0302-056 (SFD)LICENSED CONTRACTOR DECLARATION I hereby affirm under penalty of perjury that I am licensed under provisions of Chapter 9 (commencing with Section 7000) of Division 3 of the Business and Professionals Code, and my License is in full force and effect. License # Lic. Class Exp. Date 752 K84 A11HC 8/3 ) /G4 Date ; �� ff� Signature of Contractor�Y�l OWNER -BUILDER DECLARA 10N I hereby affirm under penalty of perjury that I am exempt from the Contractor's License Law for the following reason: ( ) I, as owner of the property, or my employees with wages as their sole compensation, will do the work, and the structure is not intended or offered for sale (Sec. 7044, Business & Professionals Code). ( ) I, as owner of the property, am exclusively contracting with licensed contractors to construct the project (Sec. 7044, Business & Professionals Code). ( ) I am exempt under Section , B&P.C. for this reason Date Signature of Owner WORKER'S COMPENSATION DECLARATION I hereby affirm under penalty of perjury one of the following declarations: ( ) I have and will maintain a certificate of consent to self -insure for workers' compensation, as provided for by Section 3700 of the Labor Code, for the pert• rmance of the work for which this permit is issued. � I have and will maintain workers' compensation insurance, as required by Section 3700 of the Labor Code, for the performance of the work for which this permit is issued. My workers' compensation insurance carrier & policy no.'are: Carrier FEMOICt Ilai?I?Wi` ' Policy No. 15671601 (This section need not be completed if the permit valuation is for $100.00 or less). ( ) I certify that in the performance of the work for which this permit is issued, I shall not employ any person in any manner so as to become subject to the workers' compensation laws of California, and agree that if I should become subject to the workers' compensation provisions of Section 3700 of the Labor Code .l shy II f rt witl comply with. those,,provisior ,,'Date: ( Applicants Warning: Failure to secure Workers'Compensation aoverag is unlawful and shall subject an employer to criminal penalties and civil fines up to $100,000, in addition to the cost of compensation, damages as provided for in Section 3706 of the Labor Code, interest and attorney's fees. IMPORTANT Application is hereby made to the Director of Building and Safety for a permit subject to the conditions and restrictions set forth on his application. 1. Each person upon whose behalf this application is made & each person at whose request and for whose benefit work is performed under or pursuant to any permit issued as a result of this applicaton agrees to, & shall, indemnify & hold harmless the City of La Quinta, its officers, agents and employees. 2. Any permit issued as a result of this application becomes null and void if work is not commenced within 180 days from date of issuance of such permit, or cessation of work for 180 days will subject permit to cancellation. I certify that I have read this application and state that the above information is correct. I agree to comply with all City, and State laws relating to the building construction, and hereby authorize representatives of this City to enter upon the above-mentioned property for inspection purposes. Signature (Owner/Agent) e`Date `, `"��(✓ BUILDING PERMIT PERMIT# maaltlt LOT 49 TRACT 2932.3.1 DATE VALUATION $172,40.2.1() JOB SITE ADDRESS f$.. F(F ��„O.�A°1h �E+u��,l.'J�t�.�.Ir.:i�'7�'%I".I�1 APN trf;�-.'1i••Q' OWNER CONTRACTOR / DESIGNER / EN (NEER 1}0Ni7`b:1C0PAkTOLM i1, INC. %i3.Ri5x: iC?.�� {C11 1:e� Il Sl�iC 400 0, FARRI1., DR. S .& In 103 400.1..1+Q,kkt r 131;: MUM, B 103 Z).AL,W&PRTNOS CA. 92262 F'A. q °�r``!7RWCT8 CA. 9.2262 (7?)1°)1 V 710 M-4- 2346 USE OF PERMIT DIN (312 if`.r NIff..Y DINIELLNG Sri) .• LoOT •4a, PLAN ZBXL. I'E7tNIT :I)OM NOT INCLIUr M, C LIOC K WAI.« A P0014 ,SPA. OR 1: RA`9 WAY ATIPROAC0 TILWT CONSTRUCTION ;48.38,10 Nle P ORCHIPA'I IO 327.0E SF GA11,ACWCAMPORT 671.0n &W E&r'TMATED COITT C•3F C 0 J1?. IC17()R' � 73n�ItJi.1£d PFMMIIT Fog 90104"Y CC'P1I1T IXT ION I:ll?, 101-000-41 EI -000 $305,00 PIAN CHFXX FE, S 101-000-439-318 MA.&d I! ECHA141C.A1 FEE 101.000-121.000 R1£tS 60 FILI CTRIC;,M.. FEE 101.000-420-000 $146.25 PL,tIMBI) 0 FI?li. 101.-000.419.000 168,-54 3'I'1i:ONC IMOTIf3Pd PLESS IMSID 101-000-241-000" 1.$00 ' $I3.A OFtA.DNO Ffil 101.000-4.2 3.0100 ii Ot 5.0e3 D01f :.1,01"ER IMPACT FFE $2,40.5.00 FEE DEPOSIT 101-000-439-316 -Si50.ii0 UR -`t ' V . L C014STR 'TM, 3014 AM M- AW CHECK ��i,� :►�. °'_ f1 ESiaq*1'�+f?L,`�' -2i7;3I,%.0t? J 'LAI T(Yr sl, DUIC ROW 13,^141*, &-, r to RECEIPT DATE BY DATE FINALED INSPECTOR INSPECTION RECORD OPERATION DATE INSPECTOR OPERATION DATE INSPECTOR BUILDING APPROVALS MECHANICAL APPROVALS Set Backs Underground Ducts Forms & Footings26 Ducts Slab Grade Return Air Steel Combustion Air Roof Deck Exhaust Fans O.K. to Wrap F.A.U. Framing Compressor Insulation - , e Vents Fireplace P.L. Grills Fireplace T.O. Fans & Controls Party Wall Insulation Condensate Lines Party Wall Firewall Exterior Lath � �I Drywall - Int. Lath Final Final BLOCKWALL APPROVALS Steel POOLS - SPAS Set Backs Electric Bond Footings Main Drain Bond Beam Approval to Cover Equipment Location Underground Electric Underground Plbg. Test Final Gas Piping PLUMBING APPROVALS, Gas Test Electric Final Waste Lines .2 .�c f, '� �� Heater Final Water Piping Plumbing Final Plumbing Top Out Equipment Enclosure Shower Pans O.K. for Finish Plaster Sewer Lateral Pool Cover Sewer Connection . 0 3 57 Encapsulation Gas Piping t _ Gas Test Appliances Final Final Utility Notice (Gas) ELECTRICAL APPROVALS Temp. Power Pole Underground Conduit Rough Wiring Low Voltage Wiring Fixtures Main Service Sub Panels Exterior Receptacles G. F.I. Smoke Detectors Temp. Use of Power Final Utility Notice (Perm) c 6f/�- �D.A l COMMENTS: 1;M t IJ L _ ^� Ip LJ INSTALLATION CERTIFICATE MOSAIC AT ESPLANADE- PLAN 2838 CF -6R SD u -rJ4 79-706 Parkway Esplanade Wxr* 49 0302-056 Site Address Lot # Permit Number An installation certificate is required to be posted at the building site or made available for all appropriate inspections. (The information provided on this form is required; however, use of this form to provide the information is optional.) After completion of final inspection, a copy must be provided to the building department (upon request) and the building owner at occupancy, per Section 10-103(b). HVAC SYSTEMS: If Rccir- # of Rated 1 Tank Effi- External Heating Equipment culation, Identical Input (kW Volume ciency 1 Standby I Insulation Equip. # of Efficiency Duct Duct or Heating Heating Type (pkg, CEC Certifited Mrf Name Identical (AFUE, etc.) Location Piping Load Capacity heat pump) & Model Number Systems z CF -IR value (attic, etc.) R -value (Btu/hr) (Btu/hr) Comfortmaker NBF075F16G1 2 80% Attic 4.2 75,000 CoolingEquipnrent Equip. CEC Certified Compessor ti of Efficiency Duct Cooling Cooling Type (pkg., Unit Mrf Name and Identical (SEER etc.) Location Duct Load Capacity heat pump) Model Number Systems >_ CF -IR value (attic, etc.) R -value (Btr/hr) (Btu/hr) Comfortmaker NAC242AKA5 2 12 Attic 4.2 42,000 I, the undersigned, verify that equipment listed above my signature (1) is actual equipment installed; (2) is equivalent to more efficient than that specified in the certificate of compliance (Form CF -1R) submitted for compliance with the Energy Efficiency Standards for residential buildings; and (3) the equipment meets or exceeds the appropriate requirements for manufactured devices (from the Appliance Efficiency Regulations or Part 6), where applicable. WATER HEATING SYSTEMS: Distribution If Rccir- # of Rated 1 Tank Effi- External Heater CEC Certified Mfr Type (Std. culation, Identical Input (kW Volume ciency 1 Standby I Insulation Type Name & Model Number Point -of -Use) Control Type Systems or Btu/hr) (gallons) (EF, RE) Loss (%) R -value American FG62-50T40-3NV Circulating Pump Timer One 40,000 BTU 50 .62 N/A N/A For small gas storage (rated input < 75,000 Btu/hr), electric resistance and heat pump water heaters, list Energy Factor. For large gas storage water heaters rated input > 75,000 Btu/hr), list Recovery Efficiency, Standby Loss and Rated Input. For instantaneous gas water heaters, list Recovery Efficiency, Standby Loss and Rated Input. Faucets & Shower Heads: All faucets and showerheads installed are certified to the Commission, pursuant to Title 24, Part 6, Subchapter 2, Section 1 11. I, the undersigned, verify that equipment listed above my signature (1) is actual equipment installed; (2) is equivalent to more efficient than that specified in the certificate of compliance (Form CF -1 R) submitted for compliance with the Energy Efficiency Standards for residential buildings; and (3) the equipment meets or exceeds the appropriate requirements for manufactured devices (from the Appliance Efficiency Regulations or Part 6), where applicable. PONDEROSA HOMES 11, INC. Si ture, Date OWNER COPY TO: Building Department/Building Owner at Occupany MOSAIC AT ESPLANADE INSTALLATION CERTIFICATE ALL PLANS CF -6R FENESTRATION/GLAZING: Manufacturer/Brand Name Operator Type (e,g,,, fixed, slider) (GROUP LIKE PRODUCTS) 1. Milgard 111 OH Operable SI. 2. Milgard 1510 Operable Sh. 3. Milgard 710 Fixed Windows 4. Milgard 450 Sliding GIs dr. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. Manufactured Products Labelled U -value is CF -1R Value 2 .59 .60 .43 .58 Site Buildt Products Total # of Default Quantity Square Comments/ Panes U -Value 2 (Optional) Feet Special Features Installed U -value must be less than or equal to value from CF -1 R. Alternatively, installed weighted average U -value for the total fenestration area is less than or equal to value from CF -1 R. I, the undersigned, verify that the festration/glazing listed above my signature (1) is the actual fenestration product installed; (2) is equivalent to or more efficient than the specified in the certificate of compliance. (Form CF -1 R) submitted for compliance with the Energy Efficiency Standards for residential buildings; and (3) the product meets or exceeds the appropriate requirements for manufactured devices (from Part 6), where applicable. PONDEROSA HOMES II, INC. Item #s SignaCure, Date OWNER (if applicable) COPY TO: Building Department Building Owner at Occupancy .CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE: RESIDENTIAL Page 1 CF -11 Project Title.......... Plan 2 /Plan 2 w/br5 Date..03/12/03 13:40:3F Project Address........ Esplanade Mosaic ******* _____________________ La Quinta *v6.01* Documentation Author... Sam Maimone ******* Building Permit Heritage Energy Group 15375 Barranca Pkwy, Suite F-101 Plan Check -/Date Irvine, 'CA 92618 949-789-7221 Field Check/ Date Climate Zone........... 15 Compliance Method ...... -MICROPAS6 v6.01 for 2001 Standards by Enercomp, Inc. I MICROPAS6 v6.01 File -22208M21 Wth-CTZ15S92 Program -FORM CF -1R ------User#-MP0940 User -Heritage Energy Group Run- ------------ ------------- ------ ---------------------- GENERAL un----------------------------------------------------- GENERAL INFORMATION Conditioned Floor Area..... Building Type .............. Construction Type ... Building Front Orientation. Number of Dwelling Units... Number of Stories.. ...... Floor Construction Type.... Glazing Percentage......... Average Glazing U -factor... Average Glazing SHGC....... Average Ceiling Height..... 2838 sf / 3039 sf Single Family Detached New Cardinal - N,E,S,W 1 1 Slab On Grade 18.6 % of floor area 0.58 Btu/hr-sf-F 0.39 10 ft BUILDING SHELL INSULATION ------------------------- Component Frame Cavity Sheathing Total Assembly Type_---- Type R -value -- R -value R -value U -factor Location/Comments ----- S1abEdge None -------- R-0 ------- R-n/a ------- ------------------------ F2=0.760 S1abEdge None R-0 R-n/a Front F2=0.510 Wall Wood R-13 R-n/a R-13 0.088 RoofRadiant Wood R-30 R-n/a R-30 0.035 Door Wood R-0 R-n/a R-0 0.330 (E) 24.0 0.430 FENESTRATION Standard ------------ Over- Area U- Exterior hang/ Orientation (sf) Factor SHGC Shading Fins ---------- ----- ------ -------------- ----- Wind Back Door Back Wind Right Door Right Wind Right Wind Front Wind Left Wind Left Wind Left Door Left ADD W/BR5: Wind Front (S) 115.0 0.600 0.360 Standard Yes (S) 112.0 0.580 0.350 Standard Yes (W) 76.0 0.600 0.360 Standard Yes (W) 24.0 0.550 0.650 Standard Yes (W) 8.0 0.600 0.360 Standard None (N) 45.0 0.600 0.360 Standard None (E) 30.0 0.600 0.360 Standard None (E) 24.0 0.430 0.350 Standard None (E) 55.0 0.600 0.360 Standard Yes (E) 40.0 0.550 0.650 Standard Yes Location/Comments -------------------------- metal framed low -e metal framed low -e metal framed low -e non metal framed clr metal framed low -e metal framed low -e metal framed low -e metal framed low -e metal framed low -e non metal framed clr (N) 37.5 0.600 0.360 Standard None metal framed low -e SLAB SURFACES ------------- Area Slab Type (sf) ---------------- ------ Standard Slab 1443 Standard Slab 1395 SPECIFICATIONS TYPE SIZE 2L i +? X r` Lill SURFACE AREA OF POOL PERIMETER DEPTHS MIN. �r—� I l MAX, = --L SPA 'SPECIFICATIONS TILE SIZE 2- X _* SQ. FT, SPA DAM WALL WIDTH N0. OF JETS LIGHT 5"ti TILE TYPE LO C �' WATER LINE TILE TRIM QUARTER ROUND" R.B.B. RAISED SPA AT + IrZ e` SPILLWAY TYPE%' SPECIAL NOTES DECKING CKING� EXCAVATION STEEL TYPE C}/f FINISH ACCESS FROM ELEVATION DEEP END RAMP �'° LOVE SEAT rm" EXPANSION JOINTS• 5 CANTILEVER - DECK DRAINS "r DECCO DRAIN CONCRETE REMOVAL LOADS SOD REMOVAL LOADS CURB CORE STEPS TREE REMOVAL BY /"� IRRIGATION REMOVAL BY STEP FACE TILE BASE F IRRIGATION REPAIR SAND AND VISQUEEN 6' R.B.B.� ft 12' R.B.B. `Si A ft RIBBONS MOW STRIP 18' R.B.B. ft 24' R.B.B. ,.� v 30' R.B.B. ft TAN SHELF DEPTH ROCK POCK eTs -- f, CENTERS MASONRY A COPING TYPE""' ; R.B.B.' FACING'' SPILLWAYTYPE'S itG'S4 - SIZE STEPS . PROP. EXT. WALLS .� PLANTER WALL RETAINING WALLS •�"' EQUIP. WALLS PLUMBING p �i V FILTER ' l Oct �"' SIZE POOL PUMP C-A*L- 'r - SIZE _ U - BOOSTER PUMP SIZE " ADD'L PUMP SIZE FIREPIT ADD'L PUMP SIZE HEATER 4...t SIZE TIME CLOCK Li U SQe i C SUB PANEL AOD'L'OUnE*M ..- SKIMMER TYPE'" FILL LINE„!!' =' GAS LINE r%''15' fUBs "^ PEBBLE PLASTER sb +aT LIGHTS POOL f ! LIGHTS SPA t 2_ S_ AD 4. FOUNTAINS/SPRAYHEADS .r.� ROLLED BOND BEAM SHEER DESCENTS BEHIND SPA ”- EYEBALLS LIGHTS IN POOL �N SPA ! Z -;9 A STUB SET EQUIPMENT - MISC. i : l_t PLUM^eING SZE FENCING FENCE TYPE HEIGHT GATE GUNITE GATE REVERSAL DEEP END RAMP REMOVE do REHANG EXTENDED 2nd STEP LOVESEAT SPILLWAY TYPF CANTILEVER' EST. START to .L3 EST. COMPLETION= COPING R.B.B. — SEE STEEL "� t !' PA- OTHER OWNER RESPONSIBILITIES OWNER TO: (1) DETERMINE THE APPROXIMATE ELEVATION OF POOL OR SPA AT LAYOUT ON DAY OF EXCAVATION (2) TAKE NOTICE THAT POOL AND EQUIPMENT LOCATIONS ARE SUBJECT TO ACCEPTANCE OF LOCAL BUILDING DEPARTMENT AT TIME OF ISSUANCE OF PERMIT (3) WET; DOWN CONCRETE SHELL. AT_LEAST TWICE-DAILY FOR SEVEN DAYS AFTER SHELL IS -INSTALLED (4) AGREE THAT CALIFORNIA POOLS IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR UNDERGROUND CONDITIONS OR OBJECTS, AND ANY DAMAGE TO CURBS, SIDEWALKS, DRIVEWAYS, LAWNS, OR OTHER ITEMS IN THE ACCESS AREA (5) SEE THAT ALL FENCING, GATES, AND GARAGE DOORS MEET LOCAL CODES FOR A POOL ENCLOSURE PRIOR TO PREPLASTER INSPECTION (6) FILL POOL IMMEDIATELY AFTER PLASTER. (FOLLOW INSTRUCTIONS -- DO NOT USE RUBBER HOSE) (7) TAKE NOTICE THAT THIS DRAWING IS THE SOLE PROPERTY OF CALIFORNIA POOLS AND THAT ANY USE WITHOUT WRITTEN PERMISSION OF CALIFORNIA POOLS,"INC. IS PROHIBITED BYLAW. OWNER APPROVES PLAN, POOL, AND EQUIPMENT LOCATIONS AND HAS READ THE RESPONSIBILITIES AND NOTICES ABOVE. SIGNATURE(S) DATE SWIMMING POOL PLAN FOR: NAME }1�V E 1 R' I Li N G E STREET JOB ADDRESS, .:1� Mtn ���w` CITY LA qjj,.eA PHONE OFFICE :. 'RES LOT 0-42-, TRACT PAGE BOOK MAP BOOK PAGE NO. CITY MAIL ADDRESS CONSTRUCTION OFFICE ,PHONE NQ. SCALE DATE DRAWN BY SOLD BY CHECKED /8.r T�''. 1-1 10203D(> REVISIONS DATE 211 ®F �" j 3 -: 411 LDATE SELECTIONS STONE rl TILE " BOULDERS DECK COLOR JANDY A. PEBB./PLAS _ a 4.6, SIGNATURE DRAINAGE NOTE: Drainage and irrigation for planters and pots, by -others, unless otherwise noted. CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE: RESIDENTIAL Page 2 CF -1R Project Title.......... Plan 2 / Plan 2 w/br5 Date..03/12/03 13:40:38 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Equipment Minimum Type Efficiency ------------ ------------ Furnace 0.800 AFUE ACSplitTXV 12.00 SEER HVAC SYSTEMS Refrigerant Tested Charge and Duct Duct Duct Airflow Location R -value Leakage -------------------------------- n/a Attic R-4.2 Yes Yes Attic R-4.2 Yes Living rooms: Minimum Heating Load: 28,197 Btuh Cooling Load: 26,986(Sensible),32,383(Total) Bedrooms: Minimum Heating Load: 28,108 Btuh Cooling Load: 28,146(Sensible),33,775(Total) beds w/br5: Minimum Heating Load: 30,975 Btuh Cooling Load: 31,610(Sensible),37,932(Total) ACCA Manual Thermostat D Type ------ ---------- No Setback No Setback Note: The loads shown are only one of the criteria affecting the selection of HVAC equipment. Other relevant design factors such as air flow requirements, outdoor design temperatures, coil sizing, availability of equipment, oversizing safety margin, etc., must also be considered. It is the HVAC designer's responsibility to consider all factors when selecting the HVAC equipment. That individual is required to provide Form CF -6R, an Installation Certificate, which must be posted at the building site prior to issuance of the occupancy permit. The CF -6R is not required for permit submittal. It is intended to insure installation of equipment that meets the efficiency requirements of the compliance documentation. DUCT TESTING DETAILS -------------------- Duct Measured Supply Leakage Target Duct Surface Area Equipment Type (% fan CFM/CFM25) (ft2) ----------------- ------------------------- ----------------- Furnace / ACSplitTXV 6% / 60.6 n/a Furnace / ACSplitTXV 6% / 58.6 n/a WATER HEATING SYSTEMS --------------------- Number Tank External in Energy Size Insulation Tank Type Heater Type Distribution Type System Factor (gal) R -value -- ---------------------------------------- -------------- ------ ---------- Storage Gas Recirc/TimeTemp 1 0.60 50 R- n/a Rheem Water Heater # RHG PR050-40 (N) (or equal) *All piping used to recirculate hot water must be insulated with R-4 insulation or equivalent. This includes any recirculating piping located in concrete slabs or underground. A timer must be permanently installed to regulate pump operation. Timer setting must permit the pump to be cycled for at least eight hours per day. lieu of a timer and temperature control. An automatic thermostatic control must be installed to cycle the pump on and off in response to the temperature of the water returning to the water heater through the recirculation piping. Minimum differential or "Deadband" of the control shall not be less than 20 degrees F. SPECIAL FEATURES AND MODELING ASSUMPTIONS ------------------ This building incorporates a Radiant Barrier. The radiant barrier must have an emissivity less than or equal to 0.05, must be installed to cover the roof trusses, rafters, gable end walls and other vertical attic surfaces, and must meet attic ventilation criteria. CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE: RESIDENTIAL Page 3 CF -1R Project Title.......... Plan 2 Date..03/12/03 13:40:38 This building incorporates Tested Duct Leakage. This building incorporates either Tested Refrigerant Charge and Airflow (RCA) or a Thermostatic Expansion Valve (TXV) on the specified air conditioning system(s). HERS REQUIRED VERIFICATION -------------------------- *** Items in this section recjuire field testing and/or *** *** verification by a certified home energy rater under *** *** the supervision of a CEC-approved HERS provider using *** *** CEC approved testing and/or verification methods and *** *** must be reported on the CF -6R installation certificate. *** This building incorporates Tested Duct Leakage. Target CFM leakage values measured at 25 pascals are shown in DUCT TESTING DETAILS above or may be calculated as documented on the CF -6R. If the measured CFM is above the target, then corrective action must be taken to reduce the duct leakage and then must be retested. Alternatively, the compliance calculations could be redone without duct testing. If ducts are not installed, then HERS verification is not necessary for Tested Duct Leakage. This building incorporates either Tested Refrigerant Charge and Airflow (RCA) or a Thermostatic Expansion Valve (TXV) on the specified air conditioning system(s). If a cooling system is not installed, then HERS verification is not necessary for the RCA or TXV. REMARKS CERTIFICATE OF FIELD VERIFICATION AND DIAGNOSTIC TESTING (Tight Ducts & TXV) CF -4R PROJECT INFORMATION Climate Zone: 15 Project Title: Mosaic @ Esplanade Project Address: La Quinta Builder Name: Ponderosa Homes Voice #: 925-460-8900 Builder Contact: Jeff Nygren Voice #: Project ID #: 29323 Sample Group #: 1 Phase: Model Lot #: 49 Plan #: 2 Address: 79-706 Parkway Esplanade South HERS INFORMATION HERS Rater: Scott Johnson Jayme Carden Certification # : CCNSJ614037 CCNJC615157 HERS Firm: Action Now Voice #: 949-631-2274 Address: 2575 Westminster Avenue, Costa Mesa, CA 92627 HERS Provider: CHEERS Voice #: 800-424-3377 HERS Address: 9400 Topanga Canyon Blvd., Chatsworth, CA 91311 HERS RATER COMPLIANCE STATEMENT Hxx T-24 Compliance Credit was Taken for Tight Ducts T-24 Compliance Credit was Taken for TXV TXV Verified Yes The house was: NxTested / Verfied =Approved as a part of sample, but was not tested The installer has prow ed a copy of CF -6R Air Distribution System is Fully Ducted (sheetmetal, ductboard or flex duct) Where cloth backed rubber adhesive duct tape is installed, mastic and drawbands are used in combination with cloth backed, rubber adhesive duct tape to seal leaks at the connections. MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS FOR DUCT LEAKAGE COMPLIANCE CREDIT Duct Diagnostic Leakage Testing Results (Maximum 6% Duct Leakage) CFA: CFA Leak Max Tested Leak t� System o Indicate the maximum a owa le Duct Leakage and the calculation used: 0.7 x Floor Area x (0.06) for Climate Zone 8 through 15 0.5 x Floor Area x (0.06) for Climate Zones 1 through 7 & 16 x 400 x (Cooling Capacity in Nominal Tons) x (0.06) 21.7 x (Heating Capacity in Thousands of Output BTU per hour) x Measured Fan Flow x .06 uct Pressurization Test Results 5 PA) 100 x Test Leakage/ fan flow = % Leakage Check Box for Pass or Fail (Pass = 6% or Less) System ' ` of Indicate the maximum a owa le Duct Leakage and the calculation 0.7 x Floor Area x (0.06) for Climate Zone 8 through 15 0.5 x Floor Area x (0.06) for Climate Zones 1 through 7 & 16 x 400 x (Cooling Capacity in Nominal Tons) x (0.06) Pass used: 21.7 x (Heating Capacity in Thousands of Output BTU per hour) x Measured Fan Flow x .06 uct Pressurization Test Res u is 5 PA) 100 x Test Leakage/ fan flow = % Leakage Check Box for Pass or Fail (Pass = 6% or Less) Pass System LJ of Indicate the maximum a owa le Duct Leakage and the calculation used: 0.7 x Floor Area x (0.( 0.5 x Floor Area x (0.( 400 x (Cooling Capac 21.7 x (Heating Capai Measured Fan Flow uct Pressurization Test Re 100 x Test Leakage/ fan flo% Check Box for Pass or Fail ( Raters Certifying Signature 400 r-zuu i-uz t4-uz) Hcuon NOW I-z4Gr4K I uat I hvmacro.xis INSULATION CERTIFICATE This is to Certify that insulation has been installed In conformance With the Current energy regulation, California Administrative Code, Title 24, State of California, in the building at MOSAIC @ ESPLANADE, LOT 49, MODEL, LA DUINTA, CA CEILINGS: THICKNESS: R-38 TYPE: BATTS MANUFACTURER: Certainteed WALLS: THICKNESS: R-13 TYPE: BLOW MANUFACTURER: Certainteed GENERAL CONTRA R: PONDEROSA HOMES II, INC LICENSE It A'1 2— S'Y BY: TITLE:v�°r� may► y �"f ` PA 1ZON SCHMID RUILDiNG PRODUCTS A MASCO Company LICENSE # 221517 BY: TITLE: ACCOUNT REPRESENTIVE DATE: 0--k],-V5