11-0419 (ELEC)„ t P BOX 1504 78-495 CALLE TAMPICO LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 ■ In, Application Number: L -1-1-000004-1-9_.J' Property Address: 43757 PARKWAY ESPLANADE W APN: 609-590-014- - - Application description: ELECTRICAL Property Zoning: LOW DENSITY RESIDENTIAL Application valuation: 50 Tit!t . 440WA&I 'Applicant: Architect or Engineer: BUILDING & SAFETY DEPARTMENT BUILDING PERMIT Owner: MIGUEL HERNANDEZ 43757'PARKWAY ESPLANADE WE LA QUINTA, CA ,92253 Contractor: Oviiter VOICE '(760) 777-7012 FAX (760) 777-7011 INSPECTIONS (7 60) 777-7153 Date: 4/26/11 --------------------------------- --- --- - - --- - - - - - - - --- - - --- - - - - - - – – – – – --- – – – – – – – – - - – – – – – – – – – --- – – – –7 – – – --- – – – – – – – – – 7 – – – – – – – – – – LICENSE -------- ---- -- ------------------------------------------- LICENSED CONTRACTOR'SDECLARATION, - - WORKER'S COMPENSATION DECLARATION . hereby affirm under penalty of perjurythat•I am licensed under provisions of Chapter 9 (commencing with - I hereby affirm under penalty of: perjury one;ofthe following declarations: . Section 7000) of Division 3 of the Business and Professionals Code,•and my License is in full force and effect. _ I have and will maintain a certificate of consent to self -insure for workers'.: compensation, as provided License Class: License No.: - for by. Section 3700 of the Labor Code, for the performance ofthle work for which this permit is • - .issued.” Date:* Contractor: I have and will maintain workers' corripensation insurance, as required by Section 3700 of the Labor: ' - Code, for the performance of the work for which this permit is issued: Myworkers' compensation, OWNER -BUILDER :DECLARATION - - insurance carrier and policy number. are: - : I hereby affirm under penalty of.perjury that I am, exempt from -the Contractor's State License Law for the,' Carrier . - Policy Number followirig reasori-(Sec. 7031.5, Business and Professions Code: Any city, or countythat requires a permit to certify that,.in the performance of the work for which this permit is issued,T shall not employ any construct, alter, improve, demolish, or repair any,structure, prior to its issuance, also requires the applicant for the person in any manner so as to become subject to the workers' compensation laws of California, permit to file:e signed statement that he or'she is licensed pursuant -to the provisions of the Confractor'sState and agree that, if I should become subject'to the work S. compensation,provisions of Section . _ License'Law (Chapter 9 (commencing withSection 7000) of Division 3'of: the Business and Professions Codel•or 3700 -of the Labor Code;,l s f-rthwit ply wit hose,p[ovisions. that `heor she is exempt therefram'and the basis for the alleged exemption. Any violation of Section 7031.5 by. ' a ,applicant for a permit subjects: the applicant to a civil'penalty of not more than five hundred dollars (55001.: -Date: 1 �D 1 l' A ,ant: . i� 1 I, as owner.of the property, or'myemployees with wages as their sole compensation, will do. the work, and Y _ the structure is not intended or offered for sale (Sec. 7044, Business and Professions Code: The WARNING: FAILURE TO SECURE WORKERS' COMPENSATION COVERAGE IS UNLAWFUL, AND SHALL 'Contractors' State License Law.does not. apply to,an ownerofprope.rty who builds'orimproves thereon, SUBJECT,AN EMPLOYER TO CRIMINAL PENALTIES AND CIVIL FINES UP TO.ONE•HUNDRED THOUSAND and who does the work himself or herself through his or her own employees, provided that the DOLLARS (000,000). IN ADDITION TO THE COST OF COMPENSATION, DAMAGES AS PROVIDED FOR IN improyements-are.notintended'or offered for sale. If, however, the building or improvement is sold within SECTION 3706 OF THE LABOR CODE, INTEREST, AND ATTORNEY'S -,FEES. •- – one Year of completion, the. owner-bu:lder.will have the burden.of proving that he or she did not build or - •' _ improve'for'the purpose of sale.). - APPLICANT ACKNOWLEDGEMENT , (_) I, as owner of the property, am exclusively contracting with licensed contractors to construct the project (Sec. IMPORTANT .Application is hereby made to the Director of Building and Safety for a permit subject to the . 7044,•Business and Professions Code: The Contractors' State License Law does not apply to an owner of conditions and restrictions set forth on this application. .property who builds or improves thereon, and who contracts for the projects with a contractor(s) licensed - - 1. Each person`upon whose behalf this application is made, each person at whose request and for pursuant to the Contractors' State License Law.)• whose benefit work is performed under or pursuant to any permit issued as a result of this application, I—) I am exempt under Sec. B.&P.C. for this reason the owner, and.the applicant, each agrees to; and shall defend, indemnify and hold harmless the City of La Quinta, its officers, agents and employees for any act or omission related to the work being /� performed under or following issuance aof pplication becomes l . Date: Any permit issued as a result of -this application becomes null and void if work is not commenced within 180 days from date of issuance of such permit, or'cessation of work for 180*days will subject CONSTRUCTION LENDING AGENCY permit to'cancellation. I hereby affirm under penalty of perjury that there is a construction lending agency for the performance of the I certify that I have read this application and state that the above information is correct. I agree to comply with all work for which this permit is issued ISec. 3097, Civ. C:) city and county ordinances and state laws relating to building constructio ,and r by authorize representatives of this ounty to enter up n the above-mentioned property for inspecti p p es. Lender's Name: ` , � � 1 Signature'IApplicant or Agent): Lender's Address: LQPERMIT Application Number . . . . . 11-00000419 Permit ELEC-MISCELLANEOUS Additional desc . " Permit Fee 15.75 Plan Check Fee 3.94 Issue Date . . . . Valuation . . . . 0 Expiration Date 10/23/11 Qty Unit Charge Per Extension BASE -FEE 15.00 . 1.00.:• .7500 PER ELEC DEVICE/FIXTURE:`."1ST 20 .75 - - ------------ ... Special. -Notes., and,,comments;:•....,_. y TRANSFER :"SWITCH -.,AND :WIRING FOR PORTABLE GENERATOR. 2010' -CODES. -- - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - _ - _ Other' ------------------------------------------ Fees . . . . . BLDG•STDS ADMIN'(SB147.3). -------------- -1.00 Fee summary Charged.. Paid Credited Due Permit Fee Total 15.75 .00 .00 15.75 Plan Check` Total �3'. 94 o6 .0,6'. 3. 94. " Other:,Fee Total, I.00 :00 .00. 1:00 Grand Total 20.69 .00 00 20.69 LQPERMIT - Bin# Qty of LafQuinta Building &-. $lfetyDivision P.O. Box 1504, 70-49.5 Calle Tampico. La .Quints,; CA 92253 - (760) 7,77-7092 Building Perrn�t Application and Tracking ^Sheet Permit # 1 l Project Address: 43-15 i �%q r� LGt �'6 Owner's Name:Ae_L_ A. P. Number: "Address: �t3�� ��cis! ��+•� rG lu UL) Legal Description:.. City, ST, Zip: L, �J► Y� C ClZ Contractor: Address`. ^1 i'i:�Oi kiA0.4;'N i+0 A'ft:y•:Li4••'% Telephone 1.(ca' rOrojectDescription: City, ST, Zip: 'CTrcl n tz� s� Telephone: Tele p >;<•;:..;<:;:s::,:;r..: `v,l. ..;t s uLeta to V,e State Lic. # : City Lic. #t Arch., Engr., Designer: Address: City., ST, Zip: Telephone:. p 'T;.'`,,•./,,}t'V•iIj+<. .>:.::..::..:�,..,..r � `Construction Type: Occupancy: State Lic.#:`iproject type (circle one)_: New Add'n Alter Repair Demo Name of Contact Person:' Sq. Ft.: # Stories:#Units: Telephone # of Contact Person: F.. Estimated Value of Project: APPLICANT: DO NOT WRITE BELOW THIS LINE # Submittal Req'd Recd TRACKING <, PERMIT FEES: Plan Sets Plan Check submitted., 'Iteri Amount Structural Calcs. Revlewed,.readyfor corrections Plan Check,Deposit• Truss Calcs. Called Contact Person Plan ChecicBalance Title 24 Calls. Plans picked up , Construction Flood plain plan Plans resubmitted' - Mechanical Grading plan 20° Review, ready for corrections/issue Electrical Subcontactor List Celled Contact Person Plumbing Grant Deed Plans picked up S.M.I. H.O.A. Approval Plans resubmitted Grading, ' IN HOUSE:_ '"' Reyiew, ready for?coriectionstissue Developer Impaet Fee Planning Approval Called Contact Person' AXP.P. Pub. Wks. Appr Date of permit issue School Fees Total•Permit Fees P.O. BOX .1504 LA.QUINTA, .CALIFORNIA 92247-1504 BUILDING .& SAFETY DEPARTMENT 78.-495 CALLE TAMPICO * (760) 777-7012 LA QUINTA,, CALIFORNIA.92253 FAX (760) 777-7011 PROPERTY :OWNER' S PACKAGE Disclosures & Forums 'for Owner -Builder's :Applying for Construction Permits Pfa�RTANTI NO-TICE TO gOWNFR Dear Property Owner An, application .fora building permit has been submitted in your name. listing yourself as the builder of the property -impro � ements specified at We are. pmvidmg ,you .with an "Oviier-Builder Acknowledgment -arid- lriformation Verification:Eortn to make you aware of your respoasibilifies' possible risk you:may incur by.havtng'this permit issiiW �1your name as'the Owner -Builder. we vxill got isM. . a, btiiiding permit until'y",:Iiave read, iidtialedd youf-,tinderstandmg of each'provision, signed, and returned this form to us at our-officiaf add e'ss indicated. An agent, of the owner cannot execute this notice unless you, the property owner, obtain the prior approval .of the permitting authority. DUMU-1 PUNS. Read irrreE initial ecult; stat ent -9-IO -lo siii* you und' rmtand or vertfy'ihis, Korrnation. 1. I understand la frequent practice of unlicensed .persons;: is ..to •have.. the property owner obtain an "Owner -Builder" building permit that erroneousty'iinplies that the'property owner, is providing his or her own .labor and material personally. I, as an Owner -Builder; may beheld. liable and subject to -serious financial risk. for. any injuries sustained by an unlicensed person and his or her employees while. working -on myproperty,. My homeowner's insurance may not provide coverage for those injuries. I am willfully acting as an Owner -Builder. and' aware'of the limits of my insurance coverage for injuries to'workers on my property. . Z• I understand building permits are not requiredto be signed.4y property owners unless they are responsible for the construction and are not hiring a4icensed Contractor to.assume this responsibility". . .3. I understand as an."Owner-Buildee'.I am the responsible.party of record on the.permit. I understand that I may protect myself from potential financial risk by hiring a licensed -Contractor and having the permit filed in his or her name instead of my own. 4. [understand Contractors are required bylaw to beIicensed and -bonded in California and to list -their license numbers -on - permits and contracts. `---"5. I understand if I employ or otherwise engage any persons, other than California licensed Contractors, and the total value Of my construction is at least,.five hundred dollars ($500), including labor and materials,. I may be considered an "employer" under state and federal law. V6. I understand if I am considered an"employer" understate and •federal'Iaw, I must. register with the state and federal government, withhold payroll "taxes, .provide workers'°.compensation disability insurance, . and contribute to unemployment compensation for each "employee." I also understand my failure to'abide by these laws may subject me to. serious financial I sk. 1_ 7. I understand under California Contractors' °State License Law, an Owner -Builder who builds "single-family residential structures cannot .legally build .them with theintent to offer them, for sale, unless all work is performed by licensed subcontractors and the number of structures. does not ezceed four within any -calendar year, or all .of the work is performed under contract with a licensed general building Contractor: �8. 1 understand as an Owner -Builder if I sell the property for which this permit is issued, I may be held liable for any financial or personal. injuries suaamed by any subsequent owner(s) that result from any latent construction defects in the hip or materials. w!� 9. 1 understand I may obtain more information regarding my obligations as an "employee' from the Internal Revenue Service, the United States Small Business Administration, the California Department of Benefit Payments, and the California Division of Industrial Accidents. I also understand I may contact the California Contractors' State License Board (CSI.B) at I- 800-32 1 -CSLB -800--321-CSLB (2752) or www.csib.ca.gov for more information about licensed contractors. A 10. I am aware of and consent to an Owner -Builder building permit applied for in my name, and understand that I am the party legally and financially responsible for proposed construction activity at the following address: agree that, as the party legally and financially responsible for this proposed construction activity, I will abide by all appli ble laws and requirements that govern Owner -Builders as well as employers'. 12.1 agree to notify the issuer of this form immediately of any additions; deletions, or changes to any of the information I have provided on this form Licensed contractors are regulated by laws designed to protect the public. If you contract with someone who does not have a license, the Contractors' State License Board may be unable to assist you with any financi&l loss you may sustain as a result of a complaint. Your only remedy against unlicensed Contractors may be inVivil court. It is also important for you to understand that if an unlicensed Contractor or employee of that individual or firm is injured while working on your property; you may be held liable for damages. If you obtain a permit as Owner -Builder and wish to hire Contractors, you will be resporsrble for verifying whether or not those Contractors are properly licensed and the status of their workers' compensation iasnrance coverage. Before a building permit can be issued, this form must be completed and signed by the property owner and returned to the agency responsible for issuift.the.permiL Note: A copy of the property owner's dslver's se, form 110tafAaOW4 or other verification acceptable to the agency is required to be presented when the permit is issued to verify the property owner's signature. Signature of property owner. G ��—� Date: C, a`�D 7 a t u Note: The following Authorization Forst is required to be completed by the property owner only when designating an agent of the property owner to apply for a construction permit for the Owner -Builder. AUTHORIZATION OF AGENT TO ACT ON PROPERTY OWNER'S BEHALF Excluding the Notice to Property Owner, the execution of which I understand is my personal responsibility, I hereby authorize the following, person(s) to act as my agent(s) to apply for, sign, and file the documents necessary to obtain an Owner -Builder Permit for my project.\eGrc�` Scope of Construction Project (or Description of Work): C C,,& 4:P_,r Project Location or Address: L-( 3-J S­1�� S v� A e �� S I— Name of Authorized Agent: Address of Authorized Agent: Tel No I declare under penalty of perjury that I am the property owner for the address listed above and I personally filled out the above information and certify its accuracy. Note: A copy of the owner's driver's license, form notarization, or other verification acceptable to the agency is required to res8nted when the permit is issued to verify the property owner's signature.. Property Owner's Signature: Date: t 124c c CITY OF LA QU I NTA BUILDING & SAFETY DEPT. � APPROVED K FOR CONSTRUCTION Rmwf Inlet Boz' DAT BY w R�v {rt p{ fL .>�;� '"�• qty„ cr� s at��3f*cT GKIEYC9• I 1 i � r • 1 c \12 Gen T�anm C&U, Warning: Gen/Tran trarisfei switches Should be installed by ip ofessiona/ electrician familiar with %coital wiring and codes, and experienced in working with generators. Gen/Tian accepts no responsibility for accidents damages orpersoiral injury caused by incorrect installation. These transfer switches are intended for surface. mounting INDOORS only. Gen Tran transfer switches are UL listed to UL Standard 1008 and meet the criteria of National Electrical code Article 702.6 for Optional Standtiy Systems. Caution: /fusing the generator and transfer switch for larger appliances, such as electric water heaters; clothes dryers, 'electric ranges and small air conditioners, check the labels on the appliancesto be sure they do NOT exceed the rating of the generator. No appliance should have an amperage rating that exceeds the individual breaker rating in the transfer switch (20 or 30 amps). . Thank you for pimehasing a GenTran Manual Transfer Switch designed to safely connect a portable generator to the load center in your . home or business (single phase only) for standby power applications Product`features include: • Generator and Utility feeds mechanically interlocked to prevent dangerous utility or generator back feeding - thereby avoiding propertydamage and serious injury to electrical workers. • Pre wired for fast, easy connection to the load center Each model can expanded to up to 10 circuits using interchangeable type circuit breakers - so as your needs change, just expand it! • Accommodates GFC/ and Arc -Fault breakers to meet the latest NEC requirements. • Dual wattmeters help you monitor and balance the loads on your generator prolonging generator life, • Flexible generator connections - Use the Power /n/et on models 2026 and 3028 for a quick cord connection to yourgenerator, or hardwire the generator connection. • Surface or Flush Mounting (with flush mounting plate sold separate/y). • Accepts'Gen/Tran's Switched Neutral Kit (SNK) for./nstallat/ons where neutrals must be switched. What is Included in this carton: A. Manual Transfer Switch B. Wire Harness, Pre -wired C. Wire Connectors (6 or 8) D. Male Flanged Inlet E. Installation manual and Warranty Registration Card Tools Needed for Installation: • ''/a" nut driver, 2-1/8" hole saw (if flush mounting) • Screwdrivers, straight blade and Phillips • Electric drill, drill bits, wallboard saw • Wire cutter/stripper • Safety eye goggles A` E i� C D B A Other Items Needed for Installation: • New 60A 2 -pole, 240V circuit.breaker to install in main load center - should be manufactured by same as existing load center). • Anchors and screws to mount transfer switch to wall Ootional Items for Installation: • Arc -fault, GFCI or Surge protection circuit breakers. If Arc -fault, GFCI or Surge protection circuit breakers are used as the branch circuit protector in the main load center, they MUST be used in the manual transfer switch. You may be able to re -use your existing AFCI, GFCI and Surge protection circuit breakers in the manual transfer switch See, above for compatible breakers. (Available through Gen/Tran). • Power Inlet Box - for "hard -wired" installations. (Available through Gen/Tran, see TABLE 1). • Flush Mount Plate to install transfer switch flush into the wall. (Available through Gen/Tran PN: 50329) • Switching Neutral Kit. (Available through Gen/Tian PN: SNK) • Wire, fittings and conduit to connect the Power Inlet Box to the transfer switch • Power Cord to connect generator to transfer switch or Power Inlet Box. (Available through Geh/Tran). • White, green, black and red THHN or MTW wire, 10 AWG, 300V rated TABLE 1 - SPECIFICATIONS_ ,. Model: 1 1 1.3028 Generator exhaust contains # Circuits Provided 6 • t 6 8 Max # Circuits 10 10 10 REQUIRED BREAKER FOR MAIN LOAD CENTER (not included in this kit) 60 amp 2 -pole 60 amp 2 -pole 60 amp 2 -pole Breakers Provided with Unit 2 -15 amp 1 -pole 2 - 20 amp 1 -pole 1 - 20 amp 2 -pole 2 -15 amp 1 -pole 2 - 20 amp 1 -pole 1 - 20 amp 2 -pole 2 -15 amp 1 -pole 2 - 20 amp 1 -pole 1 - 20 amp 2 -pole 1 - 30 am 2 -pole Max GEN Watts 5000 7500 7500 Max GEN Ams 20Amps 30 Ams 30 Amps Voltage 120/240 Volts 120/240 Volts 120/240 Volts NEMA Type Enclosure 1 - Indoor Only 1 - Indoor Only 1 - Indoor Only Flan ed'lnlet (included) / NEMA confi FI -1420 / L14-20 N A FI -1430 / L14-30 Compatible Power Inlet Box (optional) 14202, 14203, 14201 14302, 14303, 14301 14302,14303, 14301 Phase T 1 1 1 Minimum Gauge Cord Size 12/4 10/4 10/4 'Note. if Ground fault Circuit Interrupters (GFCQ, Arc Fault Circuit Interrupters (AFCIJ, or S e. Protector Circuit Brea rs were used as the branch circuit protector in the main load center, they MUST be used in the transfer switch, GfCI andAFClbreakers requ an isolated neutral is from the load to the GFCI orAFCI. The load neutral needs to be connected with a wire nut to a 3-6 foot piece of white wire, run throng a harness col�rd it to the transfer switch and connected to the "load neutral "lug orpigtail on the GFCI orACFI breaker. Because GFCI andAFCI circuit breakers can take mohan one space, the overall maximum number ofcircuits maybe reduced from the numbershown. Contact GenTran for more information on these circuit breaker types. STEP 1: PLANNING YOUR INSTALLATION: 1. Determine the appliances, circuits or equipment you want to operate with generator power during a power outage, such as: • Refrigerator/Freezer Water Heater Security System • Furnace Blower (gas/oil only) Garage Door Opener Sump Pump • TV / Radio Microwave, Coffee Maker Computer, Fax and Printer, Phone • Lighting Well Pump Aquarium 2. Determine the amps required for each appliance by reading the label on the appliance. IMPORTANT: No appliance should haJe.an amperage rating that exceeds the GEN MAIN breaker rating in the transfer switch (See Table 1). The total amperage of all circuits can exceed the generator rating, but not all circuits will be able to be used concurrently. 3. Assign the circuit # in the load center to a circuit (A2, B2, etc.) in the transfer switch matching the size of.the circuit breaker in the load center to the circuit breaker in the transfer switch. Once you've determined which circuits you want to connect and the appropriate amperage, you will be ready to begin installing your GenTran° transfer switch. 4. The location of your load center/electrical panel in your home or business will determine where the GenTran° transfer switch will be installed. Refer to the illustrations below. In addition to the transfer switch, you may need additional accessories to complete your generator transfer switch installation, such as a generator cord and power inlet box. A generator cord (sold separately) is needed to connect your, generator to the GenTran° transfer switch or power inlet box. If your load center is in your garage, we recommend at least a 25 -foot generator cord to reach from your generator'outside the garage on the driveway to the transfer switch. .,NEVER run a generator in an enclosed area! If your load center is in a basement or interior room, you shall install a power inlet box (sold separately) on the exterior of your house or building to avoid running the generator cord through a door or window. Once you have all of the essential components for your specific needs, you may proceed with the installation. TYPICAL INSTALLATION: Using a generator indoors CAN KILL YOU IN MINUTES. Generator exhaust contains carbon monoxide. This is a poison you cannot see or smell. NEVER use inside a h6 me Only use OUTSIDE and or garage: EVEN IF doors far away from windows, and windows are open. doors, and vents. TABLE -2 - CIRCUIT. WORKSHEET_ _ �:.... Circuit A2 Model Model 2026 3026 Model Appliance(s) 3028 132 ANA �h;NAxkY 30A A4 15A 15A 15A 64 15A 15A 15A A5 20A 20A 20A 65 20A 20A 20A A6 20A 20A 20A' B6 20A 20A 20A STEP 2: " INSTALLATION PROCEDURE: PLEASEREADTHIS MANUAL INITSENT/RETYBEFOREATTEMPT/NG TO UNPACK, ASSEMBLE, INSTALL, OPERATEORMAINTA/NTHISEQUIPMENT. HAZARDOUS VOL TAGESAREPRESENT INSIDE TRANSFER SWITCHENCLOSURES THAT CAN CAUSEDEATH OR SEVEREPERSONAL INJURY. FOLLOW PROPER INSTALLATION, OPERATIONAND MA/NTENANCEPROCEDURES TO AVOID HAZARDOUS VOLTAGES TURN OFF THEMAIN CIRCUIT BREAKER INTNELOAD CENTER BEFOR£START/NG INSTALLAT/ON. I. SURFACE MOUNT INSTALLATIONS: A. "Hard -wired" Generator Connection. using"a Power --Inlet Box: 1. Select a location on the left or right side of the load center to mount transfer switch, as it is provided with a 24" Flexible conduit wiring harness. Remove the load center dead front cover, save the screws. Locate and _remove a knockout (KO) on the lower side of.the load center that matches the conduit fitting size on the wiring harness. 2. Determine if the wiring harness needs to.be shortened. If so, remove the wires from the wiring harness and cut conduit to desired length. [NOTE The Electrical Non -Metallic Tubing (ENT) provided with Models 2026 and 3028 is UL Listed and recognized by the National Electrical Code (NEC) However, some local codes and inspectors may prohibit its use in buildings that exceed (3) floors above grade. if this situation arises, �c8ll888-GEN-TRAN7o request a length'offlexible metal conduit (FMC) and fittings to use instead.) 3. Attach the wiring harness to the load center; hold the transfer switch in position against the wall on which it is to be mounted and using the provided template, mark the holes on the wall for the anchoring screws and anchor transfer switch to wall (anchors not provided): 4. Remove transfer switch dead front cover, saye.screws, allow the cover to.hang down, supported,by the meters wires. . 5. Install appropriately sized conduit, fittings and wire be the Power, Inlet Box (PIB)-mounted on the building exterior and the transfer switch, referring to power inlet box installation instructions. Locate and remove a KO in the transfer switch, pull wire into transfer switch enclosure and secure wire with fitting. 6. Using provided wire connector, connect the generator green ground wire with the green wire inside the transfer -switch. Connect the generator white neutral wire into neutral bar on the left. Using provided wire connectors, connect the generator black wire io'black wiring going to Meter "A". Repeat for generator red wire to Meter "B". See FIGURE 2 WIRING DIAGRAM. Reinstall transfer switch dead.front cover. 7. In the main load center, remove the wires from the.breakers for the loads that will be.relocated to the transfer switch. Cut each blue harness wire (A2-66) to a convenient length, strip off 5/V insulation and connect to the wires removed from the breakers per TABLE 2 with the provided wire connectors. 8. Remove two adjacent single pole breakers from which the.load wires were removed and install the NEW 60A 2 -pole circuit breaker (as required in the Other Items Needed section) in their place.•Insert.the unmarked BLACK wires from the harness into the new circuit breaker. Terminate the WHITE and GREEN wire in the harness in an open position in the Neutral and Ground bars respectively: If there is no separate. ground bar, insert the GREEN wire into an open position in the NEUTRAL bar, and tighten. 9. Reinstall the main load center.dead front cover, and turn ON the MAIN breaker in the main load center. Turn ON all branch circuit breakers in both panels. Turn ON the UTIL MAIN in the transfer switch. Check that power is restored to all appliances. Installation is"now complete. B. "Plug-in" Generator Connection using a Power Cord: 1. Remove transfer switch dead front cover, save screws and allow the cover to hang down.supported by the meter wires. 2. Remove the 3 screws that secure the round cover plate to.the front of the transfer switch. Retain screws, discard plate. Locate the Power Inlet Kit, connect to the . W (white) terminal of the Power Inlet Kit an 8 piece of white 10 AWG THHN orMTW wire, and strip 5/8"insulation off of unconnected end. 3. Remove and discard wire connectors from the black, red and green wires attached to:the meters. Strip 5/8" insulation off of wires, feed through round hole in dead front cover, insert and tighten'the black wire into X terminal of,the Power Inlet Kit, the red wire into the Y terminal and green wire into the Ground terminal. Insert Power inlet into hole from which the cover was removed. Align the 3 holes inthe Power inlet Kit Flange to the 3 holes in the cover, secure with the 3 screws retained in step 1. Connect the white neutral wire into neutral baron the'left. Torque all terminations to specifications on product label. See FIGURE 2 WIRING DIAGRAM. Reinstall dead front cover to transfer switch. Proceed to Step 1 in Section IA above; skipping Steps 4, 5 and 6. II. FLUSH MOUNT INSTALLATIONS: 1. Order Flush Mount Plate, GenTran Model 50329, and follow included instructions and complete above installation procedures. w�LwL ,M.a, w:a r■e w w �Yw��w: wui■■ vr■ ��• v. vv■•ry r_vv■r v�•v.■ ■•r�•� r•�r�•w■, �•�.vrr�.r.vra■ .'NEVER run portable generators indoors or in garages, basements or sheds. Portable generators. should always be used at least 5 feet away from windows, doors, vents or any other opening. Carbon Monoxide (CO) from a.generator is deadty and can killyou in minutes, Readand follow allgenerator-directions before use. Circuit 5. Testyour circuits by using the wattmeters or determine wattage from that A. Transferring from Utility Power to Generator Power: shown on each appliance. Make a note of any excessive loads which must 1. Move generator outdoors. '. be removed from a given circuit duringgeneratoroperation In an emergency. 2. Connect the male plug of the Power Cordinto the correct outlet on the Additional generator. Turn ON the circuit breaker for the outlet plugged into. B. TranSfereing from,Generator Power to Utility Power: 3. Plug.in the female connector of the Power Cord to the Power Inlet Box or the 1. On the transfer switch, turn the GENERATOR MAIN breaker OFF and the power inlet on the front of the transfer switch. Turn all circuit breakers in UTILITY MAIN breake0N.: the transfer switch to their OFF position: 2. Tum ON any branch circuit breakers in the transfer switch that are OFF. 4. Start the generator outdoorsrfollowirig the procedures described in the . 31 Shut down the generator, following the; procedures in the generator Owner's generator's owner's manual furnished by the manufacturer. Turn ON the Manual.. GENERATOR MAIN circuit breaker in the transfer switch. Turn , ON circuit ' 4. Unplug the power cord from thegenerator and the power inlet. breakers in the manual transfer• switch one ata time altematingfrom phase 5. ' Cool off.the_generato(and store in a dry, secured location. "A" and phase ' B". Watch the meters as you turn on successive circuits so To ensure that your generator will work properly when you need it, it is important that the meters do not continuously exceed the maximum wattage, to start and run' your generator under load regularly -and keep the tank filled with generator. It may be necessary to alternate the •use .of larger loads (furnace fresh.fuel. Perform the above steps at least ONCE A MONTH to keep the generator motors, well pumps,, freezers, etc.) to avoid overloading the generator. To . properly. "exercised." It is not necessary to tum off any circuits in the MAIN load promote generatorlife, loadsshould be balanced on Phase ".V.and "B".so- center when operating the transfer switch. that the wattage reading on each meter is within about 1000 watts of the .© other. o Figure 2 - WIRING DIAGRAM: PRE -WIRED TRANSFER SWITCH CUSTOMER LOAD CENTER Conduit Neutral 06 Black Wit - Gen Bar Wire Circuit. Breaker :Interlock 20 or 30 . Optional feed to additional subpanel 21'/z • ,•• 60A Wire Harness Circuit r60A.. .73 by Installer Additional r Lt L2 m ..� - ;tri- ----- � •; :Green ;��� •• -= r� A B ,:. o Red .. Optional feed to additional subpanel 21'/z • Wire Harness Circuit fi � i G '�0 by Installer Additional Ground - Stud 3 n o E� E = lil 3> j p t MAIN Reutral ����. Remfrom Circuit •. • Im ,. e .Removed from —Circuit Brkr. 6/a Wire Connectors Pre -Wired Wire Harness Circuit Breaker to Connector' by Installer Additional Backup ,:. o Gro .. p B a6 Black l Wire �.�.- .© 60 o �i .• : 60 -.-..I ------ - Pre -Wired Wire Harness Circuit Breaker to be Provided by Installer Additional Backup �Subpanel rr (optional) ---- FactoryWiring Protected by US Patent No. US 6,861,596 B2 Field Wiring Gen/Tran Corporation oil Free:1-888-GEN-TRAN, Fax: 770-552-7756 www.gen-tran.com 02005-2009 Gen -Tran Corporation At/ Rights Resemed. GenTran and PowerStay are registered trademarks of Gen -Tran Corporation. PN 500500 Rev G 4 NPRIM