0206-137 (RER)LICENSED CONTRA.,TOR DECLARATION I hereby affirm under penalty'of• perjury that I am licensed under provisions of Chapter 9 (commencing with Section 7000) of Division 3 of the Busi6ass ;and�� Professionals Code, and my License is in full force and effect. License # Lic. Class Exp. Date -Date - - Signature of. Contractor OWNER -BUILDER DECLARATION I hereby affirm under penalty of perjury that I am exempt from the Contractor's License Law for the following reason: ( ) I, as owner of the property, or my employees with wages as their sole `e.compensation, will do the work, and the structure is not intended or offered for sale (Sec. 7044, Business & Professionals Code). ( ) I, as owner of the property; am exclusively contracting"with licensed contractors to construct the project (Sec. 7044, Business & Professionals Code). () I am exempt under Section B&P.C, for this reason Da et - ."i >;•- I l,. Signature of Owner). ..<. w W f i w v IF WORKER'S COMPENSATION DECLARATION I hereby affirm under penalty of perjury one of. the following declarations: ( ) I have and will maintain,a certificate of consent to self -insure for workers' compensation, as provided for by Section 3700 of the Labor Code, for the performance of the work for which this permit is issued. ( ) I have and will maintain workers' compensation insurance, as required by Section 3700 of the Labor Code, for the performance of the work for which this permit is issued. My workers' compensation insurance carrier & policy no. are:. Carrier Policy No. (This section need not be completed if the permit valuation is for $100.00 or less). ( ) . Lcertify that in the performance of the work for which this permit is,issued; I shall not employ any person in any manner so as to become subject to the workers' compensation laws of California, and agree that if I should become subject to the workers' compensation provisions of Section 3700 of the Labor" Code, I shall forthwith comply with those provisions. . Date:. Applicant Warning: Failure to secure Workers' Compensation coverage is unlawful and shall subject an employer to criminal penalties and civil fines up to $100,000, in addition to the cost of compensation, damages as provided for in Section 3706 of the Labor Code, interest and attorney's fees. IMPORTANT Application is. hereby made to the Director of Building and Safety for .a permit subject, -to the conditions and restrictions set forth on his application. 1. Each person upon whose behalf this application is made & each person at whose request and for whose benefit'work is performed under or pursuant to any permit issued as a result of this applicaton agrees to, & shall, indemnify &'hold harmless, the "City of La Quinta, its officers, agents and employees. :.'=r2. Any permit issued as a result of this application becomes null and void if work is not commenced within 180 days from date of issuance of such permit, or cessation of work for 180 days will subject permit to cancellation. I certify that I have read this applicatiori;and,,state that the above information is correct. I agree to comply with all City, _and State laws relating to the building construction, and hereby authorize representatives of this City to enter upon .the above-mentioned property for inspection purposes. Signature (Owner/Age)l hi Date', ►o ' \ BUILDING PERMIT PERMITC#�,�`7 - DATE VALUATION LOT TRACT + JOB SITE ':t ADDRESS '; •151-400 A ,IMANATIAX,70 APN } i� Q��� • . OWNER —_. _ _ CONTRACTOR/DESIGNER/EN (NEER51 -4 00 AVM.DA'VAUW0 LA QUINTA,. CA: M253 / pp USE OF PERMIT 101CLOSE EXISTINETP,40JI0 0 130 S.F.; PER APPROVED PLANS. CONTRACTAMOUNT e,3.ni3,®0 1401 F81=4 M, CONN 017, WITIVEIMIMON 5,330.0 15��.f1�. FFV. 90MMARY CONSTRUCTION FES 101,000--41"00 $31.00 PLAN MINCK FM *54.63 MECHANICAL PER 101-M, -421-000 $19,140 &WMICAL PYS 101-000, 2.0-000 _ $33; 35 S3'11.4'+1`t'C1Ia%«TKYNI'FER • RESID 101.000.-241.000 ` $40 flfl GRADINC 1 __F, 101-000-423-000 _ : $150 -. D MM -TOT„ i FIRANCEDE -pAM1rg TorrAL P. mw �ur RECEIPT DATE BY D AT EV4 E ?;.x INSP OR INSPECTION RECORD OPERATION DATE INSPECTOR OPERATION DATE INSPECTOR BUILDING APPROVALS MECHANICAL APPROVALS Set Backs Underground Ducts Forms & Footings, p v Ducts Slab Grade Return Air Steel Combustion Air Roof Deck Exhaust Fans O.K. to Wrap F.A.U. Framing ?/ Compressor Insulation Vents Fireplace P.L. Grills Fireplace T.O. Fans & Controls Party Wall Insulation Condensate Lines Party Wall Firewall Exterior Lath 65 Drywall - Int. Lath _ Final Final a BLOCKWALL AP ROVA POOLS - SPAS steel Set Backs Electric Bond Footings Main Drain ,Bond Beam Approval to Cover Equipment Location Underground Electric Underground Plbg. Test Final I Gas Piping PLUMBING APPROVALS Gas Test Electric Final Waste Lines Heater Final Watd''Piping Plumbing Final Plumbing Top Out Equipment Enclosure Shower Pans O.K. for Finish Plaster Sewer Lateral Pool Cover Sewer Connection Encapsulation Gas Piping Gas Test Appliances Final Final Utility Notice (Gas) ELECTRICAL APPROVALS Temp. Power Pole Underground Conduit Rough Wiring Low Voltage Wiring Fodures Main Service Sub Panels' Exterior Receptacles G.F.I. Smoke Detectors Temp. Use of Power Final Utility Notice (Perm) COMMENTS: ` ®1\1STRLJCTON Ii[UURS� . i October 1st - April 30 3 y -Monday - Friday: 7:0(1-M- to 5.5.'31� e e1<ti� d'' : u�9v F .n: to 7:00 .m. ` �a urday: 8:00 a: to 5:00 p Sunday: None P.m. 4 Government Code Holij Iays: None 7'. 00 CONSTRUMON HOURS October 1 -April 3 0 s p QPOSot� T7D Monday Friday: 7:00 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Saturday: 8:00 ' : a -m: to 5s00 p.na. . _ Sunday.. Non .. Governmej it Codeolidays: None r r May 1st ptembe 30th ` Monday.. - i � • ,c r' - Saturday: ridgy: 00 a:m. to 7:00 p.m. 8:00 am. to 5:00 p.m. Sunday: No_n 40 Goverrnine t Code olidays: None A RE -I SPECTIbN FEE OF '$30 WILL BE HARGED. IF THE APPROVED PLANS:. ND JOB ARD; AR _NOT 0..0 THE 'SI rE FOR SCHEDULE' INSPEC ION. . No 100PTIONsI /� 73 `- gg Dog . "AN AD Q _ ._ _._ ...".._. __. E_... U .AT ELY SIZE.:DE$BfS=TAINER..-_._ .. _ _ IS REQUIR ON.THE J• B SITE DURING ALL CITY OF LA Q U I NTA y. PHASES OF CONSTRUCTION:AND MUST BE BU LDING & SAFETY�DEP;T. EMPTIED A! Y NECESSA IWRETOD:0�SO ' T MAY CAUSE HE CITY TO AVE THE CONTAINER dV� APP_ROVE®.. _ .::__. - -----=.:DUMP_ED-A THE-EXPE SE -OF -TSE -OWNER/.. - - OR CONSTRUCTION. _ -.. CONTRACT R." - DATE (o OZ BY _ .- _ .... ",_4 • .. '� ' ,i _..... - -—...---....-.._.._.. fs . •. ac. t. Uu.— J1 ,1, ..• YjtIC'+ :2'{f; :tlUi3i. i1ti� Rt: I"' iJ J ,S Z�l Ls �LA f 1*.)! I I li.lsT�+i�:0 c£ Ti:;� .t,:.q Clt:? o? .m.a GC: i :vL;i;i•s'l .uLq W:Z. (33 .."1"f.ti 00: SlT1O✓:s2`{r�:.? �+� L-t3i.1� �.1'itllilT:I'iOi� ..i 0£$ 30 333 ��OiJ��:;►- . O3VOS9lA 31HT 31 0305'1 LiJ " , 110 TOK 32A GRQ Sat G.''; 2:'r -.if 03JU03HOZ A R03 P2 34. 1 110IT339301 1510179333 03 )I,- OZ Gil Oi; "ti,"; � 1 a• •� �., j.,t ., . , . BHT 3:1f • t� r t (]J T T i. :'tv+ i v •� r i r� r yc? , ? ' doff d �t0 S P./ /VPS✓ i f . • r` -r • , / • [^/ ell s • , 4 �.� --r.. - _ .... ". }' ,.- ='�•'t � .;�; �L. � c ^ J-7; - � - k e Gr/f't' �(�d IDi CITY.OF • ' .-/�$�' � � ILDING��.' � ��" 0EPT:��. CONS.I "UCTION �.•i�'r��Y ,fit. � � � . -_ • • � - - '`-- l Za • DATE BY, ,e/r 914 i f . • r` -r • , / • [^/ ell s • , 4 �.� --r.. - _ .... ". }' ,.- ='�•'t � .;�; �L. � c ^ J-7; - � - k e Gr/f't' �(�d IDi CITY.OF • ' .-/�$�' � � ILDING��.' � ��" 0EPT:��. CONS.I "UCTION �.•i�'r��Y ,fit. � � � . -_ • • � - - '`-- l Za • DATE BY, i 'Engineering Incorporated 1981 20th Anniversary 2001 ' Consulting Electrical Engineers 19031 Hfghway 18 Ste 200 71330 Canyon I.Ane Apple Valley, CA 92307 Palm Desert, CA 92260 ; k Phone: (760) 242-3369 Phone: (760) 773-4478 Fax: (760)242-1092 Fax: (760)242-1092 dreninjoe@char-ter.net dreamjoe@aoLcom 'r. TITLE 24, JANUARY 2001 ENERGY EFFICIENCY STANDARDS FOR LOW RISE RESIDENTIAL BUILDINGS AVENIDA VALLEJO 1300 SO. FT. RESIDENCE °+ ADDITION OF (3)2x4 SKYLIGHTS' 05-24-02 r i Energy Budgets for this building were determined using the CALRES VERSION 1.4. certified by the California Energy Commission. The Calres analysis attached was conducted using tables from the ,Residential Manual for Compliance With the Energy Efficiency.Standards (for Low Rise Residential, Buildings) JANUARY 2001, certified by the California Energy Commission. COMPOSITE RESIDENCE COMPLIES ***REFERENCE C-2111 PAGE 10** I hereby certify that the California Energy Commission. Conservation Division regulations establishing Energy Efficiency Standards for Residential Buildings, Title-24, Part 6, have been reviewed and/ the design submitted substantially complies with these regulations. } Joseph M. Nolan 04e Electrical Engineer { ,. References: ,, s #1 - C-2R #2—CF IIR < #3 - MF-1 R Mandatory Measures Checklist: Residential #4 -CF-6R Installation Certificate #5 - FHA FORM J Heating and'Cooling Calculations I -- ),­Jt-- LA C U 1 N TA bv!LC�if�G &SAFETY DEPT.' APPROVE® FOR CONSTRUCTION DATE 'S�166_7" BY TITLE 24 -RESIDENTIAL PAGE-1 i COMPUTERMETHOD SUMMARY ' ,Page'l C --2R • s-=-------------.--------- -----------=---------------- -----------------`--------- -Run: Project Title: AVENIDA VALLEJO 462 i24 -May -02 Project Address: 51-400,AVENIDA VALLEJO AVENIDA VALLEJO- Area Volume LA QUINTA, CA Building -Title: AVENIDA VALLEJO' Building Permit # -Document Author: DREAMIENGINEERING INC. + Telephone: Type Plan Check / Date Compliance Method:' CALRES2 1.4.02 Field Check /'Date Climate Zone: '` 15Al 1.0400 ENERGY USE SUMMARY (kBtu/ft2-yr)'' s y� _.Energy Use Standard;jDesign Proposed.•Design -------------.--------------.--, Space Heating ---------------- 3.60 4.20, i Space Cooling. 48.95 - 51.85 .Water Heating;. 17.44 13.77 --------- -------= Complies Total 69.99 69:81 Yes GENERAL INFORMATION- E c, Conditioned.Floor Area: Average: Ceiling Height:; Building Type: Building Front Orientation: Glazing Area, o of.Floor Area: Average Fenestration U -Value: Average Fenestration SHGC:- Number.of Dwelling Units: Number of,Stories: Floor Construction Type: Number of Conditioned.Zones: Total Conditioned Volume:,' BUILDING ZONE INFORMATION,, 1300 ft2 8'0" ft -in '# SFD Single,Family Detached 270 deg (West) 11.7-66 0.97 0.68 1.00 1 Slab on.grade 1 10400 ' ft3 .; Floor Vent " Zone Area Volume Thermostat Height Name ------------ (ft2) — — — — --------- (ft3) Type Type (ft) HOUSE _— - — 1300 1.0400 — — — — — — — — — — — — — Conditioned' 'CECStandard 21 011 OPAQUE SURFACES Surface { Area U- Insl Total Tru Sir Construction Type (ft2) factor Rval Rval Azm Tlt Gns Type .Location/Comments ----------- - - - - ------ - - - - ----- --- --- --- ------------ ------------------- Zone = HOUSE Door 20.0. 0.330 0. 3 180 90 Yes CEC_30=Wood Outside Door 20.0 0.330';' 0 3. 0 90 Yes CEC_30-*Wood Outside Wall 323.0 0.081-.i13 12* 270 90 Yes Wsl3:2x4.16. Outside Wall .180.0 0.081 13 12 0- 90 Yes Ws13.2x4.16 Outside Wall .323.0 0.081 %13 12 90 90 Yes Wsl3.2x4.16 Outside . 0 a .. i it f t COMPUTER METHOD.'SUMMARY Page 2 C -2R Project Title: AVENIDA VALLEJO Run: 4.62 24--May-02 OPAQUE SURFACES continued Surface Area U- Insl Total Tru Slr Construction Length.Height Type. (ft2) factor'Rval. Rva1.,Azm Tlt Gns.Type Location/Comments- Wall 180.0 0.081 13 12 180 90 Yes Wsl3.2x4.16 Outside Ceiling 1276.0 0.034 X30 29 -- 0 Yes R30.2xl2.16 Outside Floor 1300.0 -- 0 -- -- 180 No Slabl40C Grade PERIMETER LOSSES 01011 411011 NORTH -2 41011 41011 21011 '0" - 01011 Insul '011 01011 411011 EAST=1 " Perimeter Length F2 Insul Depth 0'0" 01 Type (ft) Factor. R-val (in) 'Location/Comments 0" 21011 Zone= HOUSE -------- --,--- ----- _----- - 01011 --------------------------------- .25'0" SOUTH -1 ', - Exposed 170'011 0 756 _:0 : 16 Outside . 0 1 0 11 FENESTRATION SURFACES SOUTH -2 ;. ' 4 1 G" 4 1 0. 11 2 1 V, '0 0 11 - . 0 ,1 Fenestration - 41 1 0 11. WEST -1 Exterior Shade Over - Fenestration Area --------------- 010", Tru ----=------------ hang Name.. Type (ft2) U -factor SHGC Azm Tilt Type SHGC•, /Fins zone = HOUSE 251011 51011 14ORTH-1 Window 16.0 1.08 0.76 270 90 BugScrn 0.76. Overha NORTH -2 Window 16.0 1.08 0.76 270 90 BugScrn 0.76", Overha EAST -1 Window, -16.,0 1.08 0.76 0 90 BugScrn 0.76 Overha EAST -2 Window, 16.,0 0.75 0.73: O' 90 BugScrn 0.76 Overha -SOUTH-1 Window' 16.,0 1:08 0..76 90 90"BugScrn 0.76 Overha 'SOUTH -2 Window 16.'0 1.08. 0:76 '90 90 BugScrn -0.76 Overha,' WEST -1 Window 16.0 1.08 0.76 180 90 BugScrn 0.76 Overha WEST -2 Window, 16.0 1.08 0.76 180 90 BugScrn 0.76 Overha SKY1 Skylig 8.0 0.62 0.26 -- 0 BugScrn 0.76 None SKY2 Skyl'ig 8.0 0.62. 0'.26 -- 0 BugScrn 1.00 None SKY3 Skylig 8.0 0.62: 0.26 - 0•BugScrn 1.00 None OVERHANGS Fenestration ---=---------------------- Length.Height Left Right Name, Width -Height; 'H' 'V' Extension,Extension NORTH -1 410" 41011 21011 010" 01011 411011 NORTH -2 41011 41011 21011 '0" - 01011 '011 01011 411011 EAST=1 410" 410" 210". 0'0" 01 0" 251011 EAST -2 410" 41 0" 21011 - 01,011 - 01011 .25'0" SOUTH -1 ', 41011 41011, 2 "0 11 01,011 . 0 1 0 11 41 1 Off SOUTH -2 ;. ' 4 1 G" 4 1 0. 11 2 1 V, '0 0 11 - . 0 ,1 0 11 , - 41 1 0 11. WEST -1 41011 4'0" 21011 010", 01011 2551011 WEST -2, 41011 1011 41011" 21011 "� Wolf 011 01011 251011 51011 COMPUTER METHOD SUMMARY,. Page 3 + C=2R r: Project'' Title: AVENIDA VALLEJO Run:••462 124 -May -02 FINS Left Fin' Right Fin n--------------------=----- ----- ----------- ----------- Fenestration l Dist F Dist ----------------- - Fin Fin :Ht from Fin Fin Ht; from. Name Height Width] Depth Height 'V' fenes Depth Height..'V', fenes 77 None THERMAL MASS Vol Cond- Area Thck,,Heat duct- Construction Insd ; Mass Name (ft2) (in)'j Cap ivity Type Rval Location/Comments' --------------------- ---- ----------------- ---- ---------------„--------- None a t SOLAR GAIN DISTRIBUTION ; Fenestration Winter Summer Targetted - J { •Name ,J�Fraction Fraction Thermal Mass Comments ! t None-� HVAC.SYSTEMS Refrigerant Minimum ;j Charge and 'Equipment Duct Location System Name System Type;, Airflow TXV Efficiency and .,R -value ------------------------, --,----------- Zone = HOUSE ----- GASFURN.80 Furnace N/A. 0.80 AFUE 'Attic R-4.2- ACpkg14 Air Gond. -'central pckg Yes: 14.00 SEER Attic 'R-4.2 HVAC -DISTRIBUTION EFFICIENCY DETAILS Duct ,.Leakage ? t ^ Supply Target . Duct Surface ACOA,Manual D• (leakage cfm/ System Name Area Design % of fan cfm)'. Fan CFM, - 2 > 351-------- -;- ------------ n%a----------- --, 910 ` CEC_100$'R4 No WATER HEATING SYSTEMS Distrib Water Water - # of Energy Volume System Name Type. Heater Name Heater Type Htrs Factor (gal) ------------ -------- ------------ ----------------- ---- ---- Standard-Gas -- Standard_Gas Standard StandardGas Storage gas 1` 0.65 4014 11 r COMPUTER METHOD SUMMARY t Page 4, C -2R' "Project Title''.... AVENIDA VALLEJO Run: 462 'i24-May=02 -SPECIAL WATER HEATING SYSTEM CREDITS Solar savings Wood stove Wood stove System.Name fraction boiler?, boiler pump? ------------------=--=--,-�------------ �l Standard Gas -- : No - ; No SPECIAL WATER HEATER/BOILER DETAILS T' Rated Pilot Water ',Recovery Input* 'Standby Tank Light,, 1' 'Heater Name Efficiency .AFUE (kBtuh) Loss R -value" (Btuh), . ------------------------ ------------------------- ------ -StandardGas 76% ` -- 36.00 -- -- -- HYDRO NIC DISTRIBUTION AND TERMINALS Pipe Pipe Insul Insul . System/Name Type Number. run (ft)' 'diam (in) thck (in) ;R -value =------ ---. ------ ------ - - -e-----:,5------- None-------=- ,--------- SPECIAL FEATURES; REMARKS, AND NOTES 1., Heating duct register, location: Ceiling. 2. Cooling duct register'location:•Ceiling. 3: A Thermostatic Expansion Valve must be installed in the cooling equipment. 4. This building includes opaque surface(s) which include steel framing. 4 S� ' I CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE. Residential, Page 1. CF -1R Projlect-Title: AVENIDA VALLEJO - Run: 462 °24 -May -02 Project Address: 51-400 AVENIDA VALLEJO AVENIDA VALLEJO LA QUINTA, CA e } Building Title:- AVENIDA VALLEJO Building Permit # Document Author: DREAM'''ENGINEERING`INC. Telephone: Plan Check / Date Compliance Method: CALRES2 1.4:02 Field Check /;Date Climate Zone: 15 GENERAL INFORMATION Conditioned Floor Area: 1300 ft2 n Average Ceiling Height:" 810" ft -in a Building: Type:SFD Single Family Detached Building Front Orientation: 270 deg (West). .Glazing Area, o of Floor Area: 11.7$ Average Fenestration U=Value:0.97 - Average Fenestration SHGC: 0.68 Number of Stories: 1 Number of Dwelling Units: 1.00 Floor Construction Type: ".Slab on grade BUILDING SHELL INSULATIONI', z+ i Cavity ;!Sheathing Component Insul Insul Total Assembly Type R -value R -value R -value U -value Location/Comments" --- ------- ------O 3.03 0.330 -A ------- - --- -Outside---------------- Door Wall 13 0 12.35 0.081 Outside. Wall 1'3 0 12.35 0.081 ,' Outside Wall 13 0 12.35 0.081 Outside Wall 13 '0 12.35 .0.081 Outside ' Ceiling 30 0 29.41 0.034 Outside {a Floor 0 0 3.38 0.295 Grade Slab Perimeter 0 0 0 0.756 Outside FLOOR TYPES AND AREAS Construction Type. Area (ft2) Conditioned? Exterior Conditions/Descripti Slab 1 1300 Yes Grade FENESTRATION Area Fenestration Fenestration 'Exterior Overhang Type/Orientation (ft2) U -factor SHGC 'Shading,'. and Fins Window West 32.01 1.08 0.87 BugScrn Overhang Window North 16.0 1.08 0.87 BugScrn _Overhang `Window North 16.0 0.75 0.77 BugScrn Overhang .Window East 32.0. 1:08 ..0.87 BugScrn Overhang - Window South 32.0 1.08 0.87 BugScrn Overhang Skylight 24.0 0,62 0.25'-BugScrn, None CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE:'' Residential Page •2 CF -1R' ,:Proj6ct Title: AVENIDA VALLEJO, Run: 462 ,24 -May -02 THERMAL MASS Area Thick Type Cover (ft2) (in) Location/Comments --------- -------- ------ ----- ---- --------------------------- -------- None HVAC SYSTEMS Refrigerant Distribution System Charge and.,Location Type Efficiency Airflow TXV .andR-value Furnace 0.80 AFUE N/A Attic R-4.2,'. Air cond. - central pckg.a. 14.00 SEER Yes Attic R-4.2 HVAC DISTRIBUTION EFFICIENCY DETAILS Duct Leakage' )Supply Target Duct Surface ACCA Manual D (leakage cfm/ System Name Area Design` o of fan cfm) Fan CFM ------------------------,------------------------------------- CEC_100%R4.2 351 No n/a 910 c WATER HEATING 'SYSTEMS �. r Distrib Water, Water # of Energy Volume System Name Type Heater Name Heater Type., Hirs Factor (gal) Standard;Gas Standard StandardGas Storage -gas 1 .0.65 40 SPECIAL WATER HEATING SYSTEM CREDITS. ISolar savings .Wood .,stove Wood stove System Name fraction ,'� boiler? boiler pump?' ------------ ----- ..---------- ----- -------- ­ -------------- - --- No' Nof . SPECIAL WATER°HEATER/BOILER DETAILS ' Rated Pilot Water r`Recovery -Input. Standby. Tank Light Heater Name '-Efficiency 'AFUE (kBtuh) : Loss R -value (Btuh) ------------ ---- -- ------------------ ------ StandardGas 76% -- 36.00•. - -- -- HYDRONIC DISTRIBUTION AND,TERMINALS , r• Pipe'Pipe Insul Insul. System/Name Type;1 Number run (ft) diam.(in) thck (in)% ',R -value ,+ None f , CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE:: Residential Page.3 CF -1R Project Title:: AVENIDA VALLEJO Run: 462- i:24 -May -02 SPECIAL FEATURES, REMARKS, AND NOTES 1. Heating duct register location: Ceiling. 2. Cooling duct' register location: Ceiling. 3. A Thermostatic Expansion Valve must be installed in the cooling'equipment. 4. This building includes opaque surface(s) which include steel framing. COMPLIANCE -STATEMENT This"certificate of compliance lists the.building features and performance specifications needed to comply with the Energy Standards in,Title 24,'Parts 1 and 6,' of the California Code of Regulations, and the Administrative regulations to implement them. This certificate has been signed by -the individual with overall design responsibility. When this certificate of compliance is'isubmitted for a single building plan to be built in multiple orientations, any shading feature.that is varied is',indicated.in the Special Features,.Remarks, and Notes section... o�e,N lan DESIGNER OR OWNER, rj O 760)773 4478 .,.. .� - -;Dreamy"En'gineering; Inc. 72330 Canyon sane Palm Desert, CA92260 Certification #: _ Date Signed Date ENFORCEMENT AGENCY Name: Title: Engineering Incorporated- ncorporated.°1981 1198120th Anniversary 2001 ' Consulting Electrical . Engineers 19031 Highway 18 Ste 200 ':, 72330 (b,ryan 1 ane - - - - d Apple Vunq, CA 92307 Palm Desert, CA 92260 - - - - . • .. Ph„ae: (760) 242-3369 - Phuae: (760) 773-4478 Fat: (760)242-1092 Fat: '(760)242=1092.- dreamJ, e)rha,ier.nel dreandoe�§aol.emn FORM J EQUIPMENT LOADS PROJECT: 21 BTU/SQ FT DREAM ENGINEERING INC. 19031 HIGHWAY 18 - SUITE 200 AVENIDA`VALLEJO -= -=1300 SQ FT' = - DAPPLE VALLEY, CALIFORNIA.= -(760)242-3369/F1092 LA QUINTA CA HTM HTM AREA/ BTU BTU NUMBER:OF FLOORS 1` CLG ; HTG LENGTI CLG HTG EXPOSED WALL (SQ FT) 4160 GROSS EXPOSED WALLS FOOTPRINT": PERIMETER (FT) 145 FIXED WINDOWS 34 0 0 0 BUILDING DIMENSIONS (SQ FT) 1300 SLIDING WINDOWS 35 128 0 4416 CEILING HEIGHT (FT) -8.0 WINDOWS & NORTH 30 32 960 DIRECTION FACING 5 • WEST GLASS DOORS: EAST 80 . " _ 32 2560 LOCATION LA QUINTA • SOUTH 45 32 = 1440 SUMMER DESIGN OUTDOOR 48 112 WEST 80 32 ' 2560 WINTER DESIGN OUTDOOR - 68 26 SKY LIGHTS 0 48 24 0 1152 UBC.50%.00CUPANCY N/A OPAQUEZOORS 38 25 40 '1520, 1000 DISCLAIMER: NET EXPOSED WALL R13 2.5 2.6 1160 2900' 3016 1.THE BUILDING HEAT LOSS & RESULTING MAXIMUM HEATING , -AVE CEILINGS R30 ; 2.09 1.2. 1276 2662 1480 EQUIPMENT OUTPUT CALCULATIONS IN THIS REPORT MEET THE - CEILINGS (R#2) 0 0 CRITERIA OF TITLE 24. THIS MAXIMUM MAY BE EXCEEDED , FLOOR (SLAB - PERIMETER) 0 28 145 0 4104, WHEN THE FURNACE IN THE SELECTED PRODUCT LINE MUST BE s FLOOR (RAISED FLOOR) 0 0 0 0 LARGER TO MEET COOLING LOAD AIR FLOW REQUIREMENTS. .. SUBTOTAL- BTUH LOSS 15168 2.THE BUILDING SENSIBLE HEAT GAIN CALCULATED IN THIS 4 DUCT BTUH LOSS (15%) -1820 .REPORT MEETS THE CRITERIA OF TITLE 24 AND MAY BE " ' HEATING: TOTAL BUTH LOSS 16988 USED BY THE MECHANICAL CONTRACTOR IN EQUIPMENT PEOPLE & APPLIANCES . 1200 SELECTION AND SYSTEM DESIGN. THE ARI STANDARD 210 r ' SENSIBLE BTU GAIN 15802 RATED CAPACITY OF, THE EQUIPMENT SELECTED MAY NEED DUCT BTU GAIN (15%) 2370 TO. BE HIGHER THAN THAT STATED IN THE CALCULATIONS SUM OF SENSIBLE AND DUCT GAINS 18172 BECAUSE THE DESIGN CONDITIONS FOR'THE LOCATION ARE COOLING: TOTAL BTUH GAIN (TOTAL X 1.3) 23624 DIFFERENT FROM THE TEST CONDITIONS USED IN THE RATINGS. HTG UNIT SIZING = BTUH LOSS X 1.3 + 10 X AREA = - 35084 BTU HEATING OUTPUT, MINIMUM REQUIRED- CLG UNIT SIZING = BTUH GAIN X 1.15 = = 27167 BTU COOLING SENSIBLE, MINIMUM REQUIRED 2.5 TON AIC UNIT O.K. -• r 'l. - ,' ' it oF�w • 78-495 CALLE TAMPICO = LA GIUINTA,-CALIFORNIA 92253 ti - ry • A ' TELEPHON_E_(760) 777-7012 FAX (760) 777-7011 OWNER BUILDER •INFORMATION Dear Property Owner: An application for a building permit'has been submitted in your namedisting yourself as the builder of the property improvements specified. t, For your protection you should be aware that as "Owner/Builder" you are the responsible party of record on such a permit_ Building permits are not required to be signed by property owners unless they are personally performing their own work. If your work is being performed by someone'other than yourself, you may protect yourself from possible liability if that person applies for the proper permit in his or -her name. Contractors are required by law to be licensed and bonded by the State of California and to have a business license from the City or County. They are also required by law"to-put their license -number on all permits for which they apply: If you plan to do your own work; with the exception of various trades that you plan to subcontract, you should be ' aware of the following information for your benefit and protection: If you employ or otherwise engage any persons other than your immediate family, and;the work (including materials and other costs) is $200.00 or more for the entire project, and such persons are nor licensed as contractors or subcontractors, then you may be an employer. If you are an employer; you must register with the State and Federal Government as an employer•and you are subject to several obligations including 'Siate and Federal income. tax withholding, federal social security taxes, worker's - compensation insurance; disability insurance costs and unemployment compensation contributions. There may be financial risks for you if you do not carry out these obligations, and these risks are especially serious with respect to worker's compensation insurance.' n, For moie specific information about your obligations under.Federal Law, contact the Internal Revenue Service (and, if you wish, the U.S. Small Business Adminstration). For more specific information about your obligations under State Law, contact the Department of Benefit Payments and the Division of Industrial Accidents. If the structure is intended for sale; property owners who are not licensed contractors are allowed to perform their work personally or through their own -employees, without a licensed contractor,or subcontractor, only under limited conditions.` i• A frequent practice of unlicensed persons professing to be, contractors is to secure an "Owner/ Builder" building permit, erroneously implying that the property owner is providing his or her'own labor and material personally. " Building permits are not required to be signed by property owners unless they are performing 'their own work personally., Information about licensed contractors may be obtained by contacting the Contractors' State License Board in your community or at 1020 N. Street,, Sacramento; California 95814. ' Please complete and return the enclosed owner -builder verification form so that we can confirm that you are aware of these matters. The building permit will not be issued until the verification is returned. . Very truly yours, .. ' CITY OF LA QUINTA + DEPT. OF BUILDING AND SAFETY F r 78-495-Ca11e Tampico f, `r • La Quinta, CA 92253 , r '1 (760) 777-7012 F (760)777-7011 . 4 O ER' S SIGNATURE /DATE, l _D I , PROPERTY ADDRESS . deo �- I�3� • � ': ' PERMIT NUMBER(s) Y