2018 02 27 CC & PC Special Joint MinutesSPECIAL JOINT CITY COUNCIL AND PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 27, 2018 Citv Hall. Studv Session Room. 78-495 Calle Tampico. La Ouinta CALL TO ORDER A special joint meeting of the La Quinta City Council and La Quinta Planning Commission was called to order at 6:00 p.m. by Mayor Evans. PRESENT: Councilmembers Fitzpatrick, Pena, Radi, Sanchez, Mayor Evans Commissioners Bettencourt, Caldwell, Currie, McCune, Proctor, Wright, Chair Quill ABSENT: None Mayor Evans invited Chairperson Quill to act as Presiding Officer for the joint meeting. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Commissioner Proctor led the audience in the pledge of allegiance. PUBLIC COMMENT ON MATTERS NOT ON THE AGENDA - None CONFIRMATION OF AGENDA - Confirmed CLOSED SESSION - None ANNOUNCEMENTS. PRESENTATIONS AND WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS - None CONSENT CALENDAR - None BUSINESS SESSION - None STUDY SESSION 1. DISCUSS HIGHWAY 111 CORRIDOR VISIONING Planning Manager Perez presented the staff report, which is on file in the City Clerk's Office. Councilmembers and Commissioners discussed services available from the Urban Land Institute (ULI); need for a long term vison; consistency in corridor landscape and MINUTES - SPECIAL JOINT MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL & PLANNING COMMISSION 1 FEBRUARY 27, 2018 sign designs; possible mixed- and multi -use requirements on new construction as well as covered parking; levying an assessment for improvements; property owners' maintenance issues and accountability; City ownership of the 15' right-of-way adjacent to the Highway and individual business ownership of the 50' landscape buffer; initiating a parking study and repurposing lots if possible, e.g. parklets or event space; need to identify property owners through title reports and discuss the property's future with them, which is difficult with corporate owners and lessors; providing property owners with a vision; installing traffic quieting measures and remove auto displays to encourage pedestrian use; needs of pedestrians, including pop-up events, hotels, interesting architecture and landscaping, traffic synchronization, and enjoyable experiences; importance of retaining auto dealerships; competition among all cities along Highway 111; driverless buses serving Highway 111, Silverrock, Old Town, La Quinta Resort, etc.; incentives to reduce asphalt; connections to CV Link, Cliff House, Goldenvoice events and neighborhoods; adding vibrancy such as rooftop activity, pubs, recreation and inclusive draws; revisiting the architectural scale; ability to redesign from scratch and go big while retaining or increasing tax revenue producers; balance investment with long-term vision and revenue; and encouraging the formation of a Highway 111 business association and engaging business immediately in the vision formation. City Manager Spevacek explained the City's active economic development and frequent code enforcement efforts along Highway 111. PUBLIC SPEAKER - Steve Weiss, La Quinta - Mr. Weiss spoke in support of attracting multiple small businesses, perhaps creating hubs in former big box stores which can be nurtured and grow to fill vacancies. He suggested providing high-speed internet all along Highway 111 to make it a destination. Councilmembers and Commissioners continued to discuss the appropriateness of using public funds versus private capital or a combination; use of the City's property on Highway 111 for events; difficulty of leasing large buildings to one business; promoting complementary, non -competing businesses under the same roof; and skills of the Valley labor force. PUBLIC SPEAKER - Steven Nieto, La Quinta - Mr. Nieto spoke in support of the Council's and Commission's direction and said the Corridor has all the right components to be an interesting place, e.g. the wash, views, multimodal, CVlink, etc. He said using the services of ULI was a good decision. PUBLIC SPEAKER - David Dinnel, Hawthorne - Mr. Dinnel spoke against the City taking on risky projects and suggested a public -private partnership. MINUTES - SPECIAL JOINT MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL & PLANNING COMMISSION 2 FEBRUARY 27, 2018 PUBLIC SPEAKER - Luis Lopez, La Quinta - Mr. Lopez said that all cities catered to big box and drive thru restaurants in past decades, but now, community -driven urban design and unique features are the way to go to make La Quinta a special place. Councilmembers and Commissioners continue to discuss involving all stakeholders in plans and vision; discarding the old method of piecemeal development and creating a total vision to bring the City to the next level; attraction of youth and diverse workforce with nightlife, vibrancy, quaintness and a vortex of private spaces; destinations and the common element - eclectic experiences; and drawing from the existing talent pool of La Quinta residents. Chairperson Quill confirmed that there was consensus among Councilmembers and Commissioners to move forward with the ULI option detailed in the staff report. COUNCILMEMBER PENA LEFT THE MEETING AT 8:20 P.M. WITHOUT RETURNING 2. DISCUSS NON -BEDROOM CONVERSION LIMITATIONS City Manager Spevacek presented the staff report, which is on file in the City Clerk's Office. Councilmembers and Commissioners discussed reviewing San Diego's college area ordinance on this matter; effect on group home facilities; effect on homeowners ability to add bedrooms; short-term vacation rental (STVR) licenses application to the original configuration of the home only; mitigation of impacts on neighbors; problems arising from investors circumventing regulations; changing parking standards to help elevate non-compliance; and balancing homeowners' STVR revenue with neighbors' rights. Mayor Evans summarized the consensus of Councilmembers and Commissioners to continue the moratorium and to refer the matter to the Planning Commission to work with staff to develop new regulations. PUBLIC HEARINGS - None DEPARTMENTAL REPORTS - None MAYOR'S AND COUNCIL MEMBERS' ITEMS - None CHAIRPERSON'S AND COMMISSIONERS' ITEMS - None REPORTS AND INFORMATIONAL ITEMS - None MINUTES - SPECIAL JOINT MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL & PLANNING COMMISSION 3 FEBRUARY 27, 2018 ADJOURNMENT OF JOINT MEETING There being no further business, a motion was made and seconded by Commissioners Wright/Bettencourt to adjourn at 8:30 p.m. Motion passed unanimously. Respectfully submitted, Digitally signed y Susan Maysels DN: cn=Susan Maysels, o=City of La Quinta, ou=City Clerk's Office, email=smaysels@la-quinta.org, c=US Date: 2018.03.21 07:59:26-07'00' SUSAN MAYSELS, City Clerk City of La Quinta, California MINUTES - SPECIAL JOINT MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL & PLANNING COMMISSION 4 FEBRUARY 27, 2018