14376 (PAT)h P.O. BOX 1504 No. -14376 Buil6N)ng 78-770 Irwin Circle 78-495 CALLE TAMPICO Address LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 Owner Dew ,oie' Van Derhorst-' Wilin Addresg s Same City Zip ]Tel- La Qwiftafl:* C� 92253. Contractor Address.. ..P.O. Box 977 L State Lic. & Classif— p 92253 Arch.,-Engr., -Designer, Address City lZip I . - " A 1ICENSED,COI -1 heet� offi'mri-ttiat I am, llcej�,W6,T$ 7000) 66 4 �.J ivWon 3 of the BqikIri6ss ams City 2231- Lic. # Sq. Ft. -A0 No.. Size. Stories' New -0 Ado 0: Tel. State tic. # R'S DECLARATION )ns of Chapter -9 (commencing,with Section. ns, Code, and my license is injulljor!,e'pnd- VN BUILDING: TYPE CONST. -l- ­ . ' R3 . .. OCC: GRP.- - - - A.P. Number Legal Description Project Description. Patio Cover No. Dw. 'Altbr 0 Repair 0. W" SIGNAiDATE —Owner OWNER -BUILDER DECLARATION hereby affimi that I 'am exempt from the-Contractoes License. Law for the following reason:, (Sec.. 7031.5. Business 'and Professions, Code: Any city or county which- requires a permit to construct, after, improve,demolish, or repalr.-any structure; prior to. -its issuance also Estimated Valuation requires the applicant for'such permit to ffle,a signed statement that heJs licensed pursuant to., visions of the C(intractor's License Law, Chapter9 (commencing with Section 70QO) of .. Divlsfon 3 of the Business and.Protessioris Code. or thift . 'he ls*exampt'therefrom, and he basis,.. for the alleged exemption. Any violation of Section 7031.5, by 'any applicant for a permit subjects the applicanl'to - a civil penalty of not more than rive hundred dollars ($500), 0 1, as.owner of the propifty,'or my,employees with wages as their sole compensation, will do the work, and the structure is not. Intended or offered for -sale.- (Sec. 7044; Buisness.and Professions. Code: The Contmcfor'& License Law does not apply'to an owner of property who, builds or improves thereon and. who doessuch work himself or through -his -own employees,-. provided' that 'such intprovements.aie not intended or offered for sale. If, however,' the .building or Improvement is sold within. one year of completion—the owner -builder will have the burden of proving that he did not build or improve for the purpose of sale.) . . . . . . 'owner PERMIT• Plan'Chk. Dep. Plan Chk. Bal. Const..' Mech.' ! 'Electricail Plumbing b-1, as of the prop erty, am exclusive ly cont rac ting.with lice I nsed contractors to con- struct - the- project., (Sec. 7044, Business and •Professions Code: The Contractor's License. Law S.M1 does not apply to an owner of property who builds or improves thereon, -.and who contracts for such projects with a c6ntractor(s)-(�censed pursuant to the Contractoi's License Law.) 0 1 am exempt under -Sec- B. & P.C. for this reason Grading Driveway Enc. • Date L:_Owner Infrastructure WORKERS? COMPENSATION DECLARATION I hereby, 'affirm that, I I hale a a certificate of consent to self-ins6re, or a certificate of Workers 0*pehsation insurance, or a certified copy thereof: (Sec.* 3800, Labor Code.) - . N PolicYompany Copy.IS liled.with the city.P Certified copy is hereby furnished., TOTAL CERTIFICATE OF EXEMPTION'FROM WORKEIRS!-COMPENSATION INSURANCE REMARKS'* (This section need 'not be completed it the- permit Is for one hundred dollars ($100) valuation or less.)' i I certify that in'the performance of thp work4or which- this permit is issued, I shall not rilFertsion' in any manner so as �to become subject -to the Workers' Compensation 0 n a_ =California Date Ati Demolition 0 AMOUNT, vw� X NOTICEJO APPLICANT: N, after making 'this: Certificate, of Exemptioh 'you --shquid-1bec6me ZONE- by: I JA I I subject to the Workers' Compensation provisions. of the;:Labor Code,• you muVJ1o1rIhwith, .,Minimum et comply with such Provisions Or this permit shall be deemed revoked. S backDistances: ' Front Setback from Center Lino WARNING: FAILURE TO SECURE WORKERS' COMPENSATION COVERAGE IS UNLAWFUL,,AND SHALL SUBJECT AN EMPLOYER TO 'CRIMINAL PENALTIES AND CIVIL FINES -up TO ONE'' HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLARS ($100,000), IN ADDITION TO THE COST. OF COMPENSATION, DAMAGES AS PROVIDED -FOR- IN SECTION 3706 OF THE LABOR CODE, INTEREST, AND - ATTORNEYS FEES.' ThiS'ls A building permit when 'properly filled out signed add validated, and is -subject to expiration it work thereunder is suspended for 18Qd;ys..• I certify that I have.read this application and, state that:the,aboveJnfor I mation is correct. I agree to'comply'with all'city-and--county ordinances and 'state -laws. relatingto building construction, and hereby -authorize representatives .of this, city. -to enter. . the , above-: mentioned Properly for inspection purposes: Signature of applicant Date MailingAddress City, State, Zip Rear Setback f rom Rear Prop. Line Side Street Setback from Center Lint, Side Setback from Property Line, FINAL DATE INSPECTOR Issue d by. Date Permit Validated by: Validaiion:_ Rafter Site 6 Spacing -4x 'S - — j/ - 0-6) Iz Roof Iltch 0� Coatiou'olIus Ledger Beeler `t X 1 TJ _—_— Size Rafter Span See loefing Note below Specify Roofing 6 Sheathins or Cpeo 01�&El LA,7''t'I65 r "T•• sad Angle Strop@ J 6"s<"zl"zlh" with J 4-16 d malls or holt �. Post spacing y _�---- overall leLgth His. 4"z4" posts 9FAR- P� Si DE Lr �V :lr:r,a Il��r.d LJ 2000 o.s.i. �,altr � : J Kin. 12"z W - �3/6"z3'• lag screws into studs at 16" O.C. Footing 12" Below Grade onCtiouous Ledger e.— If— Joist Meager or Solid Blocking -1 Nail tafter to blocking ALL Cf2-q'.R=Q; 4 - 16 d sells or holt _J sFs7%u M Z'DPy 70 WE UNnMOR4 1lI:lZ nc Imbed Asehors 7" In cont. — Cit30E �. yb .,yea/' IoiF-ITR spm WM2• ,w 4�ad ing Reales `9 S P.& ps 20-70 ��' ��• , ��• d�• Cie erect 6 inches) 2x4 16' o.c. 24" 11-2 9-6 ' 110-6 8-8 7-11 6-5 6-3 6-9 6-4 5-2 2xS 12" c.c. 17-10 13-0 13-7 10-0 16' 16-3 15-1 11-3 11-9 9-8 24' 13-3 117-5 12-1 9-2 9-7 7-1 size q an 51u "04 32- 10-10 9-11 7-6 7-0 S-6 2xg 16' o.c. 21-5 19-10 14-10 15-6 11-0 24' ' 114-5 17-6 16-3 12-1 12-8 9-4 32' 13-0 20-0 10-2 II 4 F0250-14 3 (R12i67) I C1 L 0 -strep or Angle ' Aochor tAon-eorrosiie.• bolts 4Y im PIMO =fR �.- - Slate . I — � •� iii crate •', . 'ill � %� r}lA�ad6 fir No, I size q an 51u "04 4X4. so s y f}• ; Aa • _a _14' ••c . �, .�....17' yJ2 1V 4x14.......20' y, ly ,y ` i 14• btu 12 18' Z IC 1y' Amfinq Note a- Wod shakes 4/12 pitch (3/12 min. pitch witth 301 felt underlay) Class A b- Wod, e3:-rositior. S�iLngles 4/12 pith (3/12 min. pitch with 154 felt trde-- lay) - Class A c. Built up rolled roof slope to drain. d- ibck roof 3/12 unx,min pitch. 4Y im PIMO =fR �.- - Cl)