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LICENSED CONTRACTOR'S DECLARATION I hereby affirm under penalty of perjury that'l am licensed under provisions of Chapter 9 (commencing with Section 7000) of Division 3 of the Business and Professions Code, and my License is in full force and effect. License Cllaas . CC46 B C10 A C20 Lic se No.: 888104 Date.r�1 ]L I Contracto OWNER -BUILDER DECLARATION I hereby affirm under penalty of perjury that I am exempt from the Contractor's State License Law for the following reason (Sec. 7031.5, Business and Professions Code: Any city or county that requires a permit to construct, alter, improve, demolish, or repair any structure, prior to its issuance, also requires the applicant for the permit to file a signed statement that he or she is licensed pursuant to the provisions of the Contractor's State License Law (Chapter 9 (commencing with.Section 7000) of Division 3 of the Business and Professions Code) or that he or she is exempt therefrom and the basis for the alleged exemption. Any violation of Section 7031.5 by any applicant for a permit subjects the applicant to a civil penalty of not more than five hundred dollars ($500).: (_) I, as owner of the property, or my employees with wages as their sole compensation, will do the work, and the structure is not intended or offered for sale. (Sec. 7044, Business and Professions Code: The Contractors' State License Law does not apply to an owner of property who builds or improves thereon, and who does the work himself or herself through his or her own employees, provided that the improvements are not intended or offered for sale. If, however, the building or improvement is sold within one year of completion, the owner -builder will have the burden.of proving that he or she did not build or improve for the purpose of sale.). (_) I, as owner of the property, am exclusively contracting with licensed. contractors to construct the project. (Sec. 7044, Business and Professions Code: The Contractors' State License Law does not apply to an owner of property who builds or improves thereon, and who contracts for the projects with a contractor(s) licensed pursuant to the Contractors' State License Law.). (_) I am exempt under Sec. B:&P.C. for this reason Date: Owner: CONSTRUCTION LENDING AGENCY I hereby affirm under penalty of perjury that there is a construction lending agency for the performance of the work for which this permit is issued (Sec. 3097, Civ. Q. Lender's Lender's Address: WORKER'S COMPENSATION DECLARATION i hereby affirm under penalty of perjury one of the following declarations: I have and will maintain a certificate of consent to self -insure for workers' compensation, as provided for by Section 3700 of the Labor Code, for the performance of thew for which this permit is issued. have and will maintain workers' compensation insurance, as required by Section 3700 of the Labor Code, for the performance of the work for which this permit is issued. My workers' compensation insurance carrier and policy number are: Carrier. _ Policy Number: _ I certify that in the performance of the work for which this permit is issued, I shall not employ any person in any manner so as to become subject to the workers' ' compensation laws of California, and agree that, if I should become subject to the workers' compensation provisions of Section 3700 of the Labor Code, I shall forthwith comply with those provisions. Da e: 2 S Applica WARNING: FAILURE TO SECURE WORKERS' COMPENSATION COVERAGE IS UNLAWFUL, AND SHALL SUBJECT AN,EMPLOYER TO CRIMINAL PENALTIES AND CIVIL FINES UP TO ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLARS ($100,000). IN ADDITION TO THE COST OF COMPENSATION, DAMAGES AS PROVIDED FOR IN SECTION 3706 OF THE LABOR CODE, INTEREST, AND ATTORNEY'S FEES. APPLICANT ACKNOWLEDGEMENT IMPORTANT: Application is hereby made to the Building Official for a permit subject to the conditions and restrictions set forth on this application. 1. Each person upon whose behalf this application is made, each person at whose request and for whose be work is performed under or pursuant to any permit issued as a result of this application , the owner, and the applicant, each agrees to, and shall defend, indemnify and hold harmless the City of La Quinta, its officers, agents, and employees for any act or omission related to the work being performed under or following issuance of this permit. 2. Any permit issued as a result of this application becomes null and void if work is not commenced within 180 days from date of issuance of such permit, or cessation of work for 180 days will subject permit to cancellation. . I certify that I have read this application and state that the above information is correct. I agree to comply with all city and county ordinances and state laws relating to building construction, and hereby authorize representatives of this city to enter upon the above• mentioned prop rty for inspection purposes. Dates S Signature (Applicant 'Agent): ��e Twit 4 Q"' VOICE (760) 777-7125 78-495 CALLE TAMPICO LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 FAX (760) 777-7011 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT INSPECTIONS (760) 777-7153 BUILDING PERMIT . Date:9/.�/ 015 Application Number: BSOL2015-0128 Owner: o Property Address: 54425 AVENIDA VALLEJO LINDA COPELAND APN: 774244021 54425 AVENIDA VALLEJO fi Application Description: 7.42kW PV SYSTEM - (28) 265W PANELS/(2) INVERTERS LA QUINTA, CA 92253 n 0 ti Property Zoning: o Application Valuation: $16,398.00 La O Applicant: Contractor: z� o y cfst SOLARCITY CORPORATION 3055 CLEARVIEW WAY SOLARCITY CORPORATION �, 3055 CLEARVIEW WAY z ATTN ZOE STEELE ATTN ZOE STEELE SAN MATEO, CA 94402 SAN MATEO, CA 94402 (650)963-5630 Llc. No.: 888104 LICENSED CONTRACTOR'S DECLARATION I hereby affirm under penalty of perjury that'l am licensed under provisions of Chapter 9 (commencing with Section 7000) of Division 3 of the Business and Professions Code, and my License is in full force and effect. License Cllaas . CC46 B C10 A C20 Lic se No.: 888104 Date.r�1 ]L I Contracto OWNER -BUILDER DECLARATION I hereby affirm under penalty of perjury that I am exempt from the Contractor's State License Law for the following reason (Sec. 7031.5, Business and Professions Code: Any city or county that requires a permit to construct, alter, improve, demolish, or repair any structure, prior to its issuance, also requires the applicant for the permit to file a signed statement that he or she is licensed pursuant to the provisions of the Contractor's State License Law (Chapter 9 (commencing with.Section 7000) of Division 3 of the Business and Professions Code) or that he or she is exempt therefrom and the basis for the alleged exemption. Any violation of Section 7031.5 by any applicant for a permit subjects the applicant to a civil penalty of not more than five hundred dollars ($500).: (_) I, as owner of the property, or my employees with wages as their sole compensation, will do the work, and the structure is not intended or offered for sale. (Sec. 7044, Business and Professions Code: The Contractors' State License Law does not apply to an owner of property who builds or improves thereon, and who does the work himself or herself through his or her own employees, provided that the improvements are not intended or offered for sale. If, however, the building or improvement is sold within one year of completion, the owner -builder will have the burden.of proving that he or she did not build or improve for the purpose of sale.). (_) I, as owner of the property, am exclusively contracting with licensed. contractors to construct the project. (Sec. 7044, Business and Professions Code: The Contractors' State License Law does not apply to an owner of property who builds or improves thereon, and who contracts for the projects with a contractor(s) licensed pursuant to the Contractors' State License Law.). (_) I am exempt under Sec. B:&P.C. for this reason Date: Owner: CONSTRUCTION LENDING AGENCY I hereby affirm under penalty of perjury that there is a construction lending agency for the performance of the work for which this permit is issued (Sec. 3097, Civ. Q. Lender's Lender's Address: WORKER'S COMPENSATION DECLARATION i hereby affirm under penalty of perjury one of the following declarations: I have and will maintain a certificate of consent to self -insure for workers' compensation, as provided for by Section 3700 of the Labor Code, for the performance of thew for which this permit is issued. have and will maintain workers' compensation insurance, as required by Section 3700 of the Labor Code, for the performance of the work for which this permit is issued. My workers' compensation insurance carrier and policy number are: Carrier. _ Policy Number: _ I certify that in the performance of the work for which this permit is issued, I shall not employ any person in any manner so as to become subject to the workers' ' compensation laws of California, and agree that, if I should become subject to the workers' compensation provisions of Section 3700 of the Labor Code, I shall forthwith comply with those provisions. Da e: 2 S Applica WARNING: FAILURE TO SECURE WORKERS' COMPENSATION COVERAGE IS UNLAWFUL, AND SHALL SUBJECT AN,EMPLOYER TO CRIMINAL PENALTIES AND CIVIL FINES UP TO ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLARS ($100,000). IN ADDITION TO THE COST OF COMPENSATION, DAMAGES AS PROVIDED FOR IN SECTION 3706 OF THE LABOR CODE, INTEREST, AND ATTORNEY'S FEES. APPLICANT ACKNOWLEDGEMENT IMPORTANT: Application is hereby made to the Building Official for a permit subject to the conditions and restrictions set forth on this application. 1. Each person upon whose behalf this application is made, each person at whose request and for whose be work is performed under or pursuant to any permit issued as a result of this application , the owner, and the applicant, each agrees to, and shall defend, indemnify and hold harmless the City of La Quinta, its officers, agents, and employees for any act or omission related to the work being performed under or following issuance of this permit. 2. Any permit issued as a result of this application becomes null and void if work is not commenced within 180 days from date of issuance of such permit, or cessation of work for 180 days will subject permit to cancellation. . I certify that I have read this application and state that the above information is correct. I agree to comply with all city and county ordinances and state laws relating to building construction, and hereby authorize representatives of this city to enter upon the above• mentioned prop rty for inspection purposes. Dates S Signature (Applicant 'Agent): ��e FINANCIAL INFjORIVIATION �, '-ACCOUNT .; ' -QTY DESCRIPTION'. `' . AMOUNT PAID a4. PAID DATE i" f N BSAS SB1473 FEE 101-0000-20306 0 $1.00 $0.00 PAID'BYx " ""� i� , �" ;r METHOD`5 r G 2';�RECEIPT;# `w a CHECK # "CLTD BY +` .= Total Paid forBUILDING STANDARDS ADMINISTRATION BSA $1.00 $0.00 .:' DESCRIPTION ."' s.. ,, r ACCOUNT J QTY AMOUNT u _ PAID PAID. DATE PV SYSTEM - ARRAY, FIRST 20 101-0000-42403 ' 0 $24.17 $0.00 r.s s :: r ;r'•' .. METHOD 3' ... • " RECEIPT # '$ ;`j, - CHECK'# o— '' CLTD BY '. DESCRIPTION �'.. �"` :ACCOUNT ; QTY AMOUNT '' PAID PAID„DATE PV SYSTEM - ARRAY, FIRST 20 PC 101-0000-42600 0 $24.17 $0.00 'M.ETHOD RECEIPT#' w' CHECK # CLTD.BY`' x Total Paid for ELECTRICAL: $48.34 $0.00 a�<tDE rACCOUNTr ";PAIDSCRIPT PAID.:DATE. � PERMIT ISSUANCE 101-0000-42404 0 $91.85 $0.00 PAID'BY�, x + '"` ,- METHOD *� m�RECEIPT# f%� 'CHECK°# t CLTDBY hY' -�.. Total Paid for PERMIT ISSUANCE: $91.85 $0.00 TOTALS:• •• t Description: 7.42kW PV SYSTEM - (28) 265W PANELS/(2) INVERTERS ADDITIONAL Type: SOLAR • Subtype: Status: APPROVED Applied: 8/12/2015 EVA Approved: 9/2/2015 LUR Parcel No: 774244021 Site Address: 54425 AVENIDA VALLEJO LA QUINTA CA 92253 Subdivision: SANTA CARMELITA VALE LA QUINTA Block: 289 Lot: 10 Issued: UNIT 26 STAFF NAME ACTION •DATE Lot Scl Ft: 0 Building Sq Ft: 0 Zoning: Finaled: Valuation: $16,398.00 Occupancy Type: Construction Type: Expired: No. Buildings: 0 No. Stories: 0 No. Unites: 0 LUIS URIBE Details: 7.42kW SOLAR ARRAY - (28) 265W KYOCERA PANELS W/ (2) ABB#PVI-3.0-OUTD-S-US-Z-A ACFI INVERTER [496SF] 2013 CALIFORNIA ELECTRICAL CODE. ARE READY FOR CORRECTIONS. E-MAIL Printed: Wednesday, September 02,.2015 8:16:41 AM 1of3 I 4YSTE.M. 5 ADDITIONAL CHRONOLOGY _TYPE . STAFF NAME ACTION •DATE COMPLETION DATE NOTES- ` • _ }. �. SENT ELENA AND EMAIL. 1ST REVIEW IS COMPLETE. PLANS E-MAIL LUIS URIBE 8/19/2015 8/19/2015 ARE READY FOR CORRECTIONS. E-MAIL LUIS URIBE 9/2/2015 9/2/2015 EMAILD ELENA. PERMIT IS READY TO BE ISSUED. NOTE STEPHANIE KHATAMI 8/20/2015 8/20/2015 PLAN CHECK PICKED UP. RESUBMITTAL PHILIP JUAREZ 8/25/2015 8/25/2015 CONDITIONS CONTACTS NAME TYPE t NAME ADDRESSI CITY` ` STATE ZIP ,, PHONE` = R APPLICANT SOLARCITY CORPORATION 3055 CLEARVIEW WAY SAN MATEO CA 94402 (760)564-0947 CONTRACTOR SOLARCITY CORPORATION 3055 CLEARVIEW WAY SAN MATEO CA 94402 (760)564-0947 Printed: Wednesday, September 02,.2015 8:16:41 AM 1of3 I 4YSTE.M. 5 PARENT PROJECTS Printed: Wednesday, September 02, 2015 8:16:41 AM 2 of 3 R SYSTEMS FINANCIAL INFORMATION DESCRIPTION ,, n ACCOUNT '. QTY T AMOUNT PAID PAID DATE RECEIPT # CHECK # METHOD PAID BY CLTD ' - v . ,BY BSAS SB1473 FEE 101-0000-20306 0 $1.00 $0.00 Total Paid forBUILDING STANDARDS ADMINISTRATION $1.00 $0.00 BSA: PV SYSTEM - ARRAY, 101-0000-42403 0 '$24.17 $0.00 FIRST 20 PV SYSTEM - ARRAY, 101-0000-42600 0 $24.17 $0.00 FIRST 20 PC 'Total Paid for ELECTRICAL: $48.34 $0.00 PERMIT ISSUANCE 101-0000-42404 0 $91.85 $0.00 Total Paid for PERMIT ISSUANCE: $91.85 $0.00 TOTALS:00 PARENT PROJECTS Printed: Wednesday, September 02, 2015 8:16:41 AM 2 of 3 R SYSTEMS NON-STRUCTURAL U URAL - I LUIS URIBE 18/25/2015 I 9/1/2015 I .9/2/2015 I APPROVED I I WK BOND INFORMATION ATTACHMENTS m:.- . _ - v ;.":. :Attachent Type -_ : t CREATED- _> Y: OWNER DESCRIPTION ,PATHNAME yf, _SUBDIR -, ETRAKI7 ENABLED rx 1ST REVIEWBSOL2015-0128 - 1ST DOC 8/19/2015 s LUIS URIBE _��,,, �,�_,, , , _ REVIEW CORRECTIONS 0 r Ci / Of , .La Quin ta BulkUng 8t Safety Division P.O. Box 1504, •78-495 Calle Tampico 4.Quinta, CA 92253 -:(760) 777 7012 2b Building Permit Application and Tracking Sheet Permit # C,SoL 9,01,15-101 r a i A. P. Number. Bin. # Ci / Of , .La Quin ta BulkUng 8t Safety Division P.O. Box 1504, •78-495 Calle Tampico 4.Quinta, CA 92253 -:(760) 777 7012 2b Building Permit Application and Tracking Sheet Permit # C,SoL 9,01,15-101 Project Address: Owner's . A. P. Number. '.4TVAM Address: a Legal Description: City, ST, Zip: La Quinta, CA Contracto, Solar City Telephone ProjectDescription: roof mounted solar panels . Address: 3055 Clearview Way. city, ST, zip: San Mateo, CA, 9440.2verter s Telephone: 650-638-1028 State Lic. # : 888104 City Lir- iaArch, Arch,EW., Designer Address: City, ST, Zip. Telephone: State Lea #: Construction Type:. Occupancy: Project type (circle one): New Add'n Alter Repair Demo Sq. Ft.: # Stories•#Units: Name of contactPmson: Elena Loya Telephone # of contact Person: (442.)256-1134 Estimated Value of Project: APPLICANT: DO NOT WRITE BELOW THIS LINE M Submittal Req'd Recd TRACKING PERMIT FEES' Plan Sets Plan Check submitted " Item Amount Strgctund Calca. Reviewed, ready for corrections Plan Check Deposit. . Truss Calcs. Called Contact Person Plan Check Balance Mile 24 Cales. Plans picked up Construction Flood plain plan Plans resubmitted.. Mechanical Grading plan Z'! Review, ready for corrections/issue Electrical Subcoutaetor List Called Contact Person Plumbing Grant Died Plana picked up S.M.I. H.O.A. Approval Plans resubmitted Grading IN HOUSE.- 1id Review; ready for correcdons/issae Developer Impact Fee Planning Approval Called Contact Person A.IB.P. Pub.". Appr Date of permit Issue School Fees 16 Total Permit Fees I� e I ABBREVIATIONS I ELECTRICAL NOTES I JURISDIqJON NOTES I A AMPERE AC ALTERNATING CURRENT BLDG BUILDING CONIC CONCRETE DC DIRECT CURRENT EGC EQUIPMENT GROUNDING CONDUCTOR (E) EXISTING EMT ELECTRICAL METALLIC TUBING FSB FIRE SET—BACK GALV GALVANIZED GEC GROUNDING ELECTRODE CONDUCTOR GND GROUND HDG HOT DIPPED GALVANIZED I CURRENT Imp CURRENT AT MAX POWER Isc SHORT CIRCUIT CURRENT kVA KILOVOLT AMPERE kW KILOWATT LBW LOAD BEARING WALL MIN MINIMUM (N) NEW NEUT NEUTRAL NTS NOT TO SCALE OC ON CENTER PL PROPERTY LINE POI POINT OF INTERCONNECTION PV PHOTOVOLTAIC SCH SCHEDULE S STAINLESS STEEL STC STANDARD TESTING CONDITIONS TYP TYPICAL UPS UNINTERRUPTIBLE POWER SUPPLY V VOLT Vmp VOLTAGE AT MAX POWER Voc VOLTAGE AT OPEN CIRCUIT W WATT 3R NEMA 3R, RAINTIGHT 1. THIS SYSTEM IS GRID—INTERTIED VIA A UL—LISTED POWER—CONDITIONING INVERTER. 2. THIS SYSTEM HAS NO BATTERIES, NO UPS. 3. A NATIONALLY—RECOGNIZED TESTING LABORATORY SHALL LIST ALL EQUIPMENT _IN COMPLIANCE WITH ART. 110.3. -4. WHERE ALL TERMINALS OF THE DISCONNECTING MEANS MAY BE ENERGIZED IN THE OPEN POSITION, A SIGN WILL BE PROVIDED WARNING OF THE HAZARDS PER ART. 690.17. 5. EACH UNGROUNDED CONDUCTOR OF THE MULTIWIRE BRANCH CIRCUIT WILL BE IDENTIFIED BY PHASE AND SYSTEM PER ART. 210.5. 6. CIRCUITS OVER 250V TO GROUND SHALL COMPLY WITH ART. 250.97, 250.92(B). 7. DC CONDUCTORS EITHER DO NOT ENTER BUILDING OR ARE RUN IN METALLIC RACEWAYS OR ENCLOSURES TO THE FIRST ACCESSIBLE DC DISCONNECTING MEANS PER ART. 690.31(E). 8. ALL WIRES SHALL BE PROVIDED WITH STRAIN RELIEF AT ALL ENTRY INTO BOXES AS REQUIRED BY UL LISTING. 9. MODULE FRAMES SHALL BE GROUNDED AT THE UL—LISTED LOCATION PROVIDED BY THE MANUFACTURER USING UL LISTED GROUNDING HARDWARE. 10. MODULE FRAMES, RAIL, AND POSTS SHALL BE BONDED WITH EQUIPMENT GROUND CONDUCTORS. LICENSE GENERAL NOTES CA # 888104 1. ALL WORK TO BE DONE TO THE 2013 C-10 CALIFORNIA BUILDING CODE AND THE 2013 CALIFORNIA RESIDENTIAL CODE. 2. ALL ELECTRICAL WORK SHALL COMPLY WITH THE 2011 NATIONAL ELECTRIC CODE AS AMENDED BY THE 2013 CALIFORNIA ELECTRIC CODE. 1 MODULE GROUNDING METHOD: ZEP SOLAR I AHJ: Lo Quints UTILITY: Imperial Irrigation District CONFIDENTIAL — THE INFORMATION HEREIN JOB NUMBER JB -9223717 CONTAINED SHALL NOT BE USED FOR THE SITE PLAN BENEFIT OF ANYONE EXCEPT SOLARCITY INC., MOUNTING SYSTEM: NOR SHALL. IT BE DISCLOSED IN WHOLE OR IN Comp Mount Type C PART TO OTHERS OUTSIDE THE RECIPIENTS THREE LINE DIAGRAM ORGANIZATION, EXCEPT IN CONNECTION WITH MODULES: THE SALE AND USE OF THE RESPECTIVE (28) KYOCERA # KU2656ZPA SOLARCITY EQUIPMENT, WITHOUT THE WRITTEN INVERTER PERMISSION OF SOLARCITY INC ABB PVI-3.0—OUTD—S—US—Z—A ALL CONSTRUCTION SHALL COMPLY WITH THE 2013 CALIFORNIA BUILDING, R . IDENTIAL, MECHANICAL, ELECTRICAL, PLUMBING, INERGY, AND GREEN BUILDING CODES AND TH LA QUINTA MUNICIPAL CODE � VICINITY MAP INDEX � 00 PREMISE OWNER: COPELAND, LINDA S 54425 AVENIDA VALLEJO LA QUINTA, CA 92253 APN:774244022 7605640947 COPELAND RESIDENCE 7.42 KW PV ARRAY PAGE NAME: COVER SHEET PV1 COVER SHEET PV2 SITE PLAN PV3 STRUCTURAL VIEWS PV4 UPLIFT CALCULATIONS PV5 THREE LINE DIAGRAM PV6 ELECTRICAL CALCULATIONS Cutsheets Attached REV BY DATE COMMENTS REV A NAME DATE COMMENTS * T* * * * * * * * Matt Lay �\ 4O SolarCity- 3055 Clearview Way SHEET: RM. DATE San Mateo, CA 94402 T:(650) 638-1028 F:(650) 638-1029 PV 1 8/11/2015 (888)—SOL—aTY (765-2489) wmeolaraity.aam TRANSFORMER INFORMA' KVA PHASE HIGH KV LOW 120/240V —METER# 1645R-133232 "PROPOSED BI—DIRECTIONAL METER# 60A RATE DISCONNECT — AC DISCONNECT: 3-6FT FROM MAIN PANEL — INVERTER: *BRAND *MODEL(2) PVI-3.0—OUTD—S—US—Z 200A, 240V, SINGLE PHASE, 2 WIRES, 22kAiC EXISTING BI DIRECTIONAL METER# ******** PITCH: 14 ARRAY PITCH: 14 MP1 AZIMUTH: 270 ARRAY AZIMUTH: 270 MATERIAL: Comp Shingle STORY: 1 Story PITCH: 14 ARRAY PITCH: 14 MP2 AZIMUTH: 90 ARRAY AZIMUTH: 90 MATERIAL: Comp Shingle STORY: 1 Story PITCH: 14 ARRAY PITCH: 14 MP3 AZIMUTH: 180 ARRAY AZIMUTH: 180 MATERIAL: Comp Shingle STORY: 1 Story I F=r-.FNr) Q (E) UTILITY METER & WARNING LABEL Ing INVERTER W/ INTEGRATED DC DISCO & WARNING LABELS © DC DISCONNECT & WARNING LABELS AC AC DISCONNECT & WARNING LABELS DC JUNCTION/COMBINER BOX & LABELS DISTRIBUTION PANEL & LABELS t.c LOAD CENTER & WARNING LABELS ODEDICATED PV SYSTEM METER 0 STANDOFF LOCATIONS �-- CONDUIT RUN ON EXTERIOR vo-► CONDUIT RUN ON INTERIOR GATE/FENCE 0 HEAT PRODUCING VENTS ARE RED INTERIOR EQUIPMENT IS DASHED L -'-J SITE PLAN N Scale: 1/8" = 1' W E 0 1' 8' 16' S CONFIDENTIAL —THE INFORMATION HEREIN CONTAINED SHALL NOT BE USED FOR THE JOB NUMBER J B-9223717 00 rKtWX UWr&M "` "�' COPELAND, LINDA S COPELAND RESIDENCE Matt Lay "\`ts mow_ -, SolarCity. BENEFIT OF ANYONE EXCEPT SOLARCITY INC.. NOR SHALL IT BE DISCLOSED IN WHOLE OR IN 54425 AVENIDA VALLEJO 7.42 KW PV ARRAY "`� MOUNTING SYSTEM: Comp Mount Type C :A PART TO OTHERS OUTSIDE THE RECIPIENTS LA QUINTA CA 92253 MODUIES ORGANIZATION, EXCEPT IN CONNECTION WITH THE SALE AND USE OF THE RESPECTIVE (28) KYOCERA # KU2656ZPA 3055 CleaMe■ Way San Mateo, CA 94402 REV: DATE; SOLARCITY EQUIPMENT, WITHOUT THE WRITTEN PERMISSION OF SOLARCITY INC. PAGE NAME: -SHEET: 7605640947 SITE PLAN PV 2 8/11/2015 T: (650) 638-1026 F:(650) 638-1029 (BBB) -Sot. -air (765-2489) ww.sola.el►y.mn INVERTER: ABB PVI-3.0—OUTD—S—US—Z—A Additional highlights: -Solar inverters- FIS-485•communication interface * ' - (for connection to laptop or data ABB •inverters , logger).` • • • , - Integrated Arc Fault Detection and • • Interruption (-A Version). , v - < • ` y Technical data and types <i .• * ,� i Type code PVI-3.0-01JTD-US .� PVI -3.6 OUTD-US `- PVI-3.8-OUTD-US PVI-4.2-OUTD-US ' • s ;,`• • ., ,' A6B • - (Mechanical specificatio t - t • fns - •, ^; s ' t , " - • - .. " ��, •� -. Nominal output power - 3000W 360OW 3W0 380ow 420OW • s •' ... ^ • , y - .. .......... .. ........ ......... 6l : 3 000:330 :33001 4 4 3 0... 4200f 4 O1 60 30 20 3 0 000' 000 .. _ . •4 4 4600' 200. 6 00 .. w. v Maximum output power wattage W W W We'i W W -. W W l W W W r 7 z '+ s„• t Rated grid AC voltage 208V 240V 277V 208V 240V ° 277V 208V 240V 277V 208V ' 240V ' 277V < � y I Input side (DC) _ t 2 .... .... Number of(independent MPPT channels .... 2 ...... 2 2 ....... .. .... • .• x. ! Maximum usable power for each channel • 2000W 3000W 3000W ` 3000W - P t.-. . + ...n ............... -Absolute maximum volta._e.... rnax... .............. 9...,1Y........_) 600V.... *..........._ .... ........' .......... ........ ......... - r !•. , ...:............................:. Start-u....volta...e.... Start r (V .......... .. 200V.(adj._120-350V).... .... ........... .......... ..... ............... .......P........... ower MPPT volts a ran e . ` P..........................................._9........................... ... 160-530V - '120-530V 140-530V.......... - .... i40 -530V n�, .. O eratin MPPT volts a ran e _ -_ 0.7 x Vstart- 580V >=90 .............. . m current (Idcmaxlfior tiotfi MPPT in ,4 , ` ` 20A 32A 32A 32A <•o ars.... r , i....... .........16A..........................................1.6A..................... .....................16A,.. .......... f• ..M..... •usable.current.P.er.channel ....................... Maximum short circuit current limit per ......10A............. 12.5A 20.OA 20.OA 20.OA " - �^ ' channel .......:2....airs................................................................I.... i .......... .............................. , .. :, .. ...... wire landin terminals....erchannel ............................................................................................... • u__be,.q.......ire .... ......A................................................................................................................... _ - : • } + °.r r"t°^;,:' r R a .............9............................................ Array wiring termination ................................. Terminal block pressure clamp, AWG10-AWG4 < ' - » « _ � ,/ t • , T _ � • Output side AC - -- - -- _ •. -t Grid connection type 10/ .Split 10 2VV......L_0/3VV i... 2VJ. 10 i Split- : 10 10/ • Sp d- 10/ 2W 0/3W i 2Vy. i 2W, i 0/3 W. € 10/ Split 10 , i 2W. , m/3W...i...._2W.. . ., *, • .. - y • ............................................. ..................... ...... Adjustable voltage range (Vmin-Vmax) M ... 183 :211 244-_i 228V i • 264V i 304V .. ...-2W.... 183- . 211- . 244- , 183- 211_ 244= 228V i 264V 304V € 228V 264V 304V 183 1,211 244 . i 228V i' 264V 304V - h z ` , i '. r Grid frequenc.Y.......:...._....... ...... ....... 60Hz.......................................... 67-60,SHz - ... F Adjustable nd fre uency ran a .'......................`..................... _....:............................ ` '16:0 .20:0:. - 4 . •• - r ' • ,. .........................................9........................9.............:.....................c 14.5 14.5.:, 12.6 : 17.2 .16:0 f6 a) T6:0 16:0 20.0 20:0 .. : _ .. .. r w. ., ,. , . , _ - •- - , r . Maximum current (l_—) ......... ..... ....................... e • : .:.Nties..:.._!?stns....:..._Aerns.:..E..._%\arns'.:. !�Hs....E.... f!arns ........!urns. .._P!ws..E..._%\arns.... - A [..._!�!erns....i.....%�arns ..... Hrns....: • . a , .. ... , �aF , : Y : - a ,; .. _. +. Power factor.......... ` ....... > 0.995.............................................................................. ......... ...... .............. . Total harmonic distortion at rated ower... ............ ........................................................ ... - - < 2% ............... ...... .............. • This family. of single-phase string The high-speed MPPT offers real- Highlights: .' Grid wiring termination type Terminal_ block, Pressure clamp, AWG10-AWG4 --- -f...• " * inverters complements the typical tY,6 power tracking and improved :. Single phase and split phase output Ilnput protection devices Yes. t _ < T number of rooftop solar panels s:. energy harvesting. , ., ; • -. grid connection. < _ Reverse polarity protection ................. Over -voila a rotect on t e 9.....P.........................Y..P.._........................................................................................ ................... ..... ..... .......... ........................................... Varistor, 2 for each channeb ..... i - enabling home -owners to get the most . • - The flat efficiency curve ensures high - Wide Input range for increased PV array ground fault detection Pre start-up Riso and Dynamic GFDI (requires floating arrays) z efficient energy harvesting for the size .. efficiency at all output levels allowing - , -, ; stringing flexibility. - , (Output protection devices Anti-islandiny..protection.................................................... - Meets UL 1741/IEEE1547 requtremenis._......._.....••..••,......._....................................... of the property.- _ - .. • a consistent and stable performance , - The high speed and precise MPPT • "Over -volts a rotection t e 9.....P.........................Y..P..............................................................?.;...'.:.............;........'.........,.................."-.....'...�Varistor,..2..!..:_ : .................................................................................................... ......... ....... / L,.;: C?)............,...................;....................:......^.........;............... across the entire input voltage and'. a '- algorithm offers real time power Maximum AC OCPD Rating 20A 20Ao 15A 25F� 20A° ' 20A; ' 20A 20F� 20A 25Ap ° 25A, 125A w " This inverter offers a dual input out power range` •' ' tracking and improved energy IEfficiency 97% , Maxim umefficiency 96.9% 9790 97% ' section that processes two strings The transformerless operation gives the harvesting. r ; CEC efficiency .- 96% ... ........................ ......._..._..... ... _•,.•..... with independent Multiple Power Point. highest efficiency of up to 97.0%. - Outdoor NEMA 4X rated enclosure IOpe�ating performance — — Tracking (MPPT). The wide input voltage range makes., for unrestricted, use under any Night time consumption + < 0.15W_, - + This is especially useful for rooftop , the inverter suitable to low power = -environmental conditions. Stand-by consumption < 8W_ (Communication installations with two different 'installations with reduced string size. . ^ - Integrated DC disconnect switch User -interface ........ r ........................................ 16 characters x 2.11nes LCD disp .............. ....__........•.•-.....:-....._... _ ' orientations from'two sub -arrays This rugged outdoor inverter has been '` in compliance with international _ Rernote monitoring (1 xRS485 incl) VSN700 Data Logger (opt.) • oriented in different directions. (For designed to be a completely sealed Standards (-S Version). . • (Environmental Ambient air operating temperature range 13 F to +140°F with derating above 122 F (50°C) •-40°C , " example: East and West P ) unit able to withstand the harshest t ' Ambient air stora a tem erature ran a 9.............P...........................9............................... .......... .......... -40°F to +176"F to+80'C)..................___............ .............-.................... 5........................ ,. The dual in -put sections with �, environmental conditions. ._Relative humidity :..............:..................................... , o -t00% RH condensing .................. ................ Acoustic noise emission level < 50 d.. (A) ®tin _ independent MPPT enable a more ,. Maximum .......................... atin altftutde without eralln P ...............9........................................ 9.................................................................,........................................................ 6560 ft (2000 m) ............... optimal energy harvesting condition., , ti • and AL 11 It 1. Capability enabled at nominal AC voltage and with sufficient DC power available. a ^ productivity - r Power r for a better world'"' 0%1P 1P _« _ - 2 ABB Solar Inverters I Product flyer for PVI-3.0/3.6/3.8/4.2-TL-CuTD - lli4 13 'sSolarCity I Z pSolar Zep System for composition shingle roofs Q,eMP4T,6 �F ~ j . 'FA �dMPA��e UL LISTED zepsolar.com Next -Level PV Mounting Technology Description • PV mounting solution for composition shingle roofs • Works with all Zep Compatible Modules • Zep System UL 1703 Class A Fire Rating for Type 1 and Type 2 modules • Auto bonding UL -listed hardware creates structual and electrical bond Specifications • Designed for pitched roofs • Installs in portrait and landscape orientations • Zep System supports module wind uplift and snow load pressures to 50 psf per UL 1703 • Wind tunnel report to ASCE 7-05 and 7-10 standards Zep System grounding products are UL listed to UL 2703 and ETL listed to UL 467 Zep System bonding products are UL listed to UL 2703 Engineered for spans up to 72" and cantilevers up to 24" Zep wire management products listed to UL 1565 for wire positioning devices • Attachment method UL listed to UL 2582 for Wind Driven Rain This document does not create any express warranty by Zep Solar or about its products or services. Zap Solar's sole warranty is contained in the written product warranty for each product. The end-user documentation shipped with Zep Solar's products constitutes the sole specifications referred to in the product warranty. The customer is solely responsible for verifying the suitability of Zep Solar's products for each use. Specifications are subject to change without notice. Patents and Apps: zspats.com. 12 22 14 ZS for Comp Shingle Cutsheet Rev 02.pdf Page: 1 of 2 ''SolarCity I ZepSolar Components Next -Level PV Mounting Technology Comp Mount Part No. 850-1345 Listed to UL 2582, Mounting Block to UL 2703 f) Ground Zep Part No. 850-1172 Listed to UL 2703 and ETL listed to UL 467 Ji Interlock Leveling Foot Part No. 8 Part No. 850-1397 Listed to UL �• %lb a kt, elrmj Array Skirt, Grip, End Caps DC Wire Clip Part Nos. 500-0113, Part No. 850-1448 850-1421, 850-1460, Listed UL 1565 850-1467 zepsolar.com i I Listed to UL 2703 This document does not create any express warranty by Zep Solar or about its products or services. Zep Solar's sole warranty is contained in the written product warranty for each product. The end-user documentation shipped with Zep Solar's products constitutes the sole specifications referred to in the product warranty. The customer is solely responsible for verifying the suitability of Zep Solar's products for each use. Specifications are subject to change without notice. Patents and Apps: zspats.com. 12 22 14 ZS for Comp Shingle Cutsheet Rev 02.pdf Page: 2 of 2 Label Location: Label Location: Label, Location: rPHOTOVOLTAIC• • (C)(IC)(CB). (AC) - ( (DC)(INV)(CB),PV SYSTEM r x r Per Code: DISCONNECT FOR " Per Code: a' - CRC R331.2 OPERATION - - • -. ' CEC 090.35(F) ,.:.. _. . s Label Location: - • • • be •- • TO BE -USED WHEN - - • - PHOTOVOLTAIC (DC) (INV) UNGRO. . • INVERTER ISMAY ' BE ENERGIZED DISCONNECT Per Code: UNGROUNDED- CEC CEC 690.14.C.2 - Label Location: ! 4 HAZARDWARNING (DC) Per Label Location: . • • • •CK ELECTRIC SH TERMINALS CEC 690:17MAXIMUM CURRENTTERMINALS ON BOTH LINE AND POINT BE - Per Code: THEOPENPOSITION MAXIMUM * CEC 690.53 -- . -• • MAXIMUM SYSTEM=V VOLTAGE (Voc) CURRENT (Isc) Label Location: r r • ' ` _ . M f .. . -(POI)WARNING 4 k t' Per Code:: • t f� -INVERTER OUTPUT CEC 705.12.D.ZCONNECTI t Label Location: .• • •C THIS OVERCURRENT WARNING (DC) CB) DEVICE Per Code: ELECTRICAL •CK , -. ,. F� �' ` • - ;V r �.- . • NOT TOUCH• CEC 690.17 41 TERMINALS ON BOTH LINE AND ••. SIDES MAY BE ENERGIZEDOIN THE PEN POSITION Label Location: i�t• e e • • •LT IC POINT OF (POI)ALWAYS PRESENT WHEN - • .' ~:. INTERCONNECTION Per Code: SOLAR • e MODULES• rHAZARD. .• OT TOUCH SHOCKWARNING: ELECTRIC CEC 690.54; CEC 690.171- TERMINALS. TERMINALS ON BOTH THE LINE AND LOAD SIDE 7 _l MAY BE ENERGIZED IN THE OPEN POSITION. FOR SERVICE Label Location: ' - : •SOURCE I . AND • POWER• - (INV)SOU Per Code: MAXIMUM ACELECTRIC IF A GROUND SHOCKINDICATEDLT IS •-. CEC COPERATING- i , M F _ • `l .fx MAXIMUM AC NORMALLY GROUNDED V OPERATING VOLTAGE = CONDUCTORS MAY BE YUNGROUNDED AND ENERGIZED �� i 'rJ s.. FF r' _ - Label Location: • r w Label Location: (D) (POI) �.� s ( _ <(AC): AC Disconnect ' PHOTOVOLTAIC A(AC) (POI) Per Code: - ... .,,....: _ _ e .... - _ .. -.. , DISCONNECT Per Code:' CIRCUIT PHOTOVOLTAIC . CEC 690.64.B.4 3 � W (C): Conduit CEC 690.14.C.2 (CB): Combiner Box Y. (D): Distribution Panel • y i - (DC): DC Disconnect - (IC): Interior Run Conduit Label Location: Label Location:. ' (INV): Inverter With Integrated DC Disconnect MAXIMUM AC A(AC)`(POI) • (POI) } (LC): Load Center • OPERATING CURRENT Per Code: DUAL POWER • Per Code:f' t (M): Utility Meter MAXIMUM AC `CEC 60.54'•-' SOURCESECOND CEC 705.12.D.7, OPERATING •- • PHOTOVOLTAIC .. f ` (POI)Point of Interconnection r .. _• � .f - ,- - ''tea - CONFIDENTIAL — THE INFORMATION HEREIN CONTAINED SHALL NOT BE USED FOR r ��� , 3055 Clearview way THE BENEFIT OF ANYONE EXCEPT SOLARCITY INC., NOR SHALL IT BE DISCLOSED P } T ■ San Mateo, CA 94402 IN WHOLE OR IN PART TO OTHERS OUTSIDE THE RECIPIENT'S ORGANIZATION, Label Set, . " "���t�� 7:(650) 638 1028 F:(650) 638 1029' EXCEPT IN CONNECTION WITH THE SALE AND USE OF THE RESPECTIVE . _ �� O h I (888)-CnY (765-2489) www.solarcity.co_m SOLARCITY EQUIPMENT, WITHOUT THE WRITTEN PERMISSION OF SOLARCITY INC. , ;' - _ • , :- CAUTION POWER TO THIS BUILDING IS ALSO SUPPLIED FROM THE FOLLOWING SOURCES WITH DISCONNECTS LOCATED AS SHOWN: - Address: 54425 Avenida Vallejo UTILITY SERVICE AC DISCONNECT INVERTER AND DC DISCONNECT INVERTER AND DC DISCONNECT r--------------------------� SOLAR PHOTOVOLTAIC- ARRAYS) PHOTOViOLTAIC BACK -FED dRCUIT BREAKER IN FAIN ELECTRICAL PANEL IS AN A/C DISCONNECT PER NEC 690.17 OPERATING VOLTAGE = 240V ]B-9223717-00 CONFIDENTIAL — THE INFORMATION HEREIN SHALL NOT BE USED FOR THE NOR SHALL IIT BENDIS(LOSED N WHOLE ORSOLARCITY CIN PART OTHERS OUTSIDE THE RECIPIENTS ORGANIZATION, EXCEPT IN CONNECTION WITH THE SALE AND USE OF THE RESPECTIVE SOLARCITY EQUIPMENT, WITHOUT THE WRITTEN PERMISSION OF SOLARCITY INC. JOB NUMBER JB -9223717 00 PREMISE OWNER: DESCRIPTION: COPELAND, LINDA S COPELAND RESIDENCE 54425 AVENIDA VALLEJO 7.42 KW PV ARRAY LA QUINTA, CA 92253 PAGE NAME 7605640947 SITE PLAN PLACARD DESIGN: Matt La y solarCity.CONTAINED �� MOUNTING SYSTEM: Comp Mount Type C MODULES: (28) KYOCERA # KU2656ZPA ee. Way 3055 CIal Son Moteo, CA 94402 T:(650) 638-1028 F:(650) 638-1029 (B68) -SOL -CITY (765-2489) wwwsolorelty.— SHEET: REV: DAA PV 7 8/11/2015 INVERTER: ABB PVI-3.0—OUTD—S—US—Z—A ELECTRICAL CALCULATIONS Module: 12 Kyocera 265W 1000V 238.1- Inv Power WPTC Voltage Drop Calculations - Version 5.8.0 Inverter 1: 1 ABB PVI -3.0-S AFCI 0.96 3300 2742.91 Vdrop = Imp) 2 * Len th Resistance / (Vmp) ' 16 Kyocera 265W 1000V 238.1 Module: Im A Max. Length ftWire Inverter 2: String: 8.55 15 AWG #10 .at Max Ave Hi: 109 deg F Vdrop = 8.55 30 0.00124 Ohms / 156.7 0.2 Rranrh: R 55 50 AWG #10 at Max Ave 11i.109 dug PModule: = (8.55 100 0.00124 Ohms) / 186 0.68. Total volts a dro •inDC conductors = 0.88 Inverter: n '14.5 10 s�'', o - AWG `#10 at 240V 1 ABB PVI -3.0-S AFCI 0.96 3300 3657.22 Module: Kyocera 265W 1000V 238.1 nVP.rtP.r 3' �nverter4: K ocera 265W 1000V 238.1Vdrop ' Total: 28 ._ Modules.- Total Inv Pwr: 6600. " ° ~ 6400'13 PTC ;"Vdrop = 14.5 20 . 0.00124 -0-09 -" Ohms / 240 V Combined 23.2 15 . AWG #8 1 at 240V - Photovoltaic Module Electrical Specifications: ' ' Total STC: 7420 .• ;. ; : , °' `, ° 1 Vdrop = 23.2 30 0.00078 Ohms) / 240 V 0.17 Voc: 38.3 V deg F deg C Vmp: 31 V Record Low Temp: 14 -10 Isc: 9.26 A Max Average Hi Temp: 109 143 Total voltage drop in AC conductors= 0.25 Total voltage drop in AC and DC conductors = 0 Imp: 8.55 A Record Hi Temp: Tvoc: -0.14 V/deg C Tisc: 5.56 mA/deg C String Type A and 2 Combined Strings Type A Voc Correction Method: Manuf TVoc Data Branch Circuit Type A 1 way wire length:. 50 t ' Voc Correction Factor: ABB PVI -3.0-S AFCI Inverter Min Vdc Input: 6 Kyocera 265W 1000V Min Vmp at Max Temp: Voc= 229.8. _ Max Voc at Min Temp: Vmp= 186 Inverter Max Vdc Input: Isc= 9.26 r Max String Size: Imp= 8.55 - Icont= 11.58 =Art 690.8(A)(1) 1 -way wire length: 1 strings per branch 1 strings per branch 2 6 modules per series string 10 modules per series string Voc= 229.8 V Voc= 383 V Vmp= 186 V Vmp= 310 V Isc= 9.26 A Isc= 9.26 A Imp= 8.55 A Imp= '8.55 A Icont = 11.58 A Icont= 11.58 A Art 690.8(A)(1) t 130 156.7 258.75 600 13 50 1.a Conductor: AWG #10 PV Wire 2.a -Conductorl: AWG #10 ' Conductor 2: 1 AWG #10 Icont * 1.25 = (Amps) 14.47 Conductor 1 Conductor 2 30 deg C ampacity = 40 (cont * 1.25 = (Amps) 14.47 14.47 1.b Icont= (Amps) 11.58 30 deg C ampacity = 401 40 2.b Icont= (Amps) 11.58 11.58 Start ampacity 40 40 40 Temperature derate (%=F) 0.41 Start ampacity 0.41 0.41 Conduit fill derate (%=#) 1 Temperature derate (%=F) 0.8 0.8 Derated ampacity 16.4 Conduit fill derate (%_#) 1.c 13.12 13.12 Derated ampacity 2.c Term 1 Term 2 (cont * 1.25 = (Amps) 14.47 Ampacity 1 401 Temp table 90 °C:Tab ®ORS B5P.15(B)(16) Icont*1.25= (Amps) 14.47 14.47 Ampacity 40 40 1.d (cont * 1.25 = (Amps) OCP Size = 1 14.47 15 Inverter Type A Outpu 2.d OCP Size 1 151 15 - Combined Inverter Output , ABB PVI -3.0-S AFCI 1 way wire length: 10 ft Icont = 14.5 A Art 690.8(A)(1) Service Voltage= 3.a Icont * 1.25 = (Amps) 18.121 Art 690.8(B)(1) Total Inverter Powe - 1 way wire length= 15 - " OCP Size = 20 Art 240.6(A) (cont = # of inverters*max inverter current Art 690.8(A)(1) (cont = (Amps) , 3.b Conductor: AWG #10 (cont * 1.25 = (Amps) 30 deg C ampacity = THWN-2 at 90 deg C: Table 310.16 18.12 40 4.a Icont*1.25 = (Amps) OCP size 36.25 Art 690.8(B)(1) Art 240.6(A) 1 401 4.b Conductor: AWG #8 (cont * 1.25 = (Amps) 30 deg C ampacity- THWN-2 at 90 deg C: Table 310.16 36.25 55 3.c Icont = (Amps) Start ampacity Temperature derate (%=F) Conduit fill derate (%_#) Derated ampacity 14.5 • 40 0.91 4. c Icont = (Amps) Start ampacity ° - Temperature derate (/°-F) Conduit fill derate Derated ampacity 29 , 1 55 36.4 0.91 3.d Icont * 1.25 = (Amps) 18.12 _ Ampacity 35 50.05 4.d Icont * 1.25 = (Amps) 36.25 50 Ampacity CONFIDENTIAL THE INFORMATION HEREIN CONTAINED SHALL NOT BE USED FOR THE BENEFIT OF ANYONE EXCEPT SOLARCITY INC., NOR SHALL IT BE DISCLOSED IN WHOLE OR IN PART TO OTHERS OUTSIDE THE RECIPIENTS ORGANIZATION, EXCEPT IN CONNECTION WITH THE SALE AND USE OF THE RESPECTIVE SOLARCITY EQUIPMENT, WITHOUT THE WRITTEN PERMISSION OF SOLARCITY INC. JOB NUMBER J B= 9 2 2 3 7.17 O O PREMISE OWNER: $ DESCRIPTION: COPELAND, LINDA S COPELAND RESIDENCE 54425 AVENIDA VALLEJO' - 7.42 KW PV ARRAY LA QUINTA CA 92253 � PAGE NAME 7605640947 ELECTRICAL CALCULATIONS DESIGN: Matt Lay \\\ ' •� SOIa■ CIty ��� MOUNTING SYSTEM: Com Mount T e'C ' " MODULES: (28) KYOCERA # KU2656ZPA 3055 Clearview Way son Mateo. CA 94402 T:(650) 638-1028 F:(650) 638-1029 (668) -SOL -CITY (765-2469) wrr,:solar°ity.� SHEET: REV: DATE: - PV 6 8/11/2015 INVERTER: ABB PVI-3.o-ouTD-s-us-z-A GROUND SPECS MAIN PANEL SPECS GENERAL NOTES INVERTER SPECS MODULE SPECS LICENSE OND (N) #8 GEC TO (E) UFER AT PANEL WITH IRREVERSIBLE CRIMP Panel Number: N/A Meter Number: 1B45R-133232 Inv 1: DC Ungrounded Inv 2: DC Ungrounded INV 1 - (t )aeePVI-3.o-OUTD—S—US—Z—A L: B FCI nverter, Zigbee 3DDOW, 24OV, 6. - (28) KYOCERA #KU2656ZPA PV Module; 265W, 238.1W PTC, 40MM, Blk Frm, H4, ZEP, 1000V, Blk Cell, CA # 888104 io Backbor C-10 INV 2 Overhead Service Entrance Downsizing Main Breaker For Tie -In -(I)ABBf1 PVI-3.0-OUTD-S-US-Z-A L A FCI rnverter, Zigbee 30DOW, 24OV, Voc: 38,3 Vpmax: 31 INV 3 Isc AND Imp ARE SHOWN IN THE DC STRINGS IDENTIFIER E 200A CENTER -FED MAIN SERVICE PANEL (JJ N 150A/2P MAIN CIRCUIT BREAKER fm�OL IC�l �(�� 7vr �✓���� %��.� 7� ADJUST MIN. ACTIVATION VOLTAGES! CUTLER -HAMMER BRYANT (N) 7�� f �I Inverter 1 PAR 125A Load Center � v�- �"i�� � N)150A/2P Disconnect 9 ABB ✓/ 't �lC�lf PVI-3.0-OUTD-S-US-Z-A Cr, C (E) LOADS B • 20A/2P L1 240V SOIafClty • L2 A 40A/2P GND N DC+ 4 DCVStart=120V _--- _ 1 3)q Fr _ _ _ _ —, F ___----------_---_-- —EGG _-- -- I GEC TDG MP 1: 1x12 +Gc B I = I GND -- EC—'C——————— ——— —— —— —— ————— — — — --- — —,----- --—— —— —————— — ----j I I I ADJUST MIN. ACTIVATION VOLTAGES! N Inverter 2 IND EGGGEC — v --- Z I $ ABB PVI-3.0-OUTD-S-US-Z-A- 6 2 EJDC+ Vstart = 120V Dc MP 3� lx 6 GEC --- --� i 20A/2P 24oV r— —-- — — ———— —— —— — — L —— ——— —------- — EGC - - -----� - - - - 2 DG � I TO 120/240V I SINGLE PHASE I UTILITY SERVICE I I N Dc I I L_ ____—___________—_________-- —EGG _-- °°+ GEC T� Dc 5 3 oc+ Vstart = 120V c MP 2: 1x10 1 GND-- EGC---——— — — — — ——------------ — —----- -- �— —--— ————— —— — ----j I PHOTOVOLTAIC SYSTEM CONDUCTORS SHALL BE IDENTIFIED (1)Conduit Kit; 3/4° EMT —L AND GROUPED. THE MEANS OF IDENTIFICATION SHALL BE PERMITTED BY SEPARATE COLOR CODING, MARKING TAPE, TAGGING, OR OTHER APPROVED MEANS. THE MEANS OF GROUPING SHALL BE WARE TIES OR SIMILAR MEANS AT LEAST ONCE, AND THEN AT INTERVALS NOT TO EXCEED SIX (6) FEET. PHOTOVOLTAIC EQUIPMENT AND SYSTEMS AND ALL ASSOCIATED WIRING AND INTERCONNECTIONS SHALL BE INSTALLED ONLY BY QUALIFIED PERSONS INDICATE IF THE COMBINING PROCESS TAKES PLACE IN THE Voc* = MAX VOC AT MIN TEMP INVERTER. PO (1)CUTLER—HAMM�R # BR240 PV BACKFEED BREAKER Breaker, 40A 2P, 2 Spaces B (1)CUTLER—HAMMER / DG222UR8 /fj Disconnect; 60A, 24OVac, Non—Fusible, NEMA 3R A A (1)SdarCity 4 STRING JUNCTION BOX D� 2x2 STRAGS, UNFUSED, GROUNDED — 0 )Ground Rod; 5/8" x 8', Copper —0) CUTLER— AMMERp DG100NB Ground�Neutrol Kt; 60—CODA, General Duty (DG) C (1)BRYANT # BR48L125RP Load Center, 125A, 120/24OV, NEMA 31? — (2)CUTLER—HAMMER# BR220 Breaker, 20A2P, 2 Spaces 1 AWG #8, THWN-2, Block(1)AWG O Ic?I— (1) AWG /8, THWN-2, Red (1)AWG a THWN-2, White NEUTRAL Vmp =240 VAC Imp=29 AAC #10, THWN-2, Black (/) (1)AWG 810, THWN-2, Red (1)AWG /10, THWN-2, White NEUTRAL Vmp =240 VAC Imp=14.5 AAC (1)AWG /10, THWN-2, Black Voc* =517.51 VDC Isc = 9.26 ADC ®RF (1) AWG /t0, THWN-2, Red Vmp = 372 VDC Imp= 8.55 ADC (1 AWG 110, THWN-2, EGC.. (I)Conduit.Kit;.31''.EMT.......... 2 AWG /t D, PV Wire, 60OV, Black O (1)AWG /1D, Solid Bare Copper EGC Voc* = 517.51 VDC Isc = 9.26 ADC Vmp = 372 VDC Imp= 8.55 ADC . _ .. , 70 AN 0,. TH,WN-2,, Green .. E9C/GEC .- (1) Condult. Kit;. 3/4' ,EMT .. . .. . . . . . ....... —.0 AN #8,, TFI.WN-2,, Green .. EGC/GEC - (1) Conduit, Kit;, 3/47 ,EMT, ..... , ... ®L'L(1 AWG #10, 7HWN-2. Black 0)AWG THWN-2, , .. (1) AWG 110, Tk WN—Y, Black Voc* = 431.26 VDC Isc — 9.26 ADC O (1)AWG 110, THWN-2, Red Vmp = 310 VDC Imp= 8.55 ADCO ........ (2) AWG /10, PV Wire, 60OV, Black (1) AWG y10. Solid Bare Copper EGC Voc* = 258.75 VDC ISC = 9.26 ADC Vmp = 186 VDC Imp= 8.55 ADC #10, Red (1)AWG #10, THWN-2, White NEUTRAL Vmp =240 VAC Imp=14.5 AAC ... , , .-(1 )AWq 08,. TH.WN-2,. Green . EGC/GEC,- (1)Conduit. Kit;_ 3/4',EMT.... _ ..... 0 AWG j10, THWN-2,.Green. EGC....... . (1 AWG #10, THWN-2, Black Voc* = 258.75VDC Isc = 9.26 ADC © (1)AWG 110, THWN-2, Red Vmp =186 VDC Imp= 8.55 ADC (2 AWG j10, PV Wive, 60oV, Black O (1)AWG /10, Solid Bare Copper EGC Voc* = 431.26 VDC Isc =''9'.2'6* ADC Vmp = 310 VDC Imp= 8.55 ADC . .. . (1)AWG j10, TIiWN-2,.Green..EGC................................ III��� ................................................................ CONFIDENTIAL — THE INFORMATION HEREIN JOB NUMBER JB -9223717 0 0 PREMISE OWNER: DESCRIPTION: DESIGN: CONTAINED SHALL NOT E USED FOR THE BENEFIT OF ANYONE EXCEPT SOLARCITY INC., COPELAND, LINDA S COPELAND RESIDENCE Matt Lay �.,,c MOUNTING SYSTEM: NOR SHALL IT BE DISCLOSED IN WHOLE OR IN Comp Mount Type C 54425 AVENIDA VALLEJO 7.42 KW PV ARRAY .;;So�arCity. PART IZ OTHERS EXCEPT IN THE RECIPIENTS ORGANIZATION, EXCEPT IN CONNECTION WITH LA QUINTA CA 92253 r MODULE 3055 Clecrview W'ay San Maeo, CA 94402 THE SALE AND USE OF THE RESPECTIVE SOLARCITY EQUIPMENT, WITHOUT THE WRITTEN (28) KYOCERA # KU2656ZPA PAGE NAME SHEET: REV. DATE ABB PVI-3.0—OUTD—S—US—Z—A PERMISSION OF SOLARCITY INC. 7605640947 THREE LINE DIAGRAM PV 5 8/11/2015 T-.(650) F: (650) 638-1029 (868) -SOL -CITY (765-2489) wwwsolorcitycan I UPLIFT CALCULATIONS 0811.2015 °!� PV System Structural ,5olarCit ss 1 ,Desai®n.Softvuare _ • ; - .t.• i • . i; ;Pco'eat •Information & Table Of Contents DESIGN: Matt day Wisk:�Cakt�egory ' PVstem Type MOUNTING SYSTM Comp MOUfIt Type C „ - IT SolarGtySleekMount'" 54425 AVENIDA VALLEJO - 7.42 KW. PV, ARRAY Comp of .. �s _ ..._ w. •.. ComP R, 9f., LA QUINTA CA 92253 l LLYs�of C'o' m Roof MODULES (28) KYOCERA # KU2656ZPA 3055 geoivtew way San Mateo, CA 94402 .. Roof:Slope Rafte 24"C SOLARCITY EQUIPMENT, WITHOUT THE WRITTEN PERMISSION OF SOLARCITY INC. PV System Module:00entatiod, PV.Module Area{ PV 4 8/11/2015 Landscape and.Porb- t 49Vsf INVERTER: - ABB PVA-3.o-ouTD—S—US—Z—A PV Module. Width ' i39"' PU Module L"ength�,,,,�•,,.,, ,,_� 65 Standoff Attachment'Hardware - Com 'Mount T .. e.C.: - - Reduo%d'Ground/.Rdof Live/Snow Load's"" Ground Snow Load: pg -. 0.0 Ws 0. psf' ; ASCE Table 7-1 AS(3 Coq 74-1 Sum rrou ding Rif Snow ,� Roof Snow -b"; - PV,Modules;' 0:0 AS(g E 7.4 1 i Wnd:Desi" a°Criteria,: .. win`d'Design Code 'ASCE.7=10'- Wind Design Method Basic Wind Speed V: _ Partially /Fully EndosecrMe_ - 110 RIP . f Fig :26.5-1A° ExposureCategory iCSec#i2nD 67� Roof'S��� Mean Roof�He�ht' Effeddve:Wind.Area` 1 Module h Gable:Roof' 15 Rs 3oazii/e/csA�n, no 26 2' IBC 1509.71' A ;17.7 sf:i Wind.P,r6dipfe Calculation Gdefficaents Wind:Pressure Exposure Topographic€ b-ct6r Kz0:85: rKzf_ 1:00 Table 30:3-1 �Sectlom2, 6 Wind Directionality Fador" Kd :Im ortance,Factor. I Veloctty:Phssuee h qh ,. 0- 00256 KNA(; Kzt) (Kd) N"2) '*64' Equation30 3. _22 . Ext'Pressure Coeffid6ht (Up) GCp (Up); N; -30,42AJe/C-5ive; Ext:- Pressure Coefficient. Down G • Qown 0:45.:3o.a"�' /e sNe Uesi'nMind Pressure' = 'h GC E uation'30`4-L. Wind Pressure Up Wind Pr, s"su-re Down down ' -196 Psf ,16.0' ' Allowable Standoff S cin s *,Direction ,Y Direction, Maz Allowable'Standoff Spadn9 La'n"dscape - X72" 39"' Max Allowable Canblev�_ ,,, L_andscap Standoff Corifi `uration. Landsca e _ .' _ Not.Sta' getdd: _ Max StandoffTHbutary AYea_s* Trib' - 19:sfi PV Assembly�Dead Load NSW Uplift at W PV,, ,I 3 Psf x 195 Ibs, Uplift Capadty of Standoff: T=allow. J 500r1bs ' ` t 5tandoff.Demand Ca ail Maz Allowable 5tandoff Spacing Portrait` 48"' 65" Max Allowable C�nttlever° �,,�, PoR�ralt_ 20" Standoff Conti -uration portrait: _ . Not Staggered : Max Standoff Trlbuta_ry"":Area , PV'AssembI Dead Load �Trlb'; -_ -: 22 sf, - Net-Wimd�Upliff atStaridoff' _ Uplift Capaaty of Standoff rT actit 218:Itis T=allow. 5001b4.. - 'Standoff Demand ICa" a .. „DCR. . _ _ ... _ ._ 43.:6%: CONFIDENTIAL -THE INFORMATION HEREIN CONTAINED SHALL NOT BE USED FOR THE JOB NUMBER: JB *9223717. 00 PREMISE OWNER: T' .. -.' DESCPoP110N > COPELAND,' LINDA S ;. COPELAND. RESIDENCE' DESIGN: Matt day \\4 y t w �qlp MOUNTING SYSTM Comp MOUfIt Type C „ BENEFIT OF ANYONE EXCEPT SOLARCITY INC., - NOR SHALL IT BE DISCLOSED IN WHOLE OR IN 54425 AVENIDA VALLEJO - 7.42 KW. PV, ARRAY �SoIarCIty , PART OTHERS OUTSIDE THE RECIPIENTS LA QUINTA CA 92253 l ` MODULES (28) KYOCERA # KU2656ZPA 3055 geoivtew way San Mateo, CA 94402 IZ ORGANIZATION, EXCEPT IN CONNECTION WITH . -THE SALE AND USE OF THE RESPECTIVE r SHEET: REV. DALE SOLARCITY EQUIPMENT, WITHOUT THE WRITTEN PERMISSION OF SOLARCITY INC. PAGE NAME 1.7605640947 UPLIFT CALCULATIONS PV 4 8/11/2015 T:(650) 638-1028 . F:(650) 638-1029 , (888) -SOL -CITY (765-2489) www.8�ar�tY.�am INVERTER: - ABB PVA-3.o-ouTD—S—US—Z—A SIDE VIEW OF MP1 NTS MP1 X-S X-CANTILEVER Y -SPACING Y -CANTILEVER NOTES LANDSCAP72" E::72g 24" (3) INSERT FLASHING. PORTRAIT 4 20" 20" PLACE MOUNT. RAFTER C.J. 2X4 @ 24" OC 2x4 @24" OC ROOF AZI 270 PITCH 14 STORIES: 1 ARRAY AZI 270 PITCH 14 Comp Shingle SIDE VIEW OF MP3 NTS MP3 GPKCEIN X-CANTILEVER Y -SPACING Y -CANTILEVER NOTES LANDSCAPE E::72g 24" (3) INSERT FLASHING. PORTRAIT 20" 20" PLACE MOUNT. RAFTER C.J. RAFTER C.J. L- 2x4 @ 24" OC 2x4 @24" OC ROOFAZI 180 PITCH 14 ARRAY AZI 180 PITCH 14 STORIES: 1 IComp Shingle CONFIDENTIAL — THE INFORMATION HEREIN CONTAINED SHALL NOT BE USED FOR THE BENEFIT OF ANYONE EXCEPT SOLARCITY INC.. NOR SHALL IT BE DISCLOSED IN WHOLE OR IN PART TO OTHERS OUTSIDE THE RECIPIENT S ORGANIZATION, EXCEPT IN CONNECTION WITH THE SALE AND USE OF THE RESPECTIVE SOLARCITY EQUIPMENT, WITHOUT THE WRITTEN PERMISSION OF SOLARCITY INC. JOB NUMBER: JB -9223717 0 0 MOUNTING SYSTEM: Comp Mount Tvwe C (28) KYOCERA # KU2656ZPA INVERTER: ABB# PVI-3.0-OUTD-S-US-Z-A COPELAND, LINDA S 54425 AVENIDA VALLEJO LA QUINTA, CA 92253 7605640947 rai SIDE VIEW OF M P2 NTS rB�-� MP2 X-SPACI X-CANTI LEVER Y -SPACING Y -CANTILEVER NOTES LANDSCA E 72" 24" (3) INSERT FLASHING. PORTRAIT 20" (4) PLACE MOUNT. RAFTER C.J. 2X4 @ 24" OC 2x4 @24" OC ROOF AZI 90 PITCH 14 STORIES: 1 ARRAY AZI 90 PITCH 14 Comp Shingle PV MODULE 5/16" BOLT WITH LOCK & FENDER WASHERS ZEP LEVELING FOOT ZEP ARRAY SKIRT ZEP COMP MOUNT C ZEP FLASHING C (E) COMP. SHINGLE (E) ROOF DECKING 5/16" DIA STAINLESS STEEL LAG BOLT WITH SEALING WASHER (2-1/2" EMBED, MIN) (E) RAFTER COPELAND RESIDENCE 7.42 KW PV ARRAY PAGE NAME STRUCTURAL VIEWS S1 STANDOFF Matt Lay INSTALLATION ORDER (1) LOCATE RAFTER, MARK HOLE LOCATION, AND DRILL PILOT HOLE. (2) SEAL PILOT HOLE WITH POLYURETHANE SEALANT. (3) INSERT FLASHING. (4) PLACE MOUNT. d INSTALL LAG BOLT WITH SEALING WASHER. C(6) INSTALL LEVELING FOOT WITH BOLT & WASHERS. SHEET: REV.. DATE:- PV ATEPV 3 8/11/2015 SolarCity. ��� L 3055 Clear*w Way San Mateo, CA 94402 T:(650) 838-1028 F:(650) 638-1029 (688)—SOL—CITY (765-2489) ww.sdarcity.com • - - .Insert Ground Zep into Zep Groove o(module frame,` Use the Flat Too to rotate the Ground Zep 90 degrees, so that set screw Insert copper' ECC into ground wire - d _ .. � '� �. - ,� - . • t -'� - on array perimeter is pointing straight up., -•• `` 40's.channel. Tighten set screw using torque •�-•• -• - 'i• +. *-;'• e t = , ' 3' _ • _ - - .. ' - • • Yc . values shown in the ZS Comp Installa- _ tion Manual. J. Bonding Path - Array to Ground VV r _ Ground Zep ( a ' .. , - ' w r «. ... .• ... • - - Equipment Ground _ • . - ZepSOW _ • .' - ZS COMP I GROUNDING AND BONDING- .... - _ - _ - y y Bonding path. ' _ • - ( - _ - _ .. � � - � •- � • � r•. n •- • . � � _ < Ground Zep: j_' .: « - .. �-r �• ! . � . : -� , °. • ' - �• •' < � - - . « _ " .. 02013/EN Zep Solar,Inc. Zep Solar reserves the right to make specifications chnages without any prior notice. All rightsreserved. , - •4 . Y ' - Set screw ' a" • l' "' .3 - ,. .. .. �,'• r - • ♦. ` • . . i• • - , ' .. w, Key side ' - - - _ '♦ . ,. �. . y , _. r 1 _ --y _lr ." y _ _- -_ ., ,. - -_Y ,. _ -.. _ , ' `"'',., - -'� _ • The Ground Zep provides a single point of connection for"r.. ". ._ _ - ' •.�• "" _• the Equipment Grounding Conductor(EGC) from the array -- _ '��.• r ;Lr - - a• • h •• - _ Y - _-' +. - _ _ - ' > -` r ' . to a building ground. y.. r� t•/ft., ' r _« • ro ti' • s N t' r t � 4 i •� t a « . a . t - _ • - - - . - Ground wire channel _ _ .. - `,�:• , - __ .� - • Part No. 850-1172- -. . . - Y ... • -UL Listed to UL 467 and UL 2703 E « . • - - r+ Ground°Zep Installation a A i A. _ • - - .Insert Ground Zep into Zep Groove o(module frame,` Use the Flat Too to rotate the Ground Zep 90 degrees, so that set screw Insert copper' ECC into ground wire - d _ .. � '� �. - ,� - . • t -'� - on array perimeter is pointing straight up., -•• `` 40's.channel. Tighten set screw using torque •�-•• -• - 'i• +. *-;'• e t = , ' 3' _ • _ - - .. ' - • • Yc . values shown in the ZS Comp Installa- _ tion Manual. J. Bonding Path - Array to Ground VV r _ Ground Zep ( a ' .. , - ' w r «. ... .• ... • - - Equipment Ground _ • . - - • Conductor _ • .' - .... - _ - y Bonding path. ' _ • - ( - _ - _ .. . .. _. 1 Down -roof ,. , f - - __ - •. ' •. - - Document 800-1478-001 Rev A www.zepsolar.com PAGE: 5 of 5 " .. 02013/EN Zep Solar,Inc. Zep Solar reserves the right to make specifications chnages without any prior notice. All rightsreserved. Date Last Exported: June 25,20134:45 PM; SolarCity Standard Sox 41 The SolarCity Standard Box 4J is a 4 -String unfused Junction Box. The box is highly configurable and adaptable using the (4) jumper blocks included in each box. A factory installed cordgrip enhances installer productivity. 0 0 0 '-! SolarCity ® October 2013 • Manufactured to meet UL 1741 Standards. • Non -Metallic, Corrosion Resistant NEMA 4X Enclosure. • Factory -Installed Cordgrip Enhances Installation Speed. • Break-Thru Skinned -Over Glands on Cordgrip Provide Weathertight Seal for All Configurations. • Easily Configurable Terminal Blocks Permit Adaptation to Site -Specific Stringing Needs. Technical Data / Specifications 0 Voltage Rating [VDC] : 600V Maximum DC Current [A]: 57A © Maximum Continuous Current [A]: 42A ©D Maximum Voltage [VDC]: 600V © Wire Size Range [AWG]: #6 to #14 Enclosure Rating: NEMA 4X © Operating Temperature Range [*Cl: -40 to 50 QTypical Overall Dimensions [in]: 8"x6"x4" NOTICE OF COMPLETION UL AND AUTHORIZATION TO APPLY THE UL MARK 12/21/2013 Solarcity Corp Alex Yang 3055 Clearview Way San Mateo Ca 94402-3709, Us Our Reference: E318537, Volume 1 Project Number 4786083586 Your Reference: A.Yang 1017 Project Scope: Investigation of Photovoltaic (PV) System Combiner Box, model "SolarCity Standard Box 4C" and Photovoltaic (PV) System Transition Box, model "SolarCity Standard Box 4J" to UL 1741 Standard. Dear Alex Yang: Congratulations! UL's investigation of your product(s) has been completed under the above Reference Number and the product was determined to comply with the applicable requirements. This letter temporarily supplements the UL Follow -Up Services Procedure and serves as authorization to apply the UL Mark at authorized factories under UL's Follow -Up Service Program. To provide your manufacturer(s) with the intended authorization to use the UL Mark, you must send a copy of this notice to each manufacturing location currently authorized under E318537, Volume 1 and including any special instructions as indicated in the addendum to this letter. Records in the Follow -Up Services Procedure covering the product are now being prepared and will be sent in the near future. Until then, this letter authorizes application of the UL Mark for 90 days from the date indicated above. Additional requirements related to your responsibilities as the Applicant can be found in the document "Applicant responsibilities related to Early Authorizations" that can be found at the following web -site: 1tfb://www,ul:com/EAResoonsibllitles Any information and documentation provided to you involving UL Mark services are provided on behalf of UL LLC (UL) or any authorized licensee of UL. We are excited you are now able to apply the UL Mark to your products and appreciate your business. Feel free to contact me or any of our Customer Service representatives if you have any questions. Very truly yours, Reviewed by: Jon Adonay William R. Carney 408-7546630 847/664-1088 Engineering Associate Lead Chief Engineer Director 1 Jon,Adonay@ul.com William. R. Camey@ul.com NBKD9C5-90BA67 This is an electronically generated letter, Signatures are not required for this document to be valid. Page 1 of 1 ABBREVIATIONS ELECTRICAL NOTES JURISDICTION NOTES & A AMPERE - - 1. THIS SYSTEM IS GRID—INTER11ED VIA A ALL CONSTRUCTION SHALL COMPLY WITH THE 2013 - z AC ALTERNATING CURRENT M —1 ISTFO -POWER—rnNniTInNING INVERTER.I,ALiruf�NlA BUILDING,FtE51UtN TIAL, MECHANICAL; BLDG BUILDING 2. THIS SYSTEM HAS NO BATTERIES, NO UPS. ELECTRICAL, PLUMBING, ENERGY, AND GREEN - CONIC CONCRETE - - 3. '' A NATIONALLY—RECOGNIZED TESTING BUILDING CODES AND THE LA QUINTA MUNICIPAL DC DIRECT CURRENT. LABORATORY SHALL LIST ALL EQUIPMENT,IN CODE - b EGC EQUIPMENT GROUNDING CONDUCTOR COMPLIANCE WITH ART. 110.3. Y (E) -EXISTING 4. WHERE ALL TERMINALS OF THE DISCONNECTING EMT ELECTRICAL METALLIC TUBING MEANS MAY BE ENERGIZED IN THE OPEN POSITION, FSB •'-FIRE SET—BACK A SIGN WILL BE PROVIDED WARNING OF THE - GALV GALVANIZED HAZARDS PER ART. 690.17. GEC GROUNDING ELECTRODE CONDUCTOR 5.- EACH UNGROUNDED CONDUCTOR OF THE - GND GROUND MULTIWIRE'BRANCH CIRCUIT WILL BE .IDENTIFIED BY. T HOG HOT DIPPED GALVANIZED PHASE AND SYSTEM. PER ART. 210.5. _ . * _ .` .`: f CITY OF LA QUINTA _ = I_ CURRENT 6.:CIRCUIT S'OVER.250V TO GROUND SHALL�' -" - BUILDING�SAFETY,DEPT. Imp CURRENT AT MAX POWER COMPLY WITH ART. 250.97, 250.92(8). - -+ � - � — z� 'APPROVED � Isc SHORT CIRCUIT CURRENT 7. . DC CONDUCTORS EITHER DO NOT ENTER _ i kVA KILOVOLT AMPERE BUILDING OR ARE RUN IN METALLIC 'RACEWAYS OR - t • `',. ,' FOR CONSTRUCTION kW KILOWATT ENCLOSURES TO.THE FIRST ACCESSIBLE DC = LBW LOAD BEARING WALL DISCONNECTING MEANS PER ART. 690:31(E). • r r ;DAZE �� 8Y - r - MIN MINIMUM ; ' ' 8. ALL WIRES SHALL BE PROVIDED .WITH STRAIN +' (N) NEW h .:..� • RELIEF AT ALL ENTRY INTO BOXES AS REQUIRED BY NEUT NEUTRAL - UL LISTING. ` • . 4. NTS NOT- TO SCALE9. MODULE FRAMES SHALL BE GROUNDED AT,THE` r OC ON CENTER N _. UL—LISTED LOCATION PROVIDED BY THE - PL PROPERTY -LINE,, ;, MANUFACTURER USING UL LISTED GROUNDING P01 POINT OF'INTERCONNECTION HARDWARE. ` PV -PHOTOVOLTAIC 10. -MODULE FRAMES,'RAIL, AND POSTS SHALL'BE SCH -SCHEDULE BONDED WITH'EQUIPMENT GROUND CONDUCTORS. S STAINLESS STEEL STC STANDARD `TESTING ,CONDITIONS TYP --T YPICAL UPS ,UNINTERRUPTIBLE POWER SUPPLY - - • - _ l V VOLT Vmp VOLTAGE AT MAX POWER VICINITY MAP - INDEX Voc VOLTAGE AT OPEN CIRCUIT ' W, WATT - - — - 3R NEMA 3R, RAINTIGHT . s. - PV1 COVER SHEET r - ' PV2 SITE PLAN t P . ,. PV4 UPLIFT CALCULATIONS s�. • - - - ,�•- ,. • PV5 THREE LINE DIAGRAM LICENSE GENERAL NOTES ;a PV6 ELECTRICAL CALCULATIONS } • � #,. CIG.. n ♦ 6 ' Cutsheets Attached CA', # 888104 1. ALL WORK TO BE DONE TO THE 2013 ` C-10 M CALIFORNIA BUILDING CODE AND .THE 2013 t . - CALIFORNIA RESIDENTIAL CODE. 2. • ALL ELECTRICAL WORK SHALL COMPLY WITH '' • t THE 2011 NATIONAL ELECTRIC CODE AS AMENDED BY R; ' - THE 2013 CALIFORNIA ELECTRIC CODE. MODULE GROUNDING METHOD: ZEP SOLAR AHJ: La, Quints f- "' �, REV BY DATE COMMENTS - a �ir'� �� REV A NAME DATE COMMENTS t - r , a ti x ,�` `{ `• x x x s UTILITY: Imperial Irrigation District.pan.,•4 4'�- "��``z�' �y �; x x x x lotat at CONFIDENTIAL — THE INFORMATION HEREIN ,b8 NUMBER PREMISE OWNER: - (; DESCRIPTION: DESIGN CONTAINED SHALL NOT BE USED FOR THE JB=922371,7 00 COPELAND, LINDA S COPELAND RESIDENCE -` = Matt Lay BENEFIT OF ANYONE EXCEPT SOLARCITY INC., MOUNTING SYSTEM: wh SolarCity. NOR SHALL IT BE DISCLOSED IN. WHOLE OR IN Comp Mount'Type C ' 54425 AVEN_IDA VALLEJO 7.42 KW PV ARRAY .. _ , PART TO OTHERS OUT�DE'THE RECIPIENTS MODULES : - PART LA QUINTA CA 92253 , CIIe. Way. THE SLE AN, EXCEPT THE RNECTION WITH , THE SALE AND USE T, THE RESPECTIVE (28) KYOCERA # KU2656ZPA ' APN: 774244022 - SOLARgTY EQUIPMENT, WITHOUT THE WRITTEN PAGE NAME - SHEET: REV. -DATE: Son Mateo, CA 94402. _ PERMISSION OF SOLARCITY INC. INVERTER T:(650) 63671028 F:(650) 638-1029 ABB PVI-3.0—OUTD—S—US—z—A- - - 7605640947 ., COVER.SHEET PV 1 8/11/2015 (888)7SOL-CITY(765-2489) Nwro.solorolty.can TRANSFORMER INFORMATION: KVA PHASE HIGH KV LOW 120/240V —METER# 1645R-133232 "PROPOSED BI—DIRECTIONAL METER# --_---- 60A RATE DISCONNECT — AC DISCONNECT: AC EEEI Lc Inv V EV oEPT.AF �[)�a cT►oNS 3-6FT FROM MAIN PANEL 200A, 240V, SINGLE PHASE, a- — INVERTER: *BRAND 2 WIRES, 22kAiC t *MODEL(2) PVI-3.0—OUTD—S—US—Z— EXISTING BI DIRECTIONAL METER# ******** Y i• a, g CONFIDENTIAL — THE INFORMATION HEREIN JOB NUMBER JB -9223717 0 0 CONTAINED SHALL NOT BE USED FOR THE 3' FSB 3' FSB BENEFIT OF ANYONE EXCEPT SOLARCITY INC., MATERIAL: Comp Shingle STORY: 1 S1 _ — , r • PART TO OTHERS OUTSIDE THE RECIPIENTS MODULES (28) KYOCERA # KU2656ZPA AZIMUTH: 90 ARRAY AZIMUTH: 90 �• *— I I PERMISSION OF SOLARgTY INC ABB PVI-3.0—OUTD—S—US—Z—A MP3 AZIMUTH: 180 ARRAY AZIMUTH: 180 ( ( OI I A I o ------ — — O * � ✓ f f �.i 0! W 17, 3 ', i itch c I� tlid-,I- 14- to .., x'10.iOil Tj,..O ; F:0 -j p° /C ZT/E I 411 r� ,53' a. • ,t p 3' FSB TRANSFORMER INFORMATION: KVA PHASE HIGH KV LOW 120/240V —METER# 1645R-133232 "PROPOSED BI—DIRECTIONAL METER# --_---- 60A RATE DISCONNECT — AC DISCONNECT: AC EEEI Lc Inv V EV oEPT.AF �[)�a cT►oNS 3-6FT FROM MAIN PANEL 200A, 240V, SINGLE PHASE, a- — INVERTER: *BRAND 2 WIRES, 22kAiC t *MODEL(2) PVI-3.0—OUTD—S—US—Z— EXISTING BI DIRECTIONAL METER# ******** Y i• a, g CONFIDENTIAL — THE INFORMATION HEREIN JOB NUMBER JB -9223717 0 0 CONTAINED SHALL NOT BE USED FOR THE MOUNTING SYSTEM: ., BENEFIT OF ANYONE EXCEPT SOLARCITY INC., MATERIAL: Comp Shingle STORY: 1 S1 NOR SHALL IT BE DISCLOSED IN WHOLE OR IN Comp Mount Type C 6 PART TO OTHERS OUTSIDE THE RECIPIENTS MODULES (28) KYOCERA # KU2656ZPA AZIMUTH: 90 ARRAY AZIMUTH: 90 ORGANIZATION, EXCEPT IN CONNECTION WITH THE SALE AND USE OF THE RESPECTIVE *— SOLARCITY EQUIPMENT, WITHOUT THE WRITTEN INVERTER. PERMISSION OF SOLARgTY INC ABB PVI-3.0—OUTD—S—US—Z—A COPELAND, LINDA S 54425 AVENIDA VALLEJO LA QUINTA, CA 92253 7605640947 Front Of House COPELAND RESIDENCE 7.42 KW PV ARRAY PAGE NAME: SITE PLAN I cr-4c:nin (E) UTILITY METER & WARNING LABEL lay INVERTER W/ INTEGRATED DC DISCO & WARNING LABELS © DC DISCONNECT & WARNING LABELS Ar I AC DISCONNECT & WARNING LABELS DC JUNCTION/COMBINER BOX & LABELS Q DISTRIBUTION PANEL & LABELS Lc LOAD CENTER & WARNING LABELS ODEDICATED PV SYSTEM METER Q STANDOFF LOCATIONS CONDUIT RUN ON EXTERIOR �.�,.. CONDUIT RUN ON INTERIOR GATE/FENCE 0 HEAT PRODUCING VENTS ARE RED _! INTERIOR EQUIPMENT IS DASHED L -J SITE PLAN N Scale: 1/8" = 1' W E 0 1' 8' 16' S DESIGN: Matt Lay=;;SolarCity. I�4.r 3055 CleaMew Woy SHEET: REV. DATE San Mateo, CA 94402 T:(650) 636-1028 F:(650) 63B-1029 PV 2 8/11/2015 (886)—SOL—CITY (765-2489) www.solarcity.com `wr • PITCH: 14 ARRAY PITCH: 14 MP1 AZIMUTH: 270 ARRAY AZIMUTH: 270 MATERIAL: Comp Shingle STORY: 1 S1 PITCH: 14 ARRAY PITCH: 14 MP2 AZIMUTH: 90 ARRAY AZIMUTH: 90 MATERIAL: Comp Shingle STORY: 1 S1 PITCH: 14 ARRAY PITCH: 14 j MP3 AZIMUTH: 180 ARRAY AZIMUTH: 180 MATERIAL: Comp Shingle STORY: 1 Si (E) DRIVEWAY to N tlid-,I- 14- to Front Of House COPELAND RESIDENCE 7.42 KW PV ARRAY PAGE NAME: SITE PLAN I cr-4c:nin (E) UTILITY METER & WARNING LABEL lay INVERTER W/ INTEGRATED DC DISCO & WARNING LABELS © DC DISCONNECT & WARNING LABELS Ar I AC DISCONNECT & WARNING LABELS DC JUNCTION/COMBINER BOX & LABELS Q DISTRIBUTION PANEL & LABELS Lc LOAD CENTER & WARNING LABELS ODEDICATED PV SYSTEM METER Q STANDOFF LOCATIONS CONDUIT RUN ON EXTERIOR �.�,.. CONDUIT RUN ON INTERIOR GATE/FENCE 0 HEAT PRODUCING VENTS ARE RED _! INTERIOR EQUIPMENT IS DASHED L -J SITE PLAN N Scale: 1/8" = 1' W E 0 1' 8' 16' S DESIGN: Matt Lay=;;SolarCity. I�4.r 3055 CleaMew Woy SHEET: REV. DATE San Mateo, CA 94402 T:(650) 636-1028 F:(650) 63B-1029 PV 2 8/11/2015 (886)—SOL—CITY (765-2489) www.solarcity.com `wr • >; S1 7'-9» '-2" 1'— (E) LBW MPI 'X -SPACING X -CANTILEVER Y -SPACING Y -CANTILEVER NOTES LANDSCAPE 48" 24" PV MODULE SHEET: REV. DATE PV 3 . 8/11/2015 MVEIM R ABB PVI-3.0—OUTD—S—US—Z—A PORTRAIT 48" 20" - 5/16" BOLT WITH LOCK RAFTER C.J. 2X4 @ 24" OC 2x4 @24" OC ROOF AZI 270 PITCH 14 ARRAY AZI 270 PITCH 14 STORIES: 1 Comp Shingle `SIDE VIEW OF MP2 NTs MP2 X -SPACING X -CANTILEVER Y -SPACING Y -CANTILEVER NOTES LANDSCAPE 48" 24" PV MODULE SHEET: REV. DATE PV 3 . 8/11/2015 MVEIM R ABB PVI-3.0—OUTD—S—US—Z—A PORTRAIT 48" 20" - 5/16" BOLT WITH LOCK RAFTER C.]. 2x4 @ 24" OC 2x4 @24" OC ROOF AZI 90 PITCH 14 ARRAY AZI 90 PITCH 14 STORIES: 1 Comp Shingle "Ni MP3 X -SPACING X -CANTILEVER Y -SPACING Y -CANTILEVER NOTES LANDSCAPE 48" 24" PV MODULE SHEET: REV. DATE PV 3 . 8/11/2015 MVEIM R ABB PVI-3.0—OUTD—S—US—Z—A PORTRAIT 48" 20" - 5/16" BOLT WITH LOCK RAFTER C.J. 2x4 @ 24" OC 2x4 @24" OC INSTALLATION ORDER 7�5 & FENDER WASHERS ,- . LOCATE RAFTER, MARK HOLE ZEP LEVELING FOOT (1) LOCATION, AND DRILL PILOT _ -3'-11" 4'-7" ZEP ARRAY SKIRT (6) HOLE. (4) (2) SEAL PILOT HOLE WITH E ) LBW POLYURETHANE SEALANT. ZEP COMP MOUNT C SIDE VIEW OF MP3 NTS ZEP FLASHING C (3) INSERT FLASHING. (3) - (E) COMP. SHINGLE (4) PLACE MOUNT. . � 2 MP3 X -SPACING X -CANTILEVER Y -SPACING Y -CANTILEVER NOTES LANDSCAPE 48" 24" joss q IeM way: San Mateo. CA 94402 • . T:(650) 638-1028 F:(650) 636-1029 (BBB)-soL-arr(765-248s),�.•e��dty.com SHEET: REV. DATE PV 3 . 8/11/2015 MVEIM R ABB PVI-3.0—OUTD—S—US—Z—A PORTRAIT 48" 20" RAFTER C.J. 2x4 @ 24" OC 2x4 @24" OC ROOF AZI 180 PITCH 14 STORIES: -1 ARRAY AZI 180 PITCH 14 Comp Shingle (E) ROOF DECKING ( ) INSTALL LAG BOLT WITH 5/16" DIA STAINLESS (5) (5) SEALING WASHER. STEEL LAG BOLT LOWEST MODULE SUBSEQUENT `MODULES INSTALL LEVELING FOOT WITH WITH SEALING WASHER (6) BOLT & WASHERS. (2-1/2" EMBED, MIN) (E) RAFTER S1 STANDOFF - . Scale: 1 1/2" = 1' • CONFIDENTIAL A THE INFORMATION HEREIN CONTAINED SHALL NOT BE USED FOR THE . NOR SHTALL IT BE DISCLOSED I�ogiE ORCIN PART TO OTHERS OUTSIDE THE RECIPIENT'S ORGANIZATION, EXCEPT IN CONNECTION WITH THE SALE AND USE OF THE RESPECTIVE SOLARgTY EQUIPMENT, WITHOUT THE WRITTEN PERMISSION EQUIPMENT,WITHOUT TY, INC. JOB NUMBER: JB -9223717 00 PREMISE OWNER: DESOMPTION: COPELAND, LINDA S COPELAND RESIDENCE 54425 AVENIDA VALLEJO 7.42 KW PV ARRAY LA QUINTA CA 92253 r PAGE NAME: 760564094.7 _ STRUCTURAL VIEWS DESIGN: Matt Lay ��: ``�3Sola 1014 y . MOUNTING SYSTEM: Comp Mount Type C - MODULES: (28) KYOCERA # KU2656ZPA joss q IeM way: San Mateo. CA 94402 • . T:(650) 638-1028 F:(650) 636-1029 (BBB)-soL-arr(765-248s),�.•e��dty.com SHEET: REV. DATE PV 3 . 8/11/2015 MVEIM R ABB PVI-3.0—OUTD—S—US—Z—A Y-, UPLIFT CALCULATIONS 08.11.2015 PV System Structural Version #48.9 �P;;SolarC�t . Desian Software -9223717 0 0 JB Project Information & Table OfContents Risk Category; PN:System Type Comp Roof DESIGN: Mott Loy Il Sol arGty.Sleeld+lount"' Comp Roof BENEFIT OF ANYONE EXCEPT SOLARCITY INC., NOR SHALL IT BE DISCLOSED IN WHOLE OR IN MOUNTING SYSTm Comp Mount Type C 54425 AVENIDA VALLEJO 7.42 KW PV ARRAY LayersCom Roofln A'"r 2 LA QUINTA CA 92253 .of Roof Slope RafteSpacing24" MoouE� 140 b. c. ORGANIZATION, EXCEPT IN CONNECTION PATH THE SALE AND USE OF THE RESPECTIVE (28) KYOCERA # KU2656ZPA PV System Module Orientation PV Module Area �V PV Module Width PV Module Length Standoff Attachment Hardware 3055 geoNew Way Son Mateo, CA 94402 Landscape and Portrait ~ SOLARCITY EQUIPMENT, WITHOUT THE WRITTEN PERMISSION OF SOLARCITY INC. PAGE NAME 7605640947 UPLIFT CALCULATIONS `96 i T.(650) 636-1028 F:(650) 638-1029 (888) -SOL -CITY (765-2489) www.solorcitrcom NVQt1FR ABB PVI-3.0-OUTD-S-US-Z-A 39" 65" Comp Mount Type C Reduced Ground/Roof Live/Snow Loads Ground Snow Load SunroundIrtg Roof Snow Roof Snow Over PV Modules Pg 0.0 psf 61 psfRY,Eq 0.0 iisf ASCE Table 7-1 i.-4 1 ASCE Eq: 7.4-1 Wind Design -Criteria Wind Design Code Wind bQ1gnMettrod Basic Wind Speed ASCE 7-10 Partially/Fully,Endosed Method 110 mph V Fig. 6.5-1A `Section- 26.7 Exposure,Cate�gory C- Roof Style Mean', Roof:Height Effective Wind Area 1 Module Gable Roof ny. 30.4-2A/e1c 5A/e h 15.ft _Section 26.7 IBC 1509.7.1 I A 17.7 sf 'Wind Pressure Calculation Coefficients Wind Pressure Exposure Topographic Factor Wind DirectionalityFactorKd Im orfance Factor Kz 0.85 Table 30.3-1 ICit 1.00 Section 26.6,_ Section 26.6-1 0.85 I NA Velocity Pressure qh qh = 0.00256 (Kz) (Kzt) (Kd) (V12) 22.4 psf Equation 30.3-11. Ext. Pressure Coeffldent (Up)_ Ext. Pressure Coefficient' Down GCp (Up)T— G Down -0.88' ay. 30.4-2A/e/C-5A/e 0.45 Fig. 30.4-2A/e/C-5A/8 Design Wind Pressure P p = gh GC Equation 30.4-1 Wind Pressure Up Wind Pressure Down �POP) -19.6psf down 16.0 psf Allowable Standoff Spadngs X -Direction Y -Direction Max Allowable Standoff Spacing_ Max Allowable,Caritileyer� Standoff Configuration Landscape 72" 39" _ _Landscape _ Landscape 24" NA Not -Staggered Max Standoff TributaryArea - PV Assembly Dead Load Net Wind Uplift at Standoff Uplift Capacity of Standoff Standoff DandemCa Tdb - - 119.5f - W -PV 3 psf Ta ctual T -allow -195,lbs 500 Itis DCR 38.9% Max Allowable Standoff Spacing Max Allov(able C4ntj1Wer-- Standoff Confl uratlon Portrait 48" 65' _Portrait Portrait 20 NA. Not -Staggered Max Standoff Tributary, Area PV Assembly_Dead Load Net Wind Uplift. at Stan _Uplift Capacity of Standoff Standoff 15im-iiij/da-pactty Trlb W__ PV 22,sf 3 psf -T:actual T -allow -2161bs 500 lbs DOZ 43.6% r CONFIDENTIAL -THE INFORMATION HEREIN CONTAINED SHALL NOT BE USED FOR THE JOB NUMBER:��� PREMISE ° DESCRIPTION:. COPELAND, LINDA S COPELAND RESIDENCE DESIGN: Mott Loy ■ �;;;So�arCity BENEFIT OF ANYONE EXCEPT SOLARCITY INC., NOR SHALL IT BE DISCLOSED IN WHOLE OR IN MOUNTING SYSTm Comp Mount Type C 54425 AVENIDA VALLEJO 7.42 KW PV ARRAY A'"r PART TO OTHERS OUTSIDE THE RECIPIENT'S LA QUINTA CA 92253 MoouE� ORGANIZATION, EXCEPT IN CONNECTION PATH THE SALE AND USE OF THE RESPECTIVE (28) KYOCERA # KU2656ZPA 3055 geoNew Way Son Mateo, CA 94402 SHEET: REV.. DATE SOLARCITY EQUIPMENT, WITHOUT THE WRITTEN PERMISSION OF SOLARCITY INC. PAGE NAME 7605640947 UPLIFT CALCULATIONS PV 4 8/11/2015 T.(650) 636-1028 F:(650) 638-1029 (888) -SOL -CITY (765-2489) www.solorcitrcom NVQt1FR ABB PVI-3.0-OUTD-S-US-Z-A r GROUND SPECS MAIN PANEL SPECS GENERAL NOTES INVERTER SPECS MODULE SPECS LICENSE OND (N) #8 GEC TO (E) LIFER AT PANEL Panel Number: N/A Meter Number:1B45R-133232 Inv 1: DC Ungrounded INV 1 pERA -(1)FCII beeD3000W 24OV, B #KU2656ZPA -(28)KPV CA # 888104 WITH IRREVERSIBLE CRIMP Inv 2: DC Ungrounded 9 nvperrtter'Zi g PV Module; Mod 265W, 238.1W PTC, 40MM, Blk Frm, H4, ZEP, 1000V, Blk Cell, o Backbar C-10 Overhead Service Entrance Downsizing Main Breaker For Tie -In INV 2 -(l)ABB g PVI-3.D-OUTD-S-US-Z-A A FCI inverter, Zigboo 3000W, 240V, 9GS8 Voc: 38.3 Vpmax: 31 INV 3 Isc. AND Imp ARE SHOWN IN THE DC STRINGS IDENTIFIER �E 200A CENTER -FED MAIN SERVICE PANEL N) 150A/2P MAIN CIRCUIT BREAKER ADJUST MIN. ACTIVATION VOLTAGES! CUTLER -HAMMER BRYANT (N) 125A Load Center Inverter 1 PAR N)150A/2P Disconnect 9 7 ABB C PVI-3.0-OUTD-S-US-Z-A (E) LOADS B �• 20A/2P L7 24ov SolarCity L2 40A/2P GND ffA N EGC/ DCa 4 VSCi31't = 120V _ _ _ _ m---------------- E 1 1 3) "/'I\' I - _ - - - - - ,' � r �I - - - - --- --- - - GEC LL DG +DC+ G MP 1: 1x12 I I = -- E- --------------------- GC ----� -- - -- --,----- ------- ----- - I T ADJUST MIN. ACTIVATION VOLTAGES! N Inverter '2IND EGGGEC - - Z I $ ABB PVI-3.0-OUTD-S-US-Z-A 6 ❑ 2 DC+ VStart = 120V c DC-MP 3- lx6- GEC --- - --� 20A/2P ; 20A/2P I "I 2<e� F. - - - - - - - -- Lt I - - - - - - - ------ - - - - -- -------- - EGC -----� L2DC+ TO 120/240V i SINGLE PHASE I UTILITY SERVICE I i L - ---------------------------- N DC- I EGG DC+ GEC DG 5 3 DC+ VStart = 120V c MP 2: 1x10 I �I GND 42P --------- ------------ - - ----- -- GE -- ----------- ----j I PHOTOVOLTAIC SYSTEM CONDUCTORS SHALL BE IDENTIFIED (1 )Conduit Kit; 3/4' EMT - AND GROUPED. THE MEANS OF IDENTIFICATION SHALL BE CITY OF LA QUINTA PERMITTED BY SEPARATE COLOR CODING, MARKING TAPE, TAGGING, OR OTHER APPROVED MEANS. THE MEANS OF BUILDING & SAFETY DEPT. SHALLGROUPING SIMILAR THEN AT NTERVA S NOTMEANS )AST ONCE, ANDOEXCEED SIX (6 APPROVED FEET. FOR CONSTRUCTION PHOTOVOLTAIC EQUIPMENT AND SYSTEMS AND ALL ASSOCIATED WIRING AND INTERCONNECTIONS SHALL BE INSTALLED ONLY BY QUALIFIED PERSONS 1 1 DA INDICATE IF THE COMBINING PROCESS TAKES PLACE IN THE1/'W�" Voc* = MAX VOC AT MIN TEMP INVERTER. �fk! 1! t��� POI (1)CUTLER-HAMMFji # BR240 PV BACKFEED BREAKER Breaker, 40A 2P, 2 Spaces - (1) Ground Rod; 5/8' x 6', Copper B (1)CUTLER-HAMMER III DG222URB Disconnect; 60A, 240Vac, Non - (1) CUTLER- AMMER DG1 OONB Graund%Neutralt 6D -100A, -Fusible, NEMA 3R AC General Duty (DG) �y "' �tAf I ;'�(1)SolarGi%- 4,STRING JUNCiIONj BOX ,. 2x2>SiR_GS,' UNFUSED, GROUNDED DC �►.+� ty R48LI25R120/24OV, (I) BRYALoa#CenBr C � � , NEMA 3R - (2)CUTLER-HAMM BR220 '�� Breaker, 20A 2P!2 2 Spaces 1 AWG ;B, THWN-2, Block� O (1) AWG 18, THWN-2, Red 1 AWG 810, THWN-2, Black O Ise (1)AWG 810, THWN-2, Red 1)AWG 110, THWN-2, Black Voc* = 517.51 VDC Isc = 9.26 ADC ® (1) AWG 810, THWN-2, Red Vmp = 372 VDC Imp= 8.55 ADC (2)AWG 810, PV Wire, 600V, Block Voc* = 517.51 VDC Isc = 9.26 ADC O (1) AWG 810, Solid Bare Copper EGC Vmp = 372 VDC Imp= 8.55 ADC (I) AWG J8, THWN-2, White NEUTRAL Vmp =240 VAC Imp=29 AAC 70 AWG IB,, THMN-2,, Green . EGC/GEC - (1) Conduit. Kit;. 3/4' .EMT,, , ,, , , , , , LkE(1)AWG 81o, THWN-2, White ,, , , , , , 70 ) AWG 88,, T11"72,, Green j� AWG 810, THWN-2, Black NEUTRAL VmP =240 VAC Imp=14.5 AAC EGC/GEC ,- (1) Conduit. Kit;. 3/4' ,EMT, . , , , , .... (1?AWG 810, THWN-2,.Green. , EGC, . ,-(1)Conduit.Kit;.3/4'.EMT...... (1) AWG i10, THWN-4, Black Voc*='431.Y6 VDC u1 _ O (1) AWG 110, THWN-2, Red Vmp 310 VDC Isc = 9.26 ADC Imp= 8.55 ADC ... , , (2 }AWG 810, PV wre, 60OV, Black Voc* = 258.75VDC Isc = 9.26 ADC O 9- (1)AWG 810, Solid Bare Copper EGC Vmp = 186 VDC Imp= 8.55 ADC 8 �(1 (1) AWG 810, THWN-2, Red O (1 AWG 110 THWI4-2, Green EGC /............................................... LLLL�JJJJ LCL L`L (1)AWG 810, THWN-2, White - (1)AWG 88,. THMN-2,. Green . NEUTRAL VmP =240 VAC Imp=14.5 AAC EGC/GEC - (1) Conduit. Kit;. 3/4' _EMT.. , , , , .. �.. (1 AWG 110, THWN-2, Black Voc* = 258.75VDC ©� (1) AWG 110, THWN-2, Red Vmp =186 VDC Isc =''9'.2'6 ADC Imp= 8.55 ADC (2)AWG 810, PV Wire, 600V, Black Voc* = 431.26 VDC Isc =''9'.2'6' ADC N O (1) AWG 810, Solid Bare Copper EGC Vmp = 310 VDC Imp= 8.55 ADC (1) AWG 110, THWN-2, ,Green, ,EGC................................ ,, ................................................................ CONFIDENTIAL -THE INFORMATION HEREIN JB -9223717. 0 0 JOB NUMBERCOPELAND, PREMISE OWNER: DESCRIPTION: DESIGN: . CONTAINED SHALL NOT BE USED FOR THE\�>.!a OF SOLARCITY CIN No LINDA S COPELAND RESIDENCE Matt Lay �Ni , 10,5olar qty MOUNTING SHTALL IT BENDISCLOOSSED IN WHOLE ORT Mo Comp Mount Type C 54425 AVENIDA VALLEJO 7.42 KW PV ARRAY PART To OTHERS OUTSIDE THE RECIPIENT'S ORGANIZATION EXCEPT IN CONNECTION WITH LA QUINTA CA 92253 r MODULI 3oss aearvie� Way Son Mae 9440 638-1029 , THE SALE AND USE OF THE RESPECTIVE SOLARCITY EQUIPMENT, WITHOUT THE WRITTEN (28) KYOCERA # KU2656ZPA PAGE NAME SHEET: REV DATE: INVERTER ABB PVI-3.0-OU.TD-S-US-Z-A PERMISSION OF SOLARgTY INC. 7605640947 THREE LINE DIAGRAM PV 5 8/11/2015 T: (650) F:(65 (ees)-soL-CITY (765-2489) www.ealarelty.�r, CALCULATIONS Module: 12 Kyocera 265W 1000V 238.1 Inv Power WPTC Voltage Drop Calculations Version 5.8.0 1 ABB PVI-3.0-S AFCI 0.96 3300 2742.91 ELECTRICAL Inverter 1: Vdrop =(Imp) 2 * Length) * Resistance / (Vmp) 16 Kyocera 265W 1000V 238.1 Module: Max. Len th ft Wire String: 15 AWG #10 at Max Ave Hi: 309 deg F Vdrop = 0.00124 Ohms / 156.7 0.2 V8.553O Branch: 50 AWG #10 at Max Ave Hi: 109 deg F Vdrop = (8.55 100 0.00124 Ohms) / 186 0.68 Total voltage dro in DC conductors = 0.88 Inverter 2: 1 ABB PVI-3.0-S AFCI 0.96 3300 3657.22 Module: Kyocera 265W 1000V 238.1 Inverter 3: Module: Kyocera 265W 1000V 238.1 Inverter 4: Inverter: 14.5 10 AWG #10 at 24OV Total: 28 Modules Total Inv Pwrl 6600 16400.13 PTC Vdrop = 14.5 20 0.00124 Ohms / 240 V 0.09 Combinedi 23.2 15 1 AWG #8 at 24OV Photovoltaic Module Electrical Specifications: Total STC:I 7420 Vdrop = 23.2 30 0.00078 Ohms) / 240 V 0.17 Voc: 38.3 V deg F deg C Vmp: 31 V Record Low Temp: 14 -10 Isc: 9.26 A Max Average Hi Temp: 109 143 Total voltage drop in AC conductors = 0.25 Total voltage drop in AC and DC conductors = 0 Imp: 8.55 A Record Hi Temp: Tvoc: -0.14 V/deg C Tisc:l 5.56 1 mA/deg C String Type A and 2 Combined Strings Type A Voc Correction Method: Manuf TVoc Data Branch Circuit Type A 1 way wire length: 50 ABB PVI 3.0 S AFCI 6 Kyocera 265W 1000A Voc= 229.8 Vmp= 186 Isc= 9.26 Imp= 8.55 (cont= 11.58 Art69O.8(A)(1) Voc Correction Factor: Inverter Min Vdc Input: Min Vmp at Max Temp: Max Voc at Min Temp:n Inverter Max Vdc Input: Max String Size: 1-way wire length: 1 strip gs per branch 1 strings per branch 2 6 modules per series string 10 modules per series string V Vmp= 186 V Vmp=V Voc= 229.8 V Voc=a8.55 IsC= 9.26 A Isc=A Imp= 8.55 A Imp=A Icont= 11.58 A Icont=A Art 690.8(A)(1) 130 156.7 1.a Conductor: AWG #10 PV Wire 2.a Conductor 1: AWG #10 Conductor 2: AWG #10 (cont * 1.25 = (Amps) 14.47 Conductor 1 Conductor 2 r _ ,„ .1 _ t v 1 _ _ „ _ • , -r �• _ 30 deg C ampacity = 401 Icont * 1.25 = (Amps) 30 deg C ampacity = 14.471 14.47 401 40 1.b (cont= (Amps) Start ampacity Temperature derate (%=F) Conduit fill derate (%_#) 11.58 40 0.41 1 2.b Icont= (Amps) Start ampacity Temperature derate (%=F) 11.58 11.58 40 40 0.41 0.41 0.8 0.8 Derated ampacity 16.4 Conduit fill derate (%_#) 1•c Icont * 1.25 = (Amps) Ampacity 14.47 40 13.12 13.12 �.1,.. ► 1r. •a .r uv f.0 Derated ampacity 2.c Term 1 Term 2 Temp table 90 °C:Ta ®BRA Bap. 15(B)(16) Icont*1.25= (Amps) 14.47 14.47 1.d Icont * 1.25 = (Amps) OCP Size = 14.47 - - _ - ---.�-�----_ QUINT Q Ampacity 40 40 15 C'^ 'TY OF DEPT Inverter Type A Output 2.d OCP Size = 15 15 Combined Inverter Output Service Voltage= Total Inverter Powe-1 way wire length= 15 gUILI)MG & SAFEN APP�{p FED ABB PVI-3.0-5 AFCI 1 way wire Iength:F___1_oFI ft (cont= 14.5 A Art 690.8(A)(1) 3.a Icont * 1.25 = (Amps) 18.12 Art 690.8(8)(1) f:OR C0NSTRUCTI014 DATE_.�'� OCP Size = Art 240.6(A) (cont = # of inverters*max inverter current Art 69O.8(A)(1) Icont = (Amps) 20 3.b Conductor: AWG #10 Icont * 1.25 = (Amps) 30 deg C ampacity = 30 d THWN-2 at 90 deg C: Table 310.16 18.12 40 4.a Icont*1.25 = (Amps) OCP size = 36.25 Art 69O.8(B)(1) Art 24O.6(A) 40 4.b Conductor: AWG #8 (cont * 1.25 = (Amps) 30 deg C ampacity = THWN-2 at 90 deg C: Table 310.16 36.25 55 3.c = (Amps) IconStart ampacity Temperature derate (%=F) Conduit fill derate (%_#) Derated ampacity 14.5 40 0.91 4.c Icont = (Amps) Start ampacity° - Temperature derate (/o-F) Conduit fill derate (%_#) Derated ampacity 29 1 55 36.4 0.91 3.d Icont * 1.25 = (Amps) 18.12 Ampacity 351 1 50.05 4.d Icont * 1.25 = (Amps) 36.25 50 Ampacity CONFIDENTIAL -THE INFORMATION HEREIN CONTAINED SHALL NOT BE USED FOR THE OF ANYONE EXCEPT SOLARCITY INC., NOR SHALL IT BE DISCLOSED IN WHOLE OR IN PART TO OTHERS OUTSIDE THE RECIPIENT'S ORGANIZATION, EXCEPT IN CONNECTION WITH THE SALE AND USE OF THE RESPECTIVE SOLARCITY EQUIPMENT, WITHOUT THE WRITTEN PERMISSION OF SOLARCITY INC. JOB NUMBER JB- 2 2 3 717 �°SE OWNER: COPELAND, LINDA S 54425 AVENIDA VALLEJO LA QUINTA CA 92253 7605640947 DESCRIPTION: COPELAND RESIDENCE 7.42 KW PV ARRAY PAGE NAME ELECTRICAL CALCULATIONS DESIGN: Matt Lay '*a .,a%SolarCity.BENEFIT w` MOUNTING SYSTEM: Comp Mount Type C (28) KYOCERA # KU2656ZPA 3055 Clearview Woy San Moteo, CA W02 T:(65O) 636-1028 F:(65O) 638-1029 (BBB)-SOL-CITY (765-2489) www.solarolty.ean, SHEET: REV DATE PV 6 8/11/2015 ABB PVI-3.0-OUTD-S-US-Z-A IABB 1-4 ELECTRICAL CALCULATIONS ?* Panel Load Breaker Other 20A/21? Other 50Al2P Water Heater 30A/2P Range 50A/2P Dryer 30A/21? Air Handler 50A/21? Air Conditioner 20A/2P Laundry 20A/1P Bathroom 20A/11? Lighting Circuit 15A/11? Lighting Circuit 15A/1P Lighting Circuit 15A/1P Small Appliance 20A/1P Small Appliance 20A/1P Small Appliance 20A/1P Small Appliance 20A/11? CITY OF LA QUINTA -s= 8uirQ1NG`& SAFETY DEPT. A) 4 4- SAP -PROVED Tye YS3l? OiF "CONSTRUCTION 1Vr� i1{)tOUDATE;C;= 8Y Y 3 AG COPELAND, LINDA S 54425 AVENIDA VALLEJO LA QUINTA, CA 92253 • .7605640947. ,. NEC 220.83 - Residential. Load Calculation Version NEC 220.83(B)' "Existing Dwelling Unit.... to determine if the existing service ... is of sufficient capacity The follom.ting percentages shall be ueod for oxicting ... - loads ... First 8 kVA of load at 100%, Remainder of load at 40% NEC 220:83(6)(1) General lighting and general -use receptacles at y.. 3 volt-amperes/fta as determined by 220.12. Sq Ft I VA Floor Area (3VA/sq ft) 1 14941 4482 NEC 220.83(6)(2) 1500 VA for each 2 -wire, 20 -ampere small -appliance branch circuit and each laundry branch circuit covered in 210.11(C)(1) and (C)(2). • - Small Appliance Circuits CONFIDENTIAL — THE INFORMATION HEREIN JOB NUMBER: JB -9223717 0 O CONTAINED: SHALL NOT BE USED FOR THE 7500 BENEFIT OF ANYONE EXCEPT SOLARCITY INC., NOR SHALL IT BE DISCLOSED IN WHOLE OR IN PART TO OTHERS OUTSIDE THE RECIPIENT'S MOUNTING SYSTEM: Comp Mount Type C MODULES: (28) KYOCERA # KU2656ZPA ORGANIZATION, EXCEPT IN CONNECTION WITH THE SALE AND USE OF THE RESPECTIVE SOLARCITY EQUIPMENT, WITHOUT THE WRITTEN PERMISSION OF SOLARCITY INC. INVERTER ABB PVI-3.0—OUTD—S—US—Z—A COPELAND, LINDA S 54425 AVENIDA VALLEJO LA QUINTA, CA 92253 • .7605640947. ,. NEC 220.83 - Residential. Load Calculation Version NEC 220.83(B)' "Existing Dwelling Unit.... to determine if the existing service ... is of sufficient capacity The follom.ting percentages shall be ueod for oxicting ... - loads ... First 8 kVA of load at 100%, Remainder of load at 40% NEC 220:83(6)(1) General lighting and general -use receptacles at y.. 3 volt-amperes/fta as determined by 220.12. Sq Ft I VA Floor Area (3VA/sq ft) 1 14941 4482 NEC 220.83(6)(2) 1500 VA for each 2 -wire, 20 -ampere small -appliance branch circuit and each laundry branch circuit covered in 210.11(C)(1) and (C)(2). • - Small Appliance Circuits Qty I VA 5 7500 Laundry Circuits 1 1500 Bathroom Circuits 1 1500 NEC 220.83(6)(3) All appliances ... Ranges, wall -mounted ovens, counter -mounted cooking units ... Clothes dryers that are not connected to the laundry branch circuit ... landl water heaters" Total General Load (non -A/C load) 58382 VA First 8 kVA of load at 100% I 80001 Remainder of load at 40% 20152 General Calculated Load (non -A/C load) 28152 VA NEC 220.83(B) The larger connected load of air-conditioning or space -heating, but not both, shall be used ... [at] 100 Percent of Load Total Load COPE LAND RESIDENCE 7.42 KW PV ARRAY PAGE NAME: ELECTRICAL LOAD. CAI Breakerl VA Other 20 3840 Other 50 9600 Water Heater. `. 30 5760 Range 50 9600 .Dryer • 30 5000 Air Handler 50 9600 Total General Load (non -A/C load) 58382 VA First 8 kVA of load at 100% I 80001 Remainder of load at 40% 20152 General Calculated Load (non -A/C load) 28152 VA NEC 220.83(B) The larger connected load of air-conditioning or space -heating, but not both, shall be used ... [at] 100 Percent of Load Total Load COPE LAND RESIDENCE 7.42 KW PV ARRAY PAGE NAME: ELECTRICAL LOAD. CAI Max Heating and Air -Conditioning load 5664 VA Sum of General Calculated Load 33816 VA & Heating and A/C Load JE _140.9A DESIGN: Matt Lay\`!A So1a.rGt,*7i,,,y. 3055 Clearview Way r%dCOICS REVDATE 402 T:(650) 638-102Son 8 F:(65CA 0) 638-1029 CULATIONS 8/11/2015 (688)-SOL-aTv (765-2489) www.solarcity.com .solarcity.a Breakerl VA Sum of A/C Equipment Sum of Electric Furnaces 20 0 5664 0 Max Heating and Air -Conditioning load 5664 VA Sum of General Calculated Load 33816 VA & Heating and A/C Load JE _140.9A DESIGN: Matt Lay\`!A So1a.rGt,*7i,,,y. 3055 Clearview Way r%dCOICS REVDATE 402 T:(650) 638-102Son 8 F:(65CA 0) 638-1029 CULATIONS 8/11/2015 (688)-SOL-aTv (765-2489) www.solarcity.com .solarcity.a CAUTION POWER TO THIS BUILDING IS ALSO SUPPLIED FROM THE FOLLOWING SOURCES WITH DISCONNECTS LOCATED AS SHOWN: - Address: 54425 Avenida Vallejo UTILITY SERVICE AC DISCONNECT OPERATING VOLTAGE = 240V CONFIDENTIAL — THE INFORMATION HEREIN CONTAINED SHALL NOT BE USED FOR THE BENEFIT OF ANYONE EXCEPT SOLARCITY INC., NOR SHALL IT BE DISCLOSED IN WHOLE OR IN PART TO OTHERS OUTSIDE THE RECIPIENT'S ORGANIZATION, EXCEPT IN CONNECTION WITH THE SALE AND USE OF THE RESPECTIVE SOLARCITY EQUIPMENT, WITHOUT THE WRITTEN PERMISSION OF SOLARCITY INC. JOB NUMBER JB -9223717 00 MOUNTING SYSTEM: Comp Mount Type C NODULES (28) KYOCERA # KU2656ZPA INVERTER: ABB# PVI-3.0—OUTD—S—US—Z—A JB -9223717-00 COPELAND, LINDA S 54425 AVENIDA VALLEJO LA QUINTA, CA 92253 7605640947 COPELAND RESIDENCE 7.42 KW PV ARRAY PAGE NAME SITE PLAN PLAC Matt Lay SHEET: REV: DATE- PV ATEPV 7 8/11/2015 ' 45olarCity.1 I�4�� 3055 Ctearview Way San Mateo, CA 94402 T:(650) 638-1026 F:(650) 638-1029 (888)—SOL—CITY (765-2489) www.solarcity.com f u INVERTER AND DC DISCONNECT LL_J:VAV.�.:�..�BUAD�G&SAFETY = C1 y OFA LA QUINTA INVERTER AND DEPT. DC DISCONNECT _.� _FOR COROVED �_ UCTION r -------- ----------------- SOLAR PHOTOVOLTAIC ARRAYS DATEBy L---------------------------J PHOTOViOLTAIC BACK -FED CIRCUIT BREAKER IN MAIN ELECTRICAL PANEL IS AN A/C DISCONNECT PER NEC 690.17 OPERATING VOLTAGE = 240V CONFIDENTIAL — THE INFORMATION HEREIN CONTAINED SHALL NOT BE USED FOR THE BENEFIT OF ANYONE EXCEPT SOLARCITY INC., NOR SHALL IT BE DISCLOSED IN WHOLE OR IN PART TO OTHERS OUTSIDE THE RECIPIENT'S ORGANIZATION, EXCEPT IN CONNECTION WITH THE SALE AND USE OF THE RESPECTIVE SOLARCITY EQUIPMENT, WITHOUT THE WRITTEN PERMISSION OF SOLARCITY INC. JOB NUMBER JB -9223717 00 MOUNTING SYSTEM: Comp Mount Type C NODULES (28) KYOCERA # KU2656ZPA INVERTER: ABB# PVI-3.0—OUTD—S—US—Z—A JB -9223717-00 COPELAND, LINDA S 54425 AVENIDA VALLEJO LA QUINTA, CA 92253 7605640947 COPELAND RESIDENCE 7.42 KW PV ARRAY PAGE NAME SITE PLAN PLAC Matt Lay SHEET: REV: DATE- PV ATEPV 7 8/11/2015 ' 45olarCity.1 I�4�� 3055 Ctearview Way San Mateo, CA 94402 T:(650) 638-1026 F:(650) 638-1029 (888)—SOL—CITY (765-2489) www.solarcity.com f Label Location: Label Location: Label Location WARNING: PHOTOVOLTAIC POWER SOURCE (C)(IC)(CB) (AC) PV SYSTEM WARNING(DC)(INV)(CB) " `Per Code,® Pel,Cude.. CRC R331.2 OPERATION - .. _IC • • . SHOCK • - •HAZARD CEC 690.35(F)THE •- THIS ',Label Location OTOVOLTAIC SYSTEM ARE TO BE USED WHEN _ _ PH • • • ' (DC) (INV) - Ati -• ' . ' INVERTER ISMAY BE ENERGIZED - - • Per Code: .. ,.- ; - UNGROUNDED DISCCEC 690.14.C.2 Label Location: - WARNING f rELECTRIC • -. Per Code: Label,Location: °� . . • • • CEC 690.17 y - MAXIMUM POWER-=A (DC) (INV)"- '- • :• POINTCURRENT • .SIDES. Per Cde o- - _ -- , - - POWER- POINTIN E OPEN • CEC 690.53. MAXIMUM SYSTEM VOLTAGE (Voc) CURRENT (Isc)•- `!`` r -'3. - Label, Location: ,• i .. ♦ (POI) F. - ; • - _• Per Code- INVERTER "-•,• OUTPUT •CEC 705.12.D.7 x i •�. = Y , Label Location '. • NOT RELOCATEELECTRICAL SHOCK HAZARD (DC) (CB). THIS OVERCURRENT DEVICE WARNING . • NOT TOUCHCEC 690.17,i—LOAD-SIDES-MAY-BE-ENERGIZED— C/Ty J_% ', TERMINALS ON BOTH LINE AND IN THE OPEN '• • 4 - Label Location:• " BUF DC VOLTAGE IS PHOTOVOLTAIC POINT OF "(POI) • ALWAYS .. WARNING:WHEN Per Code: �� & sA' 7Y /' " TA -• • • SHOCK CEC 690.54; CEC 690.17- F EPZ NS7 _ BOTH THE LINE AND LOAD SIDE DArE RU_C7'/ POSITION. FOR Label Location: i . : •SOURCE`MAY BE ENERGIZED IN THE OPEN BY ♦ (INV) ' SHOCKWER ELECTRIC HAZARD Per Code Y • •• IF A GROUND INDICATED CEC 690.5(C), _ • - MAXIMUM AC` MAXIMUM AC NORMALLY GROUNDE CONDUCTORS MAY BE UNGROUNDED AND ENERGIZED - Label Location: Label Location:—. CAUTION(D) (POI)►' �- �,.. , - PHOTOVOLTAIC A(AC) (POI) PHOTOVOLTAIC Pei Code: - • , . ' s i ' (AC): AC Disconnect • Per Code: r . CEC 690.64.B.4 L s - (C): Conduit , CEC 690.14.C.2 . - ;• - (CB): Combiner Box . (D): Distribution Panel - (DC): DC Disconnect ' " - (IC): Interior Run Conduit Label Location: Label Location: ' ' (INV): Inverter With. Integrated DC Disconnect' (AC)(POI),- . ;. ♦ • (POI)' ` ti' - :. .y • . '' Per,Code: - - . -. - • _ _ (LC):.Load Center " - Per Coder - (M): Utility Meter OPERATING VOLTAGEMAXIMUM AC CEC 690.54 PHOTOVOLTAIC - CEC 705.12.D.7 r �, (POI): Point of.lnterconnection CONFIDENTIAL - THE INFORMATION HEREIN CONTAINED SHALL NOT BE USED FOR w �,��i 3055 Clearview Way THE BENEFIT OF ANYONE EXCEPT SOLARCITY INC., NOR SHALL IT BE DISCLOSED San Mateo, CA 94402 IN WHOLE OR IN PART TO OTHERS OUTSIDE THE RECIPIENTS ORGANIZATION„ Label Set T:(650) 638-1028 F:(650) 638-1029 EXCEPT IN CONNECTION WITH THE SALE AND USE OF THE RESPECTIVE �I� S01' (888}SOL-CCfY(765-2489)wwwsolardty.tom SOLARCITY EQUIPMENT, W1THOUT THE WRITTEN PERMISSION OF SOLARCITY INC. o _ 0 i'SolarCity I Z pSolar .Zep System for composition shingle roofs W Or1p4T/4, `rVNI PP V� LISTED 0 ..t zepsolar.com Next -Level PV Mounting Technology GmrMzdp �evettna loci - mtatlock` s'de u,wm1 Zep Compa4Wo PV Wdute zcp Grows RoW Attadmtmt I Array Skirl Description • PV mounting solution for composition shingle roofs • Works with all Zep Compatible Modules • Auto bonding UL -listed hardware creates structual and electrical bond • Zep System has a UL 1703 Class "A" Fire Rating when installed using modules from any manufacturer certified as "Type V or "Type 2" Specifications • Designed for pitched roofs • Installs in portrait and landscape orientations • Zep System supports module wind uplift and snow load pressures to 50 psf per UL 1703 • Wind tunnel report to ASCE 7-05 and 7-10 standards • Zep System grounding products are UL listed to UL 2703 and ETL listed to UL 467 • Zep System bonding products are UL listed to UL 2703 Engineered for spans up to 72" and cantilevers up to 24" Zep wire management products listed to UL 1565 for wire positioning devices Attachment method UL listed to UL 2582 for Wind Driven Rain This document does not create any express warranty by Zep Solar or about its products or services. Zep Solar's sole warranty is contained in the written product warranty for each product. The end-user documentation shipped with Zep Solar's products constitutes the sole specifications referred to in the product warranty. The customer is solely responsible for verifying the suitability of Zep Solar's products for each use. Specifications are subject to change without notice. Patents and Apps: zspats.com. 02 27 15 ZS for Comp Shingle Cutsheet Rev 04.pdf Page: 1 of 2 QSolarCity I ZepSolar Components zepsolar.com Next -Level PV Mounting Technology Comp Mount Part No. 850-1382 Listed to UL 2582 & Mounting Block to UL 2703 i) Ground Zep Part No. 850-1172 Listed to UL 2703 and ETL listed to UL 467 Interlock Leveling Foot Part No. 8 Part No. 850-1397 2703• Listed to UL Array Skirt, Grip, End Caps DC Wire Clip Part Nos. 500-0113, Part No. 850-1448 850-1421, 850-1460, Listed UL 1565 850-1467 Listed to UL 2703 This document does not create any express warranty by Zep Solar or about its products or services. Zep Solar's sole warranty is contained in the written product warranty for each product. The end-user documentation shipped with Zep Solar's products constitutes the sole specifications referred to in the product warranty. The customer is solely responsible for verifying the suitability of Zep Solar's products for each use. Specifications are subject to change without notice. Patents and Apps: zspats.com. 02 27 15 ZS for Comp Shingle Cutsheet Rev 04.pdf Page: 2 of 2 ` ' L a • ] �. • - r ° ' , .. .-. �, a .-' • •-. _ •. «. i • -� .y..t •• � l'`` .- _ -. A s Additional hinhliohts • Solar inverters RS -485 communication interface^ F +_ _ ABB inverters - ' (for connection to laptop or data - - F string ' {logger). ter' �`, = c ; •- ,' , . ' ; t • / - Integrated Arc Fault Detection and - �;,d,• :fit: • , Interruption (-A Version). • to -.�Y. A ♦ _ a-' • ` � � �, , �C � i • � t -' r -• • / ate f. {: .. s • N {.• � ' � - ' . I• _ ^ :• . 4-.wr�,a t i - J .. � w ~ t • -' , -•i +.t.. � T ! � _ -.' az � _ �. ^' � e , ,. � t'� - f • E'• h � '��Y _ .n. y •- ' � � h , L... ' r ' RST . +•+ .•- • , • _ - y , _ .; .. k _ ` ��`. Technical data and types. . .. _ _. - • •, Type'code. . = PVI-3.0-OUTD-US PVI-3.6-OUTD-US PVI-3.8-OUTD-US PVI 4.2-OUTD=US ~ • - + ', AID ' .. . .. - �•I Mechanical specifications _ .. - .e. 1P r.3Fl�1 - _ :. Nominal out ut ower r 3000W 3300 3600W 3800W !......,...42........,...42.......:•..42 , - 4200W a� :. •' 4 - y _ .. +.... - ..................._p...._p.:.. ................................ f - ;.._.... .....N,........_`..-...... 3000 i 3300' i, 3300' ..,...4......Or..,...Q.........r.:...... 3600: 00 000 .3300 00 00' .0...,...4.........L..,..,4600r- , 0 600 0 - .. Maximum output power wattage _. .......:.....:.......:......................:............................................................................... W . W W. i ' W W W W W W ' W W W - , ' c . a -- r Rated grid AC.voltage +. ' 208V 240V 277V 208V $40V 277V" 20i3V 240V ' 277V 208V 240V 277V. » IInput side (DC) _ t t Number find 2 2 2 .....W 2' Maximum us I power for each channel s? ab e o e c p 2000 W • 3000 3000 W - 300 W 0 _, - r Absolute maximum Volta e' max 9.....(V..........) ...........:................ :......... ................. .............. 600V._ ...... ............ .......................................................... - - �N ' ...... ..... - r (Vstart).........• 200V (adl:..120-350V):[:.................::....... � ........... _ } <'•.t" ': r .........................................•'a Full ower MPPT Volta a ran e e P ....,...: 180-530V .:. - 120-530V 140-530V ........... _ 140-530V ' . .........................................9.............9........................................................................ O eratin MPPT Volta a ran a - P..,........9 g.........._9...........:........ - 0.7 x Vs art.-. - 580V >=90 Y • ;W ......................... =Maximum current (Idcmax) for both MPPS°in i ........................... ......... 20A ... .................................1..........Y)................................_'........................................_ 32A, 32A 32A arallel t :..... IP •' :=`e �- ,. - ........:..................`.............:.:'................_................ Maximum usable current er channel P...........,....... ................. . 10A - .............................. ........... ............... ................ ......... 16A 16A - .......... ........................................................................... .......................... 16A- ................................... . t 4 -- - .- S ♦ short circuit current hmd er "t p a t*'1 A 2.5 A A 20 0 20.0 r 20 0 A 'a' F 7. 7.._ - channel '2 ` - • ; �n!�, » - r Number f wire 1 n in termin I r ch nn I 4......._e._a._d.....9................a.S.P.e.......-a...._e....:..................................:.......:.............._........ Array wiring termination _t .. it Aa._s...................... Terminal block pressure clamp AWGIO-AWG4 _ C : pxnnf s .' - + _ `+ . i r - `„-; _* o ... `' [Output side (AC) -- - - - -,-- - .. . • �, , „, .... r •�.•: .. , : • ,. <. - Grid connection type ' 10 Split 19 2W ::,0/3W i•'2W Split 19%. 1 to/ 19 _ 2W € 9/3W 2W i 2W 'i 0/3W 2W 19/ Spit : ' 2W i 0/3W - 2W ` _ - ............. ...?..-1......-..........-1....................................................f.�_...,.......44_...,.....1...... Adjustable voltage range (Vmin-Vmax) (V) 228V i 264V i • 304V ....................... ,....-t.t ........44 ......_�...... 228V 264V i 304V 228V :' 264V i ` 304V'' i ....... .. ... ................... .. ,.._�.t ._......94..._ 228V 264V i 304V ' ... ........ .......... a Grd re en it 601-Iz - ♦ • ” - Adjustable gr d frequency range :..€ 57-60;5Hz _ . ` • [ c , y < , <. VSA • : .. -' ! .. ..... Maximum current (Ia<„�):........14.5.........12.0.... pe ARMS....:..._p!aMS - 16 0 16.0....,.....16:0........16.0: ,.....20:0........20.0. pp ee e e p!NMS.......:..'.�RMS........ APMS... '...�•:MS 20:0..... e e e l .. . + •,�.- ,f - . l7' �,. .. t y r ry... ....... ... ..................... Power factor ,. .... i.....:.pMS., .... .....��Y1M5. ' YiMS.... .......'•YiMS....:.....'�hMS....:.....Y1MS _> 0.995 - - .............................................................................................................:................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ Total harmonic distortion at rated power < 290 This family of single-phase string The high-speed MPPT offers real- �• Highlights: : 4 Grid wiring termination type - Terrninaibiock, Pressure ciarnp, ay�GfO-AyyGa inverters complements the typical '- time power tracking and improved - Single phase and split phase output I Input protection devices ___ - -_ _ _ - -- • - _-� _ r _ number of rooftop solar panels energy harvesting. _ _ grid connection. Reverse olarity protection P.......................................... Over -Volta a rotection i e g.....P Yes + ............................................................._ .................................................- Varistor, 2 for each channel _ - enabling home -owners to get the most The flat efficiency curve ensures high - Wide Input range for Increased • ........................XP.........................................:..,...............::......................................'........................:+............................................. PV array ground fault detection , ..............................................:... ......... . ..................... Pre start-up Riso and Dynamic GFDI (requires floating arrays) ' efficient energy harvesting for the size at all output levels allowing stringing flexibility. [output protection devices _ - _ of the property. .efficiency . - a consistent and stable performance .. - - _ •.: The high speed and precise MPPT Anti-islandin rotection 9..P................................................................................................................................................................................................... Meets UL 1741/IEEE1547 requirements ................... - - - - .. ....... _ over -Vona a rotection t e 9.....P.........................Y.p..................................................'........................:.::...............................................................................-( G....... varistor, 2 : L .... , ' ' • ” -� • ' ' , across the entire Input voltage and '.-'algorithm offers real time power = , Maximum AC OCPD Rating - 20Ao„r [ 20P 15A,,,� ........................)........................................... 25Pb • i 20Aa,r 20!{, - 20A 20/� i 20A,,,r 25A,,,� 25Ap„� 25Fb„� This inverter offers a dual input output power range.' tracking and improved energy . ' - IEfficiency 4' section that processes two strip p strings Th tr n f rm rl operation e a s o e ess ope at on gives the harvesting.. Maximum efficient ...................Y......................................................_....:.................. 96.9% ^ 97% 97% ... 97% - _ CEC efficiency - 96%..... —_ with independent Multiple Power Point .highest efficiency of up to 97.0%. - Outdoor NEMA 4X rated enclosure [Operating performance Tracking (MPPT). The wide input voltage range makes • for unrestricted use under any , + Night time consumption < 0.6Wo;,r r ' - This is especially useful for rooftop _ the inverter -suitable to low power environmental conditions. ' Stand-by consumption - - <awo„• - • installations with two different installations with reduced string size. - Integrated DC disconnect switch - [Communication user -interface r - 16 characters x 2 lines LCD dis la Y.. ............................................ = orientations from two sub -arrays This rugged outdoor inverter has been i6 compliance with international - Remote morntonng (1xRS485 incl.) . VSN700 Data Logger (opt.)P - oriented in different directions.,(For designed to be a completely sealed Standards (S Version). - ,� 1 [Environmental *F • - ` - .Ambient air.operatin temperature range 13 F to +140wth derating above 122'F (50'Q example: East and West) unit able to withstand the harshest ^: Ambient air stora a tem erature ran a 9 ”"' ' """ ' -40T to +176 F ao C to +Bo C (................... The dual input sections with p environmental conditions. ' .............P.........................9......................................I............... Relative humidit X ..... „ ............... .. .....)........................................................................ o -loos t�H condensin • i independentMPPT enable a more . . 7 s - . _ ...................................................... Acouet c noise emission level ........................................................................................................................................................_..............................................(..)..............................*..........................................................:................. .................. .................._9...................................`...'....................... <50 db A ®tm: ................. .......... _ - _ , optimal energyharvesting condition.' p g - ' It e Maximum operatin.9._altitutde without derating...i................................................... ..... ............................_6560 ft..(2000 m)................................................. _ P wer. o and roductivit :. t Capability enabled el nominal AC voltage and with sufficient ,� DC power available.Y •r r - . _% dALA for a better world♦”' �� 1� 1� I •.� + w! - f„ . .. .• : !'� • "y n - • _ _ ;�. • ti 2 ABB Solar Inverters I Product flyer for PVI-3.0/3.6/3.8/4.2-TI.-OUTD _. •,• i r - _ ,” • , - r . 19Kya1eRa CUTTING EDGE TECHNOLOGY As a pioneer with four decades of experience in the development of photovoltaic systems, Kyocera drives the market as a leading provider of PV products. We demonstrate our Kaizen philosophy, or commitment to continuous improvement, by setting the industry standard in the innovation of best -in -class solar energy equipment. QUALITY BUILT IN • UV -stabilized, anodized aluminum frame in black • Supported by major mounting structure manufacturers • Easily accessible grounding points on all four corners for fast installation • Proven junction box technology with 12 AWG PV wire works with transformerless inverters • Amphenol H4-UTX locking plug-in connectors provide safe, quick connections PROVEN RELIABILITY • Kyocera modules confirmed by the Desert Knowledge Australia Solar Centre to have the highest average output of any crystalline module • First module manufacturer in the world to pass long- term sequential testing performed by TOV Rheinland • Only module manufacturer to achieve the rank of "Performance Leader" in all six categories of GTM Research's 2014 PV Module Reliability Scorecard CERTIFICATIONS • UL1703 Certified and Registered, UL Module Fire Performance: Type 2, CEC • NEC 2008 Compliant, IEC 6121561730, and ISO 14001 `oMPgT' W 9 Fp j 0v C ®L V.S COMPPt� KU -60 1000V Z Series KU 265-6ZPA KU -60 1000V Series ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS MODULE CHARACTERISTICS Standard Test Conditions Cells per module: 60 (6 x 10) 111 Dimensions: 65.43ini38.98ini 1.57in KU2length/width height (1662mm/990mm/40mm) • Weight 45.2lbs (20.5kg) P� 265 W vm, 31.0 V PACKAGING SPECIFICATIONS I ImP 8.55 A ] Modules per pallet 20 V 38.3 V Pallets per 53' container. 36 I I 9 26 A Pallet box dimensions: 66ini40ini43in 14 lengdVwidth/height (1675mm/1005mm/1055mm) Pry° • +5-0 % Pallet box weight: 101 Sibs (460kg) NominalOperating Conditions• NOCT=800 I 11. -5tH T. 45 °C J _�_—_ --__—_--___--__— —_ _____—__ POTTED P 191 W JUNCTION BOXOP65) -- e V� 27.9 U CABLE W/ 7 F1 1 6.85 A CONNECTOR LABEL mP IV 35.1 V 7.49 A [PTc 238.1 W Temperature Coefficients j `P -0.45 %/°C V -0.48 %/°C 11-P — -- ---- - --- - ---% - I I P 0 02 °C� LL—_ ---- -- - -- ----_ - -- ---- --%� - - V_ -0.36 %)°C 3e. se (sso�a 0.06 Operating Temp -40 to +90 °C Grounding Hole slotted Roonti" Hole 0. 16- (4.d 0. W0. 47' (9-12m) System Design j FRAME CROSS SECTION DIAGRAM Series Fuse Rating 15A J no,a, Maximum DC System Voltage (UL) 1000V � 6 [Hailstone Impact in (25mm) @ 51 mp (23m/s) 1.>0'tlio) 'Subject to simulator measurement uncertainty of +l- 3%. ICYOCERA reserves the right to modify these specifications without notice. LONG/SHORT SIDE WARNING: Read the instruction manual in its rntircty prior to handling. installing 8 operat- ing Kyocera Solar modules. 040215 OUR VALUED PARTNER F Ee 7 8.11 (231] 7.33 (187) m 8.66 [2207 - 33 (8] •0S.A [16]) . 95-1451 .a1 i 10��1 95-1451 .a1 (22) .. . 4.21 [1071 ' _ h 7A0 (178] ®^ ' ®4.78 [121] 1 • . TIN MFM KNOCKOUTS FOR 1, 1-1/2 CONOUR OIUNrth 1 NOiE . I. METRIC DIMENSION WWNETERS) . ARE SHOWRANM KIS ' F 1 1 WE RWDE OF UlDS 6 1/0-/1{ COPPER OR N.UMWUN. ' A _ 161 851 DIA OIIINIIfY 1 182 [67] 9.40 (213) ' A CUTLER -HAMMER ffG%N v 7'= 1 - DIMSION SKEET 80 NIPENTYPE 3R GENERAL DUTY c o CONCEMWC KNOCKWTS FOR TNN%MNL KNOCKOUTS FOR 1/1 ] {. 1. 1-1/4 DEN CONOUR 3/arc 0 ]1/4 95-1451 .a1 (22) .. . 4.21 [1071 ' _ h 7A0 (178] , ' ®4.78 [121] • . TIN MFM KNOCKOUTS FOR 1, 1-1/2 CONOUR OIUNrth 1 NOiE . I. METRIC DIMENSION WWNETERS) . ARE SHOWRANM KIS ' F 1 1 WE RWDE OF UlDS 6 1/0-/1{ COPPER OR N.UMWUN. ' A _ 161 851 DIA OIIINIIfY 1 182 [67] 9.40 (213) ' A CUTLER -HAMMER ffG%N v 7'= 1 - DIMSION SKEET 80 NIPENTYPE 3R GENERAL DUTY 95-1451 .a1 a ZepSolar ZS CompTM I Grounding and Bonding This document describes the mechanics of how the electrical bonding is accomplished between the UL Listed hardware components used in Zep Solar's ZS Comp mounting solution for composition shingle roofs. Zep Compatible' systems do not require running copper conductors to each module. The act of physically installing each component simultaneously establishes an electrical bond, as described in the following pages. Document 800-1478-001 Rev A www.zepsolar.com PAGE: l Of 5 © 2013/EN Zep Solar, Inc. Zep Solar reserves the right to make specifications chnages without any prior notice. All rights reserved. Date Last Exported: June 25, 20134:45 PM ®. ZepSolar Interlock Interlock Zep ZS COMP I GROUNDING AND BONDING UL Listed to UL 2703 Tongue side Key Side Bonding Cutting "tooth' Key side in 01 closed position le Cutting "tooth' Tongue Side Bonding Tongue side in closed position Cutting teeth' Side view An m Interlock Module Bonding locations on Key side Forced Interference during rotation of Interlock Zep causes teeth to cut through anodization on module frame, resulting in robust and UL certified bonding path O � Module O j�-jj / Forced interference between mating parts from module Bonding location on rock -in motion cuts into module frame, removing Tongue side anodization and resulting in robust and UL certified bonding path Document 800-1478-001 Rev A www.zepsolar.com PAGE: 2 0f 5 © 2013/EN Zep Solar, Inc. Zep Solar reserves the right to make specifications chnages without any prior notice. All rights reserved. Date Last Exported: June 25,20134:45 PM MOM Down -roof rirl • r -Tongue side W11 " • - ` - ,' Interlock --••—,e- r , - ` Key, side & - - - ' ' - _ + •. Key side Inserts Into Zep Groove (rock -in)' , = Module in next row drops in on the Tongue side' Bonding Path -Array" Bonding'Path - North and'South Modules j I� M M M M M M Y V Zep pLar ZS COMr I�OROUNOINO AND DONDINO - Zep5ga ar ,' �_ `,ti' ' ' 2S COMP I GROUNDING AND DONDING' •• Interlock, Leveling' Foot -continued 7 Tongue side —s Key side Spring clip - - - - ,Part No. 850-1388 r -.. ;¢ --. - :• _X.:.. - .. - UL Listed to UL 2703 -...: - 6: _ - '-- - _ - - _ . - - - - - - - - _ _ J> :'� 'i ,,,,.- _ _ _ *n .. _ _� _ _..•��k „_ .i _ _ _ •� � �_ ' A• � - ,,, - '. t � . a - �t � f' • • acs} _ ,t;~!, ''-. Bonding Path = Ke and Ton ue P g g Part No. 850-1397 The Leveling Foot top portion (the Rockit) has a stainless steel • _ - y • - - _ - '' i •- _ The Interlock bonds modules on all 4 sides to create a hyper- _ r UL Listed to UL 2703 _ - spring clip that bonds to the adjacent module frame on both r , • ,. - Key and Tongue sides.- _ - _ .• s - _ .t , ^t - _ - - -' bond ed array where every module is structurallyand - _ ,• ,_ - �' 1_ ar - - - electrically bonded to the surrounding modules. '- • - , - j 77 � ' Leveling Foot - Bonding With Module Frame Vit. " ` .• ' ' �' • ., - .. F '� �. ♦ i i • - L, r - .! Wit. � + c MOM Down -roof rirl • r -Tongue side W11 " • - ` - ,' Interlock --••—,e- r , - ` Key, side & - - - ' ' - _ + •. Key side Inserts Into Zep Groove (rock -in)' , = Module in next row drops in on the Tongue side' Bonding Path -Array" Bonding'Path - North and'South Modules j I� M M M M M M o Interlock on ng ocahon on r •T` - _ �i Key side Bonding path .. \ _. - +~. ®•.•_---+••••-® _ ® • • ,�- ® _ r - - s . , , leveling Foo[ a- a Al Bonding pathIn Xk »- ®:IT y _ Bonding location on ` Module rotation during drop-in creates forced • . - %'3 "� "` /• �", : : �' _ _ Down roof - Y Tongue side - ' interference between Zep Groove and spring clip, _ }. Down -roof n cutting into module frame, removing anodization and . , + - ., � - < ' ' • J y"r � - . resulting in robust and UL certi0ed bonding path Document800-1478-001Rev A www.zepsoLar.com,`" • - Docurnent800-1478-001RevA www.zepsotar.com , PAGE: 4of5-+ •� •" - • PAGE: 3of5 r. r. ," 02013/ENZep Solar,Inc. Zep Solar reserves the right to make specifications chnages without any prior notice. All rightsreserved. - + 02013/EN Zep Solar,Inc. Zep Solar reserves the right to make specifications chnages without any prior notice. All rights reserved. + Date Last Exported: June 25,20134:45 PM - 'Date Last Exported: June 25,20134:45 PM ` + _ (9. ZepSolar Ground Zep Set screw Part No. 850-1172 UL Listed to UL 467 and UL 2703 Ground Zep Installation Key side Ground wire channel ZS COMP I GROUNDING AND BONDING The Ground Zep provides a single point of connection for the Equipment Grounding Conductor (EGC) from the array to a building ground. Irl Insert Ground Zep into Zep Groove of module frame, Use the Flat Too to rotate the Ground Zep 90 degrees, so that set screw Insert copper EGC into ground wire on array perimeter is pointing straight up. channel. Tighten set screw using torque values shown in the ZS Camp Instatla- tion Manual. Bonding Path - Array to Ground OGround I I Equipment Ground �— Conductor Bonding path i OGround Zep Equipment Ground �— Conductor Bonding path 1 Down -roof Document 800-1478-001 Rev A www.zepsatar.com PAGE: 505 ©2013/EN Zep Solar, Inc Zep Solar reserves the right to make specifications chnages without any prior notice. All rights reserved. Date Last Exported: June 25, 20134:45 PM ..• ~ • _ 1 • - ` ♦ Y • � • • •` ,- r ' +, ti ' •, - , ' f . • • j _ • F .' ' - *f ' -e � - • _ , • ' ` • + • T, • ' T ' y L ' ' Je Y - r.. m .� :. i7�„� .� „�� .1 :�.nd�„ ... Y.. X,v'x .ittnx'A"nhd:l •..d, q..+ SolarCity Standard Box 4J _ _ NOTICE OF COMPLETION . , • - l AND • AUTHORIZATION TO APPLY-THE UL MARK - r- The SolarCity Standard Box 4J. is a • Manufactured to meet UL 1741 Standards.12/21/2013 - N Solarcity Corp 4-String unfused Junction Box. The box Non-Metallic, Corrosion Resistant NEMA 4X Enclosure. Alex Yang is highly configurable and adaptable 3055 Clearview Way _ using the (4) jumper bIOCkS.InCluded In • Factory-Installed Cordgrip Enhances Installation Speed. San Mateo Ca 94402-3709, Us ' each box. A factory installed Cordgrip , • Break-Thru Skinned-Over Glands on Cordgrip Provide { , _ , enhances installer productivity. ; ; Weathertight Seal for All Configurations. .- ' Our Reference: E318537_Volume 1 G_ � • ; _Project Number 4786083586. r - - Your Reference:: - •A.Yang 0/7. ra � `_ � , rr • - " _ ' • Easily Configurable Terminal Blocks Permit Adaptation `. —'w "• f Project Scope: Investlgahon-of Photovoltaic�(PV) System�Combiner. Box modW.SolarCity Standard Box 4C”, . • �.7 to Site-Specific Stringing Needs. ' ` a - e4 "• " t_xand'Photo4oitaic (PV) System Transition Box, model."SolarCity Standard Box 4J" to UL'1741 - 7`v Dear Alex Yang } +a a ' , ' Congratulationst UL's investigation of your product( s) h�been completed under the above Reference Number and - - • Technical Data / Specifications the producEwasdetermined to�comply with the 45plica61e7equirements. This letter temporarily supplements the,UL , - _ ; • • Follow-Uprvices Procedure and serves as authoriiationyto apply the •UL• Mark at authorized factories'und&: UL's ' ` Voltage Rating [VDC] : 600V = Follow'Up-SeySerdice Program. To'provide your manrifacturer(s) with the intended authorization to use tFie'UL,Mark, you must send a copy of this notice to each manufacturing• location currently authorized under E318 37!lu 1 Vo me Maximum DC Current [A]: 57A and including any special instructionns as indicated in ttre'addendum to this letter. % ' t l .. Al e] will sent in th b ti ©Maximum Continuous Current [A]: 42A Records in the Follow-Up Services Procedure covering the product are now being prepared and w e - - _ " near future: r Until then, this letter authorizes applllcetion.of the ULf Mark-fo7.90 days from the date indicated above -: IOD Maximum Voltage [VDC]: 600V ^♦_ r. O Wire Size Range [AWG]: #6 to #14' Additional 'requirements related to your responsibilities as.the Applicant can be found in the document "Applicant • Y responsibilities related to Early Authorizations" that can be found at the following web-site: Enclosure Rating: NEMA 4X _ htto /1www�uhcom/EAResaonsibihties' I# • „ F + x +t► D10 ©Operating Temperature Range [°C]: -40 to 50 - Any information and documentation provided to you involving UL Mark'services are provided on behalf of UL LLC- p (UL) or any authorized licensee of Vis- lO Typical Overall Dimensions [in]: 8"x6"x4"'� r+�"'•• v'} - We are excited you are now able to apply the UL Mark to your products and appreciate your business. Feel free to _ contact me or. any of our Customer Service representatives if you have any questions. ktr Very truly yours Reviewed by: ,' {°'TO Jon Adonay4 >>' William R. Carney •fR 1;ir` t Y . I"',t 408-7546630. 847/664 1088 Engineering Associate Lead � r•s.,. Chief Engineer Director) 9 ,� r Jon•Adonay@ul.com IT, *'- �, William.R.Camey@ul Com l Y ` � `. � _ � � _ J' • NBKD9C5-908A67` •��+�� A. ►1 �olar Vift October 2013 -. This is an electronically generated letter, Signatures are not required for this document to be valid., - Page 1 of 1 CUTTING EDGE TECHNOLOGY ' As'a pioneer with four decades of experience in the development of photovoltaic systems, Kyocera drives the , market as a leading provider of PV products. We ' w demonstrate our Kaizen philosophy, or commitment to continuous improvement,, by setting the industry standard ; ` in the innovation of best-in=class solar energy equipment. QUALITY -BUILT IN - • UV -stabilized, anodized aluminum frame in black • - _ • Supported by,major mounting structure manufacturers • Easily accessible grounding points on all four corners * +for fast installation ” • Proven junction box technology with 12 AWG PV wire' works with transformerless inverters _• Amphenol 1-14-M locking plug-in connectors provide safe, quick connections PROVEN RELIABILITY, - • • Kyocera modules confirmed by the Desert Knowledge Australia Solar Centre to have the highest average ' output of any crystalline module ` - . • Fist module manufacturer in the world to pass long- term sequential testing performed by TUV Rheinland .- • Only module manufacturer to achieve the rank of "Performance Leader" in all six categories of GTM r , .r Sr' • re t Research's 2014 PV Module Reliability Scorecard T' CERTIFICATIONS - • UL1703 Certified and;Registered, UL Module Fire < i Performance: Type 2; CEC ' • NEC 2008 Compliant, IEC 6121561730, and ISO 14001 ' PULus . 0 1P_ 265 i W rVmP. lE 31.0 - V Im° • 8.55 A 38.3 t ,', . ,r°:' .. V Ir°� 9.26 A: Ptmera _ . +5/-0 Nominal Operating Cell Temperature Conditions (NOCT) NOCT=800WIM'ii-rodiance,20*Combienttet77perattire,AM !V, -191 w 27.9 V KU -60 1000V Series ' ' ^ tj Voc 35.1 V a. 7.49 ' =•.'•' ' • '- , -. ....n, V, ,1,,, 1ih, '1 '�"'"n" !r".. ,,,,,,,, ,„„ . ...............' .• P UPC•'� •,� TEISTICS i S _ VmP i KyOCERa KU -60, .ELECTRICAL. 1.00OV ,. • Z Series- Standard .ConditionsCells per module: 60 (6 x 10) _ - _ . -0.36 %'oc Ix° 0.06 %/°C g,g.. .- .. • • - Series Fuse Rating 15A KU265-6ZPA - 1000V leength�dth/height _( 662mimi 901mmi40mm) -, CUTTING EDGE TECHNOLOGY ' As'a pioneer with four decades of experience in the development of photovoltaic systems, Kyocera drives the , market as a leading provider of PV products. We ' w demonstrate our Kaizen philosophy, or commitment to continuous improvement,, by setting the industry standard ; ` in the innovation of best-in=class solar energy equipment. QUALITY -BUILT IN - • UV -stabilized, anodized aluminum frame in black • - _ • Supported by,major mounting structure manufacturers • Easily accessible grounding points on all four corners * +for fast installation ” • Proven junction box technology with 12 AWG PV wire' works with transformerless inverters _• Amphenol 1-14-M locking plug-in connectors provide safe, quick connections PROVEN RELIABILITY, - • • Kyocera modules confirmed by the Desert Knowledge Australia Solar Centre to have the highest average ' output of any crystalline module ` - . • Fist module manufacturer in the world to pass long- term sequential testing performed by TUV Rheinland .- • Only module manufacturer to achieve the rank of "Performance Leader" in all six categories of GTM r , .r Sr' • re t Research's 2014 PV Module Reliability Scorecard T' CERTIFICATIONS - • UL1703 Certified and;Registered, UL Module Fire < i Performance: Type 2; CEC ' • NEC 2008 Compliant, IEC 6121561730, and ISO 14001 ' PULus . 0 1P_ 265 i W rVmP. lE 31.0 - V Im° • 8.55 A 38.3 t ,', . ,r°:' .. V Ir°� 9.26 A: Ptmera _ . +5/-0 Nominal Operating Cell Temperature Conditions (NOCT) NOCT=800WIM'ii-rodiance,20*Combienttet77perattire,AM !V, -191 w 27.9 V •`6.85' --.. A tj Voc 35.1 V a. 7.49 ' ` i r . A.. PTC7 238.1 w Temperature P -0.45 %/°C S _ VmP i -0.48' ImP 0.02 % C uo< = -0.36 %'oc Ix° 0.06 %/°C COperating Temp Jr •1 -40 to'+90 DesignSystern Series Fuse Rating 15A Maximum DC System Voltage (UL) 1000V Hailstone Impact in (25mm) @ 51 mp (23m/s) Weight: 45.21bs (20.Skg) :PACKAGING SPECIFICATIONS . ' ' ` • ' ' `' t Modules per pallet 20 } Pallets per 53• container.. 36 Pallet box dimensions: _ 66ini40ini43in --- J. . length/width height - (1675mm(1005mm)1055mm) " ' Pallet box weight - 1015lbs (460kg) r POTTED --oto-tw-- i •� - .� , 3- JUNCTION _ BOXOP65), - 1• 6@ CABLE W/ CONNECTOR LABEL x' .. I. 10' PBgra - t 38.98" (990-) •+ , - 3 1 Grounding Hole Slotted Mounting Hole- - f _ D. 16- (4 n) 0.35"x0.47- (9=12.0 FRAME CROSS SECTION DIAGRAM' r • - �iD�OMPA'I�w - \ _ _ ' • 'Subiect to simulator measurement uncertainty of +l- 3%. - • i - - • - - t - err' f .. 4 -{ • y r 9 - - �KYOCERA reserves the right to modify these specifications without notice.._ r LCNG/SHCRT SIDE Rca. t ` : - - • .. WARNING: d the insUuction �' + r • . - ♦ a_Y ; - Lv r • - :� - - r -` _ - • - manual'n its entirety prior to - - ` r • - Y : ` - • + 'r' handfng. in"alling8optta(- tep' �� ,t • r irg Kyocera solar modules. 040215 . ' " OUR VALUED PARTNER HIGH EFFICIENCY MULTICRYSTAL PHOTOVOLTAIC •• • • •Solar,:I• • :• :•• • • •lar.comry - r * t' - ` - • - Y - _r2 • r • ` • i . - " •.•,. -. + 1. �. •: :. < < - _ - c AI 9 SS10N. 0OV� 1 ID Ic J C KNOOKONfS EOR ON,Nf11. 1-1/4CWWR M. t. 1- 1/4 coNort 3 W4CENRK"OCKOVII OR O se [zz] V NO ROLES B ENIVL KNOCNOVfS FOR I-i/z c�� oNOVlf 1. NEFRc ",mar NLVmoats) IfIfY ARE SHOWN N KER. L WIRE R.NGE Of LUGS IS 1/0-/14 COPPER OR AW MM. - •} K✓�vw_�p wmd SPC ae l:V ILLK-HPMMLN .�T�A • ��1 0. MNN9U m Po N �OINp!$ION SHEET I ' ' .� s 80 pNP ME 3R GENER01 WIY R! 1 '95-1451 i a'1 m.�vw 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 IA J ZS COMP I GROUNDING AND BONDING n ZS COMP I GROUNDING AND BONDING r ZepSolar - . •. , ZepSoaar •Interlock, continued Leveling Foot' • t' _ Tongue side -------- W Key side . .y r _ - - • - - Spring clip , To- Part HPart No. 850-13884 - - •c _ • ti.. 4 r %'::__` r .� 1 ' <` ✓ .. ,. - - UL Listed to UL 2703 _ _ _ • -3. Y� _ .. - _ _ _ Part No. 850-1397 • The Leveling Foot top portion (the Rockit) has a stainless steel e Bonding Path -,Key and Tongue - -,- �• • - UL Listed to UL2703 _ 'spring clipthat bondsto the adjacent module frame on_both {^v •� The Interlock bondsmoduleson all 4 sidesto createa hyper- - Key and Tongue sides. ..- -..,w; - k�' • _ - r '� ` bonded array where every module Is structurally and r y - y - t„ • " ..•� ••- �t „ • i - Y' electrically bonded to thesurrounding modules. - •- ^ - - ` �" ` ,r• *•. •• - -• 1'Y. • - .,r. � .• -z sy. ;..• art` r � - 4 -"--- j - • Leveling Foot Bonding With Module Frame Module _ \ wO g wn roof s - Tongue side - f - • ' • - Interlock o 'Key side • r w' Key side inserts into Zep Groove (rock in) t -. . Module in next row drops in on the Tongue side t � ' g ~ ` • - - - ' 1'. , , . � : •, r . .' =�. 4 j.�.i• ' ;+ .. a". .. � ..:rfc,i - , ; +Z - r • , • t .. - _ • Bonding Path - Array_ _ t y Bonding Patli - North an`d South•Modules <- t•- - s - - - - Bonding location on o Interlock - . , • w t - r - - •- -' Key side . , .. 4.> b ks M kf b ® Leveling Foot. o Interlock - . , • w t - r - - •- -' Key side . , .. - Bonding path . ♦ - ... - . ® ® ® Leveling Foot. •'�.., f ' . ., t q - .®"'^--u^'a •"� .Bonding path ' '• Kr ai' • - - a a N ' t t, tF Bonding location on Module rotation during drop-in creates forced - - • - - •�_ , /•• - _ I - _a •• ,�. 4 Down -roof , , • Tongue side interference between Zep Groove and spring clip, • ' '1 Down -roof- cutting into module frame, removing anodiza[ion and resulting in robust and UL certified bonding path • Document 800-1478-001 RevA, • www.zepsolaceom r �. s Document 800-1478-001 Rev A' . viww.zepsolar.rnm PAGE: 40f5 - 4 PAGE: 3of5 , r. 2013/EN Zep Solar. Inc. Zep Solar reserves the right to make specifications chnages without any prior notice. All rights reserved. ®2013/EN Zep Solar, Inc Zep Solar reserves the right to make specifications chnages without any prior notice. All rights reserved. • ' _ ' ' ` Date Last Exported: June 25, 20134:45 PM - - ` •" -_ . ,,,, + •^ • ..Exported:• - ' f - % �''"' , ♦ ' . • + • - - � ``. � Date Las[ June 25, 20134:45 PM — r .. t - r .. • .-? ` ` .' _ _ .. d' .. - _T - •. • ♦ , - ' t ' • - - - • t ' }• a ®. Zep Solar ZepSolar Interlock ZS Comp" I Grounding and Bonding This document describes the mechanics of how the electrical bonding is accomplished between the UL Listed hardware components used in Zep Solar's ZS Comp mounting solution for composition shingle roofs. Zep Compatible'" systems do not require running copper conductors to each module. The act of physically installing each component simultaneously establishes an electrical bond, as described in the following pages. Document 800-1478-001 Rev A www.zepsolar.com PAGE: 1 of 5 © 2013/EN Zep Solar, Inc. Zep Solar reserves the right to make specifications chnages without any prior notice. All rights reserved. Date Last Exported: June 25.20134:45 PM Interlock Zep �r r UL Listed o UL 2703 Tongue side Key Side Bonding Cutting tooth' Key side in �S✓ closed position Cutting "tooth' Tongue Side Bonding Tongue side in closed position ZS COMP I GROUNDING AND BONDING Side view Interlock Module Bonding locations on Key side Forced interference during rotation of Interlock Zep causes teeth to cut through anodization on module frame, resulting in robust and UL certified bonding path Cutting "teeth' Bonding location on Tongue side O W Com i �. n, Me Forced interference between mating parts from module rock -in motion cuts into module frame, removing anodization and resulting in robust and UL certified bonding path Document 800-1478-001 Rev A www.zepsolar.com PAGE: 2 of 5 © 2013/EN Zep Solar, Inc. Zep Solar reserves the right to make specifications chnages without any prior notice. All rights reserved. Date Last Exported: June 25, 20134:45 PM