0402-293 (SFD)(j LICENSED CONTRACTOR DECLARATION I hereby affirm under penalty of perjury that I am licensed under provisions.of Chapter'9 (commencing with Section 7000) of Division 3 of the Business and Professionals Code, and my License is in full force and effect. License # Lic. Class Exp. Date X690645 B TQC A n 6/301014 Date / .��Ei Signature of Contractor t.✓ OWNER -BUILDER DECLARATION I hereby affirm under penalty of perjury that I am exempt from the Contractor's License Law for the following reason: ( ) I, as owner of the property, or my employees with wages as their sole compensation, will do the work, and the structure is not intended or offered for sale (Sec. 7044, Business & Professionals Code)., ( ) 1, -as owner of the property, am exclusively contracting. with licensed contractors to construct the project (Sec. 7044, Business & Professionals Code). ( ) I am exempt under Section B&P.C. for this reason' Date Signature of Owner r , WORKER'S COMPENSATION DECLARATION I• hereby affirm under penalty of perjury one of the following declarations: (Y) I have and will maintain a certificate of consent to self -insure for workers' compensation, as provided for by Section 3700 of the Labor Code, for the performance of the work for which this permit is issued. ( ) .I have and will maintain workers' compensation insurance, as required by Section 3700 of the Labor Code, for the performance of the work for which this permit is issued. My workers' compensation insurance carrier & policy no. are: Carrier STATE PUN D Policy No. 1$93906.01 (This Section need not be completed if the permit valuation is for $100.00 or less). ( ) 'I certify that in the performance of the work for which this permit is issued,' I shall not employ any person in any manner so as to become subject to the workers' compensation laws of California, and agree that if I should become subject,to the workers' compensation provisions of Section 3700 of the Labor Code, I shall forthwith comply with those. provisions. Date:jl_ r -<irl Applicant • 1 r 4-4 f ' •�.z v -- Warning: Failure to'secure Workers' Compensation coverage is unlawful and shall Subject an employer to criminal penalties and civil fines up to $100,000, in addition to the cost of compensation, damages as provided for in Section 3706 of the Labor Code, interest and attorney's fees. IMPORTANT Application is hereby made to the Director of Building and Safety for a permit subject to the conditions and restrictions set forth on his application. I 1. Each person upon whose behalf this application is made & each person at whose request and for whose benefit work is performed under or pursuant to any permit issued as a result of this applicaton agrees.to, & shall; indemnify & hold harmless the City of La Quinta, its officers, agents and employees. 2. Any permit issued as a result of this application becomes null and void if work is not commenced within 180 days from date of issuance of such permit, or cessation of work for 180 days will subject permit to cancellation. I certify that I have read this application and state that the above information is correct. I agree to comply with all City, and State laws relating to the building construction, and hereby authorize representatives of this City to enter upon the above-mentioned property for inspection purposes. Signature (Owner/Agent)_'p fl j' DateZ/%-/- /74 /l PERMIT # . BUILDING PERMIT T_. - 1-11 1 DATE VALUATION LOT 0402-293TRACT e `' JOB SITE / APN A ADDRESS 5&44M `V'.�A. I�INWi'T'E V . . 772,050.007 OWNER coNTRACTOR/ ENe3INEER RN 110 :S 1 ;err 3%1`1;ESM&NTS, ,INC. PO BOX e1"0 1425 I'.."UN1'SM01TY DMS LAQUINTA CA 92253 PROMOX AZ 85034 (602)p57-1656 MIA 4990 USE OF'PERMIT (m� �yq��jp pig pp��'q�y/ a T1J�147�,C.l.L' 1: d']dYJ.Y,L Y A A6��d.:AS:wD SPA.- IAT h, PLAN P7,Et.. PERMIT DOES NOT IM77LUI)E POCI,A SPIE; BLDCV71rll LSk OR D9t14J:K0AY APPR0.APH i 1 f °1'I'AC`1' CONSTRUCTION 3;141,90 SF PMC H/PATIO 313.00 SP KTP.,.MO ARPORT S:r4.f:0 SF E"u>m,wirm Con Or CC91b"m'diC'.& on- 1.97,970104) I'1• -R15 `FE' r` CONSTRUCT1011 FEE PLA.I+IOI'9.W-K.FEE 101-00"0-3143' $81AAS MECHANICAL FEEZ 101-000-421-000 $105.00 9LECTRICA1, 'VB9 101-00&.420-000 $204.9 PLUMDT'N 3 VER 101.000.419=000 $230.00 S'PROHO tAO TION FEE - R.ESID 101-000-241-000 $1310 GRADING FEE 1.01-.000.423-000 f)EV'.ELOPER.IMPACT PEP p,00I.0.0 Y _ YYt PS1101:T AVID PLAN C'}3TCK $4,334.70 LUS I -IM -PAID MOS $0,00 APR 0 l 2004 1'mmn, ms :Dut-v NNW CITY,OF LA QUINTA FINANCE DEPT.. RECEIPT �QjNT/Er w} f BY '`` DATE FINALED1 INSPECTOR INSPECTION RECORD OPERATION DATE INSPECTOR OPERATION DATE INSPECTOR BUILDING APPROVALS MECHANICAL APPROVALS Set Backs Underground Ducts Forms & Footings 61— y Ducts ' Slab Grade 6— Return Air Steel 4— Combustion Air Roof Deck Exhaust Fans O.K. to WrapQ _ /p F.A.U. Framing _ rJ — Compressor Insulation / Vents Fireplace P.L. Grills - Fireplace T.O. Fans & Controls Party Wall Insulation Condensate Lines Party Wall Firewall Exterior Lath Drywall - Int. Lath Final Final — POOLS - SPAS BLOCKWALL APPROVALS steel Set Backs Electric Bond Footings Main Drain Bond Beam Approval to Cover Equipment Location Underground Electric Underground Plbg. Test Final Gas Piping PLUMBING APPROVALS Gas Test Electric Final Waste Lines -y Heater Final Water Piping Plumbing Final Plumbing Top Out 7 Equipment Enclosure Shower Pans z O.K for Finish Plaster Sewer Lateral Pool Cover Sewer Connection Encapsulation Gas Piping Gas Test Appliances Final COMMENTS: w R11 - Final Utility Notice (Gas) ELECTRICAL APPROVALS Temp. Power Pole Underground Conduit Rough Wiring '— Low Voltage Wiring Fixtures Main Service Sub Panels Exterior Receptacles G.F.I. Smoke Detectors Temp. Use of Power Final Utility Notice (Perm) =� Deseft= s� ENERGY __ C A d E C S"� — , Po: Box 621 Ph/Fax (760) 564=2044 Rencho Mirage, CA 92270 Cell: (7601250-1852. Email: OESNRG O)AOL.COM, ,y . CERTIFICATE OF FIELD VERIFICATION AND DIAGNOSTIC TESTING (Page I of 7) CF -4R PALMILLA PH 7 DATE TESTED: 11-9-04 Project Title Date 50-460 VIA-AMANTE LA QUINTA, CA. 92253 RJT HOMES Project res& CHAD MEYER Builder Name 760-564-0555 ACACIA P-2 3 UNITS Builder Contact Telephone, Plan Number RICHARD. KROWN . 760-250-1852 GROUP 5 HERS Rater jj_, , Telephone, Sample Group Number Certifying Signature Firm: DESERT ENERGY SERVICES LLC Street Address: P:O. BOX 621 Copies to: Builder, HERS -Provider. 11-18-04 LOT I1 Date Sample Lot Number HERS Provider: :CHEERS C41St1te2ip: RANCHO MIRAGE, CA. 92270 HERS RATER COMPLIANCE STATEMENT The house was: ❑ Tested. ® 'Approved as part of sample testing: but was not tested As the HERS rater providing.d.iagnostic testing and -field verification, I certify that the houses:identified on this form comply with the diagnostic.tested compliance -requirements as.che.eked on this form. ❑ The installer has provided a copy of CF -6R (Installation Certificate. ❑, .Distribution system is fully ducted(i.e., does not use building cavities as plenums: or platform: returns in.lieu of ducts) ❑ Where cloth backed,, rubber adhesive duct -tape is,installed, mastic and drewbands are used in combination with cloth backed, rubber adhesive duct tape to seal leaks at duct connections: ❑ MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS FOR DUCT LEAKAGE REDUCTION COMPLIANCE' CREDIT Duct Diagnostic Leakage Testing, Results (Maximum 6% Duct Leakage). Duct Pressurization Test Results (CFM,(g 25 Pa)' Test Leakage Flow. in CFM If1an flow is calculated as 400cfmiton x numberof tons enter calculated value here M easured values If fan flow is measured enter measured value here Leakage Percentage ('100 s Test Leakagc/Fan Flow) _ Check Bos for Pass or Fail (Pass =6% or lets) ❑ ❑ Pass Fail ❑ THERMOSTATIC EXPANSION.VALVE;(TXV) ❑ Yes ❑ No Thermostatic Expansion Valve is nstalled.and.Access is provided:for inspection ❑ ❑ n NS Y AlL:'�iTSON CERTIFI : AlrE (Page 3 Of 13) x' — �' a/:►, // a P /+ .7 Site Address • P=r.mit Number DUCT LE.A.K4GEALND DESIGN DIAGNOSTICS • Ul'ii:T L,L41ACrLr it11))UG"1'lQ..)t�! t piouurisatlon Tesf Results (CFirI C 25 PA) Trst Leakage (CFtvi) '? 3 Fan F:ow If Fan Flow is CO.-Azted as 400 drWton x ntznbr oft= or zs 213 x FImtir_g Capacity, In Thousands of ehnfnr, enier calculated value here if fan tlow,is measured, enter measured value here W9' Lana;. Fraction = Test Leak vlNeastr;cd or Calculates Fez Flow) _ Pau iflealage tiacdon <0.05 Pass - Fag t For AEROSOL ME SEALANTS.ONLY -The following diagnostic testlag was completed: Duct ];an Pressu�ion at rough -in measured leakage (CF?v1) Cf= AFTER FIMSHIKG WALL. 0 Yes ❑ No 0 Pressure pan test or House pressurization test Dyes ❑ No 0 Visual Inspection ofDuctConnecdons o D Pass Fail ` I THERMOSTATIC F. &SIOIV YALY.F TXV1 PI Yes 0 No Thermostatic Expansion Valve is installed and, Access is -provided for inspection. ' Yes is a pass Pass Fall o DELT DESJGN ACCA Manual D Design calculi ions have btsn 1. ❑ Yes. 0 No completed, Duct Design Is on the plans and dud Installation matches plans. Q o 2. O Yes 0. X10 TXv is instaflcd or Fan now bas ben varifia If oo TXV, ?AM Fall verified fan flow matches d--dp from CRIB. Measured Fat Flow Yes for. both I and 2 is a Pass t] L.tbe undcrsIS4 verily that the tbove diognostic test resutC sad the work I pe: farmed associated, with the tests) is in conformance with dw requiretneats for eompGsactr credit. (The builder shall provide the HMS provider a copy of the CF -631 signed by the builder employees or sub-aontraators txrafying that diagaosdc testing and k5tallation inert the tegtdi rents for eorrg lianas credit. ) c- T,;= -' . 5 Date Installing subcontractor (Co. Name) OR Pafatmad Ommil Contractor (Co. Nemo) COPY To: aiind'tngDcpwmiertt' -MRS Provider (if: applicable) Building Owncr at OccuyatuY t L • L_ f TON CErR �� : E Game sick is) i;L PA/tet;//a PA ,7 Lof She Addre"ss Permit Nurr:ner DUCT4�E DESIGN �iIAGNOS'7CS 1)it(••'I'LEAKAGE EQU(l'1()N Pessuri:atioa Test Results�'(0MaC :> PA) 7-rLzamsc F:n x7ow - U Fin F1ow'is CaliW- ted a 400 cWtcn x numbs of trs, or rs 11.7,x licadnL Capaciiy in Thousands of elulht, enter calctaated value here -If ffmn fIs measured, anter measured value here _]2, tcloulgc Fracaor. = Test or Calculated Fns Flow) _ D Pus iflefl7mge-11oti <0.9ti Pass Pafl For.4EROSOL TYPE SEALANTS ONTY -The fonowing diagnostic tasting was completed; Duct Fan Pressurizadon et rough -in maustsred leakage (Cirlvt7 r CHEM AFTER FL'MSMNIG WALL:. , t7 Yes. O No D Pes=opan test or House pressurt�mdan rest I Yes, o. No O Visual Inspection of Due: Conaeeuoas o o s Pass Fill g TMMM0STATICMANSILDN VALVE MM Yes 0 No -Thumotuatie Expansion Valve is instellc-d and 4is - provided for kspetxicm • 'Yee is a past � p ' Pass FkU - . O D_UCT DESIGN -- AOCA Manual D. Design wlciriedow have bxv 1, a. Yes o No . aomplated. Duct Design is on tho plans and duct tnstallailon mat:tm plans. ?. ❑YesG Isio rxV is installed or Fan flow bss bees 19ABed If no TXV, Pass Fal) verified fan flow tna�ehes drf P from CF -M Yes i 6r both 1 and 3 is a Pass ` O I, the undasipm. verity that the abovo diagnostic test rsalts Rod 1130 work I padet3sed sweooiated with the tmi(s) is in confor=ce with themuirerorata for compSRme credit [rho bald:r sball provide the BEERS provide a copy of the CF -6R signed by tho builder t:nployas tv sub cbntiacuui cer*ip.- that diagaostie ms* and itt Wilson m;d the reg3dremcats for cott�li0aee asdit j Teta S' D= Installing SUb=12 naor (Co. Nemo) OR Pafort0cd GmtW Contra= (Co. Name) CQ°Y 70:. Hug&g De utrruat QRS Provide (if ; applicable) Building Owncr"at Occup-oY C=plit nce Form. Auguzet3001 00 39Cd bZ6Z88Z 817:L0.'1700Z/9T/TT b Site Address ?=rani. NurbEr DUCT LEA-YAGE AND DESIGN DI LINOS T+CS Preucri=ftn Test Rmmlts (CFM aQ ":--PA) GR L_- J ge (CFM4 Fsa i-iow LrFa•i Flow a Caiarlat•a :; 4Q0 eftnhon x number of oris, ores?:.7 x Hca d czpaziy in Thousands of WWI enter' c_IatlEted value here If fan Pow Is measured, enter measured value here.? Iia;c Fraction = 7ert L:aeegc((Meu;ned or Calculated Fan Flow) _ � D _ Pew ifl=IMge cra don <0.06 Psss Fait 0 For:gF.iZOSOL TYPE SEALANTS ONLY -The following diagnostic testing was completed; Duct Fan Ptn:amization at rough -in measured leakage (CENT), cHECIC AFTER FINISENG WALL: Dyes o No Ei Pressure pan test or House presswization teat D Yes 0 No 0 Visual Inspection of DuctConneetions o 0 Pass 'Fail TWLMOST4TIC EXPANS)<ON VALW t'fXVI Yes 0 No `Thermostatic Expansion Valve is inaOrd and Access is - provided for inspe;t5on Yts is a peas :P= Fail 0 DUfaLi 9G—N ACCA Manual D D;siga calcuMOM have b• -en 1. l7 Yes ❑ No completed; purl Design Is on the P13M and dud lhstaliation matches PIUnL + 3. 0 Yrs 0 No' TXV is buWlcd or Fan Cow bas baa var&4 If no TXV, Pas Fail " varificd f= flow matches dmiga from CRIB M=urcd Fan Plow - Yes for both I and 3 is a Pass D L the imdasigned. verify that the above diabroostic test raubs and the work I paKottA !assn. -Toted with the tcst(a) is. in coniotmanca witbdiG rrquirer=a � compliance credit l' U bmlder shall provide the mini S provider a copy of the CF6R signed by the bvilda cmployeta or czti"g that diagnostic testing cod insWklon m* @r rcq*ennats for corrrpiiante ottit. ] Tun Data iaaWbg Subcaataaor (Co. )hme) OR p�yngad General Ccntraemr (Co. Name) " =vY"TD: 9m'Iding DepwUnent HERS Piavidar Cif appacabie) Bidlding Owner at Occupancy. Compiianes i-orns August 2001 S0 39tid VzGz88Z `80:40 V00Z/9T/TL a r• _T j,c� `�~'� .4. w fr.� r. •7 �. .• � �" tii '. `} •.",J � �' W � - •r •t .. - ^° - ark _ ,�- Y r� Vo ��� as J"'Certi•flca'te•-of�Occu ancICyv..� D ' U _ G '•s-' •.. r '. tris • - `+`' ��I���7 r �' l . 1' r r• (�7 .,.� i R ` y7 . ^' `r r.Sr � { � ,74 f .~ ,� 3rn tiJ t'�, .?. �� s •� r' `•� l �� ��' �L�j ; � 3. a 'j y'�+� .'dr' �'' r'J '=L fit'. ^�.• � �' i �. ` � * +�� y� �j �• '�•'� 4' 4 _' i - 4Bu�ld�n &StSafety:Department s:�:: t ~- X50 �.�. T' •� -, �•y �, .'/' �.. - _ r-r�.. • fi �- is �r� - n• • :i ` M- '! ;s ,;1,: .` }K ��'`":« ' Zj•r. �, � r� �,� �..�; ^ ^n A ♦� ,r L.. r;F.r- , � ��.,C ry:� y � �` � •,ry l .�:'�. ,. :..r 4-. .f ��� -, f• �y" =.r�.t- t- -"#•. - ,,..1 ; _ .j ,�Y a• ai� l iL4 •A,4 :Gu,�„ c, 'i- c '• „�y ,. • i v: _ �. -5.: _ .,i, , ti•::p u z , �* *• �. This_Cerrificate �s=issued pursuant to the requirementsrof Section :109of the; California Building �Code,� cerci �ng� liaf;ti at.�the� time�`of issuance; _'this structure was' in .compliance with- the ,. _ r }regulating building ; ° provisionsof the, 'Building" ;Code and tlie`, various. ­,ordinances of `;the. City construction and/orFuse. tf+" " • � 'tel »� .y . , ..� ' �� �i .'CF r ��i•� ' •r�•.Y ' 1 � �, - _ ¢ 'r' '1.; i..�i., Cu ' z^ -�. » � - �+. �` ..,�Y z ' ; .` :: r • fir? , , , ry ��.:'� ,�� 'r,5 1. t r '' _ r •:Y�' } . � •, �"" ❑ � .rx% - < v Y�-.., u �, '• �. . y .i,� . !!`_ ; . �-� ; 4 •' t.f t rte,'"• =� BUILDING'ADDRESS : 50-460`Via`-Amante� M . _ � ' � ` '* � , T•,,.A;a C'.f •. o - ,-rt•.;' 'a, ,rt �-+ � �'�.- � ''F i- _' ,; �' ' ^s t.. .r , G , '� r „ n ..: � �-`� "``'� . Tz L' zr • 1 u� - - t �,' ..� e� , r � } :a� y. � t�.ti+' # �,s � � ' 4 ..ray .� !'- � .� :� y ''�. � ` - 1. �i '�" � • r � '� t '' �- �, � ,f -` ., (' ? M ,,,�• tiV c � ' �� w},✓]_ a- ..t •+ir. aY." l,. ? - �:i,'-. � .� ; a '�y�, Pre ,.°>�p ., zya ; �;.� r�s�' a "� ��y�Bu (ding Permit No:: 0402-293 «. �-,Use,,classiflcation: •S.F D ,• `�,.� :' '� , .: . Fcf ,� �,, . • � �i .,.7 .• 'r ,y.t : '.-- ;W � a 'tF - ` ,. �>ti, :.:r �- � ,�, .i. W r Ci.1 ' R 3` ,�` {-. Type'of Construction V=N';. ' �, Land Use ZoneR L y Occupancy Group; ; = _ Y r . _ rJ '4 � . �+". - •`s �. c , i r�• Y: +�'i - �- J'.ti, h -a.. y - ... �_ � rr; ~ " w.. � •• �� - a �,.; r r { � d S, � . �'� q' �� ,-. j ?i gS;yt t. ..- : ."a• +¢� -, t `1 . r� •. `'..-} 1{.^ it '`M,4 Y. Z- a r ` r a �' �y��, ,awl', _ �� .`. mac] . _ .. T"'a. "� ..- y 1�'% �• ,� �y ..• . � i, � p? `u .'• � ,�N P! S� �� .Yj t �''` r `A" i C n 3 ri� e `• , F . " , s?'.. i% C'- rC `Or "„r` .�_ y w y i... �, C t,7' ti-�y ;y� ,i -41 �'. -r 1 4r J Owner of,Build ng: -RJT HOMES LLC t= ` ` '{Address: P.O .BOX, 81 r 4�3 CA Cit ST' ZIP.: LAQUINTA*'t,92253. fi.4r .+'• -'.. i� i9 Ciet"_'. -';:'' �-' -` ��*Yr- ",•' •� _� ,w - s, ,�� 3' a = ' '�=� x• ':mp ' ''` _,;'c By G.SHOWATER l ' ^ � F �� iJ V. 4-. JY • - iMY v C 'y J • rr � R�.• v 1.r "•., 'S [�, � .f'+-. i � ' n 1 .. „� V . -w t f �i• ,f ., `!V_tr•` _ :� b. . r �,' -`h �.tw ti°u�. r �'r •"r•',- �-Date , 02/15/05' ' w Building0ffi I �- "- .,��`�, _ ,`� r-• ;'Z.�}^"` t� ,' i•*. tY�� • „Y .-� r• ` + -t �., �Y • u V _. ! j':-` {i 7� `"i-': ..,••c•�-�• �w t, 1' �t'•' .,' „� .�, -'�r� ?t -i ;y°�th�.�+`� cap'P ST IN A CONSPICUOUS PLACE Ye *k ' tr' koa• 3 ry\ �r ?�, y •r t..; s ,.Y v z-,?�„'' q,, •C'ir tT 3"� x.�'�+'�✓� f a'i"Y',y�l}' r_3- L + way _ _ ;y.. .� -:ice '� • f.,. f.J .,r tl'�j?,.'�,:. Js`_ -•s +. .�"�,•- s'r.. .ti. kS . ,i -