2006-793 MUPs644.
G P.O. Box 1504 '
Fr 78-495 CALE TAMPIcO
•n'+� .. � (7 60). 777-7000.
LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 922.53 FAX (760), 777-7,101
May 18, 2006 '
Mr. Jeff Albiston
' South Point Construction
42-280 Beacon Hill, #D3
Palm Desert, CA 92211
Dear'Mr. Albiston:
The Community Development Department hereby approves your application request.
to install -a-temporary' construction trailer on 80-265 Via Capri, in the Hideaway, as
shown on the attached exhibit, subject to the following 'r.onditions:
1. Once the trailer is installed, it"can remain on-site for a six-month. period.
However, an extension of the six-month period -may be applied for, with no ,
additional-fee, in writing to the Community Development Department before
expiration: The Community Development Director may, after reviewing the
facts, extend the use of the trailer for another six-month period.
.2. Use of the trailer shall be limited to the hours of construction as listed in the La
Quinta Municipal Code (Chapter 6.08, -Nuisances). A copy of this time
schedule can be obtained from the Building and Safety Department.
3. A building permit is required for the.,,temporary. trailer. and temporary electric
power. Please apply to the Building and Safety Department for a permit (760-
777-7012).. Written permission from the property owner is required before a
building permit can.be issued. ,
4. The trailer shall be placed a minimum 10-feet-from the street unless otherwise
approved by the Building and Safety Director.
5. A building- address shall be installed on the :trailer .to help identify the
temporary business location (e.g., minimum 2-inch high letters in a contrasting
6. Provide one 2A1.0BC fire extinguisher inside the constructiontrailer. and sign .
over the exit door which states 'Door to Remain Open During Business Hours.' .
7. ' '
The trailer, if elevated off the ground, shall be skirted with metal or.wood siding
material. The skirting. material shall be painted to match the exterior color of
the trailer. The exterior' surfaces. of the trailer shall be painted (or may be
stuccoed) and in overall good condition. `
"'No temporary signs are permitted unless separately approved by .this
No exterior lighting for the trailer is allowed unless approved by the Building
and Safety Department. All security light fixtures shall be hooded, to. prevent
light glare from being cast onto adjacent residential properties and streets.
Mounted close to the front door on'the outside of the building shall be a written
notice informing emergency personnel of your 24-hour emergency phone
number in case of problems arise that need your ;prompt attention (i.e.,
minimum one -inch high letters):
The trailer shall,, be removed from the site prior .to the issuance of Certificates
of Occupancy.
Provide restrooms facilities to accommodate. on-site workers. w
Dust control measures shall. be employed if construction .parking is allowed
adjacent to the trailer.
The City may elect to add conditions to this application request to mitigate any..
problems that may arise and are not -address. herein... "
If you have any questions, please contact me at (760) 77777125.
Very tr ly yours,
Assistant Planner
- l ng_andSafet-y-Department
Public Works Director
Code Compliance Department
Sheriffs Department
s ,
i -
77-804 Wildcat Dr., Ste. C, Palm Desert, CA. 92211 (760) 360-5770 fax (760) 360-5719
July 20, 2006
Tom Hartung
Building Official
City of La Quinta
Re: Bryson Residence; 80-265 Via C60H, La'Quinta,_U - �?
Dear Tom,
We have reviewed the truss calculations provided by JMW Truss dated 07/10/06 for the above-
mentioned project and find them to be in general conformance with our design intent.
If you have any questions please .call.
Jeffrey B. Young; S.E.
10. 4r0 Q fid'
Ex .
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01/30/2007 14:16 `7603605719 YOUNG ENGINEERING SE PAGE 02
7750.9 Wildcat Dr., Palm Desert, Ca. 92211 (760) 360-5770 (760).360-5719
January 23, 2007
Tom Hartung
Building Official
City of La Quinta
Re: Ranson Residence 80-265 Wa Capri La Quinta CA
Dear Tom,
We have performed structural observation with regards to the framing for the above referenced,
project and find it to be in general conformance with the approved structural plans with the
exception of the following items.
1) Provide solid support at bearing ends of ceiling beams per detail l attached or similar.
2) Finish supporting the ceiling beams at the outdoor area as per'4/S5.2
3) Shearwall 53 on second floor sill plate is 2x instead of 3x —provide 2x blocking between
stud.bays on top of 2x sill plate 2 -lines 1/4x9" SDS screws at 3" o/c through top block
and sill plate to wall top plates below refer to detail 2
4) Walls 54, 55 provide 'MST48 from shearwall blocking to header- detail 3
5) . Wall 58 —provide same sill plate fix as wall 53 in item 3 above -detail 2
6) .Re -nail sill plates in second floor wall for a min of (4}-16D in each stud bay. This applies
to all second floor -walls not otherwise modified herein.
7) Provide blocking, b.n. thru roof, and a35 per detail 7/s5.1 ovei beam R11 along the line
of shearwall 10. inspection of b.n. prior to repaper is req'd.
8) Provide blocking and nailing for shearwall 10 double sided per detail 4 attached
9) Add strapping in dining room from high truss framing to each ceiling rafter of. dome
framing providing a minimum of 3 nails per each truss and each rafter
10) Provide HD2A at each end of shearwall 43 per detail 9/S 1.6 SPECIAL I NSPECTION
Z- -
11)Provide 1 additional anchor bolt per detail 5/S1.6 RFB #6x10.5 SPECIAL
INSPECTION REQUIRED. Typical for shearwalls 2, 3, 4, 26, 33*
12) Provide holdown per plans on wall 26 per detail 9/S1.6
13) Provide holdown per plans per detail 9/S1.6 for 2 —interior HD8'A in shearwall 7
14) Provide MST72 from beam to dbl top plate for. shearwall, 7 per detail 3 attached.
15) Provide hanger as per plans on 6x12 interior ceiling hip at exercise room
16) Verify b.n. (re -nail and re -paper) for first inboard truss parallel to walls 40,41.
17) On previous walk the b.n. along line of shearwalls (11., 12, 13, 14) and will (5) was -
required to be b.n.. We could not verify as building was papered. Please verify with City
inspector as approval for papering was given otherwise re -nail as required.
This structural observation does not relieve the City in any way from performing their standard
structural inspections nor is it in lieu of any code required special inspections. The structural
If you have any questions please call.
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Jeffrey B. Young S.E.
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Enc.: Framing Details (9 -pages)