05-4804 (SFD)P.O. BOX 1504 .4 78-495 CALLE TAMPICO LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 BUILDING & SAFETY DEPARTMENT BUILDING PERMIT Application Number: L05-00004804- Owner: Property Address: 81506 ULLRICH DR SHEA LA QUINTA APN: 764-270-999-102 -300234-VIFINANCFE /O JEFF MCQUEEN Application description: DWELLING - SINGLE FAMILY DETACHED 800 N ' GAINEY CENTER 350 Property Zoning: MEDIUM HIGH DENSITY RES COTTSDALE, AZ 85258 Application valuation: 170639 c 20^5 NOVV �J Contractor: Applicant: rchitect or Engineer:LA QUINTA $HEA HOMES, INC. 11/^� DEQ$ 81260 AVENUE 62 1-15 `�cLt PA is LA QUINTA, CA 92253. (760)777-6005 LiC. No.: 672285 -------------------------------------------------- LICENSED CONTRACTOR'S DECLARATION I hereby affirm under penalty of perjury that I am licensed under provisions of Chapter 9 (commencing with Section 7000) of Division 3 of the Business and Professionals Code, and my License is in full force and effect. License a s: _ 1 ► wLicense No.: 672285 Date �� ontractor: Y ,v • — OWNER -BUILDER DECLARATION I hereby affirm under penalty of perjury that I:am exempt from the Contractor's State License Law for the following reason (Sec. 7031.5, Business and Professions Code: Any city or county that requires a permit to construct, alter, improve, demolish, or repair any structure, prior to its issuance, also requires the applicant for the permit to file a signed statement that he or she is licensed pursuant to the provisions of the Contractor's State License Law (Chapter 9 (commencing with Section 7000) of Division 3 of the Business and Professions Code) or that he or she is exempt therefrom and the basis for the alleged exemption. Any violation of Section 7031.5 by any applicant for a permit subjects the applicant to a civil penalty of not more than five hundred dollars 155001: (_ 1 I, as owner of the property, or my employees with wages as their sole compensation, will do the work, and the structure is not intended or offered for sale (Sec. 7044, Business and Professions Code: The Contractors' State License Law does not apply to an owner of property who builds or improves thereon, and who does the work himself or herself through his or her own employees, provided that the improvements are not intended or offered for sale. If, however, the building or improvement is sold within, one year of completion, the owner -builder will. ha0 the burden of proving that he or she did not build or improve for the purpose of sale.). (_ 1 I, as owner of the property, am exclusively contracting with licensed contractors to construct the project (Sec. 7044, Business and Professions Code: The Contractors' State License Law does not apply to an owner of property who builds or improves thereon, and who contracts for the projects with a contractor(s) licensed pursuant to the Contractors' State License Law.). ( 1 I am exempt under Sec. , B.&P.C. for this reason Date: Owner: CONSTRUCTION LENDING AGENCY I hereby affirm under penalty of perjury that there is a construction lending agency for the performance of the work for which this permit is issued (Sec. 3097, Civ. C.). Lender's Name: Lender's Address: LQPERMIT VOICE (760) 777-7012 FAX (760) 777-7011 INSPECTIONS (760) 777-7153 ------------------ WORKER'S COMPENSATION DECLARATION Date: 11/02/05 I hereby affirm under penalty of perjury one of the following declarations: _ I have and will maintain a certificate of consent to self -insure for workers' compensation, as provided for by Section 3700 of the Labor Code, for the performance of the work for which this permit is Xissued. ' have and will maintain workers' compensation insurance, as required by Section 3700 of the labor Code, for the performance of the work for which this permit is issued. My workers' compensation insurance carrier and policy number are: Carrier AMERICAN HOME Policy Number 1247619 I certify that, in the performance of the/wk forwhich this permit is issued, I shall not employ any person in any manner so s to becoubject to the workers' compensation laws of California, a d agree that, if I d ecomet to the workers' compensation provisions of Section 3 00 of the rP,Odnksha : orth comply, with those provisions. WARNING: FAILURE TO SECURE WORKERS' COMPENSATION COVERAGE IS UNLAWFUL, AND SHALL SUBJECT AN EMPLOYER TO CRIMINAL PENALTIES AND CIVIL FINES.UP TO ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLARS ($100,000). IN ADDITION TO THE COST OF COMPENSATION, DAMAGES AS PROVIDED FOR IN SECTION 3706 OF THE LABOR CODE, INTEREST, AND ATTORNEY'S FEES. APPLICANT ACKNOWLEDGEMENT IMPORTANT 'Application is hereby made to the Director of Building and Safety for a permit subject to the conditions and restrictions set forth on this application. 1 . Each person upon whose behalf this application is made, each person at whose request and for whose benefit work is performed under or pursuant to any permit issued as a result of this application, the owner, and the applicant, each agrees to, and shall defend, indemnify and hold harmless the City of La Quinta, its officers, agents and employees for any act or omission related to the work being performed under or following issuance of this permit. 2. Any permit issued as a result of this application becomes null and void if work is not commenced within 180 days from date of issuance of such permit, or cessation of work for 180 days will subject permit to cancellation. I certify that I have read this application and state that the above inforrgation is correct. 1 agree to comply with all city and co ordinances and ate laws relating to ijgg constru on -and hereby authorize representatives of this unty to enter upo e above-mentione� or inspe io roses. ate: Signature (Applicant or Ag nt J Application Number . . . . 05-00004804 Structure Information Construction Type . . . . . TYPE V - NON. RATED Occupancy Type . . . . . . DWELLG/LODGING/CONG <=10 Flood Zone . . . . . NON -AO FLOOD ZONE Other struct info .. CODE EDITION 2001 CBC FIRE SPRINKLERS NO GARAGE SQ FTG 576.00 PATIO SQ FTG 177.00 NUMBER OF UNITS 1.00 --------------------------------------------- 1ST FLOOR -SQUARE FOOTAGE ------------------------------- 1943.00 Permit . . . BUILDING•PERMIT Additional desc .. .Permit Fee . . . . 888.00 Plan Check Fee 144.30 Issue Date' Valuation . . . . 170639, Expiration Date 5/01/06 Qty Unit Charge Per Extension BASE FEE 639.50 71.00 3.5000 --------------------------------------------------'-=------------------------ THOU BLDG.100,001-500,000 248.50 Permit . . . MECHANICAL Additional desc . Permit Fee . . . . 70.50 Plan Check Fee 4.41 Issue Date . . Valuation 0 Expiration Date 5/01/06 Qty Unit Charge Per Extension BASE FEE 15.00 2.00 9.0000 EA MECH FURNACE <=100K 18.00 2.00 9.0000 EA MECH B/C <=3HP/100K•BTU 18.00 2.00 6.5000 EA MECH VENT FAN 13.00 1.00. 6.5000 ------------------------------------------------- EA MECH EXHAUST HOOD --------------------------- 6..50 Permit . . .. ELEC-NEW RESIDENTIAL Additional desc . Permit"Fee . . . . 94.53 Plan Check Fee 5:.43 Issue Date Valuation 0 Expiration Pate- 5/01/06 Qty Unit Charge Per Extension BASE FEE 15.00 1943.00 ..0350 ELEC NEW RES = 1 OR 2 FAMILY 68.01 576.00 .0200 ELEC GARAGE OR NON-RESIDENTIAL 11.52 LQPERMIT Application'Number . . . . . 05-00004804 Permit . . PLUMBING Additional desc . Permit Fee 152.25 P1an.Check Fee .8.95 Issue Date Valuation 0 Expiration.Date 5/01/06 Qty Unit Charge Per Extension BASE FEE .15.00 14.00 6.0000 EA PLB FIXTURE 84 .00. 1.00 15.0000 EA PLB BUILDING SEWER 15.00 1.00 7.5000.•EA PLB WATER HEATER/VENT 7.50 1.00 3.0000 EA PLB WATER INST/ALT/REP 3.00 1.00 9.0000 EA PLB LAWN SPRINKLER SYSTEM 9.00 5.00 .7500 EA PLB GAS PIPE >=5 3.75 1.100 15.0000 ------------=-----------------------------------------=--------------------- EA PLB GAS METER 15.00 Permit . . . GRADING PERMIT . Additional desc . Permit Fee' 15.00 Plan Check Fee .00 Issue Date Valuation 0 Expiration Date 5/01/06 Qty Unit Charge Per Extension BASE FEE 15.00. ---------------------=----------------------------------------- Special Notes and Comments ------------- SFD - LOT 102, PLAN 4520C, 1943 SF/ 255 SF CASITA,BOX BAY Q MBR -26 SF 4' GARAGE EXT - 88 SF.PERMIT DOES NOT INCLUDE BLOCK WALLS,POOL, SPA OR DRIVEWAY APPROACH. 75% REDUCTION TO PLAN CHECK FEES DUE TO MULTIPLE ISSUANCE OF SAME PLAN TYPE ----------------------------------.--------------------------=--------------- Other Fees . . . . . . . . . ART IN PUBLIC PLACES -RES .00 DIF COMMUNITY CENTERS -RES 74.00 . D.IF CIVIC CENTER - RES 480.00 ENERGY REVIEW FEE 14.43 DIF FIRE PROTECTION -RES 140.00 GRADING PLAN CHECK FEE .00 DIF LIBRARIES - RES 355.00 DIF PARK MAINT FAC - RES 22.00 DIF PARKS/REC - RES .892.00 STRONG MOTION (SMI)• - RES 17.06 DIF STREET MAINT FAC -RES 67.00 LQPERMIT J Application Number . . . . . 05-00004804 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Other Fees . . . . . . . . . .DIF TRANSPORTATION - RES 1666.00 Fee.summary Charged Paid Credited Due Permit Fee Total 1220.28 .00 .00 1220.28 Plan Check Total 163.09 .00 .00 163.09 Other Fee Total. 3727.49 .00 .00 3727.49 Grand Total 5110.86 .00 .00 5110.86 J APR 04,2006 11:07 BCI*TESTING,ril 000-000-00000 Page 9 CERTIFICATE OF FIELD Vl:lt FICATION & DIAGNOSTIC TESTING (Page 1 of 8) CF -41t Project Address TRILOGY AT LA QiJINTA- PTiASF. 1313 Builder Nallle B1506 Ulrich Drive, La Ouinta, CA SHEA HOMES Builder C ontu%A elcphotln Plan Numb r Armando Ulloa 76j0 -57a-6819 4520 HERS Rater 'telephone Sample C;roup*Nurnbcr William I lenson, CCN# CC2004076 760-772-2954 N/A Compliance Method (Prescriptive) Climate Xune 15 Cerlilying Signrthtn: ikota S:u1tp1C 1 lonsc (I .w) Numl :r j CEJ 3/29/2000 102 First HERS Provider BCI TESTING CALCERTS Street Address City -'Stale -'Zip 77-760 Country Club Drive, Suite 1 Palm Desert, CA 92211 .Copie. to: BUILDIat, HERS PROVU)ER _1ND BUILDING DEPARTMENT ITERS RATER COMPLIANCE STATEMENT •111e house was: Tt l Totcd ✓ O Apptovcd as pati (if saml:*, testing. Uel %vas not tested As the HERS niter prmiding diagnostic testing and licld verilicution. I eLdily thut the house identified on this limn complies with 1110 divynli+sl+c lcsted coolpliaocc rulaire[llctits as Checkej ✓ oil this linin+• Ilia HERS mtCl oltisl t:h4,vk and vk:1ify that flit: llew distribution systcm is fulh• ducted and correct tape is used )xolilrea CPAR may be released on every tested building. The HERS rder must nut Iv mica (lie C:FAR unlil :I i+rnloerh uompletod and signed CF -6R Ince k -un ret:eived line the sumple and tested buildings. 0 Thi: inshillcr has provided it coloy ()]'Cl -'-OR (Installation C:crfilicalo) 0 New• 11.rlydmtual S\ inert W fnll�• daoled (+ C . dour not Ilse huildill): vat•dus ak lilenup+s nr plattinrrl 1'c:lurlls ill lieu of duels 1. ® Ncw syslems where cloth backed rubber adhesive duct tope; is installed, mastic and draw hands are used in conlbnlatlQll with cloth IXICked, i uliNt adhesive duct Wtv to soul Icuks tit duct cunueeliuns. 0 MININIUM REQUIREMENTS Ii OR DIVI' LEAi -kCF. REDIX-PION C'ONIPLIANCE CREDIT Pose.t1urca; fi,rftedcl ve0ficalie,rl anal a/iul ruche testing of air elisirihtdion .iplemv an available in Kit CA /• Appendix radix H('d.3. Duct Diagnostic Leakage Testing; Results NEW CONS'CRl I('1'ION_ 0 Yus ❑ No &r. -u* iu pruvidcd fur intipmLion. The pr•ucuiure shall um:ti i of vovuul verifieslion Thal the i X V is installed nn the system alld inMalhdiou of flee specilic cyuipment shall be verified. ✓ V 0 ❑ easure System I Duct Pressurization') est Results (CPM (u) 25 Pa) i P.nter Tesled Leakaae Flow in CFM: 71 2 Pan How- Cale lntecl (NomimQ' 0 Coiling ✓❑ Huidiug) ur ✓❑ Mcasurul Enter Totsl Fan Him In CM 1600 ✓ ve 3 Passifi,eaka a1'titenfuue56% 100s (Lint ,!l !Linc llj11 4.449/o OPam; ❑Fait Measured System 2 Duel Pres(turization Test Results (CFM (a) 25 I'a) V:+lur_c I I'.nler Tested Leakage Flnw in CFM: Van Flow: Calculalcd ( Nominal: /❑ Crn)linr, "❑ 1leating) or ✓❑ Monsurud 2 I,mer'fotal 1'au Flow in ow: ✓ ✓ 3 Pass ifLwkuge Perccntuge s 6% ( 100 x j (IJ lie 41) i (Line 42)J J ❑Pass ❑Fail RI TIIEIthIOSTATIC EXANSION' VALVE (TXV) Prrlt:c•durex forf (,It•1 verifrcaliort /J lhennaylaric expansion valvec,rnt (mirdable Ill IMM, Appendix X.. Yes is u lulss 0 Yus ❑ No &r. -u* iu pruvidcd fur intipmLion. The pr•ucuiure shall um:ti i of vovuul verifieslion Thal the i X V is installed nn the system alld inMalhdiou of flee specilic cyuipment shall be verified. ✓ V 0 ❑ 0 HiGH EFR AIR CONDITIONER . pmeed"resfi,r veraier+/tai, ere uvmlahlu iu R4('1 f. Appvmlix l(1. 0 Yrs O No EER (•cotes ofiustullcd systtam nlulcll the CF-) R 2 0 Yes ❑ No Fnr Slit smocin. oldow Ctrl is undched to outdoor Buil ✓ ✓ .1 ❑ Yt:s 0 No 'Pint(: 1)e1n) RidAV Vlnilic.d (IfR clited) ® ❑ Yes Iu I and 2. Aird 3 (I(Rcyuircd) it a pass I'nrro Puil Resiclrnlieil f'nlrtplia►rce Pixmy April 2005 APR 04,2006 11:07 BCI*TESTING,ril 000-000-00000 CERTIFICATE OF FIELD VERIFICATION & DIAGNOSTIC: TESTING (Page I of 8) C'F-4R Protect Addrass 'TRILOGY AT LA QIUNTA- PHASE 13B Builder Nnmc 81506 Ulrich Drive, La Quinta, CA Si-iti+ riuitntS Ihlildcr(:(lnlacl 'fclupllonc PlanNuu►IAT Armando Ulloa 760••578.6819 4520 CASITA IMRS Ruler 'fcicphoac Snmplc Droop Numbci William Henson, CCN# CC2004076 760-772-2954 N/A cold ]lune Method (Pruscl( ttivc.) C11111ntc zotic 15 Ccrifvu►q Slt;naturc llalc Sample 1 Louse (I,ot) Number / � J r' 7 3/29/2(x)(, 102 CASITA Finn HE.ItS Provider BCI TESTING CALCERTS street Address City:'Slatc'Zip 77-760 Country Club Drive, Suite I Palm Desert, CA 92211 (•u irs at: III:I1,U4at I IF.RS PROVIDFR ,%'M 11111,DING AF.PARTMFNT HERS RATER COMPLIANCE STATEMENT The house was: ® 'Tested ✓❑ Approved us part ul'salnple testing. but was not tested A.s the lwl: S rawi providing diagnostic Icsling and field verification, I certify that the house identified on This titan complies Leith the diagnostic tested compliance mquirements as checked ✓ nn this limn. The IIRRS rater must cheek and verify drat the new distribution system is lolly ducted and a)rrect tape is used beibre a CZAR Duly be released on every tested building. Thu IILRS rater must not release the C'r4R until a properly completed and signed CF -6R has been mxivcd for thu sumplt: and tested buildings. 0 The installer has provided a copy of C;F-6R (Installation Certificate) 0 New Distribution system is lull)' ducted (i.e., does not use building cavities us plenums or plullimn returns in lieu oT'ducts). Nvw sy:teltls %Vlttittt vlulll br1r,L(:tl, t nbtxx ,ttlhaAMI duet I:tpe: is ins1111CA, mastic lull tlunV bunds rot: ltst:tl in combination (vith cloth backed, rubber adhesive duct lupe to seal leaks at duct ccmncctions. 0 MINIMI:M REQI-IRENIEN• 'S FOR DUCT' LEAKAGE REDIVFION COMPLIANCE CREDl7 Prru.-rdures.lewiald veri/)rrainn and ditq,-m rlic lesfinm rif air rli.vlrihulion spefeme ars• inwilrrhlr. in RACt•l.: ippr.,allx ll('•J f Duct Diu gnostic I,caka tc Tcstin t Results NEW CONKIIIU TION: 121 Yes ❑ No At:us;; Is lifc.widut) tin IIISP00ioll. I'llo PI'Awdultt -Alull (Rt11Sl;il el Visual verification that the TXV in instalM on the system and installation of t1w spixitit: equipment shall be Vel ilicd. ✓ ✓ [d 0 Pass Fail casured System 1 Uuct Prassurizntton Test Results (CFM (0125 1'n I liuter'1'esled leakage Flow in CFM: 32 2 fall I'low. Calculated (Nanlinul. 0 Ctxding VD lle(ltiug) of +'D Measured I:utul Tolid Ful 1•luty in CFM. NO � V 3 Puss if Leaku ge Percculu ;c 5 6% 100 Line "1 1) l (Line 1)2)11 4.00% 1 EIPaw ❑Fail tiyslem 2 IDUCL Pressurization Test Results (CFM(a 25 Pa) vin-tnwat Values I Enter Tested Leakage Plow in CFM: );nt HOW (.111L'tllalt%f (Nnmiunl• ✓p ('t■,lint!, ✓0 1(caliog) ttr ✓CJ Measured lintel Total Fun Iluw in CFM: or 3 Pins if Lctlkage 1'clta:nt',Igc S 6% 1 100.N I (Linc .,1) i (Line 02)11 ❑I'ze ❑t+nil 0 T11FIiMOSTATIC EXANSION VAI.VF. (TSV) I'mexchrrt (frtrfielel ve rifrrruic,n cJ drenrx,,eluric etpansian valwx are available in IGI<'A•/, AppentArRI.. Yes is a Pass 121 Yes ❑ No At:us;; Is lifc.widut) tin IIISP00ioll. I'llo PI'Awdultt -Alull (Rt11Sl;il el Visual verification that the TXV in instalM on the system and installation of t1w spixitit: equipment shall be Vel ilicd. ✓ ✓ [d 0 Pass Fail 0 IIICIl x:IsK AIR CONDITIONER Trnceduresfor verifrcalion are cnwiluhle in 1Z4CAf,, .4p/xndix R1. 1 0 Yes ❑ No EER vaulex of installed s%,stenns match the CF -1 R 2 0 Yes ❑ No For split syslcm, indoor u+il is malchul it) outdtxtr coil V 3 ❑ Yes 61 No Time Duluy Relay Vuriliud M'Rlxtuimd) 1z 13 Ycs lu { :uul 7. and i (If Rer lircll) is p vls¢ Pass trail RiWilenda/ Cimipliotice F'nrrrrx April 2005 Page 10 CERTIFIED: Page 1 of 1 JCN71-rnspections supplies the service of compression strength test results only. Per ASTMC39 JCM Inspections 39725 Garand Lane Suite F Palm Desert, CA 92211 INSPECTIONS .'Phone: 760-345-5554.- Fax: 760-772-3895 INSPECTIONS COMPRESSION STRENGTH TEST RESULTS Client: Shea La Quinta, LLC Date: 3/12/06 Project: Trilogy @ La Quinta - Shea Homes Project No: 02-1109 81-260 Avenue 62 La Quinta, CA 92274 Set ID Structure Age of Test Compression Strength JCM ID Location Date Cast Cylinder ID (days) (psi) Set A Phase 13B - Lot #4102 .Slab on Grade 12-9-05 Concrete 273-642 Kitchen Required psi: 4000 2013 7 3370 ' 2014 28 ' nAAr no 4750 Inn^ CERTIFIED: Page 1 of 1 JCN71-rnspections supplies the service of compression strength test results only. Per ASTMC39 R -- JCM Inspections 39725 Garand Lane Suite Fi� I. Palm Desert, CA 92211 INSPECTIONS Phone: 760-345-5554 - Fax: 760-772-3895 INSPECTIONS PRESTRESSED CONCRETE INSPECTION REPORT Date: Project Name: Trilogy @ La Quinta - Shea Homes Project No: 02-1109 Project Address: City: -81-260 Avenue 62 La Quinta, CA �✓ IBC Title 24 Other: Client: Sub -Contractor: Shea La Quinta, .LLC Sun Coast Tensioning General Contractor: Architect: Shea Homes for Active Adults Bassenian Lagoni Structural Engineer: Borm & Associates, Inc./ Suncoast Post Tensi Size and Type of Tendons: 1/2" Diameter Seven Strand Stress -Relieved Tendons Jack Machine Calibration: Received Sheet from Sun Coast -Gage Pressure in psi to Machine Load in kips psi to 33.04 kips/33,000 lbs Calibration Date: Machine # /p, - a I L1 /_a_ M� Phase Lot# Ll I 0,-,t- Product Plan y50 G �� u c Q.. 0� i uA- Weather: Sunny Unresolved -Re' s: ,[K] None F-1 see Below Description of Work Inspected: Specified Lot # Location Tendons Elongation (in) Actual Elongation (in) Complies within 7% +/- of specified elongation. Reference 11 h/SN2. LA N n Yes No Jv � 0 ❑ ❑ SrO wn L\ 'V Ga rc%ovp L\ 5r _s Y. g4-1 I ✓1 ❑ `►y a ❑ V ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ I hereby certify that I have inspected all of the above work, unless otherwise noted, and to the best of my ability I have found this work to comply with the approved plans, specifications applicable building laws. Final report issued at project completion. Inspector., Jack C. Millin _ ICC Certificati6ia No: 0842216-89. Contractor's Repprreesentative- Copy 1 JCM Inspections Copy 2 Project Superintendent Copy 3 Governing Agency Page of JCM Inspections 39725 Garand Lane Suite F Palm Desert, CA 92211 INSPECTIONS Phone: 760-345-5554 - Fax: 760-772-3895 INSPECTIONS REINFORCED CONCRETE INSPECTION REPORT Dates: Noted Below Project Name: Project No: Trilogy @ La Quinta - Shea Homes 02-1109 Project Address: City: 81-260 Avenue 62 La Quinta, CA ❑✓ IBC F—] Title 24 Other: Client: Sub -Contractor: Shea La Quinta, LLC DCCCC General Contractor: Architect: Structural Engineer: Shea Homes for Active Adults Bassenian Lagoni Borm & Associates, Inc./ Suncoast Post Tensi Slump (inches): S% a s- Supplier: Superior Time Sampled: o Mix Design: D83625P Time in Mixer (min.): f) Specified Strength (PSI): 4000 Water Added @ Jobsite (gals.): k) 0 el 0 Addmixture: POZZ 322N Concrete Temperature (F): Truck #: !-� cam" Ticket #: ' ()� Ambient Air Temperature (F): 67 Field ID Marking: Set A - 4 cylinders Weather: Unresolved Items: � None ❑ See Below Location of Sampler ��� �., G -C n Q 0 t1t r, ❑ No Samples Taken Description of Work Inspected: Phase Lot# LJ n Product _J Plan n h1 q� k I k c ir�� 1) Received mill certifications for rebar and tendons placed. 2) Typical exterior Footings including Garage Footings/Door (11,12,13/SD-1), Tie Beams (20/SD-1), Typical Interior Footings/Rib including step (15,18/SD-1), Seven Strand Tendons (4,10,12,13,16/SD-1), Simpson Strong Walls (24/SD-1), Anchor Bolts and Holdowns (6,7,8/SDA), Pad Footings and additional placed as per these details and as noted on �'�--M3 3 a(� i n[r <<� Q, �'�,�. �_ �� ;. ,.� LI �rebar 1S. �^n�,i .�.♦ ti. Qa lnX !"ana. W\ •�+)n l � \` 1, to \ �� �h C•A!/1�M � v Also, typical details 2, 3/SD-1 and Notes on SNA apply. Checked rebar for grade, size, placement, coverage and splices. Rebar and tendons were securely tied and supported off the earth. Accepted for concrete placement. 1) The placement of concrete for areas noted above except Garage Interior Footing and Slab on Grade. Total cubic yards placed: approx 9 o A mechanical vibrator was used to consolidate the concrete. Approved #4 rebar slab dowels were placed @ 18" o.c. 2) Molded 4 cylinders for compression tests with breaks at 7 days (1), 28 days (2) and one for holding purposes. l.I - os' 1) The placement of concrete for Garage Interior Footings and Slab on Grade Total cubic yards placed: approx Verified correct mix design. I hereby certify that 1 have inspected all of the above work, unless otherwise noted, and to the best of my ability I have found this work to comply with the approved plans, specifications _applicable building laws. Final report issued at project completion. Inspector: Jac C. Milli(n� ICC Ce rtffii\cation�N"o: 0842216-80 Conttrra`ctoes,Representative: Copy 1 JCM Inspections Copy 2 Project Superintendent Copy 3 Governing Agency Page of 03/24/2006 10:44 FAX PARAGONPSCHIMID IA 008/013 INSULATION CERTIFICATE This is to certify that insulation has been installed in conformance with the current energy regulation, California Administrative Code, Title 24, State of California, In the building at 81-506 ULRICH DRIVE, LOT 4102, PHASE 13B, LA QUINTA,,CA CEILINGS: TYPE: BLOW MANUFACTURER: Certalnteed THICKNESS: R-38 WALLS: TYPE: BATTS MANUFACTURER: BORATE THICKNESS: W-13 GENERAL CONTRACTOR: SHEA HOMES LICENSE # BY: TITLE: PARAGON SCHMID BUILDING PRODUCTS A MASCO Company LICENSE # 221517 TITLE: ACCOUNT REPRESENTIVE DATE: