2013 03 05 CCI f l City Council agendas and staff reports are now available on the City's web page: www.la-quinto.org CITY COUNCIL AGENDA CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS 78-495 Calle Tampico, La Quinta REGULAR MEETING on TUESDAY, MARCH 5, 2013 AT 4:00 P.M. Beginning Resolution No. 2013-012 Ordinance No. 508 CALL TO ORDER ROLL CALL: Council members: Evans, Franklin, Henderson, Osborne, Mayor Adolph PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE CLOSED SESSION - NONE PUBLIC COMMENT At this time, members of the public may address the City Council on any matter not listed on the agenda. Please complete a "request to speak" form and limit your comments to three minutes. The City Council values your comments; however in accordance with State law, no action shall be taken on any item not appearing on the agenda unless it is an emergency item authorized by GC 54954.2(b). CONFIRMATION OF AGENDA PRESENTATIONS 1. LA QUINTA LIBRARY AND MUSEUM QUARTERLY REPORT FOR OCTOBER THROUGH DECEMBER 2012. WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS — NONE CITY COUNCIL AGENDA 1 March 5, 2013 APPROVAL OF MINUTES 1. MINUTES OF FEBRUARY 19, 2013 CONSENT CALENDAR NOTE: Consent Calendar items are routine in nature and can be approved by one motion. 1. DEMAND REGISTER DATED MARCH 5, 2013. 2. DEVELOPMENT IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT WITH SOCAL PORTFOLIO I LP FOR REIMBURSEMENT FROM SETTLEMENT FUNDS FOR OFF -SITE AND ON - SITE IMPROVEMENTS ASSOCIATED WITH TRACT 30138 3. PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT WITH PREST VUKSIC ARCHITECTS FOR PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERING SERVICES TO PREPARE THE PLANS, SPECIFICATIONS, AND ESTIMATES FOR THE SPORTS COMPLEX LIGHTING REHABILITATION AND EXPANSION IMPROVEMENTS, PROJECT NO. 2012- 02 4. EXCUSE VICE CHAIRMAN WRIGHT'S ABSENCE FROM THE FEBRUARY 12, 2013, PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING. BUSINESS SESSION 1. SECOND ROUND COMMUNITY REQUESTS. STUDY SESSION SERVICES GRANTS AND FUNDING 1. VIDEO BROADCASTING CITY COUNCIL MEETINGS AND RELATED COUNCIL CHAMBER IMPROVEMENTS REPORTS AND INFORMATIONAL ITEMS 1. ANIMAL CAMPUS COMMISSION IFRANKLIN) 2. CALIFORNIA JOINT POWERS INSURANCE AUTHORITY (FRANKLIN) 3. CITY COUNCIL AD HOC COMMITTEE REPORTS 4. CHAMBER OF COMMERCE INFO EXCHANGE COMMITTEE (EVANS) 5. CVAG CONSERVATION COMMISSION (EVANS) 6. CVAG ENERGY & ENVIRONMENTAL RESOURCES COMMITTEE (EVANS) 7. CVAG EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE (ADOLPH) 8. CVAG PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE (HENDERSON) 9. CVAG TRAILS MANAGEMENT SUBCOMMITTEE (SMITH) 10. CVAG TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE (HENDERSON) CITY COUNCIL AGENDA 2 March 5, 2013 ...1 002 11. CVAG VALLEY -WIDE HOMELESSNESS COMMITTEE (OSBORNE) 12. COACHELLA VALLEY ECONOMIC PARTNERSHIP (FRANKLIN) 13. COACHELLA VALLEY MOSQUITO AND VECTOR CONTROL DISTRICT (cox) 14. COACHELLA VALLEY MOUNTAINS CONSERVANCY (FRANKLIN) 15. COACHELLA VALLEY WATER DISTRICT JOINT POLICY COMMITTEE (ADOLPH) 16. GREATER PALM SPRINGS CONVENTION & VISITORS BUREAU (EVANS) 17. IID ENERGY CONSUMERS' ADVISORY COMMITTEE (OSSORNE & BLUM) 18. JACQUELINE COCHRAN REGIONAL AIRPORT AUTHORITY (FRANKLIN) 19. LEAGUE OF CALIFORNIA CITIES DELEGATE MENDERSON) 20. PALM SPRINGS INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT COMMISSION (TEAL) 21. RIVERSIDE COUNTY TRANSPORTATION COMMISSION (HENDERSON) 22. SO. CALIFORNIA ASSOCIATION OF GOVERNMENTS DELEGATE (ADOLPH) 23. SUNLINE TRANSIT AGENCY (ADOLPH) DEPARTMENT REPORTS 1. COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT A. STATUS OF SILVERROCK DEVELOPMENT PROPOSALS 2. COMMUNITY SERVICES DEPARTMENT A. LA QUINTA ARTS FOUNDATION FESTIVAL PATRON PROFILE STUDY 3. FINANCE DEPARTMENT A. SILVERROCK REPAIRS REPORT MAYOR'S AND COUNCIL MEMBER'S ITEMS — NONE RECESS TO THE MEETING OF THE CITY AS SUCCESSOR AGENCY TO THE DISSOLVED LA QUINTA REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY THE PUBLIC HEARING ITEM LISTED BELOW HAS BEEN RESCHEDULED, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL WILL ADJOURN AND NOT RECONVENE AT 7:00 PM UNLESS THERE ARE ITEMS FROM THE AFTERNOON SESSION THAT HAVE NOT BEEN CONSIDERED. PUBLIC HEARINGS For all Public Hearings on the agenda, a completed "Request to Speak" form must be filed with the City Clerk prior to consideration of that item. A person may submit written comments to City Council before a public hearing or appear in support or opposition to the approval of a project(s). If you challenge a project(s) in court, you may be limited to raising only those issues you or someone else raised at the public hearing or in written correspondence delivered to the City at, or prior to the public hearing. CITY COUNCIL AGENDA 3 March 5, 2013 • 003 1. ORDINANCE TO AMEND TITLE 9 (ZONING) OF THE LA QUINTA MUNICIPAL CODE CHAPTER 9.60.300 (COMPATIBILITY REVIEW FOR PARTIALLY DEVELOPED SUBDIVISIONS) NOTE: THIS ITEM IS BEING CONTINUED TO MARCH 19, 2013. ADJOURNMENT The next regular meeting of the City Council will be held on March 19, 2013 commencing with closed session at 3:00 p.m. and open session at 4:00 p.m. at the City Hall Council Chambers, 78-495 Calle Tampico, La Quinta, CA 92253. DECLARATION OF POSTING I, Phyllis Manley, Acting Deputy City Clerk, of the City of La Quinta, do hereby declare that the foregoing Agenda for the La Quinta City Council meeting was posted near the entrance to the Council Chambers at 78-495 Calle Tampico, and the bulletin boards at the Stater Brothers Supermarket at 78-630 Highway 111, and the La Quinta Cove Post Office at 51-321 Avenida Bermudas, on March 1, 2013. DATED: February 28, 2013 PHYLLIS MANLEY, Acting Deputy City Clerk City of La Quinta, California Public Notices • The La Quinta City Council Chamber is handicapped accessible. If special equipment is needed for the hearing impaired, please call the City Clerk's office at 777-7123, twenty-four (24) hours in advance of the meeting and accommodations will be made. • If special electronic equipment is needed to make presentations to the City Council, arrangements should be made in advance by contacting the City Clerk's office at 777-7123. A one (1) week notice is required. • If background material is to be presented to the Planning Commission during a City Council meeting, please be advised that eight (8) copies of all documents, exhibits, etc., must be supplied to the City Clerk for distribution. It is requested that this take place prior to the beginning of the meeting. • Any writings or documents provided to a majority of the City Council regarding any item(s) on this agenda will be made available for public inspection at the Planning Department's counter at City Hall located at 78-495 Calle Tampico, La Quinta, California, 92253, during normal business hours. CITY COUNCIL AGENDA 4 March 5, 2013 004 11 3/5t 2,o12 �� i�'t U " � �u t.�,A.(Q &;� . � C� -> Development Management Group, Inc. economic development ■ fiscal & economic analysis a development management Goldenvoice, LLC Coachella Valley Concert Series ECONOMIC IMPACTS OF GOLDENVOICE, LLC COACHELLA VALLEY CONCERT SERIES ON THE: CITY OF LA QUINTA (COMMUNITY AND CITY AS GOVERNMENTAL ENTITY) Completed for: Goldenvoice, LLC December 7, 2012 73-945 Highway 111, Suite 202 a Palm Desert, LA 92260 Office: (760) 346-8820 ■ Mobile: (760) 272-9136 ■ Fax: (760) 346-8887 michael@dmgeconomics.com®www.dmgeconomics.com q 005 Development Management Group, Inc. economic development m fiscal 4 economic analysis ■ development management December7, 2012 Chad Holden, Controller Goldenvoice, LLC 5750 Wilshire Blvd, Suite 501 Los Angeles, CA 90036 RE: OPINION LETTER: ECONOMIC IMPACTS OF GOLDENVOICE, LLC COACHELLA VALLEY CONCERT SERIES ON THE CITY OF LA QUINTA (COMMUNITY AND CITY AS GOVERNMENTAL ENTITY) Dear Mr. Holden: The purpose of this letter is to provide an economist's opinion regarding the economic impacts of the Goldenvoice, LLC Coachella Valley Concert Series to the City of La Quinta both as a community and as a governmental entity. This letter is based upon the research previously provided to Goldenvoice, LLC and additional research completed specifically for this request. Economic impacts to the City of La Quinta can generally be broken into lodging, visitor spending, and on -site labor at the concert venue itself whereby employees live in the City of La Quinta. Section 1: Overall Spending in the City of La Quinta Lodoina Lodging is broken into three types: hotel stays, contract housing by Goldenvoice, LLC and short-term rentals of private residences. The City of La Quinta has 1,130 rooms. Primary research of the hotels indicates that 100% of visitors during the three (3) weekends of the Goldenvoice, LLC Concert Series are persons staying at the hotel to attend the concerts. In addition to the hotels, Goldenvoice, LLC contracts for approximately 40 homes to accommodate various staff and production personnel. Finally, information for this section was extrapolated from the City of La Quinta's short-term rental program. The City reports that $400,000 in Transient Occupancy Taxes (TOT) a year is generated from this program, half of which is from a guarantee from a specific development. It is estimated that 50% of the remainder ($100,000 per year) is derived from the concert series (noting that it is likely that at least a portion of the $200,000 guarantee the City receives from the Villa's is also a result of the concert series but it is left out of the analysis to be conservative). This translates to $1 million in total short-term rental expenditures by concert goers within the City of La Quinta. Exhibit A provides a reconciliation of the estimated revenues for lodging by concert weekend. In total, concert goers spend about $5.67 million between the three (3) weekends on lodging in the City of La Quinta (inclusive of hotel, Goldenvoice, LLC rental housing and short-term private rentals). 73-845 Highway 111, Suite 202 m Palm Desert, CA 92260 Office: (760) 346-8820 m Mobile: (760) 272-9136 m Fax: (760) 346-8887 michael@dmgeconomics.com ■ www.drngeconomics.com 006 Goldemroi¢, LLC Economic Impact. City of l Qui&a GVCV Concert Series December 7, 2012 Page 2 of 3 Spending Spending by concert goers in the City of La Quinta specifically has pr estimate. Following our overall economic impact analysis, we have concert goers outside the concert facilities themselves) to the coma is augmented by gasoline/vehicle fuel spending that is estimated to of the event. What is not estimated at this time (due to limited info on -site as the concert venue (campground, recreational vehicles) an within the City of La Quinta as they entered the area (Le., Costco, W of this analysis, we are estimating that $1.83 million was spent in thi La Quinta or who purchased gasoline/vehicle fuel on their way to/fri On -Site labor The concert itself provides employment opportunities for what is to payroll records, about $32,000 was paid to residents within the City concert features a significant number of vendors that are located wi private vendors). Many of these businesses have staff that resides i the overall impacts of this labor in the full economic impact analysis individual companies, it is not practical to estimate the number of p, services as a result of the concert itself. Total Sanendia ven to be the most difficult category for which to ;signed off -site spending (spending made by mitt' in which the concert attendee is staying. This ave occurred within the City of La Quinta as a result nation) is the spending that occurs by those staying made purchases of food, drinks and other supplies I -Mart, Stater Brothers and others). For purposes City of La Quinta by those staying within the City of m the concert itself. ned "event -day" labor. Based on a review of f La Quinta for their services. Additionally, the iin the Coachella Valley (restaurants and other the City of La Quinta. While we have calculated rithout being privy to the payroll records of the sons or the labor dollars paid to them fortheir It is estimated that the total spending within the City of La Quinta asla result of the Goldenvoice, LLC Coachella Valley Concert Series is $7.53 million. This is inclusive of lodging, off -site fojL'd and beverage, gasoline/vehicle fuel and direct concert labor. Transient Transient Occupancy (TOT) The City of La Quinta has a Transient Occupancy Tax (TOT) (also knotn as a hotel tax) rate of 11% for conventional room lodging and 10% on short-term rentals. In total, it is estimated that he City of La Quinta received $611,964 in TOT revenue for the 2012 Coachella Valley Goldenvoice, LLC Concert Sen s. Sales Tax The local sales tax rate in the City of La Quinta is 7.75% with 1% going to the City of La Quinta The City received an estimated $11,500 from sales tax directly related to those that stay within the City during the concert series. In 007 Golden ice, LLC Ewwmic Zmpa .. C&y of l Quir a GVCV Concert 5 riu December 7, 2012 Poge 3 of 3 addition, it is estimated that the City received another $6,750 in sales tax from gasoline/vehicle fuel purchases from concert goers traveling through the City during the event. Overall Revenue to the City It is estimated that the City of La Quinta received $630,264 in tax revenue as a result of the concert event from TOT and sales taxes. Section 3: Overall Economic Impact of the Concert Series on the City of La Quinta Economy Development Management Group, Inc. has applied the appropriate economic multipliers to the previously presented spending and tax revenues to determine the overall economic impact of the Goldenvoice, LLC Coachella Valley Concert Series on the economy of La Quinta. Utilizing the RIMS II modeling formula, we estimate that the La Quinta local economy benefited from an overall impact of $16.76 million. As stated previously, we believe that this number is conservative as it does not include spending by concert goers not staying in the City of La Quinta (other than gasoline/vehicle fuel purchases). It is also limited by not having payroll inforMation from specific businesses that served as outside vendors at the event itself that may have employees residing in the City of La Quinta. Certification I certify that my engagement to prepare this report was not contingent upon developing or reporting predetermined results. The statements of fact contained herein and the substance of this report are based on public records, data provided by Goldenvoice and other sources as described in the reference section of this report. This report reflects my unbiased professional analyses, opinions and conclusions. If any of the underlying assumptions related to this report change after the date of this report (December 7, 2012), then the undersigned reserves the professional privilege to modify the contents and/or conclusions of this report. 7n,A—I q. & ,l Michael J. Bracken, Managing Partner Development Management Group, Inc. 73-845 Highway ill, Suite 202 Palm Desert, CA 92260 (760) 346-8820 / (760) 346-8887 (fax) (760) 272-9136 (mobile) Michael@dmgeconomics.com www.dmgeconomics.com .a,.,. 008 Li+ o o m o m b V m m m Q Y O m M o" V T O W o N V N ti E O mm v � c N Q ry m m N �p O 1� Ol N N h el ti p HI N M t0 T N d a N y M� N J c p O' a O c O W Vl Q N m 'i m O Q O N Vf Vl Q N n V lD V1 N ti rl N l0 O N 1� l0 m N V C1 N ei Q O O E N N N N N O V C u � W 'c E E 'm u u o o N e^ m o m m m m m o N E m d 0 0 1� '-1 O �O .-1 Q .mi O m m o O ri Oi N 01 CV u O VINN ut CNN ��� C NHS N ��Vl > m c v „ o m � O � d u m « V V eJ V d E E V m m m E m o v qlzL cp 5 Jo E m u O Q Y Lcr N o Y C d W V V C N O L � d a a « N V d C J C J W 0 N O— O O 0 g d O p u d u d o. o �. w a 3 O e mm «u .ai X o'+ Muni car m e d l� j m Y'Eno-1, 0 W j y a o ni .Ni V 9 m v h L m C d 3 y t N O O C y !� o o o E 1Oaa a w n n w m= m q «« S `a a o c N N N m E O w w c! m O o x E a a a c v x V c o «« d d o m y r w w t•) m « .d. '^ 17 -y C 3 3 u m o LL 0 o r 0 0 0 0�„ no E E 10 O o 0 y 5. m e 'm cam. x= m m m m v y x x x u in a u J o E o n w m �� mvvvv E-wu+ w �� 2 ozz cam`^ E m m m C c C C 4 VI m m _ d m > u m O O O O O oO N N VI N W H M m t7 Wd OO v o L a � v m � q d J E `o c � c v r > V d `o o d p d E y O E ., a v E 3 m o o u Qd d d d U p W m 2 o Uc n E m C O o - n o o w d c n o T U n YO m « O N q N N O d E J n o c c u d w O m a c m d p n a a m Cf M m t E W O J u> m y J o 0 w m m n 0 o o o yc-o V Q C N d n E 0 J a w o' m m m 'E E E o � o d d y c a d o L - e m O O v 0 a 3 N c n= p o m � t d = .y � m o m> d m d y OCO M m O m w N d C d y o L d O d O H O d C L E d m O O 0 ro c o O m o O r4 o r C m C d d> `> 'c o > o 0 o N Y d .a a w uu o ._ u d v a n o c Q N a = = d m N O O O> p n d J m C c n a c O d _ d a ✓� N O O K o= 0 u 0 l7 iu u� Z rl N m Vt lO 1� m rrQ 009 PRESENTATION: La Quinta Public Library Quarterly Report October 2012 through December 2012 Circulation The La Quinta Public Library •circulated 66,373 items in the Second Quarter of 2012/2013, an increase of 5,124 items over the same period of 2011. During this three month period the Library was open 650 hours with an average hourly circulation of 102 items per hour. Comparisons 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 October 10,191 17,191 20,073 21,114 21,799 23,024 November 10,140 16,839 19,343 20,879 20,111 22,601 December 3,844 16,164 121,531 19,568 19,339 20,738 Door Count During this quarter 58,108 people visited the Library to check out materials, read newspapers and magazines, utilize the Internet service, attend programs, and purchase books from the Friends of the Library Book Store. Comparisons 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 October 17,247 17,630 18,854 19,895 21,373 November 13,727 15,892 18,463 16,369 16,335 December 13,772 17,287 16,808 15,457 17,440 Public Computer Usage The Library logged 9,149 computer sessions on 28 public access computers. Public computers are used by all ages: students use the computers for both recreation and their school work; tourist and short-term visitors keep in touch with work, family, or check travel arrangements; and, people who know nothing about computers come to the Library for computer classes. The Library also provides free Wi-Fi access for residents and visitor with laptop computers. New Borrowers In the period between October 1 and December 31, 2012, Library staff issued 670 new Library cards. .On December 31, 2012, the La Quinta Library had 39,388 active borrowers. Weekly Programming A Preschool Storytime for children 3%: to 5 years old was held ten Tuesday mornings during the quarter. A total of 357 children attended. A weekly On -the -Lap Storytime Program for parents with babies and toddlers was held prior to the Preschool Storytime. Twelve programs were attended by 392 participants. The weekly Conversational Spanish Class is held Wednesday evenings in the Library Classroom. The seven sessions were attended by 108 adult students. This is more than double the attendance for the same session last year. Monthly Programs The Library offers a Family Movie Day on the second Sunday of each month. During this quarter 138 people attended the three movies. Special Programs On October 28, 2012, the Library held its third Day of the Dead. This cultural event, was celebrated with music, food, crafts for children, and altars honoring the lives of artists. Over 350 people attended this Sunday afternoon program. This is an increase of 33% over our last year's Day of the Dead program. Special No -School -Today Movies occur on weekdays when the Library is open and students are out of school. The whole movie experience is replicated from picking up a ticket, getting popcorn, and watching a new release movie on the big screen (Classroom wall). Attendance for our movie days this quarter was 65 people. Volunteers During this quarter 36 volunteers donated 451 hours of time. Volunteers worked in the book store, shelved returned books in the Library, helped with programs, and performed a myriad of other tasks. Friends of the Library The Friends of the La Quinta Library continue to offer support in all areas. The Friends are the mainstay of all Library programming, including our movie licensing agreement, refreshments and all other program cost. Networking with Other City Agencies During this Quarter the Library provided a monthly preschool story time at the Museum on the first Wednesday of the month. The joint Library and Senior Center mystery book club that began in September continued through November. The Library provided books and discussion topics while the Senior Center provided speakers to give background on the subjects. The library taught a three -session series of Beginning Beginner Computer Classes. This is a program that ties into the classes taught by Andy Lorenz at the Senior Center. The Library classes teach basic skills needed to move on to the more advanced classes. The class covers mouse skill, an introduction to the keyboard, the desk top, and maneuvering about a web page. Three sessions were offered with 20 people in attendance. .�:�w c i k La Quinta Library Expenditures October 1, 2012 — December 31, 2012 Library Contract Expenditures (LSSI) 7/1/12 to 9/30112 10/1/12 to 12/31/12 1/1/13 to 3/31/13 4/1/13 to 6/30/13 Total Labor & Benefits $101,966.76 $104,056.98 $206,023.74 Automation & Courier $17,925.91 $16,833.07 $34,758.98 Other Direct Costs $1,819.22 $1,465.38 $3,284.60 Zone Administration $7,611.06 $7,651.31 $15,262.37 Shared Costs $10,607.58 $10,663.67 $21,271.25 Library Contract Expenditures $139,930.531 $140,670.41 $280,600.94 County Expenditures 7/1/12 to 9/30/12 10/1/12 to 12/31/12 1/1/13 to 3/31/13 4/1/13 to 6/30/13 Total Personnel $6,697.70 $8,840.06 $15,537.76 Insurance $10,128.02 $1,049.49 $11,177.51 Miscellaneous Expenses $108.24 $136.45 $244.69 Special Program Expenses $-.07 $558.37 $558.37 Accounting Costs $83.29 $192.18 $275.47 Travel and Conferences $34.73 $.89 $35.62 Support Services $10,726.02 $58,755.40 $69,481.42 County Expenditures $27,777.93 $69,532.84 $97,310.77 TOTAL EXPENDITURES $167,708.46 $210,203.25 1 $377,911.71 012 La Quinta Museum Quarterly Report October 2012 through December 2012 Visitors 1,338 people visited the Museum this quarter - including 164 children. Exhibits The exhibit of 34 local artists titled Creativity in La Quinta Cove ran until the end of December. In October, the La Quinta Historical Society hosted an elegant reception for 100 artists and visitors. The early December tour of eleven artists' studios was a huge success. Approximately 150 people visited studios in the Cove and got to see firsthand where the artists worked and what inspired their creativity. The first floor gallery remained dedicated to local history including Cahuilla Indian and native animal dioramas as well as displays on the early resorts. Programming Preschool Story Time for children ages 3 through 5, held the first Wednesday of each month, was attended by a total of 100 children and their caretakers. These story times with a craft program that follows are a collaboration with the Museum and the Library. - The kickoff for this season's First Fridays in November was a performance by the Mariachi Orgullo Azteca, chosen because it fell on the Day of the Dead (Dia do Jos Muertos). Their enthusiastic music rocked the courtyard! The Museum displayed Day of the Dead themed quilts borrowed from the Coachella Valley Quilt Guild in the Community Room. The Museum also created an altar honoring La Quinta artist Fred Rice for the Library's celebration. In conjunction with the Creativity in La Quinta Cove exhibit artist Ann Wolfe produced a series of five Creative Fridays at the Museum workshops which proved to be popular. Gift Shop Total gift shop sales this quarter were $1,859. • :.Y� 013 La Quinta Museum Expenditures October 1, 2012 - December 31, 2012 Museum 7/1/12 to 10/1/12 to 1/1/13 to 4/1/13 to Personnel Costs 9/30/12 12/31/12 3/31/13 6/30/13 Total Salaries $29,625.00 $29,625.00 $59,250.00 Total Personnel Costs $29,625.00 $29,625.00 $59,250.00 Museum Programming 7/1/12 to 10/1/12 to 1/1/13 to 4/1/13 to Costs 9/30/12 12/31/12 3/31/13 6/30/13 Total Special Speaker $1,521.90 $2,550.11 $4,072.01 Printing $108.16 $354.19 $462.35 Total Programming Costs $1,630.06 $2,904.30 $4,534.36 Other Costs 7/1/12 to 9/30/12 10/1/12 to 12/31/12 1/1/13 to 3/31/13 4/1/13 to 6/30/13 Total Travel $18.36 $422.35 $440.71 Supplies $1,340.69 $2,454.26 $3,794.95 Gift Shop Supplies - $1,(juj.uuj $1,603.09 Miscellaneous $1,626.35 $191.301 $1,817.65 Total Other Costs 1 $2,985.40 $4,671.001 $7,656.40 TOTAL EXPENDITURES $34,240.46 $37,200.30 $71,440.76 ri.� 014 / SA / HA / FA MEETING DATE: March 5, 2013 ITEM TITLE: Demand Register Dated March 5, 2013 RECOMMENDED ACTION: Approve Demand Register Dated March 5, 2013. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: None. FISCAL IMPACT: Demand of Cash City $1,684,621.44 Demand of Cash -Successor Agency of RDA $0.00 Demand of Cash - HA $0.00 Demand of Cash - HA Comm $0.00 BACKGROUND/ANALYSIS: AGENDA CATEGORY: BUSINESS SESSION: CONSENT CALENDAR: STUDY SESSION: PUBLIC HEARING: Between City Council meetings, there is a need to pay some routine bills in order to avoid late fees being charged to the City, as well as payroll and related payroll taxes. These items are listed below: Prepaid Warrants: 98700 - 98715) 98716 - 98732) Voids) Wire Transfers) P/R 36813 - 36819) P/R Tax Transfers) $ 39,641.40 $ 19,031.72 $ (7,016.65) $245,058.91 $141, 245.02 $ 38,864.39 Payable Warrants Cont'd: 98552 - 98699) $1,207,796.65 $1,684,621.44 In addition, listed below are the most significant expenditures being paid on the regular demand register. Significant Expenditures: Vendor: Account #: Amount: KASA Construction 401-1870-551.45-01 $149,016.05 La Quinta Farms 101-7006-431.32-15 $ 22,857.04 Riverside Co Sheriff ALTERNATIVES: None. Respectfully submitted, Various Accounts $884,677.49 &Mj Robbeyn Bird, Finance Director Purpose: Fred Waring Proj. Feb PM 10 Svc. Nov -Dec Police Svc rr-� 016 CITY / SA / HA / FA MEETING DATE: March 5, 2013. AGENDA CATEGORY: BUSINESS SESSION: _ ITEM TITLE: Development Improvement Agreement CONSENT CALENDAR: with SoCal Portfolio I LP for Reimbursement from Settlement Funds for Off -Site and On -Site STUDY SESSION: _ Improvements Associated with Tract 30138 PUBLIC HEARING: RECOMMENDED ACTION: Approve the Development Improvement Agreement with SoCal Portfolio I LP for reimbursement from settlement funds for off -site and on -site improvements associated with Tract 30138, and authorize the City Manager to execute said agreement subject to minor revisions by the City Attorney. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: • After the original developer of Tract 30138 defaulted and bonds were called, the City received a surety company bond settlement of $1 million for the design and construction of certain off -site and on -site improvements associated with the tract including adding a second westbound lane on Avenue 52 and constructing a landscaped median and parkway along the project's frontage. • The new owner of the property, SoCal Portfolio I LP, would like to take the lead in designing and constructing these improvements and have Avenue 52 completed before the 2013 Coachella Valley Music and Arts Festival. • The Development Improvement Agreement (Attachment 1) lists the order of completion of the improvements, requires that the first improvement be the widening of Avenue 52 along the project frontage, and describes the manner in which the developer will be reimbursed. rl 7 FISCAL IMPACT: None. All developer reimbursements will come from settlement funds. BACKGROUND/ANALYSIS: Tract 30138 is located on Avenue 52 just east of the All American Canal (Attachment 2). The City Attorney's Office has been working with the developer's attorney and City staff to craft an agreement for construction of the remaining on and off -site improvements. Per the Agreement, the City will pay SoCal Portfolio I LP the cost to construct the improvements outlined above. All but $75,000 of the settlement proceeds will be used for these improvements; the $75,000 has been reserved for: 1) fugitive dust control, 2) grading security, and 3) mechanics liens, should any arise after improvements are accepted by Council. The $75,000 will be eligible for developer reimbursement only after the mechanic's lien filing period has expired. ALTERNATIVES: Direct staff to incorporate the Avenue 52 off -site street improvements into the City's Capital Improvement Program. However, due to the length of time necessary to bid these improvements, construction would then occur during the 2013 concert season. Respectfully submitted, Timothy R. Jo a son, P.E. Public Works Director/City Engineer Attachments: 1. Development Improvement Agreement 2. Vicinity Map for Tract 30138 F 018 ' ATTACHMENT1 DEVELOPMENT IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT THIS DEVELOPMENT IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT ("Agreement") is made and entered into as of March _, 2013 ("Effective Date") by and between the CITY OF LA QUINTA, a municipal corporation operating pursuant to a Charter adopted by it as authorized by the State of California ("City") and SOCAL PORTFOLIO I LP, a Delaware limited partnership ("SoCal"). City and SoCal are sometimes referred to herein separately as a "Party" and jointly as the "Parties." RECITALS: A. SoCal is the current owner in fee of that certain real property located in the City, . Riverside County ("County"), California ("State"), described in Exhibit "A" ("Property"). B. While the Property was under prior ownership, the City approved Tentative Tract Map No. 30138 and Conditions of Approval ("Conditions of Approval") for that tentative tract map. On October 13, 2006 City and La Quinta Developers, LLC, ("La Quinta Developers"), a prior owner of the Property, caused to be recorded Tract Map 30138 ("Map") as Instrument No. 2006-0757452. Pages 31 to 35, inclusive, of Maps in the Office of the County Recorder of the County. The Property, together with the recorded Map and approved Conditions of Approval, has been referred to from time to time as the "Diamante Project," the "Diamonte Project" and the "Monaco Project"; for clarity purposes, the Property, the Map and the Conditions of Approval shall be referred to herein simply as the "Project." C. While under the ownership and control of La Quinta Developers, certain initial actions were taken to commence development of the Project. Those actions included posting with the City certain labor and material bonds and performance bonds (collectively, the "Bonds") issued by Travelers Casualty and Surety Company of America ("Travelers") in favor of the City as beneficiary for certain improvements related to the Project, some of which are subdivision improvements (referred to herein as "On -Site Improvements") and some of which are improvements within the public rights -of -way (referred to herein as "Off -Site Improvements") (the On -Site Improvements and the Off -Site Improvements are sometimes referred to herein collectively as the "Improvements"). The Improvements are set forth in Exhibit `B" and Exhibit "C" hereto. D. La Quinta Developers subsequently lost ownership of the Property. A dispute then arose between Travelers and the City regarding the unfinished bonded Improvements and the use of the principal amounts on the Bonds. A settlement was reached according to terms set forth in that certain "Settlement Agreement" dated December 5, 2012, whereby Travelers agreed to pay to the City $1,000,000.00 (the "Bond Fund") in final and complete settlement of all obligations of Travelers concerning the Project, and City agreed to accept the Bond Fund in full settlement. Said funds have been collected by the City, and have been placed in a separate bank account for use as specified in this Agreement. E. City desires that the Off -Site Improvements and certain of the On -Site Improvements be completed and has proposed to SoCal that City will make available to SoCal W CH\30615.0006W29257.1 12/14/2012 019 the Bond Fund if SoCal agrees to complete those Off -Site Improvements and the specified On - Site Improvements as a priority (collectively, "Priority Improvements" as identified in Exhibit "D" hereto), and that if SoCal so agrees, then the balance of the Bond Fund (if any) could be used by SoCal for other On -Site Improvements. F. As of the Effective Date SoCal has identified certain plans and specifications (collectively, the "Plans") previously prepared for the Project, which are in various stages of completion and or prior approval. The Plans are specifically identified in Exhibit "F." G. The City is agreeable to using the Bond Fund to complete the Improvements (with emphasis on the Priority Improvements) to the extent of the available Bond Fund. Based on the foregoing Recitals, and in consideration of the covenants, terms and conditions set forth hereinafter, the Parties agree as follows: AGREEMENT: Recitals. 1.1 Recitals True and Correct. The Recitals are true and correct. 1.2 Defined Terms. All defined terms therein are adopted below. 2. Improvements: Use of Bond Fund. 2.1 General Contractor. SoCal shall enter into a contract ("General Contract") with a General Contractor, licensed and insured in the State of California. Until such time as the General Contract is fully executed, the SoCal Contact Person (defined below) shall be the contact person for SoCal. As soon as the General Contract is executed, SoCal will notify City of the General Contractor and its contact person who thereafter shall be the authorized agent of SoCal and shall be the Contact Person for SoCal. Through the General Contractor, SoCal shall cause the completion of the Improvements pursuant to the Approved Plans (defined below), to the extent reasonably possibly, and subject to the terms and conditions herein, including the availability of proceeds from the Bond Fund. The City may use proceeds from the Bond Fund as compensation for costs incurred by the City due to the default of La Quinta Developers, including but not limited to, legal and administrative costs. SoCal will cause the General Contractor to apply and pay for an encroachment permit for constructing improvements in the public right-of-way. 2.2 Insurance. SoCal agrees to require General Contractor to carry a policy of Commercial General Insurance naming City and SoCal as additional insureds as to the Improvements, with coverages in accordance with the terms specified in Exhibit "E." 2.3 Construction Schedule. After the General Contractor is hired, SoCal and General Contractor shall prepare and submit to the City an estimated construction commencement, progress and completion schedule ("Constriction Schedule"). The wCFN0615.000"29257.1 12/142012 2 .. 020 Construction Schedule will be updated from time to time as processing, construction and Force Majeure conditions (defined below) affect it. 2.4 Priority Improvements. Commencement of, and completion of, construction the Priority Improvements shall be a priority in the General Contract and in the Construction Schedule, but it is understood that other Improvements might require completion in order to facilitate work on the Priority Improvements. 2.5 Expedited Reviews and Approvals. City agrees to provide expedited review for all plans (both new and as refreshed as previously approved plans) and for any permit applications that require City approvals or issuance. This expedited review and approval process shall be coordinated through the City Contact Person (defined below). 2.6 City Assistance. City agrees to assist SoCal and General Contractor, as reasonably possible, with all processing with Coachella Valley Water District ("CVWD") and the La Quinta City Fire Department ("Five Department") and all other public agencies regarding processing and approval of plans necessary in connection with the Improvements, and including obtaining all rights -of -way and other permits required for the Improvements. 2.7 Prevailing Wages. As City is a charter city and has elected under its charter not to be subject to the State's prevailing wage requirements, construction contracts entered into by SoCal and General Contractor requiring the use of the Bond Fund shall not be required to be subject to such prevailing wage requirements. 3. Bond Fund: Payment of Construction Invoices. 3.1 AAooroved Plans. Once the General Contract is executed, General Contractor shall cause commencement of construction of the Improvements in accordance with the Construction Schedule, emphasizing focus on the Priority Improvements in the order as listed in Exhibit "D." Initial emphasis by General Contractor shall be to work with City, CVWD and Fire Department to refresh previously approved plans and gain final approval for any previously uncompleted and approved plans for each of the Improvements (collectively when approved, the "Approved Plans"). The City shall have the final say and control over the priority of the Improvements to be constructed with the Bond Fund, as well as the expenditures to be made from the Bond Fund. The City shall have no liability for any construction or other costs which exceed the balance of the Bond fund. 3.2 Processing_ Approval and Payment of Invoice Package. Subsequent to commencement of construction, SoCal shall submit to the City, on not less than thirty (30) day cycles ("Invoice Submittal Date"), an Invoice Package (defined below) for work completed during the period which is the subject of the Invoice Package. City will have ten (10) business days within which to notify SoCal of any deficiency claimed by City in the Invoice Package, and City, SoCal and General Contractor shall promptly meet and attempt in good faith to resolve such issues. City shall, not later than thirty (30) days following the Invoice Submittal Date, pay to SoCal from the Bond Fund Account the invoiced amount, less any amount disputed by the City. SoCal may request preapproval of expenses prior to incurring the charges to ensure that Ulpuvtar 021 the expenses are eligible for reimbursement. The City Engineer is authorized to preapprove these expenses, in writing, on behalf of the City. 3.3 Invoice Package. The Invoice Package shall consist of the following: a. The Invoice on form previously agreed to by City and General Contractor, reasonably describing the Improvement work (including all fees, charges and other costs incurred General Contractor or SoCal) by invoiced for and its relation to the Construction Schedule and the Priority Improvements (if applicable); b. All appropriate lien releases (or partial lien releases); c. Certification by a California licensed civil engineer that the Improvement work (or discrete component thereof) has been completed in accordance with the Approved Plans. 3.4 Withholding of Funds. The City shall withhold $75,000 out of the Bond Fund to cover expenses associated with (a) jobsite dust control; (b) remedial grading, if needed due to default or non-performance of General Contractor, in order to make the jobsite safe; and (c) payment of any claims, stop notices, or mechanic's liens filed against the City as a result of work on the site. At the conclusion of 35 days after City Council acceptance of the Improvements, the $75,000 would become eligible for reimbursement to SoCal for completion of additional eligible Improvements. 4. Insurance. 4.1 Commercial General Liability Insurance. General Contractor shall be required, through the General Contract, to carry the insurance coverage (at a minimum) described in Exhibit "E" in full force at all times during construction of the Improvements, with City and SoCal named as additional insureds. 5. Construction Schedule: Force Majeure. 5.1 Adherence to Construction Schedule: Unavoidable Delays. While General Contractor will be required to exercise reasonable best efforts to adhere to the Construction Schedule, particularly as it pertains to the Off -Site Improvements, it is understood that the Construction Schedule is a good faith estimate of General Contractor's completion of the Improvements, and is subject to modification, from time to time, by General Contractor as elements effecting that schedule arise, including unavoidable delays ("Force Majeure") caused by earthquake, flood, inclement weather, industry -wide labor strikes, shortages of required materials, spill of hazardous substances, or interferences by public agencies requiring modifications to the Approved Plans, work schedules, or methods of operation. W CH\i0615.0006\429257.1 12/ 14/2012 022 5.2 No Third Party Beneficiary. The Parties agree that they do not intend that the General Contractor is a third party beneficiary under this Agreement, and agree that the General Contractor has no right to enforce the provisions of this Agreement. 6. Fees. Denosits. Refunds and Reimbursements. 6.1 Fees: Deposits. SoCal shall be entitled to full credit for all fees and deposits previously made by La Quinta Developers or any other prior owner of the Project, and in the event City has raised or increased such fee or deposit requirement after the date originally made, then SoCal shall be required to pay or deposit only the difference between the original paid fee or deposit and the new fee or deposit. Notices. 7.1 Acceptable Methods for Notice. All notices, consents and communications to a Party or to the General Contractor shall be in writing and shall be deemed to have been duly given when (a) delivered by hand with a signed delivery receipt requested, (b) sent by facsimile (with receipt confirmed), provided a copy is mailed on the same day by registered mail, return receipt requested, or (c) received by the addressee, if sent by U.S. Mail or Express Mail, Federal Express or other express delivery service (receipt requested), in each case, to the appropriated addresses and telecopier numbers set forth below (or to such other addresses or telecopier numbers as a Party or General Contractor might designate as to itself by notice to the others). 7.2 To the City: All notices to the City shall be delivered to the following: Frank Spevacek City Manager City of La Quinta 78-495 Calle Tampico La Quinta, CA 92253 Telephone: (760) 777-7030 Facsimile: (760) 777-7155 Email: citymanagersoffice@la-quinta.org with copy to M. Katherine Jenson Rutan & Tucker, LLP 611 Anton Blvd., Suite 1400 Costa Mesa, CA 92626 Telephone: (714) 641-3413 Facsimile: (714) 546-9035 Email: kjenson asutan.com WCH'30615.0006\429257.1 12/14/2012 p �... 023 7.3 To SoCal: Until the General Contract becomes effective and the General Contractor is identified, all notices to SoCal's authorized agent shall be delivered to the following: Jonathan M. Weldy Meridian Land Development Co. 19153 Town Center Drive, Suite 106 Apple Valley, CA 92308 Telephone: (760) 240-5511 ext. 222 Cell: (909) 380-9919 Email: jweldy a,meridianldc.com with cony to William C. Holzwarth Dzida, Carey & Steinman 8657 Conservation St. NE Ada, MI 49301 Telephone: (951) 300-2000 Facsimile: (616) 682-5480 Email: wholzwarth n dcslaw.com 8. General Provisions. 8.1 Applicable Law. This Agreement shall be governed by and interpreted in accordance with the laws of the State. 8.2 Assignment. SoCal shall not assign this Agreement to any other person or entity without the express written consent of the City. 8.3 Equitable Remedies. Each Party shall, in addition to all other rights provided herein or as may be provided by law, be entitled to all equitable remedies including those of specific performance and injunction, to enforce its rights hereunder. 8.4 Counterparts. This Agreement may be executed in any number of counterparts, each of which shall be deemed an original, but all of which when taken together shall constitute one and the same document. 8.5 No Partnership. Nothing herein shall constitute or be construed to be or create a partnership or joint venture between the City on the one hand and either SoCal or General Contractor on the other. 8.6 Entire Agreement. This Agreement, together with any Exhibits referred to herein, each of which is hereby incorporated in this Agreement and made a part hereof, embodies the entire agreement and understanding between the Parties and supersedes all prior agreements and understandings between them with respect thereto. •�- 024 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Parties have executed this Agreement as of the Effective Date. SOCAL PORTFOLIO I LLC, a Delaware limited liability company M Jeremy Scheetz, Its Vice President WCFN0615.0006\429257.1 12/14/2012 CITY OF LA QUINTA, a municipal corporation By: Frank Spevacek, City Manager Attest to City Manager's Signature: By: Susan Maysels, City Clerk Approved as to Form By: M. Katherine Jenson, City Attorney .�._ 025 EXHIBIT "A" Property Description The Property referred to in the within Agreement is that certain real property located in the City of La Quinta, Riverside County, California, more particularly described as: Lots 1 through 47, inclusive, and Lots "A" through "I," inclusive, as shown on a Map of Tract No. 30138, as per plat recorded in Book 411, Pages 31 through 35, inclusive, of Maps, Records of Riverside County, California. WCH\30615.000&429257.1 12/14/2012 EXHIBIT "B" On -Site Improvements WCHU0615.0006\42M7.1 12/142012 9 .h. _ 021. EXHIBIT "C" Off -Site Improvements WCH130615.0000429257.1 12/14/2012 to =,w.,, 028. Exhibit I'D" Priority Improvements Complete construction of the following Improvements, including refreshing all plans, permits, and other approvals associated therewith, in the following order: a. Avenue 52 road Improvements, including the northern travel lane, curb and gutter. b. Drive approaches into the Tract. C. Wall between the ROW and the Tract. d. Center median Improvements. C. Storm drain Improvements on Avenue 52. On -Site detention basin connection to the drainage of Avenue 52. WCH\30615.0006\429257.1 12/14/2012 11 EXHIBIT "E" Insurance Requirements General Prior to the beginning of and throughout the duration of the Work, General Contractor will maintain insurance in conformance with the requirements set forth below. General Contractor will use existing coverage to comply with these requirements. If that existing coverage does not meet the requirements set forth here, it will be amended to do so. General Contractor acknowledges that the insurance coverage and policy limits set forth in this section constitute the minimum amount of coverage required. Any insurance proceeds available to City in excess of the limits and coverage required in this Contract and which is applicable to a given loss, will be available to City. General Contractor shall submit coverage verification for review and approval by the City upon execution of the Contract. The Notice to Proceed with the Work under this Contract will not be issued, and the General Contractor shall not commence work, until such insurance has been approved by the City. The General Contractor shall not allow any subcontractors to commence work on its subcontract until all similar insurance required of the subcontractor has been obtained and verified by General Contractor. Such insurance shall remain in full force and effect at all times during the prosecution of the Work and until the final completion and acceptance thereof. General Contractor shall provide the following types and amounts of insurance: Commercial General Liability Policy Commercial General Liability Insurance using Insurance Services Office "Commercial General Liability" policy form CG 00 01 or the equivalent. Defense costs must be paid in addition to limits. Limits shall be no less than Two Million Dollars ($2,000,000) per occurrence for all covered losses and no less than Four Million Dollars ($4,000,000) general aggregate. General Contractor's policy shall contain no endorsements limiting coverage beyond the basic policy coverage grant for any of the following: a. Explosion, Collapse or Underground Hazard(X CU). b. Products and Completed Operations. C. Pollution liability. d. Contractual liability. WCFN0615.00061429257.1 12/14n012 12 C30. Coverage shall be applicable to City for injury to employees of. contractors, subcontractors or others involved in the project. Policy shall be endorsed to provide a separate limit applicable to this project. Workers' Compensation Insurance Workers' Compensation on a state -approved policy form providing statutory benefits as required by law with employer's liability limits no less than $1,000,000 per accident for all covered losses. Business Auto Policy Business Auto Coverage on ISO Business Auto Coverage form CA 00 01 06 92 including symbol 1 (Any Auto) or the equivalent. Limits shall be no less than $1,000,000 per accident, combined single limit. If General Contractor owns no vehicles, this requirement may be satisfied by a non -owned auto endorsement to the general liability policy described above. Excess or Umbrella Liability Insurance Excess or Umbrella Liability Insurance (Over Primary) if used to meet limit requirements, shall provide coverage at least as broad as specified for the underlying coverage. Any such coverage provided under an umbrella liability policy shall include a drop down provision providing primary coverage for liability not covered by primary but covered by the umbrella. Self -insured retentions are not permitted. Coverage shall be provided on a "pay on behalf' basis, with defense costs payable in addition to policy limits. There shall be no cross liability exclusion precluding coverage for claims or suits by one insured against another. Coverage shall be applicable to City for injury to employees of General Contractor, subcontractors or others involved in the Work. The scope of coverage provided is subject to approval of City following receipt of proof of insurance as required herein. Limits are subject to review but in no event less than $1,000,000 per occurrence and aggregate. Insurance procured pursuant to these requirements shall be written by insurers that are authorized carriers in the state of California and with an A.M. Be st rating of A- or better and a minimum financial size of VII. WCHU0615.0006W29257.1 12/14/2012 13 .�... C 31 EXHIBIT "F" Project Improvement Plans 1. Tract Map No. 30138 Diamante; sheets 1-5, dated May 2004, recorded 10/13/06. 2. Precise Grading Plan Tract 30138 Diamante; sheets 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 & 6 updated 4/10/07. 3. Rough Grading Plan Tract 30138 Diamante; sheets 1, 2 & 3 dated 6/29/06. 4. On -Site Street & Storm Drain Improvement Plans Tract 30138 Diamante; sheets 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 & 6 dated 3/2/07. 5. Off -Site Street Improvement Plan Tract 30138 Avenue 52; sheets 1, 2, 3 & 4 dated 4/18/07. 6. Water Improvement Plans Tract 30138; sheets 1-5, dated 8/21/06. 7. Sewer Improvement Plans, Tract 30138; sheets 1-4, dated 8/21/06. 8. Encroachment Composite Plan, Tract 30138; sheets 1-2, dated 7/7/06. 9. PM10 Fugitive Dust Control Plan, Tract 30138; sheets 1-2, dated 12/6/04. 10. S.W.P.P.P., Tract 30138; sheet 1, dated 11/12/04. 11. Landscape Plans, Monaco; dated December 3, 2009 — unapproved. WCHU0615.0006\429257.112/142012 14- ' !a" 032 tL w z ir w w w W TM 30138 DIAMANTE aTY OF WOW 50TH AVENUE A 52ND AVENUE VICINITY NOT TO SCALE ATTACHMENT 2 033 Ifluf 4 4 a" CITY / SA / HA / FA MEETING DATE: March 5, 2013 AGENDA CATEGORY: ITEM TITLE: Professional Services Agreement for BUSINESS SESSION: Professional Engineering Services Plans, Specifications and Estimates to for Prepare the the Sports CONSENT CALENDAR: Complex Lighting Rehabilitation and Expansion STUDY SESSION: Improvements, Project No. 2012-02 PUBLIC HEARING: RECOMMENDED ACTION: Approve a Professional Services Agreement with Prest Vuksic, in the amount of $591157 to prepare the plans, specifications and estimates for the Sports Complex Lighting Rehabilitation and Expansion Improvements, Project No. 2012-02. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: • The proposed improvements are located at the La Quinta Sports Complex. The project will upgrade the lighting system so that each field may be lit independently. • The lighting system will also be expanded to include two new light poles at the batting cages, four new light poles at the baseball field, and four new light poles at the small football field. • Approval of the attached Professional Services Agreement (PSA) (Attachment 1) will initiate the engineering phase of the project. FISCAL IMPACT: The PSA will cost $59,157. The lighting project is included in the 2012/2013 Capital Improvement Plan and $888,875 in Quimby Act funds have been budgeted for Fiscal Year 2012/2013. 034 The following is the anticipated project budget: Construction: $650,000 Design: $59,157 Professional: $13,000 Inspection/Testing/Survey: $63,375 Administration: $32,500 Contingency: $70,843 Total Anticipated Budget: $888,875 BACKGROUND/ANALYSIS: The La Quinta Sports Complex was built in the late 1980s through a partnership between the Desert Sands Unified School District and the City of La Quinta. The lighting rehabilitation and expansion project will modify the lighting system so that each field may be lit independently, thereby reducing power costs, and additional lights would be installed at the baseball and football fields. During the design process, staff and the design engineer will hold community meetings as necessary to discuss the project. On September 18, 2012, the City Council authorized staff to distribute a request for proposal to obtain professional engineering services to prepare the plans, specifications and estimates for the Sports Complex Lighting Rehabilitation and Expansion Improvements. On October 19, 2012, the City received two proposals from qualified professional architectural and engineering consultants. Following its review, the consultant selection committee unanimously recommends that Prest Vuksic be awarded a PSA in an amount not to exceed $59,157. This project involves architecture and electrical engineering improvements, which cannot be performed by staff; therefore, hiring an architect with an electrical engineering sub consultant for this work is necessary. Contingent upon Council's approval and authorization to obtain professional engineering services on March 5, 2013, the following is the project schedule: City Council Authorization of the PSA Authorization to Proceed Project Design Bidding/Award process Construction (85 working days) Accept Improvements March 5, 2013 March 6, 2013 March 6, 2013 - June 30, 2013 July 2013 - August 2013 September 2013 - December 2013 January 2014 C35 ALTERNATIVES: In order to meet with residents that may be affected by this project, and before the high season ends, staff believes hiring this consultant will move the project forward in the most expeditious matter and therefore does not recommend any alternative action. Respectfully submitted, Timothy R. Jon s n, P. . Public Works Dir for/City Engineer Attachment: 1. PSA " 036 ATTACHMENT PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT FOR CONTRACT SERVICES (the "Agreement") is made and entered into by and between the CITY OF LA QUINTA, ("City"), a California municipal corporation, and Prest Vuksic Architects ("Consultant"). The parties hereto agree as follows: 1.0 SERVICES OF CONSULTANT 1.1 Scope of Services. In compliance with all terms and conditions of this Agreement, Consultant shall provide those services related to Sports Complex Lighting and Rehabilitation and Expansion, Project No. 2012-02, as specified in the "Scope of Services" attached hereto as Exhibit "A" and incorporated herein by this reference (the "services" or "work"). Consultant warrants that all services will be performed in a competent, professional and satisfactory manner inaccordance with the standards prevalent in the industry for such services. 1.2 Compliance with Law. All services rendered hereunder shall be provided in accordance with all ordinances, resolutions, statutes, rules, regulations and laws of the City of La Quinta and any Federal, State or local governmental agency of competent jurisdiction. 1.3 Licenses, Permits, Fees and Assessments. Except as otherwise specified herein, Consultant shall obtain at its sole cost and expense such licenses, permits and approvals as may be required by law for the performance of the services required by this Agreement. Consultant shall have the sole obligation to pay for any fees, assessments and taxes, plus applicable penalties and interest, which may be imposed by law and arise from or are necessary for the performance of the services required by this Agreement. 1.4 Familiarity with Work. By executing this Agreement, Consultant warrants that (a) it has thoroughly investigated and considered the work to be performed, (b) it has investigated the site of the work and fully acquainted itself with the conditions there existing, (c) it has carefully considered how the work should be performed, and (d) it fully understands the facilities, difficulties and restrictions attending performance of the work under this Agreement. Should Consultant discover any latent or unknown conditions materially differing from those inherent in the work or as represented by City, Consultant shall immediately inform City of such fact and shall not proceed except at Consultant's risk until written instructions are received from the Contract Officer (as defined in Section 4.2 hereof). Last revised 7-3-12 1 .•.. , .G37 1.5 Care of Work and Standard of Work. a. Care of Work. Consultant shall adopt reasonable methods during the life of the Agreement to furnish continuous protection to the work performed by Consultant, and the equipment, materials, papers and other components thereof to prevent losses or damages, and shall be responsible for all such damages, to persons or property, until acceptance of the work by City, except such losses or damages as may be caused by City's own negligence. The performance of services by Consultant shall not relieve Consultant from any obligation to correct any incomplete, inaccurate or defective work at no further cost to City, when such inaccuracies are due to the negligence of Consultant. b. Standard of Work. Consultant acknowledges and understands that the services and work contracted for under this Agreement require specialized skills and abilities and that, consistent with this understanding, Consultant's services and work will be held to a standard of quality and workmanship applicable to members of Consultant's profession. Consistent with Section 1.4 hereinabove, Consultant represents to City that it holds the necessary skills and abilities to satisfy the standard of work as set forth in this Agreement. 1.6 Additional Services. In accordance with the terms and conditions of this Agreement, Consultant shall perform services in addition to those specified in the Scope of Services ("Additional Services") when directed to do so by the Contract Officer. Consultant shall not perform any Additional Services until receiving prior written authorization from the Contract Officer. It is specifically understood and agreed that oral requests and/or approvals of Additional Services shall be barred and are unenforeceable. Failure of Consultant to secure the Contract Manager's written authorization for Additional Services shall constitute a waiver of any and all right to adjustment of the Contract Sum or time due, whether by way of compensation, restitution, quantum meruit, etc. for Additional Services provided without the appropriate authorization from the Contract Manager. Compensation for properly authorized Additional Services shall be made in accordance with Section 2.2 of this Agreement. 1.7 Special Requirements. 'Additional terms and conditions of this Agreement, if any, which are made a part hereof are set forth in Exhibit "D" (the "Special Requirements"). In the event of a conflict between the provisions of the Special Requirements and any other provisions of this Agreement, the provisions of the Special Requirements shall govern. Last revised 7-3-12 2 038 2.0 COMPENSATION 2.1 Contract Sum. For the services rendered pursuant to this Agreement, Consultant shall be compensated in accordance with Exhibit "B" (the "Schedule of Compensation") in a total amount not to exceed Fifty Nine Thousand, One Hundred Fifty Seven Dollars ($59,157.00) (the "Contract Sum"), except as provided in Section 1.6. The method of compensation set forth in the Schedule of Compensation may include a lump sum payment upon completion, payment in accordance with the percentage of completion of the services, payment for time and materials based upon Consultant's rate schedule, but not exceeding the Contract Sum, or such other methods as may be specified in the Schedule of Compensation. Compensation may include reimbursement for actual and necessary expenditures for reproduction costs, transportation expense, telephone expense, and similar costs and expenses when and if specified in the Schedule of Compensation. Regardless of the method of compensation set forth in the Schedule of Compensation, Consultant's overall compensation shall not exceed the Contract Sum, except as provided in Section 1.6 of this Agreement, "Additional Services." 2.2 Compensation for Additional Services. Additional services approved in advance by the Contract Manager pursuant to Section 1.6 of this Agreement, "Additional Services," shall be paid for in an amount agreed to in writing by both City and Consultant in advance of the Additional Services being rendered by Consultant. Any compensation for Additional Services amounting to five percent (5%) or less of the Contract Sum may be approved by the Contract Officer. Any greater amount of compensation for additional services must be approved by the La Quinta City Council. Under no circumstances shall Consultant receive compensation for any Additional Services unless prior written approval for the Additional Services is obtained from the Contract Officer pursuant to Section 1.6 of this Agreement. 2.3 Method of Billing. Any month in which Consultant wishes to receive payment, Consultant shall submit to City no later than the tenth (10th) working day of such month, in the form approved by City's Finance Director, an invoice for services rendered prior to the date of the invoice. Such invoice shall (1) describe in detail the services provided, including time and materials, and (2) specify each staff member who has provided services and the number of hours assigned to each such staff member. Such invoice shall contain a certification by a principal member of Consultant specifying that the payment requested is for work performed in accordance with the terms of this Agreement. City will pay Consultant for all expenses stated thereon which are approved by City pursuant to this Agreement no later than thirty (30) days after invoices are received by the City's Finance Department. Last revised 7-3-12 3 ►. , 039 3.0 PERFORMANCE SCHEDULE 3.1 Time of Essence. Time is of the essence in the performance of this Agreement. 3.2 Schedule of Performance. All services rendered pursuant to this Agreement shall be performed diligently and within the time period established in Exhibit C (the "Schedule of Performance"). Extensions to the time period specified in the Schedule of Performance may be approved in writing by the Contract Officer. 3.3 Force Majeure. The time period specified in the Schedule of Performance for performance of the services rendered pursuant to this Agreement shall be extended because of any delays due to unforeseeable causes beyond the control and without the fault or negligence of Consultant, including, but not restricted to, acts of God or of the public enemy, fires, earthquakes, floods, epidemic, quarantine restrictions, riots, strikes, freight embargoes, acts of any governmental agency other than City, and unusually severe weather, if Consultant shall within ten (10) days of the commencement of such delay notify the Contract Officer in writing of the causes of the delay. The Contract Officer shall ascertain the facts and the extent of delay, and extend the time for performing the services for the period of the forced delay when and if in his or her judgment such delay is justified, and the Contract Officer's determination shall be final and conclusive upon the parties to this Agreement. Extensions to the Schedule of Performance which are determined by the Contract Officer to be justified pursuant to this Section shall not entitle the Consultant to additional compensation in excess of the Contract Sum. 3.4 Term. Unless earlier terminated in accordance with Sections 8.7 or 8.8 of this Agreement, the term of this agreement shall commence on March 5, 2013 and terminate on October 30, 2013 (initial term). This agreement may be extended upon mutual agreement by both parties (extended term). 4.0 COORDINATION OF WORK 4.1 Representative of Consultant. The following principals of Consultant are hereby designated as being the principals and representatives of Consultant authorized to act in its behalf with respect to the work specified herein and make all decisions in connection therewith: a. Chris Mills, Prest Vuksic Architects b. Ralph Raya, MRC Engineering C. Julian De LaTorre, MSA Consulting Lut revised 7-3-12 4 " 040 It is expressly understood that the experience, knowledge, capability, and reputation of the foregoing principals were a substantial inducement for City to enter into this Agreement. Therefore, the foregoing principals shall be responsible during the term of this Agreement for directing all activities of Consultant and devoting sufficient time to personally supervise the services hereunder. The foregoing principals may not be changed by Consultant and no other personnel may be assigned to perform the service required hereunder without the express written approval of City. 4.2 Contract Officer. The Contract Officer shall be Timothy R. Jonasson, P.E., Public Works Director/City Engineer or such other person as may be designated by the City Manager of City. It shall be Consultant's responsibility to assure that the Contract Officer is kept informed of the progress of the performance of the services and Consultant shall refer any decisions, which must be made by City to the Contract Officer. Unless otherwise specified herein, any approval of City required hereunder shall mean the approval of the Contract Officer. 4.3 Prohibition Against Subcontracting or Assignment. The experience, knowledge, capability and reputation of Consultant, its principals and employees were a substantial inducement for City_ to enter into this Agreement. Except as set forth in this Agreement, Consultant shall not contract with any other entity to perform in whole or in part the services required hereunder without the express written approval of City. In addition, neither this Agreement nor any interest herein may be assigned or transferred, voluntarily or by operation of law, without the prior written approval of City. 4.4 Independent Contractor. Neither City nor any of its employees shall have any control over the manner, mode or means by which Consultant, its agents or employees, perform the services required herein, except as otherwise set forth. Consultant shall perform all services required herein as an independent contractor of City and shall remain at all times as to City a wholly independent contractor with only such obligations as are consistent with that role. Consultant shall not at any time or in any manner represent that it or any of its agents or employees are agents or employees of City. 4.5 City Cooperation. City shall provide Consultant with any plans, publications, reports, statistics, records or other data or information pertinent to services to be performed hereunder which are reasonably available to Consultant only from or through action by City. Last revised 7-3-12 5 ro.. ' .. 041 5.0 INSURANCE 5.1 Insurance. Prior to the beginning of and throughout the duration of the Work performed under this Agreement, Consultant shall procure and maintain, at its cost, and submit concurrently with its execution of this Agreement, Commercial General Liability insurance against all claims for injuries against persons or damages to property resulting from Consultant's acts or omissions rising out of or related to Consultant's performance under this Agreement. The insurance policy shall contain a severability of interest clause providing that the coverage shall be primary for losses arising out of. Consultant's performance hereunder and neither City nor its insurers shall be required to contribute to any such loss. A certificate evidencing the foregoing and naming City and its officers and employees as additional insured (on the Commercial General Liability policy only) shall be delivered to and approved by City prior to commencement of the services hereunder. The following policies shall be maintained and kept in full force and effect providing insurance with minimum limits as indicated below and issued by insurers with A.M. Best ratings of no less than A-:Vl: Commercial General Liability (at least as broad as ISO CG 0001) $1,000,000 (per occurrence) $2,000,000 (general aggregate) Commercial Auto Liability (at least as broad as ISO CA 0001) $1,000,000 (per accident) Errors and Omissions Liability $1,000,000 (per claim and aggregate) Workers' Compensation (per statutory requirements) Consultant shall carry automobile liability insurance of $1,000,000 per accident against all claims for injuries against persons or damages to property arising out of the use of any automobile by Consultant, its officers, any person directly or indirectly employed by Consultant, any subcontractor or agent, or anyone for whose acts any of them may be liable, arising directly or indirectly out of or related to Consultant's performance under this Agreement. If Consultant or Consultant's employees will use personal autos in any way on this project, Consultant shall provide evidence of personal auto liability coverage for each such person. The term "automobile" includes, but is not limited to, a land motor vehicle, trailer or semi -trailer designed for travel on public roads. The automobile insurance policy shall contain a severability of interest clause providing that coverage shall be Last revised 7-3-12 6 m_., 042 primary for losses arising out of Consultant's performance hereunder and neither City nor its insurers shall be required to contribute to such loss. . Professional Liability or Errors and Omissions Insurance as appropriate shall be written on a policy form coverage specifically designed to protect against acts, errors or omissions of the consultant and "Covered Professional Services" as designated in the policy must specifically include work performed under this agreement. The policy limit shall be no less than $1,000,000 per claim and in the aggregate. The policy must "pay on behalf of" the insured and must include a provision establishing the insurer's duty to defend. The policy retroactive date shall be on or before the effective date of this agreement. Consultant shall carry Workers' Compensation Insurance in accordance with State Worker's Compensation laws with employer's liability limits no less than $1,000,000 per accident or disease. All insurance required by this Section shall be kept in effect during the term of this Agreement and shall not be cancelable without written notice to City of proposed cancellation. The procuring of such insurance or the delivery of policies or certificates evidencing the same shall not be construed as a limitation of Consultant's obligation to indemnify City, its officers, employees, contractors, subcontractors, or agents. 5.2 Remedies. In addition to any other remedies City may have if Consultant fails to provide or maintain any insurance policies or policy endorsements to the extent and within the time herein required, City may, at its sole option: a. Obtain such insurance and deduct and retain the amount of the premiums for such insurance from any sums due under this Agreement. b. Order Consultant to stop work under this Agreement and/or withhold any payment(s) which become due to Consultant hereunder until Consultant demonstrates compliance with the requirements hereof. C. Terminate this Agreement. Exercise of any of the above remedies, however, is an alternative to any other remedies City may have. The above remedies are not the exclusive remedies for Consultant's failure to maintain or secure appropriate policies or endorsements. Nothing herein contained shall be construed as limiting in any way the extent to which Consultant may be held responsible for payments of damages to persons or property resulting from Consultant's or its subcontractors' performance of work under this Agreement. Last revised 7-3-12 7 043 5.3 General Conditions pertaining to provisions of insurance coverage by Consultant. Consultant and City agree to the following with respect to insurance provided by Consultant: 1. Consultant agrees to have its insurer endorse the third party general liability coverage required herein to include as additional insureds City, its officials, employees and agents, using standard ISO endorsement No. CG 2010 with an edition prior to 1992. Consultant also agrees to require all contractors, and subcontractors to do likewise. 2. No liability insurance coverage provided to comply with this Agreement shall prohibit Consultant, or Consultant's employees, or agents, from waiving the right of subrogation prior to a loss. Consultant agrees to waive subrogation rights against City regardless of the applicability of any insurance proceeds, and to require all contractors and subcontractors to do likewise. 3. All insurance coverage and limits provided by Contractor and available or applicable to this agreement are intended to apply to the full extent of the. policies. Nothing contained in this Agreement or any other agreement relating to the City or its operations limits the application of such insurance coverage. 4. None of the coverages required herein will be in compliance with these requirements if they include any limiting endorsement of any kind that has not been first submitted to City and approved of in writing. 5. No liability policy shall contain any provision or definition that would serve to eliminate so-called "third party action over" claims, including any exclusion for bodily injury to an employee of the insured or of any contractor or subcontractor. 6. All coverage types and limits required are subject to approval, modification and additional requirements by the City, as the need arises. Consultant shall not, make any reductions in scope of coverage (e.g. elimination of contractual liability or reduction of discovery period) that may affect City's protection without City's prior written consent. 7. Proof of compliance with these insurance requirements, consisting of certificates of insurance evidencing all of the coverages required and an additional insured endorsement to Consultant's general liability policy, shall be delivered to City at or prior to the execution of this Agreement. In the event such proof of any insurance is not delivered as required, or in the event such insurance is canceled at any time and no replacement coverage is provided, City has the right, but not the duty, to obtain any insurance it deems necessary to protect its interests under this or any other agreement and to pay the premium. Any premium so paid Last revised 7-3-12 8 044 by City shall be charged to and promptly paid by Consultant or deducted from sums due Consultant, at City option. 8. It is acknowledged by the parties of this agreement that all insurance coverage required to be provided by Consultant or any subcontractor, is intended to apply first and on a primary, non-contributing basis in relation to any other insurance or self insurance available to City. 9. Consultant agrees to ensure that subcontractors, and any other party involved with the project that is brought onto or involved in the project by Consultant, provide the same minimum insurance coverage required of Consultant. Consultant agrees to monitor and review all such coverage and assumes all responsibility for ensuring that such coverage is provided in conformity with the requirements of this section. Consultant agrees that upon request, all agreements with subcontractors and others engaged in the project will be submitted to City for review. 10. Consultant agrees not to self -insure or to use any self -insured retentions or deductibles on any portion of the insurance required herein (with the exception of professional liability coverage, if required) and further agrees that it will not allow any contractor, subcontractor, Architect, Engineer or other entity or person in any way involved in the performance of work on the project contemplated by this agreement to self -insure its obligations to City. If Consultant's existing coverage includes a deductible or self -insured retention, the deductible or self -insured retention must be declared to the City. At that time the City shall review options with the Consultant, which may include reduction or elimination of the deductible or self -insured retention, substitution of other coverage, or other solutions. 11. The City reserves the right at any time during the term of the contract to change the amounts and types of insurance required by giving the Consultant ninety (90) days advance written notice of such change. If such change results in substantial additional cost to the Consultant, the City will negotiate additional compensation proportional to the increased benefit to City. 12. For purposes of applying insurance coverage only, this Agreement will be deemed to have been executed immediately upon any party hereto taking any steps that can be deemed to be in furtherance of or towards performance of this Agreement. 13. Consultant acknowledges and agrees that any actual or alleged failure on the part of City to inform Consultant of non-compliance with any insurance requirement in no way imposes any additional obligations on City nor does it waive any rights hereunder in this or any other regard. Last revised 7-3-12 9 __, C 4 5 14. Consultant will renew the required coverage annually as long as City, or its employees or agents face an exposure from operations of any type pursuant to this agreement. This obligation applies whether or not the agreement is canceled or terminated for any reason. Termination of this obligation is not effective until City executes a written statement to that effect. 15. Consultant shall provide proof that policies of insurance required herein expiring during the term of this Agreement have been renewed or replaced with other policies providing at least the same coverage. Proof that such coverage has been ordered shall be submitted prior to expiration. A coverage binder or letter from Consultant's insurance agent to this effect is acceptable. A certificate of insurance and/or additional insured endorsement as required in these specifications applicable to the renewing or new coverage must be provided to City within five (5) days of the expiration of coverages. 16. The provisions of any workers' compensation or similar act will not limit the obligations of Consultant under this agreement. Consultant expressly agrees not to use any statutory immunity defenses under such laws with respect to City, its employees, officials and agents. 17. Requirements of specific coverage features or limits contained in this section are not intended as limitations on coverage, limits or other requirements nor as a waiver of any coverage normally provided by any given policy. Specific reference to a given coverage feature is for purposes of clarification only as it pertains to a given issue, and is not intended by any party or insured to be limiting or all-inclusive. 18. These insurance requirements are intended to be separate and distinct from any other provision in this agreement and are intended by the parties here to be interpreted as such. 19. The requirements in this Section supersede all other sections and provisions of this Agreement to the extent that any other section or provision conflicts with or impairs the provisions of this Section. 20. Consultant agrees to be responsible for ensuring that no contract used by any party involved in any way with the project reserves the right to charge City or Consultant for the cost of additional insurance coverage required by this agreement. Any such provisions are to be deleted with reference to City. It is not the intent of City to reimburse any third party for the cost of complying with these requirements. There shall be no recourse against City for payment of premiums or other amounts with respect thereto. Last ovised 7-3-12 10 ..,s . C46 21. Consultant agrees to provide immediate notice to City of any claim or loss against Consultant arising out of the work performed under this agreement. City assumes no obligation or liability by such notice, but has the right (but not the duty) to monitor the handling of any such claim or claims if they are likely to involve City. 6.0 INDEMNIFICATION. 6.1 General Indemnification Provision. a. Indemnification for Professional Liability. When the law establishes a professional standard of care for Consultant's Services, to the fullest extent permitted by law, Consultant shall indemnify, protect, defend and hold harmless City and any and all of its officials, employees and agents ("Indemnified Parties") from and against any and all claims, losses, liabilities of every kind, nature and description, damages, injury (including, without limitation, injury to or death of an employee of Consultant or subconsultants), costs and expenses of any kind, whether actual, alleged or threatened, including, without limitation, incidental and consequential damages, court costs, attorneys' fees, litigation expenses, and fees of expert consultants or expert witnesses incurred in connection therewith and costs of investigation, to the extent same are caused in whole or in part by any negligent or wrongful act, error or omission of Consultant, its officers, agents, employees or subconsultants (or any entity or individual that Consultant shall bear the legal liability thereof) in the performance of professional services under this agreement. With respect to the design of public improvements, the Consultant shall not be liable for any injuries or property damage resulting from the reuse of the design at a location other than that specified in Exhibit A without the written consent of the Consultant. b. Indemnification for Other Than Professional Liability. Other than in the performance of professional services and to the full extent permitted by law, Consultant shall indemnify, defend and hold harmless City, and any and all of its employees, officials and agents from and against any liability (including liability for claims, suits, actions, arbitration proceedings, administrative proceedings, regulatory proceedings, losses, expenses or costs of any kind, whether actual, alleged or threatened, including, without limitation, incidental and consequential damages, court costs, attorneys' fees, litigation expenses, and fees of expert consultants or expert witnesses) incurred in connection therewith and costs of investigation, where the same arise out of, are a consequence of, or are in any way attributable to, in. whole or in part, the performance of this Agreement by Consultant or by any individual or entity for which Consultant is legally liable, including but not limited to officers, agents, employees or subconsultants of Consultant. Last revised 7-3-12 1 I b_� . 047 6.2 Standard Indemnification Provisions. Consultant agrees to obtain executed indemnity agreements with provisions identical to those set forth herein this section from each and every subconsultant or any other person or entity involved by, for, with or on behalf of Consultant in the performance of this agreement. In the event Consultant fails to obtain such indemnity obligations from others as required herein, Consultant agrees to be fully responsible according to the terms of this section. Failure of City to monitor compliance with these requirements imposes no additional obligations on City and will in no way act as a waiver of any rights hereunder. This obligation to indemnify and defend City as set forth herein is binding on the successors, assigns or heirs of Consultant and shall survive the termination of this agreement or this section. a. Indemnity Provisions for Contracts Related to Construction. Without affecting the rights of City under any provision of this agreement, Consultant shall not be required to indemnify and hold harmless City for liability attributable to the active negligence of City, provided such active negligence is determined by agreement between the parties or by the findings of a court of competent jurisdiction. In instances where City is shown to have been actively negligent and where City's active negligence accounts for only a percentage of the liability involved, the obligation of Consultant will be for that entire portion or percentage of liability not attributable to the active negligence of City. b. Indemnification Provision for Design Professionals 1. Applicability of Section 6.2(b). Notwithstanding Section 6.2(a) hereinabove, the following indemnification provision shall apply to Consultants who constitute "design professionals" as the term is defined in paragraph 3 below. 2. Scope of Indemnification. To the fullest extent permitted by law, Consultant shall indemnify, defend, and hold harmless City and City's agents, officers, officials, employees, representatives, and departments ("Indemnified Parties") from and against any and all claims, losses, liabilities of every kind, nature and description, damages, injury (including, without limitation, injury to or death of an employee of Consultant or subconsultants), costs and expenses of any kind, whether actual, alleged or threatened, including, without limitation, incidental and consequential damages, court costs, attorneys' fees, litigation expenses, and fees of expert consultants or expert witnesses incurred in connection therewith and costs of investigation, that arise out of, pertain to, or relate to, directly or indirectly, in whole or in part, the negligence, recklessness, or willful misconduct of Consultant, any subconsultant, anyone directly or indirectly employed by them or anyone that they control. Las[ revised 7-3-12 12 ��i 3. Design Professional Defined. As used in this Section 6.21b1, the term "design professional" shall be limited to licensed architects, registered professional engineers, licensed professional land surveyors and landscape architects, all as defined under current law, and as may be amended from time to time by Civil Code § 2782.8. 7.0 RECORDS AND REPORTS. 7.1 Reports. Consultant shall periodically prepare and submit to the Contract Officer such reports concerning Consultant's performance of the services required by this Agreement as the Contract Officer shall require. 7.2 Records. Consultant shall keep such books and records as shall be necessary to perform the services required by this Agreement and enable the Contract Officer to evaluate the cost and the performance of such services. Books and records pertaining to costs shall be kept and prepared in accordance with generally accepted accounting principals. The Contract Officer shall have full and free access to such books and records at all reasonable times, including the right to inspect, copy, audit, and make records and transcripts from such records. 7.3 Ownership of Documents. Originals of all drawings, specifications, reports, records, documents and other materials, whether in hard copy or electronic form, which are prepared by Consultant, its employees, subcontractors and.agents in the performance of this Agreement, shall be the property of City and shall be delivered to City upon termination of this Agreement or upon the earlier request of the Contract Officer, and Consultant shall have no claim for further employment or additional compensation as a result of the exercise by City of its full rights of ownership of the documents and materials hereunder. Consultant shall cause all subcontractors to assign to City any documents or materials prepared by them, and in the event Consultant fails to secure such assignment, Consultant shall indemnify City for all damages suffered thereby. In the event City or any person, firm or corporation authorized by City reuses said documents and materials without written verification or adaptation by Consultant for the specific purpose intended and causes to be made or makes any changes or alterations in said documents and materials, City hereby releases, discharges, and exonerates Consultant from liability resulting from said change. The provisions of this clause shall survive the completion of this Contract and shall thereafter remain in full force and effect. Last revised 7-3-12 13 049 7.4 Release of Documents. The drawings, specifications, reports, records, documents and other materials prepared by Consultant in the performance of services under this Agreement shall not be released publicly without the prior written approval of the Contract Officer or as required by law. Consultant shall not disclose to any other entity or person any information regarding the activities of City, except as required by law or as authorized by City. 8.0 ENFORCEMENT OF AGREEMENT. 8.1 California Law. This Agreement shall be construed and interpreted both as to validity and to performance of the parties in accordance with the laws of the State of California. Legal actions concerning any dispute, claim or matter arising out of or in relation to this Agreement shall be instituted in the Superior Court of the County of Riverside, State of California, or any other appropriate court in such county, and Consultant covenants and agrees to submit to the personal jurisdiction of such court in the event of such action. 8.2 Disputes. In the event of any dispute arising under this Agreement, the injured party shall notify the injuring party in writing of its contentions by submitting a claim therefore. The injured party shall continue performing its obligations hereunder so long as the injuring party commences to cure such default within ten (10) days of service.of such notice and completes the cure of such default within forty-five (45) days after service of the notice, or such longer period as may be permitted by the Contract Officer; provided that if the default is an immediate danger to the health, safety and general welfare, City may take such immediate action as City deems warranted. Compliance with the provisions of this section shall be a condition precedent to termination of this Agreement for cause and to any legal action, and such compliance shall not be a waiver of any party's right to take legal action in the event that the dispute is not cured, provided that nothing herein shall limit City's right to terminate this Agreement without cause pursuant to Section 8.7. 8.3 Retention of Funds. City may withhold from any monies payable to Consultant sufficient funds to compensate City for any losses, costs; liabilities, or damages it reasonably believes were suffered by City due to the default of Consultant in the performance of the services required by this Agreement. 8.4 Waiver. No delay or omission in the exercise of any right or remedy of a non defaulting party on any default shall impair such right or remedy or be construed as a waiver. City's consent or approval of any act by Consultant requiring City's consent or approval shall not be deemed to waive or render unnecessary City's consent to or approval of any subsequent act of Consultant. Any waiver by either party of any default must be in writing and shall not be a Last revised 7-3-12 14 :��� C50 waiver of any other default concerning the same or any other provision of this Agreement. 8.5 Rights and Remedies are Cumulative. Except with respect to rights and remedies expressly declared to be exclusive in this Agreement, the rights and remedies of the parties are cumulative and the exercise by either party of one or more of such rights or remedies shall not preclude the exercise by it, at the same or different times, of any other rights or remedies for the same default or any other default by the other party. 8.6 Legal Action. In addition to any other rights or remedies, either party may take legal action, at law or at equity, to cure, correct or remedy any default, to recover damages for any default, to compel specific performance of this Agreement, to obtain injunctive relief, or to obtain any other remedy consistent with the purposes of this Agreement. 8.7 Termination Prior To Expiration Of Term. This section shall govern any termination of this Agreement, except as specifically provided in the following Section 8.8 for termination for cause. City reserves the right to terminate this Agreement at any time, with or without cause, upon thirty (30) days' written notice to Consultant. Upon receipt of any notice of termination, Consultant shall immediately cease all services hereunder except such as may be specifically approved by the Contract Officer. Consultant shall be entitled to compensation for all services rendered prior to receipt of the notice of termination and for any services authorized by the Contract Officer thereafter in accordance with the Schedule of Compensation or such as may be approved by the Contract Officer, except as provided in Section 8.3. 8.8 Termination for Default of Consultant. If termination is due to the failure of Consultant to fulfill its obligations under this Agreement, City may, after compliance with the provisions of Section 8.2, take over work and prosecute the same to completion by contract or otherwise, and Consultant shall be liable to the extent that the total cost for completion of the services required hereunder exceeds the compensation herein stipulated (provided that City shall use reasonable efforts to mitigate such damages), and City may withhold any payments to Consultant for the purpose of setoff or partial payment of the amounts owed City as previously stated in Section 8.3. 8.9 Attorneys' Fees. If either party commences an action against the other party arising out of or in connection with this Agreement, the prevailing party shall be entitled to recover reasonable attorneys' fees and costs of suit from the losing party. Last revised 7-3-12 15 •. _ 051 9.0 CITY OFFICERS AND EMPLOYEES; NONDISCRIMINATION. 9.1 Non -liability of City Officers and Employees. No officer or employee of City shall be personally liable to Consultant, or any successor in interest, in the event or any default or breach by City or for any amount which may become due to Consultant or to its successor, or for breach of any obligation of the terms of this Agreement. 9.2 Conflict of Interest. .No officer or employee of City shall have any personal interest, direct or indirect, in this Agreement nor shall any such officer or employee participate in any decision relating to the Agreement which affects his or her personal interest or the interest of any corporation, partnership or association in which she or he is, directly or indirectly, interested, in violation of any State statute or regulation. Consultant warrants that it has not paid or given and will not pay or give any third party any money or general consideration for obtaining this Agreement. 9.3 Covenant against Discrimination. Consultant covenants that, by and for itself, its heirs, executors, assigns, and all persons claiming under or through them, that there shall be no discrimination against or segregation of, any person or group of persons on account of race, color, creed, religion, sex, marital status, national origin or ancestry in the performance of this Agreement. Consultant shall take affirmative action to insure that applicants are employed and that employees are treated during employment without regard to their race, color, creed, religion, sex, marital status, national origin or ancestry. 10.0 MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS 10.1 Notice. Any notice, demand, request, consent, approval, communication either party desires or is required to give the other party or any other person shall be in writing and either served personally or sent by prepaid, first-class mail to the address set forth below. Either party may change its address by notifying the other party of the change of address in writing. Notice shall be deemed communicated forty-eight (48) hours from the time of mailing if mailed as provided in this section. To City: CITY OF LA QUINTA Attention: Frank Spevacek, City Manager 78-495 Calle Tampico P.O. Box 1504 La Quinta, California 92247-1504 Last revised 7-3-12 16 To Consultant: Prest Vuksic Architects Attention: David G. Prest, AIA Principal 44530 San Pablo Avenue, Suite 200 Palm Desert, CA 92260 .�.� C52 10.2 Integrated Agreement. This Agreement contains all of the agreements of the parties and all previous understanding, negotiations and agreements are integrated into and superseded by this Agreement. 10.3 Amendment. This Agreement may be amended at any time by the mutual consent of the parties by an instrument in writing signed by both parties. 10.4 Severability. In the event that any one or more of the phrases, sentences, clauses, paragraphs, or sections contained in this Agreement shall be declared invalid or unenforceable by a valid judgment or decree of a court of competent jurisdiction, such invalidity or unenforceability shall not affect any of the remaining phrases, sentences, clauses, paragraphs, or sections of this Agreement which are hereby declared as severable and shall be interpreted to carry out the intent of the parties hereunder. 10.5 Authority. The persons executing this Agreement on behalf of the parties hereto warrant that they are duly authorized to execute this Agreement on behalf of said parties and that by so executing this Agreement the parties hereto are formally bound to the provisions of this Agreement. (The remainder of this page intentionally left blank) Last revised 7-3-12 17 .n..' C 5.3 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this Agreement as of the dates stated below. CITY OF LA QUINTA a California municipal corporation Frank J. Spevacek, City Manager ATTEST: Susan Maysels, City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: Katherine Jenson, City Attorney PRIEST VUKSIC ARCHITECTS By: Name: DbvidtG. Prest, AIA Title: Principal Date: 2oZ O Las[ revised 7-3-12 18 Date 054 Exhibit A Scope of Services Consultant's scope of work to related to the Preparation of the Plans, Specifications, and Engineer's Estimate (PS&E) for the Sports Complex Lighting and Rehabilitation and Expansion, Project No. 2012-02 is attached and made a part of this agreement. Last revised 7-3-12 19 055 March 6, 2013 PREST VUKSIC A R C H I T E C T S SCOPE OF WORK PROJECT. CITY OF LA QUINTA SPORTS COMPLEX LIGHTING REHABILITAION & EXPANSION The following represents the Scope of Services to be provided for this project 1. Prepare the environmental document to comply with the requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA(. 2. Perform field survey of the existing facility and the area for expansion and prepare an AutoCAD base map. The base map will include all visible structures and show approximate locations of underground conduits and piping. (The final construction documents will require the contractor to provide pot holes at all critical locations prior to proceeding with work(. 3. Coordinate with the local utility company on locations of existing structures and existing power capacities to insure the new expansion loads can be added to the existing electrical service. 4. Provide field investigation and provide a set of existing as -built drawings depicting the existing conditions. 5. Provide project cover sheet that includes construction notes, project locations, list of codes, vicinity map etc. 6. Provide an overall site plan illustrating the project requirements and required for submittal to the Division of the State Architect (DSA(. 7. Prepare the electrical and lighting construction documents that illustrate the new electrical wiring to the existing lighting system and new lighting in the expansion area. 8. Provide individual controls for each defined field using the existing Musco control system with modifications required for upgrades and new loads. 9. Provide new point by point photometric plans illustrating the on -site and off -site illumination calculations. 10. Prepare the project specifications the will include a detailed project description, preparation of a bid schedule, special provisions, technical specifications DSA requirements including a third party inspection requirements for the electrical upgrades of the existing facility and new expansion work. 11. Assist the City of La Quinta with the preparation of the project Bid Documents. 12. Provide an engineers cost estimate for the complete project. 44530 SAN PABLO AVE SUITE 200 PALM DESERT CA 92260 T . 760 779 5393 F . 760 779 5395 „ :14 0156 December 19, 2012 PREST VUKSIC A R C H I T E C T S SCOPE OF WORK Continued PROJECT: CITY OF LA QUINTA SPORTS COMPLEX LIGHTING REHABILITAION & EXPANSION 13. Provide three (3( project coordination meetings with the City of La Quinta and Desert Sands Unified School District (DSUSD(. These meeting will include pre -design meetings, progress meetings and final review meeting. 14. Attend up to Two (2( community meetings and up to (2( City of La Quinta City Council meetings and/or DSUSD Board meetings. 15. Provide project submittals to the City of La Quinta and DSUSD all plans, specifications and cost estimates required for review and approval. These submittals will include the following; a. Concept review b. 85-90% Plan Check & Specifications c. 100% Plan Check & Specifications — the approved plans shall be submitted to DSA for their review by the project architect and shall include all activities required to secure approval including obtaining the DSA tracking number and making all requested plan changes to secure final approval. d. DSA approved plans shall be submitted to the City of La Quinta City Council for approval prior to advertising for bid. e. All final approved plans will be provided to the City of La Quinta on disk in AutoCAD 2008 or higher along with "D" size Mylar's of all drawing documents. Project specifications and cost estimates shall be provided on disk in Word and Excel format. 16. Attend a Pre -Bid mandatoryjob walk meeting to review and describe the project and bid requirements with the City of La Quinta. 17. Respond to all pre -bid request for information (RFI( questions from the bidders during the bid process. 18. During the construction phase the consultant shall visit the project site three (3( times during construction to review progress of the work and provide clarification to questions submitted as request for information (RFI( during construction. 19. Provide a final inspection at the end of the project during working hours and at night with the contractor in attendance to inspect the final lighting system in operation. 20. Provide a final job walk report illustrating the findings during the day -time and noght0time job walk. 44530 SAN PABLO AVE SUITE 200 PALM DESERT CA 92260 T . 760 779 5393 F .760 779 5395 Exhibit B Schedule of Compensation With the exception of compensation for Additional Services, provided for in Section 2.2 of this Agreement, the maximum total compensation to be paid to Consultant under this Agreement is Fifty Nine Thousand, One Hundred Fifty Seven Dollars. ($59,157.O0) ("Contract Sum"). The Contract. Sum shall be paid to Consultant in installment payments made on a monthly basis and in an amount identified in Consultants Schedule of Compensation attached hereto for the work tasks performed and properly invoiced by Consultant in conformance with Section 2.2 of the Agreement. e Last revised 7-3-12 20 .r,.'s .. C 5 8 J O N O O O S O O S O O O O O O O O O N a n yS� V T S Omi pO 01 S O S pO Of m O ' ' mO oO m S S N O ON F m m O n N N m N m W N N N Y N N OI m N m m O Y mN J N WO O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O o O O O O O O O S O O O Z O O O O O O O O O O O 10 O O O O O O N 1O� ry F N 11YLL a m _z zF E N N Q ❑ w O O O O O O O O O O O O O S O O S O O 8 S O S O S OO O 00 O O O O O O O O S O S O S O S O J O m N O N Y ON 4 N d N F F 1 N M N d Z Z f W h0J g e6 WMWU' » Q > Z F zgLL a❑ z o O 0 o 0 0 0 0 o 0 g o o S S g S g o 0 0 0 0 o g g o0 oU_ ❑ m J S pO O o 'O 8 00 O 10 O OO OO C p O O O OO OO G C eeO Z❑ z W ❑ Z m m U O Z N W irc&zg wwz mwz W❑ � W n I O m N O m m d O S O O O O O O O O O O O O m N b S S O O S S O S O O O S S O S S O O O S S p N J W W J � YI S ur O O m O m N O m OO d O n OO a 8i O m O m OO O m O m O m O m 8 O ^ tJ W n N N N_ N N O N n n ry m m m N N N N m N O m O o Z z W Q W Q Kw N Z W mm m y Z n d r�o 7 » ww0 > w O W 2 r W n d N m m m O w an ¢ S O N n N m N d d O d d d Y N S a ¢ g 0 0 o S o o S g g 0 0 o S o 0 o g o0 e m p o n o 0 M o o m o 0 vmi . o o c p c iW 2 N J O U N z W m U OF ZUQ m i p ❑ z O U z O LL u ry ~ Q m R z O U m Z O J. w w J 6 LL a Q - z g w 0 a a m J aN i N O a ❑ F zW z g OO ❑ m> J w Q W Q ❑H ❑ tt , U U O f z U O O i ❑ xWW z w LL z U ❑= U Qk m O� U ° w � a a ❑ U U m oU O Lu 2 K U K 0 0 K U U 2 Z Z Z J O K j 6 <QOW K W W Z m O U < ❑ 1 i W LL Q U J U F F n F m ❑ m Q cr� O W W W O N w W Q N J 2 J K m W W W w N ❑ O W Q d U LL m R m d' m ❑ W N 6 W m m f i f i ❑ m U K H ,. ; . 059 Exhibit C Schedule of Performance Consultant shall complete all services identified in the Scope of Services, Exhibit "A" of this Agreement in accordance with the attached Project Schedule, attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference. Last revised 7-3-12 21 ..11". � 060 �F ,€ Ig { ... ..... ...... ....... F :e. ,1. ,c. to ;e I I - C __ _ ___ __ _I _._ ___ Exhibit D Special Requirements None. Lut revised 7-3-12 22 am• � CITY / SA / HA / FA MEETING DATE: March 5, 2013 AGENDA CATEGORY: BUSINESS SESSION: _ ITEM TITLE: Excuse Vice Chairman Robert Wight's CONSENT CALENDAR: Absence from the February 12, 2013, Planning Commission Meeting STUDY SESSION: PUBLIC HEARING: RECOMMENDED ACTION: Approve a request from Vice Chairman Robert Wright to be excused from the February 12, 2013, Planning Commission meeting. BACKGROUND/ANALYSIS: Vice Chairman Wright requested to be excused from the February 12, 2013, Planning Commission meeting (Attachment 1). La Quinta Municipal Code Section 2.06.020(B) allows a member to be absent from two consecutive regular meetings or three scheduled meetings within a fiscal year without causing his/her office to become vacant. A request may be made for Council to excuse an absence after - the -fact, for extenuating circumstances, and the absence would then not be counted toward the limitation on absences. Vice Chairman Wright has had no other absences during this fiscal year and staff recommends his absence be excused by Council. ALTERNATIVES: Deny Vice Chairman Wright's request to be excused. Denial of the request would result in the absence being counted toward his limitation on absences as noted above. 063 , Community Development Director Attachment: 1. Request from Vice Chairman Wright F,, l 064 Monika Radeva Sent: Tuesday, Tuesday February 26,2101377:56AMn.net> S pTTA�HMENT # I To: Monika Radeva M Subject: Re: Request to Execuse an Absence Monika, I am asking to be excused from missing the last Planning Commission meeting. I have been recovering from double pneumonia and an eight day stint in the hospital. I will be attending the next scheduled meeting. Bob Wright Sent from my iPhone n.._:.:. 065 AGENDA CATEGORY: CITY/SA/HA/FA MEETING DATE: March 5, 2013 BUSINESS SESSION: / ITEM TITLE: Second Round Community Services CONSENT CALENDAR: Grants and Funding Requests STUDY SESSION: PUBLIC HEARING: RECOMMENDED ACTION: Approve funding for the following Family YMCA of the Desert for $3,000; Desert ARC for $2,060; Hidden Harvest for $2,000; Benjamin Franklin Elementaryi PTO for $2,000; Stroke Recovery Center for $1,000; Blackhawk Forensics for $1,000; Blood Bank of San Bernardino and Riverside Counties for $1,000; First Composite Group Association for $1,000; Gems of the Desert for $1,000; ACT for MS for $1,000; j Tools For Tomorrow for $500. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: The Ad Hoc Committee (Mayor Adolph and Council Member Osborne) reviewed sixteen Community Services Grant applications from eligible 501(c)3 non-profit organizations. The City Council may approve or modify the Ad Hoc Committee's recommendations. Staff recommends that the City Council approve the Ad Hoc Committee's recommendations. FISCAL IMPACT: The City Council budgeted $37,450 for community services grants. City Council awarded $19,100 in the first round, leaving $18,350 in the Special Project Contingency account for future grant applications. The City received $79,670 in grant requests this second round. The Ad Hoc Committee is recommending funding $15,500 to 11 non-profit organizations. C66 BACKGROUND/ANALYSIS: Grant Guidelines (Attachment 1) specify that only 501(03 non-profit organizations are eligible to apply, are limited to $5,000 per request, and cannot receive consecutive fiscal year funding. The exception to consecutive fiscal year funding is funding requests for City facility rental fees. The following table summarizes the requests and Ad Hoc Committee's recommendation for this second round: Applicant Applied Committee Recommendation Family YMCA of the Desert $5,000 $3,000 Desert ARC $5,000 $2,000 Hidden Harvest $5,000 $2,000 Benjamin Franklin Elementary PTO $2,000 $2,000 Stroke Recovery Center $5,000 $1,000 Blackhawk Forensics $2,000 $1,000 Blood Bank of San Bernardino and Riverside Counties $3,670 $1,000 First Composite Group Association $2,000 $1,000 Gems of the Desert $5,000 $1,000 ACT for MS $5,000 $1,000 Tools For Tomorrow $5,000 $500 FIND Food Bank $5,000 $0 Coachella Valley Volunteers in Medicine $5,000 $0 Galilee Center $5,000 $0 Birth Choice of the Desert $5,000 $0 Sea & Desert interpretive Association $15,000 $0 Total $79,670 $15,500 Recommended Grant Requests: 1. The Family YMCA of the Desert requested $5,000 to provide free swim lessons for both children and adults who reside in La Quinta. Swim classes will be offered at the Fritz Burns Pool in summer 2013. This organization was last funded $5,000 in Fiscal Year 2010/2011. The Ad Hoc Committee recommended funding $3,000. 2. Desert ARC is requesting $5,000 to purchase 55-gallon water storage drums to ensure a 3-day supply of potable water is available for their staff and all clients with developmental disabilities as part of their Emergency Preparedness Program. Through the implementation of the agency -wide emergency preparedness plan, clients practice through assimilated situations and repetitive drills to prepare for all disasters and to learn what is required �� C67 to stay safe. This organization was last funded $1,500 in Fiscal Year 2009/2010. The Ad Hoc Committee recommended funding $2,000. 3. Hidden Harvest is requesting $5,000 to support their Senior Farmers Market project, which takes fresh and healthy produce directly to low-income seniors where they live. Funding for this project would help defray costs of transporting produce and help purchase produce wholesale when Coachella Valley fields are fallow. A free mini produce market specifically for low- income seniors is held twice a month in La Quinta. This organization has never been funded. The Ad Hoc Committee recommended funding $2,000. 4. Benjamin Franklin Elementary PTO is requesting $2,000 to pay facility rental fees for usage of the Senior Center for a silent auction fundraiser to benefit the Spanish, Arts, and Science programs and to help pay for the International Baccalaureate fees for the school. This organization was last funded $2,000 for facility rental fees in Fiscal Year 201 1 /2012. The Ad Hoc Committee recommended funding $2,000 for Senior Center facility rental fees. 5. The Stroke Recovery Center is requesting $5,000 to be used for general support of their professionally trained staff to assist clients in exercise, recreational, speech and socialization therapies to improve daily living skills. Stroke Recovery Center's non -clinical comprehensive rehabilitation programs address the physical, cognitive, and socialization needs of impaired stroke survivors. This organization was last funded $1,000 in Fiscal Year 2010/2011. The Ad Hoc Committee recommended funding $1,000. 6. The La Quinta High School Blackhawk Forensics team is requesting $2,000 to sponsor the debate team's transportation, training materials, and tournament costs. This school organization was last funded $1,000 in Fiscal Year 2010/2011. The Ad -Hoc Committee recommended funding $1,000. 7. The Blood Bank of San Bernardino and Riverside Counties is requesting $3,670 to purchase 1,000 EldonCard blood typing kits. The blood type testing kits will be used for new donors, targeting high school and college donors, with the goal of identifying and increasing O negative blood donors in the Coachella Valley. This organization (LifeStream) was last funded $2,000 in Fiscal Year 2008/2009. The Ad Hoc Committee recommended funding $1,000. 8. The First Composite Group Association is requesting $2,000 to fund the operation of their mobile educational museum. Their mobile exhibit travels and teaches WWII history to local schools, libraries, special events, and air shows. Funding would be used to print educational curriculum and to maintain their mobile education center. This organization was last funded $2,000 in Fiscal Year 2010/2011. The Ad Hoc Committee recommended funding $1,000. F :. C68 9. The Gems of the Desert (City of Hope) is requesting $5,000 to support research in the areas of cancer and diabetes and to provide treatment options for residents of La Quinta and the Coachella Valley. The Gems of the Desert is one of City of Hope's fundraising chapters comprised of residents living in La Quinta. This organization was last funded $1,000 in Fiscal Year 2008/2009. The Ad Hoc Committee recommended funding $1,000. 10. ACT for MS is requesting $5,000 to support their Enhanced Strength Training, Flexibility and Circulation Improvement Project. This project is based on the latest medical knowledge about Multiple Sclerosis and relies only on medically recognized non-invasive methods of managing the disease. This tested program model helps keep individuals living with MS healthier, more mobile, and out of hospitals and nursing facilities. This organization was last funded $2,000 in Fiscal Year 2010/2011. The Ad Hoc Committee recommended funding $1,000. 11. Tools for Tomorrow is requesting $5,000 to keep their current programs running in all the schools they currently serve, but primarily to support the program at Harry S. Truman Elementary in La Quinta. It costs $8,500 per year per school to provide direct services to children including teachers, supplies, materials, musical instruments, books, and snacks. This organization provides a free after school integrated art -literacy program for at -risk elementary school children in grades 3 to 5. This organization was last funded $2,000 in Fiscal Year 2010/2011. The Ad Hoc Committee recommended funding $500. Grant Requests not recommended for funding and/or did not meet the criteria in the Grant Guidelines include: 12. FIND Food Bank is requesting $5,000 to support their Kids Summer Feeding program. This program is aimed at filling the summer -meals void many children from low-income families experience. Children participating in the Kids Summer Feeding program will have access to fresh fruits such as nectarines, plums, pears, apples, and strawberries, in addition to other non - produce items. This organization was last funded $5,000 in Fiscal Year 2011/2012. The Ad Hoc Committee did not recommend funding because this organization was funded last fiscal year. 13. The Coachella Valley Volunteers in Medicine (CVVIM) is requesting $5,000 to offset operating costs of the CVVIM clinic. The CVVIM clinic is the only free clinic in the Coachella Valley that offers both medical and dental services to low-income, uninsured individuals and families. CVVIM receives no governmental reimbursement and relies exclusively on grants and donations for operating funds. This organization has never been funded. 14. The Galilee Center is requesting $5,000 to assist with food distribution program costs. The Galilee Center is located in Thermal and serves the 069 needs of the underprivileged farm workers and economically disadvantaged families in the Eastern Coachella Valley by providing them with weekly food baskets. The Galilee Center is the only food distribution site located in Thermal close to the farm worker clients in need. This organization has never been funded. 15. Birth Choice of the Desert is requesting $5,000 to fund and expand their Teen Outreach Program into La Quinta. Birth Choice of the Desert is a pregnancy resource center that provides assistance, information, education, and support services to teenage girls and young women in the Coachella Valley. Their Teen Outreach Program covers teen health topics such as prevention of teen pregnancy. This organization has never been funded. 16. The Sea & Desert Interpretive Association is requesting $15,000 to be used for operational expenses including the Interpretive Program. Operational expenses include staff salaries, administrative costs, maintenance, and purchasing interpretive materials such as new audio visual equipment, an outside screened in area for evening programs and Jr. Ranger programs, van rental to transport underserved community children to interpretive programs, and repairs to the campfire center and interpretive signage. This organization has never been funded. All grant applications are available for review in the Community Services Department. ALTERNATIVES: Approve funding per Grant Guidelines for any or all grant applications received. COMMISSIONS/BOARD/COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATIONS: All grant funding recommendations stated in this report were executed by the Ad Hoc Committee comprised of Mayor Adolph and Council Member Osborne. The Ad Hoc Committee will provide explanations for funding recommendations as needed. Respectfully submitted, A � 6 Edie Hylton Community Services Director Attachment: 1. City of La Quinta Grant Guidelines �_, 070 ATTACHMENT 1 F 2 n N.. CE`k OFF GRANT GUIDELINES The City of La Quinta offers the Grant Program for Community Services Support and Economic Development/Marketing and Sponsorships. Community Services Grants go to recognized nonprofit organizations that benefit the residents of La Quinta. Priority for funding is granted to organizations that directly benefit La Quinta residents, second consideration is given to organizations that indirectly affect the quality of life for the residents of La Quinta. Economic Development Grants go to organizations that will help strengthen the business community of La Quinta. Marketing and Sponsorship Grants go to organizations that would benefit the City of La Quinta in a marketing capacity. Individuals are not eligible for funding through the City of La Quinta Grant Program. Organizations that receive Community Development Block Grants from the City of La Quinta during the same fiscal year are not eligible for funding through the Community Services Grant program. Organizations that have been funded are ineligible for funding for the next fiscal year Requests are limited to an amount not to exceed $5,000. A second tier is available for Economic Development/Marketing requests above $5,000 (submission of a detailed marketing/media plan is required in connection with these requests). La Quinta service organizations may request funds to be applied directly to rental fees for City facilities for consecutive years without the $5,000 funding limit. Completed grant applications will be initially reviewed by a designated Grant Review Committee who will then recommend consideration of approved grants to City Council. For Economic Development/Marketing requests above $5,000, an in depth review will be conducted by the La Quinta Marketing Committee. Applications are due three weeks before the scheduled City Council meeting. Applicants will be informed 1-2 weeks prior to the City Council meeting regarding the status of their request. Typed applications are preferred. Incomplete applications will be returned to the applicant. Organizations requesting "seed" money are required to obtain matching funds from other sources in the same fiscal year before Community Service Grant funds will be released. For more information on the City of La Quinta Grant program, please contact the Community Services Department at (760) 777-7090. �r 071 CITY/SA/HA/FA MEETING DATE: March 5, 2013 ITEM TITLE: Video Broadcasting City Council Meetings and Related Council Chamber Improvements RECOMMENDED ACTION: AGENDA CATEGORY: BUSINESS SESSION: CONSENT CALENDAR: STUDY SESSION: PUBLIC HEARING: Provide direction regarding recording City Council meetings and posting them on the City's website; replacing the Council Chamber sound walls; replacing the Council Chamber seat fabric and carpeting; and purchasing and displaying local art work on the back wall of the Council Chambers. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: At the request of the City Council and residents, staff has been researching options to video record City Council meetings, update the lighting and audio systems, and refurbish the Council Chambers by replacing the acoustical wall paneling, the carpeting and the seating upholstery, and placing local art on the back walls of the Chamber. These improvements could be accomplished in the following manner: • Undertake an easy -to -implement approach that would record the meetings and link the recorded videos to the City's website. This method would require no modifications to the Chambers but the video and audio quality may be less desirable. A private vendor would be retained to provide this service. • Implement an improved video recording program that entails purchasing fixed cameras and revise the sound system so that the video recorder could better interface with the Council Chamber audio system. This option would generate higher quality video and audio recordings. The City would purchase and install the equipment, and could either use a private vendor or City staff to record the meetings and link the recording to the City web site. • Embark upon a long term refurbishment program wherein additional improvements would be made in order to address items that are aging and failing, and to refresh materials that are 20 years old. These improvements would include replacing acoustical panels, upgrading lighting, upgrading the sound system, replacing carpeting and upholstery, and adding artwork on"the 072 , ., • back walls of the Council Chambers. These improvements would address comments that staff has received from residents and Council regarding these deficiencies. FISCAL IMPACT: The easy -to -implement option would cost, approximately, up to $1,000 per meeting with a total cost of $7,000 to record all of the City Council meetings scheduled for the rest of this fiscal year. The annual cost to record all Council meetings would be approximately $25,000. These expenses could be paid out of the Civic Center Building and Maintenance Budget. The annual cost for an improved recording option would be $60,000. Included in this cost is the one-time cost to purchase equipment and implement minor sound system improvements, and operating costs associated with recording the meetings and uploading the recordings to the City's web site. Staff estimates that the cost to refurbish the Council Chambers would be $205,669. These costs could be budgeted as a future capital improvement project and paid for out of the City Equipment Replacement Funds. Funding is available in the Art in Public Places Fund Account for the art work. BACKGROUND/ANALYSIS: On December 4, 2012, staff brought the Study Session item "Public, Educational, and Government Cable Franchise Fee" forward for discussion. The report proposed requesting Time Warner Cable and Verizon California to levy a 1 % fee on La Quinta residents for system/building improvements and equipment to record City Council meetings. The City Council expressed an interest in video recording the Council meetings but to not impose the fee in order to fund the equipment purchase and Council Chamber improvements. Staff was given direction to look into alternative funding methods and to consult with local video production professionals. Easy to Implement Approach Staff then consulted with several local vendors who visited the Council Chambers and presented options. The vendors were Orlando Sapido, Chip Miller, and Fernando Zavala. All generally outlined the following approach: • Use a single video camera on a tripod set in a fixed location with a camera operator located near the camera for the duration of the meeting. • Meeting audio will be recorded from the Chambers public address system by connecting into the audio channel. • Video will be uploaded to the City of La Quinta's website within 24 hours after the meeting. • Zooming and panning from person to person (may cause motion -blur during transitions)• -s. 073 The City could circulate a request for proposals to implement this option and secure a private vendor to provide this service. Improved Recording Approach This approach would improve the quality of the video and adds the ability to index the videos so they match the meeting agendas. The aspects of this approach include: • Three cameras mounted to interior walls of the Council Chambers and updated video recording equipment. A camera operator located inside the audio/visual room adjacent to Council Chamber. e Meeting audio will be recorded from the Chamber's public address system by tapping into the audio channel in the production room. • Video streamed live in real-time during meeting via internet; available on City's website within four hours after conclusion of meeting. Video live streaming could take place at no additional cost. The quality of the live stream (to the recipient) would be dependent on the internet connection and the equipment the end user is using. • Video indexing along with meeting agenda to enable user to move to sections of video that match agenda items. • Zooming and panning with little motion -blur due to multiple camera angles. In order to implement this approach, the City would need to purchase and mount cameras, and determine if it is more cost effective to use City staff or a private vendor to monitor and upload the recordings. Staff would also recommend that a request for proposals be circulated if the Council elected this option. Council Chamber Refurbishment Staff has received City Council and resident comments about the declining quality of the audio system, the video presentation system, the condition of the sound walls (sagging materials)'and the worn look of the carpeting and chair upholstery. As part of the research on the video recording aspect, staff also contacted vendors to view the Council Chambers and provide cost estimates to address these conditions. The Council Chambers have not been refreshed since they opened in 1993. Staff also explored the feasibility of hanging public artwork the back walls in order to celebrate community virtues. These details include: • Replacing the existing fabric sound walls that are over 20 years old. The material on majority of these panels is detaching, particularly when the humidity rises. Staff has obtained estimates from acoustic panel companies for the removal of the existing sound panels and their replacement. This is estimated at $76,764. -.rl 074 • The high -traffic areas of the carpeting show signs of wear and fabric matting. Estimates were obtained to provide a similar quality as the carpeting; the estimated replacement cost is $35,980. • The seat fabric shows signs of wear and damage. Estimates to re-cover these seats in a similar quality, high durability fabric is $32,000. • A series of eight framed canvas, panels could be added along the back wall of the Council Chambers. The panels would be 4'x6' and could illustrate a desert landscape. These are estimated to cost $19,200. ' ALTERNATIVES The City Council could elect to just move forward to video record the Council meetings using a private vendor and elect to purchase and install the better video system at this time. Based upon the viewership, the Council could then elect to invest in the better recording option if viewers demand better quality recordings. Regarding the Chamber improvements, staff believes that at some point in the near future the City will need to invest in refurbishing the Chambers. The Chambers serve as a community gathering facility. They represent the community's collective idea of how it sees itself. These improvements would reinforce the community's quality image. Respectfully submitted, Edie Hylton Community Services Director „ 075 Department Report: !- A / 1 OF Q TO: The Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Cou .1 FROM: Les Johnson, Community Development Dire or DATE: March 5, 2013 SUBJECT: Status of SilverRock Development Proposals On January 31, letters were transmitted to each developer who previously addressed City Council regarding SilverRock Resort development opportunities. The letter outlined the City's interest in proceeding with a phased development approach and its intent to select a developer for the first phase of development. Four developers have expressed an interest in being considered for the project. The four developers are: • Beverly Park Development Group • Discovery Land Company • Meriwether Companies • Plan B Resolution Advisors Staff is currently reviewing the additional information provided by these developers and will be conducting meetings with each of them this week and early next week. Depending upon the outcome of the upcoming meetings, staff will report back to City Council on either March 19 or April 2. 076 DEPARTMENT REPORT: T4&t 4 e4& MEMORANDUM TO: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council FROM: Edie Hylton, Community Services Direct DATE: March 5, 2013 RE: La Quinta Arts Foundation Festival Patron Profile Study As a condition of the La Quinta Arts Foundation (LOAF) Contract Services Agreement, LOAF is required to complete a comprehensive report identifying the economic impact of the La Quinta Arts Festival. LOAF is completing a Patron Profile Study to identify these impacts. The cost for this in-depth study is being paid in full by LOAF. Christi Salamone, Executive Director of LOAF, provided the following outline of the schedule of the work to be performed, uses of the study, and sample questions: Patron Profile Study LOAF is funding a Patron Profile Study, which will provide data well beyond the scope of the contractual relationship with the City and is geared to assist in future strategic and business planning efforts for LOAF. The survey is under final review by LOAF and will be completed by patrons voluntarily on-line after the Festival. The survey period will conclude at the end of March and a summary presentation of results is anticipated eight weeks thereafter. All information of interest to the City (and more) indicated in LOAF's Contract for Services Agreement is part of the survey and includes questions (paraphrased) along the lines of the following: • Did you patronize any other La Quinta based business during the time you were attending La Quinta Arts Festival? • Specify the type of business you patronized during your visit to La Quinta Arts Festival. • Specify the total estimated amount spend locally during your visit; lodging, dining, recreation, entertainment, events, shopping, gifts... • Are you a full-time resident of La Quinta, part-time resident of La Quinta, full or part-time resident in another Coachella Valley City, Visitor to the Coachella Valley? 7 • If full time resident in another CV City, how often to do visit La Quinta? • Where did you stay during your visit to La Quinta? • What was your method of travel to La Quinta? • What is your primary reason for visiting La Quinta? • Did you participate in other activities while in La Quinta? LOAF stated that it will share relevant data related to visitor origin and activity as part of the annual report to the City. The requested survey is part of an on -going effort to better identify the returns the City receives from investing in community programs and events.. During the past decade there has been considerable discussion regarding the value the City receives from investing in service contracts with community organizations that sponsor community events. In an effort to obtain data that may begin to identify the benefits derived from these events, LOAF agreed to conduct this survey and share the results as part of the services contract. Staff will be sharing this information with the Council and the community upon receipt. 078 DEPARTMENT REPORT: 3'A T4'�P44aw MEMORANDUM TO: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council FROM: Robbeyn Bird, Finance Director Phi DATE: March 5, 2013 SUBJECT: SilverRock Resort Budget Amendment Report At the February 19, 2013 City Council meeting, the mid -year budget review was presented to the City Council. As part of that presentation, a request was made to appropriate an additional $20,000 to retrofit existing high voltage boxes and connections on the the SilverRock golf course. Councilmember Osborne suggested that staff should explore using available resources from the SilverRock Capital Reserve fund. This fund is to be used for capital equipment and replacement items costing at least $5,000. When this item was first presented to the Finance Department, it was classified as repair and maintenance. After further discussions with the Community Services Director and Landmark personnel, staff determined that this request qualified as an eligible capital expenditure and could be funded from the SilverRock Capital Reserve fund. The balance in this fund is sufficient to make the necessary improvements that are needed. Staff is proceeding to make these repairs from the capital reserve fund. n 079 CITY SA/HA/FA MEETING DATE: March 5, 2013 ITEM TITLE: Ordinance to Amend Title 9 (Zoning) of the La Quinta Municipal Code Chapter 9.60.300 (Compatibility Review For Partially Developed Subdivisions) AGENDA CATEGORY: BUSINESS SESSION: CONSENT CALENDAR: STUDY SESSION: PUBLIC HEARING: This item is being continued to the next regular scheduled City Council meeting on March 19, 2013. 1:1