2013 03 05 CC MinutesCITY COUNCIL MINUTES TUESDAY, MARCH 5, 2013 A regular meeting of the La Quinta City Council was called to order at 4:01 p.m. by Mayor Adolph who led the audience in the pledge of allegiance. PRESENT: Councilmembers Evans, Franklin, Henderson, Osborne, Mayor Adolph ABSENT: None CLOSED SESSION - None PUBLIC COMMENT Public Speaker: Michael Bracken, Managing Partner of Development Management Group, Inc., economist to Goldenvoice LLC — Mr. Bracken handed out a document entitled: Opinion Letter. Economic Impacts Of Goldenvoice, LLC Coachella Valley Concert Series on the City of La Quinta (Community and City as a Governmental Entity), which is on file in the City Clerk's office. The letter includes sections on 1) Overall Spending in the City of La Quinta, 2► Estimated Tax Revenue to the City of La Quinta, and 3) Overall Economic Impact of the Concert Series on the City of La Quinta's Economy. In response to Councilmembers' questions, Mr. Bracken explained that he is not part of the Goldenvoice development team so he cannot answer questions regarding traffic or sound. Councilmembers Franklin and Henderson thanked Goldenvoice for acting on Council's request for economic information specific to La Quinta. Mayor Adolph said that he appreciates receiving information on the positive impacts of the events, but expressed concern with negative impacts of the concerts. Mayor Adolph asked that Mr. Bracken pass a message along to the Goldenvoice team that La Quinta is expecting a response from them regarding mitigating the noise. In response to Councilmember Osborne, Mr. Bracken said that property values were studied as part of the Environmental Impact Report done in October 2012. He said the study found that property values do not behave any differently due to proximity to a concert venue. CITY COUNCIL MINUTES 1 March 5, 2013 Public Speaker: Mark Moran, Chairperson of the Chamber of Commerce, La Quinta, stated that the Taste of La Quinta event was very successful; it sold out of everything. The event attracted about 3,000 people. He said that in response to a presentation from City Manager Spevacek and Community Services Director Hylton, the Chamber will be organizing a business development summit in June. The purpose will be to involve the business community in finding ways to bring more sales tax and transient occupancy tax revenue into the city. Public Speaker: Dick Storbo, La Quinta cove — Mr. Storbo requested that the golf cart program be changed to allow for more than two passengers. Council asked staff to review the code and report back on this matter with input from the Police Department regarding safety. Council also asked staff to include the timeline for the next phases of the program, and the number of participants in the program. CONFIRMATION OF AGENDA City Manager Spevacek announced that the City Attorney was not in attendance due to the expected brevity of the meeting and the lack of any legal matters on the agenda. PRESENTATIONS 1. LA QUINTA LIBRARY AND MUSEUM QUARTERLY REPORT FOR OCTOBER THROUGH DECEMBER 2012 Museum Manager Anne Phillips presented the La Quinta Museum Quarterly Report for October 2012 through December 2012, which is on file in the City Clerk's Office. Librarian Beth Foley presented the La Quinta Public Library Quarterly Report for October 2012 through December 2012, which is on file in the City Clerk's Office. Councilmember Evans requested a zip code breakdown for library cards on the next quarterly report. WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS — None APPROVAL OF MINUTES Councilmember Evans requested that Robert Teal's name be added to page 12, regarding the letter of appreciation to the Palm Springs Airport Commission. CITY COUNCIL MINUTES 2 March 5, 2013 MOTION — A motion was made and seconded by Councilmembers Henderson/ Evans to approve the minutes of February 19, 2013, as amended. Motion passed AYES 4, NOES 0, ABSTAIN 1. (Councilmember Franklin abstained because she was absent for the last part of the February 19` meeting.) CONSENT CALENDAR 1. DEMAND REGISTER DATED MARCH 5, 2013 2. DEVELOPMENT IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT WITH SOCAL PORTFOLIO I LP FOR REIMBURSEMENT FROM SETTLEMENT FUNDS FOR OFF -SITE AND ON- SITE IMPROVEMENTS ASSOCIATED WITH TRACT 30138 3. PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT WITH PRIEST VUKSIC ARCHITECTS FOR PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERING SERVICES TO PREPARE THE PLANS, SPECIFICATIONS, AND ESTIMATES FOR THE SPORTS COMPLEX LIGHTING REHABILITATION AND EXPANSION IMPROVEMENTS, PROJECT NO. 2012- 02 4. EXCUSE VICE CHAIRMAN WRIGHT'S ABSENCE FROM THE FEBRUARY 12, 2013, PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING. Councilmember Osborne requested that the improvements planned under item no. 2 be completed before the concerts begin. MOTION — A motion was made and seconded by Councilmembers Evans /Franklin to approve the Consent Calendar as recommended. Motion passed unanimously. BUSINESS SESSION SECOND ROUND COMMUNITY SERVICES GRANTS AND FUNDING REQUESTS. Councilmember Evans announced that she will recuse herself if the organization, Coachella Valley Volunteers in Medicine, is discussed due to a possible conflict resulting from her employer also funding this organization. Recreation Supervisor Ambriz presented the staff report, which is on file in the City Clerk's Office. Public Speaker: Connie Brooks, North Shore, CA — Ms. Brooks represents the Sea and Desert Interpretive Association and asked Council to reconsider funding the Salton Sea organization at the $15,000 level. Every dollar raised is matched by the State of California. CITY COUNCIL MINUTES 3 March 5, 2013 Public Speaker: Bruce Yeager, Executive Director of the Coachella Valley Volunteers in Medicine. [Councilmember Evans left the dais.] Mr. Yeager asked that Council reconsider funding this organization with a $5,000 grant. In response to Mayor Adolph, Mr. Yeager said that the organization received a five -year funding commitment from each of the three Valley hospitals for $50,000 per year. Public Speaker: Christopher Wayne English, La Quinta — Mr. English said he was a client of Volunteers in Medicine and urged Council support by providing grant funds. Public Speaker: Mario Sewell, La Quinta — Mr. Sewell urged Council to fund the Volunteers in Medicine because many residents of La Quinta are benefiting from it. Public Speaker: Col. Paul Kiener, La Quinta — Colonel Kiener thanked Council for the generous support of the World War II mobile exhibit. Councilmember Henderson said that the integrity and mission of each organization is outstanding, which makes selection harder and harder each year. When the city was "flying high" it was easier to continue with this program. Ms. Henderson said she would not be supporting the motion to fund the grant program for the rest of this fiscal year or for next year because she believes her role is to take care of city services. She said the city is considering a tax increase on the Lighting and Landscaping District, and there are unexpected expenses such as the video item to be discussed later in this meeting. Ms. Henderson said that taking care of the City of La Quinta and the services it provides to the community is utmost, so she will not be able to support this program. She said this was very difficult since she knows many of the applicants and has supported their missions. She explained that she does not pay taxes to allow some other governmental agency to decide what they want to do with discretionary funds. She retains her discretionary funds and makes the decision on where it goes. She stated that she hopes applicants understand that her position is not a commentary on any organization or mission or the good being done. MOTION A motion was made and seconded by Councilmembers Evans /Franklin to approve funding for the following organizations: Family YMCA of the Desert, $3,000; Desert ARC, $2,000; Hidden Harvest, $2,000; Benjamin Franklin Elementary PTO, $2,000; Stroke Recovery Center, $1,000; Blackhawk Forensics, $1,000; Blood Bank of San Bernardino and Riverside Counties, $1,000; First Composite Group Association, $1,000; Gems of the Desert, $1,000; ACT for MS, $1,000; and Tools for Tomorrow, $500. Motion passed: AYES 4, NOES 1 (Councilmember Henderson voted NO). CITY COUNCIL MINUTES 4 March 5, 2013 MOTION — A motion was made and seconded by Councilmembers Franklin /Osborne to grant $2,800 to the Coachella Valley Volunteers in Medicine. Motion passed: AYES 3, NOES 1 (Henderson), ABSTAIN 1 (Evans). STUDY SESSION 1. VIDEO BROADCASTING CITY COUNCIL MEETINGS AND RELATED COUNCIL CHAMBER IMPROVEMENTS Community Services Director Hylton presented the staff report, which is on file in the City Clerk's Office. Councilmember Franklin said she was more concerned about the annual cost than the initial one -time equipment cost. City Manager Spevacek said that the annual cost paid by other desert cities ranges from $30,000 to $80,000 per year (includes media buy). In response to Councilmember Franklin, Golf /Park Manager Howlett said that the "easy -to- implement" approach would allow staff to track the number of hits received. Councilmember Osborne confirmed that both approaches would allow staff to track the number of viewers. Councilmember Evans supports the easy -to- implement approach and implementing it this fiscal year because it addresses some of the concerns being raised. She does not support the Council Chamber refurbishment at this time due to projects of higher priority around the city. She noted that neither option address televising meetings, and requested that this be explored. In the meantime, Ms. Evans supports the easy -to- implement approach, plan for the middle road, and put off the refurbishment for a while. City Manager Spevacek explained that the PEG fee does not cover the ongoing cost of televising meetings. He said that access to Time Warner cable is available and maybe Verizon is possible, but access to Direct TV is very difficult. Mr. Spevacek said that the city would have to establish a public access channel and then buy air time. In response to Councilmember Henderson, City Manager Spevacek said that once the funds received from the PEG fee equal expenditures on equipment, the PEG fee stops. Mayor Adolph said that he supports videotaping only if enough citizens watch it because if not, the city is wasting money. He -said that if it's found to be popular, he would support a first -class operation. CITY COUNCIL MINUTES 5 March 5, 2013 Public Speaker: Linda Gunnett, La Quinta — Ms. Gunnett said that she works with the elderly and disabled for a living. She said many people sit at home and their whole life revolves around television. They watch other city's council meetings and are feeling left out of the La Quinta process. Ms. Gunnett said that all other cities do it for their residents, why isn't La Quinta doing it for its residents. She said that the Council spends money in other areas without knowing the benefits, such as the grants handed out tonight. Mayor Adolph suggested that the residents who feel this way sign a petition so that Council hears directly from them. Mayor Adolph said that if residents want to watch, than Council wants to do it. In response to Councilmember Osborne, Ms. Gunnett said that the majority of the people she works with do not have internet service or computers. Most are TV driven with no computer or computer skills. Councilmember Osborne said there seems to be consensus on the easy -to- implement approach as a start. He can't support spending $200,000 on chamber improvements but likes the mural idea, which could be an Art in Public Places project. Councilmember Henderson sees this as a three -year program. She said murals on the back wall are not needed. Ms. Henderson said phase one should focus on the chamber acoustics. Councilmember Evans asked that staff return with a quote on the cost of TV broadcasting. Councilmember Franklin asked about the overhead camera and City Manager Spevacek said staff will provide costs on upgrading the overhead camera and the projection system. REPORTS AND INFORMATIONAL ITEMS Coachella Valley Economic Partnership (CVEP) — Councilmember Evans reported that they received a presentation by Desert Blood Services. The Mayor of Indio suggested a combined La Quinta -Indio effort on a future blood drive. A second presentation was given by a new entrepreneur selling self- contained gardens using hydroponic farming. Councilmember Osborne added that three of the companies in the CVEP iHUB placed in the top ten in a competition in San Diego. He said the iHUB is doing a great job in launching new, small businesses. He also added that CVEP has $1.2 million for scholarships. CITY COUNCIL MINUTES 6 March 5, 2013 Coachella Valley Association of Governments, Transportation Committee — Councilmember Henderson reported that the committee agreed to a formula to be used for cities reentering the TUMF program, i.e. 75% city funded - 25% TUMF funded road projects. Regarding Senate Bill 70, Councilmember Henderson asks that staff follow this bill. It prohibits charter cities from receiving state funding for public works projects if the city has a charter provision. The League's interpretation of this is an effort to do away with charter cities not paying prevailing wages on certain projects. Imperial Irrigation District, Energy Consumers' Advisory Committee (IID, ECAC) — Councilmember Osborne said that in the rate consumers pay for power, there is a portion of it that represents the fluctuations in the cost of energy. Currently that subtracts a penny from the current rate, so the IID intends to remove that adjustment to help stabilize the rate on power. The IID also intends to use $59 million of its $139 million in reserves to subsidize rates. Councilmember Osborne voiced concerns about using reserves so quickly. Karl Stills is now the manager of the Energy Department. Mr. Osborne explained the debate regarding hydroelectric power. Coachella Valley Association of Governments, Homelessness Committee — Councilmember Osborne said that nothing was talked about except funding Roy's Homeless Shelter. There was a failed proposal to spend Roy's reserves (received recently from Riverside County) on serving lunch to clients and paying for client medical needs. Citrus Pest Control District — Councilmember Osborne reported that the moth from Japan spreading disease in the citrus industry has reached the Coachella Valley, so spraying must begin. He suggested bringing a report to CVAG's Environmental Committee, which could reach out to homeowners' association and also with the Mosquito and Vector Control Board. Coachella Valley Mountains Conservancy — Councilmember Franklin reported that the Executive Director resigned so they are starting the recruitment process for his replacement. A memorandum of understanding with Friends of the Desert Mountains was approved to cooperatively manage conservation lands. A 3,054 - acre grant to Friends of the Desert was approved as well as another one in the Palm Springs mountains. Ms. Franklin said the CVMC approved the purchase of almost 3,000 acres of tax - defaulted properties for $1.5M or $500 per acre, which is a little below fair market value. She said that CVMC has approximately $7 million remaining in water bond funds to spend. Chamber of Commerce, Info Exchange Committee - Councilmember Evans reported that use of the GoRequest app was encouraged, the permanent changes in sign CITY COUNCIL MINUTES 7 March 5, 2013 ordinance was reemphasized, and the business 'summit idea was discussed as noted earlier. Coachella Valley Water District Joint Policy Committee - Mayor Adolph reported that the recharge station in La Quinta has restored the water level to its normal position and maintained it. The District is trying to fund a second recharge station, i.e. the Martinez recharge station. Mayor Adolph also reported that a rate increase of about $7 per month will be coming next year. He said that the water quality in the Valley was discussed, and the District is working on filtration for chlorine, and working on a solution for the arsenic levels, which the District said is within acceptable amounts so it may have been overblown by The Desert Sun. The Mayor said the Committee agreed to look at the issue of the Boy Scouts use of Lake Cahuilla. Sunline Transit Agency — Mayor Adolph reported they will be examining the General Manager's compensation and benefits since he has been with the Agency for several years now. Also, the purchase and installation of 70 new bus shelters — all with sun protection —was approved. Coachella Valley Association of Governments, Executive Committee — Mayor Adolph reported the following: 1 — Each city was asked to contribute $1,500 to Shelter from the Storm and the Coachella Valley Sexual Assault Response Team. Mayor Adolph explained to the Committee that the city does fund many such organizations and would consider them along with all other applications to its program. He asked Community Services Director Hylton to provide these organizations with city grant applications. 2 - Homelessness Committee requested $95,000 of reserves be set aside for CVAG, and a one -time contribution to the Friends of Roy's Shelter Foundation in the amount of $75,000. These funds were to come from the $300,000 Riverside County gave to CVAG for homeless services. 3 — The Jefferson Street interchange appropriate share criteria was approved. It will now go to an outside consultant to analyze what each city should pay. Mayor Adolph reported that CVAG sent La Quinta a request for a $103,000 contribution to fund Roy's Shelter for FY 2013/14. Mayor Adolph and Councilmembers Evans and Osborne said they would not support that expenditure, but will continue to fund east valley shelters and food banks. Councilmember Franklin said Roy's Shelter was a mistake from the beginning and it was originally supposed to be a resource center. Councilmember Osborne said he will bring the issue up at the next CVAG Homelessness meeting. Mayor Adolph brought up a request he received to turn city lights off on Earth Day, March 23, at 8:30 p.m. Council consensus: not enough time to prepare this year but will consider it for next year. CITY COUNCIL MINUTES 8 March 5, 2013 City Manager Spevacek reported that he received correspondence from the City of West Hollywood requesting support for AB 981, a bill that would allow Successor Agencies to use former Redevelopment Agencies' 2011. bond proceeds. Mr. Spevacek will bring this matter to Council on March 19 1 -A. STATUS OF SILVERROCK DEVELOPMENT PROPOSALS 2 -A. LA QUINTA ARTS FOUNDATION FESTIVAL PATRON PROFILE STUDY In response to Councilmember Henderson, City Manager Spevacek replied that the patron profile survey was required in the Foundation's recent contract to understand where they came from, how long they stayed, and what else they are doing in the area during their stay. Councilmember Evans stated that this is great information data to have as an economic development tool to attract businesses, hotels, etc. Councilmember Osborne said that $16 million is an impressive figure for the City of La Quinta. 3 -A. SILVERROCK REPAIRS REPORT MAYOR'S AND COUNCILMEMBER'S ITEMS — None PUBLIC HEARINGS 1. ORDINANCE TO AMEND TITLE 9 (ZONING) OF THE LA QUINTA MUNICIPAL CODE CHAPTER 9.60.300 (COMPATIBILITY REVIEW FOR PARTIALLY DEVELOPED SUBDIVISIONS) NOTE. THE PUBLIC HEARING FOR THIS ITEM WAS NOT OPENED. A NOT /CE WAS POSTED AND PUBLISHED CONTINUING IT TO MARCH 19, 2013. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, a motion was made and seconded by Councilmembers Henderson /Franklin to adjourn at 6:17 p.m. Motion passed unanimously. Respectfully submitted, SUSAN MAYSELS, CiVy Clerk City of La Quinta, California CITY COUNCIL MINUTES 9 March 5, 2013