MUP 1999-117rpI • • FEB 2 4 RECD 4 78-495 CALLE TAMPICO LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 - (760) 777-7000 TDD (760) 777-1227 February 23, 1999 Mr. Forrest K. Haag, ASLA 250 Newport Center Drive Newport Beach, CA 92660 Subject: Minor Use Permit 99-117 Temporary Sales Trailer for Centex Homes (Tract Map 21643) Dear Forrest: The Community Development Department has approved your request to establish atempora-ry� sales trailer (1-0" x 40'1 on Lot 36 of Tract_21.643,_subject to the following conditions: 1 . Obtain a b.uilding.permit,including an electrical permit for temporary power. 2. Provide restroom facilities to accommodate on-site sales personnel. 3. Mounted on the exterior of the trailer close to the front door shall be a written notice providing emergency personnel your.24-hour emergency phone number they can call in case problems arise that need your prompt attention (i.e., minimum 1 " high letters). 4. Install one 2A1 OBC fire extinguisher inside the trailer by the front exit door. 5. No temporary signs are approved unless separately approved by this Department. 6. Removal of the temporary sales trailer is. required upon completion of the model home complex for this project. 7. Trailer skirting shall be installed within 30 days if the trailer is mounted above finished grade level. 8. The City may elect to add Conditions to this application request to mitigate any problems that arise not previously addressed herein. 9. Temporary landscaping is required as per Exhibit A for this permit, with heavy landscaping to screen view of trailer from adjacent clubhouse. 10. Temporary signs shall be installed at the access points transecting the existing golf cart path that caution motorists of the presence of the golf cart crossing. MAILING ADDRESS - P.O. BOX 1504 - LA OUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 Ic 'r 11 . ' The sales trailer shall have front and rear covered decking as depicted on Exhibit A. 12. The temporary parking lot servicing the sales trailer shall have a total of 10 parking spaces, with 2 reserved for employees, and 1 space designated for handicapped parking. This decision may be appealed to the Planning Commission provided the necessary paperwork and filing fee of $175.00 are filed with this office within 15 days. If you have any questions, please contact me at 760-777-7068. Very truly yours, JERRY HERMAN COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR SLIE MOURI UAND Associate Pla ner LM. Attachments c: C.o.mm.unity D-eve.l.op.ment_Dir_ector Building and Safety Director Public Works Director Sheriff's Department Code Enforcement Department Fire Department 13. PA1trMUP99-1 1 Kentex.wpd - - - - — -- - - - - ot :S30udS 2ui >,I jujol AS 00g`J7 :U31v �?Uppvj AS ozg,:pz).jV;3deospurq t AS OZL :r3jV 2uipjjnq jvjoL sy As ogCol :32v3.10v;3j!S JUJOI S 3I,ZSIivis ails -M :u0Tjvu2IS3(j UNOZ (lasodoud UNOZ INA Ouippng soluS junuopIsag XimodumjL :ash pasodojj jrIju3p!S3w X11suoa MO-1 :u0Ijuu2ISa(j USA (1:4sodoud PuL `A :asfl juajjn3 JUITUOP!SZ) -a X41suDcl MO-1 :UOTIVU21sa(I asfi GNvrl IDNIISIVI -31)IS.13AIN jo XjunoD s.m,-) pooN drIN I.),Ird 10 s-- OOEI L11 PO(!.j sU EZ06Z Iz)D.'Pd JO Z 1, -1 d 01 �61 I, -)3 r 10 L1011.10d }f t N0lIdIH3sJG rIV19:lrl kti *8661 'nqoloo polu(I -unuqj!juD lA4unoD3P!SI3AI JO SPJOO;D'H s -P u d W jo '3AIsnioui log iftORTI LE S32'WOZ N009 UT P;)I9 S Et91Z •ON I 3B.11 jo E 9 'g 't? 'E SO-IJO UOISTAlpqns v Sumq EZ06Z POIL 6 PuB 'd H:4afvf IN rI2DHvd OZL16 V:)'VMOdOD 0-9T HIMS'FFIDNID AkO-ICFgVAk 08ZZ S9I0H XHINF[D WIN�o riv!)Arl 'DNI VrTSV 'qVVjJ'N JISa ()FA--- JLNVDlrlddv EgZZ6 *VD'VIKI-nb Vq M*,,-TIEMqOD CINV CIA IS VDd JO NOUDISNHINI NOIIVDoz s3drOHd 6 6 61 1 Z Axvnxvf Nvrld UlIS Allrll3vA S:Irly S S:I-IV- JH XIINID \�HH-aq H1.31 DNI,/i00I2iHI10 .zfDEICI ONIS01-- i1WHx] 3 IV 0 8 IM �3A,30 AIINniNNOD A 03AOdddV UilNil VCI,v IVS �K?IV2IOdInI��L J.0-1 ON HS.710HEL-1-10 JSRAV9d!DNI14:-,IXR 61, NOLLICICIV LgOS VNa2 11,-?, R DYd S 13 N EMYd 0 1 V113H3VOO 09 IRAO-IdKH � tl1Nlf1 � J U3AAOHN3SI3 m3sw w-ivd `S\\ S113M NVIUNI � ` �, v v la f 04 rL Z4 t4 OL 09 7- 9 6 01 it 2% 3 un vt L9 st ts rz 06 tz tz Lv 4r ort st (W of St 9T 4c I un