challenge the decision of this Change of Zone request in court, you may be limited to raising only those issues that you or someone else raised either at the Public Hearing or in written correspondence delivered to the Planning and Development Department at, or prior to, the Public Hearing. The proposed Change of Zone and Tentative Tract file may be viewed by the public Monday through Friday from 8:00 a.m. until 5:00 p.m. at the Planning and Development Department, La Quinta City Hall, 78-099 Calle Estado, La Quinta, California. -------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------- DO NOT PRINT BELOW THIS LINE ------------------------------------------------- PUBLISH ONCE ON NOVEMBER 11, 1988 CITY OF LA CfINTA CITY COUNCIL 'r Oi NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the City of La Quinta City Councll will hold a PUBLIC HEARING on November 15, 1988, at 7:30 p.m. in the La Quints City Hall Council Chambers, 78-105 Calle Estado, on the following item: ITEMS: CHANGE OF ZONE 88-034 6 TENTATIVE TRACT 23913 APPLICANT: WALDON FINANCIAL CORPORATION LOCATION: NORTHEAST OF THE INTERSECTION OF MILES AVENUE AND ADAMS STREET REQUEST: CHANGE THE ZONE FROM R-1-12,000 TO r-1 TO PERMIT THE SUBDIVISION OF +33 ACRES INTO 116 SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL LOTS. LEGAL A PORTION OF THE NORTHWEST 1/4 OF SECTION 20, T5S, R7E, SBBM. The La Quints Planning and Development Department has completed an environmental assessment on the Change of Zone and Tentative Tract. Based upon this assessment, the Change of Zone and Tentative Tract will not have a significant adverse effect on the environment; therefore, a Negative Declaration has been prepared. The La Quinta City Council will consider the adoption of the Negative Declaration along with the Change of Zone and Tentative Tract at the Hearing. Any person may submit written comments on the proposals to the Planning and Development Department prior the the Hearing and/or may appear and be heard in support of or opposition to the adoption of the Negative Declaration and/or applications at the time of the Hearing. If you challenge the decision of these Proposals in court, you may be limited to raising only those issues that you or someone else raised either at the Public Hearing or in written correspondence delivered to the Planning and Development Department at, or prior to, the Public Hearing. The proposed change of Zone and Tentative Tract file may be viewed by the public Monday through Friday from 8:00 a.m. until 5:00 p.m. at the Planning and development Department, La Quinta City Hall, 78-099 Calle Estado, La Quints, California. -------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------- DO NOT PRINT BELOW THIS LINE -------------------------------------------------------------- PUBLISH ONCE ON NOVEMBER 4, 1988 - CITY COU NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the City of La Quinta City Council will hold a PUBLIC HEARING on November 15, 1988, at 7:30 p.m. in the La Quinta City Hall Council Chambers, 78-105 Calle Estado, on the following item: ITEMS. TENTATIVE TRACT NO. 23519 APPLICANT: EDWARD 6 DEANNA ABRAMS LOCATION: SOUTHEAST CORNER OF ADAMS STREET AND MILES AVENUE REQUESTS: TO SUBDIVIDE A +30 ACRE PORTION INTO 107 SINGLE FAMILY LOTS. LEGAL THE SOUTHWEST ONE-QUARTER OF THE NORTHWEST ONE-QUARTER OF THE SOUTHWEST ONE-QUARTER AND THE NORTHWEST ONE-QUARTER OF THE SOUTHWEST ONE-QUARTER OF THE SOUTHWEST ONE-QUARTER OF SECTION 20, TOWNSHIP 5, SOUTH, RANGE 7 EAST, SAN BERNARDINO BASE AND MERIDIAN. AND THE NORTHWEST ONE-QUARTER OF THE NORTHWEST ONE-QUARTER OF THE SOUTHWEST ONE-QUARTER OF SECTION 20, TOWNSHIP 5 SOUTH, RANGE 7 EAST, SAN BERNARDINO BASE AND MERIDIAN. The La Quinta Planning and Development Department has completed an environmental assessment on the proposed tract. Based upon this assessment, the Proposal will not have a significant adverse effect on the environment; therefore, a Negative Declaration has been prepared. The La Quinta City Council will consider the adoption of the Negative Declaration along with the Tentative Tract at the Hearing. Any person may submit written comments on the proposal to the Planning and Development Department prior to the Hearing and/or may appear and be heard in support of or opposition to the adoption of the Negative Declaration and/or the Tentative Tract proposal at the time of the Hearing. If you challenge the decision of these Proposals in court, you may be limited to raising only those issues that you or someone else raised either at the Public Hearing or in written correspondence delivered to the Planning and Development Department at, or prior to, the Public Hearing. The proposed Tentative Tract file may be viewed by the public Monday through Friday from 8:00 a.m. until 5:00 p.m. at the Planning and Development Department, La Quints City Hall, 78-099 Calle Estado, La Quints, California. ------------------------------------ DO NOT PRINT BELOW THIS LINE ------------------------------------ PUBLISH ONCE ON NOVEMBER 4, 1988 PLANNING C SION NOTICE OF PUBLIC MEETING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the City of La Quinta Planning Commission will hold a PUBLIC HEARING on October 25, 1988, at 7:00 p.m. in the La Quinta City Hall Council Chambers, 78-105 Calle Estado, on the following item: ITEMS: TENTATIVE TRACT NO. 23519 APPLICANT: EDWARD S DEANNA ABRAMS LOCATION: SOUTHEAST CORNER OF ADAMS STREET AND MILES AVENUE REQUESTS: TO SUBDIVIDE A +30 ACRE PORTION INTO 107 SINGLE FAMILY LOTS LEGAL THE SOUTHWEST ONE-QUARTER OF THE NORTHWEST ONE-QUARTER OF THE SOUTHWEST ONE-QUARTER AND THE NORTHWEST ONE-QUARTER OF THE SOUTHWEST ONE-QUARTER OF THE SOUTHWEST ONE-QUARTER OF SECTION 20, TOWNSHIP 5, SOUTH, RANGE 7 EAST, SAN BERNARDINO BASE AND MERIDIAN. AND THE NORTHWEST ONE-QUARTER OF THE NORTHWEST ONE-QUARTER OF THE SOUTHWEST ONE-QUARTER OF SECTION 20, TOWNSHIP 5 SOUTH, RANGE 7 EAST, SAN BERNARDINO BASE AND MERIDIAN. The La Quinta Planning and Development Department has completed an environmental assessment on the proposed tract. Based upon this assessment, the Proposal will not have a significant adverse effect on the environment; therefore, a Negative Declaration has been prepared. The La Quinta Planning Commission will consider the adoption of the Negative Declaration along with the Tentative Tract at the Hearing. Any person may submit written comments on the proposal to the Planning and Development Department prior to the Hearing and/or may appear° and be heard in support of or opposition to the adoption of the Negative Declaration and/or the Tentative Tract proposal at the time of the Hearing. If you challenge the decision of these Proposals in court, you may be limited to raising only those issues that you or someone else raised either at the Public Hearing or in written correspondence delivered to the Planning and Development Department at, or prior to, the Public Hearing. The proposed Tentative Tract file may be viewed by the public Monday through Friday from 8:00 a.m. until 5:00 p.m. at the Planning and Development Department, La Quinta City Hall, 78-099 Calle Estado, La Quinta, California. -------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------- DO NOT PRINT BELOW THIS LINE -------------------------------------------------------------- PUBLISH ONCE ON OCTOBER 7, 1988 BJ/HNPC.005 MILES AVENUE ti W o cc N ITE E J H Q v W O 2 � v 46TH AVENUE The La Quinta Planning and Development Department has completed an environmental assessment on the proposed tract. Based upon this assessment, the Proposal will not have a significant adverse effect on the environment; therefore, a Negative Declaration has been prepared. The La Quinta Planning Commission will consider the adoption of the Negative Declaration along with the Tentative Tract at the Hearing. Any person may submit written comments on the proposal to the Planning and Development Department prior to the Hearing and/or may appear° and be heard in support of or opposition to the adoption of the Negative Declaration and/or the Tentative Tract proposal at the time of the Hearing. If you challenge the decision of these Proposals in court, you may be limited to raising only those issues that you or someone else raised either at the Public Hearing or in written correspondence delivered to the Planning and Development Department at, or prior to, the Public Hearing. The proposed Tentative Tract file may be viewed by the public Monday through Friday from 8:00 a.m. until 5:00 p.m. at the Planning and Development Department, La Quinta City Hall, 78-099 Calle Estado, La Quinta, California. -------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------- DO NOT PRINT BELOW THIS LINE -------------------------------------------------------------- PUBLISH ONCE ON OCTOBER 7, 1988 BJ/HNPC.005 CITY OF LA NTA CITY COUNCIL NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS will hold HEREBY GIVEN that the City of La Quinta Cit y Council a PUBLIC HEARING in the La on September 20, 19 88, at 7:30 p.m. Quinta City Hall Council Chambers, 78-105 Estado, on Calle the following item: ITEMS: SPECIFIC PLAN NO. 121-E, AMENDMENT 01 CHANGE OF ZONE CZ #88-031 •� TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP NO. 23749 PLOT PLAN NO. 88-393 APPLICANT: LANDMARK LAND COMPANY LOCATION: WEST SIDE OF AVENIDA OBREGON, + 400 FEET NORTH OF CALLE MAZATLAN REQUESTS: THE PROPOSAL IS TO ADD 2+ ACRES TO THE EXISTING SPECIFIC PLAN FOR LA QUINTA COVE GOLF CLUB (AKA SANTA ROSA COVE) AND CREATE A PARCEL TO ACCOMMODATE A PROPOSED MAINTENANCE FACILITY AND EMPLOYEE PARKING TO SERVICE THE PREVIOUSLY APPROVED LA QUINTA HOTEL EXPANSION. LEGAL: BEING A PORTION OF THE SOUTHEAST 1/4 OF THE SOUTHWEST 1/4 OF SECTION 36 T5S, R6E S.B.B.M. ►Q VICINITY XTs MAV The La Quinta Planning Commission has recommended adoption Of an environmental assessment on the proposed project. Based upon this assessment, the proposals will not have a significant adverse effect on the environment; therefore, a Negative Declaration has been prepared. The La Quinta City Council will consider adoption of the Negative Declaration along with the proposed project at the Hearing. Any person may submit written comments regarding these applications to the Planning and Development Department prior to the Hearing and/or may appear and be heard in support of or Opposition to the adoption of the Negative Declaration and/or the proposals at the time of the Hearing. If you challenge the decision of this hearing body in court, you may be limited to raising only those issues that you or someone else raised either at the Public Hearing or in written correspondence delivered to the Planning and Development Department at, or prior to, the Public Hearing. The proposed applications may be viewed by the public Monday through Friday from 8:00`a.m. until 5:00 p.m. at the Planning and Development Department, La Quinta City Hall, 78-099 Calle Estado, La Quinta, California. ---------------------------- DO NOT PRINT BELOW THIS LINE PUBLISH ONCE ON AUGUST 30, 1988 •� u4.' AREA Y . ►Q VICINITY XTs MAV The La Quinta Planning Commission has recommended adoption Of an environmental assessment on the proposed project. Based upon this assessment, the proposals will not have a significant adverse effect on the environment; therefore, a Negative Declaration has been prepared. The La Quinta City Council will consider adoption of the Negative Declaration along with the proposed project at the Hearing. Any person may submit written comments regarding these applications to the Planning and Development Department prior to the Hearing and/or may appear and be heard in support of or Opposition to the adoption of the Negative Declaration and/or the proposals at the time of the Hearing. If you challenge the decision of this hearing body in court, you may be limited to raising only those issues that you or someone else raised either at the Public Hearing or in written correspondence delivered to the Planning and Development Department at, or prior to, the Public Hearing. The proposed applications may be viewed by the public Monday through Friday from 8:00`a.m. until 5:00 p.m. at the Planning and Development Department, La Quinta City Hall, 78-099 Calle Estado, La Quinta, California. ---------------------------- DO NOT PRINT BELOW THIS LINE PUBLISH ONCE ON AUGUST 30, 1988 s + 1W �. CITY CO- IL tb OF NOTICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL CLEARANCE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the City of La Quinta City Council will review the environmental determination on September 20, 1988, at 7:30 p.m. in the La Quinta City Hall Council Chambers, 78-105 Calle Estado, on the follow items: 1. Initiate a new Sphere of Influence boundary anc annexation of 45.64 acres located north of the City of La Quinta corporate boundary, described further as the area north of Fred Waring Drive and West of Adams Street (Starlight). 2. Annexation of 291.6 acres located within the current City of LaQuinta Sphere of Influence south of the corporate boundary, described further as the area west of Madison Street, along both sides of Avenue 58, along the east side of Jefferson Street extended from Avenue 58 southward to Avenue 60; and west of Madison Street along the north side of Avenue 60 to Jefferson cr ree. The La Quinta Planning and Development Department has completed an Environmental Assessment on the Sphere and Annexation requests. Based upon this assessment, the Sphere and Annexation requests will not have a significant adverse effect on the environment; therefore, a Negative Declaration has been prepared. The La Quinta. City Council will consider the adoption of the Negative Declaration at the above noted meeting. Any person may submit written comments on the Sphere of Influence and Annexation requests to the Planning and Development Department prior to the meeting in support of or Opposition to the adoption of the Negative Declaration. If you challenge the decision of this Negative Declaration in court, you may be limited to raising only those issues that you or someone else raised in written correspondence delivered to the Planning and Development Department at, or prior to, the meeting. The proposed case files may be viewed by the public Monday through Friday from 8:00 a.m. until 5:00 p.m. at the Planning and Development Department, La Quinta City Hall, 78-099 Calle Estado, La Quinta, California. DO NOT PRINT BELOW THIS LINE PRINT ONCE ON SEPTEMBER 13, 1988. PLANNING CONISION NOTICE OF PUBLIC MEETING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the City of La Quinta Planning Commission will hold a PUBLIC HEARING on October 25, 1988, at 7:00 p.m. in the La Quinta City Hall Council Chambers, 78-105 Calle Estado, on the following item: ITEMS: CHANGE OF ZONE 88-034 & TENTATIVE TRACT 23913 APPLICANT: WALDON FINANCIAL CORPORATION LOCATION: NORTHEAST OF THE INTERSECTION OF MILES AVENUE AND ADAMS STREET REQUEST: CHANGE THE ZONE FROM R-1-12,000 TO R-1 TO PERMIT THE SUBDIVISION OF +33 ACRES INTO 116 SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL LOTS. LEGAL A PORTION OF THE NORTHWEST 1/4 OF SECTION 20, T5S, R7E,SBBM. The La Quinta Planning and Development Department has completed an environmental assessment on the Change of Zone and Tentative Tract. Based upon this assessment, the Change of Zone and Tentative Tract will not have a significant adverse effect on the environment; therefore, a Negative Declaration has been prepared. The La Quinta Planning Commission will consider the adoption of the Negative Declaration along with the Change of Zone and Tentative Tract at the Hearing. Any person may submit written comments on the proposals to the Planning and Development Department prior to the Hearing and/or may appear and be heard in support of or opposition to the adoption of the Negative Declaration and/or applications at the time of the Hearing. If you challenge the decision of these Proposals in court, you may be limited to raising only those issues that you or someone else raised either at the Public Hearing or in written correspondence delivered to the Planning and Development Department at, or prior to, the Public Hearing. The proposed Change of Zone and Tentative Tract file may be viewed by the public Monday through Friday from 8:00 a.m. until 5:00 p.m. at the Planning and Development Department, La Quinta City Hall, 78-099 Calle Estado, La Quinta, California. DO NOT PRINT BELOW THIS LINE PUBLISH ONCE ON OCTOBER 14, 1988 CITY OF 1.46IJINTA 5 > CITY COUNCIL Ey OF NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the City of La Quinta City Council will hold a PUBLIC HEARING on September 20, 1988, at 7:30 p.m. in the La Quinta City Hall Council Chambers, 78-105 Calle Estado, on the following item: ITEMS: ZONING ORDINANCE AMENDMENT NO. 88-005 APPLICANT: CITY INITIATED LOCATION: CITY WIDE REQUESTS: A CITY -INITIATED AMENDMENT TO TITLE 9 OF THE LA QUINTA MUNICIPAL CODE, TO INCLUDE ZONING REGULATIONS SPECIFICALLY DESIGNED FOR THE VILLAGE AT LA QUINTA SPECIFIC PLAN'S IMPLEMENTATION. The La Quinta Planning and Development Department has completed an environmental assessment on the proposed Amendment. Based upon this assessment, the Proposal will not have a significant adverse effect on the environment; therefore, a Negative Declaration has been prepared. The La Quinta City Council will consider the adoption of the Negative Declaration along with the Text Amendment at the Hearing. Any person may submit written comments on this Amendment to the Planning and Development Department prior to the Hearing and/or may appear and be heard in support of or opposition to the adoption of the Negative Declaration and/or the Ordinance Amendment at the time of the Hearing. If you challenge the decision of this body in court, you may be limited to raising only those issues that you or someone else raised either at the Public Hearing or in written correspondence delivered to the Planning and Development Department at, or prior to, the Public Hearing. The proposed Ordinance Amendment file may be viewed by the public Monday through Friday from 8:00 a.m. until 5:00 p.m. at the Planning and Development Department, La Quinta City Hall, 78-099 Calle Estado, La Quinta, California. DO NOT PRINT BELOW THIS LINE \ --PUBLISH-------ONCE-----ON------SEPTEMBER-------6-,--1988 -------------------------------- \ HNPC.001 or ` CITY CO IL NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the City of La Quints City Council will hold a PUBLIC HEARING on September 20, 1988, at 7:30 p.m. in the La Quints City Hall Council Chambers, 78-105 Calle Estado, on the following item: ITEMS: TENTATIVE TRACT #23813 APPLICANT: LA QUINTA JOINT VENTURE LOCATION: THE AREA BETWEEN CAMINO QUINTANA AND AVENIDA FERNANDO ALONG AVENIDA VISTA BONITA EXTENDED REQUESTS: SUBDIVISION OF 10.45 + INTO 40 SINGLE FAMILY.LOTS LEGAL A PORTION OF THE SOUTHWEST ONE-QUARTER OF SECTION 36, TOWNSHIP 5 SOUTH, RANGE 6 EAST, S.B.B.M. Tentative Tract No. 23813 is within the Specific Plan 121-E for Which a Final Environmental Impact report was prepared and certified by the La Quinta City Council. A Negative Declaration was also adopted by the La Quinta City Council for Tentative Tract No. 14496-4, which was the previous Tentative Tract approved for this site. The above prior approvals contained environmental mitigation measures which will apply to this project. Therefore, no additional environmental review is necessary. Any person may submit written comments on this proposal to the Planning and Development Department prior to the Hearing and/or may appear and be heard in support of or opposition to the Tentative Tract application at the time of the Hearing. If you challenge the decision of this Proposal in court, you may be limited to raising only those issues that you or someone else raised either at the Public Hearing or in written correspondence delivered to the Planning and Development Department at, or prior to, the Public Hearing. The proposed Tentative Tract file may be viewed by the public Monday through Friday from 8:00 a.m. until 5:00 p.m. at the Planning and Development Department, La Quinta City Hall, 78-099 Calle Estado, La Quints, California. --------------------------------- DO NOT PRINT BELOW THIS LINE --------------------------------- PUBLISH ONCE ON SEPTEMBER 9, 1988 CITY OF LA TA CITY COUNCIL NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the City of La Quinta City Council will hold a PUBLIC HEARING on September 20, 1988, at 7:30 p.m. in the La Quints City Hall Council Chambers, 78-105 Calle Estado, on the following item: ITEM: SPECIFIC PLAN NO. 83-002, AMENDMENT $1 (PGA WEST) APPLICANT: LANDMARK LAND COMPANY, INC. LOCATION: WITHIN THE PGA WEST DEVELOPMENT, WEST OF MADISON STREET, BETWEEN AVENUE 54 AND AVENUE 58 REQUEST: AN AMENDMENT TO THE APPROVED SPECIFIC PLAN TO INCREASE THE NUMBER OF HOTEL ROOMS FROM 650 TO 1,000 UNITS (100 OF WHICH WILL BE A BUNGALOW -STYLE), AND INCREASE THE HOTEL HEIGHT FROM FOUR STORIES TO SIX STORIES LEGAL: A PORTION OF SECTIONS 16, 17, AND 21 OF T6S, R7E, SBBM The La Quinta Planning and Development Department has determined that the original EIR prepared and certified for the overall PGA West Specific Plan, plus the Traffic Generation/Circulation Supplement, address all environmental impacts associated with the proposed Amendment. Environmental impacts presented by this Amendment will be appreciably mitigated through conditions of approval for the Amendment to the extent feasible. Any person may submit written comments on the Amendment to the Planning and Development Department prior to the Hearing and/or may appear and be heard in support of or opposition to the adoption of the Supplemental EIR and/or the Amendment at the time of the Hearing. If you challenge the decision of this Amendment in court, you may be limited to raising only those issues that you or someone else raised either at the Public Hearing or in written correspondence delivered to the Planning and Development Department at, or prior to, the Public Hearing. The proposed Amendment and Supplemental EIR may be viewed by the public Monday through Friday from 8:00 a.m. until 5:00 p.m. at the Planning and Development Department, La Quinta City Hall, 78-099 Calle Estado, La Quinta, California. DO NOT PRINT BELOW THIS LINE ------------------------------- PUBLISH ONCE ON AUGUST 29, 1988 CITY OF LA SUINTA PLANNING CO ISSION NOTICE OF PUBLIC MEETING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the City of La Quints Planning Commission will hold a PUBLIC HEARING on September 13, 1988, at 7:00 p.m. in the La Quints City Hall Council Chambers, 78-105 Calle Estado, on the following item: ITEMS: TENTATIVE TRACT #23813 APPLICANT: LA QUINTA JOINT VENTURE LOCATION: THE.AREA BETWEEN CAMINO QUINTANA AND AVENIDA FERNANDO ALONG AVENIDA VISTA BONITA EXTENDED REQUESTS: SUBDIVISION OF 10.45 ± INTO 40 SINGLE FAMILY LOTS LEGAL A PORTION OF THE SOUTHWEST ONE-QUARTER OF SECTION 36, TOWNSHIP 5 SOUTH, RANGE 6 EAST, S.B.B.M. Tentative Tract No. 23813 is within the Specific Plan 121-E for which a Final Environmental Impact report was prepared and certified by the La Quinta City Council. A Negative Declaration was also adopted by the La Quints City Council for Tentative Tract No. 14496-4, which was the previous Tentative Tract approved by for this site. The above prior approvals contained environmental mitigation measures which will apply to this project. Therefore, no additional environmental review is necessary. Any person may submit written comments on this proposal to the Planning and Development Department prior to the Hearing and/or may appear and be heard in support of or opposition to the Tentative Tract application at the time of the Hearing. If you challenge the decision of this Proposal in court, you may be limited to raising only those issues that you or someone else raised either at the Public Hearing or in written correspondence delivered to the Planning and Development Department at, or prior to, the Public Hearing. The proposed Tentative Tract file may be viewed by the public Monday through Friday from 8:00 a.m. until 5:00 p.m. at the Planning and Development Department, La Quints City Hall, 78-099 Calle Estado, La Quints, California. -------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------- DO NOT PRINT BELOW THIS LINE --------------------------------- PUBLISH ONCE ON SEPTEMBER 2, 1988 u Cf'v OF CITY COUNCIL NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the City oY La Quinta City Council will hold a PUBLIC HEARING on September 6, 1988 at 7:30 p.m. in the La Quinta City Hall Council Chambers on the following item: ITEM: PLOT PLAN NO. 85-254, CONDITION AMENDMENT (VILLAGE POINT APARTMENTS) APPLICANT: LANDMARK LAND COMPANY, INC. LOCATION: NORTH OF CALLE TAMPICO, WEST OF WASHINGTON STREET AND EAST OF DESERT CLUB DRIVE REQUEST: AN AMENDMENT TO A CONDITON LIMITATION PERTAINING TO A TWO-YEAR TIME LIMIT FOR COMMENCEMENT OF CONSTRUCTION. LEGAL: A PORTION OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 6, T6S, R7E, SBBM IN THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE, STATE OF CALIFORNIA AVE50 H A Negative Declaration was adopted on June 4, 1986, by the City Council, for the project (Plot Plan No. 85-254). The project approval contained environmental mitigation conditons. The proposed project was previously assessed; therefore, no new environmental review is necessary. Any person may submit written comments on the Proposal to the Planning and Development Department prior to the Hearing and/or may appear and be heard in support of or opposition to the adoption of the Amendment at the time of the Hearing. If you challenge the decision of this Amendment in court, you may be limited to raising only those issues that you or someone else raised either at the Public Hearing or in written correspondence delivered to the Planning and Development Department at, or prior to, the Public Hearing. The files may be viewed by the public Monday through Friday from 8:00 a.m. until 5:00 p.m. at the Planning and Development Department, La Quinta City Hall, 78-099 Calle Estado, La Quinta, California. --------------------------------------------------------------- DO NOT PRINT BELOW THIS LINE PRINT ONCE ON AUGUST 26, 1988. CITY OF ANNING LA QUIN COMMIS& NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the City of La Quinta Planning Commission will hold a PUBLIC HEARING on August 23, 1988, at 7:00 p.m. in the La Quinta City Hall Council Chambers, 78-105 Calle Estado, on the following item: ITEM: SPECIFIC PLAN NO. 83-002, AMENDMENT N1 (PGA WEST) APPLICANT: LANDMARK LAND COMPANY, INC. LOCATION: WITHIN THE PGA WEST DEVELOPMENT, WEST OF MADISON STREET, BETWEEN AVENUE 54 AND AVENUE 58 REQUEST: AN AMENDMENT TO THE APPROVED SPECIFIC PLAN TO INCREASE THE NUMBER OF HOTEL ROOMS FROM 650 TO 1,000 UNITS (100 OF WHICH WILL BE BUNGALOW -STYLE), AND INCREASE THE HOTEL HEIGHT FROM FOUR STORIES TO SIX STORIES LEGAL: A PORTION nF SECTIONS 16, 17, AND 21 OF SBBM T6S, R7E, The La Quinta Planning and Development luepartment has determined that the original EIR prepared and certified for the overall PGA West Specific Plan, plus the Traffic Generation/Circulation Supplement, address all environmental impacts associated with the proposed Amendment. Environmental impacts presented by this Amendment will be mitigated through conditions of approval for the Amendment to the extent feasible. Any person may submit written comments on the Amendment to the Planning and Development Department prior to the Hearing and/or may appear and be heard in support of or opposition to the adoption of the Supplemental EIR and/or the Amendment at the time of the Hearing. If you challenge the decision of this Amendment in court, you may be limited to raising only those issues that you or someone else raised either at the Public Hearing or in written correspondence delivered to the Planning and Development Department at, or prior to, the Public Hearing. The proposed Amendment and Supplemental EIR may be viewed by the public Monday through Friday from 8:00 a.m. until 5:00 p.m. at the Planning and Development Department, La Quinta City Hall, 78-099 Calle Estado, La Quinta, California. ---------------------------------------------------------------- REVISED CI YOFL INTA PLANNING COOMISSION NOTICE OF PUBLIC MEETING NOTICE IS HEREBY Commission will 7:00 p.m. in the Calle Estado, ITEMS: APPLICANT: LOCATION: REQUESTS: LEGAL on GIVEN that the City of La Quints Planning hold a PUBLIC HEARING on August 23, 1988, at La Quinta.City Hall Council Chambers, 78-105 the following item: TENTATIVE TRACT #23813 LA QUINTA JOINT VENTURE THE AREA BETWEEN CAMINO QUINTANA AND AVENIDA FERNANDO ALONG AVENIDA VISTA BONITA EXTENDED SUBDIVISION OF.10.45 + INTO 40 SINGLE FAMILY LOTS A PORTION OF THE SOUTHWEST ONE-QUARTER OF SECTION 36, TOWNSHIP 5 SOUTH, RANGE 6 EAST, S.B.B.M. Tentative Tract No. 23813 is within the Specific Plan 121-E for which a Final Environmental Impact report was prepared and certified by the La Quinta City Council. A Negative Declaration was also adopted by the La Quinta City Council for Tentative Tract No. 14496-4, which was the previous Tentative Tract approved by for this site. The above prior approvals contained environmental mitigation measures which will apply to this project. Therefore, no additional environmental review is necessary. Any person may submit written continents on this proposal to the Planning and Development Department prior to the Hearing and/or may appear and be heard in support of or opposition to the Tentative Tract application at the time of the Hearing. If you challenge the decision of this Proposal in court, you may be limited to raising only those issues that you or someone else raised either at the Public Hearing or in written correspondence delivered to the Planning and Development Department at, or prior to, the Public Hearing. The proposed Tentative Tract file may be viewed by the public Monday through Friday from 8:00 a.m. until 5:00 p.m. at the Planning and Development Department, La Quinta City Hall, 78-099 Calle Estado, La Quinta, California. -------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------- DO NOT PRINT BELOW THIS LINE -------------------------------------------------------------- PUBLISH ONCE ON AUGUST 12, 1988 PLANNING COWISSION NOTICE OF PUBLIC MEETING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the City of La Quinta Planning Commission will hold a PUBLIC HEARING on August 23, 1988, at 7:00 p.m. in the La Quints City Hall Council Chambers, 78-105 Calle Estado, on the following item: ITEMS: SPECIFIC PLAN NO. 121-E, AMENDMENT 01 CHANGE OF ZONE CZ #88-031 TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP NO. 23749 PLOT PLAN NO. 88-393 APPLICANT: LANDMARK LAND COMPANY LOCATION: WEST SIDE OF AVENIDA OBREGON, + 400 FEET NORTH OF CALLS MAZATLAN REQUESTS: THE PROPOSAL IS TO ADD 2+ ACRES TO THE EXISTING SPECIFIC PLAN FOR LA QUINTA COVE GOLF CLUB (AKA SANTA ROSA COVE) AND CREATE A PARCEL TO ACCOMMODATE A PROPOSED MAINTENANCE FACILITY AND EMPLOYEE PARKING TO SERVICE THE PREVIOUSLY APPROVED LA QUINTA HOTEL EXPANSION. LEGAL: BEING A PORTION OF THE SOUTHEAST 1/4 OF THE SOUTHWEST 1/4 OF SECTION 36 T5S, R6E S.B.B.M. I. GENERAL SITE AREA r VICINITY NTs YAR ...._.._ ; 4e The La Quinta Planning and Development Department has completed an environmental assessment on the proposed project. Based upon this assessment, the proposals will not have a significant adverse effect on the environment; therefore, a Negative Declaration has been prepared. The La Quints Planning Commission will consider the adoption of the Negative Declaration along with the proposed project at the Hearing. Any person may submit written comments regarding these applications to the Planning and Development Department prior to the Hearing and/or may appear and be heard in support of or opposition to the adoption of the Negative Declaration and/or the proposals at the time of the Hearing. If you challenge the decision of this hearing body in court, you may be limited to raising only those issues that you or someone else raised either at the Public Hearing or in written correspondence delivered to the Planning and Development Department at, or prior to, the Public Hearing. The proposed applications may be viewed by the public Monday through Friday from 8:00 a.m. until 5:00 p.m. at the Planning and Development Department, La Quints City Hall, 78-099 Calle Estado, La Quints, California. ------------------------------------ ------------------------------------ DO NOT PRINT BELOW THIS LINE ------------------------------------ PUBLISH ONCE ON AUGUST 2, 1988 CITY OF PLANNING QUINTA MISSION NOTICE OF PUBLIC MEETING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the City Commission will hold a PUBLIC HEARING 7:00 p.m. in the La Quinta City Hall Calle Estado, on the following item: of La Quinta Planning on August 23, 1988, at Council Chambers, 78-105 ITEMS: ZONING ORDINANCE AMENDMENT NO. 88-005 APPLICANT: CITY INITIATED LOCATION: CITY WIDE REQUESTS: A CITY -INITIATED AMENDMENT TO TITLE 9 OF THE LA QUINTA MUNICIPAL CODE, TO INCLUDE ZONING REGULATIONS SPECIFICALLY DESIGNED FOR THE VILLAGE AT LA QUINTA SPECIFIC PLAN'S IMPLEMENTATION. The La Quinta Planning and Development Department has completed an environmental assessment on the proposed Amendment. Based upon this assessment, the Proposal will not have a significant adverse effect on the environment; therefore, a Negative Declaration has been prepared. The La Quinta Planning Commission will consider the adoption of the Negative Declaration along with the Text Amendment at the Hearing. Any person may submit written comments on this Amendment to the Planning and Development Department prior to the Hearing and/or may appear and be heard in support of or opposition to the adoption of the Negative Declaration and/or the Ordinance Amendment at the time of the Hearing. If you challenge the decision of this body in court, you may be limited to raising only those issues that you or someone else raised either at the Public Hearing or in written correspondence delivered to the Planning and Development Department at, or prior to, the Public Hearing. The proposed Ordinance Amendment file may be viewed by the public Monday through Friday from 8:00 a.m. until 5:00 p.m. at the Planning and Development Department, La Quinta City Hall, 78-099 Calle Estado, La Quinta, California. ------------------------------------------------------ DO NOT PRINT BELOW THIS LINE ------------------------------------------------------ PUBLISH ONCE ON AUGUST 12, 1988 HNPC.001 CITY OF LA 11NTA PLANNING CO SSION NOTICE OF PUBLIC MEETING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the City of La Quinta Planning Commission will hold a PUBLIC HEARING on August 23, 1988, at 7:00 p.m. in the La Quinta City Hall Council Chambers, 78-105 Calle Estado, on the following item: ITEMS: TENTATIVE TRACT #23813 APPLICANT: LA QUINTA JOINT VENTURE LOCATION: SOUTHEAST CORNER OF AVENIDA VISTA BONITA AND CAMINO QUINTANA REQUESTS: SUBDIVISION OF 10.45 + INTO 40 SINGLE FAMILY LOTS LEGAL A PORTION OF THE SOUTHWEST ONE-QUARTER OF SECTION 36, TOWNSHIP 5 SOUTH, RANGE 6 EAST, S.B.B.M. Tentative Tract No. 23813 is within the Specific Plan 121-E for which a Final Environmental Impact report was prepared and certified by the La Quinta City Council. A Negative Declaration was also adopted by the La Quinta City Council for Tentative Tract No. 14496-4, which was. the previous Tentative Tract approved by for this site. The above prior approvals contained environmental mitigation measures which will apply to this project. Therefore, no additional environmental review is necessary. Any person may submit written comments on this proposal to the Planning and Development Department prior to the Hearing and/or may appear and be heard in support of or opposition to the Tentative Tract application at the time of the Hearing. If you challenge the decision of this Proposal in court, you may be limited to raising only those issues that you or someone else raised either at the Public Hearing or in written correspondence delivered to the Planning and Development Department at, or prior to, the Public Hearing. The proposed Tentative Tract file may be viewed by the public Monday through Friday from 8:00 a.m. until 5:00 p.m. at the Planning and Development Department, La Quinta City Hall, 78-099 Calle Estado, La Quinta, California. DO NOT PRINT BELOW THIS LINE ------------------------------------------- ONCE ON AUGUST 12, 1988 CITY OF LA COINTA a CITY COUNCIL 4Q Cf'ti OF NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the City of La Quinta City Council will hold a PUBLIC HEARING on August 2, 1988, at 7:30 p.m. in the La Quinta City Hall Council Chambers, 78-105 Calle Estado, on the following item: ITEM: ESTABLISHMENT OF A COMPREHENSIVE FEE SCHEDULE FOR PERMITS, PLAN REVIEWS, AND OTHER ACTIVITIES UNDERTAKEN PURSUANT TO BUILDING AND CONSTRUCTION REGULATIONS SPONSOR: CITY OF LA QUINTA LOCATION: CITY-WIDE Any person may submit written comments on the Comprehensive Fee Schedule to the Planning and Development Department prior to the Hearing and/or may appear and be heard in support of or opposition to the adoption of the Fee Schedule at the time of the Hearing. If you challenge the decision of this Fee Schedule in court, you may be limited to raising only those issues that you or someone else raised either at the Public Hearing or in written correspondence delivered to the Planning and Development Department at, or prior to, the Public Hearing. The proposed Comprehensive Fee Schedule may be viewed by the public Monday through Friday from 8:00 a.m. until 5:00 p.m. at the Planning and Development Department, La Quinta City Hall, 78-099 Calle Estado, La Quinta, California. --------------------------------------- DO NOT PRINT BELOW THIS LINE --------------------------------------- PUBLISH ONCE ON JULY 22, 1988 MR/HNCC.018 CITY OF LA 0trTA CITY COUNCIL NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the City of La Quints City Council will hold a PUBLIC HEARING on August 2, 1988, at 7:30 p.m. in the La Quinta City Hall Council Chambers, 78-105 Calle Estado, on the following Stem: ITEM: PREANNEXATION ZONING (CZ 88-032) AND GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT (GP 88-019) FOR 45.64 ACRES APPLICANT: RICK JOHNSON CONSTRUCTION AND THE CITY OF LA QUINTA LOCATION: NORTH SIDE OF FRED WARING DRIVE, EAST OF ADAMS STREET (STARLIGHT) REQUEST: PREANNEXATION ZONING FROM COUNTY CLASSIFICATION OF R-1-1200 TO CITY CLASSIFICATION OF R-1-9000; AND GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT FROM COUNTY DESIGNATION OF 2-B (2 TO 5 DU/AC) TO CITY DESIGNATION OF LOW DENSITY RESIDENTIAL (2 TO 4 DU/AC), AND/OR OTHER SUCH ZONES/LAND USE DESIGNATIONS AS DEEMED APPROPRIATE. LEGAL: PARCEL 4 OF PARCEL MAP 5361 PER MAP RECORDED IN BOOK 11, PAGE 79, OF MAPS IN THE OFFICE OF THE RIVERSIDE COUNTY RECORDER. L , PAID WAAIAA qL e rte• � The La Quints Planning and Development Department has completed an environmental assessment on the Preannexation Zoning and General Plan Amendment. Based upon this assessment, the Preannexation Zoning and General Plan Amendment will not have significant adverse effects on the environment; therefore, a Negative Declaration has been prepared. The La Quints City Council will consider the adoption of the Negative Declaration along with the Preannexation Zoning and General Plan Amendment at the Hearing. Any person may submit written comments on the Preannexation Zoning and General Plan Amendment to the Planning and Development Department prior to the hearing and/or may appear and be heard in support of or opposition to the adoption of the Negative Declaration and/or the two noted applications at the time of the hearing. I£ you challenge the decision of these applications in court, you may be limited to raising only those issues that you or someone else raised either at the Public Hearing or in written correspondence delivered to the Planning and Development Department at, or prior to, the Public Hearing. The proposed application files may be viewed by the public Monday through Friday from 8:00 a.m. until 5:00 p.m. at the Planning and Development Department, La Quinta City Hall, 78-099 Calle Estado, La Quints, California. DO NOT PRINT BELOW THIS LINE ----------------------------- PUBLISH ONCE ON JULY 13, 1988 U*0y" CITY COUNL NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the City of La Quinta City Council will hold a PUBLIC HEARING on August 2, 1988, at 7:30 p.m. in the La Quinta City Nall Council Chambers, 78-105 Calla Ratado, on the following Stem: ITEM: PREANNEXATION ZONING (CZ 88-033) AND GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT (GP 88-020) FOR 291.6 ACRES APPLICANT: OWENS-PARRS COMPANY, HAROLD AND NANCIE PALMER, BONNIE 6 BEN DEVELOPMENT INC, RUSSELL WADE, CAROL MORTON, LEE MARTIN, TANYA ADAMS (MILLER), AND THE CITY OF LA QUINTA LOCATION: GENERALLY WEST OF MADISON STREET, ALONG BOTH SIDES OF AVENUE 58; ALONG THE EAST SIDE OF JEFFERSON STREET, EXTENDRD FROM AVENUE 58 SOUTHWARD TO AVENUE 60, AND WEST OF MADISON STREET ALONG THE NORTH SIDE OF AVENUE 60 TO JEFFERSON STREET RXTENSION. REQUEST: PREANNEXATION ZONING FROM COUNTY CLASSIFICATIONS OF W-2, W-2-20, A-1-5, A-1-10, AND W-2-30 TO CITY CLASSIFICATIONS OF R-1, R-1-20, AND W-2-20; AND GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT FROM COUNTY DESIGNATIONS OF PLANNED RESIDENTIAL RESERVE, PARKS 6 FOREST TO CITY DESIGNATIONS OF VERY LOW DENSITY RESIDENTIAL (0 TO 2 DU/AC), LOW DENSITY RESIDENTIAL (2 TO 8 DU/AC), OPEN SPACE, AND/OR OTHER SUCH ZONES/LAND USE DESIGNATIONS AS DRZ MD APPROPRIATE. LEGAL: A PORTION OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 21, T6S, R7R, SBHM, AND POUTTONs OF SECTION 28, T6S, R7R, SBBM1. P. The La Quints Planning and Development Department has completed an enviroNmantal assessment on the Preannexation Zoning and General Plan Amendment. Based upon this assessment, the Preannexation Zoning and General Plan Amendment will not have significant adverse effects on the environment; therefore, a Negative Declaration has been prepared. The La Quints City Council will consider the adoption of the Negative Declaration along with the Preannexation Zoning and General Plan Amendment at the Bearing. Any person may submit written comments on the Preannexation Zoning and General Plan Amendment to the Planning and Development Department prior to the hearing and/or may appear and be heard in support of or opposition to the adoption of the Negative Declaration and/or the two noted applications at the time of the hearing. If you challenge the decision of these applications in court, you mey be limited to raising only those issues that you or someone else raised either at the Public Hearing or in written correspondence delivered to the Planning and Development Department at, or prior to, the Public Nearing. The proposed application files may be viewed by the Public Monday through Friday from 8:00 a.m. until 5:00 p.m. at the Planning and Development Department, La Quints City Hall, 76-099 Calle Estado, La Quints, California. DO NOT PRINT BELOW THIS LINE PUBLISH ONCE ON JULY 13, 1988 *jr CITY COUN NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the City of La Quinta City Council Will hold a PUBLIC HEARING on August 2, 1988, at 7:30 P.M. in the La Qulnta City Hall Cousoll Chambers, 78-105 Calla Estado, on the following item: ITEM: PREANNEXATION ZONING (CZ 88-033) AND GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT (OP 88-020) FOR 291.6 ACRES APPLICANT: OWENS-PARKS COMPANY, HAROLD AND NARCIE PALMER, BONNIE 6 BEN DEVELOPMENT INC, RUSSELL WADE, CAROL MORTON, LEE MARTIN, TANYA ADAMS (KILLER), AND THE CITY OF LA QUINTA LOCATION: GENERALLY WEST OF MADISON STREET, ALONG BOTH SIDES OF AVENUE 58; ALONG THE EAST SIDE OF JEFFERSON STREET, EXTENDED FROM AVENUE 58 SOUTHWARD TO AVENUE 60; AND WEST OF MADISON STREET ALONG THE NORTH SIDE OF AVENUE 60 TO JEFFERSON STREET EXTENSION. REQUEST: PREANNEXATION ZONING FROM COUNTY CLASSIFICATIONS OF W-2, W-2-20, A-1-5, A-1-10, AND W-2-10 TO CITY CLASSIFICATIONS OF R-1, R-1-20, AND W-2-20; AND GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT FROM COUNTY DESIGNATIONS OF PLANNED RESIDENTIAL RESERVE, PARKS 6 FOREST 70 CITY DESIGNATIONS OF VERY LOW DENSITY RESIDENTIAL 40 TO 2 DU/AC), LOW DENSITY RESIDENTIAL 12 TO 4 DU/ACI, OPEN SPACE, AND/OR OTHER SUCH ZONES/LAND USE DESIGNATIONS AS DEEMED APPROPRIATE. LEGAL: A PORTION OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 21, T6S, R7E, SBBM, AND PORTIONS OF SECTION 28, T6S, R7E, SEEN. The La Quint& Planning and Development Department has completed an environmental assessment on the Preannexation Zoning and General Plan Amendment. Based upon this assessment, the Preannexation Zoning and General Plan Amendment will not have significant adverse effects on the environment; therefore, a Negative Declaration has been prepared. The La Quint& City Council will consider the adoption of the Negative Declaration along with the Preannexation Zoning and General Plan Amendment at the Hearing. Any person may submit mitten casements on the Preannexation Zoning and General Plan Amendment to the Planning and Development Department prior to the hearing and/or may appear and be heard in support of or opposition to the adoption of the Negative Declaration and/or the two noted applications at the time of the hearing. If you challenge the decision of these applications in court, you may be limited to raising only those issues that you or someone else raised either at the Public Nearing or in written correspondence delivered to the Planning and Development Department at, or prior to, the Public Hearing. The proposed application files may be viewed by the Public Monday through Friday from 8:00 a.m. until 5,00 p.m, at the Planning and Development Department, L& Quint& City Ball, 78-099 Calle Estado, La Quints, California. DO NOT PRINT BELOW THIS LINE PUBLISH ONCE 09 JULY 11, 1988 CITY COU NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the City of La Quinta City Council will hold a PUBLIC HEARING on August 2, 1988, at 7:30 p.m. in the La Quinta City Hall Council Chambers, 78-105 Calle Estado, on the following item: ITEM: PREANNEXATION ZONING (CZ 88-032) AND GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT (GP 88-019) FOR 45.64 ACRES APPLICANT: RICK JOHNSON AND THE CITY OF LA QUINTA LOCATION: NORTHSISTARLIGED WARING DRIVE, WEST OF ADAMS REVISED REQUEST: PREANNEXATION ZONING FROM COUNTY CLASSIFICATION OF R-1-1200 TO CITY CLASSIFICATION OF R-1-9000; AND GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT FROM COUNTY DESIGNATION OF 2-B (2 TO 5 DU/AC) TO CITY DESIGNATION OF LOW DENSITY RESIDENTIAL (2 TO 4 DU/AC), AND/OR OTHER SUCH ZONES/LAND USE DESIGNATIONS AS DEEMED APPROPRIATE. LEGAL: PARCEL 4 OF PARCEL MAP 5361 PER MAP RECORDED IN BOOK 11, PAGE 79, OF MAPS IN THE OFFICE OF THE RIVERSIDE COUNTY RECORDER. The La Quinta Planning and Development Department has completed an environmental assessment on the Preannexation Zoning and General Plan Amendment. Based upon this assessment, the Preannexation Zoning and General Plan Amendment will not have significant adverse effects on the environment; therefore, a Negative Declaration has been prepared. The La Quinta City Council will consider the adoption of the Negative Declaration along with the Preannexation Zoning and General Plan Amendment at the Hearing.. - Any person may submit written comments on the Preannexation Zoning and General Plan Amendment to the Planning and Development Department prior to the hearing and/or may appear and be heard in support of or opposition to the adoption of the Negative Declaration and/or the two noted applications at the time of the hearing. If you challenge the decision of these applications in court, you may be limited to raising only those issues that you or someone else raised either at the Public Hearing or in written correspondence delivered to the Planning and Development Department at, or prior to, the Public Hearing. The proposed application files may be viewed by the public Monday through Friday from 8:00 a.m. until 5:00 p.m. at the Planning and Development Department, La Quinta City Hall, 78-099 Calle Estado, La Quints, California. ---------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------- DO NOT PRINT BELOW THIS LINE PUBLISH ONCE ON JULY 13, 1988 MR/HNCC.016 -1- CITY OF LA 4&UINTA CITY COUNCIL NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the City of La Quinta City Council will hold a PUBLIC HEARING on August 2, 1988, at 7:30 p.m. in the La Quinta City Hall Council Chambers, 78-105 Calle Estado, on the following item: ITEM: ESTABLISHMENT OF A COMPREHENSIVE FEE SCHEDULE FOR PERMITS, PLAN REVIEWS, AND OTHER ACTIVITIES UNDERTAKEN PURSUANT TO BUILDING AND CONSTRUCTION REGULATIONS SPONSOR: CITY OF LA QUINTA LOCATION: CITY-WIDE Any person may submit written comments on the Comprehensive Fee Schedule to the Planning and Development Department prior to the Hearing and/or may appear and be heard in support of or opposition to the adoption of the Fee Schedule at the time of the Hearing. If you challenge the decision of this Fee Schedule in court, you may be limited to raising only those issues that you or someone else raised either at the Public Hearing or in written correspondence delivered to the Planning and Development Department at, or prior to, the Public Hearing. The proposed Comprehensive Fee Schedule may be viewed by the public Monday through Friday from 8:00 a.m. until 5:00 p.m. at the Planning and Development Department, La Quinta City Hall, 78-099 Calle Estado, La Quinta, California. ---------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------- DO NOT PRINT BELOW THIS LINE ---------------------------------------------------------------- PUBLISH ONCE ON JULY 22, 1988 MR/HNCC.018 CITY OF LA Q IN' CITY COU IL A NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the City of La Quint& City Council will hold a PUBLIC HEARING on August 2, 1987, at 700 p.m. in the La Quinta City Hall Council Chambers, 78-105 Calle Estado, on the following item: Intention to adopt a Negative Declaration for the proposed La Quints. Mini -Park in accordance with the requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act, and to consider the final recommended design. The site is located at the Northeast corner of Calle Colima and Eisenhower Drive, more specifically described as follows: LEGAL DESCRIPTION Lots 13, 14, and 1/2 of Lot 15, Block 211, Unit 920 of Santa Carmelite at Vale, La Quints. The La Quints, planning and Development Department has completed an environmental assessment on the proposed park. Based upon this assessment, the proposal will not have a significant adverse effect on the environment: therefore, a Negative Declaration has been prepared. The La Quints. City Council will consider the adoption of the Negative Declaration along with the revised park design at the Hearing. Any person may submit written comments on this proposal to the Planning and Development Department prior to the Hearing and/or may appear and be heard in support of, or opposition to, the adoption of the Negative Declaration at the time of the Hearing. If you challenge the decision of this body in court, you may be limited to raising only those issues that you or someone else raised either at the Public Hearing or in written correspondence delivered to the Planning and Development Department at, or prior to, the Public Hearing. The proposed Negative Declaration may be viewed by the public Monday through Friday from 8:00 a.m. until 5:00 p.m. at the Planning and Development Department, La Quint& City Hall, 78-099 Calle Estado, La Quint&, California. DO NOT PRINT BELOW THIS LINE PRINT ONCE ON JULY 12, 1988. BJ/HNCC.001 CITY OF LA INTA 5 CITY COUNCIL Cf'Y Of Tl1E0E� Lei • _11'1i�101 0011 lfiillll 111111111 1 1111�� NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the City of La Quinta City Council will hold a PUBLIC HEARING on August 2, 1988, at 7:30 p.m. in the La Quinta City Hall Council Chambers, 78-105 Calle Estado, on the following item: ITEM: ESTABLISHMENT OF A COMPREHENSIVE FEE SCHEDULE FOR PERMITS, PLAN REVIEWS, AND OTHER ACTIVITIES UNDERTAKEN PURSUANT TO BUILDING AND CONSTRUCTION REGULATIONS SPONSOR: CITY OF LA QUINTA LOCATION: CITY-WIDE Any person may submit written comments on the Comprehensive Fee Schedule to the Planning and Development Department prior to the Hearing and/or may appear and be heard in support of or opposition to the adoption of the Fee Schedule at the time of the Hearing. If you challenge the decision of this Fee Schedule in court, you may be limited to raising only those issues that you or someone else raised either at the Public Hearing or in written correspondence delivered to the Planning and Development Department at, or prior to, the Public Hearing. The proposed Comprehensive Fee Schedule may be viewed by the public Monday through Friday from 8:00 a.m. until 5:00 p.m. at the Planning and Development Department, La Quinta City Hall, 78-099 Calle Estado, La Quinta, California. ---------------------------------------------------------------- DO NOT PRINT BELOW THIS LINE PUBLISH ONCE ON JULY 22, 1988 MR/HNCC.018 04 CITY OF LA CGINTA PLANNING COMMISSION CF'y OF NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the City, of La Quints Planning Commission will hold a PUBLIC HEARING on July 26, 1988, at 7:00 p.m. 1n the La Quints City Hall Council Chambers, 78-105 Calle Estado, on the following item: ITEM: PLOT PLAN 85-259, CONDITION AMENDMENT (VILLAGE POINT APARTMENTS) APPLICANT: LANDMARK LAND COMPANY, INC. LOCATION: NORTH OF CALLS TAMPICO, WEST OF WASHINGTON STREET, AND EAST OF DESERT CLUB DRIVE REQUEST: AN AMENDMENT TO A CONDITION LIMITATION PERTAINING TO A TWO-YEAR TIME LIMIT FOR COMMENCEMENT OF CONSTRUCTION LEGAL: A PORTION OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 6, T6S, R7E, SBBM, IN THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE, STATE OF CALIFORNIA The La Quint& Planning and Development Department has completed an environmental assessment on the proposed Amendment. Based upon this assessment, the Amendment will not have significant adverse effects on the environment; therefore, a Negative Declaration has been prepared. The La Quinta Planning Commission will consider the adoption of the Negative Declaration along with the Amendment request at the Hearing. Any person my submit written comments on the Amendment to the Planning and Development Department prior to the Hearing and/or may appear and be heard in support of or opposition to the adoption of the Negative Declaration and/or the Amendment at the time of the Hearing. If you challenge the decision of this Amendment in court, you may be limited to raising only those issues that you or someone else raised either at the Public Hearing or in written correspondence delivered to the Planning and Development Department at, or prior to, the Public Hearing. The proposed Amendment files may be viewed by the public Monday through Friday from 8:00 a.m. until 5:00 p.m. at the Planning and Development Department, La Quints City Hall, 78-099 Calle Estado, La Quinta, California. DO NOT PRINT BELOW THIS LINE ----------------------------- PUB LISH ONCE ON JULY 15, 1988 MR/HNPC.008 71 CITY OF LA, NTA PLANNING COMM SSION NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the City of La Quinta Planning Commission will hold a PUBLIC HEARING on July 26, 1988, at 7:00 p.m. in the La Quinta City Hall Council Chambers, 78-105 Calle Estado, on the following item: ITEM: PLOT PLAN 85-254, CONDITION AMENDMENT (VILLAGE POINT APARTMENTS) APPLICANT: LANDMARK LAND COMPANY, INC. LOCATION: NORTH OF CALLE TAMPICO, WEST OF WASHINGTON STREET, AND EAST OF DESERT CLUB DRIVE REQUEST: AN AMENDMENT TO A CONDITION LIMITATION PERTAINING TO A TWO-YEAR TIME LIMIT FOR COMMENCEMENT OF CONSTRUCTION LEGAL: A PORTION OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 6, T6S, R7E, SEEM, IN THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE, STATE OF CALIFORNIA The La Quints Planning and Development Department has completed an environmental assessment on the proposed Amendment. Based upon this assessment, the Amendment will not have significant adverse effects on the environment; therefore, a Negative Declaration has been prepared. The La Quinta Planning Commission will consider the adoption of the Negative Declaration along with the Amendment request at the Hearing. Any person may submit written comments on the Amendment to the Planning and Development Department prior to the Hearing and/or may appear and be heard 1n support of or opposition to the adoption of the Negative Declaration and/or the Amendment at the time of the Hearing. If you challenge the decision of this Amendment in court, you may be limited to raising only those issues that you or someone else raised either at the Public Hearing or in written correspondence delivered to the Planning and Development Department at, or prior to, the Public Hearing. The proposed Amendment files may be viewed by the public Monday through Friday from 8:00 a.m. until 5:00 p.m. at the Planning and Development Department, La Quints City Hall, 78-099 Calle Estado, La Quints, California. DO NOT PRINT BELOW THIS LINE PUBLISH ONCE ON JULY 15, 1988 MR/HNPC.008 CITY OF LA INTA 0 5 � CITY COUNCIL Ey OF OE' NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the City of La Quinta City Council will hold a PUBLIC HEARING on July 5, 1988 at 7:30 p.m. in the La Quinta City Hall Council Chambers on the following item: ITEM: TENTATIVE TRACT #23269 REVISED APPLICANT: TRIAD PACIFIC DEVELOPMENT LOCATION: SOUTHCICORNER OF FRED WARING AND ADAMS STREET REQUEST: TO DIVIDE A 72+ ACRE PORTION INTO 120+ACRE PARCEL INTO 284 SINGLE FAMILY LOTS LEGAL: BEING A PORTION OF THE NORTHERN 1/2 OF THE NORTHEAST 1/4 OF SECTION 19, T.S.S., R.7.E. IN THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE, STATE OF CALIFORNIA t The La Quinta Planning and Development Department has completed an Environmental Assessment on the proposed Tract. Based upon this assessment, the Proposal will not have a significant adverse effect on the environment; therefore, a Negative Declaration has been prepared. The La Quinta City Council will consider the adoption of the Negative Declaration along with the Tentative Tract at the Hearing. Any person may submit written comments on the Proposal to the Planning and Development Department prior to the Hearing and/or may appear and be heard in support of or opposition to the adoption of the Negative Declaration and/or the Tentative Tract at the time of the Hearing. If you challenge the decision of this Proposal in court, you may be limited to raising only those issues that you or someone else raised either at the Public Hearing or in written correspondence delivered to the Planning and Development Department at, or prior to, the Public Hearing. The proposed Tentative Tract files may be viewed by the public Monday through Friday from 8:00 a.m. until 5:00 p.m. at the Planning and Development Department, La Quinta City Hall, 78-099 Calle Estado, La Quints, California. ---------------------------------- DO NOT PRINT BELOW THIS LINE PRINT ONCE ON JUNE 24, 1988. BJ/FORM.120 Fu Z CITY OF LA . ,INTA PLANNING CO ISSION yM Q� d OF TMS • • A 0 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the City of La Quinta Planning Commission will hold a PUBLIC HEARING on June 14, 1988, at 7:00 p.m. in the La Quints City Hall Council Chambers, 78-105 Calle Estado, on the following item: ITEM: TENTATIVE TRACT 23269 REVISED APPLICANT: TRIAD PACIFIC DEVELOPMENT LOCATION: SOUTHWEST CORNER OF FRED WARING AND ADAMS STREET REQUEST: TO DIVIDE A 72+ ACRE PORTION OF A 120+ ACRE PARCEL INTO 284 SINGLE FAMILY LOTS LEGAL BEING A PORTION OF THE NORTHERN 1/2 OF THE NORTHEAST 1/4 OF SECTION 19, T.5.S., R.7.E. IN THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE, STATE OF CALIFORNIA The La Quints Planning and Development Department has completed an environmental assessment on the proposed tract. Based upon this assessment, the Proposal will not have a significant adverse effect on the environment; therefore, a Negative Declaration has been prepared. The La Quints Planning Commission will consider the adoption of the Negative Declaration along with the Tentative Tract at the Hearing. Any person may submit written comments on this proposal to the Planning and Development Department prior to the Hearing and/or may appear and be heard in support of or opposition to the adoption of the Negative Declaration and/or the Tentative Tract at the time of the Hearing. If you challenge the decision of this Proposal in court, you may be limited to raising only those issues that you or someone else raised either at the Public Hearing or in written correspondence delivered to the Planning and Development Department at, or prior to, the Public Hearing. The proposed Tract Application may be viewed by the public Monday through Friday from 8:00 a.m. until 5:00 p.m. at the Planning and Development Department, La Quinta City Hall, 78-099 Calle Estado, La Quints, California. -------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------- DO NOT PRINT BELOW THIS LINE ------------------------------- PUBLISH ONCE ON June 4. 1988 Ars W °V r 4 The La Quints Planning and Development Department has completed an environmental assessment on the proposed tract. Based upon this assessment, the Proposal will not have a significant adverse effect on the environment; therefore, a Negative Declaration has been prepared. The La Quints Planning Commission will consider the adoption of the Negative Declaration along with the Tentative Tract at the Hearing. Any person may submit written comments on this proposal to the Planning and Development Department prior to the Hearing and/or may appear and be heard in support of or opposition to the adoption of the Negative Declaration and/or the Tentative Tract at the time of the Hearing. If you challenge the decision of this Proposal in court, you may be limited to raising only those issues that you or someone else raised either at the Public Hearing or in written correspondence delivered to the Planning and Development Department at, or prior to, the Public Hearing. The proposed Tract Application may be viewed by the public Monday through Friday from 8:00 a.m. until 5:00 p.m. at the Planning and Development Department, La Quinta City Hall, 78-099 Calle Estado, La Quints, California. -------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------- DO NOT PRINT BELOW THIS LINE ------------------------------- PUBLISH ONCE ON June 4. 1988 CITY OF LA OUTA CITY COUNCIL NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the City of La Quinta City Council will hold a PUBLIC HEARING on June 7, 1988 at 7:30 p.m. in the La Quinta City Hall Council Chambers on the following item: ITEM: TENTATIVE TRACT #22982 CHANGE OF ZONE CZ #88-030 APPLICANT: LA QUINTA ASSOCIATES LOCATION: SOUTHEAST CORNER OF FRED WARING AND DUNE PALMS ROAD REQUEST: TO DIVIDE A 40+ ACRE PORTION INTO 144 SINGLE FAMILY LOTS: TO CHANGE THE ZONING FROM R-1 12,000 TO R-1 LEGAL: THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 20 TOWNSHIP 5, SOUTH, RANGE 7 EAST, SAN BERNARDINO BASE AND MERIDIAN The La Quinta Planning and Development Department has completed an Environmental Assessment on the proposed Tract and Change of Zone. Based upon this assessment, the Proposals will not have a significant adverse effect on the environment; therefore, a Negative Declaration has been prepared. The La Quinta City Council will consider the adoption of the Negative Declaration along with the Tentative Tract and Change of Zone at the Hearing. Any person may submit written comments on the Proposals to the Planning and Development Department prior to the Hearing and/or may appear and be heard in support of or opposition to the adoption of the Negative Declaration and/or the Tentative Tract and Change of Zone at the time of the Hearing. If you challenge the decision on these Proposals in court, you may be limited to raising only those issues that you or someone else raised either at the Public Hearing or in written correspondence delivered to the Planning and Development Department at, or prior to, the Public Hearing. The proposed Tentative Tract and Change of Zone files may be viewed by the public Monday through Friday from 8:00 a.m. until 5:00 p.m. at the Planning and Development Department, La Quinta City Hall, 78-099 Calle Estado, La Quinta, California. --------------------------------------------------------------- DO NOT PRINT BELOW THIS LINE PRINT ONCE ON MAY 27, 1988. CITY OF LA 10JINTA NOTICE OF DIRECTOR'S HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the City of La Quinta Planning Director will hold a Director s Hearing on June 1, 1988, at 2:00 p.m., in the La Quints City Hall Council Chambers, 78-105 Calle Estado, on the following item: ITEM: TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP #22604 APPLICANT: LA QUINTA MEDICAL/COMMERCIAL PLAZA, LTD. LOCATION: NORTH EAST CORNER OF DESERT CLUB DRIVE AND CALLE TAMPICO REQUEST: TO SUBDIVIDE 5.92 ACRES INTO FIVE LATS (FOUR COMMERCIAL, ONE ACCESS AND PARKING) LEGAL: PARCEL 4 OF PARCEL MAP 19730, AS SHOWN BY MAP ON FILE IN BOOK 122, PAGES 69 AND 90 OF PARCEL MAPS, RIVERSIDE COUNTY RECORDS. -Ic we.wwsy 111 The La Quinta Planning and Development Department has completed an Environmental Assessment on the proposed Parcel Nap. Based upon this assessment, the proposal will not have a significant adverse effect on the environment; therefore, a Negative Declaration has been prepared. The La Quinta Planning Director will consider the adoption of the Negative Declaration along with the Tentative Parcel Application at the Hearing. Any person may submit written comments on this proposal to the Planning and Development Department prior to the Hearing and/or may appear and be heard in support of or opposition to the adoption of the Negative Declaration and/or the Tentative Parcel Map at the time of -the Hearing- If you challenge the decision of this proposal in court, you may be limited to raising only those issues that you or someone else raised either at the Public Nearing or in written correspondence delivered to the Planning and Development Department at, or prior to, the Public Hearing. The proposed Tentative Parcel Fridayafromn 8:00 A.M.Y until 15 00 P.M. he atbthe MPllannningough and Development Department, La Quinta City Hall, 78-099 Calle Estado, La Quinta, California. DO NOT PRINT UD W THIS LINE PUBLISH ONCE ON MAY 20, 1988 BJ/FORM.118 CITY OF LA Q PLANNING ITA SION NOTICE OF PUBLIC MEETING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the City of La Quinta Planning Commission will hold a PUBLIC HEARING on May 24, 1988, at 7:00 p.m. in the La Quinta City Hall Council Chambers, 78-105 Calle Estado, on the following item: ITEMS: TENTATIVE TRACT #22982 CHANGE OF ZONE CZ #88-030 APPLICANT: LA QUINTA ASSOCIATES LOCATION: SOUTHEAST CORNER OF FRED WARING AND DUNE PALMS ROAD REQUESTS: TO DIVIDE A 40+ ACRE PORTION INTO 144 SINGLE FAMILY LOTS; TO CHANGE THE ZONING FROM R-1 12,000 TO R-1. LEGAL THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF THE NOREAST QUARTER OF SECITON 20 TOWNSHIP 5, SOUTH, RANGE 7 EAST, SAN BERNARDINO BASE AND MERIDIAN. --teEtmh DAM 1 VICINITY MAP NTS The La Quinta Planning and Development Department has completed an environmental assessment on the proposed tract and Change of Zone. Based upon this assessment, the Proposals will not have a significant adverse effect on the environment; therefore, a Negative Declaration has been prepared. The La Quinta Planning Commission will consider the adoption of the Negative Declaration along with the Tentative Tract and Change of Zone at the Hearing. Any person may submit written comments on the proposals to the Planning and Development Department prior to the Hearing and/or may appear and be heard in support of or opposition to the adoption of the Negative Declaration and/or the Tentative Tract and Change of Zone at the time of the Hearing. If you challenge the decision of these Proposals in court, you may be limited to raising only those issues that you or someone else raised either at the Public Hearing or in written correspondence delivered to the Planning and Development Department at, or prior to, the Public Hearing. The proposed Tentative Tract and Change of Zone file may be viewed by the public Monday through Friday from 8:00 a.m. until 5:00 p.m. at the Planning and Development Department, La Quinta City Hall, 78-099 Calle Estado, La Quinta, California. ------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------ DO NOT PRINT BELOW THIS LINE ------------------------------------------------ PUBLISH ONCE ON MAY 12, 1988 a <No; NOTICE OF DIRECTOR'S HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the City of La Quinta Planning Director will hold a Director's Hearing on May 20, 1988, at 10:00 a.m., in the La Quinta City Hall Council Chambers, 78-105 Calle Estado, on the following item: ITEM: TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP #23669 APPLICANT: VALLEY LAND DEVELOPMENT COMPANY LOCATION: GENERALLY BOUNDED BY FRED WARING TO THE NORTH, ADAMS TO THE EAST, AND MILES AVENUE TO THE SOUTH REQUEST: TO SUBDIVIDE A 120+ ACRE PARCEL INTO TWO PARCELS FOR TRACT SALES LEGAL: BEING A DIVISION OF A PORTION OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 19, T.5.S, R.7E, S.B.B.8.M. IN THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE, STATE OF CALIFORNIA The proposed Parcel Map division is exempt from Environmental Review under the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), pursuant to Government Code Section 15315. Any person may submit written comments regarding this Application to the Planning and Development Department prior to the hearing and/or may appear and be heard in support of or opposition to the Proposal at the time of the hearing. If you challenge the decision of the Planning Director in court, you may be limited to raising only those issues that you or someone else raised either at the Public Hearing or in written correspondence delivered to the Planning and Development Department at, or prior to, the Public Hearing. The proposed Parcel Map application file may be viewed by the public Monday through Friday from 8:00 A.M. until 5:00 P.M. at the Planning and Development Department, La Quinta City Hall, 78-099 Calle Estado, La Quinta, California. PUBLISH ONCE ON MAY 10, 1988 BJ/FORM.118 a ro 5?ET.4 01 l V f M/ab AY w C C y �MNr„ • i Y .7 The proposed Parcel Map division is exempt from Environmental Review under the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), pursuant to Government Code Section 15315. Any person may submit written comments regarding this Application to the Planning and Development Department prior to the hearing and/or may appear and be heard in support of or opposition to the Proposal at the time of the hearing. If you challenge the decision of the Planning Director in court, you may be limited to raising only those issues that you or someone else raised either at the Public Hearing or in written correspondence delivered to the Planning and Development Department at, or prior to, the Public Hearing. The proposed Parcel Map application file may be viewed by the public Monday through Friday from 8:00 A.M. until 5:00 P.M. at the Planning and Development Department, La Quinta City Hall, 78-099 Calle Estado, La Quinta, California. PUBLISH ONCE ON MAY 10, 1988 BJ/FORM.118 CITY OF LA OLOTA & CITY COUNCIL ty o; NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the City of La Quinta .City Council will hold a PUBLIC HEARING on May 17, 1988 at 7:30 p.m. in the La Quints City Hall Council Chambers on the following item: ITEM: CONSIDERATION AND MODIFICATION OF PROPOSED ORDINANCE 113A (CHANGE OF ZONE 87-026) APPLICANT: ANNA M. HASSELL LOCATION: SOUTHWEST CORNER OF DUNE PALMS ROAD AND WESTWARD NO DRIVE. CONSIDERATION: AMEND THE CURRENT ZONING FOR 32.27 ACRES FROM R-1 (ONE FAMILY DWELLING) TO A DISTRICT CONSISTANT WITH THE GENERAL PLAN DESIGNATION OF HIGH DENSITY RESIDENTIAL (8-16 DWELLING UNITS PER ACRE). LEGAL: A PORTION OF THE EAST HALF OF THE NORTHWEST - QUARTER OF SECTION 29, T.5.S., R7W, S.B.B.M. The La Quint& Planning and Development Department has completed an environmental assessment on the original proposed Change of Zone. Modification of the Ordinance will not have a significant adverse effect on the environment; therefore, the original Negative Declaration as been prepared is still recommended. The La Quints City Council will consider the adoption of the Negative Declaration along with any Ordinance modification at the Hearing. Any person may submit written comments regarding this Application to the Planning and Development Department prior to the Hearing and/or may appear and be heard in support of or opposition to any Ordinance modification at the time of the Hearing. If you challenge the decision on this Ordinance in court, you may be limited to raising only those issues that you or someone else raised either at the Public Hearing or in written correspondence delivered to the Planning and Development Department at, or prior to, the Public Hearing. The Application file may be viewed by the public Monday through Friday from 8:00 a.m. until 5:00 p.m. at the Planning and Development Department, La Quints City Hall, 78-099 Calle Estado, La Quints, California. -------------------------------------- DO NOT PRINT BELOW THIS LINE PRINT ONCE ON MAY 6, 1988. BJ/FORM.120 Art i I: lam. The La Quint& Planning and Development Department has completed an environmental assessment on the original proposed Change of Zone. Modification of the Ordinance will not have a significant adverse effect on the environment; therefore, the original Negative Declaration as been prepared is still recommended. The La Quints City Council will consider the adoption of the Negative Declaration along with any Ordinance modification at the Hearing. Any person may submit written comments regarding this Application to the Planning and Development Department prior to the Hearing and/or may appear and be heard in support of or opposition to any Ordinance modification at the time of the Hearing. If you challenge the decision on this Ordinance in court, you may be limited to raising only those issues that you or someone else raised either at the Public Hearing or in written correspondence delivered to the Planning and Development Department at, or prior to, the Public Hearing. The Application file may be viewed by the public Monday through Friday from 8:00 a.m. until 5:00 p.m. at the Planning and Development Department, La Quints City Hall, 78-099 Calle Estado, La Quints, California. -------------------------------------- DO NOT PRINT BELOW THIS LINE PRINT ONCE ON MAY 6, 1988. BJ/FORM.120 PLANNING CO 4"'>� SSION `� or TMt NOTICE OF PUBLIC MEETING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the City of La Quints Planning Commission will hold a PUBLIC HEARING on May 10, 1988 at 7:00 p.m. in the La Quinta City Hall Council Chambers at 78-105 Calle Estado on the following item: ITEM: GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT NO. 87-017 APPLICANT: DAVID P. HOWERTON, ROBERT LAMB HART, PLANNERS AND ARCHITECTS LOCATION: SOUTH SIDE OF AVENUE 48, HALF -WAY BETWEEN WASHINGTON STREET AND JEFFERSON STREET. REQUEST: AMEND LAND USE DESIGNATION FROM LOW DENSITYRESIDENTIALTO TOURIST COMMERCIAL FOR UP TO 120 ACRES OF RESORT HOTEL USES, RANGING FROM 1200 TO 1500 ROOMS, AS A DEVELOPMENT OPTION FOR "THE GROVE" PROJECT (SPECIFIC PLAN NO. 84-004). The La Quinta Planning and Development Department has completed an Environmental Assessment on the proposed Amendment. A Traffic/Circulation Supplement to The Grove Environmental Impact Report has been prepared. The Study indicates that the anticipated traffic can be handled by either the existing or proposed General Plan circulation system. The report is available for public review at City Hall. Any person may submit written comments regarding the General Plan Amendment to the Planning Department prior to the Hearing and/or may appear and be heard in support of or opposition to the Environment Review and/or the GeneralPlan Amendment at the time of the Hearing. If you challenge the decision on this Application in court, you may be limited to raising only those issues that you or someone else raised either at the Public Hearing or in written correspondence delivered to the Planning and Development Department at, or prior to, the Public Hearing. The proposed Amendment file may be viewed by the public Monday through Friday from 8:00 a.m. until 5:00 a.m. at the Planning Department, La Quints City Hall, 78-099 Calle Estado, La Quints, CA. ` ---------------------------- DO NOT PRINT BELOW THIS LINE PRINT ONCE ON APRIL 20, 1988 I11 FKohay 50 NORTH The La Quinta Planning and Development Department has completed an Environmental Assessment on the proposed Amendment. A Traffic/Circulation Supplement to The Grove Environmental Impact Report has been prepared. The Study indicates that the anticipated traffic can be handled by either the existing or proposed General Plan circulation system. The report is available for public review at City Hall. Any person may submit written comments regarding the General Plan Amendment to the Planning Department prior to the Hearing and/or may appear and be heard in support of or opposition to the Environment Review and/or the GeneralPlan Amendment at the time of the Hearing. If you challenge the decision on this Application in court, you may be limited to raising only those issues that you or someone else raised either at the Public Hearing or in written correspondence delivered to the Planning and Development Department at, or prior to, the Public Hearing. The proposed Amendment file may be viewed by the public Monday through Friday from 8:00 a.m. until 5:00 a.m. at the Planning Department, La Quints City Hall, 78-099 Calle Estado, La Quints, CA. ` ---------------------------- DO NOT PRINT BELOW THIS LINE PRINT ONCE ON APRIL 20, 1988 Uo,® wt i yr L_P% Vul 1 CITY COUN NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the City of La Quint& City Council will hold a PUBLIC HEARING on May 3, 1988 at 7:30 p.m. in the La Quinta City Hall Council Chambers at 78-105 Calle Estado on the following item: ITEM: TENTATIVE TRACT NO. 23292 APPLICANT: LANDMARK LAND COMPANY, INC. LOCATION: BETWEEN AVENUE 50 AND CALLE TAMPICO EXTENSION, AND CALLE RONDA AND ADAMS STREET ALIGNMENT. REQUEST: SUBDIVISION OF 95.1 ACRES INTO 193 SINGLE .FAMILY LOTS AND ONE MULTI -FAMILY: LOT PLUS NUMEROUS STREET AND COMMON LOTS. LEGAL: A PORTION OF THE NORTHEAST 1/4 OF SECTION 6, T.6.5., R.7E, S.B.B.M. u +erc� i i Tentative Tract Map No. 23292 is a portion of Specific Plan No. 83-001, Amendments No. 1, 2, and 3, Duna La Quints, for which a Final Environmental Impact Report was prepared and certified by the La Quints City Council as being in compliance with the requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act. The La Quinta Planning Department has determined that the impacts of this project will be mitigated to the extent feasible by adherence to the mitigation measures as required by the Final Environmental Impact Report and the Conditions of Approval for Specific Plan No. 83-001. Copies of these documents are available for public review at City Hall. Any person may submit written comments regarding this Application to the Planning Department prior to the Hearing and/or may appear and be heard in support of or opposition to the Application at the time of the Hearing. If you challenge the decision on this project in court, you may be limited to raising only those issues that you or someone else .raised either at the Public Hearing or in written correspondence delivered to the Planning and Development Department at, or prior to, the Public Hearing. The proposed Application file may be viewed by the public Monday through Friday from 8:00 a.m. until 5:00 a.m. at the Planning' Department, La Quinta City Hall, 78-099 Calle Estado, La Quints, CA. -------------------------------------------------------------- DO NOT PRINT BELOW THIS LINE PRINT ONCE ON APRIL 22, 1988 utollo" CITY COUNC NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the City of La Quinta City Council will hold a PUBLIC HEARING on April 19, 1988 at 7:30 p.m. in the La Quinta City Hall Council Chambers on the following item: ITEM: CHANGE OF ZONE #87-029 APPLICANT: MICHAEL SHOVLIN LOCATION: NORTH SIDE OF HIGHWAY 111 + 700 FEET WEST OF WASHINGTON STREET REQUEST: CZ#87-029 - ZONE CHANGE FROM R-3 TO C -P -S ON A PORTION OF A TOTAL 6.2 ACRE SITE. LEGAL: A PORTION OF THE SOUTH 1/2 OF THE 1/4 S/W OF SECTION 19, T5S, R7E, S.B.B.M. r - 4. ` .r N • ,' + � , .• 0 NTS .� The La Quints Planning and Development Department has completed an environmental assessment on the proposed Change of Zone. Based upon this assessment, the Proposal will not have a significant adverse effect on the environment; therefore, a Negative Declaration has been prepared. The La Quinta City Council will consider the adoption of the Negative Declaration along with the Change of Zone and land division recommendation at the Hearing. Any person may submit written comments regarding this Application to the Planning and Development Department prior to the Hearing and/or may appear and be heard in support of or opposition to the Applications at the time of the Hearing. If you challenge the decision on this project in court, you may be limited to raising only those issues that you or someone else raised either at the Public Hearing or in written correspondence delivered to the Planning and Development Department at, or prior to, the Public Hearing. The proposed Application file may be viewed by the public Monday through Friday from 8:00 a.m.. until 5:00 p.m. at the Planning and Development Department, La Quinta City Hall, 78-099 Calle Estado, La Quinta, California. --------------------------------------------------------------- DO NOT PRINT BELOW THIS LINE PRINT ONCE ON APRIL 8, 1988. PLANNING COMMISSMN to NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the City of La Quinta Planning Commission will hold a PUBLIC HEARING on April 12, 1988 at 7:00 p.m. in the La Quinta City Hall Council Chambers on the following item: ITEM: TENTATIVE TRACT MAP NO. 23292 APPLICANT: LANDMARK LAND COMPANY, INC. LOCATION: BETWEEN AVENUE 50 AND CALLE TAMPICO EXTENSION, AND CALLE RONDA AND ADAMS STREET ALIGNMENT. REQUEST: SUBDIVISION OF 95.1 ACRES INTO 193 SINGLE FAMILY LOTS AND ONE MULTI -FAMILY LOT PLUS NUMEROUS STREET AND COMMON LOTS. LEGAL: A PORTION OF THE NORTHEAST 1/4,OF SECTION 6, T.6.5., R.7E, S.B.B.M. Tentative Tract Map No. 23292 is a portion of Specific Plan No. 83-001, Amendments No. 1, 2, and 3, Duna La Quints, for which a Final Environmental impact Report was prepared by Landmark Land Company and certified by the La Quinta City Council as being in compliance with the requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act. The La Quinta Planning and Development Department has determined that the impacts of this project will be mitigated to the extent feasible by adherence to the mitigation measures as required by the Final Environmental Impact Report and the Conditions of Approval for Specific Plan No. 83-001. Copies of these documents are available for public review at City Hall. Any person may submit written comments regarding this Application to the Planning and Development Department prior to the Hearing and/or may appear and be heard in support of or opposition to the Applications at the time of the Hearing. If you challenge the decision on this project in court, you may be limited to raising only those issues that you or someone else raised either at the Public Hearing or in written correspondence delivered to the Planning and Development Department at, or prior to, the Public Hearing. The proposed Application file may be viewed by the public Monday through Friday from 8:00 a.m. until 5:00 p.m. at the Planning and Development Department, La Quinta City Hall, 78-099 Calle Estado, La Quints, California. --------------------------------------------------------------- DO NOT PRINT BELOW THIS LINE PRINT ONCE ON APRIL 1, 1988. CITY COUNCIL Gl NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the City of La Quinta City Council will hold a PUBLIC HEARING on March 15, 1988, at 7:30 p.m. in the La Quinta City Hall Council Chambers, 78-105 Calle Estado, on the following: ITEM; TENTATIVE TRACT 23268 APPLICANT: VALLEY LAND DEVELOPMENT LOCATION: NORTH SIDE OF MILES AVENUE; + 600 FEET WEST OF ADAMS STREET REQUEST: TO DIVIDE A 46.5 + ACRE PORTION OF A 119 + ACRE PARCEL INTO 201 SINGLE FAMILY LOTS LEGAL: BEING A PORTION OF THE SOUTH 1/2 OF THE NORTHEAST 1/4 OF SECTION 19, T.5S., R.7E. S.H.B. 6 M IN THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE, STATE OF CALIFORNIA MMI E wrw.wrr F 1r{{I1 0 QiQOJECT S/TE no u,E The La Quinta Planning and Development Department has completed an environmental assessment on the proposed tract. Based upon this assessment, the Proposal will not have a significant adverse effect on the environment; therefore, a Negative Declaration has been prepared. The La Quinta City Council will consider the adoption of the Negative Declaration along with the Tentative Tract at the Hearing. Any person may submit written comments on this proposal to the Planningand Development Department prior to the hearing and/or may appear and be heard in support of or opposition to the adoption of the Negative Declaration and/or the Tentative Tract at the time of the hearing. If you challenge the decision on this proposal in court, you may be limited to raising only those issues that you or someone else raised either at the Public Hearing or in written correspondence delivered to the Planning and Development Department at, or prior to, the Public Hearing. The proposed Tract Application file may be viewed by the public Monday through Friday from 8:00 a.m. until 5:00 p.m. at the Planning and Development Department, La Quints City Hall, 78-099 Calle Estado, La Quinta, California. DO NOT PRINT BELOW THIS LINE ----------------------------- PUBLISH ONCE ON MARCH 4, 1988 4 '~ CITY OF LA r46JINTA o � CITY COUNCIL CF'y OF NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the City of La Quinta City Council will hold a PUBLIC HEARING on March 15, 1988, at 7:30 p.m. in the La Quinta City Hall Council Chambers, 78-105 Calle Estado, on the following: ITEM: TENTATIVE TRACT 23269 APPLICANT: VALLEY LAND DEVELOPMENT COMPANY LOCATION: SOUTHWEST CORNER OF FRED WARING AND ADAMS STREET REQUEST: TO DIVIDE A 73.5 + ACRE PORTION OF A 119 + ACRE PARCEL INTO 180 SINGLE FAMILY LOTS LEGAL: BEING A PORTION NORTHEAST 1/4 OF CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA OF THE NORTHERN 1/2 OF THE SECTION 19, T.5S., R.7E. IN THE COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE, STATE OF The La Quinta Planning and Development Department has completed an environmental assessment on the proposed tract. Based upon this assessment, the Proposal will not have a significant adverse effect on the environment; therefore, a Negative Declaration has been prepared. The La Quinta City Council will consider the adoption of the Negative Declaration along with the Tentative Tract at the Hearing. Any person may submit written comments on this proposal to the Planning and Development Department prior to the hearing and/or may appear and be heard in support of or opposition to the adoption of the Negative Declaration and/or the Tentative Tract at the time of the hearing. If you challenge the decision on this proposal in court, you may be limited to raising only those issues that you or someone else raised either at the Public Hearing or in written correspondence delivered to the Planning and Development Department at, or prior to, the Public Hearing. The proposed Tract Application file may be viewed by the public Monday through Friday from 8:00 a.m. until 5:00 p.m. at the Planning and Development Department, La Quinta City Hall, 78-099 Calle Estado, La Quinta, California. DO NOT PRINT BELOW THIS LINE ----------------------------- PUBLISH ONCE ON MARCH 4, 1988 /aOJECT .........Y. ��;•. a/T6 "^` All. .41 M4fJ .RYN � MYY 1 IJD 341fE The La Quinta Planning and Development Department has completed an environmental assessment on the proposed tract. Based upon this assessment, the Proposal will not have a significant adverse effect on the environment; therefore, a Negative Declaration has been prepared. The La Quinta City Council will consider the adoption of the Negative Declaration along with the Tentative Tract at the Hearing. Any person may submit written comments on this proposal to the Planning and Development Department prior to the hearing and/or may appear and be heard in support of or opposition to the adoption of the Negative Declaration and/or the Tentative Tract at the time of the hearing. If you challenge the decision on this proposal in court, you may be limited to raising only those issues that you or someone else raised either at the Public Hearing or in written correspondence delivered to the Planning and Development Department at, or prior to, the Public Hearing. The proposed Tract Application file may be viewed by the public Monday through Friday from 8:00 a.m. until 5:00 p.m. at the Planning and Development Department, La Quinta City Hall, 78-099 Calle Estado, La Quinta, California. DO NOT PRINT BELOW THIS LINE ----------------------------- PUBLISH ONCE ON MARCH 4, 1988 PLANNING COOMISSION NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the City of La Quinta Planning Commission will hold a PUBLIC HEARING on February 23, 1988, at 7:00 p.m. in the La Quinta City Hall Council Chambers, 78-105 ,Calle Estado, on the following: ITEM: TENTATIVE TRACT 23269 APPLICANT: �4/44 la j LOCATION: SOUTHWEST CORNER OF FRED WARING AND ADAMS STREET REQUEST: TO DIVIDE A 73.5 + ACRE PORTION OF A 11+9 ± ACRE PARCEL INTO 180 SINGLE FAMILY LOTS /� LEGAL: BEING A PORTION OF THE NORTHERN 1/2 OF THE NORTHEAST 1/4 OF SECTION 19, T.5S., R.7E. IN THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE, STATE OF CALIFORNIA 1 The La Quinta Planning and Development Department has completed an environmental assessment on the proposed tract. Based upon this assessment, the Proposal will not have a significant adverse effect on the environment; therefore, a Negative Declaration has been prepared. The La Quinta Planning Commission will consider the adoption of the Negative Declaration along with the Tentative Tract at the Hearing. Any person -.may submit written comments on this proposal to the Planning and Development Department prior to the hearing and/or may appear and be heard in support of or opposition to the adoption of the Negative Declaration and/or the Tentative Tract at the time of the hearing. If you challenge the decision on this proposal in court, you may be limited to raising only those issues that you or someone else raised either at the Public Hearing or in written correspondence delivered to the Planning and Development Department at, or prior to, the Public Hearing. The proposed Tract Application file may be viewed by the public Monday through Friday from 8:00 a.m. until 5:00 p.m. at the Planning and Development Department, La Quinta city Hall, 78-099 Calle Estado, La Quinta, California. ---------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------- DO NOT PRINT BELOW THIS LINE --------------------------------- PUBLISH ONCE ON FEBRUARY 12, 1988 BJ/HNPC.001 d/TEtt :I rr,r .Yrrwr ,., e M/tb IYfYM S � _ 3 nio scuE 1 The La Quinta Planning and Development Department has completed an environmental assessment on the proposed tract. Based upon this assessment, the Proposal will not have a significant adverse effect on the environment; therefore, a Negative Declaration has been prepared. The La Quinta Planning Commission will consider the adoption of the Negative Declaration along with the Tentative Tract at the Hearing. Any person -.may submit written comments on this proposal to the Planning and Development Department prior to the hearing and/or may appear and be heard in support of or opposition to the adoption of the Negative Declaration and/or the Tentative Tract at the time of the hearing. If you challenge the decision on this proposal in court, you may be limited to raising only those issues that you or someone else raised either at the Public Hearing or in written correspondence delivered to the Planning and Development Department at, or prior to, the Public Hearing. The proposed Tract Application file may be viewed by the public Monday through Friday from 8:00 a.m. until 5:00 p.m. at the Planning and Development Department, La Quinta city Hall, 78-099 Calle Estado, La Quinta, California. ---------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------- DO NOT PRINT BELOW THIS LINE --------------------------------- PUBLISH ONCE ON FEBRUARY 12, 1988 BJ/HNPC.001 PLANNING COMMISSION NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the City of La Quinta Planning Commission will hold a PUBLIC HEARING on February 23, 1988, at 7:00 p.m. in the La Quints City Hall Council Chambers, 78-105 Calle Estado, on the following: ITEM: TENTATIVE TRACT 23268 APPLICANT: GEME =OWNflydPan VQ 114, LXX LOCATION: NORTH SIDE OF MILES AVENUE; ± 600 FEET WEST JOF ADAMS STREET REQUEST: TO DIVIDE A /6.5 + ACRE PORTION OF A 119 + ACRE PARCEL INTO 201 SINGLE FAMILY LOTS LEGAL: BEING A PORTION OF THE SOUTH 1/2 OF THE NORTHEAST 1/4 OF SECTION 19, T.5S., R.7E. S.B.B. i M IN THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE, STATE OF CALIFORNIA The La Quints Planning and Development Department has completed an environmental assessment on the proposed tract. Based upon this assessment, the Proposal will not have a significant adverse effect on the environment; therefore, a Negative Declaration has been prepared. The La Quinta Planning Commission will consider the adoption of the Negative Declaration along with the Tentative Tract at the Hearing. Any person may submit written comments on this proposal to the Planning and Development Department prior to the hearing and/or may appear and be heard in support of or opposition to the adoption of the Negative Declaration and/or the Tentative Tract at the time of the hearing. If you challenge the decision on this proposal in court, you may be limited to raising only those issues that you or someone else raised either at the Public Hearing or in written correspondence delivered to the Planning and Development Department at, or prior to, the Public Hearing. The proposed Tract Application file may be viewed by the public Monday through Friday from 8.00 a.m. until 5:00 p.m. at the Planning and Development Department, La Quints City Hall, 76-099 Calle Estado, La Quints, California. ---------------------------------------------------------------- DO NOT PRINT BELOW THIS LINE PUBLISH ONCE ON FEBRUARY 12, 1988 BJ/HNPC.002 wu �ww,wLA tt PROJECT S/TE no 4E The La Quints Planning and Development Department has completed an environmental assessment on the proposed tract. Based upon this assessment, the Proposal will not have a significant adverse effect on the environment; therefore, a Negative Declaration has been prepared. The La Quinta Planning Commission will consider the adoption of the Negative Declaration along with the Tentative Tract at the Hearing. Any person may submit written comments on this proposal to the Planning and Development Department prior to the hearing and/or may appear and be heard in support of or opposition to the adoption of the Negative Declaration and/or the Tentative Tract at the time of the hearing. If you challenge the decision on this proposal in court, you may be limited to raising only those issues that you or someone else raised either at the Public Hearing or in written correspondence delivered to the Planning and Development Department at, or prior to, the Public Hearing. The proposed Tract Application file may be viewed by the public Monday through Friday from 8.00 a.m. until 5:00 p.m. at the Planning and Development Department, La Quints City Hall, 76-099 Calle Estado, La Quints, California. ---------------------------------------------------------------- DO NOT PRINT BELOW THIS LINE PUBLISH ONCE ON FEBRUARY 12, 1988 BJ/HNPC.002 CITY OF LA QVINTA CITY COUNCIL NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the City of La Quinta City Council will hold a PUBLIC HEARING on February 16, 1988, at 7:30 p.m. in the La Quints City Hall Council Chambers, 78-105 Calle Estado, on the following item: ITEM: SPECIFIC PLAN 84-003, AMENDMENT #2; THE ORCHARD AT LA QUINTA APPLICANT: RUFUS ASSOCIATES LOCATION: SOUTH SIDE OF AVENUE 50, 1/4 MILE WEST OF JEFFERSON STREET REQUEST: AMEND CONDITION #4 TO EXTEND APPROVAL FOR AN ADDITIONAL YEAR LEGAL: THE NORTHWEST 1/4 OF THE NORTHEAST 1/4 OF SECTION 5, T6S, R7E, SBBM The La Quinta Planning and Development Department has completed an environmental assessment on the Amendment. Based upon this assessment, the Amendment will not have a significant adverse effect on the environment; therefore, a Negative Declaration has been prepared. The La Quinta City Council will consider the adoption of the Negative Declaration along with the Amendment at the Hearing. Any person may submit written comments on the Amendment to the Planning and Development Department prior to the hearing and/or may appear and be heard in support of or opposition to the adoption of the Negative Declaration and/or the Amendment at the time of the hearing. If you challenge the decision of this Amendment in court, you may be limited to raising only those issues that you or someone else raised either at the Public Hearing or in written correspondence delivered to the Planning and Development Department at, or prior to, the Public Hearing. The proposed Amendment may be viewed by the public Monday through Friday from 8:00 a.m. until 5:00 p.m. at the Planning and Development Department, La Quints. City Hall, 78-099 Calle Estado, La Quints, California. DO NOT PRINT BELOW THIS LINE -------------------------------- PUBLISH ONCE ON JANUARY 23, 1988 MR/HNCC.013 CITY OF LA COINTA > PLANNING COMMISSION M fC f� OF Commission will hold a PUBLIC HEARING on February 9, 1988, at 7:00 p.m. in the La Quinta City Hall Council Chambers, 78-105 Calle Estado, on the following item: ITEM: SPECIFIC PLAN 84-003, AMENDMENT #2; THE ORCHARD AT LA QUINTA APPLICANT: RUFUS ASSOCIATES LOCATION: SOUTH SIDE OF AVENUE 50, 1/4 MILE WEST OF JEFFERSON STREET REQUEST: AMEND CONDITION #4 TO EXTEND APPROVAL FOR AN ADDITIONAL YEAR LEGAL: THE NORTHWEST 1/4 OF THE NORTHEAST 1/4 OF SECTION 5, 16S, R7E, SBBM The La Quints Planning and Development Department has completed an environmental assessment on the Amendment. Based upon this assessment, the Amendment will not have a significant adverse effect on the environment; therefore, a Negative Declaration has been prepared. The La Quinta Planning Commission will consider the adoption of the Negative Declaration along with the Amendment at the Hearing. Any person may submit written comments on the Amendment to the Planning and Development Department prior to the hearing and/or may appear and be heard in support of or opposition to the adoption of the Negative Declaration and/or the Amendment at the time of the hearing. If you challenge the decision of this Amendment in court, you may be limited to raising only those issues that you or someone else raised either at the Public Hearing or in written correspondence delivered to the Planning and Development Department at, or prior to, the Public Hearing. The proposed Amendment may be viewed by the public Monday through Friday from 8:00 a.m. until 5:00 p.m. at the Planning and Development Department, La Quinta City Hall, 78-099 Calle Estado, La Quinta, California. DO NOT PRINT BELOW THIS LINE -------------------------------- PUBLISH ONCE ON JANUARY 22, 1988 MR/HNPC.005 I_ t CITY OF LA INTA 0 PLANNING COMMISSION M Cf'b OF TO,<<. • • • -A, - 0- Commission will hold a PUBLIC HEARING on February 9, 1988, at 7:00 p.m. in the La Quinta City Hall Council Chambers, 78-105 Calle Estado, on the following item: ITEM: SPECIFIC PLAN 84-003, AMENDMENT #2; THE ORCHARD AT LA QUINTA APPLICANT: RUFUS ASSOCIATES LOCATION: SOUTH SIDE OF AVENUE 50, 1/4 MILE WEST OF JEFFERSON STREET REQUEST: AMEND CONDITION #4 TO EXTEND APPROVAL FOR AN ADDITIONAL YEAR LEGAL: THE NORTHWEST 1/4 OF THE NORTHEAST 1/4 OF SECTION 5, T6S, R7E, SBBM The La Quinta Planning and Development Department has completed an environmental assessment on the Amendment. Based upon this assessment, the Amendment will not have a significant adverse effect on the environment; therefore, a Negative Declaration has been prepared. The La Quinta Planning Commission will consider the adoption of the Negative Declaration along with the Amendment at the Hearing. Any person may submit written comments on the Amendment to the Planning and Development Department prior to the hearing and/or may appear and be heard in support of or opposition to the adoption of the Negative Declaration and/or the Amendment at the time of the hearing. If you challenge the decision of this Amendment in court, you may be limited to raising only those issues that you or someone else raised either at the Public Hearing or in written correspondence delivered to the Planning and Development Department at, or prior to, the Public Hearing. The proposed Amendment may be viewed by the public Monday through Friday from 8:00 a.m. until 5:00 p.m. at the Planning and Development Department, La Quinta City- Hall, 78-099 Calle Estado, La Quints, California. DO NOT PRINT BELOW THIS LINE -------------------------------- PUBLISH ONCE ON JANUARY 22, 1988 MR/HNPC.005 CITY OF LA 90INTA u > CITY COUNCIL t - Er OF TNE� NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the City of La Quinta City Council will hold a PUBLIC HEARING on February 2, 1988, at 7:30 p.m. in the La Quinta City Hall Council Chambers, 78-105 Calle Estado, on the following item: ITEM: ZONING ORDINANCE TEXT AMENDMENT NO. 88-004; COMMERCIAL/MULTI-FAMILY PLOT PLAN REGULATIONS APPLICANT: CITY OF LA QUINTA LOCATION: CITY-WIDE REQUEST: AMEND THE ZONING TEXT TO REPLACE THE TWO URGENCY ORDINANCES WITH PERMANENT REGULATIONS FOR THE REVIEW OF COMMERCIAL AND MULTI -FAMILY PROJECTS BY THE PLANNING COMMISSION The La Quinta Planning and Development Department has completed an environmental assessment on the Zoning Ordinance Text Amendment. Based upon this assessment, the Amendment will not have a significant adverse effect on the environment; therefore, a Negative Declaration has been prepared. The La Quinta City Council will consider the adoption of the Negative Declaration along with the Text Amendment at the Hearing. Any person may submit written comments on the Amendment to the Planning and Development Department prior to the Hearing and/or may appear and be heard in support of or opposition to the adoption of the Negative Declaration and/or the Text Amendment at the time of the Hearing. If you challenge the decision of this Text Amendment in court, you may be limited to raising only those issues that you or someone else raised either at the Public Hearing or in written correspondence delivered to the Planning and Development Department at, or prior to, the Public Hearing. The proposed Amendment may be viewed by the public Monday through Friday from 8:00 a.m. until 5:00 p.m. at the Planning and Development Department, La Quinta City Hall, 78-099 Calle Estado, La Quinta, California. DO NOT PRINT BELOW THIS LINE PUBLISH ONCE ON JANUARY 22, 1988 MR/HNCC.012 F4GZ qb CITY OF LA WINTA u > CITY COUNCIL t- f w OF S� NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the City of La Quinta City Council will hold a PUBLIC HEARING on February 2, 1988, at 7:30 p.m. in the La Quinta City Hall Council Chambers, 78-105 Calle Estado, on the following item: ITEM: ZONING ORDINANCE TEXT AMENDMENT NO. 88-004; COMMERCIAL/MULTI-FAMILY PLOT PLAN REGULATIONS APPLICANT: CITY OF LA QUINTA LOCATION: CITY-WIDE REQUEST: AMEND THE ZONING TEXT TO REPLACE THE TWO URGENCY ORDINANCES WITH PERMANENT REGULATIONS FOR THE REVIEW OF COMMERCIAL AND MULTI -FAMILY PROJECTS BY THE PLANNING COMMISSION The La Quinta Planning and Development Department has completed an environmental assessment on the Zoning Ordinance Text Amendment. Based upon this assessment, the Amendment will not have a significant adverse effect on the environment; therefore, a Negative Declaration has been prepared. The La Quinta City Council will consider the adoption of the Negative Declaration along with the Text Amendment at the Hearing. Any person may submit written comments on the Amendment to the Planning and Development Department prior to the Hearing and/or may appear and be heard in support of or opposition to the adoption of the Negative Declaration and/or the Text Amendment at the time of the Hearing. If you challenge the decision of this Text Amendment in court, you may be limited to raising only those issues that you or someone else raised either at the Public Hearing or in written correspondence delivered to the Planning and Development Department at, or prior to, the Public Hearing. The proposed Amendment may be viewed by the public Monday through Friday from 8:00 a.m. until 5:00 p.m. at the Planning and Development Department, La Quinta City Hall, 78-099 Calle Estado, La Quinta, California. DO NOT PRINT BELOW THIS LINE ----------------------------------- PUBLISH ONCE ON JANUARY 22, 1988 MR/HNCC.012 CITY OF LA COINTA PLANNING COMMISSION 'd OF TNS NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the City of La Quinta Planning Commission will hold a PUBLIC HEARING on January 26, 1988, at 7:00 p.m. in the La Quinta City Hall Council Chambers, 78-105 Calle Estado, on the following item: ITEM: ZONING ORDINANCE TEXT AMENDMENT NO. 88-004; COMMERCIAL/MULTI-FAMILY PLOT PLAN REGULATIONS APPLICANT: CITY OF LA QUINTA LOCATION: CITY-WIDE REQUEST: AMEND THE ZONING TEXT TO REPLACE THE TWO URGENCY ORDINANCES WITH PERMANENT REGULATIONS FOR THE REVIEW OF COMMERCIAL AND MULTI -FAMILY PROJECTS BY THE PLANNING COMMISSION The La Quinta Planning and Development Department has completed an environmental assessment on the Zoning Ordinance Text Amendment. Based upon this assessment, the Amendment will not have a significant adverse effect on the environment; therefore, a Negative Declaration has been prepared. The La Quinta Planning Commission will consider the adoption of the Negative Declaration along with the Text Amendment at the Hearing. Any person may submit written comments on the Amendment to the Planning and Development Department prior to the Hearing and/or may appear and be heard in support of or opposition to the adoption of the Negative Declaration and/or the Text Amendment at the time of the Hearing. If you challenge the decision of this Text Amendment in court, you may be limited to raising only those issues that you or someone else raised either at the Public Hearing or in written correspondence delivered to the Planning and Development Department at, or prior to, the Public Hearing. The proposed Amendment may be viewed by the public Monday through Friday from 8:00 a.m. until 5:00 p.m. at the Planning and Development Department, La Quinta City_ Hall, 78-099 Calle Estado, La Quinta, California. -------------------------------- DO NOT PRINT BELOW THIS LINE -------------------------------- PUBLISH ONCE ON JANUARY 15, 1988 MR/HNPC.004 of '3FCE oma` . y OF T1 CITY OF LA PLANNING CO INTA ISSION • • 1 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the City of La Quinta Planning Commission will hold a PUBLIC HEARING on January 26, 1988, at 7:00 p.m. in the La Quinta City Hall Council Chambers, 78-105 Calle Estado, on the following item: ITEM: ZONING ORDINANCE TEXT AMENDMENT NO. 88-004; COMMERCIAL/MULTI-FAMILY PLOT PLAN REGULATIONS APPLICANT: CITY OF LA QUINTA LOCATION: CITY-WIDE REQUEST: AMEND THE ZONING TEXT TO REPLACE THE TWO URGENCY ORDINANCES WITH PERMANENT REGULATIONS FOR THE REVIEW OF COMMERCIAL AND MULTI -FAMILY PROJECTS BY THE PLANNING COMMISSION The La Quinta Planning and Development Department has completed an environmental assessment on the Zoning Ordinance Text Amendment. Based upon this assessment, the Amendment will not have a significant adverse effect on the environment; therefore, a Negative Declaration has been prepared. The La Quinta Planning Commission will consider the adoption of the Negative Declaration along with the Text Amendment at the Hearing. Any person may submit written comments on the Amendment to the Planning and Development Department prior to the Hearing and/or may appear and be heard in support of or opposition to the adoption of the Negative Declaration and/or the Text Amendment at the time of the Hearing. If you challenge the decision of this Text Amendment in court, you may be limited to raising only those issues that you or someone else raised either at the Public Hearing or in written correspondence delivered to the Planning and Development Department at, or prior to, the Public Hearing. The proposed Amendment may be viewed by the public Monday through Friday from 8:00 a.m. until 5:00 p.m. at the Planning and Development Department, La Quinta City Hall, 78-099 Calle Estado, La Quinta, California. ------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------- DO NOT PRINT BELOW THIS LINE ------------------------------------------------------- PUBLISH ONCE ON JANUARY 15, 1988 MR/HNPC.004 F� CITY OF LA �JINTA b > CITY COUNCIL t- E'y OF NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the City of La Quinta City Council will hold a PUBLIC HEARING on January 19, 1988, at 7:30 p.m. in the La Quinta City Hall Council Chambers, 78-105 Calle Estado, on the following item: SPECIFIC PLAN NO. 87-009 A Specific Plan prepared for the Village at La Quinta (see map for boundaries). The Plan is intended to guide the development of the Village by establishing guidelines regarding land uses, landscape, circulation, building design, public parking, and public improvements. BOUNDARY Of THE VILLAGE The La Quinta Planning and Development Department has completed an environmental assessment on the Specific Plan. Based upon this assessment, the Specific Plan will not have a significant adverse effect on the environment; therefore, a Negative Declaration has been prepared. The La Quinta City Council will consider the adoption of the Negative Declaration along with the Specific Plan at the Hearing. Any person may submit written comments to the Planning and Development Department prior to the hearing and/or may appear and be heard in support of or opposition to the adoption of the Negative Declaration and/or the Specific Plan at the time of the hearing. If you challenge the decision of this Specific Plan in court, you may be limited to raising only those issues that you or someone else raised either at the Public Hearing or in written correspondence delivered to the Planning and Development Department at, or prior to, the Public Hearing. The proposed Specific Plan may be viewed by the public Monday through Friday from 8:00 a.m. until 5:00 p.m. at the Planning and Development Department, La Quinta City Hall, 78-099 Calle Estado, La Quinta, California. DO NOT PRINT BELOW THIS LINE Publish once on December 31, 1987 0 CITY OF LA JVINTA u > CITY COUNCIL CE's OF NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the City of La Quinta City Council will hold a PUBLIC HEARING on January 19, 1988, at 7:30 p.m. in the La Quints. City Hall Council Chambers, 78-105 Calle Estado, on the following item: ITEM: Specific Plan 86-007, Amendment 112 - Washington Street APPLICANT: City of La Quints. LOCATION: That portion of Washington Street south of Eisenhower Drive and north of Avenue 50 PROJECT: Amendment to the Specific Plan to preserve the existing horizontal curve on Washington Street rather than straightening the curve. The La Quints Planning and Development Department has completed an environmental assessment on the Amendment. Based upon this assessment, the Amendment will not have a significant adverse effect on the environment; therefore a Negative Declaration has been prepared. The La Quints City Council will consider the adoption of the Negative Declaration along with the Amendment at the Hearing. Any person may submit written comments on the Amendment to the Planning and Development Department prior to the hearing and/or may appear and be heard in support of or opposition to the adoption of the Negative Declaration and/or the Amendment at the time of the hearing. If you challenge the decision of this Amendment in court, you may be limited to raising only those issues that you or someone else raised either at the Public Hearing or in written correspondence delivered to the Planning and Development Department at, or prior to, the Public Hearing. The proposed Amendment may be viewed by the public Monday through Friday from 8:00 a.m. until 5:00 p.m., at the Planning and Development Department, La Quinta City Hall, 78-099 Calle Estado, La Quints, California. DO NOT PRINT BELOW THIS LINE Publish once on December 31, 1987 CITY OF LA INTA CITY COUNCIL NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the City of La Quints City Council will hold a PUBLIC HEARING on January 19, 1988, at 7:30 p.m. in the La Quinta City Hall Council Chambers, 78-105 Calle Estado, on the following item: ITEM: Specific Plan 86-007, Amendment #2 -Washington Street APPLICANT: City of La Quinta LOCATION: That portion of Washington Street south of Eisenhower Drive and north of Avenue 50 PROJECT: Amendment to the Specific Plan to preserve the existing horizontal curve on Washington Street rather than straightening the curve. The La Quints Planning and Development Department has completed an environmental assessment on the Amendment. Based upon this assessment, the Amendment will not have a significant adverse effect on the environment; therefore a Negative Declaration has been prepared. The La Quinta City Council will consider the adoption of the Negative Declaration along with the Amendment at the Hearing. Any person may submit written comments on the Amendment to the Planning and Development Department prior to the hearing and/or may appear and be heard in support of or opposition to the adoption of the Negative Declaration and/or the Amendment at the time of the hearing. If you challenge the decision of this Amendment in court, you may be limited to raising only those issues that you or someone else raised either at the Public Hearing or in written correspondence delivered to the Planning and Development Department at, or prior to, the Public Hearing. The proposed Amendment may be viewed by the public Monday through Friday from 8:00 a.m. until 5:00 p.m., at the Planning and Development Department, La Quinta.City Hall, 78-099 Calle Estado, La Quints, California. DO NOT PRINT BELOW THIS LINE Publish once on December 31, 1987 J r-� /: L"' "":ate•:;:;""""I bra —�--rc— The La Quints Planning and Development Department has completed an environmental assessment on the Amendment. Based upon this assessment, the Amendment will not have a significant adverse effect on the environment; therefore a Negative Declaration has been prepared. The La Quinta City Council will consider the adoption of the Negative Declaration along with the Amendment at the Hearing. Any person may submit written comments on the Amendment to the Planning and Development Department prior to the hearing and/or may appear and be heard in support of or opposition to the adoption of the Negative Declaration and/or the Amendment at the time of the hearing. If you challenge the decision of this Amendment in court, you may be limited to raising only those issues that you or someone else raised either at the Public Hearing or in written correspondence delivered to the Planning and Development Department at, or prior to, the Public Hearing. The proposed Amendment may be viewed by the public Monday through Friday from 8:00 a.m. until 5:00 p.m., at the Planning and Development Department, La Quinta.City Hall, 78-099 Calle Estado, La Quints, California. DO NOT PRINT BELOW THIS LINE Publish once on December 31, 1987