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13-0368 (SOL)
4'. ' 4 4 P:O: BOX 1504 r" 78-495 CALLE TAMPICO / LA QUINTA. CALIFORNIA 92253 BUILDING K SAFETY DEPARTMENT BUILDING PERMIT Application Number: Property Address: APN:' Application description Property Zoning: Application valuation: Applicant: MN 13-00000368 Owner: 43661 PARKWAY ESPLANADE W MARCELLA MARINO 609-590-017- - - 43661 PARKWAY ESPLANDE SOLAR LA QUINTA, CA 92253 LOW DENSITY RESIDENTIAL (760)702-0992 35000 Contractor: Architect or Engineer: _ LEXCOMM PO ,BOX .14285 \ `�( PALM DESERT, CA 92255 Lice •No.: 918267 ------------------ LICENSED CONTRACTOR'S DECLARATION I hereby affirm under penalty of perjury that.( am licensed under provisions of Chapter 9 (commencing with .Section 7000) of Division 3 of, the Business and Professionals Code, and my License is in full force and effect. - License.Class: A-1210 -�j�� 'cense No.: 9 IG Oate;f a `�Comractory OWNER -BUILDER DECLARATION I hereby affirm, underpenalty of perjury that I am exempt from the Contractor's State.License Law for the .. following reason (Sec. 7031 .5, Business and Professions Code: Any city or county that requires a permit to construct, alter, improve, demolish, or repair any structure, prior to its issuance, also requires the applicant for the permit to -file a signed statement,thathe' or she is licensed pursuant to the provisions of the Contractor's State License Law. iChapter 9 (commencing' with Section 7000) of Division 3 of the Business and Professions Code) or - that he or she is exempt therefrom and the basis for the alleged exemption. Any violation of Section 7031.5 by any applicant for a permit subjects the applicant to a civil penalty of not more than five hundred dollars ($500).: (_ 1 I; as owner of the property, or my employees with wages as their sole compensation, will do the work, and the structure is not intended or offered for sale (Sec. 7044, Business and Professions Code: The Contractors' State License Law does not apply to an owner'of property who builds or improves thereon, and who does the work himself or herself through his or her own employees, provided that the improvements are not intended or offered for -sale. If, however, the building or improvement is sold within one. year of completion; the owner -builder will have the burden of proving that he or she did not build or improve for the purpose of sale.). (_ I I, as owner of the property, am exclusively contracting with licensed contractors to construct the project (Sec. 7044; Business and Professions Code: The Contractors' State License Law does not apply io an owner of property who builds or improves thereon, and who contracts for the projects with a contractor(s) licensed pursuant to the Contractors' State License Law.). (_ 1 I am exempt under Sec. , BAP.C. for this reason Date: Owner: CONSTRUCTION LENDING AGENCY I hereby affirm under penalty of perjury that there is a construction lending agency for the performance of the work for which this permit is issued (Sec. 3097, Civ. C.I. Lender's Name: Lender's Address: LQPERAI IT VOICE (760) 777-7012 7-7012 FAX (760) 777-7011 INSPECTIONS (760) 777-7153 Date: 5/02/1j W MAY ®2 2013 CITY OF LA QUINTA FINANCE DEPT. WORKER'S COMPENSATION DECLARATION I hereby. affirm under penalty of perjury one 'of' the following declarations: _. I have and will maintain a certificate of consent toself-insure for workers' compensation, as provided for by*Section 3700 of the Labor Code, for'the performance of the work for which this permit is issued. I have and willmaintainworkers' compensation insurance, as required by Section 3700 of.Uie Labor Code, for the performance of the work for which this permit is issued.: My workers' compensation insurance carrier and policy number are: ' Carrier EXEMPT Policy Number "EXEMPT W I certify that, in the performance of theworkfor which this permit is issued, I shall not employ any person in any manner so as to become subject to the workers' compensation laws of California, and agree that, if I should become ,subject to the workers' com ensation provisions of Section T3 00 of the Labor Code, I shall forthwith comply with th a pr visions. Dater JAplicant. . - WARNING: FAILURE TO SECURE -WORKERS' COMPENSATION C VERAGE IS UNLAWFUL, AND SHALL SUBJECT AN EMPLOYER TO CRIMINAL PENALTIES AND CIVIL FINES UP TO ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLARS ($100,000). IN ADDITION TO THE COST OF COMPENSATION, DAMAGES AS PROVIDED FOR IN SECTION 3706 OF THE LABOR CODE, -INTEREST, AND ATTORNEY'S FEES. APPLICANT ACKNOWLEDGEMENT IMPORTANT Application is hereby made to the Director. of Building and Safety for a permit subject to the conditions and restrictions set forth. on this application. ' 1. Each person upon whose behalf.this application is made, each person at whose request and for whose benefit work is.performed under or pursuant to any permit issued as a result of this application, the owner, and the applicant, each agrees to, and shall defend, indemnify and hold harmless the City of La Quinta, its officers, agents and employees for any act o"r omission related to the work being performed under or following issuance of this permit. 2. Any permit issued as a.result of this application becomes null and void if work is not commenced within 180 days from date of issuance of such permit, or cessation. of work for 180 days will subject permit to cancellation. I certify that 1 have read this application and state that the above information is correct. I agree to comply with all City and county ordinances and state laws relating to building construction, and hereby autho ' representatives of this coun Ito renter upon the above-mentioned proper( for inspection purposes. Date: �� / ignature (Applicant or AgenU: 1 LQPERMIT Application Number . . . . . 13-00000368 Permit . . . . . . ELEC-MISCELLANEOUS Additional desc Permit Fee 26.00 Plan Check Fee 6.50 Issue Date Valuation . . . . 0 Expiration Date 10/29/13 Qty Unit Charge Per Extension BASE FEE 15'.00 1.00 11.0000 EA ELEC MISC ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 11.00 Permit . . . . . . SOLAR PERMIT `Additional desc Permit Fee 22.50 Plan Check Fee 5.63 Issue -Date .,Valuation . . . . 35000 Expiration Date. 10/29/13. Qty .-Unit Charge Per Extension BASE FEE 15.00 1.00 4.5000 -EA SOLAR COLLECTOR <'100,0. 4.50 1.00 3A00.0 EA SOLAR. EQUIP MISCELLANEOUS 3.00 ----------------------------------- 7 ------------------------------- Special Notes and Comments ------------- 9-.6kW 86LAR�.ARRAY - (40) 240W MAGE [AC POWER] PANELS.[680SF] 2010.C.ALIFORNIA EtECTRICAL'CODE�, April 22., 2013 1:59:43 PM AORTEGA - - --- - - - - - --- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 7 ---- - - - - --- - - - - - ------------------------.--------------_- - Other Fees BLDG STDS-.ADMIN (SB1473) 2.00 Fee summary Charged Paid Credited Due Permit Fee Total. 48.50 .00 .00 48.50 Plan Check. Total 12.13 .00. .00 12.13 Other Fee*.Tdtal: 2-.00 .00 .00 2_00 Grand Total 62.63 .00 .00. 62.63 LQPERMIT 8k # City of La Qur.nta MUM a r Safety Division K0 Box 1504,78495 Calle Tampico ta.QmnU, CA 92253 =(760) 777 7012 Building-Penmkt.App►tcadon`and Tracking Sheet Pem9t # 30- Avje t.Add=s: 4366.1 W. Parkway Esplanade Owner'sI3ame .Marcella Marino A.P.Numbers 609590017 Address: .43661 W. Parkway Esplanade LegADe=ipdon: Lot 35 MB 334/025 TR29323-1 Chy,ST Z*. La Quinta; CA- 92253 Comer Solar Ventures �� Tetephone: 760-702-0992 PmjeaDesaiption: Install C 0 240w AC solar . Address: P.O. Box 14285 city, ST, Zip: Palm Desert, CA 92255-1485 Panels on roof o1; ,house. NAS SO Telephone: 760-801-9133 100, 1001 1_1 Stm,Lir-#: .0-10 # 918267 City Lir-' q �� W Address• City, ST, Zip: Telephone: Consbuc ioii Type:.. Sol ar Oorupm . State Lic Project type (circle one): New Add'n Aher Regain Demo Name of Contact Pelson ((� f � j L - • Sq. Ft.: 310 0 #Stories: single I # Unitx Telephone # of Contact Person 7E = 9�� &dimmed Value of Project $35,0.00..00 APPLICANT: DO NOT WIUM BELOW THIS LIME >a! Submittal ReVd Recd TRACKING PERN[rr FEES- Pled Sefs Plan Cheek Submitted- item Amount Structufal Cases. Reviewed, ready for co>rectlone Plan Check Deposit_ . Trion Csles. OdIed'Contact Peraoa Plan Check lIalance Me 24 Cates. Plans picked IT Canahneflod Flood plain pian Plans n nbmtth d •- . Mectmrileeel Grading plan r! Review, ready for oorrecGC casae 'h Electrical Subcontaetor lest Called Contact Person ta Plamufug Grant Deed Pians ocited up SML ILOA. Approval Plans reaubmitted Grading INHOUSE:_ ''` Review, ready for correstiona/issue Developer Impact Fee Planning Approval. Called Contoet Perron Pub.Wks.Appr- Date of permit issuel a..t. Permit Fees u, , a F®VENTURES- LOAD� CALCULATIONS 43661 Parkway Esplanade Permit ## 13-0366 3000 Sq Ft Single Family Home 3000 Sq Ft @ 3va 9,000 va 4 small Appliance Circuits (1500 VA Each) 6,000 va Washer, Microwave, 2 Bathroom Heaters Laundry Circuit 30amps 7,200 va Range 50amps 12,000 va Dishwasher/Disposal15amps 3,600 va Pool Sub Panel 40amps 9,600 va Totals 47,400 va 1st 10kva @ 100% 10,000 va Remainder General Load @ 40% 38,300 X. 4 = 14,960 va Total 24,960 va 2 - 3 ton A/C Units @ 35amps 70 amps x 240va = 16,800 va Total 41,760 va 42,120va / 240 = 174 amps ;'VOTES: '. NO BATTERY BACKUP OR UPS IS USED IN THIS SYSTEM. 2. THIS SYSTEM IS ON 13 d SLOPPED COMPOSISION ROOF. 3. THIS BUILDING IS (1) STORY HOUSE. 4. THE CITY OF LA QUINTA WILL NOT BE HELD RESPONSIBLE FOR ROOF DAMAGE THAT MAY RESULT FROM ACCESSING THE ROOF FOR THE INSPECTION OF THE PV SYSTEM 5. FALL PROTECTION WILL BE PROVIDED FOR THE INSPECTOR ASNEEDED. SHEET NUMBERS SHEET TITLE PV -1 SITE PLAN PV -2 ROOF & ATTACHMENT PV -3 SINGLELINE PV -4 WARNING SIGNS PV -5 PANEL SPECS PV -6 INSTALLATION GUIDE PV -7 RACKING SPECS PV -8 RACK & PANEL GROUND PV -9 SUB-PAREL&AC DISCON. ROOF VENTS TYPICAL 5'5 10' Iv s '1:092410 100 -AZ . .. F � � �1� 9 ,J• 43661 z 9, 5�94'S? z X15 -A ❑ p a JV JVJJVJ -49'8" 20 o N16T„ MURRAY SUB -PANEL LL 1-20AMP SQ "D" SAFTY SWITCH 2-16AMP 60AMP D222NRB LCO08DSU 43661 W. Parkway Esplanade ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NO. APN: 609-590-017 LOT 35 MB 334/025 TR 29323-1 I I I I I I I I I 1 B4SR 145152 Bl -directional'. meter; # 1"09.241 0 0, KV°A A p haste' igh' 7, 2 KV' ^Low 1224OV CITY OF LA QUANTA LEXC m 0 DBA c.e ru03r� P.O.BOX f4285 PALS! DESERT, CA 92266-1486 PHONE: (760) 671-2440 (760) 578-6775 (760) 801-9199 Llan®solarpowerpalmdesert. com mick®lem-comm cam LEXCOMM Licence C-10 # 918267 UILDING & SAFETY DEPT. MarceUa Marino Resilience APPROVED 43661 A: Parkway E6pla FOR CONSTRUCTION La QtAnta, CA 92253 Phone:(760) 801-9133 1 � TE y 7 BY ACCOUNT fit: 50266415 �•b ...i���� METER 1B4SR-146162 Project Notes: System Size. 8.6 kw DC Consists of 40 Mage 240kw AC Panels Co"fomw to all 2010 California Residentual, Mechanical, BlectricA Plumbing. Bh&M and Green Building Codes, a the La Qutnta Municipal Code. Call M LppPRBB 4ZS18-4158 fso.a�maous 04/11/13 SITE PLAN SCALE: > " = 20' wee DATE co itz P,CAD �y�o Vby�O DDD DD y Lo Lo CIO) MAC b AC AC L:AAG vl 1V v Ol AC �J ~ 1 C71 Q p MAC O b MAC `Q) cn o MAGE co �I b bC AC AC- Itz r„ MAGE- � ~] AC AC O MACE MAGE MAGE AGE t1, `tom., AC AC C MAGE C� CAD tj AC MAGE MA �± t-+ MACE ACLZJ MAG AC AC %+ O MAG Q\^ AC AC b 1 b M AC D C b coo MAGE y AC O AC MAG AG AC MAG AC MAC AC MAG AC y MAC AG y O MAG AC AC AG � "' Q MACE AC a 0 1-3 to � ��o bi � �►b�c yob Nh� � �Cn� v � b � nz� yo O O o O)o co) z Q0 'y --1T D c<m� v� C) -+ - om� y y y y �i C F o O N O O O o(b CPO c4b wco � co a yra,�gO1 a �14 all C.Io � � O ONE -LINE WIRING DIAGRAM FOR PHOTOVOLTAIC SYSTEM 16 MAGE POWERTECT 240/6PLUS AC PANELS 8 MAGE POWERTECT 240/6PLUS AC PANELS CIRCUIT CURRENT CALCULATIONS: CIRCUIT CURRENT CALCULATIONS: Maximum Output Power = 238 Watts AC Maximum Output Power = 238 Watts AC 238 w / 240 v = .992 amps 238 w / 240 v = .992 amps .992 x 16 panels = 15.9 amps .992 x 12 panels = 11.9 amps OVERCURRENT PROTECTION CALCULATION: OVERCURRENT PROTECTION CALCULATION: 15.9 x 1209 = 19amps 11.9 x 1209 = 14.3amps CONCLUSIONS: Install 1 Array of 16 240w AC Solar Panels Which= l9amps to a 20amp breaker in sub -panel Install 2 Array of 12 240w AC Solar Panels Which=14.3amps to 2-15amp breaker in sub -panel. all panels tied together with 4 conductor Proprietory wire into "J" boxes from "J" box on roof into attic to sub -panel with 3#12Romex w/grd wire from sub -panel to AC disconnect with 3#6Romex w/grd wire from AC Disconnect to 50amp breaker in main panel with 3#6Romex w/grd wire Existing panel 225/200a Bus/breaker ratings. 225a x 1209 = 270amp ©'J" BOX ON ROOF 6" OP 1/2" CONDUIT / GOING !INTO ATTIC 6 8 y 12 ROMN% WIGRD WIRE OFROM "J" BOX rO SUB -PANEL IN ATTIC SPACE SINGLE 36 ROME% Il/GRD NIRB PROM. SUB -PANEL TO AC DISCONNECT PROM AC DISCONNECT TO MAIN PANEL E%ISTING MAIN PAN, 226 200A BUS DAR 1261240V 1 PHASE TAG DESCRIPTION NOTES I -I- SOLAR ARRAY #1 SOLAR ARRAY #2 PR13PRIETARY VIRE (16) NAGE POWERTECT (8) NAGE POWFATP < RUNS) CONNECTING R40/6PLUS AC 3 ARRAYS S eif BOXES 4'X2'X2' ELECTRIC BOX ON ROOF 6 #l2 913KEX ( NS) 3#12 RONEX V/GRD IN ATTIC 7 SUB PANM 125 AMPS V/ R PO 6 I MAW BEAKERS 8 06 RONEX C U S) 306 R13MEX WORD IN WALL, SOLAR PV 13CPD 50A SQUARE -D AC DISCONNECT JWUR PV QCPn SCAMP BREAKER _LL_ -Ta- MAIN SERVICE 13 1 UTILITY N TER XKPERIAL IRRAGATION DISTRICT UTILITY SERVICE IMPERIAL 'IRRAGATION DISTRICT QUINTA BUILDING & SAFETY DEPT. ate„ FOR CONSTRUCTION DATE BY P.O.BO% 14285 PALM DESERT, CA 82266-1486 PHONE: (7'60) 671-2440 (760) 678-6776 (760) 801-8133 snick®lex-comm. com LEXCOMM Licence C-10 # 918267 Martno Residence W. Parkway Eoplanade QiAnta, CA 92253 (760) 801-9133 FT #: 60266416 #:1B4SR-145162 Project Notes: System Size: Ae kw OC Consists of 40 Nage 240kw AC Panels Coryorms to au 2010 Cawornia Reddentw4, NecAantca4 Electrical, Plumbbw. Energy and Green Buftding Coates, d As Le Quints /lunidpal Cade. COU:lDL0 L0 PR6E 422- 4133 res wrmsme suras nam _I REVISED BY- DATE Y WARNING ELECTRIC 'SCHOC'K HAZARD tO NET TOCH TERMINALS TERXINALS [IN BOTH THE L - INE AND LOAD SIDE MAY BE ENERGIZED IN -THE OPEN "PD S-TTIO'N 2, P 4 it G� i,,m`2A4 6 3_ RATED ACI- OUTPUT CURRENT! NORMAL. OPERATING AC VOLTAGE AV Dl$ -ZON, VE, -, T, -!C 0 V -Mae 1_15 W�A RNhNIGa INVERTWR" 0 - UTP ' ul.-T CONNECTION' DO NOT -..'R.,EL,'O-C.,�A-T,,E-.,"THIS OVERCURRENT DEVICE - A (760) 67-1-2440' 690.64 (B) (7) — PANELBOARD if 11 .5" WARNING THIS. SER'VVICE IS SUPPLIED' FROM MULTIPLE UTILITY AND PHOTOVOLTAIC 690.'56 (B)/7051:0 — ,SERVICE. Q/1,05 CITY (PF LA QUINA BUILDING & SAFETY DRPT. f Y WARNING . _ AC PANELS LOCATED ON ROOF- AOW" -60) 671 244'0 _-j LOCATED INSIDE MAIN SERVICE BOX P.O.BO.X 14285 PALM DESERT, CA 92255-1485 PHONE: (760) 671-2440 (760) 578-6775 (760) 801-9133 mickDlex-comm.com LEXCOMM Licence C-10 # 918267 W-7:1 Mari -no Reeideme 43661 W. Parkway Esplanade Qtdnta. CA 92263 Phone: (760) 801-9133 ACCOUNT #.- 60266416 METER #: 1B4SR - 45 162 Project Notes: 13y—& System Stag. 9.6 kw DC Condella of 40 Mage 240,tw AC Panda C*Wbnm to uU.2010 Calqbrnila fies(dentual. Machantack glactrtc4 PlumbftW. ZheM and Often Building Codes, & Va Le Qtsb" Municipal code. Ca1L• 4� 4199 REVISED BY. 3P V DATE 31 GJD�s MAGE' �] SOLAR MAGE POWERT=C• PLUS 240 / 6 PL US AC PHOTOVOLTAIC MODULE Our AC modules are the next generation of solar technology providing up to 25% more energy compared to traditional DC PV modules. Combine our high -efficient MAGE POWERTEC PLUS modules with a revolutionary micro -inverter to convert DC voltage into grid connected AC, creating power anywhere, anytime. 25% More Energy For Less Costs > Producing up to 25% more energy than alternative systems ) Industry leading power guarantees & product warranties; ARRA compliant > Reduces upfront costs by eliminating costly inverters, installation material and complex system designs Easier, Faster, Safer > Plug and Play- simplifies installation process > Eliminates the danger of high voltage DC for safer installation and ownership Module Level Energy Monitoring > Web -based management system for 24/7 monitoring ) Monitor real-time operating perfomance of every AC module Flexible Design ) Ideal for residential, small businesses, parking canopies, etc. ) Suitable for any rooftop . even complex or shaded ) Increase your system size when you want it, when you need it — module by module WATTS YEAR PRODUCT TO ERANCE5 ��/WARRANTY THE SUN ON YOUR SIDE Number of Cells: 60 Solar Cell Type: polycrystalline Power class: 240 W p YEAR 801A POWER 1 OMACE POWERTE—C"PLUS 240 / 6 PL US AC PHOTOVOLTAICMODULE �AC't)utout lWlnlWcm;�Waxf. � � � 211112n7V+y`• 64� 0 p FregH,IMI-i/Ncn;Mixl 553 500!60.5 ;' ciu�pu..PowerFacior:. 0 >y rcin AC MAx re it C. uhu•Cunprf O. iGiA C! ACMam,oitCu'tou:Power 138'JJ i MoxUnita 1crHmnchCl'uit 16 20A �I �I• f Ota. Harmcnic Dl�rdon 5 I Maxrcum acwerfiaUhG 240 -o le ra•Ice o= P,,,. ' IW of OJ+, lj M uainu�n-0nvr 1 Max rcun'cwcrCarrn:P_, rov[A] ::a/ ki ehcrt('Ir..ultfi rmnt ii, [At .il Ft. aA I Op9 I Circultvolt a Lin IV] 3/.:6 j- Ma,,rcun.Sys em`hltace ~�- -- - - - I I`/1'. it G00 ^ _ TECHNICAL, FACTS i Nurlbcromcll*U11aa..rbl, G [. w0_1 _._-__ 1HERMAL CHARACTERISTICS VUCI l .u.lar C..�IITyp pnl✓r.ryim line T.. nip- Rhrrc.ConfPcI'nt I, M! I! *005 }i Sc larCell'3 se lrc mJ, 56 Temperawre CoefPclent UQ ]� ! r] 0 3a t Sc tar Cell Sze Irl 6x6 12mperaturcCo:tt-.c1ent V_.f%J0 0.4:< �: Dlner�k::n IL.J/aHrrnQ i+ �i5a:7o9,c39 it Dime slcns LxWx Iinl 6.1,08,94 '.':4 , It we It. hL[Vt�. - 21;3'. Weight [lrsl 4!.0 M d(Je,,[ffidenY✓•,9b] A 7 z�� MAGE' dC%SO LAR 1. X8.94"f,9cSmr)--J . fp11f1 SAGE POWERTEC PLUS AC module with attached micro -inverter .4-0 RBRIDOE Tcc-NN0LOe1eQ- 1 I —Dc^.igncd in Germany asocmticd in . S✓,' ltasy:olnstal. A=Fnrrl�tched'3 ro.�.,m^^"'°'�'°`p—, r 11 rc:cn rSv ti r� oro.lnd orad&J 1'rrFcr ofm ri2c_ UAhantrdltlonsL area3?ori Guarant_e >�Slenu e� onial'x' e Easyrinstall I,Icreases ":A/7r to lilurlcN. rcdu n5 _e efflclercv>� ofeac 1:mctlule rrd ace cAir r_ri= ' hxses NA a ..o r FS EC_ C EC U L1703, U L17/11 Inhertek N.K- `CLAI, USA 7201 nc uculal Bcuk va •,i . Dub.ln, Geo,g a 3r021 USA Toll-free (C'7)71-6241. 8'lah Cfflce (478)605-6640 • f ae (478) 271-7685 Inlog)mcoWa•.com mm.maFes".tanto n Lexco iiM DBA �svr P.O.BOX 14285 PALM DESERT, CA 82255-1485 PHONE: (760) 671-2440 (760) 678-5775 (760) 801-9133 mick®1es—comm. com LEXCOMM Licence C-10 y 818267 Marino Residence 1 W. Parkway Bapianade "nta, CA 92253 (760) 801-9133 FT #: 50256415 #: 1B4SR-146152 Project Notes: swstern Slee: 9.6 kw DC Cmetete of 40 Mage 240kw AC Powle Cor{fonne to au 2010 CatV mia Restdentua4, Mechantea& Etectrleak Piwnbing. 8hwpy and Green Bufidkw Codes, a the La QuWa lfunkipW Code. Call MLpLpPRRM 4199 ne eurmweus avers roeeo emmjlA Or 13 .AC MODULE QUICK INSTALL GUIDE READ ALL'SAFEIY I NSTRU CTI ONS BEFORE YOU -BEGIN ' BEGIN. For more detailed information on tate installation and use of these products, review tha,complete installation manuals. COI4APONENTS Qf ANAC MODULE The.dIagram below ldentlfiesthevanos-components of an AC module. PantheonOII microihverter 0 Module's junction box Q ln6ulatedACoable, which contains.an equipment grounding conductor (EGO) SOLARBRIDGE TC CM NO LOG L'S" Mid-cable.•j unction. @ AC cable connector PREPARING`MMI 1.Attach cable cllpstotheframe -as needed and secure cable In clips. 2. Remove.one serial number .sticker from the mid -cable junction -and place It on the array map. GJGJ MAGE' S-OLAR I.NSTALL14640 QVIES Y.•. iran smon eamer, ,)- ± *• Extonsslon bbles (M M, 0-F ff) "•;Ca ble'cllps; j x.: End�caps (M; Fj ) t. Remove .the protective cover.frornihe. transtion cable,and attach the cable ,tdthe transition box. perNEC,andlocal. ndards (Retain end cap/cov'61orstep a). z. Plugthe.flrst module into the connecting. cable..Contlnue connectln.g subsequent modulesto the end'of the row. 3. Use'.an.extensioncable to.connectrows of modules. Use cable management equipment to secure the eitenaon cableoff the roof. L12, (Maxi6.modulss perstring/oiroud) 1WN1 � a. On the last module In the ` E `' string, Insert theiend cap onto the connecting plug removed from transition � = • � _ cable In step t. Thls.cap R i. -� �• protects the cablingfrom dirt and mol sture.VIM 4M8►mti�LJL.7 .. PABOX 14286 PALM DESERT, CA 82266-1486 PHONE: (760) 671-2440 (760) 678-6776 (760) 801-9133 Uan®solarpinumpalmdesert. corn mirk®Lem-comm. oom LEXCOMM Mcence C-10 # 818267 roe" Marino Residence W. W. Parkway Esplanade Qu{nt% CA 92263 me: (760) 801-8133 :OUNT #: 60266416 TER #: 1B4SR-146162 Project Notes: System Mao: 9.6 kw DC Constete of 40 Nage 240kw AC Pants CoVIbnns to alt 2010 Calgo+Yda Restdontua& MachaniaaL Sketrieaa Plumbtng. SYwrgy and Omen Building codes. & Me Le Qalnia Nwdoipal Code. Cats: f�DLL PREB sea=�°ss ee m�moeae 02/20 13 DIaa+ED 811 DATE REVISED BY- DATE REVISED BY- DATE Zilla® Phantom"" Flush Mount System Installation Guide Quick and easy. v082312 Step 1 - Install Base Plate Place the Base Plate against the roof, parallel with the shingle line, about 112' below course above if possible. Drive the provided fasteners in sequential order starting with #1. Hold Base Plate firmly against roof material as fasteners will cut into Base Plate. Tighten until Base Plate is snug to roofing. DO NOT OVERTIGHTENI Note: Base Plate and Flashing location is based upon module manufactured mounting holes on the frame. Confirm design dimensions before installation. Zllld' Phantom" allows —1.5" Set Bolt adJustment within Crossbar and 3.5" adjustment of Crossbar on Deck '`Center holes can be used for attachment into structural members. Step.2 - Install, Flashing Insert Flashing underneath shingles. Optional: Add caulkto the underside of the Flashing for extra water proofing protection. Step 3.- Install Deck Thread beck onto Base Plate by hand. Hand tighten to compress the Gland Washer between the Flashing and Deck. Tighten until edges are parallel with Flashing. DO NOT OVERTIGHTEN1 StepA - Prepare End_Module Install tw6 `End Crossbars. into the module mounting holes. Align the Crossbars square to the module frame with —1-1/2' exposed. Tighten the -flange lock nut on the; backside with 7118" open-end wrench and a 5132" alien wrench on the .Set .Bolt from the'front. Ensure both Set -Bolts; are flush with the. tee nuts, and then spin the holding nut down to meet the top of both End Crossbars. The module isready to. install on the Deck. Step 8 -Prepare Top:Clip Crosstiar'Assembtles Install all Decks required per module as directed by design. Install Top Clip Crossbar assembly upon shared Decks. Adjust Set Boit and Top Clip away from module side to be installed and twist to secure Set Bolt temporarily. Step 8 --Place End Module With all required Decks and Top Clip Crossbars Installed, place preassembled End Module upon End Decks and Top Clip Crossbars. Rest End Crossbars against the upslope side of the Decks, men adjust module to slide lower End Crossbar onto lower Deck, and then guide upper End Crossbar over upper Deck. Slide module to center End Crossbars over Decks. Remove holding nuts and tighten Set Bolts with 5132' alien wrench to 17 ft -lbs to secure. The Set Bolt should out into the Deck. For more information, visit zlllarac.com PATENT PENDING PRIVIADE IN USA C,41ADE VATH RECYCLED MATER AL So Simple It's Scary - 77 Waneka Pkwy I Lafayette, CO 80026 720.880.67001 fax 303.866.0378 1 zillarac.com 02012Zib Cwpwraium AO,igI,L.ra vd. ■ ® TM Phantom 0 l ~ Flush Mount System Installation Guide Continued Quick and easy. Step 7 - Adjust Top Clip Crossbar Adjust the Top Clip Crossbar Set Bolt and Top Clip nut to clear module frame. Center Crossbar Deck inside vertical edge of Top Clip flush over and press 17 against module. Hold Top Clip firmly in place and tighten Set Bolt to ft -lbs Y / using 5132" alien wrench. i ` 13t4" MIN: Step,8 - Place Middle Modules r/ / Ensure all required Decks and Top Clip Crossbars are installed.then place. -- middle module down upon Top Clip Crossbars. Press module tightly against inside vertical edge of the Top Clips. Secure shared modules by tightening the nut.using a g116" socket to 17 ,ft -lbs, Repeat step 7 for sequential modules to complete therow, leave exposed Top Clip Crossbars loose. Note: -Each module frame must have 3W minimum bearing upon the flat surface of the Crossbar and Crossbars must always be,within Deck perimeter. Step "9 -Finish Row ' Repeat step S as needed to complete the row: Reference Flashing spacing on -opposite End and match. Install Flashing and Deck as instructed above. Assemble End Crossbars on exposed module edge. Rest.against middle sf �✓ Crossbars and End Decks then slide module to center End Crossbars over i Decks. Remove holding nuts and secure set bolts with 5132' alien wrench FF to 17 ft -lbs. Repeat steps -1 through 9 for each rowAp complete the designed array: For more information, visit zillarac.com PATENT P=NCINCI ®h1ACE IN USA Q*MADE %AITH RECYCLED MATEMAL So Simple It's Scary=M 77 Waneka Pkwy I Lafayette, CO 800261720.880.8700 1 fax 303.868.0379 1 zillarac.com 02012, ZiOa C.T.Mim AO rghls -"d. v062312 IEXC6"a MM DBA V A Y P.O.BOX 14286 PALM DESERT, CA 92266-1486 PHONE: (760) 671-2440 (760) 678-6776 (760) 801-9133 Iltan®solarpowerpalmdesert. coy, mirk®Lex—comm. com LEXCOMM Licence C-10 N 918267 99 farceita Marino Residence 118661 W. Parkway Esplanade :a Quanta, CA 92263 'hone: (760) 801-9133 . ICCOUNT #: 60266416 IfETEA #: 1 B4SR-146162 Project Notes: S'ysteYn Size: 9.6 kw DC Coneteta g140 Mage 240kw AC Panele Co Mons to all 2010 Calvornia Residentual, Mechmdcd, 6lectrlcal, Plun►Eing, Energy and Green Bulldli :odes, a the Is Qutnta LfunieljwL Code. Cali: TOLL PRSE sa2�0ss evm,mao 02/20 13 roan en DATE REVISED " REVISED BY- DATE Integrated Mounting and -Grounding "The drastic reduction in PV module prices has created tremendous'pressure.to reduce baiance of systerrr and labor costs_ At ZW66, we rake pride -in providing. innovatim solutions-thot make these cost reductions possible:" According, ;to $egtion 690:43,, of the. 2011.NEC, all exposed; non=current carrying metal parts of a Photovoltaic (PV) system must be grounded. This has traditionally been achieved through the use of grounding lugs and bare copper wire. These comporlents'add material'and labor costs that either- increase system pricing or cut into installer margins: Zillaa :recognized .an opportunity to eliminate additional.^grounding ;coripone.nts by :integrating the mounting and ;grounding operations into'a single step; The,Zillaif) Top, -Clip easily mounts, hva. panels from the, top down minimizing the number of parts afid maximizing installer acoess to the clip. The clip: also providet; UL 467 listed module to module.grounding in. -.any system ;and Module to Zill6: rail grounding. `The LIL 467 liatin allows the clip to be�used with a variety of I o,rackin s ' temsa,as'well,as,;create.moduls Zll a .... 9 ys .. - .. .... to module .grounding with other rail .systems. The Zillae Top Clip can even. be used exclusiVely to create a. panel to panel bond tested to :650A which means mostflush mount installations require only one point of array grounding. Tlla® Top Chp cmxx ser:tinn Mounting and Grounding With the Zillao Top Clip By Dave Kroutzman, CTO Zilla :Corporation DaveQUlarac.com Zillao Top Clip Advantages: 1. Cost Savings Secures Two Modules • Grounds Module.to Module • Grounds Module:to Rail • No Added Bare Cu • No Added. Ground. Lugs • Na Added Labor • Single Point of Grounding 2. Adaptability • Any Framed Module • Multiple Grounding Options • Tested to 650A. per Clip 3. Ease of Appllcdtlon Mounts:.from Above Ste'lidard, Hand.To,ols Single.., ingle. Step:Secure and Ground • Reduces.MaterialInventory Conclus`lon�: The.Zille Top Clip is an in product. that can be incorporated into many,different systems to provide single:, step panel attachment :and grounding. To learn more about this innovative :and effective product, please visit zillarac,com or contact our sales team at 720.880.6700. Zilla -So Simple it's Scarysm . ; 77 Waneka Pkvvy I Lafayette, C0800261720.880.6700 I zillarac.com ww MAGE® dC SOLAR THE SUN ON YOUR SIDE GROUNDING IN THE AC CABLES 111116TE'. Pecform,all.e,lecErical installations In accordance;withFany!IocaLcodes, the,MatlonaI Electilcal.Teode (NEC) AkSi jK,PA. 70 for US installaiioes, orthe;tanadianflectrlcal'Cocle P,,ert 1, CSA CZz.I forCenada: t The AC cable attached to the microlnverter and all accessory cables are fully Insulated and contain an equipment grou.nding conductor (EGC). The full ground path. from the transition cable to the rnodute frame.follows: t The transition cable's green conductor is connected to the EGC'rrom the utilhy dedicated branch circuit. vAll connectors have green ground contacts thatare longerthan the clrcultcontacts. This. -extra length ensures.the ground Is the first to make contact;whe.n connecting modules:andthelast to break contact when-disconne,cting,modules. > The AC ground wire Inside the mlcrolnverter makes a bolted termination to the mlcrolnverterchasslsand is environmentally sealed: > The microlnverter chassis Is bonded at the factory to the module frame with stainless steel hardware to provide ground contlnultyto the AC PV module frame. T1wo grounding,options are recommended for MAGE SOLAR POWERTEC PLUS modules, as described below.:Grounding holes are Indicated by NEC National ElectriccCode groundlrtg symbol. The AC cable grounding path has been tested by a>NRTL .Before an AC module assembly can be labeled with the. NRTL certlflcatlon mark and shipped from an authorized and Inspected factory, each assembly -must pass aground continuity check to verify electrical continulty from the AC cable group d contact to the module frame. The AC cable provides equipment.grounding for the AC.module only. It is the installer's responsibility to ensure that any metallic parts in contact`withthe module (i:e. mounting system) are provided with a means of equipment grounding accordingto the manufacturer's instruc- tions and local code. Because the DC power ls internal tothe module, a'grounding electrode conductor(GEC) Is not required. Because the AC modules are connected in a "daisy chain"fashion, disconnecting one. module from within the. string .removes power and ground from subsequent modules In the string-. Extreme care should betaken to ensure -that no.otherenerglzed sources are adiacentto these ungrounded modules, or auxiliary grounding methods must.be provided. If a module is removed from within the string; it. is recommended that you. bridge the gap in the -string using an AC �. extension cable. Insertingan extension cable maintahis ground contlnultyto subsequent modules lnthe string: See "ACWlring Accessories"'on page 21 fora list of available extension cables. Other allxitiary grounding methods may be used. A best practice for all solar module installers, especially those in areas with frequent lightning, is to secure the module support'ralls and hardware using grounding hardware that has been ce.rtlfled to meet requirements for grounding systems. Connect the entire structure'to a grounding electrode system using a dedicated, sultably sized, copper conductor. NOTE 'The conductar:used. fanlight ning protection from!ahe: structure fo the;grounding,electrode system must;not begun , inside the same conduit that.contai"ns the, EGCand AC dreuit conductors:- ''- MAGE POWERTEC PLUS Ai 'elodule Installation Guide DBA P.O.BOX 14285 PALM DESERT, CA 82266-1486 PXONE: (760) 671-2440 (760) 578-8775 (760) 801-9133 mirk®Let—comm. com LEXCOMM Licence C-10 N 918267 Marino Residence 43661 W. Parkway Bepianade La Quinta, CA 82253 Phone: (760) 801-9133 ACCOUNT 6: 50266416 METBA 6:1B4SR-145152 Project Notes:, System Stasi 8.6 kw DC Consists of 40 Mage 240kw AC Panels Cor{to+na to all 2010 CGIVOWra Residenh oL Mechantcat, Btectrtcal, Ptw "W, 2'nergy and oreen Bu94ing Codes, & the Le Wnta Uwdatyat cede. Call• ln�LpLpPR68 4�-J199 n>ao.a�ro�ra aoaer roomo Im .:./ = 40 3 D222NRB - Safety Switch vieacume. Sign In Create an Account •z.,�._.r...; '� .�.�.:�.,, .,..;.kms '',��,.,� t- Home., Disconnects GenealDyly D222NR8-Sarety.Swtldt D222NR8 - SAFETY. SWITCH Page Nome AbourUS Our Ponds Ciotaa U5 Don't See It7. 866.809.9078 • We Can Order IL ?EB�9iED/iPl3! , D323N - Sarety Switch TG3221 - Safety Switch TG3221 - S.ifety Switch Lkt: $77.00 cars: $57.85 iuw-3S-64CF N1Un -125 4mp8.poe 160ulikidowNhn Wg Load Center Model o L'0006DSU Internet 0 202316514 Store SKU 0 701605 Store:SO SKUO 516939 ***.*•*(p'v I-Wrtba.RovlawP This item cannot be.shippedt'othe.following tate(s); AK;GU,HI;PR•YI Ships FREE.viitIv$45.0,0 Order r kBtry Ondine Pick Up InStcre'Today .Check Store kivetltoiy.+ PRODUCT DESCRIPTION Use tne'Murray 125 Amp 8 3pabe I6CirbUtl lndoor,Main Lug Load Center ass sub panel fgr use Inslde:your house: This main It@ lobi; cenler'cen be Inverletlto ecoornmodate bottom entrance feedsVlhi o powder ooatetl galvanized carbon steel.ounstrudlon :tfiis eridosure resists'doirosion damage.'Aaalumirtum tUss b"ar along!nriJh fa( to Irt 611ed:6ound bars aria feed--ttirough hgs.are included: 6,90.hot-dipped,,galVahized carbons(eel construction.Wth apolyes(efpaint:pbivdercoatiiig-forcorrosion resistance . Alurrimum 6uee'har - SPECIFlCATIGIM ed:applirations: enabled riving'of trim• screws feed -through lug's Retu m To Top I'ANSIMCentfied " ' .Ifern Condition Our Price A�dnability Add Older iAssemblled De th in.1, D222NR8 New '$'6'Q2 •/ In Stock 1� "HAD /B Gd87 t ' °� f�isiiPvgx�_� (rpE[aiEil�; . F�ooroisnl � as�r,0ai®s r lE�- *4*� v'" ,� 4.7 in Assembled Width (n,) OESCRIVRON ••. '`s.. _ ._ ., CSA�I`lsted;:. Spuaro D-.D222NRO - Safety Switch :Electncal;ProductType Authentic Square D Product Aff=149 E1NA61,0.� Gen ral . Acuttage� IndooHOutdoor ' 60 Ampere ' Load Center Type • Power Rating 3 Hp At 240 Vac I Phase, 7-1/2 Hp At 240 Vac 3 Phase (Fast Acting One' • 10 Hp At 240 Vac I. Phase, 1S Hp At 240 Vac 3Phase ;Dual Element Time Delay. Fuse) Load center depth(In) 2 Pole 'Load cenferheygh(in.) — } 3 Wire 0222Mn8 GanoalRatombc' Ony, Cartridge Fuse - • Fusible Fuse - Load center width (in.) • Nema 3r Manufacturer Warranty • Site 7.45 Inch W X 4.88 Inch D X 14.88 Inch H MazimumAmp@iage(amps): • Approval UI oMaximum;Voltage. • Applicable Sandaid Nems KS -I • g7„7�NRe.Pp.DQ}I(S�ESSHtEI ?EB�9iED/iPl3! , D323N - Sarety Switch TG3221 - Safety Switch TG3221 - S.ifety Switch Lkt: $77.00 cars: $57.85 iuw-3S-64CF N1Un -125 4mp8.poe 160ulikidowNhn Wg Load Center Model o L'0006DSU Internet 0 202316514 Store SKU 0 701605 Store:SO SKUO 516939 ***.*•*(p'v I-Wrtba.RovlawP This item cannot be.shippedt'othe.following tate(s); AK;GU,HI;PR•YI Ships FREE.viitIv$45.0,0 Order r kBtry Ondine Pick Up InStcre'Today .Check Store kivetltoiy.+ PRODUCT DESCRIPTION Use tne'Murray 125 Amp 8 3pabe I6CirbUtl lndoor,Main Lug Load Center ass sub panel fgr use Inslde:your house: This main It@ lobi; cenler'cen be Inverletlto ecoornmodate bottom entrance feedsVlhi o powder ooatetl galvanized carbon steel.ounstrudlon :tfiis eridosure resists'doirosion damage.'Aaalumirtum tUss b"ar along!nriJh fa( to Irt 611ed:6ound bars aria feed--ttirough hgs.are included: 6,90.hot-dipped,,galVahized carbons(eel construction.Wth apolyes(efpaint:pbivdercoatiiig-forcorrosion resistance . Alurrimum 6uee'har - SPECIFlCATIGIM ed:applirations: enabled riving'of trim• screws feed -through lug's Retu m To Top I'ANSIMCentfied " ' Yes iAssemblled De th in.1, Bin Assembled Height Cin.,) 4.7 in Assembled Width (n,) 13.3 in CSA�I`lsted;:. iJo,f :Electncal;ProductType Lfoad1Q6n1er .� IndooHOutdoor Indoor Load Center Type Main lug Load center depth(In) 168 H 'Load cenferheygh(in.) — 60, " Load center width (in.) 16.8 Manufacturer Warranty 1 YEAR MazimumAmp@iage(amps): 126 AY oMaximum;Voltage. 4 240V LE)Cc MM DBA o r u P.O.BOX 14285 PALM DESERT, CA 92266-1486 PHONE: (760) 671-2440 (760) 578-6775 (760) 601-9133 d1an6sola powerpalmde8ert. com mickelex—comm com LEXCOMM Licence C-10 N 918267 Z) roeUa Marino Residence i61 W. Parkway Esplanade Qu{nta, CA 92263 me: (760) 801-9133 "OUNT #: 60266416 TER #: 1B4SR-146162 Project Notes: System size. 8.e kw DC Consists W 40 Mage .240kw AC Panete Cowb me to an 2010 Cawornta Restdentuat Mechantea4 Sieetrtc4 Plumbing, Bttergy and Green Bugdtng Codes, a Nw La Quints Muniapai Code. t Cali: 1tlLL PRSB sas'8i1°ss t>ae salmaeus DATE 31